Lakeline Ranch Reader
Lakeline Ranch Reader
Lakeline Ranch Reader Lakeline Ranch Reader July 2009 News for the Residents of Lakeline Ranch Welcome toThe Lakeline Ranch Reader A Newsletter for Lakeline Ranch Residents by Lakeline Ranch Residents The Lakeline Ranch Reader is a monthly newsletter mailed to all Lakeline Ranch residents. Residents, community groups, churches, etc. are welcome to include information about their organizations in the newsletter. If you are involved with a school group, play group, boy scouts, girl scouts, sports activity, social group, etc. and would like to submit an article for the Lakeline Ranch Reader you can do so by emailing it to Personal news for the Stork Report, Teenage Job Seekers, recipes, special celebrations, birthday announcements and military service are also welcome. Volume 1, Issue 1 Greetings Lakeline Ranch Residents, It is an exciting time in our neighborhood and we are thrilled to offer this new newsletter as a means of keeping the community up to speed on current events at Lakeline Ranch. Please look for the newsletter monthly as it contains information that may be important to you as well as some interesting tips on gardening, clubs, Etc. We would like to take this opportunity to announce that the annual HOA meeting is tentatively being planned for early September. Please plan to attend. We would like to add two additional board members and four Architectural Control Committee members at the meeting. If you are interested in helping us in either of those capacities or would like to nominate someone to serve please contact Carl Gamble, our community manager, at Goodwin Management and express your interest. Let’s have a great year at Lakeline Ranch! Goodwin Management 512-431-2400 Our goal is to keep you informed! Go Green Go Paperless Sign up to receive The Lakeline Ranch Reader in your inbox. Visit for details. Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. Happy 4th of July! Lakeline Ranch - July 2009 Lakeline Ranch Reader Board Members Drew Tucker----- Robert Hammerbach----Patrick Williams Goodwin Management Carl Gamble ............................................(512) 431-2400 advertising info Please support the advertisers that make the Lakeline Ranch Reader possible. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office at 888-687-6444 or The advertising deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the issue. article info The Lakeline Ranch Reader is mailed monthly to all Lakeline Ranch residents. Residents, community groups, churches, etc. are welcome to include information about their organizations in the newsletter. Personal news for the Stork Report, Teenage Job Seekers, recipes, special celebrations, and birthday announcements are also welcome. To submit an article for the Lakeline Ranch Reader please email it to The deadline is the 9th of the month prior to the issue. mission statement The Lakeline Ranch Reader, For Lakeline Ranch The mission of the Lakeline Ranch Reader is to provide the Lakeline Ranch Community with one source of local news content that is written by Lakeline Ranch residents. Our goal is to help build the community by connecting local businesses with residents and residents with relevant neighborhood information. "Be the community." Advertise Your Business Here 888-687-6444 Lakeline Pool Info POOL POINTS: Welcome to summer and the busy time of the season for the pool. We want everyone to enjoy their time at the pool and ask that we all do our best to follow all of the rules and be respectful of our neighbors. WHAT’S NEW: The new fence and gate are up and operational. We do ask that everyone use their swipe card to get in and out of the gate. The button is for emergency exit only and an alarm will sound. This was not done to scare little kids, but rather as a way to alert others to an emergency or to indicate that the gate is not closed. It should latch automatically after opening. Other pools managed by Goodwin follow this same system and they’ve experienced no major problems with this manner of operation. POOL RULES: A complete list of pool rules is posted at the pool. We are working on updating the signage for the interior pool area and it will bullet point some of the rules. If there are any questions or problems, you can consult the complete list posted in the glass case by the gate. POOL PARTIES AND PAVILION RESERVATIONS: Due to our limited resources, we only allow one pool party per week.Most of our summer weeks are filled up, there are a few left. If you would like a reservation for the pool, please contact me at: In order to hold a party at the pool you must have already received your swipe card and you have to be current on your HOA dues and have no deed violations. We also take reservations for the pavilion by the park. The use of the pavilion is an exclusive use of the party it is reserved for since the pavilion area is not very big. If you are planning to use it, please contact me at the above e-mail address to make sure it is available, and once cleared by Goodwin, we will add your event to the calendar. POOL AGE: The rules are confusing and conflicting. The age of an unaccompanied person at the pool is 18. Anyone under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by an adult or guardian. We are in the process of having Goodwin change all (Continued on Page 5) Lakeline Ranch - July 2009 Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. Lakeline Ranch Reader Lakeline Ranch Yard of the Month Program Lakeline Ranch celebrates the fact that our community works hard to present a beautiful environment for our neighbors and guests who travel through our areas. To reward hard work and tender loving care, the H-O-A offers a yard of the month program to acknowledge those who put forth the most effort. The contest is facilitated by the Lakeline Ranch Landscape Committee from the months of March through October. There is also a contest for holiday decoration in the month of December. Perry Hudson, Landscape Committee member explains, “We try to take a sampling every month of diverse tastes in the community. We stress that it is not how much money you spend on your yard but how much effort you put forth to maintain all aspects of the landscape on a continued basis. This includes mowing, edging, weed control, and general shrubbery maintenance. A yard of the month winner could have never changed anything from the day they bought their home but they show pride and the desire for their home to add to the community’s overall appearance.” The Landscape Committee welcomes all nominees on a monthly basis for the contest. Winners’ receive a $50.00 home improvement gift card as well as recognition for the month with a sign being displayed in their yard. Great Hills Baptist Church Summer Activities Children’s Fine Arts Workshop | July 6-10 Veggie Tales Day Camp | July 27-31 Middle / High School Camps - Baylor University | July 27-31 Celebrate Recovery | Regular Sunday Schedule: 9:30 & 11 am Bible Life Groups for all ages 9:30 am Celebration - Connection | Worship Choir & Orchestra 11:00 am Life - Connection | Worship Band 10500 Jollyville Road . Austin, TX . 78759 | | 512.343.7763 Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. Lakeline Ranch - July 2009 Lakeline Ranch Reader Neighborhood Groups Dining Divas Corner The Diva’s dined this month at a new restaurant in Cedar Park! We had six of the Divas dining with us this month: Muangthai Thai Cuisine received Five out of Six Hair Tosses! (Picky Pam was the only frown, and she is a meat and potato girl, although she was impressed with the clean powder rooms!) The atmosphere was what you would expect from a local Thai restaurant. The food was moderately priced, and very tasty. The menu offers choices for all Thai food lovers. We all enjoyed the appetizers and the curries. One of the crowd favorites was the sticky rice with mango! Yummy….. Please note the Divas are not compensated for their opinions! ON A C CR NOW ENROLLING! N IO I CO M M HO M D EN T AN SC • • • • Bunco Poker Babysitting Neighborhood Watch • Community Newsletter • Running/Walking • Book Clubs ED ION AT IT SS There are many people in the neighborhood that have expressed an interest in participating in several groups. We do need people to organize the groups on a monthly basis. Remember you would not have to host every month, just be the contact person. We also need neighbors to get involved in other areas. If you are interested in any of these or have an idea of your own you would like to organize, please post in the newsletter. O L IM PR O V E Engage minds and hearts will follow. At Primrose, you’ll discover a childhood education approach unlike any other. Our proprietary, accredited curriculum assures that children are nurtured emotionally, physically and intellectually. PROOF Free Tuition for One Month __school_name_1__ for New Families!!! __address_1__ | __city_1__ __school_name_1__ | __phone_1__ Call 1.800.PRIMROSE orSchool visit Name to __phone_1__ __school_name_2__ __school_amount__ schools |in__phone_2__ the __city_1__ area! __school_name_2__ find your Address neighborhood | City, State Primrose Zip | Phone School. __school_name_3__ | __phone_3__ __address_2__ __city_2__ Primrose School of |Cedar Park West __phone_2__ 2021 Little Elm Trail | Cedar Park, TX 78613 | 512.250.2400 Educational Child Care For Infants through Private Pre-Kindergarten and After School Each Primrose School is privately owned and operated. Primrose Schools and The Leader in Educational Child Care are trademarks of Primrose School Franchising Company. ©2008 PSFC. All rights reserved. Lakeline Ranch - July 2009 Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. Lakeline Ranch Reader Lakeline Pool Info - (Continued from Page 2) documents to read 18, so all will be consistent and clear. We want all HOA members to be able to use the pool and abide by the rules. If your child is under the age of 18, please do not send them to the pool without an adult. We might not all agree with the rules, but this is a liability issue for the whole neighborhood. If we can look at this with our pocketbooks instead of our emotions, it becomes understandable why unaccompanied children are not allowed at the pool. We just don’t have the funds to hire lifeguards. Our insurance liability limits us to not having minor children at the pool without an adult guardian. If you do choose to send your child to the pool without an adult, please understand that they may be asked to leave. This is the right and privilege of all Lakeline Ranch Homeowner Association members as stated in the pool rules. I do ask all members, if you speak to someone else’s children, please do so in a manner in which you would want to have your children spoken to. They might be scared or unsure of what to say and we just need to gently remind them at they need a parent present to be at the pool. POOL BEHAVIOR: Everyone has a code of personal responsibility for use of the pool. Chances are if you can’t do it at a public pool, you can’t and shouldn’t do it at our pool. If see behavior that is violating pool rules, dangerous, lewd or people that shouldn’t be at the pool, it is up to each and every member to do what they feel personally comfortable doing in a neighborly way. At no time will any source be allowed to use The Lakeline Ranch Reader contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of the Lakeline Ranch Homeowners Association and Peel, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. AMENTIES MEETING: We will have our first Amenities Committee meeting for the year on Friday night, June 19th at 7:30 pm at the pavilion by the park. EVERYONE is welcome to come and participate. Teenage Job Seekers E L P M A S Name Age Baby Sit Pet House Yard Sit Sit Work Phone Doe, John....................... 15..........•.......... •.........•................... 111-1111 *-CPR Training +-First Aid Training Attention Teenagers The Teenage Job Seekers listing service is offered free of charge to all Lakeline Ranch teenagers seeking work. Submit your name and information to by the 9th of the month! Do You Have Reason to Celebrate? We want to hear from you! Email to let the community know! Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. BUSINESS FORMS NEWSLETTERS FLYERS ENVELOPES LETTERHEADS NCR SNAP APART FORMS RUBBER STAMPS BUSINESS CARDS Solving all your printing needs. 1-888-687-6444 ext. 24 Lakeline Ranch - July 2009 Lakeline Ranch Reader Healthier Homes - Easy Ways to Improve Household Air Quality By: Michelle & Charlie Bubnis perspiration remover for clothing. Lemon juice and salad oil as a Home cleaning products contain an array of harmful chemicals furniture polish. Lemon juice on a cloth cleans aluminum that are not required by law to be listed on the products’ label. These chemicals have a toxic effect on indoor air quality. The best way to • Table Salt: Abrasive cleaner avoid this unknown risk to your family is to create your own cleaning • Vinegar : Water softener, cuts grease, removes stains; strips lime deposits from showers, removes white haze on glassware products which is much easier than one may think. Here are some suggestions: • Washing Soda :Cleans clothes, boosts soap’s cleaning power, softens • Almond Oil: Furniture polish water, cuts grease and disinfects • Baking Soda: Cleans, deodorizes, removes stains and softens Consider always avoiding fragranced cleaning or fragranced laundry fabrics products as 95% of chemicals used in fragrances are synthetic and derived from petroleum. These chemicals are combined in untested • BonAmi: Functions as an abrasive cleanser • Borax: Natural mineral that can be used to bleach, deodorize, combinations. They are capable of causing cancer, birth defects, remove stains, and boost soap. It also kills bacteria and mold. It central nervous system disorders and allergic reactions. So pick up a few of the suggested items listed above at the grocery can also be used in your dishwasher as 1 part borax and 1 part washing soda. Add ¼ cup to dishwasher load store and the air quality in the home will improve along with the • Castile Soaps: All purpose cleaner health of your family. • Citrus peels: Deodorize garbage disposal For more Information: • Cornstarch: Absorb oil and grease, starches clothes 1. Less Toxic Alternatives by Carolyn Gorman, 2004 • Club Soda: Pre-wash and stain remover 2. The Most Common Chemicals Found in Thirty-One Fragrance • Hydrogen Peroxide: Germicidal. Hydrogen Peroxide and cream of Productds by a 1991 EPA Study by Julia Kendall www.immuneweb. tartar paste make a good cleaner for sinks and bathtubs org/articles/perfume.html • Lemon Juice: Bleach alternative, grease cutter, stain and Sports Education at its Best WWW.ATFCU.ORG HOme eqUiTy lOAns 5.29 % APR* 5.49 % APR* 15 yeARs plus no closing costs** 10 yeARs 5.80 % APR* 20 yeARs bUsiness lOAns 5.85 6.00 % *** 6.25 % *** 10 yeARs 20 year amortization 5 yeARs 4.25 4.50 % APR* % *** 15 yeARs AUTO lOAns wish 512.302.5555 Make your come true with a low-rate loan (kissing a frog not required) % APR* 72 mOnTHs 66 mOnTHs new or used 1.31 mOney mARkeT % APy **** $25,000 TO $74,999 1.51 % APy **** $75,000 TO $124,999 1.76 1.66 APy **** 1.86 APy **** 2.22 % APy **** 12 mOnTHs 24 mOnTHs 6 mOnTHs 1 regular - minimum deposit of $1000 required CeRTiFiCATe OF dePOsiT2 1.76 % APy **** 2.07 % APy **** i>ÀÊi>`iÀÊ} Ê-V °ÊÊ , ,/" Ê1-Ê Ê6iÞL>]ÊÊ -VViÀ]Ê>}ÊÌL>]Ê >ÃiÌL>Ê>`Ê-*",/ -Ê -/,1 /" vÊ À >Ê>}ið % minimum daily balance of $2000 required % 1800 Clover Lane, Cedar Park 512.259.7545 APy **** $125,000 And AbOve CeRTiFiCATe OF dePOsiT1 % Dr. John’s Sports Center 2.37 % APy **** 12 mOnTHs 24 mOnTHs 6 mOnTHs 2 jumbo - minimum deposit of $95000 required 15 lOCATiOns 250+ FRee ATms FRee CHeCkinG FRee bUsiness CHeCkinG WiTH inTeResT *AnnUAl PeRCenTAGe RATe. All RATes ARe exPRessed “As lOW As”. ACTUAl RATe mAy vARy dePendinG On CRediT qUAliFiCATiOns. **AUsTin TelCO Will PAy All sTAndARd ClOsinG COsTs On HOme eqUiTy lOAns belOW $100k. AddiTiOnAl nOn-sTAndARd Fees Will be THe ResPOnsibiliTy OF THe membeR. ***RATe APPlies TO 1sT lien COmmeRCiAl ReAl esTATe lOAns WiTH A lOAn TO vAlUe OF 80% OR less; COnsTRUCTiOn/develOPmenT lOAn RATes/TeRms mAy be diFFeRenT. nO PRe-PAymenT PenAlTy. ****AnnUAl PeRCenTAGe yield. PenAlTies FOR eARly WiTHdRAWAl mAy APPly. 1ReGUlAR - A minimUm dePOsiT OF $1000 is ReqUiRed. 2JUmbO - A minimUm dePOsiT OF $95000 is ReqUiRed. All APRs, APys And TeRms ARe sUbJeCT TO CHAnGe WiTHOUT nOTiCe. PleAse CAll FOR deTAils. THis CRediT UniOn is FedeRAlly insURed by THe nATiOnAl CRediT UniOn AdminisTRATiOn. Lakeline Ranch - July 2009 /,Ê- ""Ê ,ÊÊ • À>`iÃÊÊÊxÊ«VÊÕ«ÊÃiÀÛViÊÌÊ7 Ìi ÃÌiÊEÊ7iÞʳÇÊÌ iÀÊiiiÌ>ÀÞÊ ÃV î° • -ÌÕ`iÌÊ`>ÞÊ>`Ê/i>V iÀÊ7À`>Þ *- E -1,Ê-«ÀÌÊ *-° • ÈäÊÕÌiÃÊvÊ« ÞÃV>Ê /6/9Ê`>Þ°Ê • « >ÃÃÊÊ i>Ì ÞÊviÃÌÞiÃÊq ÃiÀÛ}ÊÕÌÀÌÕÃÊvÀià ÊÃ>Vð Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. Lakeline Ranch Reader July Events at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Independence Day - Wildflower Center is closed. Nature Nights - 6 to 9 p.m. Thursdays in July Talks, crafts, hikes and fun for the family. $1 admission and free to members and Eco-Explorers. Fossils, July 9; Birds of prey, July 16; Bees, July 23; Water ecology, July 30. The Origami Diva - July 9 through October 4 An intricate installation of origami by Austin artist Joan Son in the McDermott Learning Center. Origami merchandise in the store. Book Signing - 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 11 Terry Thompson-Anderson signs The Texas Hill Country: A Food and Wine Lover’s Paradise, in the store. Lady Bird Johnson Tribute Day - 9 a.m. to 5:30 Sunday, July 26 Remember our founder with a visit to the Wildflower Center. Book signings, videos and a porcelain display. Free admission. 98850_FS_PellInc_BW1-2pg:Layout 1 CONSERVATORIES&SOLARIUMS PATIOCOVERS 6/10/09 5:45 PM Page 1 SUNROOMS • WINDOWS • DOORS PATIOENCLOSURES PERGOLAS STARS AND STRIPES EVENT merica Proudly Made in A CELEBRATE OVER 35 YEARS OF AMERICAN QUALITY AND INNOVATION AT THE ULTIMATE SAVINGS SPECTACULAR! LIMITED TIME OFFER BUY2 WINDOWS MANUFACTURER DIRECT SAVINGS 33 UP TO % GET1 OFF RETAIL PRICE LIST†† America’s Best Sunrooms with ConservaGlassPlus are customized to your climate WE MANUFACTURE. WE INSTALL. WE GUARANTEE IT ALL! FEATURE FOR FEATURE, You Won’t Find A HIGHER QUALITY Window At A BETTER PRICE! 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Lakeline Ranch - July 2009 Peel, Inc.Ranch Reader Lakeline 311 Ranch Road 620 S. Ste 200 Lakeway, TX 78734-4775 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PEEL, INC. LL ADVERTISE HERE 512-263-9181 Lakeline Ranch - July 2009 Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc.