Parent Newsletter - East High School
Parent Newsletter - East High School
MADISON EAST HIGH SCHOOL Parent Newsletter December 2014 / January 2015 Respectful—Ready—Responsible December/January Calendar 2-3 Assistant Principal Announcements 4-5 Ben Fieck, 10-12 Dean of Students Testing Updates Senior Tributes Yearbooks Pa Mo-ja Eastside Players “Almost, Maine” Winter Art, Pottery Sale & Fundraiser Behavior Education Plan—Update 1st Semester Final Exam Schedule Athletics Department Chairpersons Department News Student Services Academic Help Greetings East High School families, First quarter of the 2014-2015 school year is in the books, parent teacher conferences are over. Confer6 ences were a huge success this year with a record 6 & 7 turnout. Thanks to all our families that stopped in to check on their student’s progress. It is always a good 8 time for you to reflect with your student on grades, graduation, and future college/career planning. It is 9 never too late to have those ongoing conversations 10 and academic expectations. 11 As always, several activities are happening at East. We finished up our fall sports season with many suc11 cesses, and now we move into the winter sports season. Don’t forget to take a moment to attend the 12 many winter activities we have—concerts, the Eastside 12 Players, and sporting events. And of course there is always homework to be done! Remember that high 13 school is all about opportunities, and East High School offers a multitude of them for students to explore. 14 Choosing challenging courses and being involved in 15-21 clubs and activities enriches the high school experience. Sometimes students will face obstacles, so forg22 ing partnerships with staff in our building helps stu24 dents navigate tumultuous waters. Volunteer Opportunities 26 Bell Schedule 27 East High Office Contacts 28 Absences—Who do I call? 29 MMSD District Calendar 30 Infinite Campus 31 Communication at East 32 We hope that you all have a wonderful winter break. Take time to enjoy your families and if you are traveling, please be safe. We are looking forward to a great 2015. Thanks for supporting your Purgolder! Mary M. Kelley Principal EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 2 DECEMBER 2014 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 Link Crew Lunch Eastside Players Eastside Players Eastside Players 10 11 12 13 Choir Concert 17 8 9 Jostens Senior Mtg Jostens Jostens ACT Exam 18 19 20 Tower TV 15 16 Staff Winter Tea Art & Pottery Sale Booster Club World Cuisine Day 22 23 24 25 26 27 W I N T E R B R E A K 29 30 31 W I N T E R B R E A K D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4 — I M P O RTA N T DAT E S 1, 8, 15 2—10 3 3 4—6 8 8—12 10 11 & 12 13 15 15 19 19 22—Jan 2 Early Release @ 2:25pm 11th Grade Career & Success Week Link Crew, Barrett Room Lunch Latino Parent Group, LMC Purple 6pm Eastside Players Present “Almost Maine”, Theater 7pm plus a Saturday 2pm Matinee AVID/TOPS Parents, LMC Gold 5:30pm Youth Risk Behavior Survey Window Choir Concert, Theater 7pm Jostens, Mall Lunch ACT Exam, 8am Winter Tea for EHS Staff & Retirees, Cafeteria 3pm Booster Club, LMC Purple 6:30pm World Cuisine Day, World Language Rooms Periods 1-7 Winter Art, Pottery Sale & Fundraiser, Forum Periods 3-6 Winter Break EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2014 PAGE 3 JANUARY 2015 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 8 9 10 W I N T E R B R E A K 5 6 Link Crew Lunch School Resumes 12 7 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 Periods 1, 2 & 7 Periods 3 & 4 Exams Periods 5 & 6 Exams Exams CNA Pinning Ceremony 2nd Quarter/1st Semester Senior Purgolder Time—Extended Tower TV 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Day No School-Building Closed 26 27 28 Ends 29 30 31 3rd Quarter/2nd Semester Begins JA N UA RY 2 0 1 4 — I M P O RTA N T DAT E S 5 School Resumes 7 Senior Financial Aid/Latino Parent Group, Theater 6pm 12 Senior Purgolder Time, Theater 9:40am—Extended 12 Tower TV @ 9:40am 12 Early Release @ 2:25pm 12 AVID/TOPS Parents, LMC Gold 5:30pm 15 & 20 Link Crew Cocoa Cram, LMC 3:45pm 16 CNA Testing, 8:15am 17 Encore Show Choir Invitational @ Burlington 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School—Building Closed 21 1st Semester Exams Period 1: 8:30-10am Period 2: 10:15-11:45am Lunch: 11:45am-12:25pm Period 7: 12:30-2pm Release @ 2pm 22 1st Semester Exams Period 3: 8:30-10am Period 4: 10:15-11:45am Release @ 11:45am 22 CNA Pinning Ceremony, LMC 9am 22 DCP Registration, Room 2031 5pm 23 1st Semester Exams Period 5: 8:30-10am Period 6: 10:15-11:45am Release @ 11:45am 23 2nd Quarter/1st Semester Ends 24 Jazz Orchestra, Union South 6pm 26 3rd Quarter/2nd Semester Begins 26 Booster Club, LMC Purple 6:30pm 31 Encore & Mad City Show Choir Invitational @ Sauk Prairie EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 4 9th Grade—Assistant Principal Mikki Smith Room 1023—Phone 608/204-1617 Parents and Guardians, We are three months into the school year. I am happy to see that our freshmen are settling in nicely; finding their footing, getting the routine down, and overall learning what it means to be in high school. East’s Link Crew, a group of upper classmen who organized Freshman Orientation, and lead various other freshmen activities throughout the year, has generated a list of things every freshman should know. I admit, I omitted a few things, however, I think our upper classmen offer excellent advice. Please suggest or reinforced this advice with your student. What Every Freshman Should Know 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Always be prepared: bring tic tacs, hair ties, pencils or pens, lotion, deodorant, etc. Use your locker. You need more sleep than you think you do. Not eating lunch doesn’t make you cool, just hungry. Dress in layers. No matter how tempting, the stairs are always faster than the elevator. Avoid drama. Always keep an open mind: Do what makes YOU happy and don’t be afraid to be yourself. Try your best no matter how hard it is. Teachers are here to teach you, treat them well. School first, sports second. Talk to new people, try new things. Join clubs, sports, attend school events (dress up for spirit week, etc. it makes things fun). Pay attention. Get to know your teachers. Trust your teachers. Stay organized, use your planner . Study. If you are good at something, stick with it. Visit the art showcase, East has really talented students. Know where the offices are. Someone is always there to help if you need it. Know your bathrooms. Some of them don’t have mirrors. Be friends with people that help you move forward. Lock your gym locker. Don’t procrastinate. Keep your grades up; don’t wait until the last minute to do your work. Take all classes seriously. Always, always secure your valuables or keep them on your person (i.e. IPhones)! This free advice is from Ms. Smith. Warmly, Mikki Smith. Freshman Academy Principal 101h Grade—Assistant Principal Randi Kubek Room 1027—Phone 608/204-1615 10th grade students and their parents/guardians: The East Guidance department will pilot 10th grade Student Success Interviews in the weeks to come. The individualized meetings will target students identified through a combination of grade data and the East School Improvement Plan as needing additional supports. Parents and students are encouraged to follow through on this opportunity to address early warning signs among our 10 th grade learners, and work with counselors to make these interviews as productive as possible. Contact your student’s counselor if you have additional questions about the interviews. Thanks to parents and students for their efforts around WKCE testing in October. Assessing student progress toward benchmarks is an important way to inform daily practices around instruction and, while testing is sometimes not “exciting,” it is extremely valuable to measure growth. We appreciate the continued best efforts as we push through 10 th grade Aspire testing in April. Finally, with the holidays comes not only the precious opportunity for spending time with family and friends, but also additional breaks in the regular school schedule. We consider all instructional time valuable and encourage students to continue to work hard to get to classes on time following the longer lunch period. Please let us know if you need additional supports around scheduling or homework make up. We are here to help. Happy holidays, everyone! EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 5 11th Grade—Assistant Principal Alex Thompson Room 1027—Phone 608/204-1608 Hello Eastside Families, We are entering what is a wonderful time of year. There are a few things that I would like to update you on. We are replacing our old parking permits with new parking stickers. There is very limited parking available. If you come to East and do not have a permit, please register your vehicle in the Welcome Center at door 2 (small parking lot on Fourth St.) or the main office. Unregistered vehicles will be ticketed and/or towed. Contacting the Welcome Center or office after you have received a ticket is too late; you will be responsible for your ticket. We have had issues with students at school after hours. Our policy is that they need to be part of a supervised activity when they are here when school is not in session. At this point they are trespassing and will face school as well as legal consequences for being here unsupervised. Please help us by arranging for their transportation promptly. Bus riders will be asked to wait at the bus stop for their bus to come. Winter sports are here and we are excited for our boys and girls basketball, wrestling, gymnastics, and hockey teams. Students need to have their ID’s for admission. If they do not have an ID, they can get one in the LMC before or after school. NO ID, NO ADMISSION. Sportsmanship at these events are a high priority. I am confident that spectators will be respectful of themselves and others while at these games. In the event that this is not the case, spectators will be asked to leave the premises. Thank you and have a great holiday, Alex Thompson 121h Grade—Assistant Principal Bea Bonet Room 1027—Phone 608/204-1557 Greetings Seniors and Parents or Guardians; I can't believe we're approaching the end of first semester and the holidays are upon us as I write this. Where has the year gone? First, seniors were turning in their senior portrait pictures for the yearbook, then starting those college applications and enjoying Fall sports. Now there's a distinct chill in the air. Basketball and wrestling are in full swing - some of you have already heard back from colleges and universities and hopefully ALL of my Seniors are finishing up their applications for the many unique and varied scholarships that East High School offers each year. The deadline is January 1, 2015. Please do not miss this opportunity!! Another Senior item I'd like to bring up now to Parents and Guardians is the Senior Party, which is held the Saturday before graduation, this year it's June 6, 2015. I'd like to have the first Parent Senior Party Planning Meeting on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 5:30pm in the LMC Purple side to get things rolling and committees established early to ensure a fabulous Senior Party for our Class of 2015!! Please mark your calendars for this important first meeting and already start thinking about how you'd like to help out. In years past we've even had co-chairs for the overall Senior Party planning and then sub committees from there - lots to think about! Plenty of time! See you on January 14th! As the co-test coordinator with our Dean of Students, Mr. Fieck, we are happy to say that we are done with testing for first semester. The ACCESS test for our ESL students was the last of the mandatory testing given. We started the year right away with the new Aspire Test - all computerized - measuring competency in the areas of Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading and Writing. Only 9th grade took it in the Fall, but grades 9 and 10 will take it in the Spring, the testing window opens in April and runs four weeks - watch for important information in the months to come. If you'd like to see what it's all about, please log on to and you can see for yourselves. This test has replaced the PLAN, EXPLORE and next year WKCE as well. It's important your child takes it seriously as it measures their strengths and where they are skill-wise compared to their peers. Our school also gets measured on how well our students do on these tests and we all know our students and staff work very hard at East! Well enough about testing! In closing, I'd like to wish all of you a wonderful, peaceful and joyful Holiday Season - filled with good health, love of family and friends, an abundance of food and laughter and memories that are priceless! May 2015 bring you everything you'd hoped for and then some! Best, Beatriz Bonet EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 6 Dear Families, My name is Ben Fieck and it is my honor and privilege to serve as the new 10-12 Dean of Students at Madison East High School. My official start date at East was October 1. I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and express my excitement about working with students, families, and staff at East. I have had the opportunity to have many different experiences in education. I graduated from Edgewood College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and from Concordia University with a Master of Science degree in Educational Administration. I started my education career in the Madison Metropolitan School District as a substitute teacher. I then moved into a teaching position at Black Hawk Middle School where I worked for 10 years. Over the years at Black Hawk I taught 6th grade science & math, 7th grade science, math & language arts, 8th grade reading, and served as Positive Behavior Support Coach. I have also taught summer school for six years and coached basketball, football, soccer, and softball for 10 years. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact me at 204-1620 (office), 206-6681 (cell) or Thank you for all your support. I look forward to working with all of you! Go Purgolders! Sincerely, Ben Fieck 10-12 Dean of Students Testing Updates: Here are some updates from your co-testing coordinators Ms. Bonet and Mr. Fieck. The 10th grade WKCE testing went very smoothly on October 28th and November 3. Expect the test results some time after January. 9th grade ACT Aspire test results will be available in early December. In this newsletter you will see an ACT and ACT Aspire score conversion table. Please pay close attention to this as you will see how the new ACT Aspire test correlates with the ACT. It is important that 9th and 10th grade students take the ACT Aspire test as it helps prepare them for the ACT test in 11th grade. Important test dates to remember: 1. March 3- 11th Grade ACT Test 2. March 4- 11th Grade Work Keys Test 3. May 7th - 10th Grade ACT Aspire Test 4. May 8th - 9th Grade ACT Aspire Test If you have any comments, questions, or concerns please feel free to contact us. Thanks for your continued support in this very important manner. Bea Bonet 204-1557 Ben Fieck 204-1620 (Continued on next page) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 7 (Testing—Continued from page 6) 10 ride Metro youth rider passes are available for purchase in the Main Office, room 1037 for $10 (cash only). EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 8 Attention parents of seniors, we still have a limited amount of space available for Senior Tributes! Honor Your 2015 Graduate with a Yearbook Senior Tribute! 2 0 1 5 S E N I O R T R I B U T E S Purchasing a Senior Tribute is a great way for you to honor your graduate, or group of graduates (such as soccer team, group of best friends etc.) with photos and a special message that will last a lifetime. Three sizes are available and our Yearbook staff will work with you to come up with the appropriate layout for your tribute. Complete the order form below and submit it along with photos (you may e‐mail photos too) and instructions by January 5th. Please send all information to: Greg Rittman/Yearbook Adviser East High School 2222 East Washington Avenue Madison, WI 53704 Phone: 608‐204‐1801 e‐mail: ______________________________________________________________ I would like to order: ____ 1/8 page tribute ($50) ____ ¼ page tribute ($90) ____ ½ page tribute ($160) for (name of senior or group):_____________________________________ Purchased by: Name: ________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________ Phone contact number(s):_________________________________ E‐mail address:__________________________________________ EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 9 January will be our last yearbook sale. Don’t count on extra copies being available at the end of the school year. Last year we completely sold out. The only way to guarantee yourself a copy of the yearbook is to pre-order it before January 14th! Prices will increase after the January 14th deadline. You can order your Yearbook online through the Yearbook link on the East Website or send in a check for $47 to: East High Yearbook Attention: Greg Rittman 2222 East Washington Avenue Madison WI 53704 Foundation for Madison's Public Schools Dedicated to funding Madison's public schools. FMPS Sends Madison’s Leaders Back to School Since 2004, the Foundation for Madison’s Public School’s A Principal Experience has built relationships between Madison’s community leaders and MMSD staff and students. This year, Christine Benedict from Edgewood College, Sarah Dunn-Carpenter from CG Schmidt Construction, Jenna Gordon from Summit Credit Union, Natalie Healy from American Family DreamBank, and Tia Rice from the Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin served as our school’s “Principal Partners” during the event held on Tuesday, October 14. Principal Partners learned what it takes to be one of Madison’s public education leaders, and also discovered just how much students and staff accomplish in a single day. A Principal Experience forges relationships between school and community leaders, laying the basis for new partnerships that support and strengthen Madison’s public schools. It is our hope that Principal Partners take their experiences back to their businesses and adopt the school they visited. The Foundation’s Adopt-a-School program cultivates, nurtures, and sustains partnerships between schools and the Madison community. Adopt-a-School partners provide a combination of volunteer time, in-kind contributions, and financial resources to meet the needs of students. In return, businesses receive a multitude of benefits including an increased sense of pride and involvement in Madison’s public schools and the awareness that they are contributing to the success of our next generation of leaders. If you are interested in becoming a Principal Partner next year or would like more information about the Foundation’s Adopt-a-School program, visit, call Community Partnerships Director Mary Bartzen at (608) 237-7723 or send her an email at EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 10 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 11 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 12 At East High School, we believe a positive and safe school climate is essential for students to succeed. It is important that everyone - students, parents, staff, and community members, feel welcome and respected as members of our school community. At the start of the school year, we shared with you our new approach to school discipline, our Behavior Education Plan. Rather than a code of conduct based on a punitive model, the plan represents a teaching and learning model that gives students the opportunity and support to develop positive behavior skills. Because this represents a shift in how we address behavior in our school, we wanted to take the opportunity to update you on our work so far this year. Across the district and in our school, there has been exciting work focused on promoting positive student behavior. Here at East High, we have focused on embedding restorative practices within our school culture. Restorative practices allow for members of a community to repair harm against the community, to build relationships, or to seek support around an issue (like attendance, homework, or friendships). Restorative practices are being practiced at three levels: 1) Individually with trained student Circle Keepers, the YWCA, and Rob, our PBS coach, 2) In the classroom to restore classroom norms and build community, 3) At the administrative level in our reintegration meetings when a student comes back from a suspension. We have also put renewed focus on our PBS lessons. These take place nearly every week during our Purgolder Time and focus on teaching students strategies to be more mindful about not only their behavior in school, but also their habits and practices that help them to be successful students. PBS has also started two new groups to support boys in school. One is called Men Encouraging Non-Violent Strength (MENS) which is a partnership with Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS). This group focuses on issues of domestic and intimate partner violence. The second group is for Black boys who are in AVID and or AP classes. This group supports these boys as they grow into scholarly young men. East High School is working really hard to embrace the philosophical shift from punitive reactions to behavior to a focus on building relationships and teaching appropriate behaviors. We will also be learning, monitoring and adjusting our approach through the school year. As a district, we’ve already learned about the need for increased access to professional development and the need for clear communication around the Behavior Education Plan. As a school, we’ll also be making adjustments as we learn. Most importantly, our approach to behavior goes hand in hand with our focus on great teaching and learning. The better we can support teachers and stay focused on the work of our school improvement plan, the better we can also promote positive behaviors. If you’d like to learn more about the plan, you can read our Frequently Asked Questions document at We’ll also continue to update you through the year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Mary M. Kelley Principal FIRST SEMESTER FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Wednesday, January 21 Thursday, January 22 Friday, January 23 Period 1 Period 2 Lunch Period 7 8:30-10:00am 10:15-11:45am 11:45-12:25pm 12:30-2:00pm Period 3 Period 5 8:30-10:00am Period 6 10:15-11:45am No Lunch Served *Make up 2:00-3:34pm *Make up 12:30-3:34pm (*must prearrange with teacher) (*must prearrange with teacher) 8:30-10:00am CNA Pinning Ceremony LMC 9am Period 4 10:15-11:45am No Lunch Served *Make up 12:30-3:34pm (*must prearrange with teacher) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 13 Impact Testing Concussion safety is an important aspect of high school athletics. The ImPACT© test is a computerized testing program that assists medical doctors, training staff, and other health professionals to better understand when it is safe for athletes to return to participate in sports. The test is administered on a computer to each student-athlete and measures brain functions like memory, reaction time, and attention span. A T H L E T I C S The ImPACT test provides an individualized baseline record of brain functioning that is used to assess where a concussed athlete is in the recovery process and how quickly they can make a safe return to the sport. As concussions can have a variety of effects on different people, having individualized baseline knowledge of a student-athlete’s brain function allows medical staff to understand a concussion’s effects on that particular student. Madison East High School currently offers FREE team-wide testing at the beginning of the season for each of the following sports: · · · · · · · · · Football Boys and girls soccer Wrestling Boys and girls basketball Hockey Gymnastics Softball Baseball Track and field (pole vault) The ImPACT test is also available at NO COST to any other East High School athletes that wish to take the test. Please contact athletic director Dave Kapp ( or athletic trainer Mandy Louderback ( for more information on the testing procedure. Parent / Athlete permissions and verification of willingness to adhere to the Athletic Code are now available online. Please visit the Athletics page on the East website: and go to "Athletic Forms" This must be completed prior to participating in athletics at East High School. Find the most current schedules for all teams at If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. David Kapp Athletic Director, CMAA 204-1720 Kelly Downing Athletic Secretary 204-1604 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 14 2014-2015 EAST HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENTS AND CHAIRPERSONS APPLIED TECHNOLOGY: Dennis Mossholder, BUSINESS: David Kruchten, CROSS CATEGORICAL/SPECIAL EDUCATION: Shelby Arkin, and Bonnie Goeke-Johnson, ENGLISH: Amy Isensee, ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING: Amy Piaskowski, and Leigh Vierstra, FAMILY & CONSUMER EDUCATION: Dottie Winger, FINE ARTS & THEATER: Paul Milisch, HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Rich Cleveland, MATH: Phil Galarowicz, SCIENCE: Erin Parker, SOCIAL STUDIES: Kevin Attaway, STUDENT SERVICES: Laura Gillis, and Pam Herman, WORLD LANGUAGES: Claudine Clark, Department Administrators: Mary Kelley Randi Kubek Bea Bonet Mikki Smith Alex Thompson Cross Categorical/Special Education and Student Services Social Studies and World Languages English Language Learning, Math and Fine Arts & Theater English, Family & Consumer Education and Health & Physical Education Applied Technology, Business and Science EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 15 News From The Auto Shop Richard Lyons, Madison East High Auto Teacher (608) 204-1520 or Auto 1 class core project for the semester is to reverse engineer a car. Take it apart, one nut and bolt at a time, until the car is totally disassembled. The auto shop receives one or two donated older cars or trucks every year. The oldest or most unusable car is taken apart. We keep some parts for demonstration or parts are used on other cars. The car is then sold for scrap metal. The money goes back into the auto program to get badly needed supplies and tools. The students really like the hands on experience. If you know of an older car that could be put to good use, please give me a call (does not need to be running). Pictured from left to right: Andy Gonzalez-Quinta, Osvaldo Canales, Duncan Peterson, Aaron Frieson, Jordan Garrison, Mitchell Weber, Chia Neng Thao, Di Angelo Jackson EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 16 Business Department David Kruchten, Department Chair and DECA Adviser Things are getting into full swing in the Madison East Business Department. Personal Finance students have moved on past budgeting, banking and consumer rights and are now looking at investing. They are participating in a stock simulation where they have already learned how volatile the market can be over the last couple weeks! Business Law classes are working on studying contracts and planning a trip to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Finally, Accounting and Marketing classes are exploring different careers along with their regular curriculum. Students who possess an electronic device such as a cell phone or i-pod do so at their own risk to possible loss, damage or liability. Please consider leaving items at home. STUDENT SAFETY TIP In the DECA (business and marketing) club, things have also been very busy. We did our first fundraiser, tape a teacher. During homecoming week students bought segments of duct tape to help tape varsity football coach and business teacher Mr. Erato to the wall. DECA is also gearing up for two leadership conferences, one to Wisconsin Dells and one to Minneapolis. After bringing eight students to just one of these conferences last year, this year 35 students will be attending. They are looking forward to learning a lot and bringing those experiences back to the rest of the club! DECA is always looking for mentors, judges for competitions and donations to help students attend events, so if anyone is interested in helping please contact advisor David Kruchten at EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 17 FROM THE MATH DEPARTMENT Cynthia Chin Don’t let 2014 “slide” by without celebrating logarithms! You may find this hard to believe, but there are people still alive today who once did their mathematical calculations by sliding sticks back and forth. No keypads, no batteries, no LEDs. Just sticks. Yes, it sounds like a device from the Stone Age, but as late as the 1970s scientists and engineers commonly used such a stick-sliding device, known as a slide rule, to perform multiplication and division and other tasks like extracting square roots. Working versions of these instruments still are on display in museums today. But as primitive as they sound, slide rules could not have been invented in the Stone Age or even in ancient Greece. They owe their existence to a much later mathematical development that is celebrating its 400th anniversary this year: the invention of logarithms. Back in those days, when the Scientific Revolution was just revving up, doing math was tedious and frustrating. Measurements of features of the Earth, navigational problems, astronomical phenomena, all demanded high-level calculational prowess from the practitioners of those disciplines. But when the numbers involved were large, manipulating them was messy. Even the best math wizards made almost as many mistakes as baseball umpires do today. Then in 1614 John Napier, a Scottish landowner and theologian with some mathematical training, published Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio, or A Description of the Admirable Table of Logarithms. It introduced a new method for quickly performing complicated calculations. It was a godsend. As one logarithm user noted much later, logarithms effectively doubled a mathematician’s useful lifetime. . . It wasn’t long until others figured out how to put the logarithms to use in mechanical calculations using sticks. Inscribing numbers on the sticks at intervals proportional to their logarithms made it possible to multiply numbers by proper positioning of the sticks. Later on, other scales were added to the sticks for extracting roots or calculating trigonometric functions, plus a lot of other scales that I never learned how to use. Electronic calculators came along just in time. --Above excerpted from “Logarithms Celebrate Their 400th Birthday” –Tom Siegfried, Science News, July 25, 2014 East math students learn to use logarithms in Algebra 2, Algebra 3, PreCalculus, and Calculus. Even with electronic calculators available, knowledge of logarithms is a key to understanding and using patterns of exponential growth and decay, such as those found in biology, medicine, physics, and finance. Expect to celebrate “logs” sometime before the year is out! The Hour of Code has arrived! December 8-12, 2014 is Computer Science Education Week Google and other sponsors have put together self-guided tutorials for kids to play and learn how to code. We will have opportunities for students to participate in this hour of code here at East and hope you will encourage your son/daughter to join in on the fun. See Ms. Dorsey in room 3016 or email her at with any questions. Please encourage students to show you what they have learned. They can learn more or try an independent project at this site: If you want to personally get involved with this project, feel free to contact Ms. Dorsey with your interest and ideas for how to get the word out to future generations about the necessity of understanding the world they live in: Technology isn't going away! Watch for computer science and programming electives in the 2015-2016 Course Selection Guide! (Continued on next page) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 18 (Math—Continued from Page 17) Attack Mode: Putting Mathematics and Computer Science to Use The East High Math Department is proud to announce that three teams competed in the High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling This is our 16th consecutive contest, and students chose as their 2014 theme a short poem by Danish mathematician and designer Piet Hein: “Problems worthy of attack/Prove their worth by hitting back.” This couplet speaks to the complex and uncertain nature of problem-solving in authentic, worthwhile contexts. This year’s teams worked for 36 hours over the period of November 13-14 to submit papers on allocation of medical resources to epidemics such as the Ebola virus, and on improved people-moving in public transit hubs. In addition to more abstract mathematical concepts, two of our three teams used the computer language Scratch to create simulations for testing their hypotheses. Results will be announced in February. Experienced modelers will be invited to represent East in another applied mathematics competition, Moody’s MegaMath Challenge, this spring ( Thank you to our parent conference bake sale customers, whose support of math club helped fund this activity. Thank you also to our hardworking and creative students for giving this competition their all: Emily Barkei, Hans Barkei, Claire Burke, Bryce Campbell, Nyika Campbell, Anna Cohen, Mika Hoecherl, Barrett Karstens, Teddy Lee, Rowan Koester-Jess, Kyra Raines, Joshua Spitzer-Resnick. Fall Engineering Activities East is very proud of its alums from 2012 and 2013 who now attend UW-Madison and are taking the lead in creating and delivering high school programs to the Purgolders coming up behind them: Donale Richards and Ian Kelsey - National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Ricardo Ruiz Menjivar --Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) Kim Chung --Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) Several current East students are involved in outreach to Blackhawk, O’Keeffe, and Sherman middle schools, conducting daytime and afterschool activities focusing on the theme of “ Engineering in Show Business”. Thanks to the Foundation for Madison Public Schools and the Madison East Philanthropy Club for funding this activity in Oct & December. Grant support from Electronic Theater Controls is pending for sessions in the spring. Fall engineering field trips included —UW-Madison College of Engineering Day on Campus, hosted by NSBE, SHPE, and SASE. Advice on choosing a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) major, financial aid for STEM students, and transitioning from high school to college studies. --Field Museum of Natural History and Science & Industry Museum in Chicago. Exhibits on Biomechanics and Numbers in Nature --Electronic Theater Controls, Middleton. World-class theater equipment design and manufacture. Thank you to everyone who helped sponsor these trips by supporting the club’s fundraising efforts in October and November. Also to the math, theater, and English as a Second Language staff for assistance in publicizing these opportunities. UW-Madison STEM Opportunities Math Circle talks by faculty and graduate students have recently introduced knot theory, infinity, and the mathematics of the Zombie apocalypse. After a winter hiatus, they will resume on January 26 th. These are open to any student, high school or middle school, who has completed or is enrolled in Algebra 1. Schedule and notes on past talks here: The local UW-Madison chapters of SHPE and NSBE conduct monthly workshops with East students on Saturdays. These presentations and hands-on activities led by undergraduate engineering students and faculty are open to ALL interested East students. Next session is December 6th, 1-3 pm. Featured majors will be Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering. Rm 3609, Engineering Hall, 1415 Engineering Drive. See Ms. Chin ASAP for more information or help with transportation. (Continued on next page) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 19 (Math—Continued from Page 18) It’s not too early to think about summer! The Society of Women Engineers will sponsor a one week summer camp, Engineering Tomorrow’s Careers (ETC) for high school girls who are currently sophomores and juniors, with juniors receiving priority. Dates are June 14-19th, 2015. Engineering club president Courtney Burns attended in Summer 2013. She HIGHLY recommends the program, even though she was hesitant to sign up at first. It is a great alternative to the full six-week Engineering Summer Program (more about that in our next newsletter), and provides opportunity to learn more about options within the broad field of engineering, as well as college life. The application process opened on November 1 and closes February 2nd. Space is limited, so don’t wait until the last minute. More information at Notes Brooksy Beilke-Skoug Peggy Boettger Mark Saltzman Congratulations to East choir members Taylor Zeise, Emma Schell, Kate Silverthorne, and David Kwong (orchestra) for singing on November 7th, 2014 in the National Association for the Teachers of Singing state auditions held at Viterbo University in La Crosse. Emma Schell was selected to progress to the “finals” round of competition. Congratulations vocalists and your studio teacher, Lynn Najem!! East Choir member Corinne McKnight recently returned from a performance engagement in Nashville where she won the honor of being selected to perform in the “Writer’s Round” of fresh new voices at “The Commodore” in Nashville, TN. Corinne is a prolific composer/singer/guitarist and her songs now receive copyright/registration through Seasack. Corinne has recently released an album of her latest, fabulous compositions, “Take My Hand”. Congratulations, Corinne!! The East High Choirs will be presenting their annual Winter Gala Concert at 7:00pm on Wednesday, December 10 th. All East High Choirs (Chorale, Mad City Swing, Concert Choir & Encore Show Choir) will be performing in this lively, entertaining concert appropriate for all ages. Free and open to the public—concert begins at 7:00pm. On January 17th, the Encore Show Choir/Show Band will take the competition stage for the first time this 2014-15 season in Burlington, Wisconsin. Mad City Swing (women’s show choir), will also get to compete on the big stage along with Encore on January 31st as the EHS teams take the stage at Sauk City. Wishing all the best to these hard working singers/dancers, Ms. Beilke-Skoug and the team’s new band director, Holly Grant!! The East High Jazz Orchestra will be jamming at the Union South on January 24 th at 6:00pm—sure to be a night of amazing music. Social Studies Kevin Attaway, Department Chair East High School had over 70 students volunteer their time on Election Day to work at the polls, more than every other Madison high school. Many students worked a double shift, working over 18 hours. Students were assigned a wide variety of tasks, ranging from greeting voters, to registering new voters, issuing ballots, and checking people in. Students got to experience firsthand what it takes to run a smooth election. While many of them are not eligible to vote yet, we are proud that they took the time to participate in their democracy in this manner. It was a fantastic learning experience for everyone who was involved. Poll workers are needed at every election, so students who are interested in working at the spring primary in February, or general election in April, should see Mr. Adams for more information. Mr. Nick Adams, Room 2013 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 20 Greetings from the science department! Erin Parker, Department Chair Even though it isn’t officially winter yet, it’s never too early to start thinking about summer opportunities for students. There are many options for students to explore their interests and broaden their experiences with scientific research, many with deadlines coming up early in 2015. Hope you have a wonderful winter holiday season. Summer Science Opportunities for High School Students: Summer 2015 Engineering Summer Program- UW Madison Engineering/ math/ technology/ science Rising 11th-12th graders 7 weeks/free Registration deadline: April 2015 CIMSS Student Workshop - UW Madison Meteorology/ Earth and Space Rising 9th-12th graders 1 week/$150 Registration deadline: May 2015 Engineering Tomorrow’s Careers- UW Madison Engineering for women Rising 11th-12th grade girls only 1 week/ $200 Registration deadline: 2 February 2015 Summer Science Institute- UW Madison Biological/Physical Science Research Rising 10th-12th grades 6 weeks/free Registration deadline: 15 April 2015 Careers in Natural Resources Workshop- Trees for Tomorrow Natural resource careers (many) Rising 9th-12th grade students 1 week/$165 Registration deadline: TBD (likely early May 2015) Girls on Ice Ecology and glaciology, wilderness skills Rising 10th-12th grade girls only 9 days/free Registration Deadline: TBD (late January 2015) High School Research Science Internship Program- MMSD in partnership with UW-Madison Variety of science fields including engineering, physics, ecology, biology, chemistry Rising 10th-12th grade minimum of 25 hours week/9 weeks Earn 3 MMSD science credits and 1 UW-Madison credit Registration Deadline: TBD, orientation meeting at East on February 17th EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 21 World Languages Claudine Clark, Department Chair French 4 and 5 classes are studying “Confessions” by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, alongside select English and History classes, in the UW-Madison Center for Humanities “Great World Texts” program. Great World Texts in Wisconsin connects scholars at UW-Madison with high school teachers and students across the state through the shared project of reading and discussing a classic piece of world literature. The program includes workshops in which teachers work with UW faculty members on interpreting and understanding the text and an Annual Student Conference in which students from all participating schools come together to share their work and hear from distinguished speakers. To find out more about this exciting program and see a list of participating schools, visit: Facilitated Language Study class has partnered with the UW-Madison Language Institute to provide tutoring via Skype for our FLS students learning Japanese. The UW tutors are upper-level Japanese students who provide language support and conversation practice. Along with our native-speaking tutors who come to class, and our Japanese exchange student from Tokyo, this year’s FLS students have an extensive web of opportunity to practice their language and learn about Japan. French Club news from Monsieur Lenz: French Club is in full swing. We had two fund raisers so far this fall. Money earned pays for the tuition and books of Glyza Tutones, our sponsored student in the Philippines. In late October, French students attended la Maison Française (French House) located on the UW campus. Students were required to speak French regardless of level. At first it seemed daunting for some, but after a while, students relaxed and discovered that they could understand and say more than they thought. In December we will make Bûche de Noël (yule cakes) with Mrs. Feest, a parent of former East students. We will also sing French Christmas carols at Capitol Lakes Retirement Community Center. Lastly, we had to wait to begin teaching French at the Red Caboose after school program until November due to a request by the new director. À la prochaine ! Spanish Club news from Señor Bravo: Spanish Club is off to a great start with new and returning members! Our first official event was held Oct 20th at La Hacienda Restaurant where we invited our 6 international students attending EHS for dinner. We welcomed them by treating them to tasty Mexican cuisine! Spanish Club also has a Nacho Sale every Wednesday after school to raise money for events! Nachos are $1.00 and are sold near the cafeteria! Gracias! Nicaragua Summer Exchange 2015 We're on a mission to help more Spanish students reach fluency! Find out more about the most affordable immersion program to Latin America! Madison East High info meeting: December 3rd at 6:30pm in Room 1062 Visit us at: More information is included in this flyer. Latin America High School Summer Exchange EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 22 Student Services (Room 2031 unless otherwise noted) 2014-2015 Counselor Assignments (by student last name): 10th 11th 12th AVID Students AVID Students AVID Students B-E B-E B-E Ms. Schuchardt (10th—12th) 204-1636 A, F, S-V A, F, S-V A, F, S-V Ms. Callis (10th—12th) 204-1631 H-K, W H-K, W H-K, W Ms. Olson (10th—12th) 204-1665 L–P L-P L- P Ms. Murphy (ELL, 10th—12th) 204-1637 ELL 1-4 G, Q, R, X-Z ELL 1-4 G, Q, R, X-Z ELL 1-4 G, Q, R, X-Z Ms. Barnsley, Admin. Assistant 204-1638 Ms. Nymann, Office Assistant 204-1629 9th Ms. Abegglen (9th) 204-1576 (Room 1022B) 9th grade A-N Ms. Arkin (9th) 204-1672 (Room 1022A) 9th grade O-Z Ms. Elmore (AVID Students) 204-1647 (Room 1046) AVID Students Ms. Gillis (10th—12th) 204-1635 ELL 1, 2 9th & 10th Grade Psychologist: Jalal Haj Hussien 204-1627 11th & 12th Grade Psychologist: Michael OrRico 204-1667 10th & 12th Grade Social Worker / AOD: Jessie Cudney 204-1632 9th & 11th Grade Social Worker / AOD: Pam Herman 204-1633 (Continued on page 29) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 23 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 East HS Academic Help 2014-15 During the Day—Open to All Students 1) See your Teacher/Counselor/Case Manager/Mentor/etc. when they are available 2) Drop in to see your Teacher/Counselor/Case Manager/Mentor/etc. during the last 15 minutes of our extended lunch 3) Library LMC Gold or Purple (need a pass from Librarian) Contacts: Laurie Bauer or Carol Gilbert 4) Lunch Study: LMC Purple- Quiet Study After School Programs—Open to All Students 1) See your Teacher/Counselor/Case Manager/Mentor/etc. when they are available 2) East HS-MSCR Homework Club (snacks/tutors provided) Contact: Tauri Robinson @ EHS, (608) 204-1752, Mondays early release 2:30-4:00pm in Rm 1016 Mondays regular release 3:45-5:00pm in Rm 1016 Tuesday-Friday 3:45-5:00pm in LMC Gold 3) Light Program @ James Reeb Church (next to Milio’s) Contact: Riley J. Balikian, (903) 746-5093, Wednesdays and Thursdays 3:45-5:30pm 4) Rise High Program (Vera Court Community Center) Contact: Becky Bauer, (608) 658-1549, Tues, Wed, and Thurs: 5:30-8:00pm (Dinner Provided) 5) East Madison Community Center (Truax—8 Straubel Court) Contact: Mike Jackson & John Harmelink, (608) 249-0861 Monday - Thursday 4:00-6:00pm 6) Goodman Center (149 Waubesa Street) Contact: Libby Schultz, (262) 844-3134, Athlete’s Study Table: Mondays 2:30-4:00pm Teen Connections/Lussier Loft (must sign up for program- no cost) Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays (opt) 4:00-7:30pm (dinner & rides home) PAGE 24 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 25 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 Do you … like to Read? Write? Garden? Sew? Or...enjoy Math? Science? History? Literature? Or...speak Spanish? French? Hmong? Arabic? Japanese? Mandarin? And want to meet some great young people? Then we want to meet you! ************* East High School Needs YOU! Volunteers Needed All Subject Areas All Day & After School ************* Check out these opportunities! PAGE 26 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 27 Purgolder Schedule *PCT Mondays February 9, 16, 23 March 2, 16, 23 April 13, 20, 27 May 4, 11, 18, 25 building by 2:35pm. *Professional Collaboration Time 2:45—4pm (Staff ) Basic Schedule Tuesday—Friday (and Non-PCT Mondays) Period 1 8:15—9:07am Period 2 9:12—10:04am Period 3 10:09—11:01am Period 4 11:06—11:58am **Lunch 11:58—12:43pm (45 minutes) Teachers in Classrooms 12:28pm Period 5 12:48—1:40pm Period 6 1:45—2:37pm Period 7 2:42—3:34pm Students should report to their afterschool activity or leave the building by 4pm. **One Lunch—Open Campus DAILY BELL SCHEDULE Period 1 8:15—8:55am Period 2 9:00—9:40am Purgolder Time 9:40—10:00am Period 3 10:05—10:45am 2014—2015 10:50am—11:30am EARLY RELEASE Period 4 11:30am—12:10pm (40 minutes) PCT MONDAYS **Lunch Teachers in Classrooms 12:00pm December Period 5 12:15—12:55pm 1, 8, 15 Period 6 1:00—1:40pm Period 7 1:45—2:25pm January Students should report to their afterschool activity or leave the 12 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 4 MAIN OFFICE—ROOM 1037 PHONE EMAIL MARY KELLEY, PRINCIPAL Kristi Vitale-Gerhardt, Admin Asst Judith Parish, Admin Asst—Finance Michelle Galarowicz, Main Office Asst 204-1605 204-1669 204-1746 204-1733 PAGE 28 11th GRADE—ROOM 1027 ALEX THOMPSON, ASST PRINCIPAL Shelley Day, Admin Asst 204-1608 204-1614 10th—12TH DEAN OF STUDENTS—ROOM 1027 BEN FIECK 204-1620 9th GRADE—ROOM 1023 MIKKI SMITH, ASST PRINCIPAL Jessica Penning, Admin Asst 204-1617 204-1613 9th DEAN OF STUDENTS—ROOM 1023 BECKY PETERSON 204-1625 REGISTRAR—ROOM 1040 Kristi Meyer 204-1745 New Student Registration, Student Withdrawals, Transcripts (former students) ATHLETICS—ROOM 1030 DAVID KAPP, ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Kelly Downing, Admin Asst 204-1720 204-1604 Coaching Concerns, Fees & Waiver Information, Physical Requirements, Schedules HEALTH—ROOM 1029 Bonnie Ohm Maria Vasquez 204-1619 204-1622 STUDENT SERVICES—ROOM 2031 Sherry Barnsley 204-1638 Academic Concerns, Counselors, Psychologists & Social Workers, Scheduling Concerns, Transcripts (current students) OFFICES HIGH 10th GRADE—ROOM 1027 RANDI KUBEK, ASST PRINCIPAL 204-1615 Jeneene Olson-McConley, Admin Asst 204-1558 EAST 12th GRADE—ROOM 1027 BEA BONET, ASST PRINCIPAL 204-1557 Jeneene Olson-McConley, Admin Asst 204-1558 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 29 A B S EN C ES : W H O D O YO U C A L L ? ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES FULL DAY ABSENCE REPORTING: 204-1650 PARTIAL DAY ABSENCES (EARLY RELEASE OR LATE ARRIVAL): If YOUR STUDENT IS IN: GRADE 9: JESSICA PENNING, 204-1613 GRADE 11: SHELLEY DAY 204-1614 GRADES 10 & 12: JENEENE OLSON-MCCONLEY 204-1558 MAIN PHONE LINE #: 204-1603 TELEPHONE MESSAGES FOR STUDENTS Telephone messages received from parents for their child can become a very big problem for school office staff and teachers alike. Each time a parent calls to leave a message for a student, office staff must answer the telephone, write up the message, and leave the office to take the message to a classroom. This procedure is very disruptive to the classroom learning process. Parents can assist by confining their requests to EMERGENCY situations only. Proper planning and communication would be greatly appreciated. PERMISSION TO LEAVE SCHOOL Parents! Remember that students may not leave school without a pass from their grade level office. If your student has an appointment, he or she must check out and check back in to their grade level office. If your student is ill, he or she MUST go to the nurses’ office. Proper parent notification and check out will happen at that time. Students who leave school without a pass will be marked unexcused. propriate number to the left or send a note with their child the day before the absence, if possible. Students then go to their grade level office to pick up a blue pass excusing them from class early. Students coming in late should have been called in or have a note from a parent, doctor, or dentist. REQUESTS for HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS may be done by accessing the listing of all staff on the East website and e-mailing your student’s teachers directly. Phone remay be Early release for quests medical appoint- done through the ments: P a r e n t s grade level offices. should call the ap- (Student Services—Continued from Page 22) Important Upcoming Dates in Student Services in 2014-2015 (Bold = evening events for parents and students in the grade represented) Senior Financial Aid Night: Wednesday, January 7 in the MWT at 6:00pm (seniors) 8th Grade Orientation Night: Tuesday, February 3 at 6:00pm in the Spec Gym (incoming 9th Grade) Junior Parent Night: Monday, February 9 in the MWT at 6:00pm (juniors) Link Crew Visits to Middle Schools: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, April 22, 23 and 24. Senior Survey: May – June 2014 (daytime seniors) Senior Awards Night: Wednesday, June 3 at 6:30pm in the MWT (seniors) EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 30 EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 31 The Parent Portal is a confidential and secure website where you can get current information about your child's school attendance and grades. Pa r en t P o rta l Do you use the Portal? Have you established access to this information? If not, here’s why you should and how you can get access. NOTE: You can sign up for Infinite Campus in person in Room 1023 (The Freshman Office) at East High School and must show a valid driver’s license or state ID. If you have questions or issues after the initial set-up, we can verify your identity over the phone and assist with issues. What is Infinite Campus? Today, all K-12 school districts use some sort of database system for managing student information and maintaining their records. Infinite Campus is a district-wide student information system designed to manage attendance, grades, schedules, test scores, and other information about the students in the MMSD. In 2007-08, Infinite Campus replaced another system the MMSD had used since the late 1980's. What is the Infinite Campus Parent Portal? The Parent Portal is a confidential and secure website where parents and guardians can get current information about their child's school attendance and grades. What information is included in the Portal? What do I use it for? When you, as a parent or guardian, log-in, you have access to information about all of the students for which you are associated. Class schedules, assignments and grades can be viewed. E-mail hyperlinks facilitate communication with classroom teachers. In addition, schools post important information on the home page, such as events, notices, etc. Attendance information is also available. The Parent Portal allows report cards to be viewed online and printed. Through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, MMSD provides an online communication tool which can help you as a parent or guardian stay current with your student's progress. From an Internet connection at home, the workplace or any public library, you can view up-to-date infor- mation about your student's attendance and grades. How do I first use the Infinite Campus Parent Portal? You must set up a user account in order to use the Portal. Your child's school provides you with a Parent Portal activation code. By using this code and following the instructions in the Parent Portal User Setup Guide, you can setup your own user account for the Parent Portal. The Infinite Campus Parent Portal is located at: http://infosvcweb.madison.k12. We recommend you "bookmark" this location after you get your account enabled. After you go through the process of creating your user name and password, write them down and keep them in a place where you can refer to them at a later date. The user name and password will allow you to see student information, but only for those children for whom you are a parent or guardian. Download the Infinite Campus mobile app to your iPhone or iPad and have mobile access. View the tutorial at Once the app is downloaded, enter our District URL hbtvtv. If you have questions, contact Jessica Penning at 204-1613 or EAST HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER—DECEMBER/JANUARY 2015 PAGE 32 FOOD SERVICE INFORMATION Students need to have cash or their ID cards to purchase food. Students are required to enter their Student ID number at the counter to purchase food from money they have on their account. Students who receive free or reduced lunch are required to enter their Student ID number at the counter. All students who receive free/reduced lunch must have completed a current online meals application, which is available at MMSD.ORG Students who receive the reduced lunch plan need to put money in their account or bring cash to pay the reduced fee for breakfast and for lunch. All students may purchase a la carte/snack bar items for cash or from their ID account. MONEY IN LUNCH ACCOUNTS Food Service personnel will collect money for lunch accounts every day during breakfast & lunch or you can go online and make deposits by credit card at APPLICATION FOR FREE OR REDUCED BREAKFAST & LUNCH To apply for the meals program, complete the online application at COMMUNICATION AT EAST EAST WEBSITE Check out school information on the East website at For other information on school activities, click on the Events Calendar TVs There are a number of flat screen televisions mounted throughout the school that are used to relay information. TVs are updated each morning and throughout the day with announcements such as club meetings, athletic cancellations, and other important information. PA ANNOUNCEMENTS On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, student announcers do announcements over the PA system at the beginning of 3rd period. PURGOLDER PRESS Each morning The Purgolder Press is posted on the East website, emailed to staff, displayed in various places around the school, and is available in paper copy in the main office. The Purgolder Press contains information about events, activities, daily lunch items and more. Connect with Madison East High School on Facebook at www.facebook/purgolderpride View the Madison Metropolitan School District’s Facebook page in Spanish at Follow the Madison Metropolitan School District on Twitter at Madison East High School 2222 E. Washington Avenue Madison, WI 53704 Phone: (608) 204-1603 Fax: (608) 204-0388 An electronic version of this newsletter is emailed to parents and is available on the East High School website at: Printed versions of the newsletter are available for pickup in the Welcome Center. If you have any questions regarding the newsletter, please email Connect with Madison East High School on Facebook at www.facebook/purgolderpride Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Madison, Wisconsin Permit 1172