classified - The Kewaskum Statesman
classified - The Kewaskum Statesman
page 24_Layout 1 9/16/15 3:03 PM Page 1 CLASSIFIED Page 24 • September 17, 2015 • Kewaskum Statesman Approx. 7,000 Website Views Per Month Campbellsport News • Kewaskum Statesman • Dodge County Pionier (Mayville, Horicon, Lomira) In To Place, Correct or Cancel Your Ad, Call 533-8338 Ad Deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday 1 - Announcements 2 - Notices 3 - Lost & Found 4 - To Give Away 5 - Employment 6 - Services Offered 7 - Miscellaneous Merchandise 8 - Household 9 - Mayville Area Rummage Sales 10 - Horicon Area Rummage Sales 11 - Lomira Area Rummage Sales 12 - Campbellsport Area Rummage Sales WANTED CLASSIFIED LINE AD POLICY Log Houses & Tobacco Sheds WE WILL NOT PUBLISH ADS THAT: Print & Online! 19 - Real Estate Wanted 20 - For Rent Mayville Area 21 - For Rent Horicon Area 22 - For Rent Lomira Area 23 - For Rent Campbellsport Area 24 - For Rent Kewaskum Area Buying Barns & Harvester Silos Paying Cash Sasfacon guaranteed. 608-343-2086 Cedar Bay West Cedar Bay Assisted Living fulfills an essential living option for older men and women who need some assistance with daily tasks or health challenges. Cedar Bay West has 107 apartments and is located on Big Cedar Lake. Licensed Practical Nurse: Full-time, Monday-Friday, PMs, 2:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. with Every Other Holiday rotation Responsibilities will include: planning, assessing, coordinating and evaluating the delivery of nursing care. He/She will be responsible for supervision of Resident Assistants. Must have WI LPN license. Resident Assistants: WEEKEND ONLY with premium pay, Fri., Sat, Sun., 2:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Dining Supervisor: Hours vary from 6:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. or 11:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. with Every Other Weekend rotation. Rotate between Cedar Bay West and Top of the Ridge Restaurant. Perform serving and cleaning in dining rooms in order to facilitate superior customer service. Prepare meals per accepted food handling standards and standardized recipes. Ability to make decisions related to menu, recipes, staffing, and resident related issues. Oversee the work duties of dining room staff. Previous serving experience required. Cooking and supervisory experience preferred Dining Assistant: Limited Part-time, 2 days p/week, 4 - 8 p.m. with Every Other Weekend & Holiday rotation. Perfect for high school students To apply online visit: Questions? Call: 262-306-2123 • Equal Opportunity Employer Cedar Home Health, Hospice and Pathfinders Cedar Home Health, Hospice and Pathfinders is a division of Cedar Community serving anyone 18 and older residing in Washington, Ozaukee, Waukesha, Fond du Lac, Dodge and Sheboygan counties. RN Home Health Case Manager: Mon. – Fri., Full-time OR Part-time with rotating on-call for weekends and holidays. Provides skilled nursing services to patients in their homes. Fast-paced and rewarding environment. Requires friendly, flexible and autonomous clinician with strong clinical skills. RN Home Health Case Manager $2,000.00 Hiring Bonus Publisher reserves the right to refuse any ad. -We believe to be untrue, misleading or inappropriate. -Get rich quick schemes and the like. -Not responsible for errors & omissions. JOIN OUR HEALTH CARE TEAM! We’re a family oriented heath care facility COOK FULL TIME & PART TIME DAYS & PM’S We’re just a short 15 min. drive south of Fond du Lac Make more than a living... Make a difference! Hope Health and Rehabilitation Center 438 Ashford Ave. Lomira, WI 53048 (920) 269-4386 Call or apply online at ANNOUNCEMENTS HAPPY ADS are just $12! Call or stop in to place yours today! NOTICES CLASSIFIED COMBOS WORK! Your classified ad appears in the Dodge County Pionier, The Campbellsport News and on both websites! Dodge County Pionier 920-387-2211 Campbellsport News 920-533-8338 EMPLOYMENT Physical Therapist: Part-time, 20 hours per week, Monday-Friday Evaluates plans and administers physical therapy modalities/regimens to Home Health patients in their place of residence for the purpose of developing and restoring function. Certified Nursing Assistant: Reserve hours available. We work with your scheduling needs. Assists individuals in their homes with activities of daily living including bathing, dressing, hygiene, grooming, transfers, mobility and exercise programs. Must have CNA license with State of WI. SALES ASSOCIATE FULL OR PART TIME You must enjoy working with people. NO Weekends • NO Evenings after 6pm. NO experience$necessary. HOWARD JOHNSON’S FLOORING Please apply in person at: N5420 Hwy. 45 South • Fond du Lac, WI 54937 For more information, call 920-922-2408. Make Your Future in Metal Questions? Call: 262-306-2123 • Equal Opportunity Employer MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE GET NOTICED! Add a photo or logo to your ad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aysteel, a Wisconsin-based company, leads the industry in complex sheet metal fabrication, specializing in custom-fabricated metal enclosures, assemblies and components. Join our team! Brake Press Operator: 2nd Shift Turret Press Operator: 2nd Shift Sr. Production Helper: 2nd Shift Willing to train reliable & motivated individuals for long-term careers that offer competitive wages, benefits, and advancement opportunities. Allenton facility is located just off Hwy 41 & Hwy 33. Competitive wages & an outstanding benefits package. To apply online visit: 2UGHU\RXUZHGGLQJLQYLWDWLRQV DQGGDQFHFDUGVDWWKH'RGJH &RXQW\3LRQLHURIILFH $OO&DUOVRQ&UDIW LQYLWDWLRQVDUHRII 6WRSE\WRVHHRXUVHOHFWLRQDW %ULGJH6W0D\YLOOH RUYLVLWRXUZHEVLWH ZZZGRGJHFRXQW\SLRQLHUFRP 0 8 / 7 , ) $ 0 , / < 5XPPDJH 6DOH 1R PRUH EDELHV VDOH : :HVW 1HGD 5G ,URQ 5LGJH 7KXU 6HSW )UL 6HSW DQG6DW6HSWQRRQ 1HZERUQJLUOVMXQLRUVH[HU VDXFHU ERWWOHV PRELOH ORWV RI WR\VERRNVPRYLHV&KHULVKHG WHGG\V KRXVHKROG LWHPV DQG 0 8 / 7 , ) ) $ 0 , / < 5XPPDJH 3 $ 5 7 7 7 , 0 ( 30 6KLIW &DUH PXFK PRUH 6DOH 1 +Z\ * 1HDU WKH JLYHUV &%5) RU &1$ H[SHUL 1HZ )DQH 6SRUWVPDQ &OXE HORICON AREA HQFH$SSO\DW1%DXPDQ 7KXUV1RRQ)UL6DW 6W&DPSEHOOVSRUWRUFDOO RUMMAGE SALES :DWFKIRUVLJQV 7+5(() )$0,/<5 5800$*( 6$/( FARM 7KXUVGD\6HSWHPEHUDP 7877/(& &5(F( .VHHNVDFDULQJ SP 1 0DLQ 6WUHHW )25 6 6$/( *HKO VHOIXQ ax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heck out our employment section! Homemaker/Companion: Reserve hours available. Provide for the maintenance of a safe & clean environment by performing various housekeeping tasks, meal preparation, errands & companionship activities for clients in their residences. Caregiver experience required. 9,000 25 - Storage Space 26 - Wanted to Rent 27 - Wanted to Buy 28 - Transportation 29 - Recreational Classified Ad Non-Commercial Rates $6.00 For The First 3 Lines, .45¢ For Each Additional Line H& H DEMOLITION Contracts Available! 13 - Kewaskum Area Rummage Sales 14 - Farm 15 - Good Things To Eat 16 - Pets & Supplies 17 - Lawn and Garden 18 - Real Estate For Sale Readership per week All Candidates Must Apply Online: No Phone Calls Please. Equal Opportunity Employer We are now accepting applications for an office position that will work for the Kewaskum Statesman in the Kewaskum office. This is a part-time position working Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We are looking for someone who is friendly, independent, organized, and sincerely interested in the Kewaskum area. This person will answer phone calls, assist customers, do some typsetting and take care of other office duties. Must be able to type at a fast pace. Some office experience preferred. Please e-mail your resume to or mail to the Campbellsport News office, 101 N. Fond du Lac Ave., Campbellsport. Kewaskum STATESMAN CAXCA page 25_Layout 1 9/15/15 5:09 PM Page 1 CLASS A-CDL DRIVERS 40 cpm base pay + bonuses & benefits! Home at the end of Every Week! Still Lots of Miles! CDL-A, 2 yrs. OTR Req. Owner Operators Also Welcome! Excellent Revenue CALL TODAY 920.386.2236 ext. 129 HORICON WORKS IS NOW HIRING WWW.JOHNDEERE.JOBS PERMANENT FULL-TIME POSITIONS INDUSTRIAL PIPEFITTER, TOOL ROOM MACHINIST – $22.99 MACHINE MAINTENANCE, TOOL DIE MAKER, ELECTRICIAN – $24.32 JOURNEYMAN CARD OR EQUIVALENCY REQUIRED EXPERIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL SETTING (Overtime after 8 hours) HIRING RELOCATION BENEFIT Miles from factory 0-300 Employee Benefit $1500.00 Benefits include: Health, Dental, Vision, Life and Disability Insurances; Paid Holidays, Vacation, Sick and Personal Leave; Retirement, 401k Plan, Profit Sharing, Flexible Spending Accounts (Dependent & Medical); Paid Training, Tuition Reimbursement. Benefits coverage effective the first day of the month following attainment of seniority. For Infomation about these jobs, candidates can visit the Job Center of Wisconsin’s website at - OR To apply: Complete our online application at EOE This contractor and subcontractor shall abide by the requirements of 41CFR 60-741.5(a) and 41CFR 60-300.5(a). These regulations prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals on the basis of disability and qualified protected veterans, and requires affirmative acation by covered prime contractors and subcontractors to employ and advance in employment qualified individuals with disabilities and qualified protected veterans. John Deere Horicon Works JOB FAIR John Deere Horicon Works Facility in Horicon 300 N. Vine St. – Horicon, WI 53032 Saturday, oct. 10 - 8am-12pm saturday, nov. 7 – 8am-12pm (Pre-register online for one of the sessions – 8am or 10am) Job Fair to include: Information Sessions, Applications, Assessments, Interviews and Physicals SEASONAL FULL-TIME POSITIONS Press Operators & Welders Average compensation w/ incentive pay $16-$18 per hr. Assemblers Average compensation w/ incentive pay $15-$17 per hr. OT Available If you are unable to attend the Job Fair you can also go online and apply for other recruiting dates at the Horicon facility. For information about the jobs, candidates can visit the Job Center of Wisconsin’s web site at: - OR To apply: Complete our online application at EOE This contractor and subcontractor shall abide by the requirements of 41CFR 60-741.5(a) and 41CFR 60-300.5(a). These regulations prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals on the basis of disability and qualified protected veterans, and requires affirmative action by covered prime contractors and subcontractors to employ and advance in employment qualified individuals with disabilities and qualified protected veterans. Kewaskum Statesman • September 17, 2015 • Page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part-time & full-time Must be available days, nights and weekends. Experience is helpful, but will train the right person. susie’s home cooking HELP WANTED 1007 church st., lomira, wi 53048 Romie’s bp & Piccadilly Circus Pizza in Allenton is seeking a friendly, energetic person for a customer service position. Position is part time, with full time opportunities for the right candidate. Candidate should be reliable, honest and hardworking. • Able to accommodate most school & college schedules. • Competitive pay (based on experience). • Family owned and operated since 1953. • Clean and safe work environment. • 2 people staffing. • Uniforms and paid training provided. Stop in at Romie’s in Allenton, 523 Main Street, to fill out an application! 1 ( : ' ' ( 9 ( / 2 3 0 ( 1 7 LQ /RPLUDEHGURRPEDWK FDU DWWDFKHG JDUDJH ZLWK SULYDWH HQWUDQFHV ZZZLZLVKPDQDJHPHQW FRPSDQ\FRP FOR RENT CAMPBELLSPORT &$03%(//63257 7:2 PLOHVZHVWWZREHGURRPORZHU DSDUWPHQW *DUDJH DGGLWLRQDO DPRQWKSOXVVHFXULW\GH SRVLW 1R SHWV $YDLODEOHQRZ '83/(;) )255 5(17 ,QFOXGHV VHZHU DQG ZDWHU VHF GHS UHTXLUHG &DOO 0,1,6725$*( &$03%(//63257 3KRQH •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he School District of Mayville is in need of a part time custodian. This position is three (3) days per week for a total of 20 hours per week. You may apply for this position on WECAN at the following website address: Please contact Janet Tighe at the Administrative Offices at (920) 387-7963 Extension 1004 with any questions. For more specific information on this position, contact Pat Chamberlin, Director of Operations at (920) 387-7960 x4007. The position is open until filled. School District of Mayville Administrative Offices N8210 Hwy. 28 Mayville, WI. 53050 The School District of Mayville, as an Equal Opportunity/Affirmation Action Employer, complies with applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is the policy of the School District of Mayville, that no person, on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, marital status or handicap, shall be discriminated against in employment, education programs and activities or admissions. Questions or concerns regarding this Statement of Assurance of Compliance with Federal Law Should be directed to Dr. Patricia Antony, District Administrator, School District of Mayville, N8210 Hwy. 28, Mayville, WI. 53050. (920) 387-7963 x1001. TAB Products Co LLC, the global leader in records and information management systems for vital documents, located in Mayville, WI, is now accepting applications for a material handler. Hours are Monday through Thursday, 5:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. with possible overtime on Friday. This position will be responsible for loading and unloading trucks and assisting production lines by delivering and/or removing job material in a timely and continuous manner to various work stations. The ideal candidate will be able to lift and or move up to 100 pounds. Basic math skills are required and the ability to read and interpret documents as well as strong verbal and written communication skills. Forklift and clamp truck certification is required. Previous experience is preferred. We offer a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental, vision, life, short and long term disability, supplemental life, AD&D, 401(k), paid holidays and paid time off. Most benefits effective day one! Qualified candidates should apply online at An Equal Opportunity Employer LIBRARY ASSISTANT The Lomira QuadGraphics Community Library is hiring several part-time library assistants. Requirements: High School diploma or GED equivalent at time of employment is required. Preferred qualifications include one or more years of employment in customer service or related field and proficient computer technology skills. Previous library employment and/or library course work is a plus. Duties include: preparing the library for opening and closing, checking in and out library material, collecting fines and fees, assisting patrons with question and computer technology, and collaborating with the library director with special projects. May also train and supervise library pages. Salary: $8.00 / hour Hours: may include morning, afternoon, and evening hours as well as one Saturday morning a month. Stop by the library to fill out an application or send a copy to Applications received by Monday, September 21, 2015 will be given first priority. CAXCA page 26_Layout 1 9/15/15 5:10 PM Page 1 Page 26 • September 17, 2015 • Kewaskum Statesman HELP WANTED cole’s bp • 866 main st. • brownsville bp hi-way hop • 665 east ave. • lomira Customer Service Rep. / Cashier Must be 18, flexible hours, nights & weekends Apply in person at either location St. John’s Lutheran Daycare PART-TIME & FULL-TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE! Must be flexible with hours and comfortable with children 6 weeks to 12 years old. The Village Flower Shoppe Part-Will timtrainetheFrightlocandidate. ral Clerk Must be available to work weekdays & weekends. Call the Village Flower Shoppe at (920) 387-4540 for more information. Contact Karen at 920-387-3929 TELLERS – PT or FT *# 1'(-,$# --#1 *$ #(,& + ,3% "230$0 -% 1.$"( *27 "'$$1$ .0-#3"21 ' 1 , (++$#( 2$ -.$,(,& %-0 * ! 2$"',("( , 32($1 (,"*3#$ +-(1230$ . ,# 4(1"-1(27 2$12(,& 1'$*% *(%$ 123#($1 +-,(2-0(,& ,# +-,(2-0(,& 1 5$** 1 -2'$0 #32($1 1 ,$$#$# ..*(" ,21 1'-3*# ' 4$ /3 *(27 "-,20-* $6.$0($,"$ -0 #$&0$$ (, 0$* 2$# %($*# *# 1'(-,$# --#1 -%%$01 "-+.$2(2(4$ 5 &$1 !$,$%(21 4 " 2(-, ,# . (# $#3" 2(-, -1(2(-, 5(** 0$/3(0$ 5-0)(,& 1-+$ ,(&'21 ,# 5$$)$,#1 $,# 0$13+$ 2- Cash handling & customer service skills & ability to cross-sell services preferred. PRODUCTION WORKERS Part time: 25-28 hrs., variable shifts Full time: 40 hrs, rotating Saturdays. Old Fashioned Foods is looking for full time line operators, grinders, general labor and cooks. Competitive wages and benefits including medical, dental, vacation, and 401k. 106 E. Main St., Beaver Dam, WI 53916 Landmark Credit Union E-mail resume to: Send applications to: Old Fashioned Foods, Inc. Attn: Production Supervisor PO Box 111, Mayville, WI 53050 22, 3 *(27 1130 ,"$ , &$0 -6 74(**$ FULL-TIME SALES ASSOCIATE IMMEDIATE OPENING We are now accepting applications for a full-time sales associate position that will cover both the Campbellsport News and the Kewaskum Statesman advertising clients. We are looking for someone who is organized, creative, sincerely interested in the Campbellsport and Kewaskum area and willing to make the extra effort to achieve your goals. The ideal candidate should be able to handle pressure (deadlines, demanding customer requests, ect.), develop a friendly relationship with local businesses, show courtesy to community members and be a team player. We’re also looking for a responsible staff member who can follow up on company projects, phone calls, etc., in a timely fashion. Advertising sales experience is preferred. Please e-mail your resume and samples to or mail to the Campbellsport News office, 101 N. Fond du Lac Ave., Campbellsport. Kewaskum STATESMAN Campbellsport News CAD ENGINEER CERTIFIED WELD INSPECTOR (CWI) Part-Time or Full-Tme MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN 1st shift BRAKE PRESS OPERATORS 1st, 2nd & 3rd Shifts (Setup a plus!) PRODUCTION WELDERS 1st, 2nd & 3rd Shifts LASER OPERATORS 1st & 2nd Shifts TRUMPF PUNCH OPERATOR 2nd Shift ASSEMBLER 1st Shift GENERAL LABOR 1st & 2nd Shifts Ask about our 4 Day Work Week for 2nd Shift Steel Craft Corporation 105 Steel Craft Dr., Hartford, WI 53027 E-mail: A N E Q U A L O P P O R T U N I T Y E M P L O Y E R . W O M E N & M I N O R I T I E S A R E E N C O U R A G E D T O A P P LY. AUCTION 500+ Estate Guns @ Auction. Sat. Sept. 26th Prairie du Chien, WI. Modern & Collectible Arms, Civil War + Military. Barrett 50; SAKO, Ruger; Browning, Winchester, w w w. k r a m e r s a l e s . c o m (608) 326-8108 (CNOW) HUGE 2-DAY ABSOLUTE AUCTION 40Year Private Collection Petroliana, Cars, Oil & Gas OPEN HOUSE Thursday, September 17 • 3pm-4pm 209 Watertower Circle, Iron Ridge 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths, Open Concept, Walk-out LL w/ family room and bar! Must see, Views are gorgeous! $189,900 Hwy 67N from Hwy 60 or S from Hwy 33 to Pleasant St.(Hwy S), E (up the hill) to Washington Ave., N to Rayome Dr., N to Condo Project. (Look for the Watertower up on the hill) SUE A. GIESE 414-339-3120 or email FRESHMAN (JV2) GIRLS BASKETBALL COACH WANTED Collectables Sept 19 & 20th 10AM Each Day Woodruff, Wisconsin King Auction & Realty 800-359-5608 (CNOW) E D U C AT I O N / C A R E E R TRAINING MEDICAL ASSISTANT TRAINEES NEEDED! Doctors & Hospitals need you now! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! MCC can get you job ready! Call for details! 1-888-5127115 (CNOW) SURGICAL TECH TRAINING PROGRAM! MCC can get you trained & on the job ASAP! Grants may cover training! Call for The School District of Mayville is seeking applicants for a Freshman (JV2) Basketball Coach for the 2015-2016 season. Experience is preferred. Must be able to work with and teach young athletes the game of basketball. This position starts Nov. 9, 2015 and runs through February, 2016. Must be available after school and week nights for practices and games, possibly some Saturdays. Applicant must be able to start practice by 3:30 p.m. each day. Interested candidates should apply for this position on WECAN at the following website address: or contact Janet Tighe at the Administrative Offices at (920) 387-7963 x1004 to obtain application materials. For more specific information on this position, contact Joel Wondra, Athletic Director, or at (920) 387-7960 x4003. Applications will be accepted until October, 2015. School District of Mayville Administrative Offices N8210 Hwy. 28, Mayville, WI 53050 The School District of Mayville, as an Equal Opportunity/Affirmation Action Employer, complies with applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is the policy of the School District of Mayville, that no person, on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, marital status or handicap, shall be discriminated against in employment, education programs and activities or admissions. Questions or concerns regarding this Statement of Assurance of Compliance with Federal Law Should be directed to Dr. Patricia Antony, District Administrator, School District of Mayville, N8210 Hwy. 28, Mayville, WI. 53050. (920) 387-7963 x1001. details! 1-888-424-9417 (CNOW) VET TECH TRAINEES NEEDED! MCC is the area's only Nationally Accredited Vet Tech Program! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Train & Work with animals every day! Classes forming now! 1-888-627-1690 (CNOW) FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS SAWMILLS from only $4,397.00- MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In Stock, ready to ship! FREE Info/DVD: m 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N (CNOW) HELP WANTED- TRUCK DRIVER $5000 SIGN ON! Get Home Every Week, 5 State Regional Run , $65$75K Annually, Excellent Benefit Plan. CALL TODAY 888-409-6033 w w w. D r i v e 4 R e d . c o m (class CDL A required) (CNOW) Drivers: 40cpm base pay + Bonuses/Benefits! Lots of Miles, Home End of Every Week, CDL-A, 2years OTR required. Owner Operators Welcome -Excellent Revenue. 920.386.2301 (CNOW) MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION TRUCK RECRUITERS: RECRUIT an applicant in over 179 Wisconsin newspapers! Only $300/ week. Call this paper or 800-227-7636 (CNOW) SPORTING GOODS GUN SHOW September18,19 & 20. Waukesha Expo, 1000 Northview Rd. Waukesha, WI. Fri 3-8pm, Sat 9am5pm, Sun 9am-3pm. Admission: $7 14 & Under FREE Buy/Sell/Trade 608752-6677 (CNOW) CAXCA page 27_Layout 1 9/15/15 7:46 PM Page 1 Kewaskum Statesman • September 17, 2015 • Page 27 CAMELOT APARTMENTS - Mayville - FREE HEAT & CABLE TV Also includes water, sewer & attached garage with remote. 2 bedrooms. Small Family Pets Welcome. Call today for more information. 800-589-8812 ESTATE ANTIQUE AUCTION KEWASKUM, WI SATURDAY, SEPT. 20, 9:00AM 8:00AM INSPECTION LOCATION: Hwy 45 or 28 to Kewaskum, East on Hwy 28 to Hwy "S", then north 1.5 miles to N131. AUCTIONEERʼS NOTE: The collection of Yvonne & the late Lee Weber, Neosho. The Webers were longtime, avid collectors and put together a great collection over many years. For updates & pics visit Please note Sunday sale day. Good items include: 1930s LR set; Oak curved glass corner china cabinet, dbl bookcase, roll top, ice box, tables, pew & other oak; Fancy mahogany barley twist stand; Vict. marble top tables; 6 RPOG table lamps inc: Jefferson, B&H and others; 8 slag glass table lamps incl: Royal Art Glass Co. etc; 24 GWTW incl: Elk w/setters, Woodcocks, Several ruby satin, baby face and numerous floral; Good floor lamps; Several other good table lamps; 189 pcs of carnival glass, mostly dark, includes good patterns and colors; Brideʼs basket; 74 pcs souvenir custard glass; 3 Dodge Cty plat books; Village Blacksmith adv. print; Huge collection of Dodge County & area advertising plates, signs, brewery items; prints; stoneware; calendars & more. 2 good floor safes; Clocks; Easter items incl macheʼ; Much more. Charbroiled Brats, Hamburgers & Refreshments TERMS: Cash or checks. Out of state, 2 forms of ID. D/L required for bid number. No buyerʼs premium. No phone bids. Absentees accepted. RWA Mike Paul #28 Appraisals ~ Real Estate On Site or Indoor Sales P.O. Box 457 Kewaskum, WI 53040 262-338-3030 The staff of the Kewaskum Statesman is excited to show off the beautiful new sign in front of their soon to be open office in Kewaskum. Office hours could be starting as soon as November 1st! Please watch the paper for more details. From left, Andrew Johnson, owner; Andrea Hansen-Abler, managing editor; Becky Van Beek, office/classifieds; Andrea Steger, production/mailroom; Chris Gellings, typesetter/proofing; Becky Scannell, newsstand delivery/proofing; Anne Trautner, journalist/photographer; and Jen Coon, mailroom/proofing. photo by Anne Trautner Annual Fall Farm Machinery Consignment Sale Saturday • September 26, 2015 • 8:30AM AUCTION SPECIALIST SALE SITE W5659 Co Rd Y, Fond du Lac, WI SELLING IN 3 RINGS • LUNCH BY Lomira FFA Alumni: Open at 7:00 a.m. Directions: Hwy 41, 50 Mi. North of Milwaukee or 10 Mi. South of Fond du Lac to Hwy 49 Exit# 87, West to Hwy 175, North to County Y, East to Frontage Rd. WATCH FOR ARROWS Sale Order: Ring 1 – 8:30: Wagon Load of Tools & Smalls, Boxes & Barrels; Ring 2 – 9:00: Lawn & Garden & Lumber; Ring 3 – 9:15: Farm Machinery & Equipment, in order that machinery arrived; Selling at 11:30 - Special Consignment – Graff Farms - Discontinuing Farming NH 8970 w/ Factory Duals 3750 Hrs; NH 8870 w/ Factory Duals 2775 Hrs Extra Sharp; NH 240 Chopper w/ Snap Head & Processor & 2-Row Corn, 3-Row Corn & Hay Head; NH 180 Skid Loader; NH 1441 Discbine; NH 166 Merger; (3) Meyer 4120 Rear Unload w/ 1/-Ton Tandem Gear; (2) Meyer 600 CSS Front Unload w/ 18-Ton Tandem Gear; Meyer 16’ Bale Wagon w/ 8Ton Gear; Sand Bedding Machine for Skid Loader; White 273 26’ Wheel Disc; Knight 3700 Reel Augie Mixer. ·Tractors-Skidsteers: JD 7520 Triple Hyds & 3-Pt Cab Good Shape; Intl 674 Gas Tractor VG; Intl 674 Gas New Paint 540 PTO Single Hyd Remote – Less than 200 Hrs on Rebuilt Engine; Oliver 1750 w/ Loader; NH 8360 4WD Cab 2800 Hrs; Ford AN Tractor; Case 470 Utility Tractor Shuttle Shift & Hyd Loader; Deutz D6206 60HP 5167 Hrs Cab Dual Rear Hyd Good Rubber; Gehl 4640 Skidloader; IH Loader fits 66 Series; 73” Skid Loader Bucket w/ Gehl Attach ·New AttachSome w/Quick-Att: Stout Brush Grapple HD72-8; Stout Rock Bucket/ Brush Grapple Combo HD72-3 Open-end; Stout 48” Walk-thru Pallet Forks; Stout 48” Full-back Pallet Forks ·PlantTill Eq: Intl 720 Toggle Trip 4-18” Plow; Brillion High Clearance Chisel Plow 10’-16’ Width; Knowles 25’ Spring Tooth Harrow; Glencoe 15’ Quack Digger w/ 3-Piece Drag; Blue Glencoe 16’ Field Cultivator w/ Hyd Ram; JD 6-Row Cultivator; Oliver 8’ Pull-Type Disc on Wheels; Allis Chalmers 18’ Wing Disc; 3-Pt Drag; Intl 18 1/2’ Quack Digger w/ Foldup Wings New Teeth; JD Van Brunt Grain Drill Dbl Disc on Rubber; JD Van Brunt 10’ Grain Drill w/ Grass Seeder; Hardi 100 gal 3-Pt 28’ Sprayer 540 Pump Like New ·Harvest Eq: MacDon 7000 14’ Haybine Cab & Air; 1990 MacDon 7000 14’ Head Steel on Steel Crimpers 3.9 Cummins Cab Air New Sickle 2144 Hrs; NH 972 4-Row Corn Head Adj Row Width; JD 930 Moco 11’ 6” Discbine 1000 RPM; NH 499 12’ Haybine; Miller Pro 1100 Rake; (2) H&S SR420 Hay Rake Tandem &540 RPM; Cunningham 8-58 Hay Conditioner; NH 402 Hay Crimper; Cunningham 7’ Hay Crimper; New Idea 5407 3-Pt Disc Mower; Walco 8’ Rotary Mower w/ Hyd Ram Nice; NH 315 Baler; Gehl 1850 Round Baler; NH 648 Round Baler; JD 336 Baler w/ Thrower; NH 790 Chopper 1000 PTO w/ Elec Controls – W890 Hay Head & 2-Row 824 Corn Head 30” or 38” Rows; Gehl 1060 Chopper – 7’ Hay Head & 2-Row Narrow Corn Head; JD 115 Corn Stalk Shredder; JD 693 Poly Corn Head 30” 6-Row; JD 100 Corn Stalk Stacker Wagon; Gehl 84 Select-a-Cut Chopper Hay Head; Gehl 99 Blower –only used twice; Mayrath 3”x20’ Auger; Allied 6”x36’ Grain Auger PTO; Westfield 8”x31’ Grain Auger w/5HP Motor; Westfield 8”x61’ Grain Auger PTO & Transport; Badger Roller Mill & Blower w/ Hyd Loading Auger; Allis Chalmers Short Hopper Blower; Loyal Hopper Bins; 3-Pt Bale Mover; Kewanee 48’ Elevator PTO ·Manure Spreaders- Etc: H&S 310 Manure Spreader; Gehl 1217 Manure Spreader w/ Top Beater (same as NH155); Agromatic Manure Auger w/Motor ·Run Gears-Wagons-Racks: H&S 501 Wagon w/ 10-Ton Knowles Gear; Bale Rack 8x16 Free Throw; 250 Bu Gravity Wagon w/ Gear; Kory 6872 Gravity Box w/ Kory 8-Ton Gear; Kasten Gravity Box w/ Kasten 8-Ton Gear; Kory Gravity Box w/ 8-Ton Gear; Killbros M385 Gravity Box w/ NH 10Ton Gear; Badger 16’ Chopper Box; Gehl Open Top Chopper Box ·Feed-Milk Eq: Gruett’s 16’ Haybunk; Weaverline 424 Hydrostatic Feed Cart w/ Charger ·Vehicles-Trailers: Ford 450 Dsl 4x4 Dump w/ Plow; 2005 Ford Taurus 4-Dr 64K Miles; 2005 Featherlite 25’ Gooseneck 5-Place Horse Trailer; 2002 Kaufman 2-Place 36’ Car Trailer; 16’ Skid Loader Trailer; 14’ Tandem Trailer; 16’ Tandem Trailer ·Lawn-Garden: JD Dig Mower 3-Pt Number 90 - 36” Cut for Compact Tractor; Bush Hog SM60 3-Pt Ditch Bank Mower ·Antiques & Collectibles: JD 265 Lawn Tractor– Collector; JD 18 1-Row Corn Picker–Collector; 1962 Oliver 1600 Gas Wide Front End & Narrow Front Also; Ford Tractor Front Bumper & Hitch; (2) Tractor Tires & Rims 8-Bolt 9.5-24; Wood Wheelbarrow; Bob Sled; Horse Drawn Scraper; Various Horse Hitches; Old Horse Shoes; Wood Sled; Hand Saw; Various Fork, Rake, Pick Heads; Hand Planter; Potato Planter; Floor Scale; Seeder Bar/Cart; Foot Pedal Grind Stone; Drill Press; Vise; Barrels; Surge Milk Machine; Covered Cook Kettle; Crocks & Jugs; 36” Cook Kettle; (3) Stainless Steel Milk Pails w/ Covers ·Lumber: (50-70) Piles of Dimensional Lumber – 2x4; 2x6; 2x8; 2x10; 2x12; Piles of OSB & Plywoods; Misc Shingles & Siding ·Misc: Western 10’ Snow Plow Universal Skid Loader Mount; Allis Chalmers Grader Blade Snap Coupler; Leroi 150 Model D200 Compressor; (42) Free Stalls – 2 Yrs Old; (99) Free Stalls 32”x6’ w/ Hardware; Treated Fence Posts; Briggs & Stratton 8HP Gas Engine Like New; Curt 5th Wheel Hitch E5; Arps 7’ 2-Stage 3-Pt Snowblower; Pipe Rack off Dodge Short Box; Misc. Hand & Power Tools; Farm Toys; Tonka Toys; Beer Mirrors; Hyd Hoses & Cylinders; Steel Cable; Hardware; Misc Ag Parts; Boxes & Barrels. This Is Only a Partial Listing- More Consignments Coming Consignments accepted until Friday, Sept 25th Noon. List, Updates & Pictures;; & Upcoming Auctions: Nov 7th Annual Fall Construction Consignment Sale Auction Manager: Pat O’Brien, WI Registered Auctioneer #287. Cell 920-960-7583 Auction Specialists, PO Box 100, Lomira, WI 53048 920-921-2901 Plant Now For A Beautiful Garden Now And In The Future By Melinda Myers Don’t pack away that shovel and trowel. Fall is a great time to plant a few new additions in the landscape. Here are just a few ideas for adding immediate and long term beauty to your garden. Add cool season annuals like pansies, snapdragons, ornamental kale and stocks to brighten the fall garden. Those in milder regions will enjoy them throughout the winter. Consider adding cold hardy pansies. They provide color in the fall garden, survive most winters, and are back blooming in the spring just as the snow melts. Fall is also a good time to plant perennials, trees and shrubs. The soil is warm and the air cooler, so the plants are less stressed and establish more quickly. Select plants suited to the growing conditions and be sure to give them plenty of room to reach their mature size. Plant trees so the root flare, the place where the roots curve away from the trunk, is even with the soil surface. Dig a hole, the same depth as the rootball, and two to five times wider. Roughen the sides of the hole and backfill with the existing soil. Water thoroughly and spread a two to three inch layer of mulch over the soil surface, keeping the mulch away from the tree trunk. Follow a similar planting procedure for shrubs. Plant these so the crown, the place where the stems meet the roots, is even with the soil surface. And be sure to keep the mulch away from the stems. Plant daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and other bulbs in fall for extra color next spring. Set the bulbs at a depth of two to three times their height deep. Then cover them with soil and sprinkle on a low nitrogen slow release fertilizer, like Milorganite (milorganite. com). This organic nitrogen fertilizer promotes rooting without stimulating fall growth subject to winter kill. Start planting spring flowering bulbs after the nighttime temperatures hover between 40 and 50 degrees. Be patient — waiting until the soil cools reduces the risk of early sprouting that often occurs during a warm fall. Those gardening in the far south and along the gulf coast can purchase pre-cooled bulbs to compensate for the warm winters. Or the chilling can be done at home by storing the bulbs in a 35 to 45 degree location for at least 14 weeks before planting. Those tired of battling the animals may want to plant resistant bulbs such as daffodils, hyacinths, Fritillaria, alliums, Camassia, glory-of-the snow, snow drops, squills, and grape hyacinths. You may find it is easier to avoid the problem than battle the animals with repellents and scare tac- tics. Plant a few short season vegetables in your garden for fresh-from-the garden flavor this fall. Simply count the days from planting to the average first fall frost to determine how many growing days are left in your area. Select vegetables that will mature and can be harvested in that amount of time. Leaf lettuce, spinach, mustard greens, radishes and carrots are fast growing, cool weather tolerant vegetables that make great additions to the fall garden and your dinner plate. Get these vegetables off to a good start with a side dressing of low nitrogen fert i l i z e r. Incorporate it into the soil prior to planting or sprinkle a n a r r o w band along the row of plants. This organic nitrogen will provide needed nutrients without damaging the tender seedlings. Extend the harvest season with the help of floating row covers. These fabrics allow air, light and water through while trapping the heat around the plants. No construction is needed; just loosely cover the plants with the fabric, secure the edges with pipes, boards or landscape staples and let the plants provide the support. So be sure to get a jump on next spring’s garden season with a bit of fall planting now. CAXCA