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Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Book of abstracts of the II International Symposium on Bee Products Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission September 9-12, 2012 School of Agriculture Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Bragança Portugal Edited by Miguel Vilas-Boas Luís Guimarães Dias Luís Miguel Moreira Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 1 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Title: II International Symposium on Bee Products. Annual Meeting of IHC: book of abstracts Editors: Miguel Vilas-Boas, Luís Guimarães Dias, Luís Miguel Moreira Photography: Luís Miguel Moreira (Associação de Apicultores do Parque de Montesinho) Helena Guedes (Associação de Apicultores do Parque de Montesinho) Published by: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Printed by: Tipografia – Artegráfica Brigantina Number of copies: 150 Cover Design: Atilano Suarez, Serviços de Imagem do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Date: September 2012 Legal deposit: 347901/12 ISBN: 987-972-745-140-1 2 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Organizers Federação Nacional dos Apicultores de Portugal In collaboration with Supporters Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 3 Sponsors Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PLATINUM O Mel do Parque de Montesinho de cor escura, sabor intenso e rico em sais minerais, é em grande parte o resultado da vegetação, dominada pelo Castanheiro, Carvalho negral e por vastas áreas de urzes, carquejas, rosmaninhos e estevas. É nesta região do Nordeste Transmontano, entre paisagens naturais únicas, onde o lobo e as suas presas silvestres, a majestosa águia-real e muitas outras espécies selvagens ocorrem, que é produzido o Mel do Parque de Montesinho. O modo de produção biológico garante que as características do mel se mantêm inalteradas, chegando ao consumidor um produto impar, provavelmente muito semelhante àquele que se obtinha nos primórdios desta actividade milenar. The dark Honey of Parque Montesinho, with intense flavor and rich in minerals, is largely the result of vegetation dominated by chestnut, pyrenean oak and vast areas of heather, gorse, lavandula and cistus. It is in this region of “Nordeste Transmontano“, among unique natural landscapes, where the wolf and their wild prey, the majestic royal eagle and many other wildlife species occur, which is produced the Honey of Park Montesinho. The organic production method ensures that the characteristics of honey remain unchanged, reaching the consumer a unique product, probably very similar to that obtained in the early days of this ancient activity. Le Miel du Parc de Montesinho de couleur foncé, gôut intensif et riche en sais minéraux, est en grande partie le résultat de la végétation dominée par le châtaignier et par le chêne negrais, et par d´énormes aires de forêts de bruyères. C’est dans cette région du Nordeste Transmontano, entre paysages naturels úniques où le loup et ses prises sylvestres , le majestieux aigleroyal et plusieurs espèces sauvages surgissent, où est produit le Miel du Parc de Montesinho. Le mode de production biologique garantie que les caractéristiques du miel se mantiennent inaltérées arrivant au consommateur un produit unique, très semblable à celui qui s´obtenait dans les origines de cette activitée millénaire. Agrupamento de Produtores do "Mel do Parque", Lda 273 329 Casa do Mel, Quinta das Fontaínhas Agrupamento de Produtores do+351 "Mel do470 Parque", Lda Apartado 231 +351 273 329 471 5301-903 Bragança — Portugal +351 273 329 470 do Mel, Quinta das Fontaínhas Casa 4 Apartado 231 5301-903 Bragança — Portugal +351 273 329 471 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Sponsors Commission GOLD 658 Vet Registered Ad landscape_Layout 1 10/07/2012 10:35 Page 1 Vita prides itself on its commitment to the quality and efficacy of its products. Choose our Veterinary Registered and approved products over those that don’t make the grade to ensure the health and productivity of your Bees. A Vita orgulha-se do compromisso na qualidade e eficácia dos seus produtos. Escolha os nossos produtos registados e aprovados para veterinária e não use mesinhas que não asseguram a saúde e a produtividade das suas abelhas. Os produtos Vita estão disponíveis em Portugal pela Hifarmax Av. Marechal Craveiro Lopes, 96, r/c Dto 2775-696 Carcavelos Tel: 214 571 110 | Fax: 214 572 255 | Vita (Europe) Limited, Vita House, London Street, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 7PG, United Kingdom. BRONZE Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 5 Sponsors Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission BRONZE 6 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Welcome message Gudrun Beckh President of IHC At the last IHC-meeting in Buenos Aires 2011, Miguel Vilas-Boas invited the IHC-members to Portugal for the annual IHC-meeting 2012. I would like to thank him and all the involved people from the organizing Committee, Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, Luís Guimarães Dias and Maria Alice Pinto, for all the efforts and work they prepared to set up our meeting together with an International Symposium on Bee products. I also thank the organising Institutions in Portugal (CIMO, IPB and FNAP) for their support. As chair of the Symposium, I welcome all researchers from different countries participating in this event. I am looking forward to learn about latest scientific findings and to face experience exchange between all the people working on bee products worldwide. Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 7 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Chairman Gudrun Beckh, President of IHC, Quality Services International GmbH, Germany Organizing Committee Miguel Vilas-Boas (Co-ordinator), CIMO & IPB, Portugal Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, CIMO & IPB, Portugal Luís Guimarães Dias, CIMO & IPB, Portugal Maria Alice Pinto, CIMO & IPB, Portugal Scientific Committee Andreas Thrasyvoulou, Aristotle University of Thessanloniki, Greece Anne Claire Martel, French Agency for Food Environmental and Occupational health & safety, France Gian Luigi Marcazzan, Honeybee and Silkworm Research Unit - CRA-API, Italy Herve Casabianca, CNRS – Analytique Central Services, France Jaume Cambra, University of Barcelona, Spain Ligia Muridian, University of São Paulo, Brasil Lutz Elflein, Intertek Food Services GmbH, Germany Maria Campos, University of Coimbra, Portugal Peter Gallmann, Swiss Bee Research Centre, Switzerland Stefan Bogdanov, Bee Product Science, Switzerland Teresa Sancho, University of Burgos, Spain Vassya Bankova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria Vikas Nanda, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, India Werner v.d. Ohe, LAVES -Institut für Bienenkunde Celle, Germany Volunteers Soraia Falcão Andreia Tomás Joana Coelho Mário João Gomes Maria João Sousa Hugo Froufe 8 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission International Honey Commission History The starting point of International Honey Commission (IHC) was in 1990 when a European Honey Commission headed by Stefan Bogdnov, Switzerland, was formed in order to harmonise existing standard methodology for honey analysis and international standards within Europe. Already in 1995, 28 honey specialists from 13 countries were working in this group. With the involvement of more researchers and experts from all over the world, the group’s name was changed into International Honey Commission. The chairman of IHC was Werner von der Ohe, Germany, from 1996 to 2010. As first result from a collaborative study, the special issue of Apidologie “ Harmonised methods of the European Honey Commission” was published in 1997. New honey standards within the European Union and the Codex Alimentarius were worked out, based on the proposals of the IHC. The following subject of IHC focussed on the characterisation of European monofloral honeys. More than 61000 data were collected and elaborated. The extra issue on European unifloral honeys (Apidologie 35, 2004) is still the most important basis for establishing trade specifications. With the beginning of 2000, the residue problems were influencing the honey trade, leading to a new challenge for improve analytical methodologies. Therefore an IHC working group was formed in order to harmonise and validate residue test methods for honey. At the same time further working groups e.g. sensory, adulteration, geographical origin of honey, other beeproducts standardisation were established. In 2010 additional IHC-subgroups for different continents were proposed. Who can participate? Anybody who works in honey/beeproducts research or quality control as a longterm activity can become a member, provided that he/she is interested to participate actively in the activity of the group. Every member is responsible for communication of changes of his/her email to be web co-ordinator. Objectives of the IHC The IHC is a network, created for the enhancement of knowledge on quality and research on honey. The main objective of this network is to improve analysis methods of honey and other bee products and to propose new quality criteria. The specific current objectives of the IHC are: - to work out better and new analysis methods of honey and the other bee products; - to inform members of the group on current aspects of quality and control of honey and other bee products; - to work out standards for other bee products besides honey. Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 9 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Activities Working groups have been established in 2001. The IHC meets annually on working sessions, where the current activities of the group are discussed, new activities are planned and ideas exchanged concerning honey quality and control. Direction Board of IHC Chair Gudrun Beckh, Germany Co-Chairs Teresa Sancho, Spain Ligia Bicudo, Brazil Vikas Nanda, India Working groups and Leaders Geographical and botanical origin Honeydew Andreas Thrasyvoulou Werner von der Ohe Residues Melipona honey Asian bee’s honey Anne Claire Martel Ligia Almeida Vikas Nanda Wax Honey Analysis Methods Good Production Practice Hansjoachim Roth Stefan Bogdanov Teresa Sancho Peter Gallmann Melissopalynology Sensory analysis Organic honey Werner von der Ohe Lucia Piana Jaume Cambra Pollen Royal Jelly Propolis Maria Campos Hervé Casabianca Vassya Bankova Bee Venom Apimedical Science Honey Microbiology Wassili Krylov Josef Simuth Stefan Bogdanov Alejandra Vasquez Tobias Olofsson Adulteration Lutz Elflein 10 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Venues The conference will take place at the Auditorium Dionísio Gonçalves in the Campus Santa Apolónia- School of Agriculture of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (September 9-11). Internet and computer access Wireless internet is available campus wide to participants of the conference with Eduroam European network. A computer room will also be available to participants of the conference (see the Map) for internet acess. A room for the speakers will be available (see the Map). Transportation The organization will provide a bus from and to hotels recommended by the conference (Hotel S. Lázaro, Estalagem Turismo, Estalagem Turismo, Pousada São Bartolomeu and Pousada de Juventude). Check for schedules at your hotel and at Information Desk. Alternatively, taxi service is available upon request: Praça de Táxis Av. João da Cruz, Telephone: 273 322 138 Praça de Táxis Estação Rodoviária, Telephone: 273 322 007 Food and Refreshments A welcome reception will be served in the Domus Municipalis (in the Castle of Bragança) in the 9th of September at 7 pm. Lunches on monday (10th of September) and tuesday (11th of September) will be served at the IPB Canteen (Cantina Alternativa do IPB), located at the Campus de Santa Apolónia (see the following map). Morning and afternoon coffee breaks will be served nearby the Auditório Dionísio Gonçalves. Social event for accompanying persons Tuesday at 9.30 am. Guided tour to Bragança city. Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 11 ç en olóniapolónia ta Ap A e Sande Santa eda d a Alam Alamed Alam a a a a eda d eda d San da de lameolónia A ta Ap e San e San ta Ap olónia ta Ap polón olónia A – Main Entrance to IHC Symposium C – Auditorium Dionísio Gonçalves E – Speakers Room (G3-S3/03) G – IPB Canteen for IHC Symposium Alam SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE E A anta F B D Alam de S A C a a a a a N a POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF BRAGANÇA eda Alam Main entrance to School of Agriculture of N a N N N a N N Alam meeting a a e da d Alam a a olónia a ta Ap a e San da de a 12 a a N a a ç rv en Fe rv Fe Rio o Ri nç nç e e ç rv rv en Campus do Fe Fe rv o o Campus Fe do Ri Ri Lab. Zootecnia 2 o çINSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE BRAGANÇA Auditório C Lab. Zootecnia 2 INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE BRAGANÇA Riven Lab. Fitotecnia 2 Auditório C Escola Superior Agrária – detalhes por piso r Lab. Fitotecnia 2 Escola Agrária – detalhes por piso Fe Superior Campus do Campus do io Alto das R Campus do Lab. Zootecnia 2DE BRAGANÇA Lab. Zootecnia 2 Alto das INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO Lab. Zootecnia 2C DE INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO BRAGANÇA Lab. Zootecnia 2 Auditório C Auditório Auditório C Cantarias Auditório C Lab. Zootecnia 2 DE BRAGANÇA Lab. Fitotecnia 2 POLITÉCNICO INSTITUTO Lab. Auditório FitotecniaC2 Cantarias 2 Escola Superior – detalhes por pisoLab. Fitotecnia Escola Superior Agrária – detalhes porAgrária piso Lab. Fitotecnia 2 IP4 PisoCampus Cave Piso EntradaLab. FitotecniaIP4 2 doSuperior Agrária – detalhes por piso Escola Piso Cave Piso Entrada Alto das Alto das Lab. Zootecnia 2 Lab. Zootecnia Lab. Zootecnia 2 INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE BRAGANÇA Auditório2C Auditório C Alto das Auditório C Cantarias Cantarias Lab. Zootecnia 2 Lab. Auditório Fitotecnia Lab. Fitotecnia 2 Lab. Fitotecnia 2 Pousadinha Pousadinha C2 Superior Agrária – detalhes por piso Piso Entrada Escola Cantarias IP4 Piso Cave IP4 Piso Cave Entrada Lab. FitotecniaPiso 2 Piso Cave 2 Piso Entrada Alto das IP4 Lab. Zootecnia Cave Laboratório Auditório Auditório Cave Laboratório Direcção Auditório C Direcção Cantarias Centro Pousadinha Lab. Fitotecnia 2 Sala CaveSala Cave Centro Pousadinha Auditório BAuditório Secretaria Secretaria IP4 ç ç de Solos de Solos ç Piso Cave Piso EntradaB Pousadinha en en en PousadinhaPousadinha Direcção rvAuditório rv rvCave Laboratório Auditório Cave Laboratório Direcção Fe Fe Hangar Hangar Fe Centro Centro Auditório Cave o o Sala Cave Direcção o i i Sala Cave Auditório B Pousadinha Laboratório Secretaria i Auditório B ç Secretaria de Solos Rde Solos R Centro n R nç e Sala Cave e Laboratório Auditório B Secretaria ç de Solos Laboratório rvPousadinha v Pousadinha er en Auditório B Fe Auditório Hangar Cave Laboratório B Auditório Hangar Direcção ç io F de Solosde Solos Pousadinha rv nç o i n e G1 e Centro Campus do LUNCH G1 F R R Hangar rv Auditório B Secretaria ve de Solos o ç Sala Cave Laboratório Laboratório er Fe Lab. Zootecnia 2 Rei n ç INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE BRAGANÇA o Cde BSolos Auditório B Pousadinha Laboratório rv Auditório ç io F Auditório en ç Ride Solos 2 Escola Superior Agrária rv Fe G1 Hangar ç Lab. Fitotecnia G1 en R G1 en – detalhes por piso de Solos ioAuditório B rv Fe rv n G1 e R G1 e e o F Alto das F rv Laboratório Lab. Zootecnia 2 Ri Lab. Zootecnia o o 2 Auditório C Cantarias Auditório C Lab. Zootecnia 2 Fe Ri Ri 2 Auditório B CFitotecnia Auditório de G1 Solos Lab. 2 Lab. Fitotecnia io nç RG1 G1 Lab. Fitotecnia 2 e IP4 Piso Cave do rv Piso Entrada Campus G1Zootecnia 2 Lab. Lab. Zootecnia 2C Fe Auditório C G2 Auditório Lab. Zootecnia 2 INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE BRAGANÇA RioAuditório C G2 Lab. Zootecnia 2 Lab. Auditório FitotecniaC2 G2 Alto das Lab. Fitotecnia 2 Pousadinha Lab. Fitotecnia G1 Lab. Fitotecnia 2 Escola Superior Agrária – detalhes por piso C G2 2 Auditório Alto das Cantarias G2Lab. Zootecnia 2 G2 Auditório C Cantarias Alto das Auditório C Auditório Cave IP4 Lab. Zootecnia 2 Direcção G2 G2 G2 Laboratório Alto das Lab. Fitotecnia 2Alto das Auditório C Centro Cantarias IP4 Sala Cave Auditório B Lab. Fitotecnia 2 Secretaria Auditório C G2 ç de Solos Auditório C Alto das Cantarias Cantarias G3 en IP4 Piso Cave Piso Entrada Auditório C Pousadinha rv Cantarias G2 IP4 IP4 Direcção G3 Fe Hangar Hangar G2 o Alto das IP4 i R Secretaria Direcção Hangar Pousadinha Auditório G3 Auditório Cave G3 Laboratório Cantarias G3C LUNCH Secretaria Auditório Cave Direcção Auditório B Direcção G3 ç IP4 de Solos HangarSala Cave Hangar G3 Ass. Estudantes G1 Auditório Cave Piso 2 Direcção – Espaço técnico-pedagógico PisoLaboratório 1 – Biblioteca, Bar, en Direcção SalaHangar Cave Secretaria Secretaria rv AuditórioCentro Cave Auditório Cave B G3 G3 Cave Sala Auditório G3 Auditório Fe Secretaria Secretaria Piso 2Cave – Espaço técnico-pedagógico 1 –Sala Biblioteca, Bar, Ass. Estudantes dePiso Solos Auditório nç o Sala Cave i Cave G3 e Pequeno Direcção R v Auditório Pousadinha Hangar Piso 2 – Espaço técnico-pedagógico PisoAss. 1 – Biblioteca, Bar, Ass. Sala Cave PisoEstudantes 2 – Espaço técnico-pedagógico Piso Estudantes Auditório Serviços do G1G4 G11 –FerBiblioteca, Bar, Hangar Secretaria Pequeno Piso 2 – EspaçoAuditório técnico-pedagógico Piso 1Auditório – Biblioteca, Bar, Ass. Gonçalves Estudantes o Auditório Auditório Cave Dionísio G4 G3 Ri Lab. Zootecnia 2 IPB Serviços Auditório do G1 Auditório C Auditório Laboratório Pequeno Sala Cave Pequeno G4 Pequeno G4 Sala de Lab. Fitotecnia 2 Dionísio Gonçalves Auditório IPB Serviços do G4 Auditório Serviços do G1 Auditório G1 Auditório B Pequeno Auditório Piso 2 – Espaço técnico-pedagógico Piso 1 – Biblioteca, Bar, Ass. Estudantes de Solos G4 nç informática Auditório Serviços do G1 e Dionísio Gonçalves G1 IPB Dionísio Gonçalves IPB Auditório Pequeno Auditório Dionísio Gonçalves Sala de Auditório rv G4 G2 e Auditório G1 Dionísio Gonçalves F Auditório Pequeno IPB Pequeno Sala de informática Pequeno Sala de o G4 Gonçalves G2 G2 Alto das Auditório Associação G4 Auditório Dionísio Auditório Serviços do Ri G1G4 Pequeno Sala de informática informática G4 Auditório C G1 Auditório G1 Gonçalves de Dionísio Gonçalves Dionísio Dionísio Gonçalves IPB AuditórioCantarias informática G1 G2 G1 2 G5 Associação Dionísio Gonçalves H1 Laboratórios Estudantes Lab. Zootecnia Pequeno IP4 G2 G2 Sala de G1 Auditório C Associação Associação G4 de 2 Auditório Lab.deFitotecnia G2 Associação informática G5 de H1 Laboratórios EstudantesG2G3 Dionísio Gonçalves G5 G5 deG5 H1 Laboratórios H1 Estudantes G1 Laboratórios Estudantes H1 Laboratórios Direcção G2 Hangar G5 H1 G2 Laboratórios Estudantes Associação G2 G2Secretaria Alto das Laboratórios Auditório Cave de G5 G3 G3 G2 G6 G2 H2 H1LaboratóriosLaboratórios Auditório C G5 Cantarias G5 G5 Sala Cave H1 Laboratórios H1 Laboratórios G2 H1 Estudantes G5 IP4 Piso 2 – Espaço técnico-pedagógico Piso 1 – Biblioteca, Bar, Ass. Estudantes Laboratórios H1 Laboratórios G3 Laboratórios G6 H2 Laboratórios H2 Laboratórios G3 G6 G3 Auditório G6 H2 G6 Laboratórios H2 G3 G2 G3 G6 G5 H2 Pequeno H1 Laboratórios Biblioteca Auditório Auditório G3 Laboratórios Serviços do G1G4 Direcção Hangar Laboratórios Laboratórios Laboratórios Dionísio Gonçalves G6 Dionísio Gonçalves H2 IPB G6 Auditório G3 G6 G6 H2 Secretaria H2 H2 Laboratórios Auditório Cave G3 Pequeno G6 Biblioteca H2 Auditório Biblioteca de Auditório Biblioteca Auditório G3 SalaG3 G4 G3 Cave Sala Auditório Biblioteca Auditório Dionísio Gonçalves informática Auditório Pequeno Gonçalves G3 Dionísio Gonçalves Dionísio Piso 2 – Espaço técnico-pedagógico Piso 1 – Biblioteca, Bar, Ass. Estudantes Laboratórios Dionísio Gonçalves G4 H2 Dionísio Gonçalves G1 Auditório G6 G2 Biblioteca Auditório Escala metros Auditório Associação G3 Pequeno G4 Auditório Pequeno Auditório Pequeno Auditório Pequeno Auditório Serviços do G1 Gonçalves de Pequeno G4 0 50Dionísio G4 Legenda G4 Auditório Pequeno G5 Dionísio Gonçalves G4 IPB H1 Laboratórios Auditório Auditório Estudantes G4 Escala metros Escala Escala metros metros Auditório Auditório Escala metros Dionísio Gonçalves Auditório Pequeno Sala de Reprografia Entrada Escala G4 Pequeno metros Auditório Auditório Pequeno 0 50 Auditório 50 Pequeno 0 50 0 Legenda Pequeno Legenda G4 0 50 G4 G2 Legenda informática Laboratórios G4 G4 Auditório Auditório G5 Auditório Pequeno 0 G5 50 Dionísio Gonçalves Legenda H1 H1 Laboratórios G4 Auditório G1Escala metros Reprografia Dionísio Gonçalves Escala metros Escala metros Dionísio Gonçalves Escala Cafetaria / Vending Auditório metros Dionísio Gonçalves Reprografia Entrada Entrada G2 Entrada Laboratórios Reprografia Associação Escala metros Reprografia Dionísio Gonçalves G3 0 50 Pequeno G6 0 50 0 50 Entrada H2 Laboratórios Legenda Laboratórios 0 50 G4 50 G5 G5 de Auditório H1 H1 0 G5 Laboratórios Sanitários/ Vending H1 H1Laboratórios Cafetaria / Vending H1 Laboratórios G5 Escala metros G5 Estudantes Dionísio Cafetaria Gonçalves Cafetaria / Vending Reprografia Entrada G5 / Vending Cafetaria Laboratórios H1 Laboratórios G6G5 G6 0 H2 50 H2 Laboratórios Multibanco Sanitários H1 G2 Biblioteca Auditório G5 Sanitários Sanitários Cafetaria G3 H1 G5 Laboratórios Sanitários G5/ Vending Laboratórios Laboratórios H1 H1 Dionísio Gonçalves G6 G5 H2 H2 G5 G6 G6 Laboratórios H1 Laboratórios Escala Multibanco metros H1 H2Laboratórios Multibanco G6 G6 G3 Laboratórios H2 H2 Sanitários 0 50 Multibanco Multibanco G6G5 H2 Auditório Pequeno Todo o Campus está coberto por rede sem fios. Laboratórios H1 Escala metros G6 Escala H2 G4 metros Laboratórios Veja como aceder em Multibanco 50 G6 H2 Escala Laboratórios0 Escala 0 50 Laboratórios Escala metros H2 G6 metros 50metros Auditório G6 0Laboratórios H2 Laboratórios Biblioteca Todo Campus rede sem fios. 0 coberto por 50 Auditório o Campus está coberto pororede sem está fios. G3 Todo G6 G6 H2 Pequeno H2 0 como Todo 50Gonçalves G4 Veja aceder em Todo o Campus está coberto por rede sem fios. Escala metros Veja como aceder em o Campus está coberto por rede sem fios. Dionísio Auditório Legenda Veja aceder em Laboratórios 0 como 50 Veja como aceder em Escala metros Reprografia Dionísio Gonçalves G6 H2 Entrada Todo o Campus está coberto por rede sem fios. 0 50 Auditório Laboratórios Veja como aceder emPequeno G5 G olónia ta Ap e San eda d Alam olónia olónia Santa Ap ta Ap e e San Alameda d e da d Alam a Annual the International eda d e eS eda d ia AlaAmpolón Santa Honey Commission ta eS e Sanlameda d ia nia polón Apoló anta A ia A olóniapolónia ta Ap A e Sande Santa eda d a Alam Alamed A anta ia polón B – Reception Desk D – Computer Room F – Poster Session Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Topics of the symposium • • • • • New challenges in honey quality and standardization Innovative analytical tools for bee products evaluation Standards and regulations for other bee products rather than honey Non conventional uses of bee products Biological and functional properties of bee products Organizers • • • • International Honey Commission CIMO – Mountain Research Centre, Portugal IPB – Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal FNAP – National Federation of Portuguese Beekeepers In collaboration with • • • • International Bee Research Association Municipality of Bragança Montesinho Natural Park CoraNE Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 13 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Contacts II International Symposium on Bee Products. Annual Meeting of IHC Escola Superior Agrária Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Campus de Santa Apolónia, Apartado 1172 5301-855 BRAGANÇA PORTUGAL Email: Fax: (+351) 273 325 405 Telephone: (+351) 273 303 382 14 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission History Beekeeping has always been considered a prominent economic activity in the northeastern corner of Portugal, known as the “Trás-os-Montes” region. In November 11th of 1514, the royal charter granted to Bragança by King Manoel, already pointed out some economic privileges of honey bee products “wax, honey (...) above nine coins per batch and for those who buy it for personal use, above one coin, will be tax-free”. At the time, the wax was used mostly for manufacturing candles, which were used in religious ceremonials as a testimony of miracles and graces received. Some dioceses applied a tithe in wax and honey to local beekeepers. In the early nineteenth century, honey bee products had a considerable commercial value. The wax, for example, was more valued than cereals, while honey was used in direct exchange for olive oil. It is common to find local villages and places that retain ancient names associated with the bees activity, as “Torre da colmeia” (Tower of the hive), “Colmeais” (Apiaries), “Abelheira” (Bee nest), among others. Currently, beekeeping in Northern Portugal is practiced by 4,854 beekeepers, who own over 142,000 hives, with a honey annual production of 3,000 tons, representing 25% of the national production. Lavandula stoechas, Castanea sativa and Erica sp. pl. honeys are the dominant unifloral honeys in the region of “Trás-os-Montes”. These honeys provide a wide menu able to satisfy any customer desire: from the light amber honey with a mild flavour to the dark mountain honeys with a strong taste. The production of reddish honeydew honeys, with high conductivity and low levels of sugar, is another valuable resource of the “Trásos-Montes” region, where the dense oak forests of the natural parks provide food to the honey bees when flowers are scarce. Quality label honey from “Trás-os-Montes” is one of the strengths of this economic activity and the ideal tool to compete in the global market with products from other regions of the world. The guarantee of this quality requires deep and continuous research in the characteristics and properties together with the innovation in equipment and methodologies suitable to perform the analytical control. Those are the key challenges of the IHC in the search for new knowledge, new approaches and overleap of old and new challenges in the science of bee products. The symposium is a great opportunity to bring together bee product researchers and to promote the interchange of information, experience and new ideas. Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 15 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Conference Overview Sunday (09-09-2012) 9H30 - 18H00 Registration 10H30 - 12H30 IHC Group Meetings (to be defined by group leaders) Sensory group - Room G5-S3/01 Adulteration/Residues group - Room G5-S3/02 Pollen group - Room G3-S3/02 14H30 -15H00 Meeting of the Direction board of IHC 15H00 -16H15 IHC Meeting 16H15 -16H45 Coffee break 16H45-18H00 IHC Meeting 19H00 Welcome reception by the City Council - Domus Municipalis; Cultural event - “Renascer das Tradições” from Póvoa, Miranda do Douro.” 16 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Conference Overview Monday (10-09-2012) 9H30 - 10H00 Open ceremony 10H00 -11H00 Plenary session – P1. Biological and functional properties of bee products for medicinal purposes. Invited Speaker: Maria G Campos (Porugal) 11H00 -11H30 Coffee break 11H30 -11H45 OC1. Protein complexation by polyphenols during honey storage is linked with a decline of its antibacterial activity. 11H45 -12H00 OC2. The physiological potential of honey based on immunostimulatory effects of royal jelly proteins. 12H00 -12H15 OC3. Propolis: antimicrobial activity, phenolic compounds and role in the inflammation. 12H15 -12H30 OC4. Solid state fermentation of bee-collected pollen induced by lactic acid starter cultures with probiotic bacteria. 12H30 -14H00 Lunch 14H00 - 15H00 Plenary session – P2. Standards for bee product and for their analyses – the BEEBOOK option. Invited Speaker: Peter Gallmann (Swiss) 15H00 -15H15 OC5. Pollen composition discrimination by FTIR-ATR spectroscopy - Ofélia Anjos, Portugal 15H15 - 15H30 OC6. Determination of physicochemical characteristics of honey comparing reference methods and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy performed in four different laboratories. 15H30 - 15H45 OC7. Novel, direct, reagent-free method for detection of beeswax adulteration by single reflection attenuated total reflectance mid-infrared spectrometry. 15H45 - 16H00 OC8. Slovenian honeys database: examples of the use of data. 16H00 - 16H30 Coffee break 16H30-16H45 OC9. Honey authenticity: overview of state-of-the-art methodology and new analytical developments for the detection of honey adulteration with sugar syrups. 16H45 - 17H00 OC10. Development and validation of a liquid chromatographic - tandem mass spectrometric method for the detection of fumagillin in honey: use in a stability study. 17H00 - 17H15 OC11. Optimization of polarimetric method for specific rotation determination in honeys. 17H15 - 17H30 OC12. Sugar analysis by a multi-sensor system: applying to honey samples. 17H30 -19H30 Visit to the natural park of “Montesinho”. 20H30 Symposium banquet Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 17 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Conference Overview Tuesday (11-09-2012) 9H00 -10H00 Plenary session – P3. Improvements of European legislation governing bee products. Invited Speaker: Andreas Thrasyvoulou (Greece) 10H00 -11H00 Poster Session 11H00 -11H30 Coffee break 11H30 -11H45 OC13. Royal Jelly: Quality, Safety and Authenticity. 11H45 -12H00 OC14. Bee feeding influences royal jelly composition. 12H00 -12H15 OC15. Chemical composition of dehydrated bee pollen produced in Brazillian states Paraná and Santa Catarina. 12H15 -12H30 OC16. A contribution to the establishment of bromatological reference values for Colombian pollen in the context of Latin American regulations. 12H30 -14H00 Lunch 14H00 - 15H00 Plenary session – P4. Honey characterization, a useful tool for local honeys. Future challenges. Invited Speaker: Antonio Bentabol 15H00 -15H15 OC17. A model project: research platform on honey and other bee products. 15H15 - 15H30 OC18. Physicochemical characteristics of Colombian pot-honey. 15H30 - 15H45 OC19. Characterization of the Serbian honey using modern analytical methods. 15H45 - 16H00 OC20. Chemical, sensory and melissopalynological features of Croatian common sage (Salvia officinalis L.) honey. 16H00 - 16H15 OC21. Sensory profile of some of the main Italian unifloral honeys. Development and possible uses. 16H15 - 16H45 Coffee break 16H45 - 17H00 OC22. The main honeydew producing insects in Greece. 17H00 - 17H15 OC23. Study of the perception of a liquid and translucent honey and creamed honey in France. 17H15 - 17H30 OC24. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Swiss honey and bee Pollen. 17H30 -17H45 OC25. Effect of high cell density fermentations on the optimisation of mead fermentation. 17H45 - 18H00 OC26. Monitoring the gravitational reflex of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor: a novel bioassay for assessing toxic effects of acaricides and possible acaricidal properties of honeybee products. 18H00 Closing ceremony 18 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PLENARY SESSIONS Abst. Author(s) Title P1. Maria G. Campos; Danielle Aguiar; João J.S. Sousa Biological And Functional Properties Of Bee Products For Medicinal Purposes. P2. Peter Gallmann Standards for bee product and for their analyses – the BEEBOOK option. P3. Andreas Thrasyvoulou; Chrysoula Tananaki; Maria Dimou; Emmanuel Karazafiris; Georgios Goras; Basilis Liolios; Dimitris Kanelis Suggestion for improvements of European Legislation governing Bee Products. P4. Antonio Bentabol Honey characterization, a useful tool for local honeys. Future challenges. Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 19 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission P1.BiologicalAndFunctionalPropertiesOfBeeProductsForMedicinalPurposes. Maria G. Campos (1); Danielle Aguiar (1); João J.S. Sousa (2) 1: Drug Discovery Group, Center for Pharmaceutical Studies, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Coimbra. 3000-548 Coimbra, Portugal 2: Drug Development, Center for Pharmaceutical Studies, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Coimbra. 3000-548 Coimbra, Portugal Due to possible therapeutic applications of bee products in veterinary and humans is important to be aware that a simplified registration as “Herbal medicinal products” and/or “Traditional herbal medicinal products” can be done in a near future and add an increased value to these products. For that, the quality control of the crude materials collected by beekeepers needs an accurate follow-up and the purification of extracts, when need, will obey to the European directives established from European Medicines Agency. The use of Bee Products for therapeutic and food purposes is ancestral and in the last decade several studies have been developed in this direction. The investigated bioactivities in these raw materials shown a strong indicating viability in different applications, however, variations in floral sources can be determining the type of the therapeutic ranging from preventive activities, for example, the antioxidant activity, prevention of prostate cancer, increased bone mass and lowering the lipid profile to the anti-inflammatory in rheumatoid arthritis, antimicrobial activity and others (Yamaguchi et al, 2006; Lustosa et al, 2008; Liu et al, 2008, Uzbekova et al, 2003). From the research developed, markers will be developed for quantitative and qualitative analysis of each product and/or extracts once they vary depending on the floral source as for example bee pollen (Campos et al, 2008). Its inclusion in pharmaceutical formulations, even in a simplified registration, need to be supported with a monograph that safeguards the Public Health and maintains its bioactivities in-depth knowledge and consistent. Despite, the potential is enormous and the work tend to be systematized, the standardization of quality control standards for the more bioactive bee products as bee venom, propolis, royal jelly and bee pollen still require studies of toxicity, that are still poorly studied. Further studies consistent with this goal can provide a short-term development of a document that guarantees the consumer a quality product and a risk assessment consistent with the legislation. The determination of toxic contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides, among others should be included in the final documents. Another aspect that can’t be neglected, and that still needs some research, as there are few results available concerning is the contamination of genetically modified plants whose impact is still unpredictable. This open an important contribute to the profitability of bee products and also allows the consumer the confidence that is crucial to guarantee good products on the market. 1) Campos M G; Bogdanov S; Almeida-Muradian L B; Szczesna T; Yanina M (2008) Standardisation of bee products: pollen, Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World 47 (2): 154–161 2) Liu XD; Zhang JL; Zheng HG; Liu FY; Chen Y (2008) Clinical randomized study of bee-sting therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 33 (3):197-200 3) Lustosa S R; Galindo AB; Nunes LCC; Randau KP; Rolim Neto PJ (2008) Própolis: atualizações sobre a química e a farmacologia, Rev Bras Farmacogn 18: 447-454. 4) Uzbekova DG; Makarova VG; Khvoynitskaya LG; Slepnev AA (2003) Evaluation of Bee-collected Pollen influence in lipid peroxidation, antioxidant system and liver function in old animals, J Hepatol 38: 703 Suppl. 2 5) Yamaguchi M; Hamamoto R; Uchiyama S; Ishiyama K; Hashimoto K (2006) Anabolic effects of Bee Pollen Cistus ladaniferus extract on bone components in the femoral-diaphyseal and -metaphyseal tissues of rats in vitro and in vivo, J Health Sci 52(1): 43-49. * Presenting author: 20 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission P2. Standards for bee product and for their analyses – the BEEBOOK option. Peter Gallmann (1)* 1: Swiss Bee Research Centre, Agroscope One of the main objectives of the IHC is to develop, improve and harmonize methods for analyzing honey and other bee products and to establish and/or improve standards for bee products. The difficulty of such tasks is keeping the harmonized methods and standards up to date. With the rapid development of technologies and knowledge, traditional methods and standard collections are of limited lifespan. Nevertheless in a globalized world comparison between results worldwide is crucial. This is not only true for bee products but for all disciplines of honeybee research. COLOSS, one of the largest honeybee research network faced such problems of comparison of results across member nations. To solve it, a platform for standardization was recently set up. The idea behind the BEEBOOK, a manual of standard methodologies in Apis mellifera research, is to bring the specialists for each method together and for them to agree on those to be established as standard. To launch this work, a panel of senior authors has been chosen to invite specialists, coordinate the selection of methods and their writing up in the manual. The researchers contributing to this task are rewarded in form of publications. The International Bee Research Association (IBRA) has agreed to publish these standards in a special issue, thus providing citable articles. Once the first edition of the manual is released, an internet platform can be used to update the BEEBOOK in real time, as new or improved standards become available. This contribution evaluates the advantages for IHC of using the established structure and process of BEEBOOK to keep track with the rapid evolution of bee product research. * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 21 Annual 22 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission P3. Suggestion for improvements of European Legislation governing Bee Products. Andreas Thrasyvoulou (1); Chrysoula Tananaki (1); Maria Dimou (1); Emmanuel Karazafiris (1); Georgios Goras (1); Basilis Liolios (1); Dimitris Kanelis (1) 1: Lab. of Apiculture, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece The Laboratory of Apiculture-Sericulture of AUTH, based on 20 years’ analyses of honey from the market, makes suggestion for improvements of European legislation governing the authenticity of the product. Council Directive 2001/110/EC relating to honey seek to provide the fullest possible information about the botanical and geographical origin, but the physicochemical, organoleptic and microscopic characteristics of monofloral honeys had not yet been defined. Hence, the floral origin could not be legally ascertained. Greece, established its own criteria to verify eight types of domestic monofloral honeys through European legislation. Another important point to be issued is the declaration of the country of origin where the honey has been harvested. This provision of Directive was totally replaced by the phrase “honey blends” which means that the product originates from more than one member state or third country. Some honey importers took advantage of the above provision and replaced entirely the “country of origin” with the indication “mixtures” or “honey blends” giving inaccurate information to consumers or concealing the real origin of the product. In some countries like Italy and Greece National stipulation demanded the written reference of the country of harvesting regardless of the Directive’s provision. Even in those cases the right of European law is above the National ones and the national decisions are not applicable in practice. The criteria based on the composition of honey should also be reconsidered since there are monofloral honeys that are not included within the Directive. For example greek fir honey may have less of 45g/100g fructose and glucose content, erica spp. honey more than 20% water content, knot weed (Polygonum aviculare), cotton, Jerusalem thorn (Paliurus spina-christi) and other floral honeys more than >0,8 mS/cm electrical conductivity, spring pine honey, lavender, erica, robinia below 8 DN diastase. In honeys with natural low content of enzyme, the Directive permits diastase up to 3 DN, but demands HMF lower than 15 mg/kg. This conjunction of HMF to diastase causes unnecessary difficulties in the marketing of the product either as monofloral or as a mixture. In addition the extreme variability of diastase in monofloral honeys and the absence of a correct starting point of this enzyme should be considered. Other Regulations like 37/2010 (MRLs in products of animal origin) 396/2005 (pesticide residues from agricultural practices), 889/2008 (organic production and labeling of organic products) and Directive 2000/13/EC (labeling presentation and advertise) are discussed and criticized. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 23 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission P4. Honey characterization, a useful tool for local honeys. Future challenges. Antonio Bentabol (1)* 1: Casa de la Miel, Cabildo of Tenerife; Tenerife, Spain Honey is a food product known since the dawn of humanity, and nowadays is rising in its acceptation by consumers as an interesting food to supply their diet, leading to the growth in the honey world consumption. However, there is a real lack of information in a great part of the population about honey quality, its markers and different attributes, which, many times, limit the buying decision of consumers. On the other hand, honey is a food product that is part of a global market, being acquired as a commodity in large quantities in most of our markets (importing countries), making it difficult for the honey local producers to sell their honey To be competitive, the local producers are promoting their honey through the quality and identifying the geographic origin, in order to show consumers the differences in their products. But to change the way honey is acquired in the market, it is necessary to have got previously detailed and exhaustive information about the physical-chemical, pollen, sensory, etc. characteristics of these honeys, together with tools or elements that assure to the consumers the type of honey, as well as establish systems that can guarantee the accuracy of the information provided, so that the consumer who wants to search and find specific honeys, can achieve it. Most studies on honeys focus on the evaluation of the chemical composition and the melissopalinological analysis of honeys. Generally, the sensory component has been relegated to second place or even forgotten. This work intends to show, considering the specific experience with honeys from Tenerife (Spain), the importance of honey characterization as a previous step for honey quality standardization, and the role of joint implementation of sensory techniques, chemical and pollen as the most appropriate way to define them. Our experience shows that the application of these three analytical tools allows the differentiation and honey identification, particularly in honeys with hypo-represented pollen, where the pollen and physicochemical analysis can lead to results that would mask the correct type of honey flowers. The establishing of the necessary elements that allows to identify and define the quality of honey, and the development of methods that can help to know and grade this quality, is one of the main future challenges in honey standardization. Its proper implementation and definition could influence the sustainability of the beekeeping industry of the importers countries in the medium and long term. ________________ * Presenting author: 24 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Abst. Author(s) Title OC1. Liset Maldonado-Alvarez; Katrina Brudzynski Protein complexation by polyphenols during honey storage is linked with a decline of its antibacterial activity. OC2. Katarina Bilikova The physiological potential of honey based on immunostimulatory effects of royal jelly proteins. OC3. Ana Paula Pereira; Luís G. Dias; João Carlos Silva; Leticia M. Estevinho Propolis: antimicrobial activity, phenolic compounds and role in the inflammation. OC4. Carlos Alberto Fuenmayor; Amanda C. Díaz-Moreno; Carlos M. Zuluaga-Domínguez; Martha Cecilia Quicazán Solid state fermentation of bee-collected pollen induced by lactic acid starter cultures with probiotic bacteria. OC5. Ofélia Anjos; Dinis Francisco; Paulo Antunes; Maria da Graça Campos Pollen composition discrimination by FTIR-ATR spectroscopy - Ofélia Anjos, Portugal. OC6. Birgit Lichtenberg-Kraag; Roberto Piro; Beatrix Brinkmann; Lucia Piana; Patricia Beaune; Verena Kilchenmann; Christina Kast Determination of physicochemical characteristics of honey comparing reference methods and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy performed in four different laboratories. OC7. Miguel Maia; Fernando M. Nunes Novel, direct, reagent-free method for detection of beeswax adulteration by single reflection attenuated total reflectance mid-infrared spectrometry. OC8. Mojca Korošec; Terezija Golob; Jasna Bertoncelj Slovenian honeys database: examples of the use of data. OC9. Lutz Elflein; Hartmut Wischmann; Martin Linkogel; Torsten Peix; Florian Rommerskirchen; Hartje Müller; Sandra Piosek; Dirk Klaus; Mandy Schmidt; Lars Ganske; Bianca Eickermann; Saskia Timmermann; Kirsten Schneidermann Honey authenticity: overview of state-of-the-art methodology and new analytical developments for the detection of honey adulteration with sugar syrups. OC10. Els Daeseleire; Wim Reybroeck Development and validation of a liquid chromatographic - tandem mass spectrometric method for the detection of fumagillin in honey: use in a stability study. OC11. S. Serrano; I. Rodríguez; F. Rincón Optimization of polarimetric method for specific rotation determination in honeys. OC12. Luís G. Dias; Mara E.B.C. Sousa; António M. Peres; Jorge Sá Morais; Letícia Estevinho; A.A.S.C. Machado Sugar analysis by a multi-sensor system: applying to honey samples. OC13. Ayse Bakan; Ozlem Aslan; Neşe Aslı Öncü; Banu Bahar; Ebru Pelvan; Cesarettin Alasalvar; Nihat Ozcan; Canan Dogan; İlknur Demirtaş; Senem Akkuş Çevikkalp; Mustafa Yaman; Esra Agel; İmge Oktay; Hayrettin Ozer; Aslı Elif Sunay: Taylan Samancı; Tuğçe Daştan Royal Jelly: Quality, Safety and Authenticity. Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 25 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC14. Wytrychowski Marine; Daniele Gaelle; Batteau Magali; Guibert Sylvie; Casabiance Hervé Bee feeding influences royal jelly composition. OC15. José A. Gasparotto Sattler; Adriane Melo; Ellen de Souza Soares; Luciana Barbosa dos Santos; Davi F. Sampaio Meira; Ligia B. de Almeida-Muradian Chemical composition of dehydrated bee pollen produced in Brazillian states Paraná and Santa Catarina. OC16. Martha Quicazán; Carlos Fuenmayor; Consuelo Díaz; Carlos Zuluaga A contribution to the establishment of bromatological reference values for Colombian pollen in the context of Latin American regulations. OC17. Aslı Elif Sunay; Taylan Samancı A model project: research platform on honey and other bee products. OC18. Consuelo Díaz-Moreno; Carlos Fuenmayor; Carlos Zuluaga; Martha Quicazán Physicochemical characteristics of Colombian pothoney. OC19. Dušanka Milojković-Opsenica; Nebojša Nedić; Silvio Kečkeš; Biljana Marošanović; Filip Andrić; Maja Natić; Živoslav Tešić Characterization of the Serbian honey using modern analytical methods. OC20. Dražen Lušić; Nada Vahčić; Gian Luigi Marcazzan; Vladimir Mićović; Darija Vukić Lušić; Duška Ćurić; Francesca-Vittoria Grillenzoni Chemical, sensory and melissopalynological features of Croatian common sage (Salvia officinalis L.) honey. OC21. Gian Luigi Marcazzan; Massimiliano Magli; Lucia Piana; Angela Savino; Mariassunta Stefano Sensory profile of some of the main Italian unifloral honeys. Development and possible uses. OC22. Sofia Gounari; George Goras; Chysa Tananaki; Andreas Thrasyvoulou The main honeydew producing insects in Greece. OC23. Robin Azemar; Valérie Nevers ; Myriam Laurie; Benjamin Poirot ; Alain Le Bail Study of the perception of a liquid and translucent honey and creamed honey in France. OC24. Christina Kast; Arne Dübecke; Verena Kilchenmann; Katharina Bieri; Gudrun Beckh; Cord Lüllmann Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Swiss honey and bee Pollen. OC25. A.P. Pereira; A. Mendes-Ferreira; L.M. Estevinho; A. Mendes-Faia Effect of high cell density fermentations on the optimisation of mead fermentation. OC26. Alexandros Papachristoforou; Chrisovalantis Papaefthimiou; George Theophilidis Monitoring the gravitational reflex of the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor: a novel bioassay for assessing toxic effects of acaricides and possible acaricidal properties of honeybee products. 26 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC1.Proteincomplexationbypolyphenolsduringhoneystorageislinkedwitha decline of its antibacterial activity. Liset Maldonado-Alvarez (1); Katrina Brudzynski (1,2)* 1: Department of Biological Sciences, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada 2: API-Medicals, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada The protein–polyphenol interactions in foods have important nutritional consequences due to polyphenols’ ability to bind and precipitate proteins. Our previous studies have shown that these interactions are responsible for formation of melanoidins, high molecular weight brown complexes, consisting of polyphenols, proteins and sugars. The functional consequences of the polyphenol-protein interactions with regard to honey antibacterial activity have not been determined. The objective of the present study was (a) to investigate the effects of storage time and storage temperature on the formation of protein-polyphenol complexes and (b) to correlate their formation during storage with antibacterial activity of honeys. Freshly obtained honeys (n=13) were divided onto three groups and stored at -20ºC, 4ºC and room temperature for a period of 1 year. Every month, honey samples were precipitated by a mixture of three alcohols (80% ethanol: 80% methanol: 70% propanol), and both soluble and precipitate fractions were tested for the total protein concentration (Pierce method), total phenolic content (Folin-Ciocalteau method), and protein profiles by SDS-PAGE. Initially, in the soluble fractions, the protein profiles on SDS-gels ranged from 4 to 8 polypeptide bands and the total protein contents ranged from 3344 μg/ml (buckwheat honeys) to 96.2 μg/ml (wild flower honey). During the first three month of storage, the polypeptide bands on SDS-gels lost their sharp definition and showed a significant decrease in intensity of band staining as indicated by semi-quantitative imaging system. Concomitantly, a rapid, 70% reduction in protein content was observed (p<0.0001), independently of storage temperature. In precipitate fractions, positive reactions with ferric chloride revealed increasing formation of polyphenol-protein complexes. Storage beyond the initial three-month period brought no significant decrease in protein concentrations. Honeys kept at -20ºC, 4ºC showed slower rates of the decrease of protein content. In contrast to proteins, the polyphenol concentration decreased only by 2% during three-month storage, however this decrease was temperature-sensitive; lower for honeys stored at -20ºC versus room temperature (p<0.001) and 4ºC versus -20ºC (p<0.01). The bacterial susceptibility assay against Escherichia coli indicated that during three-month storage at room temperature the MICs of honeys decreased by two to four doubling concentrations. In conclusion, storage time and storage temperature reduced the content of unbound proteins due to increasing formation of protein-polyphenol complexes in honeys. The formation of polyphenol-protein complexes coincided with the reduction of growth inhibitory activities of honeys. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 27 Annual 28 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC2.ThePhysiologicalPotentialofHoneyBasedonImmunostimulatoryEffects of Royal Jelly Proteins. Katarina Bilikova (1)* 1: Institute of Molecular Biology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia Until now the properties of honey have bee defined based exclusively on the content of plant components in the nectar of geven plant. We have found that royal jelly (RJ) proteins presented in honey are potential marker of authenticity of honey (Bíliková, 2010). The antimicrobial potential of honey based on proteins of honeybee origin was tested by microtiter based assay. An inhibition of the growth of P. larvae was observed only in protein fraction of same samples (cherry, rape and honeydew honeys). It was not found an antimicrobial activity of honey proteins, neither from colonies with AFB symptoms nor healthy colonies. Despite of this we have found for first time that honey contained antibiotic microbial RJ peptide apisimin in all tested samples including honeys from saccharoze syrup honeys (Bortolotti, 2010). Based on our previously experiences of testing immunostimulatory effect of major royal jelly proteins and honey on production of cytokine TNF-alfa by mouse macrophage we have prepare a new protocol for testing of physiological properties of honey underlining authenticity of honey. Profiling expression of cytokines stimulated by RJ proteins on a global scale will have significant impact not only in human immunotherapy but also in characterization of immunopotential of honeybee nutrition. The presence of specific cytokines, chemokines, interleukins and other proteins captured by the antibody chip was detected using Streptavidin-conjugated dye as a reporter. RJ, honey, honey proteins, apalbumin1 at concentartion 50-500 μg/ml stimulated mouse macrophages to release cytokines as follows: G-CSF, GM-CSF, IFN-g, IGF-II, IL-12p40/p70, IL-12p70, IL-1a, IL-1b, IL- 6, IL9, Leptin, MCP1, PF-4, TIMP-1, TIMP-2, TNF-alfa, Thrombopoietin, VEGF and bFGF. Granulocytemacrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) have role in local tissue defense. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) plays a major role in the recruitment of inflammatory cells to the lungs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Serum platelet factor-4 (PF4) an endogenous pro-coagulant have a major role in inflammation. Presented simultaneous detection of multiple cytokines undoubtedly provides a powerful tool for evaluation of quality of honeybee nutrition and it is a contribution to nutritional immunology. The new experimental knowledge on the similarities between the immune systems of insects and mammals confirmed indirectly original empirical observations that royal jelly and honey could induce stimulation of immune response in an animal, based on the RJ proteins as immunomodulators. 1) Bíliková, K., and Šimúth, J. (2010) New criterion for evaluation of honey: quantification of royal jelly protein apalbumin 1 in honey by ELISA, J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 8776-8781. 2) Bortolotti, L., Truchado, P., Allende, A., Kaatz, H.H., Bertelli D., Plessi, M., Bílikova, K., Šimúth, J., Moritz, R.F.A., Barbean, F.A.T., and Sabatini, A.G. (2010) In The quality of honey for bees and man (Behrens, D., and Moritz, R.F.A., Eds.), pp. 6-62, Nova Science Publishers, New York. ______________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 29 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC3. Propolis: antimicrobial activity, phenolic compounds and role in the inflammation. Ana Paula Pereira (1); Luís G. Dias (2); João Carlos Silva (2)*; Leticia M. Estevinho (2) 1: IBB-Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Centre of Genomics and Biotechnology, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal 2: CIMO, Mountain Research Centre, Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal Propolis is a beehive product prepared by bees of the Apis mellifera species, using resinous substances collected from various plants. These substances are mixed with β-glycosidase enzyme of their saliva, partially digested and added to bee wax to form the final product. In the present study, it was evaluated the antimicrobial activity against multi-resistant microorganisms and the anti-inflammatory activity, assessed by the effect on the hyaluronidase enzyme, of propolis samples from Portugal. Simultaneously, it was studied the effect of extraction solvents on this biological activities. It was chosen the hydro-alcoholic extract because this was the most effective for extracting phenolic compounds. The antimicrobial activity was accessed in Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli) and yeasts (Candida albicans), isolated from different biological fluids and the results were then compared with the obtained for reference microorganisms. Regarding the pollen profiles, marked differences were found among the samples from the different regions under study. In the propolis from Bragança the dominant pollen was Erica sp., whereas the dominant species in Coimbra and Beja were Populus tremula and Eucalyptus sp., respectively. The propolis from Bragança was the one that possessed the highest polyphenols’ content. It was verified that all the extracts inhibited the hyaluronidase enzyme in a dose-dependent manner. The propolis that showed higher inhibitory activity was the one from Bragança and the product from Beja was the less effective. Despite the differences amongst the polyphenols concentrations, the anti-inflammatory activity of the samples did not differ significantly, suggesting that polyphenols are not the only factor responsible for the bioactive properties of this beehive product. Concerning the antimicrobial activity, Candida albicans was the most resistant and Staphylococcus aureus the most sensitive. Propolis showed greater activity against Gram-positive bacteria than Gram-negative ones, something that may be explained by structural differences of the cell wall of these two types of bacteria. In addition, the reference microorganisms were more sensitive than the ones isolated from biological fluids. This study suggests that the simultaneous use of propolis and antibiotics may reduce the acquisition of resistances and consequently avoid the use of more powerful therapies, even though further studies are required. ____________ * Presenting author: 30 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC4.SolidStateFermentationofBee-CollectedPollenInducedbyLacticAcid Starter Cultures with Probiotic Bacteria. Carlos Alberto Fuenmayor (1,2)*; Amanda Consuelo Díaz-Moreno (1); Carlos Mario ZuluagaDomínguez (1); Martha Cecilia Quicazán (1) 1: Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos (ICTA), Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia 2: Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Milan, Milan, Italy Bee-collected pollen has interesting nutritional features regarding its use for human consumption. However, previous studies have revealed the limitations of digestive system of monogastric animals to take advantage of some of its nutrients, partly because of the exine, a resilient microstructure that protects pollen grains from environmental degradation. Technological adequacy and induction of solid-sate fermentative processes were studied as alternatives aimed at improving the nutrients bioavailability of dried pollen pellets. In an initial phase, the effect of different heat treatments on microbial load, antioxidant capacity and fatty acids profile of reconstituted (rehydrated) pollen, was evaluated, finding that a 121°C/15 min treatment succeeds in reducing microbial load without significantly affecting the other characteristics assessed. In a second phase, four commercial LAB starters with probiotic features (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei, and two mixed commercial cultures: YOMIX 205 LYO and CHOOZIT MY 800 (Danisco, Denmark), were inoculated (108 UFC/g) on the heat-treated reconstituted pollen and then incubated during 72 h at 35 ± 1°C in order to promote fermentation; this process was monitored by pH, acidity, viable LAB account, sugars and lactic acid concentration. L. acidophilus was shown to be the most promissory of all the starters by acidifying capacity (0.16 g lactic acid/kg*h) and survival rate during incubation (108 UFC/g, after 24 h). SEM images analysis showed an appreciable effect of these processes on the exine. Results demonstrate that it is feasible to obtain an innocuous fermented product with the bromatological profile of pollen, a high number of viable LAB and an increased lactic acid concentration. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 31 Annual 32 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC5. Pollen composition discrimination by ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy. Ofélia Anjos (1,2)*; Dinis Francisco (1); Paulo Antunes (3); Maria da Graça Campos (4) 1: IPCB - Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, Portugal 2: CERNAS –Natural Resources, Environment and Society Res. centre, Coimbra, Portugal 3: CATAA - Agri-food Technological Support Center, Castelo Branco, Portugal 4: Center of Pharmaceutical Studies, Laboratory of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal Bee pollen is a mixture of different pollens grain collected in different flowers that improve a different composition (Campos et al, 2008) and different colors. Bee pollen is known by its rich nutritional composition, is composed of proteins, lipids, sugar, fiber, minerals, amino acids, phenolic compounds and vitamins. FTIR-ATR spectroscopy represents a useful technique for identifying chemical structures, which is based on the analysis of absorption peaks at certain wave numbers (expressed in cm−1). The aim of this study is compare different spectral regions of pollen from different floral sources in order to predict differences in the chemical composition. 16 different bee pollen samples with different botanical origin were used. FTIR-ATR spectra were acquired with a Bruker FT-IR spectrometer (Alpha) using a diamond single reflection attenuated total reflectance (ATR) device and a zero filling of 2. Duplicate spectra per sample were obtained with 32 scans per spectrum at a spectral resolution of 4 cm-1 in the wavenumber range from 4000 to 400 cm-1. Principal component analyses (PCA) were performed using OPUS Quant 2 (Bruker Optics, Ettlingen, Germany). Second-derivatives of FTIR spectra are generally used to improve resolution in the original FTIR spectra. So, in the spectral data analyze was used the second derivation and selected the zones of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and fibers absorption to better interpret the spectra. The pollen spectra present significant differences in several spectral zones which indicate a different chemical composition. The pollen spectra present a band appeared between 3650 and 3000 cm-1 corresponding to hydrogen bonded O–H stretching vibrations and two well defined peak at 2926 cm-1 due to C–H stretching vibrations and 2500 cm-1. Between bands at 1200–970 cm-1 are mainly due to C–C and C–O stretching in pyranoid ring and to C–O–C stretching of glycosidic bonds. There are also a higher variability with different peaks on region between 1700 and 1200 cm-1 corresponding to aromatic and sugar compounds. These spectral zones were already identified for these groups of compounds by Coimbra et al. (1998) and Gómez-Ordóñez and Rupérez (2011). The PCA analysis of the transformed spectra shows clearly the difference between samples. It was possible to group the 16 samples in different classes concerning the peaks area and the compound groups. This allows creating a classification model that identifies an unknown pollen sample. In the future it will be possible to make the calibration with the standard chemical methods in order to have a quantification of the bee pollen compounds by FTIR-ATR. This analysis could be promising, because is need only a pollen grain as sample. 1) Campos MG, Bogdanov S, Muradian LB, Szczesna T, Mancebo Y, Frigerico C, Ferreira F, (2008) Pollen composition and standardisation of analytical methods, Journal of apicultural Research and bee world 47 (2) 156-163. 2) Coimbra, MA; Barros, A; Barros, M; Rutledge, DN; Delgadillo, I (1998) Multivariate analysis of uronic acid and neutral sugars in whole pectic samples by FT-IR, Carbohydrate Polymers 37 (3) 241–248. 3) Eva Gómez-Ordóñez, E; Rupérez, P (2011) FTIR-ATR spectroscopy as a tool for polysaccharide identification in edible brown and red seaweeds, Food Hydrocolloids 6 (25) 1514–1520. ______________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 33 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC6.DeterminationofphysicochemicalcharacteristicsofhoneycomparingReferenceMethodsandFourierTransformInfraredSpectroscopyperformedinfour different laboratories. Birgit Lichtenberg-Kraag (1)*; Roberto Piro (2); Beatrix Brinkmann (3); Lucia Piana (4); Patricia Beaune (5); Verena Kilchenmann (6); Christina Kast (6)* 1: LIB, Hohen Neuendorf, Germany 2: IZSLER, Brescia, Italy 3: LUA, Trier, Germany 4: Piana Ricerca e Consulenza, Castel San Pietro Terme BO, Italy 5: Société famille Michaud apicultures, Gan, France 6: ALP-Haras, Bern, Switzerland Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) determines several physicochemical measurands simultaneously and hence is faster and less laborious than the current reference methods. FT-IR is the ordinary analytical method used for analysis of milk and other food products. In several laboratories, FT-IR has recently been established as routine method for honey analysis. With this study we aimed to evaluate if FT-IR analysis leads to comparable results even if instrument types and sample preparation (diluted and undiluted samples) are different. Hence we were interested to investigate if FT-IR can be considered equivalent to the established methods. Therefore, the measurands fructose, glucose, pH, electrical conductivity and free acidity were determined by reference and FT-IR analysis in four different laboratories using Foss or Bruker instrumentation and the measurands water and sucrose in two and three laboratories, respectively. So far, we analyzed several honey samples from German ring trials, as well as six different European unifloral honeys. The methods were analyzed and compared using statistical z-score evaluation and other common statistical test (eg. Cochran). The reference methods of all laboratories showed good accuracy for all the honey types. Average values of the reference methods were subsequently used for the evaluation of the quality of the FT-IR results. The accuracy of these results were related to the honey type and differed among the measurands. Most measurands were comparable for FT-IR and reference methods when acacia, rape, lavender, tilia and honeydew honeys were analyzed, however the some measurands determined by FT-IR deviated a lot when chestnut honey was examined. In general, fructose, glucose, pH and free acidity gave mostly comparable values with both methods, while the values of the electrical conductivity diverged more from the reference method. Different results obtained from FT-IR and reference methods may be related to the honey types used for FT-IR calibration in the various laboratories, rather than the different FT-IR instrumentation or sample preparation. This first interlaboratory testing shows, that FT-IR is a promising approach even for a product with a high variability of components like honey. Knowing the outliers in the ring trials, each laboratory can improve or correct its specific calibrations. Improved correlation should be verified in an additional forthcoming ring trial. ____________ * Presenting author: and 34 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC7.Novel,direct,reagent-freemethodfordetectionofbeeswaxadulteration by single reflection attenuated total reflectance mid-infrared spectrometry. Miguel Maia (1); Fernando M. Nunes (2)* 1: Apismaia, Beekeeping Service. Estrada Municipal 1221, nº62 5000-027 Vila Real, Portugal 2: CQ – Chemistry Research Centre, Chemistry Department, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal In this work a novel, direct, reagent-free method for detection of beeswax adulteration by paraffin, microcrystalline wax, tallow and stearic acid, by single reflection attenuated total reflectance mid-infrared spectrometry was developed. The use of the absorbance ratios, I1739cm-1/I2852cm-1, I1714cm-1/I2852cm-1, I1739cm-1/I1714cm-1 allows to detect a minimum of 5% paraffin / microcrystalline wax and tallow adulteration and 0.5% stearic acid adulteration of beeswax. Upper and lower critical limits for beeswax authenticity were established from the analysis of virgin beeswax and validated by independent analysis of real sheet and comb beeswax samples by high-temperature gas-chromatography with flame ionization detection. Furthermore, besides it simplicity in sample handling, the amount of sample and the time needed is far less than that of the previous described methods based on chemical analysis and chromatographic techniques. These advantages result in time and cost savings and an increase in the number of samples that can be analyzed and most importantly with only one method there is possible detecting the main beeswax adulterants. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 35 Annual 36 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC8. Slovenian honeys database: Examples of the use of data. Mojca Korošec (1)*; Terezija Golob (1); Jasna Bertoncelj (1) 1: University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia Natural geographic conditions and climatic diversities in Slovenia along with appropriate beekeeping technology enable production of different honey types regarding their predominant botanical origin. Traditionally two blended (multifloral and honeydew honey) and several monofloral types of honey are produced. The honey types are well recognized among Slovenian consumers; nevertheless the average honey consumption is among the highest in Europe and is slightly higher than the average amount of honey produced in Slovenia (0.9 kg/capita). In the frames of different research projects since year 1999 extensive sampling has been performed and about 2200 samples of honeys from all four Slovenian macroregions have been collected directly from the beekeepers. The most typical samples of particular honey type (in total 380 samples) were selected by the means of sensory assessment and submitted to further analyses. Descriptive sensory analysis was applied for detailed characterisation of sensory properties, and different physico-chemical analyses were used for determination of legally defined quality parameters and other physico-chemical properties (content of protein, amino acids, carbohydrates, elements, phenolic compounds, and antioxidant activity, colour and isotopic parameters) of Slovenian robinia (Robinia pseudoacacia), linden (Tilia spp.), chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.), fir (Abies alba Mill.), spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), multifloral and honeydew honey. Databases are reported to be important source of information in testing authenticity of food products. Therefore the applicability of data on Slovenian honey composition was tested by multivariate statistical methods (PCA and LDA). In the comparison of pure honey samples and samples deliberately adulterated with 2-20 % sugar syrup a good discrimination was obtained. Furthermore, the database proved to be applicable in verification of the geographical origin of a honey sample from Slovenia (checking e.g. if a sample of chestnut honey is derived from Kočevje region and may qualify as PDO honey Kočevski med). On the basis of physico-chemical and isotopic properties a clear differentiation among Slovenian, commercial (originating from EU and non-EU countries) and deliberately adulterated Slovenian honey samples, respectively, was found as well. Data from the database in combination with chemometrics proved to be a useful and reliable tool for testing the botanical and geographical origin, and authenticity of honey produced in Slovenia. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 37 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC9.HoneyAuthenticity:Overviewofstate-of-the-artmethodologyandnew analytical developments for the detection of honey adulteration with sugar syrups. Lutz Elflein (1)*; Hartmut Wischmann (1); Martin Linkogel (1); Torsten Peix (1); Florian Rommerskirchen (1); Hartje Müller (1); Sandra Piosek (1); Dirk Klaus (1); Mandy Schmidt (1); Lars Ganske (1); Bianca Eickermann (1); Saskia Timmermann (1); Kirsten Schneidermann (1) 1: Intertek Food Services GmbH, Food Laboratory Bremen, Germany A broad range of different types of sugar syrups occur as adulterants of honey. Nowadays, sugar syrups made from C3 plant species (beet, rice, wheat, tapioca, and others) predominate besides the well-known high fructose corn syrups and inverted sugar cane syrups of C4 plant origin. While sugar syrups from C4 plant origin can be easily detected due to the large difference in carbon 13C/12C isotopic ratios compared to authentic honey, the detection of sugar syrups from C3 plant origin is an ongoing analytical challenge. According to the current state-of-theart, several complementary methodologies have to be used to detect all relevant adulterants with reasonable sensitivity and accuracy, including EA/LC-IRMS, EA/LC-CRDS; LC-MS/MS, LCUV, LC-RI; LC-ELSD, ICP-MS and enzymatic assays. First of all, isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) coupled to elemental analyzer (EA) and liquid chromatography (LC) is used as a nonspecific screening method to detect sugar syrups both from C4 and C3 plant origin. As a very recent development, IRMS as detection technique can be replaced by optical detectors using the principle of cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) to measure 13C/12C isotopic ratios with the advantage of easier operation and maintenance. For the first time, the practical hyphenation with LC is described and performance data of EA/LC-IRMS vs. EA/LC-CRDS reported. These techniques represent a significant improvement compared to the well-known conventional AOAC method for C4 sugars in honey (AOAC 998.12) in terms of detection sensitivity for C4 sugars and detection capability of C3 sugars. However, there is still a limitation for certain mixtures of C3 sugars and honey for which no satisfactory level of detection can be realized due to very similar isotopic values (e.g. rice syrup and rape honey). Therefore, additional and complementary methods are necessary to improve detection capabilities in these cases. Depending on the type of syrup, different solutions were developed. Inverted sugar syrups can contain traces of the enzymes used for production from sucrose (beta-fructofuranosidase) or starch (beta-/gamma-amylase), not occurring naturally in honey. Detection of these enzymes is realized by incubation with an enzyme specific substrate followed by LC analysis of the released reaction product with refractive index (RI) or UV detection. A very sensitive detection of honey-foreign oligosaccharides (degree of polymerization n ≥ 4) indicating the presence of sugar syrups produced from starch is achieved by gradient LC analysis with evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD). Moreover, rice syrups contain specific marker compounds called SM-R (specific marker - rice syrup, analysis by LC-MS/MS) and/or TM-R (trace marker - rice syrup, analysis by ICP-MS) which allow for a sensitive detection in adulterated honey. Low temperature acid inverted sugar syrups can be detected by determination of the citric acid, ascorbic acid or sulfur dioxide content of honey. Finally, adulteration of honey with caramel color (E150c, E150d), probably used to mask addition of sugar syrup or ultrafiltration of honey is detectable by LCMS/MS analysis. In addition to the analytical aspects, the interpretation of the measured values and assessment of authenticity based on collected reference data from authentic samples is illustrated. ____________ * Presenting author: 38 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC10.Developmentandvalidationofaliquidchromatographic-tandemmass spectrometricmethodforthedetectionoffumagillininhoney:useinastability study. Els Daeseleire (1); Wim Reybroeck (1)* 1: Flemish Government, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Technology and Food Science Unit, Brusselsesteenweg 370, 9090 Melle, Belgium Nosemosis, a damaging adult bee disease caused by Nosema apis or N. ceranae was in the past often treated with fumagillin, an antibiotic commercialized under the name Fumidil B®. Despite the fact that the use of Fumidil® is presently not permitted, the product is still available in the United Kingdom. In the past it was shown that residues of antibiotics can be present in honey after treatment. In order to be able to screen honey samples on the presence of fumagillin, a liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric was developed and validated according to Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. After addition of the internal standard roxithromycin, 5 g of honey was dissolved in 10 ml of water and a clean-up was performed on a C18-SPE column. Five µl of the final extract was injected into the LC-MS/MS system on a Waters X-Terra® C8 column kept at 25°C. The instrument used was an Acquity UPLC (Waters) system. Gradient elution was performed with a mobile phase mixture of methanol and 2 mM ammonium formate in 0.01 % formic acid. Mass spectrometric detection was performed on a Quattro Ultima Pt® instrument, following the transition of the precursor ion to three product ions. For the internal standard, one transition was measured. Performance characteristics evaluated were specificity, linearity, recovery, repeatability, intra-laboratory reproducibility, decision limit, detection capability and expanded measurement uncertainty. For specificity, honey was spiked with compounds belonging to the groups of the tetracyclines, sulfonamides, nitro-imidazoles, phenicols and quinolones at 10 µg/kg. No interference was detected at the retention time of fumagillin that could give rise to a false non-compliant result. For linearity, a correlation coefficient of at least 0.9988 was obtained in honey. Eight blank honey samples were spiked at three different concentrations being 3, 4.5 and 6 µg/kg. Quantification was performed making use of a calibration curve in matrix. Recoveries ranged between 102 and 105 % and CVs for repeatability were between 4 and 5 %. To determine the intra-laboratory reproducibility, the above experiment was repeated two times and CVs ranged from 6 to 10 %. Decision limit was determined as the concentration for which a signal to noise ratio of minimum 3 was obtained for the three product ions and was determined at 3 µg/kg. Detection capability of the method is 3.3 µg/kg and the expanded measurement uncertainty is 24.6 %. The method was used to determine the stability of fumagillin in honey. Honey was spiked at 20 µg/kg with fumagillin and was analysed immediately. The rest of the sample was kept at room temperature in the dark. After two weeks the concentration of fumagillin was reduced with 29 %, while after four weeks concentration was reduced with 52 %. The final results will be discussed at the symposium. The method was also used to analyse 20 honey samples from 2011 but as fumagillin is unstable in honey, the negative results obtained have no significance. Samples of 2012 will be analysed immediately after the harvest in order to check if fumagillin is no longer used in practice. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 39 Annual 40 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC11.Optimizationofpolarimetricmethodforspecificrotationdeterminationin honey. S. Serrano (1)*; I. Rodríguez (1); F. Rincón (1). 1: Department of Food Science and Technology. University of Córdoba The polarimetric method for determination of specific rotation in honeys (International Honey Commission, 1997) was optimized using a Plackett-Burman experimental design augmented to resolution IV via fold-over by increasing to thirty two runs, the following eleven ACFs were investigated: origin of honey (blossom or honeydew), honey liquefying temperature, honey liquefying time, pre-filtration, sample weight, water volume, Carrez 1 volume, Carrez 2 volume, filtration, polarimeter tube length, polarimeter type (analogical or digital). This method originally published in 1997 (Apidology) was improved in 2002. At present it does not show results on collaborative trials and precision of the method, repeatability and reproducibility. These reasons demand new research and revision for this analytical method. Identification of key factors and subsequently optimized conditions, ensuring enhanced accuracy and precision when determining specific rotation in honeys are obtained. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 41 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC12. Sugar analysis by a multi-sensor system: applying to honey samples. Luís G. Dias (1)*; Mara E.B.C. Sousa (1); António M. Peres (1,2); Jorge Sá Morais (1); Letícia Estevinho (1); Adélio A.S.C. Machado (3) 1: CIMO - Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal 2: LSRE - Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering - Associate Laboratory, LSRE/LCM, Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal 3: LAQUIPAI - Departamento Química, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Portugal One of the emerging approaches for analysis of liquid samples with complex matrices is the Electronic Tongue (ET) since it allows evaluating tastes by calibration, mimicking the human tongue. The ET records a pattern of signals that depends on the matrix solution composition, which information is extracted into qualitative and quantitative information by multivariate statistical methods. The chemical sensors used in these devices, usually, differ from those of the traditional chemical sensors because they have the ability to obtain global information about the solution (cross-sensibility sensors, the signal results from sensitization to various substances). Selectiveions sensors (high selectivity for detecting substances) may also be included in the analytical system, allowing cross-information as well as specific information about the sample matrix. Recent works with ET showed the wide range of applications such as, classification of honey (Dias, 2008), detection of milk adulterations (Dias, 2009), detection of protein levels (gliadins) in different foodstuffs (Peres, 2011) and classification of soft drinks accordingly to different added fruit juice contents (Dias, 2011). Moreover, the analytical performance suggests that ETs could have a wider set of applications as, quantification if the substances to be analysed are major compounds in the sample. With the aim of test this hypothesis, an all-solid-state potentiometric ET was developed and has being tested to quantify fructose and glucose contents, which are important constituents of the food products, as an alternative tool for the quantification of these sugars in real samples. Several multivariate data treatments for quantitative analysis of these two sugars (MLR, PLS and others) are considered as well as, their application to the results obtained in honey samples analysis. Acknowledgements: Collaboration of the Portuguese National Beekeepers Federation in providing honey samples is gratefully acknowledged. 1) Dias, L A; Peres, A M; Vilas-Boas, M; Rocha, M A; Estevinho, L; Machado, A A S C (2008) An electronic tongue for honey classification, Microchim. Acta 163: 97-102. 2) Dias, L A; Peres, A M; Veloso, A C A; Reis, F S; Vilas-Boas, M; Machado, A A S C (2009) An electronic tongue taste evaluation: identification of goat milk adulteration with bovine milk, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 136: 209-217. 3) Peres, A M; Dias, L G; Veloso, A C A.; Meirinho, S G; Sá Morais, J; Machado, A A S C (2011) An electronic tongue for gliadins semi-quantitative detection in foodstuffs, Talanta 83: 857–864. 4) Dias, L ;, Peres, A M; Barcelos, T P; Sá Morais, J; Machado, A A S C (2011) Semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis of soft drinks using an electronic tongue, Sensors & Actuators: B, Chemical 154: 111–118. ______________ * Presenting author: 42 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC13. Royal Jelly: Quality, Safety and Authenticity. Ayse Bakan (1)*; Ozlem Aslan (1); Neşe Aslı Öncü (1); Banu Bahar (1); Ebru Pelvan (1); Cesarettin Alasalvar (1); Nihat Ozcan (1); Canan Dogan (1); İlknur Demirtaş (1); Senem Akkuş Çevikkalp (1); Mustafa Yaman (1); Esra Agel (1); İmge Oktay (1); Hayrettin Ozer (1); Aslı Elif Sunay (2); Taylan Samancı (2); Tuğçe Daştan (2) 1: TUBITAK MRC Food Institute P.O.Box:21 41470 Gebze Kocaeli, Turkey 2: Altıparmak Gıda San. ve Tic. Koll. Şti. Çavuşbaşı Cad. No:70 Çekmeköy 34782 İstanbul, Turkey Royal jelly is a product that is secreted from the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of nurse honeybees and has a complex composition of proteins, sugars, fatty acids, sterols, phenols, minerals and other components. It has been widely used in commercial medical products, healthy foods and cosmetics in many countries and it has a big potential in the economics of the beekeeping sector. However, there are no standards at European level for the royal jelly, like the other bee products except honey. This means that it is possible to find products in the market under these labels without any quality and authenticity control. This might imply a risk for both the consumer and the small and medium enterprises of the sector, which not only have to compete with cheaper products produced in Eastern and South American countries but also compete with a product that sometimes is not even royal jelly. APIFRESH, EU founding FP7 project, aims for the standardisation of royal jelly as well as pollen. In this research, pure royal jelly samples which were produced for the project in European countries (Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, and Turkey) were analyzed for determination of their quality, safety and authenticity. Royal jelly samples from China were also analyzed to make a comparison. The physicochemical composition of royal jelly samples was determined by analyzing moisture, ash, protein, lipid, fructose, glucose and saccharose content, pH, acidity, colour as well as 10-HDA which is one of the most important criteria of royal jelly authenticity. 13C/12C isotopic ratio and pollen spectra of the samples were also defined for this purpose. In addition these parameters, concentrations of trace (Bi, Cd, Pb, Sn, W, Sb, Cr, Co, Se) and mineral (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn) elements were systematically investigated in botanically and geologically defined royal jelly samples. The royal jelly samples were also analyzed for their sensorial (aroma, taste and aftertaste) and microbiological properties ( yeast, mold, coliform, E.coli and S.aureus load ). Biological activities of royal jelly are mainly attributed to the phenolic compounds and the antioxidant acitivity is basically due to the presence of these constituents. Therefore, total phenolics and total antioxidant activity of royal jelly were defined. In addition, vitamins ( Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C And Vitamin B5), sterol composition (cholesterol, brassicasterol, 24-methylene cholesterol, campesterol, B-sitosterol, D5-avenasterol, 5,24-stigmastadienol, D7stigmastenol, D7-avenasterol) and fatty acid composition (palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, stearic acid, heptadecanoic acid) were determined as other healthy compounds. While palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid were found as the predominant fatty acids; campesterol and 24-methylene cholesterol were shown as two important sterols in royal jelly samples respectively. Antimicrobial activity of royal jelly on the bacteria Salmonella, E.coli and S. aureus was also studied. It was shown that a very small amount of royal jelly (0.03 g) showed clearly inhibitory effects against these bacteria (108 bacteria /1 ml). All results of European RJ samples were compared with Chinese royal jelly. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 43 Annual 44 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC14. Bee Feeding Influences Royal Jelly Composition. Wytrychowski Marine (1); Daniele Gaelle (1); Batteau Magali (1); Guibert Sylvie (1); Casabiance Hervé (1)* 1: CNRS UMR 5280- Département SCA - Echangeur de Solaize - Chemin du Canal - 69360 Solaize - France Feeding bees with artificial sugars and/or with exogenous proteins increase royal jelly (RJ) production. Such beekeeping practices are currently observed all around the word. The aim of this work is to define analytical criteria that allow detecting bee feeding practises. We have developed and validated analytical methods to quantify various parameters in RJs: water, protein, 10-HDA, amino acid, sugar contents. Moreover stable isotope ratios (δ13C/12C and δ15N/14N) have been measured in RJ samples by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. This study demonstrates, from the analysis of around 800 RJs, that bee feeding leads to a RJ analytically different from a genuine one, obtained in more natural conditions namely from nectar and pollen collected by the bees in the environment of the hives. Indeed some analytical criteria of both kinds of RJs are different and allow distinguishing between them. Natural samples (500) are obtained through a collaboration with French beekeepers belonging to the GPGR (Groupement des Producteurs de Gelée Royale). GPGR is representative of the French production, being responsible for more than 80% of it. Membership of this group implies respecting a quality convention concerning the production, harvest, conservation and trade of RJs. Feeding bees with artificial sugars is not allowed during RJ production ; only honey and pollens can be used in the case of there being insufficient honeydew. The samples have been collected in different French areas during the course of three harvesting seasons representing various geographical and botanical origins. In comparison, RJs from feeding experiments with artificial sugars and/or with exogenous proteins have been provided by some apiarists in order to evaluate the impact of such a feeding on the analytical composition of RJ. The feeding experiments have been carried out with different C3 and C4 sugars (cane sugar, maize hydrolysate, beet, hydrolysed starch, inverted syrups) and with 2 proteins (yeast and soy powders). In addition, around 150 commercially available RJ samples and 50 RJs produced by Italian beekeepers as representative materials produced and traded worldwide have been analyzed by the same methodology. Thanks to some parameters including isotopic measurements of δ13C/12C (Daniele, 2011) and the contents of some particulate sugars (Daniele, 2012), we have succeeded in distinguishing between RJs produced from natural sources and those obtained from sugar feeding (Wytrychowski, 2012). We have demonstrated that RJs commercially available in France are mainly produced by artificial feeding. Actually, no norm or recommendation for RJ definition, production and quality control exist. While an ISO working group proceeds to a draft since 3 years, no real consensus has been obtained at this time. Contrary to honey (codex alimentarius), feed sources of bees are not described for RJ, leading to different production procedures in the world. Those differences in beekeeping procedures induce physicochemical modifications of the royal jelly produced. 1) G. Daniele, H. Casabianca, (2012) Sugar composition of French royal jelly for comparison with commercial and artificial sugar sample, Food Chemistry, DOI 10.1016/ j.foodchem.2012.03.008. 2) G. Daniele, M. Wytrychowski, M. Batteau, S. Guibert, H. Casabianca, (2011) Stable isotope ratios measurements of royal jelly samples for controlling production procedures, impact of sugar feeding, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 25: 1929-1932. 3) M. Wytrychowski, G. Daniele, H. Casabianca, (2012) Combination of sugar analysis and stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry measurement to detect artificial bee feeding for royal jelly production, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1007/s00216-012-5934-6. ______________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 45 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC15.ChemicalCompositionofDehydratedBeePollenProducedinBrazillian States Paraná and Santa Catarina. José Augusto Gasparotto Sattler (1)*; Adriane Melo (1); Ellen de Souza Soares (1); Luciana Barbosa dos Santos(1); Davi Figueiredo Sampaio Meira(1); Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian(1) 1:University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil According to Instruction No. 3, January 19, 2001, from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, pollen is defined as the result of clumping of the pollen of flowers, made by worker bees, by salivary substances and their nectar, which is collected in the hive entrance. According to this standard dried bee pollen should have no more than 4% of moisture, minimum of 1.8% in lipids, minimum of 8% in proteins and maximum of 4% in ashes. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition of ten samples of dehydrated bee pollen from the south region of Brazil and to compare with the limits established by Brazilian legislation. This region has subtropical climate, differently from the rest of the country. Six samples were collected from Parana and four from Santa Catarina state during the months of September and December of 2011. For the protein determination it was used the micro-Kjeldahl method, with the conversion factor of 6.25. Lipid determination was made using the intermittent Soxhlet extractor using diethyl ether as solvent. Ashes were determined gravimetrically after incineration of the sample oven at 550°C until constant weight. For moisture determination the samples were dried under infra-red radiation, in equipment composed of electronic precision balance Micronal (B160), adapted with infra-red dryer Mettler Toledo (LP16), with adjustments to the intensity of radiation emitted, so that the sample reaches 85 °C. The levels ranged from 1.0% to 4.05% for moisture, 12.3% to 21.8% for proteins, 0.9% to 5.9% for fat and 1.34% to 2.0% for ashes. Among the ten samples analyzed only three from the State of Rio Grande do Sul and one from the state of Santa Catarina showed moisture values above the limit established by law. It is noted that this sample may have been collected with a high percentage of moisture in nature and that the dehydration process of the bee pollen was not enough to reduce the humidity to acceptable value. All samples showed values appropriate for proteins. In the composition of lipids only two samples had values below the minimum standard established by the Brazilian legislation, which may be related to characteristics of the botanical origin of the samples. It is concluded that three of ten samples of dehydrated bee pollen showed some parameter outside the limits established by Brazilian legislation. There is no regulation in the European Union for bee pollen. Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge FAPESP for its financial support regarding research and Doctorate scholarship granted to Adriane Alexandre Machado de Melo. CNPq for granting a Scientific Initiation Sholarship to Davi Figueiredo Sampaio Meira and Productivity in Research Scholarship granted to Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian. CAPES for the Master’s scholarship granted to José Augusto Gasparotto Sattler. ______________ * Presenting author: 46 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC16.AContributiontotheEstablishmentofBromatologicalReferenceValues for Colombian Pollen in the Context of Latin American Regulations. Martha Quicazán (1)*; Carlos Fuenmayor (1); Consuelo Díaz (1); Carlos Zuluaga (1) 1: Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C. Standards for bee pollen are not established either by Codex Alimentarius, European Union or FDA. Meanwhile, there is a more dynamic regulatory environment in Latin America; Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Salvador and Honduras have current regulations for pollen (Brasil, 2001; Almeida,2005). Colombia, because of its geographical location, has some areas with higher annual production than the world average (6-7 kg / hive). Altiplano Cundiboyacense, a central region located more than 2000 masl, produces about 40kg/ hive; this fact constitutes an important advantage for alternative development. Colombian government drives different strategies; one of them was focused on the elaboration of a technical standard project for pollen, based on chemical characterization and contextualization of the results with existing regulations in Latin America. Between 2008 and 2011, 196 pollen samples were collected in Altiplano Cundiboyacense from Apis mellifera hives fitted with traps. The pollen was dried, cleaned and milled previous to the analyses: moisture, pH, free acidity, protein, fat, ash, dietary fiber and minerals (Na, K, Ca, Fe, Mg, Cu, Zn). There is no international consensus around moisture content; Brazil, Salvador and Honduras accept 4% as maximum, while Mexico and Argentina set a maximum of 8%; 72% of Colombian pollen samples agree with the first standard and 90% with the second. About 96% of pollen samples had pH value between 4 and 6, which is consistent with the requirements in other countries. Although Brazil, Salvador and Honduras allow 300 mEq/kg for free acidity, only 85% of Colombian samples meet this value. In consequence, it is not recommended to establish yet a Colombian requirement for this parameter The protein content of total Colombian samples is higher than the minimum included in Latin American standards (18g/100g dry basis) and some of them exceed the maximum established by the Mexican standard; 38% of the samples have more than 25g/100g dry basis (maximum value in Honduras regulations). The standards of Mexico and Brazil set a minimum for fat (1.5% and 2.5% respectively); all Colombian samples satisfy this requirement and 50% of them exceeded 6.5 g/100 g (maximum established in Mexican standard); therefore it is not appropriate to propose a maximum lipid content and it could be set a minimum limit of 1.8g/100g dry basis for this parameter. Only Brazilian and Mexican standards include crude fiber requirement and do not consider dietary fiber and specific minerals values. Standards of Brazil, Argentina, Salvador and Honduras establish a minimum of 4 g/100g, dry basis, for ash content; meanwhile, the Mexican standard establishes a range between 1.5 and 2.2g/100g, dry basis. The results show that 100% of the samples meet the first requirement and only 22% the second standard because they exceed 2.2 g/100 g. Therefore, 3.5 g/100g for ash content is a permissible maximum. 1) Almeida-Muradian, L; Pamplona, L; Coimbra, S; Barth, O (2005) Chemical composition and botanical evaluation of dried bee pollen pellets, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 18: 105-111. 2) Brasil (2001). Regulamentos Técnicos de Identidade e Qualidade, de Apitoxina, de Cera de Abelha, de Geléia Real Liofilizada, de Pólen Apícola, de Propólis, de Extrato de Própolis.Instrucao normativa n 3 de 2001. Brasilia, Brasil: Ministério da Saúde. ______________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 47 Annual 48 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC17.Amodelproject:ResearchPlatformonHoneyandOtherBeeProducts. Aslı Elif Sunay (1)*; Taylan Samancı (1) 1: Honey Packers, Industrialists and Exporters Association Cooperation between universities, industry and public bodies is very important for regional and global competitiveness and sustainable development. A platform was formed by this project between 17 parties that brings universities, industry and public bodies together to work on bee products for the development of the sector. The aim of this project is to produce and share information that will enhance the development of scientific research, new products and systems about contribution of bees, honey and other bee products on healthy living and environment by a platform (BEE PLATFORM) consisting of universities, industry, non-governmental organizations and public bodies. Raising social awareness and consumer consciousness by using audio-visual information technologies on production, consumption and health effects of safe bee products is also aimed. Focusing on economic activities that depend on know-how, Bee Platform intends to provoke nonconventional uses of bee products by increasing consumption of these products for their biological activities and health effects. In this project, 30 pollen samples (26 from Turkey, 4 from Spain), 8 propolis samples (3 from Turkey, 4 from China, 1 from Argantina), 19 royal jelly samples (13 from China, 6 from Turkey) and 66 honey samples (from Turkey) were analyzed for their chemical properties, residues, contaminants, microbiological content, total phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidant capacity and profile of phenolic substances. Bioavailability of bee products was also tested. 12 honey samples with the highest antioxidant capacities and all propolis samples were used to test effects of these products on different breast cancer races in vitro. Under the scope of the project, training seminars on good hygiene and agricultural practices and health effects of bee products were organized both for producers and packers. Also a documentary film was prepared for TV describing the production stages of bee products, life of beekeepers and health effects of these products besides contribution of bees to the environment. The story of the film was published as a book with three other books on health effects of bee products, good hygiene and agricultural practices and honey plants. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 49 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC18. Physicochemical characteristics of Colombian pot-honey. Consuelo Díaz-Moreno (1)*; Carlos Fuenmayor (1); Carlos Zuluaga (1); Martha Quicazán (1) 1: Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C., Colombia New data have been obtained about composition and physicochemical properties of Colombian pot-honeys. The national technical standard for pot-honey was done considering the data published by Souza et al. (2006) but this document has no information regarding Colombian stingless bee honeys. This general lack of knowledge has had several consequences. First, there are difficulties in regulating the adulteration and falsification of stingless bee pot-honey. Second, the geographic location of Colombia and its mega-biodiversity have been identified as advantages for meliponiculture, but so far there were not conducted studies on the quality of pot-honey. This study analyzed pot-honey samples from different genera native from several regions of Colombia. The number of analyzed honey samples varies according to the genus and the species (Frieseomelitta sp.(6 samples), Melipona compressipes (12 samples), Melipona favosa (7 samples), Melipona eburnea (7 samples), Melipona sp. (18 samples), Nannotrigona testaceicornis (3 samples), Nannotrigona sp. (4 samples), Paratrigona sp. (4 samples), Partamona sp. (2 samples), Plebeia sp. (1 sample), Scaptotrigona limae (2 samples), Scaptotrigona sp. (4 samples), Tetragona sp. (21 samples) and Tetragonisca angustula). The largest number of samples corresponded to the genus Melipona and Tetragonisca (45 samples) because there is wide breeding of those species. Performed physicochemical analyses were: moisture, carbohydrates (glucose, fructose and disaccharides), ash, minerals, color, pH, free acidity, diastase activity, HMF, conductivity and specific rotation. This work summarizes existing information regarding the physicochemical properties and quality of Colombian pot-honey. The ranges for physicochemical features of Melipona genus were: moisture (24.8 – 27.6 g/100g), fructose (36.7 – 39.3 g/100g), glucose (30.9 – 38.5 g/100g), disaccharides (3.1 – 6 g/100g), ash (0.01 – 0.20 g/100g), color (34.4 – 80 mm Pfund) and the ranges for physicochemical features of Tetragonisca angustula were: moisture (22 – 26.6 g/100 g), fructose (24.7 – 35.6 g/100g), glucose (17.1 – 29.9 g/100g), disaccharides (1.8 – 6.4 g/100g), ash (0.21 – 0.28 g/100g), color (49 – 70 mm Pfund), pH (4.2 – 4.5), free acidity (39,2 – 62.1 meq/kg), diastase activity (16.7 – 25.9 DN), HMF (1.3 – 3.3 mg/kg), conductivity (601 - 715 µS/cm), specific rotation (1.3 – 3.9). It is necessary to continue the characterization process that leads to a better knowledge of this valuable product. 1) Souza B, Roubik D, Barth O, Heard T, Enríquez E, Carvalho C, Villas-Bôas J, Locateli J, Persano-Oddo L, Almeida-Muradian L, Bogdanov S, Vit P. (2006) Composition of stingless bee honey: setting quality standards. Interciencia, Interciencia 31: 867-875. ____________ * Presenting author: 50 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC19.CharacterizationoftheSerbianHoneyUsingModernAnalyticalMethods. Dušanka Milojković-Opsenica (1); Nebojša Nedić (2); Silvio Kečkeš (3); Biljana Marošanović (4); Filip Andrić (1); Maja Natić (1); Živoslav Tešić (1)* 1: Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia 2: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia 3: Analysis, Belgrade, Serbia 4: SP Laboratory, Bečej, Serbia The analytical characterization of honey in order to detect adulteration or to verify geographical or botanical origin has been a scientific long-time preoccupation. Despite the long tradition of Serbian honey production, the issues of physical, chemical and sensory properties of this important naturally product have not been so far systematically studied. Although Serbia is not a big country, differences in climate, soil and plants provide a solid base for the production of different types of honey, such as those most often produced: acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia), sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and linden (Tilia cordata) honey. In the scope of this work a total of 380 different honeys from three unifloral botanical origins (acacia, sunflower, and linden), as well as multifloral honey from various regions of Serbia have been characterized and classified by applying modern analytical (ICPMS, IC, HPLC-Orbitrap, IRMS) and chemometrical methods. Besides to basic physicochemical parameters (water content, pH, free acidity, conductivity and optical rotation), content of minerals (K, Ca, Mg, Na, Cd, Ni, Cr, Zn, Cu and Mn), sugar profile (glucose, fructose, sacharose, trehalose, maltose, isomaltose, gentiobiose, turanose, melesitose and isomaltotriose), amino acid contents (Ala, Arg, Asp, Cys, Glu, Gly, His, Leu, Ile, Met, Lys, Phe, Pro, Ser, Thr, Tyr, and Val), as well as polyphenols contents have been determined. Spectrofluorimetric data have been recorded for each sample with excitation wavelengths in the range of 250-500 nm, and C-13 stable isotope ratio has been determined. On the basis of the results obtained, Serbian honey was compared with honeys from different countries. All results obtained are in the ranges proposed by the European legislative. By application of different chemometric methods (Principal Component Analysis, Cluster Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis) the most important criteria for authenticity assessment have been established. Physicochemical data are sufficient to provide good differentiation among three botanical species of honeys: linden, acacia and sunflower. Multifloral honey was successfully separated from all three unifloral types by the means of spectrofluorimetric data. All samples have strong excitation bands in the range of 250-300nm, that are missing in all three unifloral species. Specific excitation spectra originates from the presence of tryptophan which further influenced by differences in chemical composition. Also, specific group of polyfloral honey samples originating from Zlatibor area can be distinguished from the rest of studied samples based primarily on mineral content as well as some physicochemical parameters. The serpentine silicate soil mostly characteristic for Zlatibor area, which is rich in magnesium and nickel compounds, strongly influences specific flora, and in the same way provides specific mineral fingerprint of collected multifloral honeys. Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Serbia, Grant No. 172017 and by FP7 RegPot project “Reinforcement of the FCUB towards becoming a centre of excellence in the region of WB for molecular biotechnology and food research” (FCUB-ERA GA No. 256716). The authors are grateful to The Association of the Beekeeping Organizations of Serbia for kindly collection of honey samples. ______________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 51 Annual 52 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC20.Chemical,SensoryandMelissopalynologicalFeaturesofCroatianCommon Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) Honey. Dražen Lušić (1,4)*; Nada Vahčić (2); Gian Luigi Marcazzan (3); Vladimir Mićović (1); Darija Vukić Lušić (1); Duška Ćurić (2); Francesca-Vittoria Grillenzoni (3) 1: Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia 2: Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Zagreb, Croatia 3: CRA-API, Bologna, Italy 4: Croatian Apitherapy Society Total of 49 representative honey samples were covered by the study of specific features and characterization of common sage honey (Salvia officinalis L.) deriving from the North Croatian littoral area and produced during the period of three consecutive years (2005-2007). Honey samples were submitted to melissopalynological assessment in order to obtain detailed characterization of common sage honey melissoplynological profile comprising representation of sage pollen in honey as well as pollen spectra of both nectarous and non nectarous botanical species, including also the presence of honeydew elements. Chemical and physical analyses were carried out comprising 11 analytical quality parameters: moisture, pH, acidity, electrical conductivity, reducing sugars, sucrose, invertase, diastase, specific optical rotation, hydroxymethylfurfural and proline. Sensory analysis was completed too and sensory parameters of common sage honey (visual, odour, taste and tactile characteristics) has been reviewed and described in details with particular accent to the presence or absence of defects in honey. Research of specific features of common sage honey was complemented with detailed analysis of climatic elements that prevailed on apiary sites during blossoming of the Salvia officinalis L. and expressed impact of climate elements on quality features of honey samples was detected. Characteristic underrepresentation of common sage pollen was determined; furthermore 106 necatrous and 35 non nectarous botanical species and families were identified, all sharing physical areal and time of flowering. Characteristic ranges of common sage honey analytical parameters were determined in comparison to different unifloral honeys: lower values for sucrose and invertase, medium values for electrical conductivity, pH, proline and specific optical rotation and highly expressed values for reducing sugars, acidity and diastase activity. Based on the results of sensory analysis, detailed sensory profile was proposed. Significant honeydew influence was noticed, strongly influenced by climatic elements prevailing on apiary sites during the sage blossoming period; however honey samples still detaining their nectarous character. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 53 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC21.SensoryprofileofsomeofthemainItalianunifloralhoneys.Development and possible uses. Gian Luigi Marcazzan (1)*; Massimiliano Magli (2); Lucia Piana (3); Angela Savino (4); Mariassunta Stefano (5) 1: CRA-API, Agricultural Research Council, Honeybee and Silkworm Research Unit, Via di Saliceto 80, 40128-Bologna, Italy 2: Istituto di Biometeorologia, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Via Gobetti 101, I-40129 Bologna, Italy 3: Piana Ricerca e Consulenza - via Emilia levante 840 I-40024 Castel San Pietro Terme BO, Italy 4: ICQRF, Ispettorato centrale della tutela della qualità e repressione frodi dei prodotti agroalimentari, Via Irno 11, 84098 Salerno, Italy 5: Centro Agrochimico Regionale – A.S.S.A.M.- Via Roncaglia, 20 - 60035 Jesi AN, Italy Sensory evaluation enables us to distinguish the botanical origin of honey and to identify and quantify certain defects (fermentation, impurities, off-odours and flavours). It also plays an important role in defining product standards and in the related controls regarding botanical denominations or other specific labels. Moreover, it is an essential part of consumer preference/ aversion studies (Piana L. et al 2004). In this work we have focused our attention on botanical denomination and we have studied the sensory profiles of five principal unifloral Italian honeys: chestnut honey (Castanea sativa Miller); citrus honey (Citrus spp.); eucalyptus honey (Eucalyptus spp.); black locust honey (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and honeydew honey. The aim of the study is to propose an alternative method (“profile method”) congruent with modern techniques through which it can be proven as to whether a honey conforms to its declared botanical origin. In earlier studies conducted by the sensory group within the IHC (International Honey Commission), a harmonized glossary was developed (Piana L. et al 2004) and two methods of evaluation proposed: the routine method and the “yes/no” classification method. These methods are based on the ability of trained assessors to evaluate the correspondence of a declared monofloral honey to a standard that they have memorized. The alternative method we are going to propose takes into consideration the attributes and their intensity. For each unifloral honey type the most significant attributes have been selected and estimated. In this way a typical profile has been produced. Consequently, in unifloral honey assessment if the profile is within the limits of the expected profile it is considered to conform to the botanical declaration of origin. In our study the unifloral honey profile was developed by a panel of specialized expert assessors. The preparation of the samples and the olfactory and olfactory-gustatory characteristics have been performed as described by Piana (Piana L. et al 2004). Each taster smelled and tasted the honey under consideration, in order to analyse the olfactory and gustatory characteristics. Twelve attributes were evaluated. Attributes were assessed by marking a 10 cm line scale and quantified measuring of the location of the mark from the origin. The data obtained for the 12 attributes were used to define the sensory profile of each sample using the median values. The number of samples studied varied between 9 and 11 for each unifloral typology and were used in order to define the unifloral sensory profile that would include not only the best representative unifloral honey, but also the acceptable “commercial” unifloral honey. Each unifloral profile has highlighted specific characteristics. Principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminate analysis (LDA) clearly permit the discrimination of the studied unifloral honey. 1) Piana M.L.; Persano Oddo L.; Bentabol A.; Bruneau E.; Bogdanov S.; Guyot Declerck C. (2004) Sensory analysis applied to honey: state of the art, Apidologie 35 special issue, 26-37. ____________ * Presenting author: 54 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC22. The main honeydew producing insects in Greece. Sofia Gounari (1)*, George Goras (2), Chysa Tananaki (2) , Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2) 1: Lab. of Bee Pathology, Institute of Veterinary Research, NAGREF, Neapoleos 25, 15341, Athens, Greece 2: Lab. of Apiculture – Sericulture, Dep. Of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece It is estimated that at least 70% of the annual production of honey in Greece derives from honeydew. Concretely 60% derives from the honeydew produced from Pinus halepensis and Pinus brutia. Another 10% from the honeydew producing insects parasite on fir trees, both on Abies cephalonica and Abies borisii. More than that in specific years beekeepers take a good honey harvest from oak trees also, especially from Q. frainetto and Q. cerris. The most important honeydew producing insect is Marchalina hellenica (Coccoidea: Marchalinidae), which parasites on pine trees. It has one generation per year. Overwinters as 3rd instar nymph and produces large quantities of honeydew from March to April, before its last mould to female adult. The crawlers of the new generation appear on the trees in June. Marchalina attach to the tree and feed sucking the phloem sup. As the insect grows the droplets of honeydew become bigger. Beekeepers transfer their beehives again in pine forests from August to October. Five honeydew-producing insects had been found on fir trees. Three aphids, Cinara abieticola (Cholodkovsky), Cinara pectinatae (Nördl.) and Mindarus abietinus (Koch) and two scale insects Physokermes spp.and Eulecanium sericeum (Lindiger). The most important of these is the genus Physokermes which until recently believed that it has 3 species in Greece, Ph. hemicryphus, picea and innopinatus. In course of the recent survey of scale insects in Greece, a new for science species was found and described as Physokermes hellenicus Gounari and Kozár, sp. n.(in press). By this new data, the species number in Physokermes genus increased to 12 and to 8 species in the Palaearctic Region now. By four Physokermes species Greece has most species in the western part of the Plaearctic Region. Physokermes spp. has one generation per year. Overwinters as a 2nd instar nymph and produce large quantities of honeydew from the end of May until the first ten days of July. Then the female adult starts to ovulates under its shell. The main honeydew producing insects on oak trees are one scale insect Parthenolecanium rufulum and two aphids Lachnus roboris roboris and Tuberculoides annulatus. The main periods for honeydew exploitation from honeybees are early spring (March) and then summer (August). ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 55 Annual 56 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC23.Studyoftheperceptionofaliquidandtranslucenthoneyandcreamed honey in France. Robin Azemar (1)*; Valérie Nevers (1); Myriam Laurie (1); Benjamin Poirot (1); Alain Le Bail (2) 1: APINOV, La Rochelle France 2: ONIRIS, Nantes, France Honey is principally eaten under two forms: liquid and creamed. In France, sales for each of them represent 50% (Meneau 2011). Creamed honey, stored in jars, is usually melt in tea or coffee, eaten on bread and directly on spoon. Packing honey under liquid form makes its use easier and/or original (plastic squeezer, straw, etc.). In many countries (Turkey, India, etc.) professionals of the beekeeping industry declare that their consumers prefer eating liquid honey. Since 2007, APINOV Company is developing a process which enables to store honey in liquid form for a long period (12 months minimum) without affecting its organoleptic properties (Poirot 2011). The aim of this study is to assess, thanks to a sensory analysis, the interest that can represent -or notliquid honey instead of creamed honey on a sample group composed of sixty people (minimal number of participants needed to ensure statistical validity of the study according to the French norm AFNOR XP V09-501). In order to carry out this study, five descriptors were submitted to the judgment of the subjects through a hedonic test. Samples were composed of a raw sunflower creamed honey and then of the same honey transformed into liquid and translucent form thanks to APINOV process. First of all, two visual descriptors were tested: color and consistency. The aim was to compare the attraction for the two samples before their consumption in order to detect which one of the two products consumers would be visually interested in before tasting them. Then, taste and mouth feel were submitted to the judges. The objective here was to understand consumers’ feeling after having tested the two products. Finally, people had to grade the samples on a global assessment. For each descriptor, a two-factor analysis of variance without replication was realized on the results. Results of statistical tests did not show significant product effect on any descriptors. Thus, consumers do not have any preference for a product. In opposition, the subject effect (consumer effect) was significant for 4 descriptors out of 5. It means that French consumers do not have the same expectations when they eat honey. These conclusions corroborate the theory that the two phases are eaten in France (50/50 for each phase). Feelings of national beekeeping professionals are thus validated by this study. 1) Meneau, C (2011) Etude de consommation du miel en France. Etude de marché, APINOV. 2) Poirot, B (2011) Procédé de traitement du miel pour obtenir un miel liquide et limpide, Patent n° EP 2 294 929 (A1). ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 57 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC24. Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Swiss honey and bee pollen. Christina Kast (1)*; Arne Dübecke (2); Verena Kilchenmann (1); Katharina Bieri (3); Gudrun Beckh (2); Cord Lüllmann (2) 1: Zentrum für Bienenforschung, Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux ALP-Haras, Schwarzenburgstrasse 161, 3003 Bern, Switzerland 2: Quality Services International GmbH, 28199 Bremen, Germany 3: Institut für Pollenanalyse, Talstrasse 23, 3122 Kehrsatz, Switzerland Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are toxic plant products that have been found in various foods including bee products. Recent studies indicate, that the level of contamination with PAs can vary depending on the geographical and botanical origin of the product. The geographically central location of Switzerland within Europe accounts for various different climate zones and botanical settings comparable to the surrounding countries. Therefore, Switzerland serves as a model to study PA contamination of honey and bee pollen produced in different climate zones. Honeys were collected from five different climate zones during the production years 2009 to 2011. Our study comprised 47 floral honeys composed of polyfloral or mixtures of blossom/ honeydew honeys, as well as several unifloral honeys, such as rape, tilia, acacia and chestnut honeys. Furthermore, we included 14 alpine mountain flower honeys and 10 honeydew honeys. Bee pollen of the production years 2010 and 2011was obtained from the Swiss association for the production of bee pollen. 22 bee pollen samples originated mainly from regions north of the Alps and the alpine region. They were mixed samples collected in spring time between the months of April and June. The PA concentration was determined by target analysis using an HPLC-MS/MS-system, allowing the detection of 18 different PAs and PA-N-oxides that have been found mainly in the genera Echium, Eupatorium and Senecio. Qualitative (DIN 10760:2002-05, Berlin) and quantitative pollen analysis confirmed the presence of Echium pollen in PA positive samples. Our study suggests, that PAs are found more frequently in honeys from Swiss alpine regions and areas south of the alps as compared to honeys from areas north of the Alps. PAs found in the genera Echium were the most frequently found PAs in honey, followed by PAs found in the genera Senecio and probably Eupatorium. In bee pollen, we most frequently detected PAs originating from Echium plants, as well as PAs, that may originate from Eupatorium plants. Such plants should be avoided around the beehive in order to prevent contamination of bee product with toxic PAs. In further studies with daily collected bee pollen, we plan to investigate the temporal course of PA contamination. Furthermore, we are interested in identifying further plant species that contribute to the PA contamination of bee products. ____________ * Presenting author: Christina. 58 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC25.Effectofhighcelldensityfermentationsontheoptimisationofmeadfermentation. A.P. Pereira (1,2)*; A. Mendes-Ferreira (1); L.M. Estevinho (2); A. Mendes-Faia (1) 1: IBB-Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Centre of Genomics and Biotechnology, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal 2: CIMO, Mountain Research Centre, Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal Mead is a traditional drink, containing 8-18% (v/v) of ethanol, which results from the alcoholic fermentation of diluted honey performed by yeasts. It has been reported that mead fermentation is a time-consuming process, often taking several months to complete, depending on the type of honey, yeast strain and honey-must’s composition. An important objective of mead makers is to reduce the fermentation time without decreasing the quality of the end product. It has been shown that significant time can be saved in the fermentation process by increasing the pitching rate, i.e., the amount of suspended yeast cells added to a batch fermenter. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the adequate inoculum size of two commercial winemaking strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Lalvin QA23 and Lalvin ICV D47) for the optimisation of mead fermentation. Honey must was prepared according to the recipe developed by our team, supplemented with potassium tartrate, pH adjusted to 3.7 with malic acid and the nitrogen concentration adjusted to 267 mg/L with diammonium phosphate. The appropriate amounts of inoculum were pitched into the honey-must to obtain five different pitching rates. Several parameters were determined during the fermentation to evaluate the effect of the inoculum size on yeast growth, fermentation profile and mead composition. Minor differences between the two strains in respect to growth kinetics were detected. As expected the increasing of the inoculum size resulted in significant increases in cell biomass and CFUs’ numbers but also decreased the yeast net growth. The time required to reach the same stage of fermentation ranged from 24 to 96 hours depending on the inoculum size. In accordance to the results obtained the strain ICV D47 appears to be more suitable for the production of high quality meads, although the strain QA23 provided better fermentation profile. However, sugars were not fully consumed and about 25 mg/L of assimilable nitrogen remained at the end of all fermentations. This is the first study of the effect of inoculum size on the optimisation of mead fermentation, however further research is needed to improve its quality. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 59 Annual 60 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission OC26.Monitoringthegravitationalreflexoftheectoparasiticmite Varroadestructor:Anovelbioassayforassessingtoxiceffectsofacaricidesandpossible acaricidal properties of honeybees’ products. Alexandros Papachristoforou (1)*; Chrisovalantis Papaefthimiou (1); George Theophilidis (1) 1: Laboratory of Animal Physiology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54 124 Thessaloniki, Greece In an effort to develop an innovating method for accurate evaluation of the efficacy of acaricide compounds against Varroa destructor, we recorded and analyzed its gravitational reflex (attempt to return to an upright position when fixed in a dorsal side-down position. To monitor the force generated by the movement of Varroa’s sternal shield, a sensitive isometric force displacement transducer was used. The transducer was mounted on a micromanipulator, while its probe was extended to a micropin. The transducer was gently attached either on the surface of Varroa’s sternal shield. The pulses generated by the force of the rhythmic expansions had an average duration of 3.11 s, force (amplitude) of 73 µN, and frequency of 0.228 Hz. Surprisingly, Varroa’s sternal expansions, generated by this gravitational reflex were lasting for over 20 h and the parameters examined (duration, force and frequency) remained constant for the first 10 h f recording, whilst significant changes occurred only after 15 h. Through these recordings we were able to investigate not only the effect of acaricides applied through contact or evaporation but also some honeybee products, such as propolis solutions or honeybees’ pheromones for their possible action against Varroa destructor. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 61 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission POSTER COMMUNICATIONS Abst. Author(s) Title PC1. Carla Pereira; Alexandra Silva; Lillian Barros; Miguel Vilas-Boas; Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira Honey as a potentiator in the bioactivity of lemon flavoured black tea. PC2. Lillian Barros; Montserrat Dueñas; Ana Maria Carvalho; Celestino Santos-Buelga; Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira Phenolic compounds as markers for the botanical origin of unifloral honeys from Castanea sativa flowers. PC3. Melia V. González-Porto; Cristina Pardo Healthy and nutricional components on bee pollen. PC4. Ahmad Al- Ghamdi; Mohammad Javed Ansari; Yehya Al-Attal Inhibition of Candida albicans Biofilm Through The Use of Some Saudi Arabian Honey. PC5. Einar Etzold; Birgit Lichtenberg-Kraag Big city or biosphere reserve: Authentification of regional honeys. PC6. Rail Khismatullin; Vassya Bankova; Natalya Gavrilova; Galina Legotkina Botanical origin and antimicrobial activity of propolis of Perm Territory. PC7. Rail Khismatullin; Roman Kaygorodov; Elena Zubova Influence of the honey’s botanical origin on the content of vitamins C, В3 and В6. PC8. Adriane A. Machado de Melo; Davi F. Sampaio Meira; José A. Gasparotto Sattler; Ligia B. de Almeida-Muradian Antioxidant Activity of Dehydrated Bee Pollen Produced in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. PC9. Igor Jerković; Zvonimir Marijanović; Dragan Bubalo Preliminary Research of Organic Extractives from Satureja spp. Honey (Croatia). PC10. Teresa Szczęsna; Krystyna Pohorecka; Ewa Was; Monika Pytlak; Helena Rybak-Chmielewska; Katarzyna Jaśkiewicz Acaricide residues determination in honey and beeswax. PC11. Jelena Kečkeš; Jelena Trifković; Ljubiša Stanisavljević; Kristina Lazarević; Milica Jovetić; Živoslav Tešić; Dušanka Milojković-Opsenica Classification of Serbian Unifloral Honey on the Basis of Their Amino Acids Profiles. PC12. Benjamin Poirot; Valérie Nevers; Régis Brunet; Marie-Jeanne Gourmaud; Frédéric Bataille Development of a decontamination process for beeswax. PC13. Capucine Meneau; Benjamin Poirot ; Myriam Laurie Honey consumption in France: opinion survey on french average. PC14. Beata Madras-Majewska; Elżbieta Rosiak Evaluation of chosen quality parameters of honey from the Polish market. 62 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC15. Vanilda A. Soares de Arruda; Alexandre Vieira dos Santos; Davi F. Sampaio Meira; Ortrud Monika Barth; Alex da Silva de Freitas; Ligia B. de Almeida-Muradian Phenolic compounds, flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of dried bee pollen samples collected in Sao Paulo, Brazil. PC16. Tananaki Chrysoula; Ioanna Chekimian; Thrasyvoulou Andreas Propolis’s extraction techniques and antioxidant activity of the extracts. PC17. Ewa Waś; Teresa Szczęsna; Helena Rybak-Chmielewska; Piotr Semkiw; Piotr Skubida Determination of alkanes in beeswax from comb foundation adulterated with paraffin after rebuilding by bees using GC-MS technique. PC18. Massimiliano Valentini; Caterina Cafiero; Gian Luigi Marcazzan; Silvia Gardini HRMAS-NMR (High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning NMR) technique applied to the characterization of botanical definition and geographical origin of honey. PC19. Escuredo Olga; Dobre Irina; Rodríguez-Flores M. Shantal; Seijo M. Carmen Sugar composition and crystallization rates of different honey types. PC20. Escuredo Olga; Rodríguez-Flores M. Shantal; Seijo M. Carmen Antioxidant activity of honeys from Galicia (NW Spain). PC21. Ana Pascual-Maté; Gian Luigi Marcazzan; Silvia Gardini; Miguel Ángel Fernández-Muiño; Maria Teresa Sancho Sugar Profiles of Honeys from Castilla y León (Spain). PC22. Ofélia Anjos; Fátima Peres; Paulo Antunes; José Rodrigues ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy for determination of free acidity, electrical conductivity, ash and total polyphenol content in honey. PC23. Silvia Cristina Ferreira Iop; Marcus Vinícius de Pinho Pires Standardization and regulations of stingless bees honey in Brazil: challenges and advances. PC24. Dalibor Titera; Michal Bednar; Josef Stich Are some enzymes in honey foreign or regular? PC25. Dalibor Titera; Michal Bednar; Hana Vinsova Are oligosaccharides in honey foreign or regular? PC26. X. Feás; J.A. Seijas; M.P. Vázquez-Tato; T. Dias; L.M. Estevinho Evaluation of the effect of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) in the antimicrobial activity of honey. PC27. Ana Pascual-Maté; M. Teresa Sancho; Miguel A. FernándezMuiño; Rosires Deliza; Patricia Vit Understanding sensory information of Melipona favosa pot-honey. PC28. Miguel Ángel Fernández-Muiño; Ana Pascual-Maté; Maria Teresa Sancho Volatile and semivolatile compounds of heather (Ericaceae) honeys from Burgos (North Spain). PC29. Nair Alua; Ana Balola; Celeste Serra Antioxidant and Physicochemical Properties of Honeys from Algarve Region. Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 63 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC30. Mara E.B.C. Sousa; Luís G. Dias; António M. Peres; Letícia Estevinho; Adélio A.S.C. Machado Evaluation of an electronic tongue for honey classification according to its pollen analysis. PC31. Patricia Combarros-Fuertes; Mª Eugenia Tornadijo; José María Castro; Leticia M. Estevinho; José María Fresno Antimicrobial activity of quality brands Spanish honeys. PC32. Isabel Valença; Nelma PértegaGomes; Marta Cunha; Carmen Jerónimo; Cristina Almeida Aguiar; Fátima Baltazar Portuguese propolis decreases PC-3 cell glycolytic metabolism. PC33. Márcia Cruz; Ana Cunha; Rui Oliveira; Cristina Almeida Aguiar Antigenotoxic potential of Portuguese propolis. PC34. André Santos; Miguel Vilas Boas; Mª João Sousa Bee products as natural compounds in Cosmetics. PC35. Joana Coelho; Soraia I. Falcão; Alexandre Bera; Renato Januario Sousa Ligia B. Almeida-Muradian Miguel Vilas-Boas Phenolic composition of Brazilian propolis from Minas Gerais. PC36. Soraia I. Falcão; Nuno Vale; Susana M. Cardoso; Cristina Freire; Miguel Vilas-Boas Cistus Ladanifer L. secreted flavonoids as marker compounds for differentiating Portuguese propolis types. PC37. Andreia Tomás; Soraia I. Falcão; Miguel Vilas-Boas Phenolic content of bee bread from Northeast of Portugal. PC38. Mário Gomes; João Casaca; Luís G. Dias; Miguel Vilas-Boas Trade barriers and economic impact of organic beekeeping in Portugal. PC39. Veronika Kmecl; Aleš Gregorc; Marinka Kregar; Romana Rutar; Maja Smodiš Škerl; Helena Baša Česnik Quality control and authenticity review of honey from Slovene market in the period 2007 - 2011. PC40. Lourdes Corredera; Consuelo Pérez-Arquillué Susana Bayarri; Regina Lázaro; Antonio Herrera Determination of colour and trace metal levels in honeys from different environmental origins. PC41. Josipa Vlainić; Ivan Kosalec; Silvija Zlatar; Toni Vlainić; Dražen Lušić Ivana Tlak Gajger Antibacterial Activity of Various Honey Types Against Different Pathogens. PC42. Kačániová Miroslava; Hleba Lukáš; Chlebo Róbert; Vukovič Nenad Antibacterial activity of bee collected pollen. PC43. Kačániová Miroslava; Hleba Lukáš; Chlebo Róbert; Vukovič Nenad The antimicrobial effect of honey against selected antibiotic resistant bacteria. 64 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC44. Valerie Gaudin; Celine Hedou; Eric Verdon Evaluation and Validation of a Biochip Multi-Array technology for the screening of antibiotic residues in honey according to the European guideline for the validation of screening methods. PC45. Sayed Mazaher Sayedi; M.B.Farshineh Adl; Ali Reza Abassian; Mahmoud Salesi; Mohammad Behjatian Esfahani; Shahaboddin Mosharaf; S.M.K.Deylami Study of effect of various processing procedures on some of the honey characteristics. PC46. M. Graça Miguel; M. Dulce Antunes; Smail Aazza; Joana Duarte; M. Leonor Faleiro Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of “água-mel” from Portugal PC47. Adrian Bugeja Douglas; Everaldo Attard Physicochemical of Maltese honey: an attempt to determine seasonal variations in honey Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 65 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC1. Honey as a potentiator in the bioactivity of lemon flavoured black tea. Carla Pereira (1); Alexandra Silva (1); Lillian Barros (1); Miguel Vilas-Boas (1); Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira (1)* 1: CIMO-ESA, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Campus de Santa Apolónia, Apartado 1172, 5301-855 Bragança, Portugal Honey plays an important role in human health by combating damage caused by oxidizing agents, namely reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, immune-system decline, cataracts, and inflammatory processes, among others. The antioxidant activity of honey has been extensively reported and attributed to the antioxidants present that include both enzymatic and non-enzymatic substances (Ferreira et al., 2009). The same properties have been attributed to black tea (Camellia sinensis) and lemon (Citrus limon), which contain powerful antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids and vitamin C, respectively (Milasiene et al., 2007; Guimarães et al., 2010). Although it has already been demonstrated that black tea, lemon and honey have antioxidant activity, nothing is reported about the effects of their concomitant use. In the present study, those effects were evaluated in infusions of lemon flavoured black tea with three different kinds of honey (light amber, amber and dark amber) from Lavandula stoechas, Erica sp. pl. and other indigenous floral species from Northeast Portugal, a region with high amounts of this food product. The antioxidant properties were measured by different in vitro chemical and biochemical assays: scavenging effects on DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radicals, reducing power, inhibition of β-carotene bleaching and inhibition of lipid peroxidation in brain cell homogenates by TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) assay. Antioxidant compounds such as ascorbic acid, total phenolics and flavonoids were also quantified. Data obtained showed that the use of honey (dark amber>amber>light amber) potentiates the antioxidant activity of lemon flavoured black tea, which is already a mixture of two powerful antioxidant matrixes (lemon and tea), increasing reducing power and lipid peroxidation inhibition properties, but also the antioxidants content such as phenolics, flavonoids and ascorbic acid. Moreover, the mixture of honey and black tea is much more favourable in the antioxidants point of view than the use of honey alone. Acknowledgements: Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal)- strategic project PEst-OE/AGR/ UI0690/2011 to CIMO and SFRH/BPD/4609/ 2008 grant to L. Barros. 1) Ferreira, I C F R; Aires, E; Barreira, J C M; Estevinho, L M (2009) Antioxidant activity of Portuguese honey samples: different contribution of the entire honey and phenolic extract, Food Chemistry 114: 1438-1443. 2) Guimarães, R; Barros, L; Barreira, J C M; Sousa, M J; Carvalho, A M; Ferreira, I C F R (2010) Targeting excessive free radicals with peels and juices of citrus fruits: grapefruit, lemon, lime and orange, Food and Chemical Toxicology 48: 99-106. 3) Milasiene, R; Sawicka, K; Kornysova, O; Ligor, M; Maruska, A; Buszewski, B (2007) Evaluation of antioxidant activity of green and black tea (Camellia sinensis) and rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) tea extracts by means of HPLC with reaction detector, Archieves in Separatoria Acta 5: 27-33. ____________ * Presenting author: 66 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC2.Phenoliccompoundsasmarkersforthebotanicaloriginofunifloralhoneys from Castanea sativa flowers. Lillian Barros (1); Montserrat Dueñas (2); Ana Maria Carvalho (1); Celestino Santos-Buelga (2); Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira (1)* 1: CIMO-ESA, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Campus de Santa Apolónia, Apartado 1172, 5301-855 Bragança, Portugal 2:Grupo de Investigación en Polifenoles (GIP-USAL), Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Salamanca, Campus Miguel de Unamuno, 37007 Salamanca, Spain The determination of the plant origin for honey and other bee products is of great interest. One of the procedures used to determine the floral origin is pollen analysis, but nowadays other analytical methods that could complement that approach are also available. In this perspective there have been many studies that correlate plant source with the presence of certain compounds (Soler et al., 1995; Tomás-Barberán et al., 2001). Recent studies have revealed that the analysis of flavonoids and other phenolic compounds might be a very promising technique to study the plant origin of honey and other bee products. Chestnut trees (Castanea sativa Miller) are of great importance in several Portuguese northeastern areas where chestnut honey is considered of high quality. The flowers of both sexes (sometimes only male flowers which mature first) arranged in long upright catkins appear in late June to August. The ripe pollen produces a characteristic heavy sweet odour. In the present work, an exhaustive characterization of the phenolic compounds present in C. sativa flowers was carried out by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS following procedures previously described (Barros et al., 2012). The phenolic profile obtained could be used to select some patterns that may possibly be useful to determine honey botanical source. C. sativa flowers presented high levels of total phenolic compounds (18.973 ± 40 mg/Kg, fresh weight), being hydrolysable tannins (14.873 ± 110 mg/Kg) the most abundant group found. A trigalloyl HHDP glucoside was one of the main hydrolysable tannins present. Flavonols such as myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin derivatives were also found in C. sativa, being quercetin-3-O-glucoside and quercetin-3-O-glucuronide the major flavonols present. The obtained profile should be compared to other honey floral origins in order to point some phenolic compounds specific of Castanea sativa, which could be used as botanical markers for unifloral chestnut honeys. Acknowledgements: Strategic project PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2011- CIMO; FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE (SFRH/ BPD/4609/2008- L. Barros). Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme (FUN-C-FOOD, CSD2007-00063)- GIP-USAL; Spanish “Ramón y Cajal” Programme- M. Dueñas. 1) Barros, L; Dueñas, M; Carvalho, A M; Ferreira, I C F R F, Santos-Buelga C (2012) Characterization of phenolic compounds in flowers of wild medicinal plants from Northeastern Portugal, Food Chemical and Toxicology 50: 1576-1582. 2) Soler, C; Gil, M; García-Viguera, C; Tomás-Barberán F A (1995) Flavonoid patterns of French honeys with different floral origin, Apidologie 26: 53-60. 3) Tomás-Barberán, F A; Martos, I; Ferreres, F; Radovic, B S; Anklam, E (2001) HPLC flavonoid profiles as markers for the botanical origin of European unifloral honeys, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 81:485496. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 67 Annual 68 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC3. Healthy and nutricional components on bee pollen. Melia V. González-Porto (1); Cristina Pardo (2)* 1: Centro Agrario de Marchamalo (CAR), Guadalajara, Spain 2: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Bee pollen is an important natural product used therapeutically in medicine, pharmaceutical industries and as nourishment. We have studied and characterized bee pollen samples from the Iberian Peninsula hives. Our analysis includes: 1) Palynological identification by optical microscopy; 2) Healthy components content in fresh bee pollen as antioxidant components, polyphenols, by Folin-Cicalteu method and vitamin C by HPLC-UV techniques; 3) Nutritional values in dry bee pollen, as proteins by Kjeldahl method and sugars by HPLC techniques. The main results are: 1) We have found that pollen from families Cistaceae (Cistus, C. ladanifer, Helianthemun) and Rosaceae (Prunus, Crataegus, Rosa) appears in the majority of the samples; pollen from Quercus t. and Papilionaceae (Cytisus, Retama, Ornithopus, Anagallis, Vicia), Brassicaceae (Brassica, Raphanus, Capsella), Asteraceae (Carduus, Crepis, Bidens, Centaurea, Cichoroideae), Ericaceae (Erica, Calluna, Arbutus), Liliaceae and Capanulaceae families has a lower presence; and pollen from Lamiaceae (Rosmarinus, Lavandula, Teucrium) and Cariophyllaceae families and Echium, Juglans, Olea and Plantago appears occasionally. 2) The average of the polyphenols content found is 1.20 g gallic acid/100 g pollen (range 0.48 - 2.08). We have observed a vitamin C content average of 30.88 mg/100 g pollen, (range 4.90 - 77.64). In bee pollen samples dried at 40 ºC, the vitamin C content drops strongly. For both variables, content of polyphenols and vitamin C, the highest values were found in Rosaceae, Papilionaceae and Quercus t., whereas Cistaceae shows lowest values. 3) The protein values have been analysed first using a portion of the whole pollen sample and then the main pollen taxa has been analysed individually. The results in both cases are very similar, 18.95% (range 13.4 - 26.96) and 19.93% (range15.82 - 23.46) respectively. Finally, the main sugars found are glucose, 19.92% (range 13.33 - 24.15) and fructose 20.00% (range 14.71 - 23.65). Generally, sucrose is not detectable and other sugars, as turanose or maltose, are in very low concentration. Similarly to the others components, the protein and sugars contents show higher values for Rosaceae, Papilionaceae and Quercus t. From the above results we can conclude that bee pollen from plants with succulent fruits or seeds, as Rosaceae, Papilionaceae and Quercus t., have most healthy and nutritive components than bee pollen from plants with dried fruits and seeds, as Cistaceae. The majority of Cistaceae bee pollen samples come from Central Spain while the Rosaceae bee pollen samples are mostly from North-Central Spain, a rich fruit trees region. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 69 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC4. Inhibition of Candida albicans BiofilmThroughThe Use of Some Saudi Arabian Honey. Ahmad Al- Ghamdi (1); Mohammad Javed Ansari (1)*; Yehya Al-Attal (1) 1: Chair of Eng. Abdullah Baqshan for Bee Research, Department of Plant Protection, College of food and Agricultural sciences, King Saud University Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Candida species, especially, Candida albicans, is a major human fungal pathogen. It is a dimorphic fungus capable of causing superficial mucosal infections, as well as systemic infections, in immunocompromised individuals. The factors responsible for its pathogenesis are still not fully understood and increasing resistance to commonly used antifungal agents necessitates the search for new formulations. The antifungal activity of honey against planktonic C. albicans cells is well established. However, the effects of honey on C. albicans biofilm are yet to be elucidated. We investigated the effect of five different Saudi honeys from different plant sources on biofilm formation in Candida albicans ATCC 10231. C. albicans biofilm were formed for 24 h at 37⁰ C in the 96 wells of microtitre plates. This biofilm inhibition by honey was concentration and time dependent. The effect of honey was estimated using XTT reduction assay and the kinetics of biofilm reduction was visualized by scaning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence microscopy (CSLM). Of the five honey type tested. Sidr (Ziziphus) honey was found to be effective and four were moderately effective.incubation with sidr honey lead to a clear reduction in size and structure of mature biofilms. Concentration of sidr honey 30% (w/v) interfered with the C. albicans biofilm formation. Biofilm growth of C. albicans are highly resistant to antifungal agent such as azole derivatives like fluconazole, as well as nystatin, chlorhexidine and amphotercin, and are known to have side effect. Our findings indicate that different honey types are effective against C. albicans biofilms inhibition. The significant antifungal activity of these honeys suggests that they could serve as a source of compounds with therapeutic potential against Candida-related infections. ____________ * Presenting author: 70 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC5. Big city or biosphere reserve: Authentification of regional honeys. Einar Etzold (1); Birgit Lichtenberg-Kraag (1)* 1: Institute for Bee Research, Hohen Neuendorf, Germany Honey is characterized by the plants the bees have collected the nectar from. Hence one can determine the botanical origin by extraction and identification of the pollen grains of a honey sample. The fact that pollen analysis is also used for determination of the geographical origin was used for characterization of regional honeys since certain areas differ in terms of landscape and floral diversity. In some regions local trademarks have already been established. Local trademarks support the identification of the consumers with natural and cultural landscapes and assist them in orientation for proven quality. The demands on quality of such regional products are usually higher than given by legislation. This increases the image of the area. In this project a biosphere reserve as well as the urban area of Berlin were chosen as candidates for authentification. The honeys from these regions were organoleptically and physico-chemically analysed. The pollen spectrum was determined. Based on these investigations the typical floral sources of these honeys were elaborated to create a profile for each area. The first profile was worked out for the urban area of Berlin over a period of 7 years. Depending on the season three categories can be distinguished by their typical pollen spectrum: springtime, early summer and summer. Usually the pollen of five different plants made up 4565% of the total of the honey. The so called “marker-pollen“, which was found in every sample, was robinia pseudoacacia in early summer and tilia spp. in summer. The main nectar sources in Berlin were trees. Honey from each category contained pollen from myosotis. The fraction of brassica pollen was very low (10-15% on average). The pollen diversity was high. Honey of the summer category showed characteristic physical-chemical properties. The profile of the honey from the biosphere reserve “Spreewald” was determined over a period of 4 years. In contrast to the urban region of Berlin the main honey flow in this area was characterized by wildflowers with trees and bushes being less represented. The pollen diversity was high. In springtime, as expected, the fraction of nectar from Brassica was higher than in the Berlin region. In summer the most important nectar sources were centaurea cyanus and trifolium repens. Based on the data of the project, the „Spreewälder Stiftungshonig“ was created by the Bürgerstiftung Kulturlandschaft Spreewald e.V.. This provided support to local beekeepers in respect to marketing their honey. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 71 Annual 72 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC6. Botanical origin and antimicrobial activity of propolis of PermTerritory. Rail Khismatullin (1); Vassya Bankova (2); Natalya Gavrilova (1)*, Galina Legotkina (3) 1: Tentorium, Perm, Russia 2: Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria 3: Center for Research and Certification Federal, Perm, Russia Introduction. Antimicrobial activity is an important biological effect of propolis associated with its chemical composition and botanical origin. The region under research is middle taiga, north-eastern boundary of the honeybee’s habitat (Apis mellifera L.) with severe weather conditions. The purpose of our study is to determine the main plant sources of propolis of Perm Territory and study the antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Materials and methods. The studied samples of propolis were collected in different areas of Perm Territory in 2010. Ethanol extracts (70%) of propolis (EEP) 1:10 were prepared in the traditional way. The test culture was Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P (105CFU/ml) incubated on Mueller-Hinton agar containing EEP at 37 °C/24 h. The method of chromatography-mass spectrometry has been used to study the chemical composition of propolis and its sources; the identification of compounds was carried out according to the mass-spectral library NIST98 MS and comparison of reference samples with spectra. Results. More than sixty compounds have been identified in the samples. The chemical composition is represented by flavanones, dihydroflavonols, flavones, flavonols, aromatic acids and their esters, mono- and disaccharides. Specific taxonomic markers have been pointed out for tree species: Betula pendula- sakuranetin, pectolinarigenin, Populus tremula - p-coumaric acid, benzyl p-coumarate, di-p-coumaroyl acetyl glycerol, Populus nigra - pinobanskin 3-O-acetate, dimethylallyl caffeate , 3-methyl-3-butenyl caffeate. Antimicrobial activity (on a dry basis) for sample № 1 was 133.5 µg/ml, № 2 - 255.0 µg/ml, № 3 - 328.5 µg/ml, № 4 - 343.5 µg/ml , № 5 235.0 µg/ml. Conclusions. The obtained data on the composition of propolis samples makes it possible to characterize their origin from three sources – silver birch (Betula pendula), trembling poplar (Populus tremula) and black poplar (Populus nigra). Results of antimicrobial activity correlate with the total content in the samples of polyphenolic compounds and flavonoids. Appendix. The research on the topic is still going on. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 73 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC7. Influence of the honey’s botanical origin on the content of vitamins C, В3 and В6. Rail Khismatullin (1); Roman Kaygorodov (2)*; Elena Zubova (3) 1: The “Tentorium” Apicompany, Perm, Russia 2: Perm State National Research University, Perm, Russia 3: Center for Research and Certification Federal, Perm, Russia Water-soluble vitamins C, B3 and B6 play specific and vital functions in human metabolism, and their lack or excess can cause health problems. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) carries out biological functions of a reducer and coenzyme some metabolic processes, is an antioxidant. Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) participates in many oxidizing reactions of a cell, in metabolism of fats, fibers, amino acids, fabric breath, processes of biosynthesis. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) participates in formation of erythrocyte, is responsible for mastering by nervous cells of glucose, is necessary for an albuminous exchange and takes part in an exchange of fats. Blossom honey is produced by bees during collection and processing of nectar and pollen. Plant components of honey are valuable food sources for bees and, along with sugars; they contain a wide range of biologically active compounds, including amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, flavonoids and others. According to different data sources (Bogdanov et al., 2006, 2008) honey has been found to contain vitamins of B, K, E, A and C groups. The differences in honey flow conditions are to be reflected in the composition of vitamins and functional properties of honey. There has been a study on the content of vitamins C, B3 and B6 in the honeys of different botanical origin. The vitamin content was determined in aqueous solutions of honey by reversed-phase HPLC method with Ultimate 3000 (Dionex, Germany), column: Acclaim® C18; 3 μm; 120 Ǻ; 2,1×210 mm. As eluents have been used acetonitrile and 25 mМ КН2РО4 (рН 3,6). The chromatographic conditions (content of mobile phase, gradient, flow rate) have been developed by the authors of the article. For detection of vitamins were chosen wavelengths of 245 nm (C), 254 nm (B3) and 280 nm (B6). Linden honey (from Tilia cordata Mill.), clover honey (from Trifolium repens L.) and tributory honey (from Melilotus spp. L.) from different areas of the Perm Territory (Ural, Russia) have been studied. In the analysis were used fresh the honeys collected in 2011. Each type of honey has been studied in four multiple frequencies. Statistical data processing spent with use of the program SigmaPlot 11.0 with Fischer-Test and method of the least significant difference (LSD). Some regularities of the botanical factor’s influence on the formation of the vitamin composition have been determined. The reason for differences in vitamin content can be physiological and biochemical characteristics of different plant species. In linden honey was significant lower content of vitamins C und B6 detected. Clover honey was characterized by significant highest maintenance of vitamin B3. Honeys of the same botanical origin collected in different parts of the Perm Territory had similar composition of vitamins, as proved by low values of the standard deviation in the measurements. The work is aimed at the fundamental study on the factors in melliferous landscapes and the development of technology of efficient use of honey in the production of biologically active supplements, foods, cosmetics and medicines. 1) Bogdanov, S; Gallmann, P; Stangaciu S; Cherbuliez, T (2006) Bienenprodukte und Gesundheit, AlpForum 41: 3-50. 2) Bogdanov, S; Jurendic, T; Sieber, R; Gallmann, P. (2008) Honey for Nutrition and Health: A Review, Journal of the American College of Nutrition 27: 677-689. ____________ * Presenting author: 74 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC8.AntioxidantActivityofDehydratedBeePollenProducedinRioGrandedoSul State, Brazil. Adriane Alexandre Machado de Melo (1)*; Davi Figueiredo Sampaio Meira (1); José Augusto Gasparotto Sattler (1); Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian (1) 1: University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Bee pollen is a mix of bee-collected floral pollens with nectar and their salivary secretions. It contains sugar, fiber, essential amino acids, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins and bioactive plant-derived secondary metabolites. Brazil is a vast country with a great diversity of plants, and different types of bee pollen are produced due to the large variation of the flower pollen sources. In recent years a number of studies have been conducted, but the antioxidant activity of many samples remains unknown. The objective of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of eight dehydrated bee pollen samples produced in five apiaries in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Samples were collected during August to December 2011. Antioxidant compounds were extracted with 70% ethanol, diluted to 1 mg/mL (bee pollen/70% ethanol) and aliquots were evaluated using DPPH assay system. The decrease in absorbance was determined at 517 nm at 30min and the antioxidant activity was expressed as percentage of DPPH inhibition. The antioxidant activity in bee pollen samples ranged from 21.6% to 89.6%. Considering that the samples were collected from five different apiaries within a five-month time interval, variations regarding antioxidant activity were expected as the composition of bee pollen is straightly related to the plants visited by the bees for the collection of flower pollen, its main constituent. Samples A and B, both collected in October, showed higher antioxidant activity among the analyzed pollen being 89.6% and 89.5% respectively. Such activity was statistically superior to the other dehydrated bee pollens (p<0.05). Two other samples (C and D), both collected in September and at the same apiary where sample B was collected, showed antioxidant activity of 76.7% and 61.8%. Samples E and F, the first collected in October and the second in November, both at the same apiary, presented 21.6% and 45.1%, respectively. Sample E presented the lowest antioxidant activity among the other dehydrated bee pollens (p<0.05). It was observed that in the studied region, variations concerning vegetation occurred not only from one apiary to the other, but also in the surrounding areas of a same apiary throughout the year. Lastly, samples G and H, collected from different apiaries, in August (G) and December (H) presented 80.8% and 47.5% respectively. The results are considerably relevant because the samples were completely unknown and it is noticeable that in the assessed concentration, some presented activity close to antioxidant standards such as BHA (96.7%) and alpha-tocopherol (96.6%) in a concentration of 0.09 mg/mL. Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge FAPESP for its financial support regarding research and Doctorate scholarship granted to Adriane Alexandre Machado de Melo. CNPq for granting a Scientific Initiation scholarship to Davi Figueiredo Sampaio Meira and Productivity in Research Scholarship granted to Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian. CAPES for the Master’s scholarship granted to José Augusto Gasparotto Sattler. The opinions, hypothesis and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the article are those of the authors and do not necessarily coincide with those of FAPESP. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 75 Annual 76 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC9. Preliminary Research of Organic Extractives from Satureja spp. Honey (Croatia). Igor Jerković (1); Zvonimir Marijanović (2); Dragan Bubalo (3)* 1: Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, University of Split, Split, Croatia 2: Polytechnic Marko Marulić in Knin, Knin, Croatia 3: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb, Croatia The search for honey chemical markers indicating floral origin has been focus of many studies in last 15 years in order to specify organic compounds (particularly headspace, volatile and semi-volatile compounds) that are more closely associated with a particular honey type and consequently would be helpful for a fast and reliable identification of its botanical source (Kaškonienè, 2010). The isolation method may also have an effect on the results of analysis of honey volatiles (Alissandrakis, 2005). In our previous study (Jerković, 2007) the headspace chemical profile of S. montana honey was determined by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME). The main headspace volatiles were: ethyl benzoate, hotrienol, cis- and translinalool oxides followed by minor quantity of acetoin, 2-phenylethanol, phenylacetaldehyde, β-phenylacetate, linalool and others. Hotrienol is probably formed during honey ripening. Phenylacetaldehyde, 2-phenylethanol and benzaldehyde are ubiquitous in many honey types. In the present research, ultrasonic solvent extraction (with the mixture pentane : diethyl ether 1 : 2 v/v (solvent A) and dichloromethane (solvent B)) was applied for the isolation of Satureja. spp. honey volatile and semi-volatile compounds. Obtained extracts were analysed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-FID and GC-MS). Chromatographic profiles were dominated by methyl syringate (61.2-68.8% (solvent A); 44.9-59.0% (solvent B)), not found with HS-SPME due to its low volatility (the levels of methyl syringate are usually determined by GC after methylation). Methyl syringate has already been reported as chemical marker of Asphodel (Asphodelus microcarpus Salzm. et Viv.) honey with highest level (Tuberoso, 2009). It is interesting to note that methyl syringate was detected in honeys obtained from plants of different botanical families: black locust, rape, sweet chestnut, clover, lime, dandelion, sunflower, thyme and manuka. In addition, methyl syringate is contributor of the honey antibacterial activity since the honey peroxide-generating system does not account for all of the observed antimicrobial activity. 1) Alissandrakis, E: Tarantilis P A; Harizanis P C; Polissiou M (2005) Evaluation of four isolation techniques for honey aroma compounds, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 85: 91-97. 2) Jerković, I; Marijanović, Z; Jelić, M (2007) Headspace volatiles from unifloral honeys of Satureja montana L. and Salvia officinalis L. of Croatian origin isolated by solid phase microextraction (SPME). 55th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research, Planta medica 73: 896. 3) Kaškonienè, V; Venskutonis, P R (2010) Floral markers in honey of various botanical and geographical origins: review, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 9: 620-634. 4) Tuberoso, C I G; Bifulco,E; Jerković, I; Caboni, P; Cabras, P; Floris, I (2009) Methyl Syringate: A Chemical Marker of Asphodel (Asphodelus microcarpus Salzm. et Viv.) Monofloral Honey, Honey Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57: 3895–3900. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 77 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC10. Acaricide residues determination in honey and beeswax. Teresa Szczęsna (1)*; Krystyna Pohorecka (1,2); Ewa Was (1); Monika Pytlak (1); Helena RybakChmielewska (1); Katarzyna Jaśkiewicz (1) 1: Research Institute of Horticulture, Apiculture Division, Kazimierska 2 Str., 24-100 Puławy, Poland 2: National Veterinary Research Institute, Aleja Partyzantów 57 Str., 24-100 Puławy, Poland Analytical procedures for acaricide residues determination in honey and beeswax were elaborated. The study included the following substances: 2.4 – dimethylphenylformamide (DMF), tau-fluvalinate, flumethrin, bromopropylate, acrinathrin, coumaphos, deltamethrin - ingredients of active veterinary agents, which are most frequently used (for over 30 years) for Varroa control. Since DMF is the major degradation product of amitraz, this substance was selected for amitraz residues monitoring in honey and beeswax. Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and liquid-liquid techniques were adopted for acaricide residues extraction from honey and beeswax, DMF determinations were performed using gas chromatography with mass spectrometer (GC/MS) and other acaricides were determined by gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GC/ECD). Quantification limits for acaricide residues determination in honey and beeswax for DMF was calculated on 0,05 mg/kg, for flumethrin – 1 mg/kg, and 0,5 mg/kg for other analysed substances. Working range varied from 0,05 to 5 mg/kg for DMF, from 1 to 10 mg/kg for flumethrin, and from 0,5 to 5 mg/kg for others. Correlation coefficient of linear dependence of acaricide residues concentration on peak area in the working range received value over 0,995 for all analysed substances. Recovery ranged from 65 (for DMF) to 96% (for coumaphos), 75% on average for honey, and from 67 (for DMF) to 98% (for fluvalinate), 81% on average for beeswax. Serial analysis of secondary reference material (honey and beeswax samples with known quantities of analysed substances) show that coefficient of variation of repeatability for all analysed substances was below 10% for both bee products, and day-to-day reproducibility was below 15% for honey, and below 20% for beeswax. ____________ * Presenting author: 78 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC11.ClassificationofSerbianUnifloralHoneyontheBasisofTheirAminoAcids Profiles. Jelena Kečkeš (1); Jelena Trifković (2); Ljubiša Stanisavljević (3); Kristina Lazarević (4); Milica Jovetić (4); Živoslav Tešić (2); Dušanka Milojković-Opsenica (2)* 1: Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia 2: Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia 3: Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia 4: Centre for Food Analysis, Belgrade, Serbia Serbia has a very long tradition of beekeeping due to good geographical and climate conditions and variety of botanical species. Acacia, linden and sunflower honey are the most common types of honeys produced widely in different regions of Serbia, while basil and rape honeys are produced in smaller quantities, as well as goldenrod and buckwheat honeys as unique and very rare types. Regardless to beekeeping tradition and annual production of honey amounting to about 5000 tones, chemical composition of Serbian honey has not been systematically investigated so far. In our previous publication (Lazarević, 2012), classification of three most important Serbian unifloral honeys based on their primary physicochemical characteristics was described. In continuation of these studies, a free amino acids profile of 192 samples of seven different floral types of honey: acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia), linden (Tilia cordata), sunflower (Helianthus annuus), rape (Brassica napus), basil (Ocimum basilicum), giant goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) from six different regions of Serbia, was performed in order to distinguish honeys by their botanical origin. The content of free amino acids was determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. A significant difference in content of different amino acids among botanical species has been observed. The major amino acids present in all honey samples were prolin, phenylalanine, alanine, arginine, tryptophan, and serine. Aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, and tyrosine were present in smaller quantities. It can be seen that the mean phenylalanine content is much higher in samples of basil honey, comparing to sunflower, rape, buckwheat and giant goldenrod, acacia and linden honey with very low percentage concentration. On the basis of the established amino acid profiles, some important differences have been identified among studied honey samples relying on the basic descriptive statistics data, and confirmed by the multivariate chemometric methods. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been performed on the entire data set, in order to reveal the most important factors influencing the grouping pattern among the several honey species. According to PCA, basil, acacia, rape and sunflower honeys were fairly separated, while other three varieties cannot be satisfactory distinguished. Basil honey samples were formed a small, well defined, cluster imposed with phenylalanine, tyrosine, and leucine content. The model obtained by linear discriminant analysis (LDA) could be used to unambiguously distinguish basil honeys from the rest of the samples, and has moderate predictive power to separate genuine acacia, linden, sunflower, and rape honeys. Acknowledgements: This work has been supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Serbia, Grant No. 172017 and by FP7 RegPot project “Reinforcement of the FCUB towards becoming a centre of excellence in the region of WB for molecular biotechnology and food research” (FCUB-ERA GA No. 256716). The authors are grateful to The Association of the Beekeeping Organizations of Serbia for kindly collection of honey samples. 1) Lazarević, K B; Andrić, F; Trifković, J; Tešić, Ž; Milojković-Opsenica, D (2012) Characterisation of Serbian unifloral honeys according to their physicochemical parameters, Food Chemistry 132: 2060–2064. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 79 Annual 80 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC12. Development of a decontamination process for beeswax. Benjamin Poirot (1); Valérie Nevers (1)*; Régis Brunet (2); Marie-Jeanne Gourmaud (2); Frédéric Bataille (3) 1: APINOV, La Rochelle, France 2: Institut d’Analyse et d’Essais en Chimie de l’Ouest (IANESCO), Poitiers, France 3: VALAGRO Carbone Renouvelable Poitou-Charentes, Poitiers, France Several scientific researches has highlighted that beeswax can be contaminated by medicines used by beekeepers to overcome diseases (acaricides in particular) and by phytosanitary products present in the environment (Bogdanov, 2006; Tene, 2009, Johnson, 2010). These different compounds represent a threat for bees, which are very sensitive to them, but also for human health because all bee products (honey, pollen, propolis, etc.) can be potentially polluted through wax. This communication will deal with the development of a decontamination process for beeswax. Firstly, a bibliographic study enabled to identify pollutants to eliminate from beeswax by order of priority (depending on their detection frequency and concentration in waxes). Then, an analysis method for 30 molecules considered as a priority was developed by IANESCO: amitraz, atrazine, bifenthrin, bromoprophylate, chloramphenicol, chlorfenvinphos, chlorothalonil, chlotianidin, coumaphos, cyhalothrin, cymiazole, cypermethrin, dialiphos, α-endosulfan, fipronil, flumethrin, imidacloprid, malathion, methiocarb, parathion methyl, p-dichlorobenzene, piperonyl butoxide, pyretrins I and II, streptomycin, sulfathiazole, taufluvalinate, tetracycline, thiametoxam, thymol, vinclozolin. 80% of them were successfully analyzed by Gas Chromatography and/or High Performance Liquid Chromatography. In parallel, two decontamination techniques for beeswax were tested by VALAGRO thanks to a central composite design experimental plan: liquid/liquid extraction and deodorization (details of the methods used are confidential). Results of these tests showed that deodorization method is more promising than liquid/liquid extraction for the development of a decontamination process for beeswax at industrial scale. Details about the percentage of residue elimination in beeswax with these developed processes will be presented. For example, more than 98% of thymol can be eliminated. 1) Johnson, R.M; Ellis, M.D; Mullin, C.A; Frazier, F. (2010) Pesticides and honey bee toxicity-USA, Apidologie 41: 312-331. 2) Tene, N; Vetillard, A;Treilhou, M (2009) Recherche de résidus de pesticides dans la cire d’abeille: comparaison entre les cires de corps et d’opercules, Jean-Marie Barbançon et Monique l’Hostis, Ed., Journée Scientifique Apicole, Saint Avold, pp. 97. 3) Bogdanov, S (2006) Contaminants of bee products, Apidologie 37: 1-18. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 81 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC13. Honey consumption in France: opinion survey on french average. Capucine Meneau (1)*; Benjamin Poirot (1); Myriam Laurie (1) 1: APINOV, La Rochelle, France The French beekeeping industry, as in many other countries, suffers a lack of statistics and precise figures on national or regional production and consumption. No public surveys about honey consumers’ habits are available either and the little information usable is now dating from 2005. So, the aim of this survey was to fill this lack of data and make use of it for a better comprehension of French consumers. This survey was conducted from September 24th 2010 to February 18th 2011 on 722 French average consumers. The questionnaire was composed of 23 questions (single and multiple choice, free expression and ranking questions) and available from a link on the Internet. The maximal margin of error is of 3.65 percent. This work can thus be qualified as reliant, such as national surveys conducted by French statistic institutes. First results revealed that 90 percent of the participants eat honey. The principal places of purchase represented (multiple answers were authorized) were hypermarkets and supermarkets (52 percent), beekeeper’s store (48 percent) and local markets (40 percent). Moreover, 57 percent declared eating less than 5 medium-sized jars per year, and 18 percent more than 8 jars per year. Participants were all asked their social and geographical situations, which enable to segment results by age, profession and region depending on the need. ____________ * Presenting author: 82 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC14.Evaluationofchosen qualityparameters ofhoney fromthe Polish market. Beata Madras-Majewska (1)*; Elżbieta Rosiak (2) 1: Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Apiculture Division, Warsaw, Poland 2: Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Food Hygiene and Quality Management, Warsaw, Poland Honey placed by bees in the honeycomb cells is usually characterized by the presence of large number of microorganisms. They penetrate into the honey mainly from nectar or honeydew. In many cases the reason may be water pollution and microbial contamination of the esophagus and crop of bees. In addition, a frequent source of contamination of bee products is the lack of hygiene of staff working on the collection, storage and transport of honey. Data on the survival of saprophytic and pathogenic microflora in the honey bee is fragmentary and incomplete (Snowdown and Cliver, 1996; Iojrisz, 1976, Salyers and Whitt, 2001). The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality and selected physicochemical parameters of bee products. Due to the widespread consumption and availability in the market to assess were chosen nectar and honeydew honeys. The experimental material was honeys available on the Warsaw market. There were examined 21 samples of honey: acacia, buckwheat, rape, polyfloral, lime, honeydew, heather. By the purchasing source honeys were divided into three categories: purchased in supermarkets, apiaries, and organic food stores. Microbiological analyzes were performed using the classic plate method. Markings were made on the total number of microorganisms, yeasts and molds as well as Bacillus sp. bacteria. Three replicate were taken for every sample of honey. In addition, an assessment of the activity of water with a use of water activity meter series 4TEV of Decagon. On the basis of analyzes results the most microbiologically contaminated among the tested honey samples were found lime honey. Contamination by the total number of microorganisms was calculated as log 3,26 cfu/ml. The value of the number of yeasts and molds was 2,69 log cfu/ml. In the case of Bacillus bacteria were counted acidifying bacteria of this kind. As with the total number of microorganisms and the number of yeast and mold contamination by bacteria Bacillus sp. was the highest in the case of lime honey. The analyzes of water activity using the dew point method ranged 0,51-0,64 and were comparable with results obtained by other authors (Gomes et al., 2010). Water activity above the value of 0,6 allows the activation of the osmiophillic yeast and problems associated with fermentation during storage of honey. 1) Iojrisz N P. (1976) Produkty pczełowodstwa i ich ispolzowanie, Rosselchozizdat, Moskwa 44-46. 2) Gomes S; Dias L G; Moreira L L; Rodrigues P; Estevinho L (2010) Physicochemical, microbiological and antymicrobial propertis of commerrcial honeys from Portugal, Food and Chemical Toxicology 48 (3) 544548. 3) Salyers A A; Whitt D D. (2001) Microbiology, diversity, disease, and the environment, Fitzgerald Science Press, Bethesda. 4) Snowdown J A; Cliver D O. (1996) Microorganosms in honey, International Journal of Food Microbiology 21: 247-252. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 83 Annual 84 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC15.Phenoliccompounds,flavonoidcontentandantioxidantactivityofdried bee pollen samples collected in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Vanilda Aparecida Soares de Arruda (1)*; Alexandre Vieira dos Santos (1); Davi Figueiredo Sampaio Meira (1); Ortrud Monika Barth (2); Alex da Silva de Freitas (2); Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian (1) 1: University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil 2: Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Brazil Recently, many investigations have been concerned with antioxidant properties of different food products. The antioxidants are commonly obtained from food and include vitamins C and E, β-carotene, and a variety of phenolic compounds, including flavonoids. Studies have shown that the biological action of the bee pollen is due to the presence of phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, phenolic acids and phenolic diterpenes which has also antioxidant activity. Fourteen samples of dehydrated bee pollen collected in São Paulo, Brazil during the years of 2010 and 2011 were analyzed for its botanical origin, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity. Pollen loads were washed with 70% ethanol and identified using a 400x magnification. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the linking capacity of (i) the free radical DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), (ii) ORAC and (iii) system β-carotene/linoleic acid. The simultaneous application of these three methods allows a more detailed description of the antioxidative system of bee pollen. Bee pollen extracts were obtained using ethanol at 70%. They were diluted properly for each test. The experiments were performed in triplicate and the results expressed as mean ± standard deviation. All statistical analysis were performed using the program STATISTICA 8.0 and adopting the significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Each dried bee pollen sample showed specific characteristics related to the plant species visited by the bees. The samples were classified as monofloral or heterofloral, according to the wide variability of pollen types of the Brazilian flora. It was found that 50% of the fourteen samples analyzed were composed mainly of Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae), 28.6% of Cocos nucifera (Arecaceae) and 21.4% of Astrocaryum (Arecaceae) pollen grains. The presence of phenolic compounds, flavonoid content and antioxidant activity indicates that bee pollen samples collected in São Paulo, Brazil, may have potential biological activity. High antioxidant activity were found for the three methods. The differences of the results obtained, using the three methods, can be explained according to the different mechanisms involved, which are a hydrogen atom transfer reaction (ORAC), an electron transfer (DPPH), and other ones which evaluates the capacity of the antioxidants to inhibit the displacement of the β-carotene by the reaction of free radicals formed during the oxidation of linoleic acid. The statistical results ranged from 15.28 ± 2.46 to 32.14 ± 2,88 mg GAE/g of bee pollen for phenolic compounds; 2.51 ± 0.28 to 9.62 ± 0.42 mg quercetin/g of pollen for flavonoids concentration; 1.07 ± 0.01 to 4.61 ± 0.33 mg/mL for EC50; 176.29 ± 19.09 to 339.81 ± 10.06 µmols eq. Trolox/g for ORAC and 61.45 ± 0.70 to 90.42 ± 1,45% for β-carotene/linoleic acid. In this way, it is expected that samples with different phenolic compositions behave differently in vitro models. Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge FAPESP for financial support to a research project and a doctoral scholarship grant to Vanilda Aparecida Soares de Arruda. Also to the CNPq for granting scientific initiation scholarships to Alexandre Vieira dos Santos and Davi Figueiredo Sampaio Meira and roductivityResearch scholarships to Ligia Bicudo de Almeida-Muradian and Ortrud Monika Barth. The opinions, hypothesis and conclusions or recommendations expressed in the article are those of the authors and do not necessarily coincide with those of FAPESP. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 85 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC16.Propolis’sextractiontechniquesandantioxidantactivityoftheextracts. Tananaki Chrysoula (1); Ioanna Chekimian (1); Thrasyvoulou Andreas (1)* 1: Laboratory of Apiculture-Sericulture, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Propolis is a sticky resinous substance produced by honeybees from various plant sources. The composition of this product is very complex varying according to the botanical origin and the geographic region. Bulk propolis consists of about 50% resin, 30% wax, 10% essential oils, 5% pollen and 5% other substances. Regarding its the chemical composition it is mainly composed of terpenes, flavonoids, aliphatic and aromatic acids and their esters. Bees prepare this product to seal holes of their hive, to cover the internal walls and also to reduce the size of the entrance. Nowadays there is a growing interest, mainly in the field of medicine, for its antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral activity. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare different extraction methods for propolis using different solvents. For this reason three different techniques - mix, stir, and ultrasounds - were used and three solvents - ethanol, methanol and water - were tried. The combination of these parameters were applied for three different periods of time. In the extracts the antioxidant activity and the dry matter were determined using FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) and gravimetric methods respectively. Statistically significant differences at a level of 5% (p < 0.05) were found in the antioxidant activity of diluted extracts among the extraction techniques, but also among the extraction mediums. The higher values were determined after treatment with ultrasounds for one hour. In these cases the FRAP values ranged from 5671,7 to 5909 μΜ for the ethanolic extracts and from 5020.7 to 5911.7 μΜ for the methanolic extracts. In all treatments the aqueous extracts had low FRAP values (60.0 – 1577.9 μΜ). Statistically significant differences were also found in the dry matter of the extracts among the different techniques. The average of the estimated values for the ethanolic extracts was 12.5 ± 1.3%, for the methanolic extracts 14.0 5 ± 1.4% and for the aqueous extracts 0.5 ±0.3%. After the selection of the best technique with ultrasounds it was applied in propolis’ samples collected from seven different regions of Greece. In these samples the antioxidant activity and the dry matter were determined and compared in order to find differences due to geographical origin. ____________ * Presenting author: 86 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC17.Determinationofalkanesinbeeswaxfromcombfoundationadulterated with paraffin after rebuilding by bees using GC-MS technique. Ewa Waś (1)*; Teresa Szczęsna (1); Helena Rybak-Chmielewska (1); Piotr Semkiw (1); Piotr Skubida (1) 1: Research Institute of Horticulture, Apiculture Division in Pulawy, Kazimierska 2 Str., 24-100 Pulawy, Poland The aim of the study was qualitative and quantitative analysis of alkanes in beeswax from comb foundation adulterated with paraffin after rebuilding by bees. Another objective was to verify ability to use gas chromatography with mass detector technique (GC-MS) for detection of beeswax adulteration with paraffin. The research material consisted of: technical paraffin obtained from Lotos company, comb foundation made from pure beeswax, comb foundation with different addition of paraffin (10, 30 and 50%) and beeswax derived by melting of comb foundation adulterated with paraffin after rebuilding by bees (10 samples from each batch). Determination of alkanes in paraffin and beeswax used in the experiment, was done according to procedure elaborated in the Bee Products Quality Testing Laboratory, Apiculture Division in Pulawy. Analysis were carried out using gas chromatograph with mass detector (GC-MS). Identification of studied compounds was done based on the mass spectra of the NIST 05 library and on the retention times. Quantitative analysis of alkanes was performed using internal standard method with squalane (C30H62) as an internal standard and standard mixture of individual alkanes (from C8H18 to C40H82). The coefficients of variation of repeatability and within-laboratory reproducibility for total alkanes were 0.9 and 2.5, respectively. Uncertainty of the method is 0.37% for total alkanes. In the composition of paraffin long-chain alkanes, which contained in their molecules from 20 to 40 carbon atoms have been identified. Alkanes of natural beeswax had less than paraffin carbon atoms in their molecules (from 20 to 35). The total content of alkanes in paraffin was 49.4%. Quantitative analysis of alkanes in the comb foundation used in the studies was also performed. The content of alkanes determined in the individual batches of comb foundation (before introduction to hives) was as follows: 1st (0% paraffin - 100%) - control - 9.4%; 2nd (10% paraffin - 90% beeswax) - experimental - 14.9%; 3th (30% paraffin - 70% beeswax) - experimental - 24.7%; 4th (50% paraffin - 50% beeswax) - experimental - 33.6%. After rebuilding of comb foundation by bees the content of alkanes was decreased and in these batches was ranged, respectively: 1st- from 9.0 to 9.4, on average 9.2%; 2nd - from 12.4 to 14.0% with the average 13.4%; 3th - from 18.8 to 20.7%, on average 19.9% and 4th - from 22.3 to 27.6%, with the average at 25.2%. Based on this experiment can be concluded that detection of beeswax adulteration with hydrocarbons of alien origin (e.g. paraffin) is difficult because of the similar qualitative composition of hydrocarbons in beeswax and paraffin. The other problem is, that we can detect smaller amounts of adulterant after rebuilding of comb foundation by bees. However, GC-MS technique allows for detection an addition of paraffin in beeswax. Higher amounts of alkanes with even number of carbon atoms in the molecule and presence of alkanes, which contain above 35 carbon atoms in the molecule may indicate beeswax adulteration with paraffin. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 87 Annual 88 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC18.HRMAS-NMR(HighResolutionMagicAngleSpinningNMR)technique appliedtothecharacterizationofbotanicaldefinitionandgeographicaloriginof honey. Massimiliano Valentini (1); Caterina Cafiero (1); Gian Luigi Marcazzan (2)*; Silvia Gardini (2) 1: CRA-RPS, Research Centre for the Soil-Plant System, Instrumental Centre of Tor Mancina, Strada della Neve km. 1, 00015 Monterotondo (RM), Italy 2: CRA-API, Agricultural Research Council, Honeybee and Silkworm Research Unit, Via di Saliceto 80, 40128-Bologna, Italy Characterization of honey’s botanical and geographical origins are determining factors for its commercial value and for improving the image of honey to consumers. The description of metabolic profiling is nowadays considered as an emerging technique which is increasingly being used for the study of agri-food products. The potential of this technique consists in being able to analyze small amounts of samples without preliminary treatment. For samples in gel or suspension state, a well-defined NMR spectrum can be obtained from which it is possible to derive the molecular markers which correlate with the properties we are interested in. In addition, time employed for analysis is very short, about 5 minutes. The aim of the study is to test the applicability of the HRMAS-NMR (High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning NMR) technique on traceability of Italian honeys, combining data obtained from NMR spectra and multivariate analysis. The samples were collected throughout Italy from various climatic areas. Special attention was placed on the central area, Tuscany, where the first protected designation of origin (POD) for an Italian honey was established. The honeys were selected in advance using classical descriptors: sensory analysis, chemical-physical and melissopalinological analyses for confirmation of botanical and geographical compliance. The study focused at first on characterization, by assigning a HRMAS 1H-NMR spectrum of the POD mark “Lunigiana” acacia honey, then 4 different varieties of Italian honeys (Citrus spp. Eucalyptus sp. Castanea sativa Mill, Robinia pseudoacacia L.) were considered to identify molecular markers and to evaluate traceability as a function of the botanical origin. The analysis of a H-HRMAS NMR spectrum and the creation of the predictive model based on the analysis of PCA of only two spectral regions related to the carbohydrates and aliphatic protons, led to excellent discrimination of the four varieties of honey. The model could be improved and expanded through the assignment of further NMR signals and also by analysis of honeys of different botanical origin. Finally 11 acacia honeys and 7 multifloral honeys from various Italian regions were used for a study on traceability based on botanical origin according to their geographical origin, paying particular attention to the honey produced in Liguria, Abruzzo and Calabria. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 89 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC19. Sugar composition and crystallization rates of different honey types. Escuredo Olga (1)*; Dobre Irina (2); Rodríguez-Flores M. Shantal (1); Seijo M. Carmen (1) 1: Department of Vegetal Biological and Soil Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Vigo, Ourense, Spain 2: Department of Biochemistry, University Dunarea de Jos, Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, Galati, Romania Honey is the natural sweet product elaborated by Apis mellifera from nectar of plants, secretions of livings parts of plants or excretions of plant-sucking insects of the living part of plants. The major compounds of the honey are the sugars, highlighting the fructose, glucose and sucrose, followed by the water content. Both influence the physical and sensory characteristics of the product. The relations between honey sugars and water content are used to predict honey crystallization (Hadorn & Zuecher, 1974; Manikis & Thrasyvoulou, 2001). Palynological characteristic, sugars composition, water content and the relations between them were studied in some unifloral honeys of bramble, eucalyptus, heather, honeydew, lime, rape, black locust, sunflower and sweet chestnut honeys in order to know the crystallization tendency. Pollen spectrum was determined using the method of Louveaux et al. (1978). Sugars were determined by anion exchange chromatography of high efficacy (HPAEC) using an ion chromatograph DIONEX ICS-3000 with pulse amperometric detector (PAD) and water content by a refractometric method. A total of 136 honeys were studied. Bramble honeys had a mean value of Rubus pollen of 60%, eucalyptus honey had a mean value of 77% of Eucalyptus pollen, heather unifloral a mean value of 37% of Erica pollen, lime honey a mean percentage of Tilia pollen of 62%, rape honey a mean value of Brassica pollen of 78%, acacia a mean content of Robinia pollen of 17% and sunflower a mean value of 62% of Helianthus annuus pollen and chestnut a mean value of Castanea pollen of 78%. Robinia honeys had the highest fructose concentration, with mean value of 42.3% while honeydew had the lowest value (32.9%). Respect to glucose content, sunflower honeys and rape honeys had the higher mean value (more than 37%), the lowest value correspond to honeydew honeys (23.2%). The minor glucose content correspond to sweet chestnut honeys (26.1%). Acacia honeys had the highest sucrose content with a mean value of 2.3%, whereas Rubus honeys had the highest maltose content near 3%. Respect to reduced sugars rape and sunflower honeys had the highest averages over 75%. Rape honey had the relation glucose/water higher than 2.0, fructose/ glucose minor than 1.14 and high relation (glucose-water)/fructose. Similar results was noted for Helianthus honey. Also, the relation (glucose-water)/fructose was high in bramble honey. On the contrary, honeydew, eucalyptus and sweet chestnut honeys had low glucose/water and high fructose/glucose and low (glucose-water)/fructose. The ANOVA provides significant differences in some of studied parameters according to the honeys types (P<0.05). 1) Hadorn H., Zuecher K. (1974) Spectrum of sugars and tendency to crystallization of honeys, Mitteilungen aus den Gebiete der Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiene 65 (4) 407-420. 2) Manikis I., Thrasyvoulou A. (2001) La relación entre las características físico-químicas de la miel y los parámetros de sensibilidad a la cristalización, Apiacta 36 (2) 106-112. 3) Louveaux J., Maurizio A., Vorwohl G. (1978) Methods of melissopalynology, Bee World 59 (4) 139-157. ____________ * Presenting author: 90 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC20. Antioxidant activity of honeys from Galicia (NW Spain). Escuredo Olga (1)*; Rodríguez-Flores M. Shantal (1), Seijo M. Carmen (1) 1: Department of Vegetal Biological and Soil Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Vigo, Ourense, Spain Honey is a natural food to which are attributed many health benefits. The presence of antioxidant compounds in the composition of honey confers it a good part of these properties. Some of the compounds involved in the antioxidant activity of the honey are the phenols and flavonoids. These are from plants and also have an important relation with the colour of the product. 107 samples produced in Galicia (NW Spain) during the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 were analyzed to determine the antioxidant activity and the relation with the botanical origin. The determination of the botanical origin of honey was carried out in accordance to a melissopalynological method (Louveaux et al. 1978). Antioxidant activity of the honey was measured by the DPPH discoloration method (Sánchez-Moreno, 2002; Tabart et al., 2009). This assay is based on the measurement of the scavenging ability of antioxidants over the stable radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) by a spectrophotometric method. It was calculated by the percentage of RSA (radicals scavenging activity) and was also expressed as the mean effective concentration (IC50) of an extract in mg/ml, which is the antioxidant content required to reduce the initial concentration of DPPH to 50%. The concentration of the honey required to scavenge 50% of DPPH (IC50) was calculated by a linear regression analysis using a standard curve of Ascorbic acid. The principal floral resources for honeybees in the studied area were Castanea sativa, Rubus, Eucalyptus and Erica. The pollen of these plants was identified as dominant pollen in an important number of the studied honeys and was the principal pollen types in more than 75% of the samples. Other frequent pollen types as secondary pollens were Cytisus, Trifolium, Quercus and Salix. The IC50 in studied honeys had an important variation, ranged from a minimum value of 4.3 mg/mL to a maximum value of 36.2 mg/mL with a mean value of 11.1 mg/mL. Statistically significant relationships between the principal pollen types and the IC50 were found. Eucalyptus pollen showed high significant positive correlation with the IC50, while Castanea sativa pollen, Erica pollen and Rubus pollen showed a significant negative correlation. Also it has been checked the close relationship between the antioxidant activity (IC50) and the phenol content and flavonoid content. Acknowledgements: This study is financed by Conselleria de Medio Rural, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino and FEADER. Research project FEADER 2008-5. 1) Louveaux J, Maurizio A, Vorwohl G (1978) Methods of melissopalynology, Bee World 59 (4) 139-157. 2) Sánchez-Moreno C (2002) Review: Methods used to evaluate the free radical scavenging activity in foods and biological systems, Food Science and Technology International 8 (3) 121-137. 3) Tabart J, Kevers C, Pincemail J, Defraigne J O, Dommes J (2009) Comparative antioxidant capacities of phenolic compounds measured by various tests, Food Chemistry 113 (4) 1226-1233. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 91 Annual 92 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC21. Sugar Profiles of Honeys from Castilla y León (Spain). Ana Pascual-Maté (1)*; Gian Luigi Marcazzan (2); Silvia Gardini (2); Miguel Ángel FernándezMuiño (1); Maria Teresa Sancho (1) 1: University of Burgos. Faculty of Sciences. Department of Biotechnology and Food Science. Plaza Misael Bañuelos s/n. 09001 Burgos, Spain 2: The Agricultural Research Council, (CRA) - Honeybee and Silkworm Research Unit. Via di Saliceto 80. 40100 Bologna, Italy Castilla y León is the largest autonomous community of Spain, placed in the North-Central area of the country. The purpose of this work was to study the sugar profiles of 57 honeys from this region, being Ericaceae, Lavandula sp., Thymus sp., Castanea sativa, and honeydews the most important unifloral honeys. A GC-FID method with previous derivatization was used to separate and quantify the sugars. Thirteen sugars were identified. Their percentages ranged as follows: fructose 32,69 - 43,38 %, glucose 24,14 – 35,31%, sucrose 0,01 – 6,96%, trehalose 0,03 – 0,30%, maltose 2,32 – 6,56%, gentiobiose 0,04 – 0,35%, isomaltose 0,29 – 3,12%, raffinose 0 – 0,24%, erlose 0,02 – 1,71%, melezitose 0 – 1,73%, maltotriose 0 – 0,28%, panose 0 – 0,41%, isomaltotriose 0 – 0,22%, and maltotetraose 0 – 0,28%. Total sugars content ranged between 65,84% and 84,46%. Together with the results of other parameters, data of this study are potentially useful to get a Protected Geographical Indication seal for honeys from Castilla y León. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 93 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC22.ATR-FTIRSpectroscopyfordeterminationoffreeacidity,electricalconductivity, ash and total polyphenol content in honey. Ofélia Anjos (1,2)*; Fátima Peres (1); Paulo Antunes (3); José Rodrigues (4) 1: IPCB – Polytecnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, Portugal 2: CERNAS – Natural Resources, Environment and Society Res. Center, Coimbra, Portugal 3: CATAA – Agri-food Technological Support Center, Castelo Branco, Portugal 4: IICT – Tropical Research Institute, Lisboa, Portugal The attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) could be used for food analysis determinations and food quality monitoring. This technique presents advantage because doesn’t need an extensive sample preparation. Several honey parameters are defined in standards and need to be measured in order to evaluate the honey quality. Different commercial honeys from Portugal and Spain, with different floral sources were used in this study. All honey samples were tested for ash content, free acidity and electrical conductivity. All determinations were done using methods adopted by the International Honey Commission. Total phenol content was determined by a modification of the Folin–Ciocalteau method and the results expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalents (GAE)/100 g of honey. A total of 50 honey samples were measured This study compares the results of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using an attenuated total reflection window (ATR-FTIR) with the physico-chemical parameters for different honey samples analyzed by reference methods. ATR - FTIR spectra were acquired with a Bruker FT-IR spectrometer (Alpha) using a diamond single reflection attenuated total reflectance (ATR) device and a zero filling of 2. Duplicate spectra per sample were obtained with 32 scans per spectrum at a spectral resolution of 4 cm-1 in the wavenumber range from 4000 to 400 cm-1. Principal component analyses (PCA) and partial least squares regression (PLS-R) modeling were performed using OPUS Quant 2 (Bruker Optics, Ettlingen, Germany). The mean values and standard deviation for analyzed parameters were: electrical conductivity – 451(mS/cm) ± 287,4; ash content – 0,18 % ± 0,17; Free acidity – 28,3 meq/kg ± 9,3; Total phenols content – 36,20 mg GAE/100g ± 23,9; which covers a high variability and gives consequently a better calibration model. PLS-R modeling could be a good methodology to predict ash content, free acidity, electrical conductivity and total phenol content in honey samples (Table 1), with the advantage of ease of operation, speed, no sample pre-treatment and solvent free. Therefore, the technique is an alternative to the standard methods for routine analysis or control at-line of production processes. Table 1 - Cross validation and validation results of the calculated models for honey samples Parameters Preprocess Electrical conductivity Cross validation Validation r2 RMSECV RPD r2 RMSECV RPD 1st d+MSC 0.925 92.4 3.64 0.854 100 2,65 Ash content 1st d 0.970 0,028 4,02 0.934 0.036 4,02 Free acidity Const of v 0.824 4.6 2.4 0.605 4.7 1.61 Phenols content Min-max N 0.844 8.14 2.53 0.803 9.44 2.3 d –derivative; MSC – multiplicative scatter correction; N – normalization; Const of v – constant offset validation; RMSECV – root mean square error of cross-validation; RPD - ratio of the standard deviation of the reference values of the validation samples ____________ * Presenting author: 94 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC23. Standardizationandregulationsof stingless bees honey in Brazil: challenges and advances. Silvia Cristina Ferreira Iop (1)*; Marcus Vinícius de Pinho Pires (2) 1: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS – Brazil 2: Colégio Militar de Curitiba - PR - Brazil The growing concern about environment and awareness of nature conservation in general, had led to the return of the exploration of native bees. The attractiveness of stingless bees creation as a business has increased since the publication, in 2004, of the Regulation of the stingless bees creation in Brazil. It is understood by meliponiculture, the rational creation of stingless bees for commercial purposes. This activity can be integrated into forest plantations, fruit plantations and short cicle crops and also may contribute through pollination, with the increase of agricultural production and regeneration of natural vegetation. Consumption of stingless bee honey is more widespread in northern and northeastern Brazil, although this product is consumed in all regions. With the increasing of demand for differenciated honeys , with medicinal properties, it is necessary the standardization and regulation this product to ensure the quality offered. Because of lack data about the activities of native bees, most studies related to physical-chemical analysis of honey from stingless bees in Brazil and around the world using the methodology applied to honeys from Apis mellifera. In Brazil, several researchers are leading studies in an attempt to characterize the stingless bee honey. The data obtained so far show that there is a wide variation in measures considering honeys from the same genus and between genera of stingless bees. The presence of studies on the physico-chemical composition of stingless bees is a visible advance and can be observed in the range of articles published in this regard. It should be noted, however, that the observed discrepancy could be due to lack standardization in: a) collection of samples (T, rainfall, technology, collection way, packaging and storage), b) time elapsed between collection and analyze c) type of treatment that this product had before to arrive the lab, d) geographical information about the locality of honey production and, e) minimum number of samples per region, for example. Some researchers have suggested reference parameters for the characterization of honey from stingless bees in Brazil, however, a comparison between them shows that there is no consensus in this regard. The patterns suggested regarded all stingless bees, unlike suggested to Guatemala, Mexico and Venezuela, which consider the division Melipona, and Trigona Scaptotrigona. It should be noted that the lack of data about time of maturation of the honey of stingless bees can also hinder the standardization since there is differences between honeys same location and same genus. Considering the above, it is believed that the standardization of the quality parameters of stingless bees honey in Brazil is still in the infancy and that the creation of a working group, incorporating several public and private institutions interested in the subject, can be a way to accelerate the standartization, by obtaining data on the physico-chemical and microbiologycal characteristics of stingless bees honeys of different species, obtained under conditions of rational production, as well as the appropriateness of technologies for extration equipments, creation and storage, appropriate to the pecualirities of this product. 1) Iop, S. C. F.; Pires, M.V.P. (2012) Standardization and regulation of stingless bees in Brazil: challenges and advances. Journal of Apicultural Research. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 95 Annual 96 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC24. Are some enzymes in honey foreign or regular? Dalibor Titera (1)*; Michal Bednar (1); Josef Stich (2) 1: Vyzkumny ustav vcelarsky, Dol, Libcice nad Vltavou, Czechia 2: Österreichischer Erwerbsimkerbund, Mannhartsbrunn, Austria Determination of foreign enzymes is used as a tool for mark of adulterated honeys. Some probes of sunflower honey from Austria have the beta/gamma -amylase activity higher than limit (5 units/kg of honey). This honey probes come direct from bee farms. No syrup feeding of colonies was applicated on those farms. The reason of high activity of amylases is unknown. We collected set of sunflower honeys of Czech origin from the small private apiaries with good beekeeping practice. No syrup feeding was made on those bee farms. No other sources of foreign enzymes, like empty hives with store combs or bee farms with syrup feeders, were detected in the flight distance of tested apiaries. The samples were analyzed in the same laboratory as honey samples from Austrian colleagues. The analyzes of honeys discovered the higher beta/gamma -amylase than used limit (5 units/kg of honey) activity again. How wide is the natural range of beta/gamma - amylase in authentic honeys? Where is the source of “foreign” enzyme? Feeding? Robbing? Sunflower? Metcalfa? Other reasons? The possible reasons are discussed. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 97 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC25. Are oligosaccharides in honey foreign or regular? Dalibor Titera (1)*; Michal Bednar (1); Hana Vinsova (1) 1: Vyzkumny ustav vcelarsky [Bee Research Institute], Dol, CZ 252 66 Libcice nad Vltavou The modified method of dextrin determination (Fetzer et al., 1933) was used for description of some commercial products and honeys. This method is old but very simple, cheap and quick, independent on special laboratory equipment. If dextrins are presents in the investigated solution, precipitated with ethanol in an acidic conditions White turbidity (ring) precipitated dextrins occurs at the interface of water and alcohol phases. The more intense and wider, it suggests a higher content of foreign substances in honey. Authentic nectar honeys have negative or very low reaction. The results of this reaction are independent on HMF content in honey. We compared set of inverted syrups, syrups based on starch hydrolysates, authentic honeys, so called honeys based on summer feeding of colonies, various mixtures and other matrices. Except this alcohol dextrin test response, values of monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, HMF, conductivity and water content were recorded. The market has bee feeding syrups based on inverted sucrose syrup and starch hydrolysates based. Both products have a similar appearance, color and consistency. This method is suitable for easy distinguish between inverted sucrose syrup and starch hydrolyzated syrup. We discuss the possibility to use this method for discovery of bad beekeepers practice - massive feeding of bees by cheap syrup in summer season to obtain more production and/or honey adulteration in manufacture. 1) Fetzer W R; Evans J W; Longenecker J B (1933) Determination of Dextrin, Maltose, and Dextrose in Corn Sirup, Industrial and Ingeneering Chemistry 15: 81-84. ____________ * Presenting author: 98 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC26.EvaluationoftheeffectofHydrogenPeroxide(H2O2)intheantimicrobial activity of honey. X. Feás (1); J.A. Seijas (1); M.P. Vázquez-Tato (1); T. Dias (1); L.M. Estevinho (2)* 1: Departament of Organic Chemistry, School of Sciences, University of Santiago de Compostela, E-27002 Lugo, Spain 2: CIMO, Mountain Research Centre, School of Agriculture, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal Bee hive products such as honey, propolis and royal jelly have been extensively used in the past. Their use in Medicine dates back at least 4000 years, to Ancient Egypt where it was used for the treatment of wounds among other conditions. With the discovery of modern antibiotics in the early 20th century, the use of many effective products of traditional medicine was discontinued. Although modern antibiotics use has meant a decrease in mortality, its widespread use has led to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and fungi decreasing the treatment options. This led to an increase research of antimicrobial activity of honey as possible alternatives at least for dermatological or wound applications. Honey is a complex substance made up of hundreds of different compounds. Honey’s antimicrobial activity was initially attributed to the high sugar content and low pH and later to the activity of glucose oxidase which transforms glucose and water into hydrogen peroxide and gluconic acid upon honey dilution, which is responsible for the antimicrobial activity in most honeys. Monofloral heather (Erica sp.) honey samples harvested in Portugal according to European organic apiculture standards, were analyzed to test antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. A catalase solution was added to honey samples to inactive the hydrogen peroxide and then the honeys were tested to see if there was still any antibacterial activity. It was found out that the presence of catalase induced a significant increase of the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration, suggesting that the antimicrobial activity of honey was mainly due to the presence of peroxide. The non-peroxide antimicrobial activity may be related with the concentration of phenolic compounds. In addition it was verified a significant interaction between the catalase effect and the different microorganisms. Since antimicrobial properties of honey depend strongly on plant source and geographic origin, together with other factors such as climatic conditions, soil type, and beekeeper activities, the characterization of antimicrobial properties of honeys of diverse origins still appears to be a sound research priority to obtain a reliable data on this valuable beehive product for medical purposes. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 99 Annual 100 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC27. Understanding sensory information of Melipona favosa pot-honey. Ana Pascual-Maté (1); M. Teresa Sancho (1)*; Miguel A. Fernández-Muiño (1); Rosires Deliza (2), Patricia Vit (3,4) 1: University of Burgos. Department of Biotechnology and Food Science. Nutrition and Food Science Division. Faculty of Sciences. Burgos. Spain 2: Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil 3: Apiterapia y Bioactividad, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela 4: Cancer Research Group, The University of Sydney, Lidcombe, Australia Melipona favosa Fabricius 1798 thrives in the Venezuelan plains and produces a honey relished since pre-Columbian times, and mentioned in the novel “Doña Bárbara” written by Rómulo Gallegos. The pot-honey produced by this bee is known as ‘erica honey’. This peculiar honey has higher water content and free acidity than Apis mellifera honey, but diastase activity is very low. It is a delicate honey that keeps the scent of the flowers. Initial approaches of descriptive sensory analysis were done with a panel of assessors who perceived floral-fruity odor-aroma with a bouquet of the erica nest. Further acceptance tests with Spanish assessors using a 10-cm unstructured line scale, positioned this honey in the highest average, compared to Australian, Bolivian, Brazilian and Mexican pot-honeys. The analytical approach to correlate sensory characteristics of Melipona favosa honey was carried out by aroma GC-MS and nonaromatic organic acid analysis. Preliminary results consist in 18 major aromatic components. The analysis of seven erica honey samples showed that contents of L-malic and total citric acids were similar to those of Apis mellifera, but D-gluconic acid was ten times higher (Sancho et al., 2012), and this could explain the sour taste. Besides the identification of the floral aromas, an interesting proposal for chemical studies would be to extract aromatic components of the cerumen pots to identify if they are also present in the honey to confer its distinctive flavor. 1) Sancho MT, Mato I, Huidobro JF, Fernández-Muiño MA, Pascual A (2012) Non-aromatic organic acids of honeys. In P Vit, SRM Pedro, DW Roubik. Pot-honey: A legacy of stingless bees. Springer, USA (in press). ____________ * Presenting author:; Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 101 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC28.Volatileandsemivolatilecompoundsofheather(Ericaceae)honeysfrom Burgos (North Spain). Miguel Ángel Fernández-Muiño (1)*; Ana Pascual-Maté (1); Maria Teresa Sancho (1) 1: University of Burgos. Faculty of Sciences. Department of Biotechnology and Food Science. Plaza Misael Bañuelos s/n. 09001 Burgos, Spain Volatiles have proved being useful as reliable markers in order to identify the floral sources of honeys. This work aimed to analize the volatile and semivolatile components of 20 samples honeys with Ericaceae nectars, most of them Ericaceae unifloral honeys, collected from individual apiaries in Burgos, a Spaniard Province placed in the North of Spain, in order to identify possible floral markers. Volatile and semivolatile components have been isolated by ethyl acetate extraction (D’Arcy, 1997) which avoids excessive heating. Extractives were later analyzed by GC-MS. Identification of components was based on mass-spectrometric data and in their retention kovats index. 87 natural volatiles and semivolatiles grouped in 7 chemical families were detected and identified in the unmethylated extracts from the 20 studied heather (Ericaceae) honey samples. The most relevant aliphatic compounds detected were levo- and meso-butane-2,3-diol, 2-hydroxycyclopenten-2-en-1-one and isopropanol. Main monoterpenes were alpha gurjunene, cadinene, loliolide and hotrienol. The benzene derivatives were the most represented compounds including phenyllactic acid, methyl 4-methoxymandelate, methyl 4-methoxyphenylacetate, phenylacetic acid, benzoic acid, methyl ester homoveratric acid, 1-methoxy-4-propylbenzene, pyrocatechol, phenylacetonitrile and phenylacetaldehyde. Norisoprenoids were also important being the most relevant (E)-4-(r-1’, t-2’, c-4’-trihydroxy-2’,6’,6’trimethylcyclohexyl) but-3-en-2-one and dehydrovomifoliol. Other norisoprenoid compounds found in lesser proportion were: megastigmatrienone 1, 3-oxo-alpha-ionol, 3,4-dihydro-betaionone, 2,6,6-trimethyl-cyclohexene-1,4-dione, and α and β-isophorone. Finally, some flavonoids such as pinocembrin, tectochrysin, chrysin and galanguin, many heterocyclic compounds and Maillard reaction products were also identified. ____________ * Presenting author: 102 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC29.AntioxidantandPhysicochemicalPropertiesofHoneysfromAlgarveRegion. Nair Alua (1,2); Ana Balola (1); Celeste Serra (1,2,3)* 1: Área Departamental de Engenharia Química, ISEL, Lisboa, Portugal 2: Centro de Estudos de Engenharia Química, ISEL, Lisboa, Portugal 3: Centro de Investigação em Engenharia Química e Biotecnologia, ISEL, Lisboa, Portugal In the last years, a lot of studies were carried out on the antioxidant properties of different foods and natural products. The published work aims to improve the knowledge about the effects of these products on human health and develop new preservatives for food industry. Honey is traditionally used as a sweetener agent with well-known health benefits. This natural product contains a variety of compounds such as flavonoids and other polyphenols, enzymes, vitamins and free amino acids as minor components, some of them with antioxidant activity. Thus, the evaluation of honey antioxidant properties might promote the use of this product as a natural dietary source of antioxidants. In this context, the purposes of the present work were the evaluation of antioxidant capacity of portuguese honeys collected in Algarve region and its physicochemical characterization by ash, moisture, pH, free acidity, refractive index, color and electrical conductivity. Five Honey samples from Monchique and Aljezur regions were submitted to physicochemical characterization according to the Harmonized Methods of IHC and by the method proposed by Beretta et al. for colour evaluation. Four of these samples had a predominant floral origin in Arbustus unedo L., Helianthus annuus L., Ceratonia siliquia L. and Citrus sinensis L. and one sample was a multifloral honey. The Folin-Ciocalteau assay was used to determine the total phenolic content with a standard curve generated by galic acid. The antioxidant capacity was evaluated from the scavenging activity of honey samples for the radicals 2,2 diphenyl-1-picrylhidrazyl (DPPH), following the absorbance decrease for the IC50 calculation. The results showed that physicochemical parameters of all samples are according to the quality standards for honey, except the sample from Arbustus unedo L that present an ash content slightly higher (0.7%) than the recommended value. Moreover and as it would be expected, this honey had high electrical conductivity (0.68 mS/cm). Honey samples with a predominant floral origin in Helianthus annuus L., showed a low content of polyphenols (44 mg GAE/100g honey). For the other samples, the total phenolic values were within the range obtained in our previous work related with the antioxidant activity of several honeys collected in other portuguese regions, namely, Lousã and Açores (48 – 270 mg GAE/100g honey). Similar behaviour was found in antioxidant activity results, as IC50 values obtained in this work also varied between the range found for the other portuguese honeys (4 – 63 mg/ml). Correlation studies between the properties of all honey samples were also performed. 1) Alvarez-Suarez, J M, Tulipani, S, Rumandini S, Bertoli, E, Battino, M (2010) Contribution of Honey in Nutritionon and Human Health: A review, Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 3 (1) 15-23. 2) Harmonized Methods of International Honey Commission (2002). 3) Beretta, G, Granata, P, Ferrero, M, Orioli, M, Facino, M (2005) Standardization of antioxidant properties of honey by a combination of spectrophotometric/fluorimetric assays and chemometrics, Analytica Chimica Acta 523: 185-191. 4) Serra, M C, Rodrigues, V, Taveira, V, Alua, N (2007) Antioxidant Potential of Portuguese Honeys from Lousã region, 3rd International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, Prague. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 103 Annual 104 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC30.Evaluationofanelectronictongueforhoneyclassificationaccordingtoits pollen analysis. Mara E.B.C. Sousa (1)*; Luís G. Dias (1); António M. Peres (1,2); Letícia Estevinho (1); Adélio A.S.C. Machado (3) 1: CIMO - Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal 2: LSRE - Laboratory of Separation and Reaction Engineering - Associate Laboratory, LSRE/LCM, Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal 3: LAQUIPAI - Departamento Química, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Electronic tongues (ET) have attracted great interest due to its potential to obtain global information from complex samples that could hardly be obtained by traditional instrumental methods of analysis. These multi-sensor arrays provide a huge amount of sample information which, by applying chemometric methods, allows sample identification/classification, taste evaluation as well as, multicomponent analysis. The method of operation consists in obtaining a signal pattern which corresponds to the overall information on the sample using chemical sensors with high stability and cross sensitivity to different species in solution. In this work, a potenciometric electronic tongue or taste sensor array was used. The device had 20 sensors, based on all-solid-state electrodes with lipid polymeric membranes formed on solid conducting silver supports. This analytical system was used to analyse unifloral honeys, which honey pollen profiles were obtained by pollinic analysis, that are representative of eight main types of pollens: Castanea sp., Echium sp., Erica sp., Eucalyptus sp., Lavandula sp., Prunus sp., Rubus sp. and Trifolium sp.. The signal profile information obtained from the ET analysis of the honey samples was related with the pollinic analysis, using linear discriminant analysis. The results showed that ET could be used for classifying the type of honey according to their pollen profile, when the main pollen is in great abundance, being a possible alternative to traditional honey classification techniques that are time consuming and require expert labour. The influence of the second main pollen showed to be relevant in honey classification. Acknowledgements: Collaboration of the Portuguese National Beekeepers Federation in providing honey samples is gratefully acknowledged. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 105 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC31. Antimicrobial activity of quality brands Spanish honeys. Patricia Combarros-Fuertes (1)*; Mª Eugenia Tornadijo (1); José María Castro (1); Leticia M. Estevinho (2); José María Fresno (1) 1: Faculty of Veterinary, University of León, León, Spain 2: CIMO, Mountain Research Centre, Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal 80-90% of patients with head and neck cancer who receives radiation and/or chemotherapy have oral mucositis. Oral mucositis is a complex process involving oxidative damage of oral mucosal, inflammation, mucosal colonization by pathogenic microorganisms and direct damage to DNA. The development of oral mucositis led to the interruption of the treatments, periods of hospitalization, dysphagia with malnutrition in patients and increased healthcare costs in treatments which have isolated mechanisms of action and are not fully satisfactory. As honey has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing properties, it can be used effectively in the prevention and treatment of oral mucositis by acting simultaneously on different pathophysiological mechanisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of honeys from different floral sources and to evaluate the possible differences that may happen in such capacity between similar honeys of different years of production. We selected six types of Spanish honey from quality brands avocado honey (Persea sp.) and chestnut honey (Castanea sp.) from DOP Miel de Granada; lavender honey (Lavandula sp.) and rosemary honey (Rosmarinus officinalis) from DOP Miel de La Alcarria; blackberry honey (Rubus sp.) and eucalyptus honey (Eucalyptus sp) from PGI Miel de Galicia and two organic honey, thyme honey (Thymus sp.) and heather honey (Erica sp.), collected during two consecutive harvests (2010 and 2011). We studied antimicrobial activity against microorganisms isolated from oropharyngeal mucosa of patients who suffer oral mucositis, Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes) and Gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli) and yeasts (Candida albicans and Candida glabrata). These assays gave us accurate information about what would be expected from the application of honey in those patients. Antimicrobial test were carried out according to Silva et al. (2012) using Nutrient Broth or Brain Heart Infusion to bacterias or Yeasts Peptone Dextrose to yeasts on microplates (96 wells). Honey was diluted in water and transferred into the first well. Serial dilutions were performed. 20 µl of a solution of 1% TTC was used for detect antimicrobial activity Candida albicans and Candida glabrata showed higher resistance and their growth was not inhibited at the honey concentrations used. Further studies using higher concentrations of honey are required. Among bacteria all the tested honeys were able to inhibit their growth but showed different antimicrobial activity depending on the microorganism tested. Minimum inhibitory concentration ranged from 3.9 to 250 mg/ml. Generally gram-negative bacteria were less resistant, something that can be explained by the variability that exists in the resistance in bacterial strains within a specie. Differences were also observed in the antimicrobial activity of similar honeys from different years of production. Being a natural product, honey’s composition is in a constant state of change, depending on factors such as climatology which affect plant species available. 1) Silva, J.C; Rodrigues, S; Feás, X; Estevinho, L.M. (2012) Antimicrobial activity, phenolic profile and role in the inflammation of propolis, Food and Chemical Toxicology 50: 1790-1795. ____________ * Presenting author: 106 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC32. Portuguese propolis decreases PC-3 cell glycolytic metabolism. I. Valença (1,2,3); N. Pértega-Gomes (1,2); M. Cunha (1,2); C. Jerónimo (4); C. Almeida Aguiar (3)*; F. Baltazar (1,2) 1: Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Health Sciences, University of Minho, 4710057 Braga, Portugal 2: ICVS/3B’s - PT Government Associate Laboratory, Braga/Guimarães, Portugal 3: Molecular and Environmental Biology Centre, Biology Department, University of Minho, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal 4: Department of Genetics Portuguese Oncology Institute (IPO), Porto, Portugal Prostate cancer remains the most frequent cancer in males. Multidrug resistance and tumor metastasis remains the main cause of treatment failure and mortality in prostate cancer patients. Therefore, it is important to discover new agents with antitumor properties. Natural products have been explored as alternatives or complements to classical chemotherapy. Propolis is a bee product composed by several compounds, such as, wax, resin, essential oils and other organic compounds. Over the last decades, several studies have shown antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, antitumor propolis activities, among others. The aim of this work was to evaluate the in vitro activity of a Portuguese propolis extract on the human metastatic prostate cancer cell line PC-3. For this purpose, we analyzed the effect of propolis on cell viability, proliferation and metabolism. Also, we studied the expression of key glycolytic metabolic proteins, namely monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) 1 and 4, before and after treatment, to infer about the possible effect of propolis on these transporters responsible for lactate efflux in cancer cells. Cell viability, proliferation and metabolism were assessed with different concentrations of propolis up to 72 hours. Cell viability was assessed by the Sulforhodamine B assay, cell proliferation by BrdU incorporation and glycolytic metabolism by estimation of glucose uptake and lactate efflux rates. Effect of propolis on the expression of MCTs was assessed by immunocytochemistry, using specific antibodies. Our results showed that Portuguese propolis inhibits cell viability, proliferation and glycolytic metabolism (glucose consumption and lactate production) of PC3, in a dose- and time-dependent way. We also observed that the expression of MCT1 and MCT4 in PC3 cells appears to decrease after treatment with propolis, as assessed by immunocytochemistry. This work shows that Portuguese propolis decreases the viability, proliferation and glycolytic metabolism of the metastatic prostate cancer cell line PC3 and suggests that the alteration in metabolism could be related to MCT1 and MCT4 expression inhibition, which are essential proteins involved in the lactate efflux from glycolytic cells. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 107 Annual 108 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC33. Antigenotoxic potential of Portuguese propolis. M. Cruz (1); A. Cunha (1,2); R. Oliveira (1,3); C. Almeida Aguiar (1,3)* 1: Biology Department, University of Minho, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal 2: Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences (CITAB), Biology Department, University of Minho University, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal 3: Molecular and Environmental Biology Centre (CBMA), Biology Department, University of Minho, 4710057 Braga, Portugal Propolis is a waxy substance produced by bees (Apis mellifera L.) from collected plant buds and barks that are subsequently masticated and mixed with the salivary enzyme β-glucosidase. Bees use propolis in their combs to repair structural damage, to build aseptic locals for the eggs of the queen, and also as a thermal insulator. The chemical composition of propolis varies geographically, with the available flora, the time of collection and the bees´ race. Different groups of compounds can be found in propolis, such as polyphenols, terpenoids, steroids and amino acids. These compounds have been associated with diverse biological activities: antimicrobial, antioxidant and scavenger of free radicals, antitumour, and antimutagenic, among others. Portuguese propolis has been very poorly studied, hampering its economic valorization by scientific support of the biological activities commonly assigned to samples from other origins. Thus, our objective relates to the analysis and study of Portuguese propolis, particularly in what concerns the evaluation of an array of biological activities. A sample collected in 2010 in Beira Alta (C, from Côa) was used to prepare an ethanol extract (EE) and this extract – C.10. EE - was tested in different assays, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as biological model. Propolis protective effect on yeast cells was assessed by viability assays in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Comet assay was performed to evaluate the antigenotoxic effect of C.10.EE. Viability has improved when propolis was assayed, either by pre-incubation or co-incubation, with yeast cells challenged with the oxidant agent H2O2. However, prolonged incubation of cells with high concentrations of C.10.EE promoted a decrease of viability. Results obtained by the comet assay suggest an antigenotoxic activity - which protects the genome against oxidative stress - and also a genotoxic effect - when only propolis was incubated with yeast cells. In this way, besides the antioxidant activity, our results suggest a prooxidant activity of C.10.EE. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 109 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC34. Bee products as natural compounds in Cosmetics. André Santos (1); Miguel Vilas-Boas (1); Mª João Sousa (1)* 1: CIMO-ESA, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Campus de Santa Apolónia, Apartado 1172, 5301-855 Bragança, Portugal Since ancient times, among the Greeks, the Egyptians and later the Romans, honey and other different bee products were considered essential for health and well-being [1]. The ancient Greek society used them widely in medicine, and later associate them with the concept of wellness and feminine beauty, in what can be considered the embryo of modern day cosmetics. Most bee products can be consumed, or used in its original format, but there are many additional applications when these products become an ingredient of a more complex product and, for that, require transformation. Based on the characteristics of each bee product (honey, beeswax, propolis or pollen), we intended to develop new cosmetics products through the combination of them with natural compounds obtained from plants, such as extracts, essential oils and dyes. The main goal is to set a new range of formulations, based on both scientific and ancestral knowledge, allowing the creation of new products and new possibilities for both beekeepers and consumers. Natural products have been developed using the ability of honey as a moisturizing and smoothing product to use in cosmetics, like shampoos and conditioners, in association with extracted compounds from aromatic and medicinal plants. Propolis, due to its disinfectant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory capacities is a very promising raw material for the development of creams and gels to combat acne [2]. The use of pollen in soaps and exfoliating products allowed formulations to be enriched with natural proteins and minerals. Pollen, on the other hand, can be used as natural pigment, allowing a pleasant color in both gels and creams. In the preparation of soaps with different vegetable oils, the oils were chosen based on their fatty acid composition, and recurring to tests of saponification. In the same oil we can find saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in various percentages. Saturated fatty acids can accelerate the hydrolysis and produce a hard soap, foamy, with more capacity to dissolve grease and that take longer to oxidize. Unsaturated fatty acids can slow saponification, and originate a milder soap that melts more easily but is less efficient dissolving fat and that oxidizes more easily. In the group of saturated fatty acids, stearic and palmitic acids are those which originate a harder soap, as obtained in our tests with mixtures of oil and beeswax. Lauric and myristic acids, like those found in olive oil and palm oil, were also tested in our products, originating soaps with a greater capacity to dissolve grease. The first step for the development of natural cosmetics began under the European project EuropeAid/128139/L/ACT/GW which promotes the development of beekeeping in Guinea-Bissau. Different soaps based on local coconut, palm and palm kernel oil mixed with honey and beeswax are now produced in the “Associação dos Apicultores do Leste”, along with fatty creams for body and lips protection. Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful to the European Union for the financial support given to this work EuropeAid/128139/L/ACT/GW 1) Charlton and Jane Newdick Jane: In Praise of honey (2005) ed. Boyne Valley Honey Company. 2) Tecnologia Farmacêutica vol.II (2008) ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. ____________ * Presenting author: 110 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC35. Phenolic composition of Brazilian propolis from Minas Gerais. Joana Coelho (1)*; Soraia I. Falcão (1,2); Alexandre Bera (3); Renato Januario Sousa (3); Ligia B. Almeida-Muradian (3); Miguel Vilas-Boas (1) 1: CIMO/IPB - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal 2: REQUIMTE/FCUP – Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Portugal 3: Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil Propolis is the name for the resinous substance collected by honeybees (Apis mellifera) from various plant sources and used in the construction, repair and protection of their hives. It is an important apicultural product widely used in folk medicine due to several pharmacological and nutritional applications (Bankova, 2000). Propolis chemical composition is extremely complex and varies greatly with the plant origin. In regions of temperate climate bees obtain resins mainly from the buds of Populus spp. being mainly composed by flavonoids, phenolic acids and their esters. On the other hand in tropical areas the chemical composition of propolis shows a greater regional variation. The green propolis, with origin in the leaves of Baccharis spp., is one of the most studied types. It is mainly composed by prenylated p-coumaric acids and caffeoylquinic acids (Bankova, 2000). This work outlines the study of the phenolic profile of propolis samples from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. For that, seventeen samples of propolis were extracted and analyzed according to our previous work (Falcão, 2010). Through HPLC-DAD it was possible to identify two types of propolis: one with a common green propolis composition and another similar to poplar propolis. Between propolis types, the composition was similar although significant differences were found in their concentrations. Sixteen samples were assigned as green type propolis with fourteen phenolic compounds quantified, being the most abundant compounds dicaffeoylquinic acid in a range of 2.8 to 61.8 mg/g extract, its isomer in a range of 8.6 to 80.6 mg/g extract and artepillin C in the range of 2.6-51.1 mg/g extract. Only one sample presented the typical composition of poplar propolis mainly composed by pinocembrin (37.7 mg/g extract), chrysin (32.3 mg/g extract) and pinobanksin-3-O-acetate (41.0 mg/g extract). The different phenolic profiles found are correlated with different flora sources available in the vicinity of the hives. 1) Bankova VS; De Castro SL; Marcucci MC (2000) Propolis: recent advances in chemistry and plant origin Apidologie 31: 3-15. 2) Falcão SI; Vilas-Boas M; Estevinho LM; Barros C; Domingues MRM; Cardoso SM (2010) Phenolic characterization of Northeast Portuguese Propolis: usual and usual compounds, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 396: 887-897. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 111 Annual 112 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC36.CistusLadaniferL.secretedflavonoidsasmarkercompoundsfordifferentiating Portuguese propolis types. Soraia I. Falcão (1,2)*; Nuno Vale (3); Susana M. Cardoso (4); Cristina Freire (2); Miguel Vilas-Boas (1) 1: CIMO/IPB - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal 2: REQUIMTE/FCUP – Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Portugal 3: CIQUP/FCUP – Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Portugal 4: CERNAS/IPC – Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Portugal Propolis is a natural product derived from plant resins collected by honeybees and used in the construction, repair and protection of their hives. Because of its broad spectrum of biological activities and uses in health food as well as in folk medicine, there is a renewed interest in the composition of propolis and its biological activities. The plant origin of propolis, bee glue, determines its chemical diversity. Its chemical composition depends on the specificity of the flora at the site of collection and thus on the geographic and climate conditions of this site. In temperate regions, the resinous exudates of the buds from Populus species are the main source of propolis and phenolic compounds like flavonoids, phenolic acids and its methoxylated and esterified derivatives are the main compounds (Falcão, 2010). Our studies in the physicochemical parameters, phenolic composition and antioxidant activity revealed that Portugal is a country of propolis diversity and establish different two types of propolis. The objective of the present work is to determine a possible phenolic association between the flora and the dark green colour propolis from specific regions of Portugal. This type of propolis, clearly different from the poplar propolis type, was characterized for the phenolic content according with our previous work (Falcão, 2010) and compared with Cistus ladanifer L. resin. This plant is a potential floral source due to its abundance in the hive neighborhood, the typical odor of Cistus species that can be recognize in this propolis type and the fact that local beekeepers frequently associate both materials. The chromatographic and spectrometry methods used in this work enable to establish a correlation between the phenolic profile of the propolis samples and Cistus ladanifer L. resin. Both present a phenolic composition rich in kaempferol derivatives, highlighting the presence of a kaempferol-dimethyl-ether, a compound absent in the poplar type and therefore a potential marker substance for origin discrimination between this two types of propolis. 1) Falcão SI; Vilas-Boas M; Estevinho LM; Barros C; Domingues MRM; Cardoso SM (2010) Phenolic characterization of Northeast Portuguese Propolis: usual and usual compounds, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 396: 887-897. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 113 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC37. Phenolic content of bee bread from Northeast of Portugal. Andreia Tomás (1)*; Soraia I. Falcão (1,2); Miguel Vilas-Boas (1) 1: CIMO/IPB - Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal 2: REQUIMTE/FCUP – Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Bee bread is the name given to the collected bee pollen which has been mixed with digestive enzymes, transported to the hive in small pellets and stored in the combs with a tiny bit of honey and bee wax. Pollen stored in this way undergoes lactic acid fermentation due to the action of different enzymes, micro-organisms, moisture and temperature. The bee stored pollen is the main source of nutrients for the bees, rich in proteins, lipids, vitamins and microelements. Its composition differs from fresh bee-collected pollen due to the fermentation stage, which is responsible for higher stability of the product and lead to chemical changes that increase digestibility and nutritive value for the bee (Herbert, 1978). Due to its high nutritional value a bee bread is considered to be a good complement in a healthy diet. The aim of this work was to evaluate the phenolic content of bee bread samples from the Northeast Portuguese region. For that, an ethanolic extract was prepared and the content in total phenolics, flavones/flavonols and flavanones/dihydroflavonols was determined by UV-Vis spectrometry according to previous work, (Nunes, 2011). The total phenolics content, expressed as gallic acid equivalents, varied from 29-55 mg/g extract. Flavones/flavonols, expressed as quercetin equivalents, range between 1.6 and 3.5 mg/g extract and the content of flavanones/ dihydroflavonols expressed, as pinocembrin equivalents, varied from 36 to 59 mg/g extract. The phenolic content of bee bread is richer than those described in pollen of the same region which is a good quality parameter to explore for further studies of this bee product. 1) Herbert, E; Shimanuki, H (1978) Chemical composition and nutritive value of bee collected and bee-stored pollen, Apidologie 9: 33-40. 2) Nunes, L; Batista, V; Falcão, S I; Vilas-Boas, M; Cardoso, S M (2011) 1º Congresso Ibérico de ApiculturaAbstract book, pp 87, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, Portugal. ____________ * Presenting author: 114 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC38.TradebarriersandeconomicimpactoforganicbeekeepinginPortugal. Mário Gomes (1)*; João Casaca (1); Paula Cabo (2); Luís G. Dias (2); Miguel Vilas-Boas (2) 1: Federação Nacional dos Apicultores de Portugal, Av. do Colégio Militar, Lote 1786 - 1549-012 Lisboa, Portugal 2: CIMO-ESA, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal In Portugal, according to the official data provided by the Portuguese Veterinary Authority), available in the Report of the National Beekeeping Program 2010, beekeeping is carried out by 17.291 beekeepers, which own a total of 562.557 colonies. According to the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) this represents only 3,6% of the economic value of the Portuguese organic production, given that only 119 beekeepers were registered as organic operators, with a total of 15.927 colonies. Portuguese organic beekeeping are still far below other European countries average such as Italy (8%), and even if compared with the 5,8% of Portuguese organic farming, which should lead to more than 32.628 hives. Additionally, the great potential that Portugal has due to its soil, climate, but also environmental conditions (very suitable to organic beekeeping) and the consumer’s appreciation of organic products are key factors to strength the Portuguese organic beekeeping sector. With this study, and considering that organic beekeeping is already established in Portugal, we aim to encourage the conversion/initiation in organic beekeeping of a significant number of producers, providing them with a true picture of the Portuguese organic beekeeping sector and its potential, based on the experience of beekeepers already certified as organic producers. The information is obtained recurring to individual questionnaires, made directly to organic certified beekeepers and oriented for the evaluation of their beekeeping activity. The preliminary results of this research allowed us to establish a preliminary profile of beekeepers working under Organic Production Mode (OPM): only 24% of the respondents have beekeeping as the main economic activity, and although the majority (92%) consider that organic honey has added market value, problems were identified either in production and marketing. The most related difficulty of beekeeping under OPM is the effectiveness of the treatments against Varroa, pointing the need to obtain alternative and more efficient methods. Most respondents (56%) reported that there is need to improve consumer’s recognition of Organic Honey, which is considered to be an important step towards production increment and product added value. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 115 Annual 116 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC39.QualitycontrolandauthenticityreviewofhoneyfromSlovenemarketin the period 2007 - 2011. Veronika Kmecl (1)*; Aleš Gregorc (1); Marinka Kregar (1); Romana Rutar (1); Maja Smodiš Škerl (1); Helena Baša Česnik (1) 1: Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia During the period from 2007 to 2011 Agricultural Institute of Slovenia has performed quality control and authenticity review of honey from Slovene market. Samples were taken at supermarkets, shops, marketplaces and beekeepers. 970 of 1030 samples were taken randomly, for the rest 60 we performed targeted sampling. For targeted samples, it was assumed that they were of low quality or adulterated. 77% of honey was of Slovene origin and 23% was from various EU and Latin American countries. Among 580 randomly taken samples, key physical-chemical parameters, sensory and pollen analysis were determined according Council Directive 2001/110. 64 of 580 samples (11%) were discordant with regulations regarding electrical conductivity, HMF, diastase activity, water, the sum of fructose and glucose. The majority of samples had inadequate designation of botanical origin some samples were probably pre-heated or stored for longer time. 450 of 970 randomly taken samples were tested on acaricide residues amitraz, coumaphos, bromopropilate, tau-fluvalinate and flumethrin and they were mainly of Slovene origin. None of 450 samples exceeded maximal residue limit (MRL). We confirmed positive results for amitraz at 20% samples with the highest content of 80 ppb. Maximal coumaphos content was 50 ppb and 10% of results were above the limit of quantification (LOQ). We did not found any residues of bromopropilate, tau-fluvalinate and flumethrin. Among 60 targeted samples 18 samples (30%) were non-conformable with regulations regarding key quality parameters and authenticity test. 13 samples (22%) were adulterated which was confirmed by the enzyme test of beta-fructofuranosidase and beta-gamma amylase and 13C Isotopic Analysis (C4/C3 - Sugars). Five of adulterated samples were Slovene origin. The results of this review indicate that intensive control of honey in Slovene market would be required. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 117 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC40.Determinationofcolourandtracemetallevelsinhoneysfromdifferent environmental origins. Lourdes Corredera (1); Consuelo Pérez-Arquillué (1)*; Susana Bayarri (1); Regina Lázaro (1); Antonio Herrera (1) 1: Department of Animal Production and Food Science, Faculty of Veterinary, University of Zaragoza. Miguel Servet 177, 50013, Zaragoza, Spain Honey contains a variety of metals. Major metals are primarily derived from soil and nectarproducing plants, but some trace metals may present hazards to human health and adversely affect the quality and the safety of honey. On the other hand, colour in honeys has been associated with the concentration of some elements. The aim of this work was to contribute to the data about lead and cadmium content of honeys from different geographical and botanical origins and secondly to evaluate if their content in honeys correlates with their colour. Contents of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) in honey samples. A survey of 30 honey samples from different origins, were collected directly from the beekeepers and from Spanish supermarkets. The sample was digested with concentrated nitric acid in porcelain crucibles and heated until nearly dry. The residue was then diluted to 25 ml with milli-Q water and measured by ICP-MS. Sample colour was determined with a Hanna colorimeter, allowing the classification of samples according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture colour Standards Designations. The levels of contamination found in this work were low, similar in all the samples, and in the range of those published in other European honeys. The average concentrations were 21.33 µg/kg for Pb and 6.72 µg/kg for Cd, with maximum levels of 125.50 µg/kg and 36.80 µg/kg respectively. Pb was the most frequent element, found in 80 % of the samples, whereas Cd was only detected in 46 % of the honeys. Although there are not maximum levels established for honey, these concentrations are below the maximum contents set by European legislation (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006) for other food matrices. No statistically significant differences were found at the 95% confidence level for Cd, but darker honeys (dark amber and amber) have a higher content of Pb and higher total mineral content (combination of Pb and Cd) than the pale ones. Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank the Government of Aragón for giving a scholarship to Lourdes Corredera, and for its financial support (Grupo de Investigación Consolidado A01, Fondo Social Europeo and Ayudas Apícolas). ____________ * Presenting author: 118 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC41.AntibacterialActivityofVariousHoneyTypesAgainstDifferentPathogens. Josipa Vlainić (1); Ivan Kosalec (2); Silvija Zlatar (3); Toni Vlainić (1); Dražen Lušić (4,5)*; Ivana Tlak Gajger (3,4) 1: Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Department of Molecular Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia 2: Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Department of Microbiology, Zagreb, Croatia 3: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department for Biology and Pathology of Fish and Bees, Zagreb, Croatia 4: Croatian Apitherapy Society, Rijeka, Croatia 5: Faculty of Medicine, Department of Environmental Health, Rijeka, Croatia Because of the remarkable therapeutic potential, honey has been used as a remedy for thousands of years. Consequently, the apitherapy has recently entered into the focus of attention as an unconventional method for treating certain conditions and diseases, especially infections as well as promotion of the health and human well-being. Antimicrobial activity of honey has been attributed to hydrogen-peroxide, which is produced by glucose-oxidase and phenolic compounds. The total polyphenol content in honey partially reflect their antioxidant capacity. The presence and concentration of phytochemicals, especially flavonoids as well as phenolic acid, can vary and depend significantly upon honey origin. In order to assess the antimicrobial activity of various honeys, total of 23 samples representing fewer honey types deriving from different floral sources and geographical locations in Croatia were evaluated for their ability to inhibit the growth of nine gram (+) and gram (-) bacteria and two moulds. The bioassay applied for determination of the antimicrobial effects took up the well-agar diffusion method (preliminary screening method). The micro-dilution method with TTC (2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) indicated the viability of bacteria and resulted with the Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values. The total phenolic content was screened by the modified Folin-Ciocalteu method and the antioxidant activity was assessed by means of the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging system. In addition, the color and pH of honey samples were analyzed. All honey samples showed antimicrobial activity at variable levels, depending upon the floral source and the geographical origin. A well-agar diffusion assay revealed the development of inhibition zones depending on the type and concentration of honey involved as well as the test pathogen. Gram (-) bacteria were found to be more susceptible as compared to gram (+). The majority of tested pathogens showed MIC values in the range of 12-20% of honey. Generally, dark colored honeys showed more inhibitory properties than light colored. Phenolic content, expressed as gallic acid equivalent, ranged from 34.2 to 261.4 mg/kg and was highly correlated to the values of honey antioxidant capacity. Higher antioxidative and scavenging activity was observed for dark honey samples, too. This study showed that honey samples possess certain antibacterial activity against test microorganisms that can be of certain use when considering an alternative therapy in some conditions. Moreover, it gave the characterization of the antioxidant potential as well as of the phenolic content of honey samples with some regard to the therapeutic efficacy and sanitary benefits for different purposes. Moreover, the results of the study imply that specific honeys tend to have certain capacity for the food spoilage prevention as the result of the growth inhibition of food-borne microorganisms. It suggests that they could be potentially considered for the use as food preservatives for some foods and under appropriate conditions what should be further proved by additional research. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 119 Annual 120 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC42. Antibacterial activity of bee collected pollen. Kačániová Miroslava (1); Hleba Lukáš (1); Chlebo Róbert (2)*; Vukovič Nenad (3) 1: Department of microbiology, Faculty of biotechnology and food sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic 2: Department of Poultry Science and Small Animals Husbandry, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic 3: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Serbia Flower pollen, bee’s primary food source, contains concentrations of phytochemicals and nutrients and is rich in carotenoids, flavonoids and phytosterols. Also, bee pollen has antimicrobial effects. The in vitro antibacterial activities of Slovak pollen extracts were investigated against 3 different species of bacterial pathogens including Bacillus cereus CCM 2010, Escherichia coli CCM 3988 and Pseudomonas aeroginosa CCM 1960. Multifloral pollen was collected in the Nitra region of the Slovakia. The freshly collected bee pollen was dried at 40 °C with protection from light and ground into powder. A 150 g sample of pollen was extracted with 125 ml pure methanol for 48 h. The crude extract was pooled and concentrated in a rotary evaporator completely. Residues were kept in a hermetically-closed color glass vial at 4 °C until using. Stock cultures of bacteria were grown in Nutrient Broth at 37 °C for 24 h. Final cell concentrations were 106 cfu. ml-1. The disc diffusion method was applied for the determination of antimicrobial activities of the 50 % ethanol extracts. Sterilized filter paper discs (6 mm) were put in the middle of Petri plates containing 20 ml of Muller Hinton agar inoculated with 100 µl of the each bacterial suspension. The absolute ethanol used as a negative control. The plates were incubated at 37 °C and observed after 24 h. At the end of the period, inhibition zones around the paper disc were measured. All tests were done sevenfold. The antimicrobial activity against Bacillus cereus CCM 2010 ranged between 0 to 3 mm, Escherichia coli CCM 3988 ranged between 0 to 5.5 mm and against Pseudomonas aeroginosa CCM 1960 between 0 to 3.5 mm. The high antimicrobial effect was found against Escherichia coli CCM 3988 (2.5±2.17 mm) and the lowest antimicrobial effect was found against Bacillus cereus CCM 2010 (0.75±1.39 mm). ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 121 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC43.The antimicrobial effect of honey against selected antibiotic resistant bacteria. Kačániová Miroslava (1); Hleba Lukáš (1); Chlebo Róbert (2)*; Vukovič Nenad (3) 1: Department of microbiology, Faculty of biotechnology and food sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic 2: Department of Poultry Science and Small Animals Husbandry, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic 3: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Serbia The antimicrobial effect of honey was described in many studies, but very important is synergisms of antibiotic resistant bacteria and antimicrobial action of honey against these bacteria. Therefore we have focused on antibacterial potential of natural Slovak honeydew honey against isolated bacterial resistance strains. Honeydew honey solutions were prepared in three concentrations: 50, 25 and 15.5 % (by mass per volume). The samples of each honey (10 g) and sterile water were stored at 37 °C for 30 min before mixing to facilitate homogenization. The 50 % (by mass per volume) solutions were diluted to 25 %, than to 12.5 % and 6.25 %. The samples were assayed immediately after dilution. For testing antimicrobial activity bacterial isolates from animal products were used. For cultivation of bacterial strains Mac Conkey agar was used. Cultivation of Enterobacteriaceae genera was done at 37 °C during 24 hours. For recultivation and identification of Enterobacteriaceae strains Chromogenic coliform agar was used. Biochemical identification of bacteria was done by ENTERO test 24. For identification of Enterobacteriaceae strains were used MALDI-TOF MS Biotyper. We identified three Escherichia coli strains, one Proteus mirabilis and one Klebsiella oxytoca strain. The sensitivity of all strains were tested against ampicillin (AMP 10) 10 µg.disc-1, chloramphenicol (C 30) 30 µg.disc-1, meropenem (MEM 10) 10 µg.disc-1, ceftriaxone (CRO 30) 30 µg.disc-1, ofloxacin (OFX 5) 5 µg.disc-1 and oxytetracycline (OT 30) 30 µg.disc-1. For antibiotic susceptibility testing was used disc diffusion method according CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute). The antimicrobial effect of the natural honey was tested in experiments by using the agar well diffusion method. All plates were incubated at 37 °C and inhibition zones were measured after 24 hours. After incubation, the zones of inhibition of the growth of the bacteria around the disks were measured. The statistical processing of the data obtained from all studies was implemented by means with StatgraphicS 5 software. The inhibition zones of honey sample varied from 3.33 mm by E. coli to 1.67 mm by P. mirabilis. The best inhibition effect of honeydew honey was found in 50 % concentration of honey against Escherichia coli in 2 strains (3.33 mm) and Klebsiella oxytoca (3.33 mm) and lower antibacterial effect was found in 6.25 % concentration of honey against Proteus mirabilis. ____________ * Presenting author: 122 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC44. Evaluation andValidation of a Biochip Multi-Array technology for the screeningofantibioticresiduesinhoneyaccordingtotheEuropeanguidelinefor the validation of screening methods. Valerie Gaudin (1)*; Celine Hedou (1); Eric Verdon (1) 1: Anses, Laboratory of Fougeres, European Union Reference Laboratory (EU-RL) for Antimicrobial and Dye Residue Control in Food-Producing Animals, La Haute Marche-Javené, 35302 Fougères, France The main chemicals are acaricides against varoa and antibiotics used for the control of bee bacterial diseases, mainly tetracyclines, streptomycins, sulfonamides and chloramphenicol. No maximum residue limits (MRLs) have been set for any antibiotics in honey. Therefore, in the European Union, minimum Recommended Concentrations (RC) for the analytical performance of methods to control a certain set of these non-authorized chemicals in honey have been published by the EU Reference Laboratory (EU-RL) in 2007 [1]. Concerning the strategy of control for antibiotic residues in honey, several screening tests are often used in parallel for the detection of tetracyclines, macrolides, sulphonamides and/or streptomycins. So far there is still a great need for a cheap and single multi-residue method. Biochip Array Technology is an innovative assay technology for multi-analyte screening of biological samples in a rapid and easy to use format. A multi-array system, called Evidence Investigator™ (Randox, UK) was evaluated in our laboratory. The Evidence Investigator® system is a biochip system, semi-automated, designed for research, clinical applications and veterinary use. A competitive chemiluminescent immunoassay is employed for detection of antimicrobial (AM) arrays. The kit MicroArray II (AM II) dedicated to the screening of 6 different families of antibiotic residues was validated according to the European guideline for the validation of screening methods [2]. Different performance characteristics were determined: specificity, detection capability and applicability to different kinds of honey. Sixty blank samples of different batches (floral origin, colour, texture) were analysed to determine specificity and applicability. Two antibiotics per family were chosen to estimate the CCβ: the one which was announced bearing 100 % of cross-reactions and the least sensitive antibiotic within the same family which is satisfactorily detectable. The possible cross-reactions towards several compounds of the same family and towards sulphonamides (another antibiotic family) were also checked. The specificity was proven very satisfactory and the applicability to different kinds of honey was demonstrated. The detection capabilities CCβ of the 12 different antibiotic residues investigated during the study were determined below the Recommended Concentration of the EU-RL [2] when it exits. The AM II kit is able to detect at least 6 quinolones, 4 tetracyclines and 3 of their 4-epimers, 3 aminoglycosides, 3 macrolides, the thiamphenicol, the florfenicol and the ceftiofur along with one of its stabilized metabolites, the desfuroylceftiofurcysteine disulfide (DCCD). The kit is not able to detect any of the 6 substances tested from the sulphonamide family but another kit AM I plus is available for the screening of 14 sulphonamides and of trimethoprim. In conclusion, due to the low detection capabilities achieved, the MicroArray II could be recommended for a reliable routine use for the screening in honey of representative substances of 6 families of antibiotics. Accordingly and technically speaking, the AM II kit could probably be satisfactorily replacing the use of 3 different kits (2 ELISA kits and 1 receptor test) currently implemented in the French national control plan for screening antibiotics in honey. 1) CRL. Guidance paper of 7th December 2007. CRLs view on state of the art analytical methods for national residue control plans. Community Reference Laboratories (CRLs) for residues according to Council Directive 96/23/EC. 1-8. 2) CRL. 2010. Guideline for the validation of screening methods for residues of veterinary medicines (initial validation and transfer). ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 123 Annual 124 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC45. Study of effect of various processing procedures on some of the honey characteristics. Sayed Mazaher Sayedi (1)*; M.B. Farshineh Adl (3); Ali Reza Abassian (2); Mahmoud Salesi (1); Mohammad Behjatian Esfahani (1); Shahaboddin Mosharaf (2); S.M.K. Deylami 1: Researcher of Agriculture and Natural Resources Research center, Isfahan Province 2: Scientific member of Agriculture and Natural Resources Research center, Isfahan Province 3: Member of Scientific Board Animal Science Research Institute, Karaj-Iran Raw or untreated honey, in addition to carbohydrates, organic acids, minerals, pigments, wax and pollen grain, contains active enzymes, and volatile chemical substances which are either changed or denaturized by heat and processing. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of heating and treating in the two normal (55c) and vacuum (40c) conditions on honey and probability of modifications occurring in its qualities. In this study, following collecting honey samples from various parts of the country, destructive effect of heat in tow normal and under vacuum conditions was investigated. Following to processing, such parameters as glucose, fructose, HMF and proline contents of raw and processed honey were measured and compared. In this research project, in addition to the normally assessed parameters, the proline level, a free amino acid constituting 50 to 85 present of the total honey amino acids was measured as well. Proline concentration was assessed employing spectrophotometer at 510nm. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. Results of this study revealed that samples processed at a 55c temperature suffered decreased proline and free acids and that, this difference compared with raw honey and heating in vacuum at 40c was quite significant. The glucose, fructose and pH levels showed no significant variations. The level of hydroxylmethylfurfural in the honeys processed of 55c was higher than in honey samples processed at either 40c at vacuum conditions and that of two raw honey however, this difference was not significant. Regarding the obtained results, it can be concluded that under vacuum conditions heating inflicts less damages to the biological substances of honey. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 125 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC46. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of“água-mel”from Portugal M. Graça Miguel (1)*; M. Dulce Antunes (1); Smail Aazza (1); Joana Duarte (2); M. Leonor Faleiro (2) 1: Universidade do Algarve, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Edifício 8, Instituto de Biotecnologia e Bioengenharia, Centro de Biotecnologia Vegetal, Campus de Gambelas, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal 2: Universidade do Algarve, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Edifício 8, Instituto de Biotecnologia e Bioengenharia, Centro de Biomedicina Molecular e Estrutural, Campus de Gambelas, 8005-139 Faro, Portugal A honey-based product known as “água-mel” is produced in Portugal for ancient times. This product has been used as sweetener in cakes, tea, and of great importance as natural medicine on the alleviation of simple symptoms of upper respiratory tract. The evaluation of the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of “água-mel” is the main objective of the present work. The correlation between antioxidant activity and the phenolic content of “água-mel”, its colour and the Maillard reaction like products, such as melanoidins, possibly formed during the “água-mel” production, is also addressed. The levels of polyphenols were closely dependent on the producer and year of production, which may be due to the floral origin of the honey. All samples presented antioxidant capacity when measured through by several methods, but with diverse strength and dependent on the phenol content. In the method ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity), a positive correlation was found (r=0.799, p<0.01). Nevertheless, such correlation was superior between melanoidin content assessed spectrophotometrically as net absorbance at (A450-A720) and ORAC (r=0.901, p<0.01). The antimicrobial activity of three different samples was determined against Gram-positive, Gram-negative bacteria and two yeasts (Saccharaomyces cerevisae and Candida albicans). Both Gram positive and Gram negative and also the two yeasts were more susceptible to one of the tested “água-mel” samples that can be associated with higher levels of the polyphenol content. Enterobacter faecalis was the most resistant bacterium being recovered from the highest concentration tested. The most active “água-mel” sample was capable to successfully control the growth of two methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains being not recovered from all tested concentrations. Acknowledgements: This study was funded by the Ministério da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas, Portugal, under the Program PAN2011/2013, Medida A (Portugal). ____________ * Presenting author: 126 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission PC47. Physicochemical of Maltese honey: an attempt to determine seasonal variations in honey Adrian Bugeja Douglas(1)*; Everaldo Attard (1) 1: Division of Rural Sciences and Food Systems, Institute of Earth Systems, University of Malta Msida, MSD2080, Malta The Maltese Islands have been renowned for the production of high quality honey, since ancient times. The Greeks called the island Μελίτη (Melite), meaning “honey-sweet,” a name that was also used under the Roman rule. During the Arab occupation (870 - 1090 A.D.), the name of was changed to Malta. Although some sporadic studies were conducted, Maltese honey was never fully characterized. Consequently, a public-funded project was developed and awarded, for the scientific evaluation and characterization of Maltese honey. The aim of this study is to characterize the physicochemical properties of Maltese honey. In this study, 104 samples were analysed and 11 parameters were measured, including contents of colour index (CI), consistency, brix, water content, pH, acidity, electrical conductivity (EC), HMF, diastase activity and proline. The samples were collected from four harvests: spring 2011 (21), summer 2011 (33), autumn (22) and spring 2012 (28). Honey colour distinctively demonstrate that late spring/summer honey is predominantly of the thyme type (CI=1.739±0.269), while autumn honey is predominantly of the carob type (CI=3.909±0.207). Most honey types are of the liquid to semi-solid type of consistency, with moisture contents less than 18.958±0.528%, pH ranging between 3.74 and 4.01, and HMF values usually not exceeding 17.615±3.857 mgkg-1. There was a positive correlation between EC and proline content for all four harvests (r=0.975, n=82). The EC was exceptionally high for the autumn samples (1894.727±143.623 µScm-1). Principal Component Analysis exhibited group correlations within the first two factors. We conclude that most physicochemical parameters are distinctively influenced by season. ____________ * Presenting author: Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 127 Annual 128 meeting of the International Honey Commission Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission Index of authors A A. Mendes-Faia, 59 A. Mendes-Ferreira, 59 Adélio A.S.C. Machado, 42, 105 Adrian Bugeja Douglas, 127 Adriane A. Machado de Melo, 75 Adriane Melo, 46 Ahmad Al- Ghamdi, 70 Alain Le Bail, 57 Aleš Gregorc, 117 Alex da Silva de Freitas, 85 Alexandra Silva, 66 Alexandre Bera, 111 Alexandre Vieira dos Santos, 85 Alexandros Papachristoforou, 61 Ali Reza Abassian, 125 Amanda C. Díaz-Moreno, 31 Ana Balola, 103 Ana Cunha, 109 Ana Maria Carvalho, 67 Ana Pascual-Maté, 93, 101, 102 Ana Paula Pereira, 30, 59 André Santos, 110 Andreas Thrasyvoulou, 23, 55 Andreia Tomás, 114 Angela Savino, 54 Antonio Bentabol, 24 Antonio Herrera, 118 António M. Peres, 42, 105 Arne Dübecke, 58 Aslı Elif Sunay, 43, 49 Ayse Bakan, 43 B Banu Bahar, 43 Basilis Liolios, 23 Batteau Magali, 45 Beata Madras-Majewska, 83 Beatrix Brinkmann, 34 Benjamin Poirot, 57, 81, 82 Bianca Eickermann, 38 Biljana Marošanović, 51 Birgit Lichtenberg-Kraag, 34, 71 C Canan Dogan, 43 Capucine Meneau, 82 Carla Pereira, 66 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Carlos Fuenmayor, 31, 47, 50 Carlos Zuluaga, 31, 47, 50 Carmen Jerónimo, 107 Casabiance Hervé, 45 Caterina Cafiero, 89 Celeste Serra, 103 Celestino Santos-Buelga, 67 Celine Hedou, 123 Cesarettin Alasalvar, 43 Chlebo Róbert, 121, 122 Chrisovalantis Papaefthimiou, 61 Christina Kast, 34, 58 Chrysoula Tananaki, 23 Chysa Tananaki, 55 Consuelo Díaz-Moreno, 50 Consuelo Díaz, 47 Consuelo Pérez-Arquillué, 118 Cord Lüllmann, 58 Cristina Almeida Aguiar, 107, 109 Cristina Freire, 113 Cristina Pardo, 69 D Dalibor Titera, 97, 98 Daniele Gaelle, 45 Danielle Aguiar, 20 Darija Vukić Lušić, 53 Davi F. Sampaio Meira, 46, 75, 85 Dimitris Kanelis, 23 Dinis Francisco, 33 Dirk Klaus, 38 Dobre Irina, 90 Dragan Bubalo, 77 Dražen Lušić, 53, 119 Dušanka Milojković-Opsenica, 51, 79 Duška Ćurić, 53 E Ebru Pelvan, 43 Einar Etzold, 71 Elena Zubova, 74 Ellen de Souza Soares, 46 Els Daeseleire, 39 Elżbieta Rosiak, 83 Emmanuel Karazafiris, 23 Eric Verdon, 123 Escuredo Olga, 90, 91 Esra Agel, 43 129 Annual meeting Everaldo Attard, 127 Ewa Was, 78, 87 F F. Rincón, 41 Fátima Baltazar, 107 Fátima Peres, 94 Fernando M. Nunes, 35 Filip Andrić, 51 Florian Rommerskirchen, 38 Francesca-Vittoria Grillenzoni, 53 Frédéric Bataille, 81 G Galina Legotkina, 73 George Goras, 55 George Theophilidis, 61 Georgios Goras, 23 Gian Luigi Marcazzan, 53, 54, 89, 93 Gudrun Beckh, 58 Guibert Sylvie, 45 H Hana Vinsova, 98 Hartje Müller, 38 Hartmut Wischmann, 38 Hayrettin Ozer, 43 Helena Baša Česnik, 117 Helena Rybak-Chmielewska, 78, 87 Hleba Lukáš, 121, 122 I I. Rodríguez, 41 Igor Jerković, 77 İlknur Demirtaş, 43 İmge Oktay, 43 Ioanna Chekimian, 86 Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, 66, 67 Isabel Valença, 107 Ivan Kosalec, 119 Ivana Tlak Gajger, 119 J J.A. Seijas, 99 Jasna Bertoncelj, 37 Jelena Kečkeš, 79 Jelena Trifković, 79 Joana Coelho, 111 Joana Duarte, 126 João Carlos Silva, 30 João Casaca, 115 130 of the International Honey Commission João J.S. Sousa, 20 Jorge Sá Morais, 42 José A. Gasparotto Sattler, 46, 75 José María Castro, 106 José María Fresno, 106 José Rodrigues, 94 Josef Stich, 97 Josipa Vlainić, 119 K Kačániová Miroslava, 121, Katarina Bilikova, 29 Katarzyna Jaśkiewicz, 78 Katharina Bieri, 58 Katrina Brudzynski, 27 Kirsten Schneidermann, 38 Kristina Lazarević, 79 Krystyna Pohorecka, 78 L L.M. Estevinho, 30, 42, 59, 99, 105, 106 Lars Ganske, 38 Ligia B. Almeida-Muradian, 46, 75, 85, 111 Lillian Barros, 66, 67 Liset Maldonado-Alvarez, 27 Ljubiša Stanisavljević, 79 Lourdes Corredera, 118 Lucia Piana, 34, 54 Luciana Barbosa dos Santos, 46 Luís G. Dias, 30, 42, 105, 115 Lutz Elflein, 38 M M. Dulce Antunes, 126 M. Graça Miguel, 126 M. Leonor Faleiro, 126 M. Teresa Sancho, 101 M.B.Farshineh Adl, 125 M.P. Vázquez-Tato, 99 Mª Eugenia Tornadijo, 106 Mª João Sousa, 110 Mahmoud Salesi, 125 Maja Natić, 51 Maja Smodiš Škerl, 117 Mandy Schmidt, 38 Mara E.B.C. Sousa, 42, 105 Márcia Cruz, 109 Marcus Vinícius de Pinho Pires, 95 Maria da Graça Campos, 33 Maria Dimou, 23 Maria G. Campos, 20 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 Annual meeting of the International Maria Teresa Sancho, 93, 102 Mariassunta Stefano, 54 Marie-Jeanne Gourmaud, 81 Marinka Kregar, 117 Mário Gomes, 115 Marta Cunha, 107 Martha Quicazán, 31, 47, 50 Martin Linkogel, 38 Massimiliano Magli, 54 Massimiliano Valentini, 89 Melia V. González-Porto, 69 Michal Bednar, 97, 98 Miguel A. Fernández-Muiño, 93, 101, 102 Miguel Maia, 35 Miguel Vilas-Boas, 66, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115 Milica Jovetić, 79 Miroslava, 122 Mohammad Behjatian Esfahani, 125 Mohammad Javed Ansari, 70 Mojca Korošec, 37 Monika Pytlak, 78 Montserrat Dueñas, 67 Mustafa Yaman, 43 Myriam Laurie, 57, 82 N Nada Vahčić, 53 Nair Alua, 103 Natalya Gavrilova, 73 Nebojša Nedić, 51 Nelma Pértega-Gomes, 107 Neşe Aslı Öncü, 43 Nihat Ozcan, 43 Nuno Vale, 113 O Ofélia Anjos, 33, 94 Ortrud Monika Barth, 85 Ozlem Aslan, 43 P Patricia Beaune, 34 Patricia Combarros-Fuertes, 106 Patricia Vit, 101 Paulo Antunes, 33, 94 Peter Gallmann, 21 Piotr Semkiw, 87 Piotr Skubida, 87 R Honey Commission Regina Lázaro, 118 Régis Brunet, 81 Renato Januario Sousa, 111 Roberto Piro, 34 Robin Azemar, 57 Rodríguez-Flores M. Shantal, 90, 91 Roman Kaygorodov, 74 Romana Rutar, 117 Rosires Deliza, 101 Rui Oliveira, 109 S S. Serrano, 41 S.M.K. Deylami, 125 Sandra Piosek, 38 Saskia Timmermann, 38 Sayed Mazaher Sayedi, 125 Seijo M. Carmen, 90, 91 Senem Akkuş Çevikkalp, 43 Shahaboddin Mosharaf, 125 Silvia Cristina Ferreira Iop, 95 Silvia Gardini, 89, 93 Silvija Zlatar, 119 Silvio Kečkeš, 51 Smail Aazza, 126 Sofia Gounari, 55 Soraia I. Falcão, 111, 113, 114 Susana Bayarri, 118 Susana M. Cardoso, 113 T T. Dias, 99 Tananaki Chrysoula, 86 Taylan Samancı, 43, 49 Teresa Szczęsna, 78, 87 Terezija Golob, 37 Thrasyvoulou Andreas, 86 Toni Vlainić, 119 Torsten Peix, 38 Tuğçe Daştan, 43 V Valerie Gaudin, 123 Valérie Nevers, 57, 81 Vanilda A. Soares de Arruda, 85 Vassya Bankova, 73 Verena Kilchenmann, 34, 58 Veronika Kmecl, 117 Vladimir Mićović, 53 Vukovič Nenad, 121, 122 Rail Khismatullin, 73, 74 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012 131 Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission W Wim Reybroeck, 39 Wytrychowski Marine, 45 X X. Feás, 99 Y Yehya Al-Attal, 70 Z Živoslav Tešić, 51, 79 Zvonimir Marijanović, 77 132 Bragança, Portugal, September 9-12, 2012