The Cycle Of Ticket Debt - Texas Fair Defense Project
The Cycle Of Ticket Debt - Texas Fair Defense Project
The Cycle Of Ticket Debt 1 IT STARTS WITH A TICKET... And before you know it, you are caught in a cycle of accumulating debt and loss of independence. Each year thousands of Texans find themselves behind bars in modern day “debtors’ prison,” even though it is illegal to be jailed for the inability to pay fines and fees. The repercussions of this cycle impact families, communities, and the government services that these low-income Texans are ultimately forced to depend on. 5a You receive a traffic ticket or other minor citation. TEXAS TEXAS ABC ABC 1234 1234 THE LONE STAR STATE THE LONE STAR STATE 2 You are not able to pay the citation, and the debt adds up from additional fees. CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS JOBS JOBS If you stop driving, you will likely lose your job, making you even less able to pay your citations. Without a car, your options for work are little to none in many areas. 5b 3 If If aa ticket ticket is is not not paid: paid: You receive a hold on your license and registration until your debts are paid DRIVER LICENSE Texas DRIVER LICENSE Texas12345678 12345678 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 01/23/2015 Driver Driver Texan Texan Address Address AA 5-11 5-11 ABC 4a MM TEXAS TEXAS PP BB 1234 + THE LONE STAR STATE THE LONE STAR STATE 4b Driver Driver must must decide decide whether whether to: to: STOP DRIVING KEEP DRIVING NNTT A A RR R R AA W W The court will issue an arrest warrant for the debt. 4c If you continue to drive without a valid license or registration, your car is a moving target and you will likely be pulled over. The officer will either write you more tickets, take you to jail, or both. + JOB LOSS + POVERTY + STIGMA You’re suddenly jailed for days, weeks, or months depending on how much you owe. You may lose your job, housing, and even your children while behind bars.