October - Baptist Chapel Church
October - Baptist Chapel Church
Volume XXI Issue 10 October 2015 MESSAGE FROM PASTOR LARRY! LAUNCH!!! Luke 5:1-11 When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” —Luke 5:4 Revival meetings are almost here. Let us pray fervently that the Lord will give us the courage to launch out into the deep! Four Prayers! Lord, help me to go deeper in obedience to your Word. (John 14:15) Jesus, give me a spirit of unity and a willingness to work together with my Brothers, and Sisters in Christ. (Psalm 133, Nehemiah 4:6) Lord, Please pour out a spirit of true repentance upon me and upon your church. (2 Chronicles 7:14) Lord, help me to launch out into the deep, forsaking my will and following You! (Mark 8:34-38) “Study the history of revival. God has always sent revival in the darkest days. Oh, for a mighty sweeping revival today!” —Adrian Rogers In Christ, Pastor Larry 1 October 2015 Fall Revival Baptist Chapel Baptist Church So tell the people: This is what the Lord of Hosts says: “Return to me”-this is the declaration of the Lord of Hosts-“and I will return to you”, says the Lord of Hosts.” Zechariah 1:3 Fall Revival October 18 Chaplain Tim Leever 11:00 a.m. Cameron Horner Ministries 6:00 p.m. October 19 “Ladies Only”-Dr. Barbara Jackson 7:00 p.m. October 20 “Men’s Rally”-Pastor Larry McCarty 7:00 p.m. October 21 Pastor J.D. Tew 7:00 p.m. “Will You not revive us again so that Your people may rejoice in You?’ Psalm 85:6 October 2015 2 RECEIPTS FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 Offerings .................. $28,922.86 Building Fund.................... 60.00 Cemetery Fund .................. 50.00 Kitchen & Restroom ....... 100.00 Supplies Change This World ......... 555.00 Salemburg Christian ........ 100.00 Food Bank Youth Ministry ............. 1,569.00 Parade of Tables: .......... 5,000.00 Victor Murray Guest Speakers ................ 225.00 Grand Total ............ $36,581.86 HELP THE BROTHERHOOD AND YOUTH HELP THE SALEMBURG CHRISTIAN FOOD BANK Our Brotherhood is helping to support the ministry of the Salemburg Christian Food Bank and would like your assistance. The following item is needed: plastic bags (like those you get at Wal-Mart or Food Lion). Also the youth are helping with the food bank and need the following items: peanut butter, dried beans, bagged rice, and breakfast items. Boxes are available in the old fellowship hall to deposit your items. Thank you for supporting this worthy ministry. You may also continue to bring coats through the winter months for the Coat Drive. SUNDAY SCHOOL REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 Preschool 04 Children 35 Youth 11 Adults 90 Total 140 Last Month 139 September 2014 144 INFORMATION BOARD COUPONS FOR MILITARY Military families stationed overseas are able to use coupons after the expiration date. As a way of supporting those who are protecting us, we will be sending expired coupons to a military base. A box has been placed in the old fellowship hall for expired coupons. Coupons should be within 4 months of expiration date to allow time for shipping. Please put only manufacturer’s coupons (no store specific coupons or printed coupons). If you have questions see Annette Cash. FOR THE COOKS & BAKERS: WMU #2 sells Happy Home flavoring (all flavors.....vanilla, clear vanilla, butter, clear butter, maple, walnut, and others. They also have Danny Duz-It Scrubbers. To purchase any of these see Trudy Wrench. There are still cookbooks available with LOTS of great recipes for only $20. Get yours today from Wanda Jackson or Annette Cash. RECYCLE YOUR UNUSED PRESCRIPTION GLASSES TO HELP OTHERS SEE Do you have an old pair of prescription eyeglasses that you no longer use? There is a box in the old fellowship hall to collect glasses that can change someone’s life. We will be donating these to the Lion’s Club which cleans, sorts by prescription strength and then packages the glasses. They are distributed to people in need. Imagine them going to someone who needs glasses just to do their job or a child who could read if they had the glasses. If you have questions, see Annette Cash. 3 COLLECTING POP TABS The WMU is collecting pop tabs from cans which will be used to support the Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill. Place pop tabs in the box in the old fellowship hall. See Annette Cash if you have questions. The Ronald McDonald House provides assistance to families with children at UNC Hospital. Thank you for supporting the WMU and Ronald McDonald House. October 2015 OH BOY, OH BOY IT’S DOUBLE THE JOY! Vanessa & Todd Costain are expecting twin boys! Please join us for a floating baby shower in their honor Sunday, October 18th, 2015 From two to five in the afternoon Baptist Chapel Church Fellowship Hall 2208 Baptist Chapel Road Autryville, NC 28318 Given by family and friends Registries available at Target and Babies R-Us BAPTIST CHAPEL HUNGER PROJECT Make a difference. Change a story. Join us in the fight against hunger as we assemble healthy meals for hungry children all around the world. 20,000 Healthy Meals FEEDING CHLDREN EVERYWHERE Where: Clement Elementary School 3220 Maxwell Rd Autryville, NC 28318 When: October 10, 2015 Shift: 3:00 pm—5:00 pm WWW.FEEDINGCHILDRENEVERYWHERE.COM • UPCOMING EVENTS • BAPTIST CHAPEL HUNGER PROJECT • REGISTER October 2015 4 Calendar 5 October 2015 Baptist Chapel Baptist Church Fall Festival Sunday, October 25, 2015 OWL FALL FOR JESUS 5pm – 5:30pm We have a GOAL of 30 Trunks this year. Sign-up sheets are on the glass window outside Sunday school office. Decorating your trunk is not a MUST this year. We are just asking for you to have candy for the kids so we DON’T run out. Festival 5:30pm – 7:00pm Games, Food, Hayride, Cake Walk, Balloon Man, Prize, & A LOT MORE Sign-up sheets are on the glass window outside Sunday school office for… CAKES for CAKE WALK SODAS CONDIMENTS #TeamVictor Monday, October 26, 2015 6:00 am-10:00 pm at Chick-fil-A 2727 Raeford Road & 1921 Skibo Road (Activity Time 4 pm-8 pm) How it works: 1. Eat at Chick-fil-A Raeford Rd or Chick-fil-A Skibo Rd between 6:00 am-10:00 pm 2. Tell the cashier when you place your order that you are there to support #TeamVictor. The organization will receive a percentage back. You may also place catering orders that day too! Call 910-483-9501 (Raeford Road location) or call 910-868-4849 (Skibo Road location). *Make Sure To Tell the Cashier at the Time of Purchase. October 2015 6 YOUTH NEWS Saturday, October 10 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Change The World Clement Elementary School NURSERY WORKERS October 4 Scott and Sarah Brown Wednesday, October 14 6:30 PM Youth to Food Bank October 11 Alyson Honeycutt and Jayden Mullins Saturday, October 17 8:00 AM Food Bank Distribution Day October 18 Donna Honeycutt and Emily Wrench Wednesday, October 28 7:00 PM Youth October 25 Brittnay Pope and Carrie Byrd November 1 Lisa Baggett and Linda Baggett WMU NEWS November 8 Carol Darby and Tonya Register MEETING DATES Monday, October 5 7:30 PM — WMU #2 Wednesday, October 7 & 21 7:00 PM Mission Friends, Acteens, GA’s and RA’s Wednesday, October 7 3:00 PM — WMU #1 Wednesday, October 14 6:30 PM Acteens and Older RA’s to Food Bank Wednesday, October 19 8:00 AM Food Bank Distribution Day Wednesday, October 28 7:00 PM — BYW FLOWERS October 4 Available at this time October 11 Lee and Jessica Masters October 18 Available at this time October 25 Available at this time November 1 Available at this time November 8 Available at this time 7 CHILDREN’S CHURCH WORKERS Group 6 - October 4 Anthony Williams Melody Williams Abbey Barefoot Lisa Knowles Brittney Knowles Group 1 - October 11 Aaron Jackson Shannon Jackson Jennifer Naylor Logan Baggett Lane Baggett Group 2 - October 18 Troy Register Tonya Register Craig Holland Caren Holland Brooke Dienhart Group 3 - October 25 Marshall Naylor Stephanie Naylor Johnnie Holland Jill Holland Cary Booyer Group 4 - November 1 Simone Myers Brandi Edge Megan Daniels-West Daniel Tew Tye Mullins Group 5 - November 8 Terry Williams Heather Williams Sydney Williams Lee Masters Jessica Masters October 2015 NEWS FROM OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL DIRECTOR We have reached the end of one church year and are beginning another. The Lord has blessed us in so many ways. I have made it through my inaugural year as the Sunday School director. Now that my second year has begun, I would like to reintroduce at least one item and possibly begin another one. Most churches have gotten away from issuing Sunday school attendance pins at the end of the church calendar year. I remember growing up that this used to be a big deal. There were some who had fifteen pins or more hooked together where it looked like an army officer with all of their medals. This was something for them to be proud of and rightfully so. I think that we need to recognize those who put forth the effort to faithfully come to Sunday school each week. As such, beginning on Sunday, October 4, we will begin this tradition again. I have spoken with the Sunday school teachers to ensure that the attendance is being kept regularly. I encourage each of you to make a resolution to attend Sunday school every Sunday for the next church year. Nothing would thrill me more than to give out attendance pins to everyone. We will recognize those who faithfully come during a church service next year around this same time. Everyone will be allowed to miss one Sunday and it not count against them. If you are out of town, attendance at another church will count for your attendance at Baptist Chapel. It will be your responsibility to inform your teacher on the following Sunday. Church attendance is not something extra that we do for the Lord but a commandment from the Lord. We are also going to honor those who have had birthdays each week. Keith Butler has graciously taken on the task of building an offering box that will be placed at the front of the church during opening assembly. For those of you who are not aware of what opening assembly is, it is the time period from 9:45 to 10:00. We gather together in the sanctuary for a song, prayer and short devotion. During this time, anyone who has had a birthday during the week will be recognized. You can come to the front of the church and drop any amount of offering you wish in the offering box. We will then sing Happy Birthday together as a group. Remember that the birthdays are published in the monthly newsletter article, so I will know if you are holding out. This is meant to encourage attendance and celebrate the Lord’s blessing on each of our lives. It is important that we attend church regularly and not just for Sunday school. You are missed when you are not at church. We attend church to encourage others as well as be encouraged ourselves. Most of all, we attend church to worship God and lift up our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sincerely, Scott Brown October 2015 8 WMU NEWS & EVENTS October is here and that means we are in a new church year. I am very excited about the opportunities we will have in the coming year. The anticipation of what God can accomplish through us is almost overwhelming. But, are we ready and willing to do what he would have us do? Are we willing to step outside our “comfort zone” to do His will? There may be lots of what ifs going through your mind…such as what if I fail, what if I don’t know what to say, what if they laugh at me and the list of what if questions keeps growing. But let’s change the question to what if I disobey His will, what if I do what I want, not what he wants, what then??? Be willing and open to trying new things and helping with projects you haven’t tried before. The biggest blessing may be yours, and you don’t want to miss out on a blessing. The Parade of Tables was hugely successful this year. We were able to provide Victor Murray’s family with over $5000 for his medical bills. We have received a Thank You note for the help to this family. Women’s Bible Study: James: Mercy Triumphs by Beth Moore has started. If you are concerned about not having time for the “homework” then just come to the sessions and listen to the DVD. It is one of the options, you do not have to spend more time unless you decide to do more. The GAs have a goal of collecting at least 800 pairs of socks. These socks will go to each person who visits the Christian Food Bank of Salemburg. Along with the socks, the GAs will provide a bookmark as part of their ministry to those who are supported by the Food Bank. Please place socks in the basket located in the church entrance. Money for socks can be given to Allison Hargrove or Lisa Knowles. It is the goal for everyone attending the Food Bank to a new warm pair of socks. Let’s support our young girls as they minister to those in need. What a great hands-on way to support our neighbors in need. Be looking for more details on Operation Christmas Child for this holiday season. We have a goal of having at least 100 boxes filled with goodies for children. These boxes are also an opportunity to share the gospel. Be prayerfully considering how you will be involved with this ministry. October 17th is the date of our next blood drive. There is a sign up sheet if you are able to donate a pint of life giving blood. Let me know if you have questions or want to help. A sign up sheet for those interested in attending the Women’s Retreat at Camp Caswell February 26-28, 2016 is on the glass window. As soon as more details are available, I will share. Last year 14 women attended and it was a wonderful event. I do hope that more women are able to attend in 2016. The guest speaker will be Phyllis Elliott Elvington who brings a wealth of life experiences with her and her biblical teaching reflects that with messages that are not only deep in content but instantly relatable. Music and worship leader, Katie Furr has traveled the world over the course of 17 years as a performing musician, but her faith in Jesus Christ has been her foundation. In Christ’s Love Annette Cash 9 October 2015 HAPPY BIRTHDAY October Birthdays 9 Josh Alexander Kenneth Jackson Summerlin Page 20 John Barefoot II Justin Carroll Audrey Tew 2 Roger Carroll 3 Chesney Holland Phillip Wrench 10 Wayne Dienhart Gracyn Rogers Susan Carroll Kaylee Mercer Heather R. Wrench 11 Denise Hobson Lee Holley Davis Williams Richard Bullard Larry Jackson 12 Ginger Carroll James Hairr Timothy Schreiner Terry Brewington Bethany Dienhart Chris Tew Chris Vazquez 13 Judy Holland Denise Lutz 29 Linda Hairr Robin McCarty 17 Dicie Ivey Sue Matthews 30 Cary Booyer Adam Johnson 18 Sydney Williams 31 Hailey Tew 4 5 6 7 8 Mitchell Ackerman Marshall Naylor Carla Nuesmeyer Angela Tyndall 24 Keith Jackson 26 Owen Bruce Sarah Franklin 2208 Baptist Chapel Road Autryville, NC 28318 3 Chase Holland Jean Honeycutt Larry McCarty Layton Page 4 Deborah Hall 27 Brandy Brochu Courtney Tew 5 Alyssa Crenshaw Caroline Holland 28 Keith Lee Rochelle Wrench 6 Marian Honeycutt 7 Madonna Tew 8 Sharon Johnson 9 Dixie Tew 19 Cameron Jackson Baptist Chapel Church November Birthdays 10 Cindy Beasley Caleb Faircloth Harrison Honeycutt Troy Register Inside This Issue Words from our Pastor 1 Fall Revival 2 Receipts/Sunday School Reports Salemburg Christian Food Bank 3 4 9:45 AM - Sunday School Baptist Chapel Hunger Project/Dinner Theatre Baby Shower Announcement 11:00 AM - Worship Calendar 5 6:00 PM - Bible Study Fall Festival/#Team Victor Fundraiser 6 Flowers/Nursery/Children’s Church/WMU & Youth News 7 News from our Sunday School Director 8 WMU News & Events 9 Birthdays 10 Our Services Sunday 9:15 AM - Prayer Our Staff Larry McCarty - Interim Pastor Craig Page - Minister of Music Erika Wrench - Minister to Youth Angela Tyndall - Secretary Donald Daniels - Custodian October 2015 Church Phone Number - 910-567-2561 Website - www.baptistchapel.com 10 E-mail - bcbc963@intrstar.net