Waterfront Kish Island - Delta Marine Consultants


Waterfront Kish Island - Delta Marine Consultants
Project Sheet
Delta Marine Consultants
H.J. Nederhorststraat 1, 2801 SC Gouda, P.O. Box 268, 2800 AG Gouda, the Netherlands
T +31 (0)182 59 06 10, dmc@dmc.nl, www.dmc.nl
Delta Marine Consultants is a trade name of BAM Infraconsult bv
Kish Island
Kish Island is located in the Persian Gulf approximately at LAT 26.5° N, LON 54° E and
about 18 km offshore the Iranian coast. The project includes the development of
‘Flower of the East Resort’ in the NE part of Kish Island which comprises the
development of the following marine facilities: an artificial island (Marina Island), a
marina, a bridge/causeway between onshore area and Marina Island, a Bay, an artificial
beach and inland channels.
Inros Lackner AG
2004 (design)
Kish Island, Iran
Type of Contract
Construction Costs
Euro 500 million (est.)
Consultancy Fees
Category 3 (see page 2)
Waterfront Resort with artificial island and beaches
and leisure canals
Hydrodynamic Studies
Water Quality Modelling
Beach Stability
Waterfront Kish Island
Role DMC
D M C w as co m m i s s i o n e d t o p er fo r m
hydrodynamic studies including a wave study, a
current study, a water re-circulation study (i.e.
water exchange and re-circulation) and a
sediment transport study. The wave study
includes the analysis of the offshore wave data.
A SWAN model has been developed to simulate
the wave transformation from offshore to
nearshore and to assess the operational and
extreme wave conditions for the Kish resort.
The current study includes the analysis of tidal
currents and water levels for the present
situation. MIKE 21 hydrodynamic models have
been developed for the current analyses.
The preliminar y analysis of the flushing
mechanisms revealed the importance of a
second opening under the island access bridge of
the new tidal lagoon to ensure sufficient water
exchange also in the remotet canal sections.
Water exchange studies, re-circulation studies
and sediment transport studies will be further
elaborated in project phase 2 and 3 using MIKE21
advection/dispersion and sediment transport
Consultancy Fees: 1: 50.000€ 2: 50 - 150.000€ 3: 150 - 300.000€ 4: 300 - 600.000€ 5: > 600.000€