F.cdty ols.i``!.r. Aiid Agriclhm Urtv.nlt Rr.lplrd{ PL!t
F.cdty ols.i``!.r. Aiid Agriclhm Urtv.nlt Rr.lplrd{ PL!t
CENETIC IJIALYSIII OF TUMAN Y CEROMOSOME IN PAKIIiTINI POPI'IIITIONS AND IMERTILE MALES r,ry ? SAIITIA SIDDIQI 01-rdd-!583 D.p.rtD.!r of F.cdty Bhcldltry ols.i''!.r. nr M.lr Alt SL.t Aiid Agriclhm Urtv.nlt Rr.lplrd{ P.L!t 20rlE ! cn0[cAnALYTTEotft rNrcEoxxrD|lll{trll3TA!|r !@T'LAIIOIIE AI{I' INIIB![,8 XAI,f,E w EanAt|DoNQ[ U{AIIE Alb&ibdilF ftblh.dd li...qtddft.ftefFd D..-..CE Ib h Ht D.ttri-adn {-!tt A.adg olsdd.{ tlM.lr AI ELI Arld Atrhlla u.hr.dt rr.!ri& M 2at ii CERTIFICATION c.ni6.d thlt thc @.tctrts dd fom of thab cnrid.d coc.ic A!.t b dfg{Ds Y Cnrcdotod. ir P.li..r Popul.riolr d htinil€ M.16" sbnitcd by M!. SrtEr 8iddiqi h.v. b.m foud sthf.cto.y for rhc Fqui@cnt ofth. d.g@. dr,t^ l1a^u".u (Ih. Alika Ma@ot al -f@'. V3n t''a 4-' A^xl.ue, - (Dr. s't1 Arid Agric' 0/ /il. Arid Agricultu! Uniw6iry, e Y@i! MB.dd.q) Univ.6iry, Rr*dpiodi. at/',n yl^,$----+< Arid Agricute UdGity, aettattttoqOntfr a! slstlrrt,ttufu,4 thtuadrrt0tw CONTENIS LIST OF 1ABLES LIST OF TIGURES IIST OF xii AABREVIATIONS ACKNOVLEDGEMENTS ABS'iRACT I. INIRODUCIION I I.I I YCHROMOSOME l.l.l l.ll llsdtiao! o! &ldic 1.1.3 l0d.ad.Iit poly@obi@ 3 l.l..1 rifninLllit . Pbltrorpti@ 1 Silglc nu.hotid. FlyDoahi@s 2 (SMt 12 ROLE Or Y CIIROMOSOME IN P,oPULATION OENErrcs 2 5 1.2.1 nisto.r ofP*irrrli popui,atid 6 I,3 ROLB OT Y CHROMOSOME IN MA[.E INFERTILITY l0 l0 lt 2, RE}'IEW OF LTTEMTTJRE t6 2I l6 PROPERTIES OF THE Y CIIROMOSOME 2.1.1 Y Spoifc Micrg.Lllite t7 2.!.2 l8 Y sp@iEc Mirilt llites IE 2.1.4 SirgL NBlcoli& Polyoorphio3 2l 2.2 MCROSA'TELLTT? MUIATION RAIE 2.2.1 lrfios.a.llib M|'rlid Mod.l5 L 19 22 2.3 ROLE OF Y IN INFERTILITY 25 MATERIAL AND METHODS 34 3.I IDENIIFICAIION AND CTIAMCIBRIZ1TION OF 34 NEV Y MICROS,{'TELLIIES MARKERS 3.1.1 lddnifiord@Of NqMicro€d.llit l4 3.1,2 Ch@Griz.tidofNd Mic.!.Llitr i! Llddoi PoF!.ri@ 3.l.at Mdlipl4 rcR 35 Andyri! 39 ESTII/IAIION OF THE MIIIATION RAIE IN CROVINO l9 3.1,2.2 Stalirticrl CBLL LINES 3r.l SepL Col.cliod 39 3.2.2 EBv Ttudmati@ 39 3.2.3 Cc[ CqDtilg 40 3,2.4 DNAPEFEIi@ 4l 3.2t.1 DNA rtld{ion ton Blood DNA.xtn li@tln 42 lrs$for.d Lrdphoclrct 32.4.3 Ederd@ ofDNA 32.5 SiatLpl.trcR fcsli!!.sc DcE tid 32.6 Cll Ebclr.phdsi3 3.2.7 St tirii.d Arabli! 3.1 45 MALE INFERTIUTY 45 3.3.1 3.3.2 46 Suplccon.lid Sce@ils ofAZF !.gi6E for deLti@ 3.3.3 49 3J.3.1 ARII4S ICR 5l PCR{,FLP 4 RESTJLTS 53 A}ID DIIiC'T.'SSION 54 4.I IDENMTCATION AND CIIARACIERIZ{IION OF 54 NEV Y MICROSATILLIIES MARKERS 4.2: CAIrcutr[lON OF Mt TATIoN RA'I! TRANSFORMED CELL LINES viii IN EBV 63 4,3 MALE INIERTILtrTY 4.3-l S.l@i!s 69 of Aa agi@ foi &lclioB 69 7l 4.3,3 H!'logFupilg 4.3.4 ScEcrias of CDYIa^ FlrroryhisE 5. 7 78 SUMMARY & LTTEMTURE CITED E5 AI'PENIDICES lt0 T.bl.No. T.bl. 3,1: YSIR t bL3.2: Trblc slo*ins rtbh 33r T.b1.3.4: t!8d Da*a .nd rh.t sqtuq, le.l Ddr4 d6iglared B Ys IR4. It. disribdid of dis$.d @lditid M!.k6 a.l.lr 38 tu grouF bsd oa rt6 da! tb. @6pld. oi peri.l deledoN of U. AZF., &d c esioN to Biallclic Edt$ along $. m.rhod ro d€6n€ haplogoups. r.bL spl6 th6c coltaililg .ll u.d for ihct Vping 47 a8 Mld in 58 rt@i'lovcnll 6t) H.t bzrgGiti.s &d nubd of AIei6 for atl fivc Pllir|lli b crhlic ercup3 TlbLa.ll: H.te.@'g6ili* .!d clt !atisstr Tdb4.r3: HaploqF c@birniod &d lh.ir rFpulatioN. lttc for all fire n &!qwy i! P.tkidi 6l populalioN T.bL 4.3.l: Subje& with or without d.l.tioB i! ditr@rr haplogbupd Trbb aSrt Eaplo8m+s 'sig'-.at in tb. bfarile Fluhd@ h.vi!8 vsio6 76 TlbLa33: Showingib.resultofAzF,bddccgioB 79 rrbk 4.r.1: Haplotype rLtozygolity v.le! io Pakistali d.sE ofdi.ce 62 12 No. Titlc P.g.! rig l.l Loc{i@ of wioG.thric 8rcqps i! h&ietan 9 Fig 1,2: Cytogtrlic fatuc of tn. Y cbM@nc slowilr th. t2 .pt@xilrl€ l6.rio6 ofAZFa, AZft ed AZF. iegioD. Fis }l M.? of P.Listlr 3h*ing thc ld'iotr or rb. v&iou .tt!i. t7 u!€<l in |}e $dy 90146 Fl€ 3.2: Phyloga.tic te b!&d on rb. Y chrcn@Dd bi-!.ll.tic 50 Fig4J.: Rcpeat uit A.{eey ofDYS648 ldu ir P,tisra! 55 Fig .l.lbr Rep€at dit tEqErcy of DYS549 locu in Patisiaa 55 rir 4,ls Repear bir iEqqcy ofDYS6SolocN in P*&ia 56 Flgdld: R.Fduir t queyofDYs65l l@u in Palisrar 56 Frg4f.: R.pat uit A.q@y of DYS652 hcN i! Pr&iiti! 57 rE ar' oYsoso nnlrio6 ots.*.d in EBv !|s&@c<t 65 Fi& Itrphoblai.id eI li!B. Sbowi.g rl. fi"gD@t sizc b.s plir 4h Fat dd !@b.r of eFlt @it itr p@ hdi!. DNA tuplc pFp.rcd fiod bl@d (B), &oo ttdfm.d Itrphdttes (LP), Aon rafod.d lFpho.trca .A.r l bclow oonrhs for srewu Fi8 4 2 2r Gir) DYs652 duraiion obscrycd i! EBv i6sfom.d Ituphoblastoid ell lirB rftd 90 g@iatios. ShowilS th. tlsb.nt si4 ha$ pai! bclow ecb F.k md Mbc. of rp.rr @it ir F@tlEsis. DNA 66 rupl. pFprFd &!@ blood (B), ton rrafm.d lFpheyr.s (LP), aod rl@f@.d IrDphar*.n.3bo h5 ror 8D*rh oiP) Fig,t23: S&difeE Fig 43.1: lraphoblasloid c.ll ties tid.. Cnph of ells ailq .v.ry v@ ucd forthc calculation of doubling showing the Ctos,lh rcds oI Mbd 24 2% Asmse gel showing rhe Esults 68 i! lN ofMultipl* PCR for 73 AZrt' regiotr Fi8a3:: 2%Ag@*gelstowilgth.BulbofMultiplqPcRfor 7) AZFo Fsic &{3a: 2%Arrstddori!s6.rqli[.di.nof010E{01085. ?5 Ib rqL rtu qlltldd !! iori{ ni(loddrddt h&AAc nCtod llta3,a€ Pvt tr dir-tuc)nrdbr{DqtLE,3 t-&h ll .dqLdorirFs oftle dt CDYtr ad b. EBV ri{€P12 hfb! lBE Tri! Bod. EDTA s13 Soditlh Tro EDTA NH{CL Kgc03 MAK A.BI MCI tTs iM ACD TET HBX Floe*al lrbeLd t Do* FAM TAMf,A Tct@Oyl.6&tt x)'rtodEi!. DMSO GgNDIST PFgt'@c t€led IIERV E6do8.'fu Ellwi!.I .koc@ on Ccn tic Ac4towMnmts My ri@F tb.d5 b dy suFwi@ Dr. Kh.lid M Kh.r, yie Chr@llor PMAS Arid Aeri.ult@ Uaiv6iiy, R sdpirdi &r ht rlt rift guidda, @Btalt slppon aod acouag.n nt.'nF Bp.cial suppon of Dr. Am Khanuru Dad S.icMs,.e Bd be o My Co+uperyi&r D!, Atikr Mlrwi and Dr K€bl.!h& Mszhd for i,leir supFn ud guidae duirg.ll .ro.s Dy triq $pecially duiog ph.D. ThDl5 e dr lo Dr Yeh Mlsdq 3 Elt for na h.lp- I atso wt to rhlrl D. tuhel Q@d.!d DrQaib Ayub fortb.irE !!icd h.b.!d Fliliv. criticila in ddirg Dy forgott Vert sFci.l lblrks b Dr Alt f Hulei! witiosr whoE ny theb muld hrrc rcq b€.n po$ibL. I woltd a&o lite to rh.* my @lleques Amb@r\ LubB, Sooda Ati., Na4 H@e.d sb dd I!o&.1 Sb for their tiid co{p.ndotr and besi vish... Th.d! e d$ dE ro Rdbdr bd N.fer bow N oG t[& &i.n ts ro oc_ sadi!, o* s itude ro &Dily Dy hotae Slolrt At i $r]id Bbti &d T.hi. Bbri tu lh.n br &d s[port.ll rl@s Ey tif.. My sisi6 B!ji, Ruby.!d M@ tur then suppqt .!d lM. TIErrs e d& to 6y hub.ld Sh.bbir, sio b alsys rtEG ro help 8., ny !w.t daugltd NlmiE ud lovilg ea U6d thcir prtt! *!rc duys I hy dep sp€ci.l tlrnk q4h.Dd rb.!t! to d dE to sll rhe s[o h.lFd m€ in enhy duil8 lh6i! Eitiret espei.ly do@B of i[e blood AI-LAH for bi! @6trDr Rlho.r .!d btcsings_ spL' th. riD. of oy Ad v.ry sFcirl ABSTRACT Y{hrcbosbe of idditrcdion of 1.86 Mb the w w lcFGrl uing e@oE. !€qtlEc dal! h€!. 3iogl. duhiplq @cdor .trd lh.i. dcgre of baLs liln poltooryhis Prtisrar Divditi.s of ildividu.l l@i nagcd Pikistdi p@ul.tio6 wbes hlplotyF divaEity rh. ecidr tuh.ma Mbl.d polFo.Dtic Di@r.Uit !. livc lai 9@ idbcs, cxhibitd v.ry low B t@ 0-963. div4iry B for th. ilto a ilvdtie.cd in 755 0.2209 lo 0.7938 'It -in Moh@r, who dc for rh.se nv. l@i (0.650) ed ore hplotype @YS648-DYS649-DYS650-DY565I-DY5652 haploryrE 9-8n7.ll24) &@ut d for brd lh. low liG vith 57% (38/66) l4b of dildity ofl[k popuhtio!. 0.64, Th. @. $r of ni@s!,r.[ir. ooiliion Itc other 6t M topddior KabEiri dlo clrcda&d E rk r, r*o ndrrionr @ i! D@l@tile EF3t tavilg g.@lb div.Eity of 0.79 ud s@nd in nEl@dde r.Frt hrying g.Ftic dileniry of 0.E51 TIF ndation 6t€ 6 m @ foud calcultLd to b. 3.l8xlo r aii.r 90 dd.tio6, 3,8% AAb .nd P{dsttri Dopurltiol DYS650, DYS652, . p6L gtrnrioN i.0.3%, i! which foENic cdc work on Y chroeosobc for infertility Esuis 5.E% AZF. r &!r itr Patj$ad popubrion b. usd 6 corectior tutor whilc Bing this €l of meka 6ilyd!. D.l.lion napping h gmwilg @U i! 2% AZFa d.lctio8 aspocibl€ for tule i.fcniliry Ib. AZlc dcLtid q* foud ody in ! i! gbup h.virg I CIIAPIER INTRODUCTION Y CSROMOSOME lrx i5 d.t min.d b hmtu by thc X ed Y<hrcn@n6. Fcmate of rhe htuM sp6i6 hlw tm siniL( X chron@me wh€e G th. hale hs. rm iqy d'sinilr chtonoen.s, egg the @i6 h.lfof $e 6r[d's sFm in a sy $ar .htMo$6.. is d., Y of a shod (Yp) on€ in inc Y dfi@t iod t[& of th. momd] do rot @r't in diloclMdri! chenoffi, ed . lois humMs 8,hich is (Yq) a m. oru. S!.m d. f.rtitized @lt! @ difteEnr .rd n @t 6!ry rlE X o. GpoNibt. for nd. qHifi. functioni tt is .lways paltu rhc y @nsisrs y inh.drcd, m.rning rh.1 a 6py of hh own y chrchosoDc, which i! ulualty pssd sau chog6 ell€d poltoorphism o@r cnNhoM. I. holh€E DNA bd half of th. frthes, The gcn.ric contriburion of fod€r paes on ro his $n intaca Hou.rcr, X dd on. Y (Mcctung. 19@). orcr . long r.riod otlinc 6 it is pats.d doh ti@ g6@rion b Sdqrion, fte cheg6 h.lp in our undeFtanding oflh. huM dolltionary hisro.y (Unddni r, al, 2000) and dc us.tul for fo@ic Smiih, 2003). analysh a! well as pa&dny Cheg.s thll @umulatc in nh. Y t stihS (Jobting chmnoson. inctude: sd Ll,l lenioc od.Ltloa Y cnDEo$n. etul in of insqtion, whid is Flricul&ly 300 b.* FiE rh.t i3 r.nicul& Egion of th. DNA. Hmmd (1995) luglsts rh!1 dE l!.,4ls clchat @t@d . miqu. c@t in food lo b. YA! $l[m AiiM hln8 .tu hilto.t dout th. divds.ne of popul.ric ul nosr ot d€ N sh. dricn YA? b Gsinar.d to b. . &id wdd poplldion (tl|mh6od Hodi, instion 6 !!cl6dd. poltro4h&@ €NPr) SN?! @ I lbdq c chon@n is in$ts .xet .l.p&* iNnbN in hmd $,ho DNA of th. b$tu of in diiihlti@ in dp 1995). SirSL sit e *hcF +vc Y popul.rios hdf . nillio!,alt, @ft hm$ ed chinpo4.! yds.go, Chimps4 18E,000 jc, *iilc hignd h{!.ncy ofYAP lFk YAP .ld.nt. Th@ l,ll $ Fplldion 3nrdi6..,li! ir a 3.qu@ of.pprcxitur.lt i4rt d irto . in*nior ,i& polrnolPnbm (YAP) ir pmicule i@lani& is cnsg.d. Sr.blc SNP'S @ El.tiEly l'& !.d e itrtlquat t[.r (ry @ t mcd G 'uhu. G6r polynorphisor' (UEP', Bit.ry Flynorylrtmt SNPs d th. Y chMosdc pledc th. 86dic l.g&r ofou speiB (.lobliig $d Snith, 2003). p.rh.l . Undedill .r al (1997,2000) lsd chmmalo8raphy 10 idendry biall.lic aites th6t d.Bluring hiSI Perfommce liquid fom.d pasimoniou! g.nealogy ofl16 haplotlpes. Since Y chomosom. @udulltc rlbFqu.nt bisll.lic mulationd cne8ps {irhour etuing p6r .v.nts, it is now po$ibl. to.oisttuct th€ h.plotpe by pleing rh€m in dder ed @Ntrud haploryp.s for rh. poprlation. Distiibutio of the Y chrcnoema div.uity bse<l on tn. binary inporr.ni hum pr.htroric l IJ Mi.Mt F!r*.B ha bm llft. loltlorphbn! Epat d ! v&iaue nudbcr of in ! p.rticuld vdidl titu (or of 2{ bc. or in fornsic delle (Moron @ &d}!b {d plir $.r @ $ndemly tl6!8nou h. gcmmq TIE sDeilic nmb.r of .ll.l.) 6ully minr !nchr8!d ftm ga.rdion g..drion howcEr chDg6 do oeu. eh.1im.s &d lhc irc6e d. nov.m.nB (Und.rhill ., ai,, 2000)- Mim@llil.s @ sinpl. s.qF.@ np6ts EFlts cmployed 1o qplain ed WiUs, 1999). Y numb€r of sd r tlpau my micD$Lllils a. Gpeially etul dolurioMry rtudi*. For patmny tcsting iivolving a dee.s.d all.g.d f.lh.r ii 6p€ nalc child, E!noty!. of a fatnq inf.Gd tom hk livins patdnal rlsriv. (Kay$ md S.jstila,2001). dltabe codaiis moc th4 hund.Fd difl:cnl YSTRS ed therc 4. n.dy 6es m population (Benson, 1999). 6n b. be Genom. mor€ still to be discoveed (Kaysc..rol.,2004). Thc pNgdm T..ded R.pc6t find.rh.lps in &arching micrcsalellire ndk.!s, *hioh to tle us.d fo! ils polynoahic natua in a Micrcst llitc mutation dd aocnsic dalysis m.d. 10 dalins th. branch.s of the av.lut th. mMlional !n6 sbow thar is 6t6 @ v.!y inpod.ll a singl. st p n@ @mo., thn ts oiis r.t€r of th. r€eardihg iheir tre, A nunber of ni{olarlllit rc|. in rh. aitempts hav. bcn mlyss hav. s. P.di8E. mLtaljon @ltin8 ii itrctEe or dclEe of siDgl. EF.t un two sLp nutnio. @lting in in@ or ddw of r e a (web6 dd Wong, l9l). vsjou nodds n w b.a popGcd *plaining th€ nutation m{htuism bs.d on thc polFe@ sliDpa& duiing cplication. These nod.ls a. mostly ba.d on Y niccat€llit s &d small sized f.th.tson pair studies or ddiv€d rlom the lutosonal sTR3 (K6yer Tr&llod.d lymph@,4.s provide sDl€ dl.,2AAJI. fo.lab.Elory s:rudi6, which a. onsledy ltoM in tisuc cul$E hbontori6 to nli lin the @nsknt epply of DNA, T@fomldon ed go}{h inrclvs tlE nhb.r of divisioG ehid if, th. g.nstic plttem- Th.EfoE it is * impdlot ro * *nd Mt 6lt cheBc stent dE g.naic panan obewcd in ih@.eU lin6 EpF*nll th. original DNA smpL orth. donoi. Ii poimr towdds lhe inportance ofth. mut lion 6t. c.lculadon in tdsfomed cell linos. 1.1.4 MlilnGllir6 Polt oorphi3me MilisEllit6 oncn *tat to e nomaUy 10-60 beF pri6 $vcal d@n, Chdg.s dsing th. @pyi.8 ftc{ucnily in niohareln€s B&..al. ldg ed (2000) the ihd Y{peinc in nicssr.llitls |@us (Joblins lhe nunhd of ap.lrs pres t L pl@ moE ./ al, 199). Ac@ding !o MSYI .nd MSYz aE theonly knoM haploid mini$t lliEs, tst dispbr { c imly hid &8re of lEucoDl di@ity, nini$t llil. veisr cpat polyn @.h.in E!.lion (MVR-rcR). MSY ir ln. otrly Y<hrchoenal syn.m qna ln. ch.st ri$ie of hrg. nudbas of hurdions nudicd bca!* of irs 6pid nudion dr.. Mini$r.llite! lowc.ful lool for O. inv6tis.rion of hutit@s in ,l$ p@id. . hlploid sy!r.n, .nd . for 6 b. uniq@l, lh. d.ring ofp.t6r.l limrsB (lrlD &rl Prg., | 97). ROLE OF Y CEROMOSOME IN POPULATION GENETICS Th. unchs8ed 3Fific nmb6 of EFrl3 ton r!n. .tploit d i! r'&itrg th. ion to r in &*6tjd pdnicul& hicrls.LlliE uully t@ini (MoM ed willr. 199), populdion hinorie tqn d a This poFny i. popul.tion 8..cti8. Popllttioi g.n.ti6 lllv. shom th. odgii sd higr.lion plrr.n of vaious populdioN @nsEGtid of thc phyloS.ncic sp@ilic phylosoctic na dlos th. inv.srig.rid ol tn mb N .x!.$i*lt b.ing B.d for th. @nststior of Thc n@bq of rh. lonsd lh. diflcnt which dpels of thc topul ion'3 hisroti6. Th. dl.lic sLcs of YSN?} .t6g widl thc bpidly cvolving YSTR'3 UEP, lrG, by wioG d impon&t in dlting rtlcs of dift @t YSTR! .ls h.lp linasls (Zdj.l a al, .ll.16 show tin rire th. UEP @s. d!. set YSTR5 allcl.s. As YSTR5 hlvc sNPs thcy YSTR 1997). dnc for Fniculu r will b. v.ry hish mltltio tnc $. n.l. linag6 id.ntif.d in thc tE imb€ of cdp4d d'. ro tt SNPS. All.lic th. @nnruqio of h.!lotyp6, 3howinS wi@t by oaPtkbtr 1.2.1 llinory Pal<istlr cosists 0.{.w.F.P), Pujab &d ., al. origii3 (Mchdi Popul.ilon of fou! povine, sindh that 1999). ft6. 4 hdo-E@p€n, but th.y larglag., BEhui ed Pakisid SincTibet a ha m @ b.scd on linglisti., >60 l&gu.g6 rle estim.ted hhu .!lt!nl ed librl (Gtin6, 1992). Mon ircludc m r l&gug., ollhe ieh!., Bchastii t Ddvidid Bdri. of oed population 169 niUion in 2007 c (WikiD.di.). 'nF Bal@hs @ the main populition of adochistan. Thc B.l@h @r4nt.l.d t'&. in thc Kala! sibi th.m b&k to Sy.i. vic @nsid.Fd to b. Tl. ed Leli !n. ft. bdeE@pd i. disrricrs ofQ!.na Divisim. Thcir u.dnions hrgu.g. spok6 by theh is Balo.hi, s,t'i.h is sd ris origin (cdmcs, 1992). DmvidiM cultuE blossoE.d ovcr lhe ooluriA in Sindh th. Indus Vall.y Civiliation eund 3000 BC, *tich oftrib.s fDm F.srqn Eurcpe. Sindh ChFd Asi& dpiG Esulline in a distincr populations .onsist sucb dd s . mey €thnic srcups of div@ inhabitcd by Seups .ffiliaios (rie l-l) *,to Adk L.g!.86 @ Bd@histan, West Fontier Povin lh. E wt ofid th.linal P6is, gavc inlo de.line by $c sr@ tor Middl. to eivrl E!$d md CEks, Ad!6, Turk &d Af8hm unique cultua .vcn b.forc ih. eival ol IslM. Sindhi of Mohdnls, M.os, PaNk dd indigflous Sindhi populltion. Moh.nn. rdbe is spE d over Makan coasr in Sindh dd $uilem Punjab, Th.y 4 ,le idcntifi.d s rhc M,llal'or lish.db. p@vin6 th.k chn o.e&ianions hwe @nn6tioN wilh Hindu -Ite M@s havc thcif oiigin Thc o.igi.s of (he prcph.l Zooat lhe th eirlry rhe "P6| r, ell 6 Hindu cat6 dalmatcd ft follol6 lhey c Iruir Sasie.npiE * mpl.d th. p@nt popuLrio not n v. sll d@u@re<t hisrory blt in w.e c.lled (N@vuuy .@di.8 b @ rh. desndels of lh. Dqd! fom cc.F.l Asia (Biddulph, !9?7), dd 4 Pr€-Aryan Crcut (Wikip.dia, 2007). rnori.s for tn origin of this popu'alioi, $.y mid't shc clain ., be d'e to be dF de$cndena of Alcmder 200?). In som. srudi.s no genetc of th. (m.&ing "Aom lrs"). Ev.nru.lly they hded ro Mlnbai in lndia &d -ft. Plthu @ th. mrldt lag6r (p.triaEhal) ethric (Mssoor io and not only from ihc Rajputs A.D. Th€y eltled in 900 A.D in cujadr, India, whde tn.y consid.cd lhem Isdel and Sindh Bml6ms, M@r, ht5, &d BlEti'6. wio migal€d io Indi!.ftq th. collapp oftbe 197). B@sho poplLrion do6 some such ton nuy K@chi in P.idsr6, Iioa wn some lhey od llsblc $@ of th. Rijpu|l, but olhcc sm 6tcs P6is de M@3 mostly inhaln tnc Punj.b gd.tic evidencc srcup- Th.a e a mt d*cndcnts of rhcjc$ ol hinelf (Khyb.N.lch.on, h.v. ben found to ftUy suppon this th@ry di., 2004), whil€ the sludt of th. Fna$ e, al. (200?) haw foud sone sidilaity b.twen Gckr od P|ths. Kal6h re m ahnic 8ro!p of the Hindr Kuth, Ftlung in the Norlh-W.st FEnli€r Povioe dd sp..k r h.mbd ofth. Drdi. finily d.*.ndetr of direct ALxmd.r lhe lmguag.. klsh hiNlf Son $hoh6 hlw speuld€d either G@k sltl.6 $c Kal6h of the AlexMd.r th. c€at (hnp://kalahp€ople.c@)- population rhal Howd, l.@t s b.lhe might lmy or ev.. 86etic lening mog ha shom th.l rh.y e, in f&t, a disti.cl (sd FlhaF lbongi.al) population and fallclo* to t!. Gst ofPakist&i populstioN (Firqal €,4r, 2OJr. Tib.i.n p@tle ud Dedic bib€s cffi. to Baltisr.r Fior lo civilistion, lhee gow *ntullly $nled dou, 4d oeig.d B.lti p€opl., howevd, e nol .ll s th. Blhi p6Ple. Thc dodh world fro6 lic lib.lan stock. With the mdy ods rlibes nmely, Ka3hdiris, Ar.bs, Pcreie od Tu.l5 CaduaU, ndecd with lhc locll popuhnd, bM. Baltis, Punjab Province shows r cd. Ato s@nd d thid passaSe of time. to Eallirr.n g.n nlion lh€y @mpl€x adrnixturc or c$1e5 Md groups (lbbetso., 1883) dr@foc no 8lnetic popllalion study haE includ.d punjlbi sludy i. d.ir s fs (Qher d .1., 2002). @i.d Stodics b@, Pakhar I dd by Qamd (P),2 (A), 3 out lor d. @nsdction of rhe hum& ryolutionary lEe in a al. (2002). Wnich hrv. shoM th. hilh frcqEncy of haplogroup (Rlal), 9 (J) dd 28 (L) qhich loserbo make up !o 79% of dc total Palist ni popul.tio. (Qdd €, al., 2002). sMies ba$d esrinate d.r. h.v. show. rhat c.ntBl Asi.n popuktions o. nicmsar.llit frlquacy d $c m61 divese it Elhnlc Gmop. Ih I.rr rxE Is FEl.l r/gtk l-Ad ol niqrdilb gffF |! P.rid.! l0 Eu@ia sgg.ghg llut Cotal A3ia paul*ioni gcn.tic pdt m age wirh ecou.rs of Indis subcontircdr (s.i.ls:tad ., dr, tJ $dnr e the old.sr in lh. eSion dd th. Indo'E!rcp€n q.n6 @nqu.iih8lh. 1999). ROLE OF Y CHROMOSOME IN MALE IT{TERTILITY Almost l0l5% couDles @ inf.rtilc (hilto on@ire ! child) &d lpPFximt ly ((qtd dd Bokd. 1999). hfstilitv ii nal.s may ncve dif.enr @s like .nviMn€ntal or g...tic Th. t quentlv ndf of l|)* c|g msl. fa.tor is Espotuiblc doc@r.d o@ of mlc ilfqtility inpalriog st matog.n6is, inrctving ! sri6 of is Y chrmom.l d.letiois (M4eur, 2004) by spdmatocEnclis n . @npld pr@.sr of sp€m Poduction lsious sLF it t[e sinaf@u! tubuls of th. t sljs (hnp:/ rw.u.aleay.c/Uofc/.due.Vvinul6b.yc'ldcv) Nom.l humo nale t3-90 )96 6 mok I billion spcm a dly ed 6du.tion in tt m Poduclio A@oding to senen snalys is inf.rl ility is caLeoiiFd inio: R.duc.d spqn poduclion NullinS in spm count <5 nillion spcm elltnl ll Aaospemic condition develops illhqe is th. sFm! !.rh howewr Thc hul@ Y 80 pMss thc of spm poteis sohe of whicl e b.liwed tnlt lhe Y chMoeno w6 g.ne, the ex.detdmining Sonada! devclopn€.r in n.Fb or it in Aponsiblc for 2003), gm dd b. du.10 sullio! Ym 1990s. The bd pliB dd c.ll detelopDar od ago, . $n.tic @Llmd .r4pr fi. sly * production is nomd g!n. SRY (lh. sxncoEmining .honNnc), s,li.h ws idatifi.d .honos<re .Gq cheno$m. mtains +pmxim.Lly 60 million Gini.nec. Gp.m.log.n6i!) (St l6Bty .r zt, ldds to problen in th€ production of in s@inif@u bbllas @sing spdbdoSaic ob6truction in rheir dcods sy n6nt biologists for o* @gion import&t on fie Y plts.@ ofSRY poleins the ngl. pndotype sugS*ting thc rcle of Y Gnility (Schl.g!|, 2002). &d Zuii.di, (1976) w@ lh. firs. io htToth6ia . oRlrtion bd*a Y .hrcnosFal d€l.tions &d m.le inaeftility. Ctto8.n€tic r1udi6 in sl.lile h.lpcd in rh. lo€liati@ of . men 8de @rmlling sPhatogpn6is, cf.Gd lo 6 u@spdmh fador (azF), qhhh h6 AzF., AzFb ed AzF. cgiore (vogt ,r dl., 196), Th. cgio6 rlonS with sp&ific 966 b shos in Fig our by Bo{n ., dl (1998) ed FoElta d ai (2000) Y 1.2. In tbe srudics chonosomd s.n s di.d lhat hav. l2 I I 4F l: ?@ <#: I :g I I d |bdneA. "tddi!& rfit.drZF. n{i& Iirl'2 CrroSd;&-tt lo.io of .AE . oftb Y dt @t ll b.a lint d to dp@aloga*is, Miding in AZFa region cxpKed DFFRY, DBY (DEAD I (Asp-Olu-Ala- Asp,4lis) box polypeplid€, Y choooshe), ubiquirouly E6erib.d 1.tdrli@Fptide (UTY) Dolil nd ubhuitin spdifc ms (RBIIO @nsis$ oflbout 30 @pi.s oD bcnh inplided in sd s four ga. Gnily (M! .r at, $e t nis. Compl.t ftap ofAZFb dt ib gcnc, Y chonoson. (USP9Y). P-r{A'binding ofrbe Y.hronosnc. USP9Y bse psn d.l.tion in this 8en hs daL infdtilitr (Sm./,t., 199). AZFb Esion is RBMY eFlt Fo{ss 9 d Y chrco@dc is a functio.dl esrc in tbe AZFa Egion bd includ. ubiquilously 1993), The nlin ddidrn eE€ wn@ .xpe$ion ovd 3.2-Mb, ad is in tn qi.ided io ovcr 12./. of ih€ rsion @NiNof rcped.d6.qu.nci0*lin.r,1,,2001) TIE go.s Pag., 199} i. tE AZFG i. o.stis (lrln !d Dcl.ted in a@spemi. (DAZ), BPYI, BPY2, chonodonain Fotein, Y ch@nosofte (CDY), PRY, ed x Kell cgim haw spci{ic expBion Lstilsp€inc bansiipl, Y-linked I Md 2 OrYl, TTYD bl@d 8rcup pE@Grclatc4 copi6 in thc AzFc cgion. The tuin Ylirr.d GXRY), all .xisr ddidat. g!r. i! lie cluit 4 nuldpl. @pi* of DAz (>99% id.ntic.l in DNA in multipl. AZFo Egio, is lh. DAZ s.qu.ne) clusld have ben AZFc regions de dponsiblc for 8 % cB of h.le infenilir, rcprcenting the non fr.quotly del€t d Egion in infcftil€ na Eporr€d i. AZlc Egion. Del€tiohs in it. Y cnmmemal DAZ gft hs a tu cdoBl homologw DAZH d ec6tr.l Nto$nsl g!r. chomosme L Analysis of th. botn gen.s indiooled ftat naw gim i* lo the Y chon@nd o. hutu DAZ e.n. durinS mlution sugr6ling thc impon nt evolulioney pr@ss ro prcseNc th. f.niliiy g6.s (Sdoia 4 ar, 1996). Anoih.r inpod$t €volution ry adaflarion h thc pc.n@ of multipl. copi6 of th. Y g!n.s, s coti.s of $e Y choho$m. h6 .o duplicak hut ils p6liodrom.6 povid. b&kup irs critidl gen6, so it ce b. apaitld g.n. h6 foui @pi6 dd d.lcrion Fe in.r,r G @ist ofoy wh.n dm€ged by frdadons. DAZ oo. or rwo apy is €lled a panial dclctio!. €005) suSgesld lhgl ohly p.nial MFc d.l.tions ENrtngDAzl/DAZz d wirh sp.morog.nic impsifrot rvbels thoF eholiog DAZSIDAZI m.y have little or no .fTed on fcnilily. Haplogoup ssocialion oflhe Y d.l.tions hrv. b€en docudcntd in various rcgionr of tlE wrtd s Rcpping er al (2002) found 6al lll 9/g dcla.d chrchosn6 b.longed to haplogroup D2b, vhich is ftcqu.nt in Jspan. The grlgr lhe dcldion of. l&g€ portion of AzFc cgion dd ! k om d.l.tio. involv* risk f&tor for m.l. f€nility, l1h6 ben susgBted that this erl8r dcl.l.d hsllotype mighl bc subf.nility in J.pe. Fensd6 a d. lEen fo! al. (2003) found 1.6 Mb d.letion in lh. Y chono$me of hrylogroup N, which is wid.ly didributcd in Eropc md Asir md tn € is no indiolio! ofr.duc.d f.rtiliry th. Y chonoson.l d€l€tions 10 in this cgion. Sci.ntisis !d rying particuld hlplog.ouP which nay indi*c lo coii.lak such gbuPs l5 e al .ist lo d.velop infertility. nEefoG th.c is ne.d to figue our the Y chrono,orul 5utus of Patjsran 'nfenil. rols,n is inhalit d by Haplosmup studi.s have ben 18 tried Palisuni popdlarion! dfffil .r di., 1999). al. (2002) to asigi ednic ercups (Mchdi out in P.kisbn by Qder.t them vaious haplogroups howevq no study is dvlilabl€ ro show lh.* haplogFup! with infsiility. Th.E b.tsq hsle infcnjliry with Our ain is als pari€nts, by napping to wlos a n..d to cdry o a@idtion studi6 hatlogoups. fud out ile pcMtlg€ of AZI deletim6 in P.Lilt ni d.l.lim th. i.f.rtil. in AZF!, b End c Fgions, therefoE lhe stldy ha h€en ldenlify polynoAhic Y nakqs, Esrinltion of wa th. .sciation of mut tion dd d6 to use theo to d.t mine th€ poPulalion in gtowins ell lin6 Pr.pae 6 calaloCue of nom6l snd pathogenic cnomosonc in inLdiL Paldsrini m.lcs dd also pdracule h{plogrenp. Thh wiu lad Bine Y sp.cific CEnetic variations of 1be Y lh. deci.tion $is deletion b rh. d.wloth. ofgtneti. wilh mt r€st5 ior such p.li.nts md povidc scl.clion crileria 60r inf.nility clinics involved in ss islcd Eprod uctive precd uFg t6 R.EVIEW OT LITERATUR.E !.T IRO}XRTIES The difi*n@ OF TIIE Y CSROMOSOME b.t*.i th. t*o sx.s is tt€ pEenc. of Y hunM mle (Mcclun& 1902). turction. n. qpBioi chrdosm. i. rh. of mlc ch.@i.6 is it! tuior HlnD Y chomosnc cohpds of 60 nillion b& pri6 (Jobling ed TyL..snid\ 2003) .nd @aiB .bou 75 p.ot in<oditrg g!!6. The e.G @U.<tiv.ly dcod. r,r lad 27 kroq didin l Fot inr (Fig 1.2). 0997) d.qib.d 6e fircliodl speialidion of rhe gd6 t h. dd P.g. in lhc p|ffi of spamog.n6is. Y chM@m. @sisl! of two p.rls, $c psudo{urGomal cgio! sti.h .x.ha$s boM a nal. or m.iqis, bul etion. MSY failue. The scgncnts duing syDs,sls *ith rhc X sp@ific rgion (MSY). MSY d@s .ol homologous Fombinatio. b*n snown 10 chomo$nc &d dE othd @Dbin. wilh G Frt honologqc t*.s tle. bawd uplions of MSY 8.n B& d.laion!, cohmonly @ulling i. spmstog.nic nah 3p.cific Fsion caiii6 ! fcw s.n s ed lhc 16l of h .ompds.s of nicrcsatelh6, minielcllit.s md Aluel.ncors (Schl.8d, 2002). l7 2,1.1 Y SBinc Micosrt llit Thc Y spccific hicrdsllclli&s or shon bs pair unirs ed th€ l!.d.b Ep€ats (STPi), nub.r of rcFd uits vri6 ftom individud to individud e shoqing 1hlt the nicresar.lliLs porynoryhic (Lin dd Luty, 1989; T&E, l9E9). Amdg hicos&llitcs, rhe dituclolid. apots w.E rh. Mi.sfield .r ,l in @sisl of2-6 1931. Micclt Uir6 e fr{ to b. ftL.tified by ini.6pe6ed rhoughout lh. non- ps.udoaubsonal Fgion of lh. Y chlohoemc (Rocwq er al., 1992). The nunb€r of ep..ts .cmliN tlF same durins dF sn. This pop€rty S.jstil., @nciling 2001) th. tmsFislion oflhe Y chomo$m. fron frthq lo oflhenic@s.r.llit ed fomic $. gd.ric, is cxgloii.d in linguisric dd dh@logidl hinori6 ud Hdne, (2002) (tyleFsmio deribe(l th. N of 9-l reliable populltion siz. Eay sh& a num41h, Fquic of turuE 1996). Y chonoem.l !€sqrch 1999r JoblinS sd I micrcs&llh. Mk ! a iD $ud. fot Katsr., a?, provid€d a unique 6 fo. fomsic u.lysis, but foi l&gc nudbcr ot mi@!.r.llircs infftne, vaiols studi6 @mmoi h.ploiypc |!ssh hs h.lpd Md Tyl.Fsmith, 2000). .volutim&y srudi* dd popularim ga.tic ltuda* @ rc.d.d ro ddw of ed idplenotalion t@ing ll1. evolutiom.y origin of th. huns bcing gcnctic did.nce rd arlysis. S.iatbrs har l@gni*d ll)c ncd of linSlislt .rd Ba.ticists to int @t ir tlE d.lign st'ar.8i4 (Mitch.ll Fldniry tBring (roys.r harc shoq rh.t a l&e. Zcrjal er al. (2003) !.pon d thll 4yo ofpopulaiions acoss Asia shee a omnon h.plotype for 15 loci and in othef $udy IE 14% of the P6i popullrion in P.kisla h.vc b@n shoM to shG a @nnm h@lotlTe for 16 2.1.2 nimt llic l@i (Mohtlddi. Y SDeific a ar, 200 | ). Miliei.llitB e bms of ihe variable nature they aE used in popularion studi.s, Jobling €r ,1, (1999) M rhe {irn b disv.r mini*t llit MSYI, @Ni$s of e u.y of 50,115 cpeds of 25_bp units h&ing Minisarellites v&iabl. s.qumcB due ro very slow dolving Darlc6 and b4 !@nd ninisd€llit (MSY2) subnirution. Blo rr a slow al in the r€ar 2000 disova.d th. dolving m.!t6, @ntrining 3-4 copi6 of .99- Alu insrtion is al$ impordt polymorphism for populslion study. DYS287 is 3 Alu elemenl lepofied on the long Alm t94). son. The YAP in$nion is a uniqu. 188,000 yes ago alt r thc I95). tlk gDdy B bed Euopan dd ollh. Y chromoede FIam* (H4mq, .v.nt in hune hhtory, which h6 @urEd div.i$!.c ol huM ed on thc dna by obtiin.d chimp@.e. Glammer frm AfriM, Asraue, cl'imprc smpl6. Chimtoz. sudd N YAP i€ tapan@, od moc of lh. l9 Ari& popll.tions .xepl YAP +t thc Japd.s. b round in sub.Sai@ l*k YAP.I@.n1. wllil. hidcar ft.qu€tur of Atiqs ,orul.rion! (Hmmo dd Honi. 1995). 2.r3 Si.gbNu.l6lid. P.lyEorDlird. bin.r, Poinr muorioB thlr turt d, e!. *nici inclu& be 8rd Elropoen iMnioN. htplotyFs, vhich shows l9a; S..ios ., aa., m.rt6 h.v. rm (1996) lmy ec6l6l d.F rcrld. fo( Fovines, on rh. on rhc Y 1998; c.tt.d at. t997 .[cli. ![r.s GhrM of bi.llclic sel.6 dd snjdr, a linete mat. chDm$mc hs b4n rtudi.d on. of Ih. no5t arhricdly S.i.lgrld ./ at, | 999). tatisrd hrrc rontici Provine (NWFP), B.lochisrM F.d.Elly Admiiist dd ionl dd Tdbll AEs (FATA). ed l&8ul8. (Mchdi .r dl, s choi@n. s uniquc.6rsr qd Prtjsta, F @nr eidinS in Prl(is&n bclong to rppbxiftarcly cultuE thlr pdticulr gtuup wirh Espet to rhc Y Indir e us.d ro @Bt Da rh.l rhat d I ddi!.d sll.t. desnd liom thc Punjab, NoRh Wcn 6 rcll a Th.y by Und.rnitt .r (0) or ddivcd s!.r. (t). ed g.n.riqlly dirc& cgiotu (n ijuftt r, Sindh hislory of H.ploqF @.ruct d dif.dnti.rioi agions of rh. Mt' Ths birry/ birlLlic oskc6 G chmomB Popul.tion s deribcd subnitltion tll. lindg. r.d 2000). s6r.5: .hon@n. @ re de.ib.d tn. bitrr.y lolynoDhis implying thlt all in o. Y 18 !d P@plc diff.cnt.thnic 8rcup! bas.d 1999). v.rious studics h.v. bs etri.d on out ro 20 r@ th. 8.naic origin or ttut Ih. sulhw.st o vrio$ Plkjstari ahnic 8osps. popul.tiod of Pdi.r.n @ry ! Afii6 ep6lc Aftie hiSition oarh. P*isi.tri fopul.iio.- out of t[@ Flllrtionr md crhro-hisloric Nofthcd .thnic g@ups includc rh. Parh.lr Pujlbi, K.lsh ed Balti. s@rh.fr .rhic soups od Sindhi. Noth.m P!ki!t{i a dr (2003) u5.d l{9. tu hmo cElutiodrt !8. e Hrzt!. mc lnd nunb.r ofrh. Thcy found 099) 3hoqld d.ta $ppotu Btosho, t Kqhniri, rh. 8.1@h, Bdlui, M.la.ni, Mohen. .thnic gDups (Prthu, BuNho ih. d@rdc.B of tnc Gdls, who Ayub aa YAP' Y chonosom., wnich i.dic!t6 dc origin of Q.ro .t th. od K!bh) cl.ih Al.x4dcis invsion in rhis E8ion. &iosd l hicoln UiE.lrr rh cloer to Euopa popul.rim. M.!Mr io b. ro @n5rtlot non of rh. Pa*isrei Fpuhrios G ., al, (2004) us.d Alu in$ni@ polFoQnisn ud auhidlclic mi.rs.r.lliE d!l! ro inf.r rh. gd.ri. Fl.doNhip of tfis potulltionr witi Popuhtion G YSTR ampe! bst c CGkr. to Burusho hd Pnne *E d. K.lah. Rstly Fier found 1o rh. Gck .r a/. (2007) us.d dE s.t of ro tunhd n@w down th. g.n.dc disre@ Two Dopulrtiois hNing @mnon hplot cloF 16 h.tq6 Pdh{ .!d t. n qu.nci6 d rhouShr !o b€ cloe &d h.ving simil.r bioloSiql hisrory. Hinori6 of vrrioc ,orld pop{hrions brw b.cn Belcd by Y chromGotul b.lysis, showing rh. g.n.tic cla,tionship in .v.n gagBphislly distinct populalioF (Jobling dd Ttl.rsmith. 2003). PHYLIP dd 2l .e li. @np$er pogMs that @ ued for th. conitructio. of phylog.naic ra ba*d m ditr dl Y fricoscuic tequencics dd popul.lion CENDIST grclPs. Td6 als based upon dereloped th. i. lh. cal.ulaiioi tlc divcEqce tine for $o help dbtance be$en tn. brrn€s. Nonenclatue sysLns have b@n to 6sien lhe nm.s !o wiols h.plogroups by thc Y Chrcmosn Thc YCC h a Crcup oa $imthrs involv.n in @llabo.arive cEon to $udy gcneric vori.tion on the Y lins deliwd frod chonosoh..lts aiEs ee ro eslqblisn a lymphoblstoid ccll individuals Eps.ntinS indigenous populErions all ov.r lh. world, md lo povid. DNA iel.re<t tom Ih€* ell lin6 to invgrig$e polymoQhis on rhe Y chomoeh., Thc YCC .lso.ins to 6rablish a @mmon d.t Esult! ol typin8 DNA5 fion many populalioB rh* all be @ni.inin8 tn. lins. YCC lins ro includc $c rcsulB of lei a po$ibl. (Iobling and Tyl.Fshith, 6 1995). MICROSATELLITE MUTATTON RTIE Micosai.llir. loci all.l€s, bd $. have eldiv.ly hiSh nutation Etes od lag. nunb.6 of larg.sl alleles eenemllt hav. ferer thM 100 repets (taulz, l99l). Polym.rde lemplaL slippage muldtions hay occur to chaner de nunb.r ol Epeat u.its in a micoeellite Micros.llit vari.bility lss is (schloltear not onlt a ed TauE 1992; viSu.ra endion oflhc nicroerellnc .r al., 2001). motdion rat , but 22 .ls populalion hido.y 2002a). Undqhill €r single evolutionary .slutionory zl isrmpf dd Goldsr.in dsib.d (2001) 2O0l ) rhlt mo<Lh @ldi2nio, ed difr€En6 wilh in to nubtions dudng .volution. vdoc swivll ( $ogEphic 1997) of ftultigeo.ntio.al pedigrces, covqing 213 n ar Bdt of nultipl. ag..xFrsio.s" miSdions. is the of th. populltions. MimsateUit s H.yq a ai er hmd spci6 originlt d frod . dent Di4city don8 hlmu popul.rioN eqL' Miar.d illd &d s.l6tion pNu@ e.lyzed the nine loci in @ subjal d€sndell iosis and found four nutrlions n 4 .vq.ge mutation nle.slimat of2,lxloJ (L.i&d Sun,2003). Boyer et al- (1998t leponcd rhe sponlar€us nuratiors nltlrion ar Esuhs i. 6 3.lxloi4.8 x lor x lor to 1.5 x IO I sain or loss of l-3 tne 10,000 huhd livc ni.os.lcllit. l@i ed four ninisateuit lmi. Th.y elcul.r.d nuEtion 6t6 G i{ring O-5 ofdinucl.otid. rcpqls / c.ll/ g.n@tion. Sajdtil! 4 cr, in 1999 ealyz.d gmlin. r&sdision .!dts nom rarc iw !t ninisst 0.2 llit r loj to < 3.1r IOi d nic@rellic4d lociEspcclisly. M.jeity ofin. nulatioN Ep.!t uniIl whcr.a 8ri! ot loss ofnoE rhe f.w EFrr 2,2,1 Microsalel|n€ Mutatioo Mod.lr Thde h6 ben much incFn in obtlihing svolutionary pro.Ess Krugltal er,r .votulionary d inpoved u.de$mding of th. thd Foducc micost.llit v&iarions (Jorla 1998,2000). Mo@\i. 1975 dcwlopcd oosr oftn a ,r, 197; nod.ls ftr th. pro6s6 thd podued tllclic nlqu.ncy dintibdo.s Tn.e models m nosily bd.d o. &alysis ol 6dom-*.lk modcb md sLpsi*-mui*ion rodcls in "st€ps" bcde.lLlq e sudcd Nltin3 in inc@ r tn k oM @ll*tively nutnc upw.rd dccls. of micoslr.llne ''lin6-wirh€n tanf' ftod.l. F! ed on to e ChakFborry (1998), olhd had desfibcd that mutalions do not occu dd i. leneth hger 6e poes the prcbl.m $al $me populatioro those e il ws 2000) lropoed { calen il99t the oriSiml expeted to lwh tudom auele siu s , gNup of $8g*Ld rhlr poiot muratioN cm @cu. .vollnioray pe* i. $ st ps md suegesled. micosat llit6 b@khg tn m inro sh.lld unib (B.U iod .turh 1997). (198, ed obedcd in n.tuE. A hechanin wa popoed by sidrins in which dMwd or Moftis 4 a/., ddom walk nod.l for nutltion6. Thc non.cquilibdum mtuE of wlk bod.ls a wirhio Kogllit €t aa toirt nutlrioN Md slippag. wnich !.r simunlMNlt knoM s r M4tov ch.jtr trFd.l. IGy$r er at (2000) @nclud.d thlr multion ed Y chnmmnd micrcsr.llit msheisd is see in both ryp.s snalic @lls, bolh in subs€qrent culturing i5 @nsin.nl of micost lymph@tt nr. in .utorcm.l nicosatellites &d llit6, thus th. nulllion Instability ws gen€aling rlso fohd in s diecrly cnd ihnonalization atul ofihnorrali4d lymphocltB. Mcl'gar rr al duing (2000) r.poded the sel€tiv€ pEssw on codin8 rep..rs. TlEy comp.rcd th. edchm.nt of sp.cinc qpe of nicrcsal€llites in codins Egions b b€ ed in th. non-coding Fgioa. Coding rcgios appd mdtr mucn $rone.r sd norc sp.cinc @nsfiainB. Tri nucl€otid. &d Hem- nwleoride ep€ds e found in qB in both codin8 ad non{oding regions but olher Ep.at typcs speific e much fFqsnt i. *l6tior lslinn tm. Sibly .t 4l non codinS shiB Egiod tho in codiig cgions, indicatjng muilrioN in coding Egions. (2001) dcvcloped r new arpm.ch !o M!*ov chdin nod.ling of niNstrcl|ne evolution $owh polyn.@ slipp.gc 5nd inlrodu.td a nd nod.l: ''@nsic.t-slippsg!-de'r nodel, in *{ .b tha. is no dep.ndoc. ofslippag. nicrcsat llite le.gth, Thc au8gestion thar slipFg. ald 6t o. aE zerc or close lo erc lor ii v.ry shon mic@.r.llird ( 14 Epels) ha impodo! impli€tiom unile6t nding {r. n*hani.n of polyn@. slippls.. Diaingd ud S.hl6tt os$ d (2003) .t li.d tlE p.mur.tion-b4€d slrinic ln. nicrcsareuitc disribution iD l0 conpl.icly equ.nc.d with pFvious reporls, tb.y ohsned a ni8lly siErlifidl exc$ thrcudoul g€non6. B.!.d on @nput r rinularions genomes. Consisi.nl oa d.t b lo.B nicblat lliks inroduced a l.i8rh- ind.pcnd.d slipFg. (in&l slipplS.) nularion mechdism op.nti.g ar Ep.!!' Mictu$tcllilc alippa8 mutations ce pr66s* $at follow.itq stontaroB bc th! 6ult of hhtakca in DNA rcplit or induced DNA dM.8!. extcnsion of s prima-Lnplab @DpLx @nilining a l@p it SliPPag. m.ds th. .ith.r th. prin r or tehplat strdd by a DNA polyne@ (Kunkel &d Bebcn.k, 2000). Sponh.ous nutation rares vary widely b.twed typ6 of Eicrcstel|n6 lci wirh idcotic.l Epet units. Su€b nltllions have dd b€twe.n ihdividu.l b€q rcpon€d not otly in lne d emtic gem lin6 of vaious sFcics bui al$ Oxidlrivc DNA dahag! mo<Ll sy3ts (Jekon., al, ce lead to micrcsct 1998). Ci!3Eltc mdarions ih cells wilh int.ct llit. lliptsge nut tio.s in sok @ eus. hoy tyFs of DNA drn.gq rh. obw.d r.n .nuclaride micosd.ln€ i$tability in lung 6s Iinked ro this expGuc (sia r,t, f.cto6 phy. role in obrfrtd bnStn dd sleinc Fquae fleking 2J squo6, ROLE Y Ticpolo Of Md Y IN ii. 1997). Th* euls.leely nihsclli| of ln. q.r! 'l'ai iis go.tic b&kgound &d Zdfatdi nas..y (19?6) for nultiplc cl$moMal lqtion ad .ssiatd in which $c mul.rions re m.a!rcd. fts h.lc s.xual d*elopnent 4d sp€maiog.n.sis. suggErcd thc ed mal. i!&rtility. ltcy fourd .leletions posibl. olc of tn. huma Y Funiq slysis of of ths b. M Y{nrcn@he lh. lsminal Yq rcgion in 0.5% of infcnil. dcnovo deldio6 of dis6l Yq by hish- @lrnion beding tehnique ns id..iific! ih. spematolpndis l@6 o. Yql1.23 1be @spcimia factor AZF, Mohcula ealysis oipotients wiih nicro deletions shoM th@ be INII&Ilr.fry chon@m€ b (.4Fnic). indi.rtE hry frurdion rar6, Thce facto$ ircludc tnc chhdoem. in 3pmatolpreis dd d.scribcd r oftlation mn s.v.El dif.Mt Yqll difi.Enr phs6 of lne suEEgi@ Fo6. tn 6 has l.d to sFmlto8ddis diNPtion a1 AZF locus is divid.d into tn@ norlvdlapping sub regions, AZF {d , AZFb l@B b elive during AZFC. E&b 8!ft clf d.velopn nr. (vo4,r a diilq€nt phe of nale al., 1996i Hanedir a al., 1994). s€vcr.l g6€s loolcd in AzF Egiom ac exp6s.d in rh. t€stis. Reijo rr al,, lh.r tic d.l.tio6 h dy o!. chreno$m.l qion @uld (1995) lhor€d sFftaroSei*is csing infdtiliry in ma, Bddell chohosone deletions in 9 our of 80 sospemh AZFC d.leriotr $eir t*tiole er hd (1998) d.teted paftial Y- ar (l l%), Two pati€nts showcd biopsy showd hyDosFm.rog.n sis. One plti.nr wirh d.l.ion of.ll lhE AZF Egim shoaed S.noli C.ll Only ryndomc &d thc mdning six T6liold biopsi6 p.lio$ Evald nr?o+.m!to8E$is. (SCO) on biopsy h.d deletions involvihg AZfb .bne or AzFb rnd AZFc. @n sp€malocttic Bd&ll a, al. 6sociatcd wilh sp€m6togcnic failue. (l9E) in fou pdi.nls sug351en Bli th.F @ r@ od on Ba h.vilg $.r lhc AzFb delcrion is AZFC d.l€ted men Rho have co.c.iv.d multipb cnibr.. natuElly (ChMg .r al., 1999; Oarll .t al'2002) eN oflh* 6a c tI. al$ deletion show.d a sho$ld . Dild6 all ddclion bE{kpoiirs in 4 infehility psri.nrs *nh AZFa dcletions. All paricnc hrd DFFRY (USP9Y) sd 3 patients ad infdtih. In 1999 S4c.m.r at rc6n d ed disNpt hEd DBY deleted. P.ti.nts sd.rc SCO phsotrTc, olig@ott@ic pboot p.. s EST, pM AZFaTl, aZFsTl d.l.t d DFFRY, dd OBY wh.r. a lh. pati.nt who eroin.d DBY 2l Su. .? ar (1999) cofthted sp€@ro8lnic failur. lintd e.n. by s.quacing $c AZF! sd of ba @dd sdadl litl. s.qucn@ wid$, these tulclional @ns.qud@. Th.y id.ntifi.d @sFmic tM, lh. nltalion w6 csticul& bioP€y dcd€d ryab.togaic .!r6t ch@terialion of nlrudlly 4i. (2001) chdct .ird ocui.g g.n.s in most of *,ltich non{bstructiw For in ! a Croup nol sainif.o6 of infeftile od ro p.tidt. d.l.tions in AZFo, Kuoda-kwaguchi r, Ggion in 48 in&.lile mcn foud rcha&ably !ni&m del.lim, speni.g a 3,5-Mb seghdt dd $@ly olig6Fmic eG (lds lh& 5 nillion s?.m N sube.r6 for hmologous MFc delerioG &d F. ml). bounded by lambin.tio. D.ldions of the AZFC Egion of th. Y chtuno$mc krcM euc! of rFmatogflic . tubuLs of lh. They thar '. bro0er, re .aFhic 229$ dir6r EF4r b. heitlbl. f.niL in ni3 who o. Y- $o appai.d pqdl a idatfied They point nuhtioD in USP9Y ifiGtitial Yq dcl.rioN of AZrc thc poi.t nut!1ion in rqid ofdic Y chrcnoehq tundioMl g.nd US?9Y &d DBY. ScEding ot f.rtile 10 6 e lh. mo3t Mmo failure. To d.tefrine the incidcoe of vdious pankl rh€n .flccr on fdili9, K@da-Kawaguchi .t al. <2001) dcr.mi&d thc @nplctc nucl@iide s.q!.n€ of AZFC by idenrirying 4d distiogonbi.S b.lwecn the & idcnti..ldpli@N (ldge Ep€aiedieque.@ irddtive mpping-eq@cing ftom ra.dem duplietion compkx .onniis ciei p!DB. Th& idotisl Epets dd inv6ion eenc may blocks) NiiS h.v. cult d during pnmte cvoluiion. Thc p.lindonic fMilies all exp$Fd in tsti.uld thsue. 28 I<Eue ,r al. (200D .valur€d th. incidene oI Y .hrodosome mjcrodeletions in ! @nrrol ru1. Fprlation wh€th€r sd irfrflil. m.l.s of $e Deish popul.rio.. To th. suboptimal sem.n qudliry rcporrcd in in i.Lr@ of Y mic'odeLtioG wirh rsFt to Ddm{k pdidtl *king Ift&ttopLshic St m l.jdion f.nile Fens md det cted in dltated I ? % (ICSD paidls hryirS sFn @wt of moE an/cr'TtoesFmh. n.y foud sFificrlly @iat€d wirh s€!@ di.d nlltmol out nudy 100 nl)lml genenl popul.tion. No d.l.tions <Ll.tioN in idiopdnic @o/c.t?toz@spedia wih mnidiolslhi. e rilnlry p.Ms tom nffiGpfric ssialcd wid a I'iehq oth.r popol.rioG, $ey on 138 107 is ddi.e ds dd wE I x ld/nl. I1Fy io 7 % of individuah Y chrcdosom. micro&letions $dlrogcnic f.il@r ed lbe f'lqu.tuy of Yq microdeletio.r in the Ddish populatior is 3inild to Ihal ofother @unhi*. Howevef Knw .r ,.i. found ilc hlploqF .ssi|tion in .bov. oario..d idiopadic oligomp€mi. Thcy lound r hiSh or i!.id.M ras?emia with ihai of of h.plogoup 26 (27,9"/.) lic $ grcu! hovins homal conEol popul.tion. comPared lo conrol Deisn mrl. pQuldion (4.6%)- Tlty hyPod6iz.d thal this cl6s of Y chonoeo. m.y b. ftk d for inf.rtility mong DMhh m.n. The AZF., AZlb, and AZFo intcry.ls were dcfined by incslilial Y- chod@ne d.l.tions tl[t impri. or atringuish sP.mttogd6h R.tpirS ./ ar (2002) studi.d mme of the legcsi of all hume inreditial dclctions for which deletion junctiotu ed distind AZFb conpl€t€ int d.ning sequencc w.r€ avsihbl.. They conclud.d lhal no ilt dll exins, ltlhough ilc AZFb od AZFo e8iotr nad hen lhousnt 29 to b. non{rcd$ping (VoB ffi widts (Sl$) fct@ds .r at .? aL, 1996). slFoxioiLly I ofr[. 2003 6ed single-Dlcleolid. $qua€ id.niry 17 AZFC h.plotypq md h.v. exmin d th.m for d.l.tion of individual AzIo gdc copi6. ftey lound fiv. individuh who l&k d SNv3 tom DAZ3IDAZ4 urltss DNA ad egns! b.ldged lack of |h4e SNVS Tt?ing I lE biD!ry Y a larye egi.nt o4k6 to of DNA cont i.ing wd due !o d.letio. of lh. sftosed thar R.tping ?t al. (2004) a Enov4 hdf of th. AZFc Egion inctuding 8a. f.nilies. Deldcd un.lerlying .ll fiv. individuls identili.d simild 12 ItF belonS€d p.Ms 15 d.lelios of nenb.6 of 8 testie geos includ. RSlvtY, BPY2, DAZ, CDYI, PRY, ale CSPG,ILY, COLCA2LY, TTTY3, TTTY4, TTTY5, TTTYC .rld TTTYIT Tney fowd tn. d.btioi Fiiarilt in bNch N .hMo$n6 cei.d lh. d.laion. wid6ppd in Euope $. AZFC. SoudEn blot sinild d.lclions @c .le obsded in a grcup of to hlplogreup N. .8-Mb) thlr spFific lh. shoB.d that AZFC ga. doubl.t in disEl BPv2.2/BPY2,3 to Y hoplogrclp N, (| lvlb ii th. Y{hrcnosome genqlory, ii which all As h.PlogrcuP N G tnown 1o b. .ommon dd Asi., {d theG i5 no indi.dion of Educcd f.ftilaty 6d i. sm wi& ihis Y chrmoema so ihoy @ncludcd thsl s coinon vlriaht of thc human Y ch@md. lekr ftniliiy. Lu C , /oligozoospemi. dislal AZfc Egiod cnd th6 ar @00?) !$d ed 5r5 f.nile tls eqa cmot b. Equitld ml. 285 idiop.ihic infertil. m!1. individuah will] @o_ rfl iD otdd to exPloft lhc ElationshiP benreen Y chDd@nc hlptoSroup ed sp.matogoic liilud- Th.y $cd a s.r of narkd 4d rubjets (cdes and co.Fols) fon Thay for fohd signinor diF.MG b€5v*n thc the sam. Ggion n quencics of $. 12 binarv wq hg (' in $c infedil. t0 ml6 ed mm.l @tol pot{htid. Th$ ofm.l. in&.tility in the SIR) tllele duplicltions lb* bd ! dsk flctor He Chin.s. Boeh md Joblinc (2003) carryinS Y hallogouFK. midt witti! duplicaied det€cted Y{honosomal short bnd.n ftp€r (Y. lhc AZFa Ggior &d showd lh.l 2 chono$nc3 6llcl6 conr.in d a tnird juncrion-specific Eroviil chmdrs (HER9 s.qu@ S.quh@.n l'sis of ttre endoge.ous c!s.s, shN.d dlll bFltpoinls lie in th. sm. Egion of inLFHERv equ.nc. id.ntny, is do deleion ftip@rl of lhc ih€ 6@sp.mia folod bskpoinE, sugg*ling lnat dr. ft6heb6 of dullic{rion is th. n chsis To in Gulring in deldid. d.Gmin. the E€qM.y of g€.etic dal.tioN within tri.d vdiols world populations h.rc bm inf.nil. od fifty f.nile lwli our, MadSe.t al (2002) s.lged 6l d.n ld nidod.L.io6 oftlt Y chrmoen i.rclving thc AZF €gion. Th.y fou.d fricodele$ons in 10.8 P€ocnl ThG nd CAC oflhe inf.nile subj.oE apat nmbq rlDvEd ! si8lifidt dill.M@ in inf.dile nei conpdld sith f.,tile nen (16.6). Among ?00 inrenile m.n wnh 6il!r., Folin ,r di. (2003) {ound lhat 4 ofgcim..lls delcdotu ih tn.n tesls dd 2 with uGht d subjdc sPematoS€nic (2 with a onPl€r€ $vcF ht?ospmatogch.sir) (18.6) abse nad Partbl AzFb sld.ppd.nrly idenial beatpoinB. anolhq 8 .fLct d m.n had @nPlctc 3l EIA\\Ay.t dl. @ied out a nudy ro.stablish rhc p€valencc of nicod.lnioG on th. Y clsm@mc in inenil. T!.kbh hal6 wirh .zosFmia 6 (2004) oli8oespemi!, To d.l,.mine Y chonoson mic.od.l.tions sev.El s€queieljgg.d Find sc !w nulriplq.d. Micio<leletioN io AZF., AZF1 ad AZF. @M gdo Fgion! w@ d.lct d in two ofth.60 (3.3%) idiopathic inlenile nrl6 sit (STS) eith iomal b!t!9pd suge.sting rnal . .nd SRY 8d.tic $|Hing tlsloc.rion B d.t.mined on {6,XX m.1., should b. .dvised !o infertil. ssi$ed Gptoducriv. trEarrn.nts- !l ^v.dr er el. n.n b€foE $anins lz00'4) d.rmiDed th. nicrcd.lct@ in 3l i.f.niL tul6 *irn u(h!ccb5l. chon@nd Montli€. oul of the to$l 33 ( l2 %) ne. h.d Yq( I I ) hhrodeletions, lhus supportine lhe apo.!.d fi8u6 in othd popohtiG. Thc offiN 4 c.s had sequ.nc. deledons with dieEtc hislological findin$ of th.ir delerion wirhin AZFC @ hld t t$i.s. Four avdalc tr.d.h Single sY272 w6 rlsincd wirh s.noli c.ll only syndom., wh.@ plti.nr wilh i$l.lad sY84 deleiion wiiltin AZla maining singL dMl Yq hod l&ge dcl.tiod in AZFa{ hDorh.sis d1.r th. Yq(l l) a imdatuF tesricllr erucluE. Tbc ed lhod $auG supponin8 lh. ei@mpss $..lic d€temindts oI slatuE besides $nG @nrrollin! spmdog..esis. Ahhough del.don of tne comPlele AZFC incdal of th. Y chomo$d. is lh. frost @mon hoq lpn tic tus of hum& pMi.l AZFo d€lction! (grlg ed bl/b3) tnd Fmov. sma harc '@tly h..n id.nnfi€d i. ft.I. copies of infcrtility. aU TM AzFc 8...s inGnn &d Lnilc popllations by Machev .r 4l (2004), and an ssocialion study indimLd dat &e Erulting genc dose eduction 12, Epr@nc ! risk b.tor for sp€matogenic f.il@. Th. onlt deldion eciltion e deletioru a with iDf.rtility lr (! DAZ3|.!-CDY = 0.042), $ggesting lhar most be !.d pair stippcd e g./9 n€utFl veidts. In th€ aZFa Esion t@ tunciionll 8!nes USP9Y (Ldrn tyPe to show Pas€, 1997; ud DBY hlG beq r.pon€d Bown ., al., 1998). Sui .t a/ ( 199) dcndo nut lion in tn€ sd pnt ii uu€tion h donor sPli@ lh. firsl to E on a4 d eion |o be .dsFmic pltidl Th. AZFb sit oi non{bssudiv€ rd USPgY €using Esion coliriB RBMY @did.L gcne (for lFrutogn4is), nutltion of Phioh ha b6n Gporred to ctus spdabgdic arrd in Dous Th. nrst aZFc @didd' &ne to be i<Lndlied ws DAz by Rcijo .r dt altsrimr.lv I in no$ @nmon, dfeif,g oftne Azfc inreryd @ &e 095) D€ldio$ I O n€n with idioPothi. 'esFmia (vogt Sq€ning for Y chromosom€ hicrcd.letions provides cocial infomalion in rhe @un*lling of couPles s..kin8 infertiliq Y chrchoon' nicrcd'l'rion s ofscvoely imPand s!.matogen66 lnprov€m'N 'n biologi@l achniqB have n.de ditgnosh noE 'dsibl' in Dudn' scEening is advis.d noleuld r.*neni i! dalysis. Howete, Y chonoe6. nicrcdcl.tions de A*nin.S.ifcr ?t dl., 2004. pFql€d ! studv to not diagos'd dd.min reqlic<t for this e.lysis, in Frmcc Micrcd.l.tion detctio! fast ed @6i5l.ntly. tr lhenfte s.€m n*s$rv for in all IvF en&!s rhe Eguhiory ond'tiots M found to be spi"ding a @nsosus to & crh'd on idi.dd tuI rrgrrr.d. !t!8 tud 6. ir$(ndd cffifu tl|.rbnr b d ar C.004) cmlcd ib @ @lt ohoi!.d Aoo v3 p.d.d w|& !dob-nds r-.qqnia olirptu r.@on ri! bfrriL qH! frd E K. thoM io h.v. h odholr (l@i.d.L 2mt dir a olitoro..prnir. 6.Ot of Disodddc in A2lc Fdolt, r,h!. 6 c6 CHAPIIR I MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 IDENTIFICA-TTON AIID CEARACIERIZATION OF NEW IIITCROSATEIJXITS MAR(ERS J.l.l ldot'rli.ltio! olNr Mi.i@tem. Y{brco(,!@rl DNA s.qu.@ of wliteb.ad Ilstirur./ s.q.wi.Eitedd wT ccene l-E6 Mb s $E.o.d uing dd! ton scq@cing Prcj€ct's dalsb.s. (htlp://M_ publi.-Fl4€/hu&Y. 3ht!l) s d*cnbed clo!6 tbrt s@ scre&d 60r the th. iddti6catid of bv w Attb .r 't 2000 The Eicrs.Luitc islud.d ACO0582O, ACOO44?4, AC002531, AC0O48I0, ACO04677, AC0O2992, ACSJ4777, ACOO5O9, AC00OO2I, AC000022, ACOO6565, AC005942, AC006371. AC0069E? ACO072?5. Ite@ clon6 d@ibcd by thd wrc e@ncd by th. prcg1m BcN! ir 199, scq@.e. Micrcelellites vd nicmslt lliics wE nalc sPeci6c gnoDc olhd tbe Y $6ich chsn6oo.. T@ded R.Fai finder h.lF in tDdirg thc epets i! th. givc! choh ftoE s ih.y.lo the ouFd of this ptocru The *l4cd not hav. Seq@d@s wE a'ni.F lleir exet Eatch lheu !!t i! lw,ceil. Foslrd Prinq of acn sd dultipLd E&tion. Unhbelled piinqs md lab.led primes (Table Mwc olisp (Biotech, UK). in lhe rle PoEu Prioq 3, this softw. helps i! Pnher d6irlljrg /hltb://w-eenonc bir/dipd/din€rl &d 6 3 ei nit.educqi- Lbel.d lo hlvc i) rcrc suppli'd bv l.1l Ch.r.cr.riatio! ofNa Mi@!t lUtd b P.tnbnl PoDoLlio!3 Eogiftqi4 IBftn of Bioocdical tnd G4tic oBCE) wF ed for tte YSIR typins, th€* wples *t coll€cLd 6 t p.n b@d Population 3.1 of Mpl6 ed debil aEilable !t tIE e.none div.nity Foj.ci &ob is grv.tr in vdiou Egios d6ctib.d in fis Appddix L !.1:.1 M.ldtht PCR For YSTR typilg of E&! B sph B O. Palilrdi popdaiiotr hultiPlcx dplifi.d for 5 ba*d (!dds r.beledeith eil,\q of IET, HEX d P.i6), o!. FAM on 5' l.b.l! fd ih. pdneB. Ttrec o.*eB PCR lechniq!€ Gld pihd wa ued. of c&h pln Il s etn flo@st (DYS6a8, DYS649 3!d DYS650) *@ tcE.|@l@ti& Epels, @c p66 !.ucl.otftle Ep.!t @YS652) ald oE h.ra neeLoiid. Ep.at prin.! (DYs65l). 10 X pind prcEix ws Ptp@d usins thc @dtlio! d descnb€d i! Tlbl€ 3-2, lrd stoGd ai -20 'C Th. dultitlcx tcR ssay M perfomcd i! l0 d offinal volue (S@ Atex II). Th. emtion 6nrl cosisr.d of 0E 2oo tM .lNI?s, 0.25 U of Sl4€r T.q GIT Biot*hlologv Ll4 cebddsc), 0.083 Fg Tlq Stut Artibody (Clort ch lrb- uM ofth. YSTR. MgCl2 m supplmmftd to Sive a Ilc Japd) ud 01_02 f]!al concentration of 3 nM E pc-irculstcd at Mn tcdp@rd for 5'? oil aft.r in€ubatioo ltF etibody @ added to mast€r dix ad disp€sed inio tub.s @nrlidng 20 tg ofgcnomn DNA PCR Aaplifiqtion M c.ried oui bv ainS ib. rouch doM PcR Poto@l Folo@ls s d€snb.d bv Jin .t al l99?. Tlt Thc Ta4 Sra.t dribody J6 cdi.g pam.tcs wce pr.-ir6b.tion for l0 din &aan6td.t 'C 94 "C fo. I Eia '..eling !r 60 oC for I nin lrd dicBion !i ?2 tb. 661 8 clcl.s, Thcs 8 cycl6 'C for 5 nir 3lD&'.4 Thc w m @plimr of 0.3 on d E cn 4 br on 7o denaturing Ddr wr. fltt collccled cxtecio! 2.4 Fl of tullowing at 94'C for 2 Ccl s uy B.l to gll vdialion. corespoldtr. bel\r.cn (ThoE.! er the ai., 1999i Ayub F* s 2 ei! i e cE l le b€forc l@diig on cLcttopLoris.d fbt eft*e !* siz. stu<ltrd d .ll.l€s 4l , 2000). ths and o) IrE su.l. siz.! }w .ls nmb.r ofEP.al uit er wlil at 72 l 5 be!Ac$6h iFt udioa. c.libEt d b6.d upon th. nMber ofrc!.al uits A u!.d 4 'C o$ cdioilg foMide loding dvc uirg th. ABI @[6tio! wE *a 6i.d 9@ l€pt ti .stimi.d uing GENESCAN softwe (v.6id 2l) MAKI33 ald MAKI36 ctcL for oix.d viib 0.3 d of TAMRAI5o $tich we d.4ted uhsCENOTYPER softwaG (vslior ir.4h ABI 377 $ql|.r@ cing polyacryldid. g.l nD AlI l77 DNA s.q@6 oC fono*ld by l0 cycl.s of 94 'C fd I tLc s@pLs & !e<16 intcmal sie $.8ldd.td The sanpl$ Edecd by 0.5 Ein. A L Aftd conpletion ofrcR, od d.xtid blu., 12 wF th6 for I bin aod 72 'C for PCR products E 6 fd I oir 'I!e @.aling tcEFElw bi4 56'C 'c, fon@d by ar 94 F68:Mt 3i6 th. dl.les wa. $otd ofaU Lle ldPles of DNA *h w€ wE splcs, MAKI32, Cpl in odd lo @!r*t Fq@@d to d.v.lop dnd thc allel. sia l!' i! be p'is 3E Trtl. 3.1 YS'IR Drte6 &d tbcn r.gulc, P@l cdililias .U th.!. @t6 d!$sur.d $ YsTRl. Dv. UrL Sn nld Op) cdc (lM) DYS54E F CGACCATAAGGCTOCAGTT FAM DYS64E R OAACICACAT{GAOTICICCTCA DYS649 F TGACATCTITGTOOCAATCTG'TET DYS649 R OOTCAGAOTOCAAG DYS65O F ICACAT(rcCTACAGTCACAG€ DYS65O R CTCTTTCTCCCTT@CACCT DYS65I F CTCCIAGAGAGGGGCAITTCAC DYS55I R A.ATANATCACICIC,OAGGCATTT DYS652 F CACAGCATGCCTTGGIITTA DYS652 R TTTGCGTIATCTCT(rcCTTIC CATT 250 0.1 0.t ITIC lt6 0.2 0.2 2EE OI 0.1 ACCCAA 304 0.1 0.1 M 0.1 0.1 .t9 r.l.rl Sbrirti..l turlFit AI€b a.q@ies wcE crlcDt.r.d for @h 6&k r Eilg thc Mimon Excel sonwa @d thca hlplotypB hct€orygosiiics in populdtion 3.2 ESTTMATION OF we @ rrELd ltultotype fr.qlmis @pLs w@ abo cd.utlted in lhe Micrcloft IEE M[IT TION RATE IN Ald Exet CROWING CELL LINES J.2.1 SuIL Co[adotr Mondu populatior sdples avail.ble at IBGE muradon Ete in thc gbwirS ceU lines. P@ urcd &r FBh bl@d smpt€s wi{rin 24 lus of collstion wtc Bed for rbc rrajsfodation by EFLin Bai (loml) M ofth. the .srioarion viru (EBv). Blood coU*ied in veulaitur tub$ co,r.irjne lcid ci!a& d.xros. (aCD). EPst i! Ba ViN *rs lD.r to pnvid. cls us.d 0o r.rsfod th€ B c.lls to cmr. tynphoblsioid ell for g@tic &dysis. 3.2,2 EEv T..4forErlion Thc blood sdple of5 th. falcon tn nl ws g€ltly lay.cd on 3 tut dd €ntjtug.d for 20 Dinul.. nl offiool h}?.qE The butrycu i! 15 nl of 6r€ inrc.f&e of plsma and bisroplqw. Th. Iayer conainitrg lymphdrld w* ,o llGftftd io l5 ml &lcoa tub. conilinin8 l0 Dr e!s[ n did [Prtzl Ps* Moodal ristirur. (RrMl )1640 Mbirins r% Fehl cslf stu (Fcs) ald l% Clullmia Ptnv.t Pdeciuin .ud Sr€ptoDycin (CPPS), nix.d wll srd Ftl.ted by c. rifteation @lom rpE for l0 mh. Washing ir <lorc s Fi@ll wb.d it is ioxic io rqic. wirh t@fon.tion 5 all. Th. suFrurani nl *rsn D.did. dnl th. cdl viabiliry Ancr B ro mov. dy tri..! of ru di*riH Bhilg, b.s@d 2.3x loo rld r!. Flld s elb wE fd Bed by thc h}?a! blE cxctuion r€st a'ns henoclroEdd Gtu! 19E4. Ltrpheycs 9w ta3fu (o 25 rrqtlf()@rio! ucdiu cortainilg RpMt- f€ol calf !.@ C or cultui!8 o.diu sulplch€ su!.@rei (l Et) ws .rtr.d ,!d iI l@idifi.d rh6ph@ od cE*fod t64O ed with (ICS), 5x105 Mold b€L-ncrcer,to.lbool cycldporia A. EBV 3r 6 q E fsk @trrliling 5bt of (19E7). EBv of 95 %.jr ald i@dLliad eu rhc c.th 5 % CO2 could b. s cpps, l0 ed *@ 0.S ug yo /nl i@ubar.it at drsibcd by w.lt5 visuliz.d.td l-2 *!cls s &.. lloadng roud clups of {r. elb. Ilcrascd acidity of the b rllo e indicatio! ofrh. cels rE4fomarion. oditond Fgoldlt ui.8 i!rcncd di@3coF rd n.di@ a Equind. Osc lh. c.lt lin ! w€ 94 cstlbtish.d Ttufom.d c. s 1@ srpptcn .d t!.y qw wirh iqh split in [o rhe 3.2.3 C.llCoutiig CcU CoudiS ws dorc Egdaty b calcuht ih. dolbting lin. for th. ells. tOpl of ttF cdtr nediu E irten in 95 et! pht ed oL.d wilh eqld votu. of d'. 0.6 % trypd blE solurion .ad lo.d.d h.D@yto6ct r- th. neilod of l(lw C.U5 EE alo$Ed lo d $nL thc d6 tur a f.w c@rirS chdb€r of rh. s@ds bcfoc coudng by atd Pandson (1973). 3,2.4 DNA PREPAX TION 32.4.1 DNA Pr.pntrio! hod Btood DNA % Apprcib|tdy 5 cx!ac!.d by F@cdw dl of blood eEple v&!l!iM- ftFc dm.! EDTA) wB added b rh. 5 nl volu. of B e[ d*tib.d by Suboot., aa, t9E9. @U..cd in &id cillri. d€xros. (ACD) lysis bufer (KHCO3, NH4CL, &d 0.5 M w nir Suples ee c. ritug.d st l20O rPE for l0 biD .r 4 .C. SuFm!1.lr B dildLd lrd Fll.l ru GsFDd.d i! diriob vot@c of rh. @[ Irsis buf.r Elch @pl. B washcd wi€ by lO sl of ccu lrsis b{t€r. To eeh pelbi of ccUs, 4.75 hl of Sodim Tri EDTA sulph.& (SDS).ad losl iEuborcd ovmidi Ndr ph.!ol, of btmd 6mplc in shat€n for l0 Einutes @uiIrgld !r 3200 K (20 os/Dt) st ling wcr blrh rpo for 30 sE ad placed on (STE) butrq, 250 Fl of l0 ofptu!.ite day the @ples ed { 5J ks Ms sodiM dod.lyl sdd.d &tr @pls e@ rclMc of equilibilr.d tepr o! ic. for t0 ninqtcs. oir !r 4.C. A{hE l.yd chlo@fom-isodylalcohol @a:l) for 30 .C. extricted with equat sinS cnt tip into eledr. hb.lcd tub.. Io o/o ia 6h SdpL tuh€s s @illy *@ colsied smpLs equl volMc of cnilcd .dded, nixed dd k.pt or ice ror l0 42 nilut t. Suph olcs we enEifig.d layd B olatcd 6i!g To cur dD inio *t€ste pot.i@e-K (20 ng/ol) w& dded Ein n 4'C. AquG E ho6. .dd.d. S@d6 .!d 250 pl of 10 % SDS *4 10 lrl sch sdple ed imub.tcd in wat r blrh !o sh,Io .r 55 'C lior I hou. Sdplcs wE 2 30 labcl.d tub.. th. @pl. l0 Fl of RNe (10 ns/ol) ilcub.r.d i! sicr ball sblte. .t 37 C for of rpo for sr 3200 rxr&r.d wirh phdot &d chl@fod. i$dtlalolol (2al) b t!w. @irir8 proi.iB. Tho b th. !q@u Lrq 500 pl of l0 M tuonim &ct.re and 5 Dl of chjlled iropopeol (or lo ml of vw rbrld urit DNA peipillle 9@ visibL 6 qhir. ihr€d!. Sdpt* *w ph..d ar -20.C fd chin.d ab$lut..rh.!ol) w@ .dded Sdpt. rubes ovoignt, N*r dry thc ample 'C. Sult@tat w *ith 5 El ofchillcd tubes wF c@rifi)ged .r dieardd.!d d€ p.U.r 70 % elt@t for 3200 6!!Fd.d. Do fd discad.d ed !.U.ts w.r. rlried, Dri€d tupl€s scl (pH 8.0, volMe ofTds !dd.d w Tle rtufom.d Itrph@tre 6te in gowing cell lincs, IE *E High Sepl6 EE wN[.d nb r 4.C. SuFrid.lt E,sup.trded in to rhe 0o r/ nM Tris cdcutft. outltio. o!. molrh ofgrcsah B callcd s Low drac&d .Iier llEe nonlh of PofiL (H!) grcwd. DNA usins ploced@ descdb.d by Smhook tO M si& ofpeud). u$d tor DNA *rractioD 6s1 batch after clild s rpm for 60 DiD at 4 tyrpioqr.! Pofile (LP) Crcwth sld 2d b{ch_of DNA continuoE grc*th md 40 \@ @ddils U.4,2 DNAdtnctio! lroD rr.nrfor.d 32OO dt. (1989) 6 s .xr@te{i in ihc prclious s.criod. 1 Ccll FUet @nbining 5xlo (33.3 8.0) r'r ofl M N!cl, 50 lO I Etls Pw vorr.ied.rd l9 ol of SIE buffd nl of lM T.is, pg Ps &!dd folow.d by t 6l of lb. l0 vie 6d b6th at ofgoicirBe K 20 ul 5t C. % Thc 6d2 nl sodiu dodysyl cxr@r.d with l4pd rqu6N 6tio). volh. of 2 M lth&ol or e Digbl at -20 Tt 'C- volM. ft. blfq TE of i$pmp€nol to Ptripit L @pLs wE @irifrEed .r B add.d (10 incubated at 37 "C for add.d dd lh. tuov. RNe tube 50 I br wiih El of l0 y! i@ub6ied at 55 oC ovmight butrq rh. spl. in. e FlLicd and rh. ih. DNA ws of chtorofom: isdoyt tr.lred with rh. DNA 35OO oe knrh ,n r 3toriDg ov* rpo for 30 Eilures !r 4'C v&uu dti.d ald lbl rhis t 0 ut of RNe SDS &d 5 d of prct of Tris m (long/ut) ru rctatory *Brd bsrh. i|@ K els !dd.d &d An !.dding 4 nl ofthc IE d.qul votM. of ph.ml lnd with cl{obfotu: iso@ylalcbol. The uppd lay.r wftn ih. DNA *ith .qurl (20 bl) of incubar.d at 3? o€ wiih .hating fo. 2 hs. To ws again.xr.cted qith de ldth ofils yol@.2 M bt&y wde! bM Tris, I oM EDTA pH 8.0 ). 'IlE h!b. sb,IiIg. And qls tunlq u ai by 2 volMe of EBhly diltiled absolur. to pdl.t rhc DNA. The DNA prll.rs v€re ihcn EDTA E DNA @ftahirg eluti@ ediM e.tltc follo*rd .qual $lpbd. (sDs) drcp phase @nrdring q.frlly eiov.d ed ext a.t!d wirh m equ.l volu. dcohol (24;l of0.5 M EDTMit rpH ng /ml) &d incubated ovhigltt spl6 vw Ncxt d.y plEel OH 8). .quilibEred (20 7.5 sodi@ acebt€ la.dd.d. {4 Enov.d &d TIE DNA wN pEcipitated .qurl vol@c of i$pop€lol ad kcpr w.r rig[t ar -20 "c_ Th. DNA Ms by c.ntritug.tion for 30 nin ar 35OO rpd rnd wshcd wnh ?O % 6El DNA p€lla @ Esspend.d in lO thcn oM TneECt, pH 8.0. .th&ol 3.2.:lJ Etrturtior ol DN h oriLr lo qlcuLrc tb. c@@tt tid of DNA, opti..l de.sity (OD) of rh. @pl.s B d6ucd ai 260 m ed 2E0 @ Bilg sp4trophotoo.t r. DNA aFcrtrr{o! M calculaLd Ab6o6dc. Nilg rh. folowilg fodula: at 260 M x 50 x dilution fdtor - DNA con€nration h pg /ml M als checr.d ud @ toD 1.7 io 2, *dich ! fd p@ DNA. Tb. DNA spl6 w th.r !rd!d.t4'C WIFG 50 i, corcclion faatoi llE nrio 4260: /{280 32.5 Sird.prq PCR for SliD!trg. D.l.clion 'Ihe o.thodology .pplied was ,inslcplding so Dplifiqtion, w. €r dr (1995) to ed 1% DMSO in i!. PCR .r to r.ducc th. rcn-specific @cr ni,lrw s d@ib.d by S.io .linilaie ihc chl@s of outtipl. bed utifa.ts ald for lh. c@fi@tion of slipplg.. wli.a N En of tb. Ea€.nrs wE s.ne d ir Dultiptcx .xc.pt ibi! Eactio! Dixtue wat wiihoui &tibody dd co .iD.d ody onc pdn.r pair Sirgl.pLr d!$ribed PCR pwiNly @doN for M .lso tuid oullipld @tion ( Jin our by a 'torchdoh" prorcol ., al, l9?; Arlb c, at., 2ooo). s 45 3.2.6 H ElelDpho61| w tb.! datopt@.<l o! 4 % &lyboide rek G ddcrib.d in tb. Fai@ clid for MultipLx |*riod M Sdpl€ aw lqdql ADplifi€d ?CR prodet in {L@& lar.r da.cli@ of !o prcv.at ilipFgc ay cttu. of Aillovq Aon Tb. @pLs stowirS rlipFge ldjMt wlh *!E E4an d md for tbc tlo d ttE riEc. io @!fi@ l[c Fsult!, 3.2.? Strtbli.rl^r.t6i! Mutdid 6ie! qw *dD.r..l .i th. divili@ by tlE lubd of old.tioB divid.d by t!. IMhd of nctlod ofKuict .r a/. (199). t"= t(trS8 Whc S is tbc Mber of !.!@r. lci rll.16 obsd.d for al lo.i lrd n i! !3 t st 4 X is tbc 106l nuba thc poputatio! nmba ed g i! lor of qd.!r s@bq of MALE INI'ERTILITY 3.3.1 Sd!'L Collelio! I! oi&r ad.d io detedic rh. ssidrion of infcnility .trd Y cbroEo!@. 5l ildividu.ls &d gFup.d dEE 6 ob.nucrivc duc ro sp€maiogenic It msl, rcvd. nmb.r of irdivi&Els i! oligospc@ia and eh s4p i5 '@GFdia oliSonmal slFM ir TaUc 3.2. s tbsF@ir but stil bfeniL, hdividurls EE Dirlt b. de grcupcd s .dsF@ic $,lr.r lb.t h.v. no !p.d to obsiruction or sp€miogcnic pams hwirg lFm coul <5 oilior/! @st. Sdd &.odi!g in sei\ oligosFmic soup of to tb. WUO diidia wtiL irfrlil. Blood colLcrio! profotu. ceying all ihc infod.tion alout ho@o..l pbfiL, a!e, .$!c mMlt (Amx-lID. l0 Dl th. forth soup i! lavirg sFtu co6t b&kgroud wet of the v@N also blood is uord.d nitlior/ ol but 5-20 slong with thc infomed @lbr.d id v&!1ain6 ed DNA B .xt!&rcd Nins dlia d.sib.d ph@l chlorcf@ .xtlction Falod 332 S..cri!g Y rll of chsoosdrl is dcledoq s,ltich .r./., DAZ obtoined sothd s.t @oE a of nrlpcd uirg th. $l of MLd by lioi ioponart !o c e dd p6is c Egions, For th€ .letstion nl' th€ grlgr *a ued to lrc aoE u&a DBY ald cl.{ picn!. of the of DBY genc in thc Azfa reei@ AzFc egron dclcdo6. anplificatiotr and prodat size b dlso used io givc a mplry . s.go. rid6 sFuilg e4*ry ClG &r lp@rioeesJs b 5 prioq tn. dala bas v@ 5 lh. R!i@, ar €003} Iris s.r of 01084/01065 Gw @pi6 of th. 2004). In.ddition d.Ltiotr pshetu. DBY DAz n lw 6ed io Eap U. g$s deletion h AZI!, of sicrd.letioB (Ma.hee dclcrioB dd c r.8i6 d.stih.d rhc AzFa" b deker AZf R.gioa fo. d.Liion Ajlprn giva ii TabL 3.l. ed E .long tn.n Egior of T.tL:l-t: T.U. .bowils tn. d!!ibdi@ of @pl6 dislcd codnbd Olol4l Ot ltudirc AaoAdDi. Orsq2 AroorF@i. du. !o lp@at%.nic Od+l Sc@Oligo.laDi. Orc{p 4 Nom.l boligoqc@ia .r&6i i! 8ru{c b.!.<l @ 17 4E ftDh 33t M!rt6 to Dlp tb. cobd.t AZF^'ft'-2 AZfa 220bp or p.nirr dddioG DBY SYl27 AzFr 303 b! AZFb n4Up 5E.C 6.C 5E.C SYll4 AEIt 56.C SY254 SY25J AZn. 350 bp Azx. t25tp DAz SYl532 ALF. SRY 301bp bp l67bp 96 58.C 58qC ID 5E"C oflh! Azla,b &d Rrio ,, c ar., 2003 Omae R!ic! cl 2@3 Rlicu .r ar., 41,, 2003 ., 2@3 R{6 .t Rdcu a1,, d., 2001 G@8. R io ., zl, 2003 EIE CDYI DAzl 923W An. AEc l4l 60.C M!(l.! .t al-, 2@4 60pc M&f 2004 et dt., 49 w doG foi both prio6 oflhe AzFr egiotr pbx-2 dd DBY a both [.v. wid. difeff. n lh. &Edilg r.bFEt'E 58 'c ior For-2 siagLplcx PCR rd 66'c fo DBY. For i!. mplific.tion oftE AZFb Ggion nultidex aing ulabelled sYl27 tud sYl34 e both hav€ t!. vbldird bt clhidiM brcnide strining clcctrophoeed for up to lbr dt sc .r8dirg t bFnte *w.aily dplifiotior siz. for DAz B 96 uilg prid6 of 58 'C viiualized o! 2% WhiL for the on th. 2 % 100 volts to havc Multiplqing a.l!o .loE by thar amaling t mpentw and b.twe! th. prcdEr siz. is 25 ba!. pqia ditrc@ce !iz.r @. lxl 96 dod rbis a ag!I$. 8el fte cled sie sY255 difccne Fpolior ed caily g€l ofth€ buds. 3Y254 both hav. hrrc eid. diffc!!@ B th. h th.i. prodEl agr@ s€l by clhidiu boDide stahirg. ofth€ DAZ rouchdoM tCR prcto@l wa w4 prodet bs. p.ir. 3,lJ E.plogrcrpilg H.plogrouF EF ssig!.d lo lt€ supl6 by tyPing of tn si4L n.Elotide @iario6 (Biallclic odk u) on O. Y cbmosom. and .slablishitrg or.ir *olutioMry Elaiioship wE l@.d oflh.s fo. th.n Eos:t .Lriv.d w. dplifed 14 Mrd 6 sLou in Fig 3.1. tlaplo8ioups n.nd s &sib.d b'allclk @kes ald orc ineltior ro assign ditr€renl hlplogrcups to ou by CYAP) sMplca. Mdken v&iou dpli6clrion pl@dG v@ s.d lik ARMS U!d.Ibi[ .r aa, 197. dd onc dcl.tio! (12f2) @ listed in TabL 3,4, PCR or RFLPS *hich h.lP 50 E t- srlI ? I t s i l! t' 5l u ihc deLctio! of Ihe* EutatioB. I'lE bir!.lic @plifcrlion 6.thodolos/ ir 8iE i! TaU. MLd .loDe wiih Ihci! 3.4. 33J.T ARMS PCR Aapli6€tion eAeto.y nutatio! sysr.D (axMs) qcluiEly on M52, Ml?o M172, M173, ME9 !d discnnimrion rcli.! ile 3' .nd b6. ofr piibe. Apr ItPing nethod dd rh€ prioq s.q@nce 2002. Irtehd ld. sta'd.rd 6 94 .I ty!.d sa desdih.! only 17,M207,l'124, tlc Auclc Speifc PCR by Und€ftill, 2001 and YCC Nd i, uplifying ih. l2o ob$fle !o @plifcadon ci6.r dE to d.Ltio.: or 33J.2 by M *t E .lt t. bdae of d.letio! uplificltior ro 6ile FCR-RFLP VeialioN in ihe Ln81h of esiriciion ftagd.nls th.t @ glnmi.d aftd di&G asrictio!.EEo (cFdzictd.r dt, t974). DNA is dis*rcd wirh RFLPS iI de dE lo introdraion or @ovsl of rcstriction .iLs multing i! thc leDglh of th. n'agncnis tool to @tutruct derail dpli6..don a!e* Emining 15 RFLPS d nosdy EusAl r'd s c s! sd.tic linkas. orls (Krysr a al. 2004). And th. with Hp€€riv. gel to cn ck F!du.d. difeMc. pde{ et th. l0 d of thc podrct @ ru o. 2 7o dplific.tid of noNFci6c ilgD.nts. Th.& ,ft{ rhc ld of the piodur wa diSElled wilh 1.5 U of eslricrid @yo. @ntdning lX EsFctivc boff.r. 52 Trbl. !.a: Biallelic d.rLs and ih. !.rhod Bd for lheir tling io def@ 195 tlitrdllvlu c_c M9 SRYl532(sR O-A Y roE3r.D I 5t4+!94 Undrhiu .' z/., t997 167b9 D6III 55+ I 4l3b! &l C NAOI A - C RPS4YMIIo C -T ll2 bp lE+295 AUel. soc.i6c PCR 423 All'l' sPeifc PCR 14u15*234 Bogro ot ", , o* YCC,2002 ARMS PCPJ NLle U!&rhill , arr000 &2001 MJ2 Ml70 A A r C -c 534 282 bp All€lc ap'cific PCR ARr/6 PCR/ Alele sFcfic PCR vcc,2002 ARMS PCR YCC, 2002; Mg9 C -T i,21 Allclc aperllc PCR YCC.2002 Seqrpr. 53 J3JJ At!ru G.l EL.t!!lo6L AA.r uplifi.ltion 5 d dngc c, Ficol 20 Fccd of th. Orug! O lordios .rd looDM EDIA spl$wEth6l@d.d6ih. 6e *!6ntid) Fd oflb. lX'I3E Dqft. 39 frlr sdl n, rcltagc of ri4 E cont i!i!g .iLLd io c! 0.125 tn. bpliEqt r ft. .$r!€.or2rl ilioe@iw:.gtorc gd!(fo! toililg ed Diri4. TIE uk Frcelt nDpL. @pL! 3 gnr ofth..g'w s.l ru di$oltd i! by USA) or OXI?4 DNA d}! lle. trI disert 100 b? ((P@.9!, US,{) FldEt ELotoFosi: t2cl50 vol! !rin8 Po*q Pacl DNA Ltlda 3000 w qid @ 150 Dl (ftm€t lord.d in the oa rl . coad (Biokd L.bor.loti.t) for 3040 CHAPITR ' RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.I IDENTIFICAIION AND CEASACTEruZATION OF NEW Y MICROSATELLTTf,S MATI<ERS Five @vcl l@i nucLodde rFar dd @istirs of lhe r.6-nu.l@dde orc id. h.turcLorid. EFat wE silglc tulc<Fcific llodwr. Fou of th. fiE l@i EF.b, Th€ p.nt3-Drclatid. Fpe.t (AATAI) @ labelcd for i!. .!.lFi3 of 756 bal. ilel., msed t)mbd of n@bcr or.Iel6 ugilg t!6 ll AoD 4-12, lw bcN gave a sioplc horog.M6 FF!t3 (AC005820). Udlg dr!- PcR @crion spl6 i6ed, .scn ws @6pLx. nt Fp€ll seq@. inEEupr.d by two AAT4AI pdo*, . linsle nultiplq EFi' dc Far!- B sci up (App.dix 2) ad sed fiod four.n P.}jlrui popol,lios. IlF Tw ndkeB rce hielly polForptic (DYS650) Iig.4.la-e. such lDlrrorphic bdk@ e to 12 @YE652) bislry vuiabL atd with &d shoh in e suit ble for @pliotio$ ir foeEic $ic@ ieludilg Freniry dcc@i@tion ed bdividuat ideltifiotion. nth is abo shoM by th. direBity vslus of tEse ditr@nt popdtioG (trbl.4,l.l). Mst..s vaiabl. l6i el@ Pujali populatio! ed for DYS649 loM ad DYS648 had only DYS651 had onc DYS646 t'o comon alLLr ruiEu od DYS649 .nd showd odkds itr sE thc l€asl ztu div.siry valrc of 0.56 for Buruho popuLrion comon allcie vith lh. oder all.l.s @ceing dt fEque@i6. DYS649 hrvc shom e divcsiry valu for Kdhnni &d 55 ft (1.: Rcpcd uit filqEsy or DYSA8 lo@ ir Pttji.a I fq 4rb: Rc!.d uit tlqtlrEy ofDYs6a9locs in ttt&br :tr !i rta,rg R.?.d uit Alqultcy ofDYS550 !@a in P.LisL. ln iii Ft{ld: R4.{ bit ilqtta.y of DYS65I l@ain Ptrilt tl 57 Er Er 23 naarc R.t d Dn f!q!@t ot DYS652 Loq! ir P.ritu 5E I.bL ,l.ll: Hd€roz*ositi* .d Prki$ei I'STR n@b.r ofAlLLs for aI five 6 itr €tbnic grcuDs DYS6.t8 DYS649 DYS650 0.4E@.@5 0r2l+0.014 {n=8) 0.000drlqt0 0.25010,t24 (n=8) 0.r501{.1.24 oofltro.o0 DYS65l I 5 0.?3la{.009 DYS652 t2 0..177i0.015 0.@71{_102 0_67914.061 0.{d*!0.135 0.00010.000 0.607+0.102 0.730*0.025 0.432*0.050 0.810+0.012 0.txt0c{.000 0.659r0.082 0.J85+0.104 0.6?040.085 0.505+0.002 0.2r8r4.017 0.7E@0.018 0_10240.041 0.65010.012 (F12) 0J60r{).017. 0.203*0.042 0?J?+0.018 0.1t814.040 0r5lr{.0r2. (a=21) 0.519*0.005 0,7244r23 0.484+0.034 0.670i0.010 0,t07a0,004 (n=42) Sindni o&t 0.J45i0.051 0.13E*0.050 (n=t8) 0.506a{.006 0 220+0.048 0.790*0.0?4r (Fl8) 0,471a{.052 0 209a0.081 0.595+0.0?4 (!"EE) 0_4E5a{.015 0.25!4.03E 0.761a{_016 0.J84!0.042 0.74410.020 (F83) 0.45140.024 0.09310.030 0.751+0.011 0.6204.n29r 0.76914 0r9 (n=66) 0.41640.01J 0.19E+!,045 0.500!0.050 0.ll?riLtl3t 0.579*0.043 (n=lL7) 0.442!A 021 0158+!.030 0.705+0.021 0.234+0.035 039244.0t2 59 ndiau Balti populatios ed DYS65I 3ho*rd & id.@.di.t lewl ofvebrio& for Kahniri population this valE ol0-510 fd }trz@ pop'rlitior Th. locu @kd hs z.F wirh ciglr div@iiy diflcanr.!c16, bu vile. Two out of file Dar&6 b!v. rnom &D divdity for Kahnnis. 'ftc divGity rdEs in Fpul.tior previ.L vi.w of lh. doluliory FlalioBhip6 b.te&ca ditrcmt Y chrcnosodal gsups @rtcs toD diffdat .dDic b&kgroud. 'fte diveBity valw of for al the popul.tioB 'fte ovdall C vd@ for all th. 6on wi€d frlD 9% @YS6a9. DYS550) to lai N 0.221 (DYS649) ro 0.795 (DYS652). 12,6% and for t6 % @YS652) idividu.l s shoh @t6 vdi.d in TaUe 4. L2. ofl! 6ve Y-STk individual h.plotlTes l* odtret d Toral 154 t tlotyFs v4 foud in 7J6 @p16 Oa of ilFe, 70 haplotyF3 *e Fcgt h silgl. iulivid8ls, 2E w s[!Ed by tm iftlividu.ls, ll by 3 individurls ard thc nbbd oI sha€d haplottlB incrt$ed g6duUy. T@ h,plotype r@ foud dor 6.qu.ndt, thc h!9loq?e 9 8_17_ll_24 la sbrFd by 105 irdividuds tbnt B 13.8 % and9 8 l7 ll 25 By enbini.g th. slhlic stat* wa sharcd by 68 individuds (9 %) G shoM i! Table 4.1.3. tl.plog!6 de hiShly inf@tiv. lcsftn nhtioNhiF &d fi5h.md tib.s, dhibiLd 6 male linelels. b *lr they prcvi& e icight into fien Tle Mohrln , qho @ th. &cie m.ly low dimity of 0.66 tur rh@ fiv.l@i. similarly Kadmins hav. also shoM low divdity value of 0.64 (Trble 4.1.4). OE h4bqT. 9-8-l?-ll-24 m.omt d @YS548-DYS649-DYS650-DYS65I-DYS652) fo.57 % ofhis popuiatioL 60 T.bLa.l* tLL@ysdniB.!d cnlrlEbrrll6ED.rt6si!or6ll LOCI Grt o.t25f, 0.52146 DYS64t 0.14912 0.tE535 DYS649 0_09(t 0.22091 DYS650 0.0915 o.7gN DYS65l 0.1fi7E 0.37645 DYS652 0.1510? 0.?93E1 5l I.bLa.B: Hrplotyp. cmbiEti@.!d thcn A.q@y in ?.I$t&i DYS6aa_DYS6a9_DYS550_DYS66l_DYS{t 9El?ll24 9a t7 lt25 8817 ll 26 88t?lI23 94t5t227 881?ll25 98lElr,3 9E l7 ll 23 EE rE ll 23 9815 ll 25 9816 lt 98 t5 ll 8 818 24 25 11 25 9818 lt24 ll ll 8Et5|l26 88lE ll 26 9E 2.1 8815 |l25 105 0.6E 68 25 0.44 0.162 25 0.t62 2t 0.t42 19 0.l23.lBd.l8ldhlD l7 l6 0.110 0.103 0-155 0!97 I5 t5 t2 lt ll ll l0 l0 0.097 0.097 0.077 0.071 0.071 0.07t 0.065 0.065 62 T.bL {.1.* HlplortF H.tozrgdrty !oP'&rids {dq fo. dl lh. loci E.plotyF E n@ygp.rty v.lft| 0_75 0.61286 0.96727 Bdri 0.75t24 0.90E49 0.9t36 0.81476 0.9E2 0.98 0.E62 0.9t1 0.942 0.66154 Sindli 0.941 i! P*islani 63 'tli.ty eich individulk our ofde sixty 3n tttlr&d u ftcqEncy of thjs haplotrF PolDlalioD @lEibuiiDg lo tb€ higll Patistan. Thc dis@v.ry or rcvcl polttot?hic ofls !.w Eicmsatellils od thc Ydmoosode f{)mic ces ed ir th. w losibfincs for inv.sdgation of sndy of sub{t@t'dtg of cloely Elt'l.d popul,.lioB. rp*ific h4lottlca q@ ds shoM in @lid 5Mi.5 @icd o'n by Mohrlidin ,, al (2001) i! rtich for Psi lopd.tioN hav. shoM F 16 rukq baPlotyF ulalion sp.cific Population sFcific bnplogTca @rc als t[. Br.huj, trdd b@d 9-8-l?-tl-24, ni!.t cn ol'n of boDd.Fd .trd hrplottpe riD Moh@. 3h@d by 68 individlals, IAe dt 19 iDdividuals. Thb disvqy ou of lh€n of th.d 27 18 haplotyp€ P.th4 m .d a:: 2E 7 thG m % of th€ P.|he Pop'nadd) th.n hlPlot T. frEqMcv will otr€s re* po$ibiliti.s for qvestig ioo of fomic 6es.nd hme $e 9-8-18.1I -23 shmd by (20.5 % of th. of mvcl polFo.phic oictu$Luitc! ed ildivi&als sildbi wrc BEhui tbn nal$ @oion re *tdten 105 iost @@or laplottP. 9-E-l?l l-25 '@ld Blahui popllation. Th. tbid most uPon YSIR obdwed in Siidhi, BEtrli P.rhd populatiotu. Th€ dosl @mon h|ploq?€ cosbtir'g of M klarh &d iD the studv of population sub4lructurc in Palistrn. Cd,CULATION OF MUTATION IIATE IN EBV TIIANSFORMED CELL LINES Dr 6 to th. Irck of &conbinaiion a hG h1hs, .xc.p1 wh.n mutatio6 sn cdi.s lhe sdc Y-S'IR @u. SEh nulatioc e e baPLotvpe and their 64 a.qrcncy i! co@otrly us.d l@i h4 bG{ loc Fr gdmtion Eo.w 4 d/,, 1992; ofth€ mut'tion Er., YSTR ndkds Method ssiior) w€E Out of 66 (s dc$ul.d !t appoximat.ly Huls , 2 x l0-r p.r ai.,2001). For thc c.Lllation dc!.ribed in Table 3.1 in M.t .ial dd usc<I c.ll lims &rlvscd. 2 cll lirc3 showd @w EutatioB. b o@ B obs.d .nd 30 gcnmtiotu rld i! lb. othd rna 90 sddiioN. A ouraiion *tl coBidc&d a a ew F.t with h.idi of il00 flllo@de @it! in ldditiod ro tn rdrc F.t- This cp@nl.d 30 % of rLe tolll &d B ob.d.d i! te ccll lifts. h botb c.s peL h.ighI of onsinal au.L (ot6a!d i! blood splo s, hisb.. the tblt of ew rll.1. (Fig-4.2.1 & lig 422)- II asdts *a biCt EFodEibl. .rd wa so in boln indieiduds in l0 Epli.nioE. Oo. od.ti@ d tbc DYS650 tcln u@l6rid. &!..I llN B a lo$ of ts Fpet uits, &d B obsdrd i! ell liD (MHN 06D .nd l0 c.ll li& nutrtid sca6li6, &d l!@in d sidilr in Fl.tiv. h.idt DYS6'0 locu bls h.t rczygolity of 0.731 Th. sdo.d Dui.tioD, nucleotide rFat loc6, s.mrioB.It. ru i 0.009 in En 90 gcedti6. Iad P.Kstrli popuatid, ! giir of o!. ap*i sii !t DYS552 a Frt! id.riifi.d in dothc. c.lL L@u DYS652 havc h.crczygolity of thal is highest ofaU thc r fi!.loci lie (M{N 049) 0.?95 + 0.004 lner 90 i! Paldsid iestcd. Thc doubliog tidc $ts estindt€d to be 53 @ n a.l,t ddE ffi.d tdd.ne&..|l lb.r Shri.s 6. fitrd rir. t-. !d. t low ..d Ft d u|at . of nld l.it h fr!d.d.. DnA r&plo pr.!..d 6d Uood (B), a@ t&!6r.d !&$ocyi.! (LPt a.d tor&@.d DYE550 VEFocyb. lnd ot ..Gd h EAV 3 Dodb ir rro$h CIP) 66 rq €J: nrtdid ot atEd iE EBV t6bded lyDlbtl.lkid ccU li6.&6 90 sF.lioa Shovi!8 lt. t.sE@I !iz. t * Ft b.lw .!.n F* dd lMbd of Epet uit i! p@!tlBi.. DNA spL Dr6552 F!F!d ao6 blood @), non ae{m.d lFph@}rd h@fffid lynpL@yi.r .frd 3 Bonth'r tur ee"r! G1?) (LP), t6 25.4 + 3.1 bouB (o..o + S. D). It! douuils tiD. s, cdculi.d by tl. @utirg e[ liB !n r ady 24 hs B sboM i! Fis 4.2.3. T!. oo&l dLL * wilG E 17 + 0.93 fd DYs650 @d 2:1 * L5 flr DYS552 in r[. lllobq of poptdnioo eU! i! 3ix cxbi!.{L sr. oh.qEd 2 dut tioB, @ tlFrt hlvilg s.Flic dit6ity EFd g4dc dilq3ity b.vi!'g E olt.'lid nt olcd.t of 0.731 .!d of 0.795 in a P*bt ri popuLlid &cdde. F or- 099D i! *!i.h lb. c.lcuhLd butalior ntc s DYSI9. berliG c re blr o*r ourdoc @ pe4 of tb. drylicdiou of 6. ?0 t.m n8Lori& Cl.blc a.l.l). th. ,llr(ly coldu.r.d bt 3.19. l0r fo! K|yld.r rilgl. lo@ ent of 24 bee Fir i!$nid F dj{at !.qudc (au Y ., ar., 2000) .!d Oit EFll dtpli..rio! i! iEFd&t i! .|tly Drcro{alit doltnioi ts'nB dlo elebi! tt Thc .tui q) g.c6li@ .!d 3,55xl0'/ g.@r.ri6 io DYS550, r gold i! DYS6' . p.!r. !@lcoti& d io b. S.lErlO_r locu!. Whicb iD digi! oflhdr n!d@ E!a8 ty rcptcldoi ,liF.gc iani@ .!il .l$ provi&! ih. DuLli@ n!.. i! lh. ed6 F It6. o. bt rlg tDDugt rlp.rcd lo!g.l@ gto*lb. Thi! fndiig b i6pdr.!t i! olvilg th. prc6l@ 6r th.6.rl(.t3 u.d for plylog.nclic udFir .nd fo@ic !ndi6. er*a wbich e v.lB o h.vils low divdity Ft nity !6ting, a |}a. n t ct !e 6i6o6lt.lliE winio|le. Borb E*cE rbrr EisL.d t!. Aieof licftq 8dB €p.cidy in 3pdr.@B ort tioa @ Ptod@ DYS650 &d DYS652 Ddc biC divdiry P.li.LDi Fpubtic lbE i!dic.Ii!8 vdi$|. Dte of lle '@!s Mrcu. gid divdity lrls s b. lh. Bdt of &c@uLtion of ouLlid v.l@ duiDg lb. qole ofcvoluliotr 6t I I a I z naa.a!! of dfrrd h/og..tl-id cdl [r!. Ft !..1tu ib &n &rdiry dc rb g{t loliry |b goet in la6 of nnt r of Sn cdb d..6,rry 2a hr 69 M.t,€d d dr @000) odper.d ln. dichocd of sFific g?c of oicbsatelires i! codiq egios ei& ihlt rFlts a or the coding typ€s of @dpatld rFais kr pt&rt {* foud in lh. nrc|@nde noFodilg Ggro6 dd foud eLctiv. prc$@ of th. !o rcrcodirg oE!. Funlq il B mlcd ilat aI Egios wh.t !s bi itr th. loFoding and h* cotling rcsion6 (Yinsl.i Dd Fetr8zhq 2003). nut tio6 w& only obeocd in th. t tra nuleotide but not in L!€ heh epelt (DYS650) ucd te@ ofspe.in *kctiv. pE$e ir lh. in codng dd peh nNleotide E!.als ftt !fu(ly. Ite c@ br qplained in Egio6 .gritut nur.doN. :I.-} MALE TIT-ERIILITY ,L!.r S@i.g of AZF r.gtud aor d.l.riou A nMbd of rt'rdja h.v! corlation b€treer th. t poinr.d out qrcncy of nicbd.l.tioro $qu.@ tace.d sn$ GTs) dalyz.d. For.rdplc s .st blist d detelcd .d rubd of rhit th.E is ifw @ci&r only studies strich idiopathic @osp€mic or oli8o$p.mh palicnt wee ealrze4 the of STS wied (Najusbadi a lor up sr ar to E0 but FcvdLncc did not increase 1996, stuppia F.tlin et al. t9g9,Kftvsz.t at. .t al, ifnore STS TEEfoa only sv.n STS ndber *r ed 1996, Pryor 2t al. 1991 ,\<rcmer et 1999). ir al. 1997, ndt6 l@ ued in thi5 5nrdy which hav. .lso bcd us.d h va.ioN orhd studi.s io srinate lhe pEvddc. ofni.Fd.LdoB. the obwadon ot Rai! .r This al. (2003) sl.clion of MLer s.Lction m sltt aor a n s d6{iH thn based on cdirl 70 di.gn6is of thc oicrdelelioB th. p@l of STS should.ovd all thc n c.sny g.ncs GquiEd for sFmatog.rcsis. Y chtooo$Dal coes idvolv.d b.ftd *w c Ggi6- !5.d to $lla Two addititui ed ro Orn of$s. eEn D.rt de'eti@ for AZFr, b @td @v{ {F i! spcmltog{*is DBY ir dr &d c ir tb. DFFRY,.!d DBY Wh.c 6 s.M 6dts of the delerio! e.lt%d cmi.s AZla dclctios pdiiats, Esulis hrrc lhom dlt ww d€Lliotr cd 6ue olisosF@ic d.lctitu w syd@. i! p.rihs. h.vitrs deleti@ of AZIa rgiod *w nrund i. 3.9 % of shoM aociaiion with s!.darog.nic ud m.m lbat s d.y kc hin faile. TLcse h.yirg t?€ of d.Ltion. dc inftdne popdstiotr tbd tb'l s *!s mppcd by Sdg.nt .r al, or sCO coDdidoo d.padine upor rl &rltkd. BEndell .r ar. (t998) sugg$cd nonc bais lo$ of lh. prtimt $io elliEd DBY rhow.d a 6ildd otigo&sFmi. sD.maiog.nio aEst or obstrEtion. AZFa d.LtioN of .lrlysis deletion rh.l Hdrilr i! .a3pdt ed biop6y culls 9@ rct .viilable to categorir AZFb 1160 by S*8dt .r nryped eus.d *rroli c.ll otrty (SCO) ph.rcg?€. nE parisr i! this study wbo (1999) STS Egi@ in 5l irf.njL ildividurls. 3.3). Thc 2 % of ihe infenile population, AZFa (1999) in AZFA, 6, firc plriiouly publih.d Yq hrva shoM thal onlyon Fcon our of rh. 5l d.k Bid. AAa €gion $d DAZ i, AZIc Fgior wE Esio! (TibL 'Ainm nosdy the idke6 is 2 ce3 oui AZn d.l.tior h!v. weE ba5.d on .ll d to d.t cr th. delerion of th€ whol. Ggion (Rdcu et.i.,2001). AzFc.lelerioB d@ouis for 5.8 % oft'& infetile popularion Tt Fprestarivc rsults @ tiilt is 3 our ofihe 5l ces 4 shou i!T!bl.4.3.1. 7l shoM in fig 4.3.1 , et at. <2cn5, for A2Xb dclaiod &d Fig 4,3.2 @ d.ldiors le found n6t tlqrc ly imlxl€d i! conrok, Furthci noe ar (2001) obswed th.t AzFc Esion qhich ir l* tdy. sloM tbli Y cbrodolMc lonr-m oi6<LLdo6 der€cr.d in 6.070 of infcrtiL ocn lod whtrs fd AZF. d.l.tios- a{Eta tu rtr MFc Esioa Kurod. Kawglcbi €, n6t co@only ddei.d th. Esion u@sF@ia ecouk for abolt 12 p.rc.lt of th. ca.s of loFbstrutive azoslmi. @ied o'n drd abort by 6 p.rc.lt in !cvd. oligorp.mia. Moh@.d dr dl. (2007) p.@!t ed Aac Esi@ we &iccicd a 2.6 yo loE nl. ofd.Lri@ to a .ooled ou of sG WhcE a i! Fcdt Ei.!od.l.t@ in th. snldy A4b (7250 of rhc cdB i! (uwir showing d.tr Pritiin d.bdoG in azFc Esion cpod.d by pcppilg .r aL @003) g/Cr deteiid lhlt Movcd spd of 1.6 Mb, lolrroryliss i! ln. AZFC bul sonc popdarioB rdue ihc @py fti! dclctio! a rrlgr dd.ti6 & @t nebdof th..i8ht gqn Gr/cr del€tios \N@ napp.d by !!i!8 thc 0l0E4V0l0E5 sden sdd6 wrc foud 13.7 % thu irdi@ting th. hislt prcv.bft. ofpenial io hav. g/8r dclctions vhil€ only 6.3 % of the dico&Ltionr Miltal et al. (2004). c./s! d.laioD! e hd b*n kroM ro s B de Epon d G t!@v.lh. rtoL of &Dni.s i! this egid pridq tet. In tbit stldy i! Patilt !i Dopularioro tbrr AZFC d€l€iiotu ij (Iable 4.3.1). Eponcd in Nodh.n Iodia by .xist in ih. haplogoup N 4 ! n T.bL tt3.1: Subj.cB wid o! wirbou d.hlio!, i! dift@r b+loStoup! 13 Itg 43.1. 2% Fig 4J.2: 29o Aga]k s.l lbwin8 ihc Agesc e.l ihlqilg th. a' 6dr ! of Mulridq rcR ofMulripld PCR forAab fd AZFc 74 wiel dd n!9bgMp6 N3 .id N2 @ cun nUy wid.rpF.d i! $nc @unil Fpulrtid ofEat h EwF @GEto hom to blE grltr &ldiola rib.r.! !@pL i! Alia tr'I lryBtcd ar. (2003) i!J!r.r Th! not ,r ot, 2007). Atuth6 h.plogloup D2b i3 chbaMba D2b N coolo! in J.!o and i! EeFe rld ADdi@ popubti@, Rlppirg a F6.E oflb! blplogrcup i3 BporBibl. Epr* niv. e!d! for Edrrd fcnitity ofgr/gr d.ldio@ @ lhoM in Fig 4.3-3.. €3 f,.plorFlDL! tn dd.' ro 6!d out brplog$p.ictuion ein p.nid &lcri@ i! i.fcnilc !!it r3 lidql io T.!L 3.3 rw s.d b! !.rHirg. El4.n li!..98 (brplogreuF) @ &fd .!d tbir cLlio8bip, u!d.r ti. .lsuFion of t!. Dilidu lEba of Durli@l ddt!, g@Et6 . re (Fig 3.2). IX. !m@ld'G ed.r d@ by Y chl@o!@. co@ni@ (Ycc, 2002). Th. brplosow !tudi6 tlw 3bu rh tlE 60.r t qud b+logow fo@d i5 go'+ r d hld%rcW br YCC of bid!.lic 3 eitb 52.9 i5 h.s.d o % tb. (I$lc m 4.3.2). Th. hlplogro"p 3 Eor< Euirid idcntifcd by tN. MU dclcti@ (Mcbdi ., b. tb. tlqMt i! .ll P*isrui s. hlploeroup al, n6 1999). aot d i! c+A of cd s Rhl 5RYl532 .rd is 'nis d.l.rion ha .le fould ro poF!!ri@ cxc.pr Hlritl A.q@r h8 be! e!, d.sirn (Q!u Nonh .r al, 2002). Futth.r Ernm ENF.nd Asi. (zdjal a 4r, 199). Bishdl t!qu.!.y of 0ri! b+lo8r.!p i! folrd in th. greup h.ving 3F@logcd. mst i! thi! h.plogoup. a hlplo8tlup But This Esy 3 irdic.t to*td! tlE hiSh tlqu.rdy o.cu in th. Ft of P.tir..j irf.rtility 75 {33. 2,,l Asnw sd dowils |b eDdncdi6 of 010E4!l(ts5. TL @pk3 eithoin 6d'c.djioo r! lhorioS Dicro&Hi@ i! |b A.zFc a & 5 e I & 6 .c 77 lolulatiotr. Th@foE i1 rculd be hisLlding to conclude rhnt th€ high of irf.nility in the haplo8toup 3, H.plogrcup 3 b *iib .z@pc@ia equal Ih. '1G58 % in pBddt d 'x' j! e@!d'@ to tE the haplosrcup haploSmup is 172, id€dtified by t Aon ha .160 diftMl .lhric L &dlluc for Pujabi polulitioi foi 6nd our rhe sislitr@r 's@iation 'ftid sr.t ftqllmy of ihi! b..! r.ported itr the @Fdso8 i! nlpbgrcup 5l fall in Ml24 rotal Psi ed High Sildhi spLs i! ou id.nil. Th@foc it is @*!ry Pujabi popdation to b &eiri! nost Fvelant biplogroup is 2, which b d.fln d by having &cestal bapLSrcup 2 which m*6 &d lhis Fsntage is clo* th4t is 7.3 % in Ou.htr 7.E%. whn€ h P.ri$!d popuLti@ diffcEne. Sinildly M124 sle h!rc fou t!. Fpulrrio. wjrh iof.nilig. of hallosrclp 172 wilh cpodcd 9.7 % oftLir haplogtup of l2f2 grups ofPujab wtiL m blplogml4 dal. (0) or M9 a.d dqiv.d rrar. (l ) for SRY | 532. our of d. ud obtrutivc eospmi. grclp. pop'lali@ (FeDal co@uicltion). M6t of th. Fpd.lic qw P.kislrni popul.rioi by YCC) hrvhS 15.6 70 in bfenne high ftequ€ncy in olig6Feic ieid.trc. of in ob€tr@tiw v&iou .r,h!i. 8rcuF (Qu.r 4 zr, 2002) scond non rLLlion (d*icl)aied qEmy A.qEBy. Abou 50 % of th. i.GltiL popdltion b.lolgcd to this balloge'p, eiich b v&yilg too .ls prw€la t lakistni etbric to ou1 of thc fifty i!. F.Dtly gloups showed fou smpl6 Qdd er al. (2002) shosing no si8lifi@r oft @pl€s iLll n caiculd€d 7.8% pEulena of th. (F6otul comuication). Othd 7E baplogolts wbjch de r€po.t fFqult d io bc thc in Pakti.! @ l, l0 sd 28 but ou id.niL popubtion c&i6 otrly on @plc &oo @l h.plogrcup, Tt af@ il he is o€d.d to cl@ i!ftld. Orc lr4e lebd of Esi@ a lhom in T.bL AzF!, ed c c8i@ hde ben Eloll.d this srdy rh.r. 4.3.3. d.letiN 9w lidcd nal6. l.g. ,r al. ( 1999) poinr€d out iEluding 19 L$4.iptio.al uit 6!6t ceion .ftcls olty orc by El Aqady.t.l. tl. (200r). &lcti@ i! Eowva i! sllnE in thc ft}ltid dd€tion of tte wholc 3.5 M! egio(r go. fliili6 of AAc of bd. difr@ldrli@ rtat ir {c@.los.@is rbc F6o!.ppea ro D. h*tthy. Sinilr !l@ obw.d in lhis 3ndy. IlEe mples hld conpl.le a3.r Scc.Ls of CDYrr/b est with polForphius sdc s . tool onsiB, which d.pe up@ sinplifi.d polForphilbe @ s.ldtiv€ly f.rrility a singl. neELorid. CDY la wimt in this srtdy AZF€ rctml app€M.. povDoiptliD Y chl@osoad w6 $Ee*d d!!e a sreup to havins l|.sq cooptisilg E distiEl delelid esultiry in spmatoepnic ro aflccr c.g Sioild ro otrly thc sLon th.t Aprn nob th. !F@.loed6is &il@, quls EF a.h eihlic lhou th. Llg. d.letio! sFding AZFq AzO053 ha b ald c b AoD asidior aboln rhc hrplogorp ofou s@pls lep|6 for ihe coNiruction of phylogc!.ric $suption rairrl. W . sotu polynortbis (M!!bd 5 C,/A sin{Icd 7750 dd not€d thai cDY la is bp ar Y tbnr all Y chrcnosotul polrrorpbi!$ @ kloE €r 44, 2004). eDd of ldl asiai.d In cDYl gee a ion sirn.o<to! wirh ioLniliry. n T.bb433: Stosiis iE El'rbrD R{t ofd.Lii@ ioAA!, b.!dc r.8im. arrt AZf. trot 2 DEY .y\27 AZo{t1 A20 048 d.l AZO 053 .Y!34 An. DYst5{ DYS255 Dl\Z lo l3lra of lli! .lbb did3 in b@ozy8ou forn ir i!ftrlilc gdp lh. r.F...dirc |ll rloM i! Fig 4.3.5. ft !s!.ho obw.d tbd, rh. 66 % of rh. rlllpLt te bolt gr/gr &Llided CDYrt potldrtio. M..h.v.td. (200a) Epolt d r! utr thrl th. CDyla tt Pr!..d sny iLLLd DAZ poltldphs .lolg !.1 of gd. Dair Th.EfoE EoE .!d DAZ copy n@b.r DAZ3/4 of d.L(@ 'dDd EGd to Fur6€r s wiih DAZ 3/ 4 F! *o* .N. iddrility. [d @btc b dindDgrilh th. @py !@bd of br*.u thlt ho{ &leiid @ ldy is rcquiEd to &d.d of N to Dlp th. &Ltiotr incnd @plc c.ny DAZI/2 &d ud.atnd 1n. ooplet .p.ctu dd F6ohgb v|riniB in Y chlooo|oorl .tt.nc stiob wil nldDlt ly lc.d to frdiDg rt loluid ofi!&ctiliry. ll ng a34! PWtr diSd er CDYI. dd doeiq F@ polyEo(Pbi6!, ofbot CDYlr.!d b. b 3 b.lrlr i! spL E2 SIJMMARY Y ctloroeo. . uiqu ed lorcrtn slsrd provid.s hrploid sl!t@. Th. Y chsnolo4. tugiig E@ uiqc .6t ro drdy &cudar.r all diff.Eir th€ mullrioB in s kinds of nutation Dolrrdphi3d to hidly usrlbl. ni.jrcr.llii.s, Tbcs mutitio., polrnorphi@ @ ncbin in d.t @i!i!g rb. Dopd.tid st&$e ard oiSralory D.tleDs *E ed fo@ic inrtrsis. S.qMcc difl@ of $ncn d ton ihe ctnoE <btrblse ilfonatior, F Y sFcinc cbncs hav. idetincd 6v. rowl balclp.ci6c, polyboQhic bicbsar.llilcs. A sirglc oullipl.x ICR s{s etup for 6.s. lei snd tl€n polynoiplds n.Ls 8on fouldn difld.nr Egio.ni ion rh. irdividu.l l@i @8.d id.nti6.d. 70 out of B{€@ tw r ). h.plotyp.s \rft ed Pltistar IlF dit€sities of 154 ditrcF l hlplotyFs p@nt i. o.ly lrl lh€ Mobdna 3howd vay 0,661 resp.cti*ly. Mltatio! ra|e obs.ded ou1 of lhc 65 cu.nr tool i! 90 lo* divdity wa ale cultG on buarios .nq 30 for ln.* ldi .alculated in EBv mutalims w@ gm6dod .rd tM g.nq.tios Esulting in nuianon nrc of 0.3% IrEdoE sct of well chi@tcued nicnsaielliie loci muld s.we .s individual Paldstan l@i, tcw FPrn.doN id rdrfoD.d cell lircs for th.e Dicrcs.lclliie Dek€6. Tm Dlrniod lnd (13 Evo) attd An ov.6U haplogTe divmity of 0.961 in fd t[.F wE singlc individt!&, @I! fi.q@ntly, 9-8-17-1t}4 hicl| lomr of di*riDi!.tion panicular. ihc KabEiri lhat is 0,54 154 &d @lat d i!v.3t8Eted in ?56 populalions of 0.2209 to 0,793E h.plo$Tes vcF fowd 9_a_r7_tr.?5 (E swgcsd th6. s lwlim idlntii4lion od plFmiy tcsling in e lhe atLlitioml fotsic m.dicile Rol€ of 8J th. Y chrcn@6. i! E le iddtiliry h wll 4lblish.d s.d Y chbd@dd a BFcibl. for ih. cdE d or @ speddoSd3is. AlEosl lGl5% cowle e hf.nilc @tDd th. Krtd &d in d.l.ti6 hav. apF.xi r.ly hrlf of rh@ c.tar crB of b.L 3lctuarog@sis. Ttc bos.s @6ida!d difftnt.nviloMot @y hflc gcn tic be! &d l or gcEtic €us. Md n€qedy d@u4&d inGnility is Y cEon@aal dclclioN luu c!@<tcs 80 devclopD.al o.l. n lor b Bp@5iblq llGnilily h n8l6 ettltilg iop.ir.d .mtlic apptinardv Y cl!@()M. FoLiG, $E. of qnich @ capoNibl. 60 M.gr fd g.r @ll dd @intstl!@ (tF@tog.resi5)- Y chrcn@dd gm's irvolvcd i! sFnllocltFsis EGdt cid. in AzFa. b dd c Egiod. USP9Y i! a ioporr&l nmd@rt gcF in lh. AZFa Egioa RNA-bindils botif (RBM) fmilv in AzFb rgio! and SErcs llerfoF play Fridine i! ihe t cd.i6l ol. in AZFC rcgion haL fenilit hivc sFcinc .xPn$iod ir i'stis l, ln. ptlgt stdv w' cdi'd oul del.lion u.lysis for AZF\ b md c Egions in 53 i'Jtnile individuab hlv. shoM 2clo del.timi in A.zFa esion, 3 8vo AzFc egion, wnich mish Th. bain €ldidat i! rl* b. FlpoDsibl€ '!d lrr Fsuls deLlid3 in AZFb anc 5'8% in fo! F te infeniliry in ?itistani AzFc Fgron is lhc CDYI td DAZ 'lBt.r' Multiplc in AZF. Egid A mpi.s of DAZ Cpn witl >996 of eqw@ idaritv 'xLt potynoDhim in CDY1 (CDYI.) blve shoM.seiatin *ith bJenili9 13 5% of this atlclc exists in hmozvgou fo@ i! iDGnile grDup Psttid d'laid of AzFc rdbd cd atso Egion Gr/gr dclcliont Esdlhg in ihc itduciion of DAZ 'oDv grcop cds. infriility, V. hav. fodd 15% of thc grlgr d.l'lios in ou inf'fln' t4 |'ryl. !da8 g/9 &Ld@ l! b6rl io !.s cDYlr poltw!fir! d wll. hrtr vrqt ir d.d b trd.nhtl iL c.opLi. od 66 |!.ctre X ql 6. of uDd vlll uldnr{|r L.d @d 0o ldolotic 1|.rdi@! h Y &mdold ft@ts i,tbh fldilg lb rotrid br ifflily, CE,{PIER 5 LITERATUR.E CIIED Ahin-S.if6 L E., t jdb., R L. Toui!., IL nicrld.Ltim Q., A. rVF ed* M,@r, ra !&.il Mrd|t, 2004. Y .!lo'no.@. saiDg b itftn c oc! in ttte: r !@.t F..ri.r h.!.d d $ Atr$ R lria. of ft@h H@. R!!r.d. I9(4):?E&93 S. s. R!}o|D, S. Siddiqi, Kliiq, a- Mohtrddi4 M PtFiereq A. A- lt o..4 r' Picz2t,l L qvdi- Sftrrr, 3. Q. Mchdi. 2003. R@ostrdi@ of h@r 4oltdoMv te uiog loltDnPbic trdos.drl 6idsrr.Uitr. 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GENEIIC INGINEERING DIVISION, i(RL ISIAMAEAD Eihnic croup: punjobt Sindhi/ poihon/ Bolochi/ Any orher Elhnyoffother Tesliculor Troumo Hisiory: yES/ NO Drug Hislory: Mumps Infection: YES/ NO Testiculor Exominotion: h ve.cocoete present Undescendend Tenis YEs/ No yES/ NO Sernen onolyiis: Oligospemio/ Azorpermio Diognosis on Teslicutor Biopry: Obslruciive Azospemio/ Spermotogenic Arrest rH _. PRL._ . lEsro,_. FsE. hlorrned Consenl: lom donoiing my btood tor reseorch purposes only ond noi torcommerciot tJ!i6, /V,/{ 4-L,"u.f signoturel i/ e;Utr7- ffi alaiJabl..nu.. d *wrden..dLkt oh BB EtSEVIER shon @mruication Genetic instability in EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines Arsha.N4ohyuddin', Qdim Ayub", Saima Siddiqit, Ddis. R Cdalho,silvab, Kehkshan Mazhar", Sgdia &€lfun., Sad;f Fi6at., .d\sara Dd", Chris Tylef-Shith0, S. easin Mehdiq* ai?rhn.ddGtulPo& .ru [r&ir, BN YiDr r$Nnr tututh q cretnr\ uu\r^h t^1'h6t d benartor ulnqr r/ axtut 61d, uk (EBvtnErod t)frp " *.huh ro. 0. d,s.d brood a;d* -d r". {t'nd]LDv'n!dn'(LyDIMbGdi'i]iE]Mknldiqlq!|dhsidqm Epftin Bn vim (EBv)idnsf.mrcd ly phobtcroid c.ll lms irc omnD,,l), 0$n Lo Nvid! h imrlF6[bL. &ppry of DN lor dyLolu'lic u .votlrid!ry dudis inlonN b rtro tu. rr ii 'hccrbr. wrR cbbLirrd truny yq$ ]!o. $d luv! hsn clLiuto'l fol u utrkoowi o| gcrchlioN. tFNd tr DNA fmn' rhc donoas'mbc' blR{. sn.6l !rl;!s |trs cvrri'r.d ric $ibili.yotuintrl!utrd. rt!..x$(sTRr.ormicoudtirLa, rdh{^otr nnis !d cuP rilnrtis I: {l Tlrc ihjo y Nni@ ( rhc *,bil i !by.rlinilg,o !,i STns of 1lr Nr.Non n! pN dIrrc Y rlrodrq:\otrrc in 3J i i'rlivLdtrd,. wh(t DNA .L, |'6Lc rmE drisiol br.o! snDks rd rFn cllrurd eil tulii 30 or 90 jcb. scrrrlioN:700 hs nrrys ii.tt l?l Th. p,rilud! *.o ddopboNd oi ri ABI Pri! lt? DNA *qlcmr tolrowi!8 mru6duc! isrtudioE So', pLc wft ro:dcd o0 rlrcdic hns ro 0 !dj&d wc ls. Th. n' nhcr ol Epcd !ii(, o! illcks. vs shblilhcd by 6'npdr6 virh 3.qucnccd Efcmrt ONA or dcrdions of src ( I rs apdi utrirs rhNosh rlliorioi rlipl]sc wricn phyr $ inFdui iLr trri.srdlir! cvoturion d I rhoull! Lo rmrlc'!L! nN oI rr! u6*&ri rthtic didion t5l wc,Eurcr 8v001730!Ev00573liAv005tr2; 8v005733 !rd 8v005?34)rid 15 hci, wid.ly s.d ii rorcnrhs.id popu. l ion gcrcriq t6l. w.c mrla.d. E:ct Y.srR 6 rnpli[.n in . sitrBlcrrq ICR udion dd l% DMSO w us.d itr 'nc. lrivc trulc Y,srR! (cciurtrt 66idcrd $ r ncw pdk wirh I hciehr or rruorsmrc !trits,ftpenrcd r0%ofrhc ro6tu)d lcd ob$acd ii No c.lL liiB. In b q{ed bd dr Far r.idr of orisi'ur dtctc (ob. $d.d ri rhc br@d $n'plc) ws 'k hish icw dc (Fis r) Thc *!Lli vcrc histity qmdNthtc xtrd w.( sd ii bo$ inniliduk in l0 q'll6rio3. Oic Nublioi d rhc oYs6l0 rh-nud6td. rcp.d l@s w$ r 10$ or*o q'dr uii$, rnd wu obkdcd ir r 6ll liic (MHN 061) irb 30 g.ncmriom, and rcNdNd si ih itr rcrrrilc hc'ghr .frcr 90 gcrcdbN Thc *.o'ld nur.rid, Mubriom, > L00 0aq) rft$ 90 s.iunio6 nEkn rc bc 25a rv ^r idrr N^d t1 I h n inorhs NIL linc (MHl.l Thc dotrbliig rirc (ndtr 1s.D.) Th. \* qi n dar.rhh /renfuuqdledr'h.'ql-a MIN061 @u @ @ @@ B E@ @! 31. MHN049 31Ydld E@ ) (r G r 710.9 6. DYS650 'ri&6) DYs65! itr rhc pol'lldiotr dun md ir {k@blc : otr( or 7c{. or nbour dd 14 i r.5 for 0.1*. nKc G0tt lis li{ur lcictic itrs$ility ii lotrs. rm 4rbG of EBvrnNronrcd rrnphobr.joid erl liG. Tl'c nubrion Er\ q.ncd ii I lius dononddc .!hislr6 tq'tr tlsc c9od.d s bllici t4l. oY$r. oNAw of rrcd bd lodo {Fa rhc orisinal bbds ^l'hourh \Mld pm{u.c rhc ..d mr rqd dn $ill D bc eorins ftc hishsr p.r! tturypc, *c $sed d'ar d 0.l'' miiniol dc 6 sd.ric mbrioi dldld @trsddivdy be Gluucd rhcn DNA ldd lynrrho. Thi. 16lr *rs ropponcd by ! wclhoft Erivc Rs6Eh lnnhriE adtu b sa Ts{ colhbo- d 9irreG Mr'rds ri ddNehodr 4I lins lrl nrs nponcd tuf Y $*irlc bm 'nd F'buchoridc q6ts lr9.r0l !d rtubhnoid trNioric tr,uMdotr d ffi*.?,"T,1|t * 't* -* '* t* * '.0'* h$fttu tu t^h dtu, N ij * "6t i;i,H;'; ffil iHlllll' r-.vuln o lhn s ' #Fl,*Flff mr **ffi:ft; t ";#t ;:lf fi r.[ ffi *:k'.,rjr D Bid " r<d 'lil#{fliJjji{i-i#*ffi ojm*4d'iF|hqh6!RvJFhbF'd' -a ,'^ $-!ir Eir.Dd^ a! rI F! n,-id il#i..,mi'#Ifrrr3ffil I fi itL;t:,,:YY:::H:,k: :* ^" *,{E&*d{'l@rfuI'qq!,*'.*j ' SHi;Hff*fr*;:*ri*,,sr", "t '" i.,!;i,ltrI lf#i..l:ll.,iI*'i::il': *"9 "n'.roijdnfuklitGhn*[!4Erfu*iq,.6 d.-;* ^ '-i'' ftffi'.d ,,, r",ffi ff_Y: i? rJ-".,.^*l#?,9,t:31 tff"Jl'"-"""^** rf,Htrl':i t:'; ;:"Hii 1ii"**" -**.