2012 - CoxHealth Foundation


2012 - CoxHealth Foundation
The CoxHealth Foundation... An Investment in Caring
Your Impact
For more information
or to contact the CoxHealth
Foundation in regards to a gift,
creating a fund, recognizing a physician
or staff member or to include us in your
estate plan, please email us at:
or call 417-269-7150.
I often wonder if what drives people to donate to health care is the
fact that they personally place great value in their own good health.
In fiscal 2012 CoxHealth saw:
The staff of CoxHealth Foundation: Lisa Alexander,
Marci Early, Laurie Soulsby and Keith Morris.
Thank You
to our Board of Volunteers
The CoxHealth Foundation wishes to recognize and thank
our volunteer board of directors for their service:
Dr. José Dominguez, Chairman
Mr. Chuck Bailey
Mr. Sam Clifton
Mr. Andy Dalton
Mr. Bill Darr
Dr. Wm. Russell Detten
Mr. Bill Foster
Ms. Mary Beth Hartman
417/269-7150 • 3525 S. National, Suite 204 • Springfield, MO 65807 • Fax: 417/269-9599
Lisa Alexander, CFRE, President: 417/269-7109 or email: lisa.alexander@coxhealth.com
Marci Early, Controller: 417/269-7035 or email: marci.early@coxhealth.com
Laurie Soulsby, Senior Development Officer: 417/269-7037 or email: laurie.soulsby@coxhealth.com
Keith Morris, Grants Administrator: 417/269-3463 or email: keith.morris@coxhealth.com
33,592 ambulance transports
41,179 hospital admissions
149,451 visits to the ER’s
729,699 physician clinic visits and
28,787 surgeries
Simply stated; people get sick. When they do there is nothing more
important than their doctor and hospital and the knowledge that both
will deliver outstanding care to them or the ones they love. Since the
inception of CoxHealth, our donors have contributed to every aspect of
the medical care provided inside our facilities. In 2012 this is how our
donors directed their gifts to affect our community’s health:
Mrs. Jeanette Hutcheson
Mr. Ken Meyer
Mr. Chris Nattinger
Mr. Ken Teague
Mr. Gil Trout
Mrs. Cindy Waites
Mr. Tyler Watskey
Dr. Charles Woodall, III, M.Sc
Contact CoxHealth Foundation: www.CoxHealthFoundation.com
I’m not quite sure how to describe 2012. Many people still suffered
financial hardship, and yet donations arrived daily. The uncertainty of
the political scene in the first 11 months of the year was compounded
by the fiscal cliff in the last month of 2012. Despite so many economic
challenges and those that arise from life in general, our donors did not
waiver in their commitment to serving community health through the
CoxHealth Foundation.
Your Impact Statement Donor List
Tax Benefits
Save the Date
$467,430.76 provided education for patients
$669,798.65 was invested in facilities and technologies
$400,496.12 in grant distributions for funded projects
$211,578.25 offered in scholarships for nurses and health professions
$401,931.49 went directly to patient’s medical expenses,
medications, therapies and other needs that are not funded
through insurance or federal/state programs.
Your gift touches lives daily.
CoxHealth employees also benefited from the Foundation through the Cox Family
Assistance Fund. This is an employee supported crisis fund that gifted $23,734.11
to 43 co-workers in 2012.
This past year scholarship dollars to train health professionals came more
into the forefront as the concern over a health care professions shortage
appears evident by 2014. This is when the baby boomer generation
becomes Medicare-aged and an anticipated 32 million more Americans
will have health care coverage. This according to a report from the
Missouri Foundation for Health. Compound that with the fact that
Missouri has fewer physicians per 100,000 population than the U.S. as
a whole and it appears a valuable use of dollars to provide scholarships
for nurses, health professionals and the Family Medicine Residency, a
training program for family practice physicians located at Cox North.
It is not lost on our donors that many of the resources their gifts help provide,
are often the only resource a patient can access. By example:
The Colorectal Cancer Prevention Fund is the only known community resource
that provides free colonoscopies for those who cannot afford them.
The Hulston Cancer Center has not found any other agency that gives cancer patients free nutritional
supplements. $13,338 in supplements were gifted in 2012 through the Cancer Services Fund.
The Diabetes Education Fund is the only fund in the region that pays for the education diabetics
require after diagnosis.
It is the goal of the CoxHealth Foundation to continue to identify what gives our patients every opportunity
to be healthy. It is our donors who allow us to realize this goal. For this reason, our desire is to make sure all
donors understand how much your kindness, compassion AND generosity is appreciated and impacts those
it serves.
Perhaps the best way to share this is through the words of patients who have sent their thanks to us by
letter, email or by walking through our office doors to share their expressions of gratitude. These words
are for YOU, our donors:
Dan and Lisa Mathew, recipients of a Good Samaritan Fund grant:
“Even though Dan suffers complications from cancer and still has surgery and much ahead of him, we can
think of many things of which to be thankful. You are a part of that list. God bless those who made it possible.”
Melody Morance, recipient of a Rehab Fund grant:
“I know that I will walk again thanks to your help. I had no way to get rehab until the case worker
told me about the Foundation. The first steps are in honor of your gift to me.”
Carolina Later, recipient of a Bethlehem Fund grant:
“All I ever wanted was a child. Now thanks to your help and the medications you bought for me to
help him arrive safely, I’m holding him in my arms. Thank you, thank you to the CoxHealth Foundation,
my doctors and anyone who helped.”
Whether you contributed to a campaign, through a
memorial, special event or made a newsletter gift,
please know that every dollar impacts another person
in their journey back to good health. On behalf of
CoxHealth, the CoxHealth Foundation and all those
we serve, thank you for your support in 2012.
Wishing good health to you and yours,
Lisa Alexander
Lisa Alexander, CFRE
President, CoxHealth Foundation
Thank you for your donation.
Moving Forward
2012 Donor Family
The Pinnacle
DePuy Spine, Inc.
Arthur & Ruth Ann White
Dr. José & Jill
($500,000 and above)
Larry & Alma Donley
Siemens Medical
Solutions USA, Inc.
Chuck & Mary Chalender
City of Republic
Dr. & Mrs. George Wong
Laurie Ford
Globus Medical, Inc.
Dr. Charles & Stephanie
Rob Fulp
Mary Belle Graham
Dr. Erin Greer
Conrad & Bonnee Griggs
Dr. Lawrence & Rita Gurian
3 D Corporate Solutions
Norma & Virgil Haderlein
Charitable Trust
Dr. Mitchell Ahrens
City of Springfield
Dr. Larry Halverson
Dr. John & Linda Clouse
Shirley Hamilton
Commerce Bank
Mark & Laura Haseltine
Empire Bank
Hulston Family Foundation
Ferrell Duncan
Springfield Grocer Co.
Dr. Terrence Coulter
Kenneth E. & Jane A.
Meyer Foundation
Clinic Foundation
St. Louis College
of Pharmacy
Peggy Hassler
Cox Monett Auxiliary
Hawthorn Bank
Creighton University
Missouri Foundation
for Health
Fitness Resource Group
Tyler & Elizabeth Hedden
Crighton Olive Dunn
Surgical Group
Heim, Young & Associates, Inc.
($50,000 - $99,999)
Neurological Institute
($25,000 - $49,999)
Anonymous Donations
Rosemary Glauser
Greene County Senior
Services Tax Board
Jeannette L.
Musgrave Foundation
Bill & Juanitha Foster/
Foster Family Foundation
Grove Pharmacy
Lynn Hasch
Phillip Hirst
Hunter Chase & Associates/
Mary Beth Hartman
Jim & Jeanette Hutcheson
Jeff Julian
ALS Foundation
Viola & Richard
Thorp Foundation
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Hollis Wright
Zimmer, Inc.
President’s Circle
($1,000 - $4,999)
Lisa & Joel Alexander
K2M, Inc.
Arvest Bank
Larry & Dorothy Kelly
Ruth Ann Auner
Peter Leer and Family
Chuck Bailey
Udell Lawrence Trust
Larry & Tracy Lipscomb
Joyce A. Baker
Stone Trust
David Martin
Baxter Healthcare/
MacKenzie Curt
Donald & Ruth Martin
Chairman’s Circle
($5,000 - $24,999)
Martin Family Foundation
Baxter Healthcare/
Pat O’Malley
Benjamin F. Edwards/
Tim & Kim Reese
Numan, LLC
Baxter Healthcare/
Rhiannon Howard
Cancer101, Inc.
Oxford Healthcare Hospice
Robert & Cindy Bezanson
Children’s Trust Fund
Ozark Anesthesia
Associates, Inc.
Dr. Mark Brady
Bancshares Foundation
CoxHealth Auxiliary
Bill & Virginia Darr
Ozarks Health
Advocacy Foundation
Rick’s Automotive/
Rick & Karen Hughlett
Brainlab, Inc.
Crothall Healthcare, Inc.
David & Donna Henderson
Dr. Gabrielle Curtis
International Dehydrated
Foods, Inc.
Andy & Sue Ann Dalton
Jack Henry and Associates
Karen & Don Davis
Jerry & Linda Jared
Dr. Howard & Christy Jarvis
Dr. Russ & Pam Detten
Brandon Jenkins
Dr. Patricia Dix Brewer
& Thomas Brewer
Jonsan Investments/
Jon Ames
DJO Global
Just Between Friends
($500 - $999)
Mark Alexander
Ameriprise Financial
Associated Electric
Cooperative, Inc.
In 2012 the Lester E. Cox statue that once lived
at Cox North was rededicated in the lobby of
Cox South hospital.
Missouri Dining &
Fast Food Safety Group
Dr. William Moore
Karen Moran
Tamela Brown
Nuvasive, Inc./
Bryan Cornwall
Virginia Patton Delano
Pfizer, Inc.
Charity & Paul Elmer
Lockton Companies
Physicians for Breast Health
Emergency Physicians
of Springfield
Longfellow Investment
Management Co.
Pinnacle Sign Group, Inc.
Employees of 900 East
Dr. Hal Lurie
Ergosafe Products, LLC
Dr. Gregory & Laura Lyford
Farmers Insurance/Ken Teague
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Fenwick
Celebrity Attractions, Inc.
Ferrell-Duncan Clinic Breast
Surgeons/Dr. Bucky Buckner
MEA Financial Enterprises
Members Dining LLC
Millstone Homes/
Sam & Michelle Clifton
Dr. Craig L. Boswell
Bess Spiva
Timmons Foundation
Jack & Cathryn Lipscomb
Jake & Donna McWay
Jeff & Marguerite Bond
Dr. Staci Niemoth
Steve & Jennifer Edwards
John B. & Fredna Mahaffey
SI-Bone, Inc.
Ronald & Ruth Ann Berlin
Dr. Anne Brett
Dr. Rudolph &
Stephanie Fajardo
Rodney & Faith Schaffer
Dr. Brent & Janet Bergen
Spineology, Inc.
Karen & Jeff Kramer
Dr. Jennifer Lynch
Dr. R.C. & Susan Scanlon
Chris & Barbara Nattinger
Dr. Richard & Joann Kissell
Executive Data Control
John & Melissa Beckwith
Dr. Randolph & Nicola Mullins
Dr. Mary Duff
Liberty Bank
Gisele Bauman
SMC Electric Company/
John & Katie Squires
Construction Services
Dr. Douglas & Linda Duncan
Barker Phillips Jackson
Scott Beckwith
Dr. John & Laurie Duff
Dr. Bucky & Rochelle Buckner
Central Trust & Investment
Gary & Norma Wortman
Great West Life & Annuity
Stryker Spine
Dave & Janice Wortley
Great Southern Bank
($100,000 - $499,999)
James & Edith
Saunders Foundation
Dr. Bryan & Beth Finke
Ronald Ponds
John & Margaret Prim
Qdoba/Burrito Concepts
Steven & Danita Rafferty
Dan Ratermann
Reliable Chevrolet
Wayne & Peggy Richards
Bruce Robison
Springfield Striping & Sealing/
Joe Manzardo
Michelle Bradley
Bruner Drug Co.
Gloria Butterfield
Dr. Stephen Clum
Dr. Timothy & Lisa Fursa
Pathology Services
of Springfield
Dr. James & Donna Gibson
Penumbra, Inc.
Greater Ozarks
Business Women of Missouri
Ron & Jeanne Prenger
Kyle & Mary Griffin
Rodney & Roberta Quinn
Dr. Shelby & Emily Hahn
Radiation Oncology
of the Ozarks, Inc.
Jack & Diane Hammel
Dr. Peter Ramsey
Hammer’s Autoworks, Inc.
Dr. Hope Rasque
Sam & June Hamra
Regal Beloit - FASCO
Hartford Steam Boiler
Inspection & Insurance
Susan Richardson
Dr. Sanjay Havaldar
Dr. Arthur Hawes
Allison Heider
Kurt & Sherry Hellweg
Joshua Holland
John & Julie Hursh
Dr. Abedalraham Itani
Dr. Tim Jones
Marcy Keltner
Beth Rutherford
Nancy & Mike Sadler
Amanda Sanfilippo
John & Margaret Saracco
Dr. Todd Schaible
Dr. Ralph & Mary K. Scott
Dr. Matthew Simpson
Dr. Jami Skrade
Springfield First
Community Bank
Donna Lake
State Bank of
Southwest Missouri
Dr. Barbara Mallin
Dr. Stephen Stidham
Genny Maroc
The Proctor & Gamble Fund
Jill McCloud
The Seymour Bank
Dr. JoAnn McGuire
Nikki Thielmann
McKesson Tehnologies
Trauma Surgeon
Steenberg Family
Patrick & Patty Connell
Stone Parts
Corporate Business Systems
Synthes USA Sales, LLC
Cox HealthPlans
The Carpet Shoppe
The Cottonwood Group
Andrea Croley/
Croley Insurance
C. Joe & Judy Thornsberry
Tamra Cunningham
Mitchell Chiropractic
William V. & Ann Turner
DePuy Spine/
The Spine Group-Rory Bridges
Dr. Thomas Moffe
Monett Lions Club
Dr. Joshua Dimmick
James Moore
Don Wessel Honda
Thomas Nelson
Paula Dougherty
Danny Nestleroad
Ethicon Endo-Surgery
Gus & Glyna Nickels
Dr. Marc &
Mary Lou Wittmer
Family Pharmacy, Inc.
OakStar Bank
Nancy Wyatt
Ferrell-Duncan Orthopedics
Old Town Pharmacy/
Sater Pharmacy
Lynne Yaggy
Ulrich Medical USA
United Way of the Ozarks, Inc.
Varicose Vein Clinic at FDC
Dr. John & Cindy Waites
Walmart Stores, Inc.
Wells Fargo/Joe Froehle
Dr. Courtney & Kay Whitlock
First State Bank of Purdy
Jill McLoud
Al & Nancy Meeker
Mid-Missouri Bank
Alex Valdivia
Drusilla Vaughan
VHA Health
Foundation, Inc.
Voss Autohaus of
Springfield/Randall Voss
Barry Weldon
Brian Williams
Kevin & Toni Williams
Joe Young
Your gift touches lives daily.
($100 - $499)
A & M Pizza, Inc. (Domino’s)
Allissa Abbott
Julie Abel
Joygrace Aberle
Shannon Ackermann
Ashley Adams
Barbara Adams
Carolyn Adams
Cathy Adams
Debby Adkins
Karen Adkins
The Cox family joined in on the celebration of the
unveiling of their father and grandfather’s statue
in the lobby of Cox South Hospital.
Jessica Aherin
Anessa Ahnen
Grace Akin
Lance Albrecht
Melanie Alcorn
Janice Alexander
Randi Alford
Kim Allen
Lois Allen
Maureen Allread
Laura Allred
Beverly Amaral
Herald & Marjorie Ambler
Jessica Benjamin
Emily Bossert
Skyla Bruns
Stacey Cannon
Tammy Castleberry
Margaret Clarke
Brenda Conner
Kelly Bennett
Lori Boucher
Nora Buchheit
Susan Cannon
Maggie Caudill
Barbara Clawson
Vicky Conway
Marie Bennett
Peggy Boullier
Lynn Buehler
Ashley Cantrell
Peggy Cave
Twila Clayton
Ann Cook
Sheila Bennett
Delana Bourisaw
Lauren Buerk
Brenda Cantrell
Charles Bower
James & Norma Bugg
Shawna Cantrell
Window Cleaning
Rebecca Cook
Rebecca Benton
Century 21 Real Estate/
Keith & Brenda McCracken
Jason Bergman
Jeff Bowers
Brenda Bull
Deborah Cape
Connie Chainey
Shawna Clifford
Christina Berry
Laura Bowles
Jamey Bunch
Patricia Caplinger
Shylah Chainey
Laurie Clines
Karen Berry
Christopher Bown
Wilma Bunch
Heather Capps
Jerry & Francie Chaney
Kevin Clinton
Michael Berryhill
Elena Bozek
Shannon Burchett
Amy Clotfelter
Leslie Bertalott
Susan Bozung
Darrell Burge
Cardiovascular Services
Jessica Chaney
Vicki Chapman
Katherine Cloud
Vicki Bettlach
Betty & William Bradshaw
Denice Burk
Dr. Daniel & Susan
Kasey Chappel
Samantha Clubb
Char Biamonte Stockl
Nancy Brady
Ruth Burke & Associates
Chris Carlile
Delaina Chastain
Wanda Coatney
Jon Bibler
Autumn Bragg
Cynthia Burky
Dr. John Carlile
Kimberly Chastain
Betty Cochran
Lindy Biglieni
Patricia & Richard Brammer
David Burky
Kathryn Carlin
Lauren Chatwell
Jennifer Cochran
Mendy Billington
Beverly Brandenburg
Cathy Burns
Stephanie Carlton
Jeremy Childress
Zoanne Cofer
Brittaney Ashlock
Rebecca Ball
Kirsten Binder
Maggie Brandt
Dina Burton
Anthony Assenmacher
Tyler Ball
Melody Bingham
Kerian Brannon
Wanda Bussard
Dr. Joseph &
Elizabeth Carmichael
David Atchison
Monica Barber
Amy Bishard
Kristen Brantley
Kristin Butler
Kathryn Carmichael
Amy Aubuchon
Regina Barfield
Joseph Bishop
Monica Brassfield
Dana Byerley
Lynne Carnes
Audio Acoustics, Inc.
Patricia Barnett
Debbie Black
Mary Braun
Jared Auffet
Vicki Barone
Gail Blades
Stephanie Breshears
C & S Marketing of Springfield
d/b/a Computer Renaissance
Dr. Robert & Margaret
Thomas Auner
Jessica Barr
Carrie Blakely
William Breshears
Christine Caldiero
Tess Carpenter
Jacqueline Avers
Ruthann Barron
Brenda Bliss
Dan Brewer
Dr. Ronda Azelton
Jessica Barrows
Michelle Blood
Paula Brickell
Tom & Nancy Babik
Ashley Bartelsmeyer
Lesa Blythe
Janice Briggs
Lisa Baclian
Frank & M. Lynn
Russell Blythe
Elizabeth Brill
Richard Boaz
Jeanette Brinkman
Kiana Bock
Ronnie Brixey
Julie Bodeen
Carolyn Brooks
Angela Boger
Fred Brooks
Nancy Bolduc
Sherry Brooks
William Boles
Barbara Brown
Jane Calfy
Linda Carr
Buffey Bolin
James Brown
Lyndall Calhoun
Michael Carr
Lori Bond
Pat Brown
Barbara Calvin
Joanne Carrera
Gregory Bone
Patricia Brown
Charolette Cameron
Gail Carroll
Konstanz Bonnard
Sandi Brown
Bradley Campbell
Cheryl Carter
Loren Booker
Steven & Rose Brown
James Campbell
Lacey Carter
Charlene Booth
Sue Brown
Janet Campbell
Robyn Carter
Meagan Booth
Martha Broyles
Kellie Campbell
Kim Cash
Deanna Bordwell
Dorothy Brucks
Rachel Campbell
Elizabeth Castens
Rachel Campbell
Joshua Castillo
America’s Credit Union
Baco Investments/
Linda Bailey
Brandi Ames
Cynthia Bacon
Billie Bass
Dr. Daphne Anderson
Jodie Bacon
Mandy Bass
Rochelle Anderson
Kevin Bacon
Joni Batson
Kristina Andrews
Raquel Baehl
Stevan Battles
Lynette Andrews
Joyce Bailey
Diana Bauer
Joanne Angell
Karen Bailey
Jason Bauer
John Archer
Kyle & Keely Bailey
Laura Beach
Kimberly Archer
Brandon Baker
Tara Beaman
Michelle Argenta
Carol Baker-Cline
Carolyn Beard
Doris Armstrong
David Baldwin
Christina Beaty
Dr. Stephen Armstrong
Tiffani Baldwin
Taucha Beavers
Adrianne Arnold
Derek Ball
Heidi Arnold
Lindsay Ball
Michelle Bekemeier
Shirley Arnold
Paula Ball
Janet Bell
Rhonda Bartow
Lori Becker
Carolyn Boss
Susan Bruffett
Diana Cooper
Pat Cooper
Jack Corkren
Alice Cornelison
Ethan Coroleuski
Patricia Costello
Dr. Mark & Terre Costley
Cindy Covington
Amanda Cox
Ida Coyan
Justin & Teresa Coyan
Conrad Griggs was
amongst the many men
who hosted a team at
the 2012 “Boys Against
Breast Cancer” tourney
at Millwood.
Jeremy Crabtree
Nicole Craft
Many of the women who play in
the “Ozarks Women’s Links” golf
tourney each year for the Breast
Care Fund are breast cancer
survivors themselves.
Kenneth Craig
Travis Cramer
Brandon Craven
Brittany Craven
Jean Christ
Jack Cole
Megan Christian
Kathryn Coleman
Dana Christiansen
Melissa Coller
Vicki Chronic
Joseph Collyott
Gloria Ciametti
Debbie Colvard
Teresa Clanton
Tammy Combs
Amber Clark
Community National Bank
Cassandra Clark
David Compton
Kasey Clark
Angela Conlee
Ruth Clark
Carol Conley
Stacy Clark
Connell Insurance, Inc.
Charlene Craven
Jenna Cravens
Patsy Crawford
Robin Craycroft
Donnie & Sherrie Crider
John & Sherry Crider
Dixie Crim
Dana Crom
Gaylynn Crosby
Melissa Crossland
Catherine Crosslin
Your gift touches lives daily.
Thank you for your donation.
Amanda Crouse
Carla DeSilva-Carver
Louise Edwards
Mary Farris
Terrie Forbis
Brenda Garrett
Richard Gonzalez
Ruth Griffin
Billy Jo Hancock
Glenda Headlee
Damaris Crow
Mindy Detherow
Jenifer Eggerman
Lindsay Fassero
Theresa Ford
Kristy Gary
Vicki Good
Robin Grothoff
Laura Haney
John Crow
Michelle Dickens
Tara Eiken
Judy Faucett
Kimberly Fortney
Adie Gateley
Cheryl Goodall
Amythest Groves
Cynthia Hannah
Heart of America
Beverage Co.
Derek Crowe
Allyson Dickinson
Meghan Elet
Courtney Felton
Lindsay Fortson
Joyce Gathright
Penny Gooding
Kaitlyn Grube
Kim Hansen
Chris Cruzan
Bonnie Dill
Caroline El-Kassamani
Stacy Fender
Steve & Christine Foshage
Misty Gaytan
Gaylene Goodman
David Gueldner
Kiersten Hansen-Askren
Carol Cummings
Larrea Dixon
Glynda Elkin
Gil Fernandez
Debra Foster
Genomic Health, Inc.
Dedrian Goodwin
Patricia Haas
Kathryn Hanzlick
Kristina Cummings
Ashley Dlouhy
Donna Elkins
Patricia Fielding
Becky Fowler
Rebecca Hardaway
Alina Cummins
Rachael Dockery
Noel Elliott
Phyllis Finnell
Mary Fox
Lindsay Harden
Jodi Curry
James Dodds
Franz & Janet Elmer
Monica Fintel
Melissa Freeman
Michele L. Hardiman
Norma Curry
Monica Dodson
Mayetta Curtis
James Doggett
Cynthia Curts
James Doherty
Teresa Cuschieri
Vicky Dole
Timothy Dady
Danielle Domingue
Donna Kay Damiano
Christina Donnelly
Nicole Daniels
Timothy Dort
De Dashtipour
Marvene Doty
Davco Plumbing/
Greg & Brenda Davis
Amber Davis
Andrew Davis
Anna Davis
Carl Davis
Chris Davis
Jeffrey & Jennifer Davis
Kimberly Davis
Kimberly R. Davis
Melissa Davis
Sharon Davis
Elizabeth Dawes
Cindy Dawson
Gloria Dawson
Leanne Deal
Connie Deck
Amanda Decker
Faith Decker
Stephen DeFord
Mary DeHart
Misty Denevan
Amanda Derham
Lori Derham
The spa experiences
were a popular part of the
2012 Food For A Woman’s
Heart luncheon.
Gary Grove of Grove Pharmacy
and Spa offers his support to two
of the women who have overcome
heart disease at the 2012 Food For
A Woman’s Heart lunch. Grove Spa
sponsored the event.
Trina Hargis
Diana Harmon
Lysandra Harmon
Shawna Harmon
Patt Harper
Phyllis Harrelson
Angela George
Tabitha Goschy
Leah Hacker
Christy Harris
Kathryn George
Sharon Gott
Glenda Haddock
Ella Harris
Cynthia Dowden
Ann Gibson
Grant & Celia Haden
J. D. & Nona Harris
Maureen Downton
Larissa Gibson
Governmental Services
Group, Inc.
Danielle Hager
Jan & John Harris
Lynn Hager
Stacey Harris
Karen Hahn
Brenna Harrison
Charity Hall
Kathy Harrison
James & Lisa Hallam
Marla Harrison
Scott Hamilton
Barry Harter
Seth Hamilton
Heidi Hartman
Becky Hamm
Kimberly Harvey
Terry Hammer
Pauline Hatfield
Ellen Hammock
Alicia Hathaway
Charlotte Emery
Rebekah Fischer
Michelle French
Emily Emery
Becky Fisher
Karon Frey
Anna Dryer
Employees of Surgical Services/
Sterile Processing
Darrel Fite
Sandra Friend
Daniel Dudley
Dr. Charolette Endsley
David Fitting
Barbara Frogue
Amy Duke
Karen England
Lauren Fitzgerald
Isabel Frost
Janelle Dunaway
Nancy England
Zona Fitzpatrick
Catherine Fugitt
Pamela Dunaway
Angela Enlow
Nicki Fizer
Corrine Fugitt
Janice Dunn
Carlean Ernster
Wesley Fizer
Jesse & Lois Ann Fussell
Pamela Dunn
Cammie Esch
Cathy Flair
Leland Futrell
Sheryll Dunn
Janet Eslick
Diane Flammini
Rebecca Gabriel
John & Patricia Dusel
Mark Euler
Karen Flarity
Paul Gaddy
Erin Duvall
Bryan Evans
Kenny Fleetwood
Tina Gallagher
Sharon Duvall
Connie Evans
Paulette Fletcher
Brittany Galloway
Kimberly Dye
Julie Ewert
Loyce Flippin
Karen Gambon
Robin Dye
Ruth Fahrlander
Lori Flood
Robin Gann
Scott Dye
Susan Fair
Chris Flouer
Ivan Garcia
Kenneth Eakens
Bob Faires
Marsha Floyd
Garco Filtration
Marcia Early
Alison Farage
Cynthia Fluekiger
Jana Garde
David & Debra East
Family Foundation
Charles Foley
Brandi Gardner
Dr. W. Joe & Bonnie Farley
Deborah Folk
Paula Garner
Mitzi Farley
Mary Foos
Jillian Garr
Mirela Dragoi
Drs. Horan & Becker
Cynthia Eckley
Kael Eden
Linda Edmonds
Pam Foland
Amy Gardner
Kimberly Gideon
Cheryl Giel
Curtis Gill
Shelly Gillespie
Rebecca Gilliam
Donna Gilmore
Nicolette Glancy
Lisa Glasgow
Janice Glenn
Dr. Jeffrey Gower
Stephen Graff
Chandra Graham
Melinda Grant
Dr. Susan Graves
Jessica Gravitt
Sheri Gray
Stacy Gray
Betsy Green
Paula Hatley
Mindy Having
April Havner
The CoxHealth Foundation
is honored to be a recipient
of a grant from the Greene
County Senior Services Tax
Fund to improve the lives of
the seniors CHF serves.
Kimberly Hawes
Karon Hawkins
Natasha Hawkins
Geri Hay
Julie Hayes
Martha Glenn
Cameron Green
Levi Hammon
Diane Hays
Cheryl Goddard
Justin Greene
Stacey Hammond
Michelle Hays-Baird
Dr. Lehman Godwin
George Greenwell
Wade Hammond
Sonya Hayter
Wanda Goff
Jill Greer
Leonard Hammons
Denny Hazell
Harry Goldstein
GeorgAnn Greissinger
Sarah Hampton
HBS Flex, Inc.
Amanda Hedgpeth
Andrew Hedgpeth
Theresa Hefner
Teresa Heisinger
Deborah Helms
Matthew Helvey
Lori Hemp
Courtney Hemphill
Phil Hendrian
Gwen Hendrix
Deneau Henry
Julie Henry
Gina Henslee
Betty Hensley
Belinda Henson
Sonya Herbold
Doris Herington
Heritage Medical Clinic
Iva Hernandez
Michelle Herndon
Cathy Herron
Roberta Hess
John Hickey
Candice Hicks
Michelle Hicks
Patti Hicks
Hal & Nancy Higdon
Cherry Hill
Heather Hill
Sharon Hill
Wendy Hill
Isabel Hillberg
Mandy Hillemann
Barbra Hillmer
Roger & Joy Hinkle
Simone Hite
Billy E. & Carolin Hixon
Rachel Hodge
Your gift touches lives daily.
Max Hodges
Mark & Vicki Hutchings
Michelle Johnson
Cindy Justus
Heather King
Julie Kivett
Rachel Lawrence
Ron Litle
Emily Mackey
Thelma McClure
Kevin Hoepker
Erica Hutchinson
Natalie Johnson
Linda Kee
James King
Kellie Klassen
Debra Lay
Judy Lodwick
Charles Macrelli
Tammy McConnell
Alice Hoffman
Barbara Hutson
Pat Johnson
Kristie Keeton
Valerie King
Amy Klay
Amy Lea
Jared Loewenberg
Macy’s Foundation
Darla McCroskey
Lisa Hoffman
Emma Ingle
Paula Johnson
Michelle Keller
Trista Kingsley
Jean Knapp
Sharon Leasure
Leah Rehna Logan
Karen Madsen
Sharon McCroskey
Linda Hoffmann
Jerri Irby
Terrasa Johnson
Angela Kellett
Kimberly Kinser
Katie Knetzer
Christopher Lecompte
Veronica Logan
Elizabeth Magers
Gary McCullah
Erica Holden
Debbie Ivie
Kathleen Johnson-Herr
Brittany Kelly
Joshua Jon Kolaks
Mendy Ledbetter
Katherine Long
Pam Mahaffey
Lisa McCullah
Anna Holdren
Lindsey Ivy
Crystal Jones
Dr. W. Shannon Kelly
Dr. Robert &
Barbara Kipfer
Sara Kottman
Zach Ledbetter
Linda Long
Joshua Mahan
Brenda McCulloch
Frankie Holiman
Dr. Shawn Jackson
Christi Kraft
Beverly Leddon
Lloyd & Pauline Long
Cynthia Major
Julie McDonald
Pam Hollan
Kylene Jackson
Jason Kramer
Mirna Ledezma
Nitza Long
Ezra Manes
Michelle McDonald
Cassandra Holm
Michelle Jackson
Tina Krauck
April Ledgerwood
Deborah Longoria
Deborah Mangan
Tiffany McDonald
Candice Hoopes
Danielle Jacobs
Amanda Krause
Danielle Lee
Carol Loomis
Rachel Manhart
Lisa McDunner
Cindy Hoover
Shamim Jaleel
Ilene Mann
Teresa McElyea
Sandy Hopkins
Margaret James
Deanna Maples
Deborah McFatridge
Joyce Hopper
Mary James
Linda Marino
Mollie McGinnis
Charles & Michelle
Tim McGrady
More than 800 women
took to the streets for
the annual “Girls Just
Wanna Run” 5k at Phelps
Grove Park in July.
Information, education,
shopping and FOOD are
all a part of the “Girls Just
Wanna Run” Expo.
GiGi’s Cupcakes provided
treats for all the ladies.
Kathleen Hoppes
Kyle Horbyk
Rhonda Hornback
Sara Hornor
Jeannie Horton
Rachel Hosford
Rick Hughlett of Rick’s
Automotive sponsored
the 2012 Girls Just
Wanna Run 5k and
brought a big crew of
volunteers to help make
the day a great success.
Chonita Krause
Maranda Lee
Karen Loomis
Hayley Kreymer
Mark Lee
Patrick Lord
Marcia Kubat
Samantha Lee
Max Losey
Janet Kuhn
Patricia Leembruggen
Berneta Loughead
Marla Kundey
Rebecca Lehman
Ashlee Love
Jean Kurz
Brenda Lehr
James Lowe
Allyson LaBee
Linda LeMaire
Jennifer Lowrey
Casey LaForte
Melissa LeMay
Jennifer Luallen
Mary Lake
Patti Lemons
Mary Lamb
Eric Lenz
William & Nancy
Michelle Lamere
Stacey Letterman
Becky Lang
Eric & Katie Levell
Clarence Lang
Glenda Lewis
Barry Langdon
Sheridan Lewton
Jennifer Langham
James Liaromatis
John Kirby
Misty Lansberg
Melanie Kirk
Alma Lansdon
Helene L. Liebman Fund
for Stroke Victims
Keith & Karen Lydick
Doug Kirtley
Kaitlin Larrick
Jacqueline Lightfoot
Jacquetta Lyman
Sheila Kirwan
J. Kevin Lasater
Dr. John Lilly
Kevin Lynch
Julie Kiser
Neva Lassley
Greg Lindley
Rebecca Lyons
Wilma Kisling
Tracy Lathrom
Janice Lindsey
Rich Maas
Margaret Kite
Mary Lawrence
Lori Lines
Jill Macchi
Eric Hoskinson
Janee House
Ashley Howard
Jim Howard
Dr. Chris Hoyland
Sophie Jantz
Teresa Jeffries
Sandy Jemison
Mary Jenkins
Diane Jones
Janice Jones
Janna Jones
Jennifer Jones
Virginia Keltner
Brandon Kemp
Joyce Kemper
Nathan Kenady
Tammy Hoyt
Patricia K. Jenkins
Jesse Jones
Lesley Kendrick
Linda Huckaby
Linda Jennings
Keli Jones
Jeff Kennedy
Dia Renee Hudson
Robbie Jester
Linda Jones
Megan Kennedy
Gerald Huett
Angela Johns
Mary Jones
Karen Kensinger
Mrs. Alice Huewe
Pamela Johns
Mertie Jones
Connie Kent
Megan Huff
David Johnson
Mildred & Lloyd Jones
Pamela Kenworthy
Sharon Hughes
Gabriel Johnson
Patricia Jones
Elizabeth Kerperien
Marci Hukill
Jeannie Johnson
Shelly Jones
Sandy Kessler
John Hukriede
Jennifer Johnson
Sherry Jones
Alan Kettelkamp
Autumn Humphrey
Joseph Johnson
Susan Jones
Kate Kilgo
Rebecca Humphreys
June Johnson
Donna Jordan
Tiffani Killingsworth
Melissa Hunt
Kim Johnson
Pauline Jordan
Connie Kimbrell
Lynnette Hunter
Kristie Johnson
Jesse Jowers
Christina Kindred
Lorene Hurst
M.L. & Kay Johnson
Lorri Julian-Trotter
Dianna King
Girls of all ages
participate in the
annual “Girls Just
Wanna Run” to
support wellness
Penny Marler
Doug & Lisa Marrs
Leslie Marshall
Kathy Martin
Sheryl Martin
Karla Mason
Lancy Mason
Michelle Mason
Rebecca Mason
Carla Massey
Jamie Mast
Connie Masters
Myra Matchell
Jennifer McInnis
Paula McIntosh
Jordon McKay
Kathryn McKelvie
Linda McKenzie
Diane McNamara
Dava McShane
Alexandra McSweeney
Lesa McWilliams
Kara Meads
Maria Medina
Amber Medlam
Virginia Medley
Francie Medlin
Don Lucore
William Mathis
Cara Ludwig
Eye Center
Meeks Building Center
Lori Matthews
Patricia Meltabarger
Teresa Matthews
Greta Melton
Amy Matz
Joan Menchetti
Christy Maus
Merck Sharp &
Dohme Corporation
Deborah Luney
Kimberly Luney
Chelsea Luttrell
Ian Lyckman
Debra May
Martha May
Shawn & Susan Mayr
Lynae Mays
Toni McCarty
Melissa McCarty-Clark
Linda Meeker
Tammy Merline
Nikki Merrell
Teresa Messenger
Renee Meyers
Marian Michaliszyn
Thank you for your donation.
Sue Midcap
Ruth Ann Moore
Lori Nedoma
Teri Openbrier
Tareena Penrod
Joelene Powell
Crystal Reinhart
Dr. Zachary Schmittling
Dolores Miles
Tiffany Moree
Dennis Neil
Debra Ormsby
Erma Perez
Jennifer Power
Deborah Reinsch
Donna Schmitz
Angela Miller
Crystal Morehouse
Shannon Nelson
Nicholas Osborn
Frank Perez
Natalie Powers
Brenda Reith
Becca Schneider
Dawn Miller
Cassandra Morgan
Kathyleen Nevills
Lourdes Osborne
Sandi Perez
Marilyn Prater
Lori Reynerson
Steve Schomaker
Debra Miller
Dr. Chad Morgan
Linda Newberry
Chris Osterdyk
Delynn Perryman
Jason Prenger
John Reynolds
Jamie Schoolcraft
Donna Miller
Emily Morris
Sheila Newkirk
Emily Oswalt
Bethany Peters
Christina Price
Terry Rhoades
David Schoolfield
Dorothy Miller
Keith Morris
John Ngozi
James & Beverly Otten
Elaine Peterson
Dr. Carl Price
Kristina Rhodes
Bruce Schoon
Gerald Miller
Vanessa Morris
Lee Nichols
Dr. Steven & Julie Otto
Marti Peterson
Harriett Rice
Schreiber Foods
Janet Miller
Dezirae Morrison
Cherene Nicholson
Gaye Otto
Bill Pfeifer
Richard & Barbara
Lindsay Rice
Ken Schroeder
Kimberlea Miller
Jenny Morrissey
Audrey Nielsen
Chris Owens
Jill Pfeifer
Janette Richards
Dea Schuder
Richard Miller
Dan Morton
Jason Nixon
Jacquetha Owens
Cindy Phillips
Dan Richardson
Ashley Schuette
Vickie Miller
Verna Morton
Ann Nord
Marsha Owens
Derick Phillips
Tammy Richardson
Chris Schulze
Carmita Minaca
Michelle Moseley
Ashley Norman
Stacy Owens
Julie Phillips
Professional Answering
Service, Inc.
Rachel Richter
Jessica Scott
Daina Mitchell
Shelly Muckey
Carrie Norman
Dr. Victor Pace
Sarah Phillips
Troy Pruett
Nancy Ridgley
Patty Scott
Dawn Mitchell
Sarah Muegge
Svetlana Novak
Shara Phillips
Dr. Valerie Pruitt
Jackie Muenks
Debra Nuetzhorn
Sherry Phillips
Melanie Pulscher
Charitable Trust
Roxanna Scott
Vicki Mitchell
Dr. John & Harriett
Brenda Mitchener
Lois Mulrain
Lori Nunn
Stan Phinney
Jeff Putman
Tim Modglin
Donald Murad
Rick Nutt
Betty Pierce
Regenia Putman
Mariana Pierce
Carlotta Pye-Harvey
Dynesha Pannell
Vonda Panzica
Victor Pardue
Kimberly Park
Jim Youngblood hosts a
team each year at the Julian
Classic for ALS to remember
his son-in-law and PGA tour
pro Jeff Julian who died of
the disease.
Sheri Price
Robert Prior
Lori Procter
Dental Group
Rose Pierson
Tammy Pyle
Carrie Pilkinton
Charlotte Quarles
Chastidy Parke
Sayra Sue Pingleton
R.M. Industries, Inc.
Paula Parnell
Danielle Pitt
Rebecca Rader
Todd & Betty Parnell
Kathy Pittman
Shirley Rader
Wenda Parra
Nathan Pitts
Vanessa Ragsdale
Crystal Ramos
Shelly Ramos
Monett Coast To Coast/
Leonard Witt
Monett Pro
Firefighters Association
Dianne Montgomery
Nicole Montgomery
Stephen Montiel
Jill Moon
Babette Moore
Brandie Moore
Jennifer Moore
Rita Moore
Rosa Moore
Rose Moore
Trina Randles
Laura Murney
Tyler Watskey, J.R. Hutcheson
and Jeremy Loftin of the
Julian ALS Foundation board
present Lisa Alexander with a
check to support ALS patients
at CoxHealth.
Murney Associates
Realtors, Inc.
Rebecca Murphy
Robert Murray
Steve Murrell
Malinda Muskrat
Darla Myers
Nora Myers
Travis Myers
Vicky Myers
Heather Nash
Chenoa Navarro
Christina Neal
Dr. Kerry Randolph
John Raney
Jessica Ratcliff
Sandra Ray
Marilyn Reed
Stacie Reed
Robert & Nancy Nye
Casey Parrish
Rebecca Pitts
Barbara Reel
Amber Obert
Dr. Bernie Parrish
Lisa Pittsley
Jo Rees
Danny Obert
David & Candice Partin
Shana Plaster
Paula Reeves
Richard Obrock
Michelle Patterson
Sylvia Plunk
Lorinda Rehagen
Christine O’Hara
Joyce Patty
Sandra Pointer
Suzanne Rehnberg
Mandie O’Hara
David & Ann Peck
Kyle Pomering
Monty Reich
David Powell
Susan Reichert
Kathleen Olson
Jamie Sears
Kristin Riedy
Mary Margaret Seiser
Kathy Rigger
Elizabeth Senus
Sherri Riili
Dennis Riley
Nikki Rios
Meagan Rippee
Darla Ritz
Michelle Seratt
The CoxHealth Auxiliary sponsored a tree in
the annual Knot Forgotten campaign to fund
the Patient Advocacy Program at the Hulston
Cancer Center.
Dayana Serrato
Sherri Shahan
Amy Shanks
Darla Shannon
Dee Robbins
Stephanie Sharick
Melissa Robbins
T. David Rook & Family
Jayne Rust
Brendan Roberson
Michael Roper
Cassie Rutkowski
Philip & Gloria Roberts
Patti Roper
Todd Rutledge
Pam Robertson
Dennis Rose
Sean Ryan
Rodney Robertson
Linda Rose
Susan Ryan-Bisig
Robin Robeson
Dr. William Rosen
Karen Salsman
Carma Robinson
Carolyn Rosin
Larry & Marilyn Salveter
Jane Roblin
Rhonda Rosser
Stephanie Sanders
Angie Roche
Daniel Roth
Erica Sapp-Hill
Karin Rodgers
Teresa Rouintree
Regina Saulter
Val Rodgers
Ariel Rourks
Brandi Saxton
Marsha Rogers
Sandy Roush
Scott Rogers
Janice Ruddell
Michael & Marty
Misty Shrewsbury
Susan Michele Rogers
Becky Ruiz
Nada Schafer
Patrick Shutt
Marcella Rohde
Delores Rushing
Susan Schafer
Rhonnie Siefker
Martin Rohrer
Anita Russell
Barbara Schaffitzel
Cindy Silkwood
Jeffrey Romines
Danielle Russell
Gaye Schaffitzel
Elena Silvers
Kendall Schlichting
Toni Simmons
Samantha Russell
Jo Sharp
Kevin Shatswell
Dr. Robert Shaw
Mary Shearholdt
Ethan Sheffield
Cynthia Shelley
Mary Sheppard
Jannine Sherertz
Kristi Shilt
Natalie Shishko
Allison Shover
Your gift touches lives daily.
Sharon Singer
Southwest Valuation
Brett Siplinger
Catherine Spargo
Kate Skaggs
Carla Sparkman
Darlene Skeens
Specialized Marine
Sales & Service
Kyla Skyles
Amy Slagle
Specialty Medical
Systems, Inc.
Kris Slagle
Carola Spence
Barbara Slayton
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Spence
Susan Slous
Charles Spencer
Joey Sly
Dorothy Spencer
Clifton Smart
Julie Spencer
Betty Smith
Stephanie Spradling
Donna Smith
Springfield Blue Print
Hilda Smith
Kimberly Smith
Elizabeth Spurlock
Larissa Smith
Staff of Steeplechase Clinic
Linda Smith
Lucas Smith
Jerry & Regina Stall
Anna Stallbaumer
Melissa Smith
Michelle Stallings
Misty Smith
Arlo Stallion
Pamela Smith
Sarah Stanfield
Rachel Smith
Tom & Nancy Stanton
Tawney Swadley
Mellisa Thompson
Danielle Uchtman
Greg Volland
James & Janet Weld
Karen Widman
Patricia Wilson
Robin Symmonds
Robert & Wanda Thornsberry
Tammy Volland
James Wells
James Wiese
Ronald Wilson
Taste for Trauma
Amanda Thrasher
Andera Underwood
Heidi Volz
Jan Wells
Melinda Wiese
Sandra Wilson
Angela Taylor
Jill Throener
Lisa Uptmor
Stephanie Voorhis
Rachel Wells
Wendy Wigglesworth
Tracy Wilson
April Taylor
Christine Tibbs
Bruce Upton
Stasha Wells
Kim Wilbanks
Valerie Wilson
Jean Taylor
Robin Tichenor
Yekaterina Ushakova
Dr. Robert & Stacey
Mary Weltha
Tina Wiles
Wilson Creek
Patricia Taylor
Kelly Tiffin
Donna Vale
Sarah Taylor
Katlyn Tillman
Jessica Van Bibber
Timothy Taylor
Dana Tindell
Brenda Vandenberg
Tracy Taylor
Connie Tinney
Danielle Vanderhoof
William Taylor
Angela Todd
Natasha Varberg
Angela Teague
Cheryl Todd
Katie Vauble
Melissa Teal
Matthew Todd
Ashley Vaughan
Sandra Stilgenbauer
Teamsters Local
Union No. 245
Janice Tolliver
Ramona Vaughn
Daxton Stilwell
TelComm Credit Union
Stacy Tomlin
Cindy Venable
Jean Stock
Amber Tenay
Donna Toney
Deborah Vennekotter
Tony Stokes
John Thatcher
Gay Stratton
The Preserve
Jamie Street
The Research &
Planning Group, Inc.
Christa Traub
Cindy Thomas
Triose, Inc.
Dodi Thomas
Dr. John Trombold
Dr. John & Kathy
Sharon Stephens
Dana Stevens
Katrina Stevens
Kimberly Stevens
R. E. & Ardys Stevens
Camele Steward
Judy Steward
Billie Stewart
Denise Stewart
Dorothy Stewart
J. David Stewart
Susan Stieb
Jeannie Strickler
Amanda Stricklin
Charles & Mary Totten
Donna Vermillion
Rebecca Tough
Annie Tracy
Sarah Smith
Shana Smith
Stephanie Smith
Susan Smith
Terry Smith
Wendy Smith
Kate Smolik
LeAnn Snider
Shawn Snider
The volunteer
servers are the reason
Dining for Diabetes
is so successful!
Andrew Snyder
Christine Snyder
Mike and Phyllis
Garrett win the prize
for best costume at
the 2012 Dining for
Diabetes event.
Samuel Voshell
James Vroman
Patrice Wagman
Patricia Wagner
Simon Wajnblom
Chris Walker
Lisa Walker
Offie Walker
Thanks to Celibrity
Attractions, Missouri State
and Hammons Hall for the
Performing Arts for hosting
a fundraiser to benefit the
Breast Care Fund.
Ashley Wallace
Jennifer Walles
Judith Wentworth
Donna Wiley
Larry & Pat Wallis
Group Home
Rhonda Werdeman
Valerie Wilkinson
Renee Wallis
Elizabeth Winchester
Carolyn Weskamp
Randy Will
Rejeanna Walser
Deborah West
Wendy Willcock
Window Technology, Inc./
Pat Walsh
Gloria Westcott
Linda Winford
Patrick & Nancy Walsh
Lisa Westerman
Brian & Cyndee
Denice Walski
Bryan Williams
Sylvia Winstead
Jennifer Warman
Christopher Williams
Dr. Charles Wiredu
Jessica Waterhouse
Summer Weter
David Williams
Barbara Wise
Joye Waterworth
Connie Weyant
Derek Williams
Ronda Wise
Doug Watkins
Dave Wheelock
Helen Williams
Stephen Wise
Tyler & Cassie Watskey
Matt Whitaker
Justin Williams
C. Frances Witherspoon
David Watson
Ashley White
Lisa Williams
Lillian Witt
Dorothy Watson
Chris White
Nicholas Williams
Thomas Witty
Becky Watts
Diana White
Shelly Williams
Peggy Jo Wobbema
Debra Watts
Glenn & Debra White
Tara Williams
Dr. John E. Wolfe
Mike Weaver
Jean White
Valeria Williams
Holly Wolfe
Misty Weaver
Kathy White
Yvette Williams
Jackie Wolfe
Cheryl & Jason Webb
Laken White
Zsa Zsa Williams
Janice Wolters
Kathy Webb
Nichole White
Marcia Wilmes
Alice Wood
Larry Winsor
Sandra Snyder
Denise Staponski
David Stuart
Heather Thomas
Gil & Julie Trout
Mary Soetaert
Alicia Stark
Jane Thomas
Karen Trusler
Dr. Daniel &
Stacy Sontheimer
Debra Stark
John & Melba
Sarah Thomas
Jamie Trythall
LaDonna Webb
Carol Whitehead
Christi Wilson
Rachel Wood
Hailey Starrett
Tamara Thomas
Julie Tucker
Mark Webb
Kim Whiteid
Gregory Wilson
Gail Sours
Frank & Kimberly Steed
Angie Thompson
Joann Turner
Angela Villines
Nita Webb
Gary Whiteis
Jeannine Wilson
John W. & Lois E.
Wood Trust
South University
Deborah Steele
Hannah Thompson
Sheryl Tuttle
Vino Cellars
Kelly Weber
Mary Whitmore
Lisa Wilson
Adam Woods
Rhonda Southard
Todd Steere
Kathy Thompson
Sue Twigger
Jennifer Vinyard
Terry Whitmore
Melinda Wilson
Tehesha Stegall
Mary Margaret Thompson
US Bank
Dr. Mai Vo
Susan Whitsett
Melissa Wilson
Dr. Timothy &
Katie Woods
Southwest Door &
Hardware, Inc.
Weiser Tent &
Tire Service
Dr. Tuyet Vo
Flo Weiss
Scott Whittemire
Melissa Wilson
Cory Sugg
Adam Sullivan
Dawn Sullivan
Angela Sumpter
Diane Suthoff
Pam Sutterfield
Shannon & Kristen
Thank you for your donation.
Debi Woodward
Kelly Adkins
Lisa Bagwell
Justin Bess
Amanda Brinkmann
Christine Carden
Ashley Combs
Toni Cozad
Helen Daus
Shanna DeWater
Jerimi Worley
Emily Akridge
Ledda Bailey
Taylor Biddle
Kristi Brittenham
Frances Carnagey
Margaret Comer
Lyn Crandall
Brenda Davi
Patricia Diel
Tammy Worley
Michael Albright
Mary Bair
Lacey Bilyeu
Shawna Brockman
Jill Carr
Karen Compton
Mary Crary
Cressi Davidson
Pamela Dirickson
Jason Wortley
Joni Alderton
Chere Baker
Joyce Bingham
Bonnie Brogan
Brianna Carrier
Roslyn Condon
Dustin Crayton
Andra Davis
Chey Divine
Leatha Wright
Tiffaney Aldridge
Mary Baker
Lisa Bishop
Beth Bronkema-Matz
Molly Carter
Lisa Conley
Chelsea Crow
Angela Davis
Johanna Dobard
Stacy Wright
Stephanie Alexander
Midge Baker
Bixler Corporation
John & Alice Brook
Joshua Casias
Mable Connors
Katie Crowell
Bette Davis
Barbara Dobey
Chris & Traci Black
Allen Brotherton
Shelli Castleberry
Stephanie Conquest
Gilbert & Mary Cruise
Deborah Davis
Angela Dodson
Gregory & Adreanne Black
Heather Brotherton
Catherine Caviness
Erin Cook
Susan Crum
Dianna Davis
Maureen Dodson
James & Nina Black
Alisa Broughton
Jacqueline Cerniglia
Grace Cook
Michelle Crutcher
Shannon Dodson
Mary Louise Black
Breon Brown
Maria Chamorro
James & Frances Cook
Jackie Cruzan
Elizabeth & Stephen
Christine Blake
Linda Brown
Britney Chaney
Martha Cook
William Culburt
Connie Blake
Linda & Myrl Brown
Erica Chapman
Cooley Family
Bette Cummings
Erin Bloom
Pam Brown
Kim Chapman
Nancy Coombs
Heather Cummings
Lauren Bodine
Patricia Brown
Jim & Jane Chenoweth
Cory Coomer
Carissa Cunningham
Suzanne Boehmer
Alissa Brownfield
Janelle Chevalier
Jerry & Carol Cooper
Rebecca Cunningham
Michelle Boggs
Jessica Buckle
Julie Clapper
Louise Cooper
Naomi Cupp
Chick-Fil-A generously
provided every golfer
with a delicious lunch at
this year’s golf tourneys
to benefit the Breast
Care Fund.
Michael Wunderlee
Molessia Alexander-Pratt
James Baldwin
Paula Yach
Anna Allen
Thomas Baldwin
Diane Bolin
Melba Bunch
Christina Clark
Tara Cooper
Chellsie Cutbirth
Kim Yates
Charlie Allen
Rebecca Ball
Glenda Bond
Alaina Burch
JoAnn Clark
Tempest Cooper
Kathy York
Maxine Allen
Robert & Rebecca Ball
Susan Boney
Vinson & Janice Burch
Keith Clavin
Vicki Cooper
Donald C. & Virginia
Billie Yost
Tina Allen
Tanja Ball
Anita Bookout
Dominique Burcham
Amber Clayton
Kassie Coopwood
Lu Young
Twyla Allen
Kayla Ballenger
Christina Clevenger
Quincy Coovert
Erik Allison
Dolores Banuelos
Jonathan & Sara
Alicia Burke
Melissa Young
Barbara Burkhardt
Lenae Cline
Merrian Copeland
Hattie & Wayne Barnes
Jessica Bovee
Lillian Burks
Juanita Coffelt
Fred & Jennie Coppinger
Courtney Burlison
Kim Coffman
Donald & Virginia Corbin
Lorie Burns
Amy Coleman
Faye Courtney
Leann Zelhart
Whitney Alsup
Dr. David Zolfaghari
Cynthia Anderson
Carol Barrett
Bradley Bowers
Joy Zorsch
Virgil Anderson
Stacy Barrett
Dustin Bowling
Jayme Bass
Tessie Bowmaker
Bass Pro, Inc.
Kelli & Bob Boyce
Kimberly Anhalt
Marcie Bassett
Adam Boyd
Michele Arat
Taylor Baswell
Harold & Wanda Boyd
Christine Zweerink
Kimberly Anderton
Linda Andrews
(all remaining gifts)
1107th AVCRAD
MO Army National Guard
Theresea Arguelles
Alfred Batson
Jamie Boyd
Darrel & Betty Arnold
Marsha Bauman
Mike Boyles
Sharon Abbiatti
Edna Arnold
Jim Beach
Amber Bozarth
Linda Absher
Kathryn & Ronald Arnold
Margie & Tom Beadles
Richard & Kathryn Braden
Stephanie Acre
Beverly Arnoldus
Marcia Beckerdite
Angela Bradford
Beth Adams
Richard Ashby
Darcy Beckley
Darla Bradshaw
Heather Adams
AT&T Pioneers
Joan Beitel
Mary Brammer
Jeanette Adams
Becky Atchison
Sam Bennett
Karen Brashears
Kara Adams
Duane Atchison
Chad Benson
Gail Brattin
Marylyn Adams
Karen Atkins
Jennifer Benson
Glenda & Terry Bremer
Corey Addison
Patricia Ayers
Brittany Bentley
Lori Brickey
Machelle Bentz
Brighton Saddle Club
Barbara Adkins
Joseph Baclian
Robin Burns
Jacqueline Davis
Kevin Davis
Kimberly D. Davis
Marilyn Davis
Tishia Davis
Tracy Davis
Vernon & Mary Davis
Gerald Doherty
Glenn & Myrna Dolence
Angela Dowen
Molly Doyle
Melvin & Sharon Drassen
Susan Drinkall
Kylee Dudley
Alexandria Duit
Arthur L. Davis
Publishing Agency
Joan & Helen Duncan
Callie Day
Darlene Dunning
Mary Anne Day
Lottie Dureault
Rolanna Day
Ellen & Robert Duvall
Julie & Keith Dearlove
Alexandra Dyer
Vickie Decker
Eric & Libby Ecker
Amber Denison
Educational Community
Credit Union
Arvest Bank hosted a
table at the 2012 “Red
Hot Night” to support
women’s health.
Allison Burris
Bailey Bush
Ashley Byrd
Emalu Byrd
Melody Cagle
Amber Cahow
Aaron Callaway
Chanel from
Dillard’s provided
the beauty
makeovers for the
2012 “Red Hot
Night” event.
Kyle & Tara Calton
Cassie Campbell
John & Neita Campbell
Mary Ann Campbell
Peggy Campbell
Donna Candee
Sarah Cannefax
Carl Cantrell
Laca Densmore
Mattia Coleman
Heather Cowan
Jessica Daily
Robert Densmore
Nicole Coleman
Anne Cox
Danielle Dale
Betty Denson
W. Chris Coleman
Emily Cox
Hattie Dameron
Anne DePew
Stephanie Collett
Vernon & Ginny Cox
Samuel Dameron
Ellen DePrat
Sarra Colling
Cox College Staff
Terri Daniels
Sandra DeSpain
Christina Collom
Cafeteria - South
Dustie Daoud
Rachel Detwiler
Rodney Colton
Susan Darr
Rhiannon Edwards
Tex & Delores Edwards
Cynthia Elbert
Ron & Dona Elkins
Louise & Dale Ellis
Patricia Ellison
Employees of Cox Air Care
Your gift touches lives daily.
Employees of
Cox Surgery Center
Employees of CoxHealth
Foundation & Children’s
Miracle Network Hospitals
Employees of PACU/
Surgery Waiting
Christine Emrie
Engel Family
Judy England
Erica Engle
Savannah Ernewein
Cynthia Ernst
Matthew Eskew
Ted Euler
Lori Granados
Jeanie Hamblin
Carol Hicks
Dana Huey
Arnold & Margaret
Nova Grande
Autumn Hamilton
Meagan Hicks
Ruth Huff
Sally Grandon
Michael Hamilton
Terry Hicks
Mrs. W. H. Hughes
Betty Graves
Kenneth & Mary
Sarah Higginbotham
Phillip Hughes
Tracey Higginbotham
Jill Hughs
Leslie Hill
Carri Hummer
Marguerite Hinkel
Natalie Hunt
Rachel Hobson
Amy Hunter
Ronnie Hoelker
Janie Hunter
Darrel Frazee
Jennell Fredrick
Karen Friga
Nancy Frye
Evelyn Fullerton
Dea Furgason
Mary Gaba
Terrie Gaither
Katie Gann
Ursula Graybeal
Tim & Beth Hardesty
Jacob Harrington
Debbie Harris
Megan Hoelting
International Union of
Operating Engineers Loc.150
Ronald & Debra Iseminger
Melissa Isenberg
Kasey Jackson
Michelle Jacobs
Shelley James
Tammy James
Paul & Phyllis Jameson
Kathrine January
Alayna Garrett
Aarin Fellows
Amanda Garrett
Roxie Felton
Pamela Gavin
Thomas & Linda
Debbie Gaynor
Chelsey Kathcart
Phyllis Krebs
Florence Kauffman
Ann Kumbani
Darrell Keener
Bobby & Jane Kurth
Joshua Keil
Lonna Lamb
Nicole Keiper
Tracy Land
Cathy Kelley
Courtney Lane
Rikki Kelley
Kevin Lane
Kjirsten Kellogg
Tropha Lane
Angela Kelly
Brittani Langham
James Lannan
Cindy Hoerning
Erika Lansdown
Ronni Hoffman
Zack Lashinske
Mike Hogan
The first annual “Rundie”
to support the Colorectal
Cancer Prevention Fund
had over 250 people
running in their undies
for the cause!
Angela Holland
Trudi Garman
Ashlynne Garner
Karen Lassman Eul
Lori Lauderdale
Jessica Lawler
Julie Lawson
Linda Lawson
Nancy Layman
These ladies ran the
Rundie for the Colorectal
Cancer Prevention Fund
to honor their father who
is fighting the disease.
William & Barbara
Stephanie Lowry
Stephnia Lucas
Shyli Lucero
India Luetkemeyer
Jackie Lunn
Robert Lunn
Carla Lupton
Cyndi Luther
Serenna Luttjohann
Tanya Luu
Jennifer Lynas
Matt Lyons
Rachel Mace
Earl Mackney
Meredith & Charles
James Layton
Richard & Stephanie
Sara LeCarno
Paula Maize
Margaret Jenkins
Lauryn Kelly
Max & Peggy Jenkins
Suzanne Kelly
Allden Jensen
Angelina Kendall
Larry & Kaye
Barbara Majzoub
JoAnna Geiman
Jaime Jimenez
Brittni Kendrick
Carrie Lee
Keshee Jimenez
Amy Kern
Laura Malthesen
H. Jack George
Sara Lee
Derecha Johnson
Nancy Kiefer
Kathleen Manfredo
Jac Lehr
Glenda Johnson
Kilgore Vision Center
Elizabeth Mangler
Jean Lemmon
Matt Johnson
Kay King
Carrianne Mankey
Beverly Lemon
Monica Johnson
Walter Kinzel
Andrea Mann
Scott & Julie Lenhardt
Nancy Johnson
Sarah Kipper
Bryan Marsh
Chad Lewis
Pam Johnson
Naomi Kirby
Teresa Marshall
Rhonda Johnson
Paul Kirk
Richard & Lynette
Charles Martin
Sara Johnson
Desiree Klein
Siena Leyba
Susan Jill Johnson
Mary Kliewer
Jeffrey & Susan Liddle
Ashley Jones
Sherri Kloppe
Jessica Lightfoot
Cecil & Doris Jones
Ashley Klug
Loretta Lindsey
James Jones
Charles & Lee Anne
Sarah Lockard
Melissa Logan
Janice Koenemann
Timothy Logan
Robin Kogel
Julie Longenecker
Kaci Gibson
Catherine Gilchrist
James E. & Virginia Glauser
Janet Glor
First Baptist Church
of Swedeborg
Kayla Glossip
Casey Fish
GMS Group, Inc.
Penny Fletcher
Sherry Gray
Kerry Haney
Sheila Haskins
Nancy Feistel
Carolyn Fink
Ellen Gray
Tom & Judy Hancock
Katie Green
Angie Fallon
Kyla Fieth
Renee Graves
Jordan Hancock
Lana Garcia
Tonya Gardner
Kelly Fernald
Randi Graves
Sandy Hammon
Patricia Hartley-Wells
Pam & Richard Gardner
Daniel Ferguson
Letha Graves
Helen Gannott
James & Jane Fairbairn
Rebbecca Fenton
David Graves
Greater Springfield
Karla Fabbiano
Katie Fallesen
Stacylynn Franklin
Rebekah Goeringer
Terry Fletcher
Kennie Goff
Stacy Flora
Mary Ann Goff
Rebecca Florence
Corey Goins
Amanda Flowers
Heather Gold
Jodi Flynn
Jessica Goodman
Charles Foster
Jodi Goodpaster
Crystal Foust
Melissa Goss
Brian Fox
Jennifer Goul
Kerenza Frame
Amy Gourley
Vicky Franco
Brian Grace
Larry & Deborah Green
Christy Haslip
Lydia Holland
Melinda Green
Amy Hatcher
Hillary Holmes
Shirley Green
Beverly Havens
Heather Holstein
Christie Greene
Robert Hawkins
Donald & Deann Holt
Erin Greene
Ann Hawley
Jennifer & Aaron Holum
Michelle Gregory
James Heatherly
David Hoover
Mandy Greuter
Tony & Sandy Hein
Jennifer Hoover
Margaret Griffin
Amanda Heinz
Sandra Hoover
Bob Grisham
Ami Heithoff
Lisa Hopkins
Norman & June Grissom
Tiffany Helms
Carolyn Horn
Jim Grissom Family
Nicole Helsley-Woods
Amanda Horned
Debbi Groves
Ellen & H. Gray Hencken
David & Cherie Horst
Glenda Gunter
William Henderson
Betsy Houchin
Liem Halim
Don & Imogene
Vernette Reser Hough
Betty Hall
Joe & Sandy Hall
Samantha Hall
Shelly Hall
There were lots of
great colorectal
cancer prevention
messages on the
underwear worn
at the first annual
“Rundie” 5k!
Nalleyn Jones
Sarah Jones
Gordon Herndon
John & Marilyn
Ron Hurst
Melissa Juneau
Jeanine Herrera
Evelyn Howard
Karen Hyslip
Nicole Kachingwe
Ashley Hicks
Patrick & Reginia Howley
Alicia Idell
Jim & Barb Karban
Carol Huddleston
Theresa Inman
Lauren Kasperski
Mary Koppler
Adrianne Lord
John Kott
Karisa Lorenz
Kim Kraus
Daniel Louiselle
Thomas Malotte
Daniel Martin
Diane Martin
Juanita Martin
Kristal Martin
Tammy Martin
Tanishia Martin
Elizabeth Mason
Jesse Matthews
Virginia Matthews
Jim & Susan Mattox
Dorothy Matulunas
Thank you for your donation.
Cindy Maurer
Kendrick Maus
Don & Dorothy Mayhew
Susan Mbugua
Breeanna McAninch
Diane McClaskey
Oleta McClelland
Amanda McCroskey
Linda McCurry Cranor
Kyle McEntire
Wendy McHenry-Hyde
Shane McKay
Joyce McKenna
Rita McKinney
Martha Dean McLean
Deanna McLemore
Rosemary McMasters
Jim & Janice McMillan
Margritha McMillan
Kimberly McMillian
Dr. John & Susan
Laurie Milam
Helen Miles
Ann Miller
Becky Miller
Betty Miller
Jammie Miller
Karen Miller
Michelle Miller
Nancy Miller
Nicole Miller
Alyssa Mills
Dr. Jay & Susan Milne
Edward & Jane Milton
Tanya Mincks
Earline Minier
Nicole Moldenhauer
Lori Montgomery
Morgan Mooneyham
Montz Myers
Rae Jean Palmerton
Emily Phillips
Alycia Ragsdale
Nikki Rohrs
Christopher & Lori Schrier
Erin Shriver
Brian Smithson
Cynthia Myler
Charles & Grace Parker
Jessica Phillips
David & JoAnn Raine
Fredia Roller
Nick Schriver
Becky Shunk
Jessica Smythe
Catherine Nacy
Debbie Parker
Lane Phillips
Jill Raine
Susan Rolufs
Eric Schwandt
Jacob Sien
Tanya Snethen
Oscar Nagel
Karla Parker
Megan Phillips
Jennifer Rainey
Johnathan Romain
Dawn Schwind
Dinshaw Silva
Olujimi Sode
Courtney Nelson
Glenda Parkison
Nena Phillips
Marshall Silvermintz
Laurie Soulsby
Eric Nelson
Amanda Parks
Rhoda Phillips
Carrie Simmons
Marcia Spencer
Mary Jo Newsom
Katie Parrigon
Tina & Chris Phillips
Ashley Simon
Samantha Spicer
Bang Nguyen
Dana Partaker
Jonathon Phinney
Gina Simpson
Springfield Advocates
for Youth
Tina Nguyen
Doyle & Maxine Patton
Mark Pierson
Steve Nichols
Jeffrey & Whitney Paul
Kathryn Pinkley
Andrea Nielsen
Audra Payne
Noadia Piscuc
Lou Ann Niemann
Sharon Payne
Barbara Pittman
Edward Noland
Veronica Peacock
Linda Norris
Jayme Pearce
Plains Exploration
& Production Co.
Jerry & Kathy Nunn
Alexander Peck
Francis Oberhelman
Vickie Peck
Sarah O’Callaghan
Amy Peintner
Crystal Odell
Lisa Pellham
Minuen Odom
Kathleen Pena
Michelle Oelke
Jennifer Pence
Nicole Pendergraft
Chris Pendergrass
Jayla Penick
The CoxHealth Foundation
Trivia Night always brings out
the ghouls at this Halloween
themed annual event.
Virginia McNair
Karen McNeely
Terry Penner
Sharon Penry
Holly Pepe
Tracy Perry
Jennifer Singletary
Kelly Sisco
Pamela Skinner
Catherine Plein
Rebecca Randolph
Veronica Rosenbalm
Vicki Plunkett
Lori Rapp
Larry & Linda Ross
Ruth Poliner
Amanda Rash
Susan & Ronald Ross
Stephen Poppe
Melissa Reavis
William Roush
Anita Porter
Candice Reece
Danell Rousseau
Grace Potter
Melissa Reed
Joan Roverud
Mary Ann Potter
Pauline Reed
Jessica Rowden
Justin Powers
Richard & Sherry Reed
Susan Rowe
Meagan Powers
Tiffany Reed
Regan Pozniak
Melissa Reedy
Roy & Lola Nelson
Charitable Fund
B. G. Prater
Tina Rees
Barbara Presley
Cindy Reichert
Emilea Price
Suzanne Reno
Grace Moore
Kayla Moore
Trivia Night is always a great
way to celebrate Halloween
while raising funds for health
professions scholarships.
Tiffany Moore
Dr’s Chad Morgan and
Jennifer Lynch were the
keynote speakers at the
2012 One Fiesta for the
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Ashley Morgan
Michelle McReynolds
Paul Morris
Tamara Melton
Kasee Morton
Nicholas Mercer
Sandra Moya
Whitney Mericle
Michele Murdock
Anthony Ogden
Vicki Perry
Nancy Procter
Faith Merlin
Natasha Murdock
Carina Olson
Beth & Brad Peters
Sara Propst
Pamela Merritt
Samantha Murray
Donna & Rule Olson
Melanie Petersen
Betty Prouty
Jonnie Metzker
Troy Murrell
Mitchell & Anne Packett
Jami Pettibon
Sara Pruiett
Dustin Micham
Martha Mustion
Angela Palmer
Alecia Pfankuch
Dr. Paul Quinn
Peggy Middleton
Monica Myers
Christina Palmer
Chelsie Phariss
Mary Raber
Angela Staab
Staff of Hulston
Cancer Center
100 degree heat didn’t
stop attendees from
shopping the silent
auction at the 2012 One
Fiesta to benefit the
Ozarks Endowment for
the Neurosciences.
Jana Scott
Pam Skutt
Kerry Scott
Jeane Skyles
Brandon & Melanie
Rebecca Scott
Susie Slaamot
Erman & Kaeko Stahl
Gayle Scrimshire
Mary Slack
Storme Staley
Second Baptist
Sunday School
Donald & Dena
Loretta Stamm
Karla Rust
Retired Members of
Greater Springfield CWA
Nicole Rykbos
Mininder Sekhon
Tyler Slothower
Standard Textile
Maria Sala-Gault
Carrie Sellers
Angela Smith
Krista Stander
Chandler & Alyson Revie
Mary Sue Salsman
Tori Selvaggio
Ashlee Smith
Lesley Starnes
Steven & Cynthia Rexer
Alisa Sample
Mary Seneker
Calvin Smith
Amanda Steele
Vicki Rhodes
Bonnie Samuels
Melinda Senteney
Carola Smith
Donna Steele
Lori Richardson
Brittany Sanders
Jessica Shaffer
Carroll Smith
Angela Steer
Julie Riggs
David & Tina Sanders
Nancy Shank
Jane Smith
Cory Stephens
Gordon Rigsby
Nicole Sanders
Carol Sharp
Jean Smith
Shelby Stevens
Bill & Lynn Roach
Rebecca Scaff
Jody Shaw
KaSondra Smith
Alene Stewart
Amy Robbins
Ebony Scarlett-Loftis
Jessica Shelburn
Kelly Smith
Kathy Stewart
Larry Robertson
Bridgit Scheibler
Kara Shelhamer
Kelsey Smith
Tracey Stewart
Jimmy Lou Rodeghero
Chantal Schildknecht
Stephanie Shelledy
Sarah Smith
Christina Stica
Lindsey Ruch
Robert Ruggeri
Steve Rodewald
Julie Schiller
Darlys Shelton
Sarah Smith
Brett Stiles
Candice Rogers
Melissa Schrader
Jann Short
Stephanie Smith
Melanie Stinnett
Stephanie Rogers
Julie Schreiner
Ashleigh Showalter
William Smith
Roberta Stith
Your gift touches lives daily.
Heather Stockford
Lessie Terry
Jeremy Trythall
Julie Warner
Connie & Jerry Williams
Alicia Stogsdill
The GE Foundation
Nicole Turner
Shirley Warren
David Williams
Cassandra Stokes
Brandi Thibodeaux
Trixie Turner
Brandy Watkins
Jacqueline Williams
Karen Stoll Talbott
Allison Thomas
Todd Twigg
Sherry Watkins
Lindsey Williams
Baillie Strong
Apryl Thomas
John Tygart
Teri Watts
Rachel Williams
Kim Strong
Brad & Julie Thomas
Rose Tyler
Rebecca Weddle
Rita Williams
Stephanie Stroud
Debra Thomas
Leanna Tyrrell
Betty Weider
Valley Williams
Alan Stuart
Martha Thomas
Deborah Underwood
Ervena Weingartner
Lisa Willis
Kentra Sullivan
Monroe & Dorothy
David & Sandra Valade
Kirsten Weiss
Robyn Wilson
Abby VanAsten
Virginia Welker
Stella Wilson
Stacy VanKirk
Amber Wells
Susan Wilson
Katie VanLoh
Michelle Welsh
Catherine Wine
Sharon VanMatre
Michael Welter
Amber Winston
Cassie VanMiddlesworth
Pamela West
Arianna Winzeler
Shawn Summers
Paul Sumner
Jean Swearengin
Randy & Melissa
Hon. J. Edward & Donna
Danny Thompson
Diane Thompson
Marguerite Thompson
Elizabeth Thornsberry
Jeanette Thornsberry
Brenda Viehland
Theresa Weston
Christine Wiseman
Mihaly Szanto
Jerry & Roxane
Donald & Ruth Viehland
Pamela Wheat
Megan Talent
Myra Thornsberry
Cassie Viets
Pamela Wheat
Dr. Phillip & Janelle
Jason & Tracy Tannehill
Kaitlin Thornton
Kathryn Vlieger
Amy Wheatley
Mary Tappmeyer
Donna Tilley
Susan Vogel
Lacey Wheeler
Bobbie Taylor
William & Susan
Ashden Vogler
Rebecca Wheelock
Shelia Wade
Brittany Whisenant
Keri Tindle
Tamara Wade
Lynn Whisman
Charley & Pam Tingle
Lance Wagner
Emily Whistance
Brianna Taylor
David & Karen Taylor
Jaymie Taylor
Alene White
Cynthia White
Melanie White
The CoxHealth Foundation
purchased two new motorized
wheelchairs in 2012 to help safely
transport patients, family and
visitors at Cox South Hospital.
Retha White
Ruby Whiteside
Lana Whitlock
William Whitmoe
Mary Ann Whitten
Janell Whitworth
Laura Taylor
John Tipping
Liana Taylor
Gretchen Torres
Suzanne Taylor
Courtney Towe
Cherie Teaford
Beverly Trent
Fran Teeter
Angela Trigg
Melanie Templeton
Carrie Triplett
Kelsey Tennison
Lynn Trivitt
Amber Tenorio
Justina Trumbo
Catherine Wolgamott
Larry & Esther Wood
Joseph Woodring
Deloris & Edward Woods
April Wooten
Robert Worden
Christal Wormington
Chelsea Wright
Leah Wright
Shannon Wright
Iris Wylie
Jenna Yaggy
Katie & Toby Yates
Wanda Yawn
Colleen Zato
Velma & Al Wagner
Amanda Wigle
D. D. Wahl
Tamre Wilder
Nancy Zishka
Steve & Sheila Walker
Pat Wilkes
Tiffany Zoeller
Dorothy Wallace
Barbara Willett
Kristin Zwickl
Jeremy Wallin
Anna Williams
Samuel Wanjiru
Beverly & Clarence
Candace Ward
Charlotte Ward
Janice Ware
Brenda Williams
Cara Williams
Looking Ahead
2013 Tax Advantages
The American Taxpayer Relief Act enacted
in January of this year extends a specific
benefit to taxpayers age 70 ½ and older.
This group can make up to $100,000 in
direct charitable contributions from
their IRA distribution with the following
• The rollover amount is removed from
the taxpayer’s estate.
• The charitable distribution is not
included in adjusted gross income
(AGI), so it makes it less likely that the
donor will be affected by unfavorable
AGI-based computations, such as:
Potential increases to the amount
of taxable social security benefits
Medical expenses that are
only deducted over a certain
percentage of AGI
Phase out of itemized deductions
for high income taxpayers
Phase out of personal
• It may help the donor avoid a
high-income surcharge for Medicare
Part B and Part D premiums that kick
in if AGI is over certain levels.
For more information or to make an
IRA distribution gift, contact the CoxHealth
Foundation at 417-269-7150.
Save the Date:
2013 Special Events to Support Patient Care
Join us for one of these 2013 special events benefiting different patient
service funds within the CoxHealth Foundation. Registration for events is
found online at www.coxhealthfoundation.com.
April 6: CRAP - Colo Rectal Awareness Party, a dinner and
casino night. $500 a table; sponsorships available. Knights
of Columbus, Diamond Room.
July 19-20: Girls Just Wanna Run, presented by Rick’s Automotive,
the best all ladies 5k event includes an expo at the Meyer
Center on the 19th and race on the 20th at Phelps Grove
Park. $20 entry fee, group rates available.
Sept. 18-19: Julian Golf Classic for ALS. A four person pro-am held
at Ledgestone in Branson. Morning tee off includes lunch
and after party.
Sept. 23: Boys Against Breast Cancer and Ozarks Women’s
Links golf tourneys. Men tee off in the morning, ladies in
the afternoon. Lunch and gift bags are included for
all players. Four person scramble: $600 a team.
Oct. 26: RUNDIE, a 5k run/walk that includes a free pair of
boxers to decorate with your favorite prevention
message. $20 a person.
To learn more about any of our 31 patient service funds or
scholarships available for health professions, see our Catalog
of Funds online at www.coxhealthfoundation.com.
Don’t forget you can donate a car, boat or RV to the CoxHealth
Foundation through our CARS for CHARITY program. Simply call
1-800-274-5909 to arrange the pick-up of the vehicle and the clear
title. There is no cost for pick-up even if the vehicle is not running.
The net proceeds of the sale benefit the Good Samaritan Fund to
help the CoxHealth Foundation provide medical grants to patients.