Quietly Creating - SoundFix Acoustics


Quietly Creating - SoundFix Acoustics
Tired of the noise…
Contact us today for a
free appraisal and sound
1800 330 927
0474 821 795
1/44 Warra Street, Kooyong 3144
Email geoff@soundfix.com.au
0478 625 105
Email jacob@soundfix.com.au
Western Australia
1800 330 927
0418 546 019
Email geoff@soundfix.com.au
07 321 01 307
0415 158 477
46/204 Alice Street, Brisbane 4000
Email soundfix@milandesign.com.au
South Australia
0498 225 044
c/o 1/44 Warra Street, Kooyong 3144
Email therese@soundfix.com.au
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A simple solution to
unwanted noise and echoes.
SoundFix Acoustics creates quiet, functional spaces. We supply and install a
range of sound absorbing acoustic foam products that significantly reduce
noise levels and eliminate echoes in rooms dominated by hard surfaces or
high ceilings.
Our product was created in Germany after years of research and development
and has been optimised for effectiveness in the frequency range of human
speech and hearing.
SoundFix Acoustics panels are specifically designed to absorb sound in this
frequency range to create a better acoustic environment; especially focusing
on the critical range of 1000 -5000 hertz in which the human ear is highly
Our white acoustic panels are extremely fire resistant and fail to ignite when exposed to a
naked flame or heat source.
We have a proprietary colour matching process which uses an embedded colour treatment
to match any colour.
The lightweight composition of SoundFix panels means they can be easily adhered to any
surface and are flexible so that they follow the natural contours of any surfaces.
SoundFix Acoustic panels can be mounted to ceilings and walls discreetly or as a feature to
compliment the room’s décor or suspended to create an architectural unique design feature.
Our Acoustic Design Service enables you to create something bespoke for your space.
The choice is yours…
Product Range
SoundFix Acoustics products are available in a wide range of designs
and sizes and can be supplied in any colour at short lead times.
They are an extremely cost effective solution when a budget has to be met.
We have a sound treatment solution to suit any application.
Acoustic Ceiling Panels
Acoustic T-Grid
700mm x 700mm
1100mm x 500mm
Our most popular product. Suitable for all ceilings and walls as they can
be butted together or spaced apart to accommodate lighting and other
Designed to augment existing suspended ceilings in the
busiest offices.
Acoustic Circles
Any diameter up to 1100mm
A unique architectural feature.
Acoustic Waves
Acoustic Melbourne Wall Panels
1200mm x 600mm
2000mm x 700mm • 2000mm x 350mm
A spectactular architectual feature that
effectively treats the sound problem.
A statement wall piece that
can include a logo and
corporate message.
Acoustic Baffles
Any length up to 2500mm • Any depth up to 1100mm
A simple design suitable for utilitarian spaces
with crowded or higher ceilings.
8 Ashburton Pool and
Recreation Centre Project
In 2015 the Boroondara Council embarked on a $5.7m major development of the Ashburton Pool and
Recreation Centre.
SoundFix Acoustics was engaged to improve the acoustic environment of the pool area by significantly
reducing the excessive noise that occurs at times of high activity and reducing the reverberation time so
that staff and patrons can communicate effectively.
In addition to the Acoustic Waves, a number of Acoustic Wall Panels were strategically positioned on the
walls around the three pools in the corporate colours of the City of Boroondara using our unique proprietary
colouring process.
The biggest advantage of the Acoustic Waves was their ability to be bonded directly to the ceiling. This
resulted in two major advantages to the Council;
The Brief
The elimination of all metal fixing systems, thus eliminating corrosion issues.
The indoor pool area has a maximum ceiling height of 10 metres. This was causing immense reverberation
problems, making it difficult for instructors and lifeguards to be understood when communicating with
swimmers. The enjoyment of the pool by swimmers and pool users was being compromised by the
excessive noise, especially during busy times.
The Acoustic Waves appear to be an integral part of the ceiling.
The Solution
As a result of our work it has attracted the attention of other local governments who now
recognise the importance of incorporating acoustic treatments as a fundamental
element in the construction process.
The indoor pool, being a water environment, offered a great opportunity for SoundFix to use Acoustic Waves
fixed directly to the ceiling. The wave like design of the Acoustic Wave worked harmoniously into the design
by emulating the pool water’s movement.
SoundFix Acoustics’ work on the Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre has been recognised by the
Boroondara Council as a significant contribution to the community.
10Ashburton Pool and
Recreation Centre Project (had this to say)
Joe Capomolla, Coordinator Special Projects;
“We considered a number of options and products suitable for an indoor pool environment. One of the issues with
suspended horizontal panels is the ability to collect dusk and suspend moisture over a period of time. Your product
offers the acoustic performance required, it is super light and fire resistant and the vertical application provides and
aesthetically pleasing setup.
We wanted to essentially maintain or better the existing acoustical performance with the old ceiling
The ability to strategically place the panels in specific areas, has allowed overall acoustic effect but also concentrate on
specific zones as well.
We have received a number of positive comments from members in regards to the general overall performance and
appearance of the panel. The water aerobics instructor has also commented on the difference with the audio system in that
SoundFix Acoustics’ ability to meet client requirements and flexibility with installation and matching colours, has provided
an outstanding overall outcome.
Geoffrey and I were discussing the material of the acoustic panel to the site manager and highlighted how it does not burn
into a naked flame. The site manager was not convinced and wanted to see it for himself. So we took a panel outside and
set a lighter to it and to his surprise, the material just smouldered and failed to ignite.”
All parties working on the project were
extremely happy with the result.
As a result of the work, SoundFix Acoustics was able to
reduce the reverberation time in the building from a
level that was above 2.5 seconds to below 0.8 seconds,
while the decibel level dropped by 10dB.
The environment is now remarkably quiet and peaceful
for the pandas and the staff who work with this unique
and charismatic species.
12Adelaide Zoo
In 2015, Adelaide Zoo contacted SoundFix Acoutics to review sound levels in the night quarters of its most famous
residents – Giant Pandas Wang Wang and Fu Ni.
Adelaide Zoo’s pandas are part of the international Giant Panda research, conservation and breeding program
designed to conserve this endangered species. Should Fu Ni one day fall pregnant, her birthing cycle could potentially
fall during two of Adelaide’s largest festivals. Noise from these events carries across the Torren’s River precinct and the
Botanic Park into zoo grounds. The extra noise being generated at the festivals resonated into the panda building and
sound levels greater than 85 decibels have been recorded.
In preparation for a potential birth, it was essential Adelaide Zoo staff minimised noise disturbances in Fu Ni’s environment.
Pandas are very sensitive to sound, especially in the lead up to the yearly breeding season or a potential birth.
SoundFix Acoustics worked collaboratively with the panda care team at Adelaide Zoo to formulate a solution to the
excessive noise problem.
After months of collating research and performing and analysing sound diagnostics of the panda’s environment and
night quarters area, SoundFix Acoutics installed its sound absorption panels in Fu Ni’s night quarters, den and other
key areas of concern in the panda environment.
The Zoo’s Panda Keepers reported that following the
sound treatment of the area, the panda’s demeanour
seemed even more relaxed.
This is what the Adelaide Zoo had
to say about us:
Jason Hakof, Adelaide Zoo Team Leader
Carnivores and Primates
We chose SoundFix Acoustics as they provided us with
the best quote, the most testimonials and a quality guarantee that
it would make a difference in the reverberation time and general
noise levels in the facility.
As soon as the installation had been completed we
heard a big difference immediately and a significant reduction in
noise levels within the treated areas.
We feel that we have done everything possible now to minimise
noise levels in the panda building and give us the best chance to
successfully breed and raise a cub. The staff have definitely noticed
the difference not just in the treated areas but the facility as a
I would recommend SoundsFix Acoutics to other companies as they
delivered what was promised at a very reasonable price and were
very passionate about helping the pandas.
Lucy Catt, Adelaide Zoo Panda Keeper
A few various organisations had been contacted and SoundFix
Acoustics were certainly the most helpful, even taking it upon
themselves to conducting their own background research into the
effects of sound on animals living within zoos. They were very
passionate about the project and provided the best quote and
flexibility in regards to instalment.
We wanted to reduce the sound in Fu Ni’s night quarters
closest to her den, and in the actual den area.
The treatment has not only reduced the reverberation in
the female’s birthing areas but also the entire building.
The improvements were seen immediately before
the installation had even been completed, and kept
improving with continued installation.
Both pandas reacted immediately to the change of the sounds in
the building, but Fu Ni was certainly the most cautious initially.
However, as she was approaching breeding season she did have
heightened sensitivity at the time. They have now both settled well.
All the panda keepers have noticed a huge change in the building,
with keepers no longer needing to strain to be heard over all of the
noises. The echo in the building is essentially gone.
I would absolutely recommend SoundFix Acoustics
to other people. From start to finish, the entire
SoundFix team were wonderful to work with.
14 Port Arthur Lavender
Nestled within 18 acres of lavender, rainforest and lakes and overlooking the ocean at Long Bay is the
Port Arthur Café and Essential Oil Distillery.
The café has seven metre high ceilings, concrete flooring, and a large expanse of glass windows to take in
the spectacular surrounds. This combination caused a severe noise and reverberation problem when patrons
were dining in the café.
The new owners quickly realised that they needed to do something about the noise problem and
contacted SoundFix Acoustics.
Clare Dean, owner of Port Arthur Lavender had this to say:
“ The combination of high ceilings, concrete floor and lots of glass made it an acoustically miserable experience for diners.
The café holds one hundred people and we figured that if twenty people were dining, that alone would be too noisy.
The difference in sound on the morning of the installation compared with when they finished later that day was
literally like night and day. It made such a difference!
We selected the Acoustic Waves as their curved design seamed to emulate the waves of the Long Bay ocean that is viewed
from the café. They also were the best value for money.
We hold a lot of weddings and even the bands now comment on the great acoustics of the room.
We are extremely happy with the result and highly recommend SoundFix Acoustics for not only
their amazing product but also their prompt turn around time and great level of service.”