Giant Tales - Giant Schnauzer Club of America
Giant Tales - Giant Schnauzer Club of America
GSCA MONTHLY E NEWSLETTER September 2014 Volume 14, Issue 9 Giant Tales President’s Message: Baskets of Pride & Auction Preview Inside this issue: Auction Items 1-4 Financials 5 Board Minutes 6 Reminders 7 New Titles 8 Looking Back 9 CHF News & 10 Announcements Epilepsy Initiative 11 National Specialty 12 Trophy Donations 13 Upcoming Events: ● October 29- November 2, 2014: GSCA National, Purina Farms As we make preparations for the National Specialty at Purina Farms in October, we have a growing number of exciting events planned, along with the dog show, of course. This year, we are asking members to create a “Basket of Pride” from your state or region that can be auctioned off by the GSCA. Your basket could include things that are representative of where you call home, as well as, items that other members will like to bid on at silent auction. Luke and I are putting together two “Pride of New York” baskets which will contain, so far: New York cheese, New York maple syrup, Vodka distilled in Schoharie County, hard cider and apples from Roger’s Orchard. We’re having fun shopping for the items, especially since they all MUST be sampled for purity. Many of the board members have committed to making baskets and so far, we have a basket from Florida and one from Maine coming from Robin Greenslade. Kim Demchak is putting together an Arizona basket and Peggy Shackleford is already shopping for her “California Wine Basket,” there may be a line in front of that one. I’m sure Maryann Bisceglia will have a Pennsylvania or Eastern region basket, too. Brenda Cejka is working on Texas basket and God only knows what the mid-west folks will come up with. We can’t have too many, so encourage other members to donate a “Basket of Pride” from your region and/or state. Washington and Colorado, please follow federal guidelines. The trick, of course, is to find items that represent your region and can be carried half-way across the country and still be desirable. I think you get the idea. If you need help with suggestions, call me. I guarantee once you start talking about it, the ideas will start to flow. We’re having so much fun putting the baskets together, we can’t wait to bid on somebody else’s to bring home. Wow, is the auction coming along nicely, too. Big thanks to Yvonne Schilla for her donations of some VERY nice vintage Giant Schnauzer items and to Robin Greenslade for collecting items from the estate of Carolyn Coulter. Theresa Siebert donated a beautiful Giant Schnauzer head pendant on a chain. #1 Here is a preview of this year’s auction items, so far. 1) Beautiful antique demitasse silver spoon with Schnauzer handle. Giant Tales Volume 14, Issue 9 Page 2 President’s Message Continued... 2) Bronze Giant Schnauzer pin tray 3) Drawing of Giant Schnauzer with bicycle 4) Shadow box with assorted Riesenschnauzer medals 5) Rosenthal ceramic figurine of Giant Schnauzer. The figurine has a little history. After WWII the Rosenthal factory (they specialized in fine tableware) made figurines of several breeds. American GIs wanted souvenirs & these met that need. Sometime during the 1960s the GSCA made a cast of it to be used as BOB prizes at the National Specialties. They were cast at the Mack Truck Co, whose CEO, Zenon Hansen, was a #3 GSCA member. When the last was given out, no more were made. 6) Musical Giant Schnauzer and Pony circus train 7) Signed Giant Schnauzer pen and ink head study 8) Mounted and framed Giant Schnauzer Head Study print 9) Giant Schnauzer wood planter and stencils to recreate 10) Reed & Barton Silver bowl 11) Giant Schnauzer wooden leash rack and stencils to recreate 12) Giant Schnauzer wooden toy and stencils to recreate 13) Giant Schnauzer head study on wooden oval plaque 14) Framed Two Giant #2 #4 #5 Schnauzers pen and ink 15) Framed Canine Eye Chart 16) Sterling Silver Giant Schnauzer Pendant There’s more to come. If you still plan to donate items for the auction but you didn’t tell Luke yet, zip him off an e-mail so he has a better idea of what’s coming. His e-mail is: See you in St. Louis! Doug Hill President, Giant Schnauzer Club of America Giant Tales Volume 14, Issue 9 Page 3 Auction Items, continued #6 #9 #7 #8 #10 #11 Giant Tales Volume 14, Issue 9 Page 4 Auction Items, continued #13 #12 #14 #15 #16 Giant Tales Page 5 Financials Volume 14, Issue 9 Giant Tales Volume 14, Issue 9 Page 6 Board Minutes: GSCA Telephonic Board Meeting Minutes August 13, 2014 Board Members Present: Doug Hill, Robin Greenslade, Howard Postovit, Maryanne Bisceglia, Kim Demchak , Christina Tommila, Peggy Shackelford absent - Cornelia King Call to Order: 8:37 pm Next Meeting Wednesday , September 10, 2014 Approve Minutes from July 11, 2014 meeting Robin made the motion to approve the 7-112014 minutes Kim - 2nd MOTION PASSED Report from the Secretary: Robin Greenslade New Member Application Michael & Rachael Sundeen 8873 Prickly Pear Circle Parker CO 80134 (719)322-4675 sponsors: Cynthia Wallace & Victoria Kallete Member Address Change Debbie Coffin 199 Jericho Rd Salem NH 08079 email: Motions Passed: 7-23-2014 Maryann made a motion to send a $1000.00 donation to the Hemopet Rabies Challenge Fund Howard - 2nd Breeder Website ListingPDF is being reviewed and hope to be online and in test mode early November 2014 for launch in January 2015 MOTION PASSED 8-5-2014 Howard made a motion to pay the invoice to Sports Accessories America $487.50 for 250 congratulatory pins ordered by Marnie. Peggy - 2nd MOTION PASSED 8-13-2014 Kim made a motion to approve Laurie Clark, Cindy Wallace and Vikki Kallete to head the committee and host the National Specialty , September 2015 in Greely CO Robin - 2nd MOTION PASSED Discussion items Constitution and By Laws committee submittal - BOD members are reviewing the submittal independently Parent Club rescue committee grants - BOD is moving forward to setup grant process for dispersing funds to rescue organizations for the giant schnauzer. REPORT FROM THE TREASURER Robin made a motion to approve July Treasurer's Report Maryann - 2nd Motion Passed UNFINISHED BUSINESS Howard presented a Specialty update NEW BUSINESS Discussion of judges selection and how they relate to our Standing Rules ADJOURNMENT Robin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:19pm Maryann - 2nd Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 10:19pm Giant Tales Volume 14, Issue 9 Page 7 Please Vote! Election ballots need to be returned and in Robin Greenslade’s The Eastern Regional Board Member and the Secretary position had no nomination possession by 10/10/14 . VERY IMPORTANT: There is no vote on Board members as those who are running are running unopposed. The membership should vote on the three (3) proposed standing rule changes concerning our judges selection for National and Regional Specialties. So VOTE and please return the ballots timely manner. Mail to: Robin Greenslade Secretary GSCA 3660 Burkholm Road Mims, FL 32754 GIANT SCHNAUZER CLUB OF AMERICA OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR CHANGES TO OUR STANDING RULES IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE GSCA CONSTITUTION AND IN ORDER FOR YOUR BALLOT TO REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND CONSIDERED VALID YOU MUST: PLACE YOUR COMPLETED BALLOT IN THE BLANK ENVELOPE PROVIDED AND SEAL IT. DUAL MEMBERSHIPS HAVE BEEN SENT TWO (2) BALLOTS; INCLUDE BOTH IN THE BLANK ENVELOPE. PLACE THE BLANK SEALED ENVELOPE INTO THE PROVIDED PRE-ADRESSED ENVELOPE TO Robin Greenslade, GSCA SECRETARY. YOUR BALLOT(S) MUST BE RECEIVED (POSTMARK DOES NOT APPLY) BY Robin Greenslade NO LATER THAN 10/10/2014. RESULTS OF THIS BALLOT WILL BE ANNOUNCED NO LATER THAN 11/09/2014. Giant Steps Publication Dates for 2014 Issue National Specialty Deadline November 30th Publication Date December Giant Tales Volume 14, Issue 9 Page 8 New Titles! Dog Title Dog Name Sex Owners Name Champion CH Fanta C's Life Of Riley Nancy D Brown & Nancy E. Nier D & Bernie Brown Champion CH Fanta C's Walkin' After Midnight B Nancy E. Nier CH Histyle's Tasmanian Devil Hector Morales & Federico MoD rales Champion CH Seven Seas Aurora Electra's Echo V. Adonis Capt. A Sevastopoulos & K SeB vastopoulos Champion CH Stablemaster's Cool Johnny Cool D Irina Klimanskaya Grand Champion GCH CH Cadbury's Wanna Go Fast? Cheryl Schaffer & Melisa Davis D & Robert Schaffer Companion Dog Rr Pearl Black Meike CD BN B Richard Russell & Janet Russell Champion Companion Dog Excellent Riesenrad's Kaari Another Turn CDX GN RA CGC Ingrid Hamburger & T Ahlgren B & H Hamburger Beginner Novice GCH CH Skansen's Errol Flynn BN D Louise Lister & Lu O Castro Beginner Novice Skansen's Talk Of Tailwind BN B Rick Leach & STACY LEACH Rally Advanced Hemi Vom Engelskotten BN RA AX AXJ OAP AJP OF OFP B Rebecca Letson Riesenrad's Kaari Another Turn CDX GN RA CGC Ingrid Hamburger & T Ahlgren B & H Hamburger Rally Advanced Master Excellent Jump- CT MACH2 PACH Histyle's Nosy Rosie VCD2 RN MXB2 er Preferred 7 MJB2 MXP6 MXPS MJP7 MJPS PAX2 OF Judy Shonborn & Michael B Shonborn Canine Good Citizen Classic Rosebud V Easentaigh CGC B Mary E Falls Canine Good Citizen Skansen's Luna Lovegood CGC B Lucy Edling & Eric Edling Therapy Dog Novice CH Bigfoot's Western Treasure THDN CGC Kimberly Demchak & Susan K B Butz Therapy Dog Novice CH Stonehouse Claim Jumper RN THDN CGC Kimberly Demchak & Jack KuB kuchka Giant Tales Volume 14, Issue 9 Page 9 Looking Back: The National Specialty (From Both Sides of the Fence) by Joan Anselm Editor’s note: This summer, I had the opportunity to visit with long time breeder– judge, Joan Anselm. I asked Joan to write an article for the Looking Back section from her unique perspective, both a breeder/ owner/handler and as a judge of out National Specialty. Only a few have held both honors. The Breeder side: The list was long of the items needed to be checked off in order to get ready for the big weekend: The National Specialty. Selecting the most promising, our very best to show and to show off was a big part of the planning. Timing the different stages of stripping to have the coat in perfect length at just the right time. Exercising routinely and regularly assessing the conformation were all part of the process. It was a time to look over the new completion, meet new GSCA club members, renew old acquaintances, and attend club meetings, seminars, enjoy a banquet or two! The time had come, the highlight of our year, our only vacation, and we looked forward to going again and again, each year. It was Important to be there, to be able to see all of the Giants. Pedigrees were memorized, top dogs closely examined; after all, we were serious about this as breeders and exhibitors. If we had won points and ribbons, it helped get us back home, for we all were exhausted. The Judges side: Time to fast forward, the Giant Schnauzer was and is not an easy breed to understand and perhaps there might be a better way of explaining and promoting the breed we are so passionate about. Judging, joining the ranks of other breeder judges seemed to be a wise and obvious choice. We needed to become more familiar with our breed standard, we needed to be able to better understand structure and movement not only as it pertained to the Giant, but other similarly built working breeds. Standing in the ring as a judge, knowing what to look for, making comparisons and decisions also takes concentration: A lot of focus for so many dogs as entered in a specialty or a National Specialty. Preparations as a judge are quite different from the exhibitor at this important event. There is a list of materials to review and now all we have to do is sort out the entries and find the best Giant Schnauzer. It is a great honor to be selected to judge a National Specialty, especially of one’s own breed. It is perhaps, the best we can do for our breed. CH Ingebars Black Diamond "Slate" winning the National Specialty under Joan Anselm (pictured left), 2005. Photo courtesy of Maryann Bisceglia. Giant Tales Volume 14, Issue 9 Page 10 AKC CHF Announces New CEO: Susan Lilly Susan M. Lilly, Certified Fund Raising Professional (CFRE), has been appointed CEO of the AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF). Founded in 1995, CHF is the leading organization devoted solely to canine health research, having funded more than $40 million in worthy scientific research and education to help dogs and their owners lead longer, healthier lives. Ms. Lilly will oversee CHF operations at its headquarters in Raleigh, NC, supervising day-to-day activities, grant administration, financial management, and development. She succeeds Terry T. Warren, PhD, JD, who retired in June after six years in the position. A native of Michigan, Ms. Lilly boasts a strong fundraising background. After holding development positions at Central Michigan University, she served as Director of Development at Michigan State University and, most recently, was Executive Director of the North Carolina State University Veterinary Health Foundation. In announcing Ms. Lilly’s appointment, Dr. A. Duane Butherus, AKC Canine Health Foundation Board Chairman said, "She has proven herself to be an extremely productive fundraiser, able to connect the scientific community with pet-loving donors and to create an outstanding environment of philanthropy. CHF welcomes her expertise and enthusiastic approach as we strive to continue to enhance our outstanding programs." As Ms. Lilly noted, “CHF has already instituted a valuable, international program of support for canine health. I look forward to building on this history and growing initiatives to further our exceptional mission. When we help our pets, we also enrich our own lives.” The Premium list for the GSCA National can be found at: Please Note: Entries CLOSE on Wednesday, October 8, 2014. Caper DOES accept credit cards. Judging Ballot and Nominations The judging ballot for the 2015 National Specialty as well as judging nominations for the 2016 and 2017 National Specialties were mailed this week by Vicki Kallett. Be sure to return the form no later than October 20, 2014 in the envelope that is pre-addressed and stamped to Vicki. There are instruction in the mailing if you have any questions. Voting for the judge for our national is very important. Resumes for the judges are included. Giant Tales Volume 14, Issue 9 Page 11 Epilepsy Initiative Update The seizure-related syndromes collectively known as epilepsy represent one of the most common neurological disorders in dogs, and as such are a significant concern to the AKC Canine Health Foundation and our donors. In response to donor concern, CHF is launching a major, two phase research effort to better classify disease, understand the underlying mechanisms that predispose dogs to epilepsy, and finally, to introduce new drugs into the canine epilepsy treatment pipeline. To ensure success, the Epilepsy Research Initiative requires the formation of collaborative pre-clinical/clinical research groups who will work together to define the molecular basis of epilepsy and develop disease modification or prevention strategies. It is expected that formation of collaborative pre-clinical/ clinical research teams will accelerate the discovery phase and thus the translation of research from laboratory bench to patient. Successful applications were required to demonstrate both a strong understanding of the clinical syndromes themselves and a rigorous preclinical research base. Two Epilepsy Grants Approved: 2131: Neurostimulation: A Groundbreaking New Treatment for Canine Epilepsy Principal Investigator: Dr. Sam Nicholas Long, PhD Institution: The University of Melbourne Total Grant Amount: Phase I $116,000 Epilepsy is a debilitating condition that affects a large number of dogs, resulting in premature death and distress for their owners. For many dogs the underlying cause is unknown. In people, advances in some types of imaging have identified subtle abnormalities, including abnormal development and shrinkage of particular regions in the brain of some people with epilepsy that can be surgically removed to improve the control of seizures. This project will apply the same advanced techniques to the brains of dogs with epilepsy to determine whether those same abnormalities exist in dogs. In those dogs in which no abnormalities can be found, this project will investigate a new form of treatment, known as neurostimulation which has been shown to reduce the frequency of seizures dramatically in human clinical trials. This involves surgically implanting a new, highly sophisticated device called the Brain Radio that can provide controlled electrical stimulation to parts of the brain while simultaneously recording the brain’s activity. This device is one of the very first that could potentially provide successful therapy only when needed to treat imminent seizures and if it proves successful in dogs it will enter clinical trials in people with epilepsy. 2133: Canine Epilepsy: Genetic Variants, Biomarkers, and New Therapies Principal Investigator: Dr. Ned E. Patterson, DVM PhD Institution: University of Minnesota Total Grant Amount: Phase I $104,781.00 Epilepsy is a significant seizure disorder affecting all dog breeds. It is the most common chronic nervous system disorder in dogs, with a prevalence of 0.5% - 5.7%, resulting in approximately 2 million affected dogs in the USA. We have assembled a transdisciplinary team to attempt to improve the fate of dogs that have epilepsy with a special emphasis on dogs with drug-resistant epilepsy. Dog with drug-resistant epilepsy have frequent seizures even when on 2 or more antiepileptic drugs. The team includes Veterinarians, Canine Geneticists, Pharmacologists, Human Neurologists, Basic Scientists and Biomedical Engineers from the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Pharmacy, Institute for Engineering in Medicine, and Departments of Neurology and Surgery, and Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Under the guidance of Dr. Ned Patterson, the collaborative group proposes to evaluate traditional DNA genetic markers, blood biomarkers called microRNAs (miRNAs), and potential new drugs for the emergency treatment of seizures in dogs. Epilepsy is a health problem that not only affects the Giant Schnauzer, but is prevalent in many other breeds. Although Epilepsy can be multifocal, there appears to be some genetic connection. The Giant Schnauzer Club has made a major donation from the Purina Weight Circle program and previous Donor Designated money made to the Canine Health Foundation to support the Epilepsy Initiative. These are the studies the Canine Health Foundation has decided to support in the first phase of the studies. Giant Tales Volume 14, Issue 9 Page 12 BARKTOBERFEST: Howl at the Moon National Specialty We are reaching the end of the backstretch with 2014 Regional and National Specialty event planning. AKC has approved all of the events and the committee has worked up the following schedule for Specialty week: 2014 National Agility Premium List The Agility Premium list for the National Specialty weekend can be found on the Lab Tested Secretary Services; but it is listed as the American Bouvier de Flanders Club (ABdFC). The entries for this trial opened on July 14, 2014. The direct link is: http:// m/BouvierOct14.htm Tuesday, 10/28 7:30 am Regional Agility Trial (sponsored by the Bouvier des Flandres Club; the premium should be on the GSCA web-site) 6:00 pm Obedience/Rally Fun Match Wednesday, 10/29 7:30 am National Agility Trial (sponsored by the Bouvier des Flandres Club 9:00 am Regional Obedience and Rally Trials (in conjunction with the Bouvier des Flandres club) 6:00 pm GSCA Board meeting, location TBD Thursday, 10/30 9:00 am National Obedience and Rally Trials 11:00 Judges Seminar (by Steve Fox); lunch at 1:00; followed by hands-on workshop at 2:00. 2:00 pm Canine Good Citizen and CGC Advanced Testing 5:00 pm GSCA General Membership Meeting (upstairs at Purina) Friday, 10/31 9:00 am Regional Obedience and Rally Trials 10:00 am GSCA Eastern Regional Sweepstakes/ Specialty Show 6:30 pm Awards Banquet at Host Hotel Saturday, 11/1 10 am GSCA National Sweepstakes/ Specialty/Parade 5:00 pm Post- national hor d’oeuvres and cash bar at Purina Sunday, 11/2 10 am GSCA Midwest Regional Specialty REGISTRATION FORMS AVAILABLE You may have received a notice that, thanks to the great help from Melisa Davis, reservation forms are now available on the web-site for grooming spaces, RV parking, banquet tickets, postnational hor d’oeuvres/cash bar event, and show catalogs. The forms are for check/MO and credit card payments. Pull the one you want off the web and get it to Sheila Lietz. Giant Tales Volume 14, Issue 9 Page 13 GSCA TROPHY RESERVATION FORM Please use this form to request your donation and dedication. List exactly how you want your sponsorship to be listed in the show catalog. Deadline is September 26, 2014. The minimum donation for a trophy for the National is $60 for regular classes and $50 for sweepstakes. For regular classes at both Regionals $40 and sweepstakes Regional 1 only, $25. Donations to the General fund or Hospitality can be any amount. Please refer to the pages attached or the spreadsheets on the GSCA National specialty page for exact amounts. Use the back of the sheet for the exact spelling and wording for your dedication. Please PRINT! GSCA Trophy Selection SPONSOR AMOUNT st 1 Choice: ____________________________________________________________________________ 2nd Choice: ____________________________________________________________________________ 3rd Choice: ____________________________________________________________________________ General Fund: _________________________________________________________________________ Hospitality: ___________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL:____________ Contact Kim Demchak to verify availability of your sponsorship availability prior to sending your check. Donation(s) must be received by Kim 10 days after you have requested a specific trophy. Please call or email if you have questions. Please return this form with your payment to: Kim Demchak 14975 E Pickaway Trail Mayer, AZ 86333 Email: Phone: 928-632-5991 (from 6pm-8pm Arizona time) GSCA E NEWSLETTER Celebrating 52 years of the GSCA Giant Schnauzer Club of America, Inc. is a member club of the AKC. Editor: Robyn Elliott Please send suggestions and photos to editor. Deadline for submission is BEFORE the 10th of each month. WRSF Schnauzerfest October 10-12, 2014 Doing what puppies do...
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