n° 27 June 2009 - 1 Editorial • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda It hardly seems any time since I wrote an editorial for our spring issue in which I mentioned our Annual Meeting to be held in Budapest this October. And before we know it, October will be upon us and I hope that all of you are planning to come so we may enjoy the sights of Budapest and to be together again to exchange news, learn new skills and update our knowledge. Therefore I encourage you to consider giving a presentation on how your information centre or library contributes services that help those with addictions whether on drugs, alcohol, gambling, the internet or any new addictions that is emerging. Giving a presentation is rewarding and helpful in one's career and can open the door to other opportunities. The deadline for submission is July 31st, 2009 and a draft programme is available on the conference wiki: http://2009elisadmeeting.pbwiki.com2009. We are also looking for ideas for workshops on information issues so please send your suggestions to me at cgoodair@sgul.ac.uk. Finally please do consider attending the annual meeting as it is an excellent professional development opportunity and provides the opportunity to meet colleagues from around Europe working in the same area. The future of Elisad depends on its members so the Board are keen to have your views to help us plan future activities. We have designed an online survey which will only take a few minutes to complete and it can be found at: http://surveys.polldaddy.com/s/09A9A295988D2856/. I look forward to seeing you all in October, Christine Goodair Elisad Chair Some pictures of my garden in Spring. As you can see I have some nice poppies: normal when you are working in the drug field since 15 years! The well is collecting rain water for the plants... Anne Singer n° 27 June 2009 - 2 Setting sail: best practices for the next decade • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda The theme was “Setting sail best practices for the next decade” and was intended to examine the use of social networking technology by information professionals, current and historical context in substance use, and explore the concept of best practice. The conference was attended by over 30 participants, and Europe was well represented by Christine Goodair, Vaughan Birbeck, Jorunn Moen and Anne Welsh. T he first day was taken up by presentations which gave an insight into drug and alcohol policies in Canada. First, the Chair of SALIS, David Man, presented a view of the work of SALIS which takes place outside conferences. He emphasised the importance of these on-going activities and their role in maintaining the relevance of SALIS as a professional organisation. The first outside speaker was Carolyn Davison, Director of Addictions Servi-ces for Nova Scotia, who gave an overview of the development of the new National Treatment Strategy for Canada. This includes a continuum of services and supports based on a tiered model representing different levels of service ranging from 'open' sources (e.g. web pages) to highlevel rehabilitation services. Knowledge exchange and research capacity is being developed to ensure that evidence-informed practices are adopted. This was followed by a presentation on alcohol policies in Nova Scotia by Greg Marquis (University of New Brunswick). Nova Scotia has an interesting history of prohibition and government control of the sale of alcohol and licensing of drinking 31stst Annual SALIS Conference Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 5-9 2009 Vaughan Birbeck, EMCDDA & Christine Goodair, Elisad Chair Boats in the Maritime Museum, Halifax. Funny: sails in plural is an anagram of SALIS! premises, based on an assumption that people could not be trusted with unrestricted access to alcohol. Public policy could therefore create “better drinkers”. The final presentation of the day was based around the challenge of developing prevention strategies for Canada's “First Nations” native populations including Indians and Inuit peoples. It was given by Robert Denniston of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy who informed us about a campaign to prevent the use of methamphetamines by native Americans. Particular care was given to making the messages of the campaign culturally relevant, providing a sense of empowerment, and using Native networks and channels for dissemination, including youth, adults and elders. The first presentation of the second day was The influence of research on policy and practice, by Mark Asbridge of Dalhousie University. Superficially, policy adoption should be a matter of identifying a topic, then evaluating evidence on the best way forward. In reality, of course, the adoption of policy involves social and economic factors. Research and “evidence” is often a minor or secondary feature of the process. Research was most likely to inform policy when it was integrated into decision-making. Good information products with articulate findings were also necessary, as well as a sense of context which would engage policy-makers. naire. We look forward to seeing the results of the survey at future conferences. We then had a presentation on setting up a user-survey by Jorunn Moen. Jorunn explained the background to her work, then demonstrated the Questback system which had been used to design the survey questionnaire. SIRUS's public information role requires a complex, interactive questionnaire which can be used online to gather varied levels of information. Questback provides this, allowing the response to one question to lead to the most appropriate follow-up. Using a live link to Questback, Jorunn illustrated the journey various respondents would make through the question- Jorunn was followed by Anne Welsh talking about “Web 2.0” for AOD librarians. Anne looked at the current state of the art in the drug sector's use of Web 2.0 and suggested ways forward for the future. As we know, Anne is a particular advocate of networks for sharing and developing sources of knowledge and information. The need for the development of taxonomies and search vocabularies for ensuring the accurate indexing and accessibility of information resources is a task ideally suited to librarians and one we should be actively pursuing. Andrea Mitchell, Anne Welsh and Christine Goodair n° 27 June 2009 - 3 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda The afternoon of the second day was taken up by a series of short (15 minutes) presentations centred on specific Web 2.0 technologies. Julie Murphy of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, for example, was a strong advocate of LinkedIn as a means of “building your brand”. This may be true but this approach - making detailed summaries of careers and personal interests available - in an era of identity theft could be dangerous. Other interesting contributions included Dan Lawrence, Director RMC Health Prevention Information Center, Colorado, who described putting illustrations of the teaching aids available from his centre on Flickr which led people to his other information services. Jessica Desmarais demonstrated a mind-mapping software called MindManager which shows the relationships between concepts, ideas and information sources. Finally, the SALIS Membership and Outreach Committee demonstrated the steps they will be taking to develop SALIS's cyber presence. Sheila Lacroix, CAMH, Canada, gave a brief five minute slot on how to set up a wiki newsletter which demonstrated how straight forward it is. Above: Vaughan Birbeck, Librarian at the EMCDDA. Below: Bette Reimer, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and Christine Goodair, ICDP, UK. On the right side: The Board meeting was held in an office overlooking the harbour. The final day was a varied programme of presentations, starting with Christine Goodair discussing evidence-based librarianship. The evidence-based approach is accepted in other professions (particularly medicine) but can it be made applicable to information services? The conclusion was that as we deal with less tangible results from our work (in medicine a treatment is either effective or it isn't, or is effective in different ways) it is difficult to transfer this approach to our discipline (it is hard to evaluate the impact providing a specific piece of information has on decision-making or policy development, the effect could be subconscious). Christine's presentation was complemented by Bette Reimer from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, who explored the concept of knowledge management and how librarians and information specialists are crucial in knowledge exchange activities. Patrick Ellis of Dalhousie University described the creation of a virtual library of health information for Canada. Issues such as accessibility, gaps in collections, incoherent policy making and uneven service delivery all made the task fraught with problems. On April 15 this year a trial began which made the Cochrane Library available to all Canadians (by identifying Canadian IP addresses) for 9 months as “a proof of concept”. We then had a disturbing presentation on ritual abuse and torture (the type of situation that existed with Josef Fritzl). The speakers said that enforced alcohol and drug use were a feature of these cases, and were used by victims in later life as a coping mechanism. Geoffrey Hunt Senior Scientist, Institute for Scientific Analysis, Alameda, CA, gave a dual perspective on the use of drugs in the club cultures of San Francisco and Hong Kong. By refusing to concentrate on one particular culture, he believes, researchers can gain a better understanding of the motivations for, and the desired consequences of, drug use by different groups of young people. Vaughan's presentation about his work and role at the EMCDDA closed the conference. He gave an interesting presentation describing his approach to developing the role of the information service at EMCDDA. The new current awareness services he has introduced were described. In essence he was sharing how he is building relationships with users through setting standards, managing expectations and establishing trust. The presentation was well received and generated several questions. This was Vaughan's first SALIS conference and Christine's sixth! Clearly the content and relevance of the presentations at this conference (and previous ones) made it a memorable and profoundly interesting experience and would recommend attendance at future conferences. The Board meeting In addition to the Conference a SALIS Board meeting was held which was attended by both Christine and Jorunn, and a business meeting for all members was also held. The Board meeting was held in an office overlooking the harbour. The meeting was taken up with similar business to that of an Elisad Board meeting. Lively discussions took place about the use of social networking by SALIS as a means of communication and marketing. Andrea presented a report on SALIS activities highlighting the success of being able to join/renew one's membership online; the facility to purchase books via Amazon and Hazelden producing income for SALIS; Elisad's Conference wikis were mentioned and it was suggested that SALIS should set up wikis for future events. Andrea also commented on the value of Elisad's Journal recommending it as an excellent source of bibliographic information. This provided an opportunity to promote our Annual Meeting in October and hopefully encourage people to attend. Reports from the committees and special interest groups were shared at the business meeting and below are some items of interest. n° 27 June 2009 - 4 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Visiting the Legislative Library of Nova Scotia International Networking The International Networking Committee promotes awareness of SALIS worldwide and global networks for ATOD information exchange. It aims to increase SALIS membership globally, strengthen international networking and foster a global perspective within SALIS. It also works to foster a strong relationship and support common goals with Elisad. Last year it produced a joint SALIS Elisad business card template. This aims to promote both Elisad and SALIS together and can be used when we attend international meetings. It reflects our joint cooperation and serves to promote both our organizations. These were distributed at the following meetings: by Sheila Lacroix at EAHIL, Helsinki, 2008; and by Andrea Mitchell who took them to the ISAJE meeting in September. Meg Brunner, Information Specialist Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington is Chair elect. Julie Murphy, Manager of Library & Information Services, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation Prevention Research Center is the new Chair of SALIS senting SALIS; it assists members in the use of new information technologies; supports resource sharing and communication; and promotes the design and application of new technologies to further SALIS goals. A new section listing conferences has been set up. Information Technology The Advocacy Committee works to promote matters of common interest and other information issues of the Alcohol and Other Drug Libraries and Information Centers. It is currently promoting the need for digitization and preservation of alcohol and other drug materials and literature currently owned by our member libraries The Information Technology Committee advises on the SALIS website and other electronic resources repre- Julie Murphy, new Chair of SALIS The Conference was held at the National Art Gallery of Nova Scotia so we were able to enjoy the art during our breaks. Nova Scotia is also well known for its seafood and Ruth Hart the host had organised a Lobster Dinner at the Immigration Museum. We were treated to a tour of the Research Centre and learnt about the genea- Governance In 2008 the bylaws and constitution were updated and adopted. Elections for Secretary and Chair elect took place - Christine Goodair was elected as Secretary again and The lobster dinner 2009 Salis Membership by Country Breakdown as of April 2009 5 15 1 1 1 1 3 - Australia - Canada - Greece - Israel - Norway - Sweden - United Kingdom 1 1 1 1 1 1 59 - Belgium - Cayman Islands - Ireland - Italy - Portugal - Switzerland - USA 10 Elisad members also belong to SALIS. Next year's conference will be held in New York from 27th to 30th April logy resources available for those whose families had immigrated to Canada to tap into. This was followed by a fascinating and informative tour of the museum by George Zweegstra, a Dutch émigré originally from Friesland, who was able to tell us about his own experiences of being an émigré. The evening was round off to the sound of us cracking into our lobster! We also visited the Legislative Library for the Government of Nova Scotia. This was an interesting visit where we learnt about the role that librarians have in a political setting. They provide information and research services to the members of the Nova Scotia Government in a discrete, non-partisan way. Finally we would like to thank Ruth Hart and Sheila Lacroix for hosting the conference and ensuring that we had an informative and social few days. Christine Goodair Vaughan Birbeck n° 27 June 2009 - 5 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda News World drug campaign website As part of its campaign to raise awareness about illicit drugs use, UNODC launched, 22 May 2009, a dedicated campaign website. It provides information on various drugs, and health tips for parents, teachers and youth. The site is available in English, Spanish and French. It also invites individuals, non-profit organizations, the private sector and Member States to get involved. Those interested can join the campaign by, for example, using the campaign slogan and logo in promotional products, websites and social media. Its visitors will also get a chance to take a stand against drugs by joining a Facebook group, adding their Drug Day pictures to the UNODC Flickr collection or following actions on Twitter. www.unodc.org/drugs. New UNODC e-newsletter UNODC has launched, 26 May 2009, eNews@UNODC, a new electronic newsletter to inform about the latest news on UNODC and international drugs and crime issues. This is the latest addition to a growing collection of information options that UNODC is making available to its many audiences. The e-newsletter contains links to news items and other current drugs and crime information. Other links include latest publications and upcoming events. Available in English at: www.unodc.org/unodc/en/enewsunodc/index.html European Action on Drugs On the International Day against Drug Abuse and Trafficking (26 June 2009), the European Action on Drugs (EAD) is to be launchd in Brussels at an event, at which declarations will be made by the Action's first signatories. After this event, other organisations will have the opportunity to sign up to the European Action on Drugs. The initiative is open to NGOs, representatives of national and local authorities, state institutions, leisure and sports associations, and companies such as insurance and transport, as well as individuals who wish to take practical action in their own areas and to make a direct contribution to the goals of the European Action on Drugs. Our 21st annual Elisad meeting is hosted by ESKI National Institute for Strategic Health Research in Budapest, 8-10 October The aim of EAD is to seek a European response to a growing problem which is no respecter of borders and to the potentially devastating economic and social consequences of drug abuse. The EAD initiative is designed to provide European civil society with a platform to increase awareness and commitment as regards to drug abuse and related risks, and to promote dialogue and exchanges of best practice. It works around a simple idea: since a huge number of people and organisations have a role to play in disseminating information and raising awareness about the risks of drug abuse, particularly among young people, the European Commission is proposing that anyone who carries formal responsibility of some kind, has decision-making powers or acts in an economic, social or representative capacity, should make a commitment on a specific action that he/she will undertake. It will be based on the principle of "shared responsibility", a responsibility shared by all members of society, i.e. ordinary people as well as professionals. www.euactiondrugs2009.eu/docs.jsp The theme of the meeting Addictions in Society: what information services contribute will explore issues to do with addictions and young people and families, including behavioural addictions such as gambling and the internet. We will also discuss the contribution made by information and documentation services to those with addictions. We invite researchers, librarians and information specialists in the addiction field to submit presentations on the theme. We warmly encourage your active participation in this event, be it with a formal presentation or a workshop. Thanks to our members, Beatrix Kovacs and Maria Palotai for having built a wiki on our meeting, accessible at : http://2009elisadmeeting.pbwiki.com/ Its pages provides a call for papers form, as well a registration form for attending the meeting. Biblio-drogues: A new database online UNICRI’S new building in Turin This new online database is putting together the description of all the documents available (books, articles, prevention tools…) in the three main documentation centres on addictions working in the French-speaking community of Belgium: Prospective Jeunesse, Nadja and Infor-Drogues. The two first are Elisad members. The database covers illicit and licit drugs of abuse, behavioural addictions (gambling, Internet…), history, sociological, anthropological and economical data, legislation, prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and more... www.biblio-drogues.be/index.php End of May, UNICRI Italia (an Elisad member) inaugurated the new Vieira de Mello building - kindly offered by the City of Turin and dedicated to Sérgio Vieira de Mello and the other 21 victims of the Canal Hotel bombing attack in Baghdad on 19 August 2003. This building is now hosting the UNICRI Documentation Centre on crime prevention and criminal justice which is one of the largest in the world. Its Director, Sandro Calvani, opened the inauguration. “Turin is the world capital of UN Training. This documentation centre will be a milestone in building knowledge, innovation and a Please, do participate in the web survey on the future of Elisad! A short web survey has been created by Daniela Zardo to involve all Elisad members in the process of drafting a 3 year Action Plan for the association. The survey is meant to collect members' opinions, ideas and points of view on how Elisad can grow and develop a new vision in the 21st century and its 21st year of existence. The survey includes the three following questions: • Please list the main issues that concern you, that you think Elisad should address in the upcoming 3 year Action Plan. • What developments or changes in the addiction information sector interest or excite you? • The third and last question regards the status of your institute/association. The survey is totally anonymous and answering each question is mandatory. The deadline is July 31st, 2009. Your answers will help the Board take good decisions for our association. The future of Elisad also depends on the commitment of all its members! Link to the survey: http://surveys.polldaddy.com/s/09A9A295988D2856/ valuable resource for a future built on human rights.” This new centre will include more than 18000 monographs, 1100 journals and yearbooks, documents from the UN system, and other international and regional organisations, institutions and NGOs, multimedia material, and grey literature on crime prevention and criminal justice issues. Moreover, the Centre will be able to provide an online access to all its services, such as the library catalogue, the criminological thesaurus, bibliographic databases, directories, journals' tables of contents, full-text articles, abstracts of monographs and personalised alerts targeted to the needs of its users. www.unicri.it/news/0929_vieira/0929 _vieira.php Pompidou Group new website Graphical improvements, easy navigation, structured content, documents and multimedia resources are making the Pompidou Group website more accessible, and has changed its image to offer a better service to users. This new website has as its objective to be more ergonomic and more attractive, it is hoped that it will also be a useful work tool. It will constantly be changed, new information will be added regularly. www.coe.int/T/dg3/pompidou/ n° 27 June 2009 - 6 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda A new Elisad member : The Glasgow Addiction services Christine Cather BA MSc MCLIP, Outreach Librarian As Outreach Librarian for Glasgow Addiction Services (GAS), my role is to provide a library service and a training programme for all staff in GAS throughout Greater Glasgow & Clyde areas in NHS Scotland. The staff of the Glasgow Addiction Services is a combination of both NHS and Council social care employees. The objective of the Addiction Service Partnership is to provide a joined up system of care for people with alcohol and drug problems and their families in Glasgow. The GAS website is under development at the moment, this is the present URL: www.glasgow.gov.uk/en/Residents/Care_Support/Drugs_Alcohol/ Christine.Cather The library resource has a small collection of 75 core texts held centrally in the Claremont Centre HQ. This is also available for staff and students in our NHS Mental Health and Partnership library, the Maria Henderson Library in the Gartnavel Royal Hospital. They provide our access to print journals, inter library loans, library training, and other services. URL: www.nhsggc.org.uk/content/default.asp?page=home_LibraryServices Our core online search resource is the NHS Scotland e-library: www.elib.scot.nhs.uk My personal interest in bibliotherapy has led me to become involved in an innovation for promoting reading for pleasure to service users. This is in the early stages of being delivered. Background information can be found here: http://reachingout.thereader.org.uk/get-into-reading.html The idea is that shared reading groups can improve wellbeing, build community, and extend reading pleasure. A Current Awareness service and Literature Search service are proving popular with the staff and I look forward to improving the online access to resources. Contact details Postal address: Glasgow Addiction Services Unit 10-12 -Claremont Centre 39 Durham Street Glasgow - G41 1BS Tel : 0141 276 6668 Contact for Elisad: Christine Cather Christine.Cather@ggc.scot.nhs.uk n° 27 June 2009 - 7 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Publications Transnational organized crime In this book former police officer Frank Madsen provides a short introduction to transnational organized crime, explaining its history, the key current issues and examining the economics and practices of crime in the era of globalization. Key issues discussed include: The war on drugs; Antimoney laundering efforts; The relationship between organized crime and terrorism; Development of Internet based criminal activity; International response to organized crime. With case studies from around the world. Frank Madsen - Routledge, May 2009, 144p - ISBN: 978-0415464994 www.routledgelaw.com/ The politics of cocaine. How U.S. foreign policy has created a thriving drug industry in Central and South America Drawing on declassified documents and painstaking research, the book contends that by conflating anti-communist and counternarcotics policies, the US helped establish and strengthen the drug industry that thrives in Central and South America. Increased militarisation, destabilisation of governments, uncontrollable drug trafficking, violence and death resulted. The book explores how the counternarcotics policies of the 1970s collapsed during the 1980s when the War on drugs became part of Reagan's struggle with Nicaragua and Cuba. The US invasion of Panama further militarised the conflict against narco-traffickers. Finally, it explains why the US remains unable to control the flow of cocaine into the country. The book fills in historical gaps and provides a controversial analysis of a seemingly unsolvable problem. William L. Marcy - Lawrence Hill, Feb. 2010, 336p - ISBN: 978-1556529498 www.chicagoreviewpress.com/ The Infiltrator. My secret life inside the dirty banks behind Pablo Escobar's Medellín Cartel Federal Agent, the author spent five years undercover as a money launderer to the international underworld, gaining access to the zenith of a criminal hierarchy safeguarded by a circle of dirty bankers and businessmen who control drug-trafficking empires, running their organisations like public companies. Accountants, attorneys, and financial advisors, their roots run deep in their communities, and they are laundering billions of dollars a year, manipulating complex international finance systems to serve drug lords, corrupt politicians, tax cheats, and terrorists. In 1987, the author began infiltrating bankers behind the Medellín cartel. He meticulously gathered evidence for years until, during a fake wedding, federal agents arrested over 40 high-ranking criminals, who were found guilty and sent to prison. Robert Mazur - Arcade Pub., July 2009, 312 p - ISBN: 978-1559709033 www.arcadepub.com/ Merchants of madness: The methamphetamine explosion in the Golden Triangle For decades, the Golden Triangle has been infamous for its opium and heroin production. But in the 1990s, the drug gangs began to produce methamphetamine. The drug has become known as ya ba in Thailand (madness medicine). The drug makes users hyperactive and often aggressive, breaking them down mentally as well as physically. It has led to murders, and the kidnappings of innocent people. Who are the merchants of this madness? The authors' answer is based on two decades of research including first-hand accounts of the drug trade from law enforcement officers, intelli- gence officials, and sources close to the drug traffickers. The book reveals how the Golden Triangle drug trade has grown to become a multi-billion dollar criminal enterprise. Bertil Lintner & Michael Black - Univ. of Washington Press/Silkworm Books, March 2009, 176p - ISBN: 9789749511596 www.washington.edu/ Tac: Young people, gender and neighbourhood drug markets This book explores the relationship of young people to the local drug market from a gendered perspective and illustrate how their drug behaviours should be understood in both localised and gendered terms. It draws on a twoyear ethnographic study of children and young people growing up in a small housing estate located on the edge of a large Northern City in England. This book provides a critical examination of the popular image of the contemporary British housing estate by exploring the political economy of drug dealing and crime at the local level. It focuses on the nature of boys' and girls' engagement with the local drug market and describes and analyses the gendered nature of their drug taking practices and rituals. Kate O'Brien - Willan Publishing, Dec 2009, 256p - ISBN: 978-1843922063 www.willanpublishing.co.uk/ Putting out the fire: Smoking and the law Everyone knows that tobacco is a heavily regulated industry. But it hasn't always been that way. The road to regulation has been a long one, with twists and turns that are on the level of the best Hollywood blockbuster. This book tells the story of the many attempts - those that failed and those that succeeded - to regulate the tobacco industry. It describes the reasons behind regulation, the industry's attempts to keep their findings secret and how they tried to 'spin' negative research findings into either positive, or at least less damaging, reports, and examines the government's complex relationship to tobacco and the government role and how it has affected tobacco regulation. Joan Esherick - Mason Crest, June 2009, 112p - ISBN: 978-14222-02340 www.masoncrest.com/ n° 27 June 2009 - 8 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Forensic chemistry of substance misuse. A guide to drug control This book builds on an earlier publication: The misuse of drugs act: A guide for forensic scientists. Its content has been fully updated and the scope has been expanded. It provides a chemical background to the international legal controls on drugs of abuse and includes coverage of designer drugs and generic/analogue controls from the UK, US and New Zealand perspectives. More general chapters cover the recent history of the drug classification debate and a proposal for consolidating a wide range of legal controls on chemical substances. An account is provided of the Early Warning System on New Psychoactive Substances in operation in the EU. With 20 appendices, a glossary and a bibliography. Leslie A. King - Royal Society of Chemistry, 2009, 270p. - ISBN: 9780854041787 - www.rsc.org/ Forensic social work. Psychosocial and legal issues in diverse practice settings This book focuses on social work practice that intersects with the legal system. An emphasis is placed on the knowledge and skills of collaboration that is needed across the field of practice. A conceptual model, entitled the Social Justice Systems perspective, places an emphasis on the two approach to practice: to increase well-being and social functioning, and to improve social justice outcomes. All social work fields are implicated: social services, education, child welfare, mental health and substance abuse, juvenile and criminal justice, and immigration. This book takes a generalist approach to forensic social work that moves beyond a narrow definition that involves only victims and offenders in the juvenile and criminal justice system. Tina Maschi, Carolyn Bradley, Kelly Ward - Springer, July 2009, 392p ISBN: 978-0826118578 www.springerpub.com/ Night clubbing. Drugs, clubs and regulation The book opens up the world of the night-time economy in modern urban Britain, exploring the workings of a criminal door firm working in a large night club. The mechanics of the drugs trade within nightclubs are described from the perspective of key actors, and new light is shed on the way users of these clubs perceive and justify their often risk leisure choices. The book seeks to rework our understanding of the night-time economy and the role drugs play within it. Instead of characterising these trends as uniformly negative, it argues that this dance drug subculture presents a risky, but less violent alternative to the mainstream. It explores the strategies of regulation taken towards these developments and the problems associated with other current approaches. Daniel Silverstone - Willan Pub., Nov 2009, 240 p - ISBN: 978-1843922094 www.willanpublishing.co.uk/ Techno. Voyage au cœur des nouvelles communautés festives Techno. In the heart of the new festive communities Jeunes de moins de 30 ans, musiques syncopées, treillis, ecstasy, LSD, teknivals, fêtes illégales, camions, baffles, contestations silencieuses et affrontements souvent feutrés, parfois ouverts avec les pouvoirs publics : bienvenue dans le monde très codé des tribus techno. Qui sont ces « organisés en communautés », ainsi qu'ils se nomment, majoritairement issus des classes moyennes et supérieures, qui vivent pour un idéal, « faire la teuf » et accéder à la transe collective, rythmée par les pulsations électroniques et les mouvements de la danse ? Pourquoi, à l'heure de la mondialisation, un tel modèle de vie à la fois communautaire et semi-nomade ? C'est en sociologue que l'auteur a suivi ces « teuffeurs », a observé leurs rites et partagé leur quotidien. Une enquête édifiante qui aide à décrypter le nouveau sens de la « fête » et la recherche d'un sens essentiel, fondé sur l'économie du don. Une plongée dans la culture techno qui, en se racontant ici comme jamais, raconte la culture contemporaine. Lionel Pourtau - CNRS Éd., janvier 2009, 200 p - ISBN: 978-2271067326 www.cnrseditions.fr/ Two worlds of drug consumption in late modern societies This book reports on the findings of an empirical study on the situation of drug users and their consumption patterns for the five most common illegal drugs: heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy and cannabis. The research is based on a new survey instrument developed for the UN Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC). A state-ofthe art review from additional sources complements this comparison of the drug situation in six European cities London, Amsterdam, Turin, Prague, Vienna and Warsaw - which represent a wide range of drug problems and public policies. Per capita consumption and prices were assessed by face-toface interviews with 100 frequent consumers of heroin, cocaine and amphetamines per city and 100 occasional consumers of cannabis, ecstasy, amphetamines and cocaine (socially integrated drug users), including questions on the the drug combinations consumed, on the mode of consumption and on expenditures. Irmgard Eisenbach-Stangl, Jacek Mos-kalewicz, Betsy Thom - Asghate, June 2009, 298p - ISBN: 9780754677758 www.ashgate.com/ Men and addictions: New research Various studies have found that a majority of men over 12 years of age (82.6%) had used alcohol at least once in their lifetime. The data indicate that 9% of men reported heavy alcohol use compared to 2% of women. Approximately 34% of the samples reported using illicit drugs. Studies also indicate that drug use patterns vary significantly by racial and ethnic groups. Men are more than twice as likely to develop substance use disorders as women. Men begin using substances earlier than women and have more opportunity to try drugs. Men suffer far more adverse consequences of substance abuse than women. Clearly, the social construction of masculinity plays a significant role in these statistics. Men's attitudes toward alcohol and drugs tend to be less negative than women's attitudes. Lyman J. Katlin - Nova Science Pub, June 2009 - ISBN: 978-1606920985 www.novapublishers.com/ Cont_xts? Media, representation and society Papers from a conference organised at the University of Chester, November 2006. The papers discuss the complex relationships between mediation, representation and public attitudes on social issues such as domestic violence, drug use, racism, stigma and surveillance. Meriel d'Artrey et al. - Chester Academic Press, Dec. 2008, 203 p. - ISBN: 978-1905929689 www.chester.ac.uk/academicpress/ n° 27 June 2009 - 9 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Addiction. A disorder of choice In this book sure to inspire controversy, The author argues that conventional wisdom about addiction - that it is a disease, a compulsion beyond conscious control - is wrong. Drawing on epidemiology, addicts' autobiographies, treatment studies, and advances in behavioral economics, he makes a powerful case that addiction is voluntary. He shows that drug use, like all choices, is influenced by preferences and goals. Addiction is the psychiatric disorder with the highest rate of recovery. But what ends an addiction? At the heart of his analysis is a startling view of choice and motivation that applies to all choices, not just the choice to use drugs. The conditions that promote quitting a drug addiction include information, cultural values, and the costs and benefits of further drug use. This analysis of well-established but frequently ignored research leads to unexpected insights into how we make choices, all rooted in our deep-seated tendency to consume too much. As wealth increases and technology advances, the dilemma posed by addictive drugs spreads to new products. However, this radical book points to a solution. If drug addicts beat addiction, then non-addicts can learn to control their tendency to take too much. Gene M. Heyman - Harvard Univ Press, June 2009, 216p - ISBN: 9780674032989 www.hup.harvard.edu/ Substance abuse and emotion There is a recurring debate over the causes of substance abuse that divides along two common assumptions: people either abuse drugs and alcohol out of sheer pleasure-seeking drives run amok or to escape aversive states of comorbid anxiety or depression. This book goes beyond this dichotomy in its exploration of recent observations, research and theory construction, to advance working models for a new paradigm on substance abuse and comorbidity. Notably, the relationship between drugs and emotion is emerging as paramount in understanding drug abuse etiology, maintenance, and relapse. Part I examines various perspectives on the relationship between substance abuse and emotion, such as craving and positive/negative reinforcement; cognitive theories; relapse; and developmental and sociobiological perspectives. Part II explores new assessment methodologies, such as "ecological momentary assessment" and the linkage between affect and cognitive deficits among drug users. It concludes with a research agenda to expand this new paradigm in understanding and treating substance abuse. Jon D. Kassel - American Psychological Association (APA), Aug 2009, 312p - ISBN: 978-1433805349 http://books.apa.org/ Alcohol, other drugs, and behavior. Psychological research perspectives Providing a psychological perspective on the use and abuse of alcohol and other psychoactive drugs, this second edition includes more coverage on the theories of why alcohol and other drugs are used, as well as conceptual issues related to the nature of addiction. Research on smoking, caffeine, and simultaneous multiple drug use, including combinations with antidepressant drugs and nonmedical use of prescription drugs is also covered. John Jung - Sage, Aug. 2009, 616 p ISBN: 978-1412967648 www.uk.sagepub.com Methamphetamine addiction. Biological foundations, psychological factors, and social consequences Covers: Socio-historical contexts and epidemiological patterns; the chemistry and biology of methamphetamine use; illegal production of methamphetamine in the US; biopsychosocial consequences of methamphetamine addiction; methamphetamine, sex, and sexual risk taking; motivations and antecedents of methamphetamine use; treatment considerations for methamphetamine addiction; prevention efforts to address methamphetamine; working with the methamphetamine addicted client in medical settings; working with addicted client in mental health settings; future directions for research and practice. Perry N. Halkitis et al. - American Psychological Association, April 2009, 264p - ISBN: 978-1433804236 http://books.apa.org/ Addiction à la cocaïne L'augmentation de la consommation de cocaïne depuis le début des années 2000 en France et dans bon nombre de pays européens est l'un des défis majeurs de santé publique pour les années à venir. Outre son caractère illégal, l'usage de cocaïne s'accompagne de risques pour la santé et pour le comportement loin d'être anodins. Sa diffusion rapide dans différentes couches de la société se traduit par la survenue de dommages sociaux portant atteinte tant à autrui qu'à la collectivité. L'ouvrage rassemble les données scientifiques les plus actuelles sur cette addiction : causes, effets, complications psychiatriques, somatiques et sociales qu'elle entraine, modalités de sevrage et de prise en charge. Laurent Karila & Michel Reynaud Flammarion Médecine-Sciences, mars 2009, 128 p. - ISBN: 2257000675 http://medecine.flammarion.com/ Addiction au cannabis La France est le premier pays consommateur de cannabis en Europe : sa consommation a doublé entre 1990 et 2000. On estime que plus de 50 % des jeunes de 18 ans ont expérimenté ce produit et qu'environ 25% sont des fumeurs réguliers. D'où l'augmentation des complications liées à son usage et une prise en charge plus adaptée de ses dommages. L'accent est mis sur l'aspect passionnel de cette addiction, le cannabis venant cristalliser des représentations contradictoires : d'une part, la fête, la liberté, la jeunesse, de l'autre l'insécurité, la toxicomanie, la délinquance. Il apparaît nécessaire de faire un point aussi argumenté que possible sur les dommages du cannabis, les moyens de repérage et d'évaluation, les possibilités de traitement mais aussi sur les modalités sociales de consommation. C'est là l'objet de cet ouvrage qui rassemble les données scientifiques les plus récentes et les pratiques cliniques les plus validées. Michel Reynaud & Amine Benyamina - Flammarion Médecine-Sciences, mars 2009, 160p - ISBN: 2257000774 http://medecine.flammarion.com/ The Praeger international collection on addictions In these four volumes, experts from around the world present the newest research, and insights into addictions of all kinds. Topics range from drug addiction among male, female, teen and aging populations, and among various cultural groups, to behavioral addictions including gambling, excessive buying, and eating disorders. They also address issues including addiction as a public health problem and the drug treatment policies and methods. Angela Browne Miller - Praeger, April 2009, 1700p - ISBN: 978-0275996055 www.greenwood.com/ n° 27 June 2009 - 10 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda College drinking. Reframing a social problem This book examines college drinking as an important social problem within higher education, based on interviews with many leading figures addressing the issue. It explains how high-risk drinking is defined, and assesses the evidence about how many students are binge drinkers and the behavioral and health problems they have as a consequence. It also looks at the causes of binge drinking. The complex links to campus crime and sexual assault are discussed as well as key questions about effective prevention programmes and countermeasures. With recommendations on what can be done about it. George W. Dowdall - Praeger, Jan. 2009. 288p - ISBN: 978-0275999810 www.greenwood.com/ I giovani e l'alcol. Il fenomeno del binge drinking Young people and alcohol: the binge drinking phenomenon Binge drinking is the English term used to define the behaviour of somebody who drinks until he/she gets intoxicated or drunk. In dealing with this increasingly common phenomenon, the volume adopts a perspective of developmental psychology and interpretation of the concept of risk. Statistic data are provided, as well as comparison between the Italian situation and that of other countries. Wide space is given to risky contexts and possible targeted interventions that take into account the more or less serious young people's situations. Roberto Baiocco, Maria D'Alessio & Fiorenzo Laghi - Carocci, 2008, 189p ISBN: 978-8874665396 www.carocci.it/ The multiplicities of Internet addiction: The misrecognition of leisure and learning Overuse of the internet is often characterized as problematic, disruptive, or addictive, with stories frequently claiming that online use interferes with relationships, or that 'excessive' time in front of computer screens is unhealthy. The book contests the claim that computers - specifically Internet use - are addictive, arguing that use of the Internet is now a form of everyday leisure engaged in by many people in Western society. Offering an analysis of the nature of addiction alongside a detailed empirical study of home computer use, this book will be of interest not only to sociologists, but also to scholars of media, ICT and education. Nicola F. Johnson - Ashgate, Feb. 2009, 166p - ISBN: 978-0754674962 www.ashgate.com/ Craving for ecstasy and natural highs. A positive approach to mood alteration People from all walks of life often lose themselves in pursuing counterfeit pleasures: cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, thrill seeking, sex, food, gambling and online fantasies to name just a few. How does the pursuit of pleasure result in compulsion and loss of control? This book addresses this fundamental question and then explores positive ways to achieve lasting happiness and fulfillment. It provides an insight on how to improve the quality of life and on how to offer support to clients, students, family, and friends whose lives may be compromised by hedonic dependencies. Harvey B. Milkman & Stanley G. Sunderwirth - Sage, June 2009, 496p ISBN: 978-1412956734 www.sagepub.com/ Absinthe & flamethrowers. Projects and ruminations on the art of living dangerously Want to add more excitement to your life? This book will show you how. Written for smart risk takers, it explores why danger is good for you and details the art of living dangerously. Risk takers are more successful, more interesting individuals who lead more fulfilling lives. Unlike watching an action movie or playing a video game, real-life experience changes a person, and the book will help you discover the true thrill of making black powder along with other edgy activities. All of the projects - from throwing knives, drinking absinthe, and eating fugu to learning bartitsu and building a flamethrower - have short learning curves, are hands-on and affordable, and demonstrate true but reasonable risk. William Gurstelle - Chicago Review Press, June 2009, 224p - ISBN: 9781556528224 www.chicagoreviewpress.com/ Divertiti! Imperativo presente. Psicoanalisi, abuso di sostanze e ”discorso del capitalista” Enjoy yourself! Psychoanalysis, drug abuse and the “capitalist's discourse” The imperative guiding civilization's hypermodern programme is an imperative of pleasure. Starting from this theoretical assumption, the book investigates one of the most widespread forms of present-day enjoyment: the one connected with substance abuse. A new form of slavery seems to emerge, that no longer has the same characheristics as in the past. As Pier Paolo Pasolini mentioned, in modern times power no longer requires submissive subjects, but active consumers. In revealing the mere essence of consumption, the people abusing psychoactive substances isolate themselves in their enjoyment - as artists typically do - and move away from the circle of symbolic exchanges with other people. Francesco Giglio - Franco Angeli, 2009, 160p - ISBN: 978-8856803600 www.francoangeli.it/ Adolescent health: Understanding and preventing risk behaviors Drawing on experts in the field, this book provides a survey and assessment of adolescent health risk behaviors, such as smoking, violence, teen pregnancy, AIDS, and other problems. Also described are trends and changes in risk behaviors over time; important theoretical models for developing interventions; prevention strategies for each risk behavior; and effective treatment modalities. Ralph J. DiClemente, John S. Santelli, Richard A. Crosby - Jossey Bass, June 2009, 608 p - ISBN: 978-0470176764 www.josseybass.com/ n° 27 June 2009 - 11 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Come faccio a sapere se mio figlio si droga? Manualetto per genitori preoccupati How do I know if child is taking drugs? A guide for worrying parents The book addresses parents of teenagers, often worried because they are afraid, or already know, that their child is taking drugs. Tests are very fashionable nowadays. But what is the price of arriving at that stage where you depend on that type of instruments to find out if a youth takes drugs? In this situation the relationship with the child is most at stake, at least initially. How could mutual trust be recovered after it was certainly damaged by the imposition of a test meant to “discover the truth” about a youth who lies to his parents? Reading these pages will help fathers and mothers to consider the problem with more equanimity and tackle it with better awareness and effectiveness. Solution-focused substance abuse treatment The book describes the standard of care for substance abuse treatment, demonstrates how solution-focused brief therapy exceeds this standard, and shows how it can effectively be used in substance abuse evaluation, case management, and both individual and group treatment. Beginning and advanced concepts are provided to address the questions of even the most advanced clinician, all placed in the context of cultural awareness. Most importantly, the author answers the many questions professionals may have about how solution-focused brief therapy can be successfully integrated into the field of substance abuse. It provides a thorough understanding of the issues that therapists face when working with this at times challenging population, and demonstrates how the use of solution-focused brief therapy can minimize power struggles and enhance client success. Sample forms and handouts are included, as are additional resources for effective evaluation and treatment. Teri Pichot, Sara A. Smock Routledge, March 2009, 254p - ISBN: 978-0789037237 www.addictionarena.com/ Pharmacology and treatment of substance abuse. Evidence and outcome based perspectives Given the prevalence of substance abuse in general clinical populations, it is important for healthcare providers to have knowledge in the treatment of these problems. Evidence-based practice involves the integration of the best evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. This text is designed as a bridge for practitioners that will provide up-to-date evidence reviews as well as information on how to best keep up with emerging trends in the field. Social work with drug and substance misusers This student text covers all aspects of working with drug and substance misusers, including the history and changes in policy on substance misuse and the differences between working with young and adult clients. Recent government initiatives and legislative changes are carefully outlined, while discussions on why people take drugs, the policy implications of harm reduction and abstinence approaches to substance use/misuse are related back to practice so that readers understand how to engage with the client group and the reasons for varying success across treatment approaches. Anthony Goodman - Learning Matters, 2nd ed., Sept 2009, 176p ISBN: 978-1844452620 www.learningmatters.co.uk/ Lavorare con tossicodipendenti. Complessità, sfide e rimozione sociale Working with drug addicts. Complexity, challenges and social removal Collection of review articles highlighting the top science and recent developments in the field of addiction. This book consolidates current information on the dopamine transporter (DAT) in relation to medicinal chemistry and synthesis, biology, pathology, and pharmacology. Because of DAT's role in diseases such as Parkinson's, schizophrenia, attention deficit, hyperactivity, Tourette syndrome, and drug abuse (in particular, cocaine addiction), DAT research is an exploding field. Tremendous advances have been made toward understanding how it impacts a variety of neurological disease states and disorders. By adopting a technical-methodological approach in a multi-perspective analysis of the operators' professional experience, this volume aims at providing those working in the field, as well as policy-makers, with suitable guidance in implementing urgent policies for the qualification and development of the sector. In particular, the findings on the perception of work conditions on personal satisfaction and the level of psycho-physical stress - always referred to specific subjective and organisational situations - emphasize the “human factor” as the essential and strategic element to focus on when considering the quality of the offers made also in this specific sector. This means promoting practice and tools enhancing self-esteem and inherent satisfaction, a feeling of “success” and effectiveness of the work done. These appear to be the most relevant expressions of a helping profession whose risk of decline seriously questions the Services' capacity to respond to the evident recrudescence of the pathological use of legal/illegal substances among the young population. George R. Uhl - Wiley (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences), Dec. 2008, 400p - ISBN: 978-1573317276 http://eu.wiley.com/ Mark L. Trudell & Sari Izenwasser Wiley, Aug 2009, 444p - ISBN: 9780470117903 http://eu.wiley.com/ Maurizio Coletti & Francesco Gaudio - Franco Angeli, 2009, 192p - ISBN: 978-8856803860 www.francoangeli.it/ Maurizio Coletti - Antigone, 2008, 90p - ISBN: 978-8895283180 www.bonadonnalibri.it/ Malati di droga Affected by drugs From a medical point of view, drug addicts are patients who must be treated, but the attraction towards drugs can be noticed in everybody's life, in the need to overcome distress, both physical and mental, or to rise above other people and win their consideration, or to escape from the boredom of everyday life. Hence the need to understand, know, distinguish among the different substances and their effects, clear up the real meaning of words often misused. Bruno Silvestrini - RED, Jan. 2009, 160 p - ISBN: 978-8874479672 http://libreriarizzoli.corriere.it/ Addiction reviews 2008 Lee M Cohen, Frank L Collins Jr, Alice Young, Dennis E McChargue, Thad R Leffingwell, Katrina L Cook Routledge, June 2009, 710p - ISBN: 978-0805859690 www.addictionarena.com/ Dopamine transporters: Chemistry, biology, and pharmacology n° 27 June 2009 - 12 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Understanding and treating addictions Psychological approaches are commonly used to treat addictive disorders in conjunction with, or separate from, other therapeutic paradigms. This book focuses on psychological assessments and interventions. There is particular emphasis on evidence-based treatments and practical strategies. Case studies will be used throughout to illustrate different approaches.The book will enable readers to select the most suitable assessments and interventions for their clients. Alex Copello - WileyBlackwell, Sept. 2009, 256p - ISBN: 978-1405124171 http://eu.wiley.com/ Substance abuse treatment for youth and adults Addressing substance abuse treatment for youths and adults, this volume helps busy practitioners by providing the "how-to" and "what now" rather than using the academic approach. Each chapter follows a consistent structure including an introduction; a detailed step-by-step guide to the intervention; indicators and contraindicators; cases; and additional resources, making the book an essential resource for practitioners in social work, counseling, psychology, and students-in-training. David W. Springer & Allen Rubin John Wiley & Sons, Aug. 2009, 432 p - ISBN: 978-0470244531 http://eu.wiley.com/ Interventions for amphetamine misuse A practical guide for health professionals working in the field. It details the physical and psychological problems associated with the drug's abuse, provides an evidence-based assessment of the interventions currently in use worldwide, and offers an historical and cultural overview. It includes detailed case studies to illustrate the experiences of a wide range of countries including the UK, Japan, Australia, Thailand, and the USA with the aim of drawing together the evidence and reaching a consensus. Richard Pates & Diane Riley - WileyBlackwell, Oct 2009, 256p - ISBN: 978-1405175586 http://eu.wiley.com/ Living with co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders: A handbook for recovery Drug abuse and addiction in medical illness: Causes, consequences, and treatment Written by internationally recognized pioneers in the field, this handbook is designed to inform and empower the more than 10 million people in the US with dual disorders, allowing each one to make decisions about his own treatment and sculpt a program that treats both disorders together. Key topics include: getting an assessment; balancing the brain's chemistry; finding the ideal treatment; choosing and working with a therapist; setting achievable goals and making positive changes within cognitive-behavioral therapy. The book contains 62 chapters covering drugs of abuse and the role they play in a wide range of medical illnesses. It discusses how, for some diseases, drug use will cause or enhance the progress of that disorder, while other diseases may result in or enhance drug abuse. The chapters deal with this crucial, bidirectional relationship. With contributions of experts, the content cover virtually every core, as well as contemporary, topic in the subject area, from the established theories to the most modern research in the field. Scott Edelstein & Mark McGovern Hazelden, Nov. 2009, 240p. - ISBN: 978-1592857197 www.hazelden.org/ Joris C. Verster, Kathleen Brady, Marc Galanter & Patricia J. Conrod Humana Press, Oct 2009, 750p - ISBN: 978-1603275156 www.springer.com/humana+press/ Addiction treatment homework planner This 4th revised edition features: Homework assignments reflecting clients' stages of readiness and change.- New appendices with exercises based on the ASAM criteria.- 88 exercises covering the most common issues encountered by addicts, such as anxiety, impulsivity, childhood trauma, dependent traits, and occupational problems.- A quick-reference format: the interactive assignments are grouped by behavioral problems including alcoholism, nicotine dependence, and substance abuse, as well as other addictions such as problem gambling, eating disorders, sexual addictions.- Guidance on how and when to make the most efficient use of the exercises. With a Cd-rom containing all the exercises. James R Finley, Brenda S Lenz - Wiley, Aug 2009, 384p - ISBN: 9780470402740 http://eu.wiley.com/ Treating substance use disorders with adaptive continuing care More than 10% of the US population meets DSM-IV criteria for substance use disorders. Although effective interventions have been identified for substance abuse, a significant percentage of patients respond poorly to them. This variability in patient response highlights the need for adaptive models of care - that is, tailored interventions based on treatment algorithms that specify treatment modifications triggered by the patient's initial response and changes in symptoms. In addition, because relapse is common, interventions should extend beyond the acute phase of care and address functioning over time. Continuing care solidifies and sustains recovery by helping the patient maintain recovery-oriented behaviors and sources of support. This book provides a review of the latest research on standard approaches to continuing care and new adaptive models. James R. McKay - American Psychological Association, June 2009, 264p ISBN: 978-1433804595 http://books.apa.org/ SerT e medici di medicina generale nella cura dei pazienti eroinomani Addiction services and general practitioners in the treatment of heroin addicts Starting from the description of a cooperation project between Ser.T. Pescara and the general practitioners in the same province, the volume describes and analyses methods and instruments available to the operators, such as: the relationship between heroin addicts and those who look after them, the usefulness of psychological support and the involvement of the families, the central role of talks and the introduction and diffusion of pharmacological treatments across the district. After a historical-cultural summary on opium-derived substances and a description of the correct use of methadone, the book reproposes the considerations of the operators who collaborated in the project as well as those the patients made on their condition and the treatment received. Nadia Della Torre - Franco Angeli, 2009, 114p - ISBN: 978-8856805895 www.francoangeli.it/ Lust auf Abstinenz Ein Therapie-manual bei Alkohol-, Medikamenten- und Drogenabhängigkeit Abstinence desire. A therapy manual for alcohol and drug dependance Aufgabenmaterialien und Infos rund um die Psychotherapie substanzgebundener Abhängigkeitserkrankungen. Die in diesem Arbeitsbuch zusammengestellten Arbeitsmaterialien strukturieren von Beginn bis Ende den Behandlungsablauf, stellen ein Gesamtkonzept dar und finden in Einzel- und Gruppenverfahren Anwendung. So können Sie sowohl Ihre Einzelsitzungen als auch die Gruppentherapien sinnvoll vorbereiten und bekommen gleichzeitig Materialien an die Hand, die Sie Ihren Patienten weitergeben können. Meinolf Bachmann, Andrada El-Akhras - Springer, May 2009, 180 S - ISBN: 978-3540892250 www.springer.com/ n° 27 June 2009 - 13 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Responding to drug misuse. Research and policy priorities in health and social care Reporting findings from research linked to the British's drugs strategy Tackling drugs to build a better Britain, the book places these in the context of policy, practice, and service development. It goes on to discuss the implications of these findings for the new strategy Drugs: Protecting families and communities. The book looks at current debates on drug strategies and social policy and consider the relevance of the findings for policy and practice. Topics discussed include: recent trends in drug policy and how these link to crime; responses of dedicated drug treatment services; service users' perceptions and suggestions for improvement the impact of drug misuse on children, families and communities. Susanne MacGregor - Routledge, March 2010, 248p - ISBN: 978-0415474702 www.addictionarena.com/ Sexual health in drug and alcohol treatment While great strides have been made in treating women and men suffering from addiction, their sexuality is too often marginalized. When sexuality is not directly and positively addressed in drug and alcohol treatment, it can contribute to treatment failure, relapse, and untold costs in the lives of addicts and their families. The book introduces a pioneering evidence-based curriculum, designed to integrate concepts of sexual health, current sex research, and recent developments in relapse prevention research. Complete with suggested group activities, guided discussions, role plays, and more, the program can reduce the risk of relapse and increase client retention for men and women with sex/drug linked addiction and alcoholism. This curriculum was created by drug and alcohol counselors, sexual health advocates, and psychological/sexological research specialists. Douglas Braun-Harvey - Springer, July 2009, 320p - ISBN: 9780826120151 www.springerpub.com/ Divertimento e dipendenza: il rischio e l'azzardo. Indagine sui comportamenti di gioco ed esperienze cliniche dell'équipe GAP Pleasure and addiction: risk and gambling. A survey on gambling behaviour and the GAP team's clinical experiences The game goes on, keep on winning! This is one of the publicity slogans inviting people to gamble by making them hope in a future win. We know how exciting it is to enter the world of gambling, to think of putting one's abilities on the line, to enjoy the pleasure of risk, to compete with destiny. The GAP [Gioco d'Azzardo Patologico (Pathological gambling)] Team of the local health unit Mi 3 has conducted a local survey whose results, presented in the first part of the book, highlighting how this phenomenon is still hidden and how the potential call for help is as yet unspoken. The second part deals with clinical aspects: it collects reports of pathological gamblers controlled by the outpatients' department, a clinical experience on treatment and the addresses of local services dealing with gambling. The volume intends to be a work tool encouraging discussion and awareness of people working in the clinical sector of gambling, but it also addresses people interested in an updated picture of the phenomenon. S. Conti, R. Marzo, A. Caruso, A. Nettuno, M. Merendi - Franco Angeli, 2009, 80p - ISBN: 978-8846495051 www.francoangeli.it/ Hypnotically enhanced treatment for addictions: Alcohol abuse, drug abuse, gambling, weight control, and smoking cessation This book offers new strategies and techniques for use with problem drinkers, alcoholism, drug addiction, and gambling addiction in an outpatient population. It reviews old and new techniques and strategies. Five key addictions are addressed: alcohol, drugs, gambling, tobacco, and food addiction. Many of the techniques and strategies incorporate a variety of therapeutic modalities, including: cognitive-behavioral techniques, reframing and other NLP techniques, systematic desensitization, covert sensitization, 12-step-programs, guided imagery and meditation, and more. The techniques described can be employed both in and out of trance. Joseph Tramontana - Crown House, Sept 2009, 242p - ISBN: 9780982357361 https://secure.aidcvt.com/chp/ProdD etails.asp?ID=9780982357361 The war of the gods in addiction Based on the correspondence between Bill W., one of the founders of AA and C.G. Jung, the book proposes an original and psychodynamic view of alcoholism and other addictions. Using insights from Jungian psychology, it demonstrates why the 12 steps of AA really work. It explores, through theoretical and clinical material, modern and ancient myths, and fairy tales, the crucial process of neutralising the archetypal shadow/archetypal evil, an aspect of all true addictions. It also explains how dreams may be used in the diagnosis and treatment of addiction. It bridges the longstanding gap between the mental health and twelvestep recovering communities in ways that significantly encourage mutual understanding and benefit. David Schoen - Spring Journal Books, Aug 2009, 162p - ISBN: 9781882670574 www.springjournalandbooks.com/ Permanent habit control. Using hypnotherapy to eliminate unwanted behaviors Covers an approach for improving quality of life and helping people to adopt healthier lifestyles through behavioral change. This approach is advocated by preventive medicine, behavioral medicine, complementary and alternative medicine. Unfortunately, most behavioural change programmes rely on external solutions that have only short-term effects. Because of these failures, the use of hypnosis has become popular as a way to help people break eating habits, quit smoking, reduce alcohol and drug consumption, and manage stress. The authors present techniques to permanently change health behaviors using Ericksonian hypnotherapy. Brian Grodner & David Reid - Springer, Oct 2009, 300p - ISBN: 9780826103871 www.springerpub.com/ Social behaviour and network therapy for alcohol problems This manual is based on previous research in addiction treatment, including social network interventions, and the authors' own work developing and evaluating Social Behaviour & Network Therapy (SBNT) for example in the UK Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT). Containing a range of ideas, the book is guided by a key principle: the development of social support for a positive change in drinking behaviour. Topics include: an introduction to the evidence base of SBNT, core components of the treatment, and common questions asked about the intervention. It features a series of practical handouts. Alex Copello, Jim Orford, Ray Hodgson & Gillian Tober - Routledge, June 2009, 176p - ISBN: 978-1583918036 www.addictionarena.com/ The easy way for women to stop smoking: A revolutionary approach using Allen Carr's easyway method First published in 1985, Allen Carr's Easyway Method has been a worldwide blockbuster. This edition is using a version of the method, but focussing on special concern to women. Filled with inspiring stories and quotes from real women who have battled nicotine addiction, this follow-up addresses the unique difficulties females face when they decide to quit. It covers issues such as weight gain, increased stress, and smoking during pregnancy. Allen Carr, Francesca Cesati - Sterling, Jan 2010, 256p - ISBN: 978-1402765506 www.sterlingpublishing.com/ Substance withdrawal syndrome The book refers to the physiological and psychological symptoms associated with withdrawal from the use of a drug after prolonged administration or habituation. The concept includes withdrawal from smoking or drinking, as well as withdrawal from an administered drug. The book presents the latest research in the field. Janet P. Rees & Olivia B. Woodhouse Nova Science, Sept 2009 - ISBN: 9781606929513 www.novapublishers.com/ n° 27 June 2009 - 14 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda 400 rabbits: The pleasure and pain of drunkenness Interpretations by different disciplines about the terms intoxication and drunkenness are often inconsistent, creating inefficiencies in their efforts to combat the negative effects of these behaviors. With this in mind, ICAP (International Center for Alcohol Policies) and DrinkWise Australia collaborated on a joint project which seeks to resolve this issue by preparing this publication that provides consensus on the nature of intoxication and drunkenness. It promotes more streamlined approaches towards combating the negative effects of drunkenness; encourages the development of more effective communication strategies to effect behavioral change among the general public; and clarifies aims and objectives for reducing the incidence and prevalence of intoxication and drunkenness in society, thereby providing greater accuracy in evaluating successes and failures. Anne Fox & Mike MacAvoy - Routledge, March 2010, 256p - ISBN: 978415992138 www.addictionarena.com/ Working together to reduce harmful drinking This book is intended to contribute to the WHO global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. While governments and health professionals must occupy center stage in developing and implementing alcohol policies, alcohol producers also have a role to play. The book demonstrates how positive that role can be: producers show particular competence and technical strength: responsible production; availability of noncommercial beverages; pricing and marketing; encouraging responsible choices. Reasonable regulation provides the context for good alcohol policy (excessive regulation often leads to unanticipated negative consequences) leading producers have a proud record of making positive contributions to implementing effective alcohol policies - but there are opportunities to do much more. The book concludes with options for specific actions that producers are able to take. Some are extensions of actions they are already taking; others are new proposals. All are based on the experience, expertise, and resources of the industry. Marcus Grant, Mark Leverton Routledge, Oct 2009, 218p - ISBN: 978-0415800877 www.addictionarena.com/ Undrunk. A skeptics guide to AA Beginning with the story of his first AA meeting, the author takes the mystery out what goes on behind closed doors, dispelling misconceptions that AA is cult-like, secretive, campy, or lowbrow. He then presents a history and introduction to AA, the steps and traditions, punctuated by frank, often hilarious descriptions of his own transformation to "getting" the programme. A.J. Adams - Hazelden, 2009, 120p ISBN: 978-1592857203 www.hazelden.org/ Women in Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery and empowerment Can a recovery program like Alcoholics Anonymous inadvertently discourage women from seeking treatment? Are there ways that it can more effectively contribute to their sobriety? Combining individual personal narratives with statistical data, Jolene Sanders offers valuable insight into how women adapt the twelve-step program and interact with the masculine culture of AA in ways that allow them to conquer addiction and take control of their lives. Jolene M. Sanders - FirstForum Press, April 2009, 145p - ISBN: 9781935049081 www.firstforumpress.com/ The ethics of doping and anti-doping. Redeeming the soul of sport? With every positive drugs test the credibility and veracity of modern elite sport is diminished. In this radical and provocative critique of current antidoping policy and practice, the author argues that the fight against doping is nothing less than a battle to save sport from itself. Drawing on detailed case studies of doping in sport, and using a highly original blend of conceptual ideas from philosophy and sociology, the author strongly criticises current anti-doping regimes and challenges our commonly held ideas about the nature of sport and the risks posed by drugs to health and fair play. He argues forcefully that we must understand the precarious position of the athlete and that only by containing coaches, doctors and drug companies within the anti-doping regime can we hope to ever make progress on this most important issue. Verner Moller - Routledge, Aug. 2009, 192p - ISBN: 978-0415484664 www.addictionarena.com/ Game addiction. The experience and the effects Videogames affect the minds, bodies, and lives of millions of gamers, negatively and positively. This book approaches videogame addiction from a cross-disciplinary perspective, bridging the divide between liberal arts academics and clinical researchers. The topic of addiction is examined, using research in neuroscience, media studies, and developmental psychology. Neils Clark & P. Shavaun Scott McFarland & Co, Aug 2009, 211p ISBN: 978-0786443642 www.mcfarlandpub.com/ Hidden addictions: Assessment practices for psychotherapists, counselors, and health care providers Media portrayals and diagnostic criteria convey an image of an addicted person as someone whose deficient coping skills are readily apparent. Yet addictions remain some of the most frequently missed diagnoses in mental health care settings. This occurs, in large part, because most people with addictions do not fit the stereotype. This book addresses how addictions can be recognized more often and assessed in the context of psychotherapy. Along with the standard assessment instruments, it introduces to methods for asking the appropriate questions and listening to the clinical dialogue for signs of a undisclosed addiction. It provides knowledge about addictions and their assessment in a relevant way to clinical practice. Marilyn Freimuth - Jason Aronson, 2009, 269p - ISBN: 9780765700858 www.rowmanlittlefield.com/ Desire. Where sex meets addiction This book explores the shifting boundaries between the feelings of passion and addiction, desire and need, and raises provocative questions about who we love and why. It combines intimate memoir, interviews, science and psychology to explore the difference between falling in love and falling prey to an addiction. Part one defines what addiction is and how it works. Part two explores the possible causes of addiction. Part three considers what we can do about it, including a suggestion about how we describe and treat addiction. In conclusion, there are no easy answers… Susan Cheever - Simon & Schuster, Oct 2008, 192p - ISBN: 9781416537922 http://books.simonandschuster.com/ The addict: One patient, one doctor, one year Dr. Stein depicts a year in the life of his most memorable patients, a young woman named Lucy who is desperate to escape her addiction to pain medication. The memoir focuses on the interaction between doctor and patient as they try various types of treatment, including other drugs that block the effects of Lucy's preferred pills, but carry side effects. Through intense therapy sessions, they forge a remarkable connection with far-reaching beneficial effects for both. Lucy is emblematic of all addicts who are fighting to overcome their disease, but she is also an unforgettable individual whose strength and spirit, harnessed by Dr. Stein, allow her to emerge from the anonymity of this epidemic. Michael Stein - William Morrow & Co, April 2009, 275p - ISBN: 9780061368134 www.harpercollins.com/ n° 27 June 2009 - 15 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Clutter no more: 12 steps to freeing your life from your stuff The book covers the addiction to messiness, stuff, clutter and offers solutions for it. There are many resources on de-cluttering and organizing, and some new research on hoarding as a form of anxiety disorder. The book explains what the payoff' is for most addictions, including the clutter addict. People with eating disorders are seeking control in a world they consider out of their control. The alcoholic and drug addict escape reality and feelings by altering their minds. The gambling addict escapes life problems. What is the pay-off for the clutter junkie? As long as they remain overwhelmed they don't have to live life, move forward, and they always have an excuse. Many will take on extra work, volunteer, go out of their way to do for others, to avoid problems with a good excuse. Clutter is a wall built bit by bit of things that will keep the world out. As with other addictions, it becomes the prison that keeps the addict in. drugs have helped to constitute our ideas of what it means to be a “free subject”. The book thus disturbs and unravels the naturalness of the drug question, as it traces the multiple and heterogeneous lines of development out of which it has been assembled. La culture des problèmes publics L'alcool au volant : la production d'un ordre symbolique Toby Seddon - Routledge, Sept. 2009, 224p - ISBN: 978-0415480277 www.routledgelaw.com/ Barb Rogers - Conari Press, Sept 2009, 160p - ISBN: 978-1573244640 www.conari.com/ Iced: The story of organized crime in Canada Traduction en français d'un livre américain qui raconte les péripéties de l'histoire du problème public de l'alcool au volant aux États-Unis. L'auteur enquête sur les opérations accomplies par les administrations, les commissions parlementaires, les bureaux de statistiques, les laboratoires de recherche et les organes de presse. Il analyse les stratégies des producteurs et distributeurs d'alcool, des entreprises d'automobiles et des compagnies d'assurances pour se dédouaner de toute culpabilité. En empruntant à la dramaturgie et à la rhétorique, il se lance dans une analyse culturelle des mises en scène et en argument de la responsabilité causale et politique des accidents. Les propositions de l'auteur ont rarement été reprises par la sociologie des problèmes publics. Dans sa postface, Daniel Cefaï restitue l'œuvre de Gusfield dans son environnement intellectuel : l'héritage de la tradition de Chicago, la sociologie du droit des années 1960 et celle, émergente, des sciences et des techniques, l'ethnométhodologie, l'anthropologie symbolique de Turner ou la critique littéraire de Kenneth Burke. Impulsivity: Causes, control and disorders Several different definitions and measures have been established to examine impulsive behavior such as substance abuse addicts, brain-damaged patients, and eating disorders. Impulsivity is a construct both complex and multidimensional. It has been characterized as an inability to inhibit appropriate behaviors or to delay gratification. Descriptive features have led some to suggest that impulsivity is not a unitary construct, and comprises several related phenomena classified together as impulsivity. It has been linked to various negative outcomes including criminality, delinquency, extramarital affairs and gambling. This book gathers the latest research from around the globe in this field. George H. Lassiter - Nova Science, Nov 2009 - ISBN: 978-1607419518 www.novapublishers.com/ A history of drugs. Drugs and freedom in the liberal age It is often argued that drug use should be seen as a matter of personal freedom in which the State should not interfere. It has also been maintained that drug addiction represents the abnegation of individual freedom. From the perspective of a lawyer and criminologist, this book looks at the relationship between drugs and freedom, which has been central to long-running debates. It argues that, since the emergence of liberalism in the late 18th century, drugs and freedom have existed in a mutually constitutive relation. Whilst changing conception of freedom have shaped the ways in which the “drug question” has been viewed and dealt with, at the same time changing perspectives on Organized crime has a long and notorious history in Canada. In the 19th century, the pirate was superceded by criminal groups who engaged in cattle rustling, liquor smuggling, counterfeiting and government fraud. In the early part of the 20th century, immigrant Italian communities in southern Ontario were terrorized by the Black Hand, brutish bands of extortionists. During the Prohibition Era, the profits reaped by supplying a thirsty American market catapulted Canadian crime groups to unprecedented levels of sophistication, power and violence. Beginning in the 1930s, illegal bookmaking was the largest revenue generator for criminal organizations. Montreal emerged as Canada’s underworld capital, dominated by an alliance of the Canadian and American mafia. Rackets included loan-sharking, prostitution, labor racketeering, fraud and theft. In the 1950s, narcotics became the greatest source of revenue, and Montreal became the largest importer of heroin in North America. Today, Canada is both a branch-plant operation and international headquarters to the Italian mafia, motorcycle gangs, Chinese triads, Eastern European crime groups and South American drug cartels. Stephen Schneider - John Wiley, June 2009, 608p - ISBN: 978-0470835005 http://eu.wiley.com/ Turn on and tune in: Psychedelics, narcotics and euphoriants Timothy Leary's advice to “tune in, turn on and drop out” was a 1960s exhortation to experiment with LSD, but humans had been consuming ergot alkaloids related to lysergic acid diethylamide for at least a thousand years. Opium has been around even longer with its medicinal uses being known to the Ancient Sumerians as long ago as 3400 BC. This book describes the historical, anthropological and sociological importance of psychoactive substances including LSD, opium, heroin, cocaine, cannabis, peyote, belladonna, mandrake, and absinthe, highlighting the people (e.g. authors, painters, pop stars, and drug barons) who have been associated with these drugs. The basic chemistry and pharmacological activity is covered together with a brief account of useful drugs that have emerged from a study of the psychoactive ones. John Mann - Royal Society of Chemistry, Sept 2009, 120p - ISBN: 9781847559098 www.rsc.org/ The culture of public problems. Drinking-driving and the symbolic order Joseph Gusfield (trad. par Daniel Céfaï) - Economica, Fév. 2009, 354 p. - ISBN: 978-2717856101 www.lavoisier.fr/ Generation S. Tales for a steroid culture The book xamines the factors that have constantly catapulted steroid use to headlines in mainstream media. The author finds himself in the middle of the controversy, between his own drug use, his relationships with steroid-pushing websites, his ongoing research, government interventions and both the legal and more illicit sides of the medical system. From the doctors hired to attack steroid use who then became advocates for the drug, to education and misinformation about steroids, the author brings his insightful, insider view to this book. Anthony Roberts - ECW Press, Oct. 2009, 176p - ISBN: 978-1550228854 www.ecwpress.com/ Alcohol in world history From the origins of drinking to the use and abuse of alcohol in the present day, this global study draws on approaches and research from biology, anthropology, sociology and psychology. Chapters include: the impact of colonialism; alcohol before the world economy; and its industrialisation. The book combines archaeological evidence with historical case studies to produce a fascinating exploration of drink and its cultural meanings in contemporary society. Gina Hames - Routledge, April 2009, 176p - ISBN: 978-0415311526 www.routledgehistory.com/ n° 27 June 2009 - 16 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda The candy machine: How cocaine took over the world Cocaine business is getting bigger. Governments spend millions on an unwinnable war against it. How did the cocaine economy get so huge? Who keeps it running behind the scenes? In this book, the author travels the trade routes from Colombia via Miami, Kingston and Tijuana to London and New York. He meets Medillin hitmen, US kingpins, Brazilian traffickers, and talks to soldiers and narcotics officers who fight the gangs and cartels. He traces cocaine's progress from legal 'pick-me-up' to luxury product to global commodity, looks at legalisation programmes in countries such as Switzerland, and shows how America's anti-drugs crusade is actually increasing demand. Tom Feiling - Penguin, Aug 2009, 320p - ISBN: 978-0141034461 www.penguincatalogue.co.uk/ Histoire des amphétamines Longtemps la philosophie, la religion ou la politique ont permis à l'homme d'effectuer des modifications sur luimême. Le XXe siècle a vu apparaître de nouvelles façons - techniques - de transformer l'homme. Parmi celles-ci, les psychotropes, et notamment les amphétamines : leur histoire a, très tôt, soulevé des questions inhérentes à l'usage d'instruments de modification de soi-même. Ce livre raconte l'histoire de ces substances : leur découverte en 1928, leur expansion, leur déclin et leur interdiction à l'échelle planétaire à partir de 1971, leur renouveau, ensuite, qui voit la diversification de la molécule initiale avec l'apparition de dérivés (ritaline ecstasy, méthamphétamine, etc.) et leur utilisation pour certaines pathologies. Première histoire naturelle et politique des amphétamines publiée en France, ce livre est aussi l'occasion d'une réflexion sur l'ensemble des transformations de l'homme par lui-même qu'apporte la biologie : le bio-pouvoir. Pascal Nouvel - Paris, PUF, janvier 2009, 320p - ISBN: 978-2130571421 www.puf.com/ Opium for the masses. Harvesting nature's best pain medication Stephen J Gertz - Feral House, June 2009, 250p - ISBN: 978-1932595345 http://feralhouse.com/ The first edition of this book (1994) became a phenomenon. Michael Pollan wrote about it in Harpers magazine: “Regarded as God's own medicine, preparations of opium were as common in the Victorian medicine cabinet as aspirin is in ours. As late as 1915, pamphlets issued by the US Department of Agriculture were still mentioning opium poppies as a good cash crop for northern farmers. Well into this century, Russian, Greek, and Arab immigrants have used poppy-head tea as a mild sedative and a remedy for headaches, muscle pain, cough, and diarrhea. During the Civil War, gardeners were encouraged to plant opium in order to ensure a supply of painkillers for the Army. What Hogshire has done is to excavate this vernacular knowledge and then publish it to the world-in how-to form, with recipes”. This new edition enlarges the book's scope to instruct readers on growing and harvesting methods, with information showing how medical books once praised opium as the country's most useful medication, and how it become demonized with racist pulp literature. Rapture. Literature, secrecy, addiction Jim Hogshire - Feral House, Oct 2009, 172p - ISBN: 978-1932595468 www.cbsd.com/inventory.aspx?id=1 659166 Dope menace. The sensational world of drug paperbacks Lurid covers, often bad writing, outlandish misinformation… what's not to love? Throughout the 20th century, book publishers exploited our secret desire to escape social straitjackets and succumb to a world of irresponsibility and total sensation. This book unleashes these demonic angels again for a wicked curtain call. The book collects hundreds of fabulously lurid and collectible covers in color, from xenophobic turn-of-the century tomes about the opium trade to the beatnik glories of reefer smoking and William S. Burroughs' Junkie to the spaced-out psychedelic in the 60s. We mustn't forget the gonzo paranoia brought on by Hunter Thompson in the 70s, when anything was everything. Rapture: the act of seizing or carrying off as prey or plunder; the act of carrying or being carried; and the expression of ecstasy or euphoria in words. The concept of rapture in literature navigates along a specific trajectory, from rapine status through to “being carried (away)”. This book identifies the apparent impossibility of recounting such rapturous states, while questioning what we can do with those who are “enrapt”… The book engages with the “states of heightened awareness”, and seeks to connect with the notion of addiction as an alternative to the moral law. The author deals with notions of writing as a kind of “seizure”, writing as a “fit”, in the works of Blake, Hölderlin, Nietzsche, Fitzgerald, Faulkner, Genet... The process of returning from states of exaltation to find oneself writing in often bleak locations, underlines the relationship between rapture and literature. The author concludes that the very possibility of communication and interpretation is radically open to doubt. The addict-writer becomes representative of the dialectic of writing as an act of communication; an act which is tragically doomed from the outset. David Punter - Sussex Academic Press, May 2009, 272p - ISBN: 9781845191023 www.sussex-academic.co.uk/ Everybody must get stoned: Rock stars on drugs Keith's on guitar, Charlie's on drums, and Ronnie's on rhythm. But who's on drugs? A fascinating, informative, and hilarious compendium about two of pop culture's most enduring obsessions: rock musicians and the drugs they love. R. U. Sirius - Citadel Press (imprint of Kensington Pub. Corporation), April 2009, 230p - ISBN: 978-0806530734 www.kensingtonbooks.com/ n° 27 June 2009 - 17 OnlineDocs • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda New on the EMCDDA website: www.emcdda.europa.eu/ Identifying Europe's information needs for effective drug policy To celebrate its 15 years of its existence, the Emcdda organised (6-8 May) a conference on this theme. Many interesting presentations and abstracts from this conference are now available on this site: www.emcdda.europa.eu/events/2009/conference#presentations Drugnet Europe 66 In this issue: 15 years of drug monitoring in Europe; new European study on Internet-based drug treatment; ESPAD, a crucial window onto adolescent substance use; Emcdda and Europol step up cooperation; World drug policy: priorities for the next decade. May 2009, 8p - ISSN: 0873-5379 Insights 10: Internet-based drug treatment interventions This report provides a comprehensive review of the relatively new phenomenon of Internet-based drug treatment interventions (DTI). It presents a sample of Internet-based DTI programmes across Europe and outlines their methodologies, providing a series of screenshots to further demonstrate the websites' content and to provide an overall impression of the types of online treatment available. This publication is a useful resource for researchers, policymakers and the general public, to gain an insight into the potential for the Internet to become a new channel for drug treatment intervention. May 2009, 96p - ISBN: 978-9291683482 UNODC annual report 2009 The 2009 annual report provides an overview of what UNODC is doing to address the threat posed by drugs and crime. Although drug use and production have stabilized over the past few years, there are too many illicit drugs in the world, too many people suffering from addiction, and too much crime and violence associated with the drugs trade. UNODC has rallied regional and international cooperation to stem the flow of Afghanistan's opium (through the Paris Pact), and to address the threat posed by drug trafficking to the security of West Africa. Moreover, UNODC is stepping up its engagement in Central America and the Caribbean to reduce the vulnerability of these regions to drugs and crime. UNODC, March 2009, 58p. www.unodc.org/documents/aboutunodc/AR09_LORES.pdf The Unodc-Wco Container Control Programme The Container Control Programme (CCP) concept was initiated in 2003 and developed by Unodc and the World Customs Organization (WCO) for the purpose of assisting governments to create sustainable enforcement structures in selected sea ports to minimize the risk of maritime containers being exploited and used for illicit Drug use: an overview of general population surveys in Europe In many European countries, one or more general population surveys have been carried out to get an impression of the characteristics of illicit drug use at national level. Despite valuable efforts to standardise national drug surveys among the general populations in European Member States and to enhance cross-national comparability, national drug surveys still use different instruments, reporting formats and methodologies. To facilitate the comparison of survey practices and to provide a tool for everyone planning, organising or executing a survey about drug use among the general population, a meta-analysis of 25 population surveys on drug use in Europe was carried out, including intrinsic and methodological discussions and a description of financial sources, timetables and accessibility of the fieldwork and data documentation. The analysis presented here is part of a larger feasibility study of a repetitive drug survey among the general population in Belgium. Thematic Paper, April 2009, 106p - ISBN: 978-9291683758 Understanding the 'Spice' phenomenon Smokable herbal mixtures under the brand name 'Spice' are known to have been sold on the Internet and in various specialised shops. Although advertised as an 'exotic incense blend which releases a rich aroma' and 'not for human consumption', when smoked, Spice products have been reported to have effects similar to those of cannabis. Despite various media reports and users' accounts on the Internet, little verifiable information on the psychoactive and other effects of Spice was officially reported to the Emcdda prior to December 2008. It can be assumed that different combinations of synthetic cannabinoids may have been added to some Spice products to produce cannabis-like subjective effects. The Spice products appear to be largely an Internet phenomenon. The EMCDDA survey established that Spice products are available on national websites in two-thirds of the EU Member States, but the actual accessibility and levels of use are difficult to assess. Responding to potential health concerns, Austria, Germany, France, and Luxembourg have taken legal actions to ban or otherwise control Spice products and related compounds. Other Member States are also now considering if measures in this area are merited. Report from an EMCDDA expert meeting (6 March 2009), Lisbon, published in May, 25p. n° 27 June 2009 - 18 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda drug trafficking, transnational organized crime and other forms of black market. This document describes the project, the role and responsibilities of each organization, and provides progress reports by country (Ecuador, Ghana, Pakistan, Senegal, and Turkmenistan) World Customs Organization / United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, June 2009, 10p. www.unodc.org/documents/organizedcrime/containerprogramme/Contain er_Programme_Progress_Report_J une_2009.pdf Serious Organised Crime Agency annual report 2008-2009 The work undertaken by the (UK) Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) over the last year, and described in this report, demonstrates the Government's commitment to tackle the harm caused by serious organised crime to the UK. Organised crime is a global problem, but its harm is felt at individual and community level. Its victims range from those who face drug dependence to people who fall prey to mass marketing scams. SOCA has had demonstrable success dealing with the international criminal trade in Class A drugs by focussing 'upstream', disrupting the trade before the drugs enter the UK marketplace. It especially claims it has made 'a discernable difference' to the UK cocaine market. SOCA, May 2009, 72p. www.soca.gov.uk/assessPublications/ downloads/SOCA_AR_2009.pdf Letting our communities flourish: A strategy for tackling serious organised crime in Scotland Serious organised crime causes devastating harm to our communities. Every community is affected, and the problem is global. Drugs and prostitution affect every area of Scotland. Fraud and counterfeiting drive up prices and insurance costs for hardpressed families, and help to fund other activities like illegal fire arms trading, violence and drug dealing. To provide a strategic focus for tackling serious organised crime and to ensure co-ordinated and targeted action, the Scottish Government New papers on the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDCP) website : www.idpc.net/ • IDPC Concept note: Effective drug law enforcement - This concept paper describes an IDPC project that aims to bring together law enforcement managers and strategists from around the world to refine ideas for effective use of law enforcement resources, and promote these strategies to the relevant authorities. May 2009, 6p. • The Swiss four pillars policy: An evolution from local experimentation to federal law - This briefing paper aims to relate lessons learned by the incremental implementation of the Four pillar policy in Switzerland. It demonstrates that in certain socio-political settings it is possible for an integrated drug policy centred on health to overcome the ideological imperatives previously motivating governing authorities to adopt a law enforcementoriented approach. May 2009, 11p. • The 2009 Commission on Narcotic Drugs and its High Level Segment. Report of proceedings - This document provides a summary of what happened at the 52nd session of the CND and its High Level Segment and offers an analysis of some of the key discussions and debates. April 2009, 18p. • Draft political declaration and plan of action on international cooperation towards an integrated and balanced strategy to counter the world drug problem - These two documents are the versions presented by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs to delegates when they arrived at the high-level meeting in Vienna, on 11th March. April 2009, 34p. • The incarceration of drug offenders: an overview. This report published by the Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme in partnership with the International Centre for Prison Studies at Kings College London, revisits the topic of the incarceration of drug offenders. March 2009, 19p. established the Serious Organised Crime Taskforce. This paper describes its strategy. Serious Organised Crime Taskforce, Scottish Government / Crown - June 2009, 34p - ISBN: 978-0755980719 www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2 009/06/01144911/3 The road to recovery: one year on A progress report detailing achievements over the last year following the publication of Scotland's drugs strategy The Road to Recovery. Central to the strategy was a new approach to tackling problem drug use based firmly on the concept of recovery. The action set out in the strategy reflects that tackling drug use requires action across a broad range of areas. This report takes the same approach. Over the last year significant progress has been made at a national and local level. Achievements are outlined under the headings preventing drug use, promoting recovery, law enforcement, children in substance misusing families, and making it work. Scottish Government / Crown - May 2009, 19p - ISBN: 978-0755980703 www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2 009/05/27153521/0 A comparison of the cost-effectiveness of the prohibition and regulation of drugs Despite the billions spent each year on proactive and reactive drug law enforcement, the prohibitionist approach has consistently delivered the opposite of its stated goals. Data demonstrates that drug supply and availability are increasing; that health harms are also increasing; that massive levels of crime created at all scales are leading to a crisis in the criminal justice system; and that illicit drug profits are enriching criminals, fuelling conflict and destabilising producer and transit countries. Alternative approaches - involving established regulatory models of controlling drug production, supply and use - have not been considered or costed. The limited cost effectiveness analysis of current policy that has been undertaken has frequently been suppressed. This paper is an attempt to begin to redress these failings by comparing the costs and benefits of the current policy of drug prohibition, with those of a proposed model for the legal regulation of drugs in the UK. It also identify areas of further research, and steps to ensure future drugs policy based on evidence of what works. This initial analysis demonstrates that a move to legally regulated drug supply would deliver substantial benefits to the Treasury and wider community, even in the highly unlikely event of a substantial increase in use. Transform Drug Policy Foundation, April 2009, 53 p. www.tdpf.org.uk/TransformCBApa per.pdf ADAM II 2008 annual report This report of the (US) Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) program, which surveys drug use among male arrestees in 10 metropolitan cities, shows that the percentage of arrestees testing positive for at least one illicit drug ranged from 49% in Washington to 87% in Chicago. The most common substances used, in descending order, are: marijuana, cocaine, opiates, and methamphetamine. Key findings: • Marijuana is the most commonly detected drug at the time of arrest. n° 27 June 2009 - 19 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda • The proportion of arrestees testing positive for cocaine ranges from 17% in Sacramento to 41% in Chicago. • Heroin appears to be relatively more available in Chicago, Indianapolis, and Portlandt. • Meth remains a regional phenomenon. Less than 1% of arrestees in the eastern US tested positive. But, in Sacramento and Portland, 35 and 15% of arrestees, respectively, test positive. The findings underscore the need to expand programs that work to divert non-violent offenders into drug treatment instead of prison. Research shows that recidivism rates go down substantially among those who undergo treatment and recovery support services in the criminal justice system. Office of National Drug Control Policy, April 2009, 151p. www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/new s/press09/052809.html Evaluation of the mandatory drug testing of arrestees pilot Mandatory Drug Testing of Arrestees (MDTA) aims to encourage problem drug users who come into contact with the criminal justice system to engage with treatment services, as a means of addressing the individual's drug misuse problem and associated offending behaviour. Under the scheme, anyone arrested for defined 'trigger' offences (acquisitive crime and drug offences), and testing positive for heroin and/or cocaine are required to undergo an assessment with a drugs assessor. Those who would benefit from treatment are introduced to drug treatment providers on a voluntary basis. The MDTA pilot scheme was implemented in June 2007 in three police stations (one each in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow), and is due to run until June 2009. This paper presents the findings of a process evaluation and cost effectiveness analysis of the pilot scheme. Kate Skellington Orr, Shirley McCoard, Paul McCartney - Scottish Government Social Research / Crown, May 2009, 95p - ISBN: 978-075975129 www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2 009/05/12155538/19 The affordability of alcoholic beverages in the European Union. Understanding the link between alcohol affordability, consumption and harms The European Commission commissioned Rand Europe to conduct this study on the affordability of alcohol products across the EU, and on its potential impacts of on harmful use of alcohol. Main findings: There is increasing pan-European interest in implementing measures to combat alcohol harms. - There has been a decline in the real value of alcohol excise duty rates across the EU. Alcohol has become more affordable across the EU since 1996. - There is a positive relationship between alcohol affordability and alcohol consumption, and three types of harms: liver cirrhosis, traffic injuries and deaths. - Crossborder alcohol shopping for personal use has negative implications for the 'importing' country. - Alcohol pricing policies are not always used towards public health aims. - Changes in current alcohol pricing policy could lead to reductions in alcohol-related harms, but some of them are more feasible than others. - It is important to understand the influence of price and affordability on alcohol consumption and harms in order to inform effective policy-making. Lila Rabinovich, Philipp-Bastian Brutscher, Han de Vries, Jan Tiessen, Jack Clift, Anais Reding - Published by Rand Europe for the European Commission, 2009, 145p. http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_determinants/life_style/alcohol/news_ran d_en.htm The phoney war on drugs This document shows that the UK has one of the most liberal drugs policies in Europe, combined with one of the worst enforcement and drug use records. Both Sweden and the Netherlands (despite popular misconceptions) have a more rigorous approach - and far fewer problems with drugs. The UK new harm-reduction strategy is aimed to reduce the cost of problem drug use. The focus was switched from combating illicit drug use to the drug users' problems. But this harm- reduction approach has failed. It has entrapped 147 000 people in statesponsored (mainly methadone) addiction. Both Sweden and the Netherlands have far more coherent and effective drugs policies. All illicit drug use is targeted. Treatment is clearly aimed at breaking addiction. Drug laws are clearly enforced. And, unlike in the UK, the majority of the drugs budget of both countries is spent on prevention and enforcement… Kathy Gyngell - Centre for Policy Studies, May 2009, 82p - ISBN: 9781905389940 www.cps.org.uk/cps_catalog/the%20 phoney%20war%20on%20drugs.pdf Cutting crime two years on. An update to the 2008-11 crime strategy This updated crime strategy is published for England and Wales. Reducing the causes of crime including drug misuse is core to the strategy. Taking “further action” in this area includes merging prolific offender schemes and drug intervention schemes into one. HM Government, May 2009, 76p Isbn: 978-1-84726-917-1 www.homeoffice.gov.uk/documents/ crime-strategy-07/cutting-crime09?view=Binary Overdose prevention and response Created by experienced overdose trainers and reviewed by peers and medical professionals, this book provides a resource for the development and implementation of overdose prevention and response programs by drug user activist groups and harm reduction organizations, particularly in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It combines practical information about overdose risk with strategies for preventing, identifying, and responding effectively. Matt Curtis & Lydia Guterman Open Society Institute (OSI), June 2009, 86p - ISBN: 978-1891385865 www.soros.org/initiatives/health/foc us/ihrd/articles_publications/publications/overdose_20090604 Human rights documentation and advocacy. A guide for organizations of people who use drugs This document aims to help activists recognize human rights abuses that are systematically conducted and condoned by state and non-state actors and silently suffered by people who use drugs. The guidebook focuses on providing activists with the tools necessary to develop a human rights advocacy plan, particularly by documenting abuses against people who use drugs. Karyn Kaplan - Open Society Institute, Feb 2009, 116p. www.soros.org/initiatives/health/foc us/ihrd/articles_publications/publications/hrdoc_20090218 Human rights abuses in the name of drug treatment: reports from the field Around the world, governments commit flagrant human rights violations against people who use drugs, often in the name of "treating" them for drug dependence. Suspected drug users are subject to arbitrary, prolonged detention and, once inside treatment centers, abuses that may rise to the level of torture. Drug users who voluntarily seek medical help are sometimes unaware of the nature or duration of the treatment they will receive. In fact, treatment can include detention for months or years without judicial oversight, beatings, isolation, and addition of their names in registries that n° 27 June 2009 - 20 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda deprive them of basic social protections and subject them to future police surveillance and violence. The accounts in this fact sheet, drawn from published literature and interviews with people who have passed through treatment in Asia and the former Soviet Union, detail the range of abuses practiced in the name of drug dependence treatment, and suggest the need for reform on grounds of health and human rights. Open Society Institute, March 2009, 4p. www.soros.org/initiatives/health/foc us/ihrd/articles_publications/publications/treatmentabuse_20090318 Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis at 16 years old. Initial results of the French part of the ESPAD 2007 survey The OFDT has progressively established an observatory system on the use of psychoactive substances during adolescence which now consists of three surveys, two of which are being conducted internationally: the HBSC (Health Behaviour in School-aged Children) survey is questioning 11-, 13- and 15-year-old pupils; the ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs) survey started by CAN and the Council of Europe concerns 16-year-old pupils; and, the ESCAPAD survey which goes beyond the educational environment, more specifically targeting French 17-yearold adolescents. This issue of Tendances presents the initial French results on tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use from the last EsPAD survey which was conducted during the first three months of 2007. It updates the changes in use of these psychoactive substances in relation to the two previous surveys: ESPAD 1999 and 2003. In its last section, it also presents some descriptive findings on the sociability, leisure activities and school life of the pupils questioned. Stéphane Legleye, Stanislas Spilka, Olivier Le Nézet, Christine Hassler, Marie Choquet - In Tendances No 64, OFDT, 2009, 6 p. www.ofdt.fr/ofdtdev/live/englishtab/engpubli/tends/tend64eng.html Islas Baleares, turismo, vida nocturna y consumo de drogas Durante las últimas décadas se ha visto, en muchos países, un incremento en el consumo de drogas en contextos recreativos. También muchos jóvenes se desplazan a destinos turísticos internacionales específicamente por su vida nocturna y el consumo de drogas. Las islas Baleares son un ejemplo de destino popular entre el turismo joven nacional e internacional. Para conocer las consecuencias sobre la salud pública, IREFREA (Instituto Europeo de Estudios sobre la Prevención) ha coordinado una investigación entre el turismo joven que llega a las Baleares atraído por su vida recreativa. El desarrollo del proyecto, que ha durado dos años (feb. 2007 - feb. 2009) y en el que se ha entrevistado a 3 003 jóvenes turistas, ha dado lugar a datos, documentos y reflexiones de interés en la prevención tanto del consumo de drogas como de sus riesgos y mejorar los estándares de calidad que puede ofrecer la industria turística. http://contenido2.irefrea.org/archivos/irefrea/Triptico%20Turismo%2 0ES.pdf Assessing and preventing violence in national and international recreational settings for young people The previous spanish study is part of this european project. The purpose was to assess the reality and determinants of violence (including prevalence, risk factors, problems, preventive measures, legislation and health issues) involving tourists in recreational nightlife settings in a typical Mediterranean holiday resort (Balearic Islands), compared with violence in similar settings in tourists' countries of residence (in Britain or Germany). It examines and evaluates the different types of intervention developed to manage youth violence in national settings and tourist destinations (legislative, health, police and nightlife industry led interventions) and makes proposals for improvement. The link below is providing the description of the project, the partners involved, local reports (Liverpool, Berlin, Balearic Islands), main statistical data from the survey, publications and presentations that have been used in several conferences all around the world, and recommendations (in 3 languages). http://contenido2.irefrea.org/Index.a sp?idcontenido=5125 Preventing mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders among young people: Progress and possibilities The costs of treatment for mental health and addictive disorders, which create an enormous burden on the affected individuals, their families, and society, have stimulated increasing interest in prevention practices that can impede the onset or reduce the severity of the disorders. Prevention practices have emerged in a variety of settings, including programmes for selected at-risk populations, school-based interventions, interventions in primary care settings, and community services designed to address a broad array of mental health needs and populations. This book updates a 1994 book, Reducing Risks for Mental Disorders, focusing special attention on the research base and program experience with younger populations that have emerged since that time. O'Connell, Mary Ellen, Thomas Boat & Kenneth E. Warner - National Academies Press, 2009, 556p Prepublication available at: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.f cgi?book=napp&part=nap12480 Enseñando a Crecer. Cómo prevenir el consumo de drogas en la familia Esta guía de prevención del consumo de drogas en el ámbito familiar nace con el objetivo de facilitar a las madres, padres y/o tutores las herramientas y recursos básicos para desarrollar la tarea preventiva en el seno de la familia, así como servir de apoyo para la adaptación de actividades de formación en prevención de drogas desarrolladas por los distintos agentes sociales implicados en el fenómeno de las drogodependencias. Esta guía, parte de un primer análisis de los distintos estilos educativos y ofrece estrategias de entrenamiento en habilidades sociales, comunicativas, afectivas, organizativas, de negociación y de resolución de conflictos en la vida familiar, para terminar informando sobre los efectos de las drogas más habituales, las respuesta a preguntas frecuentes de los hijos según su edad y desarrollo cognitivo y cómo actuar en situaciones de consumo experimental y/o habitual. Consejería de Sanidad del Gobierno de Canarias, Fundación Canaria para la Prevención e Investigación de las Drogodependencias (Funcapid), 2009, 120p - ISBN: 978-8469183601 www.gobiernodecanarias.org/sanidad/dgad/documentos/2009Ensenan doCrecer.pdf Act-info Jahresbericht 2007. Suchtberatung und Suchtbehandlung in der Schweiz. Ergebnisse des Monitoringsystems Rapport annuel act-info 2007. Prise en charge et traitement des dépendances en Suisse. Résultats du système de monitorage Act-info annual report 2007. Drug abuse care and treatment services in Switzerland. Results of the monitoring system Act-info is the name of the Swiss monitoring system that was developped in 2004 to analyse the care and treatment services offered to people having a substance abuse problem (mainly with alcohol, opiates, cocaine and cannabis). It aims to evaluate the characteristics and the needs of the people coming to these services, and to plan care improvement and future preventive measures on evidence-based data. This annual report provides a description of its methods and the data for the year 2007. It is downloadable in two languages: German and French. Etienne Maffli, Marina Delgrande Jordan, Susanne Schaaf, Michael Schaub, Urs Künzi, Christopher Eastus - Bern: Bundesamt für Gesundheit (Office fédéral de la santé publique), March 2009, 72p. www.sfa-ispa.ch/index.php?IDcat= 39&IDarticle=1263&IDcat39visible= 1&langue=F Substance use among women during pregnancy and following childbirth This issue of the (US) National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Report examines past month use of alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana among pregnant and parenting women aged 18 to 44 to shed light on how rapidly use of these substances resumes after childbirth. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, The NSDUH report issue May 2009, 4p. http://whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/pu blications/ n° 27 June 2009 - 21 • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Assessment of compulsory treatment of people who use drugs in Cambodia, China, Malaysia and Viet Nam: Application of selected human rights principles Human rights are universal: this means that everybody, including people who use drugs, is entitled to enjoy human rights. About 13 million people inject drugs worldwide. The largest number of people who use drugs can be found in Asia, where 4.85 million people were reported to inject drugs in 2008. This report deals with compulsory drug treatment centres in China, Cambodia, Malaysia and Viet Nam. It describes the treatment and HIV-related interventions provided at the centres from a human rights perspective. WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2009, 48p - ISBN: 9789290614173 www.wpro.who.int/publications/PU B_9789290614173.htm Guidelines for the psychosocially assisted pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence These guidelines review the use of medicines such as methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone and clonidine in combination with psychosocial support in the treatment of people dependent on opioids. Based on reviews of the literature and using the GRADE approach to determining evidence quality, the guidelines contain specific recommendations on the range of issues faced in organizing treatment systems, managing treatment programmes and in treating people dependent on opioids. World Health Organization, 2009, 136p - ISBN: 978-9241547543 www.who.int/substance_abuse/publi cations/treatment/en/index.html Methadone-associated overdose deaths. Factors contributing to increased deaths and efforts to prevent them Before the late 1990s, methadone was used mainly to treat opioid addiction but has since been increasingly pres- cribed to manage pain. Taken too often, in a too high dose, or with other drugs or alcohol, methadone can cause serious side effects and death. Methadone-associated overdose deaths can occur under different scenarios, including improper dosing levels by practitioners, misuse by patients who may combine methadone with other drugs, or abuse - using the drug for nontherapeutic purposes. This report examines the regulation of methadone, factors that have contributed to the increase in methadone-associated overdose deaths, and steps taken to prevent them. US Government Accountability Office (GAO), Washington, 2009, 55 p. www.gao.gov/new.items/d09341.pdf The relationship between dual diagnosis: substance misuse and dealing with mental health issues This briefing examines the issues presented by service users with dual diagnosis for UK practitioners in health and social care. It refers to the coexistence of substance misuse and mental health problems. It considers all age groups and uses the term 'substance' to refer to illicit drugs; alcohol; nicotine and prescription drugs. It does not consider specific pharmacological treatment interventions, but focuses on issues arising at the health and social care interface. It draws on research from other countries, including the US where the majority of research on dual diagnosis has been conducted; to provide an overview for health and social care practitioners in the UK. Ilana Crome, Pat Chambers, et al. Social Care Institute for Excellence, Research briefing 30, Jan 2009, 24p. www.scie.org.uk/publications/briefings/files/briefing30.pdf Alcohol and cancer: best advise While many people have a sense of the risks of heavy drinking, and of problems such as drinking and driving, the link between drinking and cancer is less familiar. Media coverage on the protective effects that alcohol can have on cardiovascular disease rarely mentions that alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer. Also, the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption for chronic heart disease may not be as strong as previously reported. Changes need to be made so that the public is more aware that alcohol consumption is associated with both risks and benefits. This paper focuses on alcoholrelated cancers, showing alcohol as a risk factor for cancer of the mouth, larynx, oesophagus, liver, breast cancer and cancers of the colon and rectum. Alcohol consumption has been related to more than 60 diseases. This necessitates bringing together the research linking alcohol consumption and cancer so that effective prevention initiatives can be planned and implemented. Centre for Addiction & Mental Health, March 2007, 17p www.camh.net/Public_policy/Public _policy_papers/index.html Drinking in the UK: An exploration of trends A key part of the Government's alcohol harm reduction strategy is to monitor changes in drinking habits over time and to identify what factors are potentially contributing to the rising levels of consumption. This study is a systematic review of research relevant to trends in alcohol consumption over the last 20 to 30 years in the UK. The review: • assesses the number, types and quality of existing research studies; • synthesises the findings to evaluate alcohol drinking trends in the UK, highlighting key changes; • discusses explanations for the trends observed, assessing what factors may have contributed to changes; • explores implications for policy; • makes recommendations for future research. Lesley Smith & David Foxcroft Joseph Rowntree Foundation, May 2009, 112p - ISBN: 978-1859356982 www.jrf.org.uk/publications/drinking-in-the-uk Tackling alcohol harm: lessons from other fields This report examines how initiatives successfully used in other fields can help inform new strategies for tackling alcohol related harm. There a clear need to change attitudes, knowledge and behaviour relating to alcohol in the UK. This report presents seven case studies, each telling the story of an initiative designed to bring about attitudinal, behavioural or policy change. This novel approach provides a unique insight into how the application of new thinking may help to reduce harmful drinking patterns. The report includes: details of approaches or initiatives that have attempted to change attitudes and behaviours in non-alcohol areas; examination of the aims, theoretical rationale, methods, targeting, processes and effectiveness of each approach or initiative; an account of how policy and practice can have an impact on behaviours and examination of lessons that can be used to tackle alcohol harms in the UK. Martine Stead et al. - Joseph Rowntree Foundation, May 2009, 110p - ISBN: 978-1859356937 www.jrf.org.uk/publications/tackling-alcohol-harm Boissons alcooliques : responsabiliser le consommateur. Recommandations Alcohol: making the consumer more responsible. Recommendations Selon des données récentes 37% de la tranche 18-74 ans de la population française présenteraient une consommation d'alcool à risque. Cette forte prévalence peut être liée à la méconnaissance par le public des circonstances au cours desquelles l'alcool doit être totalement proscrit, ainsi qu'à l'ignorance par les consommateurs réguliers de leur positionnement par rapport à l'échelle des risques encourus. Ce court texte émet deux recommandations : intensifier la diffusion des messages précisant les circonstances au cours desquelles toute consommation d'alcool est dangereuse et préconiser à tout consommateur régulier de pratiquer périodiquement une autoévaluation individuelle et volontaire des effets qu'il encourt en s'astreignant à une journée « zéro alcool ». Roger Nordmann - Paris, Académie de Médecine, mai 2009, 3 p. www.academie-medecine.fr/UserFiles/ File/nordmann_communiq_19mai_2 009.doc n° 27 June 2009 - 22 a) are more noticeable and salient than text warnings, b) enhance thoughts about the harms of smoking to a greater degree, c) are stronger in their impact on motivating quitting among smokers. • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda Tobacco warning labels report The report was prepared for World No Tobacco Day (May 31, 2009) whose theme this year is pictorial warning labels. It concludes from longitudinal studies of text and pictorial warnings across many countries that graphic pictorial warnings are more effective than text-only warnings. Specifically, graphic pictorial warnings: In addition, these reactions to pictorial warnings are associated with increased intentions to quit and to actual quit attempts. The findings provide compelling evidence of the effectiveness of pictorial warnings. International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project, May 2009, 12p. www.itcproject.org/keyfindi Also available on the same page: - The France National Report (April 2009), which provides a comprehensive look into the ITC France country project, available in both English and French. - Summaries on other countries (China, Netherlands, Germany, Thailand) Rapport sur le tabagisme gisme public, l'éducation pour la santé à l'école. L'Académie estime que la politique de lutte contre le tabac est encore insuffisante, et qu'elle nécessite une stratégie sur le long terme. Maurice Tubiana - Paris, Académie de Médecine, 2009, 59 p. www.academie-medecine.fr/UserFiles/ File/tubiana_rapp_25mai_2009.doc Report on tobacco use Ce rapport fait le point sur le prix du tabac, la publicité “occulte” des marques, le tabac et la grossesse, le taba- ICAP Papers for the WHO consultation Ways of reducing harmful use of alcohol: contributions on behalf of the ICAP sponsors In May 2008, the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution that calls for the development of a global strategy to reduce harmful alcohol use. Following a period of stakeholder and regional consultations, the World Health Organization (WHO) will formulate the draft strategy in 2009 and submit it for approval to the World Health Assembly in 2010. The six papers below are referenced versions of papers submitted on behalf of the ICAP sponsors about key areas of reducing harmful drinking where alcohol producers can demonstrate particular competence, legitimacy, and technical strength and where industry input has been welcomed by WHO. Reducing harmful drinking: industry contributions Interventions to reduce harmful drinking can be divided into two complementary categories. One is the population-level approach to prevention, consisting of across-the-board measures. The other approach involves interventions that are applied in a targeted way, focusing on particular groups, behaviors, drinking patterns, or settings where the potential for harm is elevated. Industry efforts have been concentrated on targeted initiatives, which are adaptable to the needs of diverse cultures and contexts. Alcohol producers recognize that theirs is one of the most highly regulated industries in the world. Reasonable regulation is designed to protect consumers and society without imposing intolerable demands on producers or restricting individual freedom of choice. In seeking this balance, all stakeholders have to be conscious of the need and potential for partnership. There is growing international recognition of the importance of building and strengthening relationships across sectors. ICAP endorse the fact that partnerships make a significant contribution to reducing harmful drinking. Targeted interventions exist in a range of areas in which industry members, by virtue of their involvement, resources, or expertise, have a unique contribution to make. Brett Bivans & Marjana Martinic, International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP), May 2009, 8p. www.icap.org/Publications/ICAPPapersforWHOConsultation/tabid/157/ Default.aspx Also available on this page: • Alcohol production, by Ron Simpson • Alcohol distribution, by Graeme Willersdorf • Alcohol availability, by Adrian Botha • Pricing of beverage alcohol, by Godfrey Robson • Alcohol marketing, by Roger Sinclair Somnifères et tranquillisants La nervosité, l'agitation, l'insomnie et les angoisses sont des phénomènes largement répandus. Le stress et la pression au travail ou à l'école sont accablants pour beaucoup de personnes. Pour faire face à leurs obligations, certaines d'entre elles ont recours à des médicaments, et peuvent en abuser au point d'en devenir dépendantes. C'est particulièrement le cas des somnifères et des tranquillisants. Quels sont les effets des benzodiazépines et des substances qui leur sont proches? Quels sont les risques d'un usage inapproprié de ces médicaments soumis à ordonnance médicale? Quels sont les moyens de prévention permettant d'éviter l'abus et la dépendance? SFA-ISPA (série Infodrogues), 2009, 4 p. www.sfa-ispa.ch/DocUpload/id_ medicaments.pdf Historia de las adicciones en la España contemporánea La historia nos invita a la reflexión. Esto es lo que pretende Socidrogalcohol con la publicación de este número monográfico de su revista, dedicado a la historia de las adicciones en España. Se trata de un capítulo de nuestro pasado poco conocido, pero de capital importancia para entender la realidad actual de las drogodependencias, pues en nuestra historia y en nuestro acervo cultural radican gran parte de las claves que hoy nos definen como sociedad y de los estereotipos que caracterizan nuestro imaginario colectivo en torno a las drogas. Esta publicación no sólo recoge la actitud social ante el consumo de drogas y el papel de los médicos y farmacéuticos. En cada una de las épocas que aborda, también repasa la postura de los poderes públicos y su reflejo en las distintas leyes que trataron de regular los consumos de drogas, la de los medios de comunicación, el papel de la publicidad y la incipiente utilización - con su posterior desarrollo - de un arma tan poderosa como la prevención y los recursos preventivos y la atención a las personas drogodependientes. Estos últimos aspectos se desarrollarían gracias a la creación del Plan Nacional sobre Drogas. Miguel Ángel Torres Hernández, Joaquín Santodomingo Carrasco, Francisco Pascual Pastor, Francesc Freixa Santfeliu, Carlos Álvarez Vara - Socidrogalcohol, 2009, 198p - ISBN: 978-8461289233 www.pnsd.msc.es/Categoria2/public a/pdf/HistoriaAdicciones_EspConte m.pdf On the Responsible Gambling Council website: This website offers a lot of links to online documents and articles on problem gambling. Among the latest documents published are: • Recovery from problem gambling: a qualitative study • Does persistent ADHD lead to gambling problems in young adults? • Electronic gambling machines: Influence of a clock, a cash display, and a precommitment on gambling time • The early bird is even earlier: predicting gambling behavior in kindergarten • Division on addictions creates first ever public data repository and exchange • An evaluation of two UK online support forums designed to help people with gambling issues www.responsiblegambling.org/en/research/documents.cfm n° 27 June 2009 - 23 Addictions in Society 21rst Elisad meeting Agenda • Editorial • SALIS conference • News • An Elisad member: Glasgow Addiction Services • Publications • OnlineDocs • Agenda 8-10 October 2009, Budapest, Hungary http://2009elisadmeeting.pbwiki.com/ 32nd Annual Salis Conference April 27-30, 2010, New York City Elisad is the European association of libraries & information services on alcohol and other drugs For more information: www.elisad.eu www.addictionsinfo.eu Journal chief editor Anne Singer Contributors: Vaughan Birbeck EMCDDA, Portugal Christine Cather Glasgow Addiction Services Christine Goodair ICDP, Uk Grégory Lambrette Centre Emmanuel, Lux. Isabelle Michot OFDT, France Jorunn Moen SIRUS, Norway Fiorenzo Ranieri Cedostar, Italy Jose del Val Carrasco PND, Spain Daniela Zardo Gruppo Abele, Italy Material published in the Elisad journal does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Elisad More information coming in late Fall 2009 www.salis.org/conference/ • 1-4 July, Porto, Portugal 5ª Conferência latina sobre redução de riscos. Org. by APDES & IGIA www.clat5.org/ • 12-16 July, Barrie, Ca 50th Annual Institute on Addiction Studies. www.addictionstudies.ca/ • 7-23 Aug. 2009, Amsterdam, NL European society for social drug research (ESSD) Summer school www.essd-research.eu/en/index.html • 31 Aug.- 2 Sept., Hanasaari, Finland Prevention of alcohol-related harm at work-places. Institute for advanced training in occupational health (NIVA) www.niva.org/courses/4907_occupational_health_and_alcohol.htm • 7-8 Sept., Zurich, Switzerland Kokainismus: Rekreationskonsum, Abhängigkeit, Polytoxikomanie. Phänomene und Interventionsstrategien. Org. by Institut für Sucht- und Gesundheitsforschung (ISGF) www.isgf.ch • 22-26 Sept., 2009, Calgary, Canada XIth ISAM conference (International Society of Addiction Medicine) www.isamweb.org • 22-26 Sept., Mexico Experiencias basadas en la evidencia. Congreso Mundial de Adicciones, org. by Centros de Integración Juvenil www.cij.gob.mx/CONGRESO2009/i ndex.html • 24-25 Sept., Zurich, Switzerland 1st International symposium on hepatitis care in substance users. Org. by Association for risk reduction in use of drugs (ARUD) www.arud.ch/symposium/index.htm • 24-26 Sept., 2009, Belfast, UK 20th annual conf. of the European society for social drug research (ESSD) www.essd-research.eu/en/index.html • 29-31 Oct., Jersey City, USA The future of addiction education, practice and research. Organised by INCASE http://incase-edu.net/annualconference.aspx • 24-27 Sept., Trieste, Italy ISAGE (International Society of Addiction journal Editors) Annual Meeting www.parint.org/isajewebsite/meetings2009.htm • 1-4 Nov., Montréal, Canada 6th National Conference on Tobacco or Health. Organised by the Canadian Council for Tobacco Control (CCTC) www.ncth.ca/ • 1-2 Oct., Mebourne, Australia The Australian drugs conference Drugs in hard times www.australiandrugsconference.org. au/ • 11-14 Nov., Albuquerque, USA The International Drug Policy Reform Conference. Organised by the Drug Policy Alliance www.drugpolicyevent.com/ 5-7 Oct., Ljubljana, Slovenia 5th European Association of Addiction Therapy Conference www.eaat.org/ • 13 Nov., Bristol, UK Youth, alcohol & crime. Problems & Effective Responses. International conference organised by Alcohol & health research unit at the University of the West of England http://hsc.uwe.ac.uk/net/research/De fault.aspx?pageid=582 • 11-16 0ct. 2009, Estoril, Portugal Shaping the future - A multisectorial challenge. 52nd International ICAA (International council on alcohol and addictions) conference on dependencies www.icaa.ch/ICAA_Estoril_2009.html • 13-16 Oct., Biarritz, France Colloque européen et international : toxicomanies, hépatites, Sida. Org. par Bizia, SETHS et Munduko Medikuak (Bilbao). www.ths-biarritz.com/ • 16-18 Nov., Manchester, UK 11th International hepatitis C conference. Organised by Mainliners www.hepc09.org.uk/ • 3-4 Dec., Coimbra, Portugal Public policies. Experiences exchange in interagency cooperation. Organised by Eulac Group 1 www.eulacdrugs.org/eulac/eulac • 22-23 oct., 2009, Paris, France Alcool, addictions et travail. Org. par la Société Française d'Alcoologie (SFA) www.sfalcoologie.asso.fr/ • 21-24 Feb. 2010, Nashville, USA Southeast Conference on Addictive Disorders (Secad). Organised by Vendome Group and Naatp & Naadac www.secad10.com/ • 26-27 Oct., Glasgow, UK National (UK) conference on injecting drug use. Org. Exchange Supplies www.exchangesupplies.org/ • 25-29 April, Liverpool, UK IHRA's 21st International Conference www.ihra.net/ • 29-31 Oct., Madrid Spain What works in the prevention and control of major communicable diseases in prison. International conference on Prison health protection, organised by the World Health Organization, and others (EMCDDA...) www.prisonhealthconference2009.com • 22-26 Aug. 2010, Oslo, Norway International conference on alcohol, drugs, and traffic safety www.t2010.org/ • 13-16 Sept., 2010, Paris, France Current topics and innovations in alcohol research. 2010 ISBRA World Congress & Rencontre nationale de la Société Française d'Alcoologie (SFA) www.isbra2010paris.org/