guerin editeur
guerin editeur
Translated by LINDA WIESE Montreal Toronto 4501, Drolet Street Montreal (Quebec) Canada H2T 2G2 Telephone: (514) 842-3481 Fax: (514) 842-4923 Internet: E-Mail: © Guérin, éditeur ltée, 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, recorded or transmitted in any form by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, photographic, sonor, magnetic or other, in whole or in part, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Legal deposit ISBN 978-2-7601-7261-6 Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, 2006 Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, 2006 PRINTED IN CANADA We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund (CBF) for our publishing activities. PHOTOCOPYING KILLS BOOKS s rent a p ge to a Mess is Math h t i me yw y Da e and ga ur b y yo Da cis exer will help n a is h nd whic cquire a kills k o o b to a tial s child te essen matics. athe olida cons e One M ascot, m ill cl in Cy athis, the ievous, w e M ch s mis encourag e m i t e some late and ghout th u u o stim hild thr c ear. your school y Mes sa ge t o te ac her D s Mat ay by D his i s ali ay with sam gned e no foun d in mencla with th Prog the ne ture th e desi ram. T w Math at is hi g e exer ned to f s workb matics acili cise s (on ta ook i e pa te the d s aily ge we h ope Also, per day ). th usef ul su at it bec your ppleme omes a assig nt to al nme nts. l port. For ur progress re o y d n fi l il w r work 1, you evaluate you l il w On page 18 u o y , e te ou comple cording to th c a re a u sq each page y e th the ball and by colouring e: lloon; following cod ivity: green ba ct a alloon; e th d e y jo ivity: yellow b ct a e * If you en th d e y jo or less en balloon; * If you more e activity: red th square; e lik t o n id activity: green e th * If you d d te le p m are; ssfully co lp: yellow squ e h h it * If you succe w y it iv leted the act uare. * If you comp difficult: red sq y it iv ct a e th d * If you foun Table of Contents 1. Arithmetic: Number Sense and Number Writing * Natural Numbers 1 • 0 to 70 2 • 0 to 80 10 • 0 to 100 15 • Even, Odd numbers 20 • 0 to 100 25 • 0 to 200 29 • 0 to 300 35 • 0 to 500 40 • 0 to 700 46 • 0 to 1000 50 * Fractions 2. Arithmetic: Operation Sense and Operations on Numbers 57 61 * Natural Numbers • Additions, subtractions, terms less than 10 62 • Additions, subtractions terms less than 20 71 • Additions, subtractions, terms less than 100 82 • Additions with carry-overs, terms less than 100 86 • Subtractions with borrowing, terms less than 100 90 • Additions, with carry-overs, terms less than 1000 96 • Subtractions, with borrowing, terms less than 1000 99 • Multiplications 3. Cultural Signposts 101 103 * Currency • Money Value 104 • Estimation 107 • Additions and Subtractions 109 4. Geometry: Geometrical Figures and Spatial Sense 113 * Plane Figures 114 * Friezes and Tessellations 124 * Space 125 * Solids 129 5. Measurement 149 * Lengths: Estimating and Measuring 150 * Time: Estimating and Measuring 165 6. Statistics and Probability 171 * Statistics 172 * Probability 176 Progress Report 181 Certificate 182 Thanks to Gaëlles and Vincent Arithmetic 23 9 Number Sense and Number Writing * Natural Numbers * Fractions 10 20 742 30 40 60 1 2 50 8 62 444 3 4 2 3 Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Natural Numbers 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 I am happy to be with you! Complete this game by writing the numbers that are missing. You can add other details to make this game your own. End 67 59 25 6 34 Start 1 18 51 2 © Guérin, éditeur ltée Natural Numbers 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Tens 10 10 In each box, write the number of objects. Make groups of 10. Ones T O 2 4 Count well! T O T O T O T O T O T O 3 © Guérin, éditeur ltée Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Natural Numbers 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 How well you work! 1. Complete the following patterns. 35 - 36 - 37 _____________________ - ____________________ - _____________________ - _____________________ - 52 - 53 - 54 - _____________________ - _____________________ _____________________ - _____________________ 27 - 28 - 29 ____________________ - 42 - _____________________ _____________________ - - _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ 59 - 60 - 61 - - _____________________ - _____________________ - - _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ - - _____________________ - - 50 - 51 - 52 ____________________ - - 47 - 48 _____________________ - ____________________ 2. Write the number that comes: immediately after 45 59 67 56 69 _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ immediately before between 19 65 42 49 48 _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 21 67 44 51 50 _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 36 40 69 57 60 4 © Guérin, éditeur ltée Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Natural Numbers 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 I am sending you dozens of kisses! Write the missing numbers. ______ tens and ______ ones = ________ ______ tens and ______ ones = ________ ______ tens and ______ ones = ________ ______ tens and ______ ones = ________ ______ tens and ______ ones = ________ ______ tens and ______ ones = ________ 5 © Guérin, éditeur ltée Natural Numbers Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 I really love codes! 1. Represent the following numbers using this code. 1 ten 1 one ∗ 10 Example 10 65: 10 10 10 10 10 ∗∗∗∗∗ 47: 52: 14: 36: 61: 2. What numbers are shown? 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ∗∗∗∗∗∗ ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗ © Guérin, éditeur ltée Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Natural Numbers 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 Search well! 1. Find the forgotten number in each pattern. Write it in the pear. Show its place using an arrow. 32 - 31 - 30 - 29 - 27 - 26 - 25 28 54 - 55 - 56 - 57 - 59 - 60 - 61 39 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 27 - 26 - 24 - 23 - 22 - 21 - 20 64 - 63 - 62 - 61 - 59 - 58 - 57 52 - 51 - 50 - 48 - 47 - 46 - 45 2. Arrange the numbers in increasing order. 65 64 69 67 60 62 56 16 36 6 66 46 47 64 58 31 19 27 7 © Guérin, éditeur ltée Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Natural Numbers 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 1 is smaller than 2 2 is bigger than 1 1<2 2>1 1. Compare the numbers. Write < or >. 46 67 35 43 69 68 57 39 16 61 41 14 34 38 50 54 24 31 2. A letter is hidden in the right-hand grid. To make it appear, write the numbers of the grid on the left in numerals, then colour all the answers in the grid on the right. The hidden letter is _________ . twelve 1 17 15 18 7 sixteen 8 9 14 12 5 41 45 43 49 40 sixty-one 31 35 33 37 30 eighteen 29 20 29 24 25 11 16 10 13 50 six 4 6 61 52 51 twenty-four 60 67 66 64 62 thirty-seven fifty-two forty-nine thirteen 8 © Guérin, éditeur ltée Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Natural Numbers 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 T O Be very careful! 1. Circle the number formed by: 5 tens and 3 ones 35 4 ones and 2 tens 53 24 4 tens and 9 ones 49 6 tens and 4 ones 94 46 2 ones and 3 tens 23 42 64 3 tens and 6 ones 36 1 ten and 8 ones 18 5 tens 32 5 63 81 7 ones 50 7 70 2. Indicate the number of tens and ones that can be found in the following numbers. 67 __________ tens and 40 __________ ones __________ tens and __________ ones __________ 25 __________ ones __________ tens 9 56 __________ one and __________ ten and __________ ones 38 tens __________ tens and __________ ones 9 © Guérin, éditeur ltée Natural Numbers Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 It’s fun to count! 1. Write the numbers from 60 to 79. 2. Arrange the numbers in increasing order. 36 79 46 58 63 26 66 53 73 68 70 61 3. The balloon waltz. Using a cord, join the numbers that follow in increasing order. Draw a balloon around the smallest number of each pattern. 40 41 44 45 46 73 65 66 49 50 55 42 59 60 47 72 64 79 78 51 56 57 58 69 70 71 75 76 77 52 10 © Guérin, éditeur ltée Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Natural Numbers 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 Hey! I’ve already done that! 1. Find the forgotten number in each pattern. Write it in the pear. Show its place using an arrow. 53 - 52 - 51 - 50 - 48 - 47 - 46 49 64 - 65 - 66 - 67 - 68 - 69 - 71 79 - 78 - 77 - 75 - 74 - 73 - 72 67 - 66 - 64 - 63 - 62 - 61 - 60 54 - 53 - 52 - 50 - 49 - 48 - 47 75 - 74 - 73 - 72 - 70 - 69 - 68 2. Write the numbers required and circle your answers in the grid. The remaining number is the number sought. Immediately after 64 69 78 67 70 Immediately before ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ _______________________ 62 73 77 75 60 70 65 72 74 68 59 71 76 77 61 79 The number sought is __________ . 11 © Guérin, éditeur ltée Natural Numbers Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 That’s it! From biggest to smallest. 1. Arrange the numbers in decreasing order. 43 67 74 28 61 79 77 69 57 55 75 65 56 72 42 78 49 68 2. A letter is hidden in the right-hand grid. To make it appear, write the numbers of the left-hand grid in the corresponding column, then colour all your answers in the right-hand grid. The hidden letter is ________ . seventy-four 47 1 6 19 57 8 sixty-six 79 69 71 12 62 66 60 73 76 18 63 68 36 27 15 seventy-two 74 77 47 64 40 seventy-five 75 52 65 51 seventy seventy-nine sixty-three sixty-seven seventy-eight sixty-one Bravo! 10 67 37 1 7 50 6 61 70 14 78 72 12 © Guérin, éditeur ltée Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________ Natural Numbers 10 20 30245 486 40 70 60 50 Tens Ones T O 3 4 Write the missing numbers. ______ tens and ______ ones = ________ ______ tens and ______ ones = ________ ______ tens and ______ ones = ________ ______ ______ ______ tens and tens and tens and ______ ______ ______ ones = one = ones = ________ ________ ________ 13 © Guérin, éditeur ltée Signature:___________________________________________ Date:___________________________________________________ Certificate of Congratulations ____________________________ for your exceptional work e g d le y w r o n ta s k l en tic a i m a t n Ele em e s in th s a E M Bravo! Day by Day with Mathis DAY BY DAY WITH… collection CYCLE 1 GRADE 1 – Day by Day with Macha and Pacha GRADE 2 – Day by Day with Mathis CYCLE 2 GRADE 3 – Day by Day with Orpheus GRADE 4 – Day by Day with Isis GRADE 5 – Day by Day with Matthew and his friends GRADE 6 – Day by Day with Matilda and her friends PRINTED IN CANADA CYCLE 3