Sunday, December 13, 2015 Feed the hungry Give drink to the
Sunday, December 13, 2015 Feed the hungry Give drink to the
Sunday, December 13, 2015 Third Sunday of Advent "Joy will come to us if we set about actively trying to create it for others" -Ron Rolheiser The Corporal Works of Mercy are these kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Shelter the homeless Visit the sick Visit the imprisoned Bury the dead Welcome to the If this is your first time worshiping with us, we welcome you and invite you to learn more about Sheil and the programs we have to offer, as well as how to register and become involved in our faith community. Call us at 847-328-4648 and visit our website: Fr. Kevin Feeney & the Sheil Center Staff Upcoming Events Monday, December 14 7:00 p.m. Centering Prayer Thursday, December 17 8:30a.m. Centering Prayer TRIP TICK RAFFLE Win a week-long vacation (subject to availability) in a luxury condominium in one of these exciting locations: Redington Beach Florida, or Cape Cod Massachusetts, or Napa Valley California, or Sedona Arizona, or Orlando Florida/Walt Disney World. Trip includes 2 round-trip airfares and $200 dinner voucher. Winner will be announced during live auction at SHEIL MARDI GRAS 2016. Winner need not be present to win. $100 PER TICKET Save The Date ONLY 100 TICKETS SOLD GREAT STOCKING STUFFERS ON SALE FOLLOWING MASSES AND ON-LINE SHEILCC.EJOINME.ORG/MARDIGRAS2016 Sheil Catholic Center Signature Fundraiser Mardi Gras 2016 February 6 Mass Schedule During Winter Break Friday, December, 11 was our last daily 5 p.m. Mass until January 4 Sunday Masses December 13 - 27 are at 9:30 & 11 a.m. only Daily Masses in Evanston St. Mary Monday - Saturday 8 a.m 1012 Lake Street, Evanston, IL 60201 St. Athanansius Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 8 a.m. 1615 Lincoln Stree, Evanston, IL 60201 St. Nicholas Monday - Friday - 7:45 a.m. 806 Ridge Ave., Evanston, IL 60202 St. Francis Hospital Chapel Monday - Saturday 12 p.m. 355 Ridge Ave, Evanston, IL 60202 ALL SHEIL WINTER RETREAT January 23-24, 2016 RESERVATIONS ARE DUE AT MUNDELEIN BY JANUARY 8 PLEASE REGISTER ASAP! The cost is $80 for associates and $50 for students - scholarships are available for students. A $20 down payment to hold your place is needed by January, 11. Full payment is needed January 16. See Mary Deeley if you need to make other arrangements. Register on line - Readings for the Week Sunday, December 13 Third Sunday of Advent Zep 3:14-18a; Phil 4:4-7; Lk 3:10-18 Monday, December 14 Memorial of Saint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Mt 21:23-27 Tuesday, December 15 Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Mt 21:28-32 Wednesday, December 16 Is 45:6c-8, 18, 21c-25; Lk 7:18b-23 Thursday, December 17 Gn 49:2, 8-10; Mt 1:1-17 Friday, December 18 Jer 23:5-8; Mt 1:18-25 Saturday, December 19 Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Lk 1:5-25 Sunday, December 20 Fourth Sunday of Advent Mi 5:1-4a; Heb 10:5-10; Lk 1:39-45 Mass Intentions Sunday, December 13 9:30 a.m. Nancy S. Van Heule Marian Brown 11:00 a.m. Dr. By Choi Sunday, December 20 9:30 a.m. Bob McCray Poinsettia Sales The poinsettia plants are $20 each. They may be purchased in memory of, in honor of, or in thanksgiving for a loved one. Sheil Staff Rev. Kevin Feeney Chaplain & Director Teresa Corcoran Operations Manager Mary Deeley Pastoral Associate Liturgy Sunday Eucharist (Nursery available at morning Masses) 9:30 & 11 a.m. 5 & 9 p.m. Daily Mass Monday - Friday 5 p.m. Reconciliation Christine Grinslade By appointment 847-328-4648 ext. 12 Fr. Kevin Feeney Tim Higgins Please call for scheduling Communications Coordinator Campus Minister Wioletta Jurkulak Administrative Assistant Baptism & Marriage Business Office Hours Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sheil Catholic Center Hours Carol Leicht-Miller Monday - Friday Chicago Campus Minister 8 a.m. - 11 p.m. Angela Stramaglia Sheil Center @sheilNU Director of Music & Liturgy The mission of the Sheil Catholic Center is to prepare Catholic disciples of all ages to lead lives of faith and reason, by together worshiping, learning, growing, and serving the Northwestern University community and beyond. 2110 Sheridan Road - Evanston IL 60201 847/328-4648 Receive our weekly e-news letter sign up at
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