April 2014 News Letter - GFWC Coco Plum Woman`s Club
April 2014 News Letter - GFWC Coco Plum Woman`s Club
1 S I N C E 1 9 1 2 The Coco Plum News PlumNews GFWC Coco Plum Woman’s Club April 2014 The President’s Message EXECUTIVE BOARD President Heike Leibkuchler First Vice President Caroline Jensen Second Vice President Mary Lou Winkler Recording Secretary Dottie Zammas Corresponding Secretary Carol Renick Treasurer Sue Nichols Financial Secretary Ann Robson Directors Nadine La Guette, Sue Pettapiece, Peggy Vital, Pamela Ciravolo Rosann Whitten Immediate Past President Maxine Bizett March was again a busy month this year. Unfortunately, I missed the “Picnic” at our business meeting this year, but I had a very relaxing birthday with my husband and brother and his family on his farm in Argentina. We nominated officers and directors at the meeting, and they will be voted in at our next business meeting in April. I thank the nominating committee, Nadine LaGuette, Ann Robson, Carol Renick, Donna Lewis and Peggy Vital for their effort to come up with a slate. Our Bridge/Card Party was very well attended by 37 members and 36 guests. We raised enough to send a check for $2,100 to Feeding South Florida. We should be proud for our contribution to help our hungry population. See the statistics from the No Kid Hungry campaign following my president’s message. Nadine, thank you for taking on the chairmanship and a big thank you to Ann Robson for taking the reservations and helping Pam Ciravolo in the kitchen, Rosann Whitten being our bar maid, and of course Dottie Zammas for doing the opportunity and door prizes. She is always doing an outstanding job and I hope she will continue this job for a long Save the Date! Business/ Election Meeting & Lunch April 9th Coco Plum Clubhouse GFWC Florida Convention April 25th Rosen Plaza, Orlando Business Meeting & Luncheon May 14th Coco Plum Clubhouse 2 THE COCO PLUM NEWS APRIL 2014 time. Last, but not least, a big thank you to all the members who donated food and opportunity prizes. Thank you, ladies, for your teamwork. Twenty of our members attended the Fiesta Luncheon: Stars of Miami. Pat Stevenson was Phyllis Diller, Maxine Bizette, Carol Channing, Aminta Konawicz as Doris Day, Caroline Jensen was Dorothy Zbornak and I was Blanche Devereaux, the sexy one from the Golden Girls. The cutest of us all was Nell Penick as Shirley Temple. Nell really researched her role, had her dress made by the person who is in charge of the costumes at the Ring Theater, and her hairdresser came early to her beauty parlor to make the ringlets in her hair. She was the perfect Shirley Temple. Dade County Federation raised over $5,000. FRIDAY, APRIL 4TH Board Meeting—10:00 am Coco Plum Clubhouse WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9TH Business & Election Meeting/ Luncheon—10:30 am Coco Plum Clubhouse Thirteen of our members attended the Dade County Federation Meeting on March 26th and I want to thank you for your support. Lisa Dudley Rentz from the Miami Springs Woman’s Club talked about personal security for women. Her program was quite informative and I believe this would be a good program at one of our meetings. This was the third time our club had the most attendance from a club. Please attend our next business meeting on April 9th when we vote for our new Board of Directors. You can see the Slate of Officers running for election on page 8. APRIL 25TH—28TH GFWC of Florida-- Spring Convention Rosen Plaza, Orlando Friday, May 2nd Board Meeting—10:00 am Coco Plum Clubhouse Wednesday, May 14th Business Meeting/Luncheon—10:30 am Installation of Officers Coco Plum Clubhouse Wednesday, May 28th With love and warmest regards, Heike ❑ DCFWC Board Meeting—9:30 am DCFWC General Meeting—10:00 am Coco Plum Clubhouse Statistics on the No Kid Hungry Campaign Friday, June 6th Since the start of the No Kid Hungry Campaign, more than 2 million kids have been added to the school breakfast program thanks to the work of individuals all over the country. New and Old Board Meeting—10:00 am Coco Plum Clubhouse ❑ What are the most common signals that teachers and caregivers see to let them know a child is struggling with hunger? The answer is lack of focus, lethargy, aggression, anxiety and 2 4 3 THE COCO PLUM NEWS APRIL 2014 antisocial behaviors like difficulty getting along with other children, are the most common signals that teachers and caregivers see to let them know a child is struggling with hunger. A very special thank you goes to Ann Robson, Pam Ciravolvo, and Dottie Zammas. Without them, I could not have carried out this successful event. Nearly 50% of SNAP (formerly food stamps) recipients are children. If you found a clean plate or bowl waiting for you as you left the building, you can thank Pam as she handled the kitchen all by herself. Our profit from this party was $2,100 and our President, Heike Leibkuchler, sent a check to Feeding South Florida. We also collected $10 for books this month. ❑ Birthdays for April Happy Birthday, Dear Members! Betty Lawton, April 1st Martha Singleton April 4th Sally Perlman April 14th Cathie Cotton April 18th Betty Long April 23rd Laura Proctor April 30th ❑ Donations to the Card Party Fundraiser By Carol Renick Dottie Zammas was in charge of planning for and procuring opportunity and door prizes for the Card Party held on March 19th. Our club members donated those items and funds were raised due to their generosity to benefit Feeding South Florida. Thank yous go to Dottie for her effort, the donors and for our members’ continued support of the club projects. Donors and prizes are listed below. COMMITTEE REPORTS Ways and Means By Nadine LaGuette, Chair Our card party is getting better each year. This year, 73 attended, 37 members and 36 guests. We need more of our Coco Plum members to attend this event. Donna Lewis---money hat valued at $25. Sue Nichols---Mary Kay and Cru de Provence lotions for an estimated value of $60. Jeannette Patteson --$20 Publix gift certificate Nadine LaGuette --Mythology Book Rhoda Quarles-- Glass candlesticks Rosemary Welton--stuffed rabbit and a door prize Ardyce Grevior--3 framed pictures ❑ We did not have a large committee, but those who participated did a splendid job. Heike Leibkuchler provided the flyers and tickets. Nadine LaGuette and Ann Robson took reservations. Dottie Zammas was able to acquire lots of opportunity and door prizes. Peggy Vital did the table decorations in an Irish theme. Pam Ciravolo, Carol Renick and Sue Pettapiece sold tickets for the raffle of the opportunity prizes and Rosann Whitten, Peggy Vital and Maxine Bizette tended the bar. How about Rosann tending bar? Wasn’t she cute? Thank you to everyone who brought the delicious food and donated the prizes. (For those names please see Dottie’s column.) Education Committee Report By Donna Lewis After a week off for Spring Break, the Education Committee Lunch Bunch readers are looking forward to resuming our reading schedule at Ludlam Elementary School. We welcome three new readers, Betty Hill, Pat 3 6 5 THE COCO PLUM NEWS APRIL 2014 and Yearbook. Stevenson, and Marcia Maynard. It is not too late to join this project. Contact Donna Lewis for a schedule and begin enjoying this rewarding experience. ❑ Betty Karlsson, PO box 557914, Miami 33255, Cell 305 496 3963, royal.bee@hotmail.com, dob 6/18. Her interests include the hospitality and telephone committees. Membership Gabrielle Martonffy, 5046 SW 162 Ave, Miramar 33027,home 954 435 4658, cell 954 774 5801, g-martonffy@bellsouth.net, dob 5/15. Her interests include fund raising and the international affairs and hospitality committees. By Carol Renick, Chair Betty Sue Stultz was recognized for her efforts in sponsoring women for membership Marcia Maynard, 840 Independence Dr. Homestead 33034, cell 305 815 0826, Marciamaynard@att.net, dob 11/01. Her interests include the art and education committees. ❑ New Members Betty Sue and Carol in GFWC Coco Plum Woman's Club. Betty received the white star recruitment pin for recruitment of 5-9 new members as clubwomen. Congratulations to Betty. Nadine LaGuette and Dottie Zammas have also received the star pin this year. Three new members inducted into Coco Plum at the March meeting are listed below. You may wish to add them to your Coco Plum Roster Left to Right: Gabrielle, Betty, Marcia 4 7 8 THE COCO PLUM NEWS APRIL 2014 the trimmings. We had a visit from the entertaining “Tater Family.” Thank you to Ann Robson, Mary Lou Winkler, Sue Pettapiece, Rosann Whitten, Nadine LaGuette, Maxine Bizette, and Dottie Zammas who brought these characters to life. GFWC Signature Project: Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention GFWC is a national leader in the fight to end domestic violence by raising awareness about this social issue. By supporting existing activities, working with various established programs, and initiating educational opportunities for club members and local citizens, the goal of the GFWC Signature Project: Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention is to increase awareness of the widespread occurrence of domestic abuse. Next we had a “Senior Olympics” featuring a heads and tails competition won by Betty Sue Stultz and a football paper plate toss won by Vera Cooper. Thank you, Mary Lou, for organizing and conducting the games. Finally I want to thank all of our cooks for making the picnic possible and delicious. Thank you to Rosann Whitten for helping set up; Dottie Bobbitt, Maxine Bizette, Carol Renick, Betty Sue Stultz, Peggy Vital, Sue Pettapiece, Pat Stevenson, Nell Penick, Jennie Joy, Ann Robson, Caroline Jensen, Aminta Konawicz, Sallly Perlman, and Pat Rivas for providing the food; and Jennie Joy for organizing the food tables. Coco Plum’s April Domestic Violence Initiative By Aminta Konawicz, Chair We had a great success last year with our Baskets for the Domestic Violence Shelters in Miami. We are inviting again your kind cooperation to bring to our Club the items most needed by them. For the ladies, or gentlemen, long-sleeved shirts or pajamas, tooth paste, tooth brushes, soap, chocolates, brushes, combs, and slippers. I know that I had a good time and hope that everyone else did also. ❑ Financial Report By Ann Robson, Financial Secretary For the March 12th. 2014 , Picnic-Luncheon, we had thirty-nine members for lunch, two guests, two with complementary tickets, and four no-shows. We will put them in beautiful baskets and bring them to the organizations to distribute. Last year they were much appreciated. Please bring your items at our next General Meeting. We will gather together at the end of the meeting as well. Call me 305-934-4299 or email me at amintarealtor@gmail.com if you will like to become part of the Committee. ❑ I would just like to remind our members that if you have made a reservation and you do not cancel before Monday at 1:00 pm, you are responsible for paying $15 to our treasurer, Sue Nichols, at 6585 SW 69thAve., South Miami Fl. 33143. Picnic Committee For cancellations prior to 1:00 pm Mondays before a Wednesday luncheon, please call Dottie Zammas. Her telephone number is a new one, 786-444-2114. ❑ By Donna Lewis, Chair For our March meeting, we enjoyed a Saint Patrick’s Day picnic with fried chicken and all 5 1 2 THE COCO PLUM NEWS APRIL 2014 at the time of ordering. Logo Shirts By Mary Lou Winkler, 2nd Vice President If you wish you may go to the Awesome Embroidery shop at 8794 SW 132nd Street, Miami, FL 33176 (305 255 7771), for viewing the shirt or checking your size. If using your own shirt, you will need to deliver that to Awesome for them to embroider. New members have inquired about getting Coco Plum logo shirts, which some of us wear at Conventions or District meetings or when we do volunteer work. You can see photos of us wearing these at a District 11 meeting on page 38D, 2013-14, History section. If anyone wants to have the Coco Plum logo as a coaster or on some cloth that can be done as well. Price for logo work, if we have more than 11 total would be less ($8 each). ❑ If you are interested, the same shirt, with 3/4 length sleeves, white cotton, and logo costs $47, plus tax. A few of us picked out polo shirts, which range in price from $9$30, without logo, at Awesome. Telephone Committee By Dottie Zammas, Chair (Her new number is 786-444-2114.) You may use your own white cotton shirt or polo shirt on which the logo can be embroidered for $11, plus tax. That shirt should be taken to the Awesome Shop, address below. For our general luncheon meetings, all reservations should be made through the phone committee. Phone committee members are: Dottie Bobbitt 305-443-5123; Jennie Joy 305-238-6625; Bev Maxwell 305-661-8705; Christine Mena 305-665-7275; and Dottie Zammas 786-444-2114. As our design is unique and quite intricate, with a variety of colors, the time of Last minute reservations and cancellations should be made to Dottie Zammas, Phone Committee Chair, at telephone number786444-2114 or email to zammdj@yahoo.com, no later than Monday noon before the Wednesday meeting. All members and guests must have a reservation. If you do not cancel your reservation for you or your guest you will be charged $15.00 as we have to pay the caterers. Please note that Dottie Zammas has a new phone number 786-444-2114. ❑ preparing the machine with different spools is great. Therefore if several of you want a shirt, a group order should be placed. Contact Aminta Konawicz (305 408 8362) or Mary Lou Winkler (305 669 4366) for additional details or order at the April business meeting. Shirts could be ready in a week after order is placed. Payment is due 6 THE COCO PLUM NEWS APRIL 2014 7 THE COCO PLUM NEWS APRIL 2014 APRIL Coco Plum Woman’s Club Board Members Election for 2014—2016 Slate of Officers President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Recording Secretary: Treasurer: Financial Secretary: Corresponding Secretary: Caroline Jensen Carol Renick Pam Ciravolo Pat Rivas Sue Nichols Donna Lewis Dottie Zammas Directors: Edith Hughes Clark Mary Lou Winkler Aminta Konawicz Betty Sue Stultz Pat Chehab Rosemary Welton Attention: Members must vote for only five of the directors, although seven are running for the Board