Edition 6 - FCJ College
Edition 6 - FCJ College
FCJ COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 2013 ISSUE 6 8 MAY 2013 Arundel Street, Benalla VIC 3672 PO Box 123, Benalla VIC 3671 Tel (03) 5762 1222 admin@fcjbenalla.catholic.edu.au NEWSLETTER PRAYER I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under PonPus Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; on the third day He arose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrecPon of the body, and life everlasPng. Amen. From the Principal Dear Parents & Students, Students parPcipated in ceremonies across our towns on Anzac Day. Samuel Heywood marched with the official party and read the Anzac Reqeium. Rosemary BasseX, ScoX Aldred, Sarah McNamara and Amanda Leslie lay a wreath on behalf of our school at the Benalla ceremony and Taylor Dillon did so in Euroa. Follow us on Twitter @ FCJCollege FCJ College has a Facebook page keep in touch! Our athlePcs carnival was a very enjoyable day for everyone. PresentaPons to Age Champions and the winning house were made at today’s full school assembly and are listed within this newsleXer. 60 students competed at the School Sports Southern Ranges Regional meet on Monday, and 21 will progress to the Combined Regional Championships. CongratulaPons to students for your level of parPcipaPon and great school spirit. Next Tuesday, 14th May will be the Senior Pathways InformaPon Night. This is a very important session for parents and students at year 10 and for those in year 9 who wish to explore doing a VCE subject next year. At this session, informaPon will be provided about the different pathways on offer and the Senior Handbook will be distributed in advance of subject selecPons. Teachers will be available at informaPon booths to speak with families about subject choices and members of the Pathways and Teaching and Learning teams can provide advice about subjects appropriate to your child’s future aspiraPons. Students should now be in full winter uniform, including blazers to and from school. A reminder that the jumper should never be the outer garment and should be worn under the blazer when extra warmth is required. Our annual College Open Days will be held on Friday 31st May from 11.30am to 7.00pm and Sunday 2nd June from 10.00am to noon, with tours running on the half hour. On both dates, In addiPon to this, we held our own Anzac Ceremony on tours of our faciliPes include the new Junior Wing and Trade 26th April in the front grounds of the College. Thank you Training Centre, plus displays and teachers available with to Michael Challis and William McNamara, who are part informaPon about our teaching and learning programs. Open of the AAFC and did the flag raising ceremony. Liam Day is not only for prospecPve enrolments. FCJ College has Nunan, relaPve of Morgan, travelled from Melbourne to enjoyed considerable development in recent years. All play bugle for us. Mr Adrian Daw gave a presentaPon families, former students and friends of the College are including memories of his father, Eric Daw who served in welcome. We are proud of our College and it is our pleasure the 9th Armed Regiment as a tank driver, including acPve to invite you all to come and see. duty in the Middle East and Borneo. Mr Daw spoke of the inspiraPon that Weary Dunlop gave his father, and David Leslie his own journey in trekking the Kokoda Trail. We thank Principal him for sharing these memories with our students and school community. 5761 3199 UNIFORM SHOP HOURS -‐ TUESDAY 1-‐4PM ABSENCES@FCJBENALLA.CATHOLIC.EDU.AU OFFICE HOURS 8.15AM-‐4.15PM www.fcjbenalla.catholic.edu.au FCJ COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 2013 2012 ISSUE 6 9 CALENDAR MAY 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 27 29 31 Health Careers Forum Full School Assembly Transition Visit To St Mary’s Photo Day Melbourne French Theatre 6.30pm St Joseph’s Youth Mass Naplans 8am Finance Committee 7pm Middle School Pathways Night 2nd Year Equine Camp Community Kitchen Cross Country U1/2 Outdoor Ed Camp 2nd Year Equine Camp U1/2 Outdoor Ed Camp 2nd Year Equine Camp SSV Round Robin Pentecost Mass Benalla Careers Day Debutante Ball Debutante Ball Chess Interschool Championships SAMBA Experience Sub School Assembly Open Day 11.30am - 7.00pm JUNE 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 OPEN DAY 10am - NOON Regional Cross Country Junior School Exams U3/4 Biology Excursion ICAS Science Competition Full School Assembly Junior School Exams Junior School Exams 6.30pm Youth Mass Queens Birthday Holiday Years 9-11exams Finance Committee VCE GAT Years 9-1l Exams Policy Committee Sub School Assemblies Years 9-11 Exams Year 12 Retreat Follow-up Drama Excursion 5761 3199 UNIFORM SHOP HOURS -‐ TUESDAY 1-‐4PM ABSENCES@FCJBENALLA.CATHOLIC.EDU.AU 218JUNE MAY 2013 2012 CONGRATULATIONS Fundraising: Year 8 student, Kaitlyn Hocking recently orchestrated a fundraiser for Bowel Cancer Australia. Kaitlyn organised a Golf event including 111 compePtors, with prizes donated by local businesses, a spinning wheel and BBQ. Kaitlyn raised over $3400 for Bowel Cancer Australia and displayed great organisaPonal and philanthropic skills. We congratulate her on showing such excellent iniPaPve and enthusiasm. Gradua8on: Riley Dillon completed his basic soldier training at Kapooka Army Recruit Training Centre at Wagga Wagga, NSW on 1st March this year. Riley enlisted on 20th November, days aner his final VCE exams and a few weeks before his 18th birthday. Riley is based at Bandiana, near Wodonga and has started his trade within the army as FiXer Armament. Riley also aXended on Anzac Day, his first dawn service and morning service as an Australia Soldier at Wodonga. WINTER UNIFORM Full winter uniform, including wearing of blazers to and from school. The jumper may be worn underneath the blazer if extra warmth is required. Uniform regulaPons are outlined in the student homework programme. GIRLS FCJ College blazer FCJ College Pe FCJ College winter skirt White long sleeve shirt (not fashion shirt) Navy blue opaque Pghts Black lace-‐up leather shoes BOYS FCJ College blazer FCJ College Pe FCJ College long grey trousers FCJ crested white shirt grey socks Black lace-‐up leather shoes Dobson’s Uniform Shop is open from 1pm -‐ 4pm on Tuesdays during school term at FCJ College. OFFICE HOURS 8.15AM-‐4.15PM www.fcjbenalla.catholic.edu.au FCJ COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 2013 ISSUE 6 8 MAY 2013 MIDDLE SCHOOL MYOB -‐ Excursion to Melbourne Wholesale, NaPonal Flower & Queen Victoria Markets On April 18th the Years 9/10 Mind Your Own Business (MYOB) class departed for Melbourne at 3am. Many students had a ‘sleep over’ at school, others arrived at 2.50am. Our tour of the Melbourne Wholesale Market began at 6am. We witnessed the busyness of this exciPng market as the wholesalers and buyers traded in the early hours and trolleys and forklins rushed madly around mobilising the fresh produce. We were lucky to be in the tour ‘train’ for our own safety! We were subsequently taken to the NaPonal Flower Market where most fresh flowers are sourced by florists and others, either directly or indirectly, from Victoria and interstate. These markets are not open to the general public, so we were very fortunate to be able to visit them and gain some insight into their operaPon. Everyone was eager for breakfast by the Pme we arrived at the Queen Victoria Market, where we followed much of the produce from the Wholesale Market. Students enjoyed a team challenge that involved spending ten dollars and gaining as much value as possible whilst fulfilling a set of criteria. A couple of teams were most ingenious! The MYOB class had been studying the operaPon of markets, the role of price and demand and supply-‐side factors influencing the acPons of consumers and producers. The excursion enabled a hands-‐on extension of students’ knowledge and understanding of markets beyond a textbook. A very big thank you to Mr. Isaac Demase for staying overnight at school with us and accompanying us on our trip; and Ms. Donna Willcock for being willing to drive our bus at 3am in the morning and looking aner us all day. Without such wonderful support, this excursion would not have been possible. Thank you also to the students. They were such a credit to themselves, their families and to FCJ College. Mrs. Jan Claire, our tour guide at the Wholesale Market, commented once again on how much she enjoys her Pme with our students. Mrs Julia Leslie MYOB Teacher MURRAY DARLING SCHOOL OF FRESHWATER RESEARCH Elizabeth Chacko and Xavier Burton recently aXended the Rotary Murray Darling School of Freshwater Research in Albury, During the 6-‐day program they stayed at Scots Boarding school with over 20 other students, some coming from as far as Adelaide. The aim of the camp was to undergo field work at some local wetlands, and produce a presentaPon of our findings at the concluding presentaPons, on the last day. Our groups were given the task of analysing two lagoons at the local Wonga wetlands. One was man made, the other was natural. The program included collecPng data samples, examinaPon, and developing presentaPons in groups. Thanks to the Benalla Rotary Club for sponsoring our students to aXend and to the Albury/Wodonga Rotary Club in conjuncPon with the Murray Darling Freshwater Research Centre for organizing the camp. Elizabeth and Xavier strongly encourage anyone who has an interest in science, the environment or agriculture to consider applying the camp next year. “It really is an great opportunity that is very unique to our region which many people in ciPes aren’t exposed to. We certainly have benefiXed a lot from aXending and we are sure you will too”, they said. 5761 3199 UNIFORM SHOP HOURS -‐ TUESDAY 1-‐4PM ABSENCES@FCJBENALLA.CATHOLIC.EDU.AU OFFICE HOURS 8.15AM-‐4.15PM www.fcjbenalla.catholic.edu.au FCJ COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 2013 ISSUE 6 8 MAY 2013 FCJ COLLEGE ATHLETIC CARNIVAL CongratulaPons to all parPcipants at the FCJ College 2013 AthlePcs Carnival. Hughes were the winning house, with 5527 points, followed closely by Davy on 5507 and d’Houet in third on 5215. Below is the list of Age Champions. These were announced at today’s Full School Assembly. CongratulaPons! 13yr female 13yr male 14yr female 14yr male 15yr female 15yr male 16yr female 16yr male 17yr female 17yr male 18yr female 18yr male Alexandra Robinson Thomas Rigby Laura Grima & Abbey Pearce Nathan Hill Chelsea Mailer Christopher Welsh Chelsea Baillieu Jack Doidge Natalie Pritchard MaXhew King Sarah Waters Samuel Heywood Kool Skools Loud at Lunchtime presents “KOOL SCHOOLS” CONCERT at your school Students enjoyed a great LunchPme concert from Natasha Duarte on 2nd May as part of the Kool Schools Tour program. FCJ College Class of 2011 graduate Mark Tanian accompanied Natasha on drums. Mark has been studying at Collarts and has experienced significant success in his music career, touring as a session arPst and in numerous bands. Natasha Duarte has achieved accolades at the ripe age of 18, both naPonally and internaPonally. In 2012, Natasha won the InternaPonal SongwriPng CompePPon (ISC Teen secPon) and performed live across Singapore for the Music MaXers Conference. Just recently, she has been listed with 8 nominaPons in the 2013, more than double any other Australian writer. plus an industry Q&A session presented by Kicking off the tour is the sensationally talented Natasha Duarté and her band. Natasha is an amazing role model for your students because she is both a locally and internationally awarded songwriter having won the ACMF and ISC song awards in 2012! She even won a scholarship to Berklee College of music in Boston. Your students will have a lot of fun seeing the show but will also be inspired by Natasha and gain an educational benefit from the Q&A session after the show. Kool Skools will provide the whole production of sound and lights so it will be an exciting show which can be held in your assembly hall, school gym or other suitable venue. Want Natasha to play at your school, festival or community event? Call Paul Higgins 0412 686 252 or the Kool Skools Office (03)9417 7707 paul@studio52.com.au natashaduarte.com.au • www.facebook.com/tashiduarte • www.youtube.com/officialtashiduarte 5761 3199 UNIFORM SHOP HOURS -‐ TUESDAY 1-‐4PM ABSENCES@FCJBENALLA.CATHOLIC.EDU.AU OFFICE HOURS 8.15AM-‐4.15PM www.fcjbenalla.catholic.edu.au FCJ COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 2013 ISSUE 6 8 MAY 2013 WHAT’S HAPPENING @ YOUR JUNIOR SUB SCHOOL On the 26 April the school commemorated Anzac Day. To help students understand the significance of the 25 April in Australian society we used the wall map in W4 to idenPfy the main players in the conflict. The map assisted students to understand how far Australia was from the conflict in Turkey and the Western Front and the reasons behind Australia’s involvement in World War 1. Naplan is on for students in Year 7 commencing Tuesday 14 through to Thursday the 16 May. Mrs Stephens has organized the schedule and school arrangements for these tests. Year 7 have received or will shortly receive, their InvesPgaPon project for HumaniPes. They are allowed to choose an ancient civilizaPons (except Ancient Egypt) to research. The project is on the Moodle along with the research grid that all students must complete. They will not be informed on the presentaPon format unPl the research grid is completed. In this project they are able to choose their areas of interest by designing key quesPons for their invesPgaPon. For example what were the greatest achievements of ancient Mesopotamia? Or why did Ancient Chinese society develop in a parPcular locaPon? Their HumaniPes textbook is an excellent source of informaPon for a range of ancient sociePes. However aner consultaPon with their teacher they may choose a civilizaPon that is not in the book. Primary School Visits Over the passed week several year 7 students have undertaken a school visit to their passed primary school; St John’s, St Mary’s or St Joseph’s. The purpose of each school visit was to provide informaPon and answer quesPons about FCJ College and secondary schooling to the current year 5/6’s. The students really enjoyed the opportunity to return to their primary schools and revisit both friends and teachers. They provided great insight into the day of a secondary school FCJ student. The trips were very successful so a big congratulaPons to; William Jackson, Samuel Burrowes, Michaela Humphries, Georgie Giddings and Oliver Shaw. Weather and Hazards In Year 8 HumaniPes the students have been studying where our weather originates from in the atmosphere. As part of this we have viewed a number of clips from the InternaPonal Space Cran under the command of Commander Hadfield who has been orbiPng the earth over the last few months. He has made some excellent videos including: How to clean your teeth in space! How to sleep in space! What happens if you are sick in space! One of the interesPng aspects we noted was that the weather was occurring below the spacecran. This helped our understanding of the layer of the atmosphere where the weather takes place. Mr Spencer, who is working with 8Y is helping students understand the operaPon of the water cycle. Mrs Glenys Lowden, Junior Sub School 5761 3199 UNIFORM SHOP HOURS -‐ TUESDAY 1-‐4PM ABSENCES@FCJBENALLA.CATHOLIC.EDU.AU OFFICE HOURS 8.15AM-‐4.15PM www.fcjbenalla.catholic.edu.au FCJ COLLEGE NEWSLETTER 2013 ISSUE 6 8 MAY 2013 by Michael Grose - No. 1 parenting educator Make the most of teachable moments to promote resilience How they cope will be determined by their resilience and the mindsets of the significant adults around them. When parents and teachers have mindsets for resilience then they see these situations as TEACHABLE MOMENTS. A teachable moment is usually disguised as a problem and is easily missed when we focus on the now. When faced with a TEACHABLE moment ask yourself: How can I teach my child to cope? e.g. Encouraging kids to talk about problems is a great coping skill. What can my child learn about himself for next time? e.g. A child may learn when he goes on a school camp that he was dreading that he can spend time away from home and still survive. Kids live in the NOW. Fun comes before work in their dictionaries. It’s easy for parents to get tied up in the NOW particularly when kids experience hardships, frustrations and difficulties. We just want to take away their pain! What can my child learn to avoid or turn this situation around? e.g. A child may learn that he can reduce conflict with less than pleasant peers by ignoring nasty comments and actively When we focus solely on making the situation better we miss some massive opportunities to help kids learn and grow. The big learning opportunities are usually hidden as problems. Most commonly they are: change, loss, rejection, failure, disappointment and conflict. I am convinced that Parenting is fundamentally about TEACHING. The ability to pass on skills, knowledge and attitudes is the most important skill of all. Been snubbed by a classmate or friend Missed being picked for a team even though they tried hard Worried about going to school camp Had something stolen from them Been taught by a teacher they don’t get on with I am not suggesting we want bad things to happen but developmentally life throws up these types of curve balls all the time for kids. How they cope will be determined by their resilience and the mindsets of the significant adults around them. parentingideas.co.uk Parenting has always required an exceptionally strong set of skills, including carer, nurturer, leader and negotiator. That’s why it is such a hard job. BUT the longer I am involved in parenting the more Perhaps your child has experienced one of these common challenges: parentingideas.com.au spending more time with friendly kids. We teach by modelling but we also teach kids explicitly. That means we talk to kids about ‘stuff’ and help them to work out how they may cope or manage different situations they meet. First we need to be on the look out for TEACHABLE MOMENTS. Then make the most of these opportunities so that kids can grow and learn from some of the challenges they face. Mastering these teachable moments is how parents help their kids become resilient and bounce back from some of the setbacks they encounter now and, importantly, in the future. parentingideas.co.nz Michael Grose Presentations PO Box 167 Balnarring Vic 3926 p + 61 3 5983 1798 f (03) 5983 1722 e office@parentingideas.com.au facebook.com/Parentingideas.com.au twitter.com/michaelgrose All rights reserved. For more ideas, support and advice for all your parenting challenges please visit our website. 2013 Michael Grose 5761 3199 UNIFORM SHOP HOURS -‐ TUESDAY 1-‐4PM ABSENCES@FCJBENALLA.CATHOLIC.EDU.AU OFFICE HOURS 8.15AM-‐4.15PM www.fcjbenalla.catholic.edu.au