4 06 newsletter.cdr - Keystone Region


4 06 newsletter.cdr - Keystone Region
April 2006
Porsche Club of America: The Beginnings - Bill Sacks
Photos by Bill Sacks
Photo by Eric Smith
From the President
On Saturday February 25, Bob Cornell, his wife Gwen,
myself, and my wife Karon attended the Zone 2
Presidents meeting in Hagerstown MD. In addition to
having all of the regions in our zone represented, PCA
President Tom Bobbitt was in attendance filling us in
on the latest PCA news. The second “PCA Escape” a
mini parade, will be held near Geneva NY later this
year. Look for more info in Panorama.
We are in need of a new Webmaster. If any of you
would like to donate your time and talent, please let one
of your friendly Board members know.
In this issue we are proud to have an article by our
friend, member of the Keystone Region, and charter
member of the PCA Bill Sacks. Thanks Bill!
I wish to thank all of you who attended the last meeting
at Quaker Steak and Lube. Especially Wayne
McPheron and Howard Williams who gave us an
overview of their plans for a tour later this year. Thanks
guys! It looks like it will be a great event. More info
on the tour in the next issue.
The next meeting will be on April 22, 7:30 a.m. at the
Holiday Inn Express State College - Williamsburg
Square, 1925 Waddle Road. After the meeting, we will
depart for the Swap Meet in Hershey.
See you at the next meeting.
Eric Swendrowski
Photo by Bill Sacks
1989 Carrera 4 WPOAB0968KS450508, Guards
Red/Black, 102Kmiles, AM/FM/CD, AC, sun roof, electric
seats, PS, ABS, custom roll bar, Koni shocks, Eibach
springs and sway bar, originial suspension parts, two extra
sets of wheels (7 & 9 x 16), booster pump recently
replaced, well maintained and lovingly driven by Grandma
Lightning and her male cohort, being given up to get a new
Cayman S, all records available, really good condition.
Good daily driver, autocross (two time Parade P16L 1st
place and P16M 2nd place), track car. $24K. 814-238-1105
or FredS57746@aol.com.
by Bob & Gwen Cornell
Gwen and I just got back, along with Eric and Karon Swendrowski, from
the PCA president's meeting in Hagerstown, Md. We attended because
there was a breakout session on ways to upgrade the quality of regional
newsletters. The session was chaired by Phil Audibert, who is the editor of
Shenandoah region's “The Heat Exchanger”, which won the 2004 version
of the newsletter contest. We learned many ways to make our newsletter
better from a publishing point of view, but I was concerned by the way, in
many regions, the newsletters have taken on a life of their own. We
emphasized that we view it only as a tool to try and bring our membership
closer together and increase membership participation. We don't reprint
what's already available in other publications. Our motto is: For the
members, by the members and about the members. The response from the
other regions was overwhelmingly in favor of trying to do what we are
doing here. In short, they liked our attitude! Please help us with any ideas
that you have on ways to make “Keynotes” better and with contributory
articles on anything Porsche that you are doing.
One last item: Every year Gwen and I are volunteer workers at the Porsche
Clash (PCA club races) at Watkins Glen in June. Tim O'Brien of CNY
region is head of volunteers for this year, and as always is looking for help.
If you have any interest in having a terrific Porsche weekend, here's how to
find out how to get involved. Tim O'Brien 315-727-1478
Toftrees Resort & Four Star Golf Club
One Country Club Lane - State College, PA 16803
Toll Free 800-252-3551 Email info@toftrees.com
1968 Triumph Spitfire Clearly a "Project" Car - something
to keep your mind off a Porsche if nothing else... It does
have nice wire wheels with knock-offs (these go for $300$500 on eBay) Two "extra" high back seats & an extra
windshield (Hey, who can't use an extra windshield?)
We're talking a "Best Offer" opportunity here - Car must be
hauled away...
For a personal tour & info. contact Denny at (814) 3649236 P.S. If it has any bearing it does share garage space
with Porsches...
Howard Williams and his wife Barbara from Muncy with an ’87 911 have joined in a
transfer from Central Pennsylvania Region.
The latest PCA membership info showed four non-renewals: two are highlighted in the
next paragraph since they have been members for five or more years; the other two are
Vic Swendrowski (maybe Eric can encourage him) and Edward Szymanik.
Three members reached the five year mark this month: Tom Shields (did you forget to
send your renewal in), Bob and Gwen Cornell, and Donald and Donald Kilgus. Stephen
and Joan Sampson are at eight years; Dave and Nancy Neufer and Doug and Janette
Stewart are at nine years; and James and Tracy O’Brien are at 16 (but they also were
reported as non-renewing however we have heard from James that he has corrected the
situation.) The sun is out, the daffodils are coming up, we had snow this week, and we
are preparing to go to VIR in two weeks – must be spring in PA.
‘Till Next Time
Carrera 4'um by Fred Sears
Want to visit some little know “locations” around State College. Join
us on June 3 and find Centennial, Seven Stars, Houserville, Fillmore,
Carson's Corner, Unionville, and Spruce Creek to name a few of the
“locations” you will find along with several scenic trout streams.
Directions to the Tofttrees Resort starting point will appear in a later
Now for some terminology you will employ during the tour/rally.
When you are put “onto” a route it means you stay on that route (either
a street name or a route number) until a specific instruction tell you to
leave that route. This is the technique to avoid having to give you
many instructions along the way when opportunities would present
themselves to leave the intended route. Another item to remember is
that “Dead Ends”, parking lots, and unpaved roads do not exist so
ignore them when looking for a turn that an instruction tells you to
make. The one exception is when the instruction specifically tells you
to turn into the parking lot or whatever; this often happens at a checkpoint (of which there will be none on this tour/rally) or at the
end (which will happen or you would be left driving around for the rest of your life.) Now I realize that often when out for a drive
in your Porsche you may just want to keep enjoying the ride but it's also nice to stop for a while and talk with other members of the
club. Now a check to see how closely you read our newsletter. Did you notice a reference to the two Donalds? Our newsletter
editor did; upon returning from church today we had a call asking if we had made a mistake; no mistake just a father and son
membership. Last night we had a great meeting with almost thirty members at the Quaker Steak and Lube in State College. Two
of our members offered to host a tour later this summer in the Eagles Mere area northeast of Williamsport. Look for further
information in possibly this newsletter and certainly later ones. This sounds like another great Porsche drive and gathering.
On a safety note I noticed the other day that with the continuing improvement in tire technology there is now an “Extreme
Performance Summer” category even higher than the previous “Maximum Performance Summer” and “Ultra High Performance
Summer” categories. Also there is a growing understanding that we often ask more of these performance tires than they can
deliver specifically using them in cold (less than about 45°F) or in the snow. Now many of the tire descriptions carry the
following words “The XXX is not intended to be driven in cold temperatures or in snow. Similar words now appear in the owner's
manuals for the latest Porsches. So I remind you to be extremely careful in the cold or snow if you have not equipped your pride
and joy with tires suited for the conditions. I also call to your attention the following storage
cautions that are appearing from some of the tire manufacturers: Therefore, unlike less highlytuned tires, XXX's care instructions specify that due to its compound characteristics, XXX
tires must be used and stored at temperatures above -10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees
Fahrenheit) to maintain its performance and avoid tire damage.
In two weeks Judy and I are off to Virginia for three days at Virginia International Raceway. th
Some of our members have gotten an even earlier start and were at Beaver Run on March 19 .
Hope it was warmer there than the windy 32 we experienced going to church; if not they must
have had real fun with no-grip tires on the track.
Drive safely and give a flash (of your lights) to your fellow Porsches on the road.
Visit The
Oregon Hill Winery
And Discover Our Award Winning Wines
18 miles south of Wellsboro on Rt. 287
next to Pine Marsh Golf Course
840 Oregon Hill Road, Morris, PA 16938
(570) 353-2711
PCA Keystone Region
Board Meeting
Quaker Steak & Lube State
College March 18, 2006, 7 p.m.
Present: President Eric
Swendrowski, Jay Claster, Bob
and Gwen Cornell, and Fred and
Judy Sears.
President’s Report: Eric and
Karon attended the Zone 2
President’s meeting with the
Cornells. Bob Cornell took part
in the newsletter editor’s
workshop, This summer an
“Escape” is planned by Zone 1
for the NY State wine country.
Secretary’s Report: Minutes of our
1/8/06 meeting were approved.
Motion to nominate Secretary to Sainthood failed for lack of second.
Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Deposits from the Region slightly exceeded
routine expenses by about $140, increasing the current balance to $1761.
Membership Committee: Chair Judy Sears reported a new member, Phil
Martin, in attendance at our dinner this evening.
Newsletter: Chairman Bob Cornell reported ads for 2006 are all paid.
Safety Committee: Chairman Fred Sears reported the spreading awareness
that the newer high performance tires should not be used below 45 degrees F.
New Business: Wayne McPheron and Howard Willliams reported on their
extensive planning for a rally, probably in late August. It will begin and end
at the Montoursville WalMart, cover about 100 miles, and pass through
lovely hill country on winding roads with stops at World’s End State Park
(make up your own joke about the name…) and the Eagles Mere resort
village. Fred and Judy Sears are planning a rally for June that will begin and
end in State College.
Adjournment: 8 p.m., followed by a dinner with the Board and 15 other
members. None had the nerve to sign the waiver and order the Atomic Hot
Apr. 22: Meeting at 7:30 am and caravan to the Hershey swap meet on Saturday
May 7: Keystone dinner meeting at the Ale House
June 3: Keystone Around State College tour/rally
June 9-11: Porsche Clash PCA races at Watkins Glen Intl.
July: Keystone picnic
July 15-16: Pittsburgh Vintage GP, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh
July 29: Cool Cruise Car Show, Boalsburg
August: Porsche Parade, Portland, Oregon
Sept.: Keystone Canyon Cruise
Sept. 8-10: Zippo Vintage GP, Porsche marque of year, PCA mini parade Watkins Glen Intl.
Oct.: Pocono region PCA Octoberfest
Dec.: Keystone Holiday Party
Keystone Region
Porsche Club of America
c/o 109 Wildernest Lane
Port Matilda, PA 16870
PRESIDENT: Eric Swendrowski (Karon), R.R.
#1, Box 72, Morris, PA 16938-9616 - 570-3532711, orghillwine@epix.net.
PAST-PRESIDENT: Fred Sears (Judy), 109
Wildernest Lane, Port Matilda, PA 16870 814-238-1105 (fax-814-238-1922),
VICE PRESIDENT: Bill Simon III, 880 West
Aaron Drive, State College, PA 16803-3119814-235-1356, wis2@psu.edu
SECRETARY: Jay Claster,
519 Cricklewood Drive,
State College 16803.
TREASURER: Mike Szczesny (Robin), 18
Cricklewood Circle, State College, PA 16803 814-234-3721. mikes@shanercorp.com
MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: Robin Szczesny (Mike)
18 Crickwood Drive, State College, PA 16803814-234-3721, tailwinds@adelphia.net. —
Bob Cornell (Gwen), 15 Fairway Drive,
Selinsgrove, PA 17870 - 570-884-7000,
ACTIVITIES CHAIRS: Gwen Cornell and Karon
MEMBERSHIP: Judy Sears, 109 Wildernest
Lane, Port Matilda, PA 16870 - 814-238-1105
(fax-814-238-1922), judys99312@aol.com.
SAFETY: Fred Sears (same as above),
GOODIE STORE:Robin and Mike Szczesny
18 Crickwood Drive, State College, PA 16803814-234-3721, tailwinds@adelphia.net.
NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Bob Cornell (Gwen), 15
Fairway Drive, Selinsgrove, PA 17870 570-884-7000, Bob912@ptd.net.
WEBMASTER: Vic Swendrowski
ZONE 2 REP: Jim Becker, jimmar@ptd.net.
Keynotes is the official publication of the Keystone Region of the Porsche Club of
America. All opinions, views, and information appearing are those of the authors and
not necessarily those of PCA, Keystone Region, its officers, or the editor. The editor
encourages submissions for publication, but reserves the right to edit such materials.
Permission is granted to other PCA regions to reprint any material provided full credit
is given to the author and Keynotes. Contact Bob Cornell, Editor, at 570-884-7000, or
at bob912@ptd.net.

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