NDC Newsletter - December 2015 - Newton Development Corporation
NDC Newsletter - December 2015 - Newton Development Corporation
December, 2015 Implementing Newton’s Future: The Newton Hometown Pride committee meets the 2nd Thursday of every month in the NDC Board room at DMACC. Over the past several meetings the committee has worked on Newton’s 5 Year Community Vision Plan. The plan has been divided into three areas, Housing, Downtown/First Avenue, and Parks. The committee has outlined a timeline on several projects. Listed below are a few the committee will be focusing on in the next 1 to 2 years. Housing: Introduce new housing types to Newton; make sure all market segments are addressed. Rehab existing downtown buildings to create nice second floor apartment units/condos. Develop a housing rehab program. Create a data base for rental housing units; a general inventory. Develop strategies to attract young families to Newton. Downtown/First Avenue: Finalize downtown streetscape design plan and develop implementation plan. Expand number of downtown restaurants and create outdoor service areas. Enhance alleys Downtown Wi-Fi and public charging stations. Enhance pedestrian and bicycle friendliness Façade improvement program; incentives for second floor residential units. Create a downtown event space. Public piano program; other community engagement strategies. NDC Executive Committee Jo Jenkins Chair Adam Otto Vice Chair Rob Kahn Secretary L.D. Palmer Treasurer Levi Pence Past Chair Dan Skokan Director/Emeritus Brett Altman Brian Buch Mike Fastenau Dick Davidson Parks: Development plan for 30 Acre Park. Enhance Sunset Park with senior-oriented features. Create a park feature that becomes a unique regional attraction Hold special events and tournaments. Create a zip line park feature. The Hometown Pride Committee was appointed by the Newton City Council. Jeff Davidson from Keep Iowa Beautiful is the “Community Coach.” Bruce Showalter serves as Chair. Other members of the committee are Terry Ayres, Linda Bacon, Andrew Bassman, Zach Bet, Erin Chambers, Mary Entz, Denice Fisher, Bryan Friedman, Miranda Kulis, Brendan Lamont, Frank Liebl, Craig Light, Tanya Michener, Mary Ann Nevins, Sue Nolin, Bob O’Brien, Don Poynter, Amanda Price, Jane Repp, Kerry Soule, Cory Stout, Natalie Umsted, Nathan Unsworth, and Kari Van Zante. NDC Staff Frank Liebl Executive Director frankliebl.ndc@gmail.com Office: 641.787.8209 Mobile: 641.521.1868 Tanya Michener Executive Assistant tanyam.ndc@gmail.com Office: 641.787.8210 Mobile: 641.660.3831 600 N. 2nd Avenue W. Suite P Newton, Iowa 50208 Page 2 Mission Statement The Newton Development Corporation strives to improve the economic wellbeing of the Newton community. We accomplish this through collaboration with other community stakeholders to increase investment in Newton by retaining, growing and attracting business. Our success is measured through growth in employment, population, housing, retail sales, tax base, healthcare accessibility and school enrollment. We will follow these principles and values: Honesty, integrity, respect, professionalism, teamwork and an appropriate balance of transparency and confidentiality. Offers on Newton Manufacturing Buildings to be Accepted: Hilco Real Estate Company out of Chicago is handling the bankruptcy sale of the former Newton Manufacturing buildings. The company HQ building with 37,000 square feet sits on 3.7 acres at 1205 1st Avenue East, and the 38,000 square foot warehouse/ manufacturing building is across the street at 200 East 12 th Street South. Avalanche Composites has been leasing the warehouse space for the past 18 months. They have tried numerous times to purchase the building but have been unable to make a deal with trustee of the bankruptcy court. According to Eric Kadow they have been given their eviction notice. Kadow said, “The Newton Development Corporation and others really helped us get started here in Newton, and we looked at some other places in Newton, but nothing met our needs. We thank-you everyone who helped us, we wish didn’t have to move.” Frank Liebl, Executive Director of NDC said that Avalanche Composites will be re-locating to a former manufacturing facility in Grinnell, and taking the 10 jobs with them. “It’s unfortunate, we showed Avalanche several buildings before they started their business 18 months ago, and they really like the location they are in. I met with both the trustee and the real estate representatives from Hilco, and they were adamant that they wanted to put the buildings up for sale and see what kind of offers they would receive.” Offers are due on or before January 28, 2016. More information can be found at www.HilcoRealEstate.com or interested parties can call the Information Line at 855.755.2300. VISIT OUR WEBSITE! www.newtondevelopmentcorporation.com Page 3 NHDC Projects Underway: Useful links: Newton Housing Development Corporation Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council The Newton Housing Development Corporation (NHDC) has made progress on both construction projects. The Fairmeadows North project with Ground Breaker Homes, LLC has closed. Foundations are completed with framing already underway. One of 5 homes under construction has already been sold. NHDC sold two of the three lots they own in Eastgate Meadows. The first lot was sold to the Rotary/Student Builders, who already have completed the concrete work and are working on the framing. Van Ersvelde Construction from Grinnell purchased the second lot earlier this month. Van Ersvelde Construction along with the Rotary/Student Builders home will be ready this spring. With those two and the five that are being built in Fairmeadows North, NHDC will have 7 “spec houses” to show in the spring of 2016. NHDC is also working on a rehab project for some homes along the 1 st Avenue corridor. Improvements would include roof, siding, foundation, porch repair and new windows. These homes have been inspected and reviewed by a selection committee. Jennifer Cook, Chair of NHDC said “ NHDC and the City of Newton are working on a CBDG Grant application that is due January 15 th. If we receive this grant we would expand the number of homes that are chosen for funding. NHDC has had a busy year and will continue to be a strong player in housing within the City of Newton.” Building Trades Students Note: VISIT OUR WEBSITE! www.newtondevelopmentcorporation.com News and Information from Newton Development Corporation Economic Development Tidbits… Economic Modeling Specialist Int’l (EMSI) did a follow-up story about Newton’s economic recovery from the loss of Maytag. This story was a result of Jasper County’s unemployment rate falling from a high 10.5% in 2009 to 3.4% in the 3rd quarter of 2015. You can read the story at this link: http://www.economicmodeling.com/2015/11/12/revisiting-newtoniowa-how-a-small-towns-economy-grew-stronger-after-losing-its-largestemployer/ Frank Liebl was interviewed by D.D. Guttenplan, Editor at Large for The Nation, prior to Donald Trump’s Newton appearance on Nov. 19th. The interview was also about Newton’s recovery. th Donald Trump appeared at the Newton DMACC Campus on November 19 as part of the WHO-TV 13 political forum. The hour long live show was broadcast live from the DMACC auditorium. The focus of the forum was on jobs. Prior to the interview Frank Liebl sent Dave Price information about the number of jobs that have been created in Newton since Maytag’s departure. A Des Moines broker wanted information on a couple of vacant buildings in Newton. NDC also had an inquiry about industrial land that might be available. Information was sent. Chaz Allen, JEDCO – Byran Friedman City of Newton, and Frank Liebl, NDC met with the economic development team of the Greater Des Moines Partnership in Des Moines on November 19th. December, 2015 Newspaper headline: “Survey Finds Many Employees Lacking in Bacic Skills.” A boy excitedly told his parents, “I’m in the church’s Christmas play! “Which part did you get?” his Mother asked. “I’m a wise guy!” 21 Principles For A Richer Life: The most destructive habit: Worry The greatest joy: Giving The greatest loss: Loss of self-respect. The most satisfying work: Helping others The ugliest personality trait: Selfishness The most endangered species: Dedicated leaders Our greatest natural resource: Our youth The greatest “shot in the arm.” Encouragement The greatest problem to overcome: Fear The most effective sleeping pill: Peace of mind The most crippling disease: Excuses The most powerful force in life: Love The most incredible computer: The brain The worst thing to be without: Hope The deadliest weapon: The tongue The two most power-filled words: I can The greatest asset: Faith The most worthless emotion: Self-pity The most beautiful attire: A smile The most prized possession: Integrity The most contagious spirit: Enthusiasm. Harvey Mackay, is author of the New York Times No. 1 best-seller “Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive.” Harvey’s column appears Mondays in the Des Moines Register. www.harveymackay.com VISIT OUR WEBSITE! www.newtondevelopmentcorporation.com A young woman who looked sore and tired got on a crowded bus with a pair of ice skates slung over her shoulder. As the bus pulled away from the curb, a man offered her his seat. “No, thank you,” she replied. “I’ve been sitting most of the morning.”