Air Purification Systems
Air Purification Systems
Air Purification Systems Clearing the Air Air Purification Systems A i r P u r i f i c a t i o n S y s t e m s | w w w. t r i o n i a q . c o m Air Purification Systems Clearing the Air Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a constantly changing interaction of complex factors including temperature, humidity, and airborne particulate/gases. Causes of polluted air include airborne dust in an office or fumes in a manufacturing plant. Polluted air can affect an entire building or be limited to an area as small as an individual workstation. The average adult breathes more than 400 cubic feet of air every day and spends 90% of his or her day indoors. As a result, some airborne contaminants are unavoidable and must be efficiently removed. Trust Trion Trion designed the world’s first air cleaner for the U.S. Navy nuclear submarine U.S.S. Nautilus in 1951. Since then, Trion has continued to provide advanced and specialized air cleaning systems for a wide range of applications in the commercial, industrial and residential markets. Building owners, facility managers, architects and the HVAC industry turn to Trion for air cleaning technology - they know that Trion air cleaners are manufactured for long-term performance and can be customized for commercial and industrial applications. Our goal is to provide an air cleaner that delivers low air resistance, high-efficiency, cost-effective operation and most importantly — clean air. Product Benefits • Protect Employee Health • Comply with Government Regulations • Improve Productivity • Reduce Operating Costs • Conserve Energy through Recirculation • Reclaim Processing Fluids • Our Cleanable Reusable Filters Help to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint 2 w w w. t r i o n i a q . c o m About the Technology At the Heart of Trion's Air Purification Solutions Electrostatic Air Cleaning Air is drawn into the unit and passes through a pre-filter to capture large particles. The airborne particles then pass through an electrostatic field and receive an ionized charge. The charged particles move into a collector section where each alternate plate is charged with the same polarity as the particles, which drives the particles of similar charge to the second set of grounded plates to attract and collect the particles. Clean Air Dirty Air Pre-filter Pre-Filter Ionizer Ionizer Collection Collection Plates Plates Optional Optional Charcoal Filter Charcoal Filter Media Air Cleaning Cartridge Air Cleaning Either directly-mounted to machines or free-standing, Trion media air cleaners draw pollutants from the air through a first stage pre-filter to capture large particulate. The prefilter extends the life of the primary media filter, which uses a combination of technologies including straining, impaction, interception, and diffusion to strip sub-micron particles from the air. After-filters may also be incorporated to eliminate or reduce odors. Contaminated air is drawn through high-efficiency cartridge filters, where the particulate is collected on the outside of the media. Filtered air is pulled through the system and exhausted. Standard units feature Venturi or reverse pulse compressed air cleaning systems. Dirty Air Clean Air Clean Air Pre-Filter Main Filter Dirty Air w w w. t r i o n i a q . c o m 3 Commercial Smoke Eliminators Providing Clean Air Is Just Good Business Clean air is a critical element in today’s challenging and aggressive business environment. Both customers and employees demand clean indoor air. It is generally agreed that poor indoor air can adversely affect employee health and productivity; the cost has been estimated to be in the tens of billions of dollars per year. Yet many commercial buildings have significant pollution sources such as off-gassing of formaldehyde in carpets; biological agents such as fungi, mold and pollen; volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from photocopiers; secondhand tobacco smoke and kitchen exhaust. Air cleaners are an important part of an effective HVAC system supplying and recirculating air inside a building. Trion air cleaners remove airborne particles and help treat odors that can be offensive to employees and customers. SE800E and SE400E Series 4 w w w. t r i o n i a q . c o m Commercial Smoke Eliminators Environmental tobacco smoke from cigarettes, cigars and pipes is a complex mixture of more than 4,000 compounds, many of which are cancercausing and strong irritants. Trion’s family of smoke eliminators are some of the most effective smoke removers on the market today. Various mounting configurations are available to meet your needs. T6002 Kitchen Exhaust Systems Keeping Equipment and Staff at Peak Performance Many municipalities, cities and towns have stringent clean air regulations to prevent the direct venting of grills, fryers, broilers, and wood-burning ovens to the outside air. Trion’s kitchen exhaust systems effectively remove up to 99% of grease and smoke using electrostatic, mechanical and/or odor absorption air purification sections. Kitchen Exhaust Systems Trion Kitchen Exhaust Systems are often used in the following applications. • • • • • • • • Restaurants Office Buildings Hotels Sports Stadiums Air Boss® KES Model 75 Shopping Centers Casinos Convention Centers Hospitals Air Boss® ATS w w w. t r i o n i a q . c o m 5 Industrial Air Solutions Bringing Clean Air to Industrial Environments OSHA, NIOSH, EPA and regional Air Quality Management Districts are developing and enforcing stricter regulations for indoor air quality. Exhausting heated or cooled air outside to improve indoor air quality doesn’t make smart financial or environmental sense. Clean and recirculate your indoor air with cost-efficient, highquality air cleaners from Trion. Trion air cleaners excel in environments where pollutants are generated. Trion has a wide variety of air cleaners that collect airborne pollutants generated by industrial manufacturing processes - welding smoke and fumes, grinding dust, oil and coolant mist, powders, smoke and more. Air filtration is recognized by OSHA as an acceptable method of controlling indoor air quality. Make a Trion system part of your industrial process. A general guide to industrial particulate concentrations is as follows: Light Dirty city air, designated smoking areas (2.0-25 mg/m3). Medium Industrial process exhaust, factory indoor air, commercial kitchen exhaust (25-100 mg/m3). Heavy Metal machining oil mists, grinding dusts, heat treating operations, heavy welding, powders (100 mg/m3 and above). *Particulate considerations such as conductivity, tackiness, and operation cycles need to be taken into consideration when determining equipment selections. Model 75 T-Series 6 Industrial Particulate Loading Guide w w w. t r i o n i a q . c o m VOMP 600E Industrial Air Solutions Meeting Your Needs Welding Fumes Welding, laser and plasma cutting, as well as other metal fusing and cutting operations generate heavy concentrations of harmful smoke and fumes that can enter directly into the workers’ breathing zone. Secondary operations, such as grinding and sanding, generate metal dust and fumes that are harmful when they become airborne. Trion’s self-cleaning cartridge collectors are ideally suited for these types of operations. Metalworking Fluids Metalworking fluids are a known hazard in the workplace that have been directly linked to causing allergies, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. In fact, new and tougher government standards have been proposed to lower the exposure limits by as much as 10 times. Trion systems will not only help bring you into compliance with the new standards for metalworking fluids, but also effectively remove other associated contaminants such as smoke and dust. Venting IMP 38 Under normal mechanical and thermal stresses, petroleum based and synthetic oils in lubrication systems break down into fine mist and smoke particles. Under pressure, these particles escape through bearing seals to breather vents where they are exhausted, creating health and fire hazards. Trion offers solutions for collecting fumes and oil mists from Gas Turbines, Diesel Engines, Vacuum Pumps, Compressors, Auxiliary Engines and Storage Tanks, minimizing health hazards and reducing maintenance. Plasticizers Mini M.E. Model 75 The emission of excess oils in various plasticizer operations creates oil mist, smoke and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as a by-product. The hazardous nature of these contaminants has led to strict government regulations on exhausting directly to the atmosphere. Because of the submicron particle size and tacky nature of the contaminants, Trion’s selfcleaning electrostatic precipitators are ideal for plasticizer applications. Trion systems are also available with optional gas/odor modules to help remove the VOCs. w w w. t r i o n i a q . c o m 7 Air Purification Systems Committed to Providing Clean, Comfortable and Safe IAQ Solutions Since 1947, Trion has manufactured quality engineered products for commercial, industrial, and residential markets to provide clean, safe, and comfortable indoor air environments. To learn more about how we can assist you in your next indoor air quality application, visit us on the web at or simply contact your nearest Trion Representative. Proud to be a Division of Air System Components, Inc. (ASC) Air System Components, Inc. is a market-leading supplier of heating, air conditioning and ventilation system components for commercial, industrial, and residential applications. Constant investment in new tooling and processes, ongoing employee training and quality programs, and essential involvement in industry research and standards organizations ensures that our products provide the value and quality customers have come to expect. Indoor Air Quality Since 1947. ISO 9001:2008 Certified. Proudly Designed, Engineered, and Manufactured in the USA.* 800-884-0002 (tel) 800-458-2379 (fax) Industry Memberships: *Manufactured with domestic and foreign components. T-ABOUT-0513 To help serve you better, please contact us at: Trion® 101 McNeill Road Sanford, NC 27330 Trion® is a registered trademark of Air System Components, Inc. All product specifications reflect available information at the printing of this brochure. Trion® reserves the right to revise or modify products and/or specifications without notice. ©2013 Trion®.
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