October 2015 Spire - Magnolia Presbyterian Church
October 2015 Spire - Magnolia Presbyterian Church
The Spire A monthly newsletter published by Magnolia Presbyterian Church: A welcoming community of caring Christians in service to God… A well of faith and renewal. October 2015 Volume 8, Issue 7 Pastor’s Column: With Believers in Every Time and Place The month of October begins, here at church, with World Communion Sunday on October 4th – a wonderful reminder of our unity with brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe. In addition to enjoying a few international tunes in our service music that morning, and hearing multiple languages in our prayers, there will be opportunity for you to share favorite lines from “The Brief Statement of Faith,” the Presbyterian creed we have been studying together in worship over the last few months. Why do this on World Communion Sunday in particular? Because basic tenets of faith expressed in creeds like this one unite us “with believers in every time and place.” We are not alone; we travel along this journey of faith together. Let’s encourage one another by sharing how God is making himself known to us. And let’s remember the wider world – in every culture and on every continent – in which God is busily speaking and acting as well! Grace and peace, Pastor Deb Sunoo In this ISSUE 1 Children’s Ministry 2 MPC Fall News 3 Indoor Picnic 4 Events 5 Final Reminders 6 October 2015 The Spire — Magnolia Presbyterian Church Youth Classes Begin Fall Happenings in our Children’s Programs Our Connect Middle School Group (grades 5-8) will meet for the first time on Sunday, September 27th, during the latter part of our worship hour. On Sunday, October 4th, all Middle School and High School students are invited to remain in worship for our World Communion Sunday service. And on Sunday, October 11th, our brand new High School class will meet for the first time, also during our worship hour. For more details, and/or to be added to his email list for regular youth class updates, contact Youth Director Justin Beatty at jmbeatty24@gmail.com. As we move into the regular church school year it has been so much fun seeing all of the kids and hearing about their summer adventures. Every fall the kids seem so much more grown up and, of course, taller! We had a big group of 4th graders graduate from Big BLAST (now 5th graders) and it is have been really fun to see how the younger kids are stepping in and taking on more leadership in the class now that they are becoming the "bigger kids.” We are continuing with our Whirl curriculum which continues to be lots of fun and sparks good conversation. October MPC Birthdays October 24 Dick Gatchel October 4 Jim Glaser October 26 Muriel Kelly October 5 Rebecca Sunoo October 9 Hwa-Kang Crosby Justin Beatty We have moved our BLAST Jr class to the old preschool room downstairs and I am very excited about this change in location. This will put all of our kid's classes on the same floor and will allow us to combine efforts when helpful (for example, when practicing for the Christmas Pageant). Speaking of the Christmas Pageant, I know it seems a long way off but please make a note that this year's pageant will be on Sunday, December 13. The sooner I know how many kids are available to participate, the sooner I can get rolling with choosing songs and creating a script! Happy Fall Everyone! - Miss Lori Church Office Hours October 13 Brom Wikstrom The Office Administrator hours for September to December 2015 are: October 22 Helen April Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: October 23 Brayden Kelly Rob Leet Closed Closed 8:00 am — 11:00 am 8:00 am — 11:00 am 8:00 am — 5:00 pm The office is always closed Saturday & Sunday. (Pastor Deb's hours will remain the same.) 2 October 2015 The Spire — Magnolia Presbyterian Church MPC Fall News Ballard Food Bank Director Coming on October 18th We have invited Ballard Food Bank’s Executive Director, Jen Muzia, to speak to us in worship on Sunday, October 18th. Our MPC Deacons want to help more of us get involved in hands-on mission in our community, and the food bank provides such a wide range of volunteering opportunities that we are sure anyone who is interested will find a way to plug in. Watch for a bulletin insert coming that same Sunday, allowing you to sign up to serve with the food bank, either individually or as part of a small group from our church. New First Aid Kits Installed Have you noticed the church has new First Aid Kits in place? There is one on each floor: On the Main Floor near the entrance to the Mt. Rainier room, at the top of the east stair well on the 2nd Floor, and at the bottom of the east stair case in the Basement. In addition to bandages, ointments, and medicines, the kits contain wind-up flashlights, an AM/ FM radio, and a cell phone charger. Thank you, Jerry Leighton, for helping to prepare our congregation for emergencies! Newly Updated Photo and Contact Directories Our directories for the congregation have recently been updated, and are available now in the church office. You are welcome to stop by and pick them up at your convenience. Interested in Church Membership? Thank You for Helping the Hungry The September 19th Mayor’s Day of Concern for the Hungry collection at QFC was able to fill 10 barrels of food and collect $300 dollars for the Emergency Feeding Program of Seattle / King County. Many thanks to all of our MPC volunteers for a job well done! (Pictured: Dave Bowman and Barb Bily-Parr.) If you have been worshiping with us regularly and would be interested in becoming a member of our congregation, please let Pastor Deb know. She would be happy to find a time for conversation with you to include an orientation to this church and to our denomination, the meaning of church membership, and the steps we would take to welcome you to membership here at MPC. We are glad you are here! Church Fair at SPU on October 1st During the first week of classes at Seattle Pacific University, a Church Fair on campus introduces students to a wide range of local church options available in the Seattle area. Pastor Deb Sunoo and Deacon Robin Maddox hosted an Informational table this year to help spread the word about our MPC congregation and how much we enjoy welcoming college students to our church family while they are living in the area. 3 October 2015 The Spire — Magnolia Presbyterian Church Church Indoor Picnic in Fellowship Hall Weather changed the plans for a picnic at Magnolia Park on September 20th and brought us instead into Fellowship Hall. A jolly group gathered at 10:30 am for praise songs, Scripture readings, and prayer. A team of four guitarists - Cindy Bain, Steve Moore, Vaclav Novak, and Rob Jones - led our worship music. Master griller Jerry Leighton and the picnic team headed by Dave & Lisa Bowman were helped by all who lent a hand with set up and clean up. Hamburgers and hot dogs were served with loads of other tasty treats, all of which helped to make the indoor picnic a success. 4 October 2015 The Spire — Magnolia Presbyterian Church Women's Walk & Coffee We are starting up our MPC Women's Walking group again on Saturday, October 3rd. We will leave the church at 9:00 with return scheduled for 10:00ish, then coffee and muffins in the Mount Rainier room. We adjourn no later than 11:00. Childcare will be available. You are welcome to come for any portion of the time (e.g. you do not have to walk to join us for coffee). Hope to see you there and looking forward to the opportunity to connect with you. Afternoon Women’s Bible Study Our Thursday afternoon women’s Bible study meets next on October 8th at 1:30 pm upstairs in the Mt. Baker Room at church. This year’s curriculum is entitled “Come to the Waters.” Study books are available for $8 each; see Pastor Deb if you would like a copy. Women’s Evening Bible Study Tuesday, October 27th This month’s lesson, focused on Job 3:1-26 is titled, “God lets us ask ‘why?’ and takes our questions seriously.” Please come to the 7 pm October 27th Bible Study at the home of Marion Wright, 2518 – 36th Avenue West. Study guides are available from Barb Bily-Parr. Supper Club Meets at Mills Home Mark you calendar for Supper Club on October 10th hosted by Laura and Jim Mills at their home, 3223 W. Viewmont Way West. Come at 6:30 pm, bring your contribution for supper to serve 8, and we’ll enjoy an evening of good food and fellowship. Please let Laura know if you’ll be at Supper Club by e-mailing lauradmills@msn.com. 5 October 2015 The Spire — Magnolia Presbyterian Church Women’s Walk & Coffee Saturday, October 3rd at 9:00am in the Mt. Rainier Room Women’s Evening Bible Study: Tuesday, October 27th at 7pm at the home of Marion Wright. MPC Session Meeting: Tuesday, October 6th 7:00pm in the Mt. Rainier Room. Men’s Coffee Group: Tuesdays at 9:30 am in the Mt. Rainier Room. Women’s Afternoon Bible Study: Thursday, October 8th at 1:30pm. AA Meetings: Two AA groups are now meeting at MPC—Tuesdays at 8:00pm and Wednesdays at 6:45pm in the Mt. Rainier Room. All are welcome to attend. Supper Club: Saturday, October 10th at 6:30pm at the Mills’ home. Prayers, cards, and calls to those who cannot be with us regularly in worship are always appreciated: Marie Barnes Charlotte Ferguson Dorothy Fergusson Evelyn Freeman Katherine Hoagland Molly Langdale Nancy McPhaden Ruth Weitkamp Deacons Meeting Sunday, October 11th at 12pm Operation NightWatch: Wednesday, October 14th at 7:30pm. The Spire Is a monthly publication issued by Magnolia Presbyterian Church Pastor: Rev. Dr. Deborah Hannay Sunoo Copy Editor: Sharlene Bathum News Editor: Nancy Wright Layout/Design Editor: Jacquelynn Kuhn Magnolia Presbyterian Church 3051 28th Avenue West Seattle, WA 98199 206-283-3322 church@magpres.org www.magpres.org Find us on Facebook! We welcome you to join us any Sunday! 9:15 am Choir Practice 10:30 am Worship Service 11:30 am Coffee Hour 6