Affiliate Guide - Google Plus Hangout Mastery


Affiliate Guide - Google Plus Hangout Mastery
The Hangout Helper Affiliate Guide
Table Of Contents!
Hangout Mastery Affiliate Guide Introduction!
Step 1: Sign Up As An Affiliate on ClickBank!
Step 2: Create Your Hop Link in ClickBank!
A Special Note on Embedding Affiliate Links in Google+!
Step 3: Complete Your ClickBank Account!
Step 4: Promote!!
Payment Structure!
Other: Help From ClickBank!
FTC Compliance!
Contact Info!
© 2014 The Hangout Helper
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The Hangout Helper Affiliate Guide
Hangout Mastery Affiliate Guide Introduction!
Welcome affiliate! We’re looking forward to partnering with you in promoting Hangout
Mastery. What follows is a step-by-step guide on how to get started so you can get paid
for your efforts. There are 4 steps to getting set up:!
Step 1: Sign Up As An Affiliate on ClickBank!
Step 2: Create Your Hop Link in ClickBank!
Step 3: Complete Your ClickBank Account!
Step 4: Promote!!
Note: If you are already a registered affiliate with ClickBank you can skip step 1 and go
right to step 2 on page 7.!
Step 1: Sign Up As An Affiliate on ClickBank!
• Go to and click on “Sign Up” in the upper right corner. It will look
something like this:!
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The Hangout Helper Affiliate Guide
You will then see a page that looks something like this:!
• As a part of the sign up form, you will be asked to create an Account Nickname. Your
account nickname is very important. You will be using this nickname to create the link
you will use to sell the Hangout Mastery Membership. We suggest you use
something that reflects your business. (And yes, it may be a little tricky trying to
create a good nickname with only 10 characters.)!
• Our nickname for the Hangout Mastery Membership is hngouthlpr!
• Complete the registration form by scrolling all the way through the terms and
conditions, checking the box, and completing the captcha image text!
• Then click “Submit Account Registration”!
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• You should then be looking at a page similar to the pic below; this is your account
• Important: You need to confirm your email address. The notification in the middle of
the page calls this to your attention.!
Check your email, you should see something like this:!
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The Hangout Helper Affiliate Guide
• Click on that link and verify your address. Your dashboard in ClickBank should show
something like this:!
• That’s it! Now you’re ready to create a custom link that you can use to sell the
Hangout Mastery Membership!
Next Page: Step 2 Create Your Hop Link in ClickBank!
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The Hangout Helper Affiliate Guide
Step 2: Create Your Hop Link in ClickBank!
You, as an affiliate, create the link that you will use to sell Hangout Mastery
Membership. There are multiple ways to do this. ClickBank uses custom urls they call
hop-links to connect vendors and affiliates. You can create encrypted hop-links using
what ClickBank calls “Hop Link Shield.” (An important note about affiliate links in
Google+ public and private posts is included below - please read carefully).!
Hop Link Creation Method #1: Hop Link Shield (Our Recommended Method)!
• Open this link into a new window in your browser (or just click this hyperlink):!
• You should see a page that looks like this:!
• Simply type in your ClickBank nickname in “Affiliate Nickname”!
• Then type Hangout Mastery’s nickname in “Vendor Nickname”!
• Hangout Mastery nickname = hngouthlpr!
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• Click “Encode” and the next screen will look similar to this (do not use the link in the
picture - you will get your own link):!
• This is your unique custom url that you can use to sell the Hangout Mastery
Membership. This url links your Affiliate account to the Hangout Mastery Vendor
Important: Copy this encoded link immediately! Do not click off this page until you
copy and paste this into a safe place. (Don’t worry - if you need to, just walk through
these steps again.)!
This url resolves to a purchase page on the Hangout Mastery website. People who
buy there will be credited to your affiliate account in ClickBank.!
Here is a helpful tip from ClickBank:!
© 2014 The Hangout Helper
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The Hangout Helper Affiliate Guide
Hop Link Creation Method #2: Manually Create the Link (Optional Method)!
You can manually create your own link using this formula:!
To make the HopLink work, simply replace AFFILIATE with your ClickBank nickname
and VENDOR with the Hangout Mastery ClickBank nickname. For example, if your
ClickBank nickname is “nickname10” your link would look like this:!
This is a perfectly acceptable way to link to Hangout Mastery as an affiliate. Try it out
and you’ll see that the url you created will resolve to a purchase page on the Hangout
Mastery website. People who buy there will be credited to your affiliate account in
• Use the helpful tip from ClickBank above to see if your Hop Link is working correctly.!
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Hop Link Creation Method #3: Get it From the ClickBank Marketplace (Optional
Another way you can get the link is by browsing the ClickBank marketplace for Hangout
Mastery, and once you find it, you can create a link from there. We suggest methods #1
or #2 above, but if you want to go this route here are the steps:!
• From your dashboard, navigate to “Marketplace” in the top menu bar:!
• From there, type either “hngouthlpr” or “Hangout Mastery Membership” in the Find
Products search bar:!
© 2014 The Hangout Helper
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• You should see the Hangout Mastery product like so:!
• Click on “Promote”!
• ClickBank will then create your encoded links:!
• Important: Copy this encoded link immediately! Do not click off this page until you
copy and paste this into a safe place.!
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A Special Note on Embedding Affiliate Links in Google+!
Now that you have your link(s) you can begin to promote Hangout Mastery. These links
should work no matter where you post them with one exception we have discovered:
Google+ does not allow public or private posting of ClickBank links. If you attempt to
post the link, Google will simply delete it and they do so without a notification.
Sometimes it can even appear that you have posted it, but if you refresh your page, the
post will disappear!!
There is a workaround if you really want to post your affiliate link directly into a Google+
post. If you shorten the link using a service like it will work. is super easy to
use and you don’t even need to create an account to create a shortened link. Just go to and at the top of the page there is a box to paste your link into. Just paste
your link there and click “shorten” and you’ll get your shortened link that can be used
anywhere. (If you want to save your links, you can create a free account with!
Get Help from ClickBank:!
Read more about creating Hop Links here:!
Next Page: Step 3 Complete Your ClickBank Account
© 2014 The Hangout Helper
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Step 3: Complete Your ClickBank Account!
You should do the following or ClickBank will not be able to pay your commissions:!
Provide your tax ID!
1. From your ClickBank dashboard click on “Settings”!
• You will see that your empty tax id is highlighted here!
2. Click on “edit” in the account information area!
3. Enter in your business tax ID (or social security number)!
• There are other settings for your account that can be set up, such as a payment
threshold, etc. !
There are also some good reports available to track your affiliate promotion activity!
• From your dashboard - click on the “reporting” tab and then as a start, try out the
“analytics” report.!
Next Page: Step 4 Promote!
© 2014 The Hangout Helper
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The Hangout Helper Affiliate Guide
Step 4: Promote!!
Now that you have a link that connects you to the Hangout Mastery Membership, you
can begin promoting. Use the link to embed in emails, posts, blogs, etc. You can
hyper-link to banner ads, etc. (See our special note regarding posting the links directly
into Google+ above.)!
Leverage all that is available to you in the Affiliate Resources area of the Hangout
Mastery website located at:!
There you will find:!
• Hangout Mastery banners & thumbnails!
• Ronnie’s bio!
• Links to all our social connections!
• And more…including updated versions of this guide as they are published
© 2014 The Hangout Helper
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The Hangout Helper Affiliate Guide
Payment Structure!
• Commission on all sales is 20% to you for up to one year. This means that for each
$47/month subscription, you get 20% for as long as that member keeps their
subscription active; month over month.!
The affiliate commission sunsets at 12 months (even if they renew their membership
beyond 1 year).!
ClickBank will pay your commissions directly to you. Using ClickBank as our affiliate
portal makes the whole process more secure for you. You also get access to the
reporting available via ClickBank so you can track activity on your links.!
Signing up as affiliate on ClickBank is free.!
If anyone registers for Hangout Mastery using your hop link, you get credit.!
The link “follows” the person who clicked it for up to 60 days. I.e. they do not need to
buy today. If they go back to the buy page within 60 days of the first time they click
on it, you get the credit (i.e. a 60 day cookie)!
Membership in Hangout Mastery is not required to be an affiliate. That said, you can
make your subscription FREE when 5 people buy using your link!!
© 2014 The Hangout Helper
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The Hangout Helper Affiliate Guide
Other: Help From ClickBank!
There is extensive support within ClickBank that can assist you to manage your
account. We highly recommend you explore the “Affiliates” area of the support site:!
FTC Compliance!
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines for endorsements and testimonials
requires that advertisers disclose their relationship if there is a connection between the
endorser and the seller of the product or service. In the regulation there is not a specific
definition of what is meant by ‘connection.’ That said, because you as an affiliate of
Hangout Mastery, will get paid for any sales made through your Hop Links, disclosure is
recommended by The Hangout Helper and Hangout Mastery. You could provide a
disclosure statement on your website or blog. !
In regard to affiliate relationships, the following is an excerpt from the FTC website FAQ
about this subject:!
I’m an affiliate marketer with links to an online retailer on my website. When people click on
those links and buy something from the retailer, I earn a commission. What do I have to
disclose? Where should the disclosure be?!
Let’s assume that you’re endorsing a product or service on your site and you have links to a
company that pays you commissions on sales. If you disclose the relationship clearly and
conspicuously on your site, readers can decide how much weight to give your endorsement. In
some instances, where the link is embedded in the product review, a single disclosure may be
adequate. When the product review has a clear and conspicuous disclosure of your relationship –
and the reader can see both the product review and the link at the same time – readers have the
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information they need. If the product review and the link are separated, the reader may lose the
As for where to place a disclosure, the guiding principle is that it has to be clear and conspicuous.
Putting disclosures in obscure places – for example, buried on an ABOUT US or GENERAL INFO
page, behind a poorly labeled hyperlink or in a terms of service agreement – isn’t good enough.
The average person who visits your site must be able to notice your disclosure, read it and
understand it.!
ClickBank offers some helpful information on this subject here.!
The official FTC Guide Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in
Advertising is here.!
Contact Info!
For questions or help contact:!
Michael Burwell!!
© 2014 The Hangout Helper
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