
to valley center days
What is it that makes a community? A community is people living together and knowing each other. In communities, kids go to the same schools and their parents meet at
their kid’s events. Community happens when we patronize our local businesses, get
involved in our local service clubs and worship in our respective local faith gatherings.
Community happens when I know you and you know me – it’s a relationship thing.
The 2016 Valley Center Days Parade and the surrounding activities, are designed to give
us all a nudge back toward living in community. During this year’s events we will enjoy
common experiences, rally around shared values and make memories together. We will
play and connect at the VCHS - VC Wars Team Competition, the Rotary Pancake Breakfast and at the Library Centennial Celebration. We will reflect on our western heritage
through the Vaqueros Old Timers show, the Roping and Cow Dog Competitions, and
the Stampede Rodeo and Festival. And, of course, at the Parade we will not only enjoy
the marching bands, clown cars and fire trucks, but we will also honor members of our
community who make our town a better place. And, we will
give special tribute to those who served and sacrificed
for the freedoms that we enjoy.
We are glad you have joined us, in community, to
“Honor the Past and Embrace the Future.” But,
most importantly, to look each other in the eye
and say, “This is our town, today. These are our
Valley Center Days.”
For the Valley Center Days team,
Pastor Bill Trok
Ridgeview Church
A Special Thank You to
Premier Sponsor
Banner Sponsor
for Their Financial Support
of Valley Center Days!
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under God
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Valley Center Days 2016
It’s a war, but all in good fun!
uilding on the annual, “Jag Wars,” team competitions put on by the Valley Center
igh School, the 2016 Valley Center Days series of events includes the first ever,
VC Wars.” The VC Wars Team Competition is for anyone, of any age, who wants to
play Bubble Soccer, Kajobe Can-Can, Dodge Ball, 9-Square and much more.
Bring a team, join one the night of the event, or just come out and watch.
It’s gonna’ be a great time!
VC Wars begins at 6PM, Thursday May 26 in the gym at VCHS.
Valley Center Days 2016
In 1916, with a population of about 100
families, the citizens of Valley Center
petitioned the Board of Supervisors to
establish a library branch in their community. On September 15, 1916, that “branch”
welcomed its first patron. The
branch was actually one shelf of books
inside Valley School, site of the present-day
Community Hall on Lilac Road. Once each
month, a County worker changed the books.
A few months later, the books were moved
a few yards up the street to the Valley
Center Store and Clara Holcomb Shelby,
Postmaster and proprietor of the general
In 2002, the branch moved into its current
home, a state-of- the-art building of 14,000
square feet. The branch houses a collection
of more than 52,000 volumes and related
materials, and annually circulates some
140,000 items. There are 14,300 cardholders.
The Valley Center Historical Society at the
History Museum, which shares the four-acre
library campus, maintains a complete
history of the Valley Center Branch Library,
including documents and photos. The
archive includes the original 1916 petition
signed by 50 citizens.
Join Valley CenterLibrary on Wednesday,
May 25 for a celebration of their 100 years
as part of the Valley Center community.
store, would serve as the librarian, called
“custodian” for the books by the County.
This would remain the library site for12
For the next 44 years, the Valley Center
library would move twice into other local
markets, until 1961 when a Bookmobile
took over.
With a 1970 population of almost 4,000, the
town got its first full-service branch in a
shopping center on Valley Center Road. The
library eventually occupied three
storefronts with a combined floor space of
2,700 square feet.
Valley Center Days 2016
Broncs, Bulls, Barrel Racers
and new for this year we
have added a Wild
Donkey Race!
Come on out and cheer for
your favorite
Cowboy or Cowgirl!
Friday, May 27th
Gates open at 5 pm
VIP Dinner begins at 6
(VIP dinner served for 2-hours only 6-8)
Rodeo begins at 7
FREE Dance to a Live Band Each Night After the Rodeo!
Saturday, May 28th
Festival gates open at 11 ~ FREE ADMISSION
Pie Baking Contest ~ Drop off pie 12-1. Pie judging at 1:30
Horseshoe Tournament ~ Sign-Up 12 - 1:45, Tournament starts at 2
Rodeo gates open at 2
VIP Dinner begins at 3
(VIP dinner served for 2 hours only 3-5
Rodeo starts at 4
FREE Dance to a Live Band Each Night After the Rodeo!
Sunday, May 29th
Local Team Roping ~ Free Admission
Gates open at 9:00 a.m.
Team roping sign-ups at 9:00 a.m.
Team roping event starts at 10:00 a.m.
Monday, May 30th
Valley Center Cattle Dog Challenge
Gates open at 8:30 a.m.
Ticket Prices
Stampede Rodeo General Admission: $ 15.00
Children 5 years and under are FREE
Rodeo VIP Tickets Friday: $ 40.00
Rodeo VIP Tickets Saturday: $ 50.00
Festival Admission: FREE
Sunday Roping Admission: FREE
Monday Cattle Dog Challenge Admission: $ 5.00
Valley Center Days 2016
Hank Weldon
The 2016 Valley Center Days Grand Marshall
A Valley Center resident since 1967, Henry
Thomas “Hank” Weldon has led a fascinating life. Born in 1923, Hank graduated from
high school in 1942 and had a short stint as
an offensive lineman at Villanova University. With WWII raging he left college and
joined the Navy’s V12 officer development
program. During his initial training Hank
was part of a small group selected by
General “Wild Bill” Donovan for operational involvement in the Office of Strategic
Services (OSS) which was the predecessor
of the Central Intelligence Agency. As part
of the physical qualifying test Hank says,
“They took me to a pool, told me to pull up
a manhole cover from the bottom, bring it
up and put it into a canoe without tipping it
over.” Which he did! Hank was eventually
assigned to the OSS Maritime Unit, as well
as, the Navy’s Underwater Demolition
Team, UDT-10. These specialized units
were the precursors of the modern-day
Navy SEAL Teams. During the war, Hank
fought in the Pacific Theater of Operations,
including the Battle of Peleliu and the
Philippines. Often with nothing but face
masks, fins, knives and a .45, Hank and the
brave men with whom he served would
gather operational intelligence, eliminate
enemy defenses and guide landing forces
ashore. In 1945, Hank received a Bronze
Star for his heroic actions. After the war,
Hank joined the Los Angeles Police
Department where he served for 28 years.
He was a part of the original Metro Unit,
helped put down the 1965 Watts Riots and
worked as a jail supervisor when a monster
named Charles Manson was processed into
Today, Hank lives in Skyline Ranch with his
wife, Donna. The day the after the 2016
Valley Center Days Parade is Hank’s
birthday. He will be 93!
Call for an honest & direct
opinion of value.
Valley Center Days 2016
The Irish She-Warrior, Allyson Roach-Watson
Valley Center’s Most Inspirational Person of 2016
There is a natural human tendency toward
victimization. Sometimes it is understandable. Extreme circumstances can cause a
person to drift into self-pity, feelings of
inadequacy, a “cannot” rather than a
“can-do” attitude. During the tragic events
surrounding the 2003 Paradise Fire, little
Ashleigh Roach died in the smoke and fire
while her older sister, Allyson, was burned
over eighty six percent of her body. When
treatments began at the University of San
Diego, Burn Center the prognosis was grim.
But, Allyson is an Irish ‘she-warrior’ and
prayers were offered to the God who can do
anything. After months of enduring the
pain, fighting infections and dozens of
surgeries, she was miraculously released
from the hospital. A few days later the
Escondido Firefighters Association had a
boot-drive fundraiser to offset her medical
expenses at the classic car event, “Crusin’
Grand.” Later, there was a party at O’Sullivan’s Irish Pub. The climax of the celebration happened when Allyson, stepped out to
the middle of the floor as the band played a
tune. There was no shrinking back, no
shame associated from the amputation of
most of her digits, no hiding the scars and
half-accomplished plastic surgeries. She was
so happy, so glad to be alive... so thankful to
all who had prayed for the miracle they
were now witnessing; so grateful for so
“For All Your Beauty Needs”
Located in The Courtyard
28714 Valley Center Rd. Ste. E
Hairstylists, Jeanna Hughes and Melanie Weaver
Manicurists, Susie Greer and Victoria Brooks
Valley Center Days 2016
many practical expressions of faith, hope
and love. The crowd howled and lifted a
glass as she proceeded to express herself by
dancing a ‘jig.’ It was a beautiful sight in this
hostile world… maybe aglimpse of heaven.
In the years since that memorable party,
the dance has continued. There is no
shrinking back. Allyson’s life story was
altered, but in no way diminished. Allyson
became a bride and is now the mother of
two young boys. She is a professional
photographer and motivational speaker.
Wherever she goes she brings optimism,
hope, joy, beauty and a glimpse of heaven to
people who are often worn down by a
hostile world. We are honored to name
Allyson Roach-Watson, Valley Center’s
Most Inspirational Person – 2016.
Standing Tall
2016 Citizens of the Year
The 2015 Male Citizen of the Year is Valley Center Fire
Chief, Joe Napier. Chief Napier and his wife, Martie, have
been residents of Valley Center for over 20 years and raised
both their children, Meghan Napier Fletcher and Jeremy
Napier, here. He began his fire service career in Vista,
California, rising through the ranks to become a Battalion
Chief with the Vista Fire Department. When approached
for the VCFPD Fire Chief opportunity, he competed against
30 candidates from across the US. He rose to the top
because of his intimate understanding of our community
and his tireless efforts he devotes to his self described
"dream job." Chief Napier enjoys working around his home,
diving, fishing, but most importantly, spending time with
his family. The vision Chief Napier has for the future of the
VCFPD is limitless. We are fortunate to have him as our
The 2015 Female Citizen of the Year is Julie Picot. Julie is the Valley Center Vaquero’s Vice
President and Young Rider leader. She plans over half the Vaquero’s events throughout the
year. She works tirelessly to provide a fun and safe environment for equestrians of all ages,
freely sharing her passion and expertise. She has also become the Rodeo Queen Chairperson, teaching girls that winning isn't what it is all about... it’s the lifelong friendships and
skills gained during the process
that matters. Julie also serves on
the board for the Friends of Hell
Hole Canyon. Julie is a local horse
trainer who grew up in Lakeside
and moved to Valley Center with
her husband, John, raising their
two children, Samantha and
Valley Center Days 2016
Announcers and Judges
Jeff Tuttle & Drew Kordik – VC Rd Cole Grade
w/ Judge Stephanie Spencer, Vice-Chair of Rincon Tribe
Lauren Trok & Kensie Olivo – VC Community Church
w/ Judge Tina Villalobos, Valley Center High School
John Luna & David Woznicki – Shoemaker Realty
w/ Judge Phil Bell, Valley Center Fire District
Travis Shain & Trent Stroh – Miller Rd
w/ Judge Robert Suarez, Shain Family Fitness
George Pojas & Jack Delessio – Canyon Rd
w/ Judge Moira Neibert, VC Chamber of Commerce
Rita Contreras & Jessica Reden – VC Rd & Lilac
w/ Judge Dianne Conaway, VC Music Boosters
Valley Center Days T-Shirts
Available in 3 different designs!
Get your stoday at:
A-1 Irrigation
Ridgeview Church
Valley Center Chamber of Commerce Office
or at the VC Days Parade
net proceed go directly to help fund this and future VC Days sponsered events
Valley Center Days 2016
Valley Center Days Parade Lineup
(order and entries are subject to change)
1. American Legion Riders Chapter 149
2. Welcome Banner
3. Uncle Sam - Stilt Man
4. Escondido Mounted Posse (Riderless Horse)
2016 Valley Center Days Marshall’s Posse and Veterans Contingent
5. Memorial Wall
6. Hank Weldon / Grand Marshall Bronze Star Recipient, US Navy WWII
OSS Maritime Unit UDT-10
7. Marshalls Posse of Vets
Kenneth Hartle - 102 yr. old US Navy, Salvage Diver WWII
Robert Brown – 98 yr. old WWII Vet
Bill Henson, US Navy, at Atokyo Bay for the signing of the Japanese
Lawrence A. Chavez, Saipan Col. (ret.) Harry Hodges, US Army, WWII,
John (Jack) Garvin, Korea
John Sammons, Korea
8. Veterans Contingent
Lt. Col. (ret.) Gary Farmer, US Army, Airborne Infantry Officer/Army
Lawrence ‘Jay’ Norton, US Army 589 TH Combat Engineers, Vietnam,
1968 & 1969
Chris Marzalek, USMC Vietnam, 1965
E Benjamin Chess, Vietnam, 1970-1971
Steve Hartley, Vietnam
Shelley Hunter, Military Policy Officer, 1978-1981
MGySgt Billy Dial, USMC 1981-2011
MA1 (SW/AW) James L. Jensen, U US Navy, 1992-2012 Iraq , 2006-2007,
Navy Provisional Detainee Battalion, Decorated for Operation
Iraqi Freedom.
Valley Center Days 2016
Victor Bernardo, US Navy - 6 years Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation
Enduring Freedom, Hurricane Katrina relief
Dr. Eric Lovell, US Navy Bravo Surgical Unit Fallujah, Iraq
Lt. Marvin Johnson, US Navy, 1961-1966 Aviator – F4V - Phantom,
Vietnam 1965 – US Coral Sea
Tyler Ryberg, USMC1973-2003
John Raabe
John Herr
9. Toran Gaal
10. Harry Sherman (Korean War Vet) & Barry Sherman
11. American Indians Veterans Assoc
12. VFW, Post 1513
13. Seven Stars Foundation
14. Expeditionary Veteran's Association
15. A Tribute to Our Veterans
16. Ferrell Gas
17. SD County Sheriff's Senior Volunteers
18. Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians
19. Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians
20. Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians
21. Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians
22. Valley Center Baptist Church
23a. Business of the Year
23b. Honorary Mayor
24. Citizen of the Year - Joe Napier
25. Citizen of the Year - Julie Picot
26. Mary Gorsuch, VCPUSD Supterintendent/Teacher of Year/Kindness
Award Winners
27. Valley Center High School Princial Ron McCowen
28. VCPUSD Teachers
29. Teacher Parent Club
30. Valley Center's Most Inspirational Person 2016
31. Ridgeview Preschool - float
32. Valley Center Middle School Thunderhawk Jazz Band
33. Batman
34. Amerigas Propane
35. SD County Sheriff's Senior Volunteers
36. Valley Center Stampede Rodeo Little Miss (Jayden Soliz)
Valley Center Days 2016
37. Valley Center Stampede Rodeo Young Miss (Vianette Garcia)
38. Valley Center Stampede Rodeo Junior Queen (Hannah Dickerson)
39. Valley Center Stampede Rodeo Queen(Aubrey Yates)
40. Jr. Miss Rodeo Lakeside 2016
41. Poway Rodeo Queens
42. Dos Valles Garden Club
43. World Kuk Gun Fed
44. Junior Miss Valley Center (Amanda Bartlett)
45. Junior Miss Valley Center 1st Princess (Danielle Yates)
46. Junior Miss Valley Center 2nd Princess (Sheylyn Harrelson)
47. Junior Miss Valley Center 3rd Princess (Amanda Yates)
48. Patriotic Plane
49. Valley Center Democratic Club
50. Madilyn Wagner equestrian
51. Madison Wagner equestrian
52. San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians - Allen Lawson
53. San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians - Victoria Diaz
54. San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians/Tribal Police
55. San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians/Tribal Police
56. Councilman Stephen Cope/SP Band of Mission Indians
57. Star Repertory Theater - Little Mermaid
58. Marshal's Possee (Marshalls/Floosee)
59. Honey Bee Septic Service
60. North County Conservatives
61. Jeremy Klem Insurance Agency
62. Valley Center Community Church
63. Valley Center Girl Scouts Troop2147
64. European Riding Academy
65. Friends of Hellhole
66. Friends of Hellhole
67. Majestic Acres
68. Old Guejito Grade Rd Ranchy
69. Valley Center Vaqueros, mounted drill team
70. Steve Ross 1939 Packard Super 8 Touring Sedan
71. Barron, Jon & McKenna - Come as You Are!
72. Cub Scouts Pack 619
73. Ji Phone Repair
74. McKenna Septic & Sewer Service
75. Miss Valley Center (Ashley Herzler)
Valley Center Days 2016
76. Miss Valley Center 1st Princess (Melissa Perez)
77. Miss Valley Center 2nd Princess (Brooke Murders)
78. Miss Valley Center 3rd Princess (Essence Park)
79. Cosmic Solar, Inc
80. St. Stephen Roman Catholic Church
81. Al Bahr Shriners
82. Western Heavy Equipment Rentals1958 Crown Firecoach Bus (#7)
83. Valley Center Brewery Restaurant
84. Western Heavy Equipment Rentals- 1971 Crown Fire Coach (#6)
85. Valley Center High School ASB
86. Valley Center High School Marchin Band/Color Guard and Majorettes
87. Valley Center Band Trailer
88. Valley Center High School Cheer
89. Valley Center Republican Women's Club
90. Western Heavy Equipment Rentals 1998 American-Lafrance (#2)
91. Western Heavy Equipment Rentals 1959 Crown Firecoach (#1)
92. Miss Poway Court 2016
94. Valley Center Trail Association
95. Western Heavy Equipment Rental 1985 Peterbilt/Van Pelt Eng-2 (#3)
96. Miss Vista 2016
97. Miss Teen Vista 2016
98. Mr. Vista 2016
99. K-9 Cleaners, float
100. San Diego Humane Society
101. Western Heavy Equipment Rental 1974 Miller-Meteor Cad.
102. Harper's Fiesta Farms/Highway Star
103. Western Angels
104. San Pasqual Fire Department Ladder Truck 6771
105. Valley Center Firefighters
106. Rincon Fire Department
Valley Center Days 2016
Open , Pro/Novice, Nursery & Novice
Making your pets
clean and happy!
Mobile Grooming At Your Door
Fully Equipped
Mobile Salon
Grooming Includes: Bath, Brush, Ears, Nails & Teeth
Be sure to check our website
for upcoming fundraiser events!
Valley Center Days 2016
VC Days Memorial Wall
Heros with Local Connections
LCdr Timothy Murphy
Pilot F-4S Phantom
VF-161 aboard USS Midway in the North
Arabian Sea - Gave his life while serving his
country Apr 2, 1984
GySgt Ralph E. “EJ” Pate Jr., USMC
Tom Retzer, US Navy SEAL,
KIA, June 2003, Afghanistan.
Dave Tapper, US Navy SEAL,
KIA, August 2003, Afghanistan.
Louis Langlais, US Navy SEAL,
KIA, August 2011, Afghanistan.
Marc Lee, US Navy SEAL,
KIA, August 2006, Iraq.
LCDR Charles (Chuck Parish) USN Shot
down over North Vietnam July 5 1968
Carlos Salo, U.S. Army
KIA, France, WWII
Adam Brown, US Navy SEAL,
KIA, March 2010, Afghanistan
Nelson “Cubby” D. Grippen
Born 14 Dec 1915
Pfc 1 st Class, 128 th Infantry Regiment.
Awarded Purple Heart, 1943
Went back into action
KIA 10 July 1944 – Yakamul, New Guinea
LT Charles Rudd USN
December 3 1971
Ramp strike F8
Charles S. Grippen
Born Dec 1847
Died after the Civil War of combat injuries.
LCDR Walter "O" "Walt" Estes, Jr. USN
Shot down over North Vietnam 19 November 1967
Prisoner of War/Died in Captivity
Nelson Grippen
Born 1836
US Army Company D
10 th Infantry Massachusetts
KIA July 1, 1862 – Malvern Hill, VA
Ryan Job, US Navy SEAL,
KIA, September 2009, Iraq.
LCDR James Erlan Teague Jr. USN
Shot down over North Vietnam 19 November 1967
Prisoner of War/Died in Captivity
Lt, Bernard Rupinski USN
Shot down over North Vietnam June 16
Remains so far not recovered
Valley Center Days 2016
Henry E. Grippen
Born 01 Jan 1830
Entered military service 19 Sept 1862
Army Company D
10 th Infantry Massachusetts
KIA June 21, 1863 – Port Hudson, Louisiana
Killed by a sharpshooter.
“Jared Michael-Vincent Landaker was born to Joe and Laura
Landaker at their home in Madera, CA on May 3, 1981. His
parents moved to Big Bear City, CA when his father transferred to Running Springs, CA with the California Highway
Patrol. Jared attended school in Big Bear Valley where he
excelled in soccer, baseball, and football. In his 1998 season,
he was chosen as all CIF defensive back for the Big Bear High
School Bears and was selected to play in Hawaii his senior
year. Upon graduation from high school, Jared enrolled at the
University of La Verne in California where he graduated with
a Bachelor Degree in Physics. After the 9-11 attack, Jared felt a
sense of duty and elected to OCS in the United States Marine
Corps upon graduation. While attending college, Jared began
to take Platoon Leaders Courses on his summer break
between his Junior and Senior years of college. Following
graduation in 2003, Jared accepted his Commission in the
United States Marines as a 2nd Lt. and began his training in
Quantico, Virginia at The Basic School. Upon completion of
TBS, Jared transferred to Pensacola, Florida for flight school,
where he excelled and graduated at the top of his class. Jared
completed school by being named in the top 5% of all
students and a position on the Commodore's list. During his
time at flight school, Jared opted to fly helicopters instead of
flying jets. He stated "he wanted to fly Marines in, but more
importantly fly them out". Jared reported to Camp Pendleton,
California to train in the CH-46 medium helicopter with
Squadron HMMT-164. After completion of his training, he
reported to HMM-364, the "World Famous Purple Foxes"
where he also became their S2 (Officer Intelligence Officer).
On August 18, 2006, Lt. Landaker deployed to the Al Anbar
Province in Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
While there, Lt. Landaker would complete his HAC qualification early with a total of 496 hours to become a "Helicopter
Aircraft Commander". Jared was selected to depart Iraq early
to attend Weapons and Tactical School in Yuma, AZ for
training as a WTI Instructor. With only a week left in Iraq, his
crewmembers received a call that three Marines were
wounded and needed a Cas-e-Vac flight. With his flight crew
and Corpsmen on board, they picked up the wounded and
delivered them to Balad Hospital. Upon the return flight to
their base, they were requested to pick up some blood and
transport it to the hospital in Fallujah. During this flight they
received machine gun fire and rocket fire resulting in the
downing of the helicopter and killing all on board. On
February 7, 2007, Lt. Jared M. Landaker and his crew of six
were KIA in Karmah, Iraq. On February 17, 2007, Jared was
laid to rest at the Riverside Veterans Cemetery in Riverside,
CA. His father, Joe, a Vietnam Marine stated ""He did more in
25 years than most of us will do in 75 years."”
Valley Center Days 2016
The Seven Stars Foundation, Inc. was
established in honor of the seven crew
members of a US Marine Corps CH-46
Casevac helicopter that was shot down on
February 7, 2007 in Iraq, killing all on
board. The Seven Stars Foundation lends
assistance to the children of fallen, wounded and active military members in an effort
to honor the lives of the seven-crew
members who died. Every year, through
generous donations, the Seven Stars
Foundation, sends children to
Camp Whittle in Big Bear Lake to spend
time outdoors and find the support of new
friends. Sustained by an all-volunteer board,
The Seven Stars Foundation, is dedicated to
the mission of making a positive impact on
the children of fallen, wounded, and active
military members through financial,
motional, and educational assistance.
For more information, or to make a
donation, contact
The Seven Stars Foundation, Inc.
Box 2481, Big Bear City, CA 92314
“On 7 February, 2007, Captain Harris was set to fly for the last time, commanding a night flight; however, Jen wanted her final flight to be a Casevac (casualty
evacuation) mission, so she begged to be switched to a daytime flight. According
to her family, this “speaks volumes about her.” Night flying was considered safer
as the crews routinely flew supplies, troops and staff. Casevacs were mostly
daytime; Jen also handpicked her last flight crew. They all loved working
together. She was joined by four other Marines and two Navy corpsmen, all of
whom delighted in flying with her – the consummate professional with a heart of
On February 7, 2007, Capt. Jennifer J. Harris and her crew of six
were KIA in Karmah, Iraq. Crew of Morphine one-two:
Capt. Jennifer J. Harris
1 st Lt. Jared M. Landaker
Sgt. James R. Tijerina
Sgt. Travis D. Pfister
Cpl. Thomas E. Saba
HM1 Gilbert Minjares Jr.
HM3 Manuel Antonio Ruiz
Valley Center Days 2016
The American Indian Veterans Association recognizes
the proud heritage, sacrifice and commitment given
n by
their members to the United States of America.
They do this by:
1) Preserving the heritage of American Indian
Veterans through ceremonies, archiving
photographs and documenting stories.
2) Recognizing the sacrifices of their members by
providing full military honors at the time of their
3) Providing commitment and support to American
Indian Veterans at the local level through
mentorship, education and advocacy.
The American Indian Veterans Association meets the
first Friday of every month, 10:00AM-NOON, at the
Rincon Clinic - Community Room B. All local veterans
and their spouses are welcome.
Marine Sergeant Toran Gaal has no recollection of the incident that occurred on June 26,
2011, when an improvised explosive device
(IED) detonated beneath him, resulting in the
loss of both legs and a hip, as well as a severe
brain injury. Sgt Gaal was serving with the 1st
Battalion, 5th Marines in Sangin, Afghanistan
on his third deployment. Ironically, the evening
before the explosion Sgt Gaal had announced
to his unit that he was reenlisting.
Sgt Gaal would wake up from a
coma two months later. Following
his medical evacuation from the
blast site he was transported to
Bagram, then Germany and was
brought stateside to Walter Reed
National Military Medical Center
(Bethesda) where he stayed for
seven months. Eventually, he was
treated at the VA in Palo Alto for his
brain injury and then Balboa Naval Medical
Center in San Diego.
cled across America raising money and
awareness about fellow injured veterans. He
spreads his message as a public speaker
inspiring others with his life motto, ‘the only
limits in life are those we set for ourselves.’
Toran also serves as a mentor for youth in our
community by coaching basketball for the
Police Athletic League (PAL).
Homes For Our Troops, a national non-profit,
is currently building a fully adapted mortgage
free home for Toran and his family in
Valley Center. There is a
Volunteer Day scheduled for
June 25 followed by a Key
Ceremony on July 23, 2016. To
participate, please register at:
To learn more about Toran, you
can visit his website, You can also purchase a book
authored by his wife, RJ Belle. Gaal’s story
along with seven other combat-injured
Toran has interned with several publicly traded veterans are featured in the book titled,
AFTER. AFTER is available on Amazon,
companies and has also worked within the
Barnes & Noble, and local retailer Upstart
House of Representatives with Congressman
Crow. 100% of the books sales benefit a local
Duncan D. Hunter. He would like to build on
non-profit, Warrior Foundation-Freedom
those professional experiences in the future.
During the summer of 2015 Toran hand-cy-
Valley Center Days 2016
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post 1513 John R. Simpson Post
The mission of VFW Post 1513 is to
provide a place for veterans to help each
other grow and prosper. Together, we
they network to provide job opportunities, socialize to help address personal
and community issues, hold seminars to
educate veterans and their families, and
help provide recreational outlets for
veterans to enjoy life to the fullest.
VFW Post 1513 meets at:
230 E Park Avenue
Escondido, CA 92025
Call (760) 208-7246 or visit for more information
Valley Center Days 2016
Valley Center Days 2016
Western Heavy Equipment has participated in Valley Center’s annual parade
since1973. In the 2016 Parade, their
entries include six vintage fire engines
and a 1974 Miller-Meteor Cadillac
Ambulance. Thanks to Western Heavy
Equipment for 43 years of faithful
contributions to our community!
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Home, Life and Business.
Valley Center Days 2016
Valley Center School Bands,
Top of Their Game
Many people come to our community parade
for the creative floats. Some for the beautiful
horses and decked out riders “parading” their
stuff down the road. Others come to giggle at
the crazy fellas driving back and forth in their
comical circus cars. But for many Valley Center
residents, the highlight of the parade is
listening to and enjoying the musical talent of
the Valley Center Middle School Thunderhawk
Jazz Band and the Valley Center High School
Roaring Jags Marching Band. Under the
direction of Jeff Beck, they have long been an
important part of not only our yearly parade
but our community as well.
The Valley Center/Pauma Music Boosters,
consisting of parents and volunteers, oversee
and help fund the many performances and
competitions throughout the year. They also
work to provide funding for instruments to any
student who wants to perform and is willing to
put the effort in. Many here today are up before
the sun each morning practicing and perfecting
their craft before school. We hope you enjoy
their effort and please let them know with a
thankful applause.
Come out and enjoy the free concerts held
throughout the year from these hard-working
Valley Center has longed featured a solid music students, including the upcoming MusicFest on
program in the schools in an era when other
Saturday June 4, 2016, with meal items and
districts have reduced budgets. Recently, the
beer tasting starting at noon and including
district has added new programs for 3rd and
performances all afternoon at Bates Nut Farm
4th grades to continue momentum from the
in Valley Center.
long-popular 2nd grade Guitar Club up to 5th
grade band. This foundation brings together
the perfect recipe as these students move into
middle and high schools, creating the talent to
win each competition season. This school year
alone, the band, choir and drumline programs
have placed either at or near the top in
numerous competitions among much larger
schools in Southern California.
Valley Center Days 2016
Who is Our Stilt Man?
Whether he is “Standing Tall” as Uncle Sam,
am, the World’s
Tallest Cowboy, Leprechaun, Mardi Grass Jester, or a
hookahsmoking caterpillar sitting atop a four foot
mushroom, Jeffery Jay LeBouef is and always
will be (as long as his legs hold out) “Thee
Stilt Man”. Even at 64 he still rises above the
deur, personal
crowded parade celebration to add grandeur,
m two to 92.
contact, and a friendly face to those from
ny Valley
Not only has Jeffery Jay been part of many
o been active in
Center/Western Days Parades he has also
nd was past Entersupporting past Optimist Club events and
tainment Chairman for Western Days Committee.
Jeffery began stilt walking in the 80s in Colorado after
try Drywall, still
starting his drywall business High Country
in business today. He has performed in many major and
ional Stock
minor venues to include the Denver National
Show & Rodeo, Cheyenne, WY Frontier Days (The
des in Balboa
Daddy of ‘em All), St. Patrick’s Day Parades
mp, as well as
Park, Mardi GrasParades in the Gas Lamp,
d private
rodeos, country fairs, chili cook offs, and
parties throughout California. Walking iss not his
only stilt “stunt” Jeffery has also ridden horseback
rtner, line
at rodeos, danced the two step with a partner,
danced, golfed, and even got married on stilts!
This is your Stilt Man, Jeffery Jay!
In a world where kindness, mutual respect
and civility are increasingly rare, Valley
Center Days is please to honor a group of
students who have set a better standard
for themselves. The Valley Center-Pauma
Unified School District 2016 Kindness
Award Winners:
Mikaela Morales - Primary School - grade K
Ariana Garcia - Lilac School - grade 3
CJ Devers - Elementary School - grade 5
Juliana Alba - Pauma School - grade 6
Cesar Hernandez - Middle School - grade 7
Akhyia Avila-Deuel - Middle School - grade 8
Joya Manjur - High School - grade 12
Also, because of the contributions that they
have made in the lives of our children,
Center Days recognizes the dedication and
commitment of 2015 Valley Center
Teacher of the Year, Carol Cultera and
2015 VCPUSD Classified Employee of the
Year, Mark Dambkowski.
Valley Center Days 2016
Valley Center Days 2016
The Valley Center Optimist Club & Rodeo Committee would like to give a special
THANKS to this year’s sponsors of the
SSpur SSponsor
Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians
Golden Spur Sponsors
Armstrong Feed & Supply - Pauley Equipment Co.
Toolshed Equipment Rental - Markstein Beverage - Valley Center Happenings
Brass Spur Sponsor
Valley View Casino
Bucking Chute Sponsors
Valley Center Wireless - Ridgeview Church – Jack Powell Chrysler Dodge
Event Sponsors
Mutton Bustin’ – Great Dane Realty
Jr./Novice Barrels – John Yeager Summit Mortgage
Barrel Racing – Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians
Bulls – John Yeager Summit Mortgage
Bareback Broncs – Specialized Saddles
Calf Roping – Diamond Environmental Services
Team Roping – RB&S Concrete Construction
Women’s Breakaway Roping – Valley Center Happenings
Wild Donkey Race – Krueger Realty
Saddle Bronc – Cosmic Solar
Arena Banners
Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians - Boot Barn - Chicago Title - Copeland Transmission - Mercy Ambulance
Matthews Veterinary Service - Edco - Cruise Party Rentals - Horsetrader - Valley Center Vaqueros
A-1 Irrigation - Krueger Realty - Aircraft Heating & Air - Valley Center Mini Storage
Valley Center Happenings- Oakwood Escrow-Barbara Meints, CPA - Mercy Ambulance
Chicago Title – Copeland Transmission - Horsetrader –Wells Fargo Bank
Western Town Sponsors
PVI Insurance – A Cat’s View Veterinary Hospital - Biz Launchers
Community Pharmacy – Cruise Party Rentals
John Belanich - Powerland Equipment - EDCO - Mercy Ambulance - Matthews Veterinary Service Culver Web
Design - Lisa Riley - Tracey Minnick - JB Trucking, Inc. - Oakwood Escrow-Shoemaker Realty
Valley Center Days 2016
Premier Sponsor
Rincon Band of
Luiseno Mission Indians
BANNER Sponsor
Cosmic Solar
Valley View Casino
Honey Bee Septic Service
Veterinary Specialty Hospital
Sherman Co Inc. Construction
San Pasqual Band
of Mission Indians
Brown Bulk Transportation
Western Heavy
Equipment Rentals
Kevin & Sarah Smith
Stuart Holthaus
Russ & Mary Ann Walker
Special thanks to Bryan Bahlmann of Be Seen Wear for designing and
publishing this years Valley Center Days Program as well as designing
and printing our Valley Center Days T-Shirts.