Executive Suite


Executive Suite
an im a l hav enshel t er.org
a n i m a l h a v e n s h e l te r. o rg
wi s h li s t
Exe cutive Su it e A n g e ls ( c o n tin u e d f ro m pag e 1 )
my sister and I had of utter joy when playing our game comes over me when I know that
animals are near me. And unlike when I was seven, the animals are real and so is the support
we give them.
Here are the “executive suite” alum angels. Each one of them holds a special place in my heart.
Canned cat food
(used or gently used)
Paper towels
Unused mops
Unused brooms
Clorox wipes
(new or used)
Cat litter
Dish detergent
Dry cat food
Wee wee pads
Canned dog food
Unused postage
Office supplies
trash bags
animal haven’s tr ue sur vivors
Imagine being tied to a tree in a New York City park with a fur coat on, no water and a medical
condition that has nearly left you paralyzed. This is how a Good Samaritan found a sweet dog
named Finn this summer.
The couple brought him to Animal Haven. We, of course, took him in. He didn’t have a
microchip and just seemed to require water, food and some cool air. Staff completed a thorough
medical assessment and he appeared healthy. There were no early signs of any problems with
his legs or hips. But overnight, Finn took a turn for the worse and it quickly became apparent
why his past owner probably left him. When shelter staff arrived the next morning, he was
completely paralyzed from the waist down.To make matters worse, this happened on a Sunday
morning so only emergency veterinary hospitals were open. Animal Haven rushed Finn to
the nearest location. The diagnosis was a bulging disc. Without surgery, he would never walk
Finn survived being abandoned on a 95 degree day. We knew he was strong and would be able to make
it through the procedure. We also knew that we have dear friends like you who we can reach out to when
Animal Haven is faced with costly veterinary bills. Finn had surgery and required four to five weeks of
extensive foster care. His recovery was slow but the doctor assures us that he will return to the adorable,
fluffy, exuberant dog he was. He is a true survivor.
You can help injured animals like Finn by giving to our Road to Recovery Fund. Please visit www.
animalhavenshelter.org today!
Fin n
To make a donation via the Amazon
Wish List, visit our website at
the journal
Gifts Made to Animal Haven...
In memory of
Arla Phenicie...in memory of her colleague, Joe Lopes
Joellen Va Ouwerkerk...in memory of Antoinette Kuntzsch
Naomi...in memory of Angela Adamoli
Ginny Hounsell...in memory of her mother, Rose Hounsell
Lucinda Collins...in memory of Fox
In honor of
Marcelle Picholis...to wish Good Luck to Zach
WAY S TO G I V E . . .
MAKE a one-time or monthly sustaining gift by
visiting our website
at animalhavenshelter.org
or by calling 212.274.8511.
to the shelter
in honor of a
friend or loved
one, and we’ll
send a card
notifying them
of your gift!
REMEMBER Animal Haven in Your Estate
The “execu tive su ite” is a haven f or special cats and d ogs
and REO Speedwagon on either side of them.
By Tiffany A. Lacey, Executive Director
When I was growing up one of my favorite games to play with
my sister was veterinary hospital. We would take all our stuffed
animals (I’m sure we
had more than 100.)
and place as many as
would fit in the hallway
between our bedrooms.
This was the “waiting
area.” For cages, we
would use something
that many people from
younger generations
might not remember
or have even seen –
album covers. Stuffed
dogs, cats, bears and
more would be sitting
patiently in cages with
Rush, Journey, Foreigner
My childhood dream was to spend my life surrounded by
animals. And while I didn’t become a veterinarian, I have
fulfilled my dream by becoming the executive director of a
shelter. Each day I get to go to a place where I am surrounded by
loving, adorable cats and dogs looking for a home.
I think it was my childhood veterinary game that sparked the
idea for my latest version of having animals even closer to me
at Animal Haven. This brilliant concept is called the “executive
suite.” In my office that I share with other administrative staff,
we have created a mini-haven for older or special needs animals.
It has become such a part of the Animal Haven lexicon that the
entire staff can individually eyeball a “new executive suite recruit”
from a mile away.
Over the last two years, we have cared for many dogs and cats in
“the suite.” The most incredible part of the story is that they all
found homes outside of our little office. I’m positive it was the
perfect training ground to prepare them for their new lives. So
while, I don’t have a Bruce Springsteen
album cover leaning against my desk
and the animals in my office aren’t
stuffed with pillow casing, the same
feeling that
...continued on page 5
Contact dogsandcats@ah-nyc.org
or call 212.274.8511. www.animalhavenshelter.org
Local pet supplies, delivered daily. Shop bindo.com today, and help
support Animal Haven. A donation can be made at every check out!
animalh ave nsh e lte r. o rg
Contact information
Happy Tails
Adoption Success
True Survivors
Ways to Give
meet our staff
Tiffany A. Lacey
Executive Director
Jennifer Bristol
Animal Intake and Care Consultant
Kendra Mara
Director of Community Involvement
Maya Robinson
Client Services Manager
Mantat Wong
Kennel Manager
Alessia Pagnotta
Weekend Kennel and
Cattery Attendant
Tracy Venezia
Part-Time Client Services Manager
Katrina Krings
an im a l hav enshel t er.org
a n i m a l h a v e n s h e l te r. o rg
happy tails success stories
Animal Haven is a nonprofit
organization that finds homes for
abandoned cats and dogs throughout
the Tri-State area, and provides
behavior intervention when needed
to improve chances of adoption.
Founded in 1967, we operate an
adoption center in Manhattan
and mobile adoption van. We also
provide programs that enhance the
bond between animals and people.
Please visit our website at
and make a donation today!
Sandi Schiffman
James Wendell
Weekend Client Services
Representative and Van Driver
we bs i te
lo c a t i o n
251 Centre Street
New York, NY 10013
(Corner of Broome Street)
Mika Ito
Part-time Kennel Attendant
Board of Trustees
Archie Gottesman
Andrea Arden
Michelle Berninger
Farrah Buchanan
Kimberly Davis
Robert Flanagan
James Keyte
Seth Molod
Kevin Morgan
Craig Napoliello
R. Scott Ornstein
Andrew Simon
Lori Tayar
Douglas Woodward
h o u rs
Seven days a week
Noon to 7pm, Monday-Friday
11am to 6pm, Weekends
a d op t io n
Cats and dogs are for adoption at Animal
Haven. Fee covers spay/neuter, vaccines,
microchip and license.
mo b i l e
ado p t i o n va n
Animal Haven’s mobile adoption van is
on the road every week.
Advisory Board
Candace Worth
Joshua Adler
Ian Kerner
Patrick Athy
Michael Gazala
Annie Mistak
Megan Murray
Stephanie von Watzdorf
Rosa Alaimo
Harold Smith
We adopted Jean
Louise (formerly
Tanya) back in
October of 2010,
and are completely
smitten with her.
She is a scrappy
little lady who
loves the dog park,
chasing squirrels,
Jean Louise
singing with the
harmonica, and giving kisses to anyone and everyone. A big
dog in a small dog’s body (she has gone from 16 to 24lbs), her
favorite playmates are a 105lb Bernese Mountain dog and an
extremely energetic Australian Shepherd. I know everyone
thinks their dog is the best dog in the world, but we really think
that we hit the jackpot with her. She makes us so incredibly
happy! Thank you so much!
We adopted Belmont
back in October of 2010.
I thought it would be
nice to update you guys
on his life the past year.
He is the world’s BEST
dog!! He is not only our
dog but family. He is
super funny and has quite
a personality! We couldn’t
be happier and I couldn’t
imagine life without my
baby. Thank you again
sooo much!
Daisy (Michelle)
Administrative Coordinator
Paola Campos
Jean Louise (Tanya)
Belmont (Belmont)
Intake Manager
Veterinary Technician
animalh ave nsh e lte r. o rg
o t h er s e r v i c e s
Animal Haven offers a whole host of other
services from training to meet-up groups.
Animal Haven, Inc is a 501 (c) 3
le g a l
I adopted Daisy (formerly Michelle) from Animal Haven in
November 2010. Having Daisy in my life has been absolutely
wonderful and even
though she is still a
little shy around new
people, she is getting
more confident and
braver every day. She
loves going on walks, but
her favorite thing in the
world is sitting on the
couch. Thank you so
much for helping us find
each other!
Pancake (Sylvester)
and Snooze (Pookie)
Adopting a dog can
be a truly wonderful
experience filled with
all the fun one would
expect with the added
benefit of knowing you
have saved a dog’s life.
However, most new
pet parents will attest
to the fact that for
all the joys their new
brings to their life,
there are also some
moments of serious confusion and frustration.
management you can prevent these behaviors and free yourself
up to focus on rewarding your dog for behaviors you like, such as
chewing appropriate toys, resting quietly, eliminating outdoors
and sitting to say hello. Even if your new dog is not displaying any
unwanted behaviors, it is better to err on the side of caution, to do
everything you can to prevent potential issues, rather than to have
a wait and see attitude.
Management Magic begins with:
tKeeping your dog on leash and supervising them at all times
when they are out and about in your house. This will prevent
them from making mistakes that could cause damage to them
or your home.
tProviding your dog with food stuffable chew toys to keep
them happily occupied and out of trouble.
tHelping your dog learn to spend time quietly alone by feeding
them meals and giving them chew toys in their crate for short
periods of time when you are home and away.
tFinding out what your dog likes and using all those things
your dog wants (food, toys, attention, access to the environment,
walking through doorways, etc.) as rewards for responding to
your requests to sit, lie down, or hand target.
Just as adoption has become the hip option, so has a proactive
and preventative approach to pet parenting. Animal Haven has
taken the lead in focusing on pet parent education. Helping
new adopters develop the skills necessary to prevent or resolve
behavior issues is at the foundation of adoption success. Rather
than allowing a newly adopted dog to have opportunities to make
mistakes (and thereby develop a habit of unwanted behaviors) the
focus should be on employing management to prevent them and
set your new dog up for success.
Education and awareness are the first steps to having a happy,
successful adoption. In addition, the whole family needs to be
committed to a pet parenting plan since the behavior of new
adopters plays a vital role in the dog’s behavior. Adopting from
Animal Haven gives pet parents an ongoing support system to
make sure they have all the best tools for success at their fingertips.
All dogs are likely to engage in behaviors people consider
undesirable, such as inappropriate chewing, excessive barking,
housetraining mistakes, and jumping up to greet. With
Pancake and Snooze
Thanks to everyone at Animal Haven for all you do! I adopted
Pancake (formerly Sylvester) from AH in 2009 and my
roommate adopted Snooze (previously Pookie) in May 2011.
Pancake (tuxedo cat) and Snooze (all black) are both loving and
sweet animals. Snooze loves to play and Pancake is always happy
to find an open lab to curl up in. After only a few months,
they’ve become great buddies, often found snuggling in their
favorite purple chair. Thanks again!
Petey (Christian)
Petey (previously Christian)
is doing very well! He’s going
on 7 months soon and will
be getting his third and final
training lesson from Lydia
DesRoche this Sunday. He
just got his neutering site resutured and his baby canines
(which wouldn’t fall out)
taken out. He’ll be as good as
new in no time.
do you have a happy tail?
We would love to hear the many tails you have about
your Animal Haven friend that became a part of your
Send quotes to dogsandcats@ah-nyc.org.
And remember, we love pictures too!
Animal Haven Provides Pet Parenting Counseling
for Adoption Success! By Andrea Arden
caring kids in action!
Animal lovers and young activists Helen Lacey and Julianna
Merendino wrote a letter to send to important people in
animal welfare to express their concern about puppy mills.
Thank you girls for caring and making a difference!
Here is the girls’ letter.
Please help stop puppy mills! They show animal cruelty
because they shoot the breeding pairs after they can’t
breed anymore, keep the dogs in unsanitary conditions,
give them no food or water, do not get socialization, have
no toys, the wire at the bottom of their cage also causes
injuries to their paws, and some dogs even spend their whole lives in cages. Animal cruelty is illegal so we think
that you should go out and help us stop them!