Delegation fra egyptiske partier og organisationer til det danske


Delegation fra egyptiske partier og organisationer til det danske
Baggrundsinformation om:
Delegation fra egyptiske partier og organisationer
til det danske folketingsvalg 11.-18. September 2011
I juni 2011 besluttede bestyrelsen, at DIPD skulle starte et engagement omkring politiske
partier og demokratisk kultur i Egypten, i samarbejde med det Dansk Egyptiske Dialoginstitut i Kairo (DEDI), lokale egyptiske institutioner, samt andre internationale organisationer som fx DIPD’s hollandske søsterinstitut NIMD. I første omgang omfatter engagementet perioden frem til slutningen af 2012, med fokus på 4 indsatsområder:
Egyptisk delegation til det danske folketingsvalg.
Kapacitetsudvikling for nye politiske partier i Egypten på udvalgte områder.
Seminarer om erfaringer fra andre landes overgang til demokrati.
Etablering af Demokratiskoler flere steder i Egypten.
Arbejdet med indsats 2 er i fuld gang, især fra DEDI’s side. Indsatsområder 3 og 4 er
under forberedelse i samarbejde med DEDI og NIMD og vil for alvor blive søsat i starten
af 2012. Gennemførelsen af indsats 1 har været helt afhængig af datoen for valget, og
det har ikke været nogen enkel sag at sammensætte en delegation med kort varsel. Men
det er lykkedes os at få en delegation på 12 forholdsvis unge politikere og organisationsfolk til Danmark i ugen 11.-18. september. Deltagerne og deres partimæssige tilknytning
er beskrevet i detaljer på de følgende sider, men kort fortalt består delegationen af:
Mr. Ahmed Khairy Abouelyazeid Ahmed (født 1987) - fra The Free Egyptians
Party, som er liberalt og startet i 2011.
Ms. Jaylan Khaled Abdelhamid Auf (født 1986) – fra Masr El horria Party (Egypt
Freedom Party), som er liberalt og under etablering.
Mr. Mohamed Sami Zakaria Abdelsalam (født 1976) – fra Al-Adl Party (Justice
Party), som er liberalt og startet i 2011.
Mr. Hossam Mamdouh Hassan Mostafa (født 1982) – fra Al Waiy Party (Awareness Party), som er liberalt og startet i 2011.
Ms. Mary Mourad Sami Shenouda (født 1977) – fra Egyptian Social Democratic
Party, som er socialdemokratisk og startet i 2011.
Mr. Mohamed Moawad Elsayed Arafat (født 1975) – fra Egyptian Social Democratic Party, som er socialdemokratisk og startet i 2011
Mr. Abdulrahman Hossam Abubakrelseddik ElShahat Abulezz (født 1987)- fra
Freedom and Justice party, startet 2011 og tilknyttet det muslimske broderskab.
Mr. Ahmed Hassan Haridy (født 1977)- fra Al Tayaar Al Masry Al Horr (Egyptian
Stream Party), som er et midterparti under etablering.
Mr. Yahia Mohammad Ramadan Saleh (født 1985) – fra Nazra for Feminists
Studies Organization og desuden medlem af Socialist Party.
Mr. Sherif AlaaEldin Abdelazim Attia Mosharka (født 1987) – fra Mosharka Organisation, som arbejder med rettigheder for kvinder og børn.
Mr. Mina Mamdouh Mouris Gendy (født 1986) – fra Arabic Network for Human
Rights Information, startet I 2001.
Mr. Mohamed El-Dessouky Roshdy El-Hagrasy (født 1983) – fra Youm7 Newspaper.
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Formålet med besøget er at give de egyptiske delegerede et førstehåndsindtryk af det
danske demokrati, sådan som det udfolder sig før, under og umiddelbart efter et valg til
Folketinget. På baggrund af disse indtryk vil deltagerne drøfte, om og hvordan disse indtryk kan bidrage til den demokratiseringsproces, som i disse måneder er under udvikling
i Egypten. Programmet består derfor af tre elementer:
Demokratiseminar: De første to dage i Danmark vil deltagerne blive introduceret
til de grundlæggende elementer i det danske demokrati, gennem oplæg af og diskussion med forskere og praktikere fra universiteter og partier.
Ophold i lokalsamfund: Deltagerne vil den 14. og 15. september opholde sig i
lokalsamfund rundt om i landet, med danske politiske partier som værter. Her vil
de opleve de sidste dage af valgkampen, danskernes stemmeafgivning og desuden optællingen af stemmer.
Hvad kan vi bruge i Egypten? De sidste to dage bruges til at deltagerne i fællesskab, på tværs af politiske forskelle, bliver enige om de tre, fire eller fem mest
afgørende erfaringer fra det danske valg, som de synes giver mening at tage med
sig tilbage til Egypten.
Det er vigtigt at understrege, at formålet med delegationsbesøget ikke er at overbevise
vore egyptiske gæster om de danske partiers og det danske demokratis fortræffeligheder. Det er DIPD’s overordnede mission at bidrage til at styrke tilstedeværelsen af demokratiske politiske partier i udviklings- og overgangslande. Et besøg i vores eget demokratiske maskinrum er én måde at bidrage til dette på – gennem oplæg, dialog, møder med lokale partifolk og kandidater samt pressen, osv. Vi tror på at det kan give inspiration og stof til eftertanke, som vore gæster kan tage med tilbage og formidle videre til
deres kolleger i Egypten.
Samtidig kan delegationsbesøget også være en mulighed for os til at få et anderledes
perspektiv på vores eget demokrati. Hvad vi tager for givet er måske ikke nødvendigvis
så logisk, når fremmede øjne ser på det. Dette er ikke et hovedformål med besøget, men
vi tager ikke skade af at blive ’observeret’ af andre.
Informationerne om de politiske partier på de følgende sider bygger på tilgængelig information fra partiernes egne hjemmesider og offentliggjorte dokumenter. Men der er tale
om materiale, som er under udarbejdelse og derfor også vil ændre sig i tiden frem til afholdelsen af det egyptiske parlamentsvalg i november.
Yderligere information om såvel DIPD’s som DEDI’s projekt i Egypten kan fås ved henvendelse til:
For DIPD: Direktør Bjørn Førde på eller kontor 32 69 89 09 og på
mobil 50 93 53 86.
For DEDI: Direktør Jakob Erle på eller egyptisk mobil +20 (1) 000
43 860 og dansk mobil 23 43 95 93.
Med venlig hilsen
Bjørn Førde
Side 2
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Mr. Ahmed Khairy Abouelyazeid Ahmed (1987)
Abu El-Yazed er elektronikingeniør og har arbejdet for en række private elektronikfirmaer
og cementproducenter. Han har været politisk activist siden 2007 i Democratic Front
Party, hvor han var medlem af bestyrelsen, medlem af den politiske uddannelseskomité,
og medlem af ungdomspartiet. I 2011 sluttede Abu El-Yazed sig til partiet Free Egyptians, og han er nu medlem af partiets øverste råd, medlem af den politiske støttekomité,
og et aktivt medlem af mobiliseringskomitéen. Han har stor erfaring med kampagnevirksomhed.
The Free Egyptians Party
The Party adopts the economic policy known as “ The Social Market
Combines individual ownership and completion on one hand, and
equal opportunities and the interdependency between wages and
production on the other hand.
Mobility of labor and capital.
Increasing national wealth rather than redistributing it is the path
toward elevating living standards in Egypt.
Free economy within insurance of social justice.
Encouraging and attracting investment.
Activating the partnership between the sate and the privet sector.
Social and Health insurance, education and transportation should
be insured on a high level.
Legislating laws for unemployment.
Legislating anti-corruption laws.
The state should adopt national projects as a base for comprehensive development.
Political position
Democracy, Liberty and the right of assembly
Freedom of expression
Equality in all rights – Human rights
Citizenship and religion Liberty
Independent Judiciary system
Separation of authorities
Superiority of law and constitution
Empowering women in all fields
Egyptian identity
Young people are the future hope of the nation.
The importance of civic Education
Protecting the environment and encouraging sport
A just settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the establishment
of the Arab State of Palestine.
Developing and reforming the Arab League.
Sustaining ad developing the role of Egypt as an international
Ensuring the Political rights of the Egyptians abroad.
Side 3
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Ms. Jaylan Khaled Abdelhamid Auf (1986)
Auf tog sin BA i politisk videnskab fra American University i Cairo, med hovedfag i international ret og bifag i filmvidenskab. Hun er nu nyheds- og dokumentarproducer for VideoCairoSat og 25 TV channel. Hun har været politisk aktiv siden 2005, og med den
baggrund har hun været én af grundlæggerne af partiet “Masr El Horria”. Auf er medlem
af mediekomitéen, som er ansvarlig for partiets politiske kampagner.
Masr El horria Party - Egypt Freedom Party
Under Establishment
Freedom of economic activity should be guaranteed by the state, but
with considering social justice through a number of policies.
Social service
Improve income distribution mechanism, and legislate a minimum
wage average that relates to productivity, living costs, and basic
Establish a network of health care, social security, pension system, and unemployment subsidy.
Advocate corporate social responsibility.
Integrate citizens in economic and social related policies.
Expand the role of the state in education.
Encourage corporate’s social responsibility towards education.
Education issue should be tackled as a matter of citizen empowerment, through providing its services to all citizens.
Establishing a complete network of health care.
Allowing room for investment in health according to a national
plan that focuses on public sector.
Health insurance system should be implemented based on partnership between public, private, and civil sectors.
Post revolution Egypt entails the establishment of a new bond between state and individual based on respect, human rights, citizenship, freedom, and justice.
A radical change should be achieved in the constitutional, legislative, and institutional frameworks, which are based on equality,
justice, freedom and human solidarity among all citizens.
Egypt’s foreign policy should focus on three main regions: Arabic
Region, Regional Neighborhood, and Islamic outreach.
Egypt should adopt peaceful advocacy for Arab demands for a
Palestinian state with a sovereign capital in Eastern Jerusalem.
Egypt’s foreign relations with Africa should be based on economic
and public interest.
A power balance relationship with Europe should be maintained
based on values of international peace, Egypt’s national interest,
advocate democracy, and Human Relation respect.
Side 4
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Mr. Mohamed Sami Zakaria Abdelsalam (1976)
Zakaria er tidligere politiofficer (1999- 2002), som i dag arbejder som professionel inden
for administration af menneskelige resurser og træning. Han har 10 års erfaring med arbejde i lokale og internationale institutioner. I 1999 tog han afgangseksamen fra Rets- og
Politiakademiet i Kairo; i 2005 fik han diplom i HR fra American University i Kairo. Zakaria er certificeret som træner i kommunikation, forbrugerservice, og ledelse. Siden tidligt i
2011 har han været aktivt medlem af Al-Adl partiet.
Al-Adl Party - Justice Party
Free economic system that aims to achieve social justice, equal
opportunities and balanced growth for all Egyptians. The local and
foreign private sector plays a key role in achieving its objectives,
while the sate plays the role of observer, catalyst and organizer.
The economic system is based on strong institutions, which are
subject of accountability and transparency policies to eliminate
corruption and monopoly.
Encouraging the highly competitive sectors and industries to avoid
excessive reliance on rentier, as well as encouraging scientific research and entrepreneurship.
Egypt’s human capital is a fundamental pillar for economic development, thus human development occupies a central place in
achieving the desired development.
The people are the main source of authority.
Separation of authorities.
Political diversity and the peaceful devolution of power.
Electing the heads of the executive authority on all levels.
Freedom of religion and independence of religious institutions.
Human rights as stated by the international declaration.
Right to organise.
Law superiority, accountability and transparency.
Developing and reformation of the police institution.
Decentralization in management, security, development and investment.
Creating a channel of public dialogues and debates, in order to
have an active participation of the people in prioritizing the usage
of the national and local resources.
Nile basin
Egypt’s relations with the Nile Basin countries should be based on
the export of clean energy from the north to the south, and ensure the
flow from the south to the north to establish a strong and sustainable
relationship between the north and the south of the valley.
1. The party believes in the Palestinian people‘s to self determination, and their right to build their own state with Jerusalem as its
2. Reject all forms of normalization until the return of all the usurped
rights and the stop of all the aggressive practices against the Palestinian.
3. Palestine is the strategic depth of Egypt and the Palestinian issue
is a concern of every Egyptian for its importance to the national
Side 5
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Mr. Hossam Mamdouh Hassan Mostafa (1982)
Mostafa er bestyrelsesmedlem i Al-Waai Party. Han er konstruktions- og bygningsingeniør af profession, og arbejder som senior ingeniørplanlægger for Al-Futtaim Carillion –
Egypt. Tidligere arbejdede Mostafa som senior planlægningsingeniør for Al Rajli Construction L.L.C., planlægningsingeniør for Archirodon Construction Overseas - Egypt, og
som byggepladsingeniør for El-Sharq for Construction and Archetecture.
Al Waiy Party - Awareness Party
Economy is the end result of the work of free individuals cooperating
together with no guardianship. The state role is limited to securing
this environment and assuring justice, transparency and superiority of
Political position
Superiority of the Constitution and laws
Legitimacy of the constitution and laws comes from the democratic practices.
Separation between authorities, and guarantying mutual supervision.
Basic Human Rights as recognized by the international charters
and declaration.
Individual Liberty.
Citizenship: Equality in all rights, with no discrimination based on
color, religion, race, etc.
Freedom of Religion, and against any abuse of religion for any
personal or political gains.
There are some basic roles for the state: Internal and external security, Vital and influential entities, Supervising and providing services.
Side 6
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Ms. Mary Mourad Sami Shenouda (1977)
Shenouda er aktivt medlem af det egyptiske socialdemokrati og ansvarlig for partiets
kampagneteam i de kommende valg til parlamentet. Tidligere deltog hun i 2005 i valgkampagnen for A. Abdallah Roza. Shenouda er I øjeblikket redaktør for onlineportalen
Al-Ahram og ansvarlig for bogsektionen. Tidligere har hun arbejdet som rådgiver omkring
Bæredygtig Business i International Finance Corporations (Verdensbanken)s MENAregion; og hun har været forbruger- og markedsmanager for Central- og Østeuropa, Mellemøsten og Afrika I Procter and Gamble Business Unit. I 1999 tog Sheouda afgangseksamen fra fakultetet for Economics and Political Science og senere en MA i udviklingsøkonomi (2002) fra University of Sussex i England.
Mr. Mohamed Moawad Elsayed Arafat (1975)
Arafat var både før og under revolutionen aktivist. Han er medlem af det egyptiske Socialdemokrati, ”The Coalition of Revolutionary Youth” samt af El-Baradeis præsidentkampagne. Arafat har en bachelor i landbrugsuddannelse fra Alexandria Universitet (2002)
og har sit eget private firma.
The Egyptian Social Democratic Party
Social Democrats
Market Economy committed to social justice.
Encouraging Egyptian and foreign investment.
The Elimination of monopoly and corruption.
Set the goal of creating job opportunities as a top priority.
Redistribution of wealth for the benefit of the work and the workers.
More spending on education, health, housing and the elevation of
living standards of Egyptians
Political position
Democracy: Political majority decides policies, with no oppression
for political minorities.
The right of People’s assembly on the accountability of the government
Freedom to form Political parties
Superiority of Law, devolution of power and separation of authorities.
Social Justice: equal opportunities, minimum income, decentralization of capital and fair distribution of wealth
Political Liberty, Human Dignity, Human rights
Preserving the environment and natural resources
Seeking disarmament of weapons of mass destruction
Supporting the Palestinian People in building their independent
Side 7
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Mr. Abdulrahman Hossam Abubakrelseddik ElShahat Abulezz (1987)
Bio følger senere.
Freedom and Justice party
Islamists (Muslim brotherhood)
The Economic vision of the party in founded on the Islamic Economical system. Accordingly the party believes in the following:
The economic system in founded on the principle of selfcensorship, where everything in allowed rather than what leads to
economic deviation, like usury, cheating, bribery, monopoly, etc.
The Islamic Market: free market economy with the restrictions that
ensure the production of “Good Products” only.
The existence of public property, public sector property and private property.
A limited role of the state and the public sector that focuses on the
development of infrastructures, and public services and implementing strategic projects.
The best usage of resources, no waste and no destruction for the
Enlarging the role of the social economy by launching the freedoms of the civil society.
Political position
The Party advocates for a parliamentary civil state where the president, who can be elected for only two presidential terms, prevails and
doesn’t govern. In this model the Prime Minster is the governor along
side with the legislative authority. The state model runs on main principles:
The principles of the Islamic Sharietare the main source of legislation, and the parliament is responsible of implementing it according to the majority’s vision.
The people are the source of authorities.
The Shura principle is the best way of ruling, and democracy is
the best method to accomplish that.
Freedom, justice and equality are grants from God, thus they are
basic rights for every citizen.
Superiority of constitutional legitimacy and law.
Independency and separation of state authorities, and the integration among their institutions.
Political pluralism.
Neutrality of the general administration body.
Decentralization of government.
Freedom of information exchange.
Supporting developmental projects that ensure a distribution of
population density in Egypt especially in Sinai.
Establishing inter-dependent relationship with Nile Basin counties.
Reinforcing the Egyptian Armed Forces on both levels, humanitarian and military to insure the establishment of a strong army that
is able to protect the country against any possible attacks.
Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction.
Exerting all possible efforts to solve the Palestinian issue, with the
insurance of the Palestinian’s right to self-determination, the right
of return for refugees and establishment of the Palestinian state.
Side 8
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Mr. Abdelrahman Ahmed Hassan Haridy (1977)
Bio følger senere.
Al Tayaar Al Masry Al Horr - Egyptian Stream Party
Mainstream politics – Islamic oriented
Under establishment
Party agenda
The party program is formulated through using a decentralized methodology that gets specialists closer to different local problems and issues, and to extract realistic solutions and applicable plans for policy
1. State should hold Grand National projects that adopts values of
freedom and governed by measures of good governance, power
sharing, and valuing the role of civil society.
2. Highlight the importance of integrating the different population
sectors and empower popular active participation in public policy
Political position
Enhance the revolution’s acquired values, and following up with its
The party fully depends on youth initiatives, creativity, and a high
sense of achievement.
The party works for integrating citizens as individuals and civil society organizations as entities in governing the public affair of the
The party empowers various sectors of the society, specifically the
underdeveloped –political, economic, and social- marginalized
sectors; i.e. women – youth – disabled – citizens under the poverty line.
Full implementation of citizenship rights and providing services to
all Egyptians with no discrimination based on religion, geographical, or social standard.
Guaranteeing the participation of Egyptian diaspora in elections.
Measure of social justice should be applied in distributing national
Equal opportunity has to be provided to all citizens in education,
health care, housing, poverty alleviation, and unemployment.
1. State should expand in providing services either qualitatively or
2. Unemployed should be subsidized and employment opportunity
should be offered.
3. State should hold national plans to alleviate poverty.
4. Gender gap and discrimination in education and employment –
high rank posts- should be illegalized.
5. Employing national qualities in planning and implementing developmental projects is inevitable.
6. Priority should be given to labor- intensive projects, medium size
projects and small sized ones, and craft shop owners.
Egypt should focus on the three logical peelers in drafting its foreign
policy: Arab Region – Africa- Islamic Neighboring countries.
Side 9
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Mr. Yahia Mohammad Ramadan Saleh (1985)
Ramadan er oprindelig uddannet indretningsarkitekt I 2007. Han arbejder som projektmedarbejder ved Nazra for Feminist Studies og er ansvarlig for at koordinere ”The Political Work Academy Project”. Projektet arbejder med at finde politisk og logistisk støtte til
kvinder, der opstiller som kandidater til valget. Derudover er Ramadan et aktivt medlem
af det egyptiske socialistparti.
Nazra for Feminists Studies Organization/Socialist Party
A group of young researchers and activists who are interested in the
issues related to feminism in Egypt and Middle East. Nazra attempts
at highlighting the role of youth in empowering feminism through
adopting the norm that interrelates feminism with the broader Human
Rights context, and through creating a new highly integrated generation in the cause of advocating feminist issues. This group is concerned with creating a feminine friendly legal context which acts as a
platform for social debate on feminism and feminine rights.
As a tool of empowering feminine role in the society, Nazra advocate
and support a number of female candidates in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
Side 10
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Mr. Sherif AlaaEldin Abdelazim Attia (1987)
Adbul Azim har en bachelor i statskundskab og økonomi fra Kairo Universitet (2009).
Han er projektleder på ”Democracy Development Program” ved Egyptian Association for
Community Participation Enhancement (EACPE). Abdul Azim er en erfaren fortaler for
menneskerettigheder og har deltaget i en række seminarer og kurser inden for området.
Derudover har han deltaget i en række seminarer om valgmonitorering og demokratisering. Han er tildelt et stipendiat ved the Citizen Advocacy Center, Chicago- Illinois, USA.
Mosharka - The Egyptian organization for advancing community
A non-governmental – not-for-profit- organization that was established in 2001. The organization works on activating rights focusing
on women and children, and heavily depends on international declarations of Human Rights in their advocacy.
The organization’s main concern is promoting a culture of Human
Rights respect and abolishing any discriminatory practices against
women and children. A number of activities are being held by the organization’s team among which supporting civil society organizations
in affecting policies and law making process, as well as accessing infant organizations with regional and international network of Human
Rights advocating channels.
Side 11
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Mr. Mina Mamdouh Mouris Gendy (1986)
Mouris er uddannet fra Institut for Filosofi (Faculty of Art, Philosophy Department 2007).
Han arbejder som forsker og web-redaktør for the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI). Mouris er en passioneret manuskriptforfatter og arbejder som frivillig
med velgørenhed i det øvre Egypten.
The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI)
A legally announced an independent organization, that works with a
number of local and regional organizations related to Human Rights.
Some of the activities are:
Establish an information media network that relates to Human
Offer a wide variety of Arabic Publications for local, regional, and
international organizations. And classify it in a manner that would
aid researchers, journalists, and interested people in human
Attempt at raising public awareness on Human Rights and create
support circles to advocate these rights.
Offer a guide with information related to Human Rights.
Produce/ Publish a regular agenda with Human Rights related activities.
Side 12
DIPD Delegation af egyptiske partier til valget I Danmark
Mr. Mohamed El-Dessouky Roshdy El-Hagrasy (1983)
Bio følger senere.
Youm7 Newspaper
Daglig avis
Side 13