final drainage report stargate school
final drainage report stargate school
FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT FOR THE STARGATE SCHOOL JANUARY 23, 2015 REVISED MARCH 27, 2015 JVA, Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Toll Free:877.444.1951 Web site: E-mail: January 23, 2015 Ms. Natalie Pittenger City of Thornton Public Works Department 9500 Civic Center Drive Thornton, Colorado 80229 RE: Final Drainage Report for Stargate School 14530 Washington Street, Thornton, Colorado JVA Job No. 2255c Dear Ms. Pittenger: The following Final Drainage Report and attached drainage maps have been prepared for the above referenced project. The drainage report and drainage maps have been produced in accordance with the “City of Thornton Standards & Specifications, 2012 Edition” and comply with provisions thereof. Additionally, this report includes revisions from your comments dated March 4, 2015. It is our understanding that the information provided herein meets all requirements of the City of Thornton and Urban Drainage and Flood Control District’s drainage criteria. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this submission. Sincerely, JVA, Inc. ______________________________ Riley E. Pennington, EIT Design Engineer Cc: Ragan Ferrara – Slaterpaull Architects BOULDER I FORT COLLINS I WINTER PARK RESPONSIBLE PARTY STATEMENT: “Stargate Property Corporation hereby certifies that the drainage facilities for the Stargate School will be constructed according to the design presented in this report. I understand that the City of Thornton does not and shall not assume liability for the drainage facilities designed and/or certified by my engineer. I understand that the City of Thornton reviews drainage plans but cannot, on behalf of Stargate School, guarantee that final drainage design review will absolve Stargate Property Corporation and/or their successors and/or assigns of future liability for improper design. I further understand that approval of the Final Plan and/or Final Development Plan does not imply approval of my engineer’s drainage design.” Attest: ______________________________ Name of Responsible Party ________________________________ Notary Public ______________________________ Authorized Signature ENGINEER’S STATEMENT: “I hereby certify that this report (plan) for the Final drainage design of Stargate School was prepared by me (or under my direct supervision) in accordance with the provisions of the City of Thornton Storm Drainage Design and Technical Criteria for the Responsible Parties thereof. I understand that the City of Thornton does not and shall not assume liability for drainage facilities designed by others.” ____________________________ Charles R. Hager IV, P.E. Registered Professional Engineer State of Colorado No. 37146 FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT FOR THE STARGATE SCHOOL 3951 COTTONWOOD LAKES BOULEVARD THORNTON, CO 80241 JVA, Inc. 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 phone: 303-444-1951 fax: 303-444-1957 JVA Project No. 2255c January 23, 2015 Revised March 27, 2015 CONTENTS FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT Contents ................................................................................................................. 1 General Location and Description ..................................................................... 1 Historic Drainage ................................................................................................... 1 Drainage Design Criteria ...................................................................................... 2 Wetland Mitigation and Preservation ................................................................ 3 Drainage Facility Design....................................................................................... 3 Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 5 References ............................................................................................................. 6 APPENDIX A – SITE MAPS APPENDIX B – HYDROLOGY APPENDIX C – HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D – EXCERPTS FIGURE 1 – HISTORIC DRAINAGE MAP FIGURE 2 – OVERALL DEVELOPED DRAINAGE MAP FIGURE 3 – DETAILED DEVELOPED DRAINAGE MAP Stargate School – Final Drainage Report i FINAL DRAINAGE REPORT GENERAL LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Stargate Property Corporation is proposing to develop a new Stargate School campus on the northwest portion of a site located at East 144th Avenue and Washington Street in Thornton. Specifically, the property is located on a portion of the South half of the Southwest quarter of Section 14, Township 1 South, Range 68, West of the 6th P.M., City of Thornton, County of Adams, State of Colorado. The 73.16-acre site will be subdivided into six parcels: a north parcel where the proposed Stargate School Campus will be located, a southwest parcel to be developed into commercial space, a southern parcel owned by Adams 12 Five Star, a parcel including Big Dry Creek which runs south to north through the northeast parcel, a northern parcel which includes the Shay Ditch, and a southeast parcel with no plans of future development at this time. This report will address and account for the northwest parcel which only includes the proposed Stargate School Campus. The southwest commercial parcel and southerly Adams 12 parcel will require separate detention facilities to be approved by the City at the time of development. The site is bound on the north by Shay Ditch, on the east by the eastern boundary of S1/2SW1/4, Section 14, Township 1 South, Range 68 West, on the south by East 144th Avenue, and on the west by Washington Street. A vicinity map is included in the Appendix of this report. PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed development of the Stargate campus in the northwest parcel consists of the construction of a new Secondary school building, primary school building, and a field house along with associated parking, access drives, sidewalks, and student drop-off areas. Potential future improvements at the Stargate School campus include an expansion to the field house building, an asphalt court, a synthetic turf field and play areas. The primary purpose of this drainage report is to address the proposed runoff, as well as the water quality enhancement facilities, at the proposed development. HISTORIC DRAINAGE MAJOR BASIN DESCRIPTION The site’s ultimate outfall is Big Dry Creek, which runs through the site. Big Dry Creek flows south to north, with an ultimate outfall of the South Platte River. According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Community Panel Number 8001C0303H, dated March 5, 2007, the site is located within zones A and X. FEMA Stargate School – Final Drainage Report FIRM Community Panel Number 8001C0303J, dated May 2, 2014, is a revision of the previously mentioned FEMA FIRM. The revised FIRM, panel 8001C0303J, is currently under review and is set to be approved in May 2015. According to the revised FIRM, the site is located in zones A and AE. The referenced flood maps are included in the Appendix. Currently, the Shay Ditch, along the northern boundary of the site, has been established with a Zone A floodplain. However, along with the widening of Washington Street, the Shay Ditch is being improved and realigned along the northerly property line. With these improvements, the City of Thornton is completing a CLOMR application and analysis. The proposed construction of the Shay Ditch will contain the 100-year floodplain within its banks, and therefore will eliminate that portion of the floodplain from the site. EXISTING SITE DRAINAGE AND FACILITIES The existing site is currently undeveloped and is covered with native grasses and sparse vegetation. The site generally lies between 5150 feet and 5122 feet on the NAVD 88 datum. All runoff from the site is conveyed overland east and ultimately outfalls to Big Dry Creek. The majority of soils found onsite are Platner Loam and Arvada Loam with an NRCS hydrologic soils group (HGS) of C. Soils with a HGS of C have a very slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet and therefore have high runoff potential. A copy of the NRCS soils classification map is included in the Appendix. The current site is 1.7% impervious and runoff from basin H1 is conveyed overland east, where it eventually outfalls into Big Dry Creek. A residence with gravel drives is located in the northwest corner of the site. A barn is also located on the residential property. DRAINAGE DESIGN CRITERIA REGULATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA The proposed drainage facilities have been designed to comply with the City of Thornton Standards and Specifications, 2012 edition1, and the latest Urban Drainage and Flood Control District’s Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual (Urban Drainage), 2010 edition2. HYDROLOGIC METHOD AND DESIGN STORM FREQUENCIES The Rational Method (Q=CIA) was computed to determine the storm runoff (Q) from this site, with composite runoff coefficients (C) and contributing areas (A) for given design points in sub-basins. The runoff coefficients were determined from site composite imperviousness. The runoff coefficients for various land usages were obtained from Urban Drainage. Intensities (I) were determined using the Time-Intensity-Frequency Values and a calculated Time of Concentration (tc). Post development Time of Concentration calculations for each sub-basin, corresponding rainfall intensities, composite runoff coefficients, and storm flows for the 5-year and 100-year storms for each design point are provided in the Appendix. HGL calculations were calculated using Hydraflow design software. Stargate School – Final Drainage Report HYDRAULIC CRITERIA Design storm recurrence intervals for this project are consistent with the City of Thornton requirements for school areas: the minor storm is the 5-year event and the major storm is the 100-year event. The storm sewer system is designed to contain and convey the major event. Final calculations for the storm system, pond, and outlet structure are in accordance with the City of Thornton Standards and Specifications and are included in the Appendix of this report. Complete drainage plans, details, dimensions, etc. are included in the final engineering plans. VARIANCES FROM THE CRITERIA No variances from the criteria are requested with this development. WETLAND MITIGATION AND PRESERVATION No mapped wetlands exist onsite. DRAINAGE FACILITY DESIGN GENERAL CONCEPT The site continues to convey runoff east and drain to an onsite detention pond, which provides the Stargate School parcel’s detention requirements. Water quality is provided through Full Spectrum Detention and Excess Urban Runoff Volume (EURV). PROPOSED BASINS AND SUB-BASINS The proposed site has been divided into 34 sub-basins (refer to the attached Developed Drainage Maps, Figures 2 through 5). Runoff from the site will flow overland to the storm sewer system and continue to the onsite detention pond. There are seven major basins included in this report: A, B, C, D, E, O, and P. These basins are based on their outfalls. • The A basin (4.30-acres) A majority of the A basin is located north and east of the Stargate School and consists of the northern entrance drive, parking lot, northeast wing of the Stargate School, western wing of the field house building, and landscape areas. Runoff from these minor basins is then conveyed south. Additionally, minor A basins consist of the southern portion of the Primary School parking lot and the southeast corner of the Primary School building. The A basin eventually outfalls at the southeast corner of the Stargate School parcel and runoff is conveyed by a concrete trickle channel to the onside detention pond. • The B basin (2.97-acres) is located west and south of the Stargate School. The B basin consists of the southern entrance drive, parking lot, student drop-off lane, west and southeast wings of the Stargate School, and landscape areas. The outfall of the B basin is Storm Line A, where runoff is then conveyed south and east to the detention pond. Stargate School – Final Drainage Report • The C basin (0.40-acre) is located along the southern boundary of the Stargate School property. The C basin consists of a portion of the asphalt drive south of the southern parking lot. Runoff from the C basin is conveyed east, where it outfalls into Storm Line A and eventually into the detention pond. • The D basin (2.47-acres) contains the eastern portion of the field house building, the amphitheater, the northwest corner of the Primary School, sidewalks, and landscaped areas. The outfall for the D basin is Storm Line F, where it is conveyed southeast and eventually outfalls into the detention pond. Basin D includes a 5,955 square foot expansion to the field house building to allow for future construction without modifying the detention pond. • The E basin (0.36-acres) contains a majority of the Primary School building, as well as a landscaped area northeast of the Primary School. Runoff is conveyed east and outfalls into Storm Line F and eventually outfalls into the onsite detention pond. Basin E includes a future asphalt basketball court and the impervious value for the field has been increased to allow for a potential conversion to artificial turf in the future. • The O basin (1.01-acres) consists of the southwest corner of the Primary School and the northern portion of the Primary School parking lot. Runoff is conveyed south and outfalls into Storm Line A, where it is conveyed east and eventually outfalls into the detention pond. In the 100-year storm event, the storm system within basin O surcharges and ponding occurs. HGL calculations and profiles for the minor and major storm events can be found in the Appendix. • The P basin (10.41-acres) is the portion of the Stargate Property containing the onsite detention pond. This basin also includes potential future improvements such as an asphalt court and a synthetic turf field. The pond was considered 100% impervious at the 100-year water surface elevation. The developed site is 46.5% impervious. Runoff rates, imperviousness, and runoff coefficients for the various design points can be found within the calculations in the Appendix. Design points, imperviousness, and direct and routed flow rates for each subbasin are also shown on the included Developed Drainage Maps. RUNOFF AND DETENTION A majority of the onsite inlets and storm pipes have been designed to capture and convey the major (100-year) storm event without surcharging the private and public storm sewer systems. All of the onsite inlets and storm pipes have been designed to capture and convey the minor (5-year) storm event. All of the grate elevations for the on-site inlets have been set higher than the 100-year water surface elevation at the pond to avoid a potential surcharging. There are two sump inlets located at the northeast corner of the Primary School parking lot that have ponding at the 100 year event. The ponding is less than 12 inches and elevations have been noted on the grading plans. Stargate School – Final Drainage Report Water quality is provided through Full Spectrum Detention, as required by the City of Thornton Standards and Specifications. The onsite detention pond is designed for 100year detention and the excess urban runoff volume (EURV) in order to reduce postdevelopment impacts on Big Dry Creek. The regional detention pond releases through an outlet structure complete with a micropool, a water quality plate, and 100-year flow restrictor plate. The outfall of the onsite detention pond will release into Shay Ditch to the north, and was set above the 10-year storm event water surface elevation of Big Dry Creek. The 10-year storm event water surface elevation, where Shay Ditch outfalls into Big Dry Creek, is approximately 5120.63’.5 The concrete flared end section of the outfall pipe will be tied into the grouted boulder edge of Shay Ditch and adequate outlet protection will be provided. Additionally, an emergency spillway conveys emergency overflows east overland to Big Dry Creek. The spillway is sized to convey two times the developed 100 year runoff. CONCLUSIONS The drainage facilities for the development of Stargate School have been designed in accordance with the City of Thornton Standards & Specifications and the latest methods endorsed the by the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District. The referenced Developed Drainage Maps, Figures 2 through 5, depict the drainage design points, developed runoff sub-basins, and configuration of the proposed storm drainage system. Drainage facilities are anticipated to adequately handle all onsite drainage while enhancing the stormwater quality. Negative impacts on adjacent, upstream, or downstream properties, under both existing and future build-out conditions of this site, are not anticipated. Stargate School – Final Drainage Report REFERENCES 1. “City of Thornton Standards and Specifications,” City of Thornton, 2012 Edition. 2. “Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual,” Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, 2010. 3. FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps, FEMA Map Service Center, Community Panels Number 08001C0303H and 08001C0303J. Online at, accessed January 5, 2015. 4. Web Soil Survey, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Online at, accessed January 7, 2015. 5. “Big Dry Creek Major Drainageway Plan Conceptual Design Report,” Prepared by Wright Water Engineers, March 2012. 6. “Washington Street Widening Study: 144th Ave to 160th Ave, Preliminary Design Report,” Prepared by Matrix Design Group, July 2010. Stargate School – Final Drainage Report APPENDIX A – SITE MAPS Stargate School – Final Drainage Report STARGATE SCHOOL AT WASHINGTON STREET & EAST 144TH AVENUE THORNTON, COLORADO SITE © 2015 M APQUEST – PORTIONS ©2015 TOM TOM VICINITY MAP – NOT TO SCALE SITE SITE APPENDIX B – HYDROLOGY Stargate School – Final Drainage Report JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP Stargate School Historic Runoff Coefficient & Time of Concentration Calculations Location: Thornton Minor Design Storm: 5 Major Design Storm: 100 Soil Type: C/D CA = KA + (1.31i3 - 1.44i2 + 1.135i + 0.12) CCD = KCD + (0.858i3 - 0.786i2 + 0.774i + 0.04) CB = (CA + CCD)/2 Basin Design Data I (%) = Basin Name H Design Point 1 100% Apaved streets (sf) 0 90% 90% 40% 10% 25% Adrives/co nc (sf) Aroof (sf) Agravel (sf) Aplygnd (sf) Aart. turf (sf) 5,750 6,610 15,140 0 0 0% 0% Alscape (B Alscape soil) (C/D soil) (sf) (sf) 0 ATotal ATotal (sf) (ac) Imp (%) 22.87 1.7% 968,845 996,345 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 TOTAL SITE 0 5,750 6,610 15,140 0 0 0 968,845 996,345 Initial Overland Time (ti) Runoff Coeff's I (%) C2 C5 C10 Upper most C100 Length tt=Length/(Velocity Travel Time (tt) x 60) Slope (%) ti (min) Length (ft) Slope (%) 1.6% 25.5 1015 12.0% Type of Land Surface Cv Velocity (fps) tt (min) 7 2.4 7.0 (ft) 0.05 0.16 0.26 0.51 0.00 22.87 1.7% 0.05 0.16 0.26 300 Short Pasture and lawns Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales tc Urbanized Check ON tc Final Time of Total tc=(L/180)+ Conc Length 10 (min.) ti + tt = tc (ft) Min tc tc Comp 32.5 1315 17.3 20 0 10.0 20 0 10.0 20 0 10.0 20 0 10.0 0.51 I = (28.5 P1) / ((10 + TC) 0.786) Runoff Coeff's Area Rainfall Intensities (in/hr) Flow Rates (cfs) Design Point Time of Conc (tc) C2 C5 C10 C100 2 5 10 100 ATotal (sf) H 1 17.3 0.05 0.16 0.26 0.51 2.05 2.92 N/A 5.70 996,345 22.87 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 996,345 22.87 Basin Name TOTAL SITE 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx ATotal (ac) Q10 Q100 N/A 66.01 2.50 10.79 0.00 66.01 Q2 Q5 2.50 10.79 Historic Page 1 of 7 17.3 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP Stargate School Composite Runoff Coefficient Calculations Location: Thornton Minor Design Storm: 5 Major Design Storm: 100 Soil Type: C/D CA = KA + (1.31i3 - 1.44i2 + 1.135i + 0.12) CCD = KCD + (0.858i3 - 0.786i2 + 0.774i + 0.04) CB = (CA + CCD)/2 Basin Design Data I (%) = Basin Name Design Point 100% 90% Apond Adrives/c (sf) onc (sf) 90% 40% Aroof Agravel (sf) (sf) 10% 25% Aplygnd Aart. turf (sf) (sf) 0% 0% Alscape (B Alscape soil) (C/D soil) (sf) (sf) 10,750 ATotal ATotal (sf) (ac) Imp (%) C2 C5 C10 C100 39,720 0.91 65.6% 0.45 0.50 0.54 0.66 5,250 0.12 90.0% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 A1 1 A2 2 A3 3 53,450 1,085 54,535 1.25 88.2% 0.70 0.72 0.75 0.82 A4 4 2,700 4,303 7,003 0.16 34.7% 0.25 0.33 0.40 0.57 A5 5 548 9,348 0.21 84.7% 0.65 0.68 0.71 0.78 A6 6 1,372 1,372 0.03 0.0% 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 A7 7 4,526 6,706 0.15 29.3% 0.22 0.30 0.38 0.57 A8 8 1,078 1,078 0.02 0.0% 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 A9 9 420 2,280 2,700 0.06 14.0% 0.14 0.23 0.32 0.54 A10 10 10,730 2,080 12,810 0.29 75.4% 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.71 A11 11 29,815 2,845 32,660 0.75 82.2% 0.62 0.65 0.68 0.76 A12 12 4,000 1,105 5,105 0.12 70.5% 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 A13 13 4,435 4,435 0.10 90.0% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 B1 14 28,198 1,237 29,435 0.68 86.2% 0.67 0.70 0.73 0.80 B2 15 16,160 8,480 24,640 0.57 59.0% 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.63 B3 16 13,544 9,340 22,884 0.53 53.3% 0.36 0.42 0.47 0.61 B4 17 6,640 6,640 0.15 0.0% 0.04 0.15 0.25 0.50 B5 18 1,140 6,170 0.14 73.4% 0.52 0.56 0.60 0.70 B6 19 7,565 0.17 90.0% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 B7 20 14,880 6,560 21,440 0.49 62.5% 0.43 0.47 0.52 0.64 B8 21 9,365 1,380 10,745 0.25 78.4% 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 C 22 9,385 7,870 17,255 0.40 49.0% 0.33 0.39 0.45 0.60 D1 23 25,820 0.59 90.0% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 D2 24 620 4,730 5,350 0.12 10.4% 0.11 0.21 0.30 0.53 D3 25 1,710 1,085 2,795 0.06 55.1% 0.37 0.43 0.48 0.62 D4 26 7,105 0.16 90.0% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 D5 27 66,720 1.53 25.0% 0.20 0.28 0.36 0.56 O1 28 7,895 0.18 90.0% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx 28,970 Runoff Coeff's I (%) 5,250 8,800 2,180 5,030 7,565 25,820 7,105 18,500 48,220 7,895 Developed C Page 2 of 7 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP Stargate School Composite Runoff Coefficient Calculations Location: Thornton Minor Design Storm: 5 Major Design Storm: 100 Soil Type: C/D CA = KA + (1.31i3 - 1.44i2 + 1.135i + 0.12) CCD = KCD + (0.858i3 - 0.786i2 + 0.774i + 0.04) CB = (CA + CCD)/2 Basin Design Data I (%) = Basin Name Design Point 100% 90% Apond Adrives/c (sf) onc (sf) 90% 40% Aroof Agravel (sf) (sf) 10% 25% Aplygnd Aart. turf (sf) (sf) 0% 0% Alscape (B Alscape soil) (C/D soil) (sf) (sf) Runoff Coeff's I (%) ATotal ATotal (sf) (ac) Imp (%) C2 C5 C10 C100 O2 29 16,420 3,070 19,490 0.45 75.8% 0.55 0.58 0.62 0.71 O3 30 15,855 930 16,785 0.39 85.0% 0.66 0.68 0.71 0.79 E1 31 4,987 4,987 0.11 90.0% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 E2 32 3,785 3,785 0.09 90.0% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 E3 33 2,770 0.06 42.2% 0.29 0.36 0.43 0.59 E4 34 4,300 0.10 90.0% 0.73 0.75 0.77 0.83 P 35 262,815 453,650 10.41 25.1% 0.20 0.28 0.36 0.56 396,939 950,948 21.83 46.3% 0.32 0.38 0.44 0.59 1,300 1,470 4,300 66,700 24,655 DETENTION/WQ 66,700 279,689 108,140 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx 99,480 0 0 99,480 0 Developed C Page 3 of 7 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP Stargate School Time of Concentration Calculations Thornton Location: Minor Design Storm: 5 Major Design Storm: 100 Soil Type: C/D Travel Time (tt) tt=Length/(Velocity x 60) Initial Overland Time (ti) Sub-Basin Data Basin Name Design Point ATotal (ac) C5 Upper most Length (ft) Slope (%) ti (min) A1 1 0.91 0.50 45 7.8% 3.7 A2 2 0.12 0.75 120 2.0% 5.7 A3 3 1.25 0.72 150 2.4% 6.3 A4 4 0.16 0.33 60 0.3% 16.4 A5 5 0.21 0.68 140 2.0% 7.3 A6 6 0.03 0.15 31 7.2% 5.0 A7 7 0.15 0.30 115 3.1% A8 8 0.02 0.15 28 A9 9 0.06 0.23 58 tc Comp tc Urbanized Check ON tc Final Min tc Cv Velocity (fps) tt (min) Time of Conc ti + tt = tc Total Length (ft) tc=(L/180)+ 10 (min) 20 2.9 1.0 4.7 215 11.2 5.0 20 0.0 0.0 5.7 120 10.7 5.7 20 2.4 2.1 8.5 460 12.6 8.5 20 0.0 0.0 16.4 60 10.3 10.3 20 0.0 0.0 7.3 140 10.8 7.3 Short Pasture and lawns 7 0.0 0.0 5.0 31 10.2 5.0 10.8 Short Pasture and lawns 7 0.0 0.0 10.8 115 10.6 10.6 2.5% 6.8 Short Pasture and lawns 7 0.0 0.0 6.8 28 10.2 6.8 2.0% 9.7 Short Pasture and lawns 7 0.0 0.0 9.7 58 10.3 9.7 20 2.7 0.4 14.0 362 12.0 12.0 20 3.3 0.0 10.3 305 11.7 10.3 20 0.0 0.0 27.3 131 10.7 10.7 20 0.0 0.0 5.7 123 10.7 5.7 20 0.0 0.0 8.7 220 11.2 8.7 20 2.3 2.2 6.2 335 11.9 6.2 20 1.9 0.8 8.8 225 11.3 8.8 7 0.0 0.0 9.2 103 10.6 9.2 20 0.0 0.0 7.9 125 10.7 7.9 20 0.0 0.0 5.3 105 10.6 5.3 20 0.0 0.0 13.8 267 11.5 11.5 20 0.0 0.0 10.2 196 11.1 10.2 20 0.0 0.0 13.0 210 11.2 11.2 20 0.0 0.0 6.6 163 10.9 6.6 Length Slope (%) (ft) 170 310 2.1% 1.5% A10 10 0.29 0.58 300 1.8% 13.6 62 1.8% A11 11 0.75 0.65 300 2.7% 10.3 5 2.7% A12 12 0.12 0.50 131 0.1% 27.3 A13 13 0.10 0.75 123 2.0% 5.7 B1 14 0.68 0.70 220 2.0% 8.7 B2 15 0.57 0.45 40 6.7% 4.0 295 1.3% B3 16 0.53 0.42 130 5.8% 8.0 95 0.9% B4 17 0.15 0.15 103 7.2% 9.2 B5 18 0.14 0.56 125 2.7% 7.9 B6 19 0.17 0.75 105 2.0% 5.3 B7 20 0.49 0.47 267 2.5% 13.8 B8 21 0.25 0.58 196 2.3% 10.2 C 22 0.40 0.39 210 3.0% 13.0 D1 23 0.59 0.75 163 2.0% 6.6 Type of Land Surface Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Short Pasture and lawns Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales D2 24 0.12 0.21 73 4.0% 8.8 Short Pasture and lawns 7 0.0 0.0 8.8 73 10.4 8.8 D3 25 0.06 0.43 142 6.3% 8.0 Short Pasture and lawns 7 0.0 0.0 8.0 142 10.8 8.0 20 0.0 0.0 5.4 109 10.6 5.4 20 0.0 0.0 15.3 258 11.4 11.4 20 0.0 0.0 6.3 147 10.8 6.3 20 0.0 0.0 9.4 234 11.3 9.4 D4 26 0.16 0.75 109 2.0% 5.4 D5 27 1.53 0.28 258 3.9% 15.3 O1 28 0.18 0.75 147 2.0% 6.3 O2 29 0.45 0.58 234 3.7% 9.4 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Developed Tc Page 4 of 7 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP Stargate School Time of Concentration Calculations Thornton Location: Minor Design Storm: 5 Major Design Storm: 100 Soil Type: C/D Travel Time (tt) tt=Length/(Velocity x 60) Initial Overland Time (ti) Sub-Basin Data Basin Name Design Point ATotal (ac) C5 Upper most Length (ft) Slope (%) ti (min) O3 30 0.39 0.68 265 3.0% 8.6 E1 31 0.11 0.75 115 2.0% 5.5 E2 32 0.09 0.75 88 2.0% 4.8 E3 33 0.06 0.36 66 2.0% 8.8 E4 34 0.10 0.75 90 2.0% 4.9 P 35 10.41 0.28 300 2.0% 20.6 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Length Slope (%) (ft) 700 1.8% Type of Land Surface Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Paved areas & shallow paved swales Developed Tc tc Comp tc Urbanized Check ON tc Final Min tc Cv Velocity (fps) tt (min) Time of Conc ti + tt = tc Total Length (ft) tc=(L/180)+ 10 (min) 20 0.0 0.0 8.6 265 11.5 8.6 20 0.0 0.0 5.5 115 10.6 5.5 20 0.0 0.0 4.8 88 10.5 5.0 20 0.0 0.0 8.8 66 10.4 8.8 20 0.0 0.0 4.9 90 10.5 5.0 20 2.7 4.3 24.9 1000 15.6 15.6 Page 5 of 7 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP POND VOLUME CALCULATIONS - STAGE / STORAGE Pond Volume = Prismoidal Formula Volume Equation = (A1+A2+SQRT(A1*A2)*D/3 Stage / Storage Input Table ELEVATION ft 5123.8 5124.0 5125.0 5126.0 5127.0 5128.0 5128.3 Top of Pond 5128.3 DEPTH (D) ft 0.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.3 AREA (A1) ft2 0 274 13,337 41,198 70,766 99,225 108,610 4.5 WEIGHTED AVG AREA (A2) ft2 INCREMENTAL VOLUME ft3 137 6,806 27,268 55,982 84,996 103,918 18 5,174 25,992 55,320 84,596 31,165 CUMMULATIVE VOLUME ft3 0 18 5,192 31,184 86,504 171,099 202,264 TOTAL VOLUME 202,264 cf 4.643 ac-ft Volume Summary Table Required Required Water Surface Volume (ft3) Volume (ac-ft) Elevation EURV V100 + 42,955 cf 77,975 cf 0% WQCV 0.986 ac-ft 1.790 ac-ft 5126.21 ft 5126.85 ft Water Depth 2.41 ft 3.05 ft Volume Interpolation Calculations EURV Vol 31184.32 42954.77 86503.85 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Elev 5126.00 5126.21 5127.00 V100 + Vol 31184.32 77975.46 86503.85 Vol Pond 0% WQCV Elev 5126.00 5126.85 5127.00 Page 6 of 7 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP STAGE VS. STORAGE Water Quality Detention Pond 5129.0 5128.5 Top of Pond 202,264 cf 5128.3 5128.0 5127.0 (FEET ABOVE MSL) WATER SURFACE ELEVATION 5127.5 V100 + 0% WQCV 77,975 cf 5126.85 ft 5126.5 EURV 42,955 cf 5126.21 ft 5126.0 5125.5 5125.0 5124.5 5124.0 5123.5 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 POND VOLUME (CF) 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Vol Pond Page 7 of 7 APPENDIX C – HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS Stargate School – Final Drainage Report JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School Developed Storm Runoff Calculations Pipe Size (in) or equivalent Pipe Material Slope (%) Pipe Flow (cfs) Max Pipe Capacity (cfs) Length (ft) Velocity (fps) tt (min) Total Time (min) 5.86 5.70 0.10 8.80 0.89 12 in PVC 1.0% 0.9 5.0 40 1.2 0.55 6.25 8.50 1.72 7.74 13.31 24 in RCP 0.6% 13.3 19.3 151 4.7 0.53 9.03 10.30 1.81 7.19 13.04 24 in RCP 0.6% 13.0 19.3 108 4.6 0.39 10.69 7.30 0.17 8.16 1.37 15 in PVC 2.5% 1.4 14.2 60 3.2 0.31 7.61 5.00 0.02 9.12 0.14 15 in PVC 0.5% 0.1 6.4 64 1.2 0.90 5.90 10.60 0.10 7.11 0.73 15 in PVC 0.5% 0.7 6.4 69 2.3 0.51 11.11 6.80 0.01 8.35 0.10 15 in PVC 1.0% 0.1 8.8 40 0.9 0.75 7.55 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A5-A9) 11.11 0.32 6.98 2.21 15 in PVC 0.5% 2.2 6.4 31.5 3.4 0.15 11.26 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A9) 11.26 2.13 6.94 14.77 24 in RCP 0.6% 14.8 19.3 173 5.3 0.54 11.80 8.70 0.54 7.67 4.13 15 in RCP 0.8% 4.1 6.2 42 3.9 0.18 8.88 18 in RCP 0.8% 6.8 10.1 103 4.4 0.39 9.27 0.60 9.12 5.46 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A1) 5.70 0.10 8.80 0.88 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A2) A3 3 1.25 0.82 8.50 1.02 A4 4 0.16 0.57 10.30 7.73 7.90 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A3) 0.09 7.19 0.66 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A4) A5 5 0.21 0.78 7.30 0.17 8.15 1.37 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A5) A6 6 0.03 0.50 5.00 0.02 9.12 0.14 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A6) A7 7 0.15 0.57 10.60 0.09 7.11 0.62 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A6 & A7) A8 8 0.02 0.50 6.80 0.01 8.34 0.10 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A8) A9 B1 9 14 0.06 0.68 0.54 0.80 9.70 8.70 0.03 0.54 7.36 7.67 0.25 4.13 Total Pipe Flow (Basin B1) B2 15 0.57 0.63 6.20 0.36 8.58 3.05 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B1 & B2) 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Q bypass Q (cfs) 0.86 5.00 Q carryover I (in/hr) 4.8 Q (cfs) 248 I (in/hr) 12.0 C*A (ac) 5.5 tc (min) 0.5% Runoff Coeff RCP Area (ac) 21 in Design Point 5.46 Basin Name 9.12 0.66 0.83 Pipe/Swale Travel Time 0.60 0.91 0.12 Pipe 5.00 1 2 Inlets ΣC*A (ac) Total Runoff A1 A2 I = (28.5 P1) / ((10 + TC)^0.786) Total tc (min) Direct Runoff 2.69 Notes Point Hour Rainfall (P1) : Year Q intercepted 100 Inlet Type Design Storm : Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP 1.84 8.88 0.89 7.61 6.81 Q100 Overflow to B3 1.21 Page 1 of 29 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School Developed Storm Runoff Calculations 18 0.14 0.70 7.90 0.10 7.94 19 0.17 20 0.49 C O1 21 22 28 0.25 0.40 0.18 29 0.45 30 0.39 140 4.4 0.54 9.81 21 in RCP 0.8% 9.5 15.2 90 4.6 0.33 10.14 0.72 0.06 Overflow to B8 21 in RCP 0.8% 10.1 15.2 129 4.9 0.44 10.58 5.30 0.14 8.98 1.30 15 in RCP 2.0% 1.3 9.8 46 1.1 0.68 5.98 11.50 0.46 6.88 3.17 15 in RCP 2.0% 3.2 9.8 10 3.0 0.06 11.56 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B1-B8) 11.56 1.99 6.86 13.68 24 in RCP 0.8% 13.7 21.7 93 5.1 0.30 11.86 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A9, B1-B8) 11.86 4.12 6.79 27.98 30 in RCP 0.6% 28.0 35.0 100 6.6 0.25 12.11 Total Pipe Flow (Basin C) 11.20 0.24 6.95 1.65 15 in RCP 2.0% 1.7 9.8 95 1.7 0.91 12.11 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A9, B1-B8, C) 12.11 4.36 6.73 29.33 30 in RCP 1.6% 29.3 55.0 206 4.8 0.71 12.83 6.30 0.15 8.55 1.29 12 in RCP 2.0% 1.3 5.4 79 1.8 0.74 7.04 9.40 0.47 7.45 3.51 24 in RCP 0.5% 3.5 17.2 10 6.4 0.03 9.43 9.43 0.77 7.45 5.76 24 in RCP 0.5% 5.8 17.2 101 7.4 0.23 9.65 0.83 5.30 0.14 8.98 0.64 11.50 0.32 6.87 0.58 10.20 0.60 11.20 0.83 6.30 0.14 0.24 0.15 7.22 6.95 8.54 0.71 9.40 0.32 7.45 0.79 8.60 0.30 7.70 1.30 2.17 1.03 1.09 1.65 1.29 2.38 2.33 Total Pipe Flow (Basins O1-O3) 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Notes Total Time (min) 15.2 10.07 Total Pipe Flow (Basins O1 & O2) O3 9.1 7.24 Total Pipe Flow (Basin O1) O2 9.47 0.8% 1.39 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B6 & B7) B8 7.33 RCP 10.14 Total Pipe Flow (Basin B6) B7 1.29 0.78 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B1-B5) B6 9.81 21 in 3.66 0.57 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B1-B4) B5 tt (min) 7.51 Velocity (fps) 0.08 Length (ft) 9.20 Max Pipe Capacity (cfs) 0.50 9.11 Pipe Flow (cfs) 0.15 7.49 Slope (%) 17 1.22 Pipe Material B4 9.27 Pipe/Swale Travel Time Pipe Size (in) or equivalent 2.45 Pipe Q bypass 7.64 Q (cfs) 0.32 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B1-B3) I (in/hr) 8.80 ΣC*A (ac) tc (min) 0.61 Inlets Total tc (min) Runoff Coeff 0.53 Q (cfs) Area (ac) 16 I (in/hr) Design Point B3 I = (28.5 P1) / ((10 + TC)^0.786) Total Runoff C*A (ac) Basin Name Direct Runoff 2.69 Q carryover Point Hour Rainfall (P1) : Year Q intercepted 100 Inlet Type Design Storm : Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP Q100 Page 2 of 29 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School Developed Storm Runoff Calculations Point Hour Rainfall (P1) : Year Pipe Size (in) or equivalent Pipe Material Slope (%) Pipe Flow (cfs) Max Pipe Capacity (cfs) Length (ft) Velocity (fps) tt (min) Total Time (min) 33.7 50.7 39 7.2 0.09 12.92 12.00 0.21 6.75 1.41 18 in RCP 0.5% 1.4 8.0 94 2.1 0.76 12.76 12.76 0.78 6.58 5.12 18 in RCP 0.5% 5.1 8.0 31 7.6 0.07 12.82 12.92 7.46 6.54 48.78 36 in RCP 0.5% 48.8 50.7 245 8.2 0.50 13.42 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A13) 5.70 0.08 8.80 0.75 12 in PVC 1.5% 0.7 6.1 82 1.0 1.31 7.01 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A13, B1-B8, C, O1-O3) 13.42 6.06 6.43 38.94 36 in RCP 0.5% 38.9 50.7 210 8.7 0.40 13.82 6.60 0.49 8.43 4.17 15 in RCP 0.7% 4.2 5.9 247 2.9 1.43 8.03 5.40 0.14 8.94 1.22 12 in PVC 0.5% 1.2 3.5 19 1.6 0.19 5.59 Total Pipe Flow (Basin D5) 11.40 0.86 6.90 5.92 12 in PVC 0.5% 5.9 3.5 17 8.8 0.03 11.43 Total Pipe Flow (Basins D4 & D5) 11.43 0.99 6.89 6.85 18 in RCP 0.5% 6.9 8.0 85 3.9 0.37 11.80 11.80 1.53 6.80 10.39 24 in RCP 0.5% 10.4 17.2 59 3.3 0.30 12.09 0.71 tc (min) 12.00 0.21 6.75 11 0.75 0.76 10.30 0.57 7.19 1.41 4.10 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A10 & A11) A12 12 0.12 0.50 10.70 0.06 7.08 0.41 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A12, B1-B8, C, O1-O3) A13 D1 13 23 0.10 0.59 0.83 0.83 5.70 6.60 0.08 0.49 8.80 8.42 0.75 4.16 Total Pipe Flow (Basin D1) D4 26 0.16 0.83 5.40 0.14 8.93 1.22 Total Pipe Flow (Basin D4) D5 D3 27 25 1.53 0.06 0.56 0.62 11.40 8.00 0.86 0.04 6.90 7.90 5.92 0.31 Total Pipe Flow (Basins D1, D3-D5) 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Q bypass 0.5% Q carryover RCP Q intercepted Q (cfs) 36 in Q (cfs) 33.68 I (in/hr) 6.56 C*A (ac) 5.13 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A10) A11 Pipe/Swale Travel Time I (in/hr) 0.29 Pipe ΣC*A (ac) 10 Inlets Total tc (min) Total Runoff Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A9, B1-B8, C, O1-O3) A10 I = (28.5 P1) / ((10 + TC)^0.786) 12.83 Runoff Coeff Area (ac) Design Point Basin Name Direct Runoff 2.69 Q100 Page 3 of 29 Notes 100 Inlet Type Design Storm : Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School Developed Storm Runoff Calculations Pipe Size (in) or equivalent Pipe Material Slope (%) Pipe Flow (cfs) Max Pipe Capacity (cfs) Length (ft) Velocity (fps) tt (min) Total Time (min) 5.50 0.10 8.89 0.85 12 in PVC 0.5% 0.8 3.5 18 3.1 0.10 5.60 5.00 0.07 9.12 0.66 12 in PVC 0.5% 0.7 3.5 52 3.0 0.29 5.29 8.80 0.21 7.64 1.57 12 in PVC 0.8% 1.6 4.3 42 3.5 0.20 9.00 Total Pipe Flow (Basin E4) 5.00 0.08 9.12 0.75 12 in PVC 2.1% 0.8 7.2 47 2.2 0.35 5.35 Total Pipe Flow (Basins E1-E4) 9.00 0.29 7.58 2.18 12 in PVC 0.8% 2.2 4.3 189 4.5 0.70 9.70 Total Pipe Flow (Basins D1-D5, E1-E4) 13.12 1.88 6.49 12.22 24 in RCP 0.5% 12.2 17.2 113 4.5 0.42 13.53 13.82 13.77 6.34 87.38 7.64 0.50 5.50 0.10 8.89 0.85 Total Pipe Flow (Basin E1) E2 32 0.09 0.83 5.00 0.07 9.12 0.66 Total Pipe Flow (Basin E2) E3 33 0.06 0.59 8.80 0.04 7.64 0.28 Total Pipe Flow (Basins E1-E3) E4 P 34 35 0.10 10.41 0.83 0.56 5.00 15.60 0.08 5.84 9.12 5.99 0.75 34.96 Total Developed Flow (Basins A1-A13, B1-B8, C, D1-D5, E1-E4, O1-O3, P) 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Q bypass Q (cfs) 13.12 0.07 Total Pipe Flow (Basins D1-D5) Q carryover I (in/hr) 1.02 Q (cfs) 6.7 I (in/hr) 409 8.80 C*A (ac) 17.2 tc (min) 10.7 Runoff Coeff 0.5% Area (ac) RCP Design Point 24 in Basin Name 10.72 0.53 0.83 Pipe/Swale Travel Time 6.73 0.12 0.11 Pipe 1.59 24 31 Inlets ΣC*A (ac) Total Runoff 12.09 D2 E1 I = (28.5 P1) / ((10 + TC)^0.786) Total tc (min) Direct Runoff 2.69 Q100 Page 4 of 29 Notes Point Hour Rainfall (P1) : Year Q intercepted 100 Inlet Type Design Storm : Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School Developed Storm Runoff Calculations Pipe Size (in) or equivalent Pipe Material Slope (%) Pipe Flow (cfs) Max Pipe Capacity (cfs) Length (ft) Velocity (fps) tt (min) Total Time (min) 5.99 5.70 0.09 4.52 0.41 12 in PVC 1.0% 0.4 5.0 40 3.1 0.21 5.91 8.50 1.45 3.97 5.74 24 in RCP 0.6% 5.7 19.3 151 5.3 0.47 8.97 10.30 1.50 3.69 5.53 24 in RCP 0.6% 5.5 19.3 108 5.3 0.34 10.64 7.30 0.15 4.18 0.61 15 in PVC 2.5% 0.6 14.2 60 3.3 0.31 7.61 5.00 0.00 4.68 0.02 15 in PVC 0.5% 0.0 6.4 64 0.8 1.32 6.32 10.60 0.05 3.65 0.19 15 in PVC 0.5% 0.2 6.4 69 1.6 0.71 11.31 6.80 0.00 4.28 0.02 15 in PVC 1.0% 0.0 8.8 40 0.6 1.17 7.97 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A5-A9) 11.31 0.21 3.55 0.76 15 in PVC 0.5% 0.8 6.4 31.5 3.2 0.17 11.48 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A9) 11.48 1.71 3.53 6.05 24 in RCP 0.6% 6.0 19.3 173 5.4 0.53 12.01 8.70 0.47 3.94 1.85 15 in RCP 0.8% 1.9 6.2 42 4.4 0.16 8.86 18 in RCP 0.8% 2.8 10.1 103 4.8 0.36 9.22 0.45 4.68 2.12 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A1) 5.70 0.09 4.51 0.41 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A2) A3 3 1.25 0.72 8.50 0.90 A4 4 0.16 0.33 10.30 3.96 3.58 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A3) 0.05 3.69 0.19 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A4) A5 5 0.21 0.68 7.30 0.15 4.18 0.61 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A5) A6 6 0.03 0.15 5.00 0.00 4.68 0.02 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A6) A7 7 0.15 0.30 10.60 0.05 3.64 0.17 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A6 & A7) A8 8 0.02 0.15 6.80 0.00 4.28 0.02 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A8) A9 B1 9 14 0.06 0.68 0.23 0.70 9.70 8.70 0.01 0.47 3.77 3.93 0.05 1.85 Total Pipe Flow (Basin B1) B2 15 0.57 0.45 6.20 0.25 4.40 1.12 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B1 & B2) 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Q bypass Q (cfs) 0.99 5.00 Q carryover I (in/hr) 4.2 Q (cfs) 248 I (in/hr) 12.0 C*A (ac) 2.1 tc (min) 0.5% Runoff Coeff RCP Area (ac) 21 in Design Point 2.12 Basin Name 4.68 0.50 0.75 Pipe/Swale Travel Time 0.45 0.91 0.12 Pipe 5.00 1 2 Inlets ΣC*A (ac) Total Runoff A1 A2 I = (28.5 P1) / ((10 + TC)^0.786) Total tc (min) Direct Runoff 1.38 Notes Point Hour Rainfall (P1) : Year Q intercepted 5 Inlet Type Design Storm : Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP 0.95 8.86 0.73 3.91 2.84 Q5 Overflow to B3 0.17 Page 5 of 29 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School Developed Storm Runoff Calculations 18 0.14 0.56 7.90 0.08 4.07 19 0.17 20 0.49 C O1 21 22 28 0.25 0.40 0.18 29 0.45 30 0.39 140 5.0 0.47 9.69 21 in RCP 0.8% 3.7 15.2 90 4.9 0.31 9.99 0.33 0.00 Overflow to B8 21 in RCP 0.8% 3.9 15.2 129 5.2 0.42 10.41 5.30 0.13 4.61 0.60 15 in RCP 2.0% 0.6 9.8 46 2.5 0.31 5.61 11.50 0.36 3.53 1.28 15 in RCP 2.0% 1.3 9.8 10 4.7 0.04 11.54 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B1-B8) 11.54 1.55 3.52 5.46 24 in RCP 0.8% 5.5 21.7 93 5.6 0.28 11.81 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A9, B1-B8) 11.81 3.26 3.49 11.38 30 in RCP 0.6% 11.4 35.0 100 6.3 0.26 12.08 Total Pipe Flow (Basin C) 11.20 0.16 3.57 0.55 15 in RCP 2.0% 0.6 9.8 95 3.7 0.42 11.62 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A9, B1-B8, C) 12.08 3.42 3.45 11.81 30 in RCP 1.6% 11.8 55.0 206 7.7 0.45 12.52 6.30 0.14 4.38 0.59 12 in RCP 2.0% 0.6 5.4 79 3.9 0.34 6.64 9.40 0.40 3.82 1.51 24 in RCP 0.5% 1.5 17.2 10 2.9 0.06 9.46 9.46 0.66 3.82 2.51 24 in RCP 0.5% 2.5 17.2 101 2.9 0.58 10.04 0.75 5.30 0.13 4.60 0.47 11.50 0.23 3.52 0.58 10.20 0.39 11.20 0.75 6.30 0.14 0.16 0.14 3.70 3.56 4.38 0.58 9.40 0.26 3.82 0.68 8.60 0.26 3.95 0.60 0.82 0.53 0.53 0.55 0.59 1.00 1.04 Total Pipe Flow (Basins O1-O3) 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Notes Total Time (min) 15.2 3.91 Total Pipe Flow (Basins O1 & O2) O3 3.6 3.73 Total Pipe Flow (Basin O1) O2 3.65 0.8% 1.05 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B6 & B7) B8 3.78 RCP 9.99 Total Pipe Flow (Basin B6) B7 0.97 0.32 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B1-B5) B6 9.69 21 in 1.02 0.09 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B1-B4) B5 tt (min) 3.85 Velocity (fps) 0.02 Length (ft) 9.20 Max Pipe Capacity (cfs) 0.15 3.64 Pipe Flow (cfs) 0.15 3.85 Slope (%) 17 0.94 Pipe Material B4 9.22 Pipe/Swale Travel Time Pipe Size (in) or equivalent 0.85 Pipe Q bypass 3.91 Q (cfs) 0.22 Total Pipe Flow (Basins B1-B3) I (in/hr) 8.80 ΣC*A (ac) tc (min) 0.42 Inlets Total tc (min) Runoff Coeff 0.53 Q (cfs) Area (ac) 16 I (in/hr) Design Point B3 I = (28.5 P1) / ((10 + TC)^0.786) Total Runoff C*A (ac) Basin Name Direct Runoff 1.38 Q carryover Point Hour Rainfall (P1) : Year Q intercepted 5 Inlet Type Design Storm : Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP Q5 Page 6 of 29 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School Developed Storm Runoff Calculations Point Hour Rainfall (P1) : Year Pipe Size (in) or equivalent Pipe Material Slope (%) Pipe Flow (cfs) Max Pipe Capacity (cfs) Length (ft) Velocity (fps) tt (min) Total Time (min) 13.9 50.7 39 5.8 0.11 12.64 12.00 0.17 3.46 0.59 18 in RCP 0.5% 0.6 8.0 94 0.5 3.01 15.01 15.01 0.66 3.13 2.06 18 in RCP 0.5% 2.1 8.0 31 1.7 0.30 15.31 15.31 5.79 3.10 17.96 36 in RCP 0.5% 18.0 50.7 245 6.3 0.64 15.96 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A13) 5.70 0.08 4.52 0.34 12 in PVC 1.5% 0.3 6.1 82 2.6 0.53 6.23 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A13, B1-B8, C, O1-O3) 15.96 4.87 3.04 14.81 36 in RCP 0.5% 14.8 50.7 210 6.4 0.55 16.50 6.60 0.44 4.32 1.91 15 in RCP 0.7% 1.9 5.9 247 5.4 0.76 7.36 5.40 0.12 4.58 0.56 12 in PVC 0.5% 0.6 3.5 19 2.2 0.15 5.55 Total Pipe Flow (Basin D5) 11.40 0.43 3.54 1.53 12 in PVC 0.5% 1.5 3.5 17 3.3 0.09 11.49 Total Pipe Flow (Basins D4 & D5) 11.49 0.55 3.53 1.96 18 in RCP 0.5% 2.0 8.0 85 2.5 0.57 12.06 12.06 1.02 3.46 3.54 24 in RCP 0.5% 3.5 17.2 59 4.4 0.23 12.28 0.58 tc (min) 12.00 0.17 3.46 11 0.75 0.65 10.30 0.49 3.69 0.59 1.80 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A10 & A11) A12 12 0.12 0.50 10.70 0.06 3.63 0.21 Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A12, B1-B8, C, O1-O3) A13 D1 13 23 0.10 0.59 0.75 0.75 5.70 6.60 0.08 0.44 4.51 4.32 0.34 1.91 Total Pipe Flow (Basin D1) D4 26 0.16 0.75 5.40 0.12 4.58 0.56 Total Pipe Flow (Basin D4) D5 D3 27 25 1.53 0.06 0.28 0.43 11.40 8.00 0.43 0.03 3.54 4.05 1.53 0.11 Total Pipe Flow (Basins D1, D3-D5) 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Q bypass 0.5% Q carryover RCP Q intercepted Q (cfs) 36 in Q (cfs) 13.87 I (in/hr) 3.40 C*A (ac) 4.08 Total Pipe Flow (Basin A10) A11 Pipe/Swale Travel Time I (in/hr) 0.29 Pipe ΣC*A (ac) 10 Inlets Total tc (min) Total Runoff Total Pipe Flow (Basins A1-A9, B1-B8, C, O1-O3) A10 I = (28.5 P1) / ((10 + TC)^0.786) 12.52 Runoff Coeff Area (ac) Design Point Basin Name Direct Runoff 1.38 Q5 Page 7 of 29 Notes 5 Inlet Type Design Storm : Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School Developed Storm Runoff Calculations Pipe Size (in) or equivalent Pipe Material Slope (%) Pipe Flow (cfs) Max Pipe Capacity (cfs) Length (ft) Velocity (fps) tt (min) Total Time (min) 5.50 0.09 4.56 0.39 12 in PVC 0.5% 0.4 3.5 18 2.7 0.11 5.61 5.00 0.06 4.68 0.30 12 in PVC 0.5% 0.3 3.5 52 2.6 0.34 5.34 8.80 0.17 3.92 0.68 12 in PVC 0.8% 0.7 4.3 42 2.8 0.25 9.05 Total Pipe Flow (Basin E4) 5.00 0.07 4.68 0.34 12 in PVC 2.1% 0.3 7.2 47 1.9 0.41 5.41 Total Pipe Flow (Basins E1-E4) 9.05 0.25 3.88 0.96 12 in PVC 0.8% 1.0 4.3 189 4.1 0.76 9.81 Total Pipe Flow (Basins D1-D5, E1-E4) 13.80 1.30 3.26 4.22 24 in RCP 0.5% 4.2 17.2 113 4.7 0.40 14.20 16.50 9.11 2.99 27.27 3.91 0.10 5.50 0.09 4.56 0.39 Total Pipe Flow (Basin E1) E2 32 0.09 0.75 5.00 0.06 4.68 0.30 Total Pipe Flow (Basin E2) E3 33 0.06 0.36 8.80 0.02 3.91 0.09 Total Pipe Flow (Basins E1-E3) E4 P 34 35 0.10 10.41 0.75 0.28 5.00 15.60 0.07 2.95 4.68 3.07 0.34 9.05 Total Developed Flow (Basins A1-A13, B1-B8, C, D1-D5, E1-E4, O1-O3, P) 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx Q bypass Q (cfs) 13.80 0.03 Total Pipe Flow (Basins D1-D5) Q carryover I (in/hr) 1.52 Q (cfs) 4.5 I (in/hr) 409 8.80 C*A (ac) 17.2 tc (min) 3.6 Runoff Coeff 0.5% Area (ac) RCP Design Point 24 in Basin Name 3.60 0.21 0.75 Pipe/Swale Travel Time 3.43 0.12 0.11 Pipe 1.05 24 31 Inlets ΣC*A (ac) Total Runoff 12.28 D2 E1 I = (28.5 P1) / ((10 + TC)^0.786) Total tc (min) Direct Runoff 1.38 Q5 Page 8 of 29 Notes Point Hour Rainfall (P1) : Year Q intercepted 5 Inlet Type Design Storm : Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP ORIFICE PLATE AT OUTLET PIPE WORKSHEET Orifice Plate using Headwater above opening and Q=cA(2gH)^.5 QMAJOR allowable release rate: C= 0.65 Summary of Available Pipe Releases Pipe Dia Area Head H Q Outfall Pipe at centroid avail out (in) (sf) (ft) (cfs) 12 0.79 2.80 6.85 15 1.23 2.67 10.46 18 1.77 2.55 14.70 24 3.14 2.30 24.82 30 4.91 2.05 36.61 36 7.07 1.80 49.39 Q=cA(2gH)^.5 100-yr Water Surface Elev: Inv Elev at Outlet Struct: Outlet Pipe at Structure: 21.83 cfs 5126.85 5123.55 24 ft ft in C= 0.65 Iteration process Q c Hhead 21.83 cfs 0.65 2.30 ft Needed Area 2.76 sf Using Area- determine Ao Apipe theta Ao-calced m H 2.76 sf 3.14 sf 1.746 rad 2.76 sf 2π − θ θ θ Ao = Apipe + r sin * r cos 2π 2 2 0.64 ft distance above(+) or below(-) center H =r+m 1.64 ft Height above pipe invert 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx θ m = r cos 2 Major Orifice Page 9 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: Type 13 Inlet - Vane Grate BASIN: A1 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 2 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 1.32 Total Ao(g) = 2.64 K = 1.50 C = K*Co/N = 0.38 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 1.65 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 6.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.5 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 6.27 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 2 6 2.12 5.46 A1 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 6.3 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 10 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - COMBINATION INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow. Vertical curb opening only.) INLET TYPE: BASIN: A3 Single Combination Inlet Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Co(curb opening) = 0.1 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) (10% clogging) N= K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate Curb 1 1 1 2 1.5 1.25 3 1.75 1.31 4 1.88 1.33 5 1.94 1.33 6 1.97 1.33 7 1.98 1.33 8 1.99 1.33 1 Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Grate Opening: Curb Opening: Ao(g) = Total Ao(g) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 2.32 2.32 1.00 0.50 1.16 length (l) = height (h) = Total Ao(c) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(c) = (1-C)Ao = 36 6 1.50 1.00 0.10 1.35 Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 (per inlet) ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft^2 in = 3.00 in = 0.50 ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft (per inlet) ft ft2 H = 6.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.5 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Curb Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 4.41 Q = Cd * Ae(c) * (2g*D)^0.5 D = H - h/2 = 0.25 Qc= 3.63 CFS Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 ) = Required Flow (Q 100 ) = 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx CFS 1 6 3.58 7.90 cfs cfs A3 inlets and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 8.0 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 11 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: Grated Manhole - 24" Diameter BASIN: A4 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 0.9 Total Ao(g) = 0.90 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 0.45 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 2.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.1666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 0.99 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 2 0.19 0.66 A4 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 1.0 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 12 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: 2'x2' Inlet BASIN: A5 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 2.1 Total Ao(g) = 2.10 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 1.05 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 2.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.1666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 2.30 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 2 0.61 1.37 A5 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 2.3 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 13 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: 2'x2' Inlet BASIN: A6 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 2.1 Total Ao(g) = 2.10 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 1.05 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 2.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.1666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 2.30 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 2 0.02 0.14 A6 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 2.3 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 14 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: 2'x2' Inlet BASIN: A7 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 2.1 Total Ao(g) = 2.10 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 1.05 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 2.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.1666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 2.30 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 2 0.17 0.62 A7 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 2.3 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 15 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: 2'x2' Inlet BASIN: A8 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 2.1 Total Ao(g) = 2.10 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 1.05 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 2.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.1666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 2.30 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 2 0.02 0.10 A8 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 2.3 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 16 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: 2'x2' Inlet BASIN: A9 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 2.1 Total Ao(g) = 2.10 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 1.05 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 2.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.1666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 2.30 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 2 0.05 0.25 A9 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 2.3 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 17 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: 2'x2' Inlet BASIN: B1 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 2.1 Total Ao(g) = 2.10 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 1.05 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 2.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.1666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 2.30 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 2 0.08 0.17 B1 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 2.3 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 18 of 29 INLET ON A CONTINUOUS GRADE Project: Stargate School Inlet ID: B2 MINOR Design Information (Input) Type of Inlet Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from 'Q-Allow') Total Number of Units in the Inlet (Grate or Curb Opening) Type = aLOCAL = MAJOR Denver No. 16 Combination 2.0 2.0 No = 1 1 inches Lo = 3.00 3.00 ft Wo = 1.73 1.73 ft Clogging Factor for a Single Unit Grate (typical min. value = 0.5) Cf-G = 0.50 0.50 Clogging Factor for a Single Unit Curb Opening (typical min. value = 0.1) Cf-C = Length of a Single Unit Inlet (Grate or Curb Opening) Width of a Unit Grate (cannot be greater than W from Q-Allow) Street Hydraulics: WARNING: Q > ALLOWABLE Q FOR MINOR & MAJOR STORM Total Inlet Interception Capacity Total Inlet Carry-Over Flow (flow bypassing inlet) Capture Percentage = Qa/Qo = 2255c - B2 -Inlet_v3.14.xlsm, Inlet On Grade 0.10 0.10 MINOR MAJOR Q= 0.95 1.84 cfs Qb = 0.2 1.21 cfs C% = 85 60 % 3/27/2015, 1:32 PM Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - COMBINATION INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow. Vertical curb opening only.) INLET TYPE: BASIN: B3 Single Combination Inlet Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Co(curb opening) = 0.1 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) (10% clogging) N= K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate Curb 1 1 1 2 1.5 1.25 3 1.75 1.31 4 1.88 1.33 5 1.94 1.33 6 1.97 1.33 7 1.98 1.33 8 1.99 1.33 1 Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Grate Opening: Curb Opening: Ao(g) = Total Ao(g) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 2.32 2.32 1.00 0.50 1.16 length (l) = height (h) = Total Ao(c) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(c) = (1-C)Ao = 36 6 1.50 1.00 0.10 1.35 Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 (per inlet) ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft^2 in = 3.00 in = 0.50 ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft (per inlet) ft ft2 H = 6.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.5 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Curb Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 4.41 Q = Cd * Ae(c) * (2g*D)^0.5 D = H - h/2 = 0.25 Qc= 3.63 CFS Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 ) = Required Flow (Q 100 ) = 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx CFS 1 6 1.02 3.66 cfs cfs B3 inlets and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 8.0 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 19 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: 2'x2' Inlet BASIN: B4 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 2.1 Total Ao(g) = 2.10 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 1.05 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 2.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.1666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 2.30 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 2 0.09 0.57 B4 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 2.3 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 20 of 29 INLET ON A CONTINUOUS GRADE Project: Stargate School Inlet ID: B5 MINOR Design Information (Input) Type of Inlet Local Depression (additional to continuous gutter depression 'a' from 'Q-Allow') Total Number of Units in the Inlet (Grate or Curb Opening) Type = aLOCAL = MAJOR Denver No. 16 Combination 2.0 2.0 No = 1 1 inches Lo = 3.00 3.00 ft Wo = 1.73 1.73 ft Clogging Factor for a Single Unit Grate (typical min. value = 0.5) Cf-G = 0.50 0.50 Clogging Factor for a Single Unit Curb Opening (typical min. value = 0.1) Cf-C = Length of a Single Unit Inlet (Grate or Curb Opening) Width of a Unit Grate (cannot be greater than W from Q-Allow) Street Hydraulics: WARNING: Q > ALLOWABLE Q FOR MAJOR STORM Total Inlet Interception Capacity Total Inlet Carry-Over Flow (flow bypassing inlet) Capture Percentage = Qa/Qo = 2255c - B5 -Inlet_v3.14.xlsm, Inlet On Grade 0.10 0.10 MINOR MAJOR Q= 0.33 0.72 cfs Qb = 0.0 0.06 cfs C% = 100 92 % 3/27/2015, 1:31 PM Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - COMBINATION INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow. Vertical curb opening only.) INLET TYPE: BASIN: B7 Single Combination Inlet Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Co(curb opening) = 0.1 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) (10% clogging) N= K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate Curb 1 1 1 2 1.5 1.25 3 1.75 1.31 4 1.88 1.33 5 1.94 1.33 6 1.97 1.33 7 1.98 1.33 8 1.99 1.33 1 Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Grate Opening: Curb Opening: Ao(g) = Total Ao(g) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 2.32 2.32 1.00 0.50 1.16 length (l) = height (h) = Total Ao(c) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(c) = (1-C)Ao = 36 6 1.50 1.00 0.10 1.35 Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 (per inlet) ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft^2 in = 3.00 in = 0.50 ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft (per inlet) ft ft2 H = 6.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.5 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Curb Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 4.41 Q = Cd * Ae(c) * (2g*D)^0.5 D = H - h/2 = 0.25 Qc= 3.63 CFS Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 ) = Required Flow (Q 100 ) = 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx CFS 1 6 0.82 2.17 cfs cfs B7 inlets and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 8.0 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 21 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - COMBINATION INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow. Vertical curb opening only.) INLET TYPE: BASIN: B8 Single Combination Inlet Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Co(curb opening) = 0.1 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) (10% clogging) N= K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate Curb 1 1 1 2 1.5 1.25 3 1.75 1.31 4 1.88 1.33 5 1.94 1.33 6 1.97 1.33 7 1.98 1.33 8 1.99 1.33 1 Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Grate Opening: Curb Opening: Ao(g) = Total Ao(g) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 2.32 2.32 1.00 0.50 1.16 length (l) = height (h) = Total Ao(c) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(c) = (1-C)Ao = 36 6 1.50 1.00 0.10 1.35 Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 (per inlet) ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft^2 in = 3.00 in = 0.50 ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft (per inlet) ft ft2 H = 6.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.5 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Curb Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 4.41 Q = Cd * Ae(c) * (2g*D)^0.5 D = H - h/2 = 0.25 Qc= 3.63 CFS Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 ) = Required Flow (Q 100 ) = 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx CFS 1 6 0.53 1.09 cfs cfs B8 inlets and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 8.0 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 22 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - COMBINATION INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow. Vertical curb opening only.) INLET TYPE: BASIN: C Single Combination Inlet Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Co(curb opening) = 0.1 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) (10% clogging) N= K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate Curb 1 1 1 2 1.5 1.25 3 1.75 1.31 4 1.88 1.33 5 1.94 1.33 6 1.97 1.33 7 1.98 1.33 8 1.99 1.33 1 Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Grate Opening: Curb Opening: Ao(g) = Total Ao(g) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 2.32 2.32 1.00 0.50 1.16 length (l) = height (h) = Total Ao(c) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(c) = (1-C)Ao = 36 6 1.50 1.00 0.10 1.35 Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 (per inlet) ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft^2 in = 3.00 in = 0.50 ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft (per inlet) ft ft2 H = 6.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.5 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Curb Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 4.41 Q = Cd * Ae(c) * (2g*D)^0.5 D = H - h/2 = 0.25 Qc= 3.63 CFS Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 ) = Required Flow (Q 100 ) = 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx CFS 1 6 0.55 1.09 cfs cfs C inlets and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 8.0 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 23 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: 2'x2' Inlet BASIN: D2 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 2.1 Total Ao(g) = 2.10 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 1.05 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 2.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.1666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 2.30 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 2 0.10 0.50 D2 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 2.3 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 24 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: 2'x2' Inlet BASIN: D3 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 2.1 Total Ao(g) = 2.10 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 1.05 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 2.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.1666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 2.30 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 2 0.11 0.31 D3 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 2.3 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 25 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: 2'x2' Inlet BASIN: D5 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 2.1 Total Ao(g) = 2.10 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 1.05 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 8.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.6666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 4.61 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 8 1.53 5.92 D5 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 4.6 cfs 0.0 1.3 cfs cfs Page 26 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - GRATE INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow.) INLET TYPE: 15" Area Drain BASIN: E3 Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate 1 1 2 1.5 3 1.75 4 1.88 5 1.94 6 1.97 7 1.98 8 1.99 1 N= Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Ao(g) = 0.43 Total Ao(g) = 0.43 K = 1.00 C = K*Co/N = 0.50 Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 0.22 Grate Opening: Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 ft^2 ft^2 H = 2.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.1666667 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 0.47 Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 Required Flow (Q 100 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx )= )= 1 2 0.09 0.28 E3 cfs cfs CFS inlet(s) and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 0.5 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 27 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - COMBINATION INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow. Vertical curb opening only.) INLET TYPE: BASIN: O2 Single Combination Inlet Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Co(curb opening) = 0.1 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) (10% clogging) N= K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate Curb 1 1 1 2 1.5 1.25 3 1.75 1.31 4 1.88 1.33 5 1.94 1.33 6 1.97 1.33 7 1.98 1.33 8 1.99 1.33 1 Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Grate Opening: Curb Opening: Ao(g) = Total Ao(g) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 2.32 2.32 1.00 0.50 1.16 length (l) = height (h) = Total Ao(c) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(c) = (1-C)Ao = 36 6 1.50 1.00 0.10 1.35 Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 (per inlet) ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft^2 in = 3.00 in = 0.50 ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft (per inlet) ft ft2 H = 6.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.5 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Curb Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 4.41 Q = Cd * Ae(c) * (2g*D)^0.5 D = H - h/2 = 0.25 Qc= 3.63 CFS Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 ) = Required Flow (Q 100 ) = 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx CFS 1 6 1.00 2.38 cfs cfs O2 inlets and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 8.0 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 28 of 29 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP FLOW CALCULATIONS - COMBINATION INLET SUMP CONDITION (Reference: Urban Drainage and Flood Control District Drainage Criteria Manual, 2001, V.1, Section 3.3.6) (Note: Spreadsheet assumes orifice condition for fully developed flow. Vertical curb opening only.) INLET TYPE: BASIN: O3 Single Combination Inlet Q = Cd*Ao*(2gH)^0.5 Orifice Equation: Adjust Ao (open area) due to clogging as follows: Effective Area Opening Ae = (1-C) Ao, where: C = K * Co / N N = Number of Inlets Co = Single Inlet Clogging Factor: Co(grate) = 0.5 Co(curb opening) = 0.1 Number of inlets: (50% clogging) (10% clogging) N= K = Clogging Coefficent value for multiple inlets N Grate Curb 1 1 1 2 1.5 1.25 3 1.75 1.31 4 1.88 1.33 5 1.94 1.33 6 1.97 1.33 7 1.98 1.33 8 1.99 1.33 1 Inlet Dimensions and Effective Open Area: Grate Opening: Curb Opening: Ao(g) = Total Ao(g) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(g) = (1-C)Ao = 2.32 2.32 1.00 0.50 1.16 length (l) = height (h) = Total Ao(c) = K= C = K*Co/N = Ae(c) = (1-C)Ao = 36 6 1.50 1.00 0.10 1.35 Allowable depth: Constants: ft^2 (per inlet) ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft^2 in = 3.00 in = 0.50 ft^2 (total, all inlets) ft (per inlet) ft ft2 H = 6.0 in = g = 32.20 Cd = 0.67 ft/s^2 0.5 ft Flow Calculations: Grate Flow: Curb Flow: Q = Cd * Ae(g) * (2g*H)^0.5 Qg= 4.41 Q = Cd * Ae(c) * (2g*D)^0.5 D = H - h/2 = 0.25 Qc= 3.63 CFS Total Intercepted Flow with an allowable depth of Required Flow (Q 5 ) = Required Flow (Q 100 ) = 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx CFS 1 6 1.04 2.33 cfs cfs O3 inlets and inches is Bypass = Bypass = 8.0 cfs 0.0 0.0 cfs cfs Page 29 of 29 Worksheet Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Outfall A Circular Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Diameter Discharge 0.013 0.005000 ft/ft 36.0 in 39.31 cfs Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Percent Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Discharge Full Slope Full Flow Type 2.09 5.3 5.93 0.00 2.04 69.8 0.005344 7.47 0.87 2.96 0.95 50.73 47.16 0.003474 Subcritical ft ft² ft ft ft % ft/ft ft/s ft ft cfs cfs ft/ft j:\...\flowmaster\2255c - stargate - outfall a.fm2 03/26/15 11:32:47 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. JVA, Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Kevin Tone FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP RIPRAP PROTECTION DOWNSTREAM OF PIPE OUTLETS (UDFCD VOL 1 - MAJOR DRAINAGE) Can be used for Froude Parameter (Q/D^2.5) <6.0 Allowable Velocity This only applies to Circular Pipes 5.5 fps For Erosive Soils 7.7 fps For Erosive Resistant Soils Lp=(ex factor)(At/yt -D) At=Q/allowable Velocity Min Lp= 3D W = height of culvert or Normal Depth 100-year Flow Conditions Location Flow Q (cfs) Outfall A 38.9 Diameter D Froude (ft) Q/D^2.5 3.0 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx 2.50 V (ft/s) Yt depth of water at outlet (ft) 8.72 2.09 Yt/D Riprap Size (from Fig MD21) 0.7 L d50 (in) Expansion Factor (from MD-23) Soil Erodibility At (ft^2) T (ft) L (ft) W (ft) Total (cf) Total (cy) 9 6.75 Erosive 7.08 1.1 2.6 12.0 35 1.3 RIPRAP A Page 1 of 4 Worksheet Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Outfall B Circular Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Diameter Discharge 0.013 0.005000 ft/ft 24.0 in 12.20 cfs Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Percent Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Discharge Full Slope Full Flow Type 1.31 2.2 3.77 0.00 1.26 65.4 0.005624 5.61 0.49 1.80 0.92 17.21 16.00 0.002909 Subcritical ft ft² ft ft ft % ft/ft ft/s ft ft cfs cfs ft/ft j:\...\flowmaster\2255c - stargate - outfall b.fm2 03/26/15 11:38:36 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. JVA, Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Kevin Tone FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 JVA Incorporated 1319 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 Ph: 303.444.1951 Fax: 303.444.1957 Job Name: Job Number: Date: By: Stargate School 2255c 3/27/15 REP RIPRAP PROTECTION DOWNSTREAM OF PIPE OUTLETS (UDFCD VOL 1 - MAJOR DRAINAGE) Can be used for Froude Parameter (Q/D^2.5) <6.0 Allowable Velocity This only applies to Circular Pipes 5.5 fps For Erosive Soils 7.7 fps For Erosive Resistant Soils Lp=(ex factor)(At/yt -D) At=Q/allowable Velocity Min Lp= 3D W = height of culvert or Normal Depth 100-year Flow Conditions Location Flow Q (cfs) Outfall B 12.2 Diameter D Froude (ft) Q/D^2.5 2.0 2255c - Rational Calculations.xlsx 2.16 V (ft/s) Yt depth of water at outlet (ft) 4.52 1.31 Yt/D Riprap Size (from Fig MD21) 0.7 L d50 (in) Expansion Factor (from MD-23) Soil Erodibility At (ft^2) T (ft) L (ft) W (ft) Total (cf) Total (cy) 9 6.75 Erosive 2.22 1.1 6.0 8.0 54 2.0 RIPRAP B Page 3 of 4 Worksheet Worksheet for Sharp Crested Cipolletti Weir Project Description Worksheet Type Solve For Emergency Spillway Sharp Crested Cipolletti Weir Crest Length Input Data Discharge Headwater Elevation Crest Elevation Tailwater Elevation Discharge Coefficient 175.50 5,127.40 5,126.85 5,124.00 3.37 cfs ft ft ft US Results Crest Length Headwater Height Above Crest Tailwater Height Above Crest Equal Side Slopes Flow Area Velocity Wetted Perimeter Top Width untitled.fm2 03/26/15 09:14:35 PM 127.79 0.55 -2.85 0.25 70.4 2.49 128.92 128.06 ft ft ft H:V ft² ft/s ft ft © Haestad Methods, Inc. JVA, Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Kevin Tone FlowMaster v7.0 [7.0005] +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX D – EXCERPTS Stargate School – Final Drainage Report 218 24" GROUTED BOULDERS TYPE L SOIL RIPRAP TBM (SEE SHEET DR04) MATCHLINE - STA. 12+40 MATCHLINE - STA. 6+80 (SEE SHEET DR02 ) TYPE M PLAIN RIPRAP NOTE: ELEVATIONS IN PROFILE TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER CONTOURS IN PLAN VIEW DROP # 2 20 DROP # 1 0 20 5135 0.30% 0% 24" GROUTED BOULDERS Q 100 = 1,600 cfs 24" TYPE M RIPRAP PROPOSED CHANNEL INVERT AT CONTROL LINE 36" MIN. BOULDER SILL .0 25 24" TYPE M RIPRAP SEEPAGE CUTOFF STA. 7+61.87 DROP STRUCTURE NO. 1 (TYPE 1) SEE DETAIL ON SHEET DT04 EL. = 5121.34 SEEPAGE CUTOFF 24" GROUTED BOULDERS 18" THICK TYPE L SOIL RIPRAP 24" TYPE M RIPRAP Q 100 = 1,600 cfs 5110 5130 MATCHLINE - STA. 6+80 (SEE SHEET DR02) 100-YR W.S.E. GB STA. 7+49.02 EL. = 5118.13 % 0 .0 5115 24" TYPE M RIPRAP EXISTING PROFILE AT CONTROL LINE 36" MIN. BOULDER SILL 0.00% 25 5120 (SEE SHEET DR04) MATCHLINE - STA. 12+40 5130 STA. 10+71.60 DROP STRUCTURE NO. 2 (TYPE 2) SEE DETAIL ON SHEET DT05 EL. = 5124.19 GB STA. 7+61.87 EL. = 5121.34 GB STA. 10+79.60 EL. = 5124.19 GB STA. 10+71.60 EL. = 5124.19 GB STA. 10+63.83 EL. = 5122.25 5135 5125 40 SCALE IN FEET 5125 5120 5115 5110 12+00 11+00 10+00 9+00 8+00 1601 Blake Street, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80202 303.572.0200 7+00 5117.92 5117.98 5118.04 5118.10 5120.87 5121.39 5121.45 5121.51 5121.57 5121.63 5121.69 5121.75 5121.81 5121.87 5121.93 5121.99 5122.05 5122.11 5122.18 5122.24 5124.19 5124.25 5124.31 5124.37 5124.43 5124.49 5124.55 5124.61 5105 5124.67 5105 228 GROUTED BOULDER CONSTRUCTION SEE DETAIL 1 PLACE BOULDERS WITH FLATTEST SURFACE ON TOP AND APPROXIMATELY HORIZONTAL TO CREATE A STEPPED SURFACE INDIVIDUALLY MACHINE PLACE BOULDERS AS TIGHTLY AS CHARACTER OF ROCK PERMITS TO MINIMIZE VOIDS TOP OF ROCK FINISHED GRADE SHOWN ON PROFILE AND SECTIONS, ± 6" CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCE FOR TOP OF ROCK 4" NON-PERFORATED PIPES SPACED 10' O.C., MAXIMUM. SLOPE AT 1% MIN TO DAYLIGHT IN MAIN CHANNEL . PIPE ALIGNMENT MAY BE CURVED SLIGHTLY TO FIT BETWEEN BOULDERS. TRIM PIPE END TO MINIMIZE PROTRUSION TOP OF GROUT PORTION OF BOULDERS ABOVE GROUT LINE TO REMAIN CLEAN AND FREE OF GROUT PLACE APPROVED GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC OVER AND UNDER 3/4" ANGULAR ROCK TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION BY GROUT AND SOILS BEFORE GROUTING, CLEAN ALL DIRT AND MATERIALS FROM BOULDER SURFACES THAT COULD PREVENT GROUT FROM BONDING TO ROCK GROUT TO COMPLETELY FILL VOIDS TO SPECIFIED GROUT DEPTH 4" ANGULAR ROCK WEEP DRAIN FILTER MATERIAL. MINIMUM 6" THICKNESS SURROUNDING PIPE SYSTEM AT ALL POINTS WEEP DRAIN SYSTEM DETAIL 7 BOULDER SIZES SPECIFIED ON THE DRAWINGS ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE BOULDER DIMENSIONS MEASURED ALONG ANY AXIS OF THE BOULDER. BOULDERS MAY BE LARGER BUT NOT SMALLER IN ANY DIMENSION THAN THE SPECIFIED MINIMUM SIZE. SEE TABLE ON SHEET DT06 FOR BOULDER SIZE. GROUTED BOULDER PLACEMENT DETAIL NTS 8' GROUTED BOULDER CREST +/-3" CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCE FOR TOP OF ROCK 2'-3" FOR USE ONLY IN DROPS HIGHER THAN 5 FEET NTS PROPOSED GRADE 8' TYPE M PLAIN RIPRAP GROUT LIMITS (APPROX.) N (SEE DROP STRUCTURE MEASUREMENT TABLE) TOP OF GROUT LINE SEE DETAIL 1 GROUTED BOULDER CONSTRUCTION SEE DETAIL 1 All grout shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength equal to 3200 psi. 1. Clean Boulders by brushing and washing before grouting. 2. One cubic yard of grout shall have a minimum of six (6) sacks of Type II Portland cement. 2. 3. A maximum of 25% Type F Fly Ash may be substituted for the Portland cement. All grout shall be delivered by means of a low pressure (less than 10 psi) grout pump using a 2-inch diameter nozzle. 4. Aggregate shall be comprised of 70% natural sand (fines) and 30% 3 8 -inch rock (coarse). 5. The grout slump shall be 4-inches to 6-inches. 6. Air entrainment shall be 5.5%-7.5%. 7. To control shrinkage and cracking, 1.5 pounds of Fibermesh, or equivalent, shall be used per cubic yard of grout. Color additive in required amounts shall be used when so specified by contract. 24" GROUT TO COMPLETELY FILL ALL VOIDS BEDDING MATERIAL SEE DETAIL 4 (SEE DROP STRUCTURE MEASUREMENT TABLE) 8. CONCRETE SEEPAGE CUTOFF (SEE DETAIL 3) GROUTED BOULDER STRUCTURE CREST DETAIL 2 ROUGHEN TOP SURFACE OF GROUT CUTOFF THOROUGHLY CLEAN SURFACE OF SEEPAGE CUTOFF PRIOR TO GROUTING BOULDERS. 6" WIDE BY 4" DEEP KEYWAY #4 REBAR @ 8" CONCRETE SEEPAGE CUTOFF 1. FLOW GROUT TO EXTEND UPSTREAM OF BOULDERS Placement Specifications Material Specifications GROUT TO TOP OF ROCK FOR WIDTH OF 2'-3" GROUTED BOULDERS 1 GROUT NOTES SEE DETAIL 4 INDIVIDUALLY MACHINE PLACE BOULDERS AS TIGHTLY AS CHARACTER OF ROCK PERMITS TO MINIMIZE VOIDS 4" PERFORATED MANIFOLD PIPE. PROVIDE 4" TEES TO LATERAL PIPES, AND END CAPS AS REQUIRED. REFER TO PLAN 3 NOTES: PREPARE SUBGRADE PER SPECIFICATIONS GROUT DEPTH SEE DETAIL 1 TOP OF GROUT LINE SEE DETAIL 1 3. Full depth penetration of the grout into the boulder voids shall be achieved by injecting grout starting with the nozzle near the bottom and raising it as grout fills, while vibrating grout into place using a pencil vibrator. 4. After grout placement, exposed boulder faces shall be cleaned with a wet broom. 5. All grout between boulders shall be treated with a broom finish. 6. All finished grout surfaces shall be sprayed with a clear liquid membrane curing compound per ASTM C-309. 7. Special procedures shall be required for grout placement when the air temperatures are less than 40°F or greater than 90°F. Contractor shall obtain prior approval from the owner for the procedures to be used for protecting the grout. 15" MIN. SEEPAGE CUTOFF DETAIL NTS NTS 1601 Blake Street, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80202 303.572.0200 3 TOP WIDTH VARIES TOP WIDTH VARIES 100' BASE WIDTH VARIES FROM 50' TO 100' (SEE PLAN VIEW) 100-YR 1.5' 10-YR 4:1 2:1 2:1 3' 10' 6.8' BENCH 8' 7.5' 3' LOW FLOW CHANNEL LOCATION MEANDERS. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR LAYOUT. BOTTOM WIDTH=100' TOP WIDTH VARIES TOP WIDTH VARIES 50' BASE WIDTH B1 & B2 B1 = 30', B2 = 25' 2% 10-YR 4:1 1' FREEBOARD 4:1 3' 3' 2.5 :1 6.8' 100-YR WSE=3.9' 10-YR WSE=2.4' 4:1 1% 1.5' 2:1 9.6' 15' 8' 7.5' 4:1 1% 2:1 3' 3' :1 18" THICK TYPE L SOIL RIPRAP (TYP.) 4:1 2% 2.5 10' GRAVEL TRAIL :1 2.5 3:1 DROP STRUCTURES 3 & 5 SEE DR09-DR10 FOR GRADING 3' 9.6' 7.5' 10' GRAVEL TRAIL :1 2.5 15' BENCH 18" THICK TYPE L RIPRAP (TYP.) BENCH TYPICAL SHAY DITCH CROSS SECTION (NTS) STA. 7+84 TO STA. 24+53, B1=30' and STA. 29+23 TO STA. 32+45, B2=25' LOW FLOW CHANNEL LOCATION MEANDERS. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR LAYOUT. SHAY DITCH CROSS SECTION (NTS) BOTTOM WIDTH=50' TOP WIDTH VARIES 100-YR WSE= 4.8' 30' 4:1 1' FREEBOARD 2% 10-YR WSE=3.1' 18" THICK TYPE L SOIL RIPRAP (TYP.) WASHINGTON ST. PROFILE 4:1 3' 2.5 :1 12.4' 7.5' 4:1 3' 7.5' 15' 10' GRAVEL TRAIL :1 2.5 12.4' 15' BENCH HANDRAIL SEE SHEET HR01 10' Q =Q 2 CAP = 150 cfs SHAY DITCH CROSS SECTION (NTS) PED UNDERPASS BOTTOM WIDTH=30' 2' 10' 100-YR TOP WIDTH VARIES 10-YR 2% 100-YR WSE=5.1' BELOW TRAIL 2' 18" THICK TYPE L RIPRAP TRAIL LOCATION VARIES (SEE PLAN) SHAY DITCH CROSS SECTION (NTS) STA. 0+65 TO STA. 7+25 18" THICK TYPE L SOIL RIPRAP (TYP.) 10' GRAVEL TRAIL BENCH 18" THICK TYPE L RIPRAP (TYP.) TYPICAL SHAY DITCH CROSS SECTION (NTS) 4:1 3' :1 2.5 7.5' 15' LOW FLOW CHANNEL LOCATION MEANDERS. SEE PLAN VIEW FOR LAYOUT. 100-YR Q 100-yr = 1,600 cfs Q10-yr = 694 cfs 4:1 1% 2:1 3' :1 15' 18" THICK TYPE L RIPRAP (TYP.) 2:1 2.5 18" THICK TYPE L SOIL RIPRAP (TYP.) 4:1 2% 1.5' 10-YR WSE=1.7' 1% 4:1 TRAIL LOCATION VARIES (SEE PLAN) GRAVEL TRAIL :1 2.5 8' 18" THICK TYPE L SOIL RIPRAP (TYP.) 100-YR WSE=2.7' 1' FREEBOARD 4:1 2% 3' 2.5 :1 4:1 2% Q cap = 32 cfs 2% 230 10' CONCRETE TRAIL 15.2' 1' FREEBOARD 18" THICK TYPE L SOIL RIPRAP (TYP.) 28' 25' 4:1 2% 10-YR WSE=3.4' 4:1 3' 2.5 :1 13.6' 7.5' 10' 3' :1 2.5 7.5' 13.6' 10' GRAVEL TRAIL 15' BENCH TYPICAL SHAY DITCH CROSS SECTION (NTS) STA. 25+67 TO STA. 28+17 SHAY DITCH CROSS SECTION (NTS) BOTTOM WIDTH=25' 1601 Blake Street, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80202 303.572.0200 4:1 TRAIL LOCATION VARIES (SEE PLAN) OFF= -41.59' LT 4.00:1 -0.0% OFF= -37.00' LT EL= 5130.07' OFF= 47.05' RT EL= 5127.55' EL= 5130.95' OFF= 41.79' RT 4.00:1 OFF= 37.00' RT OFF= 15.00' RT EL= 5124.25' OFF= 0.00' EL= 5124.25' OFF= -15.00' LT EL= 5129.75' EL= 5124.25' 10+00.00 OFF= 15.00' RT 0.0% 4.00:1 EL= 5122.05' 0.0% EL= 5122.05' OFF= 0.00' EL= 5122.05' 4.00:1 OFF= -15.00' LT EL= 5128.70' 238 11+00.00 4.00:1 NOTE: ALL UTILITIES ARE SHOWN BASED ON BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION, CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY ALL LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS. 1601 Blake Street, Suite 200, Denver, CO 80202 303.572.0200 1331 Nineteenth Street Denver, CO. 80202 P 303.607.0977 CONSULTANT: JVA, Incorporated PROJECT: STARGATE CHARTER SCHOOL 14530 WASHINGTON STREET THORNTON, CO 80023 OWNER: STARGATE PROPERTY CORPORATION 3951 COTTONWOOD LAKES BLVD THORNTON, CO 80241 ISSUE: 01/23/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 01 03/27/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 02 DRAWING INFORMATION: 11435.000 J:\2255c\Drawings\2255c - FIG-1.dwg, 3/27/2015 2:34:29 PM, rep, 1:1 PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: REP CHECKED BY: KJC APPROVED BY: CRH SHEET TITLE: HISTORIC DRAINAGE MAP FIG-1 SHEET OF 1331 Nineteenth Street Denver, CO. 80202 P 303.607.0977 CONSULTANT: JVA, Incorporated PROJECT: STARGATE CHARTER SCHOOL 14530 WASHINGTON STREET THORNTON, CO 80023 OWNER: STARGATE PROPERTY CORPORATION 3951 COTTONWOOD LAKES BLVD THORNTON, CO 80241 ISSUE: GERMAN DITCH 01/23/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 01 03/27/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 02 DRAWING INFORMATION: 11435.000 J:\2255c\Drawings\2255c - FIG-2.dwg, 3/27/2015 2:35:30 PM, rep, 1:1 PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: REP CHECKED BY: KJC APPROVED BY: CRH SHEET TITLE: OVERALL DEVELOPED DRAINAGE MAP FIG-2 SHEET OF 1331 Nineteenth Street Denver, CO. 80202 P 303.607.0977 CONSULTANT: JVA, Incorporated PROJECT: STARGATE CHARTER SCHOOL 14530 WASHINGTON STREET THORNTON, CO 80023 OWNER: STARGATE PROPERTY CORPORATION 3951 COTTONWOOD LAKES BLVD THORNTON, CO 80241 ISSUE: 01/23/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 01 03/27/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 02 DRAWING INFORMATION: 11435.000 J:\2255c\Drawings\2255c - FIG-2.dwg, 3/27/2015 2:35:43 PM, rep, 1:1 PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: REP CHECKED BY: KJC APPROVED BY: CRH SHEET TITLE: DETAILED DEVELOPED DRAINAGE MAP FIG-3 SHEET OF 1331 Nineteenth Street Denver, CO. 80202 P 303.607.0977 CONSULTANT: JVA, Incorporated PROJECT: STARGATE CHARTER SCHOOL 14530 WASHINGTON STREET THORNTON, CO 80023 OWNER: STARGATE PROPERTY CORPORATION 3951 COTTONWOOD LAKES BLVD THORNTON, CO 80241 ISSUE: 01/23/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 01 03/27/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 02 DRAWING INFORMATION: 11435.000 J:\2255c\Drawings\2255c - FIG-2.dwg, 3/27/2015 2:35:53 PM, rep, 1:1 PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: REP CHECKED BY: KJC APPROVED BY: CRH SHEET TITLE: DETAILED DEVELOPED DRAINAGE MAP FIG-4 SHEET OF 1331 Nineteenth Street Denver, CO. 80202 P 303.607.0977 CONSULTANT: JVA, Incorporated PROJECT: STARGATE CHARTER SCHOOL 14530 WASHINGTON STREET THORNTON, CO 80023 OWNER: STARGATE PROPERTY CORPORATION 3951 COTTONWOOD LAKES BLVD THORNTON, CO 80241 ISSUE: 01/23/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 01 03/27/15 CITY SUBMITTAL 02 DRAWING INFORMATION: 11435.000 J:\2255c\Drawings\2255c - FIG-2.dwg, 3/27/2015 2:36:03 PM, rep, 1:1 PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: REP CHECKED BY: KJC APPROVED BY: CRH SHEET TITLE: DETAILED DEVELOPED DRAINAGE MAP FIG-5 SHEET OF