Meet the CWA Executive Board!
Meet the CWA Executive Board!
Volume 05/No. 2 United We Bargain, Divided We Fail February 2012 Meet the CWA Executive Board! Front Row left to right: Debora Murray - Secretary, Virginia Anderson-Dunbar - Treasurer, Sonja Gholston-Byrd - Vice President Metro, Kim Reynolds - Vice President CenturyLink/Verizon Back row left to right: Mike Barban - Vice President ATT Plant 2, Mark Kennon - Vice President Advertising Solutions, John Ebeling - Vice President Print and Media Sector, Jeff Spraul - Vice President Appendix B and I, Ken Bates - Vice President ASI/FACS, Mike Mehringer - President, Jim Kolve - Executive Vice President, David Hoyt - Administrative Vice President, Mark Crawshaw - Vice President ATT Plant 1/Legacy T Contents Executive Board..........................1 President’s Report......................2 Officers Report...........................2 Attorney Report ........................3 Officers Report...................... 3-4 Committee Report......................4 Scholarship Application...........5 Good & Welfare...........................6 Retirees.........................................7 The new Executive Board is sworn in by Parliamentarian Mike Smith at the General Membership meeting on January 18. 2012 6300 News Circulation 5,700 Published Monthly by CWA Local 6300 2258 Grissom Dr. St. Louis, MO 63146 Phone: 314-991-0200 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday President Mike Mehringer Executive Vice President Jim Kolve Administrative Vice President David Hoyt Secretary Debora Murray Treasurer Virginia Anderson-Dunbar Vice President ATT Plant 1 / Legacy T Mark Crawshaw Vice President ATT Plant 2 From The President’s Desk Legislators at it Again By Michael Mehringer, President We have not even made it through a month in 2012 and we are already under attack by legislators who have filed for the Right to Work Bill and the Paycheck Deception Bill just to name a couple. Again, I know this seems to come up a lot in the last couple of years and everyone in Labor gets up in arms about it and it seems to go away. The topic seems to disappear for awhile in Missouri due to the fact that the Labor Organizations throughout the state unite with a plan to stop these bills to protect our Members. If these Bills pass it will prevent us from providing the necessary representation for our Members and will deplete our bargaining power with the companies during contract negotiations. We all need to get involved to stop these AntiUnion legislators before we end up loosing our jobs or earning less pay for the jobs we perform now. Don’t think this will go away on it’s own without a fight. Yes, we have been successful in the past but each time these Bills surface, the opposition is getting stronger. Please don’t just stand back and believe someone else will take care of this, everyone of us needs to get involved. Whether it be a letter writing campaign, a rally, making calls to legislators or other Members. Please get involved and fight to keep what we have. Our Legislative Committee will be providing additional information about these actions as it becomes available. Mike Barban Vice President ASI/FACS Ken Bates “Bringing it to You!” Vice President Metro By Michael L. Barban, V.P. AT&T Plant II Vice President Appendix B and I A key element to the continued success of our Local is communication. Sonja Gholston-Byrd Jeff Spraul Vice President ATT Advertising Solutions Mark Kennon Vice President Centurylink/ Verizon Kim Reynolds Vice President Print and Media Sector John Ebeling Newsletter Editors/Graphics/Website: Marge Dodson Daniel Juedemann Mark Schweigert *Reprint permission granted to all Union publications Page 2 Many Members want to participate in Union meetings but cannot, due to work and other factors that prevent them from attending. As a proactive approach to mobilizing our Members, we developed a program called “Bringing it to You!” “Bringing it to You” is vital Union and job specific information presented in a positive light by Stewards directly to our Members. Information covered includes safety issues, Weingarten Rights, P2R, the L“EARN” More P2R program. PMEI, the Peer 2 Peer Project, Five for the Fight, 5 Star, proactive vs. reactive grievances, how to become more productive, and making and setting personal goals, to name a few… We are the “Next Generation”… We will “Lead the Fight” and… We are One!! February 2012 6300 News Attorney’s Report/Officers Report Auto Accident Procedures By Michael C. Goldberg, Attorney I thought that this month it would be a good idea to review some of the actions you would need to take if you are in an automobile accident. This is an area that I received a lot of calls after the snow we received in January. While an accident can be a traumatic event, it is still important to think of what you may need at a later date if you have to deal with an insurance company or even the other driver. There are going to be two different components of most accidents. The physical damage to the vehicle and the person. In regard to the vehicle, it is important to really look over the car and if needed have a qualified mechanic check out the car for damage that is not always visible. Sometimes it is clear that the car is a total wreck. When that occurs, you are likely going to be offered the blue book value of the car. While this is not a fair amount and will not be enough to get another similar vehicle, this is pretty much what is going to happen. If you have put any money into the vehicle, such as new tires etc., you may be able to negotiate for a little higher amount. You should try and do everything you can do to get the car fixed and not totaled out. You are usually better off if that occurs. The insurance company is not going to want to pay extra to fix the car but you can always try and negotiate with them. In regard to any potential injuries, you need to be aware that the first place any insurance company is going to check is the statement you make on the police report. Be careful when you say that you are fine. Most of the time, it takes a few days to feel some of the problems. It is better to simply say that you feel pretty good at this time but you are not sure. The next thing you need to do is that as soon as you feel any pain or discomfort, go to the ER or your doctor’s office to have it checked out and documented. The closer in time to the event, the easier it will be to prove. You are also going to be contacted by the insurance company of the driver who caused the accident. You do not have to give a recorded statement. If you do provide a statement, tell the adjuster that you want a copy. In addition, do not commit that you are fine if it is early on in the case. You should always mention if you have any ache, pain or discomfort. The key to proving your case is often what you say to the doctor. You need to make sure you are clear on why you are seeing the doctor. In addition, it is important to be consistent in all the records from any facility you seek treatment for your problems. That means the physical therapist or and other rehabilitation facility. They will write down what you tell them but will also take silence as an answer that nothing unusual occurred. These records are reviewed by the adjuster to look for inconsistencies. These are just a few ideas to consider if you are in an accident. I will try and provide more guidance in the next few articles. If you have specific questions, please free to call and ask me. Michael C. Goldberg, Esq. 1-800-489-2891 Print and Media Sector Update By John Ebeling, Vice President Print and Media Sector Let me begin this article by wishing everyone a happy, healthy and hopefully a Prosperous New Year. Contracts that are to be bargained in 2012 and the dates they expire are as follows: • Screenburst Graphics 2/28/2012 • Faithfully Yours A&P 4/30/2012 • Hepp Printing 4/30/2012 • New Tribune 4/30/2012 • Illini Digital Printing Company 5/31/2012 • Legacy Engravings, LLC 7/31/2012 • Century Printing, Inc. 8/31/2012 • St. Louis Post Dispatch 8/31/2012 • Aloha Print & Copy 9/30/2012 • Arnold Printing Company 9/30/2012 • Data Manufacturing, Inc Paper Division 9/30/2012 • Peace Institute Printing 9/30/2012 • Trio Graphics, Printing 9/30/2012 • JV Sports 10/31/2012 February 2012 Members working under these Agreements that have suggestions on improvements that should be made in the new contract are encouraged to submit the changes in writing, at least 90 days prior to the expiration date of the Agreement to the Union office to the attention of Vice President Ebeling. In case you missed the names of the Printing Sector Members that passed away during 2011, notices are printed in the Local 6300 Newsletter as they are reported. They are: Peter Sturm 11/2010; Curt Kopp 12/26/2010; Carl Bradford 1/4/2011; Edward Shinall 1/18/2011; Melvin Acord 2/24/2011; Edward Krite 3/8/2011; Donald Johnston 3/20/2011; Arthur Millar 4/11/2011 and Victor Reichert 4/22/2011. A Union Dues reminder for Print and Media Sector Retirees. Dues are $3.00 each month or $36.00 for 2012. COPE Voluntary Contributions can be added to the dues check as long as it is noted on the check or you can make a separate check made out to CWA COPE and any amount given will be very much appreciated. Retirees have consistently given more than our working Members and we congratulate you for your leadership. Any Print & Media Sector Member that would like a Dues Receipt for 2011, please call the Union Office at 314-991-0200, request the receipt from the Administrative Assistants and it will be mailed to you. Page 3 6300 News Committee Report/Officers Report Did You Know? By Dawn Michele Bell, Steward/COE Committee Member Black History Month conjures up dozens of stories and biographies of Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcom X, Harriet Tubman, Sojouner Truth, Dred Scott and Nat Turner. While all of those stories are riveting and the retelling of them never gets old, many are not aware of some of the interesting regional tidbits of information. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall was a classmate of Harlem Renaissance writer Langston Hughes during their studies at Lincoln University. Before becoming a professional musician, Chuck Berry studied to be a hairdresser. Black History Month originated in 1926 by Carter Godwin Woodson as Negro History Week. Homer G. Phillips first came to St. Louis in 1915 after graduating from Howard University Law School. Dred Scott and Madame Pelagie Rutgers, (an African-American woman who grew to become one of St. Louis’ wealthiest land-holders) are buried in Calvary cemetery. The first black regiment from Missouri was recruited in June 1863 at Schofield Barracks in St. Louis. William Wells Brown was an American writer who is considered to be the first African-American to publish a novel and play. He was born to a black slave mother and white slave-holding father and grew up in St. Louis. Black settlers were listed among those killed defending St.Louis from the British in the Revolutionary War Battle of Fort San Carlos, which took place on what are now the Gateway Arch Grounds. The St. Louis Black Repertory Company, which has been performing in St. Louis for more than 30 seasons, has been called the nation’s top black theater. In April 1866, Lincoln Institute, founded by African American soldiers, was incorporated as an institution for black students in Missouri. It later became Lincoln University. In 1922, comedian Redd Foxx (John E. Sanford) was born. An MLK Day Dream By Sonja Gholston-Byrd, Vice President being threatened or taken away. The awardees unwavering spirit as agitators, instigators, organizers and occupiers in the struggle for social and economic justice for all working people. The awardees were Mr. Ed Bell, Retiree of UAW Local 1 and long time Member of CBTU, Roz Sherman Voellinger, Liaison for the United Way and Mr. Wiley Price, Photo Journalist for the Saint Louis American Newspaper. The welcome was given by Missouri State Representative Karla May, the remarks were provided by Missouri State Senator Robin Wright Jones and the introduction of the evening keynote speaker was made by Missouri State Representative Clem Smith. The keynote Front row, left to right: Earline Jones, Tony Hill, Roz Winston, Deb Murray, speaker for the evening was Ken Rigmaiden, Pam Ferrill, Karla May’s mother and Karla May. Executive General Vice President of the Painters Back row, left to right: Keith Robinson, Floyd Bell, Darryl Loving and Ken Bates International Union and CBTU National Executive Council Member. Awards were presented by Lew On January 16, 2012 as we celebrated the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. National Holiday I was humbled as Moye, CBTU Chapter President. I would like to thank our Executive Board for I was asked to be the Mistress of Ceremonies for the 34th Annual Coalition of Black Trade Unions - Martin the purchase of a table that reflected the Locals full support for such a memorable occasion. I especially Luther King, Jr. Human Rights Awards Banquet. As we celebrated the legacy of Dr. King, we saluted would like to thank the Officers and more importantly, and honored three local community activists that the Members that made it a noble event. Always Rocking Solidarity! have stayed in the trenches and have seen the gains workers have won in battles of the past that are now Page 4 February 2012 Scholarship 6300 News Annual CWA Local 6300 Scholarship Application Each year, Local 6300 will offer three (3) college scholarships, each for $1,500.00 per school year, $750.00 per semester. Scholarship eligibility and award criteria are as follows: • Active CWA Local 6300 Members in good standing, spouse of Member or dependent child who is graduating high school or is currently enrolled full time (minimum of 12 credit hours) in a trade or technical school, college, university or private school. • Verification of enrollment will be required. • Money will be held in a trust at the winner’s choice of school. • Only one scholarship will be awarded to a family per year. • Previous winners of CWA Local 6310, 6320 or 6300’s scholarships are ineligible. • Limit one entry per student. • Include with the application, an essay of no less than 500 words depicting your personal view on the Right to Work Legislation and Organized Labor (parental assistance encouraged). • Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Plagiarism will disqualify entry. • Winners will be determined by merit of qualified applications, judged by the Local’s Scholarship Committee and announced at the June General Membership Meeting. • Completed application with attached essay on the Right to Work Legislation and Organized Labor must be received by May 1, 2012 at CWA Local 6300, 2258 Grissom Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63146. CWA Local 6300 Scholarship Official Application for the 2012 Fall and 2013 Spring Semesters Applicant Information (please print) Name _ ______________________________________________________________________________ Address _ ____________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________ State____________________ Zip___________ College ______________________________________________________________________________ Member’s Information (please print) Name _ ______________________________________________________________________________ Address _ ____________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________ State____________________ Zip___________ Phone # ______________________________________________________________________________ I am an active dues – paying Member in good standing of CWA Local 6300 and the above applicant is either myself, my spouse or my dependent child, who is graduating high school by June 2012 or is currently enrolled full time (minimum of 12 credit hours) in a trade or technical school, college, university or private school. Member’s Signature ______________________________________________________________________ February 2012 Page 5 6300 News New Members Congratulations Next Meetings: February 15 March 21 Demetrius Johnson Philip Muenster Baby Girl Twin Grandaughters Members’ Losses Motions 1/18/2012 Motion: Motion Joe Sobkow, second Marty Bethel to send Mike Mehringer, Mike Lavoie, Bob Murray and Tori Pratt to the Legislative Conference and Presidents Meeting in Washington, DC from January 31, 2012 through February 2, 2012. Motion carried. Motion: Motion Mark Johnson to donate to the Mary Ryder Home $1,500.00, second Linda Mance. Mary Ryder Home does not support Unions anymore. Earline Jones and John Ebeling spoke against the motion. Motion defeated. Retiring Barbara Jackson-Tillmon Barbara McAdams Cindy Huseman Phyllis Anderson Patricia Butler Wanda Dudley Raymond Agne Ray Engelmeyer Dellarese Bryant Gerald Winschel Darlene Newman Lorraine Aitken Alice Irish Benjamin Jansen Julia Schweigert Philip Muenster Christopher Huels Paul Mullersman Michelle Koerner Annette Lipsinsky Good & Welfare 12/06/11 01/03/12 01/11/12 01/11/12 01/12/12 01/12/12 01/13/12 01/13/12 01/20/12 02/03/12 02/04/12 02/11/12 02/13/12 02/15/12 02/16/12 02/29/12 03/03/12 03/01/12 03/02/12 04/01/12 Correction from January newsletter Cynthia Wahl - mother passed away not sister Katherine Ayers Sister Stacie Beauchamp Aunt Kristina Boulware Grandmother Debra Day Aunt Verna Edwards Sister Avery Freeman Uncle Christian Goughenour Grandmother Juanita Houston Aunt Tonya Jackson Aunt Loretta O’Kelley Aunt Christine Schierhold Mother Tyishia Steward Aunt Rosemary Thomas-Simmons Husband New Members AT&T Advertising Solutions Gregory Alford Lindsey Amick Rapheal’e Anderson Yarvette Bass Larry Blake Tim Chapman Tyronnica Hill-Lewis Steven Hoeing Suzanne Hogan Erika Hutchins Jennifer Joelner Angela Johnson Melanie Johnston Nikki Leach Christopher Mohr Carlos Pimentel Marlon Rhodeman Paul Rhodeman Kimberly Robinson Donald Seufert Terence Skidmore Chung Tsui Michael Whitfield AT&T Telephone Lashandra Alston Paul Bachman David Ball Cesar Barron Kyle Becker Thomas Belding John Bielefeld Michael Blankenship Colby Bond Larry Braithwaite David Branson Delrin Burnett Ronald Cancienne Mark Coloma Deven Coy Grayson Crane Forest Crawford Peter Diamond Kevin Dilthey Jermaine Ferguson Lancelot Fordyce Dennis Garrido Andre Gipson Justin Glaenzer David Goldsmith Michael Golup Branden Grass Ronaldo Griffin Nick Gusman Victor Hawkins Stephan Hengehold Sven Herwig Mark Hoffman John Hulette Jeffery Huskey Johnathon Jackson Clay Johnson John Jones William Knott Thomas Krug Rachel Kyle Michael Luong Brian Meyer Steven Montileone Anthony Morrison James Murnan Jeffrey Myers Derek O’Brien Wesley Politte Scott Sandow Nicholas Schaub Anthony Sierer Scott Smith Joseph Trail Alan Webb Jason Williams Patrick Wroblewski Jonathan Wycoff AT&T Mobility Brian Arp Daniel Bellville Kathryn Eilders Joshua Hull Johnathon Kennon Ashley Masterson Whitney Miller Jeremy Moore Print & Media Sector CenturyLink Robin Shanks Jay Ellis Alex Pagan Logan Pickett Kyle Post Robert Schwitz Ron Von Bokel Nathan Watkins Vanessa Wolford In Sympathy Darryl Kirby Carl Bahr Herbert Borcherding Arthur Meyers Thomas Newman Frank Nilica Joe Olderworth Harold Richert Page 6 Member Retiree Retiree Retiree Retiree Retiree Retiree Retiree February 2012 6300 News Good & Welfare/.Retirees Retirees Meeting Minutes January 9, 2012 Retiree Meetings February 13 & March 12 Meeting 11:30 / Lunch 12:00 Meeting Location 2258 Grissom Dr. $12 charge per person. Bring a guest but make reservations: Bob Huss - 636-947-4299 Earline Jones 355-6860 Nellie Girouard 314-739-0317 Nancy Jinkerson 314-809-3264 The meeting was called to order by President Bob Huss. He said an opening prayer and led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag. He asked for a moment of silence for deceased members Arthur Meyers, Thomas Newman and Harold Richert. Secretary Nancy Jinkerson introduced US Congressman Russ Carnahan. He shared information about what is happening in Washington, especially where it concerns retirees and seniors. He discussed some of the fights in Congress and he assured everyone that Social Security is sound and will remain so for decades to come. He stated that no one who is currently retired or close to retirement needs to be concerned. He expressed optimism that things are getting better with the economy. Bob Huss thanked Congressman Carnahan for coming. He then introduced Dave Henroid from the USO. He spoke for a few minutes about what the USO does and showed a video. Bob presented him with a check from the Chapter. He shared his own experience with the USO. Nancy Jinkerson announced the menu for the day and read the minutes of the previous meeting. With no additions or corrections a motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the minutes as read. Nellie Girouard gave the Treasurers Report. A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the report. Bob Huss announced that the Alliance for Retired Americans is having a fundraising event on February 28th. It was moved and seconded that the Chapter send the officers to the event. Since there were no birthdays, it was suggested that the Member who came the farthest be given the cake. Therefore Imogene Sutton won the cake. Vice President Earline Jones spoke briefly about the Right to Work initiative. Drawings were held and monies were given out as prizes. Following that, the drawing for the 50-50 raffle was held. It was won by Carren Eugea, a recently retired new member. She won $564.00. Congratulations to her. Bob told a joke. The meeting adjourned. Bingo was played afterwards. $2,274.03 Raised For “5 for the Fight” Fund The raffled 40” HDTV that was donated by Terry Holtsclaw of NettWorth Financial Group was presented to Eric Watson (right), Steward by Vice President Ken Bates (left). The raffle raised $1,974.03 for the “5 for the Fight” fund. In addition, Tori Pratt, Chief Steward and Stephanie Bates, Steward donated Little Caesars Pizza to sell at the January General Membership Meeting to benefit the “5 for the Fight” fund, they raised $204 and Steward Dave Wilkerson donated $96 to make it an even $300. THANK YOU TO ALL MEMBERS THAT SHOWED THEIR SUPPORT! Please see your Union Steward to submit notices of deaths, retirements, disabilities, or other announcements within your office. Become A Steward WE WANT YOU! Call 991-0200 Call your Vice President at February 2012 for more information Page 7 6300 6300 News Communications Workers of America Local 6300 2258 Grissom Drive St. Louis, MO 63146-3309 PRSTR STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 495 St. Louis, MO ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Postmaster - Please Deliver Dated Material Enclosed AT&T Mobility Bargaining Begins January 30, 2012 by By Jim Kolve, Executive Vice President These contract negotiations will replace the four (4) year contract that expires in less than two months on February 24, 2012. Our Members deserve a good contract! The Bargaining Team will be working for you to achieve this goal. We will need to help the Bargaining Team succeed by supporting mobilization. This mobilization will include the process of keeping all our Members informed of the issues. To be successful at mobilization we need your help! Please call the Local at 314.991.0200 and we will put you on the growing list of Members who want to be informed and are willing to mobilize. We have over three hundred Members in our Local who have helped build one of the best and most profitable wireless companies in the world. Let’s support our Union wireless brothers and sisters in achieving a contract worthy of their efforts. We have established a hot line for wireless negotiations that will be updated weekly when Bargaining begins. The Bargaining Hotline is 314.991.9984 and check our website for updates as well. CenturyLink Contract Ratified September 30, 2011. Expires March 12, 2014 Legacy T Bargaining begins in February by Greg Hensler, Steward Beginning in late February your elected Bargaining Team will begin bargaining for our Members at Legacy T. The 2009 contract expires April 7, 2012. With fewer than 6,000 Members remaining, bargaining will be even tougher. We will need all of our Members to mobilize when asked to. Let’s show our solidarity by wearing red every Thursday. If you don’t have any red shirts the Local has them for $5. For the latest Bargaining information checkout our website at or contact Greg Hensler at 314.239.8074. We will update the website as information becomes available. Check our website or contact Greg Hensler at 314.239.8074 or updates
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Member’s Signature _______________________________...