the parishes of st mary`s whitegate with st peter`s little budworth
the parishes of st mary`s whitegate with st peter`s little budworth
Spring Pastoral Visit This years Spring Pastoral Visit is to take place on Saturday 22nd March when we will be going to St Michael & All Angels church, Middlewich. Coffee will be served from approximately 11am the tour of the church will conclude with a short service. We will return to the Plough for lunch. For further information or to reserve your place please sign the list at the back of church or speak to Alan Newton. THE PARISHES OF ST MARY'S WHITEGATE WITH ST PETER'S LITTLE BUDWORTH Welcome to St Mary's Whitegate 9.30am Sung Eucharist CW Celebrant and Preacher: Revd Roland Crook Readings: Romans 4: 1-5, 13-17 Church Electoral Roll If you are already on the electoral roll you need do nothing-the existing roll simply continues from last year. If you wish to be added, please fill in an enrolment form available from Eileen Lees. Completed forms MUST be returned by 6th April. Everyone is welcome to join us for coffee in the Mews following the service. 'The Cross' - a sequence for Palm Sunday 13 April 6.30pm This will be a sequence of readings, choir anthems and congregational hymns, similar to the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, but focusing on Holy Week. It will be sung by St Mary's Singers, made up of me mbers of the church choir and other local singers. If you would like to sing at this event, or know someone who would, there is a workshop the day before-12 April-from 10.30am-2.30pm. All music will be provided. Just bring a packed lunch. For further details please speak to Andrew Millinchip. Lydian Singers The Lydian Singers and The Lydian Ensemble directed by John Naylor present a recital of seasonal music for Passiontide in St Mary's Church Tuesday 18th March 8.00pm. Their programme of some old favourites and some new will include motets by Victoria, Gesualdo, Pablo Casals Bruckner, Rheinberger and Hubert Parry will run for approximately 1 hour. For more information please see the website Sherry and light refreshments will be served following the concert. Tickets £6 per person Please sign the list at the back of church or speak to Carole Sweet Please take this bulletin home for reference and prayer 6.30pm Evensong BCP -----------16th March 2014 Second Sunday of Lent Officiant and Preacher: Dr John Stopford Readings: Numbers 21: 4-9 Luke 14: 25-33 Welcome to St Peter's Little Budworth 11.00am Matins BCP Officiant and Preacher: Mrs Jane Millinchip Readings: Romans 4: 1-5,13-17 John 3: 1-17 Information for the bulletin should 6.30pm Evensong BCP be with Linda Dutton by Thursday Offic~ant and Preacher: Mr Duncan Goodwin 12 noon. Tel: 01606 862733 Readings: Numbers 21: 4-9 Email: Luke 14: 27-33 The weekly bulletin is available to Please turn off your mobile phone whilst in download at: church ® SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY MONDAY 17th March Second Sunday of Lent St Mary's Whitegate St Peter's Little Budworth 9.30am Family Service CW 6.30pm Healing Communion BCP .~ WHITE GATE Parish Church News LITTLE BUDWORTH Parish Church News Children's Society Boxes £10 Challenge Could all Children's Society collection boxes be returned to church. If you would like your box to be collected telephone Teresa Finney 01606889311 Little Budworth Grand National Lent Lunches The Pastoral Committee are once again serving lunches during Lent on a Tuesday at 12.30pm commencing 11th March 2014 In The Mews Donations to church funds with a suggested minimum donation of £5 per person. Please sign the list at the back of church indicating which or all of the Tuesdays you wish to attend or contact Linda Dutton on 01606862733 or Chris Newton on 01829760239 APCM This years APCM is to be held on Sunday 27th April following the 9.30am service. All welcome. Saturday 5th April at 7.30pm In the Village Hall. Tickets only £5 per person including a cheese board (bring your own drink) For more information and tickets contact Lucy or Stuart Smith 01829760799 ST. PETER'S CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL We are required to update the electoral roll. If you are already on the roll you need to do nothing - the existing roll simply continues from last year. If you wish to be added please fill in an enrolment form available at the back of the church or from Donald Mackay (01829760294). Completed forms must be returned to Donald by 6th April. A copy of the existing electoral roll, which was fully revised last year, is on the notice board inside St. Peter's. Peter's Church Room TUESDAY 18th March 11.00am Parish Communion CW 6.30pm Evensong BCP , , ~ Crafternoon-St 2.30pm 12.30pm 8.00pm Lent Lunch-The Mews Lydian Singers, Music for Passiontide-St WEDNESDAY THURSDAY l.OOpm 19th March Crafty Coffee-The 1O.OOam Mary's Mews 20th March Toddler Group-The Mews FRIDAY 21st March 7.4Spm Youth Group Mad6- The Mews SATURDAY 22nd March 1O.30am Spring Pastoral Visit to Middlewich Church followed by lunch at the Plough VISION STATEMENT; 'To draw people to Jesus Christ by nurture, prayer and care' Prayers are asked for Those who are ill: Blossom Martin, William Oakes, Wendy Trounce, Tandy Pickup, Ray Connell, Tom Rogerson, Betty Robinson, Mary Whitehead, Clair De Keyzer Craig, Kevin Foster, Len lrwin, Jean Hall From the Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Paul Kwong, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui & Bishop of Hong Kong Island Archbishop School ChaplaincyThose who have died: Pat Roberts, Thomas Alan Dutton Pray for Chaplains - that God may open a door for their message so that they may proclaim the mystery of Christ. Pray also for all the staff and pupils in the schools served.