Anoxic dissolution processes of biotite: implications for Fe behavior
Anoxic dissolution processes of biotite: implications for Fe behavior
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117 – 129 Anoxic dissolution processes of biotite: implications for Fe behavior during Archean weathering Takashi Murakami a,*, Jun-Ichi Ito a, Satoshi Utsunomiya a,1, Takeshi Kasama a,2, Naofumi Kozai b,3, Toshihiko Ohnuki b,3 a Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan b Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki-ken 319-1195, Japan Received 17 December 2003; received in revised form 16 April 2004; accepted 29 April 2004 Abstract Iron-rich biotite (Fe/Mg = 5) dissolution experiments were carried out in a batch system under O2-deficient conditions ( PO2 < 3 10 5 atm; referred to as ‘anoxic’ conditions) at 1 atm of PCO2, pH 4.6, and 100 jC for 7 – 120 days for a better understanding of ‘anoxic’ weathering processes and Fe behavior during weathering before 2.2 Ga. For comparison, oxic Fe-rich biotite dissolution experiments were conducted under present atmospheric conditions at pH 4.7 and 100 jC for 7 – 80 days (referred to as oxic conditions) by using the same starting biotite as that for the ‘anoxic’ experiments. The concentrations of Fe in solution after the dissolution experiments were larger by one to more than two orders of magnitude under ‘anoxic’ conditions than under oxic conditions. High-resolution scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed that Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite was precipitated as a secondary mineral at the edge of biotite under ‘anoxic’ conditions, in contrast to the formation of Fe(III)- and Al-(hydr)oxides under oxic conditions. The results suggest that part of Fe(II) is released to water as ‘anoxic’ weathering proceeds, explaining the decrease of Fe content in pre-2.2 Ga paleosols relative to their parent rocks. The Fe/Mg molar ratio of the secondary vermiculite or smectite was more than 7 while the starting Fe-rich biotite had a value of about 5. The Fe/Mg molar ratio was less than 2.5 in solution. The results of the ‘anoxic’ experiments suggest that Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite could be the precursor of the chlorite preserved in pre-2.2 Ga paleosols. This is further corroborated by the increase in Fe/Mg molar ratios in chlorite with decreasing depth in some Precambrian paleosols. D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Precambrian; atmospheric evolution; biotite dissolution; paleosol; anoxic weathering * Corresponding author. Tel.: +81-3-58414541; fax: +81-3-58414555. E-mail addresses: (T. Murakami), (J.-I. Ito), (S. Utsunomiya), (T. Kasama), (N. Kozai), (T. Ohnuki). 1 Present address: Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, 425 East University, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1063, USA. 2 Present address: Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, UK. 3 Tel.: +81-29-2825361; fax: +81-29-2825927. 0012-821X/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2004.04.040 118 T. Murakami et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117–129 1. Introduction Atmospheric evolution during the Precambrian is still an ongoing topic including the ‘‘faint young Sun paradox’’ [1]. Two of the most important atmospheric components, CO2 and O2, have been closely related to water – rock interactions on Earth’s surface (e.g., [2]). Paleosols, ancient soils formed by weathering, can provide data regarding the composition of the atmosphere, especially O2 content at the time they formed [3]. Despite numerous studies on Precambrian paleosols, the evolutionary history of O2 is not fully deduced. Such a comprehension is essential because O2 evolution has significant bearing on early evolution of life on Earth (e.g., [4,5]). Two contrasting models of atmospheric O2 evolution prevail: One proposes that atmospheric PO2 was less than approximately 10 3 atm before 2.2 Ga and changed dramatically to more than approximately 10 2 atm sometime between 2.2 and 2.0 Ga (e.g., [2,3,6 – 8]); the other insists that PO2 has essentially remained constant since 3.0– 4.0 Ga (e.g., [9,10]). Rye and Holland [3] recently reviewed data of more than 50 reported paleosols and concluded that the oxidation state of paleosols changed significantly at about 2.2 Ga. The most important criteria for determining the oxidation state of paleosols are Fe contents and ferrous to ferric ratios in weathering profiles [11]. However, Ohmoto [10,12] has proposed that oxidized profiles can be reduced readily by postweathering hydrothermal alteration or organic acids. These two contrasting interpretations arise because post-weathering diagenesis and metamorphism commonly have obscured the geochemical and mineralogical features of weathering profiles. For instance, Kaddition resulting in the formation of sericite is ubiquitous in paleosols formed before early Proterozoic time [13 –18]. If weathering processes before 2.2 Ga can be reconstructed, a better understanding of paleosols, and thus, the evolution of atmospheric O2, will result. With this in the backdrop, we carried out Fe-rich biotite (Fe/Mg = 5) dissolution experiments under ‘anoxic’ conditions ( PO2 < 3 10 5 atm) to examine Fe behavior during weathering before 2.2 Ga. Note the term ‘anoxic’ used in the present study implies PO2 of approximately < 10 5 atm. Although the regional abundance of biotite is not large (7.6% of the exposed continental crust surface [19]), biotite is a major source of Fe in ground water (e.g., [20]). In modern weathering, biotite has been observed to be altered to other sheet silicates depending on the alteration conditions in nature ([21] and references therein), and in particular, to vermiculite and kaolinite ([22] and references therein). Murakami et al. [23] have compared Fe-rich biotite dissolution processes between nature and the laboratory under present atmospheric conditions. It has been found that almost all Fe(II) dissolved from biotite forms Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides and very little vermiculite is formed because of less availability of Mg in solution. In contrast to extensive studies on biotite weathering under oxic conditions [24], only a few studies have been carried out to investigate the behavior of Fe(II) in solution during biotite weathering under ‘anoxic’ conditions [25]. Rye et al. [26] have proposed that siderite was not a secondary Fe-bearing mineral during 2.2 – 2.8 Ga weathering, and that the atmospheric PCO2 was therefore less than about 10 2 atm. Rye and Holland [27] have suggested that Fe(II)-rich trioctahedral smectite could be a common weathering product at about 2.2 Ga, and provide a source for chlorite in paleosols. Because weathering products reflect the nature of the ambient atmosphere as demonstrated by Murakami et al. [28], an understanding of weathering processes under ‘anoxic’ conditions is necessary to evaluate O2 evolution. Iron-rich biotite dissolution experiments under ‘anoxic’ conditions were undertaken to gain a better understanding of paleosols, and thus of Precambrian atmospheric O2 evolution. 2. Experimental and analytical methods 2.1. Samples The biotite samples used for the present study were from a coarse-grained granite in Inada, central Japan [29], having a chemical formula of (K0.91Na0.01) (Al 0 . 1 4 Mg 0 . 4 0 Fe 2 . 0 7 Mn 0 . 0 5 Ti 0 . 1 9 )(Si 2 . 8 2 Al 1 . 1 8 ) O10(OH)2 [23]. The molar ratio of Fe(II) to Fe(III) of the biotite was about 9:1 as determined by X-ray absorption near-edge structure analysis using synchrotron radiation at beam line BL-4A, Photon Factory, National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Japan (A. Monkawa, personal communication). T. Murakami et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117–129 The biotite contained no interstratified alteration products except for 1– 2% of chlorite that was distributed randomly in the biotite as observed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) [23]. The biotite samples were collected by crushing the granite and handpicking. The biotite samples were crushed into 55- to 106-Am-sized grains, and washed ultrasonically with acetone for 5 min to remove fine particles on the surface of the biotite grains prior to the dissolution experiments described below. The surface of the biotite grains after ultrasonication was smooth and almost free of fine particles [23]. 2.2. Anoxic experiments ‘Anoxic’ biotite dissolution experiments were carried out considering the atmosphere before the proposed dramatic increase in atmospheric oxygen content (e.g., [8]). The biotite dissolution was done in a glove box where the O2 concentration was kept at less than 1 ppm at room temperature. The O2-deficient conditions achieved in the glove box are hereafter called ‘anoxic’ conditions. Fig. 1 shows a schematic setup for the ‘anoxic’ experiment; biotite grains were reacted with water in reaction vessels placed in an Fig. 1. Schematic setup for ‘anoxic’ experiments. A close-up in the oven is given in the right bottom. 119 oven that was set in the glove box. Four reaction vessels at maximum can be placed in the oven. The glove box was equipped with a path box that enabled us to bring materials in and out without affecting the O2 concentration significantly. The glove box was constructed to allow Ar gas to be circulated through metal Cu and a molecular sieve to remove O2 and other gases. The variation of O2 concentration in the glove box was monitored during first 30 days of the ‘anoxic’ experiments, and ranged from 0.35 to 0.92 ppm (equivalent to 4.2 10 7 to 1.1 10 6 atm of PO2 at room temperature). We introduced CO2 to Teflon reaction vessels [30,31] in stainless steel containers that were placed in the electric oven kept at 100 ± 5 jC. The value of PCO2 was set at 1 atm at 100 jC for the ‘anoxic’ experiments (e.g., [8]), calculated from the pressure shown by the regulator of a CO2 cylinder by subtracting the value of the saturated vapor pressure. Impurities in the CO2 were less than 20 ppm of O2, 50 ppm of N2, 10 ppm of H2, and 10 ppm of CH4. O2, 20 ppm, was equivalent to about 3 10 5 atm of PO2 at 100 jC. Thus, the actual PO2 and PCO2 in the Teflon reaction vessels were 3 10 5 atm at maximum and 1 atm, respectively, at the experimental temperature of 100 jC. The value of PO2, 3 10 5 atm, is lower than the value of 5 10 4 atm estimated for the atmosphere prior to 2.4 Ga [3]. All solutions used for the present study were prepared with deionized water (18.2 MV) and reagent-grade chemicals. The subsequent processes of ‘anoxic’ biotite dissolution were done in the glove box. Deionized water was brought into the glove box, and bubbled with Ar gas in the glove box for 1 day in advance of dissolution experiments to be equilibrated with the atmosphere in the glove box. The resultant deionized water was used as a reactant solution. For each run, a 10-mg batch of crushed biotite grains was reacted with 10 ml of deionized water in the Teflon reaction vessel in the glove box. The ‘anoxic’ experiments were carried out at 100 F 5 jC for 7, 8, 14, 40, and 120 days (five runs for total). The mass loss of the solution during the experiments was less than 5%. After each ‘anoxic’ experiment, the vessel was cooled to room temperature in 30 min by an electric fan to avoid possible precipitation (e.g., Si and Al products) from the solution during quench. Murakami et al. [32] carried out anorthite dissolution experiments at 90, 120 T. Murakami et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117–129 150, and 210 jC using an experimental procedure similar to that described above, and confirmed by TEM no precipitation of Si or Al products during the quench. The solution was then separated from the solids by filtration through a 0.22-Am filter, and a solution with 10 wt.% nitric acid was added so that the final solution contained 1 wt.% nitric acid to lower the pH and preserve the metals for analysis. The solids were then washed gently in acetone and dried. The solutions and solids were finally taken out of the glove box for analysis. Most CO2 introduced in the reaction vessel and solution would be released into the atmosphere of the glove box when the vessel was opened, which must change the pH of the solution. We, therefore, did not measure the pH of the solutions after the ‘anoxic’ experiments. Instead, we calculated the values of pH by EQ3NR [33] assuming H+ was balanced with other cations and anions in the solutions during the ‘anoxic’ experiments. The pH of a pure CO2 solution at 1 atm of PCO2 and 100 jC was about 4.2 (e.g., [34]). The pH of the solutions after the ‘anoxic’ experiments for 7 to 120 days was calculated to be about 4.6 at 1 atm of PCO2 and 100 jC, when dissolved cation concentrations were taken into account (Table 1). 2.3. Oxic experiments The conditions under which the following dissolution experiments were carried out outside the glove box are hereafter referred to as oxic conditions. Deionized water with a buffer of sodium acetate (0.03 mol/l) and acetate was used as a reactant solution for the oxic experiments. Acetate is often used as a pH buffer (e.g., [35]), and has no significant effect on dissolution [36]. The ionic strength of the reactant solution was 0.067. The pH of the solution was adjusted to 4.5 by acetate at room temperature. The pH, 4.5, was increased to 4.7 at 100 jC, which was similar to 4.6 for the ‘anoxic’ experiments. A 10mg batch of the crushed biotite grains was reacted with 10 ml of the solution in a Teflon reaction vessel in an oven. The oven was not placed in the glove box. The oxic experiments were carried out at 100 F 5 jC for 7, 21, and 80 days without CO2 introduction (three runs for total). Treatment of the solids and solutions in the oxic experiments was the same as that of the ‘anoxic’ experiments, except that they were done under ambient atmosphere conditions. 2.4. Analytical methods The biotite samples were subjected to powder Xray diffraction analysis (monochromatized CuKa radiation at 40 kV and 20 mA, Rigaku RINT 2000) before and after the ‘anoxic’ and oxic experiments, to check the formation of secondary minerals. However, no change in X-ray diffraction patterns was observed before and after the experiments. Biotite grains and their polished samples after the 40- and 120-day ‘anoxic’ and 80-day oxic experiments were observed and analyzed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, Hitachi S4500) equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS, Kevex Table 1 Cation concentrations (mol/l) and Fe/Mg molar ratios in solutions after the ‘anoxic’ dissolution experiments Duration (days) Si 7 8 14 40 120 7a 8a 14a 40a 120a 3.3 10 4.4 10 4.5 10 4.5 10 4.8 10 1.2 10 1.6 10 1.6 10 1.6 10 1.7 10 a Al 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7.7 10 1.5 10 1.2 10 1.2 10 1.2 10 5.8 10 1.1 10 9.1 10 9.1 10 9.1 10 Fe 6 5 4 4 4 6 5 5 5 5 2.3 10 3.7 10 4.1 10 5.2 10 5.8 10 1.1 10 1.8 10 2.0 10 2.5 10 2.8 10 Mg 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2.6 10 4.3 10 1.8 10 2.1 10 2.5 10 6.5 10 1.1 10 4.5 10 5.3 10 6.3 10 K 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 1.2 10 1.8 10 2.4 10 9.4 10 3.6 10 1.3 10 2.0 10 2.6 10 1.0 10 4.0 10 Fe/Mg 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 0.88 0.86 2.3 2.5 2.3 0.17 0.16 0.44 0.47 0.44 Normalized cation concentrations based on the biotite chemical formula, (K0.91Na0.01)(Al0.14Mg0.40Fe2.07Mn0.05Ti0.19)(Si2.82Al1.18)O10 (OH)2: a cation concentration in the upper half of the table was divided by the number of moles of the corresponding cation per O10(OH)2. T. Murakami et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117–129 system). Morphological changes and secondary mineral formation were observed by FESEM, and the compositions of secondary minerals were determined qualitatively by FESEM-EDS. Polished samples were made using the following procedure: some of biotite grains were embedded in epoxy resin, and mechanically polished by diamond paste. The accelerating voltage applied was 3 – 15 kV for secondary and backscattered electron imaging and elemental analysis. The lower accelerating voltages were employed to obtain images of secondary minerals of submicron size, and to analyze the minerals. The Fe/Mg molar ratios of secondary minerals were semiquantitatively analyzed by EDS operated at 10 kV, using the fresh, starting biotite, of which the chemical composition was determined by electron probe microanalysis [23], as a standard, and using software MAGIC V installed in the Kevex system. The semiquantitative analysis was made for the polished samples. For the 40- and120-day ‘anoxic’ experiments, the biotite grains were further examined by HRTEM (JEOL 2010) equipped with EDS (Kevex system) to observe secondary minerals formed at the surface and within the biotite grains. The HRTEM had a point resolution of 0.2 nm, and was operated at 200 kV. The TEM specimens for the 40-day ‘anoxic’ experiment were prepared by producing suspension of secondary products ultrasonically from the biotite grains and putting the suspension on a TEM grid. The TEM specimens for the 120-day ‘anoxic’ experiment were prepared by impregnating the biotite grains in epoxy resin, squeezing them between two glass slides, slicing and polishing them mechanically, and thinning them to electron transparency by Ar ion milling (Gatan Dual Ion Mill). Some TEM negatives were digitized and processed to remove both noise and any images of amorphous material by rotational filtering [37]. The use of rotationally filtered images, utilizing the software Digital Micrograph V. 2.5 (Gatan), has been described in detail by Banfield and Murakami [38]. The Fe/Mg molar ratios of secondary minerals were semiquantitatively analyzed by EDS operated at 200 kV, using MAGIC V (standardless, thin-film analysis) installed in the Kevex system. Silicon, Al, K, Fe, and Mg concentrations in the solutions after the ‘anoxic’ experiments were measured by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES, Seiko SPS7700). Silicon and 121 Fe concentrations after the oxic experiments were also measured by ICP-AES to compare them with those of the ‘anoxic’ experiments. The quantitative detection limit of the present ICP-AES was about 10 6 mol/l for Al and about 10 7 mol/l for Fe. 3. Results Fig. 2 compares the variations of Si and Fe concentrations with time between the ‘anoxic’ and oxic experiments. Although the Si concentrations in the first 20 days were slightly different between the ‘anoxic’ and oxic experiments, which leads to an apparent difference in dissolution rate, the Si concentration variations were similar between the ‘anoxic’ and oxic experiments. The Si concentrations already increased to 1 – 3 10 4 mol/l for the first 7-day experiments, and then, remained almost constant. In contrast to the Si variations, the Fe variations were different: for the ‘anoxic’ experiments, the Fe variation was similar to that of Si, although the Fe concentration was lower by one order of magnitude than the Si concentration. For the oxic experiments, the Fe concentration was very low (about 10 7 mol/l) or below the quantitative detection limit. Ion concentrations of the solutions after the ‘anoxic’ experiments are presented in Table 1. Biotite showed incongruent dissolution apparently for the ‘anoxic’ experiments, and the dissolution rates based on the biotite chemical formula were mostly in the order of Fig. 2. Variations of Si and Fe concentrations in solution with time, under ‘anoxic’ and oxic conditions. ND stands for a value under the detection limit. 122 T. Murakami et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117–129 K>Si>Al>Mg>Fe after 14 to 120 days (Table 1). The apparent incongruent dissolution occurred mainly because of the secondary mineralization described below. It has been reported that incongruent dissolution of biotite occurs, even with flow-through type reactors under the present atmosphere [25,39,40]. The Fe/Mg molar ratio was about 5 in the fresh biotite, whereas it was less than 2.5 in the solutions, or less than 0.5 after normalization based on the biotite chemical formula (Table 1). This indicates that more Mg was redistributed into solution than Fe by ‘anoxic’ dissolution. Fresh biotite before the oxic and ‘anoxic’ experiments had a distinctive texture without any secondary minerals at the edge (Fig. 3A). The basal surface did not show any significant changes after both the experiments as reported in the previous biotite dissolution study [23]. Edges of biotite grains were covered with a layer of two types of fine particles of submicron in diameter after 80 days for the oxic experiment (Fig. 3B and C). Both morphology and components (only Fe and O) indicate that one type of the fine particles (Fig. 3B) is crystalline Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides [23]. The other type of the fine particles (Fig. 3C) consisted of aggregates that contained Fe with less amount of Al (Fig. 3D). The aggregates are probably amorphous Fe(III)- and Al-(hydr)oxides. Silicon and some of the Al in Fig. 3D are inferred to be from the underlying biotite because the layer of the aggregates is submicron thick and the X-ray can be generated from the underlying biotite. The presence of a large amount of Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides is consistent with the near absence of Fe in the solution ( < 10 7 mol/l): most Fe(II) dissolved from the biotite was oxidized to Fe(III) and precipitated as Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides during the oxic experiments. Similar observations for biotite dissolution were made by Murakami et al. [23], who reported boehmite as a secondary mineral in addition to hematite. Edges of biotite grains were covered with a layer of materials irregular in shape after 40 days for the ‘anoxic’ experiment (Fig. 4A). The materials contained Fe, Al, and Si (Fig. 4B); some of Al and Si can be generated from the underlying biotite. Fig. 4C shows a TEM image of the materials, indicating the presence of a mineral with 1.4-nm fringes. Further identification of the mineral was not made at this point. X-ray diffraction analysis did not show any alteration of the biotite after 120 days of the ‘anoxic’ experiment. We observed more than 30 biotite grains by FESEM, and found that the edges of biotite grains were covered with clay-like layers 0.2– 0.5 Am thick (Fig. 5A and B). The secondary mineral- Fig. 3. Secondary electron images at the edges of biotite grains before experiment (A) and after 80-day, oxic experiment (B and C), and an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) profile of the secondary products in C (D). The operating voltages were 5 kV for A and B, 3 kV for C, and 10 kV for D. T. Murakami et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117–129 123 Fig. 4. Secondary electron image at the edge of a biotite grain after 40-day, ‘anoxic’ experiment (A), its EDS spectrum (B), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of secondary products formed at the edge (C). The operating voltages were 3 and 5 kV for A and B, respectively. ization occurred only at the edges and not at the basal surface. Fig. 5B shows a backscattered electron image of a polished specimen of such biotite grains; the gray contrast (arrows in Fig. 5B) at the edge of biotite corresponds to the clay-like materials in Fig. 5A. The lower contrast of the clay-like materials in Fig. 5B, although they have a higher Fe content (Fig. 6), is due to a lower density than that of biotite. EDS spectra of the clay-like materials and fresh biotite are compared in Fig. 6A and B, respectively; the analytical point of the clay-like materials is shown by the thick arrow in Fig. 5B. Because we analyzed the materials at an operating voltage of 10 kV, electron penetration in the sample was about 1 Am. Consequently, analysis of the clay-like materials could be affected by the neighboring biotite because of the thickness of the clay-like layers. The low operating voltage of 10 kV lowers apparent intensities at higher energies. Therefore, FeL at about 0.7 keV should be compared for the Fe concentrations between the two EDS spectra. The 124 T. Murakami et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117–129 Fig. 6A. The semiquantitative analysis revealed that the clay-like materials are richer in Fe than the fresh biotite; the Fe/Mg molar ratio of the clay-like materials, 7.2, is larger than that of the fresh biotite, 5.2. The actual Fe concentration of the clay-like materials may be higher, because of the larger interaction volume of the electron beam with the neighboring biotite. The clay-like materials were further observed by HRTEM. Fig. 7A shows an example of the precipitation of the clay-like materials (light-gray contrast in the left of Fig. 7A) on the edge of a biotite grain (darker contrast in the middle and the right of Fig. 7A). The upper and lower areas with light-gray contrast are resin. Fig. 7B is a lattice-fringe image of the clay-like materials on the edge of the biotite grain in Fig. 7A. The interplanar-spacing of the claylike materials is 1.4 nm (Fig. 7B). The cross fringes (inset in Fig. 7B) indicate that these clay-like materials have a 0.5-nm periodicity approximately normal to the 1.4-nm fringes. The interplanar-spacings (Fig. 7B) Fig. 5. Secondary (A) and backscattered (B) electron images of secondary products after 120-day, ‘anoxic’ experiment, at the edge of biotite and for polished thin section, respectively. Arrows show clay-like materials (of which the layer is as thin as 0.2 – 0.5 Am, with dark contrast) formed on the edge of a biotite grain (white contrast with black lines that are parallel to the sheet structure of biotite). The analytical point of the clay-like materials by EDS is shown by the thicker arrow (see Fig. 6). composition of the clay-like materials is characterized by higher Fe and lower K than those of the fresh biotite. Potassium could be contained in the clay-like materials, or could result from the neighboring biotite. We obtained more than 10 EDS spectra of the claylike materials by SEM-EDS. Most clay-like layers were as thin as 0.2 Am, and the spectra were significantly affected by neighboring biotite. The area shown by the thick arrow in Fig. 5B was the thickest part (as thick as 0.5 Am) of the clay-like layers, and thus, the EDS analysis of this area was least affected by neighboring biotite. Therefore, we made semiquantitative analysis of this area, i.e., the EDS spectrum in Fig. 6. EDS spectra of clay-like materials after 120-day, ‘anoxic’ experiment (A) and fresh biotite (B). See for the analytical point of the clay-like materials in Fig. 5B. The analysis was done at an operating voltage of 10 kV by SEM-EDS. T. Murakami et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117–129 Fig. 7. TEM image of clay-like materials formed on the edge of a biotite grain (A) and a close-up of the clay-like materials (B) after 120-day, ‘anoxic’ experiment. The interplanar-spacings, 1.4 and 0.5 nm, are those of the clay-like materials. and the chemical components (Fig. 6A) indicate that the clay-like materials are either vermiculite or smectite with a higher Fe/Mg molar ratio than that of the fresh biotite. Semiquantitative analysis of vermiculite or smectite domains showed that the Fe/Mg molar ratio was about 9 (8.9 F 1.4 for seven analytical points). The value of the Fe/Mg molar ratio is consistent with that obtained by SEM-EDS. We cannot distinguish vermiculite from smectite without a quantitative chemical composition. The 1.4nm fringes in Fig. 7B are different from those of chlorite that displays a periodicity of one thin and one thick dark fringes; the thick dark fringe can be split 125 into two or three dark fringes (e.g., [41]). No Fe(III)(hydr)oxides were observed, even by HRTEM. The identification described above strongly suggests that the mineral with 1.4-nm fringes formed after the 40day, ‘anoxic’ experiment (Fig. 4) is vermiculite or smectite with a high Fe/Mg molar ratio. In addition to the precipitation of vermiculite or smectite at the edge of biotite after the 120-day ‘anoxic’ experiment (Fig. 5), secondary mineralization also occurred within biotite grains. Fig. 8A and B shows rotationally filtered HRTEM images of biotite in the atomic scale after the 120-day ‘anoxic’ experiment, and Fig. 8C gives simulated images of biotite, chlorite, and vermiculite (or smectite) for comparison. The detailed description of calculations, and the interpretation of the simulated images have been presented in Murakami et al. [23]. Interlayers with white contrast were observed between biotite layers with and without impurity chlorite layers (VSs in Fig. 8A and B, respectively). Such interlayers were scattered between biotite layers as shown in Fig. 8A and B. Vermiculite or smectite is distinguished from biotite by the contrast of the interlayers; white lines for vermiculitic or smectitic interlayers and gray spots alternating with white spots for biotite interlayers (Fig. 8C). The interlayers with white lines (Fig. 8A and B) clearly indicate the formation of vermiculite or smectite within biotite grains. Such formation occurs as a result of layer-by-layer formation of vermiculite or smectite from biotite [42], i.e., K cations in one biotitic interlayer are replaced by other cations such as Mg bound to water molecules without changing the silicate layers drastically, which forms one vermiculitic or smectitic interlayer. The direct transition from biotite to vermiculite or smectite along one interlayer is observed between the two arrows in Fig. 8B; the interlayer at the top part is still biotitic, i.e., an interlayer with gray spots alternating white spots, while the interlayer at the bottom vermiculitic or smectitic, i.e., an interlayer with a white line. Thus, secondary vermiculite or smectite was formed not only outside, but also within, the biotite grains. However, the amount of the secondary mineral within biotite grains was much less than at the edge, and the secondary mineral forming at the edges is not necessarily identical in crystal structure or chemistry to that replacing biotite 126 T. Murakami et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117–129 4. Discussion 4.1. Dissolution and weathering of biotite under anoxic conditions Fig. 8. [11̄0] rotationally filtered high resolution TEM images of a biotite sample after 120-day, ‘anoxic’ experiment showing vermiculite or smectite formation in biotite layers with and without a chloritic interlayer (A and B, respectively), and [11̄0] simulated images of vermiculite or trioctahedral smectite (VS), chlorite (Ch), and biotite (Bi) (C). The detailed description of simulation is given in Murakami et al. [23]. A chloritic interlayer is shown by Ch with an arrow, and a vermiculitic or smectitic interlayer by VS. O, T, I, and H in C, respectively, denote an octahedral sheet, a tetrahedral sheet, an interlayer, and a hydroxide sheet. The columns of tetrahedral cations (black spots near VS with an arrow in A) are shifted with one another across the interlayer for the observed image of vermiculite or smectite, which is slightly different from the calculated image. Such shift is commonly observed for biotite-tovermiculite transformations (e.g., [42]). The vermiculitic interlayer shown by two arrows in B indicates the direct transition from biotite to vermiculite or smectite along one interlayer; gray spots alternating white spots characteristic of the biotitic interlayer (I of biotite (Bi) in C) are still visible in the top of the interlayer while they are replaced by a white line characteristic of the vermiculitic interlayer (I of vermiculite or smectite (VS) in C) in the bottom. The d001-spacing of vermiculite or smectite is 1.0 nm in this figure, which is compared to 1.4 nm in Figs. 4 and 7. This is due to the collapse of the interlayers of vermiculite or smectite at high magnification, i.e., high electron beam concentration of TEM. layers. Note that fresh biotite was already observed intensively by HRTEM and no single layer of vermiculite or smectite was found within the fresh biotite grains [23]. The concentrations of Fe in solution after the dissolution experiments were larger by one to more than two orders of magnitude under ‘anoxic’ conditions than under oxic conditions (Fig. 2). Under oxic conditions, Fe(II) oxidation to Fe(III) and the subsequent formation of Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides are fast [43], as has been observed in the current experiments (Figs. 2 and 3). The long-time persistence of Fe in solution under ‘anoxic’ conditions (Fig. 2) strongly suggests that dissolved Fe(II) from biotite is not oxidized to Fe(III) and remains mostly as Fe(II) in solution under ‘anoxic’ conditions. Thus, as expected previously, Fe flows out of a weathered zone under ‘anoxic’ conditions more than under oxic conditions. The Fe/Mg molar ratio was about 5 in the fresh biotite, whereas it was less than 2.5 in the solutions. This suggests that the Fe/Mg ratio flowing out from a weathered zone is lower than that in primary biotite under ‘anoxic’ conditions. Vermiculite or smectite with high Fe was precipitated at the edge of biotite as a secondary mineral under ‘anoxic’ conditions (Figs. 5 and 6). Although Fe(II) is available in solution as mentioned above, little Fe(III) is present in solution. If Fe(III) is present in solution, it is quickly consumed to form Fe(III)(hydr)oxides as we observed under oxic conditions (Figs. 2 and 3). Indeed, Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides were not detected under ‘anoxic’ conditions, even by HRTEM. The precipitation takes place consuming Fe(II) in solution to result in the formation of Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite under ‘anoxic’ conditions, which is also supported by the presence of Fe(II)-rich vermiculite and smectite formed by diagenetic and hydrothermal alteration [44 – 46]. Note that naturally occurring vermiculite and smectite are usually quite low in Fe(II)/Fe(III) and low in Fe/Mg [47]. Thus, Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite is most likely to occur under ‘anoxic’ conditions although Fe(II) in vermiculite or smectite was not directly measured for the present study. In addition to the formation of vermiculite or smectite on the edges of biotite grains, layer-by-layer formation of vermiculite or smectite within biotite T. Murakami et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117–129 grains also occurred (Fig. 8). Murakami et al. [23] pointed out that layer-by-layer formation of vermiculite does not occur in the early stage of Fe-rich biotite dissolution/weathering under oxic conditions, because dissolved Fe(II) quickly forms Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides and Mg in solution is not available enough to form the interlayer cations of vermiculite. In contrast to oxic dissolution/weathering, Fe(II), in addition to Mg, is available in solution (Table 1) to form vermiculite or smectite within biotite grains during ‘anoxic’ dissolution/weathering. Note that the starting, fresh biotite used by Murakami et al. [23] was the same as ours. Kozai et al. [48] exchanged interlayer cations of montmorillonite by Fe(II) under ‘anoxic’ conditions, and confirmed the presence of Fe(II) in the interlayers by Mössbauer spectrometry. This suggests that Fe(II) behaves like Mg for the formation of vermiculitic or smectitic interlayers, i.e., Fe(II) is accommodated in the interlayers of vermiculite or smectite under ‘anoxic’ conditions, as is Mg. 4.2. Weathering processes under anoxic conditions and implication for Fe behavior during pre-2.2 Ga weathering Because weathering conditions such as temperature, pH, and solution chemistry before 2.2 Ga are not known, it is not possible to understand the whole aspect of weathering before 2.2 Ga by using the present results. However, it is useful to apply the present results to weathering before 2.2 Ga for a better understanding of atmospheric evolution, implying weathering processes and Fe behavior. The edges of biotite grains were covered with a thin film (0.2 – 0.5 Am) of vermiculite or smectite under ‘anoxic’ conditions. This occurs without significant breakdown of biotite except for dissolution of a small part of biotite (Fig. 5B). At this stage, Fe(II) is released into water during biotite weathering under ‘anoxic’ conditions, and part of the Fe(II) is used to form Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite. Rye and Holland [27] predicted that vermiculite or smectite decomposes into kaolinite, releasing additional Fe(II) to the water, and then, kaolinite further breaks down to form gibbsite, as ‘anoxic’ weathering proceeds. Such ‘anoxic’ weathering processes are quite similar to those of modern weathering of biotite described by Velde [49] except for the Fe behavior. Although the 127 present ‘anoxic’ experiments were carried out at 100 jC, Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite was certainly formed. Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite finally decomposes as weathering proceeds [27,49]. The ‘anoxic’ weathering processes mentioned above adequately explain the loss of Fe from pre-2.2 Ga paleosols, which is consistent with the low-PO2 model for the pre-2.2 Ga atmosphere. The Fe/Mg molar ratio in the secondary vermiculite or smectite, more than 7, was larger than that in the fresh biotite, about 5, which is consistent with the smaller Fe/Mg molar ratio in solution, less than 2.5, than that in the fresh biotite. Chlorite, a post-weathering product formed by diagenesis or metamorphism, is a major Fe-bearing mineral in pre-2.2 Ga paleosols. If vermiculite or smectite is a product of pre-2.2 Ga weathering, chlorite should be formed consuming vermiculite or smectite and primary Fe-bearing minerals such as biotite. Consequently, the chlorite is characterized by a higher Fe/Mg molar ratio than those of the primary Fe-bearing minerals because of the higher Fe/Mg molar ratio of vermiculite or smectite. In addition, the abundance ratio of vermiculite or smectite to the primary Fe-bearing minerals increases toward the top of weathering profiles or increases with increase in weathering until vermiculite or smectite finally disappears from the weathering profiles. Consequently, the Fe/Mg molar ratio of chlorite increases toward the top of weathering profiles in which vermiculite or smectite have reacted to form chlorite. Our prediction of the increase in Fe/Mg molar ratio is confirmed by recent studies that have revealed that the Fe/Mg molar ratios of chlorites increase toward the top of paleosols in Hekpoort, South Africa [27], and Cooper Lake, Canada [50]. A decrease in Fe/Mg molar ratio of chlorite is reported for the Lauzon Bay paleosol, Canada [51]. However, it is most likely that Mg was added in later events at Lauzon Bay (e.g., [3]), which resulted in the decrease in Fe/Mg molar ratio. Our results indicate that Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite was formed during ‘anoxic’ weathering and was a precursor to chlorite in paleosols. Another important aspect of the secondary mineralization is that Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite was formed under high PCO2 of 1 atm. Rye et al. [26] and Rye and Holland [27] suggested that siderite is thermodynamically stable at more than about 10 2 atm of PCO2. However, our ‘anoxic’ experiments formed 128 T. Murakami et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (2004) 117–129 Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite at high PCO2, 1 atm, and low pH, 4.6, and produced no other Fe-bearing minerals. Because no thermodynamic database for vermiculite, or Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite are available, we cannot calculate stability relationships between siderite and Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite. It may be possible that Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite was formed but not siderite during ’anoxic’ weathering because of kinetics. Although it is evident that Fe(II)-rich vermiculite or smectite was formed at 1 atm of PCO2, dissolution experiments with various combinations of PCO2 and PO2 should be carried out to examine the effects of PCO2 and PO2 on the formation of secondary weathering products. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to G. Kamei at the Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute for the use of the glove boxes and to B. Sreenivas for discussion. We thank A. Monkawa for the XANES data, and T. Tachikawa and T. Takeshige for technical assistance. The reviews by D.R. Peacor and M.-P. Turpault improved the original version of the manuscript. The electron microscopy was performed in the Electron Microbeam Analysis Facility for Mineralogy at the Department of Earth and Planetary Science, the University of Tokyo. This work was supported by the Science Grant of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. [EB] References [1] A.A. Pavlov, J.F. Kasting, L.L. Brown, K.A. Rages, R. 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