Community Partners - Soldotna Chamber of Commerce
Community Partners - Soldotna Chamber of Commerce
Soldotna Chamber of Commerce 44790 Sterling Hwy, Soldotna, AK 99669 (907) 262-9814 February 2016 Presorted Std. US Postage PAID Soldotna, AK Permit #5 “The Leading Resource for Business Development and Community Growth in the Greater Soldotna Area” Community Partners “Soldotna’s Community Partners - Developing Soldotna’s Future” Tourism Tips Your Potential Clients are on VisitSoldotna. com looking for you. Are you ready for the new season? ACT NOW! • Login and update your Member Page with photos, links, keywords and much more! • Login and update your AVAILABILITY calendar(s) for lodging, fishing and activities! Professional Development This Spring we will once again offer new business training classes and hold the annual Soldotna Chamber Member Breakfast! DIAMOND • PLATINUM Look inside for more info & be sure to take our survey. We want to offer classes that will be most beneficial to our members and their employees! Save the Date! 25th Anniversary - St. Patrick’s Day Parade Thursday, March 17th 4:00 pm - Route is Kenai Spur Hwy. Soldotna Chamber Breakfast & Benefits Tuesday, May 24th 8 - 9:30 am - Sports Center Social Mixers GOLD SILVER Media Partners Join us for our monthly Chamber Social Mixer on Tuesday, February 16 @ 5:30 pm at St. Elias Brewing Co. RSVP required! Arby’s Aspen Hotels Crowley Petroleum First National Bank Alaska Homer Electric Association Kenai River Foundation Lambe, Tuter & Wagner, CPAs Soldotna Professional Pharmacy Sweeney’s Clothing Wells Fargo Bank (907) 262-9814 “The views and opinions expressed in member advertisements within this publication are not necessarily endorsed or reflective of the views of the Soldotna Chamber of Commerce.” MEMBER INSERT MEMBER INSERT soldotna chamber of commerce 44790 Sterling Hwy, Soldotna, AK 99669 Ph: (907) 262-9814 - Fax: (907) 262-3566 staff Tuesday, Feb 2: Soldotna Chamber Luncheon: Healthcare Spotlight Advanced Physical Therapy, Patrick Morgan Location: Froso’s Restaurant Wednesday, Feb 3: Joint Chamber Luncheon: KPEDD Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy - Melissa Houston, Associate Director for Strategy, UA Center for Economic Development Location: Kenai Visitor Center Tuesday, Feb 9: Soldotna Chamber Luncheon: Melanie Dufour with Alaska Coastal Studies Location: Froso’s Restaurant Tuesday, Feb 16: Soldotna Chamber Mixer: 5:30 pm at St. Elias’ Brewery Tuesday, Feb 23: Soldotna Chamber Luncheon: Soldotna Speakers, plus Student of the Month Awards. Location: Froso’s Restaurant Weekly from Noon to 1pm. Meetings are free to attend & open to the public. Meal cost - $15 RSVP for Luncheons is REQUIRED! Online:; Phone: (907) 262-9814; Email: Luncheon Punch Cards: Purchase a pre-paid chamber luncheon punch card and save time! Punches are for sale in any quantity at $15 each. Easy. Convenient. Fast. Want to be a Featured Speaker at an Upcoming Chamber Luncheon? Let us know! Let’s Connect! Tami Murray Executive Director Katie Jacobson Member Services Coordinator Melodie Allen Events Coordinator Sara Hondel Visitor Center Coordinator RIVER CITY PULLTABS 131 Warehouse Avenue, Soldotna (907) 260-6100 Permit #485 Rebecca Hanson, Store Manager board of Directors Steve Manley, President Wells Fargo Bank (907) 262-4435 Monica Adams Peninsula Community Health Services of AK (907) 260-7300 Sara Pozonsky Alaska Waste (907) 420-3102 Ryan Kapp Edward Jones Investments (907) 262-6336 Mary Hart GCI (907) 262-8926 Connect With Us on These Social Media Websites • • • • • • Facebook Pinterest Instagram Google + Foursquare Yelp Robert Ruffner Kenai Watershed Forum (907) 260-5449 Esther Chambers CENTURY 21 Realty Solutions Freedom Realty (907) 262-1770 Kelli Johnson Aspen Hotels (907) 260-7736 Jim Stogsdill Fish Happens Guide Service (907) 262-6118 Becky Foster Foster Construction (907) 262-1609 Laura West First American Title Insurance Company, (907) 262-5708 Shanon Davis Kenai Peninsula Tourism Marketing Council (KPTMC), (907) 262-5229 Linda Murphy - City Council Representative City of Soldotna (907) 262-1686 The Member Newsletter is published Monthly by the Soldotna Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Center To place an advertisement: MEMBER INSERT Membership “A True Leader is a Dealer of Hope “ Katie Jacobson (907) 262-9814 The Reach of Video Marketing Online video is a huge phenomenon. But think it’s all just funny cats and cute babies? Think again. Video is an untapped channel of content marketing that is perfect for reaching your customers. • By 2018, video will account for 79% of consumer internet traffic. • 78% of people watch videos online every week • 55% of people watch videos online every day #mysoldotna #MySoldotna Video already view ed over 19.2k times ! The Soldotna Chamber has members that can help you produce your marketing video and content or you can DIY it by using your smartphone or tablet until you have a budget for a professional production. Link to Video: Source And as always, be mindful of giving credit to others’ work and if images/video are protected under copyright laws. Start by sharing the NEW! City of Soldotna Video on your website and social media! >>>>> You can share the #mysoldotna video on your website and social media channels. Need help sharing the video or putting it on your website? Contact me! I’d be happy to show you how to use this video in your marketing of the Soldotna area. FREE TECH HELP! Did you know Soldotna Chamber members receive FREE Tech Help? Receive advice on your website, email, social media and more! If I can’t help you, I’ll connect you to who can. Contact me today to schedule your FREE consultation. What Business & Educational Training would you like the chamber to offer? Take the Survey! Welcome New Soldotna Chamber Members Grace Lutheran School (907) 283-9551 The Business Mechanic (907) 250-4611 Phormation Chiropractic (907) 262-9222 Forever Dance Alaska (907) 262-1641 Like us on Facebook! Moose River Dental (907) 260-5200 Kasilof Olympic Cabins (907) 598-0655 YoTaco (907) 953-8007 Like us on Facebook! MEMBER INSERT MEMBER INSERT MEMBER INSERT Visitor Center “To Travel is to take a Journey into Yourself” Sara Hondel (907) 262-9814 CO-OP Advertising Options The Great Alaska Sportsman Show - Anchorage March 31 – April 3, 2016 Soldotna Chamber Scholarships Available! Great Alaska Sportsman Show The Soldotna Chamber of Commerce offers several academic scholarships each year to students in our community. Scholarships are available to both high school seniors & currently enrolled college/tech school students. Download the application online! scholarships • • • Sullivan Arena, Anchorage CO-OP Rack Card Advertising Executive Director, Tami Murray, showing attendees all that the Soldotna area has to offer! Complete and Return to the Soldotna Chamber by March 4, 2016 ____ $25.00 - The Chamber will take 100 of your Rack Cards/Brochures to the show to be displayed and distributed _____ In kind donation for FREE Raffle (*optional - i.e. fishing trip, lodging, etc.) Description: (please include blackout dates and value of your donation): ____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ High School Senior Scholarship Current College/Tech School Scholarship Vera Howarth Memorial Scholarship Business Name: ____________________________________________________ Contact: ___________________________________________________________ If you have any questions, please contact Sara at 262-9814 or Billing Address: _____________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ________ Application Deadline: Friday, March 25, 2016 by 5 pm Email: ________________________________Phone: ______________________ Cash: _______ Credit Card: _______ Bill Me: _______ For more information contact: or (907) 262-9814
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June 2016 - Soldotna Chamber of Commerce
Sara Hondel
Visitor Center Coordinator
Rebecca Hanson, Store Manager
131 Warehouse Avenue, Soldotna