Transformed in Love Marriage Preparation Program


Transformed in Love Marriage Preparation Program
Transformed in Love
Building Your Catholic Marriage
Leader and Team Manual
Paperback, 336 pages
#74892 $27.95
Transformed in Love: Leader and Team Manual offers
a comprehensive and practical approach to integrating
human and faith formation, sexuality, and dimensions of
everyday family life, such as household responsibilities,
work, raising children, holiday celebrations, and finances.
The program incorporates a variety of methods to help
couples engage with the content: witness presentations,
new media, teaching modules, group and individual
exercises, and mentoring. This program manual includes
team member roles and responsibilities, step-by-step
instructions, directions, surveys, forms, and scheduling
options. Transformed in Love is easy to use because most
of the preparatory work has already been done for you!
The program includes a DVD of visual presentations.
“I joyfully share this marriage preparation
program with all who want to help prepare
couples well for the great vocation of
marriage. It is my hope that Transformed
in Love will be an instrument of God’s
grace in the New Evangelization and that
it will serve to strengthen the vocation of
marriage not only in our archdiocese but
also in the wider Church. As we go forward
with the work of the New Evangelization,
helping engaged couples to understand
the relationship between marriage and the
life of the Church is of great importance.
Also, at a time when society far too easily
accepts and in many circumstances even
Transformed in Love
Building Your Catholic Marriage
Engaged Couple Workbook
Paperback, 160 pages
#74906 $15.95
Transformed in Love: Engaged Couple Workbook is
uniquely designed to provide a reflective formational
experience for couples participating in the Transformed in
Love program. It contains activities, practice exercises, and
integrates Scripture quotes, thoughts on marriage from
various Church documents, helpful tips, and spiritual and
marriage resources.
encourages divorce, we must do all that
we can to prepare couples for their lifelong commitment to one another.”
— From the foreword by
Seán Cardinal Patrick O’Malley, OFM Cap.,
Archbishop of Boston
If you want to help couples build a loving marriage in today’s world, Pauline
Books & Media has just the program for you!
Transformed in Love is a ready-to-use, Catholic marriage preparation program
that responds to the pastoral challenges of current cultural attitudes toward
marriage and family life. This program is designed to help couples build strong
foundations for a lasting union by:
 Reconnecting (or connecting) them with the Catholic faith;
 Clarifying the nature and sacramental grace of marriage;
 Offering practical skills for living out marriage vows;
 Providing the witness of faith-filled married couples.
Transformed in Love was developed by a qualified group of married couples, priests, deacons, religious
sisters, canon lawyers, theologians, and psychologists in the Archdiocese of Boston. During a three-year pilot
program, Transformed in Love: Building Your Catholic Marriage was enthusiastically received by engaged couples,
program leaders, and parish team members. Their valuable feedback was a major factor in further shaping the
program to make it even more adaptable and user-friendly.
Over 850 people so far have benefited from their participation in the Transformed in Love marriage preparation
program—and this number is growing!
As a comprehensive “teach-out-of-the-box” formation program, Transformed in Love includes all the stepby-step instructions and materials you need to offer young couples the tools they will need to build a lasting,
love-filled marriage. Why not join all those in marriage and family ministry who are already experiencing the
benefits this program has harvested in their parish and diocese? Because the Sisters and staff of Pauline Books
& Media believe in the grace of God so powerfully at work through Transformed in Love, we want to share this
great news with you as you continue to build and nurture marriage and family life in your parish, in your
diocese, and in the Church!
May God, the source of hope, fill you with all joy and peace.
Sr. Mary Mark Wickenhiser, FSP
“Transformed in Love was undoubtedly one of the best things
we did during our engagement. We came into the program
looking to learn more about each other and the Catholic
Church’s teachings on marriage, and we came out of the
program enriched, enlightened, and totally excited to be
husband and wife. The beauty of Transformed in Love is that it
centers on Church teaching, which allowed us to more fully
understand the truth about sacramental Marriage. In that
context, we learned how to utilize practical tools to build a
strong foundation for our marriage and our future family.”
— Katie Gohn and Benjy Sung,Waltham, MA
Engaged Couple, March 2013 Transformed in Love program
Transformed in Love: The Basics
Marriage is a pathway to holiness. It is a vocation through which
couples come to know, love, and serve God. Through marriage, as
through the other sacraments, God helps us become the best version of
ourselves and more and more transformed in love.
Transformed in Love uses a “house building” metaphor to illustrate the
concepts of establishing, building, and nurturing marriage and family
life. Transformed in Love uses a holistic approach—body, soul, intellect
and will—to prepare the person for sacramental grace. The program
proposes ways for couples to grow in wisdom (intellect), truth (will),
skill (body/human formation), faith (soul/spiritual formation), and love
(by God’s grace).
Transformed in Love includes the following topics:
 Self-knowledge
 Communication building skills
 Marital expectations
 Four types of love essential to marriage
 Marriage’s sacramental meaning, marriage vows, and the Rite
of Marriage
 Financial assessment and planning
 Spiritual practices for marriage and family life
 Significance of the Mass
 Marital sexuality, including principles from Blessed John
Paul II’s theology of the body and the topic of fertility and
 How to make a marriage last a lifetime through guarding,
revealing, and communicating love
“As a priest who has participated
in the Transformed in Love program
several times . . . I fully endorse
this wonderful endeavor. I think
that it really ‘brings to life’ the
Marriage Preparation experience
for our couples. The wide
variety of topics covered, from
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
to Communications to Living a
Sacramental Life, offer the couples
of today a frank, open, and honest
look at what it means to living a
sacramental Marriage in the world
today. As a priest, I especially like
the ‘Teaching Mass.’ Time and
time again, the comments come
back from our couples that the
Teaching Mass was one of the
‘highlights’ of their time spent
with us … I cannot recommend
highly enough the Transformed in
Love program—it is a great benefit
not only to our young couples
preparing for Marriage, but for
our Church as well.
— Fr. Paul Ring, Pastor
Our Lady of Grace Parish,
Pepperell, MA
For a complete listing of topics, visit
“Transformed in Love is the
premier resource for those who
take seriously the imperative to
bring marriage preparation to
the next level. A comprehensive
combination of the latest
developments in understanding
and communicating foundational
human formation along with
intelligent and attractive catechesis
of the Catholic faith.”
— David and Mary Brennan,
Archdiocesan Marriage Preparation
Committee and Transformed in Love
Team Members at St. Brendan’s Parish,
Bellingham, MA
Top 10 Reasons for Adopting Transformed in Love
as Your Marriage Preparation Program
 Life-giving—Connects both team members and engaged couples with the faith and strengthens their
relationship with the Church.
 Practical—Provides couples with an understanding of the sacramental nature of marriage, practical
communication and relationship skills.
 Pastoral—Addresses “hard topics” with pastoral sensitivity and solid catechesis.
 Faith-filled—Assists couples to establish lasting marriages that will be a witness to the Gospel and
life of faith.
 Easy to use—No training required! Transformed in Love is a comprehensive “teach-out-of-the-box”
program that provides team leaders with step-by-step instructions and electronic visuals for running
the program.
 Contemporary—Helps couples build a loving marriage amid today’s cultural attitudes toward
marriage and family life.
 Credible—Meets the expectations of various church leaders, lay volunteers, and engaged couples!
Over 40 highly qualified individuals contributed to the development of Transformed in Love: a
bishop and judicial vicar, as well as canon lawyers, theologians, psychologists, priests, deacons,
religious sisters, and married couples.
 Catholic—Reviews Catholic teaching on marriage along with the main themes of the United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Pastoral letter, Marriage, Love, and Life in the Divine Plan.
Transformed in Love is a great tool for the New Evangelization of the next generation of marriages
and families.
 Holistic—Uses an approach to teaching marriage preparation that addresses the whole person: body,
soul, intellect, and will.
 Flexible—Offers a variety of teaching formats: two, four, or six session options, or a single weekend
Online Resources
Available at
 Review sample pages of Transformed in Love Leader and Team Manual and Engaged Couple
 View short videos of testimonials and helpful “how to’s”
 Download flyers, prayer guides, and reflections
 Sign up for inspirational e-notes through our My Discover Hope Notes free online newsletter
 Tap into our marriage and faith resources available in print and e-book formats
 Connect to our Transformed in Love online community
 Experience prayer support from the Daughters of St. Paul
Leader and Team Manual
Offers a variety of teaching
methods to engage couples
with content.
Each Topic Summary outlines goals, objectives,
helpful tips, and materials to get you started.
Provides detailed format options, defined team member roles and
responsibilities, and step-be-step instructions.
Synchronizes teaching content with DVD
presentations and an estimated time frame for
each section.
Engaged Couple Workbook
Designed to foster a reflective
formational experience.
Presents couples with goals and key
highlights for each topic.
Provides couples with opportunities to actively
engage the content and resources for future
Offers helpful questions for reflection,
practice, and space for journaling.
Supplemental Resources
Start building loving marriages in your parish today!
See Yourself Through God’s Eyes
How to Handle Worry
52 Meditations to Grow in Self-Esteem
A Catholic Approach
Marie Paul Curley, FSP
Marshall J. Cook
Through meditations, Scripture passages, stories,
and prayers, Sr. Marie Paul Curley offers a way
to develop a personal relationship with God and
discover his unconditional love for us—taking
you on a journey not only of self-discovery, but
of inner healing.
With humor and insight, author Marshall Cook
offers a practical approach to managing stress by
exploring strategies for creating and maintaining
harmony through faith and prayer. This revised
edition addresses coping with new stressors, such as
post 9/11 terrorism and the Advent season.
192 pages
Cherished by the Lord
160 pages
Man to Man, Dad to Dad
100 Meditations
Catholic Faith and Fatherhood
Kathryn J. Hermes, FSP
Edited by Brian Caulfield
Reconnect with God’s love in this series of
condensed meditations that draws upon various
Biblical passages and personal vignettes. A
heartfelt honesty and conversational tone
encourages readers to apply the meditations to
their own lives, nurturing insightful reflection
and spiritual growth.
This collection of faith-filled reflections explores
various topics related to being a Catholic man
and father in today’s age. Through personal
anecdotes, models of fatherhood in Jesus’ parables,
Scripture, and Church teachings, Catholic fathers
are provided with the path to living more fulfilling
Flexible printed hardcover 240 pages
Women, Sex, and the Church
144 pages
A Catholic Approach
A Case for Catholic Teaching
R. Scott Hurd
Edited by Erika Bachiochi
Father R. Scott Hurd writes of the spiritual,
psychological, physical, and social benefits
of learning how to forgive. Drawing from his
pastoral experience, Hurd examines how human
weakness impacts our ability to reconcile and
forgive, and our capacity to trust. 2012 ACP
award winner!
In this volume, contributors challenge the
common misconception that Catholic teachings
are anti-women and anti-sex. They promote that,
contrary to popular belief, controversial teachings
on abortion, sex, marriage, contraception, and
reproductive technologies actually illuminate the
Church’s love of women and reverence for sex.
144 pages
272 pages
Time Management
Facing Infertility
A Catholic Approach
A Catholic Approach
Marshall J. Cook
Jean Dimech-Juchniewicz
Combining the spiritual with the practical,
this resource—filled with practical suggestions,
inspiring examples, and reminders that we’re
all “on God’s time”—is for anyone feeling the
crunch of time or the stress of day-to-day life.
More than 1 in 10 couples experience infertility,
finding themselves in a “desert”—lost and
abandoned, hungering and thirsting, praying
and waiting—for a child. Discover the direction,
nourishment, and faith in this spiritual resource for
infertile Catholic couples.
160 pages
E Available as an E-book.
208 pages
Additional Resources:
Catholic Family Fun
The Genius of Womanhood
A Guide for the Adventurous, Overwhelmed,
Creative, or Clueless
Sarah A. Reinhard
Looking for a way to bring your family together in faith
and fun, but not sure where to start? Discover how game
night meets Catholicism in this guidebook of activities
for fun family engagement—with one another and with
176 pages
How to Watch Movies with Kids
96 pages
A Catholic Approach
Josephine Robinson
Hosea M. Rupprecht, FSP
The Church calls media “gifts of God,” but the messages
presented by the media do not always portray positive
values. Offering practical tips, questions to ponder, and
a resource list, you can build your own family strategy to
deal with media influences.
Lay-flat paperback 128 pages
Based on John Paul II’s theology of the
body, this volume is perfect for couples
seeking to deepen their understanding of
sex, love, and the meaning of a life lived
208 pages
Sacred Dwelling
An Everyday Family Spirituality
Wendy M. Wright
Every Woman’s Journey
Katrina J. Zeno
Explore the unique, creative abilities of women and
their distinctive call to make a gift of self with Katrina
Zeno, renowned speaker on the theology of the body, as
she presents a framework for understanding a woman’s
human and spiritual journey.
Drawing upon John Paul II’s work on
‘the feminine genius,” these thoughts and
reflections expound the role of women in
building a culture of life and love in our
modern world by embracing their Catholic
feminine identities.
Marriage as Gift
A Values-Based Strategy
Discovering the Feminine Genius
Karen Doyle
176 pages
The Theology of the Body Made Simple
Using the home as a backdrop, Wright
brings the depth of the Christian spirit
into our ordinary lives, shedding new light
on the significance of the family as the
“domestic church.”
224 pages
Exploring the Catholic Faith
Anthony Percy
A Guide Through the Basics
Herbert McCabe, OP
This is a simple introduction to John Paul II’s basic
premise of the Theology of the Body. It explains how our
bodies are symbolic, free, meant for love, and redeemed
by Christ, presenting reasons for Church teaching on
topics relating to sexuality.
In this book, McCabe delves into the
central doctrines of the Catholic faith
with unsurpassed elegance, clarity, and
precision. Perfect for RCIA students,
people about Catholicism, and Catholics
looking for a quick refresher.
112 pages
Theology of the Body
Some Thoughts and Reflections
Karen Doyle
Karen Doyle presents significant insights on key ideas of
Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, offering hope
to people hungry for the truth about the human person
and human and divine love.
96 pages
Additional Resources:
112 pages
Basic Catechism
Creed, Sacraments, Morality,
Mary Lea Hill, FSP and Susan Helen
Wallace, FSP
Based upon the Catechism of the Catholic
Church, this popular handbook presents
the fundamentals of the Catholic faith in a
concise question-and-answer format.
264 pages
Daughters of St. Paul
50 St. Paul’s Avenue
Boston, MA 02130
Fax: 617-524-8035