April 2015 Newsletter


April 2015 Newsletter
April Newsletter
Hello Friends,
April has been a good month. I was able to
take some time off to visit friends, who I
hadn't seen in some time. It was refreshing
traveling a bit and finding time to rest. I
did make the transition back to
housekeeping this month at the YWAM
base too. I feel fortunate to be part of this
department again. Its been a nice change
and I thank the Lord for the passion He
has given me in this area of work.
Basma and myself
In the very near future I will also start back in Coventry, working with the outreach team there a
few days each week. Its exciting being part of an organization that desires to know God and
make Him known in all areas of life, be it in the classroom, working in the base kitchen or
evangelizing on the streets of Coventry. Serving with YWAM has allowed me the ability to work
with different kinds of people from all over the world.
Be still and know I am God and I will be exalted among the nations I
will be exalted in the earth. Ps 46:10
I met Basma during my DTS. She was one of the first Egyptian christians I had ever met. I had
no idea what it was really like to live a life there, especially as a christian. What I knew of Egypt
was from the news each night. Early on we shared our stories together. Basma was raised in a
christian home, her father had died when she was child and life was not always easy. She did not
have a good opinion of muslims as she was almost kidnaped by them as a child. This is a
common practice in the muslim world as it is thought that young christian girls could easily be
swayed to renounce their faith. Basma found out about YWAM in her late teens and rededicated
her life to the Lord around the same time. Her opinion of the world and muslims soon changed.
In 2013 she staffed my Discipleship Training School (DTS) and after returning to Egypt for a
short season and completing her theology degree there, she came back to work with YWAM in
England. Her heart is to evangelize muslims and disciple believers.Working with YWAM is
allowing her to do this. I hope to work with her more in the coming months.
YWAM really does bring Christians together from all parts of the world. I had started praying
about my role living and serving in England, because Basma had asked me to consider working
with her here. That particular opportunity did not work out but it did get me thinking about what
God could have planed for me in England. I began to pray and seek the Lord on what He would
have me do. Before I knew it I was on a plane to the UK. It was the summer of 2014. Each day
has been an experience of faith since. What a joy it has been though, serving the Lord and
watching Him work in lives. I know this is where I need to be and I trust He will continue to take
care of me as I serve here.
-Please pray that the Lord would continue to provide for me financially as I serve here.
-Pray that I would continue to be faithful with the ‘small things’ as I work as support
staff in this season.
-Pray that the Lord would give wisdom about the Philippines. My heart is to travel
with a team there for an outreach over the summer. I would need a clear door and
finances for the trip.
Thank you for your prayers and thank you for your continued support. Thank you for standing
with me, without it I could not be here. Our God is good!
Blessings, Becky
Working in the kitchen with friends. ( We
represent the USA, France and The
If the Lord would have you
give financially:
Contact info:
The Kings Lodge
Watling Street
Warwickshire CV10 0TV
Praise: continued protection
and provision each month I
live and work here in the UK,
I also give God the glory for
the friends He has blessed
me with and then
opportunities I have had to
serve Him.
Tax deductible donations can
be sent to:
Calvary Chapel Greece
85 Kuhn Rd
Rochester, NY 14612
(Memo: Becky Mancini
Donate online at
Designate for Becky Mancini