Mon - Scooter`s Frozen Custard
Mon - Scooter`s Frozen Custard
$cooter's Frozen Custard Employment Application Form PLEASE PRINT ALL Pfease rnail completed application to: INFORMATIOT{ REQUESTED EXCEPT 1658 West Belmont Date received: "S*GS*ATT}RE Chicago, 1L60S57 Revlewed by: OFFICE U$E OHLY: email application to: scooter@scootersfrozencustard . PLEASE COMPLETE PAGES 1-5. corn DATE Name Present address $tate City Social Securlty No- Hour Long al current address? Telephone ( _ -# E-Mail Address: ,l Are you under age Zip 13 YES __NO, if YES", can you provide proof of your eligibility to -YES Dayslhours available to work Thur No Pref Fri Mon Tug # W€d- $at - $n#I - How many hours mn you work weekly? Woyrnentdesircd &FUI-L-T}ME Ot{tY $PART-TIME $+AME OF SCFIOOL ONLY t}FUt-L- OR PART-TIME Birth Date{ mmfddlW} When are you available to start work? TYPE OF $CF}$OL N0 NO. Proof of eligibility will be required if hired. Are you cunently authorized to work in the United States? Position applied for (1) and wage desired (2) (Be specific) work? YES LOCATIO$* {Complete mailing address) NUMSER OF YEAR$ COMPLETED GFA& DEGREE/MAJOR {REQUIRED} Hish Schoof College Bus. or Trade School Professionat Sctrool Ftaveyeu'eves beeneonvie*edot aerimerllhiehbsubstantblly related!oth€"fuff*ionsor +stiteationsof fteiobfor srltictl (a Conviction record will not necessarily disqualify you from employment). you are applying? tl O No Yes lf yes, explain number of convic{ion(s), nature of offense(s) leading to conviction(s), how recently such offense(s) wasArere ess+rr*itte{ sentenee{s-} imp+sed artd type(+} of rehabitltstis$, I N PLEASE PRINT ALL FORN'IATION REQU E$TE D E)CCEPT $TGIIIATURE APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT DO YOU HAVE A DRIVER'S LICENSE? fl Yes tr No What is your means of transportation to work? Driver's license number E Operator D Commercial (CDL) trChauffeur State of issue Expiration date Have you had any accidents during the past three years? Have you had any moving violations during the past three years? How many? How Many? Please list huo references other than rehtlvesName Name Pwition Pgsitioff Company Company Address Address Teleptpr+e (. . Pbeuse ) Te$e$one t_ .) *rlsspace toelaborate er+anybaekground, experienee, orryalifiedionethat youbelbveshouldbeeotsieleredin evaluating your qualifications fur employment. You may include hobbies, volunteer erperience and any other activities you believe relevant. Please omit any information that would disclose your race, gender, age, marital status, ethnic origin, rd[eftns or Bolitk;at affill{*ons, or dlsabil*y. PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED EXCEPT$+GNATURE Work Experience Please list yourwork experience forthe pastseven yearc beginning with your most recent job held. lf you were self-employed, give firm name. Attach additional sheets if neceosary. Narne of employer Address Name of last Employment dates Pay or salary supervisor City, State, Zip Code Phone number From $tart To Final Your last job title Reason for leaving (be specific) List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or leamed, advancements or promotions while you worked at this company. Narne of employer Address Name of last supervisor City, $tate, Zip Code Phone number Employment dates Pay or salary From Start To Final Your Last Job Title Reason for leaving (be specific) List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or leamed, advancements or promotions while you worked at this eornpa*y. Name of last $upervisor Name of employer Address City, State, Zip Code Phone number Your last job title Reason for leaving (be specific) List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or leamed, advancements or promotions while you worked at this company. PLEASE PRINT ALL I NFORIUTATION REQU ESTED EXCEPT SIGITATURE APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Work experience Please list your work experience for the past seven yearc beginning with your most recent job held. lfyou were seff-empfoye6, gfve firm name. Attach additionaf sheets ff necessary. Name of employer Name of last $upervisor Address City, State, Zip Code Phone number Employment dates Pay or salary From Start To Final Your last job title Reason for leaving {be specific) List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or leamed, advancements or promotions while you worked at this eompafv. Name of employer Address Name of last Employment dates Pay or salary supervisor City, State, Zip Code Phone number From Start To Final Your last job title Reason for leaving (be specific) List the jobs you held, duties performed, skills used or leamed, advancements or promotions while you worked at this company. May we contact your present empfoyer? [] Did you complete this application yourself f,l Yes Yes trNo UNo lf not, who did? PLEASE READ CAREFULLY APPUCATIOT{ FORM WAVER As indication tlmt you have rcad and undensbod each sentence, please write your initials in the speces providedbefow In exchange for the onsideration of my job application by Scoote/s Frozen Custrard, LLC, (hereinafter called 'the Companf), I agree that: Neither the acceptance of tfiis application nor the subsequent entry into any type of empbyment relationship, either in the position applied for or any other position, and regardless of the contents of employee handbooks, personnel manuals, benefit plans, policy statements and the like as they may exist from time to tirne, or other Company practices, shall serve to create an actual or implied contract of employment,_ or to confer any right to remain an employee Company X, or otherwise to change in any respect the employment-at-will relationship betreen it and the undersigned. and that relationship cannot be altered except by a written instrument signed by the Owner/Managing Member of the Company- BohfteundersignedandScoote/sFrozenGushd LLGmay endtheemploymerf relationship at any time, without specified notice or reason._ lf employed, I understand that lhe Company may unilaterally change or revise their benefits, policies and procedures and such changes may include reduction in benefit;_ and if employed, I understand that all policies and prooedures are propriefiaryto theCornpanyandrnaymtbesharedorrtsidetheCompanyCwfngthe emploJmentperiodor thereafter._ I authorize investigation of all statcments contained in this application._ | underctand that the misrepresefitatiun or omisston of facts ualhrd for fts cause irr dismissat at ary time wittrout any previous notice._ I hereby give the Company permission to contact schools, all previous employers (unless othenrise indicated), references and others and hereby release the Company from any liability as a result of such @ntact._ I understand that, in conneetion with the routine processing of your employment application, the Company may request from a @nsumer reporting agency an investigative oonsumer report including information as to my credit records, chanacler, general reputation, personal characteristics and mode of Upon written request from me, the Company, will provide me with additional informaiion mnceming the nature and soope of any such report requested by it, as required by the Fair Credit Reporting living._ Act._ | turther understand that my employment with the Company shall be probationary for a period of ninety (90) days and further that at any time during the probationary period or lhereafter, my employment relationship with the Company is terminable at willfor any reason by either party._ $ignature of applicant Date: Scootet's Frozen Custard, LLC is an equal employment opportunity employer. We adhere to a policy of making employment decisions without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, age or disability. We assure you that your opportunity for employment with Scootefs Frozen Custard, LLC depends solely on your qualifications. Thank you for complefrng this appfrcafron form and for your interest in our business.