2009 World Sale Indexes - Professional Auction Services, Inc.
2009 World Sale Indexes - Professional Auction Services, Inc.
Hip Numbers 201 - 400 Sunday November 15, 2009 9:00 am Session 3 Performance easure Western Wes We W este est e ste s ttern ern Pleasure Ple easu eas ea asu ure re re English Eng E nglish n glish g liis sh Eve Events Ev E vents vents All-Around Horses Creekside Photography &;#6"3#)$%?/%FD%D)"J')=7%K)#7+=)6 Hip No. 201 Artful Rose Hip No. 201 LMMN%*=;<#%E9=) BRED TO THESE IRONS ARE HOT !"#$%&'"() @=7>+.%E;5) { *+,,%-./%01*2 @=7>+.%4#5)67()#7 Artful Rose 4656473 { &)=7">"9?.)%D;6") GHHI { { F9#+9=/%4#5)67()#7 1')%*"3%4#5)67()#7 { 8'),9%:;<$)= 4(%&)=7">"9?.) { &)=7">"9?.) ABC+"6"7)%@>>9"= D",9/%01*2 { &;(()(;=97) @=",9/ NOTESO P967 BRED%;#%E9/%LLQ%LMMH%7;%THESE IRONS ARE HOTR%%8')%"6%%ST:: UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R By ARTFUL INVESTMENT (1995). 5-time World Champion, 3 National AllAround awards, 4-time Congress Champion, 8 High Point titles, earner of 2,030 points and $91,895: High Point Junior All-Around Champion and AllAround Stallion; High Point Amateur All-Around Champion; two-time Reserve World Show Superhorse; World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle, Pleasure Driving and Hunter Hack Horse in the same year; World Champion Amateur Hunter Under Saddle and Equitation Horse in the same year; Reserve World Champion Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation and Performance Halter Stallion, etc. Sire of the earners of 4,020 points, 78 ROM, 15 Superiors and 10 World/Reserve World Championships. 1st dam CERTIFIABLE ROSIEQ%?/%4(%&)=7">"9?.)R%GXYRY%Z;"#76%[%\YQNYYO%X=$Q%&;#3=)66 P"("7)$%]Z)#%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%E97+="7/%0L_7"()62`%(;#)/_)9=#)=Q%&;#_ 3=)66%E"..)=6%]Z)#%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%-+7+="7/`%&;#3=)66%&'9(Z";#%T;+7' S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%GL_GN`%Y7'Q%&;#3=)66%]Z)#%F+#";=%S+#7)=%^#$)= 89$$.)`%]Z)#%[%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)R%a9(%;>%Y%>;9.6Q%L Z)=>;=()=6__ TURNMEONTURNMELOOSE%03R%?/%@=7>+.%4#5)67()#72R%Lb%Z;"#76%[%\NGQYXcO F+67%-;=%:.)96+=)%88@%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%&'9(Z";#` F+67%-;=%:.)96+=)%LVX_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%&'9(_ Z";#Q%D)6)=5)%"#%7')%]Z)#`%U8*@%*=))$)=6%&'9(Z";#6'"Z%d;.$%N_T)9=_].$ ]Z)#%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%Y7'Q%LMMH%U8*@%!;=.$%]Z)# F+#";=%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)`%@(97)+=%[%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER &)=7">")$=;6);#>"=)%0>R%?/%S;7%U%*.9,"#32R%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#7_)9=#)=R 2nd dam D",9/%01*2Q%?/%&;(()(;=97)R%a9(%;>__ CERTIFIABLE ROSIE%04(%&)=7">"9?.)2R%%@?;5)R CERTIFIABLY YOURS%04(%&)=7">"9?.)2R%HG%Z;"#76%[%\XQHIYO%F+67%-;=%:.)96+=) N_T)9=_].$e%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#` @(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)`%]Z)#%D]ER%a9(%;>__ Yours At LastR%LX%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]E%"#%LMMHR Acertifible Shipnfly%04(%&)=7">"9?.)2R%NL%Z;"#76O%8R%]S%WS@%!"#7)=%&"=J+"7 U8*@%@..V@3)%U;#_:=;%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%&'9(Z";#`%4U%WS@%8797) U8*@%@(97)+=%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+= D]ER @%&)=7">"9?.)%D9C+).%04(%&)=7">"9?.)2R%GbRY%Z;"#76O%AR%&;967%&'9(Z";#6'"Z%&"=J+"7 @(97)+=%8).)J7%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%&'9(Z";#R %65Z%GMVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%@dD%*=))$"#3 Hip No. 202 Shy Bars Good Hip No. 202 GHHI%D)$%D;9#%E9=) SUPERIOR WESTERN PLEASURE BRED TO HOT IMPULSE h"ZZ;%:97%*9=6 h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= { a;..")%:"#) h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= Shy Bars Good 3687949 { &'9="6(9%d"=. GHIH { { 19(9=9%!)66 *.;#$/k6%a+$) { F;%E;;=)%879= 8'"%*9=%8g"Z { 8+Z)=%D;9#%*9= 8'"%-9() E"66%D;9#")%E)/)=6 { E=%E)/)=6 U;%f"66)6 PERFORMANCE RECORDO% cHRY% @WS@% :)=>;=(9#J)% Z;"#76`% GbRY% ]Z)#% [% YL T;+7'`%XXRY%U;5"J)%T;+7'%Z;"#76O%a"B")%U97";#9.%F=%T;+7' !)67)=#%:.)96+=) D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%T;+7'%8+Z)=";= !)67)=#%:.)96+=)R NOTESO 8'/%*9=6%d;;$%"6%9%/;+#3%$9+3'7)=%;>%h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9=R%%S)=%;.$)67%>;9. "6%;#./%9%/)9=."#3%9#$%.;;g6%5)=/%Z=;("6"#3R%%8')%"6%5)=/%?=;g)Q%6;+#$%9#$%J9# 67"..%?)%="$$)#R%%iD;9#")j%<"..%?)%9%.+J=97"5)%966)7%7;%9#/%?=))$"#3%;=%6';<"#3 Z=;3=9(R%%a;#k7%("66%;+7R%P967%BRED%;#%E9=J'%LYQ%LMMH%7;%HOT IMPULSER PRODUCE RECORDO LMMI%d;;$%1')=9Z/6%*)67Q%3R%?/%DP%*)67%]>%8+$$)#R LMMH%d;7%d;;$%1')=9Z/Q%JR%?/%DP%*)67%]>%8+$$)#R By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900, including VITAL SIGNS ARE GOOD ($164,559: AQHA World All-Around Amateur; AQHA World Champion Amateur Western Riding & Amateur Western Pleasure; AQHA Reserve World Champion Sr Western Riding; AQHA World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA World Champion Amateur Pleasure Horse; 2008 NSBA Horse of the Year; Congress Open Pleasure Futurity Champion), ZIPPOS TIGER BAR ($26,331: World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Junior Western Pleasure Champion). 1st dam CHARISMA GIRLQ%?/%8'"%*9=%8g"ZR%GMc%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R a9(%;>%G%>;9.__ SHY BARS GOOD%0>R%?/%h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9=2R%D)>)=)#J)R 2nd dam E"66%D;9#")%E)/)=6Q%?/%E=%E)/)=6R%a9(%;>__ CHARISMA GIRL%08'"%*9=%8g"Z2R%@?;5)R E"66%a"=)J7;=%84%II%0-."3'7%a"=)J7;=2R%L%<"#6%7;%XQ%\LGQcYbR%a9(%;>__ A96/%d;.$%a"=)J7;=%84%IYR%!"##)=%97%LQ%\GQYYcR E"66%d;.$%a"=)J7;=%84%IXR%!"##)=%7;%XQ%\GQLXbR 3rd dam U;%f"66)6Q%?/%*+,,%*9=R%a9(%;>__ E;;#%f"66%84%HcR%X%<"#6%7;%XQ%\YQXLNR%a9(%;>__ Kinda Brazen 84%HNR%Y%<"#6%7;%NQ%\LMQbNXO%L#$Q%D)("#37;#%&'9..)#3)R D)9.%E;;#%f"66%84%HGR%L%<"#6%7;%YQ%\bQXHcR %%%65Z%IVMH Hip No. 203 &;#6"3#)$%?/%8+69#%E9=C+)6 Goodbarets Potential Hip No. 203 E9/%GQ%LMMI%*9/%d).$"#3 !97J'%E/%:;7)#7"9. Goodbarets Potential 5115811 { &'96)(;=)6%d;;$?9=)7 GHIH { { :="#J"Z.)%4#5)67()#7 :;7)#7"9.%4#5)67()#7 { S;7%P"77.)%1=)96+=) !97J'"7%4(%d;;$ h"ZZ;6%E=R%d;;$%*9= { 1')%&;ZZ)=%1;+J' h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= 19(9=9%!)66 E"66%*;67;#%*)..) { *;67;#%E9J U97J'9=)779 NOTESO d;;$?9=)76%:;7)#7"9.%"6%9%5)=/%#"J)%3).$"#3R%%U"J)%("#$)$%9#$%5)=/%3;;$ .)33)$R%%S)%<"..%(9g)%9%5)=/%3;;$%L_/)9=_;.$%>+7+="7/%Z=;6Z)J7R%U;("#97)$%7;%7') @WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R By WATCH MY POTENTIAL (2001). 112 points in 5 events & $23,720: NSBA Breeders Championship Gold 4-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Just For Pleasure Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; top 10, Congress Open Western Pleasure Derby; 2007 Scottsdale Classic All-Around Open sr Horse Champion; Scottsdale Classic High Point Performance Halter Stallion; Superior Western Pleasure; 4th, 2007 Congress Performance Halter Stallion; top 10, High Point Jr Western Riding. His oldest foal is a 2-year-old. 1st dam &'96)(;=)6%d;;$?9=)7Q%?/%h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9=R%a9(%;>%b%>;9.6Q%G%Z)=>;=()=__ 4(9%@<)6;()%d;;$?9=%03R%?/%@#%@<)6;()%E"67)=2R%A9=#)=%;>%GVL%T;+7' :)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#7R 2nd dam E"66%*;67;#%*)..)Q%?/%*;67;#%E9JR%a9(%;>__ &'96)(;=)6%a;+J'9%0!"#$J')67)=2R%IRY%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%Z;"#76R 3rd dam U97J'9=)779Q%?/%*))%:.9/R%a9(%;>__ SUGARETTA BAR BANDR%GGc%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R E"66%&'"Jg%*))R%a9(%;>__ FOURTY FOUR CALIBERR%HML%Z;"#76O%Y7'Q%!;=.$%8';<%8=%1=9".%S;=6)` &;#3=)66%&'9(Z";#%]Z)#%:.)96+=)%a="5"#3`%N7'Q%!;=.$%8';<%@(97)+= :.)96+=)%a="5"#3`%@WS@%&'9(Z";#R OBVIOUS OUTLAWR%XLI%Z;"#76%[%\NQNcIO%7;Z%GMQ%@WST@%S"3'%:;"#7 !)67)=#%D"$"#3`%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%D"$"#3R The Goodtime CowboyR%cG%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER E"66%!)#$/%&'"JgR%a9(%;>__ CONCLUSIVE WINR%bM%Z;"#76O%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%]Z)#%@3)$%879..";#` D)6)=5)%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%]Z)#%X_T)9=_].$%879..";#`%8+Z)=";=%S9.7)=R UninimityR%GXM%:S*@%Z;"#76O%:S*@%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#%]Z)#%[%@(97)+= @3)$%d).$"#3`%:S*@%D)6R%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%]Z)#%L_T)9=_].$%d).$"#3R Bonus IssueR%XY%Z;"#76O%7;Z%GMQ%!;=.$%8';<%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%@3)$ 879..";#`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%S9.7)=%D]ER A Fine Dressed ManR%LG%Z;"#76O%N7'Q%a"B")%U97";#9.%@(97)+=%L_T)9=_].$ 879..";#6`%@(97)+=%S9.7)=%D]ER E"66%*;+#J/%*))R%d=9#$$9(%;>__ BLONDYSSTORMY DUDE%0@:S@2R%GYLL%Z;"#76O%@:S@%D)6)=5)%!;=.$ &'9(Z";#%T;+7'%S+#7)=%S9Jg`%GM%]Z)#Q%@(97)+=%[%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=6R %%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 204 &;#6"3#)$%?/%*=9$%[%K"Jg"%:"776Q%@37%>;=%K"Jg"%:"776 Absolutely No Parkin Hip No. 204 E9=J'%GNQ%LMMI%8;==).%d).$"#3 @?6;.+7)%4#5)67()#7 Absolutely No Parkin 5166870 { &'"ZZ"7/%a+%a;J GHHY { { 1')%4#5)67)= 4#5)67()#7%E6 h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z a;J6%1)$$/%*9= h"ZZ;%:97%*9=6 { S9#gk6%:)ZZ/%P;+ 1')%*"3%4#5)67()#7 { P);%f"#3%*9?) { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= -9#J/%*.+)%&'"Z { 8"=%1)$$/%1;; a;Jk6%*;#%*9= NOTESO @?6;.+7)./%U;%:9=g"#%"6%9%?"3%/)9=."#3%<"7'%.;76%;>%?;$/R%%S)%'96%9%?)9+7">+. ')9$%9#$%9%3=)97%977"7+$)R%%S)%"6%)B7=)()./%C+")7%9#$%J9#%?;7'%.;Z)%9#$%l;3R%%S) 6';+.$%(9g)%9#%)9=./%>+7+="7/%';=6)%?)J9+6)%;>%'"6%("#$R%%S)%"6%)96/%7;%<;=g%<"7' 9#$% "6% 5)=/% "#7).."3)#7R% @.=)9$/% 69$$.)$% 9#$% 679=7)$R% K")<% 9% 5"$);% 97% ZY )C+)67="9#RJ;(R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%A."3"?.)%>;=%U8*@Q 8;+7')=#%*)..)%9#$%U)?=96g9%-+7+="7/R By ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT (1995). Earner of 62 points and $9,754: 4th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Derby; 6th, Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity and finalist in the Open; top 10, World Championship Junior Western Pleasure; Nebraska Silver Classic 3-Year-Old Breeders’ Western Pleasure Co-Champion; Denver National Stock Show Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Pre-Denver Circuit Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Sun Country Circuit Junior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Superior Western Pleasure. Sire of ABSOLUT MARTINI GIRL ($12,019: AQHYA Reserve World Champion Performance Halter Mare; Congress Reserve Champion Youth Performance Halter Mare; 3rd, Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old + Open Maiden Pleasure). 1st dam &'"ZZ"7/%a+%a;JQ%?/%h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"ZR%A9=#)=%;>%GVL%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#7R a9(%;>%L%>;9.6Q%#;%Z)=>;=()=6%7;%$97)R 2nd dam Docs Teddy BarQ%?/%8"=%1)$$/%1;;R%cI%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER a9(%;>__ &'"Z6%1)B96%879=%0h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z2R%N%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J) Z;"#76O%4#7)=#97";#9.%S"3'%:;"#7%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)`%@+67=9."9%4#7)=#97";#9. D;;g")%;>%7')%T)9=R 8966/%S;7=;$$)=%0S;7=;$$)=%F)7%8)72R%a9(%;>__ POTENTIALLY HOT GAB%0:;7)#7"9.%4#5)67()#72R%XLI%Z;"#76%[%\HQXcYO%7;Z GMQ%a;+?.)%T;+=%:.)96+=)%@.._@3)%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%D)3";#9. ABZ)=")#J)%&'9(Z";#%8).)J7%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%[%S;=6)(9#6'"Z`%]Z)#%[ @(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R Hot Gab Investment%0:="#J"Z.)%4#5)67()#72R%XYRY%Z;"#76%[%\bQcHbO%&;#3=)66 -+7+="7/%]Z)#%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#`%7;Z%GYQ%&;#3=)66%-+7+="7/%L_ T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER d9?%S;7%-;=%@%&'"Z%0h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z2R%IRY%Z;"#76O%8%&9=;."#9%WS@ X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%[%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#R h"ZZ;6%@>7)=%8';Jg%0h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9=2R%@%P)9$"#3%@WS@%[%U8*@%8"=)R 3rd dam a;Jk6%*;#%*9=Q%?/%*9=%a"9(;#$R%a9(%;>__ Hesa Ready Teddy%08"=%1)$$/%1;;2R%XL%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER %%%65Z%IVMH Hip No. 205 &;#6"3#)$%?/%a;<#%1')%D9".%V%F;)%[%8+,/%F)9#) Radiant Revolution Hip No. 205 -)?=+9=/%HQ%LMMI%*9/%-"../ D9$"J9.%D)5;.+7";# Radiant Revolution 5149986 { &'"Z6%S;7%*9?/ LMMG { { S;7=;$$)=6%F)7%8)7 D9$"J9.%D;$$)= { -.96'/%*9=%-.;<)= h"ZZ;6%a)6)=7%D;6) h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= { &+Z"$;.. h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= -9#J/%*.+)%&'"Z !97J'%E)%S;7=;$ { S;7=;$$)=6%F)7%8)7 E"66%S".;%F9Jg NOTESO D9$"9#7%D)5;.+7";#%"6%9%>+..%6"67)=%7;%9%>"../%6';<"#3%6+JJ)66>+../%"#%A+=;Z)R 8')%<"..%'95)%9%.;#3%Z=;$+J7"5)%6';<%J9=))=R%%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5) -+#$R%A."3"?.)%>;=%F+67%-;=%:.)96+=)Q%1;(%:;<)=6Q%d@%WS@Q%E4%WS@%9#$%U8*@R By RADICAL REVOLUTION (1997). Earner of $29,225 and 86 AQHA points: World Champion Senior Western Pleasure Horse; Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Derby Reserve Champion; NSBA #2 Senior Western Pleasure Horse. Sire of ONLY INVITATION ($9,048: 6th, Congress 2-Year-Old Open Masters Western Pleasure). 1st dam &'"Z6%S;7%*9?/Q%?/%h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"ZR%a9(%;>%X%>;9.6Q%G%Z)=>;=()=__ D)5%^Z%1')%D;(9#J)%0>R%?/%D9$"J9.%D)5;.+7";#2R%Lb%Z;"#76O%LMMH%A+=;Z)9# &'9(Z";#%]Z)#%X_T)9=_].$%E9=)`%LMMH%A+=;Z)9#%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";# @(97)+=%[%T;+7'%X_T)9=_].$%e%E9=)R 2nd dam !97J'%E)%S;7=;$Q%?/%S;7=;$$)=6%F)7%8)7R%a9(%;>__ ROOKIE COOKIE%0h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z2R%XGRY%Z;"#76%[%\GMQNGGO%8J;776$9.) &.966"J%U8*@%L_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%8P] WS@%E;7')=k6%a9/%&"=J+"7%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#` b7'Q%F+67%-;=%:.)96+=)%L_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R &'"Z<97J'%0h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z2R%U8*@%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%T;+7'%1=9".%S;=6)` X=$Q%U8*@%!;=.$%T;+7'%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R @=)%T;+%h"ZZ)$%0h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9=2R%a9(%;>__ ARE YOU CHARLIE%0a;#7%8g"Z%&'9=.")2R%GQYHc%Z;"#76%[%\NNQbHXO%!;=.$ &'9(Z";#%]Z)#%F=%1=9".%S;=6)`%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%@(97)+=%1=9".%S;=6)` @WST@%&'9(Z";#`%@WS@%:)=>;=(9#J)%&'9(Z";#`%D)6)=5)%S"3'%:;"#7 ]Z)#%F=%!)67)=#%D"$"#3`%D)"J')=7%&).)?=97";#%]Z)#%[%@.._@3)%@(97)+= 1=9".%S;=6)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%N7'Q%!;=.$%8';<%F=%!)67)=#%D"$"#3`%LMMI D)6)=5)%S"3'%:;"#7%@.._@=;+#$%@(97)+=%S;=6)`%c%8+Z)=";=6R DONT SKIP COURTNEY 0a;#7%8g"Z%&'9=.")2R%GYX%Z;"#76%[%\NQGIMO%LMMI !;=.$%&'9(Z";#%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%S9.7)=%E9=)`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%8+Z)_ =";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R RA DISPUTED%0&'"Z6%S;7%&';J;.97)2R%\NIQGbbO%LMMI%D)"J')=7%&).)?=97";# U8*@%L_T)9=_].$%\GMMQMMM%8.;7%4#7)=()$"97)%]Z)#%[%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)# !)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%LMMI%D)"J')=7%&).)?=97";#%89.) 8.;7%U;#_:=;%L_T)9=_].$%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%LMMH U8*@%!;=.$%X_T)9=_].$%4#7)=()$"97)%]Z)#%[%*=))$)=6%4#7)=()$"97) ]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#R RADICAL ZIPETTE%0D9$"J9.%D;$$)=2R%XHRY%Z;"#76%[%\GXQHMMO%@%P"77.)%-+7+="7/ U8*@%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%8.;7%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#R%%%%%%%%%%65ZGMVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%:)33/%*+7.)= Hip No. 206 For You Alone Hip No. 206 F9#+9=/%XGQ%LMMI%*9/%-"../ S+#7"#%@.;#) For You Alone 5154526 { &'"Z6Z=)77/Z;7)#7"9. GHHH { { h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z S+#7"#%-;=%&';J;.97) { S+#7"#%a). 8g"Z69.;#) :a%&;;. { D8%8g"Z%*/%-"=) :;7)#7"9.%4#5)67()#7 { :="#J"Z.)%4#5)67()#7 S;7%P"77.)%1=)96+=) &'"Z6%*;67;#%*9?) { h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z *;67;#%*;##")%*.+) NOTESO -;=%T;+%@.;#)%"6%9%?"3Q%67=;#3Q%F9#+9=/%>"../%7'97%J9#%=)9../%l;3%9#$%.;Z)R%%8') '96%7')%)/)%9ZZ)9.Q%$"6Z;6"7";#%9#$%Z)$"3=))%;>%9%J'9(Z";#R%%a;#k7%;5)=.;;g%7'"6 ;#)R%8"=)$%?/%7')%/;+#3%6"=)Q%S+#7"#%@.;#)Q%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%9#$ 1=9".Q%C+9.">/"#3%>;=%N%)5)#76%97%7')%!;=.$%8';<R%%S"6%>;9.6%9=)%C+")7%9#$%)96/%7; 7=9"#R%%*"3Q%Z=)77/%9#$%67)..9=%.)33)$%)"7')=%"#%9%7"3'7%<)67)=#%l;3%;=%9%?"3%>.97%S^8 7=;7R%S"6%>"=67%>;9.%7;%6';<%"6%9%S^8%-+7+="7/%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#%06))%?).;<2R U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%%ST::%UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R By HUNTIN ALONE (2002). 123 Open & Amateur points, Superior Trail and Western Pleasure; World Show qualifier Performance Halter Stallion, Western Riding, Junior Trail and Junior Western Pleasure; 10 All-Arounds and 3 Reserve All-Arounds. His oldest foals are 2-year-olds. From his first foal to show he is the sire of HUNTIN FOR ROMANCE (2009 Scottsdale Classic 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Reserve Champion). Son of HUNTIN FOR CHOCOLATE (1996). Earner of $40,725 and 272 points: World Champion Amateur Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Senior Western Pleasure Champion; Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA High Point Western Riding Stallion; NSBA Reserve High Point Non-Pro Maturity Horse; Whistle Stop Limited Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Co-Champion and Novice Horse Western Pleasure Champion; Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old Non-Pro, 3-Year-Old Limited Novice and 3-Year-Old SSA Western Pleasure Champion, etc. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire. 1st dam &'"Z6Z=)77/Z;7)#7"9.Q%?/%:;7)#7"9.%4#5)67()#7R%a9(%;>%X%>;9.6Q%#;%Z)=>;=()=6%7;%$97)R 2nd dam Chips Boston BabeQ%?/%h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"ZR%XcRY%Z;"#76%[%\GQHGLO%P;#)%879= -+7+="7/%NMe%D"$)=%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%c7'Q%a"B")%U97";#9.%@(97)+= !)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%a9(%;>__ *.9,9?"."7/%0*.9,"#3%S;72R%GY%Z;"#76O%X=$Q%D)3";#9.%ABZ)=")#J)%T;+7'%GN_Gc !)67)=#%:.)96+=)R 3rd dam *;67;#%*;##")%*.+)Q%?/%*;67;#%E9JR%a9(%;>__ Boston Blueberry%0D))$6%8;#%&"=J+"72R%XH%Z;"#76O%d=)97)=%S;+67;#%WS@%@67=; &"=J+"7%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%@(97)+= :)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Chips Boston Babe%0h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z2R%@?;5)R 4th dam E"B%U%&'"JQ%?/%-"#_U_E"B%01*2R%d=9#$$9(%;>__ D;/9.%E"B)=%0D;/9.%&'9=3)%F=2R%a9(%;>__ D;/9.%E"B)=6%*+36/%84%HYR%X%<"#6%7;%NQ%\cQcLcR %%65Z%HVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%87)Z')#%S)="3;# Hip No. 207 RR Future Maid Hip No. 207 -)?=+9=/%IQ%LMMI%*9/%-"../ DD%-+7+=)%a"()#6";# RR Future Maid 5100030 { &';J;.97)%E9"$ GHHG { { :;7)#7"9.%4#5)67()#7 :;7)#7"9.%&9=))= { -9#J/%&9=))= P9$/%a"()#6";# *9/%a;J { d"##/k6%879=%D;#9=9 h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= -9#J/%*.+)%&'"Z 8;Z'"67"J97)$%8+) { T;%&'9#J) E"66%a+67/%P); NOTESO DD%-+7+=)%E9"$%"6%9%5)=/%Z=)77/Q%<)..%?=)$%>"../R%%8')%"6%5)=/%C+")7%9#$%3=)97 7;%<;=g%<"7'R%%8')%"6%>=;(%9%>9("./%;>%6';<%<"##)=6%9#$%6';+.$%'95)%7')%Z;7)#7"9. 7;%?)%;#)%')=6).>R%%ST::%UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R By RR FUTURE DIMENSION (2003) [HYPP N/N]. Out of LADY DIMENSION (343 points: 5th, World Championship Senior Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress Senior Western Pleasure; 6th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Maturity; Superior Western Pleasure). Half brother to ZIPPOS DIMENSION (Nebraska Silver Classic Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity Champion; Heartbeat Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion; Lone Star Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion, etc.). His oldest foals are 3-year-olds. 1st dam Chocolate MaidQ%?/%h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"ZR%GIRY%Z;"#76%[%\NQXHYO%7;Z%GMQ%!;=.$%8';< L_T)9=_].$%8#9>>.)%*"7%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%X=$Q%UA%8".5)=%&.966"J%-+7+="7/%XVN_ T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%@(97)+=%D]ER%%a9(%;>%GG%>;9.6Q N%Z)=>;=()=6__ RR Just Got Better 0>R%?/%:;7)#7"9.%&9=))=2R%NbRY%Z;"#76%[%\XQYNHO%D)"J')=7 &).)?=97";#%P"("7)$%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[%@(9_ 7)+=%D]E%"#%LMMHR DD%F+67%:.9"#%:=)77/%0>R%?/%:;7)#7"9.%&9=))=2R%cRY%Z;"#76O%D)"J')=7%&).)?=97";# P9$")6%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%879g)6%\LQYMM%P"("7)$%D"$)=%&'9(Z";#R D9$"J9../%E9"$%0>R%?/%h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z2R%a9(%;>__ POTENTIALLY MAIDR%GMGRY%Z;"#76%[%\YQNNbO%UA%8".5)=%&.966"J%X_T)9=_].$Q *=))$)=6%U;#_:=;%[%U;#_:=;%E97+="7/%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%@(97)+=%8+Z)_ =";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R Shez CertifiedR%GNRY%Z;"#76O%LMMI%UA%8".5)=%&.966"J%@..V@3)%U;#_:=;%S+#7)= ^#$)=%89$$.)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%D]E%"#%LMMHR D9$"J9.%D;6)%0>R%?/%D9$"J9.%D;$$)=2R%a9(%;>__ FRECKLE FACE CHIPR%GMc%Z;"#76O%Y7'Q%LMMI%S"3'%:;"#7%]Z)#%F+#";= *9==).6`%8+Z)=";=%:;.)%*)#$"#3%9#$%*9==).%D9J"#3`%]Z)#%D]ER 2nd dam SOPHISTICATED SUEQ%?/%T;%&'9#J)R%XNX%Z;"#76O%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%@(97)+= :.)96+=)`%S"3'%:;"#7%@(97)+=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R%a9(%;>__ SLIGHTLY ZIPPED%0@WS@V@:S@2R%Y_7"()%@:S@%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%!)67)=# :.)96+=)%S;=6)%[%\GbQIXcR IM SOPHISTICATED TOO%0S;7=;$$)=6%F)7%8)72R LN%Z;"#76%[%\GbQIbYO%N7'Q !;=.$%8';<%L_T)9=_].$%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%U8*@%*=;#,)%@<9=$R%a9(%;>_ ONLY BEGOTTENR%GLX%Z;"#76%[%\LNQGbIO%&;#3=)66%L_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$ U;#_:=;%[%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%-+7+="7/%&'9(Z";#`%8+Z)=";=%!)67_ )=#%:.)96+=) %%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 208 &;#6"3#)$%?/%FD%D)"J')=7%K)#7+=)6 On The Range With Me Hip No. 208 E9/%LGQ%LMMI%&')67#+7%d).$"#3 ]Z)#=9#3) On The Range With Me 5182516 { &')B%47%!"7'%E) LMMG { { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { 19(9=9%!)66 P)93+)=6%h"Z9##9 P)93+)=6%P967 { P9$/%h"Z9##9 h"ZZ;%:"#)%&')B { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= @("39%&')B h"Z%47%!"7'%E) { h"ZZ)$%U%*9==)$ 8;##/%A/)$%P9$/ NOTESO %E4WSQ%E]WSQ%U&Q%U8*@%84-Q%D;Jg/%E1%WS%@66;JQ%1="Z.)%&'9..)#3)%1=Q KWS@%*4:Q%U8*@%*&-R%A."3"?.)%>;=%7')%LMGM%D)"J')=7%:.)96+=)%89.)%879g)6R ST::%UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R By OPENRANGE (2001). $27,214 and 43 points: Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion; NSBA High Point 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; NSBA High Point 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; NSBA Breeders Championship Gold Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; Just for Pleasure 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Southern Belle Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion; AQHA ROM. His oldest foals are 3-year-olds. From his first foals to show he is the sire of BIT WESTERN ($22,485: Southern Belle Invitational NSBA Slot & Breeders’ Open Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion, Champion in the Non-Pro and Limited Non-Pro; top 10, 2008 Reichert Pleasure Celebration Sale Slot 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure). 1st dam &')B%47%!"7'%E)Q%?/%h"ZZ;%:"#)%&')BR%a9(%;>%L%>;9.6Q%#;%Z)=>;=()=6%7;%$97)R 2nd dam ZIP IT WITH MEQ%?/%h"ZZ)$%U%*9==)$R%Yc%Z;"#76%[%\GXQLbGO%X=$Q%&;#3=)66%-+7+="7/ ]Z)#%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)`%1;(%:;<)=6%]Z)#%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%&;_ D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#%9#$%]Z)#%&'9(Z";#`%*"3%&'))6)%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3 P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#%9#$%]Z)#%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%S9.7)= D]ER%a9(%;>__ Miss My Chex 0h"ZZ;%:"#)%&')B2R%cI%Z;"#76%[%\bQMHHO%7;Z%GMQ%D)"J')=7 &).)?=97";#%L_T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%8.;7%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%4;<9%-=))$;( -)67"59.%U8*@%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%D]ER 3rd dam Sonny Eyed LadyQ%?/%8;##/%a))%*9=R%IH%Z;"#76O%@(97)+=%[%T;+7'%D]ER%a9(%;>_ Suddenly Miss LadyR%\IQLMYO%8;+7')=#%*)..)%]Z)#%8.;7Q%]Z)#%[%U;#_:=; T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#R A Simply Hot LadyR%\NQMYLO%1;(%:;<)=6%]Z)#%[%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#) &'9(Z";#R 4(%h"Z./%4=)6"679?.)R%@%P)9$"#3%U8*@%a9(R%a9(%;>__ SUDDENLY IRESISTABLER%GY%Z;"#76%[%\XMQLccO%U8*@%*=))$)=6%&'9(Z"_ ;#6'"Z%8".5)=%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#R IRESISTABLE CHEXR%Nc%Z;"#76%[%\LHQbbXO%D)"J')=7%&).)?=97";#%L_T)9=_].$ ]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%879g)6%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%7;ZGMQ%D)"J')=7 &).)?=97";#%]Z)#%8.;7%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%1;(%:;<)=6%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)# !)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>R%D]ER IRESISTABLY A CHEXR%II%@:S@VLN%@WS@%Z;"#76%[%\IQIcGR%%%%%%%%65Z%cVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%1)=)69%F;/J./#%&;=3".. Hip No. 209 Face It Im Caliente Hip No. 209 F9#+9=/%LcQ%LMMI%*9/%D;9#%-"../ -9J)%47%4(%d;;$ Face It Im Caliente 5027846 { &.966"J./%S;7 LMMM { { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { 19(9=9%!)66 *.+)%1"3=)66 1"3)=%P); { &9(Z%1;<#%&+7") *.9,"#3%S;7 { S;7=;$$)=6%F)7%8)7 19'#))%h"ZZ; @%&.966"J%d.;< { 8Z))$/%D)$%D;9# E9/%*))%4%!".. NOTESO -9J)%47%4(%&9.")#7)%"6%9%3;=3);+6%>"../%7'97%"6%9%<)67)=#%Z.)96+=)%Z=;6Z)J7 $).+B)R%%P;76%;>%J9$)#J)Q%67=;#3%$))Z%';Jg6Q%>.97%g#))$%.;Z)Q%3=)97%7;Z."#)%9#$ #97+=9.%.;<%79".%9#$%')9$6)7R%%i&9..")j%$)>"#97)./%'96%7')%i<;<j%>9J7;=%<"7'%')= 3;=3);+6% ?9/% =;9#% J;.;="#3R% 8')k6% 3;7% 6",)Q% J;#>;=(97";#Q% ?=))$"#3% 9#$ (;5)()#7%7;%?)%9%3=)97%>+7+="7/%Z=;6Z)J7R%%8')%'96%?))#%69$$.)$%9#$%.;#3%."#) $="5)#%#+()=;+6%7"()6R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%A."3"?.)%>;= F+67%-;=%:.)96+=)%9#$%U8*@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R By FACE IT IM GOOD (1994). 91 Halter & Performance points: AQHA Champion; top 10, Houston AQHA Open Junior Western Pleasure; Open Halter & Performance ROM. Sire of SUN OF FACE (29.5 Youth Performance points & 37.5 Novice/Youth points; Youth Performance ROM), ZIPPY GOOD TYME (9.5 Halter & Performance points: top 10, Regional Experience Youth Western Pleasure), ONE GOOD HARLEY (9 Open Performance points: Circuit Champion East Coast Championship Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle; 10 Novice/Youth points). 1st dam &.966"J./%S;7Q%?/%*.9,"#3%S;7R%a9(%;>%N%>;9.6Q%G%Z)=>;=()=Q%#;7%9%Z;"#7%)9=#)=%7;%$97)R 2nd dam A CLASSIC GLOWQ%?/%8Z))$/%D)$%D;9#R%GXcRY%Z;"#76O%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=%8';<(9#_ 6'"ZR%a9(%;>__ A Blazing Hot Glow 0*.9,"#3%S;72R%GYGRY%Z;"#76%[%\NQLGcO%7;Z%GMQ%8).)J7%!;=.$ 8';<%8';<(9#6'"Z%[%S;=6)(9#6'"Z`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%D]ER 4(%@%P"77.)%8'/%08'/%:=)6J="Z7";#2R%YRY%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>__ TEXAS T BONER%GLX%Z;"#76%[%\cLQIYYO%D)"J')=7%:.)96+=)%&).)?=97";#%L_ T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%[%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%879g)6%&'9(Z";#`%!'"67.) 87;Z%X_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%U;#_:=;%[%P"("7)$%]Z)#%X_T)9=_].$%!)67)=# :.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R A SHY STARR%\GMQGMMO%D)"J')=7%:.)96+=)%&).)?=97";#%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)# !)67)=#%:.)96+=)%879g)6%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%1;(%:;<)=6%L_T)9=_].$ ]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%1+.69%8+(()=%&"=J+"7%L_ T)9=_].$%4#7)=()$"97)%]Z)#%&'9(Z";#`%U8*@%D)6)=5)%S"3'%:;"#7%L_ T)9=_].$%4#7)=()$"97)%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%S;=6)R Grace AmazingR%GMN%Z;"#76Q%\XQXcM%[%GGM%U;5"J)V@(97)+=%Z;"#76O%N7'Q F+67"#%D;;g")%;>%7')%T)9=%X%[%^#$)=`%7;Z%GMQ%&;#3=)66%@(97)+=%8';<(9#_ 6'"Z%[%U;5"J)V@(97)+=%1=9".`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%D]ER 8'/%*/%U97+=)R%a9(%;>__ NATURE INVESTMENTR%LLN%Z;"#76%[%\GMQXNNO%LMMI%!;=.$%&'9(Z";# ]Z)#%1=9".%S;=6)`%4;<9%WS@%L_T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=) &'9(Z";#%[%X=$%"#%7')%]Z)#`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";= 1=9".%S;=6)R %%65Z%IVMH Hip No. 210 &;#6"3#)$%?/%E9=g%[%E)=)$"7'%&')=+?"#" Down Came The Spider Hip No. 210 @Z=".%LQ%LMMI%*9/%&;.7 ]#)%S;7%f=/(6+# Down Came The Spider 5142981 { &+Z"$6%&;+#7=/%h"Z LMMG { { *9=Z966)=6%4(93) 4#5"797";#%]#./ { *)9=6%D9"6"#%f9#) f=/(6+#%F)7%8)7 S;7=;$$)=6%F)7%8)7 { &=/679.%&.966 h"Z%1;%1')%&;+#7=/ { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= 1')%&;+#7=/%d"=. &+Z"$%-."3'7 { F9Jg%a)9# &+Z"$6%-."3'7 NOTESO U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%%ST::%UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R By ONE HOT KRYMSUN (1999) [HYPP N/N]. 7-time World/Congress Champion earning $66,679: World Champion Senior Western Pleasure; World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Open Western Pleasure Maturity; Congress Non-Pro Maturity Champion; Congress Junior Western Riding Champion; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; NSBA High Point Non-Pro Maturity Champion; NSBA High Point 3-YearOld Open Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion and Intermediate Open Reserve Champion; NSBA All-Time Leading Money-Earner. 2008 NSBA #6 Leading Sire; 2008 AQHA Leading Sire in 6 Divisions. Sire of COOL KRYMSUN LADY ($84,264: AQHA World Champion 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 2008 Congress NSBA 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Derby Champion; Congress 2-Year-Old Open Masters Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Southern Belle Invitational Open Slot, Breeders & Open Yearling Longe Line Champion), KRYMSUN N GOLD (AQHA/APHA) ($41,714: Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old $100,000 Open Slot Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Stakes Reserve Champion; Just For Pleasure Open Yearling Longe Line Champion; 3rd, Congress Open Yearling Longe Line; NSBA High Point Limited Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Champion). 1st dam &+Z"$6%&;+#7=/%h"ZQ%?/%h"Z%1;%1')%&;+#7=/R%1'"6%"6%')=%>"=67%>;9.R 2nd dam CUPID FLIGHTQ%?/%F9Jg%a)9#R%NbLRY%Z;"#76%[%\LQGLbO%D)6)=5)%!;=.$%&'9(Z";# @(97)+=%8';<(9#6'"Z`%@WST@%D)6)=5)%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%8';<(9#6'"Z` N7'Q%@WST@%!;=.$%8';<%8';<(9#6'"Z`%b7'Q%@WST@%!;=.$%8';<%!)67)=# :.)96+=)`%X=$Q%&;#3=)66%8=%T;+7'%8';<(9#6'"Z`%@WST@%:)=>;=(9#J) &'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%T;+7'%8+Z)=";= !)67)=#%S;=6)(9#6'"Z%[%8';<(9#6'"ZR%a9(%;>__ A PASSING CUPID%0@%:966"#3%*=)),)2R%XGLRY%Z;"#76%[%\IQNIMO%@WS@ &'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%S9.7)=`%@(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%8';<(9#6'"Z%[%!)67_ )=#%S;=6)(9#6'"ZR h"Z6%&;+#7=/%&a%0h"Z%1;%1')%&;+#7=/2R%HRY%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R 3rd dam &+Z"$6%-."3'7Q%?/%*=;7')=J+Z"$R%a9(%;>__ CUPID FLIGHT%0F9Jg%a)9#2R%@?;5)R 4th dam P;=9g"#3%*9=6Q%?/%1'=))%&';J;.97)6R%a9(%;>%Y%;7')=%>;9.6R %%65Z%HVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%f9=.9%d+/# Hip No. 211 Versions Valentine Hip No. 211 LMMX%8;==).%E9=) WESTERN PLEASURE ROM d;;$%K)=6";# Versions Valentine 4373218 { &+=";+6%4#5)67()#7 GHHG { { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { 19(9=9%!)66 !"##")%1')%1"3)= 1"3)=%P); { *"$%U%!"# 8+Z)=%4#5)67)= { 1')%4#5)67)= 8+Z)=%E9=39="79 &+=";+6%&9=3; { ]9g9?9=%S9#g K9#k6%F;).9#) PERFORMANCE RECORDO%LY%Z;"#76Q%Gb%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%[%G%d=))#%1=9".Q cRY% @(97)+=% !)67)=#% :.)96+=)% 9#$% RY% 8';<(9#6'"ZQ% cRY% U;5"J)V@(97)+= !)67)=#%:.)96+=)%9#$%G%8';<(9#6'"Z`%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER NOTESO K)=6";#6%K9.)#7"#)%"6%9%Z=;5)#%6';<%';=6)R%%8')%"6%=)9$/%>;=%';=6)(9#6'"Z 9#$%<"..%(9g)%9%3=)97%9.._9=;+#$%';=6)R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R By GOOD VERSION (1990). Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity Champion. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire and a 2008 AQHA Leading Sire in 16 Divisions, siring the earners of 24,599 points, 328 ROM, 109 Superior awards nearly $1,000,000, including SHOW DIVA ($65,820: AQHA Reserve World Champion Sr Western Pleasure; AQHA Reserve World Champion Jr Western Riding; AQHA Reserve World Champion Jr Western Pleasure; 2008 Congress Reserve Champion All-Around Horse; Congress Champion Jr Western Riding; NSBA World Jr Western Riding Champion). 1st dam &+=";+6%4#5)67()#7Q%?/%8+Z)=%4#5)67)=R%a9(%;>%b%>;9.6Q%Y%Z)=>;=()=6__ Very Good Investment%0>R%?/%d;;$%K)=6";#2R%LI%Z;"#76O%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J) D]ER%a9(%;>__ d8-%]#)%S;7%K)=6";#%0]#)%S;7%4#5"797";#2R%\GQYGGO%E"J'"39#%WS@%*=))$)=6 -+7+="7/%88@%]Z)#%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%&;_&'9(Z";#R Curious Zipper%03R%?/%d;;$%K)=6";#2R%LYRY%Z;"#76O%48*@%-9..%8';<%]Z)# T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#`%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Versions Valentine%0>R%?/%d;;$%K)=6";#2R%D)>)=)#J)R Docs Bos Investment 03R%?/%a;J6%*;%@J=)62R%LLRY%Z;"#76O%%7;Z%GMQ%8".5)=%&.966"J L_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER d;%@')9$%@#$%:966%0>R%?/%d;;$%K)=6";#2R%a9(%;>__ Pass Me Twice%01U-%a;+?.)62R%YX%Z;"#76O%X=$Q%A+=;Z)9#%&'9(Z";#6'"Z%X_ T)9=_].$%E9=)6`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]E`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+= S9.7)=%D]ER Version Of A Dream 0D)9../%D;$$)#2R%XGRY%Z;"#76O%479.".9#%WS@%U97";#9. T;+7'%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#%[%]Z)#%F=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5) &'9(Z";#`%4#7)=#97";#9.%S"3'%:;"#7%]Z)#%F=%1=9".%S;=6)%[%T;+7'%8';<_ (9#6'"Z`%]Z)#%[%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 2nd dam CURIOUS CARGOQ%?/%]9g9?9=%S9#gR%GbH%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%8+Z)=";= !)67)=#%:.)96+=)R%a9(%;>%N%;7')=%>;9.6R 3rd dam VAN’S JOELANEQ%?/%*9=%XbR%GbH%Z;"#76O%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)` @WST@%&'9(Z";#R%a9(%;>__ CURIOUS CARGO 0]9g9?9=%S9#g2R%@?;5)R %%65Z%HVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%D"Jg%!)66).6 Hip No. 212 Hip No. 212 A Loping Invitation -)?=+9=/%IQ%LMMI%*=;<#%-"../ P9,/%P;Z)= A Loping Invitation 5065505 { aa8%E"66%4#5"797";# LMMX { { :;7)#7"9.%4#5)67()#7 d;79%P;79%:;7)#7"9. { @66)76 S"#7%@39"# S"#7%]>%&;#J.+6"5) { A779%:;J;%:"#) 4#5"797";#%]#./ { *9=Z966)=6%4(93) *)9=6%D9"6"#%f9#) aa8%P"77.)%P9$/ { a/#9("J%a).+B) E6%]g/%879= NOTESO @%P;Z"#3%4#5"797";#%"6%9%Z=)77/Q%$9=g%?=;<#%>"../R%%8')%'96%7')%6",)Q%(;5)()#7 9#$%7')%("#$%7;%?)%9%7;Z%6';<%';=6)R%%T;+%<"..%."g)%')=%)5)=/$9/%/;+%;<#%')=R :.)96)%79g)%7"()%7;%J')Jg%')=%;+7%?)>;=)%7')%69.)R%%4%7'"#g%6')%"6%9%3=)97%;#)R U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%%A."3"?.)%>;=%E4%WS@%E9=)%]<#)=Q%!KQ U8*@%84-%[%*&-Q%8;+7')=#%*)..)Q%1;(%:;<)=6Q%F+67%-;=%:.)96+=)R%ST:: UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R By LAZY LOPER (2001) [HYPP N/N]. Earner of $31,630 and 121 points: World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Open & Limited Open Western Pleasure Derbies’ Reserve Champion; 3rd, World Championship 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Superior Western Pleasure; 5th, NSBA High Point Junior Western Pleasure; Ohio Amateur QHA Open Western Pleasure Derby Reserve Champion. From his first foals to show he is the sire of NO DOUBT IM LAZY (28.5 points & $33,571: 2008 World Champion 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure), ONE LAZY INVESTMENT (65 points & $103,768: 2008 Congress NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Masters Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM), IM PRETTY LAZY (149 points & $3,448: Superior Trail in 2009). 1st dam aa8%E"66%4#5"797";#Q%?/%4#5"797";#%]#./R%a9(%;>%L%>;9.6Q%7'"6%"6%')=%;.$)67R 2nd dam DDS LITTLE LADYQ%?/%a/#9("J%a).+B)R%LMGRY%Z;"#76%[%\cQGbcO%X=$Q%4.."#;"6%8797) -9"=%U8*@%@.._@3)%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%4.."#;"6%WS@%S"3'%:;"#7%]Z)# !)67)=#%:.)96+=)%[%D)6)=5)%S"3'%:;"#7%@(97)+=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]Z)# [%@(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R%a9(%;>__ DDS Ms Lady Goodbar 0h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9=2R%GY%Z;"#76%[%\LQGYHO%7;Z%GMQ &;#3=)66%-+7+="7/%L_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]Z)#%:)=>;=_ (9#J)%D]ER DD Whats Your Version%0d;;$%K)=6";#2R%GHRY%Z;"#76%[%U8*@%(;#)/_)9=#)=O 6Z."7%N7'Q%U8*@%S"3'%:;"#7%]Z)#%F=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J) D]ER aa8%K)=6";#%]>%d;;$6%0d;;$%K)=6";#2R%LRY%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R 3rd dam Ms Oky StarQ%?/%4(%!9=%].))%1<;R%cN%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER a9(%;>__ DDS DREAM%0a/#9("J%a).+B)2R%LNN%Z;"#76%[%\XQGbMO%7;Z%GMQ%@WST@%!;=.$ 8';<%8';<(9#6'"Z`%N7'Q%d=)97%U!%-+7+="7/%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=# :.)96+=)`%Y7'Q%:9J">"J%U!%-+7+="7/%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)` &;#3=)66%&'9(Z";#%T;+7'%GG[%+#$)=%8';<(9#6'"Z`%&;#3=)66%D)6)=5) &'9(Z";#%T;+7'%GL_GN%8';<(9#6'"Z`%7;Z%GMQ%]=)3;#%8+(()=%&.966"J -+7+="7/%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=%8';<(9#6'"ZR %65Z%IVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%D;?)=7%ER%&9=+7' Hip No. 213 Dee Did Chip Hip No. 213 @Z=".%cQ%LMMI%8;==).%&;.7 h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z Dee Did Chip 5179744 { a))%E967)=%-.96' GHHY { { h"ZZ;%:97%*9=6 h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= { a;..")%:"#) -9#J/%*.+)%&'"Z &+67+6%F93+9= { 4=)#)%X 1')%E967)=%-.96' { -.96'/%h"ZZ)= 1)6%D;6)?+$ P9$/%a))%D)$ { D)$%8;##/%a)) 4(Z=)66"5)6%P9$/ NOTESO a))%a"$%&'"Z%"6%9%#"J)%J;.7Q%)96/%7;%'9#$.)%9#$%6;>7%67)ZZ)=R%%P;76%;>%J'=;() 9#$%')%"6%J;==)J7R%K)=/%#"J)%J;.7%9#$%9%679..";#%Z=;6Z)J7R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@ 4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%%ST::%UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R By ZIPS CHOCOLATE CHIP (1985). NSBA Hall of Fame; World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse, winning under all five judges. The AQHA’s #3 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Point-Earners, #4 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Performance ROM; NSBA #2 All-Time Leading Sire and an APHA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 39,811 points, 603 ROM and 237 Superior awards, 31 World/Reserve World Championships and $1,885,000. 1st dam a))%E967)=%-.96'Q%?/%1')%E967)=%-.96'R%1'"6%"6%')=%>"=67%>;9.R 2nd dam LADY DEE REDQ%?/%D)$%8;##/%a))R%NXb%Z;"#76O%X=$Q%@.._@=;+#$%S"3'%:;"#7%@(97)+= S;=6)`%D)6)=5)%S"3'%:;"#7%@(97)+=%!)67)=#%S;=6)(9#6'"Z`%N7'Q%S"3'%:;"#7 @(97)+=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%@(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%[%!)67)=# S;=6)(9#6'"ZR%a9(%;>__ DEE INVITATION%04#5"797";#%]#./2R%YI%Z;"#76%[%\LIQIMIO%&;#3=)66%-+7+="7/%L_ T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%8".5)=%&.966"J%U8*@%X_T)9=_ ].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%X=$Q%!;=.$%8';<%L_T)9=_].$%!)67_ )=#%:.)96+=)`%8".5)=%&.966"J%U8*@%XVN_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=) &'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 3rd dam 4(Z=)66"5)6%P9$/Q%?/%4(Z=)66"5)k6%]7;)R%a9(%;>__ FLEET IMPRESSION%0@:S@2R%cbY%Z;"#76O%L_1"()%@:S@%!;=.$%&'9(Z";# ]Z)#%d).$"#3`%X_1"()%@:ST@%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%d).$"#3 Impres By Dominant 0@:S@2R%II%Z;"#76O%]Z)#Q%@(97)+=%[%T;+7'%:)=>R%D]ER 8;##/6%a)%P9$/R%a9(%;>__ Sonny Bo AcresR%NXRY%Z;"#76%[%\GQIYMO%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Zip Til It RipsR%LbRY%Z;"#76%[%\GQYGbO%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 4th dam &9?k6%a;..")Q%?/%&9?9..)=;%a;<$/R%d=9#$$9(%;>__ IMPRESSIVE DOLLIER%HL%Z;"#76O%N7'Q%@WST@%!;=.$%8';<%L_T)9=_].$%E9=)6` ]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%S9.7)=R SANTA FE SONNYR%IM%Z;"#76O%@WS@%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=# :.)96+=)R SABRINA DEER%YcRY%Z;"#76`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%1=9".%S;=6)R E"66%U)3;7"97;=R%a9(%;>__ CLIMBER CLU PLAYGIRLR%GMI%Z;"#76%[%\XQMMLO%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%S9.7)=R %%65Z%IVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%a"9#)%f.+3 Hip No. 214 Potential Dollars Hip No. 214 E9=J'%LMQ%LMMI%*9/%d).$"#3 :;7)#7"9.%&9=))= Potential Dollars 5195591 { a)."3'7%4#%a;..9=6 GHHM { { :;7)#7"9.%4#5)67()#7 -9#J/%&9=))= 1')%4#5)67)= E"9%a;..9= :="#J"Z.)%4#5)67()#7 { S;7%P"77.)%1=)96+=) P)5"%h"ZZ)= { E6%d)#+"#)%1;; { h"ZZ;%:97%*9=6 S9#gk6%:)ZZ/%P;+ { -9"=%a;..9= a9=."6g9 NOTESO :;7)#7"9.%a;..9=6%"6%6"=)$%?/%:;7)#7"9.%&9=))=%9#$%;+7%;>%9%#"J)%4#5)67)= (9=)R%%1'"6%J+7)%3)."#3%"6%9%#"J)%Z9Jg93)R%%D)9../%3;;$%.)33)$%9#$%9%#"J)%6;>7 (;5)=R%%S)%<"..%$;%9%#"J)%l;?%>;=%/;+R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R ST::%UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R By POTENTIAL CAREER (1996) [HYPP N/N]. Unshown due to injury. Full brother to A CAREER INVESTMENT ($21,779: Congress Junior Western Pleasure Champion). Sire of the earners of 2,371 points, 36 ROM, 9 Superiors and 2 Reserve World Championships, including ALL LOCKED N LOADED ($38,448 & 891 points: Reserve World Champion Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation; High Point Amateur Hunter Under Saddle; 3rd, High Point Amateur All-Around; Amateur AQHA Performance Champion; 6 Open & Amateur Superiors; Minnesota Corporate Challenge All-Age Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion). 1st dam a)."3'7%4#%a;..9=6Q%?/%1')%4#5)67)=R%a9(%;>%H%>;9.6Q%N%Z)=>;=()=6__ Its Oh So Good%0JR%?/%h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9=2R%XNRY%Z;"#76O%7;Z%GMQ%LMMI%F+67"# D;;g")%;>%7')%T)9=%YM%[%;5)=`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]E`%C+9.">")$Q LMMH%8).)J7%!;=.$%8';<%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R 2nd dam MIA DOLLARQ%?/%-9"=%a;..9=R%HH%Z;"#76O%@WS@%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=# :.)96+=)R%%a9(%;>__ ALMIGHTY DOLLAR%0@:S@201')%4#5)67)=2R%XIX%@:S@%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%8+Z)=";= !)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%@(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%[%S+#7)=%^#$)= 89$$.)R Floating Dollar%01')%4#5)67)=2R%NNRY%Z;"#76%[%\LQHIYO%Y7'Q%1;(%:;<)=6%X_T)9=_ ].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Dollar To Invest%01')%4#5)67)=2R%XN%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER E"96%-.96'/%*)..)%0-.96'/%h"ZZ)=2R%GN%]Z)#Q%@(97)+=%[%T;+7'%Z;"#76`%GcRY U;5"J)%Z;"#76R -.96'%E"9%a;..9=%0-.96'/%h"ZZ)=2R%YRY%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76%[%UDS@%(;#)/_ )9=#)=O%X=$Q%4.."#;"6%d;.$)#%]ZZ;=7+#"7/%D)"#"#3%U;5"J)%S;=6)%]Z)#R E"9%a;..9=%h"ZZ)=%0h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9=2R%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#7%)9=#)=O%X=$Q S;+67;#%T;+7'%GG%[%+#$)=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R P;77;,"Z>;=9$;..9=%0h"ZZ"#%*;#9#,9%-.96'2R%a9(%;>__ -.96'#%P;77;%a;..9=6R%GLRY%]Z)#%[%T;+7'%Z;"#76R 3rd dam a9=."6g9Q%?/%@.)$;%*9=R%c%]Z)#%S9.7)=%Z;"#76R%%a9(%;>__ MS EAGLE SUNSHINE%0A93.)%E9#%1;;2R%GbN%Z;"#76O%S"3'%:;"#7%1=9".%S;=6)` 8+Z)=";=%1=9".%9#$%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R MIA DOLLAR%0-9"=%a;..9=2R%@?;5)R %%%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 215 &;#6"3#)$%?/%d9/.)%f9=9#3)6 Good Girls Doit Best (AQHA/APHA) Hip No. 215 LMML%D)$%D;9#%E9=) APHA OPEN & AMATEUR ROM h"ZZ;%:97%*9=6 h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= { a;..")%:"#) h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= Good Girls Doit Best AQHA-4194033 APHA-812143 { a).+B)%D9"#%!9.g)= GHHG { { 19(9=9%!)66 *.;#$/k6%a+$) { F;%E;;=)%879= E=%a;+?.)%a).+B) { 8;##/%a).+B) a)."3'7%*"$ !9.g"#3%4#%1')%D9"# { E/%*"3%a=)9( -=9#gk6%8"67)= PERFORMANCE RECORDO%A9=#)=%;>%Lc%@:S@%T;+7'%[%@(97)+=%1=9".%Z;"#76%9#$ I%8';<(9#6'"ZO%@:S@%]Z)#%[%T;+7'%D]E%1=9".`%7;Z%GMQ%LMMH%@:S@%!;=.$ 8';<%!9.g%1=;7`%X=$Q%f9#696%WS@%-9..%-+7+="7/%U8*@%]Z)#%T)9=."#3%P;#3) P"#)R%%NOTEO%:;"#76%<)=)%)9=#)$%;#%8)Z7R%GLQ%LMMHR%%U;7%/)7%Z;67)$%7;%@:S@Q 6';+.$%?)%;>>"J"9.%?)>;=)%69.)%$9/R NOTESO d;;$%d"=.6%a;"7%*)67%"6%J+==)#7./%"#%7=9"#"#3%9#$%<"..%?)%6';<#%97%7')%@:S@ -9..%!;=.$%8';<%"#%!9.g%1=;7Q%8';<(9#6'"Z%9#$%1=9".R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@ 4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900. 1st dam a).+B)%D9"#%!9.g)=Q%?/%E=%a;+?.)%a).+B)R%a9(%;>%G%@WS@V@:S@%>;9.%9#$%GG%@WS@ >;9.6Q%I%Z)=>;=()=6__ IMA GOOD N DELUXE%0>R%?/%d;;$%1)=(62R%\GYQNcNO%LMMI%8;+7')=#%*)..) 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World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Western Pleasure Derby Champion; NSBA Hall of Fame; NSBA Bronze Award. An AQHA All-Time Leading Sire of Western Pleasure PointEarners and an NSBA Top 12 All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 20,100 AQHA points, 325 ROM, 101 Superiors, 22 World/Reserve World Championships (3 APHA) and $915,807. 1st dam DINEAMITE CHICKQ%?/%1)%Uk1)R%Yc%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R%a9( ;>%c%>;9.6Q%X%Z)=>;=()=6__ INVESTER CHICK%0@WS@V@:S@20>R%?/%1')%4#5)67)=2R%N%@WS@%[%Hc%@:S@ Z;"#76`%\IQMcGO%!0(!7ORLD#HAMPION9EAR/LD7ESTERN0LEASURE` 8".5)=%&.966"J%L_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#%[ U)?=96g9%*=)$%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%@:S@%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R RAISE THE RANSOM%0JR%?/%1')%"#5)67)=2R%YI%Z;"#76%[%\GcQccLO%1;(%:;<)=6 -+7+="7/%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%E"J'"39#%8*@%-9.. -"#9.)%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%&'9(Z";#`%U8*@%S"3'%:;"#7%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)# !)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R 2nd dam -"5)%&'"Jg6Q%?/%1'=))%&'"Jg6R%c%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>__ LUCKY IMPRESSION%04(Z=)66"5)2R%N7'Q%!;=.$%8';<%X_T)9=_].$%879..";#6` @WS@%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%S9.7)=%[%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R U"7=;%E"66%01)%Uk1)2R%a9(%;>__ PIERRE TER%XLY%Z;"#76%[%\GMQNHGO%@WS@%&'9(Z";#%8+Z)=";=%@(97)+= S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%[%8';<(9#6'"ZR U9#J/6%D;6)%04(Z=)66"5)2R%I%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%d=9#$$9(%;>__ ZIPPOS LAST DREAMR%GNI%Z;"#76%[%\bQLXYO%D)"J')=7%NM%e%U;#_:=; !)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R Boquet For MeR%NI%Z;"#76O%@WST@%D)6)=5)%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%L_T)9=_].$ E9=)`%X=$Q%&;#3=)66%T;+7'%L_T)9=_].$%E9=)6`%S9.7)=%D]ER Mr Notibily ZippoR%GMH%Z;"#76%[%\bQcLLO%1;(%:;<)=6%U8*@%U;#_:=; !)67)=#%:.)96+=)%E97+="7/%&;_&'9(Z";#`%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%%65Z%IVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%@dD%*=))$"#3 Hip No. 217 Ill Be Zipped Hip No. 217 GHHL%&')67#+7%E9=) OPEN PERFORMANCE ROM BRED TO ONLY IN THE MOONLITE 4(Z=)66"5) h"Z%1;%4(Z=)66 { 8J9=?;=;+3'%-9"= h"ZZ"# Ill Be Zipped 3109832 { a"B")%D"; GHbI { { 1="Z.)%U)97 1="Z.)k6%4(93) { 8+39=9##9 :9=g)=k6%a%*9= { 8".5)=%ak%*9= 19()7%879= *+7.)=k6%1;#9%D))$ { d;;$%*;;3)=%*9= 1;#9%D))$ PERFORMANCE RECORDO% LG% @WS@% :)=>;=(9#J)% Z;"#76`% GbRY% ]Z)#% [% XRY @(97)+=`%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER NOTESO 4..% *)% h"ZZ)$% '96% 9.;7% 7;% ;>>)=% 9#/% ?=))$"#3% Z=;3=9(R% % 8')% "6% 9% Z=;5)# Z)=>;=()=%9#$%Z=;$+J)=R%@..%;>%')=%?9?")6%9=)%5)=/%Z=)77/Q%3=)97%.;Z)=6%9#$%5)=/ 6;+#$R%%ia"B")j%"6%)96/%7;%3)7%"#%>;9.R%8')%<"..%?)%9%.+J=97"5)%966)7%7;%9#/;#)k6 ?=))$"#3%Z=;3=9(R%P967%BRED%;#%@Z=".%GcQ%LMMH%7;%ONLY IN THE MOONLITER 8')%"6%ST::%UVU%0^&aGGGGG2R PRODUCE RECORDO LMMN%@dD%-.+"$%a=)9(6Q%>R%?/%1U1%-.+"$%-=)$R%NRY%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R LMMc%@dD%8<))7%4#5"797";#Q%>R%?/%1')%4#5"797;#R LMMb%@dD%h"ZZ"#%!"6)./Q%JR%?/%4#5)67"#3%!"6.)/R LMMI%@dD%h"ZZ"#%:96%a%*9=Q%>R%?/%4(Z+.6";#6R LMMH%h"ZZ"#%a;<#%1')%D9#3)Q%JR%?/%]Z)#=9#3)R By ZIPPIN (1986). 21 Open & Amateur Halter points: 4th, AQHA High Point Halter Stallion. Sire of ILL BE ZIPPED (21 Open & Amateur Performance points; Open ROM), ZIPPIN MOON (10.5 Open & Amateur Performance points; money-earner Great NW Futurity Heading), ESPECIALLY ZIPPIN (9 Open Performance points). 1st dam a"B")%D";Q%?/%:9=g)=k6%a%*9=R%c%]Z)#%S9.7)=%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>%GM%>;9.6Q%L%Z)=>;=()=6_ Ill Be Zipped%0>R%?/%h"ZZ"#2R%D)>)=)#J)R 8Z="#36%@(;="%0>R%?/%]9g%*9=2R%XRY%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R 2nd dam *+7.)=k6%1;#9%D))$Q%?/%d;;$%*;;3)=%*9=R%a9(%;>__ GILT EDGED LADY%01')%*"3%4#5)67()#72R%bM%Z;"#76%[%\LQNMbO%7;Z%GMQ%@WST@ T)9=."#3%[%L_T)9=_].$%E9=)6`%!;=.$%8';<%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%S9.7)=R Rio Sonny%08;##/%a))%*9=2R%XN%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 3rd dam 1;#9%D))$Q%?/%879=%1;#9R%a9(%;>%GG%;7')=%>;9.6R 4th dam K"#6;#%D))$Q%?/%1+>>%F;)R%d=9#$$9(%;>__ SANDY BAR TONAR%HG%Z;"#76O%@WS@%&'9(Z";#`%Y7'Q%!;=.$%8';<%L_T)9=_].$ E9=)6R%a9(%;>__ CANT STOP STYLINGR%cIc%Z;"#76%[%\LXQLMbO%b_7"()%!;=.$%&'9(Z";# d).$"#3`%N_7"()%D)6)=5)%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%d).$"#3`%I_7"()%&;#3=)66 d=9#$%&'9(Z";#R STYLISH CONCLUSIONR%NLI%Z;"#76O%&;#3=)66%&'9(Z";#%]Z)#%T)9=."#3 d).$"#3`%X=$Q%!;=.$%8';<%]Z)#%T)9=."#3%d).$"#36`%8+ZR%S9.7)=R%65Z%IVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%f"(%EJ&;;. Hip No. 218 Macs Dynamic Doll Hip No. 218 -)?=+9=/%GcQ%LMMb%8;==).%-"../ E9J6%d;;$%U%:.)#7/ Macs Dynamic Doll 4914905 { a/#9("J%U%8<))7 LMML { { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { 19(9=9%!)66 E9J6%a)?+79#7) E=%E9J%D)/#;.$6 { h"ZZ;%E).;$/ a/#9("J%4#%1')%a9=g { a/#9("J%a).+B) :;J;6%^#"C+)%-96'";# 4(Z+.6"5)%U%8<))7 { 4(Z+.6";#6 E"66%8Z))$/%h9# NOTESO E9J6%a/#9("J%a;..%'96%?))#%679=7)$%+#$)=%69$$.)%9#$%=)9$/%7;%>"#"6'%>;= 7')%6';<%Z)#R%%8')%)B'"?"76%C+9.">/%(;5)()#7%7;%?)%J;(Z)7"7"5)%97%7')%#97";#9. 6';<%.)5).%9#$%'96%'9$%9ZZ=;B"(97)./%HM%$9/6%;>%Z=;>)66";#9.%7=9"#"#3R%%E9J6 d;;$%U%:.)#7/k6%;>>6Z="#3%9=)%)."3"?.)%>;=%(9#/%>+7+="7")6%9J=;66%7')%J;+#7=/R 8';<%')=%"#%7')%>+7+="7")6%9#$%?=))$%')=%.97)=R%%S)=%Z)$"3=))%'96%S9..%]>%-9() "#$+J7))6%;#%?;7'%6"$)6R%%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%A."3"?.)%>;= U8*@%*&-%9#$%U8*@%84-R By MACS GOOD N PLENTY (1997). NSBA earner of $13,992: Congress Limited Western Pleasure Futurity Champion; 8th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity. An NSBA and Equi-Stat Leading Sire of Pleasure Horses. Sire of HEAVENLY MAC ($42,438 & 415 points: 3rd, Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old $100,000 Western Pleasure Slot, 3rd in the Open Stakes & split 4th in the Non-Pro Slot; Superior Western Pleasure). 1st dam a/#9("J%U%8<))7Q%?/%a/#9("J%4#%1')%a9=gR%X%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76O%7;Z%GMQ U8*@%*=))$)=6%&'9(Z";#6'"Z%X_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R a9(%;>%L%>;9.6Q%#;%Z)=>;=()=6%7;%$97)R 2nd dam 4(Z+.6"5)%U%8<))7Q%?/%4(Z+.6";#6R%a9(%;>__ 4(Z+.6"5)%@66)7%0:=;7)J7%T;+=%@66)762R%@(97)+=%S9.7)=%Z;"#7%)9=#)=O%7;Z%GMQ D)3";#9.%ABZ)=")#J)%@(97)+=%@3)$%E9=)6R 3rd dam E"66%8Z))$/%h9#Q%?/%8Z))$/%d.;<%F=R%a9(%;>__ SPOT HER LOPIN%0@:S@2R%IL%Z;"#76O%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=%S9.7)=`%]Z)#%S9.7)= D]ER ZansationR%LbRY%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Sweet N ImpulsiveR%NRY%Z;"#76%[%\GQYcLO%N7'Q%8".5)=%&.966"J%-+7+="7/%L_T)9=_].$ ]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R%a9(%;>__ Ima Kickin AssetR%bX%Z;"#76O%N7'Q%1;(%:;<)=6%-+7+="7/%U8*@%X_T)9=_].$ 4#7)=()$"97)%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%@(97)+=%[%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 8".g/%8'/R%b%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>__ HeshouldabeenacowboyR%YXRY%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>R%D]ER 4th dam 1'=))%d%&;=59"=Q%?/%h9#97;#%19?+R%L%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%d=9#$$9(%;>__ IMPS GLOWIN STARR%GYL%Z;"#76O%@WS@%&'9(Z";#R Glowing ImpulsionsR%GGH%Z;"#76O%]Z)#Q%@(97)+=%[%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER P;5)%]#%4(Z+.6)R%a9(%;>__ Dont Skip it UpR%cLRY%Z;"#76%[%\LQHLcO%479./%@.Z6%U8*@%@.._@3)%]Z)#%!)67)=# :.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%4#7)=#97";#9.%S"3'%:;"#7%1=9".%S;=6)R %%65Z%HVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%F9#)%&=/$)=(9# Hip No. 219 A Hotrod Heart Hip No. 219 @Z=".%GMQ%LMMI%*.9Jg%-"../ D9$"J9.%D;$$)= A Hotrod Heart 5059620 { A96)%@.))%@$$"J7"#3 LMMX { { a;Jk6%S;7=;$$)= S;7=;$$)=6%F)7%8)7 { E"66%&."C+) -.96'/%*9=%-.;<)= *9=%-.;<)= { 8+(Z7'k#%-.96'/ @$$"J7"#3 { E=%h"ZZ;%!"# 8'),9%1<;%87)ZZ)= 8+#?)9()= { 8"J"."9#%8+#6'"#) -+7+=)%:=;>"7 NOTESO @%S;7=;$%S)9=7%J;()6%<"7'%J.)9#%';Jg%9#$%67">.)%=9$";3=9Z'6%9#$%')=%(;5") "6%;#%/;+7+?)R%%4>%/;+%9=)%.;;g"#3%>;=%9%3;=3);+6Q%79.)#7)$Q%7=9"#9?.)%>"../Q%P+.+ <9#76%7;%9ZZ./%>;=%7')%l;?R%%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%A."3"?.)%>;= U8*@% !;=.$% 8';<Q% d@Q% F+67% -;=% :.)96+=)Q% E8Q% a"B")% U97";#9.Q% K@Q% U8*@ ."J)#6)$R By RADICAL RODDER (1991). Earner of 91 points and $19,787: World Champion Senior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Senior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Reserve High Point Senior Western Pleasure Champion. An NSBA Top 15 All-Time Leading Sire and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 15 divisions, siring the earners of 21,441 points, 311 ROM and 110 Superiors, 12 World/Reserve World Championships and over $823,985, including RADICAL RUMORS ($123,034 and nearly 1,000 points: World Champion Junior & Amateur Western Pleasure Horse; NSBA Horse of the Year; 2008 AQHYA Reserve World Champion Western Pleasure; Reserve World Champion Senior Western Pleasure Horse). 1st dam A96)%@.))%@$$"J7"#3Q%?/%@$$"J7"#3R%a9(%;>%L%>;9.6Q%#;%Z)=>;=()=6%7;%$97)R 2nd dam 8+#?)9()=Q%?/%8"J"."9#%8+#6'"#)R%a9(%;>__ Maximus Sun%0*.9,"#3%S;72R%GGX%Z;"#76%[%\XQYbNO%7;ZGMQ%LMMH%U8*@%!;=.$ 8';<%%U;5"J)%@(97)+=%1=9".%S;=6)`%X=$Q%1;(%:;<)=6%L_T)9=_].$%4#7)=()$"_ 97)%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%LMMI%&;#3=)66%8).)J7%S;=6)(9#6'"Z%&'9(_ Z";#`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Marian The Librarian%0D9$"J9.%D;$$)=2R%cG%Z;"#76%[%\LQXYbO%7;Z%GMQ%F+67%-;= :.)96+=)%X_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%&;#3=)66%8).)J7 !)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%b7'Q%8).)J7%!;=.$%8';<%!)67)=# :.)96+=)`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Sun Shine Radically%0D9$"J9.%D;$$)=2R%Lc%Z;"#76O%LMMI%S;=6)(9#k6%WS@ -+7+="7/%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%[%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[ T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Hot Enuf For Yah%0*.9,"#3%S;72R%LX%Z;"#76O%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 3rd dam -+7+="7/%:=;>"7Q%?/%:=;>"7R%a9(%;>__ SICILIANS MILLIONR%LLY%Z;"#76%[%\LQLLNO%@WST@%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[ @(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER P;;g"#."g)(93"JR%a9(%;>__ Lookin Lika SailorR%\cQMXX%UDS@O%E;#79#9%1="%S%8+(()=%8."$)%4#7)=()$"_ 97)%U;#_:=;%&'9(Z";#`%d.9J")=%8."$)%U;#_:=;%&'9(Z";#R%a9(%;>__ Von SailanicR%\cQMXI%UDS@O%879..";#%8).)J7%879g)6%]Z)#%[%4#7)=()$"97) ]Z)#%D)"#"#3%&'9(Z";#R %%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 220 &;#6"3#)$%?/%*"..%!'9=7;#Q%@3)#7%>;=%F)==/%aR%A="Jg6;# Delivered By Hand Hip No. 220 LMMX%8;==).%d).$"#3 OPEN ROM D)$%d.;<%U"Jg/ Delivered By Hand X0619716 { A-%8".g)# { { 1')%].)%E9# :;=7)=%E9# { :;=7)=)77) E"67/%E9="9 8Z))$/%d.;< { U"Jgk6%D)$%a96' 1"3"="6'%01*2 { *"3%*+=# -."Z97"3)=%P". F93"679 { F93k6%!"(Z/ E"679%01*2 PERFORMANCE RECORDO%A9=#)=%;>%GXRY%Z;"#76Q%cRY%]Z)#%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)Q cRY%d=))#%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%9#$%RY%T;+7'%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)`%YRY%U;5"J)V T;+7'% :;"#76Q% NRY% S+#7)=% ^#$)=% 89$$.)% 9#$% G% S+#7% 8)97% AC+"797";#`% N7'Q D)3";#9.%ABZ)=")#J)%F+#";=%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)`%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]E%"# LMMHR NOTESO a)."5)=)$%*/%S9#$%'96%9%?)9+7">+.%.;;gR%%S)%679#$6%GcRL%'9#$6%9#$%"6 9.=)9$/%9%Z=;5)#%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%6';<%';=6)R%%879=7)$%;5)=%>)#J)6%9#$ 6';<"#3%3=)97%Z=;("6)Q%Z.+6%')%"6%>=;(%9%>9("./%;>%'+#7)=%J'9(Z";#6R%U;("#97)$ 7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R By RED GLOW NICKY (1978). 176.5 points: AQHA Champion; Superior Western Pleasure and Trail; 5th, Congress Senior Trail. Sire of HEZA FOLDEN RULE (21 time PHBA World/Reserve World Champion), NICKYS DUNN SIZZLIN (APHA World Champion Amateur Pleasure Driving; APHA Reserve World Champion Open Pleasure Driving; APHA Honor Roll Pleasure Driving), RGNCRYINGHTBLUES (APHA World Champion Novice/Amateur Western Pleasure; PtHA World Champion Youth English Pleasure and Disciplined Rail Western Pleasure; PtHA Reserve World Champion Junior Youth Trail), LAST OFA LEGACY (782 points: Amateur Superior Showmanship & Western Pleasure; Youth Superior Showmanship & Western Horsemanship), GLOW CAP (507 points: AQHA Amateur Versatility Award; AQHA Amateur Performance Champion), FOURTEEN KARAT GLOW (1,316 PHBA points: PHBA Reserve World Champion Senior Youth Trail; AQHA Open & Youth ROM). 1st dam A-%8".g)#Q%?/%1"3"="6'%01*2Q%%a9(%;>%N%>;9.6Q%G%Z)=>;=()=__ Delivered By Hand%03R%?/%D)$%d.;<%U"Jg/2R%D)>)=)#J)R 2nd dam F93"679%84%ILQ%?/%F93k6%!"(Z/R%D9J)%<"##)=%97%LR%a9(%;>__ Im Too Independent%0A7)=#9.%1;;2R%YI%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J) D]ER EF Snowshoe%01"3)="6'_1*2R%XXRY%Z;"#76O%7;Z%GMQ%S"3'%:;"#7%F+#";=%S+#7)= S9Jg`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Greyflannel Bob%01"3"="6'_1*2R%LMRY%Z;"#76%[%U8*@%(;#)/_)9=#)=O%]Z)# :)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER EF Frequent Flyer%0@"=%-9=)%S;.()_1*2R%GX%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER E9l)67"J%E/67)=/%0E9l)67"J%a)..2R%c%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R 3rd dam E"679%01*2Q%?/%m]=)67)6%...R%%N%<"#6Q%\NQYIYR%%a9(%;>%c%>;9.6Q%#;#)%7;%=9J)R%65Z%HVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%*"..%D"#,)(9 Hip No. 221 Hip No. 221 Dunit On The Range E9=J'%LQ%LMMI%D)$%D;9#%&;.7 LONGE LINE FUTURITY CHAMPION h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { 19(9=9%!)66 ]Z)#=9#3) Dunit On The Range 5118082 { A()=9.$%8).)J7";# LMMG { { P)93+)=6%h"Z9##9 P)93+)=6%P967 { P9$/%h"Z9##9 8).)J7";#%8;%8"(Z.) { a;#k7%8g"Z%&'9=.") h"Z%4#%a)."3'7 8;##/%D;J7"#%D;?"# { 8;##/6%89#79%-9 a;#"."79%E;#7;/9 PERFORMANCE RECORDO% ]#79=";% *=))$)=6% P;#3)% P"#)% -+7+="7/% &'9(Z";# T)9."#3%879..";#R NOTESO a+#"7%]#%1')%D9#3)%"6%9%?)9+7">+.%=)$%=;9#%J;.7%7'97%n'96%7')%.;;gnQ%"6%3=)97 ("#$)$%9#$%>=)9g/%6.;<%%.)33)$R%%*"3Q%67=;#3Q%(97+=)%9#$%9%6)=";+6%J9#$"$97) >;=%#)B7%/)9=o6%?"3%;#)6p%%8';<#%;#./%;#J)%97%7')%]#79=";%*=))$)=6%-+7+="7/%') <96%7')%+#9#"(;+6%<"##)=%"#%7')%.;#3)%."#)%9#$%/)9=."#3%J;.76R%%a;#o7%/;+%$9=) ("66%'"(p%%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%%A."3"?.)%>;=%]#79=";%*=))$)=6 9#$%6)5)=9.%;7')=%-+7+="7")6R%%ST::%UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R By OPENRANGE (2001). $27,214 and 43 points: Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion; NSBA High Point 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; NSBA High Point 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; NSBA Breeders Championship Gold Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; Just for Pleasure 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Southern Belle Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion; AQHA ROM. His oldest foals are 3-year-olds. 1st dam Emerald SelectionQ%?/%8).)J7";#%8;%8"(Z.)R%cc%Z;"#76%[%\LQbNbO%a;+?.)%T;+= :.)96+=)%U8*@%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#%[%6Z."7%N7' "#%7')%]Z)#`%X=$Q%a;+?.)%T;+=%:.)96+=)%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%E97+="7/` ]Z)#%[%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%a9(%;>%L%>;9.6Q%G%Z)=>;=()=__ 8).)J7"5)./%a+#%03R%?/%]#)%S;7%f=/(6+#2R%X=$Q%LMMH%1;(%:;<)=6%-+7+="7/%L_ T)9=_].$%]Z)#%&;.;=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R 2nd dam 8;##/6%D;J7"#%D;?"#Q%?/%8;##/6%89#79%-)R%NRY%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>_ Emerald Selection%08).)J7";#%8;%8"(Z.)2R%@?;5)R An Awesome Vintage%0@#%@<)6;()%E"67)=2R%LbRY%Z;"#76O%T;+7'%:)=>R%D]ER @<)6;()%F)66/%F9()6%0@#%@<)6;()%E"67)=2R%Y7'Q%]#79=";%*=))$)=6%-+7+="7/ T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)R 3rd dam a;#"."79%E;#7;/9Q%?/%1"##/%*9=k6%:;J;R%a9(%;>__ &;<3"=.%a)?+79#7)%0:;J;%89#%d=9/2R%YRY%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76%[%UDS@%(;#)/_ )9=#)=O%E"J'"39#%P"?)=7/%T;+7'%D)"#"#3%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#R%a9(%;>__ U"Jg).6%E"#"%&;<3"=.R%XRY%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76%[%UDS@%(;#)/_)9=#)=O LMMI%a).79%&.966"J%U;5"J)%]Z)#%D)"#"#3%&'9(Z";#R 4th dam a;#"."79Q%?/%E;#7;/9%a;#$"R%a9(%;>__ FLASH OF TIMER%XNG%Z;"#76O%Y7'Q%D;;g")%;>%7')%T)9=%GY_GI`%Y7'Q%S"3'%:;"#7 ]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R %%65Z%HVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%87)5)%E9=7"# Hip No. 222 Shabby Chic Hip No. 222 LMML%8;==).%E9=) BRED TO RL BEST OF SUDDEN *9=Z966)= *9=Z966)=6%4(93) { 1))%&;((9#$ 4#5"797";#%]#./ Shabby Chic 4283617 { -9##")%E9)%-.96' GHHL { { *)9=6%D9"6"#%f9#) E=%f9#)%D9"6)= { D)5)#$9 -.96'/%h"ZZ)= { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= -.96'%@.;#3%d9. 87/."6'%&;;g { E9#%]>%87/.) &;;g")%&;;Z)= NOTESO 8'9??/%&'"J%"6%9%>+..%6"67)=%7;%a=)66%!)67)=#%9#$%9%3=9#$9+3'7)=%;>%7') 3=)97%Z=;$+J)=%87/."6'%&;;gR%8')%=)7"=)$%)9=./%$+)%7;%9#%"#l+=/R%S)=%>"=67%>;9.%"6 "#%7=9"#"#3%<"7'%K"Jg/%S;.7R%%8')%"6%?"3Q%67=;#3%9#$%'96%9#%)BJ)..)#7%$"6Z;6"7";#R P967%BRED%;#%E9/%cQ%LMMH%7;%RL BEST OF SUDDENR PRODUCE RECORDO LMMc%D)9.%D+(;=6Q%3R%?/%D9$"J9.%D;$$)=R LMMI%@..%D+(;=Q%3R%?/%D9$"J9.%D;$$)=R By INVITATION ONLY (1990). Third, World 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress Junior Western Pleasure. 2008 AQHA #1 Leading Performance Sire in 6 divisions; 2008 NSBA #1 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 38,729 AQHA points, 610 ROM, 194 Superior awards, 34 World/ Reserve World Championships and over $2,602,882, including ONLY IN THE MOONLIGHT ($124,403: Congress 2-Year-Old Open Masters Champion; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion). 1st dam Fannie May FlashQ%?/%-.96'/%h"ZZ)=R%LN%Z;"#7O%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%a9( ;>%GM%>;9.6Q%c%Z)=>;=()=6__ DRESS WESTERN%0JR%?/%4#5"797";#%]#./2R%LIYRY%Z;"#76%[%\GIQNMIO%7ORLD #HAMPION/PEN3R7ESTERN2IDING`%X=$Q%!;=.$%8';<%]Z)#%F=%!)67)=# D"$"#3`%&;#3=)66%]Z)#%F=%!)67)=#%D"$"#3%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%S"3'%:;"#7%F= !)67)=#%D"$"#3`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%[%!)67)=#%D"$"#3R MAYBE RADICAL%03R%?/%D9$"J9.%D;$$)=2R%LcN%Z;"#76%[%\cQNYLO%N7'Q%8J;776$9.) &.966"J%U8*@%X_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%@WS@%&'9(_ Z";#`%@(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%1=9".%S;=6)`%(+.7"Z.)%C+9.">")=Q%LMMH%!;=.$%8';<R Im Potentially Yours%0>R%?/%:;7)#7"9.%4#5)67()#72R%Xb%Z;"#76O%@(97)+=%:)=>;=_ (9#J)%D]ER 2nd dam STYLISH COOKQ%?/%E9#%]>%87/.)R%GIb%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=# :.)96+=)R%a9(%;>__ CUSTOM COUPE%0D9$"J9.%D;$$)=2R%HGM%Z;"#76%[%\LHQMIHO%N7'Q%!;=.$%8';< ]Z)#%F=%!)67)=#%D"$"#3`%@WS@%:)=>;=(9#J)%&'9(Z";#R IM AN IVY LEAGUER 04(%@%*"3%P)93+)=2R%NYI%Z;"#76%[%\GYQGbYO%X=$Q%!;=.$ 8';<%L_T)9=_].$%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R FLASHY ASSET 0-.96'/%h"ZZ)=2R%LXM%Z;"#76%[%\GMQXLMO%D)6)=5)%!;=.$ &'9(Z";#%]Z)#%8=%!)67)=#%D"$"#3`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%D"$"#3R GINNIE MAE FLASH%0-.96'/%h"ZZ)=2R%GXG%Z;"#76%[%\GbQIMbO%&;#3=)66%L_T)9=_ ].$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#R%a9(%;>%GINNIN%0YML Z;"#76O%@WST@%&'9(Z";#2Q RADICAL RENDEZVOUS%0LHY%Z;"#76%[ \GGQLHN2Q I DRESS FANCY%0GIM%Z;"#76%[%\GcQHcL2R %%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 223 &;#6"3#)$%?/%A$<9=$%@>>.)Jg I Fore CC The Future Hip No. 223 @Z=".%GIQ%LMMI%%*9/%d).$"#3 &&%D)()(?)=%E) I Fore CC The Future 5095366 { -)97+=)6%E"66%-."7 GHIH { { S;7=;$$)=6%F)7%8)7 D9$"J9.%D;$$)= { -.96'/%*9=%-.;<)= 8'),9%-"#)%&')/9##) &')/)##)%K)#7+=) { a).)9%8")(;# @%8966/%-)97+=) { F9/J))%8966/%P;+ W+"#J/%-)97+=) :"#)%D+#%-."7 { *9=%-."7%*;/ 4,;.9 NOTESO 4%-;=)%&&%1')%-+7+=)%"6%5)=/%C+")7%9#$%.9"$%?9JgR%%S)%"6%#97+=9../%.;<%9#$ 6.;<%9#$%9%5)=/%3;;$%(;5)=R%%4>%/;+%9=)%.;;"#3%>;=%9%<)67)=#%Z.)96+=)%Z=;6Z)J7 $;#k7%;5)=.;;g%7'"6%;#)R%%*/%&&%D)()(?)=%E)Q%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%9#$ ;+7%;>%9%Z)=>;=("#3%(9=)%06))%?).;<2R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R A."3"?.)%>;=%U8*@%]#79=";%WS%*=))$)=6%-+7+="7/%9#$%EWS%*=))$)=6%-+7+="7/R By CC REMEMBER ME (1998). 115.5 Open points & $4,828: Double Your Pleasure Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; money-earner, Congress 2-Year-Old Open Snaffle Bit; Superior Western Pleasure. From his first foals to show he is the sire of REMEMBER SPYDERMAN (9.5 Open Performance points & NSBA money-earner: split 3rd, Ont QHA Breeders Sr Weanling Stalllions), REMEMBER THIS DUDE ($1,376 & AQHA Open Performance point-earner: Erie County Fair NSBA Open Yearling Longe Line Champion; Candy Apple Classic NSBA Open Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion). 1st dam Features Miss FlitQ%?/%@%8966/%-)97+=)R%bYRY%Z;"#76O%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%a9( ;>%N%>;9.6Q%G%Z)=>;=()=__ 8';<%E)%1')%E+..9'%0>R%?/%1=)6=+..9'2R%LRY%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76`%N7'Q a;+?.)%T;+=%:.)96+=)%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)R 2nd dam :"#)%D+#%-."7Q%?/%*9=%-."7%*;/R%a9(%;>__ Features Miss Flit%0@%8966/%-)97+=)2R%@?;5)R Pines Crystal Cutter%08;#%a))%8+Z)=679=2R%bG%Z;"#76%[%\GQbIYO%]Z)#Q%@(97)+= [%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%a9(%;>__ Hotroddin SuperstarR%GcRY%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 19/.;=6%1')%]#)R%a9(%;>__ 19/.;=)$%1;%:.)96)O%X=$Q%]'";%WS@%X_T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=) [%c7'%"#%7')%]Z)#R *)77"#%]#%1')%d;;$6R%UR%]'";%WS@%*=))$)=6%-+7+="7/%&'9(Z";#%]Z)#%8= !)9#."#3%879..";#R Socs By Superstar%08;#%a))%8+Z)=679=2R%XL%Z;"#76O%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 3rd dam 4,;.9Q%?/%4g)%D+$)R%]Z)#%S9.7)=%Z;"#7%)9=#)=R%a9(%;>__ Bay Flit Miss 0*9=%-."7%*;/2R%]Z)#%[%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 8"66/%D+$)%01;+3'")%S9#g2R%d=9#$$9(%;>__ Rude’s BarR%GM%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 4th dam &9(Z?)..k6%:9Z;;6)Q%?/%E;#7)R%d=9#$$9(%;>__ Bart CodyR%Gc%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Kodette KodyR%GN%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 65Z%HVMH Hip No. 224 &;#6"3#)$%?/%d+(,%-9=(6Q%@3)#7%>;=%8)96"$)%-9=(Q%P: Allocate Your Art Hip No. 224 E9=J'%GYQ%LMMI%*9/%-"../ @..;J97)%T;+=%@66)76 Allocate Your Art X067845 { -").$6%]>%@=7 LMML { { d;;$%@66)7 :=;7)J7%T;+=%@66)76 { 8J9=6%8;J"9.%f"77/ f977%8966%01*2 ]J)9#%-=)) { &=)66") @=7>+.%E;5) { !"#$%&'"() *+,,%-./ :9+.9%-").$6 { E)7>").$%01*2 :)=>)J7%:9+.9%01*2 NOTESO @..;J97)%T;+=%@=7%"6%9#%)BJ)..)#7%Z=;6Z)J7%?/%7')%7;Z%'+#7%6)97%6"=)Q%@..;J97) T;+=%@66)76R%%8')%'96%9%3=)97%("#$Q%6",)Q%?)9+7/%9#$%(;5)()#7%7;%(97J'R%%@ 3=)97%>"../%7'97%<"..%?)%9%<"##)=%"#%7')%6';<%Z)#%9#$%9%3=)97%?=;;$(9=)%"#%7') >+7+=)R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%A."3"?.)%>;=%8;+7')=#%*)..)Q%1;( :;<)=6Q%U8*@%*&-%9#$%U8*@%84-R By ALLOCATE YOUR ASSETS (2000). $26,259 and 156 points: Reserve World Champion Sr Hunter Under Saddle; Congress 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; NSBA #1 High Point 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Horse & Sr HUS; NSBA Breeders Gold & Silver 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Futurities’ Champion; 3rd, Select World Hunter Under Saddle; Superior Open & Amateur Hunter Under Saddle). From his first foals to show he is the sire of ALLOCATE YOUR BEST ($7,957 & 33.5 points: 3rd, 2009 Reichert Celebration 3-Year-Old Slot open Green Hunter Under Saddle; Tom Powers Tri Challenge Futurity NSBA 3-Year-Old Novice Horse Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion, 3rd in the Open; Open ROM in 2009), AL WANA BE FIRST ($3,890 & 27 points: 5th, 2009 Reichert Celebration 3-Year-Old Open Slot Hunter Under Saddle; 2009 Reichert Celebration NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Color Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur ROM in 2009). 1st dam -").$6%]>%@=7Q%?/%@=7>+.%E;5)R%1'"6%"6%')=%>"=67%>;9.R 2nd dam :9+.9%-").$6Q%?/%E)7>").$%01*2R%!"##)=%97%XQ%\cQLLcR%a9(%;>%c%;7')=%>;9.6R 3rd dam :)=>)J7%:9+.9%01*2Q%?/%a)<9#%01*2R%N%<"#6%97%X%9#$%YQ%\NGQLYYR%a9(%;>%c%>;9.6Q%c%7; =9J)Q%Y%<"##)=6__ S"3+)="..;%01="Jg/%&=))g2R%GG%<"#6Q%L%7;%NQ%\HbQHYNR :9+.9o6%:)9J'%0-+,,/2R%N%<"#6Q%X%7;%bQ%\XYQNMNR f)#7+Jg/().;$")%0f/.)o6%]+=%E9#2R%X%<"#6%97%X%9#$%cQ%;#%7')%>.97%9#$%;5)=%7') l+(Z6Q%HQLYX%A+=;%0\HQXHc%^8@2R 87=9<%K;7)%0f/.)o6%]+=%E9#2R%!"##)=%97%LQ%\cQYcXR :9+.9%-").$6%0E)7>").$2R 4th dam @?.)%F9#%01*2Q%?/%:93;%:93;%01*2R%GM%<"#6Q%Gb%7"()6%L#$Q%GX%7"()6%X=$R%A9=#)$ \GLcQHIIR%a9(%;>__ JEANNE IRON%04=;#%!9==";=2R%N%<"#6%97%LQ%GIQYHLQ%A+=;%0\NNQHcN%^8@2Q%"#%479./Q L#$%'<7R%>"../%97%L%;#%479."9#%-=))%S9#$Q%G67%&="7)="+(%U9,";#9.)_dXQ%:=)("; @ZZ"9%@#7"J9R :)=>)J7%:9+.9%0a)<9#2R%%@?;5)R F9#%87)5)#6%0P7R%87)5)#62R%!"##)=%97%N%9#$%YQ%\XNQGcGR %%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 225 &;#6"3#)$%?/%F"(%a+$.)/Q%@3)#7%>;=%d9=/%[%*).59%:9/7;# Ima Good Scotch Hip No. 225 E9/%GHQ%LMMI%D)$%D;9#%-"../ 4(9%h"ZZ;%d;;$%*9= Ima Good Scotch 5140570 { -"=67%1"()%P9$/ GHIH { { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { 19(9=9%!)66 E9l)67"J%A#;+3' 4(9%E9l)67"J%E9# { 1=;77)=k6%f"77)# 8J;7J'%*9=%1"() { 8;##/%a))%*9= &'+??/%1"() a;##9%A967)= { a;#%*9= 8';<%@%*"7 NOTESO 4(9%d;;$%8J;7J'%'96%7'97%Z;Z+.9=%=;9#%J;.;=R%%*"3%'"ZZ)$Q%6<))Z/%(;5)=R -=;(%;>%9%3=)97%>9("./%;>%Z=;5)#%6';<%';=6)6R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5) -+#$R%%ST::%UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R By IMA ZIPPO GOOD BAR (1992) [HYPP N/N]. Brother to ZIPS GOOD MAN (270 points: AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Trail Horse; AQHA High Point Trail Stallion). Sire of the earners of 2,973 AQHA points, 45 ROM, 14 Superior awards, including IMA GOOD RODDER ($56,233 and 416 points: Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Stakes Champion; AQHA High Point Junior Western Pleasure; NSBA High Point 2-Year-Old Intermediate Open Champion; Open & Amateur Superior Pleasure). 1st dam -"=67%1"()%P9$/Q%?/%8J;7J'%*9=%1"()R%a9(%;>%GG%>;9.6Q%b%Z)=>;=()=6__ INVEST IN A KISS%03R%?/%4#5)67()#7%@66)72R%GMI%Z;"#76%[%\YQMLNO%Y7'Q%!;=.$ 8';<%F=%1=9".%S;=6)`%c7'Q%!;=.$%8';<%F=%1=9".%S;=6)`%c7'Q%4;<9%WS@%*=))$)=6 -+7+="7/%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%1=9".%S;=6)R MISS KISS KISS%0>R%?/%D;Z"#%&'+7)2R%HbRY%Z;"#76%[%\YQIGGO%*=))$)=6%&.966"J -+7+="7/%XVN_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%!"6J;#_ 6"#%8797)%-9"=%-+7+="7/%]Z)#%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)# 8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R Mister Kiss Kiss%0JR%?/%D;Z"#%&'+7)2R%XM%Z;"#76%[%\LQLHNO%4;<9%WS@%-+7+="7/ U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#%[%]Z)#%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)# [%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Blazin Hot Kiss%03R%?/%*.9,"#%S;72R%XMRY%Z;"#76O%d;=$/5"..)%U8*@%-)?=+9=/ ]Z)#%8=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&.966%!"##)=`%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER f"66)6%@=)%@66)76%0>R%?/%4#5)67()#7%@66)72R%d;=$/5"..)%*=))$)=6%&.966"J%-+7+="7/ X_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&;_&'9(Z";#R 2nd dam Donna EasterQ%?/%a;#%*9=R%Gb%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%a9(%;>__ S959%8J;7J'%]#%E)%08J;7J'%*9=%1"()2R%a9(%;>__ DE ROYALTYR%YbN%Z;"#76%[%\GIQcHcO%N7'Q%LMMH%8).)J7%!;=.$%8';<%S+#7%8)97 AC+"797";#%[%8';<(9#6'"Z`%X=$Q%8).)J7%!;=.$%8';<%8';<(9#6'"Z`%@WS@ @(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%&'9(Z";#`%4;<9%WS@%-+7+="7/%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3 P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#`%X=$Q%D)"J')=7%&).)?=97";#%]Z)#%[%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3 P;#3)%P"#)R De AssetR%GI%Z;"#76%[%\GQcYcO%6Z."7%c7'Q%D)"J')=7%&).)?=97";#%U;#_:=; T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%[%b7'%"#%7')%]Z)#`%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Scotch On My ZipperR%\LQMXYO%E"##)6;79%WS@%-+7+="7/%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3 P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#%[%]Z)#%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#R 4(9%8<))7%@66)7R%XRY%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76O%6Z."7%X=$Q%%D)"J')=7%&).)?=9_ 7";#%U8*@%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)R %%65Z%HVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%E9=/%:R%4#3)=6;# Hip No. 226 Ziprageous Grace Hip No. 226 -)?=+9=/%bQ%LMMI%*9/%-"../ h"Z=93);+6 Ziprageous Grace X0679593 { -.9ZZ)=%d9.%01*2 LMMX { { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= h"ZZ;6%].$%d;.$ { d;.$/%F9Jg h"ZZ)$%47%^Z 8;#%]". { E"66%h"ZZ;%:"#) P;/9.%a;+?.) { U;$;+?.) 89/3;;$ :)##/%-.9ZZ)= { &;67%&;#6J";+6 a9ZZ)=%-.9ZZ)= NOTESO h"Z=93);+6%d=9J)%"6%9%5)=/%>9#J/%>"../%<"7'%9%3;=3);+6%')9$R%%8')%<"..%7+=# ')9$6%97%7')%>+7+="7")6R%%S)=%(;5)()#7%"6%>9#7967"JR%%8')%"6%;+7%;>%9%GcRX%'9#$%1* (9=)R By ZIPRAGEOUS (1998). Earner of $24,905: AQHA World Champion 2-YearOld Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion. Sire of RODE RAGEOUS ($100,000: 2009 Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old $250,000 Western Pleasure Challenge Champion), HES ALL THE RAGE ($56,894 & 57 points: 3rd, Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old $250,000 Open Western Pleasure Challenge; Just For Pleasure SSA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 3rd, Congress 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure, Reserve in the Limited Non-Pro; Open & Amateur ROM), ML OUTRAGEOUS ($31,635 & 202 points: 3rd, World Show 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Southern Belle NSBA Breeders 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; 3rd, Michigan Tom Powers Triple Challenge Intermediate Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Superior Amateur Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure), EYELL BE OUTRAGEOUS ($10,959 & 422 points: 2008 Reserve World Champion Junior Trail; 2008 High point Green Trail Mare; Youth AQHA Champion; Open Superior Trail & Green Trail; Youth Superior Western Pleasure), OUTRAGEOUS MAJOR ($7,829 & 89 points: Ontario QHA Breeders Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Double Yout Pleasure Futurity Canada Class Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur ROM). 1st dam -.9ZZ)=%d9.%01*2Q%?/%P;/9.%a;+?.)R%%:.9J)$%97%XQ%\XQXbYR%1'"6%"6%')=%>"=67%>;9.R 2nd dam :)##/%-.9ZZ)=Q%?/%&;67%&;#6J";+6R%L%<"#6%97%LQ%\GIQIYMR%%a9(%;>%I%>;9.6Q%c%7;%=9J)Q Y%<"##)=6__ @'%&';;7"#3%879=%0*97;##")=2R%I%<"#6%97%X%9#$%NQ%\HNQbbcR !"#$/%-.9ZZ)=%0&=;(<)..2R%X%<"#6%97%X%9#$%NQ%\NIQNIcR a9ZZ)=%!9==)#%0*;.3)=2R%N%<"#6Q%X%7;%cQ%\NcQXXbR S)=?9J";+6%08.)<5)6J)#72R%!"##)=%97%XQ%\LIQLYMR *9##)=6%-./"#3%0D;?9##")=2R%!"##)=%97%X%9#$%YQ%\LXQHIYR -.9ZZ)=%d9.%0P;/9.%a;+?.)2R%@?;5)R 3rd dam a9ZZ)=%-.9ZZ)=Q%?/%-9."=9g"R%^#=9J)$R%%a9(%;>__ d)#)=9.%@77;=#)/%0*97;##")=2R%!"##)=%97%L%9#$%XQ%\NXQMbMR :)##/%-.9ZZ)=%0&;67%&;#6J";+62R%%@?;5)R a9ZZ)=%*977)=%0*97;##")=2R%N%<"#6%97%N%9#$%YQ%\GYQHYcR a9ZZ)=%a;/.)%0*9../$;/.)2R%!"##)=%97%XQ%\NQGGIR %%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 227 &;#6"3#)$%?/%*=9$%[%K"Jg"%:"776Q%@3)#7%%>;=%1"(%[%&9=;.%8)."#6g/ Absolute Jazzypizazz @Z=".%IQ%LMMI%8;==).%-"../ @?6;.+7)%4#5)67()#7 Absolute Jazzypizazz 5189254 { -.96'/%S;??/ GHHY { { Hip No. 227 h"ZZ;%:97%*9=6 1')%4#5)67)= { S9#gk6%:)ZZ/%P;+ 4#5)67()#7%E6 1')%*"3%4#5)67()#7 { P);%f"#3%*9?) D)$%a))%S;??/ { S;??/%S;=6) a))%*9=%8+) d.;<%d;%d"=. { *;67;#%E9J d.;<k6%:="$) NOTESO @?6;.+7)% F9,,/Z",9,,% "6% 9#% )BJ)Z7";#9../% 79.)#7)$% >"../% <"7'% .;76% ;>% )/) 9ZZ)9.%9#$%6",)R%%8')%.;Z)6%<"7'%9%?"3Q%6.;<%6<))Z"#3%67="$)%9#$%9.6;%'96%9%3=)97 l;3R%%8')%"6%$)>"#"7)./%;#)%7;%.;;;g%97R%%S96%?))#%69$$.)$R%%K")<%9%5"$);%97 ZY)C+)67="9#RJ;(R%A."3"?.)%>;=%U)?=96g9%*=))$)=6%-+7+="7/Q%U8*@%9#$%8;+7'_ )=#%*)..)R By ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT (1995). Earner of 62 points and $9,754: 4th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Derby; 6th, Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity and finalist in the Open; top 10, World Championship Junior Western Pleasure; Nebraska Silver Classic 3-Year-Old Breeders’ Western Pleasure Co-Champion; Denver National Stock Show Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Pre-Denver Circuit Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Sun Country Circuit Junior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Leader; Superior Western Pleasure. 1st dam -.96'/%S;??/Q%?/%D)$%a))%S;??/R%L%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76O%N7'Q%8".5)=%&.966"J *=))$)=6%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)`%b7'Q%DEWS@%d;.$)#%]ZZ;=7+#"7/%[%DEWS@ -+7+="7/%U8*@%]Z)#%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)R%a9(%;>%c%>;9.6Q%G%Z)=>;=()=Q%#;7%9 Z;"#7%)9=#)=R 2nd dam d.;<%d;%d"=.Q%?/%*;67;#%E9JR%X%]Z)#%[%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>__ LEAGUERS PLAYMATE%0P)93+)=6%89#$(9#2R%HL%Z;"#76O%UA%f9#696%WS@ -+7+="7/%U;5"J)%@(97)+=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%8<))Z679g)6%D)6)=5)%&'9(_ Z";#`%7;Z%GMQ%8".5)=%&.966"J%XVN_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]Z)# 8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R E=%P)93+)=6%P)39J/%0P)93+)=6%89#$(9#2R%b%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76O U)?=96g9%8797)%-9"=%U8*@%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#` N7'Q%-7%!;=7'%]Z)#%F=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R 3rd dam GLOW’S PRIDE,%?/%8Z)$/%d.;<R%Ib%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R a9(%;>__ Ricka Do GlowR%GMc%Z;"#76O%F+67"#%D)6)=5)%D;;g")%;>%7')%T)9=%XM%[%^#$)=`%7;Z GMQ%S"3'%:;"#7%@(97)+=%!)67)=#%S;=6)(9#6'"Z`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>R%D]ER Mission ImpulsableR%HG%Z;"#76%[%\cQLcIO%a"B")%U97";#9.%88@%8+Z)=%879g)6 &'9(Z";#`%7;Z%GMQ%&;#3=)66%-+7+="7/%L_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=# :.)96+=)`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Zip For GlowR%HM%Z;"#76O%S"3'%:;"#7%]Z)#%!)67)=#%D"$"#3%879..";#`%]Z)# :)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Brown HobbyR%NN%Z;"#76O%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER d.;<%E;7";#R%a9(%;>_Motion By Pulsion%0YYRY%Z;"#76O%D]E2R %%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 228 &;#6"3#)$%?/%D;$#)/%AR%a9?93"9#Q%@3)#7%>;=%S9##9'%a9?93"9# Embryo DP%*)67%]>%8+$$)# Embryo { -.96'/%h"ZZ)=%*)67 GHHX { { Hip No. 228 4(Z+.6";#6 @%8+$$)#%4(Z+.6) { h"Z6%4..+6";# h"Z%U%1')=9Z/ 1')=9Z/ { 1<;%A/)$%!)$3") -.96'/%h"ZZ)= { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= -.96'%@.;#3%d9. 1/;#);#%S;#)/ { 1')%8C+9<%19()= :+>>%]%S;#)/ NOTESO @%;#J)%"#%9%.">)7"()%;ZZ;=7+#"7/%7;%Z+=J'96)%9%>;9.%;+7%;>%;#)%;>%7')%3=)97)67 6';<%(9=)6%"#%7')%"#$+67=/Q%-.96'/%h"ZZ)=6%*)67R%1')%6"=)%"6%DP%*)67%]>%8+$$)#Q LMMN%D)"J')=7%&'9(Z";#R%%-.96'/%h"ZZ)=6%*)67%"6%9%L%7"()%&;#3=)66%&'9(Z";# "#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R%%8))%')=%=)J;=$%?).;<R%4>%/;+%9=)%6)=";+6%9?;+7%<)67)=# Z.)96+=)% $;#k7% ("66% 7'"6% ;ZZ;=7+#"7/R% % *+/)=% "6% =)6Z;#6"?.)% >;=% =)7+=#"#3% 7') =)J"Z")#7%(9=)%7;%@?=9'9(%AC+"#)%;+7%;>%&9#9$"9#Q%1qR%]5+.97";#%;JJ+==)$%;# @Z=".%YQ%LMMH%9#$%7')%)(?=/;%<96%7=9#6>)==)$%;#%@Z=".%GLQ%LMMHR By RL BEST OF SUDDEN (2002). $100,000: Reichert 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Challenge Champion. His oldest foals are 3-year-olds. From his first foals to show he is the sire of BEST OF HOT ROD ($15,061: 4th, 2008 Congress NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Masters Western Pleasure), SHES SUDDENLY HOT ($6,861: Tom Powers Tri Challenge Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Champion; Reichert Pleasure Celebration Open Yearling Longe Line Champion). 1st dam FLASHY ZIPPERS BESTQ%?/%-.96'/%h"ZZ)=R%cMM%Z;"#76%[%\LMQGIbO%Y7'Q%!;=.$%8';< ]Z)#%8=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%Y7'Q%@WST@%!;=.$%8';<%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%7;Z%GMQ S"3'%:;"#7%@(97)+=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%&;#3=)66%]Z)#%8=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=) &'9(Z";#`% &;#3=)66% T;+7'% !)67)=#% :.)96+=)% &'9(Z";#`% &;#3=)66% U8*@ ]Z)#% 8=% !)67)=#% :.)96+=)% &'9(Z";#`% ]Z)#Q% @(97)+=% [% T;+7'% 8+Z)=";= !)67)=#%:.)96+=)R%a9(%;>%G%>;9.%0$)J)96)$2R 2nd dam 1/;#);#%S;#)/Q%?/%1')%8C+9<%19()=R%a9(%;>__ FLASHY ZIPPERS BEST%0-.96'/%h"ZZ)=2R%@?;5)R *+$6%1;+J'%]>%S;#)/%0h"ZZ;%*+$%*9=2R%c%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%S9.7)=%Z;"#76R 3rd dam :+>>%]%S;#)/Q%?/%8Z))$/%d.;<R%a9(%;>__ Im Justa ShyR%LbRY%Z;"#76O%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Shy ConnectionR%\GQYIX%U8*@%)9=#"#36R 4th dam a9=7)=k6%&';Jg")Q%?/%P%S%&';JgR%a9(%;>__ MISS CHOCKIE GLOWR%LNM%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=# :.)96+=)R%a9(%;>__ MWS ZIPPENDIN CHOCK%0@WS@V@:S@2R%bI%@WS@%[%GXM%@:S@%Z;"#76O @:S@%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%@(97)+=%!R%:.)96+=)`%8+ZR%:.)96+=)R%a9(%;>_ MWS SEVENS ARE HOTR%LNc%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%1=9".%S;=6)R MWS FLASHED N CHOCKR%GNM%Z;"#76%[%\YQMcYO%7;Z%GMQ%LMMI%!;=.$%8';< ]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%S9.7)=%E9=)6`%@WS@%&'9(Z";#`%8+ZR%1=9".%S;=6)R GOOD TIME GRACIER%GLY%Z;"#76%[%\NQHMGO%N7'Q%!;=.$%8';<%F=%!)67)=# :.)96+=)`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R %%%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 229 &;#6"3#)$%?/%a;<#%1')%D9".Q%8+,/%[%F;)%F)9#)Q%@37R%F;9#%&9"# Regal Lalique Hip No. 229 LMMc%*=;<#%-"../ D)39.%P9=g Regal Lalique X0654381 { -;.."C+)%01*2 LMMM { { D)9../%D+33)$%01*2 D+33)$%P9=g { @."69%P9=g 19".6%;>%S;>>(9#%01*2 D)67.)66%!"#$ { 1"(6%8;#3 S;../<;;$%D)Z;=7)= { 89=97;39%8"B E"66%S+#7"#37;# -=)#J'%-;../ { E9=6'+9k6%a9#J)= -=)#J'%&') NOTESO D)39.%P9."C+)%"6%9%?)9+7">+.%(9=)R%%K)=/%97'.)7"J%9#$%9%3=)97%(;5)=R%%8')%'96 ?))#%679=7)$%"#%7=9"#"#3%9#$%"6%=)9$/%>;=%/;+%7;%J;#7"#+)%7=9"#"#3%9#$%3;%7;%7') 6';<R%%1')=)%9=)#k7%(9#/%D)39.%P9=g6%.)>7R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5) -+#$R By REGAL LARK (1989). Six-time World/Reserve World Champion, winner of 8 High Point titles, earning 292 points in 5 events and $21,777: Reserve World Show Superhorse; World Champion in Hunter Hack, Green Working Hunter and Hunter Under Saddle; Reserve World Champion in Hunter Hack, Hunter Under Saddle and Working Hunter; Congress Millers Hunter Classic Champion. Sire of the earners of 3,463 AQHA points, 51 ROM, 18 Superiors, 11 World/Reserve World Championships, including KEEPIN THE IMAGE (1,220 points & $38,183: 11-time Amateur & Youth World/ Reserve World Champion; AQHYA World Champion in Working Hunter, Hunter Hack & Equitation Over Fences; Amateur Wrold Champion Hunter Hack and Working Hunter; Congress Senior Youth All-Around Champion; 7-time Congress Champion; Congress Millers Hunter Classic Champion). 1st dam -;.."C+)%01*2Q%?/%S;../<;;$%D)Z;=7)=R%%a9(%;>%c%WS%>;9.6Q%#;%Z)=>;=()=6%7;%$97)R 2nd dam -=)#J'%-;../Q%?/%E9=6'+9k6%a9#J)=R%!"##)=%97%X%9#$%NQ%\GMQNNMR%a9(%;>%c%1*%>;9.6Q X%7;%=9J)Q%L%<"##)=6Q%c%WS%>;9.6Q%G%Z)=>;=()=__ Keeping It Fun%0@WS@2%0f).5"62R%LH%]Z)#Q%@(97)+=%[%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J) Z;"#76O%c7'Q%LMMH%8).)J7%!;=.$%F+(Z"#3`%7;Z%GMQ%LMMH%8).)J7%!;=.$%8';< AC+"797";#%]5)=%-)#J)6`%@(97)+=%D]ER a).Z'"#)66%0a)6)=7%D"59.2R%X%<"#6%97%L%9#$%NQ%\XMQNIcR S;../<;;$%-;../%0S;../<;;$%D)Z;=7)=2R%X%<"#6%97%L%9#$%NQ%\HQbLMR 3rd dam$9( -=)#J'%&')Q%?/%PkA#l;.)+=R%%^#=9J)$R%%a9(%;>__ d=9#$%@<9=$%08+##/o6%S9.;2R%c%<"#6Q%X%7;%cQ%\GYNQLXYR%a9(%;>__ HALO ENCLOSED%04%A#J.;6)2R%GI%<"#6Q%X%7;%GMQ%\LYIQINcQ%G67%]g.9';(9 &.966"J6%1+=>%8R_DR%L#$%&.966"J6%a9/%1+=>%8R_DQ%]g.9';(9%&.966"J6%1+=> 8R_DR a+Z."J97)%@<9=$%0a"33"#3%4#2R%c%<"#6Q%X%7;%cQ%Z.9J)$%97%IQ%LMMHQ%\bHQMNcR 8))g"#3%@<9=$6%08))g"#3%9%S;()2R%N%<"#6%97%X%9#$%NQ%\XbQbLNR *">>%@()="J9%0S9/(9=g)7%0d*22R%N%<"#6Q%Y%7;%IQ%Z.9J)$%97%HQ%LMMHQ%\XGQLNHR 8+##/%1')=9%01)(Z)=)#J)%S"..2R%N%<"#6%97%X%9#$%NQ%\LbQLHMR%a9(%;>__ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:="66/%:9#76R%GM%<"#6Q%X%7;%cQ%\YbQGNIR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-+=%A."6)R%N%<"#6%97%X%9#$%NQ%\YLQGHLR -=)#J'%4(Z;67)=%0E9=6'+9o6%a9#J)=2R%c%<"#6Q%N%7;%bQ%\LbQYXXR%a9(%;>__ S;../<;;$%-9g)=%0S;../<;;$%D)Z;=7)=2R%!"##)=%97%XQ%\bQIMHR%%%%%%%%%%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 230 &;#6"3#)$%?/%@>7)=%a9=g%-9=(6Q%@37%>;=%&'9=.)#)%K9##)66 Pending Hip No. 230 E9/%LXQ%LMMI%*=;<#%-"../ F+67%!9"7%^#7".%a9=g Pending { -;=3;77)#%@66)7 LMMM { { 8;##/%a).+B) a/#9("J%a).+B) { *;67;#%8;#;=9 :;J;6%^#"C+)%-96'";# :;J;%-9J7 { !'"6g/6%8'9$/%89$/ 4#5)67()#7%@66)7 { 1')%*"3%4#5)67(#)7 E"66%D)?).%D"79 @.(;67%-;=3;77)# { 8J;7J'%*9=%1"() d/Z6/%a)..)= NOTESO 1')%a9=g%:966";#%"6%;#)%67+##"#3%>"../R%%19..Q%$9=gQ%Z)#J".%#)JgQ%3;=3);+6 ')9$%9#$%79g)%/;+=%?=)97'%9<9/%(;5)()#7R%%:.+6Q%9..%7')%g"#$#)66%9#$%>9?+.;+6 ("#$%/;+%J;+.$%)5)=%$=)9(%;>R%%&')Jg%;+7%')=%Z)$"3=))R%%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@ 4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R By JUST WAIT UNTIL DARK (1999). NSBA earner of $2,454: 6th, Congress Open Yearling Longe Line Futurity. A 2008 NSBA Leading Sire. Sire of ANGEL UNTIL DARK ($26,801 & 77 points: Congress 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity Champion; 5th in the Open; Tom Powers Tri Challenge NSBA 3-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open & Youth ROM), DARK JASMINE ($23,225 & 20.5 points: 2008 Congress Champion NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity; 2008 Congress Reserve Champion NSBA 2-YearOld Open Western Pleasure Futurity; 2009 Tom Powers Tri Challenge 3Year-Old Intermediate Open Western Pleasure Futurity Champion; Open ROM in 2009). 1st dam -;=3;77)#%@66)7Q%?/%4#5)67()#7%@66)7R%a9(%;>%N%>;9.6Q%L%Z)=>;=()=6__ 8;()<'97%4#'"?"7)$%03R%?/%F+67%!9"7%^#7".%a9=g2R%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#7 )9=#)=%[%U8*@%(;#)/_)9=#)=R 2nd dam @.(;67%-;=3;77)#Q%?/%8J;7J'%*9=%1"()R%a9(%;>__ E"66%8".5)=%@66)7%04#5)67()#7%@66)72R%E"##)6;79%WS@%-+7+="7/%U;#_:=;%T)9=_ ."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#R U;7%-;=3;77)#%E"66%08+#))%a).+B)%1;;2R%a9(%;>__ TOO GOOD TO FORGETR%\GMQNYXO%LMMI%1;(%:;<)=6%U8*@%P"("7)$%]Z)# [%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#%[%X=$%"#%7')%]Z)#`%X=$Q LMMI%&;#3=)66%U8*@%]Z)#%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)`%Y7'Q%LMMI%8;+7')=#%*)..) U8*@%]Z)#%8.;7%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)`%6Z."7%X=$Q%LMMI%U8*@%S"3'%:;"#7 U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)R Ready Or Not FreddieR%GIRY%Z;"#76%[%\LQbLbO%]'";%WS@%*=))$)=6%-+7+="7/ U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#%[%b7'%"#%7')%]Z)#`%AR%]'";%WS@ -+7+="7/%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%:)=>R%D]ER 3rd dam GYPSY DELLERQ%?/%8".5)=%P9J"#36R%cHRY%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R a9(%;>%L%;7')=%>;9.6R 4th dam LITTLE GYPSY MISSQ%?/%*;?k6%E"66".)R%GNN%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=# :.)96+=)R%a9(%;>__ GOOD TIME STORYR%cXHRY%Z;"#76O%7;Z%GMQ%@WST@%!;=.$%8';<%!)67)=# D"$"#3`%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R %%65Z%HVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%a9#%[%&9=;.%EJ!'"=7)= Hip No. 231 Hip No. 231 Investa Star Ronara GHHc%8;==).%E9=) BRED TO ABSOLUTE ASSET 1')%4#5)67)= Investa Star Ronara 3490073 { d"##/6%879=%D;#9=9 GHbL { { 1'=))%*9=6%01*2 h"ZZ;%:97%*9=6 { P);%:97 S9#gk6%:)ZZ/%P;+ a"#g/%D))$ { P;39#k6%E"66%P+) 8")==9%E;+#7 { *9=%E;+#7 8Z9#"6'%8'9679 *+Jgk6%d"##/ { P)Jg."$)=6."77.)?+Jg :;Zk6%d=+..9 NOTESO 4#5)679%879=%D;#9=9%%"6%7')%;#./%>+..%6"67)=%7;%D)6)=5)%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%8= !)67)=#%:.)96+=)%';=6)Q%4#5)67)$%a"()#6";#Q%7'"6%3;;$%/;+#3%$9+3'7)=%;>%1') 4#5)67)=%"6%9#%)96/%?=))$)=%9#$%"6%(9"#79"#6%')=%Z=)3#9#J")6%<"7'%#;%=)3+(97)R 8')%"6%>=;(%7')%6+Z)=";=%Z=;$+J"#3%>)(9.)%>9("./%;>%a9=;.%D;$=;Jgk6%3=)97%6';< (9=)%iP9$/%a"()#6";#jR%P967%BRED%;#%E9/%cQ%LMMH%7;%ABSOLUTE ASSETR -;9.%"#%+7)=;%)."3"?.)%>;=%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$Q%@:S@%*=))$)=6%1=+67Q%U8*@ 879..";#%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$%P"J)#6)Q%U)?=96g9%*=))$)=6%-+7+="7/%9#$%fT%*=))$)=6 4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R PRODUCE RECORDO LMMM%d;;$%a"()#6";#6Q%3R%?/%d;;$%@66)7R LMMG%a"()#7";#9../%d;;$Q%3R%?/%d;;$%@66)7R LMMX%a;+?.)%E/%&=)$"7Q%3R%?/%4#5)67()#7%&=)$"7;=R%GVL%@(97)+=%:)>;=(9#J)%Z;"#7` GLRY%U;5"J)%Z;"#76R LMMN%d;;$%879=%D;#9=9Q%>R%?/%d;;$%@66)7R LMMY%879=.)66%@66)7Q%3R%?/%d;;$%@66)7R LMMc%D;#9=96%d;;$%879=Q%>R%?/%d;;$%@66)7R LMMb%@?6;.+7)%d+9=9#7))Q%3R%?/%d;;$%@66)7R LMMI%E;=)%d;;$%@?6;.+7)Q%JR%?/%@?6;.+7)%@66)7R LMMH%^##9()$Q%JR%?/%@?6;.+7)%@66)7R By THE INVESTER (1969). AQHA Hall of Fame; NSBA Hall of Fame. The AQHA’s #8 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM, siring the earners of 23,201 AQHA points, 356 ROM, 151 Superior and 16 AQHA Champion awards, and over $625,000. 1st dam d"##/6%879=%D;#9=9Q%?/%8")==9%E;+#7R%a9(%;>%GL%>;9.6Q%N%Z)=>;=()=6__ LADY DIMENSION 0>R%?/%*9/%a;J2R%XNX%Z;"#76%[%\LQbHNO%X=$Q%&;#3=)66%8= !)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%Y7'Q%!;=.$%8';<%8=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+= 8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R%a9(%;>__ ZIPPOS DIMENSION%0h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9=2R%cHRY%Z;"#76%[%\NQXMIO%S)9=7?)97 -+7+="7/%U8*@%L_T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#` @(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R INVESTED DIMENSION%0JR%?/%1')%4#5)67)=2R%IbRY%Z;"#76%[%\IQMIcO%D)6)=5) !;=.$%&'9(Z";#%8=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]=)3;#%8+(()=%&.966"J%-+7+="7/%X_ T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%:.)96+=)R SONNYS SIERRA STAR%03R%?/%8;##/6%89#79%-92R%GLL%@*D@%Z;"#76O%Y_7"() @*D@%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%d).$"#3R a;J6%D";%d=9#$%0>R%?/%*9/%a;J2R%a9(%;>__ E"7;%D";%0E"7;%&;((9#$)=2R%GMRY%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>R%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>__ SPRUCE IT UPR%GLNL%Z;"#76%[%\YMQMMNO%D)6)=5)%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%@(9_ 7)+=%S+#7%8)97%AC+"797";#%[%S+#7)=%S9JgR %%65Z%IVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%a9=.)#)%A<.)6 Hip No. 232 One Red Hot Glow Hip No. 232 LMMY%D)$%D;9#%E9=) E9J6%d;;$%U%:.)#7/ One Red Hot Glow 4622575 { d;.$%*9=6%d.;< GHHX { { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { 19(9=9%!)66 E9J6%a)?+79#7) E=%E9J%D)/#;.$6 { h"ZZ;%E).;$/ 8Z"#%@%d.;< { 8Z))$/%d.;< &')==/k6%1<"#g.) *=)J;#9k6%:="$) { a;#9%*9=6 *=)),"#3%:"379". NOTESO ]#)%D)$%S;7%d.;<%"6%9%?)9+7">+.%=)$%=;9#%(9=)%?/%7')%>9(;+6%6"=)Q%E9J6 d;;$%U%:.)#7/%9#$%;+7%;>%9%8Z))$/%d.;<%3=9#$9+3'7)=R%%8')k6%'9$%9?;+7%GLM $9/6%7=9"#"#3R%%8')%"6%6<))7%9#$%9%3=)97%(;5)=%9#$%"6%=)9$/%7;%?)%>"#"6')$%9#$ 3;%;#%7;%?)%9%3=)97%;#)R%%S)=%/)9=."#3%3).$"#3%9.6;%6)..6R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@ 4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R PRODUCE RECORDO LMMI%@%d;;$%!9/%1;%d.;<Q%3R%?/%^#>;=3)779?.)%d.;<R%%Sells todayR By MACS GOOD N PLENTY (1997). NSBA earner of $13,992: Congress Limited Western Pleasure Futurity Champion; 8th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity. An NSBA and Equi-Stat Leading Sire of Pleasure Horses. Sire of HEAVENLY MAC ($42,438 & 415 points: 3rd, Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old $100,000 Western Pleasure Slot, 3rd in the Open Stakes & split 4th in the Non-Pro Slot; Superior Western Pleasure), GOOD N DANDY MAC ($32,724: NE Silver Classic NSBA $10,000 2-Year-Old Intermediate Open & Limited Open Western Pleasure Champion, Reserve in the Breeders; Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old Open Stakes Co-Champion). 1st dam d;.$%*9=6%d.;<Q%?/%8Z"#%@%d.;<R%a9(%;>%Y%>;9.6Q%G%Z)=>;=()=__ ^%d.;%d"=.%0>R%?/%:=)$"J79?"."7/2R%A9=#)=%;>%RY%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#7R 2nd dam *=)J;#9k6%:="$)Q%?/%&;#9%*9=6R%a9(%;>%N%;7')=%>;9.6R 3rd dam *=)),"#3%:"379".Q%?/%*=)),"#3%F;'##/R%a9(%;>__ a;J%*9=6%P9$/%08'9(%*+3%*9=2R%L%@WS@%[%NIM%:S*@%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>__ P9$/6%*+)#;%-9==9'R%GYI%:S*@%S9.7)=%[%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R 4th dam *)3;#)Q%?/%P"77.)l;)7')<=9#3.)=R%d=9#$$9(%;>__ Royal Red BreezeR%LY%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Royally RedR%LY%Z;"#76O%T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%a9(%;>__ REGALLY ROYALLY REDR%GXNL%Z;"#76%[%\YYQIbLO%L_7"()%!;=.$%&'9(Z";# F=%:;.)%*)#$"#3`%H_7"()%S"3'%:;"#7%:;.)%*)#$"#3%[%*9==).%D9J"#3`%a"B") U97";#9.%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:;.)%*)#$"#3%&'9(Z";#R DINKYS PURPLE RAINR%NIc%Z;"#76%[%XLQGIXO%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%@(97)+= *9==).%D9J"#3`%D)6)=5)%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%F=%*9==).%D9J"#3`%&;#3=)66 @(97)+=%:;.)%*)#$"#3%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#%S"3'%:;"#7%:;.)%*)#$"#3%E9=)R DINKYS MOONLITE RIDER%GHH%Z;"#76%[%\cQYbLO%N7'Q%S"3'%:;"#7%F=%*9==). D9J"#3`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%*9==).%D9J"#3R IF YOURE GONER%GLL%Z;"#76%[%\XQXINO%S"3'%:;"#7%*9==).%D9J"#3%879..";#` a"B")%U97";#9.%F=%:;.)%*)#$"#3%&'9(Z";#`%8+Z)=";=%*9==).%D9J"#3R65Z%HVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%d9==/%EJ@.."67)= Hip No. 233 RMR Time For Gold Hip No. 233 LMMY%8;==).%E9=) SUPERIOR TRAIL d;;$%1"()%1;%8'"#) RMR Time For Gold 4667254 { d;.$%U%a)."J";+6 LMMG { { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { 19(9=9%!)66 P;5)9?.)%P"..") S;7=;$$)=6%F)7%8)7 { P;5)=.))%F)7 h"ZZ;6%].$%d;.$ { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= d;.$/%F9Jg 8')69%D;6)/%4#5)67)= { 1')%4#5)67)= S"3'.9#$%D;6) PERFORMANCE RECORDO%cI%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%1=9".`%T;+7' !;=.$%&+Z%:9=7"J"Z9#7`%LMMH%!;=.$%8';<%C+9.">")=%F+#";=%1=9".R NOTESO DED%1"()%-;=%d;.$%"6%)#7)=)$%"#%7')%!;=.$%8';<%"#%F+#";=%1=9".R By GOOD TIME TO SHINE (1994). Earner of 420 points in 4 events and $23,382: Congress Junior Western Riding Champion; High Point Western Pleasure Stallion; 3rd in the Nation in Junior Western Riding; 5th, Congress Junior Trail; 5th in the Nation in Junior Trail, Superior Western Pleasure & Trail. Sire of GOOD TIME TO WIN (340 points & $6,922: Superior Trail & Western Riding; Youth Superior Trail; Amateur ROM; top 12 finalist, AQHA World Show Junior Western Riding). 1st dam d;.$%U%a)."J";+6Q%?/%h"ZZ;6%].$%d;.$R%a9(%;>%L%>;9.6Q%L%Z)=>;=()=6Q%G%Z;"#7%)9=#)=_ RMR TIME FOR GOLD 0>R%?/%d;;$%1"()%1;%8'"#)2R%D)>)=)#J)R 2nd dam 8')69%D;6)/%4#5)67)=Q%?/%1')%4#5)67)=R%a9(%;>__ 4#5)67"#36%@%*=)),)%0@%:966"#3%*=)),)2R%LRY%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76`%NYRY U;5"J)%@(97)+=%[%U;5"J)%T;+7'%Z;"#76O%7;Z%GMQ%D)3";#9.%ABZ)=")#J)%@(9_ 7)+=%X%[%;5)=%d).$"#36%9#$%T;+7'%GN_GI%8';<(9#6'"Z`%X=$Q%LMMI%D)3";#9. ABZ)=")#J)%U;5"J)%T;+7'%8';<(9#6'"Z%[%U;5"J)%@(97)+=%*9==).%D9J"#3R 3rd dam S"3'.9#$%D;6)Q%?/%E;;=)%E;#)/%D)$R%a9(%;>__ ROSIE ZIPPERR%LXcRY%Z;"#76%[%\HQMcHO%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=# :.)96+=)R%a9(%;>__ Barpassers Rosie ZipR%XHRY%Z;"#76O%AR%]#79=";%8+(()=%8",,.)=%F=%!)67)=# :.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER h"ZZ/%P9$/%D;6)R%L%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>__ Im Real WesternR%GHRY%Z;"#76%[%\cQHbXO%N7'Q%&;#3=)66%L_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$ U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%879g)6%[%b7'%"#%7')%U;#_:=;`%1;(%:;<)=6 U8*@%L_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%U8*@%S"3'%:;"#7 P"("7)$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R -"=67%f"66%4#9%&;+Z)R%N%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76O%X=$Q%U8*@%*=))$)=6 &'9(Z";#6'"Z%L_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R h"Z6%8<))7%19.g)=R%a9(%;>__ ALWAYS THE TALKR%GbcRY%Z;"#76%[%\GXQbHcO%E"##)6;79%WS@%88@ -+7+="7/%]Z)#%L_T)9=_].$%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%b7'Q &;#3=)66%X_T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%a)=?/`%a)#5)=%@(9_ 7)+=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R @.<9/6%19.g"#%&'"ZR%X%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76O%E"##)6;79%WS@%-+7+="7/ U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&;_D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#R 65Z%GMVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%S)97'%S;.()6 Hip No. 234 Itsa Big Step Hip No. 234 LMMM%&')67#+7%E9=) BRED TO ARTFUL INVESTMENT h"Z%1;%4(Z=)66 h"Z6%:;J;%:"#) { h"ZZ;6%!"#$/%@## h"Z6%a/#967/ Itsa Big Step 3922727 { d;../%87)Z GHbI { { &9#$"$9%W+"#J/ S),9%W+"#J/%a9# { &9#$9J)%&+$9 *"3%87)Z { :9=g)=k6%1=;+?.) P"77.)%*".%P 1))#/%*=;<# { f))%EJ&+)%-) 1="Jg/%8Z9=g NOTESO 4769%*"3%87)Z%"6%9%=)9.%#"J)%'9.>%6"67)=%7;%E=%E"7;%87)ZR%%879=7)$%.97)%9#$%#)5)= 6';<#%$+)%7;%9#%"#l+=/%96%9%L_/)9=_;.$R%%8')%"6%#;<%?=;g)%7;%="$)%9#$%"6%6;+#$R S96%?))#%+6)$%7=9".%="$"#3%C+"7)%9%?"7R%%8')%#))$6%>=;#7%6';)6%;#%'9=$%3=;+#$R P967%BRED%;#%@Z=".%YQ%LMMH%7;%ARTFUL INVESTMENTR%-;9.%"#%+7)=;%)."3"?.)%>;= @WS@% 4#J)#7"5)% -+#$Q% 8;+7')=#% *)..)Q% U8*@% *&-Q% U8*@% 4#J)#7"5)% -+#$R ST::%UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R PRODUCE RECORDO LMMN%87)ZZ"#%4#%&';J;.97)Q%>R%?/%h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"ZR By ZIPS DYNASTY (1989). 6 Open Halter points. Sire of ZIPS LEGACY (155.5 Open, Amateur & Youth Performance points: AQHA Amateur Supreme Champion; Open AQHA Champion; Open, Amateur & Youth Halter & Performance ROM), ZIPS NO SHOW (59 points: Open, Amateur & Youth Halter ROM), ZIPPINRIGHTALONG (30 Open, Amateur & Youth Halter & Performance points: Amateur Performance ROM), TICKLE ME RENO (24.5 points: Manitoba AQHA Justin Youth Rookie Champion; Youth Performance ROM; 23 Novice/Youth points), TICKLE ME ZIP (24 Open & Amateur Halter & Performance points; Amateur Performance ROM). 1st dam d;../%87)ZQ%?/%8"=%W+"#J/%a9#R%a9(%;>%b%>;9.6Q%G%Z)=>;=()=__ MR MITO STEP%03R%?/%E"7;%&;((9#$)=2R%GMMb%Z;"#76%[%\cQXcIO%@WS@ :)=>;=(9#J)%&'9(Z";#`%@WST@%K)=697"."7/%@<9=$`%@WST@%8+Z)=";=%@.._ @=;+#$`%@WS@%[%@WST@%&'9(Z";#`%c7'Q%@WST@%!;=.$%8';<%S+#7)=%S9Jg` c7'Q%@.._@=;+#$%S"3'%:;"#7%T;+7'%S;=6)`%LMMI%D)3";#9.%ABZ)=")#J)%&'9(_ Z";#%@(97)+=%S+#7)=%S9Jg`%LMMI%D)3";#9.%ABZ)=")#J)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";# @(97)+=%:;.)%*)#$"#3Q%!)67)=#%D"$"#3%9#$%1=9".%S;=6)R 2nd dam 1))#/%*=;<#Q%?/%f))%EJ&+)%-)R%a9(%;>__ TEENY BROWNS BOY%01=;+?.)k6%f"#32R%NcNRY%Z;"#76O%!;=.$%&'9(Z";# @(97)+=%S+#7%8)97%AC+"97";#`%@WST@%S"3'%:;"#7%1=9".%S;=6)`%]Z)#%[%T;+7' 8+Z)=";=%1=9".%S;=6)R 1))#/%87)Z%0*"3%87)Z2R%b%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>__ STAY IN STEPR%XcG%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R I INSPIRER%YN%Z;"#76%[%\XQYMIO%c7'Q%!;=.$%8';<%L_T)9=_].$%!)67)=# :.)96+=)`%7;Z%GMQ%&;#3=)66%-+7+="7/%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=) a)=?/`%c7'Q%&;#3=)66%F=%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=# :.)96+=)R Step Up Your AssetsR%LN%Z;"#76O%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 1))#/6%d;../%*=;<#%0@#$/%:"#)2R%L%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>__ :;<)=%87)ZR%NRY%@(97)+=%%[%UDS@%(;#)/_)9=#)=R%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%65Z%IVMH Hip No. 235 &;#6"3#)$%?/%a;<#%1')%D9".Q%@37R%>;=%E9=g%8'9##;#%E")=6 Radical Essence Hip No. 235 E9=J'%GIQ%LMMI%*9/%-"../ D9$"J9.%D;$$)= Radical Essence 5090437 { d;;$%A66)#J) GHHH { { a;Jk6%S;7=;$$)= S;7=;$$)=6%F)7%8)7 { E"66%&."C+) -.96'/%*9=%-.;<)= *9=%-.;<)= { 8+(Z7'k#%-.96'/ d;;$%@66)7 { h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= E"66%D)?).%D"79 4#5)67()#7%-"#)66) { 1')%*"3%4#5)67()#7 1"3)=%&;##") NOTESO D9$"J9.%A66)#J)%"6%67=;#3%)#;+3'%7;%?)%9#%)9=./%>+7+="7/%Z=;6Z)J7R%%8')%'96 <'97% "7% 79g)6% 7;% ?)% 6';<#% 96% 9% L_/)9=_;.$R% % 8')k6% )."3"?.)% >;=% !;=.$% 8';< "#J)#7"5)%(;#)/R%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%A."3"?.)%>;=%d@%WS@Q E4%WS@Q%U8*@Q%DEWS@Q%8;+7')=#%*)..)Q%K@%WS@%9#$%:=;(%A.%*)JR By RADICAL RODDER (1991). Earner of 91 points and $19,787: World Champion Senior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Senior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Reserve High Point Senior Western Pleasure Champion. An NSBA Top 15 All-Time Leading Sire and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 15 divisions, siring the earners of 21,441 points, 311 ROM and 110 Superiors, 12 World/Reserve World Championships and over $823,985. 1st dam d;;$%A66)#J)Q%?/%d;;$%@66)7R%a9(%;>%Y%>;9.6Q%X%Z)=>;=()=6__ 4;79%-"#)66)%0>R%?/%4;79%4#5)672R%Y%]Z)#%S9.7)=%[%L%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R 2nd dam 4#5)67()#7%-"#)66)Q%?/%1')%*"3%4#5)67()#7R%a9(%;>__ Good Finesse%0d;;$%@66)72R%LX%Z;"#76O%S"3'%:;"#7%4#7)=#97";#9.%@(97)+= 8';<(9#6'"Z`%A+=;Z)9#%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#%F+#";=%!)67)=#%D"$"#3R @ZZ=9"6)$%4#5)67()#76%01')%4#5)67)=2R%c%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76O%Y7'Q%8".5)= &.966"J%U)?=96g9%*=)$%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R 3rd dam 1"3)=%&;##")Q%?/%1"3)=%P);R%a9(%;>__ CRIMSON IRON 0@WS@V@:S@2R%XNH%@WS@%[%XQHIX%@:S@%Z;"#76O%Y%1"() @:S@%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%;=%D)6)=5)%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#`%@WST@%&'9(Z";#R NATIVE IRONR%XYGRY%Z;"#76%[%\GMQGIX%O%*=))$)=6%&.966"J%-+7+="7/%XVN_T)9=_].$ ]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%D)3";#9.%ABZ)=")#J)%&'9(Z";#%]Z)#%[ U;5"J)%@(97)+=%8)#";=%1=9".%S;=6)`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%1=9".%S;=6)R LEOTA PINER%HHRY%Z;"#76%[%\LQHINO%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R 4th dam Connie’s KittenQ%?/%1"3)=%P);R%GGRY%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%a9(%;>__ KITTEN CAUSER%GHL%Z;"#76`%@WS@%&'9(Z";#`%S"3'%:;"#7%]Z)#%F+#";= S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)R%d=9#$$9(%;>__ Zippin Ina JaguarR%\LQLXMO%8R%*)..)%4#5"797";#9.%P"("7)$%]Z)#%T)9=."#3%P;#3) P"#)%&;_D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%X=$Q%D)"J')=7%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)R CONALYNXR%\NGQcXbO%GM7'Q%U&S@%]Z)#%8+Z)=%879g)6R 1;.$%T9%8;R%a9(%;>__ Get Me A Good BarR%GXX%Z;"#76%[%\XQbXNO%*=))$)=6%&.966"J%-+7+="7/%U8*@ X_T)9=_].$%88@%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%&;_&'9(Z";#`%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Skipster LeahR%YM%:S*@%Z;"#76O%:S*@%D)6R%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%@3)$%E9=)R a9(%;>%Noble Skipper%0LIY%:S*@%Z;"#762R 65Z%GMVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%87)Z')#%S)="3;# Hip No. 236 Krymsun N Denim Hip No. 236 @Z=".%LXQ%LMMb%*9/%D;9#%d).$"#3 ]#)%S;7%f=/(6+# Krymsun N Denim 4953388 { d;;$%E"66%a+$) GHIH { { 4#5"797";#%]#./ f=/(6+#%F)7%8)7 *9=Z966)=6%4(93) { *)9=6%D9"6"#%f9#) S;7=;$$)=6%F)7%8)7 { &=/679.%&.966 h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= 19(9=9%!)66 S;#)/%A/)$%a+$) { *.;#$/k6%a+$) E"66%S;#)/%a+) NOTESO f=/(6+#%U%a)("(%'96%9%3=)97%$"6Z;6"7";#%9#$%'96%'9$%>;+=%(;#7'6%;> Z=;>)66";#9.%7=9"#"#3R%%S)%"6%9%6+Z)=%.;Z)=%9#$%6';<"#3%Z;7)#7"9.%7;%?)%9%3=)97 6';<%Z=;6Z)J7R%%&')Jg%;+7%'"6%Z)$"3=))R%%U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5) -+#$R%%A."3"?.)%>;=%U8*@%*=))$)=6%&'9(Z";#6'"Z%-+7+="7/R%%ST::%UVU%;#%@WS@ =)J;=$R By ONE HOT KRYMSUN (1999) [HYPP N/N]. 7-time World/Congress Champion earning $66,679: World Champion Senior Western Pleasure; World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Open Western Pleasure Maturity; Congress Non-Pro Maturity Champion; Congress Junior Western Riding Champion; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; NSBA High Point Non-Pro Maturity Champion. 2008 NSBA #6 Leading Sire; 2008 AQHA Leading Sire in 6 Divisions. 1st dam Good Miss DudeQ%?/%h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9=R%LG%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%a9( ;>%GM%>;9.6Q%Y%Z)=>;=()=6__ Miss Good Chip%0>R%?/%h"Z6%&';J;.97)%&'"Z2R%YL%Z;"#76%[%\GQbcGO%X=$Q%f)#7+Jg/ WS@%-+7+="7/%f)#7+Jg/_]<#)$%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]Z)#%[ @(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER ]#)%S;7%E)=J)$)6%0>R%?/%]#)%S;7%f=/(6+#2R%X%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76O%Y7'Q 4;<9%WS@%-+7+="7/%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R d;;$%P".%19.g)=%0>R%?/%8<))7%19.g"#%&'"Z2R%G%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#7O%a)#'9( -;=$%-+7+="7/%U8*@%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#R f=/(6+#%d;;$6%0JR%?/%]#)%S;7%f=/(6+#2R%N7'Q%U!%A()=9.$%-+7+="7/%84-%L_ T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R 2nd dam S;#)/%A/)$%a+$)Q%?/%*.;#$/k6%a+$)R%d=9#$$9(%;>__ SMALL TOWN DUDE 0E=%*9=;#%D)$2R%GGNRY%Z;"#76%[%\XQGbYO%7;Z%GMQ%S"3' :;"#7%]Z)#%S))."#3`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%S))."#3R *.;#$/6%a)JgR%GMN%:S*@%Z;"#76O%7;Z%GMQ%:S*@%!;=.$%8';<%U;5"J)%@(97)+= 8';<(9#6'"ZR 8J;77%A/)$%a+$)R%bRY%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76O%D)3";#9.%ABZ)=")#J) @(97)+=%!;=g"#3%&;<%S;=6)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#R a;J6%*9?/%a+$)%0a;J6%*9/%D;?"#2R%U&S@%(;#)/_)9=#)=R%a9(%;>__ Keo San DudeR%\LQLNY%U&S@O%4;<9%*=))$)=6%-+7+="7/%U;("#97)$%879..";# X_T)9=%].$%]Z)#%&+77"#3%&;_D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#R 3rd dam E"66%S;#)/%a+)Q%?/%1<;%A/)$%F9JgR%a9(%;>__ Honeysuckle PineR%GX%Z;"#76%[%UDS@%(;#)/_)9=#)=O%A.3"#%4.."#;"6%UDS@ ]Z)#%D)"#"#3%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER %%65Z%HVMH &;#6"3#)$%?/%1"(%a).> Hip No. 237 One Good Venture Hip No. 237 E9=J'%GQ%LMMI%*.9Jg%d).$"#3 4#5"797";#%]#./ One Good Venture 5122694 { d;;$?9=6%d.9(;+=3"=. GHHc { { *9=Z966)= *9=Z966)=6%4(93) { 1))%&;((9#$ *)9=6%D9"6"#%f9#) E=%f9#)%D9"6)= { D)5)#$9 h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= 19(9=9%!)66 E"7;6%E93"J%E;()#7 { E"7;%&;$/ E6%F)=="%F93+9= NOTESO%]#)%d;;$%K)#7+=)%"6%9#%9?6;.+7)./%3;=3);+6%Z.)96+=)%Z=;6Z)J7R%%4>%/;+%9=) .;;g"#3%>;=%9%';=6)%7;%6';<%97%7')%'"3')67%.)5).6%;>%J;(Z)7"7";#%/;+%(+67%6))%7'"6 ?)9+7">+.%3).$"#3R%&')Jg%;+7%'"6%3=)97%Z)$"3=))%>=;(%7;Z%7;%?;77;(R%U;("#97)$ 7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R By INVITATION ONLY (1990). Third, World 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress Junior Western Pleasure. 2008 AQHA #1 Leading Performance Sire in 6 divisions; 2008 NSBA #1 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 38,729 AQHA points, 610 ROM, 194 Superior awards, 34 World/ Reserve World Championships and over $2,602,882, including ONLY IN THE MOONLIGHT ($124,403: Congress 2-Year-Old Open Masters Champion; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion). 1st dam d;;$?9=6%d.9(;+=3"=.Q%?/%h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9=R%@%P)9$"#3%U8*@%a9(%;>%H%>;9.6Q%N Z)=>;=()=6__ COOL ASSETS%03R%?/%4#5)67()#7%@66)72R%IcG%Z;"#76%[%\YMQIGYO%7ORLD#HAM PION*R(UNTER5NDER3ADDLE!1(9!7ORLD#HAMPION2ESERVE7ORLD #HAMPION(UNTER5NDER3ADDLE`%H_1"()%&;#3=)66%&'9(Z";#%9#$%N_1"() D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)`%7;Z%GMQ%LMMI%!;=.$%8';<%]Z)#%[ @(97)+=%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)`%X_1"()%S"3'%:;"#7%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)R Good As Always 0JR%?/%@.<9/6%1')%&';"J)2R%HYRY%Z;"#76%[%\XQcYHO%D)"J')=7 &).)?=97";#%L_T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%&;_D)6)=5)%&'9(_ Z";#`%7;Z%GMQ%&;#3=)66%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)`%]Z)#%[ @(97)+=%:)=>R%D]ER Hard Assets%03R%?/%4#5)67()#7%@66)72R%bX%Z;"#76%[%\LQbGMO%U!%8+(()=%&).)_ ?=97";#%U8*@%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%LMMI%D)3";#9.%ABZ)="_ )#J)%8=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER All The Good DetailsR%LN%Z;"#76O%7;Z%GMQ%&;#3=)66%-+7+="7/%]Z)#%S+#7)=%^#$)= 89$$.)`%c7'Q%U8*@%!;=.$%X_T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)`%]Z)# :)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 2nd dam E"7;6%E93"J%E;()#7Q%?/%E"7;%&;$/R%a9(%;>__ GOOD BARS GOING GREY%0h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9=2R%HM%Z;"#76%[%\XQGcYO%1+.69 8+(()=%&"=J+"7%X_T)9=_].$%P"(7)$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&;_&'9(_ Z";#`%T;+7'%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R Kiss Me Good Night%0h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9=2R%c%Z;"#76%[%\cQXLXO%S)9=7?)97%;> @()="J9%L_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%X=$Q%4;<9%WS@ *=))$)=6%L_T)9=_].$%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R%a9(%;>__ Kiss Me By ChoiceR%\LQXcGO%c7'Q%4;<9%WS@%-+7+="7/%L_T)9=_].$%]Z)# !)67)=#%:.)96+=)R %%65Z%IVMH Hip No. 238 &;#6"3#)$%?/%E9=g%[%E)=)$"7'%&')=+?"#" Ike Candy Hip No. 238 @Z=".%GbQ%LMMI%8;==).%&;.7 @%d;;$%E9J'"#) Ike Candy 5142982 { d;;$7"()%&9#$/ GHHc { { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { 19(9=9%!)66 !9=%f).Z") !9=%E9J'"#) { 8g"Zk6%K"5"rrr d;;$7"()%8;##/%a)) { 8;##/%a))%*9= *9%S9%*9?) !97J'%E/%P)36 { h"ZZ;%F9Jg%*9= f=/679.%&;((9#$ NOTESO U;("#97)$%7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R By A GOOD MACHINE (1993). Earner of $19,288 and 70 AQHA points: Congress Limited Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion; 3rd, Congress Junior Western Pleasure; top 10, World Western Pleasure 3 times; Superior Western Pleasure. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire; a 2008 NSBA Top 15 Leading Sire and AQHA Top 20 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 6,914 points, 145 ROM and 39 Superior awards, 6 World/Reserve World Championships and $545,118, including OLD GOLD MACHINE ($117,135: Reichert Pleasure Celebration $250,000 Open Western Pleasure Challenge Champion; AQHA Reserve World Champion 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure). 1st dam Goodtime CandyQ%?/%d;;$7"()%8;##/%a))R%Nc%Z;"#76%[%\HQLNGO%!'"67.)%87;Z -+7+="7/%L_T)9=_].$%P"("7)$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%X=$Q%S)9=7_ ?)97%;>%@()="J9%U8*@%L_T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%]'";%WS@ -+7+="7/%X_T)9=_].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+= :)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%a9(%;>%Y%>;9.6Q%L%Z)=>;=()=6__ Keep In It Good%0>R%?/%d;;$%1"()%1;%8'"#)2R%LI%Z;"#76%[%\YQMMYO%7;Z%GMQ &;#3=)66%L_T)9=_].$%E967)=6%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%LMMI%S"3'%:;"#7 4#7)=#97";#9.%:)=>;=(9#J)%S9.7)=%E9=)`%4#7)=#97";#9.%S"3'%:;"#7%F=%!)67)=# :.)96+=)`%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER 2nd dam !97J'%E/%P)36Q%?/%h"ZZ;%F9Jg%*9=R%GN%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>__ GOODTIME TO WATCH%0@WS@V@:S@20d;;$7"()%8;##/%*9=2R%I%@WS@%[%NLI @:S@%Z;"#76O%@:S@%D)6)=5)%!;=.$%&'9(Z";#%@(97)+=%S+#7)=%^#$)= 89$$.)`%8+ZR%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)Q%S+#7%8)97%AC+"797";#%[%8';<(9#6'"ZR Goodtime Candy%0d;;$7"()%8;##/%a))2R%@?;5)R Good to Be A Roan%0h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9=2R%GMY%Z;"#76O%]Z)#Q%@(97)+=%[ T;+7'%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER Gambling Goodtime%0d;;$7"()%8;##/%*9=2R%LI%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J) D]E`%T;+7'%S9.7)=%D]ER d;;$7"()%&9#$/(9#%0d;;$7"()%8;##/%a))2R%GL%Z;"#76O%6Z."7%X=$Q%]'";%WS@ U8*@%X_T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R 3rd dam f=/679.%&;((9#$Q%?/%:;=7%&;((9#$R%I%]Z)#%:)>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76R%a9(%;>__ TRADED THE KRYSTAL%0h"ZZ;%F9Jg%*9=2R%LMX%Z;"#76%[%\cQcYGO%1="_&;+#7/ U8*@%X_T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%&'9(Z";#`%7;ZGMQ%S"3'%:;"#7 @(97)+=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)`%@(97)+=%8+Z)=";=%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)R BIG KRYSTAL LEAGUER%04(%@%*"3%P)93+)=2R%bMRY%Z;"#76%[%\GXQNbYO%&;#_ 3=)66%-+7R%X_T)9=_].$%U;#_:=;%S+#7)=%^#$)=%89$$.)%D)6)=5)%&'R%%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 239 &;#6"3#)$%?/%F"(%a+$.)/Q%@3)#7%-;=%d9=/%[%*).59%:9/7;# Ima Havin Scotch Hip No. 239 LMMc%D)$%D;9#%-"../ 4(9%h"ZZ;%d;;$%*9= Ima Havin Scotch 4869284 { S959%8J;7J'%]#%E) GHHG { { h"ZZ;%:"#)%*9= h"ZZ;6%E=%d;;$%*9= { 19(9=9%!)66 E9l)67"J%A#;+3' 4(9%E9l)67"J%E9# { 1=;77)=k6%f"77)# 8J;7J'%*9=%1"() { 8;##/%a))%*9= &'+??/%1"() a;##9%A967)= { a;#%*9= 8';<%@%*"7 PERFORMANCE RECORDO% 4;<9% WS@% -+7+="7/% U;#_:=;% T)9=."#3% P;#3)% P"#) &'9(Z";#`%E"##)6;79%WS@%-+7+="7/%]Z)#%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%D)6)=5)%&'9(_ Z";#R NOTESO%4(9%S95"#%8J;7J'%"6%9%GYRL%'9#$Q%67;+7%=;9#%>"../R%%D)9$/%7;%3;R%%@(97)+=%;= T;+7'%';=6)%Z=;6Z)J7%$).+B)R%%8';<%';=6)%Z)$"3=))%7;Z%9#$%?;77;(R%U;("#97)$ 7;%7')%@WS@%4#J)#7"5)%-+#$R%%ST::%UVU%;#%@WS@%=)J;=$R By IMA ZIPPO GOOD BAR (1992) [HYPP N/N]. Brother to ZIPS GOOD MAN (270 points: AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Trail Horse; AQHA High Point Trail Stallion). Sire of the earners of 2,973 AQHA points, 45 ROM, 14 Superior awards, including IMA GOOD RODDER ($56,233 and 416 points: Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Stakes Champion; AQHA High Point Junior Western Pleasure; NSBA High Point 2-Year-Old Intermediate Open Champion; Open & Amateur Superior Pleasure). 1st dam S959%8J;7J'%]#%E)Q%?/%8J;7J'%*9=%1"()R%a9(%;>%H%>;9.6Q%I%Z)=>;=()=6__ DE ROYALTY%03R%?/%D;/9.%a).+B)%1;;2R%YbN%Z;"#76%[%\GIQcHcO%N7'Q%LMMH%8).)J7 !;=.$%8';<%S+#7%8)97%AC+"797";#%[%8';<(9#6'"Z`%X=$Q%8).)J7%!;=.$%8';< 8';<(9#6'"Z`%@WS@%%@(97)+=%:)=>;=(9#J)%&'9(Z";#`%4;<9%WS@%-+7+="7/ U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#`%X=$Q%D)"J')=7%&).)?=97";#%]Z)#%[ U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)R De Asset%0>R%?/%4#5)67()#7%@66)72R%GI%Z;"#76%[%\GQcYcO%6Z."7%c7'Q%D)"J')=7 &).)?=97";#%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%[%b7'%"#%7')%]Z)#`%T;+7'%:)=>;=_ (9#J)%D]ER Scotch On My Zipper%0>R%?/%E=%D+67/%h"ZZ)=2R%%\LQMXYO%E"##)6;79%WS@%-+7+="7/ U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#%[%]Z)#%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#R 4(9%8<))7%@66)7%0>R%?/%4#5)67()#7%@66)72R%XRY%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%Z;"#76O%6Z."7 X=$Q%%D)"J')=7%&).)?=97";#%U8*@%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)R 2nd dam Donna EasterQ%?/%a;#%*9=R%Gb%Z;"#76O%]Z)#%:)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER%a9(%;>__ -"=67%1"()%P9$/%08J;7J'%*9=%1"()2R%a9(%;>__ INVEST IN A KISSR%GMI%Z;"#76%[%\YQMLNO%Y7'Q%!;=.$%8';<%F=%1=9".%S;=6)`%c7'Q !;=.$%8';<%F=%1=9".%S;=6)`%c7'Q%4;<9%WS@%*=))$)=6%-+7+="7/%U;#_:=; T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";=%1=9".%S;=6)R MISS KISS KISSR%HbRY%Z;"#76%[%\YQIGGO%*=))$)=6%&.966"J%-+7+="7/%XVN_T)9=_ ].$%]Z)#%!)67)=#%:.)96+=)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%!"6J;#6"#%8797)%-9"= -+7+="7/%]Z)#%T)9=."#3%P;#3)%P"#)%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%8+Z)=";= !)67)=#%:.)96+=)R Mister Kiss KissR%XM%Z;"#76%[%\LQLHNO%4;<9%WS@%-+7+="7/%U;#_:=;%T)9=."#3 P;#3)%P"#)%&'9(Z";#%[%]Z)#%D)6)=5)%&'9(Z";#`%]Z)#%[%@(97)+= :)=>;=(9#J)%D]ER %%65Z%HVMH Hip No. 240 Consigned by Gumz Farms, Agent for Seaside Farm, LP Pending Hip No. 240 June 2, 2008 Brown Colt Alotta Luke Pending { Hastys Looker (TB) 1998 { { Crimson Rogue Luke At Me { The Dasher Moon Pocket Pocket Coin (TB) { Moon Over Mayola He’s A Looker A Native { Raise Krishka Hasty Mel In Haste { Hit Kyles Mel NOTES: This big, growthy colt has all the makings of a strong hunt seat prospect. He is nice to work with and he should be a strong contender for the late futurities. By ALOTTA LUKE (2002). $17,048 & 197 points: Reserve World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle; 3rd, World Show Junior Pleasure Driving; Southern Belle Invitational Breeders 3/4-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Champion, Reserve in the Limited Open Maturity; 4th, Congress 3Year-Old Non-Pro & Limited Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Futurity; Superior Hunter Under Saddle; Amateur ROM; 2009 World Show qualifier Senior Hunter Hack. His oldest foals are yearlings. Son of LUKE AT ME, World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle Horse; Congress Junior Hunter Under Saddle Champion. An AQHA Top 20 All-Time Leading Sire of Hunter Under Saddle Point-Earners in all divisions and an NSBA AllTime Leading Sire, siring the earners of 9,837 points, 155 ROM and 48 Superiors, 17 World/Reserve World Championships and $450,000. 1st dam Hasty’s Looker (TB), by He’s A Looker. 3 wins at 3, $44,783, 3rd Aztec Oaks-R Dam of 1 TB foal and dam of 2 QH foals, the oldest a 2-year-old by The Only Escape. 2nd dam Hasty Mel, by Hit In Haste. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $11,454. Dam of 4 foals, 4 to race, 4 winners-Hasty's Looker (He's a Looker). Above. Good News Jenna (He's a Looker). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $26,775, 2nd Riley Allison Futurity-R. Dam of 7 foals, 4 to race, 4 winners-Jenna's Promise (Capote's Promise). 12 wins, 3 to 5, $126,176. Jenna's Dream News (Devon Lane). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $49,739. Jennas Good News (Thatsusintheolbean). 4 wins at 2 and 4, 2009, $42,886. Jenna's Devil (Devil Begone). 2 wins at 3, $32,075. Hasty’s Odds (TB) (Tilt The Odds). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $15,608. Dam of 5 foals, 3 to race, 3 winners-Hastys Strawfly (AQHA) (Genuine Strawfly). 3 wins to 5, 2009, $45,304. Hasty's Devil (Devil Begone). 4 wins, 2 to 5, $39,519. Hasty's Ace (Alnaab). Winner at 3 and 4, $21,315. Keeper of Dreams (Highland Park). Winner at 3, $13,797. Hastys Foolish Ego (Bold Ego). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $12,561. 3rd dam Kyles Mel, by Fleet Mel. Placed at 3. Dam of-Coal Tech (Universal). 5 wins, 3 to 6, $20,223. Hasty Mel (Hit In Haste). Above. Kyle's Joy (Siena Boy). 3 wins at 3 and 5, $9,535. svp 9/09 Consigned by Lyon Quarter Horses, LLC Hip No. 241 A Huntin We Will Go Hip No. 241 April 4, 2007 Sorrel Gelding Huntin Alone A Huntin We Will Go 5110418 { Hidey Hidey Ho 1985 { { Huntin For Chocolate Skipsalone Thermos (TB) Decka Babe Zips Chocolate Chip { Huntin Del PD Cool { RS Skip By Fire Kentucky Pride { Artic Royal Center { Decka Miss Beggar Babe NOTES: A Huntin We Will Go is sired by Huntin Alone, Superior Western Pleasure and Trail, qualifying for 4 events at the World Show. His foals are quiet and easy to train. Big, pretty and stellar legged either in a tight western jog or a big flat HUS trot. His first foal to show is a HUS Futurity Reserve Champion (see below). His dam is a talented mare with a proven produce record. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By HUNTIN ALONE (2002). 123 Open & Amateur points, Superior Trail and Western Pleasure; World Show qualifier Performance Halter Stallion, Western Riding, Junior Trail and Junior Western Pleasure; 10 All-Arounds and 3 Reserve All-Arounds. His oldest foals are 2-year-olds. From his first foal to show he is the sire of HUNTIN FOR ROMANCE (2009 Scottsdale Classic 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Reserve Champion). Son of HUNTIN FOR CHOCOLATE (1996). Earner of $40,725 and 272 points: World Champion Amateur Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Senior Western Pleasure Champion; Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA High Point Western Riding Stallion; NSBA Reserve High Point Non-Pro Maturity Horse; Whistle Stop Limited Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Co-Champion and Novice Horse Western Pleasure Champion; Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Champion, etc. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire. 1st dam HIDEY HIDEY HO, by Thermos (TB). 198.5 points: 3rd, World Show Amateur Hunter Under Saddle & top 10 in the Open; Congress Open Jr Hunter Hack Reserve Champion; top 10, World Show Open Jr Hunter Hack; top 10, High Point Jr Hunter Hack; Open & Amateur Superior Hunter Under Saddle. Dam of 11 foals, 6 performers-HIDE AND SNEAK (g. by Sneak Per-View TB). 134 points & $4,595: Congress Novice Amateur Equitation Over Fences & Hunter Hack Champion; Regional Experience Select Champion Hunt Seat Equitation; Performance ROM. Achieva (c. by Encoriva TB). 13 points: Silver Classic 4-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Champion; RMQHA 4-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion; Open Performance ROM. Only Blue To You (f. by Only Blue Sky). 16 points: 2008 Regional Experience Champion Open 3-Year-Old Mare & Amateur Showmanship Reserve Champion; Amateur Performance ROM. Scarlet O Riva (f. by Encoriva TB). 2 Open Performance points: top 10, Silver Classic Open Hunter Under Saddle; 6th, RMQHA NSBA Futurity 4-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle. Treasure Riva (f. by Encoriva TB). Dam of-Classical Treasure. 71 points & $2,668: Open & Amt. ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 242 Consigned by AGR Breeding Best Zipped N Honey Hip No. 242 April 13, 2008 Chestnut Colt RL Best Of Sudden Best Zipped N Honey 5062295 { Honeys Country Girl 1993 { { Impulsions A Sudden Impulse { Zips Illusion Zip N Therapy Therapy { Two Eyed Wedgie Zipped N Barred Pat Bars { Zippo Tontos Scooter Honey Glaze Sangaree { Mr Hot Pa Tudy NOTES: Best Zipped N Honey is by RL Best Of Sudden and out of a proven mare with over 250 points. “Graham” can jog with the best of them and is a very cadenced and balanced loper. He is very consistent and easy to train. Don’t miss out. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By RL BEST OF SUDDEN (2002). $100,000: Reichert 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Challenge Champion. His oldest foals are 3-year-olds. From his first foals to show he is the sire of BEST OF HOT ROD ($15,061: 4th, 2008 Congress NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Masters Western Pleasure), SHES SUDDENLY HOT ($6,861: Tom Powers Tri Challenge Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Champion; Reichert Pleasure Celebration Open Yearling Longe Line Champion), AT HIS BEST ($6,196: NSBA World Open Yearling Longe Line Champion; 3rd, Reichert Pleasure Celebration Maiden Slot Open Yearling Longe Line). 1st dam HONEYS COUNTRY GIRL, by Zipped N Barred. 252 points & $10,003: 4th, Tom Powers Futurity 3-Year-Old Novice Western Pleasure; Georgia QHA Futurity 3Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion & Non-Pro Reserve Champion; top 10, High Point Jr Western Pleasure: Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 5 foals, 1 performer, not a point earner. 2nd dam Honey Glaze, by Mr Sangaree. Dam of-HONEYS COUNTRY GIRL (Zipped N Barred). Above. Honey Do Zip (Mr Rusty Zipper). 42 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam ofFIRST HONEY DEE. 166.5 points: European Champion Youth Showmanship; 3rd, European Championship Youth Aged Mares; 2-time International High Point Showmanship; AQHYA Champion. Hints Honey Do. 42 points: Amateur Performance ROM. The Carastrophe (Bee A Winning Cat). 23 points: Amateur Performance ROM. Rusty Crystal (Mr Rusty Zipper). Dam of-A Word To The Wise. 1.5 Performance points: 7th, Just For Pleasure 2-YearOld Non-Pro Western Pleasure. Glazed Investment (Investment Zippo). Dam of-Fed Ex The Chex. Split 3rd, Reichert Celebration Ladies Limited Western Pleasure Stakes & 4th in the Ladies Open. 3rd dam HOT PA TUDY, by Hot Shot Tyler. 37 points: AQHA Champion. Dam of-TUDY TWIST. 109 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Tudy Twist Too. 11 Youth Performance points. Dam of-Skip N Tudy. 36 points: Open & Youth Performance ROM. svp 8/09 Hip No. 243 Consigned by Roger Landis, Agent for Phil Dobbs Only Hot N Gorgeous Hip No. 243 April 18, 2008 Bay Gelding Invitation Only Only Hot N Gorgeous 5147881 { Hot And Gorgeous 1999 { { Barpasser Barpassers Image { Tee Command Bears Raisin Kane Mr Kane Raiser { Revenda Blazing Hot Jet Set { Hotrodders Tahnee Zippo Good And Gorgeous Mr Good Bar { Zippos Winnie The Tiger NOTES: Only Hot N Gorgeous is a class act. By Leading Sire, Invitation Only and out of a multiple producing daughter of Blazing Hot. This gelding is extremely handsome and a beautiful mover. He has a license to be a superstar. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA, Tom Powers and Southern Belle. By INVITATION ONLY (1990). Third, World 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress Junior Western Pleasure. 2008 AQHA #1 Leading Performance Sire in 6 divisions; 2008 NSBA #1 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 38,729 AQHA points, 610 ROM, 194 Superior awards, 34 World/ Reserve World Championships and over $2,602,882. 1st dam Hot And Gorgeous, by Blazing Hot. Dam of 5 foals, 2 perfrormers-Gorgeous N Chocolate (f. by Zips Chocolate Chip). 29 points & $8,126: 2008 Tom Powers NSBA 3-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Champion & 7th in the Open; split 3rd, 2009 Tom Powers Futurity Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity; Open Performance ROM; qualified, 2009 World Show Jr Western Pleasure. Ironically Hot (g. by Ironmaker). 55.5 points: 3rd, 2008 Regional Experience Amateur Trail Horse, Open & Youth Performance ROM. 2nd dam GOOD AND GORGEOUS, by Zippos Mr Good Bar. 10.5 points & $18,827: 4th, Solid Gold Futurity SSA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; 4th, Tom Powers 2Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. Dam of-Pulsively Gorgeous (Impulsions). 113 points & $3,533: Ohio QHA Breeders Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. 3rd dam Winnie The Tiger, by Tiger Leo. Dam of-WINNIE PINE BAR. 211 points & $15,747: World Champion Amateur Western Pleasure; AQHYA Res. World Champion Western Pleasure; Congress 3Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Derby Res. Champion. Dam ofWINNIE THREE BARS. 110 points & $23,785: Res. World Champion Amateur Western Pleasure; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. RADICAL LEE. 156 points & $8,926: 4th, Congress 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Derby; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. BLAZIN PINE BAR. 69 points & $14,323: Tom Powers 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Co-Champion; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. GOOD N PRETTY. 117 points: Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Good Version. $7,480: Congress Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Champion. An All-Time Leading AQHA & NSBA Sire. svp 9/09 Hip No. 244 Consigned by Dan & Carol McWhirter, Agt. R. Erwin/D. McWhirter Absolutely Oprah May 7, 2008 Bay Filly Absolutely Oprah 5118164 { Absolute Investment { Imachocolatelollipop 2001 { The Investor Investment Ms Chips Count Chocula Rhonda Rosemont Hip No. 244 Zippo Pat Bars { Hank’s Peppy Lou The Big Investment { Leo King Babe Zips Chocolate Chip { Koa Lua Royale (TB) Doc { Rosemonts Jag’s Misty Moon NOTES: Absolutely Oprah is a stylish pleasure prospect with slow, rhythmic gaits, equally talented at both the jog and lope. Out of a proven performing mare, the Zips Chocolate Chip female line is a proven cross on Absolute Investment having produced the Congress Champions Absolute Option and Absolute Doll. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA SIF Licensing, Southern Bellle, Nebraska Breeders Futurity. By ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT (1995). Earner of 62 points and $9,754: 4th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Derby; 6th, Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity and finalist in the Open; top 10, World Championship Junior Western Pleasure; Nebraska Silver Classic 3-Year-Old Breeders’ Western Pleasure Co-Champion; Denver National Stock Show Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Pre-Denver Circuit Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Sun Country Circuit Junior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Leader; Superior Western Pleasure. 1st dam Imachocolatelollipop, by Chips Count Chocula. $2,546 NSBA earnings. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Rhonda Rosemont, by Rosemonts Doc. Dam of-Everybody Knows (Invitation Only). 88.5 points & $2,314: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Rosefied (Diversified). 18 points: Ohio QHA Futurity All-Age Western Pleasure; Youth Halter ROM. Discountess (Chips Count Chocula). 6th, E. Ohio QHA Futurity 2/3-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle. Invys Buckle Bunny (Invitation Only). Dam of-Only Invest In Gold. 2 ABRA points: top 10, ABRA World Show Open Yearling Longe Line. 3rd dam Jag’s Misty Moon, by Custus Jaguar. Dam of 3 other foals. 4th dam Dundee Darling, by Red Wolf. Dam of-DARLING DANDY. 150.5 points: AQHA Champion; Open Sup. Halter. Dam ofSUN DANDY. 312 points: Youth Superior Hunter Under Saddle. OTOE’S BAY CHIP. 330 points: Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure; Youth Superior Showmanship. Sun Bar’s Dial. 21 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-DOLLY STAR LEAGUER. 225 points: Amateur Superior Showmanship. MISS DOLLY REDFORD. 204 points: Open Superior Pleasure. svp 9/09 Hip No. 245 Consigned by Michelle J. A. Price Son Dees Lucky Charm Hip No. 245 2002 Sorrel Mare Son Bar Dee Son Dees Lucky Charm 4196626 { Im Miss Sonny Dee 1987 { { Sonny Dee Bar Son Dee Dude { Dude’s Cowgirl Ann Of The Bar Mack By Bar { Twistie Ann Sonny Dee Bar Or Lose { Win Chigger’s Baby Impressive Trouble { Impressive Trouble Choco PERFORMANCE RECORD: Earner of .5 Open Halter point, 4.5 Amateur Halter points and .5 Novice/Amateur Showmanship. NOTES: Son Dees Lucky Charm was a futurity winner as a weanling and yearling. Lucky is currently being show in Novice/Amateur Showmanship, Western Pleasure and Horsemanship. She is extremely nice to be around and very quiet. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NE Breeders and Center of the Nation. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By SON BAR DEE (1991). Earner of 168 points: High Point Amateur Halter Stallion; 4th, World Championship Amateur Aged Stallions; Open & Amateur AQHA Champion, Superior Open & Amateur Halter, earning points in Halter, Heading, Reining, Trail, Hunter Under Saddle, Western Riding, Western Pleasure, Showmanship, winning 15 All-Arounds and 9 Reserve All-Arounds; Nebraska Silver Classic Breeders Yearling Stallion Futurity Champion; Nebraska QHA High Point Amateur Senior Halter Stallion. 1st dam Im Miss Sonny Dee, by Sonny Dee Bar. Open Halter point earner. Dam of 12 foals, 8 performers-Mr Dee Versified (g. by Diversified). 8 Open Performance points. Charming Son Dee (f. by Son Bar Dee). Silver Classic Breeders Futurity Champion Sr Open Weanling Mare. 2nd dam Impressive Trouble, by Impressive. 4 Open Halter points. Dam of-Coosa Me Please (Coosa). 31.5 points: Youth Halter ROM. Zipper Imp (Mr Rusty Zipper). Dam of-BART KRYMSUN. 94 points & $20,397: 3rd, World Show 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; 3rd, 2008 Congress NSBA 3-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Derby; 4th, Congress 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity; 2008 High Point Open Western Pleasure Stallion. Sonnys Doubletake (Sonny Dee Bar). Dam of-JUST SAY MY NAME. 146 points & $5,993: 3rd, World Show Amateur Yearling Geldings & top 10 in the Open; 5th, Congress 2-Year-Old Limited Open Geldings; Open & Amateur Superior Halter. A BOLD CONCLUSION. 98 points: 7th, World Show Amateur Aged Stallions; High Point Open Sr Stallion; Open Superior Halter. THE LUCIOUS LADY. 62 points & $1,788: top 10, Congress Open Yearling Mares; Open Superior Halter. Prioritys Red Alert. 21 points: top 10, World Show Open Aged Stallions; Open Halter ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 246 Consigned by Down The Rail, Agent for Jerald Rutz Im Zippos Vantage Hip No. 246 April 1, 2008 Bay Gelding A Sudden Vantage Im Zippos Vantage 5070657 { Im Zippos Little Sis 2001 { { Impulsions A Sudden Impulse { Zips Illusion Maiden Vantage Top Vantage { Boston Day Radical Rodder Jet Set { Hotrodders Flashy Bar Flower Little Sis Too Pine Bar { Zippo Leocita’s Lover NOTES: Im Zippos Vantage is ready for the spotlight. He has the look and the moves to take center stage. Eye appeal deluxe. It’s easier to ride a pretty one. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By A SUDDEN VANTAGE (2000). 112 Open Performance points & $6,957: Scottsdale Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; AZ Sun Circuit High Point Open Sr Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; TX Fall Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Novice Horse Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Superior Western Pleasure. From his first foal to show he is the sire of JOE VANTAGE (Reserve Champion Regional Experience 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure). Son of A SUDDEN IMPULSE, World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse. An All-Time NSBA Leading Sire, 2008 AQHA & APHA Leading Sire, siring the earners of 8,426 AQHA points, 169 ROM, 45 Superiors and 3 World Champions. 1st dam Im Zippos Little Sis, by Radical Rodder. Dam of 2 foals, 1 performer-Zippos Only Sis (f. by Invitational Only). Top 10, 2009 Reichert Celebration Ladies $2,500 Limited Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Stakes. 2nd dam Little Sis Too, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of 10 other foals. 3rd dam Leocita’s Lover, by King Twist. Dam of-RUNCITA SI 92 (Easy Thymus). 6 wins to 3, $10,272: Nebraskaland Stallion Futurity. Lovecita (Easy Thymus). 8 Open Performance points. Twins Little Sis (Zippo Pine Bar). 3 Open Performance points. Warriors Folly (Pine’s Warrior). Dam of-Follys Taylor (Zippo Pine Taylor). Dam of-TALKIN TOO MUCH (Sweet Talkin Chip). 41.5 points & $17,510: Tulsa Summer Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure & NSBA SSA Western Pleasure Champion; Tom Powers Intermediate Open 2-YearOld Western Pleasure Champion; Flag City SSA Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; N Carolina QHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Southern Belle NSBA 3-Year-Old Intermediate Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; NSBA High Point Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Zipped Up Stuff (Reds Double Stuff). Georgia Horseman’s Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line Champion & 3rd in the Non-Pro; Georgia Horseman’s Futurity Georgia-Bred Yearling Longe Line Champion. svp 10/09 Consigned by James H. Neisler Hip No. 247 One Hot Rose Hip No. 247 March 20, 2007 Sorrel Filly One Hot Krymsun One Hot Rose 4971275 { Ima Cool Clue 1991 { { Barpassers Image Invitation Only { Bears Raisin Kane Krymsun Jet Set Hotrodders Jet Set { Crystal Class Invester Cluso Invester { The The Country Girl La Torino Machine Machine { War Miss Cassie Torino PERFORMANCE RECORD: Earner of .5 Open Performance point. NOTES: One Hot Rose is a big, pretty filly with a great mind and movement. Shown twice. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By ONE HOT KRYMSUN (1999) [HYPP N/N]. 7-time World/Congress Champion earning $66,679: World Champion Senior Western Pleasure; World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Open Western Pleasure Maturity; Congress Non-Pro Maturity Champion; Congress Junior Western Riding Champion; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; NSBA High Point Non-Pro Maturity Champion; NSBA High Point 3-YearOld Open Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion and Intermediate Open Reserve Champion; NSBA All-Time Leading Money-Earner. 2008 NSBA #6 Leading Sire; 2008 AQHA Leading Sire in 6 Divisions. 1st dam Ima Cool Clue, by Invester Cluso. 18.5 points & NSBA money-earner: 4th, Solid Gold Futurity 3-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure & 7th in the NonPro; Amateur Performance ROM. Dam of 6 foals, 4 performers-Lopin Josie (f. by Dandy J Lopin Jose). 3.5 Youth Performance points. 2nd dam La Torino Machine, by War Machine. Dam of-A GOOD CATCH (The Goodbar Boy). 121 points & $4,640: Dixie National Open Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Amt. Sup. Western Pleasure. Clusos On Call (Invester Cluso). 66.5 points: Open & Youth Pef. ROM. Splash Me Good (Zippos Mr Good Bar). NSBA money-earner. Dam of-An Awesome Golfer (Am Awesome Mister). 19 points: Youth Perf. ROM. Pine Valley Rose (Invester Cluso). Dam of-CERTAIN TO CRUISE. 3 points & $33,803: 2009 Tom Powers Futurity 3Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Champion; 2008 Reichert Celebration Sale Slot 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion, Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes Reserve Champion & 7th in the $100,000 Slot Intermediate Non-Pro Western Pleasure; 2008 Tom Powers 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Co-Champion. A Rose For Certain. $1,540: 3rd, Just For Pleasure NSBA Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line & 5th in the Open. Only Good Money (Zippos Mr Good Bar). Dam of-RL A COOL SUDDEN (A Suden Impulse). 40 points & $12,757: 7th, Congress Futurity Limited Open Western Pleasure; Tom Powers NSBA 3Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Southern Belle 3-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Co-Champion; Open & Youth Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Consigned by AGR Breeding Hip No. 248 Shezan Impulsive Zip Hip No. 248 2002 Sorrel Mare AMATEUR PERFORMANCE ROM BRED TO BORN TO BE BLAZIN Zippo Pat Bar Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Zippo Can Do { { Shezan Impulsive Zip 4289141 Impulsive Rindi 1992 { A Girl Named Jones Jasper Jones { Rebel’s Jan Impulsions Invester { The Randados Rosa Two Eyed Rindi Eyed Jack { Two Rindacilla PERFORMANCE RECORD: 23.5 AQHA Performance points, 9.5 Open & 14 Amateur; $4,497: Scottsdale Classic NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 3rd, Oregon QHA Summer Classic NSBA 3Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Amateur Performance ROM. NOTES: Shezan Impulsive Zip is a great young mare that still has more to offer. She has a weanling filly that is absolutely great. “Zoey” is riding around and will be great for anyone. Come by and try her out. Last BRED on March 8, 2009 to BORN TO BE BLAZIN. PRODUCE RECORD: 2009 Daisies Will Do, f. by Investing Wisely. By ZIPPO CAN DO (1994). $22,175 and 71 points: World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Junior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 3rd, Congress Open Western Pleasure Derby; Champion of the Tulsa Summer Circuit, Heart of Texas and Heartbeat of America Open Western Pleasure Derbies, etc. Sire of the earners of 1,540 AQHA points, 34 ROM, 9 Superiors. 1st dam Impulsive Rindi, by Impulsions. 15.5 points & $2,096: 4th, Solid Gold 2-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure & 5th in the Non-Pro; top 10, Silver Classic Futurity 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Denver National Novice Amateur Western Pleasure Reserve Champion. Dam of 6 foals, 3 performers-Shezan Impulsive Zip (f. by Zippo Can Do). Reference. AGR Too Simple (f. by Simply Hot). 15.5 points: Open Performance ROM. 2nd dam Two Eyed Rindi, by Two Eyed Jack. Dam of-Impulse Eyed (Impulsions). 71 points & $8,998: Texas Classic Breeders NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Tom Powers Futurity 3Year-Old Novice Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Dam of-TALKIN SWEET IMPULSE. 100.5 points: 4th, Regional Experience Sr Western Pleasure; Open Superior Western Pleasure. 3rd dam Rindacilla, by Star Duster. Dam of-DONDI RINDY STAR. 401 points & $3,375: 3rd, AQHYA World Show Heading; 6th, World Show Amateur Heading; AQHYA Reserve High Point Team Penning; Amateur Superior Heading & Heeling. WATCH JOE RANDY. 185 points & $6,521: Open Superior Heading & Heeling. svp 8/09 Hip No. 249 Consigned by Roger Gollehon, Agent for Kevin E. Welsh Heavens Impulse Hip No. 249 February 29, 2008 Chestnut Gelding Zippos Heaven Sent Heavens Impulse 5157368 { Impulsive Talk 1999 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Heaven Sent Custus Rastus { Heavenly Flower Sweet Talkin Chip Chocolate Chip { Zips Talkin Sweet Impulsed By Gold { Impulsons Cotton Top Glo NOTES: Heavens Impulse is a big, stout gelding strong enough to make an early two. Bred to be one of the hot 2-year-olds. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By ZIPPOS HEAVEN SENT (1985). Earner of over $60,000: Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity Champion. Sire of the earners of 3,858 points, 39 ROM, 20 Superiors including CREDITS FOR HEAVEN (Over 1,750 points & $27,101: AQHYA Reserve World Champion Trail; AQHA Youth Performance Champion; Open Superior Trail, Western Riding & Western Pleasure; Youth Superior in 5 events; Congress Champion Senior Trail), HEAVENLY SON SHINE (AQHYA Reserve World Champion Horsemanship Horse). 1st dam Impulsive Talk, by Sweet Talkin Chip. 5 Open & Amateur Performance points. This is her first foal. 2nd dam IMPULSED BY GOLD, by Impulsions. 745 points & $69,451: World Champion Jr Western Pleasure; AQHYA World Champion Western Pleasure; 3rd, World Show Jr Western Pleasure; Grand 20 Futurity NSBA 2-Year Open & Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Congress Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; 4th, World Show Sr Western Pleasure; High Point Sr Western Pleasure & Western Pleasure Mare; Open, Amateur & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-POTENTIAL GOLD (Potential Investment). 141.5 points: Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Impulsed By Chocolate (Zips Chocolate Chip). 82 points: Open Perf. ROM. 3rd dam Cotton Top Glo, by Seven S Speedy Glo. Dam of-GLOWING AROUND SLO. 454 points & $21,050: 5th, World Show Jr Western Pleasure; 6th, AQHYA World Show Western Pleasure; top 10, Congress Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-GLOIN FROM CHOCOLATE. $13,090: 5th, 2008 World Show 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; 2008 Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Intermediate Open Western Pleasure Champion; 3rd, 2009 Reichert Celebration NSBA 3-Year-Old Intermediate Non-Pro Western Pleasure. TOP THIS IMPULSE. 153 points & $7,667: Greater Houston NSBA Breeders 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; 4th, Lone Star Futurity 2Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; top 10, Tom Powers 2-Year-Old NonPro Western Pleasure; Superior Western Pleasure. Ima Imp. 38 points & $3,305: 5th, Tulsa Holiday Futurity 3-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 250 Consigned by Dan & Carol McWhirter Good Remembrance Hip No. 250 February 9, 2008 Sorrel Filly Absolute Asset Good Remembrance 5081887 { Invested Remembrance 1998 { { Zippos Mr Good Bar Good Asset { Miss Rebel Rita Investment Ms The Big Investment { Leo King Babe The Invester Pat Bars { Zippo Hank’s Peppy Lou Triple Memory Chick { Triple Memory Bars NOTES: Good Rememberance is tall and balanced with an upright wither. This excellent, great minded prospect will also perform in the all-around arena. She is out of one of our best producing daughters of The Invester, from a superior pleasure performing Triple Chick female family. Full sister to Bob O’Gorman’s outstanding three year old mare “Absolute Recall”, winning recent Championships in both the western pleasure and trail futurities in California. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA Stallion Incentive Fund Licensing and Nebraska Breeder’s Futurity. By ABSOLUTE ASSET (1996). From his first foals to show he is the sire of ABSOLUTE INTEREST (12 Open & Amateur Performance points: 2009 Select World Show qualifier Hunter Under Saddle), ABSOLUTE MERCY (8.5 Open & Amateur Performance points), ABSOLUTELY CUSTOM (7.5 Open Performance points), ABSOLUTE LIABILITY (6.5 Amateur Performance points: Regional Experience Champion Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation). 1st dam Invested Remembrance, by The Invester. Dam of 7 foals, 1 performer-Absolute Recall (f. by Absolute Asset). 7 Open Performance points. 2nd dam Triple Memory, by Triple Chick. 4 Amateur Performance points. Dam of-Ima Sweet Memory (Ima Majestic Man). 154.5 points: AQHA Amateur Versatility Award; top 10, Congress Novice Youth Showmanship; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Built From Memory (Sonny Built). 44.5 points: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Triple Built (Sonny Built). 6.5 Open & Amateur Performance points: 3rd, Congress Smallfry Horsemanship. Dam of-Petite And Sweet. 4th, Michigan QHA Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line. 3rd dam Memory Bars, by Hay’s Bars. 47 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-Chicks Memory Bars. Dam of-Ima Chick Man. 54 points: Carolina Classic Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. Ima Triple Memory. 45.5 points: Congress Novice Amateur Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Coosas Chick. Dam of-AMBASSADOR BUCKLEY. 14 IBHA points: IBHA World Champion Open Yearling Stallion. Buckleys Slick Chick. 29 ABRA points: 6-time ABRA Reserve World Champion Mare. svp 9/09 Consigned by Karen Misko Hip No. 251 Especially Vested Hip No. 251 1993 Chestnut Stallion SUPERIOR WESTERN PLEASURE Three Bars (TB) Zippo Pat Bars { Leo Pat The Invester Especially Vested 3209528 { Investment Ms 1987 { { Hank’s Peppy Lou Dinky Reed { Logan’s Miss Lue The Big Investment Invester { The The Country Girl Leo King Babe King { Leo Babe Pat PERFORMANCE RECORD: 55 Open Performance points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. NOTES: Especially Vested is one of the last sons of The Invester. He is a full brother to Absolute Investment and also has the strong maternal line that is so necessary for breeding success. EV is a calm stallion and he throws that type of personality to his foals so that amateur owners may enjoy and break out their foals without the need for a trainer. He has continued producing these types of movers that have won most major circuits and national titles. EV is quiet, sound, and easy to breed. SIRE RECORD: Sire of 125 foals, 51 performers, including A SPECIAL DEE SOCK (380.5 points & $4,406: Amateur AQHA Champion in 2009: AQHA Superior AllAround; 3 Superiors), MY STORYS INVESTED ($10,584 & 74.5 points: Congress Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion, 3rd in the Limited Non-Pro; Open & Amateur ROM), INVEST MY BUCKS (11-time IBHA World/Reserve World Champion and multiple IBHA Honor Roll Champion), HOORAY SHES VESTED (89.5 points: 3rd, AQHYA World Show Performance Halter Mare; Youth Halter & Performance ROM; Open Halter ROM), ESPECIALLY MOVED ($4,838: IA QHA Breeders Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion). By THE INVESTER (1969). AQHA Hall of Fame; NSBA Hall of Fame. The AQHA’s #8 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM, siring the earners of 23,201 AQHA points, 356 ROM, 151 Superior and 16 AQHA Champion awards, and over $625,000. 1st dam INVESTMENT MS, by The Big Investment. 50.5 points & $7,475: 5th, NSBA SSA Futurity Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Denver Open Jr Western Pleasure Champion; Nebraska State Fair Open Jr Western Pleasure Champion; 6th, Tom Powers Summer Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 5 foals, 3 performersABSOLUTE INVESTMENT (c. by The Invester). 62 points and $9,754: 4th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Derby; 6th, Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity and finalist in the Open; top 10, World Show Junior Western Pleasure; Nebraska Silver Classic 3-Year-Old Breeders’ Western Pleasure Co-Champion; Denver Open Jr Western Pleasure Champion; Superior Western Pleasure. A Leading NSBA Sire INVESTED MS (f. by The Invester). 97 points & $5,102: RMQHA Golden Opportunity Futurity 3/4-Year-Old Open & 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Utah QHA Fall Futurity Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity Champion & Open Reserve Champion; Open Superior Western Pleasure. svp 10/09 Hip No. 252 Consigned by Lynda F. Flesner Goody Goody Twosocks Hip No. 252 2005 Chestnut Gelding Zippos Mr Good Bar Goody Goody Twosocks 4649581 { Investment Sally 1995 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tamara Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star Investment Zippo Big Investment { The Zippo Rita Sizzlin Invester Invester { The Sizzlin Fancy NOTES: Goody Goody Twosocks is just a darn nice gelding. Super disposition and very willing. His pedigree speaks for itself. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Southern Belle, VA, GA, IA, Just For Pleasure, NSBA Breeders Cup and all NSBA classes. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900, including VITAL SIGNS ARE GOOD ($164,559: AQHA World All-Around Amateur; AQHA World Champion Amateur Western Riding & Amateur Western Pleasure; AQHA Reserve World Champion Sr Western Riding; AQHA World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA World Champion Amateur Pleasure Horse; 2008 NSBA Horse of the Year; Congress Open Pleasure Futurity Champion). 1st dam Investment Sally, by Investment Zippo. Dam of 5 foals, 2 performers-Im Goodbar Maid (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 6th, Illinois QHA Fall Futurity SSA 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure & top 10 in the Open. 2nd dam Sizzlin Invester, by The Invester. Dam of-DYNAMIC REVUE (Dynamic Deluxe). 243 points; 315 Novice/Amateur & Novice/Youth points & $3,112: Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Sable Deluxe (Dynamic Deluxe). 24.5 points: Open Perf. ROM. Dam ofPRINCIPLES DELUXE. 305 points & $20,444: 4th, World Show 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Greater Houston Breeders 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 4-Time International Champion Western Pleasure; International Champion Hunter Under Saddle; 6-Time International High Point Western Pleasure; 2-Time International High Point Hunter Under Saddle; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Prada Deluxe. 3 Open Performance points: 5th, 2009 Tom Powers Futurity Open Novice Western Pleasure. Dynamic Principle. Dam of-Shezasgoodasitgets. 40.5 points: Regional Experience Reserve Champion Performance Halter Mare; Open Performance ROM. Investment Dynamic. 8.5 points: 7th, Ontario QHA Breeders Futurity 2Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle. Principle Sizzler (Principle Investment). 17.5 points: 6th, Silver Classic Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Youth Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 253 Consigned by Down The Rail, Agt. for Mark Shannon Miers Tiger Chip Hip No. 253 April 24, 2008 Bay Gelding Zips Chocolate Chip Tiger Chip 5119737 { Iota Be A Tigress 2000 { { Zippo Pine Bar Fancy Blue Chip Iota Invest Flaming Tigress Zippo Pat Bars { Dollie Pine Custus Jaguar { Irene 3 Invester { The Par Dee Sue Leo { Tiger Leota Flame NOTES: Tiger Chip has the size and structure it takes to be a great all-around horse. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Southern Belle, NSBA and Tom Powers. By ZIPS CHOCOLATE CHIP (1985). NSBA Hall of Fame; World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse, winning under all five judges. The AQHA’s #3 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Point-Earners, #4 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Performance ROM; NSBA #2 All-Time Leading Sire and an APHA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 39,811 points, 603 ROM and 237 Superior awards, 31 World/Reserve World Championships and $1,885,000. 1st dam Iota Be A Tigress, by Iota Invest. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Flaming Tigress, by Tiger Leo. Youth Performance point earner. Dam of-PROMISE MAKER (Ironmaker). 182 points & $5,711: Amateur Superior Western Horsemanship. Zipaleo (Zippo Pine Bar). 14 points: 3rd, Tom Powers Limited Open Western Pleasure Challenge. 3rd dam Leota Flame SI 92, by Flaming Jet. 2 wins to 3, $2,476. Dam of-Flaming Iron (Iron Rebel). 98 points & $4,482: Congress Amateur Pleasure Driving Reserve Champion; 4th, World Show Amateur Pleasure Driving; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Iron Amber (Iron Rebel). 25.5 points: Youth Performance ROM. Exotic Tigress (Tiger Leo). Dam of-ZIPA TIGER. 812 points & $18,048: Breeders Classic Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; 3rd, AQHYA World Show Western Riding; 6th, Tom Powers Futurity 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; AQHYA Performance Champion. Iron Ember (Iron Rebel). Dam of-Burning Asset. 43 points: Ft Worth Youth Showmanship Reserve Champion; Youth Performance ROM. Casual Asset. Dam of-VESTED WISHES. 9 points & $10,526: Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion; 6th, Tom Powers NSBA All-Age Novice Non-Pro Western Pleasure; 2009 Flag City Extravaganza NSBA Open Sr Western Pleasure Reserve Champion. Stretchin My Assets. 36.5 points: Regional Experience Select Reserve Champion Showmanship; Amateur Performance ROM. Dont Skip Charlene (AQHA/APHA). 32 APHA points: Amateur Performance ROM. svp 10/09 Hip No. 254 Consigned by Lyon Quarter Horses, LLC Huntin For My Moment Hip No. 254 May 1, 2007 Bay Filly Huntin Alone Huntin For My Moment 5002305 { Iron Out The Details 1997 { { Huntin For Chocolate Skipsalone Last Detail Radiance N Iron Zips Chocolate Chip { Huntin Del PD Cool { RS Skip By Fire Jetaway Easy { Lilly La Belle Rebel { Iron Jeana Lynx NOTES: Huntin For My Moment is sired by Huntin Alone, Superior Western Pleasure and Trail, qualifying for 4 events at the World Show. His foals are quiet and easy to train. Big, pretty and stellar legged either in a tight western jog or a big flat HUS trot. His first foal to show is a HUS Futurity Reserve Champion (see below). His dam is by the legendary Last Detail. Check out her produce below. This filly is a pretty bay with an elegant style and wonderful temperment. All-Around potential galore. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By HUNTIN ALONE (2002). 123 Open & Amateur points, Superior Trail and Western Pleasure; World Show qualifier Performance Halter Stallion, Western Riding, Junior Trail and Junior Western Pleasure; 10 All-Arounds and 3 Reserve All-Arounds. His oldest foals are 2-year-olds. From his first foal to show he is the sire of HUNTIN FOR ROMANCE (2009 Scottsdale Classic 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Reserve Champion). 1st dam Iron Out The Details, by Last Detail. Dam of 6 foals, 2 performers-Petticoats N Details (f. by Coats N Tails). 1.5 Open Performance points: 2008 Arizona Sun Circuit Green Hunter Under Saddle Champion. 2nd dam Radiance N Iron, by Iron Rebel. Dam of-BB KRYMSUN N KLOVER (One Hot Krymsun). 25.5 points & $26,954: 7th, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Sale Slot Non-Pro Western Pleasure; 4th, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old $100,000 Slot Intermediate Open Western Pleasure; 3rd, Tom Powers Breeders 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. 3rd dam Jeana Lynx, by Doc’s Lynx. Dam of-CERTIFIED ZIPPO (Zippo Pine Bar). 64.5 points & $2,015: Open Superior Western Pleasure; top 10, High Point Jr Western Pleasure. 4th dam Jeanie Tiger, by Tiger Leo. Dam of-FEDERAL ISSUE. 224 points & $8,396: 3rd, Silver Classic Nebraska Bred 2Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Sup. Western Pleasure & Trail Horse. Ima Good Roan Too. 48.5 points: Amateur Perf. ROM. Federal Investment. 36.5 points: Open Perf. ROM. Finesse Investment. Dam of-Vinnie Good Bar. 68.5 points & $2,721: N. Carolina QHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Regional Exp. Select Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Amateur ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 255 Consigned by Dan & Carol McWhirter Absolutely So Lucky Hip No. 255 April 9, 2007 Bay Filly Absolute Asset Absolutely So Lucky 5037505 { Investers Echo 1996 { { Zippos Mr Good Bar Good Asset { Miss Rebel Rita Investment Ms The Big Investment { Leo King Babe Pat Bars { Zippos Hank’s Peppy Lou The Invester Lizzecho Luck Luck { Real Bonanza’s Liz NOTES: Absolutely So Lucky is a well started pleasure prospect that is sound, balanced and correct with Performance Halter potential. Cadenced, flat kneed mover that both lopes and jogs well. Dam is from a female family of superior performers having produced Goodness Im Lucky, 5th, 2008 AQHA High Point Green Western Pleasure. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA BCF, Nebraska Breeders Futurity and is NSBA Licensed. By ABSOLUTE ASSET (1996). From his first foals to show he is the sire of ABSOLUTE INTEREST (12 Open & Amateur Performance points: 2009 Select World Show qualifier Hunter Under Saddle), ABSOLUTE MERCY (8.5 Open & Amateur Performance points), ABSOLUTELY CUSTOM (7.5 Open Performance points), ABSOLUTE LIABILITY (6.5 Amateur Performance points: Regional Experience Champion Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation), JACS ABSOLUTE PEACH (9 PHBA Performance points & NSBA money-earner: 6th, PHBA World Show NSBA Open Yearling Longe Line, 7th in the Amateur). 1st dam Investers Echo, by The Invester. Dam of 6 foals, 2 performers-Goodness Im Lucky (f. by Good Asset). 38.5 points: 5th, 2008 High Point Open Senior Green Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. Goodness Shes Lucky (f. by Good Asset). Open Performance point earner. 2nd dam LIZZECHO LUCK, by Real Luck. 176 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-DJA LUCKY LIZZARD (Impressive Skyline). 279.5 points: Open Superior Trail Horse; AQHYA Champion. Taylor Made Liz (Mr K G Taylor). 79 points: Open & Youth Perf.ROM. Dam ofIma Cool Zima. 3rd, Illinois QHA Superstakes 25 Jr Open Weanling Stallions. Lizzecho Taylor (Mr K G Taylor). Open & Amateur Halter 68 points. 3rd dam BONANZA’S LIZ, by Coy’s Bonanza. 39 points: AQHA Champion. Dam of-LIZZECHO LUCK (Real Luck). Above. REAL GRAND STANDER (Real Luck). 46 points: AQHA Champion. Sheila Bonanza (Pute Cee Bonanza). 4 Open Halter points. Dam of-KNOX LADY LUCK. 343 points: Open Superior Halter; Youth Superior Western Pleasure; AQHYA Champion. Son Dee Bonanza. 14 points: Open Performance ROM. Kim Pac Bonanza (Pacific Bailey). Open Halter point earner. Granddam of-PRONANZAS KIREI. 115 points & $2,072: Open Superior Pleasure. Bobbie Dee Bar (Sonny Dee Bar). Dam of-Dee Continental. 34.5 points: Youth Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Consigned by Peggy Butler Hip No. 256 Lovely And Alone Hip No. 256 May 5, 2008 Bay Filly Huntin Alone Lovely And Alone 5162436 { Iron Out The Details 1997 { { Zips Chocolate Chip Huntin For Chocolate { Huntin Del Skipsalone PD Cool { RS Skip By Fire Last Detail Easy { Jetaway Lilly La Belle Radiance N Iron Rebel { Iron Jeana Lynx NOTES: Lovely And Alone is a big, strong bay filly with a very sweet and friendly disposition. She is a big trotter, great hocked and will be a top level futurity contender. Sired by the young sire, Huntin Alone, Superior Western Pleasure and Trail, qualifying for 4 events at the World Show. His foals are quiet and easy to train. Big, pretty and stellar legged either in a tight western jog or a big flat HUS trot. His first foal to show is a HUS Futurity Reserve Champion (see below). Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By HUNTIN ALONE (2002). 123 Open & Amateur points, Superior Trail and Western Pleasure; World Show qualifier Performance Halter Stallion, Western Riding, Junior Trail and Junior Western Pleasure; 10 All-Arounds and 3 Reserve All-Arounds. His oldest foals are 2-year-olds. From his first foal to show he is the sire of HUNTIN FOR ROMANCE (2009 Scottsdale Classic 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Reserve Champion). 1st dam Iron Out The Details, by Last Detail. Dam of 6 foals, 2 performers-Petticoats N Details (f. by Coats N Tails). 1.5 Open Performance points: 2008 Arizona Sun Circuit Green Hunter Under Saddle Champion. 2nd dam Radiance N Iron, by Iron Rebel. Dam of-BB KRYMSUN N KLOVER (One Hot Krymsun). 25.5 points & $26,954: 7th, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Sale Slot Non-Pro Western Pleasure; 4th, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old $100,000 Slot Intermediate Open Western Pleasure; 3rd, Tom Powers Breeders 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. 3rd dam Jeana Lynx, by Doc’s Lynx. Dam of-CERTIFIED ZIPPO (Zippo Pine Bar). 64.5 points & $2,015: Open Superior Western Pleasure; top 10, High Point Jr Western Pleasure. 4t dam Jeanie Tiger, by Tiger Leo. Dam of-FEDERAL ISSUE. 224 points & $8,396: 3rd, Silver Classic Nebraska Bred 2Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Sup. Western Pleasure & Trail Horse. Ima Good Roan Too (Zippos Mr Good Bar). 48.5 points: Amateur Perf. ROM. Federal Investment (The Big Investment). 36.5 points: Open Perf. ROM. Finesse Investment (The Big Investment). Dam of-Vinnie Good Bar. 68.5 points & $2,721: N. Carolina QHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Regional Exp. Select Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Amateur ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 257 Consigned by Theresa Joclyn Corgill, Agent for Natalie Ippolito Jackies Miracle Face Hip No. 257 March 5, 2008 Bay Filly Face It Im Good Jackies Miracle Face 5165689 { Jacks Sizzlin Revue 1991 { { Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Blue Tigress Tiger Leo { Camp Town Cutie Jacks Dusty Review Review { Impressive Jack’s Super Dust Scarlet Macayo Macayo { Quincy Sizzlin Centerfold NOTES: Jackies Miracle Face will grab your attention with her spashy blaze and chrome. She has it all, looks, mind, legs and pedigree. “Miracle” has a disposition that everyone wants and few ever find, plus she is freaky flat kneed and slow, slow, slow. She would make an excellent youth or amateur prospect. She has been handled since birth and is easy to groom, trim, clip, longe and haul. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By FACE IT IM GOOD (1994). 91 Halter & Performance points: AQHA Champion; top 10, Houston AQHA Open Junior Western Pleasure; Open Halter & Performance ROM. Sire of SUN OF FACE (29.5 Youth Performance points & 37.5 Novice/Youth points; Youth Performance ROM), ZIPPY GOOD TYME (9.5 Halter & Performance points: top 10, Regional Experience Youth Western Pleasure), ONE GOOD HARLEY (9 Open Performance points: Circuit Champion East Coast Championship Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle; 10 Novice/Youth points), MISS FACE IT (4.5 Open & Amateur Performance points), SO GOOD I SHINE (top 10, Just For Pleasure 4-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle; 2.5 points), FACE IT IM FUN (2008 MO QHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion). Son of ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900. 1st dam Jacks Sizzlin Revue, by Jacks Dusty Review. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Scarlet Macayo, by Quincy Macayo. Open Halter point earner. Dam of 3 other foals. 3rd dam Sizzlin Centerfold, by Sizzlin Hot. Dam of-SHATON (Quincy Macayo). 124 points: Reserve High Point Amateur Halter Gelding; 5th, World Show Amateur 2 & 3-Year-Old Geldings; Open & Amateur Superior Halter. 4th dam Miss Pocita Leo, by My Leo. 16 Open Halter & Performance points. Dam of-Cocopah Kid. 15 points: Open Performance ROM. Rona Doon. 22 Open Halter & Performance points. Pinocho’s Panda. 11 AQHA & 41 IBHA points. Dam of-Panda Lena. $3,357 NCHA: NCHA Certificate of Ability. Mac A Doon. 11 Open & Youth Performance points. Mya’s Tiffany. 3 Open & Youth Performance points. Dam of-DOCS CHANDELIER. $32,005 NCHA: 4th, PCCHA Non-Pro Futurity. svp 9/09 Consigned by David James Hip No. 258 Huntin A Hot Rodder Hip No. 258 2005 Black Mare BRED TO GOOD BARS 747 Huntin For Chocolate ! { Huntin A Hot Rodder 4696956 Jet Settin Cowgirl 1990 { Zippo Pine Bar Zips Chocolate Chip ! Fancy BLue Chip Hunting Del Hunting Cap ! Choc’s Del Rancho Hotrodders Jet Set Hotrodder ! Doc’s Miss Clique Impressev Chicka Bar Leo ! Impressive Chickadeck NOTES: Huntin A Hot Rodder has the breeding we all want. She is a beautiful mare with a sweet attitude. She is broke enough to show and anyone can get along with her. Either keep her as a broodmare or fit her back up to show, either way you can’t go wrong. Last BRED on February 28, 2009 to GOOD BARS 747. Foal in utero eligible for the AQHA Incentive Fund. She is Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund and is HYPP N/H on AQHA record. By HUNTIN FOR CHOCOLATE (1996). Earner of $40,725 and 272 points: World Champion Amateur Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Senior Western Pleasure Champion; Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA High Point Western Riding Stallion; NSBA Reserve High Point Non-Pro Maturity Horse; Whistle Stop Limited Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Co-Champion and Novice Horse Western Pleasure Champion; Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old Non-Pro, 3-YearOld Limited Novice and 3-Year-Old SSA Western Pleasure Champion, etc; Superior Open & Amateur Western Pleasure; Superior Western Riding. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire. 1st dam Jet Settin Cowgirl, by Hotrodders Jet Set. 8.5 Open Performance points & NSBA money-earner. Dam of 9 foals, 3 performers-HUNTIN A JET SETTER (f. by Huntin For Chocolate). 11.5 points & $10,469: top 10, World Show 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Scottsdale Classic NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Champion; Southern Belle 2Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Tom Powers NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion. Zips Jet Settin (g. by Dont Skip Zip). 43 points: 2008 Regional Experience Youth Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Amateur & Youth Perf. ROM. 2nd dam Impressev Chicka, by Impressive Bar Leo. 34 Open Halter & Performance points. Dam of-Jet Settin Cowgirl (Hotrodders Jet Set). Above. 3rd dam Chickadeck, by Three Chicks. Dam of-Impressev Chicka (Impressive Bar Leo). Above. Walladeck Bar (Wallaby). Open Performance point earner. 4th dam Top Deck’s Ana, by Top Deck (TB). Dam of-Old Calcutta (The Ole Man). Dam of-Skipa Calcutta (Skipa Star). 9 Open Performance points. svp 9/09 Consigned by JR Reichert Ventures Hip No. 259 Just Give Me Range Hip No. 259 May 23, 2008 Red Roan Filly Openrange Just Give Me Range 5125560 { Justa Bit Of Impulse 2000 { { Zippos Mr Good Bar Leaguers Zipanna A Sudden Impulse Elegant Bay Zippo Pine Bar { Tamara Wess Leaguers Last { Lady Zipanna { Impulsions Zips Illusion One { Astro Lots Of Luck NOTES: Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. MIQH, MOQH, NC, NSBA SIF, Rocky MT QH Assoc, Triple Challenge Tr, VQHA BIP, NSBA BCF. Eligible for the 2010 Reichert Pleasure Sale Stakes. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By OPENRANGE (2001). $27,214 and 43 points: Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion; NSBA High Point 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; NSBA High Point 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; NSBA Breeders Championship Gold Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; Just for Pleasure 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Southern Belle Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion; AQHA ROM. His oldest foals are 3-year-olds. From his first foals to show he is the sire of BIT WESTERN ($22,485: Southern Belle Invitational NSBA Slot & Breeders’ Open Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion, Champion in the Non-Pro and Limited Non-Pro; top 10, 2008 Reichert Pleasure Celebration Sale Slot 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; 4th, Tom Powers Tri Challenge Breeders Open Yearling Longe Line). 1st dam Justa Bit Of Impulse, by A Sudden Impulse. 15.5 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of 3 foals, no performers to date. 2nd dam Elegant Bay, by Astro One. 12 Performance points: Breeders Classic All-Age Open Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion. Dam of-JACKSAREBETTERTOWIN (Jack Are Lucky Too). 89 points & $3,010: Tom Powers Open Green Western Pleasure Champion; Regional Experience Jr Western Riding Reserve Champion; 5th, NSBA World Championship Amateur Trail Horse; Open Superior Trail Horse. Customized Bay (Custon Go Lucky). 12.5 points: 5th, Illinois QHA Breeders Futurity Open Western Pleasure; Amateur Performance ROM. 3rd dam LOTS OF LUCK, by Beatle Luck. 38 points: AQHA Champion. Dam of-April Applause. Dam of-CONTOURED. 116.5 points: AQHA Champion; Reserve High Point Sr Halter Stallion; Open Superior Halter. A Leading AQHA Sire. Cheirperson. Dam of-Festive. 26.5 points: 5th, Congress Amateur Aged Mares; Open Halter ROM. 4th dam PO TINA, by Poco Mitch Hill. 37 points: AQHA Champion. Dam of-THE BOSTON BAY. 100 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. BRANDENBAR. 36 points: AQHA Champion. svp 6/09 Hip No. 260 Consigned by Carol McWhirter, Agent for Julie & Curtis Cooper Raisin My Asset Hip No. 260 March 24, 2008 Brown Filly Absolute Asset Raisin My Asset 5091677 { Jacs Spanish Peach 2000 { { Zippos Mr Good Bar Good Asset { Miss Rebel Rita Investment Ms The Big Investment { Leo King Babe Moore Cash Popper Johnny King { Sir Skips Cash Bowl Kidnap Leos Babe D Spanish Leo { How Kidnaps Missy NOTES: Raisin My Asset by Absolute Asset is good legged, good minded and good looking. “Raisin” has a glistening dark brown color that will grab the judges attention. She is a sweet filly with cadenced movements and natural ability.She has the potential and ability to earn lots of money. She is the complete package. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA BCF, Nebraska Breeders Futurity and is NSBA Licensed. By ABSOLUTE ASSET (1996). From his first foals to show he is the sire of ABSOLUTE INTEREST (12 Open & Amateur Performance points: 2009 Select World Show qualifier Hunter Under Saddle), ABSOLUTE MERCY (8.5 Open & Amateur Performance points), ABSOLUTELY CUSTOM (7.5 Open Performance points), ABSOLUTE LIABILITY (6.5 Amateur Performance points: Regional Experience Champion Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation), JACS ABSOLUTE PEACH (9 PHBA Performance points & NSBA money-earner: 6th, PHBA World Show NSBA Open Yearling Longe Line, 7th in the Amateur). Son of GOOD ASSET, earner of 51 points in 3 events: 8th, Congress Junior Western Pleasure. A 2008 AQHA Leading Performance Sire in 8 divisions and an NSBA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 13,152 points, 266 ROM and 67 Superiors and $640,000, including A ROYAL ASSET ($21,135: AQHA World Champion Amateur Equitation Over Fences; 2009 AQHYA Reserve World Champion Equitation Over Fences; Congress Champion Amateur Working Hunter), KNEE DEEP IN ASSETS ($26,254: 2008 Reserve World Champion Amateur Equitation Over Fences). 1st dam Jacs Spanish Peach, by Moore Cash Popper. Dam of 3 foals, 1 performer-Jacs Absolute Peach (f. by Absolute Asset). 9 PHBA Performance points: 6th, PHBA World Show NSBA Open Yearling Longe Line & 7th in the Non-Pro. 2nd dam Kidnap Leos Babe, by How D Spanish Leo. Dam of-Jacs Darkndesirable (BR Georgeous George). top 15, Iowa QHA Breeders Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line. Jacs On An Impulse (Impulse To Lope). Dam of-Mcsteamy Investment. 4th, Iowa QHA Futurity Non-Pro Jr Weanling Stallions & 6th in the Open. 3rd dam Kidnaps Missy, by Ima Kidnap Too. Dam of 2 other foals. 4th dam Pocalong’skipper, by Cue’s Skipper. Dam of-Ima Napper Kid (Ima Kidnap Too). Dam of-Ima Solo Kid. 8 Open Performance points. svp 9/09 Consigned by Robert M. Caruth Hip No. 261 Lucky Kipnic Hip No. 261 2006 Bay Mare BRED TO A DREAM REMEMBERED Zippo Pine Bar Zippo Jack Bar { Fair Eyed Jackie Jacks Are Lucky Too Lucky Kipnic 4845206 { Kipnic 1997 { { Sonnys Tuff Baby Sonny Dee Bar { Lizas Babe Boomernic { Reminic Docs Leavem Smoke Rita Kip Kiper { Skipity Robin’s Bivarita NOTES: Lucky Kipnic was going to be a show horse but started off with hard luck. She will make a fine broodmare. She had colic in Jan, 2008, had a twisted gut but nothing was removed. After rehab and before going back into training she ate a plastic bag in the pasture and impacted. Was removed with no problems except a large scar. She’s been a baby sitter to foals in the pasture. Easy with other horses and likes people. Last BRED on May 8, 2009 to A DREAM REMEMBERED. Foal in utero eligible for the AQHA Incentive Fund, KY Breeders Incentive Fund, Just For Pleasure, NSBA and Tom Powers. By JACKS ARE LUCKY TOO (1995). Earner of $36,535: World Champion 2Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; Superior Western Pleasure; Champion of the Tom Powers Triple Challenge, ISBA Pleasure Jubilee, Wisconsin State Fair NSBA Open & Stallion Incentive, Greater Houston NSBA Open & Breeders, and Heart of Texas NSBA 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Futurities. An AQHA & APHA Leading Sire. 1st dam Kipnic, by Boomernic. 4.5 Open Performance points: split 4th, Texas Classic Open Novice Horse Reining. Dam of 4 foals, 1 performer-Only Kipnic (g. by Invitation Only). 10.5 Open & Amateur Performance points. 2nd dam RITA KIP, by Skipty Kiper. 19 Open Performance points & $23,606: Colorado State Fair Open Snaffle Bit Futurity Champion; top 15, NRHA Open Futurity; TQHA National Stakes Limited Open Champion & Open Reserve Champion; top 10, World Show Junior Reining & Working Cowhorse. Dam of-HOB NOB KIP (Expensive Hobbit). 83.5 Open & Youth Performance points & $12,004: NRHA Derby Legends Champion; finalist, Congress Open Reining Futurity; Congress under 13 Reining Champion; Superior Reining. Sexy Kip (Sexy Gentleman). 17.5 Open & Youth Performance points & $8,567: 8th, NRHA Limited Open Futurity; Sand Hills Slide 3-Year-Old Open Futurity Champion; 5th, Colorado State Fair RHA Open Futurity. Ritas First Buck (Expensive Hobbit). Open Performance point earner: split 7th, Germany Equitana Open Reining Cup. Last Ex Flame (Expensive Flame). top 10, Regional Experience Youth Western Pleasure. Dam of-Dun With Flames (Dun It Big). $4,693: 2009 Sagebrush Slide Open & Intermediate Open Derby Champion; Georgia RCHA Jim Cupp Memorial Non-Pro Futurity. Rita Kips Kick ( Boomernic). money-earner in the Rocky Mountain Summer Slide Open & Limited Open Futurity. svp 9/09 Consigned by Robert M. Caruth Hip No. 262 Chocolate Kipnic Hip No. 262 May 13, 2008 Bay Colt Zips Chocolate Chip Chocolate Kipnic 5141415 { Kipnic 1997 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Fancy Blue Chip Custus Jaguar { Irene 3 Boomernic { Reminic Docs Leavern Smoke Rita Kip Kiper { Skipity Robin’s Bivarita NOTES: Chocolate Kipnic is a soft mover, straight legged with a great disposition. His sister sells. Take a look at her to see what he will look like later. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By ZIPS CHOCOLATE CHIP (1985). NSBA Hall of Fame; World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse, winning under all five judges. The AQHA’s #3 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Point-Earners, #4 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Performance ROM; NSBA #2 All-Time Leading Sire and an APHA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 39,811 points, 603 ROM and 237 Superior awards, 31 World/Reserve World Championships and $1,885,000, including SKIPS SPECIAL BARB ($81,343: 4-time World/Congress Champion Pleasure Horse; High Point Senior Western Pleasure Champion). 1st dam Kipnic, by Boomernic. 4.5 Open Performance points: split 4th, Texas Classic Open Novice Horse Reining. Dam of 4 foals, 1 performer-Only Kipnic (g. by Invitation Only). 10.5 Open & Amateur Performance points. 2nd dam RITA KIP, by Skipty Kiper. 19 Open Performance points & $23,606: Colorado State Fair Open Snaffle Bit Futurity Champion; top 15, NRHA Open Futurity; TQHA National Stakes Limited Open Champion & Open Reserve Champion; top 10, World Show Junior Reining & Working Cowhorse. Dam of-HOB NOB KIP (Expensive Hobbit). 83.5 Open & Youth Performance points & $12,004: NRHA Derby Legends Champion; finalist, Congress Open Reining Futurity; Congress under 13 Reining Champion; Superior Reining. Sexy Kip (Sexy Gentleman). 17.5 Open & Youth Performance points & $8,567: 8th, NRHA Limited Open Futurity; Sand Hills Slide 3-Year-Old Open Futurity Champion; 5th, Colorado State Fair RHA Open Futurity. Ritas First Buck (Expensive Hobbit). Open Performance point earner: split 7th, Germany Equitana Open Reining Cup. Last Ex Flame (Expensive Flame). Top 10, Regional Experience Youth Western Pleasure. Dam of-Dun With Flames (Dun It Big). $4,693: 2009 Sagebrush Slide Open & Intermediate Open Derby Champion; Georgia RCHA Jim Cupp Memorial Non-Pro Futurity. Rita Kips Kick ( Boomernic). Money-earner in the Rocky Mountain Summer Slide Open & Limited Open Futurity. Ritas Kid (Brennas Kid). Dam of-Clays Kid Olena. $4,820: 2008 Minnesota Memorial Open Reining Futurity Champion; 2008 Ontario RHA Stallion Stakes Futurity Limited Open Champion. svp 9/09 Hip No. 263 Consigned by B ill Rinzema, Agent for Rebecca Bailey Sooo Good Hip No. 263 March 16, 2008 Red Roan Filly Zippos Mr Good Bar Sooo Good 5111656 { Krymsun Jet Set 1990 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tarama Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star Hotrodder { Doc’s Miss Clique Hotrodders Jet Set Crystal Class Class { Impressive Dawson’s Miss NOTES: Sooo Good was special from the day she was born. She is a full sister to Good Luck Girl, who sold in this sale and walked away from the Congress Masters with $100,000 for her owner. She is quiet, soft and a correct mover. Her dam is a trememdous producer, see below. This cross works. Don’t be like those who stood by and didn’t buy her sister. You could be walking away with the big check! Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA, Tom Powers, IA, Southern Belle and IL Futurities. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900. 1st dam Krymsun Jet Set, by Hotrodder Jet Set. 13.5 Open, Amateur & Youth points. A Leading NSBA dam. Dam of 9 foals, 7 performers-ONE HOT KRYMSUN (c. by Invitation Only). 75.5 points & $66,680:7ORLD #HAMPION9EAR/LD7ESTERN0LEASURE7ORLD#HAMPION*R3R 7ESTERN0LEASURE; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion & Limited Open Reserve Champion; Congress Open & Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Reichert Celebration NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Southern Belle NSBA 3-YearOld Open Western Pleasure Champion. A Leading AQHA & NSBA Sire. KRYMSUN HOT INVITE (f. by Invitation Only). 174.5 points & $26,558: Whistle Stop 3-Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure Champion & 3rd in the Limited Non-Pro; Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Reserve Champion; 5th, Congress Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line; 6th, World Show Jr Western Pleasure; 7th, Congress Limited 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; top 10, World Show Amateur Western Pleasure; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. GOOD LUCK GIRL (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). $113,748: Congress 2-YearOld Open Master Western Pleasure Champion; 2008 Scottsdale Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 5th, World Show 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure. Repeated In Red (c. by Invitation Only). 43.5 points & $2,603: 4th, Tom Powers Intermediate Open Western Pleasure Challenge; 2008 Congress Limited Open Performance Halter Stallion; 7th, 2008 High Point Performance Halter Stallion; qualified, 2009 World Show Open Performance Halter Stallions. Dont Skip Krymsun (f. by Dont Skip Zip). top 10, Congress & Just For Pleasure Open Yearling Longe Line. Dam of-Good Krymsun (Zippos Mr Good Bar). $3,933: 4th, Reichert Celebration Maiden Slot Open Yearling Longe Line. svp 9/09 Hip No. 264 Consigned by Down The Rail, Agent for Jerald Rutz Sudden Limits Hip No. 264 February 6, 2008 Sorrel Filly A Sudden Vantage Sudden Limits 5068162 { LDR Off Limits 1999 { { Impulsions A Sudden Impulse { Zips Illusion Maiden Vantage Top Vantage { Boston Day Jet Set { Hotrodders Flashy Bar Flower Radical Rodder Zippo On Me Pine Bar { Zippo Olivia Fox NOTES: Sudden Limits should have been named “No Limits”. She is big, strong, sweet, kind and a pleasure to be around. This one has everything it takes to have a long productive show career. Eligible for NSBA. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By A SUDDEN VANTAGE (2000). 112 Open Performance points & $6,957: Scottsdale Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; AZ Sun Circuit High Point Open Sr Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; TX Fall Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Novice Horse Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Superior Western Pleasure. From his first foal to show he is the sire of JOE VANTAGE (Reserve Champion Regional Experience 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure). Son of A SUDDEN IMPULSE, World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse. An All-Time NSBA Leading Sire, 2008 AQHA & APHA Leading Sire, siring the earners of 8,426 AQHA points, 169 ROM, 45 Superiors and 3 World Champions, including RL BEST OF SUDDEN ($100,000: Reichert 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Challenge Champion), ONA IMPULSE ($54,424: World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; Congress 2-Year-Old Pleasure Futurity Champion; NSBA High Point 3-Year-Old Open Champion). 1st dam LDR Off Limits, by Radical Rodder. Dam of 2 foals, no performers to date. 2nd dam Zippo On Me, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of-Tithes And Offerings (Radical Rodder). 11 Open & Youth Performance points; NSBA money-earner: Gordyville NSBA Open Jr & 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; QHYA Spring Circuit NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Co-Champion. 3rd dam Olivia Fox, by Freeway Foxy. Dam of-PROMISE ME CHOCOLATE (Zips Chocolate Chip). 224 points & $17,205: Tulsa Summer Circuit Futurity 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Tom Powers Spring Futurity 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; 3rd, Southern Belle 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Heartbeat NSBA 3-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Champion; Silver Classic Futurity 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Riverboat Classic NSBA 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. 4th dam Impressively Dun, by Impressive Mirage. Dam of-The Fox Network (Freeway Foxy). 4 Open Halter points. svp 10/09 Consigned by Andy Monson Hip No. 265 Okie Leaguer Hip No. 265 February 15, 2008 Bay Gelding Green With Invy Okie Leaguer 5041159 { League Of Angels 1998 { { Barpassers Image Invitation Only { Bears Raisin Kane Bold Vanessa (TB) Jungle Blade { Run For Senate Zip Leaguer Chocolate Chip { Zips Follow The Leaguer Golden Bloom Golden Luck { Matt’s First Bloom NOTES: Okie Leaguer is a beautiful, elegant, willing all-around prospect. Very well started under saddle and will be a world class performance and halter gelding. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By GREEN WITH INVY (1998). Earner of 53 points in Halter, Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle and Pleasure Driving and $4,210; High Point Pleasure Driving Stallion; 3rd, World Show Performance Halter Stallion; finalist in the Roberts Whistle Stop Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Derby; Circuit Champion AZ Sun Country Circuit Open Sr Pleasure Driving; top 10, Whistle Stop 3-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Performance ROM. From his first foals to show he is the sire of INVY OF ME (105 points & $6,245: top 10, Congress Futurity Open Hunter Longe Line; Superior Amateur Showmanship in 2009), MS EVERGREEN (78 Performance points: Superior Western Pleasure in 2008). 1st dam League Of Angels, by Zip Leaguer. Dam of 7 foals, 3 performers-Pearls Only (f. by Green With Envy). 10 Open, Amateur & Youth Perf. points. Copper Rodder (g. by Radical Rodder). 4.5 Youth Halter & Performance points. 2nd dam Golden Bloom, by Matt’s Golden Luck. Dam of-JUST A PREMONITION (Misters Premonition). 131.5 points & $4,626: 5th, Congress Open 3-Year-Old & Amateur Aged Gelding; Open & Amateur Superior Halter. Joe So Lucky (Diamond Joe Lucky). 29.5 points: Open & Amateur Perf. ROM. Ultimate Premonition (Mister Premonition). 13.5 points: Open Halter ROM. 3rd dam First Bloom, by Bar Flower. Dam of-MS MASTERPIECE. 113 points: Open Superior Halter. Dam of-Colors Masterpiece. 39 points: Open Halter ROM. Colors Bar Flower. 28 points: Indiana QHA High Point 3-Year-Old Mare; Open Halter ROM. Dam of-Obvious Te Rose. Indiana QHA Breeders Futurity Reserve Champion NonPro Weanling Mare. Sonnys Flower. Dam of-Intimidating Queen. 11.5 points: Open Performance ROM. Intimidating Flower. Dam of-PLAYGIRLS FLOWER. 78 points: top 10, AQHYA World Show 2-Year-Old Mares; Open Superior Halter. A INTIMIDATING WIN. 75 points & $2,193: Canadian National Champion Yearling Mare; Open Superior Halter Ima Scootin Skipper. 42 points: Amateur & Youth Halter ROM. svp 8/09 Hip No. 266 Consigned by Jim Dudley Shez Makin Sum Cents Hip No. 266 March 28, 2008 Chestnut Filly Leaguers Grand Slam Shez Makin Sum Cents 5104570 { Leaguers Penny 1995 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine MVP Leaguer Im A Big Leaguer { Miss Shady Gypsy Leaguers Last { Ima Bay Bid My Semolita Miss In Command { Man Jeanie Story Im A Big Leaguer NOTES: Shez Makin Sum Cents is a sweet, pretty filly with that “horse show” mentality. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By LEAGUERS GRAND SLAM (1994) [HYPP N/N]. Earner of 360 points and $23,250: Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; 3rd, World Show Amateur Western Pleasure; 5th AQHA High Point Junior Western Pleasure; 5th, Congress Junior Western Pleasure, 6th Congress Amateur Maturity; Superior Open & Amateur Western Pleasure. Sire of AGRANDSLAMFORSURE (APHA) (95 points in 10 events: 2008 APHA Reserve World Champion Heeling; ROM Heading, Heeling & Steer Stopping). 1st dam Leaguers Penny, by Leaguers Last. 11 Open & Amateur Performance points. Dam of 5 foals, 2 performers-Cents Of Investment (c. by Investment Asset). 2 Open & Amateur points. Lena Little While (f. by Lena Next To Me). 1.5 Open & Amateur points. 2nd dam My Semolita Miss, by Man In Command. 5th, NRHA Derby Open 2-Hand Reining. Dam of-The MDS Express (Reeboks Kid). $5,232 NRHA: NE RHA Maine Event Novice Non-Pro Reining Champion; Granite State Slide Non-Pro Reining Reserve Champion; Conneticut Spring Spin Non-Pro Champion. Miss Green Mountain (I’m Tuff Too). 4 Youth Performance points. Dam of-Unzipped Valentine. 7 Youth Halter & Performance points; top 10, 2008 Regional Experience Youth Western Pleasure. 3rd dam Jeanie Story, by Story Man. Dam of 1 other foal. 4th dam GREEN MT BAY, by Poco Red Bar. 77 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-FOREST CABIN CAROL. 315 points & $14,353: Reserve World Champion Jr Trail Horse; 3rd, Congress Jr Trail Horse; Reserve High Point Jr Trail Horse. FOREST CABIN ELECT. 350.5 points & $8,972: 5th, World Show Sr Trail Horse; Open Superior Trail Horse. FCF KELLY SLEEPER. 147 points: Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Tell Me A Story. 140 points: Open, Amateur & Youth Perf. ROM. Dam of-Tardy Tradition. 45 points: 5th, NSBA SSA Futurity 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Amateur Performance ROM. Spanish Mountain. 16 points & $8,172: NRHA Open Futurity Champion; Open Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 267 Consigned by Brad & Vicki Pitts, Agt for Equine HLDS of Ky, LLC Absolut With A Twist Hip No. 267 March 3, 2008 Sorrel Filly Absolute Investment Absolut With A Twist 5108662 { Luck Isin The Breeze 2003 { { Zippo Pat Bars The Invester { Hank’s Peppy Lou Investment Ms The Big Investment { Leo King Babe A Passing Breeze { Barpasser Ms Winter Breeze Rascals Satin Luck Wish Me Luck { JBL Rascals Satin Doll NOTES: Absolut With A Twist is a big, stout filly that is full of class. She just looks the part. Lots of muscle and strength with a gorgeous head and neck. A real people horse. From the time she was born she has been a standout among the others. This one is very special. World Champions throughout her pedigree. Already saddled and started. View a video at P5 Equestrian.com. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA, Southern Belle and Nebraska Futurity. By ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT (1995). Earner of 62 points and $9,754: 4th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Derby; 6th, Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity and finalist in the Open; top 10, World Championship Junior Western Pleasure; Nebraska Silver Classic 3-Year-Old Breeders’ Western Pleasure Co-Champion; Denver National Stock Show Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Pre-Denver Circuit Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Sun Country Circuit Junior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Leader; Superior Western Pleasure. 1st dam Luck Isin The Breeze, by A Passing Breeze. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Rascals Satin Luck, by JBK Wish Me Luck. Dam of-Rascals Satin Asset (Good Asset). 24.5 points: 2008 International High Point Open & Amateur 2-Year-Old Mare; 3rd, European Championship Amateur Two & Under Mares; Open & Amateur Halter ROM. Satin Investment (Investment Asset). 7 Open Performance points. 3rd dam RASCALS SATIN DOLL, by Spanish Rascal. 99 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Half sister to BRASSY BLEND (PHBA World Champion Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation & Hunter Hack). Dam of-DOCS BE DOLL. 279.5 points & $9,063: World Champion Jr Western Pleasure; 6th, AQHYA World Show Western Pleasure; top 10, World Show Sr Western Pleasure; Congress Champion Open Jr Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress Open Sr Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. TNT FLUID FRED. 13 points & $9,716: World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Congress Champion Jr Western Pleasure. An All-Time Leading AQHA & NSBA Sire. EXCELLENCE IN MOTION (AQHA/APHA). 101.5 AQHA & 511 APHA points; $5,207: APHA Youth World Champion Showmanship; APHA Youth Champion; APHA Versatility Award; Youth Superior Halter, Hunter Under Saddle, Showmanship & Western Pleasure; AQHA Superior Amateur Pleasure. TNT Fluid Doll. 20 points: Open Performance ROM. svp 8/09 Consigned by Gumz Farms Hip No. 268 Luxurious Interest Hip No. 268 February 9, 2008 Chestnut Filly Pine Interest Luxurious Interest 5078551 { Luxurious Goods 2001 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Investment Joy The Big Investment { Joycey Rick Good Asset Mr Good Bar { Zippos Miss Rebel Rita Buckeye Pine Bar Pine Bar { Zippo Buckeye Skip Gab NOTES: Luxurious Interest is the second foal from our promising broodmare, Luxurious Goods. She has the size, looks and movement to win at the major shows. Her full sister is in California and will be shown in the winter shows. The mind and willingness of this filly make her a great non-pro candidate. Don’t miss her. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Southern Belle, IA, MI, Tom Powers, NSBA BCF and NSBA SIF. By PINE INTEREST (1994). Earner of 51 points & $4,280: Superior Western Pleasure; East Coast Amateur Championship NSBA Limited Open 3-YearOld Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 4th, Tom Powers Triple Challenge Limited Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Futurity; split 5th, Whistle Stop Limited 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Futurity; 3rd, Wisconsin State Fair NSBA Futurity; 6th, Nebraska Silver Classic NSBA 3-YearOld Open Western Pleasure; finalist in the Congress Limited Western Pleasure Futurity. Sire of LIVING OFF INTEREST ($41,970 & 139 points: Southern Belle NSBA 3-Year-Old Novice Horse Slot Western Pleasure Champion; Southern Belle Non-Pro 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure CoChampion and 3-Year-Old Novice Horse Champion; Superior Pleasure). 1st dam Luxurious Goods, by Good Asset. Dam of 2 foals, no performers to date. 2nd dam Buckeye Pine Bar, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of 16 foals, 11 performers, including-INVESTED PINE MISS (The Invester). 115 points & $6,997: top 10, Congress Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure; Nebraska Silver Classic Nebraska Owned Western Pleasure Champion; 3rd, Tom Powers TC Futurity Limited Open Western Pleasure; Youth Superior Pleasure. Dam of-Invested Pine Asset. 178 points & $9,126: Double Your Pleasure 2-YearOld Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity Champion, 3rd in the Non-Pro; top 10, Congress 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Absolute Luxury (Absolute Investment). 42 points: 2008 Congress Reserve Champion Youth Performance Halter Mare; Regional Experience Reserve Champion; Youth Performance Halter Mare; Youth Halter & ROM. A Genuine Investment (The Invester). 23 points & $1,284: Amateur ROM. Luxury Goods, by Good Asset. Dam ofs-A CERTAIN LUXURY. 66 points & $24,068: 2008 Scottsdale Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; split 6th, Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old $100,000 Slot Intermediate Open Western Pleasure; Tattersall Sale Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Youth Performance ROM; qualified, 2009 AQHYA World Show Western Pleasure. svp 9/09 Consigned by Robert M. Caruth Hip No. 269 Lady Kipers Last Hip No. 269 April 30, 2008 Sorrel Colt Zips Chocolate Chip Lady Kipers Last 5142358 { Lady Kiper 1984 { { Zippo Pine Bar Fancy Blue Chip Skipity Kiper Lady Zero Zippo Zippo Pat Bars { Dollie Pine Custus Jaguar { Irene 3 Skip { Skipity Aledo Bar Hanky Pat Bars { Zippo Lady Zero 23 NOTES: Lady Kipers Last had a tough start as him mother died during foaling. It doesn’t seem like he ever missed her and you can tell by looking at him he never missed a meal. Orphaned but raised like a normal colt. Nice mover and correct on his legs. Great dispositon but won’t try to climb in your pocket. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By ZIPS CHOCOLATE CHIP (1985). NSBA Hall of Fame; World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse, winning under all five judges. The AQHA’s #3 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Point-Earners, #4 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Performance ROM; NSBA #2 All-Time Leading Sire and an APHA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 39,811 points, 603 ROM and 237 Superior awards, 31 World/Reserve World Championships and $1,885,000. 1st dam LADY KIPER, by Skipty Kiper. 73 Open & Amateur Performance points & $33,601: 3rd, World Show Junior Reining; finalist, NRHA Open Futurity; split 5th, NRHA Limited Open Futurity; Southwest RHA Limited Open Futurity Champion & split 3rd in the Open; 4th, Lazy E Classic Limited Open Reining; 4th, NRHA top 10, Limited Open Horse. Daughter of LADY ZERO ZIPPO (PHBA Youth Performance World Champion). Dam of 13 foals, 9 performers-KID KIP (g. by Brennas Kid). $12,872: Firecracker Reining Derby Limited NonPro Reserve Champion; 4th, Carolina Classic Primetime Non-Pro Derby; 3rd, top 10 NRHA Limited-Non-Pro Horse. BOOMERS LADY KIPER (f. by Boomernic). $11,293: Oklahoma RHA Futurity Limited Open Champion. Dam of-SMART SMOKUM CHIC (Smart Chic Olena). 108 points & $8,560: 5th, SW RCHA Fall Classic Derby; top 10, NRCHA World Show Open Hackamore; Open Superior Reining & Working Cowhorse. FS Smart Boomer Chic (Smart Chic Olena). $3,550: 2008 Utah RCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion. Ms Kiper Nic (f. by Boomernic). 21.5 points & $3,273: split 5th, Southwest RHA Intermediate Open Futurity; 7th, Limited Amateur Reining Rider; Amateur Performance ROM. First Ex Flame (f. by Expensive Flame). 13 Open & Amateur Performance points & $2,588: split 5th, Southwest RHA Limited Open Futurity. Dam ofSKEETS FLAMIN (Skeets Peppy). $18,213: split 3rd, Italian RHA Open Futurity; 5th, Italian RHA Open Futurity Challenge. Jack Is Lucky Too (g. by Jacks Are Lucky Too). 19 points: Tulsa Winter Circuit Jr Western Pleasure Champion. Ladys Hobbit (f. by Expensive Hobbit). 14 Open Performance points & $1,660: 8th, World Show Junior Reining. svp 8/09 Consigned by Masterson Farms, LLC Hip No. 270 KM Taylor Made Hip No. 270 February 23, 2008 Bay Roan Filly RL Best Of Sudden KM Taylor Made 5096455 { Maggie Taylor 1994 { { Impulsions A Sudden Impulse { Zips Illusion Zip N Therapy Therapy { Two Eyed Wedgie The Invester Pat Bars { Zippo Hank’s Peppy Lou Good Special Miss Mr Good Bar { Zippos Miss Special Lee NOTES: KM Taylor Made could well be the most outstanding pleasure prospect in the sale. She is a half sister to Taylor Made Sheik (see her record below). The quality of this filly’s movement together with her easy dispositon and beauty should prove to be an unbeatable combination. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA World Championship Futurity, Southern Belle and Tom Powers. By RL BEST OF SUDDEN (2002). $100,000: Reichert 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Challenge Champion. His oldest foals are 3-year-olds. From his first foals to show he is the sire of BEST OF HOT ROD ($15,061: 4th, 2008 Congress NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Masters Western Pleasure), SHES SUDDENLY HOT ($6,861: Tom Powers Tri Challenge Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Champion; Reichert Pleasure Celebration Open Yearling Longe Line Champion). 1st dam MAGGIE TAYLOR, by The Invester. 63.5 points & $2,801: split 4th, Silver Classic Breeders 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 7 foals, 2 performers-TAYLOR MADE SHIEK (f. by Zippos Sheik). 90.5 points & $37,450: 5th, Congress 2-Year-Old Open Masters Western Pleasure; Southern Belle Breeders & NSBA 3-Year-Old Oen Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; top 10, 2008 World Show Jr Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. 2nd dam Good Special Miss, by Zippos Mr Good Bar. Dam of-PERSONAL INVITE (Invitaion Only). 210 points & $14,102: 4th, Congress 2Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure; High Point Western Pleasure & Sr Western Pleasure; Open Superior Western Pleasure. PRINCIPLEY GOOD BARS (AQHA/APHA)(Principle Investment). 515 APHA points: APHA Reserve World Champion Jr Western Pleasure; Open, Amateur & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Special Miss Taylor (Protect Your Assets). 108.5 points & $2,575: Gold Rush Circuit NSBA Select Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM; Open Halter ROM. Certains Goodbar (AQHA/APHA)(Certain Potential). 20 AQHA & 33 APHA points; $6,638: Triple Crown Extravaganza NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Champion; AQHA & APHA Open Performance ROM. 3rd dam Miss Special Lee, by Son Of Tailwind. Dam of MWS SEVEN S ZIPNLEE (682 points: AQHYA Performance Champion), MWS FLASHY RENDITION (383 points: AQHYA Champion); granddam of ULTRA ASSET ($21,788: Solid Gold 2-YearOld Lim. Open Western Pleasure Champion). svp 8/09 Consigned by Tom Hanson Hip No. 271 Assets Of Attraction Hip No. 271 April 8, 2008 Sorrel Filly Protect Your Assets Assets Of Attraction 5180304 { Maidens Investment 1993 { { Zippos Mr Good Bar Good Asset { Miss Rebel Rita Scars Social Kitty Scars Te { Zippos Skippy Zippo Jack Bar Pine Bar { Zippo Fair Eyed Jackie Investors Maiden Big Investment { The Sura Shady Maiden NOTES: Assets Of Attraction is a super fancy filly and top pleasure horse prospect. She has the looks, talent and pedigree of a champion. Check out this gorgeous filly and her pedigree. Eligible for Southern Belle, Lone Star, GA QHA Stallion Service, NSBA BCF. By PROTECT YOUR ASSETS (1995). $32,044: NSBA #1 Two-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Junior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Champion of the Heartbeat, Lone Star, Southern Belle, Tom Powers, Breeders Classic & Nebraska Silver Classic Western Pleasure Futurities. Sire of the earners of 4,007 points, 75 ROM, 18 Superiors earning $150,000, including ALLOCATE YOUR ASSETS ($26,259 and 156 points: Reserve World Champion Sr Hunter Under Saddle; Congress 2Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; NSBA #1 High Point 2Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Horse & Sr HUS; NSBA Breeders Gold & Silver 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Futurities’ Champion; 3rd, Select World Hunter Under Saddle; Superior Open & Amateur Hunter Under Saddle). 1st dam Maidens Investment, by Zippo Jack Bar. Dam of 7 foals, 2 performers-BLAZING JAVA (g. by Blazing Hot). 233 points & $7,828: Mississippi QHA Circuit SSA Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; 5th, 2008 Reichert Celebration NSBA Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. JUST A ROAN RANGER (AQHA/APHA). 18.5 AQHA & 91 APHA points: Open Superior Western Pleasure; Youth Performance ROM. 2nd dam INVESTORS MAIDEN, by The Big Investment. Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-SS CREDIT MACHINE (A Good Machine). 200 points & $10,869: 3rd, Tom Powers NSBA 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure; top 10, Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Derby; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Ssinvestorsadvantage (Top Vantage). split 6th, Pennsylvania QHA Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line. Dam of-SHETHINKSHESOMETHING. 320 points & $23,668: 5th, World Show 2Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity & 6th in the Open; 3rd, High Point Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Dam ofWeknowshesomething. 27.5 points & $7,329: top 15, 2008 Reichert Celebration 3-Year-Old+ Maiden Open Western Pleasure; Perf.ROM. SS Good Maiden (A good Machine). Dam of-BLUE CHIP INVESTMENT. 77.5 points & $4,231: top 10, Select World Show Western Pleasure; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. svp 9/09 Hip No. 272 Consigned by John S. Narmont / Richland Ranch, Inc. Wish Upon A Detail Hip No. 272 2006 Bay Mare BRED TO COATS N TAILS Last Detail Wish Upon A Detail X0659318 { Making Fun (TB) 1997 { { Easy Six Jetaway Easy { San Fran (TB) Lilly La Belle Lady Bug’s Moon { Little Sage (TB) Force Fun { Forceten What A Lark Hooken Too { Alydart Making History NOTES: Wish Upon A Detail is a nice young mare bred to produce champions. By World Champion, Last Detail and bred to World Champion, Coats N Tails. She has the disposition and movement desired for todays Hunter Under Saddle prospects. Last BRED on June 12, 2009 to COATS N TAILS. Foal in utero eligible for most major futurities. By LAST DETAIL (1991). World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle Horse; Congress Junior Hunter Under Saddle Champion. NSBA Hall Of Fame in 2009. 2008 AQHA Leading Sire in 9 divisions. A 2008 NSBA Leading Sire, siring the earners of 18,788 AQHA points, 277 ROM, 99 Superiors, 28 World/Reserve World Championships and over $781,051, including ASK ME FOR DETAILS (12-time World/Reserve World Champion, over 1,350 points and $83,943: World Show All-Around Amateur Champion twice; World Champion in Pleasure Driving, Equitation Over Fences, Hunter Hack and Working Hunter; AQHA Reserve High Point Amateur All-Around Champion; Amateur Supreme Performance Champion), MUST BE A DETAIL ($69,735: AQHYA World Champion Hunter Under Saddle Horse; AQHYA World Champion Hunter Under Saddle Horse; Congress 2-YearOld Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; NSBA Breeders Championship 2-Year-Old Gold Open & Non-Pro Champion), DOWNTOWNDETAILBROWN ($32,011 and 590 points: World Champion Amateur Hunter Under Saddle Horse; AQHA High Point Senior Hunter Under Saddle Champion), THE LAST CAPTIVE ($26,028 and 164 points: World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle Horse; High Point Hunter Under Saddle Stallion; split 6th, NSBA High Point Open Sr Hunter Under Saddle). 1st dam Making Fun (TB), by Force Fun. Dam of 5 QH foals, 1 performer-Skys Brown Eyed Girl (f. by Skys Blue Boy). Showing in AQHA events in 2009. 2nd dam Hooken Too, by Alydart. 3 wins in 47 career starts at 3 and 4, $10,772. Dam of 2 foals, no starters. 3rd dam Making History, by Platoon Leader. At 2, one win, twice 2nd; at 3, once 3rd. Earned $3,410. Dam of 8 foals, 7 starters, Hooken Too (Alydart). Above. Raylind (Ray's Pegasus). Winner in 21 career starts at 5, $7,157. Kenny's Love (San Simon). 2 wins in 17 career starts at 3, $3,781. Eulalia (Sargeant Wilson (IRE)). Winner in 23 career starts at 4, $3,120. Platoon Sargeant (Sargeant Wilson (IRE)). Unplaced in 3 career starts. svp 8/09 Consigned by Melinda Mayes Hip No. 273 Hip No. 273 The Geatest Detail March 8, 2008 Brown Gelding Last Detail The Greatest Detail X0678349 { Makin Fun (TB) 1997 { { Jetaway Easy Easy Six { San Fran (TB) Lady Bug’s Moon Little Sage (TB) Lilly La Belle { Force Fun { Forceten What A Lark Hooken Too { Alydart Making History NOTES: The Greatest Detail is tall, dark and handsome. Ideal for the hunter under saddle and hunter events. His dam is a 16.2 1/2 hand mare who goes back to Alydar, Native Dancer and Nasrullah. In training and fitted by Brenda Jeter, this gentle gelding has been saddled and is ready to be broke to ride. His good bone and mature build make him an ideal prospect for the early futurities. He has a big step and strong hock. His full sister also sells. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA Incentive Fund, NSBA Breeders Championship, Southern Belle and Just For Pleasure nominated. By LAST DETAIL (1991). World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle Horse; Congress Junior Hunter Under Saddle Champion. NSBA Hall Of Fame in 2009. 2008 AQHA Leading Sire in 9 divisions. A 2008 NSBA Leading Sire, siring the earners of 18,788 AQHA points, 277 ROM, 99 Superiors, 28 World/Reserve World Championships and over $781,051, including ASK ME FOR DETAILS (12-time World/Reserve World Champion, over 1,350 points and $83,943: World Show All-Around Amateur Champion twice; World Champion in Pleasure Driving, Equitation Over Fences, Hunter Hack and Working Hunter; AQHA Reserve High Point Amateur All-Around Champion; Amateur Supreme Performance Champion), MUST BE A DETAIL ($69,735: AQHYA World Champion Hunter Under Saddle Horse; AQHYA World Champion Hunter Under Saddle Horse; Congress 2-YearOld Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; NSBA Breeders Championship 2-Year-Old Gold Open & Non-Pro Champion), DOWNTOWNDETAILBROWN ($32,011 and 590 points: World Champion Amateur Hunter Under Saddle Horse; AQHA High Point Senior Hunter Under Saddle Champion). 1st dam Making Fun (TB), by Force Fun. Dam of 5 QH foals, 1 performer-Skys Brown Eyed Girl (f. by Skys Blue Boy). Showing in AQHA events in 2009. 2nd dam Hooken Too, by Alydart. 3 wins in 47 career starts at 3 and 4, $10,772. Dam of 2 foals, no starters. 3rd dam Making History, by Platoon Leader. At 2, one win, twice 2nd; at 3, once 3rd. Earned $3,410. Dam of 8 foals, 7 starters, Hooken Too (Alydart). Above. Raylind (Ray's Pegasus). Winner in 21 career starts at 5, $7,157. Kenny's Love (San Simon). 2 wins in 17 career starts at 3, $3,781. Eulalia (Sargeant Wilson (IRE)). Winner in 23 career starts at 4, $3,120. Platoon Sargeant (Sargeant Wilson (IRE)). Unplaced in 3 career starts. svp 8/09 Consigned by Dan & Carol McWhirter Hip No. 274 Mia Genuinely Good Hip No. 274 2004 Sorrel Mare BRED TO ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Good Asset Mia Genuinely Good 4554403 { Mia Custom 1998 { { Miss Rebel Rita Top Rebel { Rita’s Orphan Custom Investment Big Investment { The Miss Splendor Mia Zippo Pine Bar { Zippo Nylon Classy Lassy NOTES: Mia Genuinely Good is a young, great producing daughter of our late, great leading sire, Good Asset, which is a proven cross on Absolute Investment. As a young mare she always grew with a level topline and she is producing the same balance in her offspring. Her first foal is an outstanding yearling gelding also consigned to the World Show Sale. This is exceptional buyers opportunity to invest in a proven producer carrying one of the first foals by “Absolutely No Doubt”, 2008 High Point Stallion. Last BRED on May 10, 2009 to ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT. Foal in utero eligible for AQHA Incentive Fund, APHA Breeders Trust, NSBA Stallion Incentive Fund License and Nebraska Breeders Futurity. PRODUCE RECORD: 2008 Genuine Absolute, c. by Absolute Investment. Sells today. 2009 Unnamed, c. by Absolute Investment. By GOOD ASSET (1989). Earner of 51 points in 3 events: 8th, Congress Junior Western Pleasure. A 2008 AQHA Leading Performance Sire in 8 divisions and an NSBA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 13,152 points, 266 ROM and 67 Superiors and $640,000, including A ROYAL ASSET ($21,135: AQHA World Champion Amateur Equitation Over Fences; 2009 AQHYA Reserve World Champion Equitation Over Fences; Congress Champion Amateur Working Hunter). 1st dam Mia Custom, by Custom Investment. Dam of 5 foals, 1 performer-Absolutely Custom (f. by Absolute Asset). 7.5 Open Performance points. 2nd dam Mia Zippo, by Zippo Pine Bar. 4 Youth Performance points; 22 Novice Youth points. Dam of-ASSET ADVANTAGE (Good Asset). 76.5 points & $4,031: NW Summer Circuit NSBA Jr Open Western Pleasure Champion; Bronze Classic NSBA Open Western Pleasure Maturity Co-Champion; 4th, 2008 Regional Experience Open Green Western Pleasure; Open Superior Western Pleasure. Advantaged Asset (Good Asset). 9 points: 3rd, Regional Experience Jr Western Pleasure & Novice Youth Western Pleasure Champion. 3rd dam Nylon Classy Lassy, by Hancock Showdown. Dam of 4 other foals. 4th dam Skipper’s Nylon, by Sir Skip. Dam of-MISS FOXY STRAW. 313 points & $2,050: Reserve World Champion Open & Amateur Heeling; 3rd, World Show Amateur Heeling; Reserve High Point Amateur Heeling; Open & Amateur Superiuor Heeling. svp 8/09 Consigned by Dan & Carol McWhirter Hip No. 275 Genuine Absolute April 21, 2008 Sorrel Gelding Absolute Investment Genuine Absolute 5118309 { { Mia Genuinely Good 2004 { Hip No. 275 Zippo Pat Bars The Investor { Hank’s Peppy Lou Investment Ms { Leo King Babe Good Asset Mr Good Bar { Zippos Miss Rebel Rita Mia Custom Investment { Custom Mia Zippo The Big Investment NOTES: Genuine Absolute is great minded and super moving, this exceptional gelding wants to go slow and be good. Daughters of Good Asset have been an exceptional cross on Absolute Investment having produced Congress Champion “Absolute Martini Girl” and 2009 Select World Show Reserve World Champion “Hes Absolutely Good”. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA SIF Licensing, Southern Bellle, Nebraska Breeders Futurity. By ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT (1995). Earner of 62 points and $9,754: 4th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Derby; 6th, Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity and finalist in the Open; top 10, World Championship Junior Western Pleasure; Nebraska Silver Classic 3-Year-Old Breeders’ Western Pleasure Co-Champion; Denver National Stock Show Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Pre-Denver Circuit Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Sun Country Circuit Junior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Leader; Superior Western Pleasure. Sire of ABSOLUT MARTINI GIRL ($12,019: 2009 Select Reserve World Champion; AQHYA Reserve World Champion Performance Halter Mare; Congress Reserve Champion Youth Performance Halter Mare; 3rd, Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old + Open Maiden Western Pleasure), ABSOLUTE OPTION ($25,155: 3rd, World Show Open Jr Western Riding; 6th, World Show Sr Western Riding; split 3rd, Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old Non-Pro/Open Western Pleasure Stakes; High Point Western Riding Stallion; Superior Western Pleasure & Western Riding). 1st dam Mia Genuinely Good, by Good Asset. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Mia Custom, by Custom Investment. Dam of-Absolutely Custom (Absolute Asset). 7.5 points & NSBA money-earner. 3rd dam Mia Zippo, by Zippo Pine Bar. 4 Youth Performance points. Dam of-ASSET ADVANTAGE (Good Asset). 76.5 points & $4,031: Bronze Classic NSBA Open Western Pleasure Maturity Co-Champion; Idaho QHA Gold Fever Circuit NSBA Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; 4th, 2008 Regional Experience Open Green Western Riding; Open Superior Western Pleasure; Open Halter ROM. Advantaged Asset (Good Asset). 9 Performance points: Regional Experience Novice Youth Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 3rd, Regional Experience Open Jr Western Pleasure. 4th dam Nylon Classy Lassy, by Hancock Showdown. Dam of 4 other foals. svp 9/09 Hip No. 276 Consigned by Susan Marques Chasemores Goodbaret Hip No. 276 1989 Sorrel Mare BRED TO WATCH MY POTENTIAL Zippos Mr Good Bar Chasemores Goodbaret 2832350 { Miss Boston Belle 1974 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tamara Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star Boston Mac Chick { Triple Trouble Fair Natcharetta Bee Play { Chris Hep NOTES: Chasemores Goodbaret is a very nice mare by Zippos Mr Good Bar. Last BRED on May 4, 2009 to WATCH MY POTENTIAL. Foal in utero eligible for the AQHA Incentive Fund. PRODUCE RECORD: 1996 Chasemores Acres, f. by Son Of Acres. 1999 Doc Bo Dollie, f. by Son Of Acres. 2000 Miss Goodbar Acres, f. by Son Of Acres. 2001 Ima Awesome Goodbar, g. by An Awesome Mister. Earner of 1/2 Youth Performance point. 2002 Miss Hot Good Bar, f. by Hot Pretense. 2008 Goodbarets Potential, c. by Watch My Potential. Sells today. 2009 To Good To Watch, f. by Watch My Potential. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900. 1st dam Miss Boston Belle, by Boston Mac. Dam of-Chasemores Doucha (Windchester). 8.5 Open & Amateur points. 2nd dam Natcharetta, by Bee Play. Dam of-SUGARETTA BAR BAND. 116 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Miss Chick Bee. Dam of-FOURTY FOUR CALIBER. 902 points: 5th, World Show Sr Trail Horse; Congress Champion Open Pleasure Driving; 4th, World Show Amateur Pleasure Driving; AQHA Champion. OBVIOUS OUTLAW. 328 points & $4,468: top 10, AQHYA High Point Western Riding; Youth Superior Western Riding. The Goodtime Cowboy. 61 points: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Miss Wendy Chick. Dam of-CONCLUSIVE WIN. 70 points: World Champion Open Aged Stallion; Reserve World Champion Open 3-Year-Old Stallion; Superior Halter. Uninimity. 130 PHBA points: PHBA Reserve Champion Open & Amateur Aged Gelding; PHBA Res. World Champion Open 2-Year-Old Gelding. Bonus Issue. 35 points: top 10, World Show Open & Amateur Aged Stallion; Open & Amateur Halter ROM. Miss Bouncy Bee. Granddam of-BLONDYSSTORMY DUDE (APHA). 1522 points: APHA Reserve World Champion Youth Hunter Hack; 10 Open, Amt & Yth Superiors. svp 9/09 Consigned by Tom Hanson Hip No. 277 Deeziner Blaze Hip No. 277 2006 Bay Mare BRED TO PROTECT YOUR ASSETS Doc’s Hotrodder Hotrodders Jet Set { Miss Clique Blazing Hot Deeziner Blaze 4803255 { Miss Dee Versified 1990 { { Tahnee Zippo Diversified Dee Seeker Zippo Pine Bar { Toshi Conclusion { Mr Tes Tamara Dee Bar { Sonny Bay Seeker NOTES: Last BRED on May 20, 2009 to PROTECT YOUR ASSETS. She is HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By BLAZING HOT (1992). $38,221 and 99 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Western Pleasure and Junior Western Riding Horse ; Champion of the Congress 2-Year-Old Open Pleasure Futurity, 3-Year-Old Open and Limited Open Pleasure Derby, etc. The 2008 AQHA #2 Leading Sire of Open & Amateur Performance point-earners, An AQHA All Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM, 2008 NSBA #2 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 30,397 AQHA points, 425 ROM, 175 Superiors, 22 World/Reserve World Championships and over $1,797,408, sire of SURE AM HOT ($114,586: 2008 Reichert Pleasure Celebration NSBA 2-Year-Old $250,000 Western Pleasure Challenge Champion), BLAZING HOT COOKIES ($103,220: Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old + Maiden Slot Open Western Pleasure Champion). 1st dam Miss Dee Versified, by Diversified. Dam of 5 foals, 1 performer-What About Miss (f. by What About Mr Bob). 10 points: 1 Open Performance; 9 Youth Halter & Performance. 2nd dam Dee Seeker, by Sonny Dee Bar. 6 Open Halter points. Dam of-Dee Lux Impressive (Impressive 500). 20 points: Amateur Performance ROM. Gray Seeker (Windchester). 15.5 Open & Youth points. 3rd dam Bay Seeker, by Goldseeker Bars. Dam of-SONNY SEEKER (Sonny Dee Bar). 52 points: World Champion Open Yearling Gelding & 2-Year-Old Gelding; 5th, World Show 3-Year-Old Geldings. HAVE GONE. 134 points: AQHA Champion. PARADISE BAY. 50 points: Open Superior Halter. Bond Of Excellence. 38 points: 5th, World Show 2-Year-Old Stallions. 4th dam Our Miss Warren, by That’s My Boy. 2 Open Halter points. Dam of-Brown Seeker. 12 points: Open Performance ROM. Miss Top Warren. Dam of-Mr Top Seeker. 20 points: Open Performance ROM. Our Miss Seeker. Dam of-FLAMIN WHOOPEE. 56.5 points: Open Superior Halter. Paula Seeker. Granddam of-Coolest Intimidator. 17 points: 4th, Select World Show 3-Year-Old Stallions; Open Halter ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 278 Consigned by John S. Narmont / Richland Ranch, Inc. Hesa Good Diversion Hip No. 278 January 3, 2008 Red Roan Gelding Zippos Mr Good Bar Hesa Good Diversion 5070399 { Miss Fancified Lady 1991 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tamara Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star Diversified Conclusion { Mr Tes Tamara The Scarlet Woman Conclusion { Mr Gee Gee Marie NOTES: Hesa Good Diversion is a big yearling gelding that has been started under saddle. Great minded, great legged. Out of a mare with 86.5 AQHA points. He will make anyone a nice futurity prospect. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA Breeders Championship and most major futurities. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900, including VITAL SIGNS ARE GOOD ($164,559: AQHA World All-Around Amateur; AQHA World Champion Amateur Western Riding & Amateur Western Pleasure; AQHA Reserve World Champion Sr Western Riding; AQHA World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA World Champion Amateur Pleasure Horse; 2008 NSBA Horse of the Year; Congress Open Pleasure Futurity Champion), ZIPPOS TIGER BAR ($26,331: World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Junior Western Pleasure Champion), GOOD LUCK GIRL ($111,049: Congress 2-Year-Old Open Masters Western Pleasure Champion). 1st dam Miss Fancified Lady, by Diversified. 86.5 points & $4,007: 6th, Congress 2-YearOld Limited Western Pleasure Futurity & money-earner in the Open; Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. Dam of 7 foals, no performers to date. 2nd dam The Scarlet Woman, by Mr Conclusion. Dam of 5 foals, 2 performersMiss Fancified Lady (Diversified). Above. Out Crusin (Cool Crusin Skip). 4.5 Open Halter points. 3rd dam Gee Gee Marie, by Craft’s D Cat. Dam of-Sweet Talkin Affair (Mr Conclusion). Dam of-SMILE FOR THE CAMERA. 150 points & $7,089: Select Reserve Champion 3-Year-Old Mare; AQHYA Reserve World Champion 3-Year-Old Mare; Congress Champion Amateur & Limited Amateur 3-Year-Old Mare & Reserve Champion of the Open; Open Superior Halter. Designated Afffair (APHA). 43 points: Open Halter ROM. Lil Miss Cool Pizzazz. Dam of-Cool Pizzazz. 79 points & $1,725: 4th, 2008 Select World Show 2-Year-Old Geldings; Reg. Experience Open, Amateur & Youth Champion Yearling Gelding; Open, Amateur & Youth Halter ROM. Jazz In My Pizzaz. 44 points: Open & Amateur Halter ROM. svp 8/09 Consigned by Mary P. Ingerson Hip No. 279 Ziprageous Gal Hip No. 279 April 23, 2008 Bay Filly Ziprageous Ziprageous Gal X0676767 { Miss Natalie Grace (TB) 2002 { { Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Old Gold { Goldy Jack Zipped It Up Son Oil { Miss Zippo Pine Dance Floor De Naskra { Star Dance Troupe Cactus Flower Prospect { Allen’s Tequila Sheila NOTES: Ziprageous Gal is a great moving filly with a good mind and body. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By ZIPRAGEOUS (1998). Earner of $24,905: AQHA World Champion 2-YearOld Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion. Sire of RODE RAGEOUS ($100,000: 2009 Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old $250,000 Western Pleasure Challenge Champion), HES ALL THE RAGE ($56,894 & 57 points: 3rd, Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old $250,000 Open Western Pleasure Challenge; Just For Pleasure SSA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 3rd, Congress 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure, Reserve in the Limited Non-Pro; Open & Amateur ROM). 1st dam Miss Natalie Grace (TB), by Dance Floor. Unraced. Dam of 2 QH foals, the oldest a 2-year-old by Allocate Your Assets. 2nd dam Cactus Flower, by Allen’s Prospect. Dam of-Terrific Tanner (Dash Eight). Unplaced in 2 career starts, $1,013. 3rd dam Tequila Sheila, by Hagley. 5 wins, 6 times 2nd, 4 times 3rd. Earned $77,312. Dam of-SHEILA'S PROSPECT (Not For Love). 7 wins, 2 to 4, $482,500, 1st Bessarabian H. [G3], 2nd Ontario Fashion H. [L], 3rd Ontario Fashion H. [L]. LITE TWILIGHT (Twilight Agenda). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $132,875, 1st Mae de Vol Sprint H., Menlo Park H., 2nd Moment to Buy H., Powder Room H., 3rd Love Avie H. Dam of-Middle Earth (Dixieland Band). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $173,408, 3rd Riva Ridge Breeders' Cup S. Set ntr at Will Rogers Downs, 6 furlongs in 1:07.55. Prideland (Lion Hearted). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $159,037, 3rd Maryland Juvenile Championship S.-R Halo Sheila (Halo). 15 wins, 3 to 9, $125,527, 2nd Royal Vale S. Mescalina (Smarten). 3 wins at 3, $67,385. Dam of-LOVE OF MONEY (Not For Love). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $602,705, 1st Pennsylvania Derby [G2], 2nd Westchester H. [G3], 3rd Strub S. [G2]. ASTRID (Concern). 8 wins, 2 to 5, $242,539, 1st My Juliet S. [L], Serena's Song S. Dam of-Morakami. Winner at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2009, $144,183, 3rd Flanders S. Follow the Queen (Not For Love). Winner at 2, $39,800. Trellis (Baederwood). Winner at 2, $17,390. Dam of-Touch of Class (Wiseman's Ferry). 4 wins, 2 to 4, 2009, $130,372, 2nd Golden Gull Chris Brown Memorial S.-R. svp 9/09 Consigned by Kim McCool Hip No. 280 Shez Too Snazzy Hip No. 280 1995 Black Mare BRED TO A TOUCH OF SUDDEN Go Man Go Story Man { Spanish Tale Snazzy Story Shez Too Snazzy 3416286 { Miss Sonora Glo 1982 { { Little Gypsy Miss Bob’s Missile { Tabano Gypsy Mr Eddie Glo Joe Glo { Mr Eddie’s K Day Sonora Jewel Jessie { Hardy’s Sonora Babe PERFORMANCE RECORD: 9.5 Western Pleasure points & $1,700 NSBA and AIF. NOTES: Shez Too Snazzy is a gorgeous black mare. She is the dam of several performers. She has several full siblings that are point earners. She will compliment any broodmare band with her looks, movement and performance background. Last BRED on April 23, 2009 to A TOUCH OF SUDDEN. Foal in utero eligible for AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA BCF and SIF. PRODUCE RECORD: 1999 Shez Always Talkin, f. by Sweet Talkin Chip. 2000 Snazzy Lil Goldigger, f. by Zippos Old Gold. 2001 SHEZA SNAZZY VERSION, f. by Good Version. 50 points & $11,803: Congress 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes Res. Champion; 4th, Just For Pleasure 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; NSBA Reserve High Point 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Amateur Performance ROM. 2003 Hez A Good Story, g. by Good Version. 2005 Set For Life, c. by Gucci Only. 2007 Black Tie Gucci, g. by Gucci Only. 2008 Front Page Hero, c. by A Big League Star. By SNAZZY STORY (1981). 61 Open points: Superior Western Pleasure. Sire of the earners of 2,974 points, 75 ROM, 10 Superiors, including ROSYS STORY ($12,958: World Champion 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 5th, World Show Junior Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity), SNAZZY LADDY ($11,955 & 128 points: PHBA World Champion NSBA Hunter Under Saddle Stakes; 2-time PHBA Reserve World Champion; Superior Western Pleasure). 1st dam MISS SONORA GLOW, by Mr Eddie Glow. 115 points: top 10, World Show Sr Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress Sr Western Pleasure; Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 10 foals, 9 performers-PICABO SNAZZY (f. by Snazzy Story). 91 points & $4,327: 5th, Ohio QHA Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; money-earner, Congress 3Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Derby; Open Sup.Western Pleasure. SWEET SONORA GLO (f. by Sweet Talkin Chip). 52.5 points & $10,720: 3rd, Tom Powers Futurity 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Reichert Celebration 3-Year-Old Int. Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Perf. ROM. Gal Called Snazzy (f. by Snazzy Story). 29 points: Youth Performance ROM. Snazzy Mousketter (f. by Snazzy Story). 28.5 points: top 10, Congress Futurity Limited Open Western Pleasure; Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. Snazzys Misty Glo (f. by Snazzy Story). 8 points & $1,535: money-earner, Congress Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure. svp 9/09 Hip No. 281 Consigned by Bill Rinzema, Agent for Kim Fildey Lopin Aroan Hip No. 281 March 28, 2008 Red Roan Colt LONGE LINE FUTURITY CHAMPION Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Openrange Lopin Aroan 5112309 { Miss Zippo Dee Bar 1996 { { Leaguers Zipanna Leaguers Last { Lady Zipanna Zippo Jack Bar Pine Bar { Zippo Fair Eyed Jackie Sonny Dee Sign Dee Bar { Sonny Barons Princess PERFORMANCE RECORD: 2008 Ontario Quarter Horse Breeders Futurity NonPro Yearling Longe Line Champion. NOTES: Lopin Aroan is a go nowhere jogger and is very flat kneed at the lope. Terrific minded, this colt is going to have a great future with some lucky new owner. Sired by well known sire, Openrange and out of a western pleasure futurity champion that earned more than $10,000 in futurities as per consignor. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By OPENRANGE (2001). $27,214 and 43 points: Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion; NSBA High Point 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; NSBA High Point 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; NSBA Breeders Championship Gold Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; Just for Pleasure 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Southern Belle Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion; AQHA ROM. His oldest foals are 3-year-olds. From his first foals to show he is the sire of BIT WESTERN ($22,485: Southern Belle Invitational NSBA Slot & Breeders’ Open Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion, Champion in the Non-Pro and Limited Non-Pro; top 10, 2008 Reichert Pleasure Celebration Sale Slot 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; 4th, Tom Powers Tri Challenge Breeders Open Yearling Longe Line). 1st dam Miss Zippo Dee Bar, by Zippo Jack Bar. 15.5 Open & Amateur Performance points: Ontario Breeders Futurity 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; 5th, Double Your Pleasure All-Age Non-Pro Western Pleasure. Dam of 4 foals, 1 performer-Olive R Assets (f. by Good Asset). 4 Novice Amateur points. 2nd dam Sonny Dee Sign, by Sonny Dee Bar. Dam of-Miss Zippo Dee Bar (Zippo Jack Bar). Above. Wishin And Lopin (Zippo Jack Bar). 6 Open Performance points. Dam of-Lopin So Simple (Selection So Simple). NSBA money-earner. Diamonds R Rough (This Vesters Mine). 4 Youth & 28 Novice Youth points. Zippo Dee Doo Bar (Zippo Jack Bar). Dam of-Swiss Chocolate Lady (Leaguers Lil Chip). 4 Open & Amateur points. 3rd dam Barons Princess, by Baron Bell. Dam of-Holms PDJ Baron (Poco Docs Jessie). 1 Open Performance point: 7th, Congress Youth Breakaway Roping; top 10, Congress Youth Tie-Down Roping (twice). svp 10/09 Consigned by Ken Ebert Hip No. 282 Missy Mac Goodbar Hip No. 282 February 26, 2008 Bay Filly Zippos Mr Good Bar Missy Mac Goodbar 5090115 { Missy Hawkeye 1989 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tamara Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star Mr Mac Reynolds Mac { Boston Fancy Reynolds Missy Zero Dude Dude { Blondy’s Ella Zero NOTES: Missy Mac Goodbar is out of a great producing mare (see below). She is a gorgeous filly and a world class mover. She has a great attitude and the eye appeal of today’s pleasure horse. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA Breeders Cup, Just For Pleasure, Southern Belle, VA & GA. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900. 1st dam Missy Hawkeye, by Mr Mac Reynolds. Dam of 9 foals, 3 performers-IMPULSIVE SUSAN (f. by A Sudden Impulse). $11,529: Congress Futurity Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion & top 10 in the Open; Ohio QHA Futurity Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion; 5th, Just For Pleasure Open Yearling Longe Line; NSBA High Point Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line. Pretty Much Zipped (g. by Sweet Talkin Chip). 29 points & $2,656: NY State QHA NSBA All-Age Open Western Pleasure Stakes Champion; 6th, Ohio QHA Breeders Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line & top 10 in the Non-Pro; Amateur Performance ROM. Scotchs Doll (f. by Mixing The Scotch). 5 IBHA points: IBHA Reserve World Champion 2-Year-Old Mare. 2nd dam Missy Zero Dude, by Blondy’s Dude. Earner of 1 Open Halter point. Dam of-SPIRIT OF IMPRESSIVE (Coys Impressor). 240 points: AQHYA Champion; Open & Youth Superior Halter. The Adventuress (Sonny Dee Bar). Dam of-FLEETS BIG ADVENTURE (APHA). 198 points: Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Duplicated Dee Bar. 46 points & $2,920: Tulsa Summer Circuit 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Amateur Performance ROM. Sonnys Lady Diane (Sonny Dee Bar). Dam of-SONNYS BAR GAB. 112 points: Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Dandy Dees Remedy. 82 points: top 10, Silver Classic Breeders 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. Dandys Diane. top 10, Silver Classic 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure. Dam of-MACS GOODBAR SEEKER. 295 points: AQHYA Champion; Denver Nat. Youth Western Pleasure Champion; Superior Trail Horse. svp 8/09 Consigned by Dan & Carol McWhirter Hip No. 283 Sedona Asset Hip No. 283 2005 Bay Mare BRED TO ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Good Asset Sedona Asset 4701362 { Moves Like A Minx 1987 { { Miss Rebel Rita Top Rebel { Rita’s Orphan The Big Investment Invester { The The Country Girl Miss Mighty Minx Tink { Mighty Miss Pudge Lee NOTES: Sedona Asset is one of the youngest daughters of Good Asset out of a consistent producing daughter of The Big Investment. Leggy profile with tall withers, she stands 15.2 hands and will be able to produce both western and hunt seat style offspring. Last BRED on May 6, 2009 to ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT. Foal in utero eligible for AQHA Incentive Fund, APHA Breeders Trust, NSBA Stallion Incentive Fund License, Nebraska Breeders Futurity and KY Breeders Incentive Fund. PRODUCE RECORD: 2009 Unnamed, f. by Absolute Investment. By GOOD ASSET (1989). Earner of 51 points in 3 events: 8th, Congress Junior Western Pleasure. A 2008 AQHA Leading Performance Sire in 8 divisions and an NSBA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 13,152 points, 266 ROM and 67 Superiors and $640,000, including A ROYAL ASSET ($21,135: AQHA World Champion Amateur Equitation Over Fences; 2009 AQHYA Reserve World Champion Equitation Over Fences; Congress Champion Amateur Working Hunter), KNEE DEEP IN ASSETS ($26,254: 2008 Reserve World Champion Amateur Equitation Over Fences). 1st dam Moves Like A Minx, by The Big Investment. Dam of 9 foals, 5 performers-Move Your Asset (g. by Good Asset). 66 points: money-earner in the Tom Powers Futurity 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. Credit Move (f. by Investment Creditor). 53.5 points: Youth Performance ROM. Good Sedona (f. by Good Asset). 14.5 points: Arizona QHA Stallion Breeders Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Open Perf. ROM. Rawhide Investment (g. by The Invester). Split 4th, Silver Classic Breeders 3Year-Old Open Western Pleasure & 5th in the Non-Pro. 2nd dam Miss Mighty Minx, by Mighty Tink. Dam of 3 other foals. 3rd dam Miss Pudge Lee, by Rawhide Rastus. Open Performance point earner. Dam of-MISS FAST RASTUS SI 107 (Dinner Flight). 7 wins to 4, $12,501: 1st Sweetwater Downs Futurity. 4th dam Grey Minx, by Billy Maddon. Open Halter point earner. Dam of-Miss Grey Bar. 29 Open Halter points. Miss Super Minx. Dam of-Super Bar Minx. 130 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-BROWN SUGAR MINX. 75 points: Open Superior Pleasure. svp 8/09 Consigned by David James Hip No. 284 Barpassers Lily Hip No. 284 1999 Sorrel Mare BRED TO GOOD BARS 747 Barpassers Image Barpassers Lily 3860799 { Ms Daisy Dude 1980 { { Senor Bardeck Barpasser { Ranch Bars Vandy Tee Command Last Command { Tee Five Star Dollar Gold Dollar { Fair Bobbie Tamo Dude’s King Dude { Blondy’s Water Baby King NOTES: Barpassers Lily is by the great Barpassers Image and out of a PHBA High point Western Pleasure Mare. She is broke to ride but was never shown. She breeds easily and is a pleasure to have around. There are not many mares like her and she is a good one. Last BRED on March 9, 2009 to GOOD BARS 747. Foal in utero eligible for the AQHA Incentive Fund. PRODUCE RECORD: 2005 Image Investment, f. by Investing Wisely. By BARPASSERS IMAGE (1984). $44,248 and 63 AQHA points: 6th, World Championship Junior Western Pleasure; Congress 2-Year-Old Pleasure Finalist; NSBA Bronze Award; Superior Western Pleasure. An NSBA AllTime Leading Sire; an AQHA All-Time Leading Sire of Western Pleasure Point-Earners, siring the earners of 22,187 points, 283 ROM, 119 Superiors, 13 World/Reserve World Championships and $620,000, including BARPASSERS CODY (6-time World & Congress Champion, 2,972 points: Congress Youth Trail Champion; World Champion in Equitation & Showmanship; AQHYA Reserve High Point All-Around Champion), TWO TIMIN FRED ($40,298: World Show All-Around Amateur Champion; World Champion Amateur Showmanship Horse; Reserve World Champion in Horsemanship, Equitation and Showmanship). 1st dam Ms Daisy Dude, by Dollar Gold. 1 AQHA & 1383 PHBA points: PHBA High Point Amateur Western Pleasure Horse; top 10, PHBA World Show NSBA 4-YearOld Western Pleasure Maturity, Amateur Western Pleasure & Amateur Ranch Horse; 5th, PHBA World Show Amateur Horsemanship. Dam of 2 foals, no performers to date. 2nd dam Dude’s King, by Blondy’s Dude. Dam of-CE DE DUDE (Quinarius Chance). 155 points: top 10, AQHYA World Show Aged Geldings; Youth Superior Halter; Amateur Halter ROM. 3rd dam Water Baby King, by General Jess. 2 Open Performance points. Dam of 2 other foals. 4th dam King’s Susie, by King. Dam of-My Susie Bailey (Leo Caine). Dam of-Skip Sis Leo. 11 Open Halter points. Dam of-SHESA SONNY DEE. 373 points: 5th, High Point Amateur Western Pleasure; top 10, High Point All-Around Amateur Horse; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Garners Skipster. 56 points: Open & Amateur ROM. svp 9/09 Consigned by Robert M. Caruth Hip No. 285 Last Flamin Chip Hip No. 285 May 8, 2008 Sorrel Colt Zips Chocolate Chip Last Flamin Chip 5141248 { Ms Flamin Flash 1994 { { Zippo Pine Bar Fancy Blue Chip The Master Flash Ms Flamin Ashwood Zippo Pat Bars { Dollie Pine Custus Jaguar { Irene 3 Zipper { Flashy Tes Rosebud Sun Flame { Eternal Miss Rudy How NOTES: Last Flamin Chip is a real nice colt. If I wanted a colt he is the prospect to keep but I don’t keep colts so here he is. Soft mover, easy to be around, good head, neck, legs and a good body. Don’t pass him by. Look at what his dam has already produced. There won’t be anymore as we lost Ms Flamin Flash. Check him out. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By ZIPS CHOCOLATE CHIP (1985). NSBA Hall of Fame; World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse, winning under all five judges. The AQHA’s #3 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Point-Earners, #4 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Performance ROM; NSBA #2 All-Time Leading Sire and an APHA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 39,811 points, 603 ROM and 237 Superior awards, 31 World/Reserve World Championships and $1,885,000. 1st dam Ms Flamin Flash, by The Master Flash. 61.5 points & $2,607: 3rd, Denver Jr Western Pleasure; split 4th, Lone Star NSBA 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure; money-earner, Congress 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Derby; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Dam of 3 foals, 1 performer-INVITATION TO FLASH (c. by Invitation Only). 38 points & $7,176: 7ORLD #HAMPION/PEN0ERFORMANCE3TALLION; 2008 High Point Green Western Pleasure Stallion; Martinganza Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 3rd, Southern Belle NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Novice Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. 2nd dam MS FLAMIN ASHWOOD, by Eternal Sun Flame. 850 points: All-Round High Point Amateur Horse; High Point Amateur Western Pleasure & Western Horsemanship; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-MS ASHWOOD FLASH (The Master Flash). 345 points & $9,712: Regional Experience Select Champion Western Riding; Amateur Superior Trail Horse. Flashed Too Much (AQHA/APHA)(Invitation Only). 137.5 AQHA & 37 APHA points; $3,301: 5th, APHA World Show Amateur Trail Horse; AQHA & APHA Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Expensive Flame (Expensive Hobbit). 48.5 points & $6,181: money-earner in the NRHA Limited Open Futurity; top 10, High Point Jr Reining; Perf. ROM. Only Ms Ashwood (Invitation Only). 38 points: Red Bud Spectacular NSBA 3Year-Old Int. Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Perf. ROM. 3rd dam Miss Rudy How, by Rudy Ashwood. Dam of-ASHLEY STAR BANDIT. 180 points: 2-time High Point Reining; High Point Reining Stallion; Open Superior Reining. svp 8/09 Consigned by Tom Hanson Hip No. 286 Protect Your Intrest Hip No. 286 April 24, 2008 Bay Filly Protect Your Assets Protect Your Intrest X0679018 { Ms Hotrod Invester 1992 { { Good Asset Scars Social Kitty Zippos Mr Good Bar { Miss Rebel Rita Te { Scars Zippos Skippy Jet Set Hotrodder Jet Set { Hotrodder Miss Bell Twist Dont Stop Dreamin { Castillo Feminist Story NOTES: Protect Your Intrest comes from a family of winners. Her pedigree coupled with her balance and structure makes this filly worth considering. Eligible for Southern Belle, Lone Star, GA QHA Stallion Service, NSBA BCF. By PROTECT YOUR ASSETS (1995). $32,044: NSBA #1 Two-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Junior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Champion of the Heartbeat, Lone Star, Southern Belle, Tom Powers, Breeders Classic & Nebraska Silver Classic Western Pleasure Futurities. Sire of the earners of 4,007 points, 75 ROM, 18 Superiors earning $150,000, including ALLOCATE YOUR ASSETS ($26,259 and 156 points: Reserve World Champion Sr Hunter Under Saddle; Congress 2Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; NSBA #1 High Point 2Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Horse & Sr HUS; NSBA Breeders Gold & Silver 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Futurities’ Champion; 3rd, Select World Hunter Under Saddle; Superior Open & Amateur Hunter Under Saddle), BUD LIGHT PLEASE (34 time-ABRA World or Reserve World Champion), THE ASSET MAKER ($7,781: 2008 Just For Pleasure Futurity SSA 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion; 2008 Congress NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes Reserve Champion), UP THE ASSETS (453 points and $6,688: Superior Western Riding; 5th World Show Sr Western Riding; Superior Youth Horsemanship; Michigan Tom Powers Triple Challenge Intermediate Open Pleasure Futurity Champion; RMQHA Golden Opportunity Open Futurity Reserve Champion). 1st dam Ms Hotrod Invester, by Jet Set Hotrodder. Dam of 11 foals (5 APHA), 3 peformersPREDICTABLY PERFECT (APHA)/Knowtorious (AQHA)(g. by Jacks Are Lucky Too). 4256 APHA points: !0(!7ORLD#HAMPION9OUTH(UNT3EAT %QUITATION7ESTERN(ORSEMANSHIP(UNTER(ACK3HOWMANSHIPAND 7ESTERN2IDING; 5 Youth Superiors in 4 different events. Double Good Zippo (AQHA/APHA)(c. by Good To The Max). 13 APHA points: Open Performance ROM. One Hot Rodder (f. by Hes Suddenly Famous). NSBA money-earner. 2nd dam Dont Stop Dreamin, by Castillo. 1.5 Open & Amateur Performance points. Dam of 1 foal. 3rd dam Feminist Story, by Story Man. Dam of-Shes So Cool (Castillo). SW QHA Futurity Champion Open Yearling Mare. svp 9/09 Consigned by JR Reichert Ventures Hip No. 287 Ms Zip N Good Hip No. 287 1992 Chestnut Mare BRED TO ONE HOT KRYMSUN Zippos Mr Good Bar Ms Zip N Good 3074916 { Ms Quincy Pine 1982 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tamara Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star Quincy Feature Quincy Dan { Sir Ready Bobby Sox Annie J Pine P Pine { Bar Zippo’s Annie NOTES: Last BRED on May 24, 2009 to ONE HOT KRYMSUN. PRODUCE RECORD: 1996 You Dont Know Zip, g. by Recognized. 1.5 Open & Amateur Halter points. 1997 Im Zip For Cash, f. by Cash Invester. 1999 Assetin Good, f. by Investment Asset. 2001 Zip To My Asset, f. by Investment Asset. 2002 All The Assets, g. by Investment Asset. 2003 Protect The Goods, g. by Protect Your Assets. 6.5 Open Performance points. 2005 Something N Krymsun, f. by One Hot Krymsun. 2006 So Good Im Krymsun, f. by One Hot Krymsun. 2007 Kall Me Krymsun, g. by One Hot Krymsun. 2008 Mr So Hot Im Good, c. by One Hot Krymsun. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900. 1st dam Ms Quincy Pine, by Quincy Feature. Dam of 16 foals, 7 performers-Alluring Legend (f. by At Long Last). 26.5 points: European Champion Amateur 2-Year-Old & Under Mare; 3-time European Reserve Champion Mare; 5-time European High Point Halter Mare; Open Halter ROM. Dam ofPrincess Versi (Versi). 3 Halter points: European High Point Amateur Yearling Mare. Gottaliketheview (f. by Impressive Review). 3 Open Halter points: 6th, Solid Gold Futurity Non-Pro Jr Weanling Mares. 2nd dam Annie J Pine, by Bar P Pine. Dam of-Not Any Levi (Levi Zipper). Dam of-Solid Gold Levis. 5 AQHA & 9 PHBA points; $2,615: 7th, OPEA Go for the Gold Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Five Star Futurity Select 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion. Decked Out Levis. Top 10, Silver Classic Breeders Open Yearling Mares. 3rd dam Zippo’s Annie, by Zippo Pat Bars. Granddam of SIR QUINCY PINE (World Champion 2-Year-Old Gelding), MISTER MAJESTIC POCO (Sup. Western Pleasure), ZIPPO PINE THREE (Sup. Western Pleasure), ANNIE REVIEW (PHBA World Champion Weanling Mare). svp 10/09 Consigned by Brett & Tara Spencer Hip No. 288 Hip No. 288 Two Pine Zip 1989 Sorrel Mare BRED TO PRINZZIPLE Zippo Bar Pine Two Pine Zip 2826569 { Ms Zip Bar Pine 1980 { { Three Bars (TB) Zippo Pat Bars { Leo Pat Dollie Pine Poco Pine { Hobo Sue Bar P Pine Pine { Poco Freckles Miss 84 Miss Zipp Reed Pat Bars { Zippo Jo Reed Cody NOTES: Two Pine Zip is a Zippo bred mare through and through. We have sold over $80,000 worth of foals from her by Prinzziple. This is a sleeper of a broodmare, be sure to look real close. Last BRED on March 21, 2009 to PRINZZIPLE. Foal in utero eligible for AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA and NSBA Breeders Championship. PRODUCE RECORD: 1999 Zippy Dodger, f. by Dodger Command. 2000 Ultimate Mister, g. by The Ultimate Pass. 2001 Ultimate Princess, f. by The Ultimate Pass. 2002 Dont Pass Pine, g. by The Ultimate Pass. 2003 Zip N Zziples, f. by Prinzziple. 2004 Prinzziples Pine, f. by Prinzziple. 2005 Pines Finest Zziple, f. by Prinzziple. 6 Open & Amateur Performance points. 2005 Prinzziples Duece, c. by Prinzziple. 2006 Two Much Zip, g. by Prinzziple. 2007 Prinzziples Payday, g. by Prinzziple. 2008 Plenty of Prinzziple, f. by Prinzziple. 2009 Unnamed, f. by Prinzziple. By ZIPPO BAR PINE (1977). Earner of 18 Open Halter points & 18 Open Performance points; Open Performance ROM. Full brother to ZIPPO PINE BAR. Sire of ZIP WILL DO (Congress Champion Youth Western Pleasure; top 10, Congress 3-Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure Futurity). 1st dam Ms Zip Bar Pine, by Bar P Pine. Dam of 4 foals, 2 performers-Zip Miss Zip (Zippo Pat Bars). Dam of-EZ Go Pro (The Promoter). Earner of 3 Youth Performance points. Solos Boy Zip (Son Of Solo). 5.5 Amateur & Youth Performance points; 42.5 Novice Amateur points. Zipped By Solo (Son Of Solo). Dam of-Pat Bars Smooth Otoe (Mr Smooth Otoe). 11 points & NSBA moneyearner: Mississippi QHA Futurity SSA Open Yearling Longe Line Champion and Non-Pro Reserve Champion; Open Performance ROM. 2nd dam Miss Zipp Reed, by Zippo Pat Bars. Dam of-Miss Zanza Zip (Zanza Bar). 74 points & $3,326: top 10, World Show Jr Western Riding; Reserve High Point Jr Western Riding; 6th, High Point Western Riding; Open Performance ROM. Twice A Zippo (Cee Impressive Too). 10.5 points: Amateur ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 289 Consigned by Down The Rail, Agt for Jerald Rutz A Sudden Zan Hip No. 289 January 14, 2008 Sorrel Gelding A Sudden Vantage A Sudden Zan 5068159 { Ms Zippo Zan 1993 { { Impulsions A Sudden Impulse { Zips Illusion Maiden Vantage Top Vantage { Boston Day Zippo Pat Bars { Dollie Pine Zippo Pine Bar Ms Zan Adieu Parr Bar { Zan Heavy Impression NOTES: A Sudden Zan is a pleasure prospect with the natural ability that we are all looking for. Self carriage and cadence are his calling card. He makes it look easy. Eligible for NSBA. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By A SUDDEN VANTAGE (2000). 112 Open Performance points & $6,957: Scottsdale Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; AZ Sun Circuit High Point Open Sr Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; TX Fall Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Novice Horse Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Superior Western Pleasure. From his first foal to show he is the sire of JOE VANTAGE (Reserve Champion Regional Experience 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure). 1st dam Ms Zippo Zan, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of 7 foals, 3 performers-Mr Radical Zippo (AQHQ/APHA)(g. by Radical Rodder). 3 APHA Youth Halter points & 2 Novice/Amateur Western Pleasure points. Zippos Invitation (f. by Invitation Only). Dam of-FF Ladys Invitation (Ladys Hotrodder). Top 15, Ohio QHA Breeders Futurity Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line. 2nd dam Ms Zan Adieu, by Zan Parr Bar. Dam of-Zans Invitation (Invitation Only). 149.5 points: 2009 Regional Experience Champion Youth Western Riding, Trail Horse, Western Horsemanship, Western Pleasure & Performance Halter Gelding; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. Ms Zans Chip (Zips Chocolate Chip). 7 Open Performance points. Dam of-Shez Invited By Chip. 10 points & $4,808: 3rd, Just For Pleasure Open Yearling Longe Line & 4th in the Non-Pro. 3rd dam Heavy Impression, by Mr Impressive. Dam of-SOCKETTS IMPRINT (APHA). 369 points: APHA World Champion Open Yearling Stallion; Superior Open Halter. SOCKETTS COVERGIRL (APHA). 543 points: Open, Amateur & Youth Superrior Halter. IMPRESSION BY SOCKETT (APHA). 120 points: Open Superior Halter. 4th dam MISS HEAVY DECK, by Can Oil Deck. 44.5 points: AQHA Champion. Miss Skedadle Chic. 21 Open Halter & Performance points. Real Decked Out. Dam of-ZANADECK. 128 points & $5,484: AQHA Versatility Award; 8th, Congress Open Junior Trail; High Point Open Western Riding Stallion; 6th, High Point Open Team Penning; Open Performance ROM. 10/09 Hip No. 290 Consigned by John S. Narmont / Richland Ranch, Inc. Good N Mysterious Hip No. 290 2005 Sorrel Mare BRED TO AN AWESOME MISTER Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Zippos Mr Good Bar Good N Mysterious 4659775 { Mystified Mac 1988 { { Tamara Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star Mr Mac Reynolds Mac { Boston Fancy Reynolds Missy Spanish Leo Spanish Leo { Mr Diamond’s Lucy NOTES: Good N Mysterious comes from a long line of point-earners. Although she was never shown herself, her bloodlines prove her to be a great broodmare. This is a nice young mare that will have foals for many years to come. Don’t miss your chance to own a daughter of the great Zippos Mr Good Bar. Last BRED on March 3, 2009 to AN AWESOME MISTER. Foal in utero eligible for most major futurities. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900. 1st dam Mystified Mac, by Mr Mac Reyonlds. 13 Open & Youth Performance points. Dam of 17 foals, 11 performers-MYSTIFIED ME GOOD (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 401.5 points & $16,407: Southern Belle NSBA Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Tom Powers Futurity Limited Open Western Pleasure Challenge Reserve Champion; Geogia Horseman’s Futurity 2/3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 4th, Roberts Whistle Stop 3-Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure; Open Superior Western Pleasure. NO MYSTERY IM GOOD (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 445.5 points & $9,182: 7th, World Show 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Regional Experience Champion Open Sr & Youth Western Riding & Amateur Showmanship; Congress Reserve Champion Novice Amateur Trail Horse; AQHYA Champion. MANYGOODTHINGSTOCOME (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 135.5 points & $3,401: Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Make Me Feel Good (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 30.5 points: split 5th, Tom Powers NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Challenge; Open Performance ROM. Goody Mac Good Bar (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 3 Open Performance points: 5th, 2008 Tom Powers Novice Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity. 2nd dam Missy Spanish Leo, by Mr Spanish Leo. Dam of-IMPRESSABELL MISSY (Impressive Dude). 52 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-Missadee. 23 points: Open Performance ROM. Foolish Dee. Dam of-Ima Gold Zippin Fool. 20 PHBA points: top 10, PHBA World Show NSBA Open Yearling Longe Line. svp 8/09 Hip No. 291 Consigned by John S. Narmont / Richland Ranch, Inc. Ms Mac Good Bar Hip No. 291 2005 Red Roan Mare BRED TO ONE HOT KRYMSUN Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Zippos Mr Good Bar Ms Mac Good Bar 4666882 { Mystified Mac 1988 { { Tamara Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star Mr Mac Reynolds Mac { Boston Fancy Reynolds Missy Spanish Leo Spanish Leo { Mr Diamond’s Lucy NOTES: Ms Mac Good Bar comes from a long line of point-earners. Although she was never shown herself, her bloodlines prove her to be a great broodmare. Don’t miss your chance to own a daughter of the great Zippos Mr Good Bar. Last BRED on March 28, 2009 to ONE HOT KRYMSUN. Foal in utero eligible for most major futurities. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900. 1st dam Mystified Mac, by Mr Mac Reyonlds. 13 Open & Youth Performance points. Dam of 17 foals, 11 performers-MYSTIFIED ME GOOD (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 401.5 points & $16,407: Southern Belle NSBA Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Tom Powers Futurity Limited Open Western Pleasure Challenge Reserve Champion; Geogia Horseman’s Futurity 2/3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 4th, Roberts Whistle Stop 3-Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure; Open Superior Western Pleasure. NO MYSTERY IM GOOD (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 445.5 points & $9,182: 7th, World Show 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Regional Experience Champion Open Sr & Youth Western Riding & Amateur Showmanship; Congress Reserve Champion Novice Amateur Trail Horse; AQHYA Champion. MANYGOODTHINGSTOCOME (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 135.5 points & $3,401: Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Make Me Feel Good (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 30.5 points: split 5th, Tom Powers NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Challenge; Open Performance ROM. Goody Mac Good Bar (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 3 Open Performance points: 5th, 2008 Tom Powers Novice Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity. 2nd dam Missy Spanish Leo, by Mr Spanish Leo. Dam of-IMPRESSABELL MISSY (Impressive Dude). 52 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-Missadee. 23 points: Open Performance ROM. Foolish Dee. Dam of-Ima Gold Zippin Fool. 20 PHBA points: top 10, PHBA World Show NSBA Open Yearling Longe Line. svp 8/09 Hip No. 292 Consigned by Roger Landis Agent for Debra L. Trubee Naturally Im Invited Hip No. 292 March 4, 2008 Sorrel Filly Invitation Only Naturally Im Invited X0674749 { Naturally Crimson 2001 { { Barpasser Barpassers Image { Tee Command Bears Raisin Kane Mr Kane Raiser { Revenda Natural Iron Rebel { Iron Tigret Lucky Crimson (TB) Turn { Spectacular Bio Crimson NOTES: Naturally Im Invited is a gorgeous filly by the All-Time Leading Sire, Invitation Only. “Mary Beth” is very elegant and can lope with the best of them. Very soft across the ground. She has a great look and will certainly be a standout in the show arena. She is her dam’s first foal. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA, Tom Powers and Southern Belle. By INVITATION ONLY (1990). Third, World 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress Junior Western Pleasure. 2008 AQHA #1 Leading Performance Sire in 6 divisions; 2008 NSBA #1 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 38,729 AQHA points, 610 ROM, 194 Superior awards, 34 World/ Reserve World Championships and over $2,602,882, including ONLY IN THE MOONLIGHT ($124,403: Congress 2-Year-Old Open Masters Champion; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion), HOPE BY INVITATION ($105,029: World Champion Jr Western Pleasure; World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; AQHYA World Champion Western Pleasure; AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure; Congress Open Derby Champion; Congress Open Pleasure Futurity Champion; Congress Open Maturity Champion). 1st dam Naturally Crimson, by Natural Iron. 5 Open Performance points. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Lucky Crimson (TB), by Spectacular Turn. Unplaced. Dam of 7 QH foals and no TB foals. Simply Natural (Natural Iron). 10.5 Open & Amateur Performance points. Ever So Natural (Natural Iron). 2.5 Open & Amateur Performance points. 3rd dam Bio Crimson, by Crimson Satan. Dam of-Pee Tee Four (North Pole). 3 wins 2 to 4, $18,023. Joanne's Devilish (Batonnier). 2 wins at 4, $14,994. Dam of 11 foals, 10 to race, 8 winners-DEVIL BY HABIT (Habitonia). 13 wins, 2 to 6, $286,601, 1st Michigan Sire Michigan Futurity-R , Maize And Blue H.-R, etc. SEFAS RAINBOW (Sefapiano). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $158,530, 1st Michigan Sire S.-R, Dowling S.-R, Patrick Wood S.-R, etc. Okeechobee (Sefapiano). Winner at 2, $41,884, 2nd Michigan Sire S.-R, Patrick Wood S.-R. Devilish Habit (Habitonia). Winner at 3, $13,824, 2nd MTOBA Stallion Service Auction S.-R. Dam of-Eckmo Sefapiano). 17 wins, 2 to 7, $77,125. Hill of Visions (Perfect Vision). Winner at 3 and 4, 2009, $44,493.svp 9/09 Hip No. 293 Consigned by Lyon Quarter Horses, LLC Huntin For Maybeline Hip No. 293 March 30, 2007 Sorrel Filly Huntin Alone Huntin For Maybeline X0669130 { Nublado Ann 1988 { { Zips Chocolate Chip Huntin For Chocolate { Hunting Del Skipsalone PD Cool { RS Skip By Fire Nublado (TB) Royal { Romany Samotracia Go Vicki Ann Copy { Duplicate Mobile’s Deck NOTES: Huntin For Maybeline is a beautiful sweepy mover and should make a great hunter under saddle prospect. Her dam was a successful show mare on the hunter circuit, placing consistently in the over fence classes clear into her teens. She was a beautiful tall, gray mare with a wonderful disposition. Sired by the young sire, Huntin Alone, Superior Western Pleasure and Trail, qualifying for 4 events at the World Show. His foals are quiet and easy to train. Big, pretty and stellar legged either in a tight western jog or a big flat HUS trot. His first foal to show is a HUS Futurity Reserve Champion (see below). Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By HUNTIN ALONE (2002). 123 Open & Amateur points, Superior Trail and Western Pleasure; World Show qualifier Performance Halter Stallion, Western Riding, Junior Trail and Junior Western Pleasure; 10 All-Arounds and 3 Reserve All-Arounds. His oldest foals are 2-year-olds. From his first foal to show he is the sire of HUNTIN FOR ROMANCE (2009 Scottsdale Classic 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Reserve Champion). 1st dam Nublado Ann, by Nublado (TB). This is her first foal. 2nd dam Go Vicky Ann SI 89, by Duplicate Copy. 4 wins to 4, $6,874. Dam of-Vickis Charger SI 94 (Kiptys Charger). 2 wins to 4, $6,522, FINALIST,AS.INAS( ;'= Jetaway Mike SI 86 (Jetaway Easy). Winner to 3, $2,105. Kiptys Kaper SI 81 (Kiptydoo). Winner to 5. Vickys Place (High Places-TB). Placed. Dam of-Slightly Spectacular SI 80. Winner to 3, $2,668. A Streakin Beduino SI 81. Placed to 3, $2,137. Dam of-Yuuba Jr SI 83. 2 wins to 3, $18,022. A Streakin Leader SI 84. Winner to 3, $5,654. Gitana Chivato. Winner at 2, $4,447. 3rd dam Mobile’s Deck SI 95, by On Deck. 7 wins to 4, $5,453. Dam of-Go Vicky Ann SI 89 (Duplicate Copy). Above. Give Em Time SI 88 (Duplicate Copy). Winner to 4, $1,890. Get It On SI 82 (Truly Truckle-TB). Winner to 4, $1,887. 4th dam Mobile’s Noise, by Big Noise (TB). 2 wins to 3, $1,788. Dam of-Top Noise SI 95 (On Deck). 6 wins to 5, $6,755. svp 9/09 Mobile’s Deck (On Deck). Above. Hip No. 294 Consigned by Diane Klug Ok Hesa Hottie Hip No. 294 February 16, 2008 Bay Colt One Hot Krymsun Ok Hesa Hottie 5198878 { Ok Unzip Me 1994 { { Barpassers Image Invitation Only { Bears Raisin Kane Krymsun Jet Set Hotrodders Jet Set { Crystal Class Zippo Pine Bar Pat Bars { Zippo Dollie Pine Oklahoma Reject Dial { Dingo Pattie Bar Star NOTES: Ok Hesa Hottie is a son of One Hot Krymsun and out of a super Zippo Pine Bar mare. He has it all, big, bay and beautiful. Great legged in front and deep hocked behind, He is slow legged, soft moving with great cadence. A great prospect with a great future. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By ONE HOT KRYMSUN (1999) [HYPP N/N]. 7-time World/Congress Champion earning $66,679: World Champion Senior Western Pleasure; World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Open Western Pleasure Maturity; Congress Non-Pro Maturity Champion; Congress Junior Western Riding Champion; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion, etc. 2008 NSBA #6 Leading Sire; 2008 AQHA Leading Sire in 6 Divisions. 1st dam Ok Unzip Me, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of 9 foals, 5 performers-Ok Its Simple (f. by Simply Hot). 49.5 points: March To The Arch NSBA 3-YearOld Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; W Virginia QHA NSBA Amateur Western Pleasure Champion; Amateur Performance ROM. Ok Im Invited (c. by Invitation Only). 18.5 points & $6,662: 4th, NW Emerald Futurity 2-Year-Old Master Western Pleasure; 2008 Gold Rush Futurity NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion. Ok Imagine This (g. by Barpassers Image). 22 points: 2008 San Angelo Sr Western Pleasure Champion; Open Performance ROM. Ok Shes Unzipped (f. by Invitation Only). 15.5 points: Youth Perf. ROM. 2nd dam Oklahoma Reject, by Dingo Dial. Dam of-OK IM ZIPPED (g. by Zippo Pine Bar). 1708 points & $61,858: AQHYA World Champion Western Riding & Reserve World Champion Western Horsemanship; 3rd, World Show Amateur Trail Horse-twice; 3rd, World Show Senior Western Riding; AQHA & AQHYA Performance Champion. JUST IMAGINE IT (g. by Barpassers Image). 350 points: top 10, AQHYA World Show Showmanship; Open Superior Trail Horse; Youth Superior Showmanship & Western Horsemanship. OK ZIP ME UP (f. by Zippo Pine Bar). 55 points & $2,925: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-Ok Ima Good One (A Good Machine). 11 points & $9,815: top 10, Congress 2-Year-Old Open Master Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. OK ZIP ME (f. by Zippo Pine Bar). 53 points & $3,626: 7th, Solid Gold 3-YearOld Lim. Open Western Pleasure; Open Sup. Western Pleasure. Dam ofOK PULSE ME (Impulsions). 220 points & $8,280: Tom Powers Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Open Superior Pleasure. svp 9/09 Consigned by Diane Klug Hip No. 295 Ok Ima Cowboy Hip No. 295 February 18, 2008 Red Roan Colt Openrange Ok Ima Cowboy 5195614 { Ok Zip Me 1991 { { Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Leaguers Zipanna Leaguers Last { Lady Zipanna Zippo Pine Bar Pat Bars { Zippo Dollie Pine Oklahoma Reject Dial { Dingo Pattie Bar Star NOTES: Ok Ima Cowboy is sired by Openrange and out of a great Zippo Pine Bar mare. He has a fabulous family. He has it all, great slow legs, flat knees, deep hocks and that eye catching color. This all comes with the best personality ever. A special colt with unlimited potential. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By OPENRANGE (2001). $27,214 and 43 points: Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion; NSBA High Point 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; NSBA High Point 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; NSBA Breeders Championship Gold Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; Just for Pleasure 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Southern Belle Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion; AQHA ROM. His oldest foals are 3-year-olds. . 1st dam OK ZIP ME, by Zippo Pine Bar. 53 points & $3,626: 7th, Solid Gold 3-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure; Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 6 foals, 3 performers-OK PULSE ME (g. by Impulsions). 220 points & $8,280: Tom Powers Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; 3rd, N Carolina QHA Futurity 3Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open Superior Western Pleasure. OK IM HOT (g. by Hot Impulse). 175 points: 5th, Congress Youth Horsemanship; top15, AQHYA World Show Hunt Seat Equitation; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. LETS IMAGINE (g. by Barpassers Image). 109 points & $3,694: Illinois QHYA Lil Abe Open & Limited Open NSBA Western Pleasure Champion; Open Superior Western Pleasure. 2nd dam Oklahoma Reject, by Dingo Dial. Dam of-OK IM ZIPPED (Zippo Pine Bar). 1677 points & $56,260: AQHYA World Champion Western Riding & Reserve World Champion Western Horsemanship; 3rd, World Show Amateur Trail Horse-twice; 3rd, World Show Senior Western Riding; AQHA & AQHYA Performance Champion. JUST IMAGINE IT (Barpassers Image). 326 points: top 10, AQHYA World Show Showmanship; Open Superior Trail Horse; Youth Superior Showmanship, Western Horsemanship; OK ZIP ME UP (Zippo Pine Bar). 55 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Ok Unzip Me (Zippo Pine Bar). Dam of 9-Ok Its Simple. 49.5 points: March To The Arch NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; W Virginia QHA NSBA Amateur Western Pleasure Champion; Amateur Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 296 Consigned by Darlene Ewles A Good Way To Glow Hip No. 296 March 8, 2008 Sorrel Gelding Unforgettable Glow A Good Way To Glow 5099398 { One Red Hot Glow 2005 { { Diversified Predictability { Scarborough Fair Gold Bars Glow Spin A Glow { Brecona’s Pride Macs Good N Plenty Mr Good Bar { Zippos Macs Debutante Gold Bars Glow A Glow { Spin Brecona’s Pride NOTES: A Good Way To Glow is a really nice sorrel yearling gelding. He has been well handled and started slowly on the longe line. He strings at 16 hands. He has an excellent jog and a deep slow lope. He will make a nice all-around horse. He is a bit growthy right now. His dam also sells. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By UNFORGETTABLE GLOW (2003). [HYPP N/N]. His oldest foals are yearlings. Son of PREDICTABILITY, 33 points & $4,885: Open Performance ROM. Sire of CHAMPAGNE PREDICTION (NSBA money-earner), U GLO GIRL (Open Performance point-earner and 2 Novice/Amateur points, showing in 2009). Grandson of DIVERSIFIED, Earner of 162 points: 4time World Champion: World Champion Halter Stallion 3 times; World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA Champion, Superior Halter & Western Pleasure. 1st dam One Red Hot Glow, by Macs Good N Plenty. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Gold Bars Glow, by Spin A Glow. Dam of 5 foals, 1 performer-U Glo Girl (Predictability). Earner of .5 Open Performance point. 3rd dam Brecona’s Pride, by Cona Bars. Dam of 4 other foals. 4th dam Breezing Pigtail, by Breezing Johnny. Dam of-Doc Bars Lady (Sham Bug Bar). 2 AQHA & 480 PHBA points. Dam of-Ladys Bueno Farrah. 158 PHBA Halter & Performance points. 5th dam Begone, by Littlejoethewrangler. Granddam of-Royal Red Breeze. 25 points: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Royally Red. 25 points: Youth Performance ROM. Dam of-REGALLY ROYALLY RED. 1342 points & $55,872: 2-time World Champion Jr Pole Bending; 9-time High Point Pole Bending & Barrel Racing; Dixie National Open & Amateur Pole Bending Champion. DINKYS PURPLE RAIN. 486 points & $32,183: World Champion Amateur Barrel Racing; Reserve World Champion Jr Barrel Racing; Congress Amateur Pole Bending Reserve Champion High Point Pole Bending Mare. DINKYS MOONLITE RIDE. 199 points & $6,572: 4th, High Point Jr Barrel Racing; Open Superior Barrel Racing. IF YOURE GONE. 122 points & $3,384: High Point Barrel Racing Stallion; Dixie National Jr Pole Bending Champion; Open Superior Barrel Racing. ROYAL RED DECK. 114 points: 3rd, High Point Jr Barrel Racing; Open Superior Pole Bending. svp 9/09 Consigned by Michele J. A. Price Hip No. 297 Hip No. 297 Sonnys Jiffy Pop March 31, 2008 Sorrel Gelding Son Bar Dee Sonnys Jiffy Pop 5132236 { Peanutbutter Parfait 1987 { { Sonny Dee Bar Son Dee Dude { Dude’s Cowgirl Ann Of The Bar Mack By Bar { Twistie Ann Eyed Be Impressive Impressive { Mr Two Eyed Donna Jill Raeanne Buckaroo Jess { Patsy Pierce NOTES: Sonnys Jiffy Pop is a nice gelding out of a halter and performance point producing mare. He will be big enough and athletic enough to do the all-around events. He was shown at the Nebraska Silver Classic in the Non-Pro and Breeder’s Longe Line. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NE Breeders and Center of the Nation. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By SON BAR DEE (1991). Earner of 168 points: High Point Amateur Halter Stallion; 4th, World Championship Amateur Aged Stallions; Open & Amateur AQHA Champion, Superior Open & Amateur Halter, earning points in Halter, Heading, Reining, Trail, Hunter Under Saddle, Western Riding, Western Pleasure, Showmanship, winning 15 All-Arounds and 9 Reserve All-Arounds; Nebraska Silver Classic Breeders Yearling Stallion Futurity Champion; Nebraska QHA High Point Amateur Senior Halter Stallion. Sire of BARON DEEANN (710 PHBA points: PHBA Honor Roll Junior Hunter Under Saddle & Road Hack; PHBA Amateur Champion, Superior Amateur Halter; PHBA ROM in Equitation, Hunter Under Saddle, Road Hack, Halter, Showmanship; 211 PHBA halter, 499 PHBA performance points; 16 AQHA points: Amateur ROM in 2008). 1st dam Peanutbutter Parfait, by Eyed Be Impressive. Dam of 11 foals, 8 performers-Bruno Von Dee Bar (g. by Son Dee Bar). 4.5 Open & Amateur Halter points: Silver Classic Futurity Reserve Champion Sr Weanling Stallion. Sonnys Sweet Treat (f. by Son Dee Bar). 2.5 Open Halter & Performance points: Silver Classic Futurity Reserve Champion Amateur Late Weanling Mare. Sun Dae Sonata (f. by Son Dee Bar). 1.5 Open & Amateur Halter points: Silver Classic Futurity Reserve Champion Amateur Jr Weanling Mare. 2nd dam Jill Raeanne, by Buckaroo Jess. Dam of-Ruthy Jo (Joe Reed’s Ace). Dam of-PROFESSOR JO REED. 154 points: 6th, World Show Open 3-Year-Old Geldings; Open Superior Halter & Hunter Under Saddle. JOEY PINE. 102 points: Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Sassy Empress. Dam of-Gold King Money Jr. 14 points & NRHA money-earner: Indiana Slid N Spin Open Novice Champion; Open Performance ROM. 3rd dam Patsy Pierce, by Buster Boy McCue. Dam of-Krog’s Twist. Granddam of-CHERICOA TWIST. 298 points: AQHYA Champion; Open & Youth Superior Halter; Youth Superior Western Pleasure & Showmanship; 4th, High Point Youth Halter Mare. svp 9/09 Hip No. 298 Consigned by Theresa Joyclyn Corgill, Agent for Melissa Jesurun Faces Masterpiece Hip No. 298 January 30, 2008 Bay Gelding Face It Im Good Faces Masterpiece X0670618 { Piece Of Art 1999 { { Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Blue Tigress Tiger Leo { Camp Town Cutie Artful Move Chime { Wind Buzz Fly (TB) Divy Up Babs (TB) Baba { Maha Dancing Divy PERFORMANCE RECORD: 2009 Texas State 4-H Longe Line Reserve Champion. He won the County and District Longe Line 4-H classes as well. NOTES: Faces Masterpiece has a beautiful head with big movement. Already a winner and confident in the show pen. “Manu” has size, conformation and breeding, plus he is great minded. His dam is a 16.3 hand mare with a huge trot. Don’t overlook this colt, he is big, balanced and mature and has tremendous potential as a hunt seat prospect. He is slow legged enough to make an allaround contender. He has been saddled and long line driven numerous times. Ready to go into serious training as soon as you get him home. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA Incentive Fund and Just For Pleasure. By FACE IT IM GOOD (1994). 91 Halter & Performance points: AQHA Champion; top 10, Houston AQHA Open Junior Western Pleasure; Open Halter & Performance ROM. Sire of SUN OF FACE (29.5 Youth Performance points & 37.5 Novice/Youth points; Youth Performance ROM), ZIPPY GOOD TYME (9.5 Halter & Performance points: top 10, Regional Experience Youth Western Pleasure), ONE GOOD HARLEY (9 Open Performance points: Circuit Champion East Coast Championship Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle; 10 Novice/Youth points). 1st dam Piece Of Art, by Artful Move. Dam of 2 foals, the oldest a yearling. 2nd dam Divy Up Babs (TB), by Maha Baba. Winner at 2, $15,054. Dam of 8 QH foals, 1 TB foal, 4 performers-LUKE ME UP (Luke At Me). 196.5 points & $3,556: OR QHA Summer Classic 5-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Co-Reserve Champion; Pacific NW QHA Show All/Age Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; 3rd, Tri-Challenge Fair NSBA All/Age Open Hunter Under Saddle; Youth Superior Showmanship & Hunter Under Saddle; Open ROM. Divy Up The Blues (Skys Blue Boy). 52.5 Open Performance points: 4th, High Point Junior Green Working Hunter, top 10 in Hunter Hack; Open Performance ROM. Kiss Away The Blues (Skys Blue Boy). 8 Open Performance points. 3rd dam DANCING DIVY, by Astaire. 2 wins at 2, $22,480, 1st Mademoiselle S. Dam of 5 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners-Divy Up Babs (Maha Baba). Above. Far Echo (Maha Baba). 5 wins, 3 to 6, $8,439. Burning Romance (Twice Burned). Winner at 2 and 3, $4,050. Western Divy (Western Trick). Placed at 2, $5,553. svp 9/09 Hip No. 299 Consigned by Brad & Vicki Pitts, Agent for Equine HLDS of Ky, LLC Details Fancy Hip No. 299 1999 Bay Mare BRED TO ABSOLUTE ASSET Last Detail Details Fancy 3779485 { Positively Pressive 1990 { { Easy Six Jetaway Easy { San Fran (TB) Lilly La Belle Lady Bug’s Moon { Little Sage (TB) Impressor { Impressive Miss Windy Spur Mama Was Impressed On Deck { Impressive Texas Sue’s Skip PERFORMANCE RECORD: Earner of 2 Open Performance points. NOTES: Details Fancy is a beautiful mare by Hall Of Fame Stallion, Last Detail. Bred to Absolute Asset, the resulting foal should make a great hunter under saddle prospect. Take advantage of this cross and let the foal she is carrying pay for her. Last BRED on May 1, 2009 to ABSOLUTE ASSET. Foal in utero eligible for KY Breeders Incentive Fund. She is HYPP N/N on AQHA record. PRODUCE RECORD: 2003 Lopin With Detail, f. by Lopin Slow. 2004 Ben Lopin Slow, g. by Lopin Slow. 2007 Lowe Valley Lopin, c. by Lopin Slow. 2008 All In The Details, c. by Lopin Slow. 2009 Unnamed, c. by Hes Absolutely Sure. By LAST DETAIL (1991). World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle Horse; Congress Junior Hunter Under Saddle Champion. NSBA Hall Of Fame in 2009. 2008 AQHA Leading Sire in 9 divisions. A 2008 NSBA Leading Sire, siring the earners of 18,788 AQHA points, 277 ROM, 99 Superiors, 28 World/Reserve World Championships and over $781,051. 1st dam Positively Pressive, by Impressor. 1.5 Open Halter & Performance point. Dam of 9 foals, 7 performers-Oh For Lopin Slow (g. by Slow Lopin). 3.5 Open Performance points: RMQHA Golden Opportunity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Co-Champion. Lopin Ytoo Slow (f. by Lopin Slow). Dam of-Ima Lopin Ytoo Slow (Ima Benchmark). 5.5 points & $1,529: RMQHA Golden Opportunity Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion; 2008 RMQHA Golden Opportunity Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion. Pressive Legend (f. by A Passing Legend). Dam of-Maximillion Legend (Lopin Slow). Last Chance Run NSBA SSA 3-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Co-Reserve Champion. 2nd dam Mama Was Impressed, by Impressive On Deck. Dam of-PROCREATE (Impulsions). 231 points & $6,585: RMQHA Golden Opportunity Futurity Reserve Champion Open Yearling Stallion; RMQHA Fall Futurity NSBA 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion & 3rd in the Open; AQHYA Champion. SIR LOPES ALOT (Inspirative). 214.5 points & $5,533: Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Lope Along Anna (A Passing Legend). 11.5 points: Open Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 300 Consigned by Gumz Farms Prepare To B Shocked Hip No. 300 April 3, 2008 Bay Filly Zippos After Shock Prepare To B Shocked 5072971 { Presented By Pro 1992 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Sassy Hotrodder Hotrodders Jet Set { Docs Teddy Bar The Promoter Invester { The Cash’s Kirei Present Wars { Three Quick Jackie NOTES: Prepare To B Shocked is a great filly. Her breeding is proven with this cross, yielding 5 Congress Championships. Her dam is a great producer of AQHA and APHA foals. “Rainey” is a soft, pretty mover with great looks and balance. Easy to work with, she is just waiting for her turn in the spot light. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Southern Belle, MI, Tom Powers, NSBA BCF and NSBA SIF. By ZIPPOS AFTER SHOCK (1993). A 2007 AQHA top 10 Leading Sire of Youth Halter point-earners. Siring the earners of 4,373 AQHA points, 81 ROM. 15 Superior awards, including MR AFTER SHOCK (nearly $100,000 and over 400 points: Congress 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes Champion; 6th, World 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; NSBA #4 All-Time Money-Earner; Amateur Superior Western Riding; Open Superior Western Riding), ZIP ME AFTER ($95,826: Reichert $100,000 Two-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion, Reserve in the 2-Year-Old Slot Non-Pro; NSBA Reserve World Champion Open 2-Year-Old; Southern Belle Breeders 3-Year-Old Slot Open Western Pleasure Champion). 1st dam Presented By Pro, by The Promoter. NSBA money-earner. Dam of 6 foals (2 APHA), 2 performers-PRESENTED BY ZIP (AQHA/APHA)(g. by Zippo Can Do). 82 APHA points: Amateur Superior Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. Promotional Asset (g. by Investment Asset). 56 points: Youth Perf. ROM. 2nd dam Present, by Three Wars. Dam of-IMPRESSIVELL DO (Impressive Rick). 514 points & $11,649: World Champion Open Jr & Sr Western Pleasure; AQHYA World Champion Western Pleasure; 3rd, World Show Junior Western Pleasure; Congress Open & Youth Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; 3rd, Congress Open Junior Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Impressive Present (Impressive Rick). 51.5 points: Open Performance ROM. Zippowill Do (Zippo Pine Bar). 13 points: Amateur Performance ROM. Good Bar Buddy (Zippos Mr Good Bar). 11 Open & Amateur Perf. points. Present To Impress (Impressive Rick). Dam of-Invest In A Clown. 26 points & $5,181: 3rd, Solid Gold 3-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure & 7th in the Open; Open Performance ROM. Glamorous Investment. Dam of-The Zipper Investment. 5 points & $1,738: split 6th, Alberta 50/50 Pot O’Gold Futurity 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure. Pros Present (The Promoter). Dam of-My Shasows With Me. 25.5 points: Youth Performance ROM. svp 9/09 J"#$%B> ],/ Consigned by Down The Rail, Agent for Jamie Miers !"#$%$&'(")'* J"#$%B> ],/ February 18, 2008 Sorrel Gelding Ziprageous !"#$%$&'(")'* +,--./+ { Princess Radical 2000 ! ! Zippos Old Gold Zipped It Up Zippo Pine Bar { Goldy Jack Son Oil { Miss Zippo Pine Radical Rodder Jet Set { Hotrodders Flashy Bar Flower Badgers Bar Time Bar Time { Scotch Badgers Star Bar %0123: Zip N Radical is an outrageously good prospect with show appeal. Great minded and strong enough to start early. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Southern Belle, Just For Pleasure, Tom Powers, VA QHA and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`$EOPA'?O0*($0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'O RS?AT$3BSQMA?@$4A**A$%348$4?AA(A?R$EOPA'?O0*($0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A LM'N#"B@T$0#A@$\$8N'QAS?$3S#A?"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A=> /RQ$('N Princess Radical, by Radial Rodder. Dam of 4 foals, 3 performers-JBQ$&'(")'*$0@A (g. by One Hot Krymsun). 7 Open & Amateur Performance points & $4,537: 3rd, 2008 Silver Classic Ten Grand 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; 5th, 2008 Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Intermediate Open Western Pleasure Stakes. Princeshotchocolate (g. by Invitation Only). 8.5 Open & Amateur Halter points. E@($('N 4'(UA?R$4'?$1"NA, by Scotch Bar Time. 43.5 points & $1,071: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Dam of-1J2$&8X6L8Z$J0:& (Radical Rodder). 113.5 points & $8,611; Ohio QHA Futurity NSBA Open Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Gordyville January Open Junior Western Pleasure Champion; finalist in the Just For Pleasure 2Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; top 10, World Show 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 6th, High Point Junior Western Pleasure; top 10, World Show Junior Western Pleasure; Superior Western Pleasure. 16_2$V0&$^8!! (Sonnys Hot Jazz). 50 points & $1,640: Black Hills Summer Circuit Junior Trail Champion; top 10, Congress Open Junior Trail; Youth World Cup Participant; Superior Trail Horse. 1"NA$1B$9AQ$&'(")'* (Radical Rodder). 20 points: Open Performance ROM. JBQ?B(("@$4'?$1"NA (Hotroddin Zippo). 37 Performance points; 84.5 Novice/ Amateur & Novice/Youth points: 2008 Regional Experience Youth Champion Western Riding, Showmanship, Hunt Seat Equitation & Hunter Under Saddle; Youth Performance ROM. svp 10/08 >7)%#?),5&@1&27A&B/)%7) O%M(!"@ 2C1 !"#$%&'()*#(+,,-#, O%M(!"@ 2C1 :,@(C/(1&;<D&EFF=&!7((,3&:#331 '(7*,-*&Y7C(&9%%,*% !"#$%&'()*#(+,,-#, ./0121/ { '(#)*%&9$(#3&:773 ;<<= { { 6775&9%%,* !-/(%&!7-#/3&_#**1 !"#$$,5&'(#)* 0%&+,-"&./-"&8#)5 b#$$7%&0(&6775&J/( { 0#%%&Z,@,3&Z#*/ !-/(%&2, { b#$$7%&!"#$$1 { !"#$%&'(#)* 67331&!-7** {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`( Va^O4( 8V5+65( =2D( #%S-H+)9+( N"JKL( "J( 9-,-JRN"JKL(:$ISM%"&?B(4O5(+6654(\+b59(=A[B[0/E(1CC0(Q*,#(Z"J(8K-I,*JZ*#*J%#7(66+(1H;-IJH3KL(3M-&(O*&#-J(<&L-J(6ILLK-(9-,-JR-(:$ISM%"&P 1CC0( :"&'J-,,( !6)+( 1H;-IJH3KL( 3M-&( O*&#-J( <&L-J( 6ILLK-( 6#IY-, 9-,-JR-(:$ISM%"&?@ /,#(LIS '(#)*%&9$(#3&:773D&@1&!"#$$,5&'(#)*M&2I#%&#%&I,(&K#(%*&K7/3M 1&L(LIS \6(`5:b(Q+:b(Na!`D&@1&+,-"&./-"M&;FRMS&$7#)*%G&T$,)&!C$,(#7(&B/3*,(M&+/A&7K E&7*I,(&K7/3%M 2JL(LIS 0#%%1&2/#34#)5D&@1&0(&2/#34#)5M&+/A&7KUU \a66(`5:b(Q+:b(Na!`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`&T$,)&\&Y7C*I&',(K7(A/)-,&$7#)*%M &&%L$&<aF< J"#$%B> ],] Consigned by Roger Gollehon, Agent for Chad Weaver XB@Q$3a"#$7*A'RS?A J"#$%B> ],] April 21, 2008 Sorrel Filly Dont Skip Zip XB@Q$3a"#$7*A'RS?A +/E]F-. { Protected Pleasure 2001 ! ! Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine She Shes A Ten Saved The Day { Zero’s Bar Miss Protect Your Assets Asset { Good Scars Social Kitty Tes Amber Te { Scars Zippos Amber %0123: Dont Skip Pleasure is an exceptional moving filly by Dont Skip Zip and out of a young daughter of Protect Your Assets. Her dam was injured after a short, promising show career. This filly has outstanding potential and shows the natural talent to be a great show horse. Prospects with her ability don’t have to be “fixed” by a trainer. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. 45$ X0%1$ 3b67$ !67$ ;/<<,=>$ 2'?@A?$ BC$ /.<$ #B"@QR$ '@($ D/[G-<]H$ J"UM$ 7B"@Q KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$LM'N#"B@T$J"UM$7B"@Q$^S@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$LM'NO #"B@T$FQMG$LB@U?ARR$0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$XA?Y5G$+QM$%B@O7?BT$3S#A?"B? 0#A@$\$8N'QAS?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A>$E,,-$8IJ8$QB#$/,$ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC 7A?CB?N'@)A$&0_$'@($'@$%348$1B#$/,$ZA'("@U$3"?AG$R"?"@U$QMA$A'?@A?R BC$/]G.E-$8IJ8$#B"@QRG$EF-$&0_G$.E$3S#A?"B?RG$A'?@"@U$D.E,G,,,> /RQ$('N Protected Pleasure, by Protect Your Assets. 4 Open Performance points. Dam of 3 foals, no performers to date. E@($('N Tes Amber, by Scars Te. Dam of-30%%P3$L0:%1$12$!67 (Sonnys Count). 1576 points & $41,970: World Champion Open Sr Western Riding; Reserve World Champion Amateur Western Riding; Congress Amateur Showmanship Reserve Champion; AQHA Performance Champion; Res.High Point All-Around Amateur Horse. ^X$8??'5$VB?$_A (RB Scooter Array). 200.5 points & $3,877: 2009 Regional Experince Open Hunter Hack Champion; Maine QHA Firecracker Circuit Open Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. ]?($('N Zippos Amber, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of-8430Z:12$900X48&. 8 points & $10,791: top 10, Congress 3-Year-Old Open & Non-Pro Western Pleasure Derby; NSBA Breeders Championship 3Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure. _'aA?$8$!"##B$1BB. 48.5 points & $6,014: Breeders Classic NSBA 2-Year-Old Open & Limited Open Western Pleasure Champion; Perf. ROM. Dam of_'aA?$8$bBB*$b?5NRS@. 21 points & $5,528: 2008 Tom Powers Breeders 2Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Champion; Open Perf. ROM. _'aA?$&'(")'*. 34 points & $2,746: 3rd, 2008 W. Virginia Breeders Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. _'aA?R$_'?a"A. $1,823: 3rd, 2009 Tom Powers Breeders Futurity Limited Open Yearling Longe Line. L?5RQ'*$%$6?B@. 31.5 points: 3rd, Silver Classic Breeders Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Youth Performance ROM. svp 9/09 J"#$%B> ],F Consigned by Alan Chappell, Agt for Courtney Chappell 7S?A$LBS@Q?5$4*'cA J"#$%B> ],F February 19, 2008 Sorrel Filly Hot N Blazing 7S?A$LBS@Q?5$4*'cA d,[.F-,[ { Pure Country Version 1997 ! ! Hotrodders Jet Set Blazing Hot { Tahnee Zippo Zippos Baby Jane Zippo Pine Three { Crazy Bout Baby (TB) Good Version { Winnie The Tiger Dew Be A Lady Bailey { Pacific Lady Pac Marble Zippos Mr Good Bar %0123: Pure Country Blaze is a great futurity prospect. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund and NSBA BCF. Eligible for Tom Powers, MI, Southern Belle Breeders. 45$J01$%$4Z8!6%9$;/<<.=>$2'?@A?$BC$]]E$#B"@QR$'@($DF,G//,H$KB?*($LM'N#"B@ ^S@"B?$ JS@QA?$ :@(A?$ 3'((*A$ JB?RAT$ &ARA?WA$ KB?*($ LM'N#"B@$ ^S@"B? KARQA?@$&"("@U$JB?RAT$LB@U?ARR$^S@"B?$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*A$'@($KARQO A?@$ &"("@U$ LM'N#"B@T$ LB@U?ARR$ Z"N"QA($ 0#A@$ JS@QA?$ :@(A?$ 3'((*A _'QS?"Q5$LM'N#"B@G$0#A@$\$8N'QAS?$&ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@T$$KM"RQ*A$3QB#$FO PA'?O0*($0#A@$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*A$LM'N#"B@T$3BSQMA?@$4A**A$0#A@$\ 338$ 7*A'RS?A$ VSQS?"Q"ARe$ &ARA?WA$ LM'N#"B@T$ ZB@A$ 3Q'?$ IJ8$ 0#A@G 4?AA(A?Re$ '@($ 338$ 7*A'RS?A$ VSQS?"Q"ARe$ &ARA?WA$ LM'N#"B@T$ 3S#A?"B? 0#A@$\$8N'QAS?$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*AT$3S#A?"B?$0#A@$KARQA?@$&"("@U> 8$E,,-$%348$QB#$/,$ZA'("@U$3"?AT$8$E,,-$8IJ8$1B#$/,$ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC 7A?CB?N'@)A$&0_$'@($0#A@$7A?CB?N'@)A$K"@@A?R> /RQ$('N 7:&2$L0:%1&P$f2&360%, by Good Version. 168.5 points & $7,731: Tom Powers NSBA 3-Year-Old Intermediate Non-Pro Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion; split 3rd, Tom Powers Futurity NSBA Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity & 6th in the Intermediate Open; split 4th, Tom Powers Futurity NSBA Novice Non-Pro Western Pleasure; top 15, World Show Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation; split 5th, NSBA High Point Limited Non-Pro Maturity Horse; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 6 foals, 2 performer-Purley Hot (f. by Hot N Blazin). 18 Novice Amateur points. Hot Country Version (f. by Hot N Blazing). Canadian Nationals 3-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Co-Champion. E@($('N Dew Be A Lady, by Pacific Bailey. Dam of 5 other foals. ]?($('N Lady Pac Marble, by Carrera Marble (TB). Granddam of-Real Easy Bleep SI 90. 4 wins to 5, $10,004. Dam of-4Z227$4Z227$4Z227$SI 101. 6 wins to 11, $57,737: Hard Twist Stakes; 2nd Shue Fly Stakes; N. Mexico State Fair Breeders Stakes. 1018Z61P$283P SI 99. 4 wins to 4, $40,698: Shue Fly Stakes; 2nd Dona Ana County Stakes; 3rd, Calico Stakes. FQM$('N Lady Gold Pac SI 85, by Gold Pacific. Race winner at 2. Dam of-3107$1J81$^21 SI 102. 17 wins to 7, $28,204: Bluestem Downs Spring Futurity; Cherokee Strip Dash Stakes; 2nd Flinthills Futurity. svp 9/09 Consigned by Brett & Tara Spencer J"#$%B> ],+ 7?"@cc"#A**' J"#$%B> ],+ March 25, 2007 Brown Filly Prinzziple 7?"@cc"#A**' d,[[-<-+ { Queen Of The House (TB) 1998 ! ! The Big Investment Principle Investment { Tiger Serena Choicetta Pine Zippo Pine Bar { Choicetta Bars Housebuster Livermore { Mt. Big Dreams Queen Suite Motel { Bates Queen Quillon %0123: Prinzzipella is a dark brown/black 16.1 hand 2-year-old filly with a fantastic mind and incredible legs. She should make a top Non-Pro or Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity/Maturity Horse next year or an all-around horse in the future. Don’t miss this one. Great mind and great legs. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA BCF, NSBA Stallion Incentive Fund. 45$ 7&6%!!67Z2$ ;8IJ8=$ ;/<<]=>$ 2'?@A?$ BC$ [.$ #B"@QR$ '@($ D[G]]]H$ QB#$ /,G LB@U?ARR$3A@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$'@($LB@U?ARR$0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'O RS?A$ _'QS?"Q5T$ QB#$ /EG$ KB?*($ LM'N#"B@RM"#$ 3A@"B?$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?AT %'Q"B@'*$ 3A@"B?$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ ZA'(A?T$ %348$ gE$ 3A@"B?$ KARQA?@ 7*A'RS?A$JB?RAG$3S#A?"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A>$3"?A$BC$7&6%!!67Z23$7&6X2 ;]].$ #B"@QR$ '@($ DF-G]E<H$ 8IJ8$ J"UM$ 7B"@Q$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ 9A*("@UT LB@U?ARR$ %B@O7?B$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ VSQS?"Q5$ &ARA?WA$ LM'N#"B@T$ ]?(G KB?*($EOPA'?O0*($KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$FQMG$KB?*($3MB`$8N'QAS?$KARQA?@ 7*A'RS?AT$QB#$ /,G$ KB?*($^S@"B?$ 7*A'RS?AT$%348$J"UM$7B"@Q$%B@O7?B$EO PA'?O0*($KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$&ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@T$0#A@G$8N'QAS?$\$PBSQM 3S#A?"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A=> /RQ$('N Queen Of The House (TB), by Housebuster. Winner at 4, $5,278. Dam of 3 QH foals, 1 to race, no TB foals-Rocking Rocky Dash (AQHA) (c. by Ty Dash). Winner to 5, $4,256. E@($('N I:22%$3:612, by Bates Motel. 4 wins at 3, $86,110, 1st Just Smashing S., 2nd Francis Scott Key S. [L], Straight Deal S. [L], Capp It Off S. Dam of 7 foals, 4 to race, 4 winners-Checkouttime (Gilded Time). Winner at 3 and 4, $58,643. Pie O My (Defrere). Winner at 3 and 4, $25,425. Big Suite (Farma Way). Winner at 3, $16,675. Queen of the House (Housebuster). Above. ]?($('N Queen Quillon, by Raise A Native. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, 3 winners-I:22%$3:612 (Bates Motel). Above. ZBNB@(hR$X'@)A? (Lomond). Winner at 3, $18,285, 3rd Inaugural H. Not True (Believe It). 3 wins at 2 and 4, $15,449. Dam of-1&:2$f8Z8P (Carnivalay). 5 wins at 3 and 5, $168,701, 1st Tallahassee S., 2nd John Battaglia Memorial S. [L], Kentuckiana S. [L], Miami Beach S., 3rd Ward Off Trouble H. 1?SA$%")$7") (Piccolino). 3 wins, 2 to 4, $26,479, 3rd Sadie Hawkins H. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 5 winners-True Pic. 6 wins, 3 to 5, placed at 6, 2009, $204,495. True Aries. 7 wins, 3 to 6, $84,175. svp 9/09 Consigned by Peggy Butler J"#$%B> ],[ 7?AQQ5$_S)M$8*B@A J"#$%B> ],[ March 16, 2008 Sorrel Filly Huntin Alone 7?AQQ5$_S)M$8*B@A +/-<]]+ { Radiance N Iron 1990 ! ! Zips Chocolate Chip Huntin For Chocolate { Huntin Del Skipsalone PD Cool { RS Skip By Fire Iron Rebel Cause { Rebel Iron Maiden Jeana Lynx Lynx { Doc’s Jeanie Tiger %0123: Pretty Much Alone not only has the size and movement of a champion but she is as sweet as they come. Can’t say enough about this one. What a wonderful prospect she will be for the 2010 futurities. Sired by the young sire, Huntin Alone, Superior Western Pleasure and Trail, qualifying for 4 events at the World Show. His foals are quiet and easy to train. Big, pretty and stellar legged either in a tight western jog or a big flat HUS trot. His first foal to show is a HUS Futurity Reserve Champion (see below). Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. 45$J:%16%$8Z0%2$;E,,E=>$/E]$0#A@$\$8N'QAS?$#B"@QRG$3S#A?"B?$1?'"*$'@( KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?AT$ KB?*($ 3MB`$ iS'*"C"A?$ 7A?CB?N'@)A$ J'*QA?$ 3Q'**"B@G KARQA?@$&"("@UG$^S@"B?$1?'"*$'@($^S@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$/,$8**O8?BS@(R '@($]$&ARA?WA$8**O8?BS@(R>$$J"R$B*(ARQ$CB'*R$'?A$EO5A'?OB*(R>$V?BN$M"R$C"?RQ CB'*$QB$RMB`$MA$"R$QMA$R"?A$BC$J:%16%$V0&$&0_8%L2$;E,,<$3)BQQR('*A L*'RR")$EOPA'?O0*($0#A@$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*A$VSQS?"Q5$&ARA?WA$LM'N#=> /RQ$('N Radiance N Iron, by Iron Rebel. Dam of 10 foals, 3 performers-44$b&P_3:%$%$bZ0f2& (f. by One Hot Krymsun). 25.5 points & $26,954: 7th, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Sale Slot Non-Pro Western Pleasure; 4th, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old $100,000 Slot Intermediate Open Western Pleasure; 3rd, Tom Powers Breeders 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. Radiant Details (f. by Last Detail). 5.5 Amateur Performance points: Indiana QHA Breeders Futurity 3/5-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle. E@($('N Jeana Lynx, by Doc’s Lynx. Dam of-L2&16V62X$!6770 (Zippo Pine Bar). 64.5 points & $2,015: Open Superior Western Pleasure; top 10, High Point Junior Western Pleasure. ]?($('N Jeanie Tiger, by Tiger Leo. Dam of-V2X2&8Z$633:2. 224 points & $8,396: 3rd, Silver Classic Nebraska Bred 2Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Sup. Western Pleasure & Trail Horse. 6N'$9BB($&B'@$1BB (Zippos Mr Good Bar). 48.5 points: Amateur Perf. ROM. VA(A?'*$6@WARQNA@Q$(The Big Investment). 36.5 points: Open Perf. ROM. Finesse Investment (The Big Investment). Dam of-f"@@"A$9BB($4'?. 68.5 points & $2,721: N. Carolina QHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Regional Exp. Select Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. V"@ARQ$9BB($4'?. 30 points & $2,317: top 10, Just For Pleasure 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. VB?$1MAUBB(BCQMAU'NA. 28.5 points: Georgia QHA Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Amateur Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Consigned by Linda F. Flesner J"#$%B> ],. J"#$%B> ],. XB**"A$4A$9BB( April 16, 2008 Red Roan Filly XB**"A$4A$9BB( +,.+<., { Zippos Mr Good Bar Red Velvet Zipper 1991 ! ! Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tamara Wess { Jo Moore Star Smooth { Super First Fame Barts Jet Shi Randados Patricia Blondy’s Dude Pat Bars { Zippo Skip’s Nina %0123: Dollie Be Good has a great pedigree. There isn’t much missing from this package. It will be hard to find a prettier filly than Dollie. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Southern Belle, VA, GA, IA, Just For Pleasure, NSBA Breeders Championship and all NSBA classes. 45$!67703$_&$900X$48&$;/<-F=>$%348$J'**$BC$V'NA>$1MA$%348$g]$8**O1"NA ZA'("@U$3"?AG$'@$8IJ8$1B#$/,$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC$7A?CB?N'@)A$&0_ '@($'$E,,-$8IJ8$1B#$/,$ZA'("@U$3"?A$"@$+$("W"R"B@RG$R"?"@U$QMA$A'?@A?R$BC ]+G[-[$8IJ8$#B"@QRG$+F<$&0_G$/-[$3S#A?"B?RG$E/$KB?*(j&ARA?WA$KB?*( LM'N#"B@RM"#R$'@($DEG,]]G<,,> /RQ$('N Red Velvet Zipper, by Barts Jet Shi. 3 Open Performance points. Dam of 11 foals, 3 performers-92%:6%2$900X48& (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 153.5 points & $8,570: Illinois QHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Open & Superstakes 25 Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. _?$9BB(Q"NA$3M"@A (g. by Good Time To Shine). $8,000: 2008 Reichert Celebration Men’s Limited Open Western Pleasure Stakes Champion; 7th, 2008 Reichert Celebration 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes. Good Bars Miss Daisy (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 4th, Tom Powers 3-Year-Old Intermediate Non-Pro Western Pleasure. Dam of-JAc'$9BB($JBQ$$!"##B (g. by Zippo Hot Pine). $3,751: 4th, Tattersall Fall Sale Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Tom Powers NSBA 2-Year-Old Intermediate Non-Pro Western Pleasure Co-Res. Champion. Hotroddin Goodbar (g. by Zippo Hot Pine). NSBA money-earner: Blue Ridge Futurity Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion. She Do Be Good (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 6th, Missouri QHA Breeders Futurity Open Western Pleasure. E@($('N Randados Patricia, by Zippo Pat Bars. Dam of-3B@@5$3A@Q$_A (Sonny Dee Bar). 17.5 points: Open Performance ROM. ]?($('N Skip’s Nina, by Skip’s Best. Granddam of-Conclusive Investment. Dam of-6_8$1&:$6%f231_2%1. 138 points & $3,751: Open & Amateur Superior Halter. 1BQMBSR'@($L'@RA@RSR. $2,707: 3rd, Iowa QHA Breeders Futurity Open Jr Weanling Stallions. 7B#S*'?$L'@RA@RSR. $2,105: 3rd, Iowa QHA Breeders Futurity Open Sr Weanling Mares. svp 9/09 Hip No. 308 Consigned by Gumz Farms, Agt for Bilek Family Trust Huntin A Rockin Bar Hip No. 308 2005 Sorrel Mare BRED TO ON HOLIDAY Huntin For Chocolate Huntin A Rockin Bar 4767765 { Rockinwiththerhythm 1986 { { Zippo Pine Bar Zips Chocolate Chip { Fancy Blue Chip Hunting Del Hunting Cap (TB) { Choc’s Del Rancho Zippo Pine Bar Pat Bars { Zippo Dollie Pine Go Happy Gal Go Lucky { Sonny Havahappy NOTES: Huntin A Rockin Bar is a great, young broodmare out of a proven mare. Sired by Huntin For Chocolate, this mare could be used for breeding or show. Last BRED on April 30, 2009 to ON HOLIDAY. Foal in utero eligible for the AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA BCF and Breeders Trust, Kentucky Breeders Incentive Fund. PRODUCE RECORD: 2009 On A Rockin Holiday, f. by On Holiday. By HUNTIN FOR CHOCOLATE (1996). Earner of $40,725 and 272 points: World Champion Amateur Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Senior Western Pleasure Champion; Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA High Point Western Riding Stallion; NSBA Reserve High Point Non-Pro Maturity Horse; Whistle Stop Limited Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Co-Champion and Novice Horse Western Pleasure Champion; Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old Non-Pro, 3-YearOld Limited Novice and 3-Year-Old SSA Western Pleasure Champion, etc; Superior Open & Amateur Western Pleasure; Superior Western Riding. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire. 1st dam Rockinwiththerhythm, by Zippo Pine Bar. 19.5 points: Youth Performance ROM. Dam of 8 foals, 3 performers-HUNTIN A TUNE (f. by Huntin For Chocolate). 18 points & $20,270: Tom Powers Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line Champion; Just For Pleasure Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Champion & Open Reserve Champion; 5th, Congress Open Yearling Longe Line; NSBA High Point Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line & Open Reserve High Point; Reichert Celebration 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Southern Belle NSBA Open Novice Western Pleasure Reserve Champion. Rockin Outta Town (f. by Docs Outta Town). 30.5 points & $5,363: 3rd, Scottsdale Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Oregon Summer Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Central California Fall Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Open Performance ROM; qualified, 2009 World Show Open Performance Halter Mares. 2nd dam Go Happy Gal, by Sonny Go Lucky. Dam of-Justa Pine Bar (Zippo Pine Bar). 33 points: Open Performance ROM. Rockinwiththerhythm (Zippo Pine Bar). Above. Skippin Happy (Nicky Skip). Dam of-Mitos Debonair. 38.5 points: Open & Youth Performance ROM. svp 9/09 J"#$%B> ],< Consigned by Bob Cargile J"#$%B> ],< 9BB($JA'?QA($8RRAQR April 5, 2008 Sorrel Filly Goodhearted Rebel 9BB($JA'?QA($8RRAQR +,-EE[/ { Rolls Her Assets 2002 ! ! Zippo Pine Bar Wess Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Kings Tiger May Iron Rebel { Tiger Mable Protect Your Assets { Scars Social Kitty Rolls Radicalle Rodder { Radical Merry Ferrari Good Asset %0123: Good Hearted Assets is going well on the longe line. She is a great loper and trotter. She has no bad habits. Come by her stall and I will take her to the round pen, then you can make your own notes. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for MS Futurity and Mid South Futurity. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. 45$900XJ28&12X$&242Z$;E,,,=>$%348$NB@A5OA'?@A?$\$F$8IJ8$#B"@QRH V?BN$M"R$C"?RQ$CB'*R$QB$RMB`$MA$"R$QMA$R"?A$BC$900XJ28&12X$7Z283:&2 ;]->+$0#A@$\$8N'QAS?$#B"@QR$\$D/G,.,H$X"k"A$%'Q"B@'*$_3$0`@A($0#A@ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ LM'N#"B@T$ 0#A@$ 7A?CB?N'@)A$ &0_=G$ 1J63Z8XPO 63900X$;]>+$0#A@$\$8N'QAS?$7A?CB?N'@)A$#B"@QR$\$/>+$%BW")A$#B"@QR=G _8b6%$900XJ28&12X$;0#A@$7A?CB?N'@)A$#B"@QOA'?@A?=> /RQ$('N &B**R$JA?$8RRAQR, by Protect Your Assets. Earner of 1 Performance point & $2,428: 3rd, Double Your Fun Open & Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line; Ontario QHA Breeders Futurity Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Champion & Open Reserve Champion. Dam of 2 foals, no performers to date. E@($('N Rolls Radicalle, by Radical Rodder. Dam of-VB??ARQ$9?AA@ (Green With Invy). 39.5 points: Open & Amateur Performance ROM; qualified, 2009 World Show Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation. &B**R$JA?$8RRAQR (Protect Your Assets). Above. Thewaythewestwaswon (One Hot Krymsun). 2008 Just For Pleasure Futurity NSBA Open & Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion. Show Up In A Rolls (One Hot Krymsun). NSBA money-earner: 3rd, Double Your Pleasure Futurity NSBA Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line. ]?($('N Merry Ferrari, by Date A Dude. Dam of-_5$KMAA*R$8?A$JBQ (Radical Rodder). 19.5 points & $1,224: Rocky Mountain Golden Opportunity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; RMQHA Fall Futurity 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Champion; Youth Performance ROM. FQM$('N Dreamy Tank, by Tinky Jr. Dam of-3MAc'$!AY?' (Hyline Pepper). 43 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-V&2XX62$_2&L:&P. 902 points & $13,580: Open, Amateur & Youth AQHA Champion; AQHYA Performance Champion; Lone Star Futurity NSBA Breeders Open Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion; top10, Amateur All-Around High Point Horse; 9 Superiors in 5 different events. 1MA$1?'CC")$^'N. 48.5 points & $2,446: Heartbeat NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion and 5th in the SSA Pleasure; 6th, NEKQHA Fall Futurity NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Pleasure. svp 9/09 J"#$%B> ]/, Consigned by AGR Breeding 89&$3S((A@$9BB($3Q'? J"#$%B> ]/, March 6, 2008 Chestnut Filly RL Best Of Sudden 89&$3S((A@$9BB($3Q'? +,-[E,+ { RTR Eternally Good 2002 ! ! Impulsions A Sudden Impulse { Zips Illusion Zip N Therapy Therapy { Two Eyed Wedgie Zippos Mr Good Bar Pine Bar { Zippo Tamara Wess Eternal Starrific { Starrific Miss Eternal Coy %0123: AGR Sudden Good Star is incredible. She is an exceptional jogger and loper with the natural topline we look for in the show pen. You won’t find a better futurity prospect than this one. This filly looks the same everyday and consistently stays soft and light. She is a must seen Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. 45$ &Z$ 4231$ 0V$ 3:XX2%$ ;E,,E=>$ D/,,G,,,H$ &A")MA?Q$ EOPA'?O0*($ KARQA?@ 7*A'RS?A$LM'**A@UA$LM'N#"B@>$$J"R$B*(ARQ$CB'*R$'?A$]O5A'?OB*(R>$$V?BN$M"R C"?RQ$CB'*R$QB$RMB`$MA$"R$QMA$R"?A$BC$4231$0V$J01$&0X$;D/+G,[/H$FQMG$E,,LB@U?ARR$ %348$ EOPA'?O0*($ 0#A@$ _'RQA?R$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A=G$ 3J23 3:XX2%ZP$ J01$ ;D[G-[/H$ 1BN$ 7B`A?R$ 1?"$ LM'**A@UA$ %B@O7?B$ PA'?*"@U ZB@UA$ Z"@A$ LM'N#"B@T$ &A")MA?Q$ 7*A'RS?A$ LA*AY?'Q"B@$ 0#A@$ PA'?*"@U ZB@UA$Z"@A$LM'N#"B@=> /RQ$('N RTR Eternally Good, by Zippos Mr Good Bar. Dam of 3 foals, no performers to date. E@($('N Eternal Starrific, by Starrific. Earner of 1 Open Performance point. Dam of 8 foals, no performers-McKays Elegant Chip (f. by Zips Chocolate Chip). Dam of-$8LL271$K61J$7Z283:&2$(Invitaion Only). 80 points & $4,722: Southern Belle Breeders Novice/Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion & NSBA Reserve Champion; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Jamica Me Hot (f. by Blazing Hot). Dam of-Mea Hot Temptation (A Hot Temptation). Iowa QHA Breeders Futurity 3Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Co-Champion; RMQHA QHA Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line Champion. ]?($('N Miss Eternal Coy, by Eternal Bonanza. Earner of 1 Open Performance point. Dam of-JBQ?B((A?$XA*SkA$(Hotrodders Jet Set). 58.5 points: Congress Reserve Champion Open Heeling, 3rd in the Amateur Heading and top 10 in the Open Heading; top 10, World Show Open Junior Heading; Performance ROM. 2QA?@'*$_BQ"B@R (Boston Revolution). 79.5 points: Open Halter ROM; Open & Youth Performance ROM. Dam of-7'RR"@U$2NBQ"B@R. 41 points: Youth Halter & Performance ROM. Fonda Pie (Gray Pie Too). Dam of-Fonda Jetsetter. 1.5 points & $1,089: top 10, Farnham Non-Pro Reining Futurity. Dam of JBQ$%$7'RR"WA (43 points: Open Performance ROM). FP Hot Stuff. Dam of -JB*($1M'Q$$JBQ?B(. $1,537: Firecracker Classic Limited Open class winner. svp 9/09 Consigned by Brett & Tara Spencer J"#$%B> ]// ZB#A$0@$!"UU5 J"#$%B> ]// 2005 Bay Gelding Prinzziple ZB#A$0@$!"UU5 d,[+,.,F { Samoa Island (TB) 1998 ! ! The Big Investment Principle Investment { Tiger Serena Choicetta Pine Zippo Pine Bar { Choicetta Bars Fruitzig { Danzig Gyro Lite Alibhai Island Whirl { Island Sailorette 72&V0&_8%L2$ &2L0&X: NSBA money-earner ($4,000 unofficial earnings): 2009 NSBA Breeders Championship 4-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion; 4th, 2009 NSBA Breeders Championship Limited Open & Non-Pro 4-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Futurity, top 10 in the Open; top 10, 2009 NSBA World Limited Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity; Texas State Champion Hunter Under Saddle-2-times. %0123: Lope On Ziggy is a gorgeous bay gelding standing over 16.2 hands with an exceptional lope, jog and trot. He had some lameness issues with his left front foot as a yearling and 2-year-old but has been sound ever since. “Ziggy” is an exceptional individual that is ready to begin a career as an all-around horse. His dam also sells. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA BCF, NSBA Stallion Incentive Fund. 45$ 7&6%!!67Z2$ ;8IJ8=$ ;/<<]=>$ 2'?@A?$ BC$ [.$ #B"@QR$ '@($ D[G]]]H$ QB#$ /,G LB@U?ARR$3A@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$'@($LB@U?ARR$0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'O RS?A$ _'QS?"Q5T$ QB#$ /EG$ KB?*($ LM'N#"B@RM"#$ 3A@"B?$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?AT %'Q"B@'*$ 3A@"B?$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ ZA'(A?T$ %348$ gE$ 3A@"B?$ KARQA?@ 7*A'RS?A$JB?RAG$3S#A?"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A>$3"?A$BC$7&6%!!67Z23$7&6X2 ;]].$ #B"@QR$ '@($ DF-G]E<H$ 8IJ8$ J"UM$ 7B"@Q$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ 9A*("@UT LB@U?ARR$ %B@O7?B$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ VSQS?"Q5$ &ARA?WA$ LM'N#"B@T$ ]?(G KB?*($EOPA'?O0*($KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$FQMG$KB?*($3MB`$8N'QAS?$KARQA?@ 7*A'RS?AT$QB#$ /,G$KB?*($^S@"B?$ 7*A'RS?AT$ %348$ J"UM$7B"@Q$%B@O7?B$EO PA'?O0*($KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$&ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@T$0#A@G$8N'QAS?$\$PBSQM 3S#A?"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A=> /RQ$('N Samoa Island (TB), by Fruitzig. Dam of 5 QH foals, 1 performer-ZB#A$0@$!"UU5 (g. by Prinzziple). Reference. E@($('N Alibhai Island, by Island Whirl. 2 wins in 21 career starts at 3, $14,176. Dam of 2 TB foals, 1 starter, above. ]?($('N Sailorette, by Handsome Kid. 3 wins at 4, $34,586. Dam of 8 TB foals, 8 starters, 7 winners-Sailaroo (Buckaroo). 5 wins in 48 career starts at 3 and 4, $37,067. Chief of Strength (Give Me Strength). 6 wins in 22 career starts at 3 and 4, $29,049. Collard Greens (An Eldorado). 5 wins in 39 career starts, 3 to 5, $25,940. Alibhai Island (Island Whirl). Above. Rocky Cove (Rock Point). Winner in 21 career starts at 3, $7,960. Sail South (Northern Holme). Winner in 22 career starts at 3 and 4, $6,680. Just Coming Out (Alla Breva). Winner in 11 career starts at 4, $5,034. svp 9/09 Consigned by Tom Hanson J"#$%B> ]/E 7?BQA)Q$PBS?$8RRAQR J"#$%B> ]/E 1995 Bay Stallion &232&f2$K0&ZX$LJ8_760%$36&2 Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Good Asset 7?BQA)Q$PBS?$8RRAQR ]]+]E,/ { Scars Social Kitty 1981 ! ! Miss Rebel Rita Top Rebel { Rita’s Orphan Scars Te N’ Te { Te Scarborough Fair Zippos Skippy Pine Bar { Zippo Social Kitty 72&V0&_8%L2$ &2L0&X: $32,044: NSBA #1 Two-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Junior Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Champion of the Heartbeat, Lone Star, Southern Belle, Tom Powers, Breeders Classic & Nebraska Silver Classic Western Pleasure Futurities; 25.5 Open Performance points: ROM. 36&2$&2L0&X: Sire of the earners of 4,007 points, 75 ROM, 18 Superiors earning $150,000, including$ 8ZZ0L812$ P0:&$ 833213$ ($26,259 and 156 points: 2ESERVE7ORLD#HAMPION3R(UNTER5NDER3ADDLE ; Congress 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; NSBA #1 High Point 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Horse & Sr HUS; NSBA Breeders Gold & Silver 2-YearOld Hunter Under Saddle Futurities’ Champion; 3rd, Select World Hunter Under Saddle; Superior Open & Amateur Hunter Under Saddle), 4:X$ Z69J1 7Z2832$(34 time-ABRA World or Reserve World Champion), 1J2$83321 _8b2& ($7,781: 2008 Just For Pleasure Futurity SSA 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion; 2008 Congress NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes Reserve Champion). 45$900X$83321$;/<-<=>$2'?@A?$BC$+/$#B"@QR$"@$]$AWA@QRH$-QMG$LB@U?ARR$^S@"B? KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A>$8$E,,-$8IJ8$ZA'("@U$7A?CB?N'@)A$3"?A$"@$-$("W"R"B@R '@($'@$%348$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?A> /RQ$('N 3L8&3$30L68Z$b611P, by Scars Te. 258.5 points: top 10, World Show Amateur Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 9 foals, 7 performers-38f2$P0:&$833213$(g. by Good Asset). 834.5 points & $46,328: Whistle Stop 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion, Silver Classic Breeders 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; Lone Star NSBA 2-YearOld Western Pleasure Champion; AQHYA Performance Champion. 7&012L1$P0:&$833213$(c. by Good Asset). Reference. 6@WARQ$PBS?$8RRAQR (g. by Good Asset). 192 points & $5,295: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. 2*AU'@Q$2iS"Q5$(f. by Good Asset). 23 points & $9,567: 4th, Congress 2-YearOld Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Youth Performance ROM. Bet My Sweet Asset (f. by Good Asset). 6.5 points: 6th, Silver Classic NebraskaBred 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure. Dam of-8430Z:12ZP$_P$421$(Absolute Investment). 66 points & $9,745: 3rd, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Stakes; NSBA Breeders Championship Silver 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure CoChampion; Open Superior Western Pleasure. svp 9/09 Consigned by Debbie Jowett J"#$%B> ]/] 3A'QQ*AR$XAR"U@$3Q'? J"#$%B> ]/] May 29, 2008 Brown Filly Etched In The Stars 3A'QQ*AR$XAR"U@$3Q'? d,[.+.EF { Seattle Dove’s Due (TB) 1993 ! ! Skipa Star Deck Of Stars { Opal Deck Cassie De Great Tommy De Great { Call Me Cassie Due Diligence { Stevward Rather Special Seattle Dove Song { Seattle Dove Creek Lady %0123: Seattles Design Star is by Etched In The Stars and out of a multi world show qualifier and ROM producer. This filly has a huge reach and a deep soft lope. She wants to please you and is easy to train. She strings to be 16.3 to 17 hands. Nominated to the AQHA Incnetive Fund. Eligible for WI, MN and NSBA Breeders. 45$ 21LJ2X$ 6%$ 1J2$ 318&3$ ;E,,,=>$ ]]>+$ #B"@QRH$ [QMG$ KB?*($ 3MB`$ ^S@"B? 7*A'RS?A$X?"W"@UT$QB#$/,G$8IJ8$J"UM$7B"@Q$^S@"B?$7*A'RS?A$X?"W"@UT$[QMG &A")MA?Q$ LA*AY?'Q"B@$ %348$ ]OPA'?O0*($ Z"N"QA($ 0#A@$ JS@QA?$ :@(A? 3'((*AT$68$K"@QA?$KB@(A?*'@($%348$0#A@$^S@"B?$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*AT 0#A@$7A?CB?N'@)A$&0_>$$J"R$B*(ARQ$CB'*R$'?A$EOPA'?O0*(R>$$3B@$BC$X2Lb 0V$318&3G$3S#A?"B?$J'*QA?>$8@$8IJ8$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC$JS@QA? :@(A?$3'((*A$7B"@QO2'?@A?RT$'@$%348$ZA'("@U$3"?A> /RQ$('N Seattle Dove’s Due (TB), by Due Dilligence. Placed at 4, $2,202. Dam of 9 AQHA foals, 4 performers-4&$XA)a$3NBBQM"A (g. by Duplicated Deck). 81.5 points & $1,775: Southern Belle NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion; Gordyville 4 & 5-Year-Old NSBA Youth Hunter Under Saddle Champion; top 10, Reichert Celebration Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Maturity; Open & Youth Performance ROM; 17.5 Novice/Youth points. 4&$3M')a (g. by Duplicated Deck). 33 Open Performance points: Denver National AQHA Open Junior Hunter Under Saddle Champion; Open ROM. BR Duplicate Nights (f. by Duplicate Deck). 11 Open, Amateur & Youth points: top 10, 2008 Congress NYATT Hunter Under Saddle; 5th, 2008 VA QHA Futurity 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle; 7.5 Novice points. E@($('N Seattle Dove, by Seattle Song. Dam of 4 foals, 1 to race-Seattle Dove's Due (Due Diligence). Above. ]?($('N X0f2$L&22b$Z8XP, by Decathlon. 12 wins, 9 times 2nd, 6 times 3rd. Earned $145,519, Turf Ladies H., Midsummer H., Cypress H., Starlet S. 3B*")"Q"@U (Sassafras (FR). 5 wins, 2 to 5, $113,746, 3rd Selima S.-9/. Dam of-b@B)a"@$XBB?R (Cure the Blues). 15 wins, 3 to 7, $182,633, 2nd Woodlands Derby, 3rd Remington Cup H. Phone Soliciter (Phone Trick). Winner at 2, $58,192. Dam of-Meadow Phone Home. Winner to 3, $69,514, 2nd Somethingroyal S.-R. Alice Phone Home. Winner at 2, $34,493. Calm in the East (Stormy Atlantic). 2 wins at 3, $30,942. Angie's Current (Little Current). 7 wins, 3 to 5, $78,667. Set ncr at Atlantic City. svp 9/09 Consigned by Mills Quarter Horses J"#$%B> ]/F 8$&A($JBQ$b?5NRS@ J"#$%B> ]/F February 15, 2008 Sorrel Colt One Hot Krymsun 8$&A($JBQ$b?5NRS@ +/+.+// { Shes Hot Potential 2000 ! ! Barpassers Image Invitation Only { Bears Raisin Kane Krymsun Jet Set Hotrodders Jet Set { Crystal Class Potential Investment Investment { Principle Hot Little Treasure Shesa Hot Cookie Chocolate Chip { Zips Beckys Melody %0123: Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA BCF. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. 45$0%2$J01$b&P_3:%$;/<<<=$lJP77$%j%m>$.OQ"NA$KB?*(jLB@U?ARR$LM'N#"B@ A'?@"@U$D[[G[.<H$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$3A@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$KB?*($LM'NO #"B@$EOPA'?O0*($KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RAT$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$^S@"B?$KARQO A?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ JB?RAT$ LB@U?ARR$ 0#A@$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ _'QS?"Q5T$ LB@O U?ARR$ %B@O7?B$ _'QS?"Q5$ LM'N#"B@T$ LB@U?ARR$ ^S@"B?$ KARQA?@$ &"("@U LM'N#"B@T$ LB@U?ARR$ ]OPA'?O0*($ 0#A@$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ LM'N#"B@T %348$J"UM$7B"@Q$%B@O7?B$_'QS?"Q5$LM'N#"B@T$%348$J"UM$7B"@Q$]OPA'?O 0*($ 0#A@$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ LBO&ARA?WA$ LM'N#"B@$ '@($ 6@QA?NA("'QA 0#A@$&ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@T$%348$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$_B@A5O2'?@A?>$$E,,%348$g[$ZA'("@U$3"?AT$E,,-$8IJ8$ZA'("@U$3"?A$"@$[$X"W"R"B@R> /RQ$('N 3J23$J01$7012%168Z, by Potential Investment. 58 points & $2,296: split 5th, Reichert Pleasure Celebration NSBA 3-Year-Old $1,000 Novice Open; Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 4 foals, the oldest a 3-year-old by One Hot Krymsun. E@($('N 3J238$J01$L00b62, by Zips Chocolate Chip. 415 points & $36,359: Congress 3Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; 5th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Maturity; High Point Amateur Western Pleasure; 3rd, High Point Open Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 12 foals, 8 performers-6%f612$_2V0&$L00b623 (f. by Invitation Only). 448 points & $24,870: Whistle Stop 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; top 10, World Show Jr & Sr Western Pleasure; Sup. Western Pleasure. Dam of-6&0%LZ8X$6%f618160%. 85 points & $13,261: Scottsdale Classic NSBA 2Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; top 10, World Show 2-YearOld Western Pleasure. J:%16%$0&203. $21,634: split 3rd, Reichert Celebration 3-Year-Old + Maiden Open Slot Western Pleasure. 3J283$J01$6%f618160% (f. by Invitation Only). 106 points & $26,968: Scottsdale Classic NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion 3rd, Congress 3-Year Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Derby. 3J23$J01$7012%168Z (f. by Potential Investment). Above. 6_8$J01$6%f618160% (f. by Invitation Only). 27 points & $22,666: 3rd, 2008 Reichert Celebration 3-Year-Old + Maiden Open Western Pleasure. J01$L00b623$0%ZP$(f. by Invitation Only). 25 points & $12,780: top 10, Congress 2-Year-Old Master Open Western Pleasure. L&8f6%$L00b623$(g. by Dont Skip Zip). 104 points & $2,292: Open Superior Western Pleasure. svp 8/09 Consigned by Theresa Joyclyn Corgill J"#$%B> ]/+ 3MAc'$XB**$V')A J"#$%B> ]/+ January 1, 2008 Bay Filly Face It Im Good 3MAc'$XB**$V')A +,/<],- { Shes Realy Fun 1998 ! ! Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Blue Tigress Tiger Leo { Camp Town Cutie Dynamic Deluxe Deluxe { Sonny Boston Sonora In Scent Of Fun Commander { Mito Docs Bonita Babe %0123: Sheza Doll Face has the talent and strength to show early and the mind to go with it. Foaled on January 1st, she is an ultra feminine, balanced filly with a gorgeous head and a charisma that no judge can overlook. She has top of the line pedigree and loads of natural talent. “Dolly” is destined to be a performer and an outstanding future broodmare. She’s been saddled several times and took it in stride. Easy to handle, trim, groom and haul. She has a kind disposition and is a pleasure to be around. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Just For Pleasure and NSBA Incentive Fund. 45$V8L2$61$6_$900X$;/<<F=>$$</$J'*QA?$\$7A?CB?N'@)A$#B"@QRH$8IJ8$LM'NO #"B@T$QB#$/,G$JBSRQB@$8IJ8$0#A@$^S@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$0#A@$J'*QA? \$ 7A?CB?N'@)A$ &0_>$ $ 3"?A$ BC$ 3:%$ 0V$ V8L2$ ;E<>+$ PBSQM$ 7A?CB?N'@)A #B"@QR$ \$ ].>+$ %BW")AjPBSQM$ #B"@QRT$ PBSQM$ 7A?CB?N'@)A$ &0_=G$ !677P 900X$1P_2$;<>+$J'*QA?$\$7A?CB?N'@)A$#B"@QRH$QB#$/,G$&AU"B@'*$2k#A?"O A@)A$PBSQM$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A=G$0%2$900X$J8&Z2P$;<$0#A@$7A?CB?N'@)A #B"@QRH$L"?)S"Q$LM'N#"B@$2'RQ$LB'RQ$LM'N#"B@RM"#$%BW")A$PBSQM$JS@QA? :@(A?$ 3'((*AT$ /,$ %BW")AjPBSQM$ #B"@QR=G$ _633$ V8L2$ 61$ ;F>+$ 0#A@$ \ 8N'QAS?$ 7A?CB?N'@)A$ #B"@QR=G$ 30$ 900X$ 6$ 3J6%2$ ;QB#$ /,G$ ^SRQ$ VB? 7*A'RS?A$FOPA'?O0*($%B@O7?B$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*AT$E>+$#B"@QR=G$V8L2$61 6_$ V:%$ ;E,,-$ _0$ IJ8$ VSQS?"Q5$ EOPA'?O0*($ 0#A@$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A &ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@=>$3B@$BC$!67703$_&$900X$48&> /RQ$('N Shes Realy Fun, by Dynamic Deluxe. Dam of 5 foals, 1 performer-Face It Im Fun (g. by Face It Im Good). 2008 Missouri QHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion. E@($('N In Scent Of Fun, by Mito Commander. 3 Open & Amateur Halter points. Dam of-Plain Dynamics (Dynamic Deluxe). 5 Amateur Performance points. Mr Dynamic Deluxe (Dynamic Deluxe). 3 Open Performance points. Zipple In Command (Prinzzilpe). 3 Open & Amateur Performance points. BB Mito Prinzziple (Prinzziple). Split 3rd, Horseman’s QHA Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line & 5th in the Non-Pro; finalist, Just For Pleasure Open & Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line. ]?($('N XB)R$4B@"Q'$4'YA, by Valentino Doc Bar. 58 points: Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. Dam of-_BB@*"UMQ$VAWA? (Mito Commander). 25 points: Youth Performance ROM. FQM$('N Bolo Babe, by Sandy Bolo. Winner of 3 races to 3. Dam of-XB)R$4B@"Q'$4'YA (Valentino Doc Bar). Above. Ladigo Flash (Skipper’s Go Lad). 16 Youth Performance points. svp 8/09 J"#$%B> ]/[ Consigned by Alderson Farms, Agent for Randy Alderson 6N#S*R"WA$_'(B@@' J"#$%B> ]/[ 1999 Chestnut Mare 4&2X$10$100$3Z227P$10$!67 Impulsions 6N#S*R"WA$_'(B@@' ]-+[+EE { Shes Simply Charming 1993 ! ! Zippo Pat Bars The Invester { Hank’s Peppy Lou Randados Rosa Cal Bar { Gay Bar Annie Charmed At Dee Bar Dee Bar { Sonny Skips Hi Charm Lady Vermajo Pat Bars { Zippo Vermajo Miss %0123: Impulsive Madonna is an excellent, well bred mare. She has excellent conformation and disposition. She is broke to ride. Last 4&2X on June 12, 2009 to 100$3Z227P$10$!67. 7&0X:L2$&2L0&X: 2004 Thedecisionisfinal, g. by Zippo Finale. .5 Amateur Peformance point. 2005 Madonnas Finale Show, f. by Zippo Finale. 2006 Ima Chocolate Impulse, f. by Sweet Talkin Chip 2007 Reprized, c. by Zippos Mr Good Bar. 45$6_7:Z360%3$;/<-.=>$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$EOPA'?O0*($KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RAT LB@U?ARR$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$XA?Y5$LM'N#"B@T$%348$J'**$BC$V'NAT$%348 4?B@cA$8`'?(>$8@$8IJ8$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$7B"@QO 2'?@A?R$'@($'@$%348$1B#$/E$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?AG$R"?"@U$QMA$A'?@A?R$BC E,G/,,$8IJ8$#B"@QRG$]E+$&0_G$/,/$3S#A?"B?RG$EE$KB?*(j&ARA?WA$KB?*( LM'N#"B@RM"#R$;]$87J8=$'@($D</+G-,.> /RQ$('N Shes Simply Charming, by Charmed At Dee Bar. Dam of 8 foals, 5 performers-30$36_7ZP$J01 (f. by Blazing Hot). $13,340: Lone Star Breeders’ Futurity 2Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; Greater Houston Futurity 2-YearOld Open Western Pleasure Champion; Lone Star QHA Futurity 3-YearOld Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion & 3rd in the Open; 5th, Congress Limited Open 3-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Futurity. Dam of-36_7Z2$31:VV (Hot Impulse). 65 points: 3rd, Reichert Celebration Green Western Pleasure & Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity; Open Superior Western Pleasure; 3rd, NSBA High Point Limited Open Maturity. JBQ$8R$b?5NRS@$(One Hot Krymsun). 30 points & $5,866: top 10, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old $100,000 Slot Intermediate Open Western Pleasure; 3rd, NSBA World Show 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; top 10, Congress 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure. E@($('N Lady Vermajo, by Zippo Pat Bars. Dam of-!'@R$fA?N'nB (Zan Parr Bar). 21.5 Open Performance points: top 10, Congress Open Heeling; Performance ROM. L*'RR"C"A($LM'?N (Charmed At Dee Bar). 20.5. Open & Amateur Performance points: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Charm Included (Charmed At Dee Bar). Dam of-6%f618160%$6%LZ:X2X. 109 points & $13,136: 4th, NSBA Breeders Gold 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; 3rd, Just for Pleasure 2-Year-Old Lim. Open Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Halter & Perf.ROM. svp 9/09 J"#$%B> ]/. Consigned by Roger Gollehon, Agent for Chad Weaver JAR$3B$!"##B J"#$%B> ]/. February 2, 2008 Bay Colt Dont Skip Zip JAR$3B$!"##B +/]E<.[ { Shes So Blazing Hot 1997 ! ! Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine She Shes A Ten Saved The Day { Zero’s Bar Miss Blazing Hot Jet Set { Hotrodders Tahnee Zippo Lifes A Zippo Pine Bar { Zippo Bonanzas Rita %0123: Hes So Zippo is an outstanding prospect by Leading AQHA Sire, Dont Skip Zip and out of a proven daughter of Blazing Hot. Lifes A Zippo is by the great Zippo Pine Bar. This colt has the pedigree, disposition and conformation to compete at the big ones. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. 45$ X0%1$ 3b67$ !67$ ;/<<,=>$ 2'?@A?$ BC$ /.<$ #B"@QR$ '@($ D/[G-<]H$ J"UM$ 7B"@Q KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$LM'N#"B@T$J"UM$7B"@Q$^S@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$LM'NO #"B@T$FQMG$LB@U?ARR$0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$XA?Y5G$+QM$%B@O7?BT$3S#A?"B? 0#A@$\$8N'QAS?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A>$E,,-$8IJ8$QB#$/,$ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC 7A?CB?N'@)A$&0_$'@($'@$%348$1B#$/,$ZA'("@U$3"?A> /RQ$('N Shes So Blazing Hot, by Blazing Hot. Dam of 5 foals, 1 performer-A Blazing Hot Asset (f. by Protect Your Assets). 1 Open Performance point. E@($('N Z6V23$8$!6770, by Zippo Pine Bar. 35.5 points & $10,595: 3rd, Congress 2-YearOld Open Western Pleasure Futurity; top10, Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. Dam of 11 foals, 7 performers613$8$900X$Z6V2 (Good Version). 86.5 points & $31,450: NSBA Breeders 2-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity Champion & Open Gold Reserve Champion; Reichert Pleasure Celebration NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Futurity Champion; Ohio Breeders 2-Year-Old Open & Non-Pro Champion; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. 91$V"WA$JS@(?A( (Ziprageous). $6,486: Tattersall Fall Sale Futurity Open 2Year-Old Western Pleasure Reserve Champion. !"##BR$JBQ$Z"CA (Blazing Hot). $1,761: Kansas QHA Fall Circuit NSBA Open Yearling Longe Line Champion; 5th, Just For Pleasure Open Yearling Longe Line; top 10, NSBA High Point Open Yearling Longe Line. !"##BR$4*'c"@U$JBQ (Blazing Hot). 30.5 points: Open Performance ROM. !"##BR$JBQ$Z"CA (Blazing Hot). $1,761: 5th, Just For Pleasure Open Yearling Longe Line. Dam of-LB`U"?*R$%$Z')A. $8,390: 3rd, Congress NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure & 5th in the Open. ]?($('N Bonanzas Rita, by Barney’s Bonanza. Dam of-3bP3$1J2$Z6_61 (APHA)(Sky Bug Bingo). 274 points in 13 events; Superior Hunter Under Saddle, Western Pleasure & Barrel Racing. !"##B$VB?$_A (Zippo Pine Bar). 7.5 points & $2,636: 6th, Congress 3-Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure Futurity. 1MA$!"##B (Zippo Pine Bar). 16 points: Open Performance ROM. Dream Ofa Zippo (Zippo Pine Bar). 9 Open Performance points. svp 9/09 J"#$%B> ]/- Consigned by Roger Landis, Agent for Michael & Rochelle Farina 3MS(('$6@W"QA($_A J"#$%B> ]/- March 9, 2008 Bay Gelding Invitation Only 3MS(('$6@W"QA($_A +/,+--[ { Shesa Jet Setter 1991 ! ! Barpassers Image Bears Raisin Kane Hotrodders Jet Set Shesa Silver Story Barpasser { Tee Command Mr Kane Raiser { Revenda Hotrodder { Doc’s Miss Clique Lacings { Silver Shesa Story Bee %0123: Shudda Invited Me has a classic pedigree. Invitation Only on a daughter of Hotrodders Jet Set. You will understand why when you see him lope. A great prospect with the credentials to be a show horse. Royal family top and bottom. He’s sure to be a contender in the 2-year-old events. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA, Tom Powers and Southern Belle. 45$ 6%f618160%$ 0%ZP$ ;/<<,=>$ 1M"?(G$ KB?*($ EOPA'?O0*($ 3@'CC*A$ 4"Q$ KARQA?@ 7*A'RS?AT$]?(G$LB@U?ARR$^S@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A>$$E,,-$8IJ8$g/$ZA'("@U 7A?CB?N'@)A$3"?A$"@$[$("W"R"B@RT$E,,-$%348$g/$ZA'("@U$3"?AG$R"?"@U$QMA A'?@A?R$BC$]-G.E<$8IJ8$#B"@QRG$[/,$&0_G$/<F$3S#A?"B?$'`'?(RG$]F$KB?*(j &ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@RM"#R$'@($BWA?$DEG[,EG--E> /RQ$('N Shesa Jet Setter, by Hotrodders Jet Set. 8 Performance points. Dam of 9 foals, 5 performers-3J238$900X$%$J01162$(f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). $25,658: 3rd, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old $100,000 Slot Intermediate Open Western Pleasure; Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Stakes Co-Champion; Flag City Extra Futurity SSA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; 2008 Missouri QHA Breeders 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity Champion & Open Reserve Champion. 1MA$9?A'QA?$9BB( (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 19.5 points: Open Perf. ROM. 6N$3B$9BB($6N$JBQ (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 22.5 points & $1,595: 7th, Just For Pleasure NSBA 3-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure; split 6th, Tom Powers 3-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure; finalist, Just For Pleasure Open Yearling Longe Line; Open & Youth Performance ROM. E@($('N Shesa Silver Story, by Silver Lacings. Dam of-J238$J01$310&P (Hotrodders Jet Set). 229 points & $5,106: Congress Champion Horsemanship; Open Superior Western Pleasure. !67703$&636%9$318& (Zippo Pine Bar). 98.5 points & $5,016: Suntan Circuit 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open Superior Pleasure. Dam ofVV$!67$10$1J2$318&3. 610 points: AQHYA Champion; AQHYA Performance Champion; Regional Experience Amateur Champion Showmanship, Western Riding and Trail Horse; 4th, Breeders Classic 2-YearOld Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Youth Superior Western Pleasure. !"##"@$fA?R"B@. 11 points & $6,240: N Carolina QHA Futurity NSBA Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Champion; Southern Belle NSBA Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion. 3QB?5R$Z"QQ*A$4*'cA (Blazing Hot). 29.5 points & $1,814: top 10, Just For Pleasure 3-Year-Old Limited Open Pleasure; Amateur ROM. svp 9/09 J"#$%B> ]/< Consigned by Down The Rail, Agt. for Mark Shannon Miers 3M'`@AA$Z'(5$LM"# J"#$%B> ]/< May 15, 2008 Sorrel Filly Zips Chocolate Chip 3M'`@AA$Z'(5$LM"# +/F<E., { Shesa Shawnee Lady 1993 ! ! Zippo Pine Bar Fancy Blue Chip Hesa Super Shawnee Richest Kind Zippo Pat Bars { Dollie Pine Custus Jaguar { Irene 3 Son { Shawnee Ima Gold Daisy Seeker { Dandy Chica Pollyanna %0123: Shawnee Lady Chip is a beautiful filly with the self carriage and look it takes to be a top futurity prospect. She is trainable, easy going and a natural. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Southern Belle, NSBA and Tom Powers. 45$ !673$ LJ0L0Z812$ LJ67$ ;/<-+=>$ %348$ J'**$ BC$ V'NAT$ KB?*($ LM'N#"B@ ^S@"B?$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ JB?RAG$ `"@@"@U$ S@(A?$ '**$ C"WA$ nS(UAR>$ 1MA 8IJ8eR$ g]$ 8**O1"NA$ ZA'("@U$ 3"?A$ BC$ 0#A@$ 7B"@QO2'?@A?RG$ gF$ 8**O1"NA ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC$0#A@$7A?CB?N'@)A$&0_T$%348$gE$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?A '@($'@$87J8$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?AG$R"?"@U$QMA$A'?@A?R$BC$]<G-//$#B"@QRG [,]$&0_$'@($E].$3S#A?"B?$'`'?(RG$]/$KB?*(j&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@O RM"#R$'@($D/G--+G,,,G$"@)*S("@U$3b673$372L68Z$48&4$;D-/G]F]H$FOQ"NA KB?*(jLB@U?ARR$LM'N#"B@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RAT$J"UM$7B"@Q$3A@"B?$KARQA?@ 7*A'RS?A$LM'N#"B@=G$0%2$&2X$J01$!67$;D./G,++H$+OQ"NA$KB?*(jLB@U?ARR LM'N#"B@$"@$KARQA?@$&"("@U$'@($KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A=G$LJ673$LJ0L0Z812 318&$;EG/FF$#B"@QR$'@($D[]G+.+H$8IJ8$J"UM$7B"@Q$8**O8?BS@($9A*("@U=> LJ673$ 0&696%8Z$ L00b6$ ;D+.G/+-H$ +OQ"NA$ KB?*(jLB@U?ARR$ LM'N#"B@G 8IJP8$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RA=G$LJ678&&6V6L$;+OQ"NA KB?*($LM'N#"B@$KB?a"@U$JS@QA?T$LB@U?ARR$JS@QA?$L*'RR")$LM'N#"B@=> 3"?A$BC$QMA$('NR$BC$6$Z6b2$J01$LJ673$;8IJ8$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$EOPA'?O0*( KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RA=> /RQ$('N Shesa Shawnee Lady, by Hesa Super Shawnee. Dam of 10 foals, 3 performers, no point earners. E@($('N Richest Kind, by Dandy Seeker. Earner of 2 Open & Youth Performance points. Dam of 1 other foal. ]?($('N Chica Pollyanna, by Skeezix Jud. Earner of 1 Open Halter point. Dam of-Z'(R$1A'$1"NA$(Lad’s Imperial). 36 points & $1,696: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-1283$6%$16_2. 487 points & $9,241: Amateur AQHA Performance Champion; top 10, Congress Novice Youth Horsemanship; Open & Amateur Superior Trail; Amateur Superior Western Horsemanship & Showmanship; Youth Superior Showmanship. Darjeeling. 11 Open & Amateur Halter points. A Scotch Tea. 4 Open & Youth Halter points. FQM$('N Chico Polly, by Chico McCue. Earner of 1 Open Halter point. Granddam of-78ZZ20e3$K81LJ. 235 points: 4th, World Show Open Junior Barrel Racing; Superior Open Barrel Racing & Pole Bending. svp 10/09 Consigned by Marian Hunter J"#$%B> ]E, 1BQ'**5$JBQ$6N#S*RA J"#$%B> ]E, April 21, 2008 Sorrel Colt Hot Impulse 1BQ'**5$JBQ$6N#S*RA +,<]EE< { Shez Totally Vested 2000 ! ! Impulsions Ms Hot Medicine Vested Pine Sevens Magnolia Bar The Invester { Randados Rosa Hotrodders Jet Set { Miss Medicine Man Invester { The Zippos Bay Lady S Speedy Glo { Seven Magnolia Gay Bar %0123: Totally Hot Impulse is a big, beautiful, great moving colt by Hot Impulse. Ready to get started. He has great bloodlines. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. 45$J01$6_7:Z32$;/<<[=>$2'?@A?$BC$//+$#B"@QR$'@($D/]G-<FH$KB?*($LM'N#"B@ ^S@"B?$KARQA?@$&"("@U$JB?RAT$FQMG$LB@U?ARR$^S@"B?$KARQA?@$&"("@UT$+QMG LB@U?ARR$ 0#A@$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ XA?Y5T$ 3S#A?"B?$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?AT NS*Q"#*A$CSQS?"Q5$)M'N#"B@>$3"?A$BC$..$&0_G$E-$3S#A?"B?RG$F$&ARA?WA$KB?*( LM'N#"B@R$A'?@"@U$+GE.[$#B"@QRG$"@)*S("@U$6_$378&bZ6%9$J01$;D][GE]] \$]<[$#B"@QRH$8IJP8$&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$LB@O U?ARR$LM'N#"B@$PBSQM$/EO/F$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$0#A@$\$PBSQM$3S#A?"B? KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A=G$ 6%f231_2%1$ J:%12&$ ;D]FG<]/$ \$ .+F$ #B"@QRH$ &AO RA?WA$ KB?*($ LM'N#"B@$ ^?$ JS@QA?$ J')aT$ &ARA?WA$ KB?*($ LM'N#"B@$ ^? KB?a"@U$JS@QA?T$-OQ"NA$8IJ8$J"UM$7B"@Q$JB?RAT$3)BQQR('*A$L*'RR")$%348 ]OPA'?O0*($ 0#A@$ JS@QA?$ :@(A?$ 3'((*A$ &ARA?WA$ LM'N#"B@T$ +QMG$ KB?*( 3MB`$0#A@$^?$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*A=G$6%$2332%L2$;/+<$#B"@QR$\$D/FG,E+H E,,-$&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$7A?CB?N'@)A$J'*QA?$_'?AT$3S#A?"B?$KARQO A?@$7*A'RS?A=G$J238$J01$!6770$;D+FG/]+$\$[+$#B"@QRH$&A")MA?Q$7*A'RS?A LA*AY?'Q"B@$EOPA'?O0*($DE+,G,,,$0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$LM'**A@UA$&AO RA?WA$LM'N#"B@T$3S#A?"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A=> /RQ$('N Shez Totally Vested, by Vested Pine. Dam of 5 foals, no performers to date. X'NeR$R"?A, f2312X$76%2, earner of $24,780 & 105 points in Halter, Western Riding and Western Pleasure: Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; top 10, World Championship Junior Western Pleasure 3 times; Superior Western Pleasure; 4th, Congress Limited 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Derby. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 5,295 points, 75 ROM, 23 Superiors, 8 World/Reserve World Championships and nearly $500,000, including$ 6%f231$ %$ f618Z$ 369%3 ($141,556: Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Challenge Champion; AQHA Reserve World Champion 2-Year-Old Open Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 2008 Congress NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; 2008 NSBA Reserve High Point Amateur Western Pleasure; Congress 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion). E@($('N Sevens Magnolia Bar, by Seven S Speedy Glo. Dam of-6$3'"($6N$9BB( (A Good Machine). 15 points: Youth Performance ROM. ]?($('N Magnolia Gay Bar, by Magnolia Pay. Dam of-The Investress (Good Investor). NSBA money-earner. svp 9/09 Consigned by Debbie Jowett J"#$%B> ]E/ 6'N$8$4"U$3Q'?$%B` J"#$%B> ]E/ April 5, 2008 Bay Filly Etched In The Stars 6'N$8$4"U$3Q'?$%B` d,[.+[,+ { Selan’s Song (TB) 1996 ! ! Skipa Star Deck Of Stars { Opal Deck Cassie De Great Tommy De Great { Call Me Cassie Seattle Bound Slew { Seattle Mirthful Flirt Cyndy’s Delight S. { Kris Bedtime Toy %0123: Im A Big Star Now is a big filly that strings to be 17.1. She has a big stride and is a deep loper. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for WI, MN and NSBA Breeders. 45$ 21LJ2X$ 6%$ 1J2$ 318&3$ ;E,,,=>$ ]]>+$ #B"@QRH$ [QMG$ KB?*($ 3MB`$ ^S@"B? 7*A'RS?A$X?"W"@UT$QB#$/,G$8IJ8$J"UM$7B"@Q$^S@"B?$7*A'RS?A$X?"W"@UT$[QMG &A")MA?Q$ LA*AY?'Q"B@$ %348$ ]OPA'?O0*($ Z"N"QA($ 0#A@$ JS@QA?$ :@(A? 3'((*AT$68$K"@QA?$KB@(A?*'@($%348$0#A@$^S@"B?$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*AT 0#A@$7A?CB?N'@)A$&0_>$$J"R$B*(ARQ$CB'*R$'?A$EOPA'?O0*(R>$$3B@$BC$X2Lb 0V$318&3G$3S#A?"B?$J'*QA?>$8@$8IJ8$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC$JS@QA? :@(A?$ 3'((*A$ 7B"@QO2'?@A?RT$ '@$ %348$ ZA'("@U$ 3"?AG$ R"?"@U$ L8ZZ$ _2 7072P2$;8IJP8$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$EOPA'?O0*($9A*("@UT$&ARA?WA$KB?*( LM'N#"B@$9A*("@U$]$Q"NAR=G$X2Lb$%$90$;87J8=$;-[-$#B"@QRH$87J8$KB?*( LM'N#"B@$3A*A)Q$2iS"Q'Q"B@$JB?RAT$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$8N'QAS?$2iS"Q'Q"B@ JB?RA$'@($KB?*($LM'N#"B@$%BW")A$8N'QAS?$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*A$JB?RA=> /RQ$('N Selan’s Song (TB), by Seattle Bound. Dam of 2 QH foals, 1 performer-A Dynamic Return (g. by A Dynamic Curiosity). Showing in AQHA events in 2009. E@($('N Cyndy’s Delight, by Kris S. Winner at 2 and 3, $36,570. Dam of-Dangerous Delight (Qui Native). 8 wins at 3 and 4, $91,370. Nick Tays Delight (Seattle Bound). Winner at 2, $8,685. ]?($('N Bedtime Toy, by Night Invader. 2 wins, 6 times 2nd. Earned $23,677. Dam of-31&233$4:312& (Lines of Power). 3 wins at 2, $87,094, 1st Hopemont S., 2nd Pilgrim S. [9]], 3rd Palm Beach S. [9]]. 36%V:ZZP$X2Z6L60:3 (Jet Diplomacy). 3 wins at 2, $56,715, 1st Miramar S. [L]. 7?AN"A?$7*'5N'QA (Pass Catcher). 2 wins at 2, $58,923, 2nd Colleen S. [L], Garden City Budweiser Breeders's Cup S., 3rd Adirondack S. Dam of-Tantalize (Red Ransom). 3 wins, 3 to 5, $60,783. Dam of-Chief Player. Placed at 2, $5,820. Whatta Waki (Miswaki). Winner at 2, $21,239. Midnight Marathon (Mt. Livermore). Winner at 4, $9,136. 7A?CA)Q$LBN#'@"B@ (Alaskan Frost). Winner at 2, $30,875, 2nd Matt Scudder S. Portable Pal (Prospectors Gamble). 5 wins at 3 and 4, $57,025. Cyndy's Delight (Kris S). Above. Undercover Caper (Alaskan Frost). Winner at 2, $25,270. Undercover Angel (L'Aiglon). Winner at 3, $6,725. svp 9/09 Consigned by Donna Morgan J"#$%B> ]EE fARQA($7'RR"B@ J"#$%B> ]EE 2006 Bay Filly Vested Pine fARQA($7'RR"B@ F-./E[E { Sheza Banjoe 1981 ! ! Zippo Pat Bars The Invester { Hank’s Peppy Lou Zippos Bay Lady Zippo Pine Bar { Sunny Shalee Heza Banjoe Cody { Joe Bandy’s Kingette Dixie Rose Star Star { Goodie Sorrel Dixie Rose %0123: Vested Passion is a beautiful mare out of the Superior mare, Sheza Banjoe. Broke, broke, broke, ready to go show, I just dont have the time. This mare has all the credentials, attitude and movement to be a super star. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. 45$f2312X$76%2$;/<</=>$$2'?@A?$BC$DEFG.-,$\$/,+$#B"@QR$"@$M'*QA?G$`ARQA?@ ?"("@U$'@($`ARQA?@$#*A'RS?AH$LB@U?ARR$Z"N"QA($0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A _'QS?"Q5$LM'N#"B@T$QB#$/,G$KB?*($LM'N#"B@RM"#$^S@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'O RS?A$]$Q"NART$3S#A?"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$FQMG$LB@U?ARR$Z"N"QA($]OPA'?O 0*($KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$XA?Y5>$8@$%348$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?A> /RQ$('N 3J2!8$48%^02G by Heza Banjoe. 517.5 points: 4th, AQHYA World Show Western Horsemanship; 6th, AQHYA World Show Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress Youth Showmanship; Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 11 foals, 7 performers-Z072$0%$6% (g. by Impulsions). 1,377 points & $27,151: !1(9!7ORLD #HAMPION 4RAIL(ORSE7ESTERN2IDING ; Tom Powers 3-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro & Novice Western Pleasure Champion; 3rd, AQHYA World Show Western Horsemanship; 4th, High Point Amateur Western Riding; AQHA & AQHYA Performance Champion; 4th, 2008 World Show Amateur Western Riding. !6772X$169J1 (f. by Zippo Pine Bar). 345 points & $48,732: 2ESERVE7ORLD #HAMPION*R3R7ESTERN0LEASURE2ESERVE7ORLD#HAMPION !MATEUR7ESTERN0LEASURE; Congress 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Reserve Champion & 5th in the Non-Pro; Southern Belle NSBA 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion. Dam of-L:12Z6L60:3 (Impulsions). $32,234: 3rd, 2008 Reichert Celebration NSBA 2-Year-Old $250,000 Western Pleasure Challenge; 2008 Scottsdale Classic NSBA 2-Year-old Open Western Pleasure Champion; 7th, 2008 World Show 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure. fARQA($4A'SQ5 (f. by Vested Pine). $3,400: split 7th, Reichert Celebraion 3Year-Old + Maiden Youth Western Pleasure. ^BA$3S((A@ (g. by A Sudden Impulse). 81 points: 2008 Arizona Sun Circuit High Point Youth Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Performance ROM. Sheza Lucky Two (f. by Jacks Are Lucky Too). Dam of-8$ZS)a5$6N#S*RA (Hot Impulse). 80.5 points: 7th, 2008 High Point Jr Western Riding; Open & Amateur Peformance ROM. E@($('N X6d62$&032$318&G by Goodie Star. 75.5 points: AQHA Champion. Dam of-4^3$428& (Heza Banjoe). 173 points: AQHYA World Champion Working Hunter; top10, AQHYA World Show Hunter Hack. svp 9/09 Hip No. 323 Consigned by Gumz Farms, Agt for Bilek Family Trust Huntin A Boss Lady Hip No. 323 2005 Sorrel Mare BRED TO ON HOLIDAY Huntin For Chocolate Huntin A Boss Lady 4769468 { Sheza Boss Lady 1982 { { Zippo Pine Bar Zips Chocolate Chip { Fancy Blue Chip Hunting Del Hunting Cap (TB) { Choc’s Del Rancho Captain Boss Boss { Mister Lacy Lou Trims Poco Brio { Brio Miss Poco Trim NOTES: Huntin A Boss Lady is a nice, young broodmare in foal to the up and coming sire, On Holiday. Easy to handle, breed and a great mother. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Micro Chipped. Last BRED on May 9, 2009 to ON HOLIDAY. Foal in utero eligible for the AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA BCF and Breeders Trust, Kentucky Breeders Incentive Fund. PRODUCE RECORD: 2009 Executive Holiday, f. by On Holiday. By HUNTIN FOR CHOCOLATE (1996). Earner of $40,725 and 272 points: World Champion Amateur Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Senior Western Pleasure Champion; Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA High Point Western Riding Stallion; NSBA Reserve High Point Non-Pro Maturity Horse; Whistle Stop Limited Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Co-Champion and Novice Horse Western Pleasure Champion, etc. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire. 1st dam SHEZA BOSS LADY, by Captain Boss. 457.5 points & $10,272: 4th, High Point Amateur Western Pleasure & 5th High Point Open Western Pleasure; 6th, Congress Open Jr Western Pleasure: Open, Amateur & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 7 foals, 5 performers-DONT BOSS THIS LADY (f. by Dont Skip Zip). 181.5 points & $10,268: 3rd, Southern Belle NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure; 4th, Georgia QHA Futurity SSA Open Yearling Longe Line; 3rd, Reichert Celebration NSBA 2-Year-Old Intermediate Non-Pro Western Pleasure Open Superior Western Pleasure; qualified, 2009 World Show Western Pleasure. Haleboppin Lady (f. by Im Certifiable). 9 Open Performance points. 2nd dam TRIMS POCO BRIO, by Brio. 101 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam ofSHEZA BOSS LADY (Captain Boss). Above. Trims Poco Boots (Docs Boots). 13.5 Open & Youth Performance points. 3rd dam MISS POCO TRIM, by Trim Bar. High Point Jr Western Riding; 4th, High Point Open Western Riding; Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure; AQHA & AQHYA Champion. Dam of-Brios Angel. 6 points & $7,551 NRHA: 6th, NRHA Non-Pro Maturity. Bryanna Banjoe. 12 points & $2,220: Fun/Sun Open Novice Reining Derby Reserve Champion. Miss Poco Banjoe. $2,691 NRHA; top 10, NRHA Non-Pro Futurity; top 10, Farnam 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Reining Futurity. svp 9/09 Consigned by Jerry and Susan Cole J"#$%B> ]EF _5$&B(R$b@B)a"@ J"#$%B> ]EF May 17, 2008 Sorrel Filly Chips Black Rodder _5$&B(R$b@B)a"@ +//</[[ { Sheza Special Chip 2003 ! ! Hotrodders Jet Set Radical Rodder { Flashy Bar Flower Chips Chocolate Glow Zips Chocolate Chip { Miss Southern Glow One Chip Shy Chocolate Chip { Chips Ali Shyba That Special Glow Pleasure { Southern Susan Bar %0123: My Rods Knockin has the looks, movement and breeding. Her second dam is a PHBA World Champion producer. She will earn double money for AQHA points through the Ky Incentive Fund. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for KY Breeder’s Futurity, KY Incentive Fund and WV Breeder’s Futurity. 45$ LJ673$ 4Z8Lb$ &0XX2&$ ;E,,,=>$ 2'?@A?$ BC$ //-$ #B"@QR$ D]G[<.H$ 0#A@$ \ 8N'QAS?$ 3S#A?"B?$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?AT$ bA@QS)a5$ IJ8$ EOPA'?O0*($ 0#A@ KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$VSQS?"Q5$LM'N#"B@>$$V?BN$M"R$C"?RQ$CB'*R$QB$RMB`$MA$"R QMA$R"?A$BC$4Z8Lb$XP%8_6L$&0XX2&$;/FF$0#A@$\$PBSQM$7A?CB?N'@)A #B"@QR$\$DEG++FH$FQMG$E,,-$8IJ8$J"UM$7B"@Q$^?$9?AA@$1?'"*T$-.>+$%BW")A #B"@QRT$PBSQM$7A?CB?N'@)A$&0_T$0#A@$3S#A?"B?$9?AA@$1?'"*=G$f2312X &0XX2&$;/,E$#B"@QRH$0#A@$\$8N'QAS?$7A?CB?N'@)A$&0_T$E,,<$KB?*( 3MB`$iS'*"C"A?$^?$1?'"*=> /RQ$('N Sheza Special Chip, by One Chip Shy. Dam of 2 foals, no performers to date. E@($('N That Special Glow, by Southern Pleasure. 11 Open Performance points. Dam of-LM"#R$VS@@5$V')A (Zips Chocolate Chip). 30 points: Amateur Performance ROM. X'5$LM"##A? (One Chip Shy). PHBA World Champion Novice Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation & Hunter Under Saddle; PHBA Reserve World Champoin Hunter Under Saddle. 1'*a$1BB$3`AAQ (Sweet Talkin Chip). $5,608: NSBA Breeders Championship 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Co-Champion and Reserve Champion of the Open, Non-Pro & Limited Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle. 1'*a"@$1BB$3`AAQ (Sweet Talkin Chip). 22 points & $1,632: NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity 4-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Youth Performance ROM. ]?($('N Susan Bar, by Sugar Midnight 56. Dam of-7*A'RS?A$9*B`. 15 points: Amatuer Performance ROM. Granddam of-3J23$30$:%6I:2. 264 points & $2,201: Tom Powers Open Green Trail Horse Champion; 3rd, Michigan QHA Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; AQHYA Champion. ZBWA$J"N$ZB#"@. 174.5 points & $3,692: Flag City NSBA 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. &B(("@$8@$6N#S*RA. 41.5 points & $3,654: Summer Sizzler 2-Year-Old NonPro Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. LBB*$ZB#"@$ZA'USA?. $1,909: Michigan QHA Futurity SSA State-Owned 2Year-Old Western Pleasure Reserve Champion. svp 8/09 Consigned by Bob Cargile J"#$%B> ]E+ 3M"CQ"@QBB#A@ J"#$%B> ]E+ April 5, 2008 Bay Filly Openrange 3M"CQ"@QBB#A@ +,-[],/ { Shifty Reynolds 1992 ! ! Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Leaguers Zipanna Leaguers Last { Lady Zipanna Shifty Two Eyes Man Jack { Buddy Miss Poco Shifty Truly Gogo Gogo { Double Truly Reynolds %0123: Shiftintoopen is a super mover in all three gates. Come by her stall and take a look at her and watch her move. You can then make your own notes. You will like what you see. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund and most major futurities. HYPP N/N on AQHA record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by Shifty Two Eyes. 30.5 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of 10 foals, 4 performers-1BS)MA($Z"aA$8`ARBNA (g. by An Awesome Mister). 39.5 points: Amateur Performance ROM. 8$3M"CQ5$6N#S*RA$(f. by A Sudden Impulse). $1,650: Reichert Men’s Limited Open Western Pleasure Stakes Champion. Good And Shifty (f. by Good Version). Dam of-&Z$3:XX2%3$_89962 (A Sudden Impulse). 84 points & $27,528: 3rd, Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity; 3rd, Congress 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Derby & 4th in the Open; Just For Pleasure 2Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion & Open Reserve Champion; top 10, 2008 NSBA World Jr Western Pleasure; Performance ROM. E@($('N Truly Gogo, by Double Gogo. Dam of 4 other foals. ]?($('N Truly Reynolds, by Sonny Reynold’s Dam of-0Z6f2&$&2P%0ZX3. 48 points & $12,750: top 10, NSBA SSA Futurity 2-YearOld Open Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. 1?S*5$3B*B. 27.5 points & $2,178: Texas Classic Futurity Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Co-Reserve Champion; Amateur Performance ROM. A Truly Promoter. Dam of 1J2$_8^0&$LJ67 (206 points & $3,562: Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure). FQM$('N Aledo Anna Lee, by Aledo Joe Bar. Dam of 3L0013$ L6%X2&2ZZ8 (Superior Western Pleasure); granddam of 4_I$4Z8Lb$X68_0%X (744 points: AQHA Performance Champion), 4_I$X2Lb$0V$J28&13 (395 points: Youth Superior Showmanship), 4_I$3:72&$318& (113 points: Superior Western Pleasure). svp 9/09 J"#$%B> ]E[ Consigned by Down The Rail / Joe & Suzy Jeane &'(")'*$XAQ'"*R J"#$%B> ]E[ April 7, 2008 Bay Filly Radical Revolution &'(")'*$XAQ'"*R d,[[E],- { Short On Details 2000 ! ! Hotrodders Jet Set Radical Rodder { Flashy Bar Flower Zippos Desert Rose Zippo Pine Bar { Cupidoll Last Detail Easy { Jetaway Lilly La Belle Short Work (TB) Rialto { Nalees Little Dorth %0123: Radical Details has the size, movement and self carriage to become an exceptional all-around prospect. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Just For Pleasure, Tom Powers, GA QHA MI QHA and NSBA. 45$&8X6L8Z$&2f0Z:160%$;/<<.=>$2'?@A?$BC$DE<GEE+$'@($-[$8IJ8$#B"@QRH KB?*($LM'N#"B@$3A@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RAT$&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'NO #"B@$^S@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RAT$LB@U?ARR$]OPA'?O0*($KARQA?@$7*A'O RS?A$XA?Y5$&ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@T$%348$gE$3A@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RA> 3"?A$BC$0%ZP$6%f618160%$;D<G,F-H$[QMG$LB@U?ARR$EOPA'?O0*($0#A@$_'RO QA?R$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A=G$J072$0V$&2f0Z:160%$;F[$#B"@QRH$8IJ8$LM'NO #"B@T$J"UM$7B"@Q$6@QA?@'Q"B@'*$^?$1?'"*$JB?RAT$PBSQM$2S?B#A'@$LM'N#"B@O RM"#$1?'"*$LM'N#"B@=G$&8X6L8Z$42ZZ8$X0%%8$;[]$#B"@QRH$J"UM$7B"@Q 6@QA?@'Q"B@'*$PBSQM$3MB`N'@RM"#$\$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$8N'QAS?$\$PBSQM &0_=G$&8X6L8Z$_0f2&$;]->+$J'*QA?$\$7A?CB?N'@)A$#B"@QRH$J"UM$7B"@Q 6@QA?@'Q"B@'*$8UA($J'*QA?$_'?A=> /RQ$('N Short On Details, by Last Detail. Dam of 4 foals, 2 performers-4*'c"@U$XAQ'"*R$(g. by Hot N Blazing). 10 Open Performance points: ROM. Finely Detailed Art (f. by Artful Investment). 2.5 Novice/Amateur points: Showing in 2009. E@($('N Short Work (TB), by Nalees Rialto. Dam of 9 QH foals, 7 performers-_031ZP$30%%P$X8P3 (g. by Sonnys Hot Jazz). 110 Open & Amateur Performance points & $7,142: 7ORLD#HAMPION!MATEUR0LEASURE$RIVING *R0LEASURE$RIVING; Congress Reserve Champion Jr Pleasure Driving; High Point Pleasure Driving & Jr Pleasure Driving; 4th, World Show Jr Pleasure Driving; Superior Pleasure Driving. _P$!6772&$K0&b3 (g. by Zippo Pine Bar). 236 points & $6,974: 3ELECT7ORLD #HAMPION(UNT3EAT%QUITATION; 4th, Select World Show Hunter Under Saddle; AZ National Select Western Pleasure Champion; Scottsdale Classic All-Around Amateur Select Champion; top 15 finalist, AQHA Select World Show Hunt Seat Equitation; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. KB?a$0@$1MA$XAQ'"*R (g. by Last Detail). 31 Open & Youth Performance points: 3rd, 2009 Reichert Celebration NSBA Youth Hunter Under Saddle; Open ROM; 44.5 Novice points. Blazing Shorts (g. by Hot N Blazing). 15 Open & Amateur points: High Point International Hunter Under Saddle. Just Enough Hot Jazz (g. by Sonnys Hot Jazz). Open Performance point-earner & NSBA money-earner. Justmore Jazz (g. by Sonnys Hot Jazz). 3 Open Performance points. svp 10/09 Consigned by Cyndi Compton J"#$%B> ]E. 7BQA@Q"'*$JA'?QY?aA? J"#$%B> ]E. 2006 Bay Filly Potential Investment 7BQA@Q"'*$JA'?QY?aA? F-,,-+- { SL A Rose Is A Rose 2002 ! ! The Big Investment Principle Investment { Tiger Serena Hot Little Treasure Hotrodders Jet Set { Treasure Sail Hot Impulse { Impulsions Ms Hot Medicine Rosies Bonanza Pine Bar { Zippo Rambling Rosita 72&V0&_8%L2$ &2L0&X: NSBA earnings of $1,651: 3rd, 2008 Scottsdale Classic NSBA 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure & 4th in the Open. %0123: Potential Heartbrker is a beautiful bay filly. She has a great lead change and will fit nicely into anyone’s program. She is sound and ready to show. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. 45$7012%168Z$6%f231_2%1$;/<<E=>$2'?@A?$BC$DE[G+-F$'@($-,$8IJ8$#B"@QRH LB@U?ARR$0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$_'QS?"Q5$LM'N#"B@$'@($LB@U?ARR$EO PA'?O0*($0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$VSQS?"Q5$&ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@T$&ARA?WA KB?*($LM'N#"B@$^S@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RAT$%'Q"B@'*$KARQA?@$7*A'O RS?A$ ZA'(A?T$ 3S#A?"B?$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A>$ 8@$ %348$ 1B#$ /+$ 8**O1"NA ZA'("@U$3"?AG$'@($'$E,,-$8IJ8$1B#$/+$ZA'("@U$3"?A$$"@$/F$("W"R"B@RG$R"?"@U QMA$A'?@A?R$BC$/-G/-+$#B"@QRG$E[E$&0_G$-<$3S#A?"B?RG$/E$KB?*(j&ARA?WA KB?*($LM'N#"B@RM"#R$'@($@A'?*5$D-/,G,,,> /RQ$('N SL A Rose Is A Rose, by Hot Impulse. Dam of 3 foals, 1 performer-7BQA@Q"'*$JA'?QY?A'aA? (f. by Potential Investment). Reference. E@($('N &03623$40%8%!8, by Zippo Pine Bar. 144.5 points & $11,293: Tulsa Summer Circuit Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion & 3rd in the Non-Pro; Silver Classic 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion & 3rd in the Non-Pro; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-&BR"AR$4B@'@c'$1`B (Hot Impulse). 68 points & $8,131: 4th, Scottsdale Classic NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; RMQHA Golden Opportunity Futurity 3/4-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. ]?($('N &8_4Z6%9$&03618, by Winchester. 128 points: Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-&8_4Z6%9$LJ67. 399 points & $13,874: 7th, World Show Amateur Trail Horse; top 10, World Show Western Horsemanship; AQHA Amateur Performance Champion; 3rd, High Point Western Riding. FQM$('N Rosita Bonanza, by Barney’s Bonanza. 15 points: Open Perf. ROM. Dam of-294$&036183$J044P. 249 points: AQHYA Reserve World Champion Showmanship; Congress Champion Youth Showmanship. 7&2L6360%$XP%8_6L3. 356 points: AQHYA Champion; Youth Superior Trail Horse & Showmanship. 6%f2312&3$&0362. 89 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. f6&1:8Z$!6770. 84 points & $6,926: 7th, Congress Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure; Open Superior Western Pleasure. svp 9/09 J"#$%B> ]E- Consigned by Jim Dudley, Agent for Gary & Belva Payton 7*A@Q5$0C$4'?$1"NA J"#$%B> ]E- April 22, 2008 Brown Filly Macs Good N Plenty 7*A@Q5$0C$4'?$1"NA +/E],+E { Silk Bar Time 1989 ! ! Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Macs Debutante Mr Mac Reynolds { Zippo Melody Scotch Bar Time Dee Bar { Sonny Chubby Time Bit Of Silk Fox { Silky Ye Gads I’m Gray %0123: Plenty Of Bar Time is a definite show prospect. Gorgeous, great minded and a fancy mover. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. 45$_8L3$900X$%$7Z2%1P$;/<<.=>$%348$A'?@A?$BC$D/]G<<EH$LB@U?ARR$Z"N"QA( KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$VSQS?"Q5$LM'N#"B@T$-QMG$LB@U?ARR$0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'O RS?A$VSQS?"Q5>$8@$%348$'@($2iS"O3Q'Q$ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC$7*A'RS?A$JB?RAR> 3"?A$BC$J28f2%ZP$_8L$;DFEGF]-$\$F/+$#B"@QRH$]?(G$&A")MA?Q$7*A'RS?A LA*AY?'Q"B@$EOPA'?O0*($D/,,G,,,$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$3*BQG$]?($"@$QMA$0#A@ 3Q'aAR$\$R#*"Q$FQM$"@$QMA$%B@O7?B$3*BQT$3S#A?"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A=G$900X %$ X8%XP$ _8L$ ;D]EG.EFH$ %2$ 3"*WA?$ L*'RR")$ %348$ D/,G,,,$ EOPA'?O0*( 6@QA?NA("'QA$0#A@$\$Z"N"QA($0#A@$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$LM'N#"B@G$&ARA?WA "@$QMA$4?AA(A?RT$&A")MA?Q$7*A'RS?A$LA*AY?'Q"B@$EOPA'?O0*($0#A@$3Q'aAR LBOLM'N#"B@=> /RQ$('N Silk Bar Time, by Scotch Bar Time. 6.5 Open Performance points. Dam of 5 foals, 2 performers-Im Assets Legacy (f. by Investment Asset). 2.5 Amateur Performance points: 4th, Regional Experience Select Showmanship. Pass Me A Valen Time (f. by A Passing Breeze). Dam of-901$90ZX (Zippos Old Gold). 261 points & $9,476: Black Eyed Susan Futurity 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 3rd, Pennsylvania QHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure & Western Horsemanship. JAR$9BQ$9B*( (Zippos Old Gold). $1,706 NSBA earnings. E@($('N Bit Of Silk, by Silky Fox. Dam of-3L01LJ$4613 (Scotch Bar Time). 388.5 points & $4,169: AQHYA Champion; Amateur & Youth Superior Showmanship; Youth Halter ROM. 8$461$0V$3L01LJ (Scotch Bar Time). 353 points & $7,744: Open Superior Western Pleasure; Youth Superior Western Pleasure & Showmanship. Z6Z$461$0V$16_2 (Scotch Bar Time). 145 points & $5,393: Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-&3f7$0%$16_2. 167 points & $3,625: Open Superior Hunter Under Saddle. Bit Of Scotch (Scotch Bar Time). 23 points: Open Perf. ROM. Granddam of-36ZbP$48_$L0__8%X. 90 points & $2,148: 4th, AQHYA World Show Heeling; Open Superior Heeling. A Bit Of Time (Scotch Bar Time). Dam of-36ZbP3$Z831$L&28160%. 104 points & $4,868: Iowa Breeders Futurity State-Owned Champion Weanling Mare; Open Superior Halter. L8%18920:3. 84 points & $3,007: Silver Classic Amateur Yearling Stallion Co-Reserve Champion; Open Superior Halter. svp 9/09 Consigned by David James J"#$%B> J"#$%B> ]E< 3"RR5R$2*AU'@Q$6N'UA$;8IJ8j87J8= ]E< 1994 Palomino Mare Barpassers Image 3"RR5R$2*AU'@Q$6N'UA 8IJ8OF/./,/E 6N'U"@'?5$X'@)A? 87J8O],[F// { Sissy Glow 1975 ! ! Senor Bardeck Barpasser { Ranch Bars Vandy Tee Command Last Command { Tee Five Star Speedy Glow Red Bar { Poco D’s Linda Lee Spanish Coin Skip { Silver Spanish Delight %0123: Sissys Elegant Image is a rare commodity. She is double registered (AQHA/APHA). Her APHA name is Imaginary Dancer. She was not shown because the APHA provided Breeding Stock papers only. She was registered in the AQHA later when the “white rule” was modified. Daughter of Barpassers Image and a full sister to two different PHBA World Champions. She is big and beautiful. Left open this year due to family problems. Let her raise a great one for you. 7&0X:L2$&2L0&X: 2006 Potential To Be Great (AQHA/APHA), g. by Potential Investment (AQHA). 2007 Ima Big Sissy (AQHA)/Zippen Ready Freddy (APHA), g. by Mr Big Zipper (AQHA). 2008 Unnamed (AQHA) g. by Mr Big Zipper (AQHA). 45$ 48&78332&3$ 6_892$ ;/<-F=>$ DFFGEF-$ '@($ []$ 8IJ8$ #B"@QRH$ [QMG$ KB?*( LM'N#"B@RM"#$^S@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$LB@U?ARR$EOPA'?O0*($7*A'RS?A V"@'*"RQT$%348$4?B@cA$8`'?(T$3S#A?"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A>$8@$%348$8**O 1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?AT$'@$8IJ8$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A 7B"@QO2'?@A?RG$R"?"@U$QMA$A'?@A?R$BC$EEG/-.$#B"@QRG$E-]$&0_G$//<$3S#A?"O B?RG$/]$KB?*(j&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@RM"#R$'@($D[E,G,,,> /RQ$('N 3"RR5$9*B`, by Speedy Glow. 41 Open Performance points: Open ROM. Dam of 9 foals, 6 performers-30Z6L610&$92%2&8Z (g. by Barpassers Image). 345 AQHA & 735 PHBA points & $11,543: PHBA World Champion Amateur Horsemanship, Trail, Hunt Seat Equitation & World Champion Open Trail; PHBA Reserve World Champion Amateur 4-Year-Old Gelding; AQHA Amateur Performance Champion; Superior Western Pleasure, Trail Horse & Showmanship. 8_8!6%9$X63L0f2&P$(g. by Barpassers Image). 34.5 AQHA & 1194 PHBA points & $1,848: PHBA World Champion Junior & Senior Hunter Under Saddle (twice), Junior & Senior Road Hack, Junior Reining; PHBA World Reserve Youth 14-18 “Golden Horse”. V'?'M$%B$V?A)a*AR (f. by No Freckles). 128 Open & Amateur points & $1,162: Top 10, Congress Amateur Versitility; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. 9"'$V?A)a*AR (f. by No Freckles). 69 Open & Amateur Performance points: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. E@($('N 3#'@"RM$LB"@, by Silver Skip. 15 AQHA & 188 PHBA points: Open Performance ROM. Granddam of 1J2$4:36%233$_8% (AQHYA World Champion 2-YearOld Gelding),$_&$378%63J$3JP (646 points: AQHYA Performance Champion), ^2132112&3$9Z0K (AQHYA Champion); great-granddam of 1&P$_2 6_$378%63J (Open & Amateur Sup. Halter), 8ZZ$X8P$8VV86& (Open Sup. Halter), 9Z0K6%9$&28Z61P (Open Sup. Halter). svp 9/09 Consigned by Teresa Joyclyn Corgill J"#$%B> ]], V')A$6Q$6N$&BNAB J"#$%B> ]], March 6, 2008 Red Roan Gelding Face It Im Good V')A$6Q$6N$&BNAB +,[,/.[ { Sissys Cocoa Time 1997 ! ! Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Blue Tigress Tiger Leo { Camp Town Cutie Zips Chocolate Chip Pine Bar { Zippo Fancy Blue Chip Sissy Ann Time Bar Time { Scotch Ebony Continental %0123: Face It Im Romeo is a flashy red roan gelding that will capture your eye, as well as, the judge’s eye. He has all the gears, all the looks and all the credentials in his royal western pleasure pedigree. Easy to handle, trim, groom and haul. He is very slow legged and wants to go nowhere. “Romeo” has been saddled several times and took it in stride. He has a kind disposition and is a pleasure to be around. He would make an excellent youth or amateur prospect. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Just For Pleasure and NSBA Incentive Fund. 45$V8L2$61$6_$900X$;/<<F=>$$</$J'*QA?$\$7A?CB?N'@)A$#B"@QRH$8IJ8$LM'NO #"B@T$QB#$/,G$JBSRQB@$8IJ8$0#A@$^S@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$0#A@$J'*QA? \$ 7A?CB?N'@)A$ &0_>$ $ 3"?A$ BC$ 3:%$ 0V$ V8L2$ ;E<>+$ PBSQM$ 7A?CB?N'@)A #B"@QR$ \$ ].>+$ %BW")AjPBSQM$ #B"@QRT$ PBSQM$ 7A?CB?N'@)A$ &0_=G$ !677P 900X$1P_2$;<>+$J'*QA?$\$7A?CB?N'@)A$#B"@QRH$QB#$/,G$&AU"B@'*$2k#A?"O A@)A$PBSQM$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A=> /RQ$('N Sissys Cocoa Time, by Zips Chocolate Chip. Dam of 3 foals, no performers to date. E@($('N 3"RR5$8@@$1"NA, by Scotch Bar Time. 37 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of_'aA$1"NA$VB?$_A (Mr Mac Reynolds). 120.5 points: top 10, Congress Youth Hunt Seat Equitation; Open & Youth Performance ROM. ]?($('N Ebony Continental, by The Continental. Dam of-Rosie Sensation (Sun Dee Sensation). Dam of-_8L3$X8&b$32L&21. 221.5 points & $4,328: Flag City 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; AQHYA Champion; Justin Reserve Rookie of the Year 11 & under; Open Superior Western Pleasure. Mac Reynolds Rose. Dam of-Modern Destination. 2.5 points: Iowa QHA Futurity Amateur 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Reserve Champion. Sweet And Excellent. Iowa QHA Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion. Continentally Maid (Impressively Made). Dam of-&'(")'*$X$&BN'@. 55.5 points: European Champion Open & Amateur 2Year-Old Gelding; European Reserve Champion Open 3-Year-Old Gelding; 3-Time International High Point Halter Gelding; Open Halter ROM. &'(")'*$_$1'($LMAA?. 48 points: 3-Time International High Point Halter Mare; Open & Amateur Halter ROM. &'(")'*$_?$JBQRMBQ. 25 points: 2008 International High Point Jr Western Pleasure & Amateur 3-Year-Old Gelding; Open Perf. ROM. svp 8/09 Consigned by Tom Hanson J"#$%B> ]]/ L*'RR"C"A( J"#$%B> ]]/ 2006 Bay Mare 4&2X$10$7&012L1$P0:&$833213 Impulsions A Sudden Impulse { Zips Illusion RL Best Of Sudden L*'RR"C"A( F-<,+.. { Skipafied 1993 ! ! Zip N Therapy Diversified Skippa Bonita Too Therapy { Two Eyed Wedgie Conclusion { Mr Tes Tamara Teddy Too { Sir Skippa Bonita %0123: Last 4&2X on March 3, 2009 to 7&012L1$P0:&$833213. She is HYPP N/H on AQHA record. 45$ &Z$ 4231$ 0V$ 3:XX2%$ ;E,,E=>$ D/,,G,,,H$ &A")MA?Q$ EOPA'?O0*($ KARQA?@ 7*A'RS?A$LM'**A@UA$LM'N#"B@>$$J"R$B*(ARQ$CB'*R$'?A$]O5A'?OB*(R>$$V?BN$M"R C"?RQ$CB'*R$QB$RMB`$MA$"R$QMA$R"?A$BC$4231$0V$J01$&0X$;D/+G,[/H$FQMG$E,,LB@U?ARR$ %348$ EOPA'?O0*($ 0#A@$ _'RQA?R$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A=G$ 3J23 3:XX2%ZP$ J01$ ;D[G-[/H$ 1BN$ 7B`A?R$ 1?"$ LM'**A@UA$ %B@O7?B$ PA'?*"@U ZB@UA$ Z"@A$ LM'N#"B@T$ &A")MA?Q$ 7*A'RS?A$ LA*AY?'Q"B@$ 0#A@$ PA'?*"@U ZB@UA$Z"@A$LM'N#"B@=G$81$J63$4231$;D[G/<[H$%348$KB?*($0#A@$PA'?*"@U ZB@UA$Z"@A$LM'N#"B@T$]?(G$&A")MA?Q$7*A'RS?A$LA*AY?'Q"B@$_'"(A@$3*BQ 0#A@$ PA'?*"@U$ ZB@UA$ Z"@A=G$ 3:XX2%$ 8%X$ 8K230_2$ ;D+G/,<H$ QB#$ /,G E,,-$&A")MA?Q$7*A'RS?A$LA*AY?'Q"B@$%348$EOPA'?O0*($D/,,G,,,$6@QA?NA("O 'QA$0#A@$3*BQ$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A=> /RQ$('N 3b678V62X, by Diversified. 460.5 points in 7 events: Dixie National Youth Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Congress Smallfry Horsemanship Champion; 5th, Congress Amateur Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure; Amateur Superior Showmanship. Dam of 3 foals, no performers to date. E@($('N Skippa Bonita Too, by Sir Teddy Too. Dam of-100$X6f2&36V62X$(Diversified). 725 points & $7,900: 3rd, Solid Gold Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; 3rd, World Show Amateur Horsemanship; 4th, World Show Amateur Hunt Seat Equitaion; 3rd, Dixie National 3Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; AQHYA Performance Champion. X0%1$3b67$1J63$LJ67 (Zips Chocolate Chip). 66 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. A Leading AQHA & APHA Sire. :*Q"N'QA$6**SR"B@R (Hotrodders Jet Set). 49 points: Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. Dam of-:Z16_812$_8LJ6%2. 190.5 points & $8,968: Reichert Celebration 2-YearOld Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes Champion; 5th, Congress Futurity 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Open, Amateur & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Ultimate Contessa. Dam of-L&:!6%$V0&$L0Lb186Z3. 70 points & $17,681: 4th, Congress 2-YearOld Masters Hunter Under Saddle; 2008 Summer Classic Futurity 4Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Classic Champion; Perf. ROM. 9BB($1"N"@$ZS)"@('. 74 points & $5,902: Southern Belle NSBA Open Jr Trail Horse; Amateur Performance ROM. svp 8/09 J"#$%B> ]]E Consigned by Brett & Tara Spencer J"#$%B> ]]E !"##BR$3)'?YB?BSUM 1985 Sorrel Mare 4&2X$10$7&6%!!67Z2 Zippo Pine Bar !"##BR$$3)'?YB?BSUM EE<<<+. { Skips Scar Fair 1981 ! ! Zippo Pat Bars Dollie Pine Skips Pine Tea Scarborough Fair Three Bars (TB) { Leo Pat Poco Pine { Hobo Sue Te N’Te { Four L Pam Pat Bars { Zippo Dollie Pine %0123: Zippo Scarborough is out of a daughter of Scarborough Fair, full sister to Zippo Pine Bar. Her younger foals by Prinzziple are very slow legged and flat kneed. We have kept her 2-year-old back to show this spring. Don’t let this package slip by. Last 4&2X on March 21, 2009 to 7&6%!!67Z2. Foal in utero eligible for AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA and NSBA Breeders Championship. 7&0X:L2$&2L0&X: 1989 370112X$ 4P$ 8$ 7&0 (APHA), f. by The Promoter. 482 points: Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure; Youth Superior Trail & Showmanship. 1991 Promotin Zippos, g. by The Promoter 1992 Promote This Zipper, f. by The Promoter. 1994 Echos In My Zipper (APHA), by Eternal Echo. 1995 Zippos Symphony (APHA), by Eternal Echo. Open Performance point earner. 1996 100$J01$1K0$!67, c. by Radical Rodder. 106 points & $4,547: 3rd, Southern Belle 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Open Sup. Western Pleasure. 1997 Zippo Mr, c. by Mr Cheers. 2001 Find Your Potential, f. by Potential Investment. 7 Halter & Performance points. 2003 Potential Attitude, f. by Potential Investment. 6th, E. Ohio QHA Futurity Open & Non-Pro 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure. 2005 Lucky Possession, g. by Potential Investment. 2007 Scarlet Serena, f. by Prinzziple. 2007 Zziple My Zippo, c. by Prinzziple. 2009 Unnamed, f. by Prinzziple. 45$ !6770$ 76%2$ 48&$ ;/<[<=>$ 8IJ8$ J'**$ BC$ V'NAG$ %348$ J'**$ BC$ V'NA>$ 1MA 8IJ8hR$g/$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC$7A?CB?N'@)A$&0_G$%348$g/$8**O1"NA 3"?A$'@($'@$87J8$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?A$BC$KB?*($LM'N#"B@RG$R"?"@U$QMA 8IJ8$A'?@A?R$BC$.+G]<E$#B"@QRG$<F<$&0_$'@($F],$3S#A?"B?$'`'?(RG$-+ KB?*(j&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@R$'@($DEG./+G,,,> /RQ$('N Skips Scar Fair, by Skips Pine Tea. Dam of 8 foals, 3 performers-1A$8?"C") (f. by MBJ Mr Greystone). 55.5 points: Youth Performance ROM. Zippos Scar Fair (f. by Zippo Pine Bar). Dam of-&L$!6770 (RC Dillon). 332 points: European Reserve Champion Youth Showmanship; 3rd, European Championship Amateur Pleasure Driving; 12-time International High Point Horse; AQHA Champion. Zippos Barpassers. Dam of-7833$1J2$900X3. 111 points & $2,876: top 10, NSBA World Show Amateur Trail Horse; Center of the Nation Futurity Open Jr Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. &7_$_')M"@A. 70 points & $2,189: 3rd, RMQHA NSBA 2-Year-Old NonPro Western Pleasure; Amateur Performance ROM. svp 9/09 J"#$%B> ]]] Consigned by Down The Rail / Joe & Suzy Jeane 7A@("@U J"#$%B> ]]] April 3, 2008 Sorrel Gelding Radical Revolution 7A@("@U { Short Work (TB) 1983 ! ! Radical Rodder Zippos Desert Rose Nalees Rialto Little Dorth Hotrodders Jet Set { Flashy Bar Flower Zippo Pine Bar { Cupidoll { Ribot Nalee Work { Hard Dorth %0123: This nice yearling gelding is by a World Champion and out of a World Champion Producer. He has all the looks and cadence to be a great prospect. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Just For Pleasure, Tom Powers, GA QHA MI QHA and NSBA. 45$&8X6L8Z$&2f0Z:160%$;/<<.=>$2'?@A?$BC$DE<GEE+$'@($-[$8IJ8$#B"@QRH KB?*($LM'N#"B@$3A@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RAT$&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'NO #"B@$^S@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RAT$LB@U?ARR$]OPA'?O0*($KARQA?@$7*A'O RS?A$XA?Y5$&ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@T$%348$gE$3A@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RA> 3"?A$BC$0%ZP$6%f618160%$;D<G,F-H$[QMG$LB@U?ARR$EOPA'?O0*($0#A@$_'RO QA?R$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A=G$J072$0V$&2f0Z:160%$;F[$#B"@QRH$8IJ8$LM'NO #"B@T$J"UM$7B"@Q$6@QA?@'Q"B@'*$^?$1?'"*$JB?RAT$PBSQM$2S?B#A'@$LM'N#"B@O RM"#$1?'"*$LM'N#"B@=G$&8X6L8Z$42ZZ8$X0%%8$;[]$#B"@QRH$J"UM$7B"@Q 6@QA?@'Q"B@'*$PBSQM$3MB`N'@RM"#$\$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$8N'QAS?$\$PBSQM &0_=G$&8X6L8Z$_0f2&$;]->+$J'*QA?$\$7A?CB?N'@)A$#B"@QRH$J"UM$7B"@Q 6@QA?@'Q"B@'*$8UA($J'*QA?$_'?A=> /RQ$('N Short Work (TB), by Nalees Rialto. Dam of 9 QH foals, 7 performers-_031ZP$30%%P$X8P3 (g. by Sonnys Hot Jazz). 110 Open & Amateur Performance points & $7,142: 7ORLD#HAMPION!MATEUR0LEASURE$RIVING *R0LEASURE$RIVING; Congress Reserve Champion Jr Pleasure Driving; High Point Pleasure Driving & Jr Pleasure Driving; 4th, World Show Jr Pleasure Driving; Superior Pleasure Driving. _P$!6772&$K0&b3 (g. by Zippo Pine Bar). 236 points & $6,974: 3ELECT7ORLD #HAMPION(UNT3EAT%QUITATION; 4th, Select World Show Hunter Under Saddle; AZ National Select Western Pleasure Champion; Scottsdale Classic All-Around Amateur Select Champion; top 15 finalist, AQHA Select World Show Hunt Seat Equitation; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. KB?a$0@$1MA$XAQ'"*R (g. by Last Detail). 31 Open & Youth Performance points: 3rd, 2009 Reichert Celebration NSBA Youth Hunter Under Saddle; Open ROM; 44.5 Novice points. Blazing Shorts (g. by Hot N Blazing). 15 Open & Amateur points: High Point International Hunter Under Saddle. Short On Details (f. by Last Detail). Dam of-4*'c"@U$XAQ'"*R$(g. by Hot N Blazing). 10 Open Performance points: ROM. Finely Detailed Art (f. by Artful Investment). 2.5 Novice/Amateur points. E@($('N Little Dorth, by Hard Work. Dam of-Wegot Dorthical (TB). Dam of-KA$9BQ$^'cc$(AQHA). 16.5 Youth Performance points: ROM; 29 Novice/ Youth points. svp 10/09 J"#$%B> ]]F Consigned by Down The Rail / Joe & Suzy Jeane &"UMQCS**5$&'(")'* J"#$%B> ]]F May 7, 2008 Bay Gelding Radical Rodder &"UMQCS**5$&'(")'* d,[.-/.F { Short Work (TB) 1983 ! ! Hotrodders Jet Set Flashy Bar Flower Nalees Rialto Little Dorth Doc’s Hotrodder { Miss Clique Bar Flower { Sumpht’n Flashy Ribot { Nalee Work { Hard Dorth %0123: Rightfully Radical is a beautiful gelding that is certain to perform as successfully as his World Champion pedigree suggests. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for GA QHA, MI QHA, Prom El Bac, RMQHA, Southern Belle, VA QHA and NSBA. 45$&8X6L8Z$&0XX2&$;/<</=>$2'?@A?$BC$</$#B"@QR$'@($D/<G.-.H$KB?*($LM'NO #"B@$3A@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RAT$LB@U?ARR$3A@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A &ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@T$&ARA?WA$J"UM$7B"@Q$3A@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$LM'NO #"B@>$8@$%348$1B#$/+$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?A$'@($'$E,,-$8IJ8$1B#$/, ZA'("@U$3"?A$"@$/+$("W"R"B@RG$R"?"@U$QMA$A'?@A?R$BC$E/GFF/$#B"@QRG$]//$&0_ '@($ //,$ 3S#A?"B?RG$ /E$ KB?*(j&ARA?WA$ KB?*($ LM'N#"B@RM"#R$ '@($ BWA? D-E]G<-+G$"@)*S("@U$&8X6L8Z$&:_0&3$;D/E]G,]F$'@($/G,,E$#B"@QRH$KB?*( LM'N#"B@$^S@"B?$\$8N'QAS?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RAT$%348$JB?RA$BC$QMA PA'?T$E,,-$8IJP8$&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$&ARA?WA KB?*($LM'N#"B@$3A@"B?$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A$JB?RA=> /RQ$('N Short Work (TB), by Nalees Rialto. Dam of 9 QH foals, 7 performers-_031ZP$30%%P$X8P3 (g. by Sonnys Hot Jazz). 110 Open & Amateur Performance points & $7,142: 7ORLD#HAMPION!MATEUR0LEASURE$RIVING *R0LEASURE$RIVING; Congress Reserve Champion Jr Pleasure Driving; High Point Pleasure Driving & Jr Pleasure Driving; 4th, World Show Jr Pleasure Driving; Superior Pleasure Driving. _P$!6772&$K0&b3 (g. by Zippo Pine Bar). 236 points & $6,974: 3ELECT7ORLD #HAMPION(UNT3EAT%QUITATION; 4th, Select World Show Hunter Under Saddle; AZ National Select Western Pleasure Champion; Scottsdale Classic All-Around Amateur Select Champion; top 15 finalist, AQHA Select World Show Hunt Seat Equitation; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. KB?a$0@$1MA$XAQ'"*R (g. by Last Detail). 31 Open & Youth Performance points: 3rd, 2009 Reichert Celebration NSBA Youth Hunter Under Saddle; Open ROM; 44.5 Novice points. Blazing Shorts (g. by Hot N Blazing). 15 Open & Amateur points: High Point International Hunter Under Saddle. Short On Details (f. by Last Detail). Dam of-4*'c"@U$XAQ'"*R$(g. by Hot N Blazing). 10 Open Performance points: ROM. Finely Detailed Art (f. by Artful Investment). 2.5 Novice/Amateur points. E@($('N Little Dorth, by Hard Work. Dam of-Wegot Dorthical (TB). Dam of-KA$9BQ$^'cc$(AQHA). 16.5 Youth Performance points: ROM; 29 Novice/ Youth points. svp 10/09 J"#$%B> ]]+ Consigned by Tom Hanson, Agt for Tom Hanson & Fred Bates _"R#*')A($_5$8RRAQR J"#$%B> ]]+ April 12, 2008 Bay Filly _"R#*')A($_5$8RRAQR +/]<][F { Protect Your Assets Snazzy Chinka 1991 ! ! Good Asset Scars Social Kitty Zippos Old Gold Champ’s Chinka Pin Zippos Mr Good Bar { Miss Rebel Rita Te { Scars Zippos Skippy Pine Bar { Zippo Goldy Jack Champ { Rancher’s Peppy’s Cue Bar %0123: Misplaced My Assets is an elegant filly with a gorgeous profile. Good minded and great movement. She has what it takes to be a great show horse and future broodmare. Eligible for Southern Belle, Lone Star, GA QHA Stallion Service, NSBA BCF. 45$7&012L1$P0:&$833213$;/<<+=>$D]EG,FFH$%348$g/$1`BOPA'?O0*($0#A@ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ JB?RAT$ LB@U?ARR$ ^S@"B?$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ &ARA?WA LM'N#"B@T$LM'N#"B@$BC$QMA$JA'?QYA'QG$ZB@A$3Q'?G$3BSQMA?@$4A**AG$1BN 7B`A?RG$4?AA(A?R$L*'RR")$\$%AY?'Ra'$3"*WA?$L*'RR")$KARQA?@$7*A'RS?A VSQS?"Q"AR>$ 3"?A$ BC$ QMA$ A'?@A?R$ BC$ FG,,.$ #B"@QRG$ .+$ &0_G$ /-$ 3S#A?"B?R A'?@"@U$D/+,G,,,G$"@)*S("@U$8ZZ0L812$P0:&$833213$;DE[GE+<$'@($/+[ #B"@QRH$&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$3?$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*AT$LB@U?ARR$EO PA'?O0*($0#A@$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*A$LM'N#"B@T$%348$g/$J"UM$7B"@Q$EO PA'?O0*($0#A@$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*A$JB?RA$\$3?$J:3T$%348$4?AA(A?R 9B*($\$3"*WA?$EOPA'?O0*($JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*A$VSQS?"Q"ARe$LM'N#"B@T$]?(G 3A*A)Q$ KB?*($ JS@QA?$ :@(A?$ 3'((*AT$ 3S#A?"B?$ 0#A@$ \$ 8N'QAS?$ JS@QA? :@(A?$ 3'((*A=G$ 4:X$ Z69J1$ 7Z2832$ ;]F$ Q"NAO84&8$ KB?*($ B?$ &ARA?WA KB?*($LM'N#"B@=G$1J2$83321$_8b2&$;D.G.-/H$E,,-$^SRQ$VB?$7*A'RS?A VSQS?"Q5$338$EOPA'?O0*($0#A@$JS@QA?$:@(A?$3'((*A$&ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@T E,,-$ LB@U?ARR$ %348$ EOPA'?O0*($ 0#A@$ JS@QA?$ :@(A?$ 3'((*A$ 3Q'aAR &ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@=> /RQ$('N Snazzy Chinka, by Zippos Old Gold. Dam of 8 foals, 3 performers-!"##BR$1Ak'R$1`BRQA# (g. by Zippos Jim). 68.5 points & $1,698; 166 Novice points: N. Carolina Justin Amateur Rookie of the Year; 7th, Regional Experience Amateur Western Pleasure; 4th, Congress Novice Youth Horsemanship & 5th in the Hunt Seat Equiation; Open & Youth Performance ROM. _BR$LMB)B*'QA$!"##B (g. by Doc O Mos). 10.5 points: Lakeside Winter Classic NSBA Open Junior Western Pleasure Champion; Open Performance ROM. E@($('N Champ’s Chinka Pin, by Rancher’s Champ. Dam of 1 other foal. ]?($('N Peppy’s Cue Bar, by Peppy’s Pepper II. Dam of-7A##5eR$ZAB$4'? (Evan’s Leo Zero). 29 points: Open Performance ROM. Champs Peppy Bar (Rancher’s Champ). Granddam of-V&031$%$Z8L2$(APHA). 186 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure; Amateur & Youth Superior Halter. V?BRQA($7A##A? (APHA). 91 points: Open Halter & Performance ROM. V?BRQA($K$& (APHA). 42 points: Youth Performance ROM. FQM$('N Ward Sugar Cue, by Dark Cloud. Dam of 2 other foals. svp 9/09 Consigned by Tom Hanson J"#$%B> ]][ _"RQA?R$V'"?)M"*( J"#$%B> ]][ 1993 Sorrel Mare &0_$K2312&%$7Z283:&2 4&2X$10$&Z$4231$0V$3:XX2% Impressive Conclusive { Night Pacer Mr Conclusion _"RQA?R$V'"?)M"*( ]EE,E[+ { Sonnys Imperial Miss 1989 ! ! Miss Amber Charge Otoe Charge { Star’s Amber Sonny Go Te N’ Te { Te Lucky Machine Docs Imperial Miss One { Imperial Misdee Bar 72&V0&_8%L2$&2L0&X: 16 Open points: 15 Open Western Pleasure points and 1 Amateur Halter point; Open ROM Western Pleasure. %0123: 4&2X to &Z$4231$0V$3:XX2%$for a 2010 foal. 7&0X:L2$&2L0&X: 2000 Conclusierra Te, c. by Sierra Te. 2001 2k)AA("@U*5$ _"RQA?, f. by Excelebration. 40.5 points & $2,093: RMQHA Futurity Champion Open Sr Weanling Mare; Open & Amateur Halter ROM. 2001 Devastatingly Mister, c. by Obvious Devastator. 2003 Secretely A Mister, f. by The Secret. 45$ _&$ L0%LZ:360%$ ;/<-E=>$ KB?*($ LM'N#"B@>$ 1MA$ 8IJ8eR$ g/$ 8**O1"NA ZA'("@U$ 3"?A$ BC$ J'*QA?$ &0_$ '@($ g/$ 8**O1"NA$ ZA'("@U$ 3"?A$ BC$ KB?*( LM'N#"B@$J'*QA?$JB?RARG$R"?"@U$QMA$A'?@A?R$BC$E]-$KB?*(j&ARA?WA$KB?*( LM'N#"B@RM"#R$ '@($ F-G-[]$ #B"@QRG$ -]E$ &0_$ '`'?(RG$ E-<$ 3S#A?"B? '`'?(R$'@($A'?@A?R$BC$BWA?$D/G+,,G,,,> /RQ$('N Sonnys Imperial Miss, by Sonny Go Te. Dam of 10 foals, 7 performers-_"RQA?$V'"?)M"*($(f. by Mr Conclusion). Reference. 0YW"BSR$_"**"A$(f. by Obvious Conclusion). 7.5 points & $4,687: 7th, World Show Open & Amateur Weanling Mares. L*'RR")'*$&")M$b"( (c. by Kids Classic Style). 13.5 points: Open Halter ROM. Shez Lookin Obvious (f. by Obvious Conclusion). Dam of-04f60:3ZP$1&: (AQHA/APHA)(Ima Tru Skip). !0(!2ESERVE7ORLD #HAMPION/PEN7EALING3TALLION ZBBa$b"($ZBBa (Kidlook). $1,735: split 5th, Iowa QHA Breeders Futuirty Open Senior Weanling Stallions. E@($('N Docs Imperial Miss, by Imperial One. Dam of-_?$XB)SNA@Q'?5. 28 points: Reserve World Champion Open 3-Year-Old Stallion; 3rd, World Show Open Aged Stallions. Sonnys Miss Imperial (Sonny Go Lucky). 15 Halter points. Dam of L00Z$_2 X0K% (World Champion Amateur Yearling & 2-Year-Old Gelding), L?A'Q"WB (Res. World Champion Open Yearling Gelding). Conclusives Delight (Conclusive). Dam of-30%%P3$32L:&6122. 42 points: World Champion 2 & 3-Year-Old Stallion. An All-Time Leading AQHA Sire. Ms Delight Te. Dam of 107$X0K%$_8!2&8116 (AQHYA World Champion Aged Mare), 3J2!8$X2Z69J1V:Z$b6X (198 points: Sup. Halter). svp 9/09 Consigned by Donna Morgan J"#$%B> ]]. 4?"**'@Q$4'5 J"#$%B> ]]. 2005 Bay Mare Artful Investment 4?"**'@Q$4'5 d,[F[+]. { Southern Cee Bee (TB) 1993 ! ! Wind Chime Artful Move { Buzz Fly (TB) January Investment The Big Investment { Sheza Powder Sebrof Forbes { Bold Jamila Southern Cathy Slugger { Southern State’s Take %0123: Brillant Bay is a gorgeous 16.2 hand mare by Artful Investment and out of Southern Cee Bee (TB). She is a full sister to Ahead Of My Game. She is a beautiful mover and is ready to go show. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. 45$ 8&1V:Z$ 6%f231_2%1$ ;/<<+=>$ +OQ"NA$ KB?*($ LM'N#"B@G$ ]$ %'Q"B@'*$ 8**O 8?BS@($'`'?(RG$FOQ"NA$LB@U?ARR$LM'N#"B@G$-$J"UM$7B"@Q$Q"Q*ARG$A'?@A?$BC EG,],$#B"@QR$'@($D</G-<+H$J"UM$7B"@Q$^S@"B?$8**O8?BS@($LM'N#"B@$'@($8**O 8?BS@($ 3Q'**"B@T$ J"UM$ 7B"@Q$ 8N'QAS?$ 8**O8?BS@($ LM'N#"B@T$ Q`BOQ"NA &ARA?WA$KB?*($3MB`$3S#A?MB?RAT$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$^S@"B?$JS@QA?$:@(A? 3'((*AG$7*A'RS?A$X?"W"@U$'@($JS@QA?$J')a$JB?RA$"@$QMA$R'NA$5A'?T$KB?*( LM'N#"B@$ 8N'QAS?$ JS@QA?$ :@(A?$ 3'((*A$ '@($ 2iS"Q'Q"B@$ JB?RA$ "@$ QMA R'NA$5A'?T$&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$8N'QAS?$JS@Q$3A'Q$2iS"Q'Q"B@$'@( 7A?CB?N'@)A$J'*QA?$3Q'**"B@G$AQ)>$3"?A$BC$QMA$A'?@A?R$BC$FG,E,$#B"@QRG$.&0_G$/+$3S#A?"B?R$'@($/,$KB?*(j&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@RM"#RG$"@)*S(O "@U$ 8&1V:Z$ 72&3:8360%$ ;8IJ8$ KB?*($ LM'N#"B@$ ^S@"B?$ 7*A'RS?A X?"W"@UT$E,,-$8IJ8$3A*A)Q$&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$7*A'RS?A$X?"W"@UT 8IJ8$&ARA?WA$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$7*A'RS?A$X?"W"@UT$LB@U?ARR$LM'N#"B@ ^?$7*A'RS?A$X?"W"@U=G$3Z0K$Z293$;8IJ8$KB?*($LM'N#"B@$JS@QA?$J')aT LB@U?ARR$^?$JS@QA?$J')a$&ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@=> /RQ$('N Southern Cee Bee (TB), by Sebrof. Unraced. Dam of 3 TB foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, dam of 5 QH foals, 1 performer-Rantnrave (f. by Exemplary Leader). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $59,217. Kujo (f. by Devil's Rock). Winner at 3, $22,200. 8MA'($0C$_5$9'NA (f. by Artful Investment). 10.5 Open Performance points & $6,272: 4th, Congress 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity; Reichert Celebration NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; Redbud Spectacular NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; 4th, NSBA World Open Junior Hunter Under Saddle; Open Performance ROM. E@($('N 3BSQMA?@$L'QM5, by Southern Slugger. 2 wins at 3, $12,761, 2nd Aphrodite S. Dam of 5 foals, 2 to race, 1 winner-Jacky Jones P. R. (Affiliate). 4 wins at 2, $12,652. Minty Green (Cabrini Green). Placed at 3, $1,326. Southern Cee Bee (Sebrof). ]?($('N State’s Take, by Bandit. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of-3BSQMA?@$L'QM5$(Southern Slugger). Above. Confiscatory (Southern Count). Winner at 2 and 4, $10,456. svp 9/09 J"#$%B> ]]- Consigned by Melinda Mayes 3S)M'$3`AAQ$_')M"@A J"#$%B> ]]- February 3, 2008 Bay Gelding A Good Machine 3S)M'$3`AAQ$_')M"@A d,[.-]F- { Sucha Sweet Detail 2002 ! ! Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess War Kelpie War Machine { Skip’s Vivi Last Detail Easy { Jetaway Lilly La Belle She’s Tuff (TB) Forbes { Fobby Forever Loy’s %0123: Sucha Sweet Machine is a royal hunt seat prospect. His sire and dam are proven winners. His dam stands 16.3 hands and is by Last Detail. Her first foal stands 16.3 hands and has a show record. This yearling is big, mature and has a great hock. In training and fitted by Brenda Jeter, this gelding has been saddled and is ready to be broke to ride. His size and maturity make him an ideal prospect for the early futurities. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA Incentive Fund, NSBA Breeders Championship, Southern Belle and Just For Pleasure nominated. 45$8$900X$_8LJ6%2$;/<<]=>$8@$%348$8**O1"NA$ZA'("@U$3"?AT$'$E,,-$%348 1B#$/+$ZA'("@U$3"?A$'@($8IJ8$1B#$E,$ZA'("@U$3"?AG$R"?"@U$QMA$A'?@A?R$BC [G</F$#B"@QRG$/F+$&0_$'@($]<$3S#A?"B?$'`'?(RG$[$KB?*(j&ARA?WA$KB?*( LM'N#"B@RM"#R$'@($D+F+G//-> /RQ$('N 3S)M'$3`AAQ$XAQ'"*, by Last Detail. NSBA & AIF $4,745 & 2 Open Performance points: NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion, 3rd in the Limited Non-Pro; 5th, Congress Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity; 3rd, High Point NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle. Dam of 2 foals 1 of performance age, 1 performer-Invest In Details (g. by Artful Investment). Open Performance point-earner & NSBA money-earner: 4th, 2008 NSBA Breeders Championship 2-Year-Old Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle; top 10, 2009 NSBA World 3-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro & Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle; top 10, 2009 NSBA Breeders Championship Limited Open & Limited Non-Pro HUS. E@($('N She’s Tuff (TB), by Fobby Forbes. Dam of-31PZ63JZP$X2186Z2X (Last Detail). 76 points & $8,745: 3rd, Congress Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle, top 10 in the Limited Open; 4th, Congress Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity; Superior Hunter Under Saddle in 2009; 24.5 Novice/Amateur points: Amateur ROM. 1MA$%AkQ$XAQ'"*$(Last Detail). 19 points & over $6,000: 2009 NSBA World Junior Hunter Under Saddle Champion; 2009 NSBA World Open Hunter Under Saddle Maturity Reserve Champion; 2008 Congress NSBA Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Reserve Champion, 6th in the Open; Open Performance ROM in 2009; 2009 World Show qualifier Junior HUS. 3S)M'$3`AAQ$XAQ'"* (Last Detail). Above. In Fine Detail (Last Detail). Dam of-Resurrection. $1,065: 2008 Scottsdale Classic NSBA 2-Year-Old Open & Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; top 10, 2009 Reichert Celebration NSBA & NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity 3-Year-Old Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle. svp 9/09 Consigned by Mills Quarter Horses J"#$%B> ]]< 3S((A@*5$%$&'@UA J"#$%B> ]]< March 19, 2008 Red Roan Filly Openrange 3S((A@*5$%$&'@UA +/+.+/, { Suddenly N Sync 1998 ! ! Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Leaguers Zipanna Leaguers Last { Lady Zipanna A Sudden Impulse { Impulsions Zips Illusion Denim With Lace Dee Bar { Boston Dew Doc Delux %0123: Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA BCF. HYPP N/N on AQHA record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`$MA$"R$QMA$R"?A$BC$$461$K2312&%$;DEEGF-+H$3BSQMA?@ 4A**A$ 6@W"Q'Q"B@'*$ %348$ 3*BQ$ \$ 4?AA(A?Re$ 0#A@$ PA'?*"@U$ ZB@UA$ Z"@A &ARA?WA$LM'N#"B@G$LM'N#"B@$"@$QMA$%B@O7?B$'@($Z"N"QA($%B@O7?BT$QB# /,G$ E,,-$ &A")MA?Q$ 7*A'RS?A$ LA*AY?'Q"B@$ 3'*A$ 3*BQ$ EOPA'?O0*($ %B@O7?B KARQA?@$7*A'RS?AT$FQMG$1BN$7B`A?R$1?"$LM'**A@UA$4?AA(A?R$0#A@$PA'?O *"@U$ZB@UA$Z"@A=G$072%$7&23L&67160%$;D/EG][+H$E,,<$&A")MA?Q$LA*AY?'O Q"B@$ EOPA'?O0*($ %B@O7?B$ KARQA?@$ 7*A'RS?A$ 3Q'aAR$ &ARA?WA$ LM'N#"B@T +QMG$ E,,<$ &A")MA?Q$ LA*AY?'Q"B@$ EOPA'?O0*($ 3'*A$ 3*BQ$ %B@O7?B$ KARQA?@ 7*A'RS?A=> /RQ$('N Suddenly N Sync, by A Sudden Impulse. Dam of 6 foals, 4 performers-3S((A@*5$8$9BB($4'? (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 141 points & $7,398: Tom Powers Futurity NSBA 2-Year-Old Intermediate Open Western Pleasure; A Little Futurity 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; top 10, 2009 Select World Show Trail Horse; Open & Amateur Performance ROM; qualified, 2009 World Show Jr Western Pleasure & Trail Horse. 3S((A@*5$%$0WA?Q"NA (g. by Zippos Overtime). 15.5 points & $2,050: 3rd, Reichert Celebration Ladies Open Western Pleasure Stakes; 7th, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes; Open ROM. 0@A$9BB($6N#S*RA (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 11.5 points: Open Perf. ROM. E@($('N Denim With Lace, by Boston Dee Bar. Dam of-Suddenly N The Money (A Sudden Impulse). 5.5 Open & Amateur Perf. points. ]?($('N X2K$X0L$X2Z:d, by Doc’s Juniper. 80 points: Open Superior Pleasure. Dam ofX22$48&$X2Z:d (Boston Dee Bar). 168 points & $5,002: Open & Amateur AQHA Champion. FQM$('N Magnolia Dew, by Magnolia Paul. Dam of-3:72&$3%61!P (Super Cut Up). 211 points: AQHA Supreme Champion. X22$48&$X2Z:d (Boston Dee Bar). Above. svp 9/09 Consigned by Susan Marques Hip No. 340 Sundancing Blaze Hip No. 340 2005 Bay Gelding Blazing Hot Sundancing Blaze 4764773 { Sundance Jet Phantom 1985 { { Doc’s Hotrodder Hotrodders Jet Set { Miss Clique Tahnee Zippo Zippo Pine Bar { Toshi Barts Jet Shi Smooth { Super First Fame Macs Hi Fashion Mac { Sundance Babe’s Fashion NOTES: Sundancing Blaze is a great minded gelding. He’s been in professional training and is started on lead changes. Out of a mare with a great show and produce record. He will make a good novice or youth horse. Good legged. Sound. By BLAZING HOT (1992). $38,221 and 99 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Western Pleasure and Junior Western Riding Horse ; Champion of the Congress 2-Year-Old Open Pleasure Futurity, 3-Year-Old Open and Limited Open Pleasure Derby, etc. The 2008 AQHA #2 Leading Sire of Open & Amateur Performance point-earners, An AQHA All Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM, 2008 NSBA #2 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 30,397 AQHA points, 425 ROM, 175 Superiors, 22 World/Reserve World Championships and over $1,797,408. 1st dam SUNDANCE JET PHANTOM, by Barts Jet Shi. 324.5 points & $3,581: 4th, World Show Amateur Western Pleasure; 6th, World Show Open Senior Western Pleasure; 4th, Congress Open Sr Western Pleasure; 7th, World Show Open Jr Western Pleasure; Sup.Western Pleasure. Dam of 12 foals, 7 performersSIMPLY A NOTION (f. by Zipped My Zipper). 431 points & $4,332: 4-time European Champion Western Pleasure & Trail Horse; 10-time International High Point Western Pleasure & Trail Horse; AQHA Champion. Dont Skip My Dance (g. by Dont Skip Zip). 111.5 points & $2,700: 2008 Regional Experience Select Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Sweet Talkin Phantom (g. by Sweet Talkin Chip). 44.5 points & $5,423: 5th, Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Derby; top 10, Congress Futurity Limited Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Amateur Performance ROM. Zipvanwinkle (g. by Zipped My Zipper). 35 points & $1,789: 4th, PCQHA Futurity NSBA SSA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; International High Point Hunter Under Saddle; Open Performance ROM. Blazin In The Sun (g. by Blazing Hot). 19 points: Open Performance ROM. Phantom Zipper (g. by Zipped My Zipper). 17.5 points & $3,134: European Reserve Champion Amateur Western Pleasure; 3rd, European Championship Junior Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. 2nd dam Macs Hi Fashion, by Sundance Mac. Dam of-Phantom Mac 715 (Barts Jet Shi). 67.5 points: Fox Valley Show 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Perf. ROM. Phantom Merry 312 (Barts Jet Shi). 7 Open Performance points. Dam of-The Phantom General. 44.5 points: money-earner, Tom Powers 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure; Amateur & Youth Perf. ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 341 Consigned by Susan Marques Dancing Phantom Pine Hip No. 341 2006 Sorrel Gelding Vested Pine Dancing Phantom Pine 5038885 { Sundance Jet Phantom 1985 { { The Invester Pat Bars { Zippo Hank’s Peppy Lou Zippos Bay Lady Zippo Pine Bar { Sunny Shalee Barts Jet Shi { Super Smooth Macs Hi Fashion Mac { Sundance Babe’s Fashion First Fame NOTES: Dancing Phantom Pine is a very good minded, good legged gelding. Top of the line breeding. Out of a Congress Champion Mare with a great produce record. He will be a great novice or youth horse. By VESTED PINE (1991). Earner of $24,780 & 105 points in halter, western riding and western pleasure: Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; top 10, World Championship Junior Western Pleasure 3 times; Superior Western Pleasure; 4th, Congress Limited 3-YearOld Western Pleasure Derby. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 5,295 points, 75 ROM, 23 Superiors, 8 World/Reserve World Championships and nearly $500,000, including INVEST N VITAL SIGNS ($141,556: Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Challenge Champion; AQHA Reserve World Champion 2-Year-Old Open Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 2008 Congress NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion, etc). 1st dam SUNDANCE JET PHANTOM, by Barts Jet Shi. 324.5 points & $3,581: 4th, World Show Amateur Western Pleasure; 6th, World Show Open Sr Western Pleasure; 4th, Congress Open Sr Western Pleasure; 7th, World Show Open Jr Western Pleasure; Sup.Western Pleasure. Dam of 12 foals, 7 performersSIMPLY A NOTION (f. by Zipped My Zipper). 431 points & $4,332: 4-time European Champion Western Pleasure & Trail Horse; 10-time International High Point Western Pleasure & Trail Horse; AQHA Champion. Dont Skip My Dance (g. by Dont Skip Zip). 111.5 points & $2,700: 2008 Regional Experience Select Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Sweet Talkin Phantom (g. by Sweet Talkin Chip). 44.5 points & $5,423: 5th, Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Derby; top 10, Congress Futurity Limited Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Amateur Performance ROM. Zipvanwinkle (g. by Zipped My Zipper). 35 points & $1,789: 4th, PCQHA Futurity NSBA SSA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; International High Point Hunter Under Saddle; Open Performance ROM. Blazin In The Sun (g. by Blazing Hot). 19 points: Open Performance ROM. Phantom Zipper (g. by Zipped My Zipper). 17.5 points & $3,134: European Reserve Champion Amateur Western Pleasure; 3rd, European Championship Jr Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. 2nd dam Macs Hi Fashion, by Sundance Mac. Dam of-Phantom Mac 715 (Barts Jet Shi). 67.5 points: Fox Valley Show 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Perf. ROM. Phantom Merry 312 (Barts Jet Shi). 7 Open Performance points. svp 9/09 Hip No. 342 Consigned by After Dark Farms, Agt for Charlene Vanness Pending Hip No. 342 May 2, 2008 Chestnut Filly Just Wait Until Dark Pending { Sunday Bar Lady 1985 { { Sonny Deluxe Dynamic Deluxe { Boston Sonora Pocos Unique Fashion Poco Fact { Whiskys Shady Sady Buckeye 3 Bars Bars { Jock Warren’s Lady Jipsy Reed Jip { Rocky Bar Tee Chessie NOTES: This is a gorgeous filly with a flaxen mane and tail. She is an incredible mover. She has all the kindness, mind, talent and movement to win in major futurities. And wow, what a performance pedigree. Her sire is a Congress Champion sire and her dam is a Superior Western Pleasure Mare. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By JUST WAIT UNTIL DARK (1999). NSBA earner of $2,454: 6th, Congress Open Yearling Longe Line Futurity. A 2008 NSBA Leading Sire. Sire of ANGEL UNTIL DARK ($26,801 & 77 points: Congress 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity Champion; 5th in the Open; Tom Powers Tri Challenge NSBA 3-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open & Youth ROM), DARK JASMINE ($23,225 & 20.5 points: 2008 Congress Champion NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity; 2008 Congress Reserve Champion NSBA 2-YearOld Open Western Pleasure Futurity; 2009 Tom Powers Tri Challenge 3Year-Old Intermediate Open Western Pleasure Futurity Champion; Open ROM in 2009), LOTS OF DARK LACE ($7,009: top 15 finalist, 2008 Reichert NSBA 2-Year-Old $100,000 Intermediate Open Western Pleasure Slot). 1st dam SUNDAY BAR LADY, by Buckeye 3 Bars. 15.5 points & $5,341: NSBA Western Pleasure Certificate of Ability; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 7 foals, 3 performers-Just Call Me Calvin (g. by Steebars Sugar). 9 Open & Amateur Performance points. Shes Kickin Asset (f. by Investment Asset). 1.5 Open Performance points: 6th, Big Cheese Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle. 2nd dam Jipsy Reed, by Rocky Jip. Dam of-SUNDAY BAR LADY (Buckeye 3 Bars). Above. Miss Jipsy Doc (Rocky Jip). 4 Open Performance points. 3rd dam Bar Tee Chessie, by Toots South. Dam of-Bar Tee Gussie (Rocky Jip). Dam of-Rock N Boogey Bar (Boogey Leo). NCHA money-earner. 4th dam Bud’s Tar Baby, by Cheyenne Pass. Dam of-Cheyenne Leo (Beau Bar). 37 points: Open & Youth Performance ROM. Tar Bar (Leo Bar). 6 Open Halter & Performance points. Jem Jill (Leo Bar). Granddam of-Bar Tee Lad. 6 Open Performance points. Josie Go South. 6 Open Performance points. svp 9/09 Hip No. 343 Consigned by Steve Heckaman, Agt. Evi Morrell Trover Sunsational Pine Hip No. 343 2006 Sorrel Gelding Vested Pine Sunsational Pine 4844600 { Sunsational Lollipop 1990 { { The Invester Zippos Bay Lady Sun Dee Sensation Smokeys Condana Zippo Pat Bars { Hank’s Peppy Lou Zippo Pine Bar { Sunny Shalee Sonny Dee Bar { Katherine Miller Duster Too { Smokey Pines Condans NOTES: Sunsational Pine should be one of the standouts in the sale as a youth, amateur or open show horse for western pleasure and all-around events. He has many positive qualities from both of his successful parents. This gelding has the strong slow legged movement of Vested Pine and steady demeanor of his dam. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By VESTED PINE (1991). Earner of $24,780 & 105 points in halter, western riding and western pleasure: Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; top 10, World Championship Junior Western Pleasure 3 times; Superior Western Pleasure; 4th, Congress Limited 3-YearOld Western Pleasure Derby. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 5,295 points, 75 ROM, 23 Superiors, 8 World/Reserve World Championships and nearly $500,000. 1st dam SUNSATIONAL LOLLIPOP, by Sun Dee Sensation. 151.5 points & $14,049: 3rd, World Show Sr Western Pleasure; 3rd, High Point Sr Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Heart of Texas Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 10 foals, 3 performers-Platinum Sunsation (g. by Potential Investment). 35 points & $2,170: WSQHA Trophy Circuit NSBA Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Investment Lollipop (f. by Potential Investment). Dam of-ADIOS MI AMIGA. 59.5 points & $17,918: Congress 2-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes Champion & 3rd in the Non-Pro; Silver Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Youth Performance ROM. 2nd dam Smokeys Condana, by Smokey Duster Too. 33 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-SUNSATIONAL LOLLIPOP (Sun Dee Sensation). Above. Zipped N Snickers (Zipped N Barred). Dam of-SUDDENLY ZIPPED (A Sudden Impulse). 83.5 points & $3,079: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Excelence Guaranteed (Zippo Pine Chex). 32.5 points: 4th, Reichert Celebration Ladies Limited Open Western Pleasure Stakes; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. A Sudden Looker (A Sudden Impulse). 17.5 points: Open Perf. ROM. A Sudden Comfort (A Sudden Impulse). 7.5 points: 6th, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Int. Open WesternPleasure Stakes & Open finalist. svp 10/09 Hip No. 344 Consigned by Steve Heckaman, Agt. Evi Morrell Trover Im Icing On the Cake Hip No. 344 February 27, 2007 Gray Filly A Winters Breeze Im Icing On The Cake 4992580 { Sunsational Lollipop 1990 { { Barpasser A Passin Breeze { Ms Winter Breeze Sheza Two Stepper Mr Twist N Time { Lady Conquest Sun Dee Sensation Dee Bar { Sonny Katherine Miller Smokeys Condana Duster Too { Smokey Pines Condana NOTES: Im Icing On The Cake is a gorgeous gray filly that has the looks and talent to be a tough maiden horse for next year. With her bloodlines and ability she would be a great asset to any program. We started this filly later as to ensure her mind and soundness. She is ready to take the next step. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By A WINTERS BREEZE (1999). 34 Open & Amateur points & 55.5 Novice/ Amateur points & $5,600: Scottsdale Classic NSBA Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; KY Breeders Futurity NSBA 2-Year-Old Open SSA Western Pleasure Champion; Tulsa Summer Circuit NSBA Futurity Intermediate Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; KY QHA 2-YearOld Open Western Pleasure Maturity Co-Reserve Champion; Open ROM. 1st dam SUNSATIONAL LOLLIPOP, by Sun Dee Sensation. 151.5 points & $14,049: 3rd, World Show Sr Western Pleasure; 3rd, High Point Sr Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Heart of Texas Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 10 foals, 3 performers-Platinum Sunsation (g. by Potential Investment). 35 points & $2,170: WSQHA Trophy Circuit NSBA Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Investment Lollipop (f. by Potential Investment). Dam of-ADIOS MI AMIGA. 59.5 points & $17,918: Congress 2-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes Champion & 3rd in the Non-Pro; Silver Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Youth Performance ROM. 2nd dam Smokeys Condana, by Smokey Duster Too. 33 points: Open ROM. Dam of-SUNSATIONAL LOLLIPOP (Sun Dee Sensation). Above. Zipped N Snickers (Zipped N Barred). Dam of-SUDDENLY ZIPPED (A Sudden Impulse). 83.5 points & $3,079: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Excelence Guaranteed (Zippo Pine Chex). 32.5 points: 4th, Reichert Celebration Ladies Limited Open Pleasure Stakes; Open & Amateur ROM. A Sudden Looker (A Sudden Impulse). 17.5 points: Open Perf. ROM. A Sudden Comfort (A Sudden Impulse). 7.5 points: 6th, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Int. Open WesternPleasure Stakes & finalist in the Open. A Sudden Lollipop (A Sudden Impulse). Dam of-RL ZIP IT SUDDEN (RL Zip Code). 72 points & $3,837: top 10, Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity; top 10, High Point Amateur Western Pleasure; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. svp 10/09 Hip No. 345 Consigned by Steve Heckaman, Agt. Evi Morrell Trover Poparazzi Hip No. 345 March 13, 2008 Gray Filly Potential Investment Poparazzi 5132420 { Sunsational Lollipop 1990 { { Principle Investment Hot Little Treasure Sun Dee Sensation Smokeys Condana The Big Investment { Tiger Serena Hotrodders Jet Set { Treasure Sail Dee Bar { Sonny Katherine Miller Duster Too { Smokey Pines Condana NOTES: Poparazzi is an exceptional gray filly with a great pedigree. She has the conformation, movement and curb appeal to be an outstanding show horse and broodmare later on. Her full sister produced a 2-year-old Congress Non-Pro Futurity Champion and both her sire and dam are Congress Champions as well. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By POTENTIAL INVESTMENT (1992). Earner of $26,584 and 80 AQHA points: Congress Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion and Congress 2Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion; Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; National Western Pleasure Leader; Superior Western Pleasure. An NSBA Top 15 All-Time Leading Sire, and a 2008 AQHA Top 15 Leading Sire in 14 divisions, siring the earners of 18,185 points, 262 ROM, 89 Superiors, 12 World/Reserve World Championships and nearly $810,000. 1st dam SUNSATIONAL LOLLIPOP, by Sun Dee Sensation. 151.5 points & $14,049: 3rd, World Show Sr Western Pleasure; 3rd, High Point Sr Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Heart of Texas Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 10 foals, 3 performers-Platinum Sunsation (g. by Potential Investment). 35 points & $2,170: WSQHA Trophy Circuit NSBA Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Investment Lollipop (f. by Potential Investment). Dam of-ADIOS MI AMIGA. 59.5 points & $17,918: Congress 2-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes Champion & 3rd in the Non-Pro; Silver Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Youth Performance ROM. 2nd dam Smokeys Condana, by Smokey Duster Too. 33 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-SUNSATIONAL LOLLIPOP (Sun Dee Sensation). Above. Zipped N Snickers (Zipped N Barred). Dam of-SUDDENLY ZIPPED (A Sudden Impulse). 83.5 points & $3,079: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Excelence Guaranteed (Zippo Pine Chex). 32.5 points: 4th, Reichert Celebration Ladies Limited Open Western Pleasure Stakes; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. A Sudden Looker (A Sudden Impulse). 17.5 points: Open Perf. ROM. A Sudden Comfort (A Sudden Impulse). 7.5 points: 6th, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Int. Open WesternPleasure Stakes & Open finalist. svp 10/09 Consigned by Carli Stewart Hip No. 346 Hot Rockin Ruby Hip No. 346 2005 Sorrel Mare Hot Impulse Hot Rockin Ruby 5200505 { Sweet Ambiance 1996 { { The Invester Impulsions { Randados Rosa Ms Hot Medicine Hotrodders Jet Set { Miss Medicine Man Zippo Pine Bar Pat Bars { Zippo Dollie Pine Misters Sweet Te Conclusion { Mr Sweet Te Tiffany NOTES: “Ruby” is big and beautiful. She is a great loper and big enough to do the all-around. She is a wonderful lead changer and broke for anyone. By HOT IMPULSE (1996). Earner of 115 points and $13,894: World Champion Junior Western Riding Horse; 4th, Congress Junior Western Riding; 5th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Derby; Superior Western Pleasure; multiple futurity champion. Sire of 77 ROM, 28 Superiors, 4 Reserve World Champions earning 5,276 points, including IM SPARKLING HOT ($36,233 & 396 points: AQHYA Reserve World Champion Western Pleasure; Congress Champion Youth 12-14 Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure), INVESTMENT HUNTER ($34,931 & 754 points: Reserve World Champion Jr Hunter Hack; Reserve World Champion Jr Working Hunter; 8-time AQHA High Point Horse; Scottsdale Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion; 5th, World Show Open Jr Hunter Under Saddle). 1st dam Sweet Ambiance, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of 3 foals, 1 performer-Sweet Artful (f. by Artful Investment). 7.5 Amateur Halter & Performance points. 2nd dam MISTERS SWEET TE, by Mr Conclusion. 156.5 points: 3rd, World Show Open & Amateur Aged Mares; Congress Champion Open & Amateur 2-Year-Old Mare; Open Superior Halter. Dam of-TELUSIONS (Telusive).499.5 points & $12,694: 7-time World Champion Open & Amateur Gelding; AQHYA Reserve World Champion Aged Gelding; Congress Champion Open & Amateur 2-Year-Old Gelding; Open & Amateur Superior Halter. TEFLECTIVE (Telusive). 346 points & $18,861: World Champion Open 2-YearOld Gelding; AQHYA World Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding; Reserve World Champion Open & Amateur 3-Year-Old Gelding; Congress Champion Limited Amateur 2-Year-Old Gelding; Open & Amateur Superior Halter. TELESCOPIC (Telusive). 147.5 points & $3,021: 2009 AQHYA World Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding; Congress Reserve Champion Limited Open 2Year-Old Gelding; Open Superior Halter; qualified, 2009 Open, Select & Amateur World Show 3-Year-Old Geldings. Dominating Sensation (APHA)(Socketts Sensation). 60 points: APHA Reserve World Champion 2-Year-Old Gelding; Open & Amateur Halter ROM. 3rd dam Sweet Te Tiffany, by Te N’Te. 20 Open Halter points. Dam of-Im Mister To You. 34 points: Open & Amteur Halter ROM. Misters Coalition. 18.5 points: Open Halter ROM. svp 8/09 Consigned by Stephen Herigon Hip No. 347 Blazin Hot Betty Hip No. 347 2006 Bay Filly Blazing Hot Blazin Hot Betty 4906840 { Sweet Leaguer Chip 1999 { { Doc’s Hotrodder Hotrodders Jet Set { Miss Clique Tahnee Zippo Zippo Pine Bar { Toshi Sweet Talkin Chip Chocolate Chip { Zips Talkin Sweet Quality Leaguer A Big Leaguer { Im Molly Grey Bar NOTES: Blazin Hot Betty was started early this year and is very gentle. She is a nice mover with great breeding. Very athletic and would make a nice all-around horse. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By BLAZING HOT (1992). $38,221 and 99 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Western Pleasure and Junior Western Riding Horse ; Champion of the Congress 2-Year-Old Open Pleasure Futurity, 3-Year-Old Open and Limited Open Pleasure Derby, etc. The 2008 AQHA #2 Leading Sire of Open & Amateur Performance point-earners, An AQHA All Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM, 2008 NSBA #2 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 30,397 AQHA points, 425 ROM, 175 Superiors, 22 World/Reserve World Championships and over $1,797,408, sire of SURE AM HOT ($114,586: 2008 Reichert Pleasure Celebration NSBA 2-Year-Old $250,000 Western Pleasure Challenge Champion), BLAZING HOT COOKIES ($103,220: Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old + Maiden Slot Open Western Pleasure Champion), BLONDES ARE HOT ($75,744: Congress 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes Reserve Champion), SHES BLAZIN TRAILS ($63,969: AQHA Reserve World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure), WE BE BLAZIN ($52,094: High Point Amateur All-Around Champion; Congress Amateur Versatility Champion), HOT N BLAZING ($40,110 and 332 points: World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle Horse; Reserve World Champion Junior Western Riding Horse; Congress Junior Western Riding and Hunter Under Saddle Champion), RL JUST ONE BLAZE ($43,550 and 277 points: World Champion Amateur Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Amateur Pleasure Champion; Congress NonPro Futurity & Derby Champion). 1st dam Sweet Leaguer Chip, by Sweet Talkin Chip. Dam of 4 foals, 1 performer-A BLAZIN HOT LEAGUER (g. by Blazing Hot). $27,000: 2009 Reichert Celebration 3-Year Old + Maiden Open Western Pleasure Champion. 2nd dam Quality Leaguer, by Im A Big Leaguer. Dam of-Quality Boy (Sweet Talkin Chip). 70 points: Open & Youth Performance ROM. Sheza Moxie Lady (Mr Moxie Man). 2008 Regional Experience Youth Mares 2 & Under Champion & 3rd in the Open 2-Year-Old Mares. Quality Details (Last Detail). Open Performance point earner: 5th, NSBA High Point Open Green Hunter Under Saddle. 3rd dam MOLLY GREY BAR, by Ray Bars. 64 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-Kims Sillouete (Mr Kim Bar). 8.5 Open & Amateur Performance points.svp 9/09 Consigned by Susan Marques Hip No. 348 Untouchable Cherub Hip No. 348 1995 Red Dun Mare PERFORMANCE ROM BRED TO WATCH MY POTENTIAL Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Untouchable Zipper Untouchable Cherub 3353546 { Sunny Salina 1987 { { Amble Easy Mighty Te { Easy Lucillie Quincy Sun Dun Quincy Dan { Sir Penny Perk Dealer’s Ez Choice Good Deal { Lazy Syl Set PERFORMANCE RECORD: 59 Performance points; 27.5 Open, 17.5 Amateur & 14 Youth: Central Washington QHA NSBA Open Sr Western Pleasure Champion & Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. NOTES: Untouchable Cherub is sound and still can be ridden and shown. She should have a beautiful foal. A great package. She could be ABRA registered. Last BRED on April 3, 2009 to WATCH MY POTENTIAL. Foal in utero eligible for the AQHA Incentive Fund. PRODUCTION RECORD: 2005 Untouchable Blaze, c. by Blazing Hot. Sells today. By UNTOUCHABLE ZIPPER (1990). Earner of 351.5 points & $6,609: top 10, World Championship Amateur Western Riding; Superior Trail; Amateur ROM; 2009 World Show qualifier Amateur Western Riding. Sire of the earners of 2,360 points, 34 ROM, 14 Superiors, including GLOWIN EASY (AQHA/APHA) (641 AQHA points & $11,152: 4th, Congress 11-Under Youth Western Pleasure and 5th, Horsemanship; Youth Superior Horsemanhip; Superior Open, Amateur & Youth Pleasure; Scottsdale Classic NSBA Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Co-Reserve Champion; 61 APHA points: APHA ROM Open & Youth Western Pleasure, 3rd, 2008 APHA World Show Jr Youth Western Pleasure). 1st dam Sunny Salina, by Quincy Sun Dun. AQHA & IBHA Performance point earner. Dam of 4 foals, 2 performers-Untouchable Cherub (f. by Untouchable Zipper). Reference. DJS Dynamic (g. by Dynamic Deluxe). NSBA money-earner. 2nd dam Dealer’s Ez Choice, by Lazy Good Deal. 33 Open & Youth points. Dam of-Mr Easy Dan (Sir Quincy Dan). 36 points: Open Performance ROM. Easy Fandel (Doc’s Zimfandel). Open Halter point earner. Dam of-SUNDORO. 298 points & $8,062: AQHA Champion; Open & Amateur Superior Halter; Amateur Superior Showmanship. NATURALLY IM KATE. 206 points & $5,788: Open Superior Trail Horse. Sunorita. 56 points: Amateur Performance ROM. Sunny Jo Kasey. 50 points: Open Performance ROM. Promises Forever. Dam of-Forever Zippin. 94 points & $3,096: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Call Me Well Dun. 23 points: Palmer QHA Circuit NSBA Jr Open Western Pleasure Champion; Open Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 349 Consigned by Gerald and Brenda Mansur Whata Sweet Machine Hip No. 349 March 26, 2008 Bay Gelding A Good Machine Whata Sweet Machine X0677388 { Sweet Potato (TB) 1999 { { Zippos Mr Good Bar War Kelpie Memo Babazookie Zippo Pine Bar { Tamara Wess War Machine { Skip’s Vivi Mocito Guapo { Chardona Baba { El Toast To Zookie NOTES: Whata Sweet Machine is an outstanding prospect out of a 17 hand Thoroughbred mare. He has the size, movement and the mind to compete in Hunter Under Saddle and western events. “Jake” has a great trot and his canter is exceptional. In addition, he is absolutely beautiful. He stands 16 hands at the hip and should mature to well over 16 hands. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA BCF and SIF. By A GOOD MACHINE (1993). Earner of $19,288 and 70 AQHA points: Congress Limited Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion; 3rd, Congress Junior Western Pleasure; top 10, World Western Pleasure 3 times; Superior Western Pleasure. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire; a 2008 NSBA Top 15 Leading Sire and AQHA Top 20 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 6,914 points, 145 ROM and 39 Superior awards, 6 World/Reserve World Championships and $545,118, including OLD GOLD MACHINE ($117,135: Reichert Pleasure Celebration $250,000 Open Western Pleasure Challenge Champion; AQHA Reserve World Champion 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure). 1st dam Sweet Potato (TB), by Memo. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of 2 QH foals, the oldest a 5-year-old by Coats N Tails. 2nd dam Babazookie, by El Baba. Placed at 3, $24,275. Dam of 10 foals, 8 to race, 3 winnersLIGHTEN UP TINY (Bertrando). 2 wins at 3, $144,786, 1st Maiden S.-R, 2nd Fleet Treat S.-R. Dam of 4 foals, 2 to race, 1 winner-Lighten Up Rule (Tribal Rule). Winner at 3 and 4, 2008, $116,260. Mark Up Tiny (Benchmark). 2 wins at 3, 2009, $26,690. Naughty Nacho (Bertrando). 9 wins, 2 to 7, $154,139. Champagne Fairy (In Excess (IRE)). Winner at 3, $26,920. First Met (Mehmetori). Unraced. Dam of-Frappuccino (Proud Irish). 5 wins, 3 to 7, $35,130. 3rd dam TOAST TO ZOOKIE, by Raise A Cup. 5 wins, 5 times 2nd, once 3rd. Earned $120,628, Gamely S., Voyager S.-R. Dam of-Tall Boy (It's Freezing). 4 wins at 2 and 3, $87,802, 2nd Budweiser S. [L], Prevue S., 3rd Excalibur S. Pickemupnlayemdown (Stormy Atlantic). 5 wins at 3, $56,290. Trouble N Paradise (Tactical Advantage). Winner at 2 and 4, $27,570. Ciencia (El Gran Senor). Winner at 4, $6,944. Dam of-MAJOR IDEA. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $206,920, 1st Some Sensation S. [L] (SA, $50,010), Blue Norther S. [L], 3rd Miesque S. [G3], Hidden Light S.-R. svp 9/08 Hip No. 350 Consigned by Debbi Trubee, Agt. for Merle & Jean Lingel Exquisite Art Hip No. 350 March 10, 2008 Sorrel Filly Artful Move Exquisite Art 5192667 { Take Time To Dream (P/Q) 1997 { { Mr Tailwind Wind Chime { Trimbelle Buzz Fly (TB) Flying Warship { Buszel Scotch Bar Time Dee Bar { Sonny Chubby Time Ima Lot More { Baltimore This Time Eliza NOTES: Exquisite Art is a big, beautiful, soon to be double registered filly. Perfectly made to win big. All in one Hunter Under Saddle show prospect. Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to own an Artful Move and Scotch Bar Time bred filly. She’s exquisite. Her APHA papers have been applied for and are pending. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By ARTFUL MOVE (1986). Five-time World or Reserve World Champion and 5time High Point Champion (5 events), earning 602 points in 10 events; Congress All-Around Amateur Champion. 2009 NSBA Hall of Fame; The AQHA's #1 All-Time Sire of Hunter Under Saddle Point-Earners; an AQHA Leading Sire 7 Divisions and an NSBA Leading Sire, siring the earners of 23,445 AQHA points, 282 ROM, 122 Superior Awards, 34 World/Reserve World Championships and $826,412, including SWEET MOVIN ARTIE ($100,253 and 1,387 points: Reserve World Superhorse; Reserve World Champion Amateur Hunter Under Saddle Horse twice, Congress Champion twice; High Point Hunter Hack Champion; AQHA #1 All-Time Amateur Hunter Under Saddle Point-Earner). 1st dam Take Time To Dream (QH)/Rock N Roll Scotch (PT), by Scotch Bar Time. 19.5 AQHA & 35 APHA points: split 4th, S. Dakota PHC Futurity Open Yearling Mares; AQHA Open Halter ROM; APHA Open & Amateur Halter ROM. Dam of 5 foals (2 AQHA/APHA), 2 performers, no point earners to date-Vanzis Time To Rock (AQHA/APHA). Dam of-Got Time To Rock (Gottem Lookin Clu). 3 IBHA points:IBHA Reserve World Champion 2-Year-Old Stallion & 3rd in the Amateur; IHBA Reserve Honor Roll 2-Year-Old Open Stallion. 2nd dam IMA LOT MORE, by Baltimore. 123.5 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-BALTIMORE SCOTCH(QH)/A TIMELY AFFAIR (PT)(Scotch Bar Time). 669 APHA points: Open & Amateur Superior Halter; Open & Amateur Superior Hunter Under Saddle. Take Time To Dream (QH)/Rock N Roll Scotch (PT)(Scotch Bar Time). Above. Hats Off To Scotch (Scotch Bar Time). 21 Halter & Performance points. 3rd dam This Time Eliza, by Time Request. Dam of-IMA LOT MORE (Baltimore). Above. 4th dam Fancy R Bar, by Boulder Bars. Dam of 3 other foals. svp 9/09 Hip No. 351 Consigned by John S. Narmont / Richland Ranch, Inc. Shes A Kat N Black Hip No. 351 1994 Black Mare SUPERIOR WESTERN PLEASURE BRED TO COATS N TAILS Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Kat Man Zip Shes A Kat N Black 3749016 { Talk To Me Mama (TB) 1986 { { Hilltops Kitty Kat Tomcat Dude { Boaz Daisy Jungle Savage Hemp { Indian Foolspoint Elp Groton { Major Iama Happy PERFORMANCE RECORD: 58 Open points: Superior Western Pleasure; AQHA World Show qualifier Junior Western Pleasure. NOTES: Shes A Kat N Black is a big, black AQHA Superior Western Pleasure Mare. She should produce a big strided trot with that western pleasure lope. Last BRED on February 9, 2009 to COATS N TAILS. Foal in utero eligible for most major futurities. PRODUCE RECORD: 2001 Artistic Annie, f. by Artful Investment. 2003 An Angel Everlasting, f. by The Last Captive. 2004 The Krumsun Tide, g. by One Hot Krymsun. 2 Open Performance points & 6.5 Novice/Amateur points. Showing in 2009. 2005 Blazing Black Kat, c. by Blazing Hot. 2007 Hot At Midnight, f. by One Hot Krymsun. By KAT MAN ZIP (1989). Earner of 54 points: 6th, World Championship Junior Western Pleasure; 6th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity; top 10, World Championship 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure and Congress Junior Western Pleasure; Superior Western Pleasure. Sire of earners of 6,533 points, 56 ROM, 32 Superiors and 3 Reserve World Champions. 1st dam Talk To Me Mama (TB), by Jungle Savage. Dam of 7 QH foals, 5 performers-SHES A KAT N BLACK (f. by Kat Man Zip). Reference. Tall Dark N Kattin (g. by Kat Man Zip). 90.5 points & $2,326: 3rd, 2008 AQHYA Justin Rookie of the Year 15-18; 3rd, Tom Powers Tri Challenge Futurity Open Hunter Yearling Longe Line; 3rd, Tom Powers Tri Clallenge Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity; 3rd, 2008 Congress Sr Novice/Youth Hunter Under Saddle; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM; 106 Novice/ Youth points. Better N Brown (g. by Investment Asset). 75.5 points & $5,786: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Available By Request (f. by Blazing Hot). 5.5 Open & Amateur Performance points; 26 Novice points. Better Be Brown (f. by Investment Asset). Dam of-Better Be Poisen. $7,273: IA QHA Futurity Breeders 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; 5th, IA QHA Breeders Open Yearling Geldings; Midwest Horsemans Breeders Futurity Sr Weanling Stallions Reserve Champion. Pass Me Roses. 15 Open & Amateur points & 12 Novice/Amateur points. svp 8/09 Consigned by Jim Dudley Hip No. 352 Cover My Bases Hip No. 352 May 3, 2008 Chestnut Filly Leaguers Grand Slam Cover My Bases 5112923 { Tardy Asset 1995 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine MVP Leaguer Im A Big Leaguer { Miss Shady Gypsy Investment Asset Big Investment { The Miss Rebel Rita Tardy Marty Too { Tardy Bonnie Dollar NOTES: Cove My Bases is a gorgeous liver chestnut filly with movement and pedigree to match. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By LEAGUERS GRAND SLAM (1994) [HYPP N/N]. Earner of 360 points and $23,250: Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; 3rd, World Show Amateur Western Pleasure; 5th AQHA High Point Junior Western Pleasure; 5th, Congress Junior Western Pleasure, 6th Congress Amateur Maturity; Superior Open & Amateur Western Pleasure. Sire of AGRANDSLAMFORSURE (APHA) (95 points in 10 events: 2008 APHA Reserve World Champion Heeling; ROM Heading, Heeling & Steer Stopping). 1st dam Tardy Asset, by Investment Asset. 13.5 points & $6,245: Tom Powers Futurity 2Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Whistle Stop Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Lone Star Futurity NSBA 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Open Performance ROM. Dam of 6 foals, 3 performers-Jackie O Asset (f. by Jacks Are Lucky Too). 22.5 points: Open Performance ROM. Tardys Hot Asset (g. by Red Hot Impulse). 3 Performance points & NSBA money-earner. 2nd dam Tardy Marty, by Tardy Too. Dam of-Tardy Asset (Investment Asset). Above. Iza Joker (Joker Solano). Dam of-Joking Hickory. NRHA money-earner: Central Ohio RHA Novice Non-Pro Reserve Champion. 3rd dam Bonnie Dollar, by Dollar Dodger. 5 Open Performance points. Dam of-Joker Poker (Joker Solano). 3 Performance points & NRHA money-earner: top 15, Congress Limited Open Reining Futurity; 3rd, NRHA Sr Youth Derby. Ms Skipsters Ebony (Skipster). Dam of-BOLD SKIPSTER (APHA). 361 points: Youth Superior Hunt Seat Equitation & Showmanship. SKIPSTERS NEWS FLASH. 82 points & $2,835: Indiana QHA Summer Circuit All-Age Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; Open Superior Hunter Under Saddle. Ebony Skip Too. 81 points: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Sheza Classy Otoe. Dam of-OTOES DAKOTA DELL. 119.5 points: Youth Superior Showmanship. svp 9/09 Consigned by Karen J. Boxell Hip No. 353 Johnie Be Good Hip No. 353 April 2, 2008 Red Roan Gelding Zippos Mr Good Bar Johnie Be Good 5080705 { This Misters Awesome 2001 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tamara Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star An Awesome Mister Conclusion { Mr Teero’s Bar Project Deck Of Stars { Deck Sparks Skipa Chief NOTES: Johnie Be Good has been started under saddle and is showing great potential to be your 2-year-old snaffle bit futurity champion. He is out of a daughter of An Awesome Mister, sire of the dam of Vital Signs Are Good. Great mind and great legs. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity, eligible for Southern Belle. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900, including VITAL SIGNS ARE GOOD ($164,559: AQHA World All-Around Amateur; AQHA World Champion Amateur Western Riding & Amateur Western Pleasure; AQHA Reserve World Champion Sr Western Riding; AQHA World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA World Champion Amateur Pleasure Horse; 2008 NSBA Horse of the Year; Congress Open Pleasure Futurity Champion). 1st dam This Misters Awesome, by An Awesome Mister. 11 points: The Classic Derby 3Year-Old SSA Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion. Dam of 4 foals, 1 performer-Three Times As Good (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). NSBA money-earner. 2nd dam Project Deck, by Deck Of Stars. Dam of-WWW Dot Win Dot Com (Zippos Mr Good Bar). 17.5 Open, Amateur & Youth points. 3rd dam Sparks Skipa Chief, by Sparks Production. Dam of-Decks Chief. 48 points & $2,032: top 10, Grand 20 Futurity 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. Ima Sweet Darlin. 4 Performance points. Dam of-TA Cadillac Style. 7.5 points: Lousiana QHA Futurity 3/4-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion-twice. Zipa Chief. Open Performance point earner: 5th, Grand 20 Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure. 4th dam Miss Skipa Chief, by Skipa Chief. Dam of-Chief Invester. 66.5 points: Open & Youth Performance ROM. Pros Miss Skipa Jo. 11 Open & Youth Performance points. Zips Chocolatesundae. 4 Open Performance points. Dam of-Just Abita Chip. 23.5 points: Open Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 354 Consigned by John S. Narmont / Richland Ranch, Inc. An Awesome Mac Hip No. 354 2004 Brown Mare BRED TO ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR Conclusive Mr Conclusion { Miss Amber Charge An Awesome Mister An Awesome Mac 4633870 { This Ones Got It All 1997 { { Teero’s Bay Pute Cee Bonanza { Teero Zhip Chocolate Chip { Zips Miss Brio Tuffy Reynolds Mac Reynolds { Mr Miss Tough Chic NOTES: An Awesome Mac will be a great addition to anyone’s broodmare band. She is a daughter of An Awesome Mister and bred to World Champion sire, Zippos Mr Good Bar. This foal will be genetically the same bloodlines as the great mare, Vital Signs Are Good. Last BRED on May 11, 2009 to ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR. HYPP N/H on AQHA record. PRODUCE RECORD: 2008 Good Intervention, c. by Zippos Mr Good Bar. 2009 Unnamed, f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar. By AN AWESOME MISTER (1989) [HYPP N/H]. World Champion Amateur Weanling Stallion; Reserve World Champion Amateur Yearling Stallion; Congress Junior Western Pleasure & Pleasure Maturity Champion and 2Year-Old Pleasure Reserve Champion; 3rd, World Championship 2-YearOld and Junior Western Pleasure. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire and an AQHA Leading Halter Sire, siring the earners of 10,533 AQHA points, 147 ROM, 59 Superior awards, including TOUCHED BY AWESOME (1,518 points and $19,512: Reserve High Point Junior & Youth All-Around Champion; Congress Junior Youth Western Riding Champion; Youth Supreme Performance Champion; Superior in 8 events). 1st dam This Ones Got It All, by Zhip. Dam of 2 foals, no performers. 2nd dam Tuffy Reynolds, by Mr Mac Reynolds. 107.5 points: Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. Dam of-ONE TUFF TOUCH (A Touch Of Sudden). $15,467: Southern Belle NSBA Open Slot Yearling Longe Line Champion; Congress Open Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion; Southern Belle NSBA Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion. Suddenly Tuffy (A Sudden Impulse). $7,692: Congress Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion & 5th in the Non-Pro; Reichert Celebration Open & Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion. Dam of-RL Zip Code Goods. 15.5 points: Youth Performance ROM. What The Boys Want (Zippo Pine Chex). $6,280: Reichert Celebration Limited Non-Pro 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Co-Champion; split 3rd, Southern Belle Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line. 3rd dam Miss Tough Chic, by A War Affair. Half sister to WAR LEO PEGGY (Open Superior Halter), Society Ann (Open Performance ROM. Dam of PREACHER’S BRANDY--220 points AQHYA Champion). Dam of 9 other foals. svp 8/09 Consigned by Ted and Teresa Allen Hip No. 355 Chipped By Choice Hip No. 355 2000 Chestnut Gelding AMATEUR PERFORMANCE ROM Zippo Pine Bar Zips Chocolate Chip { Fancy Blue Chip Chipped In Chocolate Chipped By Choice 4006614 { Triples Super Image 1988 { { The Belle O Boston Boston Mac { Miss Leo Moore Triple’s Image Chick { Triple Phffft Dynas Super Star Star { Skipa Dickey’s Dynawin PERFORMANCE RECORD: 16.5 Performance points; 1.5 Open Trail & Western Pleasure, 12 Amateur points in Western Riding, Horsemanship, Western Pleasure & Trail & 3 Youth in Western Riding, Trail, Western Horsemanship & Western Pleasure; 53 Novice/Amateur, 15 Showmanship, 21 Western Horsemanship, 15.5 Western Pleasure & 1.5 Trail; 78.5 Novice/Youth points, 8.5 Showmanship, 1 Trail, 41 Western Horsemanship, 28 Western Pleasure; 2008 Regional Experience Amateur Western Riding Champion & Novice Amateur Showmanship Champion; Amateur Performance ROM. NOTES: Chipped By Choice is a pattern king with beautiful lead changes and he’s a showmanship machine. We have won numerous circuit awards and allarounds with him. We are forced to sell him because our daughter is in college and has moved on. He is too nice of a horse to let sit. He would make a great youth, novice or select horse. He has no vices, is easy to clip, shoe, haul and is pleasant to be around. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By CHIPPED IN CHOCOLATE (1995). Earner of $24,976: Champion of the Congress Open & Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurities. Sire of TRULY CHIPPED (2008 IBHA World Champion Amateur Hunter Under Saddle, 2008 IBHA Reserve World Champion Open Jr Hunter Under Saddle), THE COCO BANDIT (PHBA World Championship Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion), ZIPS FINEST CHOCLATE (239 points & $5,185: Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure). 1st dam Triples Super Image, by Triples Image. Dam of 9 foals, 4 performers-Chipped By Choice (g. by Chipped In Chocolate). Reference. Just Tri Chocolate (g. by Jessies Fancy Chip). 15.5 points: Amateur ROM. BB Vested Image (f. by Vested Prescription). top 10, Just For Pleasure Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line & top 15 in the Open. BB Triple Zziple (g. by Prinzziple). 3rd, Horseman’s QHA Futurity Open & NonPro Yearling Longe Line. 2nd dam Dynas Super Star, by Skipa Star. Dam of-SUN MOON AND STARS (Sucha Smoothie). 122.5 points: 7th, AQHYA High Point Halter Mare; Open & Youth Superior Halter. SMOOTH TALKIN STAR (Smooth Town). 93 points: Amateur Superior Halter. SMOOTH SWINGING STAR (Smooth Town). 75 points: top 10, High Point Halter Stallion; Open Superior Halter. Seattle Sierra (Sierra Te). 53.5 points: Open & Amateur Halter ROM. Dam ofKT Pretty Sierra. 52 points: top 10, 2008 Select World Show 3-Year-Old Mares; Open & Amateur Halter ROM. svp 9/09 Consigned by Brett & Tara Spencer Hip No. 356 Ultra Asset Hip No. 356 1992 Bay Mare Ultra Asset 3062091 SUPERIOR WESTERN PLEASURE BRED TO PRINZZIPLE The Invester The Big Investment { The Country Girl Investment Asset { Miss Rebel Rita Top Rebel { Rita’s Orphan { Ultra Investment 1987 { The Big Investment Invester { The The Country Girl Miss Special Lee Of Tailwind { Son Bonanza Doll PERFORMANCE RECORD: 90.5 Performance points; 57.5 Open & 33 Amateur; $21,788: Solid Gold Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Champion & 5th in the Open; IHPQHA Open Western Pleasure Res. Champion; Iowa Futurity Open Western Pleasure Champion; Superior Western Pleasure. NOTES: Ultra Asset is a producing daughter of Investment Asset out of a daughter of The Big Investment. She has produced money-earners and earners of over 170 points. This is her first breeding to Prinzziple. Great individual and already a producer. She is a must add to any breeding program. Last BRED on June 7, 2009 to PRINZZIPLE. Foal in utero eligible for AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA and NSBA Breeders Championship. PRODUCE RECORD: 1995 Joeys Investment, f. by Vested Pine. Dam of-Iron Made Asset (56 points: Open & Amateur Performance ROM). 1999 Ultra Sandman, c. by Leaguers Sandman. 2001 AGR Slow Angel, f. by Lopin Slow. 2 Open & Youth Performance points. 2002 SIMPLY ULTRA HOT, f. by Simply Hot. 165 points & $13,823: Scottsdale Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; top 10, High Point Jr Horse; Open Superior Western Pleasure. 2003 Amegio Lady, f. by Zippo Amegio. 2004 AGR Krymsun Tide, g. by One Hot Krymsun. 2005 AGR Fluid Asset, g. by TNT Fluid Fred. 2006 Its Plenty Good, g. by Macs Good N Plenty. 2008 Ultra Sudden, f. by Sudden Inclination. 2009 Unnamed, by Sudden Inclination. By INVESTMENT ASSET (1987). Earner of 72 points and $49,875: Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Superior Western Pleasure. A 2008 Leading Sire of Amateur & Youth Performance Winners & Point-earners and an NSBA All-Time Leading Sire. 1st dam Ultra Investment, by The Big Investment. Dam of 14 foals, 4 performers-PHYSICAL ASSET (g. by Investment Asset). 271 points: !1(9!2ESERVE 7ORLD#HAMPION%QUITATION/VER&ENCES; Congress Youth Hunter Hack Champion; Youth Superior Hunter Hack & Equitation Over Fences. ULTRA ASSET (f. by Investment Asset). Reference. Tinseltowns Asset (f. by Good Asset). 41 points: 3rd, Arizona QH Breeders Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Perf. ROM. Smart Goods (g. by Good Asset). 34.5 points & $3,468: NW Congress NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Co-Res. Champion; ROM. svp 9/09 Consigned by Susan Marques Hip No. 357 Untouchable Blaze Hip No. 357 2005 Bay Gelding Blazing Hot Untouchable Blaze 4884658 { Untouchable Cherub 1995 { { Doc’s Hotrodder Hotrodders Jet Set { Miss Clique Tahnee Zippo Zippo Pine Bar { Toshi Untouchable Zipper Pine Bar { Zippo Amble Easy Sunny Salina Sun Dun { Quincy Dealer’s Ez Choice NOTES: Untouchable Blaze is a nice, big gelding that has been started with a professional trainer. By BLAZING HOT (1992). $38,221 and 99 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Western Pleasure and Junior Western Riding Horse ; Champion of the Congress 2-Year-Old Open Pleasure Futurity, 3-Year-Old Open and Limited Open Pleasure Derby, etc. The 2008 AQHA #2 Leading Sire of Open & Amateur Performance point-earners, An AQHA All Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM, 2008 NSBA #2 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 30,397 AQHA points, 425 ROM, 175 Superiors, 22 World/Reserve World Championships and over $1,797,408, sire of SURE AM HOT ($114,586: 2008 Reichert Pleasure Celebration NSBA 2-Year-Old $250,000 Western Pleasure Challenge Champion), BLAZING HOT COOKIES ($103,220: Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old + Maiden Slot Open Western Pleasure Champion). 1st dam Untouchable Cherub, by Untouchable Zipper. 59 points: Central Washington QHA NSBA Open Sr Western Pleasure Champion & Reserve Champion; Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Sunny Salina, by Quincy Sun Dun. AQHA & IBHA Performance point earner. Dam of 4 foals, 2 performers-Untouchable Cherub (Untouchable Zipper). Above. DJS Dynamic (Dynamic Deluxe). NSBA money-earner. 3rd dam Dealer’s Ez Choice, by Lazy Good Deal. 33 Open & Youth points. Dam of-Mr Easy Dan (Sir Quincy Dan). 36 points: Open Performance ROM. Easy Fandel (Doc’s Zimfandel). Open Halter point earner. Dam of-SUNDORO. 298 points & $8,062: AQHA Champion; Open & Amateur Superior Halter; Amateur Superior Showmanship. NATURALLY IM KATE. 206 points & $5,788: Open Superior Trail Horse. Sunorita. 56 points: Amateur Performance ROM. Sunny Jo Kasey. 50 points: Open Performance ROM. Promises Forever. Dam of-Forever Zippin. 94 points & $3,096: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Call Me Well Dun. 23 points: Palmer QHA Circuit NSBA Jr Open Western Pleasure Champion; Open Performance ROM. Velvet Wine (Quincy Sun Dun). Granddam of-Sip of Pleasure (APHA). 96 points: Open & Youth Halter ROM. Im Mr Natural. 78.5 points: Open & Amateur Halter ROM; Amateur Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Consigned by Peggy Butler Hip No. 358 I Shine Alone Hip No. 358 March 27, 2008 Sorrel Filly Huntin Alone I Shine Alone 5162600 { Vested Sunshine 1994 { { Zips Chocolate Chip Huntin For Chocolate { Huntin Del Skipsalone PD Cool { RS Skip By Fire The Invester Pat Bars { Zippo Hank’s Peppy Lou Zippos Sunshine Pine Bar { Zippo Sunny Shalee NOTES: I Shine Alone has absolutely flawless movement with the disposition and breeding to be a champion. Her half sister won 2009 Reichert Pleasure Ladies Stakes. She has been a delight to handle and fit and she is ready to go to work. Sired by the young sire, Huntin Alone, Superior Western Pleasure and Trail, qualifying for 4 events at the World Show. His foals are quiet and easy to train. Big, pretty and stellar legged either in a tight western jog or a big flat HUS trot. His first foal to show is a HUS Futurity Reserve Champion (see below). Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By HUNTIN ALONE (2002). 123 Open & Amateur points, Superior Trail and Western Pleasure; World Show qualifier Performance Halter Stallion, Western Riding, Junior Trail and Junior Western Pleasure; 10 All-Arounds and 3 Reserve All-Arounds. His oldest foals are 2-year-olds. From his first foal to show he is the sire of HUNTIN FOR ROMANCE (2009 Scottsdale Classic 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Reserve Champion). 1st dam Vested Sunshine, by The Invester. Dam of 9 foals, 2 performers-Shez Only Coastin (f. by Invitation Only). $1,802: 2009 Reichert Celebration Ladies Limited Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Stakes Champion & 6th in the Intermediate Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Stakes. Slow N Sweet (f. by Sweet Talkin Chip). Dam of-Go Slow N Sweet (RL Zip Code). 53.5 points & $7,389: Tom Powers 2-Year Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Southern Belle 3-Year-Old Limited Open Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM; qualified, 2009 World Show Open Sr & Amateur Western Pleasure. 2nd dam Zippos Sunshine, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of-Final Invitation (Invitation Only). 31 points & $2,038: Open Performance ROM. Barpassers Ark Angel (Barpassers Image). 24.5 points & $3,340: Lone Star Futurity 2-Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure Champion; Open Perf. ROM. Sunshine Impulsions (Impulsioins). 5th, Grand 20 Futurity 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure. Dam of-Im Simply A Showgirl. 38.5 points & $2,141: Indiana QHA Breeders Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Performance ROM. Pine Bar Exception (Exceptional Payoff). Dam of-RATCHETTS ZIPPER (APHA). 252 points: Open & Amateur Superior Halter. 3rd dam Sunny Shalee, by Big Sun. Granddam of VESTED PINE (105 points & $24,780: Sup. Western Pleasure. An All-Time Leading NSBA Sire), VESTED ASSET (168 points: Sup. Western Pleasure). svp 9/09 Consigned by Jim Dudley Hip No. 359 Visibly A Full Count Hip No. 359 May 8, 2008 Bay Colt Leaguers Grand Slam Visibly A Full Count 5113175 { Visibly Royal 1990 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine MVP Leaguer Im A Big Leaguer { Miss Shady Gypsy Sonny Go Royal Dee Bar { Sonny Heavenly Fire Miss Quarter McCue Dunny { Jack’s Quarter McCue NOTES: Visibly A Full Count is a gorgeous colt with tons of presence. He has a great attitude and wants to be a show horse. His lope will make you take more than one look. From families of great performers. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for IA Breeders Futurity. By LEAGUERS GRAND SLAM (1994) [HYPP N/N]. Earner of 360 points and $23,250: Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; 3rd, World Show Amateur Western Pleasure; 5th AQHA High Point Junior Western Pleasure; 5th, Congress Junior Western Pleasure, 6th Congress Amateur Maturity; Superior Open & Amateur Western Pleasure. Sire of AGRANDSLAMFORSURE (APHA) (95 points in 10 events: 2008 APHA Reserve World Champion Heeling; ROM Heading, Heeling & Steer Stopping), A GRAND SLAM ON Q (APHA) (297 points: Superior Trail; Novice/ Amateur Superior Horsemanship & Western Pleasure), MY GRAND SLAM (APHA) (248 points: Superior Trail; Amateur ROM Hunter Under Saddle; Novice/Youth ROM in 3 events). 1st dam Visibly Royal, by Sonny Go Royal. Dam of 9 foals, 3 performers-VISIBLE INVESTMENT (g. by Investment Asset). 806.5 points & $24,370: 4th, World Show Amateur Showmanship; top 10, 2009 Select World Show Hunt Seat Equitation & Showmanship; Reserve All-Around Amateur High Point Horse; High Point Amateur Showmanship; Dixie National Amateur Showmanship Champion & Reserve Champion Amateur Trail Horse; Gordyville Breeders Classic Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity; AQHA Champion; Amateur Superior Showmanship & Western Pleasure. Visibly Good To Go (c. by Macs Good N Plenty). 39 points: 4th, 2009 Reichert Celebration 3/4-Year-Old Open Trail Horse Stakes; Open Performance ROM. Visably Different (g. by Different Kinda Time). 4 Open & Amateur Performance points. 2nd dam Miss Quarter McCue, by Jack’s Dunny. Dam of-ULITMATE ROYAL (Sonny Go Royal). 209 points & $5,930: top 10, High Point Hunter Under Saddle; Open & Amateur Superior Hunter Under Saddle. Ima True Royal (Sonny Go Royal). 32.5 points: money-earner in the Congress Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Youth Performance ROM. Royal Business (Sonny Go Royal). 32 points: 4th, Breeders Classic 2-YearOld Closed Western Pleasure & Breeders All-Age Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Performance ROM. Sonny Dees Cue (Sonny Dee Dusse). 6.5 Open & Youth points; 153 Novice Youth points. svp 9/09 Hip No. 360 Consigned by Sheri Kern A Classy Pine Hip No. 360 1997 Chestnut Mare RESERVE WORLD CHAMPION Vested Pine A Classy Pine 3575726 { Win Skipette 1977 { { Zippo Pat Bars The Invester { Hank’s Peppy Lou Zippos Bay Lady Zippo Pine Bar { Sunny Shalee Skip School W { Skipper School Madam Miss Winrock O Bay { Mighty Josie Rock PERFORMANCE RECORD: 55.5 points & $14,169: 2ESERVE7ORLD#HAMPION 9EAR/LD7ESTERN0LEASURE; 7th, Congress 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity; Lone Star Breeders Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. NOTES: A Classy Pine is a beautiful daughter of Vested Pine. She could be your next great mare. PRODUCE RECORD: 2002 Agrandslaminvestment, g. by Leaguers Grand Slam. 3 points: 5th, RMQHA Colorado Owner-shown 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure. 2003 A Classy Grand Slam, f. by Leaguers Grand Slam. 25 points & $2,471: Regional Experience Champion Jr Western Pleasure & Western Riding; RMQHA Golden Opportunity Open Yearling Longe Line Champion; 4th, NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity Yearling Longe Line; Amateur Perf. ROM. 2004 Grandslamclassylady, f. by Leaguers Grand Slam. 2004 Leaguers Class Act, f. by Leaguers Grand Slam. .5 Open Perf. point. 2005 Classy Talk, f. by Leaguers Grand Slam. 2005 A Grand Slam Player, f. by Leaguers Grand Slam. 2006 Hesa Classy Pine, g. by Zippo Finale. 2007 This Classy Jag, f. by This Jag Is Hot. 2008 A Sassy Classy f. by Sweet Talkin Chip. By VESTED PINE (1991). Earner of $24,780 & 105 points in Halter, Western Riding and Western Pleasure: Congress Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; top 10, World Championship Junior Western Pleasure 3 times; Superior Western Pleasure; 4th, Congress Limited 3-YearOld Western Pleasure Derby. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire, siring the earners of 5,295 points, 75 ROM, 23 Superiors, 8 World/Reserve World Championships and nearly $500,000. 1st dam Win Skipette, by Skip School. 11 Open Halter points. Dam of-Quincy Three Socks (Sir Quincy James). 24.5 points: Open Perf. ROM. Hayley Is A Star (JBL Wish Me Luck). Dam of-A Star In The Pines. 32.5 points & $6,492: Reichert Celebration 3-Year-Old Intermediate Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion & 3rd in the Open; 6th, Congress 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Open ROM. Impress Me Win (Impressive). Open Halter point earner. Dam of-Prophetic Win. 21.5 points & $3,309: top 10, World Show Amateur Weanling & Yearling Mares; 4th, Solid Gold Open Jr Weanling Mares; Open & Amateur Halter ROM. Dam of-Prophetic Image. $2,000: 5th, Reichert Celebration Halter Classic Yearling Stallions. svp 9/09 Consigned by Karen Misko Hip No. 361 Perfect Execution Hip No. 361 1993 Bay Stallion SUPERIOR WESTERN PLEASURE Three Bars (TB) Zippo Pat Bars { Leo Pat Zippo Pine Bar Perfect Execution 3248235 { Winnie The Tiger 1981 { { Dollie Pine Poco Pine { Hobo Sue Tiger Leo { Leo Connie (TB) Bid N Win Bid Man { Double Lady Nifty 141 PERFORMANCE RECORD: 61 points & $8,492 ($13,000 as per consignor): finalist, Congress Limited Western Pleasure Futurity; Heart of Texas 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion and NSBA SSA Co-Reserve Champion; 3rd, ISBA Pleasure Jubilee 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; 4th, Texas Classic Western Pleasure Futurity; top 10, Tom Powers Open Western Pleasure Futurity; finalist, Congress Limited Western Pleasure Derby; 3rd, Houston Stock Show Junior Western Pleasure and Fort Worth Senior Western Pleasure; Superior Western Pleasure. NOTES: Perfect Execution is one of the prettiest and most royally bred last, remaining sons of Zippo Pine Bar. He is out of one of the greatest pleasure producing dams in our industry. As a sire, I have completely hurt him in campaigning his babies while making every mistake possible due to health issues that started in April, 1996 and continue today. He is sound and has never had any major health or colic issues. He will weave if he does not get to be bred first or if he is not allowed to get out. He will have all of his testing available from Hagyard, Davidson, McGee for reproduction and is an easy breeder. SIRE RECORD: Sire of 221 foals, 35 performers, including DCR BUCKIN BUCKY (ApHC) (APHC World Champion 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure), PE DUN STRETCHED (2008 & 2009 ABRA World Champion NSBA Open Junior Trail), TCD EXECUTION ANNIE (32.5 points: Canadian Gold Rush Futurity Non-Pro Longe Line Champion; Youth ROM in 2009), PE IS BACK IN BLACK (17.5 Open & Amateur points & 53 Novice points: Open ROM), TOO PERFECT TO ZIP (21 points & $3,030: Just For Pleasure NSBA 3-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion). By ZIPPO PINE BAR (1969). AQHA Hall of Fame, NSBA Hall of Fame. The AQHA's #1 All-Time Leading Sire of Perf. ROM, NSBA #1 All-Time Sire. 1st dam Winnie The Tiger, by Tiger Leo. Dam of 14 foals, 11 performers-WINNIE PINE BAR (f. by Zippo Pine Bar). 211 points & $15,747: !1(9!7ORLD 2ESERVE7ORLD#HAMPION7ESTERN0LEASUSRE ; Congress Youth Western Pleasure Champion & Reserve Champion; Congress Senior Western Pleasure Champion. Dam of-WINNIE THREE BARS. $23,785 & 110 points: Reserve World Champion Amateur Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress Open Western Pleasure. RADICAL LEE. $8,926 & 156 poitns: 4th, Congress 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Derby; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Potential Pine Bar. $8,587 & 26 points: 3rd, Congress Non-Pro Western Pleasure Derby; Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Champion; 3rd, Tom Powers 3-Year-Old Non-Pro. svp 10/09 Hip No. 362 Consigned by David James, Agent for Janet Bennett Buck Naked Assets Hip No. 362 2006 Buckskin Filly Vested Assets Buck Naked Assets 4787241 { WWW Dotskipdot Nicki 1997 { { The Invester Vested Pine { Zippos Bay Lady Assets Peaches Investment Asset { The Light Touch Spanish Flash N Cash Spanish Honor { Mr Hoppys Kitty Cash Amandas First Skip Punkin Chant { Skips Snow Devil NOTES: Buck Naked Assets is a show stopper. She has the perfect buckskin color, the breeding, the movement and the mind. We have hauled her around and nothing bothers her. She is ready to show and is safe for all. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA. By VESTED ASSETS (2001). AQHA ROM, earning 32 western pleasure points; NSBA Junior Western Pleasure winner under 5 judges at the Pre-Denver Circuit; 3rd, Reichert Pleasure Celebration NSBA Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity; 3rd, NSBA High Point Maturity Limited Horse Western Pleasure. Brother to BRITNEY PINE (195 points and $28,604: AQHA World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Reserve World Champion Senior & Amateur Western Pleasure Horse; Congress AQHA & NSBA Senior Western Pleasure Champion and Open Maturity Champion), LOPIN SO PINE ($10,842 and 125 points: Congress Amateur Western Pleasure Reserve Champion). His oldest foals are 3-year-olds. Sire of A VESTED ASSET (14 Open Performance points & NSBA money-earner: Open Performance ROM in 2009). 1st dam WWW Dotskipdot Nicki, by Spanish Flash N Cash. 26 PHBA Halter & Performnce points. Dam of 7 foals, 1 performer, not a point earner to date. 2nd dam Amandas First Skip, by Skips Punkin Chant. A Leading PHBA Dam-SKIPPA D DODAH FLASH (Spanish Flash N Cash). 11.5 AQHA & 403 PHBA points: PHBA World Champion Youth Western Pleasure; PHBA Reserve World Champion Open Jr Western Riding & Open Jr Trail Horse. SKIPS GIDDY UP GOLD (Spanish Flash N Cash). 2531 PHBA points: PHBA World Champion Youth Hunt Seat Equitation; PHBA Reserve World Champion Youth Western Pleasure & Horsemanship. Sir Prize Skip (Spanish Flash N Cash). 176 PHBA points: split 7th, PHBA Honor Roll Sr Youth Reining. Skippen On A Blonde (Spanish Flash N Cash). 2 PHBA points: 7th, PHBA World Show Open Yearling Longe Line Futurity. Dam of-Cant Resist A Blonde. 92 PHBA points: top 10, PHBA World Show NSBA 2Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; top 10, PHBA World Show Amateur Weanling Mares. Flash N Fancy Skip (Spanish Flash N Cash). Dam of-Barpass N Nugget. 232 PHBA points & $2,569: 3rd, OPEA Go for Gold Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure. Cash N Daddys Chex. 22 PHBA points: top 10, PHBA World Show NSBA 2Year Old Open Western Pleasure. Mr Skip Spectacular. 21 PHBA points: Go for Gold Open Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion. svp 9/09 Hip No. 363 Consigned by Gumz Farms, Agt for Bilek Family Trust Huntin For Chicken Hip No. 363 2004 Gray Mare BRED TO ON HOLIDAY Huntin For Chocolate Huntin For Chicken 4566702 { Zippin Good Chicken 1999 { { Zippo Pine Bar Zips Chocolate Chip { Fancy Blue Chip Hunting Del Hunting Cap (TB) { Choc’s Del Rancho Zippos Mr Good Bar Pine Bar { Zippo Tamara Wess Pass The Chicken { Barpasser Chicken Gumbo NOTES: Huntin For Chicken has great breeding and wonderful conformation. She is show broke and can go to the show pen or broodmare band. Last BRED on May 9, 2009 to ON HOLIDAY. Foal in utero eligible for the AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA BCF and Breeders Trust, Kentucky Breeders Incentive Fund. PRODUCE RECORD: 2009 Huntin For A Holiday, c. by On Holiday. By HUNTIN FOR CHOCOLATE (1996). Earner of $40,725 and 272 points: World Champion Amateur Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Senior Western Pleasure Champion; Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA High Point Western Riding Stallion; NSBA Reserve High Point Non-Pro Maturity Horse; Whistle Stop Limited Open 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Co-Champion and Novice Horse Western Pleasure Champion; Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old Non-Pro, 3-YearOld Limited Novice and 3-Year-Old SSA Western Pleasure Champion, etc; Superior Open & Amateur Western Pleasure; Superior Western Riding. An NSBA All-Time Leading Sire. 1st dam Zippin Good Chicken, by Zippos Mr Good Bar. 85 points: Congress Novice Amateur Western Pleasure Champion; Dixie National Open Sr Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Dam of 4 foals, 2 performers-Huntin The Original (g. by Huntin For Chocolate). 23.5 points & $8,844: 4th, Southern Belle 3-Year-Old Open Novice Slot Western Pleasure; 4th, Scottsdale Classic NSBA 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure & 7th in the Open; top 10, Scottsdale Classic 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Performance ROM. Im Hot N Huntin (f. by Huntin For Chocolate). 19 points: top 10, 2008 NSBA World Show 2-Year-Old Intermediate Open Western Pleasure; Amateur Performance ROM. 2nd dam PASS THE CHICKEN, by Barpasser. 170 points & $4,507: Oregon Fun Futurity 3Year-Old Open & Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Central California Fall Futurity 3-Year-Old Open & Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-SKIP THE CHICKEN (Dont Skip Zip). 89 points & $3,035: finalist, Just For Pleasure NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure; Amateur Halter ROM. Zippin Good Chicken (Zippos Mr Good Bar). Above. svp 9/09 Hip No. Consigned by Down The Rail, Suzy & Joe Jeane, Agt for Joan Cain Hip No. Open Invitational 364 364 March 27, 2008 Bay Gelding Invitation Only Open Invitational X0672913 { Zippos Baby Jane 1991 { { Barpasser Barpassers Image { Tee Command Bears Raisin Kane Mr Kane Raiser { Revenda Zippo Pine Three Pat Bars { Zippo Pines Annie Lee Crazy Bout Baby (TB) Pruner { The Rumba Rey NOTES: Open Invitational is my pick for the 2010 Masters 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Futurity. He is a half brother to Hot N Blazing. Very correct, athletic and a great mover. If you need a slot, I have one and would lease the slot for 2010. She is out of my best producing mare, the dam of Hot N Blazing and other performers. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By INVITATION ONLY (1990). Third, World 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress Junior Western Pleasure. 2008 AQHA #1 Leading Performance Sire in 6 divisions; 2008 NSBA #1 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 38,729 AQHA points, 610 ROM, 194 Superior awards, 34 World/ Reserve World Championships and over $2,602,882, including ONLY IN THE MOONLIGHT ($124,403: Congress 2-Year-Old Open Masters Champion; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion), HOPE BY INVITATION ($105,029: World Champion Jr Western Pleasure; World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; AQHYA World Champion Western Pleasure; AQHA Reserve World Champion Junior Western Pleasure; Congress Open Derby Champion; Congress Open Pleasure Futurity Champion; Congress Open Maturity Champion), ONE HOT KRYMSUN ($66,679: 6-Time World/Congress Champion: World Champion Junior and 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Junior Western Riding Champion and NonPro Maturity Champion; Congress Open Derby Champion), ONLY YOURS ($100,000: 2009 Southern Belle Breeders 3-Year-Old Novice/Horse Western Pleasure Champion (first under all 4 judges). 1st dam Zippos Baby Jane, by Zippo Pine Three. Dam of 12 foals, 5 performers-HOT N BLAZING (c. by Blazing Hot). 332 points and $40,110: 7ORLD#HAM PION*UNIOR(UNTER5NDER3ADDLE(ORSE; 2ESERVE7ORLD#HAMPION *UNIOR7ESTERN2IDING(ORSE; Congress Junior Hunter Under Saddle and Western Riding Champion; Congress Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Maturity Champion, Open & Amateur Reserve Champion; 3rd, World Championship Junior Western Riding; 4th, Junior Hunter Under Saddle; Whistle Stop 4-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; Southern Belle Open & SSA Pleasure Futurities’ Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Superior Hunter Under Saddle; Open Superior Western Riding. Cant Pass The Black (g. by Barpassers Image). 82 Open & Amateur Halter & Performance points; Open & Amateur Performance ROM; 19 Novice/Amateur points: 2008 Regional Experience Select Champion Western Horsemanship and Select Reserve Champion Trail Horse & Showmanship. Hot Hearts Ablazing (g. by Blazing Hot). 42 points & $1,869: 2008 Regional Experience Reserve Champion Jr Western Pleasure; Open ROM. svp 9/09 Consigned by 7-Bar Hip No. 365 Indefinately A Zippo Hip No. 365 March 21, 2008 Sorrel Gelding Indefinate Indefinately A Zippo 5087576 { Zippos Desert Rose 1991 { { Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Old Gold { Goldy Jack Mananas Mystique Major’s Manana { Bay Diddie Zippo Pine Bar Pat Bars { Zippo Dollie Pine Cupidoll Duro { Diamond Candy’s Cupid NOTES: Indefinately A Zippo is from the first foal crop of Indefinate. Check out his great dam. This gelding will follow in the path of his great siblings. He is flashy, strong hocked and good minded. He is a wonderful show prospect. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA and Southern Belle. By INDEFINATE (2001). 57 points & $2,791: top 10, 2008 World Show Performance Halter Stalllion; Superior Western Pleasure. His oldest foals are yearlings. Son of ZIPPOS OLD GOLD, earner of 3 halter points. An AQHA Leading Sire in 13 divisions and an APHA & NSBA Leading Sire, siring the AQHA earners of 32,139 points, 431 ROM, 188 Superiors, 7 World/Reserve World Champions and over $830,000, including TEXAS T BONE ($62,854: Congress Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity Champion; NSBA #1 NonPro 2-Year-Old; Reichert 2-Year-Old Open & Non-Pro Stakes Champion). 1st dam Zippos Desert Rose, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of 10 foals, 8 performers-A TEXAS REVOLUTION (g. by Invitation Only). 564 points & $12,427: !1(9!7ORLD#HAMPION0ERFORMANCE(ALTER'ELDING2ESERVE 7ORLD#HAMPION0ERFORMANCE(ALTER'EDLING; Reichert Celebration 3Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion; qualified, 2009 World Show Open & Youth Performance Halter Geldings. RADICAL REVOLUTION (c. by Radical Rodder). 86 points & $29,225: 7ORLD #HAMPION3R7ESTERN0LEASURE2ESERVE7ORLD#HAMPION*R7ESTERN 0LEASURE; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Derby Reserve Champion; Greater Houston Futurity 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Sweepstakes Champion; Open Superior Western Pleasure. DOCS OUTTA ROSES (f. by Docs Outta Town). 145.5 points & $4,302: 3ELECT 7ORLD#HAMPION0ERFORMANCE(ALTER-ARE; 3rd, Congress Limited Amateur Performance Halter Mares; AQHA Champion. IMPULSIVE ZIPPO ROSE (f. by Impulsions). 248 points & $13,378: 3rd, World Show Sr Western Pleasure; 4th, World Show Amateur Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Docs Pleasure Zip (g. by Docs Outta Town). 14 points: 5th, Georgia QHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. 2nd dam CUPIDOLL, by Diamond Duro. 67 points: Open Sup.Western Pleasure. Dam of-SHEZ OUTTA MY LEAGUE (Im A Big Leaguer). 116 points & $3,627: Open Superior Western Pleasure. The Chocolate Bandit (Zips Chocolate Chip). 125.5 points & $2,097: Open, Amateur & Youth Performance ROM. svp 8/09 Hip No. 366 Consigned by Michelle J. A. Price Hip No. 366 Sonnys Snappy Zipper April 30, 2008 Sorrel Gelding Son Bar Dee Sonnys Snappy Zipper 5149871 { Zippos Fancy Zip 1999 { { Sonny Dee Bar Son Dee Dude { Dude’s Cowgirl Ann Of The Bar Mack By Bar { Twistie Ann Don’t Skip Zip Pine Bar { Zippo She Shes A Ten Zippos Fancy Dream { Zippo Pine Bar Yellow Bar Sissy NOTES: Sonnys Snappy Zipper is the first foal out of a double bred Zippo Pine Bar mare. She has points in Open, Amateur, Youth and Novice events. He’s a cute gelding with lots of talent. He was shown at the Nebraska Silver Classic in the Breeder’s Longe Line. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NE Breeders and Center of the Nation. By SON BAR DEE (1991). Earner of 168 points: High Point Amateur Halter Stallion; 4th, World Championship Amateur Aged Stallions; Open & Amateur AQHA Champion, Superior Open & Amateur Halter, earning points in Halter, Heading, Reining, Trail, Hunter Under Saddle, Western Riding, Western Pleasure, Showmanship, winning 15 All-Arounds and 9 Reserve All-Arounds; Nebraska Silver Classic Breeders Yearling Stallion Futurity Champion; Nebraska QHA High Point Amateur Senior Halter Stallion. Sire of BARON DEEANN (710 PHBA points: PHBA Honor Roll Junior Hunter Under Saddle & Road Hack; PHBA Amateur Champion, Superior Amateur Halter; PHBA ROM in Equitation, Hunter Under Saddle, Road Hack, Halter, Showmanship; 211 PHBA halter, 499 PHBA performance points; 16 AQHA points: Amateur ROM in 2008). 1st dam Zippos Fancy Zip, by Dont Skip Zip. Earner of 12.5 Open & Amateur points in Halter & Performance. This is her first foal. 2nd dam Zippos Fancy Dream, by Zippo Pine Bar. 15 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-Zips Fancy Dream (Dont Skip Zip). 9.5 points & $7,961: Tom Powers Futurity Open & Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Champion; Whislte Stop Futurity Open & Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line Reserve Champion; 6th, Tulsa Summer Circuit 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Perf. ROM. Docs Fancy Zippo (Docs Outta Town). 42 points & $3,701: 3rd, Lone Star Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure & 3rd in the Breeders Western Pleasure; 4th, Tulsa Summer Circuit 2-Year-Old Open & Intermediate Open Western Pleasure. 3rd dam Yellow Bar Sissy, by Bar’s Dream Bar. Dam of-Hes A Zippo Two. 53 points: Open & Youth Performance ROM. Sheza Zippo. Dam of-STYLISH CAPITAL. 134 points & $4,322: Amateur Sup. Western Pleasure. Kicka Little Asset. 30 points: Open Performance ROM. Sissys Red Dream. Granddam of-DECKED TO WIN. 93 points: AQHYA Champion. svp 9/09 Hip No. 367 Withdrawn Hip No. 367 Hip No. 368 Consigned by Dan/Carol McWhirter, Agt. for Robert/Janice Miller Principle Tami Te Hip No. 368 2004 Sorrel Mare BRED TO ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT The Invester The Big Investment { The Country Girl Principle Investment Principle Tami Te 4574354 { Zippos Tammy Te 1982 { { Tiger Serena Tiger Leo { Nigger Ann Zippo Fine Bar Pat Bars { Zippo Dollie Pine Tes Tamara N’ Te { Te Tamara Wess NOTES: Principle Tami Te is a balanced, correct, young daughter of Congress Champion Principle Investment. She is an excellent mover at both the jog and lope. From the female family of Tamara Wes, Zippos Mr Good Bar’s dam, this is an opportunity to purchase a great young mare. Last BRED on June 5, 2009 to ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT. Foal in utero eligible for the AQHA Incentive Fund, KY Breeders Incentive Fund, NSBA SIF Licensing, Southern Bellle, and Nebraska Breeders Futurity. PRODUCE RECORD: 2009 Unnamed, f. by Absolute Investment. By PRINCIPLE INVESTMENT (1987). Congress Champion, NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Champion; NSBA Silver Award; AQHA Superior Western Pleasure; 4th, World Championship 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure. An NSBA AllTime Leading Sire and an AQHA Leading Sire of Amateur & Youth Performance Horses. Sire of the earners of 20,170 points, 263 ROM, 107 Superiors, 7 World/Reserve World Championships and $457,448. 1st dam Zippos Tammy Te, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of 13 foals, 2 performers-Rite Investment (g. by Principle Investment). 2 Youth Halter & Perf. points. Principles Tammy Te (f. by Principle Investment). Dam of-Talkin Principles (Sweet Talkin Chip). 46.5 points: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. 2nd dam Tes Tamara, by Te N’Te. Dam of-DIVERSIFIED (Mr Conclusion). 162 points & $14,651: World Champion 2-YearOld Western Pleasure; World Champion Open 3-Year & Aged Stallion; Congress Champion 3-Year-Old Stallion; AQHA Champion. An All-Time AQHA Leading Sire. ZIPPO TAMARA TE (Zippo Pine Bar). $43,617: 3rd, World Show 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Congress Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Champion; 6th, Congress Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure. 3rd dam Tamara Wess, by Blondy’s Dude. NSBA Hall of Fame. Dam of-ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR. 71 points & $3,838: 6th, Congress Futurity 2-YearOld Open Western Pleasure; Superior Western Pleasure. An All-Time Leading AQHA & NSBA Sire. ZIPPO PATS BLONDIE. 32 points & $34,452: Congress 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Derby Champion & Open Reserve Champion. TAMARAS GOODBAR. 90 points & $21,686: top 10, Congresss 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 369 Consigned by Alan Chappell, Agent for Courtney Chappell Grace By Invitation Hip No. 369 2000 Brown Mare BRED TO HOT N BLAZING Invitation Only Grace By Invitation 4000002 { Zippos Tuff Gal 1988 { { Barpasser Barpassers Image { Tee Command Bears Raisin Kane Mr Kane Raiser { Revenda Zippo Pine Bar Pat Bars { Zippo Dollie Pine Impressively Tuff Impressive { Barnone Ima Two Eyed Tuff PERFORMANCE RECORD: Oklahoma QHA Open to the World Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line Champion. NOTES: Grace By Invitation is a beautiful mare. Full sister to Multiple World Champion, Hope By Invitation. Last BRED on April 22, 2009 to HOT N BLAZING. Foal in utero eligible for Southern Belle, MI and Tom Powers. She is HYPP N/N on AQHA record. PRODUCE RECORD: 2006 Grace By Blaze, f. by Hot N Blazing 2008 Only N Vegas, c. by Hot N Blazing. 2009 Hot N Vegas, f. by Hot N Blazing. By INVITATION ONLY (1990). Third, World 2-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 3rd, Congress Junior Western Pleasure. 2008 AQHA #1 Leading Performance Sire in 6 divisions; 2008 NSBA #1 Leading Sire, siring the earners of 38,729 AQHA points, 610 ROM, 194 Superior awards, 34 World/ Reserve World Championships and over $2,602,882, including ONLY IN THE MOONLIGHT ($124,403: Congress 2-Year-Old Open Masters Champion; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Derby Champion). 1st dam Zippos Tuff Gal, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of 15 foals, 7 performers-HOPE BY INVITATION (f. by Invitation Only). 814 points & $107,899: 7ORLD #HAMPION9EAR/LD*R7ESTERN0LEASURE!1(9!7ORLD#HAMPION 7ESTERN0LEASURE2ESERVE7ORLD#HAMPION*R7ESTERN0LEASURE 3ELECT2ESERVE7ORLD#HAMPION7ESTERN0LEASURE; 3rd, 2009 Select World Show Western Pleasure; 5th, AQHYA World Show Western Pleasure; Congress Champion Open & Limited Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure; Congress Champion Open Western Pleasure Derby; Congress Champion Open Western Pleasure Maturity; Tom Powers Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; NSBA World Champion Open & Amateur Western Pleasure; Open, Amateur & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. ZIP TO A INVITATION (g. by Invitation Only). 96.5 points & $2,711: top 10, Congress Open Jr Trail Horse; 7th, 2008 Regional Experience Sr Trail Horse; Open Superior Trail Horse. I Can Only Imagine (g. by Invitation Only). 33 points: 5th, Reichert Celebration Open Green Western Pleasure; Open Halter & Performance ROM; qualified, 2009 World Show Performance Halter Geldings. 2nd dam Impressively Tuff, by Barnone Impressive. Dam of-Zippos Tuff (Zippo Pine Bar). 30.5 points: Amateur Performance ROM. Zippos Bar None (Zippo Pine Bar). 18 points: top 10, Solid Gold 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 370 Consigned by J. R. Reichert / Sandvig / Kaiser Go Ahead N Touch Hip No. 370 April 22, 2008 Bay Filly A Touch Of Sudden Go Ahead N Touch 5154684 { Zmpressa Potential 2001 { { Impulsions A Sudden Impulse { Zips Illusion Ms Satin Classic Hotrodders Jet Set { Kings Klassie Potential Investment Investment { Principle Hot Little Treasure Impressabell Missy Dude { Impressive Missy Spanish Leo NOTES: Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. MIQH, Midwest Horseman's Assoc, MOQH, NC, NSBA SIF, Rocky MT QH Assoc, Triple Challenge Tr, WIQH, VQHA BIP, NSBA BCF. Eligible for the 2010 Reichert Pleasure Sale Stakes. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By A TOUCH OF SUDDEN (1999). An NSBA Leading Sire. Sire of THATS THE TOUCH ($66,521: 2008 Southern Belle Invitational NSBA 3-Year-Old Slot Novice Horse Open Western Pleasure Champion; 3rd, 2008 Congress NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Plesure), SUDDENLY CHARMING ($35,153: NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity Silver 3-Year-Old Open & Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Reichert Pleasure Celebration 3-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion), KASH FLOW ($33,500: 2008 Reichert NSBA 2-Year-Old $100,000 Slot Intermediate Open Western Pleasure Champion; 2008 Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Stakes Champion). 1st dam Zmpressa Potential, by Potential Investment. Dam of 3 foals, no performers to date. 2nd dam IMPRESSABELL MISSY, by Impressive Dude. 52 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-Missadee (Sonny Dee Bar). 23 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-Zip Right Up. 3.5 points & $1,115: Michigan Breeders Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line Champion; Michigan QHA Furturity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion. Foolish Dee (Red Sonny Dee). Dam of-Ima Gold Zippin Fool. 60 PHBA points: top10, PHBA World Show NSBA Open Yearling Longe Line. 3rd dam Missy Spanish Leo, by Mr Spanish Leo. Dam of-Mystified Mac. 13 points: Youth Peformance ROM. Dam of-MYSTIFIED ME GOOD. 373 points & $16,407: Tom Powers Futurity Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Southern Belle NSBA Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; Regional Experince Champion Sr Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Sup. Western Pleasure. NO MYSTERY IM GOOD. 445.5 points & $9,182: 7th, World Show 2-YearOld Western Pleasure; AQHYA Champion; Regional Experience Champion Open & Youth Western Riding, Amateur Showmanship; Amateur Superior Showmanship; Youth Superior Showmanship & Western Horsemanship; Youth Halter ROM. MANYGOODTHINGSTOCOME. 133 points & $2,663: Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. svp 6/09 Hip No. 371 Consigned by Mills Quarter Horses Bobs Fancy Goodbar Hip No. 371 April 10, 2008 Chestnut Colt Zippos Mr Good Bar Bobs Fancy Goodbar 5157467 { A Fancy Impulse 1996 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tarama Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star A Sudden Impulse { Impulsions Zips Illusion Mitos Native Lady Larry { Dirty Sheza Commander To NOTES: Bobs Fancy Goodbar is a full brother to 3-time NSBA World Champion, Bobs Good Impulse. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA BCF. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900, including VITAL SIGNS ARE GOOD ($164,559: AQHA World All-Around Amateur; AQHA World Champion Amateur Western Riding & Amateur Western Pleasure; AQHA Reserve World Champion Sr Western Riding; AQHA World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA World Champion Amateur Pleasure Horse; 2008 NSBA Horse of the Year; Congress Open Pleasure Futurity Champion), ZIPPOS TIGER BAR ($26,331: World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Junior Western Pleasure Champion). 1st dam A FANCY IMPULSE, by A Sudden Impulse. 56 points & $5,395: Kansas QHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; split 4th, Tulsa Holiday Futurity 3-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure; 5th, Silver Classic NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of 6 foals, 2 performers-BOBS GOOD IMPULSE (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 43.5 points & $13,717: top 10, Reichert Celebration $100,000 Slot 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure; 3rd, Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old Intermediate Open Western Pleasure Stakes; NSBA World Champion 2-Year-Old Limited Open & Non-Pro Western Pleasure; NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity Limited Open 2-YearOld Western Pleasure Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. 2nd dam Mitos Native Lady, by Dirty Larry. 14 points: Amateur Performance ROM. Dam ofA FANCY IMPULSE (A Sudden Impulse). Above. RD TIMELY FASHION (Passing It Along). 59 points: 2008 Regional Experience Champion Youth Showmanship & Mares 3 & over; 2009 Houston Youth Champion Performance Halter Mare & Showmanship; Youth Superior Showmanship; qualified, 2009 AQHYA World Show Showmanship. 3rd dam Sheza Commander To, by Mito Commander. 2 Open & Youth Performance points. Dam of-Mitos Native Lady (Dirty Larry). Above. A Dirty Deal (Dirty Larry). 1.5 Open Performance points. svp 9/09 Consigned by Marie Kasten Hip No. 372 Hes A Hot Superstar Hip No. 372 March 25, 2008 Gray Gelding Hot N Blazing Hes A Hot Superstar 5078882 { A Walk In The Sky 2000 { { Hotrodders Jet Set Blazing Hot { Tahnee Zippo Zippos Baby Jane Zippo Pine Three { Crazy Bout Baby (TB) Skys Blue Boy Blue Walker { Sky Millies Dancer (TB) Frankly Im Hot { Hotroddin Patty O Deck NOTES: Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By HOT N BLAZING (1997). Earner of 332 points and $40,110: World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle Horse; Reserve World Champion Junior Western Riding Horse; Congress Junior Hunter Under Saddle and Western Riding Champion; Congress Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Maturity Champion, Open & Amateur Reserve Champion; Whistle Stop 4Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; Southern Belle Open & SSA Pleasure Futurities’ Reserve Champion; Lone Star QHA Open, Breeders’ and SSA Pleasure Futurities’ Reserve Champion; Superior Open & Amateur Hunter Under Saddle; Superior Open Western Riding. A 2008 NSBA top 10 Leading Sire; A 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire of Performance ROM and Open Performance Winners. 1st dam A WALK IN THE SKY, by Skys Blue Walker. 403.5 points & $24,866: !1(9!7ORLD #HAMPION(UNTER5NDER3ADDLE2ESERVE7ORLD#HAMPION3R(UNTER 5NDER3ADDLE; 2008 Congress Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Maturity Champion; 2009 NSBA World Champion Sr Hunter Under Saddle; Congress Futurity Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion; 3rd, World Show Jr Hunter Under Saddle; 3rd, High Point Jr Hunter Under Saddle; Open & Youth Superior Hunter Under Saddle; qualified, 2009 World Show Sr Hunter Under Saddle. Dam of 4 foals, 2 performers-Colossal Asset (f. by Pass The Asset). 51 points & $8,977: 2009 Southern Belle Futurity NSBA Breeders 3/4-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle CoChampion; 5th, 2008 Reichert Celebration 3-Year-Old Slot Open Green Hunter Under Saddle; 2009 NSBA World Open Hunter Under Saddle Maturity Champion; 2009 Reichert Celebration Open & Youth Hunter Under Saddle Champion; Open & Youth Performance ROM; qulaified, 2009 AQHYA World Show Hunter Under Saddle. Pass The Tequila (f. by Pass The Asset). 30 points & $3,025: split 3rd, 2008 Tom Powers 3-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle; split 3rd, 2008 Reichert Celebration NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle & top 10, in the Open; Open Performance ROM. 2nd dam Frankly Im Hot, by Hotroddin. Dam of 1 foal. 3rd dam Patty O Deck, by Hank Speck Deck. 15 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam ofA SPECK OF DECK. 209 points & $5,815: 3rd, World Show Jr Working Hunter; Open Superior Working Hunter. Way To Go Willy. 48 points & $4,772: 4th, Congress Millers Limited Hunter Under Saddle Futurity; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. svp 10/09 Hip No. 373 Consigned by Dan & Carol McWhirter Shes Absolutely More Hip No. 373 March 24, 2008 Bay Filly Absolute Asset Shes Absolutely More 5100790 { Absolutely April 2000 { { Zippos Mr Good Bar Good Asset { Miss Rebel Rita Investment Ms The Big Investment { Leo King Babe Absolute Investment Invester { The Investment Ms April First Lady Cinch Bet { Doc’s Jae Bar Cissy NOTES: Shes Absolutely More is exquisite in both looks and movement and this elegant mare will also have all-around potential. This special prospect has always been a standout among our entire group of yearlings. She has always maintained her level topline from the time she was a baby and will continue to do so as she matures giving her a distinct advantage at futurity time. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA Stallion Incentive Fund Licensing and Nebraska Breeder’s Futurity. By ABSOLUTE ASSET (1996). From his first foals to show he is the sire of ABSOLUTE INTEREST (12 Open & Amateur Performance points: 2009 Select World Show qualifier Hunter Under Saddle), ABSOLUTE MERCY (8.5 Open & Amateur Performance points), ABSOLUTELY CUSTOM (7.5 Open Performance points), ABSOLUTE LIABILITY (6.5 Amateur Performance points: Regional Experience Champion Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation), JACS ABSOLUTE PEACH (9 PHBA Performance points & NSBA money-earner: 6th, PHBA World Show NSBA Open Yearling Longe Line, 7th in the Amateur). 1st dam Absolutely April, by Absolute Investment. Dam of 4 foals, no performers to date. 2nd dam APRIL FIRST LADY, by Docs Cinch Bet. 267.5 points: Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-Bet Your Assets (Good Asset). 13 Open & Amateur Performance points. Blue Denim N Pearls (Blue Denim Zipper). Dam of-Triples Blueprint. Top15, Ohio QHA Breeders Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure. 3rd dam Jae Bar Cissy, by Buck Spot. Dam of-GOOD BAR DUN IT. 100.5 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Inspirus. 20 AQHA & 12 IBHA points: top 10, Denver National Junior Reining; Open Performance ROM. Shannon Solano. 7.5 Open Halter & Performance points. 4th dam Miss Tar Pine, by Wise Pine. Dam of-Jae Bar Flame. $3,569 NCHA: money-earner, Tropicana Futurity. Dam of-SOLANOS CINCH BET. 219 points & $10,768: 4th, World Show Amateur Heeling; 3rd, High Point Amateur Heeling; Silver Classic Non-Pro Reining Reserve Champion; Amateur Superior Heeling. Miss Tara Leo. Dam of-JAE BAR FABER. 10 points & $150,443 NCHA: Nebraska Open Classic Reserve Champion; Kansas Open Maturity Reserve Champion. svp 9/09 Consigned by Roger Gollehon Hip No. 374 Rageous Philbin Hip No. 374 March 2, 2008 Sorrel Gelding Ziprageous Rageous Philbin 5102278 { Accept My Invitation 2003 { { Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Old Gold { Goldy Jack Zipped It Up Son Oil { Miss Zippo Pine Impulsions Invester { The Randados Rosa The Invy Of All Only { Invitation Zips Illusion NOTES: Rageous Philbin is big enough to start riding. Here is your opportunity to purchase some of the hottest bloodlines in the industry. This guy is your next show horse. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By ZIPRAGEOUS (1998). Earner of $24,905: AQHA World Champion 2-YearOld Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; Congress Open Western Pleasure Futurity Reserve Champion. Sire of RODE RAGEOUS ($100,000: 2009 Reichert Celebration 2-Year-Old $250,000 Western Pleasure Challenge Champion), HES ALL THE RAGE ($56,894 & 57 points: 3rd, Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old $250,000 Open Western Pleasure Challenge; Just For Pleasure SSA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; 3rd, Congress 2-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure, Reserve in the Limited Non-Pro; Open & Amateur ROM). 1st dam Accept My Invitation, by Impulsions. Dam of 3 foals, no performers to date. 2nd dam The Invy Of All, Invitation Only. Dam of-A Version To Invy (Good Version). 3.5 points & $1,565: The Classic Futurity NSBA 2-Year-Old SSA Open Western Pleasure Champion. 3rd dam Zips Illusion, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of-A SUDDEN IMPULSE (Impulsions). 28 points & $6,282: World Champion Jr Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. An All-Time Leading AQHA & NSBA Sire. ILLUSIVE INVITATION (Invitation Only). 259.5 points & $45,540: Congress 2Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion & 3rd in the Open; Congress 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Derby Reserve Champion; 5th, World Show Jr Western Pleasure; Open & Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. Simple Luxuries (Impulsions). 47.5 points: split 3rd, Reichert Celebration Anybody Can Win Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Open Performance ROM. Oh What A Thrill (Principle Investment). 20 points: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Innocent Impulse (Impulsions). Dam of-JUST N INNOCENT PASS. 234.5 points & $6,305: top 15, World Show Amateur Western Pleasure & Showmanship; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure & Showmanship. UNEXPECTEDINVITATION. $19,241: 3rd, Congress 2-Year-Old Open Masters Western Pleasure. A Passing Impulse. 19.5 points: Open Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Consigned by Alderson Farms Hip No. 375 Hip No. 375 Fan Appeal February 5, 2008 Black Gelding Coats N Tails Fan Appeal 5131730 { AGR Lucys Lucky Too 2001 { { Invitation Only { Barpassers Image Bears Raisin Kane Of Royal Blood (TB) { Red Wing Bold Toulousette Jacks Are Lucky Too { Zippo Jack Bar Sonnys Tuff Baby Hotroddin Rhonda { Radical Rodder Red Dee Fancy NOTES: Fan Appeal has lots of eye appeal and excellent bloodlines. Great loper and jogger. He could easily do english and western. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for NSBA. By COATS N TAILS (1998). $16,970 and 25 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle Horse; Congress Millers Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Champion; Congress 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Champion; NSBA High Point 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion. Sire of ZEE YELLOW JACKET ($49,149 & 139 points: AQHA World Champion Jr Hunter Under Saddle; 2008 Select World Champion Hunter Under Saddle; NSBA 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle World Champion; Congress Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Champion; PBHA World Hunter Under Saddle Stakes Champion; NSBA Breeders Championship 2-Year-Old Open & Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Champion; Reichert 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Champion; Superior Hunter Under Saddle). 1st dam AGR Lucys Lucky Too, by Jacks Are Lucky Too. Dam of 3 foals, 1 performer, not a point earner to date. 2nd dam Hotroddin Rhonda, by Radical Rodder. Dam of-Mystique Chip (Zips Chocolate Chip). Dam of-Dimensional Chip. 84.5 points & $6,154: Oregon Summer Circuit NSBA 2Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; PCQHA Fall NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; PCQHA Fall Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Central California Fall Futurity NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Regional Experience Jr Western Pleasure Champion; Open Performance ROM; qualified, 2009 World Show Open Jr Trail Horse. Innocent Wishes (Impulsions). 3.5 Open Performance points & $3,256: Oregon Summer Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Central California Fall Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion. 3rd dam Red Dee Fancy, by Red Dee Hobby. Open Performance point earner. Dam of 5 other foals. 4th dam Generals Fancy, by General Scott. 36 points: Open Peformance ROM. Dam of-Fancy Demand. 37.5 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-Desiree Desperado. 4 Youth Performance points. svp 8/09 Hip No. 376 Consigned by Dan & Carol McWhirter, Agt for T. Hanson / M. Pile Feels Good To Be Bad Hip No. 376 February 8, 2007 Red Roan Gelding Zippos Mr Good Bar Feels Good To Be Bad 4936589 { AGR Lucys Lucky Too 2001 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tamara Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star Jacks Are Lucky Too Jack Bar { Zippo Sonnys Tuff Baby Hotroddin Rhonda Rodder { Radical Red Dee Fancy NOTES: Feels Good To Be Bad is a high quality, well started 2-year-old futurity prospect that has a great mind and balanced topline with a nice wither and good tailset. He has self-carriage, is slow legged and has excellent gaits at both the jog and lope. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900, including VITAL SIGNS ARE GOOD ($164,559: AQHA World All-Around Amateur; AQHA World Champion Amateur Western Riding & Amateur Western Pleasure; AQHA Reserve World Champion Sr Western Riding; AQHA World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA World Champion Amateur Pleasure Horse; 2008 NSBA Horse of the Year; Congress Open Pleasure Futurity Champion), ZIPPOS TIGER BAR ($26,331: World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Junior Western Pleasure Champion). 1st dam AGR Lucys Lucky Too, by Jacks Are Lucky Too. Dam of 3 foals, 1 performer, not a point earner to date. 2nd dam Hotroddin Rhonda, by Radical Rodder. Dam of-Innocent Wishes (Impulsions). 3.5 Open Performance points & $3,256: Oregon QHA Summer Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; Central California Fall Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion. Mystique Chip (Zips Chocolate Chip). Dam of-Dimensional Chip. 84.5 points & $6,154: Oregon QHA Summer Classic NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; PCQHA Fall NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; PCQHA Fall Classic NSBA 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Regional Experience Open Jr Western Pleasure Champion; Open Performance ROM; qualified, 2009 World Show Open Jr Trail Horse. 3rd dam Red Dee Fancy, by Red Dee Hobby. 1 Open Performance point. Dam of 5 other foals. 4th dam Generals Fancy, by General Scott (TB). 36 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-Fancy Demand. 37.5 points: Open Performance ROM. Dam of-Desiree Desperado. 4 Open & Youth Halter points. svp 9/09 Consigned by Brett & Tara Spencer Hip No. 377 Samoa Island (TB) Hip No. 377 1998 Chestnut Mare BRED TO PRINZZIPLE Fruitzig Samoa Island (TB) T0547496 { Alibbai Island 1990 { { Northern Dancer Danzig { Pas De Nom Gyro Lite Quadravan { Gomesa Island Whirl Pago { Pago Alitwirl Sailorette Kid { Handsome Sailor’s Wife NOTES: Samoa Island (TB) is a 17 hand mare with a great cadence at both the trot and lope, plus she is very flat kneed and big strided. Her first foal, Lope On Ziggy is also selling. She has been an easy breeder and raises a healthy foal. Last BRED on May 8, 2009 to PRINZZIPLE. Foal in utero eligible for the AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA and NSBA BCF. PRODUCE RECORD: 2005 Lope On Ziggy, g. by Prinzziple. NSBA money-earner ($4,000 unofficial earnings): 2009 NSBA Breeders Championship 4-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion; 4th, 2009 NSBA Breeders Championship Limited Open & Non-Pro 4-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Futurity, top 10 in the Open; top 10, 2009 NSBA World Limited Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity; Texas State Champion Hunter Under Saddle-2-times. Sells today. 2006 Zig Zag Zziple, g. by Prinzziple. 2006 Simply Samoa, f. by Prinzziple. 2007 Do Ya Dig The Zig, g. by Prinzziple. 2008 Tooty Fruity Zziple, f. by Prinzziple. 2009 Unnamed, f. by Prinzziple. By FRUITZIG (1985). Winner of $31,858. Sire of 1 stakes winner, 22 winners of 85 races and earning $467,567, MR TOP KAT ($63,493, Nebraska Derby, etc.), Danz With Auntie ($63,993, 3rd Fonner Park Special H.-R), September Serenade ($41,948, 3rd Claiming Crown Starter S.-R), A Wave Zig ($23,770, 2nd Horsemen’s Park Breeders’ Derby-R), Gun Smoke Annie (7 wins, $65,499), Kid Twister (8 wins, $46,708), Jamaica Me Money (9 wins, $36,505), Litefoot Dancer (6 wins, $26,415), Drosophila ($13,094), Run Leroy Run (4 wins, $11,613). Sire of dams of winners. 1st dam Alibhai Island, by Island Whirl. 2 wins in 21 career starts at 3, $14,176. Dam of 2 TB foals, 1 starter, above. 2nd dam Sailorette, by Handsome Kid. 3 wins at 4, $34,586. Dam of 8 TB foals, 8 starters, 7 winners-Sailaroo (Buckaroo). 5 wins in 48 career starts at 3 and 4, $37,067. Chief of Strength (Give Me Strength). 6 wins in 22 career starts at 3 and 4, $29,049. Collard Greens (An Eldorado). 5 wins in 39 career starts, 3 to 5, $25,940. Alibhai Island (Island Whirl). Above. Rocky Cove (Rock Point). Winner in 21 career starts at 3, $7,960. Sail South (Northern Holme). Winner in 22 career starts at 3 and 4, $6,680. Just Coming Out (Alla Breva). Winner in 11 career starts at 4, $5,034. svp 9/09 Hip No. 378 Consigned by John S. Narmont / Richland Ranch, Inc. Formals Only Hip No. 378 January 16, 2008 Bay Gelding Coats N Tails Formals Only X0674183 { Art I Ragged Ann 2002 { { Barpassers Image Invitation Only { Bears Raisin Kane Of Royal Blood (TB) Red Win Bold { Toulousette Art I Sweet Move { Artful Joanne Woodward Victorious Secret Hot Jazz { Sonnys Executive Secret (TB) NOTES: Formals Only has the long floaty trot desired by todays trainers. This hunt seat prospect is great minded and has been started with a saddle. Ready for you to ride. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA Breeders Championship Futurity and most major futurities. By COATS N TAILS (1998). $16,970 and 25 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle Horse; Congress Millers Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Champion; Congress 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Champion; NSBA High Point 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Champion. Sire of ZEE YELLOW JACKET ($49,149 & 139 points: AQHA World Champion Jr Hunter Under Saddle; 2008 Select World Champion Hunter Under Saddle; NSBA 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle World Champion; Congress Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Champion; PBHA World Hunter Under Saddle Stakes Champion; NSBA Breeders Championship 2-Year-Old Open & Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Champion; Reichert 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Champion; Superior Hunter Under Saddle). 1st dam Art I Ragged Ann, by Art I Sweet. Earner of 1 Open Performance point. Dam of 3 foals, no performers to date. 2nd dam Victorious Secret, by Sonnys Hot Jazz. Dam of-Secret Hot Blazes (Hot N Blazing). 20.5 points: 5th, Congress Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity; 5th, NSBA High Point 3-Year-Old Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle; Open Performance ROM. Hot Blazin Jazz (Hot N Blazing). 5.5 points & $3,218: 2008 A Little Futurity 3Year-Old Open Slot Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion; 2008 Southern Belle NSBA 3-Year-Old Limited Open Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion & 7th in the Open. Victorias Hot Secret (Hot N Blazing). split 4th, 2008 Virginia QHA Futurity 2Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle. 3rd dam Executive Secret (TB), by Executive Pride. Dam of-A SECRET IN TIME (Sweet Avenger). 214 points: top 10, Limited Rider Western Pleasure & Pleasure Driving; Amateur Superior Showmanship. Sonnys Hot Secret (Sonnys Hot Jazz). 50.5 points & $3,949: Reserve World Champion Jr Pleasure Driving; 4th, High Point Jr Pleasure Driving; Congress Jr Pleasure Driving Reserve Champion; 5th, Congress Millers NonPro Hunter Under Saddle; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Dam of-Secret Work Of Art. 4 Amateur Peformance points. svp 8/09 Hip No. 379 Consigned by Roger Landis, Agt for Michael & Rochelle Farina Good To Be Awesome Hip No. 379 January 31, 2008 Brown Gelding Zippos Mr Good Bar Good To Be Awesome 5155329 { Awsome Abrey 2000 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tamara Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star Barpassers Image { Barpasser Tee Command Britney Lee { Buster’s Request Gin Bertel NOTES: Good To Be Awesome has pleasure horse breeding at it’s best. This gelding is a big, stout yearling that will easily make an early 2-year-old. He is stick straight in his front leg and has a ton of self carriage and cadence. You can never go wrong on a Zippos Mr Good Bar. He is his dam’s first foal. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900, including VITAL SIGNS ARE GOOD ($164,559: AQHA World All-Around Amateur; AQHA World Champion Amateur Western Riding & Amateur Western Pleasure; AQHA Reserve World Champion Sr Western Riding; AQHA World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA World Champion Amateur Pleasure Horse; 2008 NSBA Horse of the Year; Congress Open Pleasure Futurity Champion), ZIPPOS TIGER BAR ($26,331: World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Junior Western Pleasure Champion), GOOD LUCK GIRL ($111,049: Congress 2-Year-Old Open Masters Western Pleasure Champion), MADE TO BE GOOD (AQHYA World Champion Horsemanship Horse). 1st dam Awesome Abrey, by Barpassers Image. 6 Open & Amateur Performance points. This is her first foal. 2nd dam BRITNEY LEE, by Buster’s Request. 254 points: Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-Sox N Hot (Danes Impressive Sun). 46 points: Ft Worth Youth Western Horsemanship Reserve Champion; Amateur Performance ROM. Charree Lee (Impressive Dan). 37 points: Amateur Halter ROM. Hayden Sage (Danes Impressive Sun). 10 Halter & Performance points. Bradens Mr Chips (Zips Mr Chips). 4 Open Performance points: 4th, Regional Experience Novice Youth Western Pleasure. 3rd dam Gin Bertel, by Poco Bertal. Dam of-BRITNEY LEE (Buster’s Request). Above. Brandie Bertel (Buster’s Request). 23 Halter & Performance points. 4th dam Go Gin Go, by Timp Sage. Granddam of-Miss Tuffy Ree (Tuffy True Boy). Open Performance point earner & NCHA money-earner. svp 9/09 Consigned by Jerry & Susan Cole Hip No. 380 You Know Its Good Hip No. 380 May 6, 2008 Red Roan Colt Good To Know You Know Its Good 5119035 { Barely Zippo 1994 { { Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Chips Chocolate Glow Zips Chocolate Chip { Miss Southern Glow Zippo Pine Bar Pat Bars { Zippo Dollie Pine Barely Bonanza Bonanza { Barney’s Barefoot Katy NOTES: You Know Its Good has great legs and a great mind. Lots of potential. He earns double money for AQHA points through the KY Incentive Fund. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for KY Breeder’s Futurities, KY Incentive Fund and WV Breeder’s Futurity. By GOOD TO KNOW (2002). 32.5 Open & Amateur Western Pleasure points & NSBA money-earner; Open & Amateur ROM. His oldest foals are 2-YearOlds. Son of ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900, including VITAL SIGNS ARE GOOD ($164,559: AQHA World All-Around Amateur; AQHA World Champion Amateur Western Riding & Amateur Western Pleasure; AQHA Reserve World Champion Sr Western Riding; AQHA World Champion 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Horse; AQHA World Champion Amateur Pleasure Horse; 2008 NSBA Horse of the Year; Congress Open Pleasure Futurity Champion), ZIPPOS TIGER BAR ($26,331: World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse; Congress Junior Western Pleasure Champion). 1st dam Barely Zippo, by Zippo Pine Bar. Dam of 10 foals, 5 performers-Potentially Zippo (f. by Potentially Zippo). 24 points: Kentucky Summer Spectacular NSBA 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; Open Performance ROM. Dont Pass Me Up (f. by A Passing Breeze). Regional Experience Open & Amateur Western Pleasure Champion. 2nd dam BARELY BONANZA, by Barney’s Bonanza. 349.5 points: AQHYA Reserve World Champion Western Pleasure; 4th, World Show Jr Western Pleasure; top 10, AQHYA World Show Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-Barely Zippin (Zippo Pine Bar). Dam of-A Good Favor. 39.5 points: San Angelo AQHA Novice Amateur Horsemanship Champion; Open & Amateur Performance ROM. 3rd dam Barefoot Katy, by Barefoot Bar. Dam of-BARELY BONANZA (Barney’s Bonanza). Above. Pinewoods Diamond To (Handy Man Jack). 56.5 points: Open & Amateur Performance ROM. Sharons Bonanza (Barney’s Bonanza). 13 points: Open ROM. svp 8/09 Hip No. 381 Consigned by Gumz Farms Betcha Im An Impulse Hip No. 381 May 7, 2008 Bay Gelding Hot Impulse Betcha Im An Impulse 5093787 { Betcha Im Good 1993 { { The Invester Impulsions { Randados Rosa Ms Hot Medicine Hotrodders Jet Set { Miss Medicine Man Zippos Mr Good Bar Pine Bar { Zippo Tamara Wess The Copper Touch Invester { The Reed’s Razamataz NOTES: Betcha Im An Impulse has all the makings of a great show horse, strong breeding, size and exceptional movement. He is a great legged, soft, flat, slow and a very natural mover. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Southern Belle, Tom Powers, NSBA and NSBA SIF. By HOT IMPULSE (1996). Earner of 115 points and $13,894: World Champion Junior Western Riding Horse; 4th, Congress Junior Western Riding; 5th, Congress Open Western Pleasure Derby; Superior Western Pleasure; multiple futurity champion. Sire of 77 ROM, 28 Superiors, 4 Reserve World Champions earning 5,276 points, including IM SPARKLING HOT ($36,233 & 396 points: AQHYA Reserve World Champion Western Pleasure; Congress Champion Youth 12-14 Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure). 1st dam Betcha Im Good, by Zippos Mr Good Bar. 66 points & $5,864: Heartbeat Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line Champion; 4th, Solid Gold Futurity Open Yearling Longe Line; Open & Amateur Perf. ROM. Dam of 5 foals, 2 performers-Betcha Im A Hottie (f. by One Hot Krymsun). 5th, 2009 Reichert Celebration Ladies Limited Open 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Stakes & 6th in the $10,000 Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes. A Good Selection (g. by Selection So Simple). 10 points: Denver National Open Jr Trail Horse Champion. 2nd dam The Copper Touch, by The Invester. 3 Open Halter points. Dam of-WATCHIT IM GOOD (Zippos Mr Good Bar). 28.5 points & $12,431: ISBA Pleasure Jubliee 3-Year-Old Limited Open & Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; Open Performance ROM. Dam of-DAM IM HOT. 544.5 points & $9,227: 7th, World Show Amateur Showmanship; top 10, All-Around High Point Amateur Horse; Denver National Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation & Horsemanship Champion; AQHYA Champion. WATCH MY POTENTIAL. 121 points & $24,123: Just For Pleasure Futurity 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; NSBA Breeders Championship Gold 4-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; top 10, World Show Jr Western Riding; Superior Pleasure & Western Riding. GONNA WANNA WATCHIT. 82 points & $6,523: top 10, 2008 World Show Open Performance Halter Stallions; split 5th, Reichert Celebration 3-YearOld + Maiden Open Western Pleasure; Open Superior Western Pleasure. Coozippin Lad (Coosa Lad). 61 points & $3,321: Heartbeat NSBA 2/3-YearOld Non-Pro Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur Halter ROM; Amateur Performance ROM. svp 9/09 Hip No. 382 Consigned by John S. Narmont / Richland Ranch, Inc. Good Stormy Romance Hip No. 382 March 6, 2008 Red Roan Filly Zippos Mr Good Bar Good Stormy Romance 5090758 { Burning Iron 1992 { { Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Tamara Wess Blondy’s Dude { Jo Moore Star Iron Rebel Cause { Rebel Iron Maiden Tigret Leo { Tiger Kay’s Roulette NOTES: Good Stormy Romance is a full sister to A Gift So Good (see record below). She has been started under saddle and is ready for you to ride. Now is your opportunity to purchase some great bloodlines. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA Breeders Championship and most major futurities. By ZIPPOS MR GOOD BAR (1984). NSBA Hall of Fame. The NSBA #3 All-Time Leading Sire, an AQHA Top 10 All-Time Leading Sire of Performance ROM and a 2008 AQHA Top 10 Leading Sire in 5 divisions, siring the earners of 35,686 AQHA points, 549 ROM, 186 Superiors, 21 World/Reserve World Championships and $2,033,900. 1st dam Burning Iron, by Iron Rebel. Dam of 13 foals, 7 performers-A GIFT SO GOOD (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 955 points & $67,294: 2008 High Point Open Sr Western Pleasure, 2008 AQHYA High Point Western Pleasure Horse; 3rd, World Show Jr Western Pleasure; Congress Champion Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity; Tom Powers Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; 3rd, Congress Open & Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity; Tom Powers Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; top10, World Show Sr Western Pleasure; Reserve High Point Sr Western Pleasure & Jr Western Pleasure; 3rd, NSBA High Point Open Western Pleasure; Open, Amt. & Youth Sup.Western Pleasure. Dam of-Willys So Good (Willy Be Invited). $5,797: 3rd, 2009 Tom Powers Breeders Futurity 2-Year-Old Open & Int. Open Western Pleasure Challenge. Good Bar Dot Com (c. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 2 Open Performance points & $2,236: Illinois QHA Super Stakes 25 Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; The Classic Futurity SSA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Co-Champion. Good N Roan (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 36.5 points: 3rd, Missouri QHA Futurity Heartbeat 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure & 5th in the Non-Pro; money-earner in the Just For Pleasure Limited Open & Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Performance ROM. Good For The Heart (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 31.5 points: 3rd, 2008 Regional Experience Youth Hunt Seat Equitation; Youth Performance ROM. 2nd dam Tigret, by Tiger Leo. Dam of-NATURAL IRON. $21,840 and 497 points in 8 events: High Point Junior AllAround Champion; GMC Truck Junior Champion; High Point Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Green Working Hunter, Working Hunter and Western Riding Stallion; AQHA Champion; Superior All-Around. Maker Dream. 119.5 points & $6,496: 3rd, Breeders Classic All-Age Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Reichert Celebration Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Co-Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur ROM. svp 8/09 Hip No. 383 Consigned by John S. Narmont / Richland Ranch, Inc. Iron Coat Hip No. 383 February 8, 2008 Bay Gelding Coats N Tails Iron Coat 5078865 { Burning Iron 1992 { { Barpassers Image Invitation Only { Bears Raisin Kane Of Royal Blood (TB) Red Win Bold { Toulousette Iron Rebel Cause { Rebel Iron Maiden Tigret Leo { Tiger Kay’s Roulette NOTES: Iron Coat is out of the mare Burning Iron who is a full sister to Natural Iron. This hunter under saddle prospect is sure to make you a futurity champion. He has been started under saddle and is ready for you to ride. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund, NSBA Breeders Championship and most major futurities. By COATS N TAILS (1998). $16,970 and 25 AQHA points: AQHA World Champion Junior Hunter Under Saddle Horse; Congress Millers Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Champion; Congress 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Futurity Champion, etc. 1st dam Burning Iron, by Iron Rebel. Dam of 13 foals, 7 performers-A GIFT SO GOOD (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 955 points & $67,294: 2008 High Point Open Sr Western Pleasure, 2008 AQHYA High Point Western Pleasure Horse; 3rd, World Show Jr Western Pleasure; Congress Champion Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity; Tom Powers Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; 3rd, Congress Open & Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity; Tom Powers Open Western Pleasure Maturity Champion; top10, World Show Sr Western Pleasure; Reserve High Point Sr Western Pleasure & Jr Western Pleasure; 3rd, NSBA High Point Open Western Pleasure; Open, Amt. & Youth Sup.Western Pleasure. Dam of-Willys So Good (Willy Be Invited). $5,797: 3rd, 2009 Tom Powers Breeders Futurity 2-Year-Old Open & Int. Open Western Pleasure Challenge. Good Bar Dot Com (c. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 2 Open Performance points & $2,236: Illinois QHA Super Stakes 25 Futurity 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion; The Classic Futurity SSA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Co-Champion. Good N Roan (g. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 36.5 points: 3rd, Missouri QHA Futurity Heartbeat 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure & 5th in the Non-Pro; money-earner in the Just For Pleasure Limited Open & Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Performance ROM. Good For The Heart (f. by Zippos Mr Good Bar). 31.5 points: 3rd, 2008 Regional Experience Youth Hunt Seat Equitation; Youth Performance ROM. 2nd dam Tigret, by Tiger Leo. Dam of-NATURAL IRON. $21,840 and 497 points in 8 events: High Point Junior AllAround Champion; GMC Truck Junior Champion; High Point Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Green Working Hunter, Working Hunter and Western Riding Stallion; AQHA Champion; Superior All-Around. Maker Dream. 119.5 points & $6,496: 3rd, Breeders Classic All-Age Non-Pro Western Pleasure; Reichert Celebration Limited Open Western Pleasure Maturity Co-Reserve Champion; Open & Amateur ROM. svp 8/09 Consigned by Randal Troutner Hip No. 384 Too Sleepy In Paris Hip No. 384 April 5, 2008 Sorrel Filly Too Sleepy To Zip Too Sleepy In Paris 5148417 { Ledadator 1997 { { Zippo Pine Bar Zippo Jack Bar { Fair Eyed Jackie To Sleepy Too Sleepy’s Man { Hank’s Bar Doll Skippa Dator Date { Diamond Skippa Baby Doll Raleos Poco Bar Bell Bar Jeep { Duke Raleos Perk NOTES: Too Sleepy In Paris is a pretty filly with a good mind and super jog and lope. She is ready to get started under saddle. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. Eligible for Tom Powers Breeeders Challenge. HYPP N/N on AQHA record. By TOO SLEEPY TO ZIP (2000). Earner of $21,298: Congress 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Futurity Champion; top 10, World Championship 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure. Sire of GOTTA GET SOME SLEEP ($47,553 & 165 points: 4th, Just For Pleasure SSA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure & Open Hunter Under Saddle; 7th, World Show 2-YearOld Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure; 6th, 2008 High Point Amateur Western Pleasure; Amateur Superior Western Pleasure), SLEEPIN IN THE RAIN ($38,078 & 187.5 points: 4th, Reichert Pleasure Celebration 2-Year-Old Sale Slot Non-Pro Western Pleasure; top 10 in the $100,000 Slot Intermediate Open Western Pleasure; Superior Amateur Western Pleasure; Open ROM), SLEEP BY INVITATION ($9,028: top 10, 2008 Reichert NSBA 2-YearOld $100,000 Slot Intermediate Open Western Pleasure), ML SUPER HOTROD (53.5 points & $8,996: top 10, Congress 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity; Open & Amateur ROM), MY SLEEPY BAY $8,701 & 41 points: Just For Pleasure SSA 2-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Reserve Champion, 6th in the Open; Amateur ROM), TOO GOOD TO SLEEP ($6,318: 2008 Gold Rush Futurity NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Champion). 1st dam Ledadator, by Skippa Dator. Dam of 7 foals, 5 performers-I Willy Was Invited (g. by Willy Be Invited). 14 Youth Halter & Performance points; 11.5 Novice Youth points. Simply Intimidation (g. by Simply Hot). 4 Open & Amateur Performance points. top 10, Just For Pleasure Open & Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line; top 15 in the Open. My Gucci Boots (g. by Gucci Only). 4th, NSBA Breeders Championship Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line; top 15, Just For Pleasure Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line. Simply Sumptous (f. by Simply Hot). Top 10, NSBA Breeders Championship Open & Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line. A Lil Hucci Gucci (f. by Gucci Only). NSBA money-earner. 2nd dam Raleos Poco Bar Bell, by Duke Bar Jeep. Dam of 2 other foals. 3rd dam Raleos Perk, by Raleo’s Poco. Dam of-The Irish Dator (Skippa Dator). split 3rd, Indiana QHA Breeders Futurity Open Jr Weanling Stallions. svp 10/09 Consigned by Randal Troutner Hip No. 385 Zip Around With Me Hip No. 385 1996 Bay Gelding SUPERIOR WESTERN PLEASURE Zippo Pat Bars Zippo Pine Bar { Dollie Pine Zips Chocolate Chip Zip Around With Me 3462443 { Make A Move On Me 1982 { { Fancy Blue Chip Custus Jaguar { Irene 3 The Invester Pat Bars { Zippo Hank’s Peppy Lou Magnolia Pride Bar { Magnolia Drifting Bay PERFORMANCE RECORD: 317.5 Open & Amateur & Youth points & $9,389, 90.5 Open Western Pleasure, .5 Performance Halter Gelding, 2.5 Trail and 2.5 Green Trail; 151 Amateur Western Pleasure points, 2.5 Western Horsemanship, 1 Performance Halter Gelding, 8 Showmanship, 2 Hunt Seat Equitation, 4 Trail; 53 Youth Western Pleasure points; 72 Novice/Amateur points, 15 Showmanship, 13.5 Hunt Seat Equitation, 16 Trail, 26.5 Western Horsemanship, 1 Hunter Under Saddle; 8 Novice/Youth Western Pleasure & 2 Hunter Under Saddle; Open, Amateur (2-times) & Youth Superior Western Pleasure; Lone Star QHA Futurity 3-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure Champion; split 4th, Southern Belle 3-Year-Old Limited Non-Pro Western Pleasure. NOTES: Zip Around With Me has been shown successfully in Open, Amateur, Youth and Novice. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund. By ZIPS CHOCOLATE CHIP (1985). NSBA Hall of Fame; World Champion Junior Western Pleasure Horse, winning under all five judges. The AQHA’s #3 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Point-Earners, #4 All-Time Leading Sire of Open Performance ROM; NSBA #2 All-Time Leading Sire and an APHA All-Time Leading Sire. 1st dam Make A Move On Me, by The Invester. Dam of 9 foals, 2 performers-ZIP AROUND WITH ME (g. by Zips Chocolate Chip). Reference. Steppin Out In Style (f. by Red Dee Hobby). Dam of-BLUE GOLD HOBBY (Blue Gold Classic). 156 IHBA points: IBHA World Champion Open Yearling Longe Line; 3rd, IHBA World Show Amateur Showmanship. Make a Move On Chip (f. by Sweet Talkin Chip). Dam of-Sweet Time To Zip (Time To Zip It Up). 23 points & $2,729: Canadian National Futurity NSBA 2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion; Open Performance ROM. 2nd dam Magnolia Pride, by Magnolia Bar. Dam of-Admiring (The Invester). 13 Open Halter points. Dam of-JUSTA LITTLE TOO MUCH. 141 points & $5,511: World Champion Open Weanling Gelding & Amateur Reserve World Champion. The Brown Wrapper (The Invester). Dam of-GOODBARS WRAPPER. 575 points: AQHA Amateur Superior All-Around; AQHA Performance Champion. Zip My Wrapper. Dam of-GOOD DOLL. 235 points: AQHYA Champion. GOODBARS PRINCESS. 72 points: Amateur Superior Western Pleasure. svp 10/09 Pedigrees by: Sara Vaessen Pedigrees, Inc. 38722 S. Casual Drive, Saddlebrooke, AZ 85739 (520) 818-1257-e-mail: svnwequine@aol.com www.saravaessenpedigrees.com Carey Foster, Bozeman, Mt.-Pedigree Research Catalog information herein contained has been compiled by Sara Vaessen Pedigrees, Inc. from information furnished by the designated consignor and the AQHA, APHA, ApHC, PtHA, NCHA, NRCHA, ACHA, NRHA, EQUI-STAT, Jockey Club Information Services, Robin Glenn Pedigrees and various sources. Some dollar figures and points earned may not be accurate but every attempt has been made for accuracy; however, errors may occur. Please note that the seller is the sole guarantor of all such information and is responsible for any commitments made on catalog page. Sara Vaessen Pedigrees, Inc., Sales Management and/or all of the above listed Associations are not responsible for errors but would appreciate errors being called to its attention upon immediate receipt of catalog and may be contacted at address and phone number above. “BLACK TYPE SYSTEM” (Dams’ Produce) BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS: World Champions, Congress Champions, AQHA, APHA and PHBA Champions, Superiors, NCHA Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum Awards and/or money earners of more than $10,000. Bold Upper/Lower Letters: Reserve World Champions, QH Congress Open, Amateur & Youth Reserve Champions, ROM earners, NCHA & NRHA Certificates of Ability and/or money-earners of more than $1,500. All other performers appear in regular type. ENGAGEMENTS: If ENGAGED, the first fees must have been paid and the horse has been nominated to the program[s] listed. The horse is NOT nominated if listed as "ELIGIBLE FOR". ENGAGEMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED AND ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSIGNOR. SELLER: IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to verify your catalog pages for accuracy. Please confirm correct horse, sire, dam, covering sire, engagements and other pertinent information and REPORT ANY ERRORS TO SALE COMPANY IMMEDIATELY. This catalog can be viewed online at www.horseauctions.com