No Name eCatalogue 2011
No Name eCatalogue 2011
Gallery Swatchbook Designing with Imagination and Style Table of Contents Pintuck Taffeta…………………...……………...…. Page 3 Adagio and Calypso….…………………………….. Page 4 Satin Solids……..………………………….…………. Page 5 Silk Imperial Check & Exotic Prints…………. Page 6 Donatella & Embellished Sheers……………… Page 7 Crystal & Embellished Organzas………......... Page 8 Laces, Hairscroll, & Ribbon Soutache………. Page 9 Cohansey & Designer Damasks……………….. Page 10 Satin Stripe Damask & Fairmont……………… Page 11 Bengalines…………………………………………….. Page 12 Sparkle Organzas…………………………………… Page 13 Dazzle Crush & Aluba……………………………… Page 14 Poplin Polyester Solids…………………………… Pages 15-16 Western & Tropical Themes……………………. Page 17 Specific Themes & Animal Prints…………….. Page 18 Lame’ and Metallics……………………………….. Page 19 Printed Sheers & Floral Prints/Sheers……… Page 20 Picnic Checks & Neon Polyester………………. Page 21 Umbrella Cloths & Polyester Skirts………….. Page 22 Holiday Prints & Other Themes………………. Page 23 Designer Runners………………………………….. Page 24 Lame’ & Fairmont Chair Sashes………………. Page 25 Sparkle Organza Chair Sashes…………………. Page 26 Satin Chair Sashes………………………………….. Pages 27-28 Polyester Chair Sashes……………………………. Pages 29-30 Bengaline Chair Sashes…………………………… Page 31 Specialty Napkins…………………………………… Page 32 Cottonknot & Polyester Solid Napkins……… Page 33 Chair Covers………………………………….………. Pages 34-35 2 Pintuck A Taffeta that has been tailored by small stitching in a diamond pattern for a faux quilted texture. This lustrous fabric is a sure winner for your affair in multiple color selections. Sizes: 90x90 square, 120 Rd, 132 Rd And 90x156 banquet. Note: Dye lots may vary more than average. LDL will not be responsible for Orange Pintuck with Maize Napkins shade variations from the manufacturer. Berry Ivory Royal Black Bronze Tan Orange White Sage 3 Burgundy Dark Brown Pewter Lt. Pink Adagio A flocked taffeta that simulates the climbing vine and new leaves. The Winter White requires an undercloth and is available in an 84x84 square and 14x120 runner. Sky Blue Adagio is available as a 120 Rd and an 84x84 square. Pewter Adagio is available in a 120 Rd, 90x156 banquet, 14x120 runner. Winter White/Black Winter White over Black Sky/Chocolate Pewter/Black Calypso An embroidered Taffeta that is so festive that it brings a multitude of ideas and designs to life. Colorful embroidery that accents the fabric without being too bold. Sizes: 90x90 square, 120 Rd Turquoise Calypso with Raspberry Turquoise Calypso Orange Calypso 4 Satin The lustrous Satin will always be the cloth that you turn to for sophistication and class for formal affairs. Each color is rich and saturated with color. Sizes: 54x54 square, 90x90 square 96 round, 120 round, 132 round, 90x156 Royal Sa n Napkins, chair sash, 14x108 runner Butterscotch Cashmere Gold Ivory Ice Pink Mint Sage Silver Tiffany Blue Royal Fuschia Copper Pumpkin Black Garnet Baja Violet Eggplant 5 White Baja Turquoise Red Chocolate Silk Imperial Check A damask that has a woven 4 inch check pattern alternating with matte and shiny squares. Five colors that are versatile for any event and sophisticated without the extra decorations. Sizes: 96 Rd, 120 Rd, 20x20 napkins, 90x156 banquet Royal Silk Imperial Check Champagne Purple Silver Royal Slate Blue Silk Exotic Prints A variety of silk fabric prints are available for specific themes or food tables for that special affair. Asian, Central American, and Middle East inspired designs are available. Seraglio 126 Rd Sizes: 90x90 square Seraglio Sizes: 90x90 square, 126 Rd Bombay Spider Mum Good Fortune 6 Seraglio Donatella Sheer Ecru Pumpkin over Chocolate Sa n An embroidered Organza with a delicate leaf and vine pattern embroidered on the surface. Three base colors of Organza that coordinate with a variety of colored embroidery with a 4 inch Satin border. Elegant over any color of tablecloth. Size: 90x90 square White with White Sa n Ecru with Pumpkin Sa n Purple with Black Sa n Turquoise with Black Sa n Turquoise w/ Turquoise Sa n Ecru with Copper Sa n Ecru with Ivory Sa n White with Black Sa n Embroidered Sheers Each specialty Organza sheer that is embellished by colorful threads, reflective sequins, or a distinct ribbon stitched in a floral or abstract design was made for that unique table to capture your attention. Size: 90x90 square Tara Tara over Eggplant Sa n Daisy Chain Argent Scroll 7 Medici Crystal Organza Crystal Wave comes in White, Black, and Copper, with textured waves in 3 coordinating crystalized colors that sparkle in the light. Crystal Block has the same unique embellishment in a block pattern. Size: 90x90 square Block Lime: 72x72 sq, 90x90 sq Crystal Block Lime over Silver Sa n Crystal Wave Copper Crystal Wave Black Crystal Wave White Crystal Block Lime Embellished Organzas Curves has been uniquely patterned with geometric threaded designs within the weave of the fabric. Taj Mahal has a black and red helix design overall. The Tartan Plaid is a combination of chenille, metallic, and organza stripes. Argent is a soutache of ribbon sewn on the organza. All choices adorn a table beautifully. Tartan Plaid over Violet Sa n Size: 90x90 square Curves Taj Mahal Tartan Plaid 8 Argent Scroll Laces and Hairscroll A lace is delicate and sheer enough to let the primary color be prominent. Our laces are either embroidered or woven to present as a lace design. Sizes vary by type. Sizes: 54x or 60xSq, 84x or 90xSq, 120 Rd Hairscroll is an embellished soutache with fabric eyelashes along the ribbon border, sewn on a taffeta fabric, and is a 90x90 square. Bella over Eggplant Sa n Argent, Bella, & Daisy Chain: 90x90 Sq Dynasty White Trellis Ivory Trellis Pearl Hairscroll Argent Scroll Daisy Chain Bella Ribbon Soutache Ribbons are gathered and sewn in a lattice pattern on Taffeta. Emulating a fresh look for any occasion, indoors or outdoors. Three colors of Ivory, White, and Bronze. Sizes: 90x90 square Ribbon White over Truffle Bengaline White Ribbon 9 Ivory Ribbon Bronze Ribbon Cohansey Damask A damask that is appropriate for any celebration or gender. Seven colors that provide a sense of pride for each setting. The swirl pattern is textured and rich with each color. Sizes: 60x60 Sq, 90x90 Sq, 96 Rd, 120 Rd, 132 Rd, 72x120 banquet, 90x156 banquet, 20x napkins Chocolate Cohansey Chocolate Ivory Black White Designer Damasks Plum Hunter Gold A variety of woven damasks for occasions that need your special selection and touch. Ricci Harvest: 90x156 Ricci Harvest Rose Harvest Rose Harvest: 126 Rd Courtney: 90x90 Sq Excalibur & Twilight: 90x90 Sq Excalibur 10 Courtney Twilight Satin Stripe Damask A traditional damask that has a woven alternating matte and shiny stripes. Four colors that are versatile for any occasion and complimentary to any decor. Sizes: 90 Rd, 108 Rd, 120 Rd, 132 Rd, 60x120 banquet, 90x132, 90x156, 20x20 napkins, 54x54 square, 84x84 square Royal Silk Imperial Check Damask White Sa n Stripe White Ivory Black Red Fairmont A textured and crinkled sheer in four hues. A perfect addition to any color combination that is stylish and complimentary to the centerpiece. Fairmont is an overlay for tables or chairs that need extra décor . Sizes: 54x54 square, 84x84 square, chair sashes Mushroom Fairmont over Aqua Mushroom Wedgewood Blue 11 Ice Pink Cedarwood Bengaline A ribbed textured fabric that makes any occasion special. The sheen picks up the light in any setting and brings a soft luster to the table. Sizes: 90x90 square, 120 Rd, 132 Rd, 20x20 napkins, 90x156 banquet, and chair sashes. Silverado Bengaline with Rose Accents Apple Green Canary Dark Brown Ice Blue Rose Sand Silverado Wineberry Truffle Walnut Beige 12 Sparkle Organza A elegant sheer fabric that can enhance a table or modify the color to complement a new color scheme.. Multiple colors available that will meet your needs. Sizes: 90x90 square, 120 Rd, and chair sashes. Blue Organza over Apple Green Bengaline Note: some colors have a 54x54 square available Blue Turquoise Dark Brown Dark Green Deep Berry Ivory Lilac Maize Orange Lt Pink Rouge Silver An que Gold White 13 Dazzle The most exciting crush iridescence fabric with a two-tone weave which reflects a different color from light sources and brings the crush texture for the “wow” factor to the table. Sizes: 70x70 Sq, 90x90 Sq, 120 Rd, and 132 Rd Watermelon Dazzle over Violet Sa n Burning Embers Plum Green Champagne Gold Pink Aqua Turquoise Gold Watermelon Aluba An exciting duo of a triple color wide stripe with a narrow 1 inch stripe of a burnished gold color that brings a bit of the Middle Eastern influence. Watermelon Watermelon and Fawn are available in a 120 Rd and a 90x156 banquet. Aluba Fawn 14 Pla num Poplin Polyester The durable and basic foundation cloth for any event. This structured poplin polyester is the classic table cover and undercloth for all affairs. Sizes: 54x54 sq, 72x72 sq, 90x90 sq, 90 Rd, 96 Rd, 108 Rd, 120 Rd, 132 Rd, 60x120 banquet, 90x132 banquet, 90x156 banquet, 5’ skirt, 8’ skirt, 13’ skirt, 20x20 napkin, table runner, chair sashes. Mint Poplin with Lt Pink napkins Aqua Black Camel Charcoal Chocolate Brown Claret Copper Dark Olive Dusty Rose Forest Gold Coral Goldenrod Hot Pink Lemon Light Blue Burgundy Ivory Light Olive 15 Burnt Orange Jade Light Pink Cafe Kelly Lilac Poplin Polyester The durable and basic foundation cloth for any event. This structured poplin polyester is the classic table cover and undercloth for all affairs. Sizes: 54x54 sq, 72x72 sq, 90x90 sq, 90 Rd, 96 Rd, 108 Rd, 120 Rd, 132 Rd, 60x120 banquet, 90x132 banquet, 90x156 banquet, 5’ skirt, 8’ skirt, 13’ skirt, 20x20 napkin, table runner, chair sashes. Navy Poplin Polyester Lime Maize Orange Peach Raspberry Silver Tigerlily Red Slate Blue Turquoise Mint Mosss Navy Periwinkle Plum Purple Royal Ruby Seamist Tan Teal Terracotta White 16 Neon Green/Orange/Pink Western Themes When the guests love going green or the Wild West is the theme, or a fun hoe-down and barbeque, these fabrics can enhance the festive atmosphere. Bandana Size: 82x82 square Denim Size: 90x90 square Natural Burlap Sizes: 60x60 sq, 82x82 sq, and 14x120 runner Fawn Burlap Sizes: 60x60 & 82x82 sq, 120 Rd Natural Burlap Runners Natural Burlap Bandana Fawn Burlap Denim Tropical Themes A tropical or Caribbean theme always needs cool and bright colors. Clients love to keep the bold and beautiful prints for festivities. Island Green Sizes: 90x90 sq, 120 Rd, 17x17 napkins, 60x120 banquet Calypso Sizes: 90x90 square, 120 Rd Island Green Palm Tree Size: 84x84 square Island Green Calypso Turquoise Calypso Orange 17 Palm Trees Specific Themes Each specific occasion, party, celebration, or event needs the complimentary print that speaks to the concept or theme. Any versatile print can go a long way for fun. Jazz Music Note Size: 90x90 square Golf Tee Size: 84x84 square Camouflage Size: 90x90 square Jazz Music Notes over Raspberry Casino Size: 10x120 runner Stars and Stripes Sizes: 82x82 square Jazz Music Notes Golf Tee Camouflage Casino Stars & Stripes Animal Prints Animal prints are always a favorite for the Zoo themes, safaris, or general exotic animal lovers. Each with their own unique style. Prints vary in Size: 82x82 Sq, 84x84 Sq, or 90x90 square Snake Skin Sheer over Slate Blue Matching napkins for Leopard & Zebra only. Snake Skin sheer Zebra Cheetah 18 Leopard Lame’ and Metallics A classic Tissue Lame’ has the sheen and shine for a high definition of glitz. The Majestic Lame’ is the total combination of each solid color of lame in a quarter inch stripe. Tissue Lame Sizes: 54x54 sq, 82x82 sq, runners, chair sashes Majestic Lame Size: 90x90 square An elegant woven Ivory damask with gold metallic thread, Versailles is the ultimate luster for a table setting. Gold Tissue Lame’ with Black Sizes: 90x90 square, 120 Rd, 132 Rd Gold Emerald Plum Red Purple Royal Silver Majes c Versailles 19 Printed Sheers A variety of printed sheers in soft and bold colors which address the specific theme of the event beautifully. Clients love the versatility of these patterns from a faux tie-dyed to a jockey diamond, the etching like the Master, and the lively four color plaid. Sizes: 90x90 square Frisco Dot over Maize Frisco Dot Divinci Black/Pink Diamonds Crazy Plaid Floral Prints /Sheers Floral cloths are often displayed for a garden party. Many people like the accent their favorite table with a simple centerpiece. Four different floral sheers, a woven Satin, and a bright print are available for selection. Size for Sheers: 90x90 square Rose Harvest: 126 Rd Louisiana Sheer over Raspberry Island Green: 90x Sq, 60x120, 120 Rd, 20x20 napkins Louisiana Chameleon Rose Harvest 20 Island Green Picnic Checks The proverbial picnic cloth that never goes out of style. Large one inch checks alternating with white for the refreshing image of fun, outdoor festivals, and homemade settings. Sizes: 54x54 square, 82x82 square, 90 Rd, 108 Rd, 120 Rd, 90x156 banquet, and 20x20 napkins. Red and White Checks Lemon Red Moss Royal Black Neon Polyester The three neon colors are fluorescent in shade and bold in color. For the black light party or event, these cloths are kid and adult friendly. Sizes: 54x54 sq, 90x90 sq, 60x120 banquet, 96 Rd, 108 Rd, 120 Rd, 90x132, and 90x156 banquets. Neon Green Neon Orange 21 Neon Pink Umbrella Cloths A variety of poplin polyester colors are available in various sizes for the umbrella table. Each cloth has a hole in the center of the cloth for the umbrella pole to slide through and into the table. White , Black, and Ivory also available. Polyester Colors and sizes may vary. Umbrella Tablecloth Sizes: 90 Rd, 108 Rd, or 120 Rd Shades of Red/Purple Shades of Green Shades of Blue Shades of Yellow/Brown Shades of Orange Poplin Polyester Skirts Poplin polyester skirts are available in all of the shades of colors are shown above and are in the gathered/shirred style. Each one rents with hook & loop standard size clips. 5 Ft. Skirt around 30” Rd Three sizes are available in most colors. These sizes accommodate the length that is needed to skirt an entire table or just the front of a table. Refer to the Size chart in the Appendix for more size information. Two 8 Ft Skirt around 60” Rd 13 Ft. skirt covers 3 sides of a Banquet Sizes: 5 Ft. skirt, 8 Ft. skirt, 13 Ft. skirt 22 Holiday Prints/ Ideas Any cloth can make a holiday table festive using special décor and linens. Below are specific December holiday prints available. Other photos have been selected which have a flair for other traditional annual holidays. Sizes will vary by print. Some are napkins only and others are overlays. Assistance is available for designing a memorable table for any event. Taj Mahal with Pointse a Napkins Holiday Plaid Pointse a Evergreen Snowflake Other Theme Concepts Patrio c Ideas Valen ne Ideas Winter Theme Ideas Halloween Ideas 60s Tied Dyed Idea 23 Mardi Gras Ideas Autumn & Fall Ideas Designer Runners A table runner should define the style of décor for an event without overshadowing the beautiful cloth underneath. Most runners are wider for use on all size tables. Some fabrics are reversible for more versatility of planning. Sizes: 14 inches x 120 inches. NOTE: some runners may vary slightly in length and width Yve e Damask Reverse Yve e Weaverly Rhythms Adagio Pewter Baroness Yve e Damask runner over Cohansey Hunter All Lame’ Colors Reyna Damask Winter Adagio Holiday Plaid Reverse Reyna All Sa n Colors All Poplin Polyester colors available in Runners Size available: 10 x 120 inches White/Black Dot 24 Chair Sashes Lame’ Gold, Plum, Royal, Silver Sashes Lame’ Puple, Emerald, and Red Sashes Chair Sashes can be the finishing touch on chairs with a cover or even on the existing chair that only needs a color adornment. A variety of ties can be created using the chair style or by a different tie method. Experiment with tying angles on the chair back, or using other embellishments for décor ideas instead of a traditional bow. Fairmont Cedarwood, Ice Pink, Mushroom, Wedgewood Blue 25 Organza Chair Sashes Sparkle Organza Rouge, White, Dark Green, and An que Gold Sparkle Organza Blue, Silver, Deep Berry, Orange Tissue lame’ (left page) is a high metallic fabric which reflects light from any angle. See other sizes available for the tabletop overlays. Sparkle Organza (this page) is a sheer fabric that will show the undercloth for a chair or tabletop. See other sizes available. Fairmont (left page) is a crinkle and textured fabric with a slight sheerness to it. A coordinating overlay square is available. Sparkle Organza Lilac, Brown, Ivory, Wine, and Maize 26 Satin Chair Sashes Sa n Ivory, Black, White, and Silver Sa n Sage, Ice Pink, Violet, and Mint Satin chair sashes are in the same saturated color as the table cloths. Sized as a 6 x 108 inch chair sash, there is enough fabric for any style of bow, florette, or lacing the sash through the rungs of a Chivari chair back. The sky is the limit for creating a fashionable chair sash adornment for the chair and event. Sa n Garnet, Gold, Royal, and Red 27 Satin Chair Sashes Sa n Mint, Eggplant, Fuschia, and Turquoise Sa n Dark Brown, Copper, Bu erscotch, Cashmere, and Pumpkin Chair covers available are in the colors of White, Ivory, and Black. See the following pages for styles of chair covers and coordinating chair styles for the best fit. Sa n Red over a Black Polyester Chair Cover 28 Polyester Chair Sashes Lime, Seamist, Moss, Mint, Light Olive, Kelly, Dark Olive, and Forest Lilac, Hot Pink, Raspberry, Burgundy, Claret, and Ruby All poplin polyester colors are a matching accessory to the solid tablecloths available in squares, banquet rectangles, skirts, napkins, and rounds. These sashes were laid over the chair back and gathered into a small loop, then pulled for a feather affect. Café, Chocolate Brown, Camel, Tan, Ivory 29 Polyester Chair Sashes Lemon, Maize, Gold, Goldenrod, and Orange Copper, Terraco a, Peach, Burnt Orange, Coral, Light Pink, and Tigerlily White, Ivory, Silver, Charcoal, and Black Turquoise, Light Blue, Navy, Periwinkle, Slate Blue, Royal, Jade, Aqua, and Teal 30 Chair Sashes Bengaline Canary, Apple Green, Silverado, and Wineberry Bengaline Truffle, Sand, Dark Brown, Walnut Beige Bengaline fabric has a tiny ribbed texture on a glossy finish. See how it captures the light both on top of the table or as a chair sash. Bengaline chair sash size is: 6 x 108 inches (Above) There are so many ways to tie a chair sash around a chair back. Experiment and create more. Try a different method of tying a sash. Start with the chair structure and have fun. 31 Specialty Napkins Gold Metallic Thread surged edge napkins. Royal, Burgundy, Ivory, Black, Dusty Rose, White, Hunter, and Red are available. Silver Metallic Thread surged edge napkins. Red, Royal, Burgundy, Ivory, Black, Dusty Rose, and White are available. Specialty napkins complete the table décor for each affair. The metallic surged edge napkins bring a very tasteful amount of glitz without going over the edge. Lace always seems to define the feminine touch for lunches and brunches. White Lace Edge or an Ivory Lace Edge napkins are available. Damasks on the Left are: Cinnabar (Bt. Orange stripe) Verenice (Ivory/Tan) Tristan (Tan/Forest stripe) Dot pattern on the Right are: Lime/White Dot cotton White/Black Dot cotton 32 Cottonknot Napkins Cottonknot is a faux cotton weave fabric. Such a wonderful rainbow of colors are available in 20x20 Napkins only. These designer colors have the weight of cotton and very nice for those special folds to adorn your table. NOTE: White, Ivory, and Black Cottonknot tablecloths are available in 96 Rd, 120 Rd, 132 Rd, and 90x156 oversize banquets. (L to R) Black, Burgundy, Raspberry, Light Pink, Orange, Army Green, Toast, Brown, Gold, Ivory, Red, Navy, Lemon, silver, Brick Red, White, Royal, Lilac, Maize, and Light Blue Poplin Polyester Napkins Matching Poplin Polyester napkins in the dinner size of 20x20 are available for all the shades and colors of polyester. Neon colors are also available in the 20x20 napkin. Shades of Red/Purple Shades of Green Neon Green, Pink, and Orange Black and White Shades of Yellow/Brown 33 Shades of Blue Shades of Orange Full Chair Covers White Ballroom/Hotel stacking Chair cover with Silver Sa n Sash Ivory, Black, and White Universal Chair covers with a wider back for rounded Ballroom chairs. So often the Chairs are being covered to hide a contrasting color or style for the celebration. Basic Chair Covers are available in 3 types, folding or Samsonite folding chair cover, Ballroom or a hotel stacking chair cover, and the Universal chair cover with a wider back. Colors available in Polyester are: Black, Ivory, and White. A few colors are available for the head table for honorees in the ballroom style. Black Folding Chair cover over a resin folding Samsonite chair. This Folding style is also available in White and Ivory. 34 Chair Caps and Backs Organza Chair Back and Tail. Chair back only in White or Ivory Sa n with an Organza Tail edged in a Sa n border. (placed over an Organza chair cover) White or Ivory Sa n Chair Cap with Organza Ties a ached at the side seams for a bridal Sweetheart table or the Head table. Black Ballroom Chair Cover with Red Sa n sash. Black chair covers also in Folding style and Universal. White Sparkle Organza Chivari chair cover available for the bridal Sweetheart table or the Head table. 35 Your Day will Always be Special 36
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