Introduction to Excel VBA - Portal


Introduction to Excel VBA - Portal
Centre for Staff & Educational
Development (CSED)
Discover your potential
Introduction to
Introduction to
Excel VBA
Version 1.01
Dave Knock (CSED)
September 2013
This document is produced by the Centre for Staff and Educational Development at UEA.
It provides instruction in more advanced techniques using Excel (part of the Microsoft Office
suite of programs) for those who have some experience of Excel.
---------- University of East Anglia 1999 to 2013---------This material may not be used in part or whole for financial gain without prior permission. It may otherwise be
freely copied provided that due acknowledgement is given to the Centre for Staff and Educational Development,
UEA Norwich, and that the wording of this statement of copyright is reproduced.
Introduction to Excel VBA
Using These Notes ...................................................................................1
Course Files .............................................................................................1
Conventions and Symbols .......................................................................1
Practical Work .........................................................................................2
Ribbons ....................................................................................................2
Disclaimer ...............................................................................................2
Visual Basic basics
Objects .................................................................................................... 3
The Editor ............................................................................................... 3
Setting up the Editor ............................................................................... 4
The Immediate Window ......................................................................... 5
The Range Object ................................................................................... 5
The cells Object ...................................................................................... 7
Active ..................................................................................................... 8
VBA sub-routine/macro
Record a Macro .......................................................................................9
R1C1 ......................................................................................................10
Methods .................................................................................................12
Code Windows ......................................................................................13
Variables and Loops
Why Use Variables ? .............................................................................15
Types of Variable ..................................................................................15
Declaring Variables ...............................................................................16
Loops .....................................................................................................16
Loops within Loops ...............................................................................18
For…Each…In ......................................................................................19
Do…While Loop ...................................................................................20
Selection ................................................................................................21
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Branching and Interaction
If…Then ................................................................................................23
GoTo .....................................................................................................25
Message Boxes ......................................................................................26
Exiting From Loops ..............................................................................30
Input Box...............................................................................................32
Calling one Procedure from Another ....................................................33
Controls and Events
Buttons ..................................................................................................35
Shortcut Keys ........................................................................................36
Objects as Controls ...............................................................................37
Events ....................................................................................................38
Workbook Events ..................................................................................38
With…End With ...................................................................................39
Worksheet Events .................................................................................41
Useful Objects, Properties, Methods and Constants
Range Objects .......................................................................................44
Properties of Range Objects ..................................................................44
Excel ColorIndex Constants..................................................................46
VBA Color Constants ...........................................................................46
Methods of Range Objects ....................................................................46
Centre for Staff and Educational Development UEA
Introduction to Excel VBA
1 - Introduction
Using these notes
This document provides self-paced tuition in the use of VBA in Excel for Windows, previous
significant experience of using Excel spreadsheets is assumed and a basic understanding of
Microsoft Windows is required.
Setting up course files
The exercises in this course use blank files which should be created by the reader using Excel.
The best way of working with the course files is to save them to an easily identified directory
on your computer’s hard disk or your central file store but a memory stick or other removable
drive is sometimes a useful alternative.
Excel files containing macros or VBA code must be saved either in the older xls format or the
new xlsm format. The default xlsx format will remove all macros and code for security, and
cannot be used to save these files. When first saving a macro enabled file, change the file type
to xlsm or xls using the Save As dialogue, subsequent saves of the same file will automatically
use the correct type.
Conventions and symbols used in this tutorial
A major change in Office 2010 is the introduction of the File tab. This tab appears at the topleft of any Office window and it is used in place of the File menu or Office Orb that appeared
in previous versions. This tab opens a menu screen known as the Backstage menu where you
will find the now familiar commands, such as Open, Save, Save As, New, Print and Close.
In this document keyboard instructions are given in the following way:
Press: Ctrl & b or Ctrl + b
means hold down the [Ctrl] key then press the b key once
Press: Spacebar, 
means press the [Spacebar] then press the [] (enter) key
Type: “The cat sat”
means type the text within the quotes but not the quotes
Commonly used keys are indicated as follows:
, Enter or Return
The Enter or Return key
Either Ctrl key (bottom left or right of the alphabetic keyboard)
The Alt key (just left of the spacebar)
The function key numbered n, e.g. [F5] (across the top of the keyboard)
The left, right, up, down cursor keys
Centre for Staff and Educational Development UEA
1. Introduction
Practical work
At various points in the course you are expected to do practical work in Excel and these
places are indicated by boxed and shaded text like this. Numbered instructions should be
followed in sequence and care should be exercised not to miss any lines of instruction.
In Office 2010, Ribbons provide access to the various features available. The Ribbon is a band
that runs across the top of the window and it contains commands that are divided into sets of
commonly used features. Ribbons are selected by clicking on a tab. For example, the main set
of frequently used commands is displayed on the Ribbon selected by the Home tab.
When isolated reference is made to controls on Ribbons the Ribbon name will be given
followed by the Group and then the Control name e.g.
Home, Font, Bold
References to controls made in the text of an exercise or example will give information
according to the context, so if the font is being modified the ribbon and group would be
assumed and reference will just be made to Bold, Italic or Underline.
The information in this document and the accompanying course is provided in good faith and
has been tested thoroughly in Excel 2010 on Windows 7. Due to the nature of VBA it is
possible that some of the procedures will not work with other combinations of operating
system and Office version and may yield unexpected results.
VBA is a powerful programming language and can cause serious loss of data and/or
functionality if misused, the reader is advised to make sure that suitable backups of important
work have been made and that care is taken to follow instructions accurately. Neither CSED or
the author can be held responsible for losses caused by not following this advice.
Centre for Staff and Educational Development UEA
Introduction to Excel VBA
2 – Visual Basic basics
When working in VBA we refer to the various parts of Excel as objects. These objects have a
hierarchy which works very much like the folders in your e-mail inbox or on your computer
whereby one object ‘contains’ others which in turn may contain more. A group of objects at
one level of the hierarchy is referred to as a Collection.
For the purposes of this course we will concern ourselves only with the Worksheet and Range
objects which have the fairly obvious hierarchy of a Worksheet containing Ranges of Cells.
We will use two different styles of addressing the individual cells in the worksheet using both
Range and Cells to explore the differences between them and some of the advantages of each
over the other.
To identify the objects in their hierarchy we use a separator, usually the full stop or period
character, between levels, and brackets to contain the names of the objects, usually defined
with double quotes.
A typical reference to a cell, in this case G14 on Sheet1 might look like this:
The Worksheets collection
The separator
The name of the worksheet
The name of the Range
The Range collection
There are many ways to refer to objects but they all use a very similar structure. There are also
several options to refer to objects directly, relative to the current object, or as the active object.
This allows us to restrict the effect of any code we write to an individual object or a collection
of objects.
The Editor
The VBA editor is embedded in Excel, you may have already seen, or even used it when
recording and editing macros.
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2. Visual Basic basics
Your editor may look slightly different to the one shown here but there are several main
components which will be present and which we will be using throughout this course.
The editor is available from the Developer ribbon which is an optional ribbon. If the Developer
ribbon is not displayed on your Excel profile use the following procedure to turn it on.
1. Click on the File tab
2. Click on Options
3. Click on Customize Ribbon
4. Tick the box next to Developer in the right hand pane
5. Click on OK
With the Developer ribbon selected you can open the VBA editor by clicking on the
Visual Basic control, alternatively you can use the keyboard shortcut which is
Setting up the Editor
To ensure that the editor has all the features you need to complete the exercises in this course
we will spend a few moments setting it up. It may already look like the example above in
which case you could skip this section but it is useful to know how to turn features on and off
The VBA editor does not use the ribbon navigation seen in the rest of Excel; instead it uses the
older menu and toolbar system. The controls we need to set it up are mostly in the View menu.
1. Open the editor
2. Select View – Code
(or press F7)
3. Select View – Immediate Window
(or press [CTRL]+G)
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Introduction to Excel VBA
4. Select View – Project Explorer
(or press [CTRL]+R)
5. Make sure that View – Toolbars – Standard is selected
6. Close any other windows within the editor using the close button on each individual
title bar.
The editor is now ready for us to start exploring some of the features of Excel VBA
The Immediate Window
Using the immediate window allows us to test some simple lines of code individually. This can
be a very efficient way of testing ideas or checking individual instructions.
1. In the Immediate Window type this line of text
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") = 100
2. Press Enter or Return at the end of the typing
Assuming all went well you will see the value 100 in Cell A1. This process is known as
assigning a value and uses the = symbol to say “this object equals this value”.
Note that there is no Undo feature when you assign values using VBA, this is one reason why
care needs to be exercised and important data should be backed up carefully before running
any code.
The Range Object
1. Make sure that Sheet1 is selected in Excel
2. In the Immediate Window type this line of text below what you already typed
Range("A1:B4") = "Hello"
3. Press Enter or Return at the end of the typing
4. Observe the result on Sheet1 then select Sheet2 in Excel
5. Click anywhere in the line you just typed in the Immediate Window
6. Press Enter or Return
The text now appears in Sheet2
Because we didn’t specify a sheet, VBA uses the active sheet.
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2. Visual Basic basics
Notice how we can type numbers directly into code, but literal text (that is text used as a value
rather than an instruction) has to be enclosed in quotes.
1. Still with Sheet2 selected in Excel
2. On the next line in the Immediate Window type:
? Range("A2")
3. Observe the result in the Immediate Window
The question mark instructs the editor to display the result of the following code, in this case
the word Hello which we previously entered. We can use this effect to check the value of
expressions in our code without having to assign them to anything.
So far we have been using the value of the cell or cells in our code, either assigning a value or
reading the value. Cells have many other properties which we can use as well, but for the
purposes of an introductory course we will only use a few of these.
The property that you want to use is specified after the object, separated by another full stop, so
the full syntax (grammatical structure) of the command:
Range("A2").Value = 100
You may like to include the Value property in your code just to remind you what you are using
but it is common practice to leave it out and let VBA use its default setting.
4. Try the line Range("A2").Value = 100 in the Immediate Window
5. Change the line to:
Range("A2").Font.Size = 100
6. Press Enter or Return
This is another property of the range, the size of font used. Notice that the font itself has
properties, in this case the size, and full stops are used throughout to separate the
different levels of the hierarchy.
7. Try: Range("A2").Font.Color = 100
Note the American spelling
The Color Property of the Font sets the colour to 100 or dark red. Whilst you can set colours
this way, often the decimal number is difficult to remember and not very easy to interpret, for
example UEA blue is 8345856. We generally prefer to set these values as three numbers
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Introduction to Excel VBA
representing the Red, Green and Blue proportions, each with values between 0 and 255. These
are referred to as the RGB values and UEA blue becomes 0,89,127, a little bit easier to
remember, but not much!
8. Using the Immediate Window, set the colour of the font in A2 to UEA blue using this
line of code:
Range("A2").Font.Color = RGB(0,89,127)
You can experiment with different values of red, green and blue, remembering to only use
values between 0 and 255. There are over 16 million possible combinations so subtle
changes may not be very easy to see.
9. Use ? Range("A2").Font.Color to see the single decimal value created by the three
RGB values
The Cells Object
The Range object is a very easy way to address cells in a worksheet but there is an alternative
method which has some advantages. The Cells object allows us to address cells using just
numbers in what we refer to as R1C1 format. The first number represents the row and the
second represents the column.
In the Immediate Window type:
Cells(1,4)= "This is Cell D1"
This line of code instructs Excel to place the text in the first row and fourth column, cell D1 in
our usual format.
Using numbers for both parts of the reference can be very useful, particularly when we start to
program loops and sequences which write to, or read from, many cells, as we can manipulate
numbers much more easily than letters.
A range of more than one cell can be addressed using the Cells object to provide the addresses
to a Range object.
In the Immediate Window type:
In this example we have used two Cells statements to define a range from D1 to F4.
Note the comma to separate the two Cells statements; Range has three possible syntaxes which
can be used to achieve different outcomes.
Range("A1:B4") refers to A1:B4 as we have already seen.
Range("A1,B4") refers to A1 and B4 as two ranges – just as A1,B4 behaves in a formula.
Range("A1","B4") refers to A1:B4 – this is the syntax used in the example above using two
Cells statements to define the range.
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2. Visual Basic basics
Certain components of Excel are considered to be active at any one time, for example there is
an active sheet which contains the active cell.
In VBA we often find it useful to refer to the active object in a collection as this is where the
operator is expecting something to happen or where they are entering data to be processed.
1. In the immediate window type the following line and press enter
? activecell.address
The absolute address of the currently active cell is returned
2. Type the following line in the immediate window and press enter
The name of the active sheet is returned
3. Experiment with these commands by changing the active cell and sheet.
We now understand the principle involved in setting and reading properties in Excel using
VBA. We have used the Immediate Window to enter and run single lines of code and we have
identified part of the hierarchical structure of objects which make up Excel.
In the next chapter we will start to use the Code Window to generate repeatable sequences of
VBA code, unlocking more of the capabilities of this powerful and versatile language.
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Introduction to Excel VBA
3 – VBA sub-routine
One of the easiest ways to start understanding the structure of VBA in Excel is to record
something using the macro recorder and then to examine the code.
1. Close the current workbook – you don’t need to save it
2. Open a new workbook
3. Select A1 on Sheet1
We will record a short, simple macro which will place some text in one cell, a number in
another and then concatenate the two in a third cell. This is not a useful macro but it will serve
to illustrate the structure we need to use when writing our own code.
4. Start the Macro Recorder from the Developer ribbon
5. Leave the name and all the other settings in the dialogue box as they are
6. Click on OK
7. In cell B3 enter
8. In cell B4 enter
9. In cell B5 enter
10. Select Cell B6
11. Stop the Macro Recorder using the button on the status bar
This sequence has now been recorded as a macro in VBA and we can examine and edit it using
the VBA editor.
1. Clear the contents of cells B3:B5
2. Run the macro using the Macros control on the Developer ribbon
3. Observe that the contents of the cells are written exactly as if you’d typed them again
Macros in Excel are recorded in a special folder shown in the VBA editor as a Module.
4. Open the VBA editor
5. Click on the expander for the Modules folder in the left pane
6. Double Click on the Module displayed (probably called Module 1)
The code which you recorded is now displayed in the Code Window
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3. The sub-routine
The following table describes the code in some detail.
Sub Macro1()
This line defines the start of a
subroutine, a sequence of code.
All the lines starting with an
apostrophe are comments to help
you understand the code.
' Macro1 Macro
Blank lines are also used to make
code more readable.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Text"
Select B3 then insert the characters
“text” using the formula =”text”
Select B4 then insert the characters
“123” using the formula =”123”
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "123"
Select B5 then insert the formula
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-2]C&R[-1]C"
= B3&B4 (using the R1C1 notation)
Select B6 (by pressing Enter in B5)
End Sub
This line marks the end of the
The use of the formula property rather than simply setting the value of the cell is interesting as
it means that any value; number, text or formula, can be entered using the same basic structure
in VBA.
Selecting the cell and then entering the formula in the active cell is analogous to the actual
keystrokes and mouse clicks we used, although it may not be the most efficient code it does
make sense for the recorder to use a standard system.
The formula using R1C1 notation may look a little confusing but it is recorded this way in
VBA mainly because numbers are easier to manipulate than letters. R[-2] means the row two
above this one, C (no square brackets or number) means this column, R[-1] means the row
above this one so the whole formula reads as; concatenate the cell two above this one and the
cell above this one, exactly the same as =B3&B4.
After the line containing the words End Sub type the following lines of code
Sub Macro2()
Range("B3") = "text"
Range("B4") = 123
Range("B5") = "=B3&B4"
End Sub
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Introduction to Excel VBA
This simple routine does exactly the same job as the recorded macro, you can even see it in the
macro dialogue box and run it like a recorded macro, but it uses the simpler, more direct,
commands we used in the Immediate Window earlier.
This is an example of a simple sequence of code, it runs from top to bottom and carries out the
instructions on each line before moving on to the next.
We have so far just set cell properties to constant or typed values but we have seen that we can
read values using the question mark in the Immediate Window, and we can also set a property
to the value from another cell or cells using simple VBA code in the Code Window.
Add these lines of code to the Code Window below the End Sub line of macro2
Sub Macro3()
Range("C3") = Range("B3")
Range("C4") = Range("B4")
Range("C5") = Range("B5")
End Sub
This macro does what we have told it to; it copies the values of the three cells in column B to
the equivalent cells in column C. In C5 it places the value of B5 which is the result of the
formula, this may be what we wanted but if it isn’t then we need to use a different property.
Replace the line
Range("C5") = Range("B5")
Range("C5") = Range ("B5").formula
We are now taking the formula property of the cell B5 and placing that into C5
This has worked but look carefully at the formula in C5; it is exactly the same as that in B5,
relative references have been used but they have not behaved as we might expect and the copy
still refers to the original cells B3 and B4.
To find the alternative code, record a macro to copy B5 and paste it into C5, remembering
to cancel the copy mode (press [Esc] after the paste).
The code should look something like this:
Application.CutCopyMode = False
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3. The sub-routine
The actions in the code above are fairly obvious and we can learn from them how to make our
latest macro copy the formula using Excel’s relative referencing. Range("B5").Select will
select the cell referenced in that range. This is not actually a property but a method; methods
are things you can do to an object, effectively they are instructions.
Selection.Copy invokes the copy method of the selection object. We could replace these two
lines with one and use Range("B5").Copy if we want to keep our code as small and tidy as
Range("C5").Select selects C5
ActiveSheet.Paste uses another object, the active sheet, in this case simply as a container for
the Paste method.
Finally Application.CutCopyMode = False is the instruction to turn off the copy mode and
introduces a new Object and a new type of data. The Application object is Excel itself and
setting the CutCopyMode property is a Boolean or binary property which can only be true or
false. If the property is true then there is an active selection on the clipboard, if it is false then
the selection is cancelled.
Change Macro3 so the code looks like this (you can use copy and paste between macros)
Sub Macro3()
Range("C3") = Range("B3")
Range("C4") = Range("B4")
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Try the macro again and observe that the formula in C5 is now correct
This technique has resulted in working code but it is a little clumsy, try the code shown below
which uses just the copy and paste technique. Often when developing code you will want to
refine what you have written, even if it works, when you identify new techniques.
Sub Macro5()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
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Introduction to Excel VBA
This code can be reduced even further if we use the destination range as an argument to the
Copy method. This also speeds up the code because we no longer need to actually select the
destination. Try this version:
Sub Macro6()
Range("B3:B5").Copy Range("C3")
End Sub
If we need to use the earlier structure of setting values with the equals sign we can still produce
the relative reference effect by using the same type of code as Excel did when we recorded our
first macro earlier in this chapter. The R1C1 notation, using offset numbers in square brackets,
produces properly structured relative references, based on the location of the formula.
Range("C5").FormulaR1C1 = Range("B5").FormulaR1C1
This code will copy the formula from B5 as an R1C1 formula into C5 where it will be
interpreted as =C3&C4, exactly what we needed.
Code Windows
We have been using the Code Window attached to the Module where the original macro was
recorded, but if you look in the Project Window on the left of the editor you will see each sheet
and the workbook listed. All of these objects have their own code window which you can open
by double clicking on the object in the Project Window. It doesn’t matter which code window
is open when you use the Immediate Window but it will affect the scope of any code in the
Code Window.
1. Make sure Sheet1 is the active sheet in Excel
2. In the VBA Editor
3. Double click on Sheet3 in the Project Window
4. Enter this subroutine:
Sub test()
Range("a1") = 10
End Sub
5. In the Macro dialogue box this new
subroutine is identified with the
sheet name as well as the macro name
6. Run the new macro and observe that the effect is limited to Sheet3 even though the
sheet object is not specified and Sheet1 is active
If we had placed the code above in to the ThisWorkbook code window the scope would have
been the whole workbook, so A1 in the active sheet would be set to 10 in the same way as
using a module’s code window.
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3. The sub-routine
In this chapter we have explored the structure of a VBA sub-routine, seen how macros and
VBA are very closely related to each other and delved further into the Object model and the
VBA Editor. We have seen how objects have both properties and methods and we have seen
how using the macro recorder can give us a head start when we write code, although it often
produces code which is more complex than we need.
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Introduction to Excel VBA
4 – Variables and Loops
Why use variables?
Variables are used in programming to hold a value which is used during the routine. This may
be a counter, or an interim value, or simply a convenient way of labelling a value which is
going to be used several times such as a colour.
Variables can be given names which indicate their function and, as there are several types of
variable, the name is often used to indicate the type of data as well.
A typical variable name might be something like; intLoopCounter. Notice the lack of spaces,
the use of capital letters to separate the words which identify the function of the variable (to
count the iterations through a programme loop), and the ‘int’ prefix which indicates that the
variable is an integer or whole number. We don’t have to follow this, or any other, convention
in naming, but it does help when we need to revisit code later or when someone else needs to
change or update our code. Variables could be called X, Y and Z or var1, var2, var3, etc. but
this would not make it easy to work out the function of the routine or to identify issues which
may arise.
Types of variable
The variables we will be using will be numbers or text but a whole range of possible types are
available to us, including several different numeric types although just two of these will suffice
for all normal purposes.
This table shows some of the types commonly encountered and describes each.
Text, up to a maximum of about 63,000 characters
A date or time which Excel will interpret as a formatted date/time
A whole number from -32,768 to +32,767
A whole number from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
7 digit accuracy decimal numbers (roughly ±3.4*1038)
15 digit accuracy decimal numbers (roughly ±1.8*10308)
We use the expression 3.4*1038 to represent the number:
340,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 as the full version is both tedious to
type and difficult to read. It means 3.4 multiplied by 10 to the power of 38 or; ten times ten
times ten… 38 times. Excel normally works with 15 digit accuracy so the types of variable we
will use most will be; Integer for things like counters (Long if we are counting very big
numbers such as rows in a worksheet), Double for numbers containing fractions (as this is the
default accuracy for Excel anyway) and String for text values. Occasionally we might need
dates or one of the other types not listed here but these three types will suffice for our initial
We can also declare a variable to hold an Excel object such as a range or a worksheet which we
will do later in this chapter.
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4. Variables and Loops
Declaring variables
Before we use a variable we should (or in some cases, we must) declare it by name and type
using a Dim (short for dimensioning) statement. This is done at the very beginning of the code
just after the Sub statement where the name of the routine is declared.
1. Clear the contents of the Worksheets or open a new Workbook
2. Open the VBA editor
3. In the Sheet1 Code Window type:
Sub FirstVariable()
Dim strWelcome As String
strWelcome = "Hello everybody!"
Range("A1") = strWelcome
Range("A2") = strWelcome
End Sub
4. Run this code using the Macro dialogue
The text we assigned to the variable appears in the two cells to which we then assigned the
variable. We could use the same variable as many times as we want once it has been declared,
either keeping the initial value or assigning new values whenever we need them.
5. Change the code so it reads:
Sub FirstVariable()
Dim strWelcome As String
strWelcome = "Hello everybody!"
Range("A1") = strWelcome
strWelcome = "Hello again everybody!"
Range("A2") = strWelcome
End Sub
6. Run this code using the Macro dialogue
This time the variable is changed before the second cell value is assigned, this illustrates how a
variable can be used to hold data temporarily in a programme although this trivial example
would be easy to reproduce without using a variable.
One of the most common reasons to use code is to create a loop which performs the same
operation many times. There are several types of loop available in VBA, we will concentrate
here on some of the common ones starting with the For…Next loop.
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Introduction to Excel VBA
This type of loop uses a variable which is assigned an initial value, an end value and an
incremental value in a line of code which looks like this:
For intLoopCounter = 1 to 101 step 5
In this line of code the variable intLoopCounter which has already been declared starts with a
value of 1, has a maximum value of 101 and is incremented by 5 in every iteration of the loop.
The lines of code following this line will then be executed until a line which looks like this is
Next intLoopCounter
Once this line is reached the variable is incremented and the code returns to the initial line to
repeat the process, this will happen until the maximum value is reached at which point the code
simply continues after the line containing the Next instruction.
7. In the Sheet1 Code Window
8. Type the sub routine
Sub Looping()
Dim intLoopCounter As Integer
For intLoopCounter =1 to 101 step 5
Cells(intLoopCounter,1) = "Hello!"
Next intLoopCounter
End Sub
9. Run this from the Macro Dialogue
The loop has set the value of every fifth cell from A1 to A101 to the value “Hello!”
Note the use of Cells rather than Range in this instance as it makes the code easier to write.
We can combine the various techniques we have used so far to write code which reads values
from the worksheet and then uses those values in a loop.
This code is more complex than we have used previously but it serves to show how several
simple techniques can be combined.
1. On Sheet2 enter the following data
2. In the Sheet2 Code Window type the following subroutine
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4. Variables and Loops
Sub looping2()
'Declare variables
Dim intLoopCounter As Integer
Dim intLoopStep As Integer
Dim intLoopEnd As Integer
Dim strText As String
'Set variables
intLoopStep = Range("B1")
intLoopEnd = Range("B2")
strText = Range("B3")
'Main loop
For intLoopCounter = 1 To intLoopEnd Step intLoopStep
Cells(intLoopCounter, 3) = strText & " row " & intLoopCounter
End Sub
Notice the use of comments prefixed with the apostrophe, empty lines between sections of
code and the indented action within the For…Next loop. We have also chosen to omit the
variable name in the Next line as there is no possible ambiguity here and VBA will accept
this form of the statement. These are all techniques used to make code easier to read.
Run this code and observe the effect, the values of the variables are set from the cells on the
sheet, then used in the loop. In the case of intLoopCounter it is used twice; once as a value in
the Cells statement, and once as a part of the concatenation with the value of strText taken
from C3 and the literal text " row ".
Delete the contents of column C and try different values in B1:B3
Loops Within Loops
Just as functions in an Excel formula can be nested, loops in VBA can be nested. The same
principle applies; one loop must be fully enclosed by the other so they don’t merely overlap
each other. In the following example we will set the background colour of a range of cells
using some simple code within a pair of nested loops.
We will work on the range of cell A1:Y25 which is 25 columns wide by 25 rows deep.
We will use two variables, both integers, to represent the row and column. These variables will
be called intRow and intColumn.
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We will work with the Interior.Color property of the cells, notice the American spelling of
colour as it was in the earlier example of Font.Color.
This is the code we will enter, take a little time to look through it and see how it will work. The
two loops are properly nested, it would make no difference if we used them the other way
round and looped through the columns then the rows but this way seems more logical given the
Cells statement using row followed by column. The red and green values are determined using
the row and column variables multiplied by ten, this gives a good spread within the range of 0255 which is the range allowed in RGB. The blue value is set to zero but feel free to
experiment with any value between 0 and 255 if you want to change it.
Sub Colours()
‘Declare variables for row and column
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim intColumn As Integer
‘Two nested loops to select the row and column of each cell
For intRow = 1 To 25
For intColumn = 1 To 25
‘Set the interior colour of each cell to an RGB value determined by its position
Cells(intRow, intColumn).Interior.Color = RGB(intRow * 10, intColumn * 10, 0)
Next intColumn
Next intRow
End Sub
1. Enter the code above carefully in the code window for Sheet1 on a new workbook
2. Run the code from the Editor by clicking on the “play” button
3. Observe the effect on the worksheet
Note: You could use the macro dialogue to run the code but the button in the editor is
often a convenient alternative, for those who prefer it F5 is the keyboard shortcut for the
play button. Running the code in this way will run whatever subroutine the cursor is in at
the time so care must be taken if you have several macros in one window.
A particularly useful variation on the For…Next loop is the For…Each…In loop which loops
through all the items in a collection, Cells in a Range, Worksheets in a Workbook, etc.
To use this type of loop we must first understand the structure we are working with, the object
hierarchy described in chapter 1. The worksheets collection comprises all the worksheets in the
workbook, this sometimes makes it confusing when we refer to the collection, as it appears to
be the next object up in the hierarchy but in fact as the workbook can contain other objects
such as chart sheets and the code window the collection concept makes good sense.
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4. Variables and Loops
This example shows a subroutine which places the names of all the worksheets in to the first
row of Sheet2.
1. Using the workbook from above
2. In the Sheet2 code window enter these lines of code
Sub ListSheets()
Dim Item As Worksheet
Dim intCol As Integer
intCol = 1
For Each Item In Worksheets
Cells(1, intCol) = Item.Name
intCol = intCol + 1
Next Item
End Sub
3. Run the sub-routine and observe the results
The two variables are dimensioned first, one is an integer to hold the column number, the
other is an object variable used to hold the properties of an object, in this case a worksheet. We
can use any name here but Item is often used as it helps to make the code more understandable.
We then assign a value of 1 to the column, for column A
The loop will work through all the worksheets in the worksheets collection assigning the name
of each one to a cell in row 1. Note the use of Item.Name, the name property of the worksheet
represented by the Item variable.
Then we add 1 to the value of the intCol variable and go round the loop again using the next
column until we have worked through all the sheets in the collection.
This type of loop is useful because it does not require us to know how many items there are in
the collection, add a few more sheets and run the code again to see what happens.
When referring to cells in a collection we use an object variable dimensioned as a range
because a cell is a specific instance of a range.
Do…While loop
Another common structure for looping code is Do…While. As the name implies this type of
loop will continue all the while a condition is met, this is more versatile than the For…Next
loop as it uses a condition rather than a counter to determine when the loop ends.
In this example we will use Do…While to add the numbers in column A until the total reaches
100. The total will be placed in column B alongside the last number included in the total
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1. In the Sheet3 code window enter this code:
Sub Reached100()
Dim dblTotal As Double
Dim intRow As Integer
intRow = 1
dblTotal = 0
Do While dblTotal < 100
dblTotal = dblTotal + Cells(intRow, 1)
intRow = intRow + 1
Cells(intRow - 1, 2) = dblTotal
End Sub
2. Type a few numbers in column A of Sheet3 making sure that they add up to over 100
to test this code
3. Observe the results when the numbers add up to 100 or more and when they add up
to less than 100 and when there is a gap in the sequence.
In this code loop the variable dblTotal is used as a running total and intRow is used to hold the
row number being processed.
If dblTotal is less than 100 when the Loop command is reached the loop repeats, another cell is
added to the total, and the row number is incremented. If the total is 100 or more the total is
assigned to the cell in column B in the previous row (hence the -1).
This simple code assumes that the numbers will add up to 100, if they don’t then the VBA will
generate an unhelpful error message because the integer variable becomes too large.
There is a variation on this type of loop which involves putting the While condition after the
Loop command rather than after the Do command, this means that the code must be executed
at least once as the condition is not tested until the end of the loop. The difference, if any is
subtle but can be important. In the case above, changing the code in this way makes no
practical difference at all.
There is a special range object called Selection, this is the selected range (as opposed to the
active cell).
1. Select a range of cells on the active worksheet
2. In the Immediate Window type
3. Selection.Interior.Color = 255
4. The selection is coloured red
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4. Variables and Loops
This shows the effect of setting properties for the Selection, in practice we can use Selection
just like Range but obviously without the arguments.
5. With a range of cells selected, try these commands in the Immediate Window:
? Selection.Row
? Selection.Rows.Count
? Selection.Address
These properties allow you to use the Selection object in a routine like this
6. In the code window for Sheet1 type:
Sub AlternateRows()
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim intRowStart As Integer
Dim intColStart As Integer
Dim intRowEnd As Integer
Dim intColEnd As Integer
intRowStart = Selection.Row
intRowEnd = Selection.Row + Selection.Rows.Count - 1
intColStart = Selection.Column
intColEnd = Selection.Column + Selection.Columns.Count - 1
For intRow = intRowStart To intRowEnd Step 2
Range(Cells(intRow, intColStart), Cells(intRow, intColEnd)) _
.Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 200)
End Sub
Note the use of a space followed by an underscore character at the end of one of the lines to
indicate that the code continues on the next line, this is another useful tool when writing more
complex code as it allows long lines of text to be used without horizontal scrolling. If you
prefer to keep the line together just miss out the underscore and the carriage return/new line.
This routine shades alternate rows in the selected range, spend a little while examining the code
and seeing how it works. Observe the structure; declare and then initialise the variables then
perform the actions, this is a very common structure in programming.
In this chapter we have learned how to write a sequence of code to be repeated a fixed number
of times, until a condition ceases to be true, or once for each object in a collection. We have
seen how to declare and then use variables to hold values within a subroutine, and how to lay
out code in the code windows to make it easier to follow and understand.
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5 – Branching and Interaction
To make branching code, sometimes known as conditional or decision making code, we use a
test of some description to determine what action to take. One of the most common forms of
code used in this way is the If…Then structure which uses a simple true/false test to determine
which branch of the code will be executed.
The syntax of the If…Then structure is:
If True/False test Then
Action if True
ElseIf True/False test Then
Action if alternative is True
Action if False
End if
The True/False test will usually take the form of a comparison between two values such as
dteCurrentDate>dteDueDate or intCounter>=intMaximum the nature of such comparisons
means that the result can only be true or false. Very much like the condition used in the
Do…While loop earlier
If the test result is true then the code in the following lines will be executed until the Else line
is reached at which point the code jumps to the End If line and continues from there.
If the test result is false then the code jumps straight to the Else line and executes the code
following that line, continuing past the End If line when it reaches it.
The If…Then structure is often used within a loop to test multiple values and there are several
ways to extend the structure to allow more possible outcomes. If…Then statements can be
nested to add more conditions and outcomes or, more usually the structure is extended with
extra lines of ElseIf True/False test Then. Either technique requires that tests which are not
mutually exclusive (intMark>40 and intMark>60, for example) have to be in the right order.
This table illustrates the structure and why the order matters.
Correct Code
Incorrect Code
Comment on incorrect code
If intMark>60 Then
If intMark>40 Then
strResult = “Pass”
ElseIf intMark>40 Then
ElseIf intMark>60 Then
strResult = “Pass”
If the mark is over 40 a pass
is issued and the code jumps
to the End If line
This test is never performed
as the mark cannot be over 60
without being over 40
strResult = “Fail”
strResult = “Fail”
End If
End If
If the tests are mutually exclusive such as intMark>60 and intMark<40 then the order in which
they appear is immaterial. Care needs to be exercised, particularly when editing code using
these structures, to make sure that tests are left in a working order.
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5. Branching and Interaction
Note that End If is written as two words whereas ElseIf is written as one, the editor will
correct your typing in most cases but it is better to get it right anyway.
As an exercise we will arrange some code to highlight the rows and columns in a ten by ten
grid where the value of the intersecting cell is 100 like this:
We will need to use two nested loops from 1 to 10 to test all the cells, when we find a cell
which equals 100 we will need to set the interior colour of the cells from 1 to 10 in that row
and 1 to 10 in that column to yellow. The code will look like this:
Sub Target100()
'Declare variables for row and column
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim intColumn As Integer
'Loop through the Rows
For intRow = 1 To 10
'Loop through the Columns
For intColumn = 1 To 10
'Test the intersecting cell
If Cells(intRow, intColumn) = 100 Then
'if the cell =100
'Highlight the row
Range(Cells(intRow, 1), Cells(intRow, 10)).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
'Highlight the column
Range(Cells(1, intColumn), Cells(10, intColumn)).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
End If
'End the nested Loops in the right order
Next intColumn
Next intRow
End Sub
Notice how we have omitted some of the code; we have not set a step value so this will default
to one, and we have not used Else in the IF…Then structure because we are only concerned
with what to do if the condition is true, the Else would be superfluous as there are no
instructions to follow it.
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1. Enter the code above in the code window of a blank worksheet
(You can skip the comments to save typing as you can refer to this book if you need them)
2. Enter some numbers in the first ten rows and columns including 100 somewhere
3. Run the code to test it
4. Delete the number 100 from the sheet
5. Run the code again
We can improve the code by adding a line to clear the formatting before starting to test the
cells, this way we can avoid having highlights left over after the number has changed.
6. Add this line of code just after the variable declarations:
7. Range("A1:J10").ClearFormats
8. Test the code again by changing some numbers and running it
The ClearFormats method does the same job as selecting Clear, Formats from the Home
Ribbon, and it is useful to remember in any code where you are changing formats as it gives
the code a clean start. Be careful however as it will clear all formats including number
formatting such as Date or Currency.
Another type of branching in code uses the keyword Goto. Early versions of Basic used line
numbers and the Goto statement caused the code to jump forwards or backwards to the line
number required. VBA does not use line numbers but we can still use Goto with labels which
we define with the colon character. Like this:
We can also use a number as a label, in which case the colon is not required but this is less
common as it is harder to understand than a descriptive label.
Goto is often an action within an If…Then structure allowing the same labelled block of code
to be used for several outcomes although this is frowned upon as bad practice by programmers
who would suggest calling other procedures instead. Certainly if you intend using VBA very
much you will build a library of useful procedures and simply calling one of those is easier and
more consistent than using GoTo.
We can also use the Goto statement to create loops in code, maybe using an If…Then to test
for the end of the looped code. This can seem easier than using Do…While but it is again not
seen as good practice as you can easily create a loop of code like this:
Sub ProblemCode()
Goto StartOfLoop
End Sub
This code will simply repeat the second and third lines ad infinitum locking the workbook and
preventing you from doing anything else. It is best to avoid this type of problem altogether but
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5. Branching and Interaction
if you do accidentally create a loop like this you can usually break out of it, or any procedure
which is taking longer than expected, by pressing CTRL + Break. Be warned however that
occasionally the break key doesn’t work and the only way to regain control is to shut down
Excel forcibly, which can cause work to be lost.
Message Boxes
The message box is a fundamental tool for user interaction, providing a means for the
programme to instruct the operator or request confirmation of an action. In VBA the message
box command is MsgBox and the basic syntax is:
MsgBox prompt, buttons, title
There are two other arguments which allow advanced users to attach helpfiles in a particular
context but we will not use those in this course.
The only required argument is the prompt, or message, itself, the other two may be omitted if
they are not needed.
Prompt is literal text with a maximum of about 1,000 characters being allowed, it should be
enclosed in double quotes just like any other literal text.
Buttons is a numeric argument which is often replaced by the built in constant representing the
value required.
The more common values are:
Group Constant
Display OK button only.
Display OK and Cancel buttons.
VBAbortRetryIgnore 2
Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.
Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.
Display Yes and No buttons.
Display Retry and Cancel buttons.
Display Critical Message icon.
Display Warning Query icon.
Display Warning Message icon.
Display Information Message icon.
First button is default.
Second button is default.
Third button is default.
Fourth button is default.
Constants are like variables but they don’t change value, so the name vbOKOnly always tells
the message box to just display an OK button. The number 0 could be used instead but is much
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harder to interpret if you revisit your code later. Likewise you could use vbOKOnly any time
you needed the value 0 but it would make your code very hard to understand if you did.
In use, the values from the three groups are added together to make a unique number defining
the message box characteristics.
Title is another text string which appears as the title of the message box.
A message box returns a value to the code which indicates which of the buttons has been
clicked, this allows the code to branch to the appropriate action using If...Then and GoTo.
These are the values returned by the various buttons and the associated VB constants:
In the Immediate Window type these examples of Message Boxes
Msgbox "Hello World! ", vbOKOnly, "Greeting"
Msgbox "Hello again everybody, this time with a longer message. ", vbOKCancel
Msgbox "Bye for Now"
Note the effect of the various arguments and of missing them out.
If we want to see the value returned by the message box we must use the alternative syntax
which places the arguments inside a set of brackets.
Again in the Immediate Window type:
? Msgbox ("Click on a button",vbYesNoCancel)
You should see the numeric value of the button you click appear below the line of code in the
immediate window. In this example No was clicked.
To display one of the message box icons in the box, add one of the constants from group B in
the table above.
In the Immediate Window type:
? Msgbox ("Click on a button",vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion)
This time the message box displays the question mark icon
9. To make the third button (Cancel) the default, add the appropriate constant from group
C like this
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5. Branching and Interaction
? Msgbox ("Click on a button",vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton3)
This is exactly the same as:
? Msgbox ("Click on a button",547)
The message box combined with a label, a GoTo statement, and a couple of If...Then
statements, allows us to write code which interacts with the operator. Try this example:
In the Code Window for Sheet1 type:
Sub Messages()
Dim intResponse1 As Integer
Dim intResponse2 As Integer
Dim intResponse3 As Integer
intResponse1 = 0
intResponse2 = 0
intResponse3 = 0
intResponse1 = MsgBox("Click on one of the three buttons below.", _
vbYesNoCancel, "Test Responses")
If intResponse1 = vbCancel Then
intResponse2 = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to cancel already?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Are You Sure?")
ElseIf intResponse1 = vbYes Then
intResponse3 = MsgBox("You chose Yes, do you want to go again?", vbYesNo, "Yes")
ElseIf intResponse1 = vbNo Then
intResponse3 = MsgBox("You chose No, do you want to go again?", vbYesNo, "No")
End If
If intResponse2 = vbNo Or intResponse3 = vbYes Then
GoTo StartOver
End If
End Sub
Just play with this for a few minutes to see how the code reads the button clicks and responds
appropriately to them.
Let’s look at this code bit by bit to see how it was put together:
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Dim intResponse1 As Integer
Dim intResponse2 As Integer
Dim intResponse3 As Integer
This section just declares the three variables as integers
This is a label, defined by the colon, which acts as a destination for GoTo later in the code.
intResponse1 = 0
intResponse2 = 0
intResponse3 = 0
These three lines set or reset the variables to zero to avoid values being held over.
intResponse1 = MsgBox("Click on one of the three buttons below.", _
vbYesNoCancel, "Test Responses")
The first variable is set to the response from the message box.
If intResponse1 = vbCancel Then
intResponse2 = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to cancel already?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Are You Sure?")
If the first variable is the numeric equivalent of Cancel then another message box is generated
asking for confirmation. We could use the number 2 here instead of vbCancel.
ElseIf intResponse1 = vbYes Then
intResponse3 = MsgBox("You chose Yes, do you want to go again?",
vbYesNo, "Yes")
If the response was Yes then an appropriate message box is generated asking if the operator
wants to have another go.
ElseIf intResponse1 = vbNo Then
intResponse3 = MsgBox("You chose No, do you want to go again?",
vbYesNo, "No")
If the response was No then an appropriate message box is generated asking if the operator
wants to have another go.
End If
The If…Then statement is ended here.
If intResponse2 = vbNo Or intResponse3 = vbYes Then
GoTo StartOver
Another If…Then statement checks whether the operator has responded that they want to start
again in any of the message boxes, if so then the code returns to the StartOver label above
End If
This ends the If…Then statement and the code will exit from here as the operator has not asked
to go again.
This code could be written in several ways; it could use just one If…Then rather than two, or it
could use the variables in a different way, but it is a suitable illustration of the way in which
code can be made to interact with the operator.
Exiting from Loops
Here’s an example of a loop using Goto and a variable in the If…Then structure:
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5. Branching and Interaction
Sub TenGreen()
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim strVerse As String
Dim intMore As Integer
intLoop = 10
strVerse = intLoop & " green bottles hanging on a wall"
Range("A1:A2") = strVerse
Range("A3") = "And if 1 green bottle should accidentally fall..."
intLoop = intLoop - 1
Range("A4") = "There'll be " & intLoop & " bottles hanging on a wall"
intMore = MsgBox("Another verse?", vbYesNo, "Another?")
If intMore = 6 And intLoop > 0 Then
GoTo NextVerse
End If
End Sub
Read the code above carefully and enter it in the code window if you want to see it
Note the use of concatenation (&) with numbers and text.
Note the use of the number 6 rather than vbYes, these are completely interchangeable.
Note the line which decrements the variable by one each time; intLoop=intLoop-1, this is a
common structure when loops are made in this way.
Note the If…Then statement checking to see if there are any bottles left as well as whether the
operator requests another verse using And to combine the two conditions, meaning both must
be true.
As the GoTo statement is regarded as poor programming we may decide to use an alternative.
The same code could be written using a For…Next loop but if we want to be able to leave the
loop using a message box as we can in the example above we need a new command, Exit For,
which will leave the loop at any point.
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You can try these alternative versions as well by entering them in to the code window.
Sub TenGreen_mk2()
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim strVerse As String
Dim intMore As Integer
For intLoop = 10 to 1 step -1
strVerse = intLoop & " green bottles hanging on a wall"
Range("A1:A2") = strVerse
Range("A3") = "And if 1 green bottle should accidentally fall..."
Range("A4") = "There'll be " & intLoop -1 & " bottles hanging on a wall"
intMore = MsgBox("Another verse?", vbYesNo, "Another?")
If intMore = vbNo Then
Exit For
End If
Next intLoop
End Sub
This code does the same thing but without the Goto by using the Exit For to leave the loop at
We could also use Do…While like this with an Exit Do command to leave the loop when there
are no bottles left:
Sub TenGreen_mk3()
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim strVerse As String
Dim intMore As Integer
strVerse = intLoop & " green bottles hanging on a wall"
Range("A1:A2") = strVerse
Range("A3") = "And if 1 green bottle should accidentally fall..."
intLoop = intLoop - 1
Range("A4") = "There'll be " & intLoop & " bottles hanging on a wall"
intMore = MsgBox("Another verse?", vbYesNo, "Another?")
If intloop=0 Then
Exit Do
End If
Loop While intMore = vbYes
End Sub
Note that the condition is placed at the end of the loop so we see at least the first verse.
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5. Branching and Interaction
Input Box
Another way to get input from an operator is by using the VBA InputBox function. There is an
application based alternative to this function which allows different data types to be entered but
the standard VBA version always returns a string or text input and that is what we will use.
The simple syntax for InputBox is:
InputBox Prompt, Title, Default
Again further arguments can be used, this time to set the position of the box and to add a
helpfile and context. We will not be using these extra arguments in this course.
Prompt, as before is the text displayed in the box as an instruction to the operator.
Title is again the same as for a message box.
Default is text which is loaded in to the part of the input box where the user types, if the user
simply clicks on OK the default is the value returned by the input box.
Just like MsgBox, InputBox also has an alternative syntax using brackets when the value is to
be returned, in the case of input boxes however this is almost always a requirement so the
bracketed syntax is the one we will explore.
In the Code Window for Sheet2 type:
Sub Messages()
Dim strResponse As String
strResponse = InputBox("Welcome to Excel VBA please enter your name", _
"Greeting", "Type your name here")
If strResponse = "Type your name here" Or strResponse = "" Then
Range("B2") = "Welcome anonymous operator"
Range("B2") = "Welcome " & strResponse
End If
End Sub
When you run this code VBA checks the resulting string using If…Then to see if it is either
still the default text or is empty, in either case cell B2 is set with an appropriate greeting to an
anonymous operator. If the variable contains any other value this is assumed to be the
requested name and the greeting is set accordingly.
The OR between the two conditions means that either or both must be true to appear as a true
condition to the If…Then statement. Another useful word in this type of situation when more
than one condition is involved, is AND which means that both conditions must be true to
appear as true to the IF…Then statement. In both cases you can use as many conditions as you
require, combining AND and OR using brackets to determine the sequence in which the
conditions are combined.
For example; an If…Then which needs to test that a person is over 17 and is a member, or is
under 18 and accompanied by a member, or has paid an entrance fee, might look like this:
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If (intAge >17 And strMember = "Yes") Or (intAge <18 And strAccompMember <>"") Or _
dblFeePaid >0 Then
This, rather complicated, condition could be expressed differently as an If...Then followed by
two Else If…Then lines each with a GoTo action referring to the rest of the code. Either
structure is acceptable and the choice of which to use may depend on the surrounding code,
maybe the fee needs to be processed or the accompanying member needs to be checked against
a list, in which case it may be more practical to break the If...Then into smaller parts.
Calling one Procedure from Another
When discussing GoTo it was mentioned that a preferred alternative is to use multiple sub
routines which call each other. This is an example of Structured Programming and whilst the
topic is more involved that we can cover in an introductory course, some of the techniques can
be useful at any level.
The brackets after the name of a sub routine allow arguments to be passed to it when it is run,
we can use these arguments when we call one sub routine from another to pass information.
We can also move the variable declaration, so far all our variables have been declared as part
of a sub routine and they are not available from anywhere else but we can declare a variable at
a higher level to make it available to other code.
1. In a new Workbook
2. Open the VBA editor
3. Click on Insert, Module to add a module to the Project Window
4. In the code window for the new module type the following two variable declarations:
Public intCol As Integer
Public intRow As Integer
Note the use of Public rather than Dim to indicate that these variables are to be made
available to any code.
5. Add the following sub routine below the declarations
Sub SetColours(Red As Integer, Green As Integer, Blue As Integer)
Cells(intRow, intCol).Interior.Color = RGB(Red, Green, Blue)
End Sub
6. Note the three arguments inside the brackets, defined as integers and named Red
Green and Blue, they are used just like variables in the RGB statement which follows.
7. In the code window for Sheet1 add the following sub routine
Sub D4Red()
intRow = 4
intCol = 4
Call SetColours(255, 0, 0)
End Sub
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5. Branching and Interaction
Note the Call to the sub routine SetColours in the module, which includes the three values
to pass to that sub routine as arguments.
8. Run the code on Sheet1 and observe the effect which depends on Global variables
and passing arguments between routines
9. Experiment with similar code on another sheet to show that the SetColours routine is
available from any project in this workbook
In this example the code in the module does not specify the sheet, so it is applied to the active
sheet. This means that if you make Sheet2 active and then run the code on Sheet1 it is
Sheet2!D4 which is formatted. If this behaviour is not what you want you can make the code
specific to the sheet or you can pass another argument to the SetColours sub routine to specify
which sheet is intended.
In this chapter we have explored some of the techniques used to interact with the operator
producing code which responds to input and allows the flexibility of different processes for
different situations. We have seen alternative types of loop and introduced the concept of
constants which can make code easier to understand.
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Introduction to Excel VBA
6 – Controls and Events
So far we have written code in the form of subroutines which we have then run using the macro
dialogue box. The run button in the VBA editor is an alternative method we can use to run our
code, or the shortcut key F5 when the editor is open will also work, but only when the editing
cursor is in the code we want to run.
In this chapter we will explore alternative ways to run our code, either on demand by clicking a
control such as a button, or in response to an event in Excel such as entering data in a cell or
selecting a worksheet.
Running a macro from a button is a simple process in Excel
1. In a new workbook
2. Add the code below to the code window for sheet1
Sub WhereIsThis()
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Address
End Sub
This simple routine just puts the cell address in the active cell as text
3. Select the Developer ribbon
4. Select Insert, Form Controls, Button
5. Add a control button to the worksheet by clicking somewhere near the top left corner
6. In the resulting Assign Macro dialogue box select your subroutine from above and click
on OK
7. Drag the sizing handles to make the button as large as you want it
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Controls and Events
8. Right click on the button and select Edit Text
9. Replace the default text with a suitable label for the button
10. Click elsewhere on the worksheet to make the button active
11. Select a cell on the worksheet then click on your new button to test it
Creating buttons to run your code makes it possible to interface with the operator in a way
which is familiar and easy to understand.
Shortcut Keys
Macros can also be assigned to a shortcut key, not technically a control but another useful way
to run your code, particularly for code which formats or populates the active cell.
1. Open the Macro Dialogue box
2. Select your macro
3. Click on Options
4. Assign a key combination to your macro
Here we have assigned Ctrl + Shift + A, the Ctrl key is already selected, so you just type a
capital A to assign the shortcut key
5. Click on OK
6. Close the Macro Dialogue box
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Introduction to Excel VBA
Select a cell and type Ctrl + Shift + A to test the key assignment, again this is a very ‘user
friendly’ way to run code for people who may not be comfortable using the macro dialogue as
well as a quick way for you to access your routines.
Objects as Controls
Drawing objects in Excel can also be used as controls to run a macro.
1. Still using Sheet1
2. Draw a filled red circle approximately three rows high
3. Copy the circle twice and colour the copies green and blue
4. Place these three circles near the top of the worksheet close together like this
5. Add the following lines of code to the code window for Sheet1
Sub SetColourRed()
ActiveCell.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Sub
Sub SetColourGreen()
ActiveCell.Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
End Sub
Sub SetColourBlue()
ActiveCell.Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
End Sub
6. These three routines will colour the active cell red, green or blue respectively
7. Right click on the red circle and select Assign Macro
8. Use the dialogue box to assign the SetColourRed macro
9. Repeat the above steps to assign the SetColourGreen and SetColourBlue macros to
the appropriate coloured circles
The circles now act as controls and clicking on one will assign the chosen colour to the active
cell. Test the effect by selecting various cells and colouring them also observe that cells can be
assigned both a value using the button and a colour using the shape because these are different
properties of the cell.
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Controls and Events
Excel has a limited number of events which are accessible to VBA, particularly when
compared to Access where some individual objects have ten or more events of their own, but
there are still some useful techniques to be employed.
Workbook Events
When an event occurs such as the location of the active cell being changed, a new sheet being
added, or an existing one being selected, Excel checks to see if any code is associated with that
event and runs it if there is.
1. In a new workbook
2. Open the VBA editor
3. Select ThisWorkbook in the Project Window with a double click
4. At the top of the code window
5. Drop down the left list (with (General) in it)
6. Select Workbook
7. Drop down the right list (probably now with Open in it)
8. Select NewSheet
You should see some code like this in the code window:
Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
End Sub
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Introduction to Excel VBA
There may also be a similar block of code for the Workbook_Open event, you can ignore or
delete this.
Any code which we add between the Private Sub… and End Sub lines will be run whenever a
new sheet is created.
9. Add the code below between the two existing lines
Range("A1:H1").MergeCells = True
Range("A1") = "This information is confidential"
Range("A1").Font.Bold = True
Range("A1").Font.Size = 18
Range("A1").RowHeight = 24
Range("A1").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
These lines of code carry out the following actions from top to bottom:
The text "This information is confidential" is added to Cell A1
Cells A1:H1 are merged
The font in A1 is made Bold
The font in A1 is increased to 18 point text
The height of row 1 is set to 24 points
The contents of A1 are centred (note American spelling of the constant)
The result of this code in the NewSheet event of the workbook is that every new sheet created
will automatically have the information added like this:
Other potentially useful workbook events include:
SheetActivate: Triggers whenever a sheet is selected in the workbook.
SheetChange: Triggers when the value of any cell on a sheet in the workbook is changed.
SheetSelectionChange: Triggers when the position of the active cell is changed on any sheet
in the workbook.
With…End With
The code we used above repeatedly refers to the range A1, this means that we have to type this
value several times and when the code runs Excel must evaluate the range each time. We can
make the code quicker and perhaps easier to type by using the With…End With structure.
This structure defines a block of code which all refers to a particular object, in this case the
range A1, and allows us to just use the properties and methods of that object without referring
to it every time.
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Controls and Events
We can rewrite the code using a With…End With structure like this:
10. After the line which merges the cells add a new line containing the command:
With Range("A1")
This instructs VBA to use the value Range("A1") in the following lines until the End With is
Modify the following five lines by removing the reference to the range, they should look
like this when you’ve finished:
.Value = "This information is confidential"
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Size = 18
.RowHeight = 24
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Note that they all start with the dot and we have used the Value property in the first line as
the default no longer applies
11. Add the End With line after the rows you just edited
The final code should look like this:
This structure will speed up code where it saves VBA processing references multiple times, the
saving in this case is negligible but it could be significant in a long loop or if the reference was
The advice usually given is to try to minimise the number of dots to be processed, as each dot
represents a step in the hierarchy and therefore takes time while VBA looks up the reference.
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Introduction to Excel VBA
Worksheet Events
The events above all operate at the workbook level and therefore apply to every worksheet, if
you want code to run on just one sheet you use the code window for that sheet in a similar way.
1. In the VBA editor
2. Select Sheet1 in the Project Window with a double click
3. In the left hand drop down list above the code window select Worksheet
4. In the right hand drop down list select SelectionChange (this may already be selected)
Two lines of code are generated as before but this time the event procedure is
Worksheet_SelectionChange which means that the event is triggered only when the selected
cell on this worksheet changes.
We will write a routine to highlight any cells containing the same value as the selected cell
within the range A1:T40. This represents 40 rows and 20 columns; 800 cells in all.
First we will generate some random numbers to use for testing
5. On sheet1 select A1:T40
6. Type the formula:
7. Press Ctrl + Enter
This will generate 800 random numbers between 1 and 10 in the selected cells
8. Copy the selection and paste it in the same location as values only
This will fix the numbers so they don’t recalculate
9. Press Esc to clear the active selection and Ctrl + Home to select A1
We now have a set of data with which to experiment.
Generating a large set of random number this way is a useful technique to remember when you
want to test code but unless the dataset is quite large you should still make sure that you test
with specific values to make sure that the code behaves as intended.
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Controls and Events
10. In the code window for Sheet1, between the two existing lines of code, type
Dim intX As Integer
Dim intY As Integer
Range("A1:T40").Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
Range("A1:T40").Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
For intY = 1 To 40
For intX = 1 To 20
If Cells(intY, intX) = ActiveCell Then
Cells(intY, intX).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Cells(intY, intX).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 255)
End If
Next intX
Next intY
Test the code by selecting any cell in the range A1:T40 and observe all the cells with the same
value changing colour
This is a breakdown of how the code works; remember it runs every time you select a different
cell on this sheet.
Dim intX As Integer
Dim intY As Integer
These two lines declare the variables used for X and Y coordinates
Range("A1:T40").Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
Range("A1:T40").Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
These two lines set the background colour to none and the font colour to automatic within the
range A1:T40 using constants, resetting the cells ready to be formatted again by the following
For intY = 1 To 40
For intX = 1 To 20
Two nested loops are initiated to work through each cell in the range.
If Cells(intY, intX) = ActiveCell Then
Cells(intY, intX).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Cells(intY, intX).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 255)
End If
The If…Then statement checks each cell against the active one and if the value is the same sets
the background and font colours to yellow and red respectively.
Next intX
Next intY
These lines close the two loops.
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Introduction to Excel VBA
In the last example we saw several of the techniques we have been practicing being used
together; the nested loops, the If…Then, constants, variables, and both the Range and Cells
techniques for selecting cells.
In this chapter we have explored ways in which we can run our code either ‘on demand’ using
a mouse click or key stroke, or automatically using the built in events in Excel, we have added
to the properties and methods we can use and seen several new actions in use. We have also
begun to explore ways to optimise our code using structures such as With…End With.
In this course we have provided a very basic introduction to the use of VBA, it is not intended
to describe best practice in programming or to offer solutions to practical problems. Many of
the techniques can be applied in different ways to achieve the same results and often there is no
preference for one procedure over another.
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Objects, Properties, Methods and Constants
Useful Objects, Properties, Methods and Constants
These tables show a small selection of the objects, properties and methods available in Excel
VBA. Those used in this course are included together with others which you should find
relatively easy to use as they follow similar rules.
Range Objects
Any range of cells, uses an argument in the form of the range address
as a standard string e.g. Range(“A1:C4”)
A single cell addressed by row and column number e.g. Cells(2,4)
The active cell in the active worksheet
The selected cells in the active worksheet (including multiple
Properties of Range Objects
The value of the cell as displayed without formatting. e.g. A cell
showing 25% would have a value of 0.25, a cell containing a formula
has a value of the formula result.
The formula in a cell as a string e.g =A1*G4 or the value if the cell
does not contain a formula
As above but the formula is in the R1C1 notation.
The number of the first row in the range
The number of the first column in the range
The number of rows in the range
The number of columns in the range
The number of cells in the range
Extends the effect of following properties or methods to the entire
row(s) corresponding to the range. E.g. Range(“C3”).EntireRow
refers to the entire row 3
As above but refers to the entire column(s)
Any following properties refer to the characteristics of the interior or
background of the cells in the range. See following table for more
Any following properties refer to the characteristics of the font used
in the cells in the range. See following table for more detail.
Note: Range and Cells can also be properties of range objects, when used this way they treat
the parent range object as if it was a worksheet so all addresses are relative to the top left
corner of the parent range.
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Introduction to Excel VBA
Properties of Interior
Sets or reads the foreground colour of the font using a decimal
number or sets it using RGB values as described below.
Uses a constant to define colour properties such as Automatic or
Properties of Font
Boolean value (true or false) corresponding to the Bold setting of the
font used in the range. Returns Null if the range contains some bold
and some normal cells.
As above but for the Italic setting of the font.
This property can be set using true or false but also accepts and
returns numeric values representing the various types of underlining
available in Excel.
Sets or reads the foreground colour of the font using a decimal
number or sets it using RGB values as described below.
Uses a constant to define colour properties such as Automatic or
The size of the font in points
The name of the font e.g. Calibri as a literal string
When a colour is to be read or set using decimal values the number represents the red, green
and blue proportions as numbers between 0 and 255 where 0 is none of that colour and 255 is
fully saturated colour. When the three numbers are the same the colour is a shade of grey
somewhere between black (all zero) and white (all 255).
The decimal number can be calculated using this formula:
(red value) + (256*green value) + (256*256*blue value)
Pure red is 255
Pure green is 65280
Pure Blue is 16711680
White is therefore 255+256*255+256*256*255 or 255+65280+16711680 or 16777215
Fortunately VBA has a function to calculate these values for us, we can use RGB(#,#,#) to
specify any of the available colours using the three values between 0 and 255. If you have a
very large number of RGB functions you could speed your code up slightly be replacing them
with the decimal equivalents at the expense of making it harder to read the code.
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Objects, Properties, Methods and Constants
Excel Constants for ColorIndex Property
Sets the font colour to automatic
Sets the background colour of a range to none
VBA Color Constants
16776960 Standard colours created by mixing red green and blue
values of 0 or 255. These constants can be used instead of
16711935 the decimal or RGB values to define the standard colours.
Methods of Range Objects
Selects the range as defined by the range object
The equivalent of Clear All on the Home ribbon
The equivalent of Clear Contents on the Home ribbon or the Delete
The equivalent of Clear Formats on the Home ribbon
Copies the contents of the range to the clipboard in the same way as
Ctrl+C. Accepts a range as an argument which becomes the paste
destination top left corner.
As above but moves the contents rather than copies them.
Applied to multiple adjacent cells in a rectangular range will merge
them. Applied to a multiple selection merges each range within the
Applies to columns or rows property of a range object to
automatically resize the relevant dimension to fit the range contents.
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CSED has delivered staff development courses in practical computing for many
years. These help people from a wide range of backgrounds to get to grips with
using computers in their jobs.
Our small team of skilled tutors comprises computing practitioners who actually use
the IT in their work, so the sessions are based not only on theory but on practical
experience. Our IT workbooks, which are designed for self-paced learning, are
available from the ‘Resources’ section of our website.
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