file - Box Hill Senior Secondary College


file - Box Hill Senior Secondary College
May No 3 - 2016
Dunloe Avenue, Mont Albert North 3129
Phone: 9890 0571 Fax: 9899 4093
– 12th May, 2016
11th May, 2016
17th May, 2016
18th May, 2016
18th May, 2016
24th May, 2016
26th May, 2016
26th May, 2016
30th May, 2016
6th June, 2016
7th June, 2016
13th June, 2016
24th June, 2016
24th June, 2016
Basketball – Vic College Championship
Music – Upwey RSL - evening
Y11 Physics - Scienceworks
Music – Upwey RSL - evening
Y11 Legal – Loddon Valley Prison
Y11 Drama – Performance Viewing
NEVR Concert – Hamer Hall
Y11 Exams commence
Y10 Exams commence
Public Holiday – Queen’s Birthday
Y12 Formal
Last Day Term 2
Principal’s report
As part of the accountability requirements for Victorian Government Schools, all schools are required to
produce an “Annual Report to the School Community”. The 2015 Box Hill Senior Secondary College Annual
Report can be found in the ‘Our School’ tab on the College website.
The Annual Report is printed in a format that is compulsory for all schools and is set out in the following
1 . Front Cover
2. About Our School. This section gives a general summary about the school, including student enrolment
numbers and some of our key program features. This section also provides a summary of our performance in
the areas of Student Achievement, Engagement and Wellbeing. It also reports on the Productivity of the
3. Performance Summary: This summary is divided into two sub-sections. Primary (grade 5 and 6 in the
Middle Years Sports Campus) and Secondary (years 7-9 in MYSC and 10-12 in the Senior School). Some of
the School Comparison data is not available in this summary due to a variety of reasons, such as we had no
students in grade 3 or we had insufficient student numbers in grade 5 etc.
Our MYSC (years 5-9) is essentially a different campus to the senior school (years 10-12). However, much of
our performance data has been grouped together, thus providing a slightly inaccurate account of student
4. Financial Performance and Position. This section provides a summary of the financial position of the
College and also provides a brief commentary of our financial story throughout 2015.
I commend this report to you and encourage you to visit the website for further information about your
College. If you would like to contact me about any aspect of the Annual Report then I am happy to take your
questions or feedback.
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College Council membership for 2016
On Tuesday March 22 we had the first meeting of the 2016 College Council. Thank you to the parents and
staff who have volunteered to take on a voluntary role on Council.
All government schools in Victoria have a council, which is a legally formed body with designated powers to
set key directions for the college, within centrally provided guidelines. In doing this, the Box Hill Senior
Secondary College Council will be able to directly influence the quality of education that is provided for our
In 2016 Council will consist of the following members:
Parent representatives:
Lara Pimblett (Council President)
Dale Shearer - Munn (Council Vice President)
Denise Mackey
Mary McDonald
DET representatives:
Cathie Mallis (Treasurer)
Damian Dwyer
Peter Taylor
Andrew Delfinis
Council has the jurisdiction to appoint two Community representatives to serve on council. I will announce the
names of these members as they are appointed.
Ready to Learn
Staff and students have worked together over the past six months to determine a common language to
articulate what is meant by being Ready to Learn is. This common language is now being used throughout the
college. The underpinning values are ROaR:
 Respect for diversity, each other and the environment.
 Organisation: homework done and at class on time with all the correct equipment
 Responsibility: working cooperatively and taking responsibility for their learning.
The common language of Ready to Learn reinforces consistent high expectations for all students. I know that
parents will join us in supporting these values by encouraging the use of this language with their students.
Student Parent Conferences:
It was a pleasure to speak to parents at the SPCs held on April 14. I passed on to our teachers your
affirmations about their support and care of individual students. Your positive feedback, not just on our
teachers and our programs, but the impact that this has had on individual students left me feeling very
humble. I look forward to speaking with you again at upcoming school events.
College Tours
It is obvious from talking to those who are considering enrolling at Box Hill Senior, that word of mouth from
existing or past students is a major factor in prospective enrolments attending our Open Day. Students at this
College consistently indicate a very high level of connectedness to the College. They highlight the variety of
VCE/VET and Senior VCAL programs that we offer, the positive student-teacher relationships that are
developed and the less intrusive senior school environment as major success factors of Box Hill Senior.
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Please pass on to any families who may be considering enrolling their child at this College in 2017 that our
weekly Wednesday morning tours at 9.15am have now commenced. Bookings can be made via the link on
the college website
Contact the general office on 9890 0571 for further information on the enrolment process.
Congratulations to our Premier’s Award recipient, Edward Russell on his outstanding success in VET Music
Technical Production. See below for further details.
Fiona Erwich
Principal (Acting)
Actually Try in the GAT (No Really - Try)
You probably all know about the General Assessment Test (GAT) from older students and their advice and
wisdom, or maybe even personal experience. It’s a strange test, stretching over three hours with two writing
tasks and 70 multiple choice questions that quite often have you scratching your head.
For years students have been dissatisfied with their GAT. You often hear things such as, "Well that was three
hours of my life I’ll never get back!" and "They should call it the GWT- the General Waste of Time!"
The GAT is by no means a waste of time, though. It could very well save a year's worth of hard work if you
happen to fall sick around exam time.
The GAT is essential to formulating a Derived Examination Score - should you be unable to attend an end of
year exam because of extenuating circumstances, the DES is the score that you get for the exam. It is a
prediction of your outcome, based on GAT and SAC scores.
So, as tiresome as it can be, stick it out and do your best. Because it’s worth it.
Edward Russell receives Premier’s Award
Congratulations to Edward Russell who was presented with
the Premier’s award for his outstanding score of 50 (highest
mark achievable) in VET Music Technical Production on
Thursday April 28. Eddie is pictured holding his Award with
Pete Ryan (Head of Performing Arts) and Cathie Mallis
(Acting Assistant Principal).
Eddie is now studying audio production at RMIT as well as
working in related industries. He has been involved in setting
up large events at venues such as Hisense Arena, working
in a recording studio and he is the stage manager for the
Beaumaris Theatre Company’s production of Flowers for
Eddie plans to return to BHSSC as a guest speaker to talk to our current VET Technical Production students.
ANZAC Day Commemoration ceremonies
Anzac Day at Box Hill RSL.
On Wednesday the 20th of April the following students represented the
College at the Whitehorse Anzac Service: Campbell Evans, Hunter
Farrelly, Rory Kendall-McHugh, Sophie Peters, Thomas Strmecki.
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Cam and Rory spoke very clearly and confidently reading the Anzac
Requiem to over 500 people in attendance. They were the only
students from the 18 schools attending who spoke at the ceremony.
Sophie Peters and Hunter Farrelly represented the College in the
ceremony by carrying a wreath and placing it at the Cenotaph at
Box Hill Gardens.
All students should be commended for their example of student
leadership at the Anzac ceremony.
School Anzac Day Ceremony
On Thursday the 28th of June, Year 12 student leaders hosted an
Anzac Day ceremony to respectfully remember the sacrifices our
servicemen and women have made in conflicts.
Our guest speaker John McKernan who served in World War II and
is now 90 years old, mesmerised the year 10 audience with his
stories about the struggles and hardships for servicemen and those
back in Australia.
Victoria Burns should also be thanked for being in charge of the
audio for the ceremony and Xanthia Sandbrook and Breanna
Welsh should be acknowledged for carrying the Anzac day wreath.
After the ceremony some of the year 12 leaders engaged in
conversation with John McKernan over tea and Anzac Day
biscuits, made by our Food Tech teacher , Natalie Murray. The year 10 students who attended the ceremony
were very respectful and conducted themselves in a mature manner suitable for the occasion.
The following Year 12 Student Leaders should be commended for their efforts in speaking at and/or
participating in the ceremony: Brit Jackson, Rory Kendall-McHugh, Lily Aitken, Tarsha Jones, Emma
Weninger, Cam Evans, Jess Glasson, Gabrielle Horvath, Brent Paterson, Kiaan Robertshaw and George
Year 10 Work Experience
Work experience is not compulsory but it is highly recommended that students have the opportunity to work in
an area they are interested in for a week or two.
There are no set school dates to undertake work experience. If a student wishes to do one week at a time,
we will fit in when it suits the employer, provided it is not during exam times.
IMPORTANT - A Work Experience Arrangement Form must be completed at least one week prior to
the student starting work.
Work Experience forms are available from Frank De Melis in the library.
Year 11 Structured Workplace Learning
Students undertaking a VET program in the areas listed below are expected to complete 1 week of work
placement in the week of September 12 – 16, 2016.
 Electro-technology (Pre-apprenticeship)
 Building & Construction
 Plumbing
 Landscape Horticulture
 Sport and Recreation
 Hospitality
 Fashion
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Work placement is strongly recommended by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority for
vocational programs. Assessments are usually embedded into structured work placements. If a student does
not satisfy the assessment requirements they will not be able to complete their certificate. In addition to this,
work placements are a valuable aid to gaining an apprenticeship.
The final date to apply for a work placement is Monday September 5, 2016.
Any student who does not undertake work placement in the week beginning Sept. 12 will be required to attend
school for all their normal classes.
Parents/Guardians are requested to assist in organising a suitable work placement. Work Placement forms
are available from Frank De Melis in the Library.
Frank De Melis
Careers Adviser and Pathways Coordinator
Visual Arts
In March approximately 40 year 11 students had the opportunity to
view the VCE Top Arts and Pop Art Exhibition. During the visit they
were able to casually view the contemporary art collection at the
National Gallery of Victoria International and gain a valuable insight
into some of the themes and styles of art work produced throughout
the 20th century.
Music Department News
Songwriting with Steve Wade
Music students had a wonderful start to the term working with
singer/songwriter Steve Wade as part of the State Government’s
Advance program. Some wonderful songs were written and they
are sure to feature on this year’s C.D.
The project culminated in BHSSC music students running their
own song writing workshops at Box Hill North Primary school. In a
single day six songs were written and performed at the primary
Steve Wade’s accomplishments include lead vocals for The Little
River Band, winner of the Australian Songwriter of the Year award
twice, producer of the 2001-2007 Neighbors theme and writing
and producing many well know TV jingles.
All students involved should be congratulated on the way they stepped up to the challenging task of coaching
and mentoring primary school groups. They were exemplary ambassadors for the college.
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BHSSC student blood donations keep flowing
BHSSC students attended the Ringwood Red Cross on April 29th to once
again donate blood. First time donor Georgia Dale is pictured here and is very
happy to know she has contributed to saving 3 lives.
The next Blood donation will be on July 18th.
Science News
Rat Dissections for Unit 1 Biology
Last week in Unit 1 Biology, students had the opportunity to study the
organization of mammalian systems in detail with a rat dissection. The
students are to be commended for their respectful and mature attitude.
They were able to see the connections between the respiratory,
circulatory, digestive and excretory systems and will each present a
report on their findings. The attached photos shows, Aaron Govell and
Callum Taylor performing their dissections.
Barwon Heads Year 11 Biology Excursion
On Tuesday the 15th of March, the BHSSC Year 11 Biology Students departed about 7.30am and travelled to
the Surf Coast town of Barwon Heads to be a part of a marine field study and to map the ecology of the shore
line of Bass Strait. In the afternoon, the students attended the Queenscliff Marine Discovery Centre for an
Aquarium visit, where they were able to observe many local species and learn about these animals at close
proximity. The weather was perfect and a very successful excursion was had by all.
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Michaella Majdan & Lily Brancatisano
Brianna Lawson
Baeckea Driscoll & Maddy Lloyd-Jones
Sports News
Y10 Football
The Year 10 boys who won all their games in the Whitehorse district competition, now progress to EMR (ie
Regional round robin on Tues July 19
Football – Premier League
Senior boys football played Bendigo SSC on Wed 4th May in Premier League. Not having our full squad
playing due to injury, we relied on players from our seconds who really stepped up! It was a tight game all
day. Eventually BHSSC prevailed by one point. Scores were BHSSC 10.3.63 defeated Bendigo SSC 8.14.62
Better players were Adam Moate, Zak Summerfield-Robinson, Rory Kinsella, Damien Furey, Matt Bartlett and
Harry Shore
This was a good start to Premier League. Our next game is against Bendigo Catholic College on 18th May
Cross Country
The following students competed in the Whitehorse district competition and will proceed to EMR on Tues June
U13 Charlie Vinen 4th, Kere Bekir 9th
U14 Riley Coughlin 1st
U15 boys Cooper Cameron 1st
U15 girls Kodey Hodgson 1st and Grace Gordon 3rd
U16 Jack House, Caelan Anderson, Bryce Kotas Jack Kruezberger and Jacob Bell
U 20 Chris Baldwin
Congratulations to Jasmin Starr, Thomas Ciszewksi and Filip Chwastek who represented Victoria in the
School Sport Australia Pizzey Cup National Championships in Albury, NSW from 30 April to 8 May 2016.
There were both team and individual events conducted during the week.
Jasmin Starr was Vice Captain for the Victorian team which certainly was quite an honour!
Well done to the Senior boys and girls basketball no 1 teams for making it through to EMR last Thursday.
Box Hill had over 71 boys and girls playing for the school at Nunawading and their sportsmanship and
behaviour was exemplary on the day.
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We also have a range of upcoming games with the Vic College Championship, as well entering into the
Australian College of Sport Tournament for the first time.
Our USA teams have also been selected for 2016 and students are looking forward to their trip to Texas and
California later this year.
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BHSSC Debutante Ball 2016
Saturday September 3 at The Grand on Cathies Lane, Wantirna South.
Student Expression of Interest
The Box Hill Senior Secondary College Debutante Ball is an extra curricula and fundraising event
run by College staff who have generously volunteered their time. This fundraising event is always
a highlight of the school year and directly contributes to Student Services and Wellbeing Support.
Students participating in extra curricula events at the College are expected to meet their curriculum
commitments first and foremost. Students participating in the College Debutante Ball must
consistently meet the College’s attendance and progress requirements.
It is anticipated rehearsals will take place in the College hall on Monday afternoons from 3.45pm to
5.45pm. To facilitate student departures, we plan to conclude rehearsals to coincide with the bus
Dance Classes
Deborah Wootton of Surrey Dance is a trained and qualified ballroom dancing teacher (and parent
of a past BHSSC student) who has been in the industry for over 35 years. The rehearsal schedule
 10 x 2 hour rehearsals
1 x 2 hour rehearsal at the venue (the week prior to the Debutante Ball)
1 x dress rehearsal at the venue (the final rehearsal on the day of the Ball)
Expressions of interest forms are available from the front office and also Student Services.
The form outlines anticipated costs for the Debutante and their partner. These should be
submitted as soon as possible to facilitate planning and numbers.
Convenors of the Debutante Ball 2016
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Ready to Learn
To be Ready to Learn you must display ROaR.
The core value is
At BHSSC respect means being a cooperative member of class, which involves acting in a way that
enhances the learning in the classroom. To enact this you will be positive in your interactions with
others, accepting diversity of opinions, sexual preferences and individual differences.
Treating your environment with respect (keeping it clean and well-presented and all equipment used
in good condition) is also an expectation.
The key skills required to be Ready to Learn are:
At BHSSC organisation means coming to class on time and prepared with correct materials (books
pens, safety equipment), charged ICT devices, water bottles filled, have been to the bathroom before
It requires you to seek assistance in a timely manner and to use your time efficiently.
It means having homework completed and meeting deadlines
Responsibility by definition means to take care of something.
To be Ready to Learn you need to take responsibility for your own learning and the factors which can
impact on your level of achievement.
To be responsible for your learning you need to communicate with teachers and to catch up on any
missed work due to absence.
It requires an understanding the safety is everyone’s responsibility. This means following guidelines
appropriate to the learning environment and being an active listener and responding in a suitable
It also means that you will only use technology for learning purposes in the classroom.
Being responsible as a learner means that you will work cooperatively with others and see tasks
through to completion.
As a responsible member of the BHSSC community you will be inclusive, tolerant and respectful of
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Whitehorse Homework Support Program (Cruzin’ Study)
The program aims to assist young people who may be having difficulty with their school work. The program
provides young people with access to professional tutors able to assist secondary (years 7-12), TAFE and
university students in a range of subjects including English, maths, science and humanities.
The program runs every Thursday afternoon during school terms from 4.00pm to 6.00pm at the
Box Hill Library.
EACH Youth and Family is running the Mankind Program again in term 2. Mankind is a fun, experience-based
program for young men aged 14-16 years of age. The program aims to help participants develop coping skills,
enhance self-esteem and confidence, as well as connect with activities that they enjoy. Mankind is best suited
to young men aged between 14 and 16 who may be struggling with self-esteem, worries, having trouble
knowing where they fit in etc. Places fill quickly so please RSVP with one of the facilitators: Julie Ritchie: Ph.
88783807 or Sean Rayner: Ph. 98906833 or
Who 14-16 year olds young men
Where EACH 14 Silver Grove Nunawading, 3131
When 6 Thursdays 12/05/16 -16/06/16
Time 9:30am - 2:30pm *May vary depending on activity
Cost Free
Eastern Diversity Group
EDG is a social support group for young people aged 15-25 who identify as sexually diverse and/or gender
diverse. New members are always welcome so feel free to contact Beck on 9890 2673 or alternatively via
Paying Attention to Self (PATS)
PATS is a peer support group for 12 to 18 year olds who have a parent with a mental illness. Topics covered
include understanding your parent’s condition, dealing with people’s attitudes to mental illness and coping
strategies and looking after yourself. This is an 8 week program Tuesday afternoons in Lilydale.
The PATS program will run for 8 weeks, on a Tuesday night, commencing on Tuesday April 26th, concluding
on Tuesday June 14th, 2016.
The Program will run from 4.30pm to 6pm at the Lilydale Lake Community Room, Lilydale Lake, Swansea
Road, Lilydale. For more information or to make a referral please contact the Youth Counselling Team on
9294 6716
The Crew
The Crew is a group of young people 16-25 years old who meet fortnightly for cooking, eating and just to hang
out. The group is casual and creative. Held in Nunawading on Wednesday afternoons. If you’re interested in
finding out more please contact Julie Ritchie at EACH Youth and Family on 8878 3800, 0427862865 or
Who: Young People aged 16-25 who would like to connect with peers and the community around food
Where: EACH 10 Silver Grove Nunawading, 3131
When: Wednesdays fortnightly from 12.15 -2.30 April 13th and 27th May 11th and 25th June 8th and 22nd
August 3rd, 17th and 31st
Cost: Free
Fresh Youth Theatre – Places Available
Fresh is a not for profit theatre company delivering personal development for young people in difficult life
circumstances through innovative theatre practices. Each season explores social issues through applied
drama and culminates in a large scale community performance. Fresh also delivers in school programs. See
below website for more information
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Youth Connexions (open from 1pm–5pm each week day)
Youth Connexions is Whitehorse City Council’s youth information, support and referral centre
based at Centro Box Hill Shopping Centre. The centre offers a comfortable and supportive environment for
young people aged 12–25 to find information and seek assistance on a range of issues. Services are free and
include access to technology, recreational games, hot and cold drinks and music and recording facilitates.
Personal support is provided by friendly youth workers who came make referrals to a range of more
specialised services if required.
Box Hill Senior Secondary College does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by Box Hill Senior Secondary