Jul - St. Paul`s United Church of Christ
Jul - St. Paul`s United Church of Christ
BAOBAB BLAST VBS St. Paul’s Epistle July 2010 VOLUME 43, NUMBER 7 In its life and mission St. Paul’s UCC seeks to worship the triune God; proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ; practice loving service toward the needy; embody God’s reign of peace and justice; establish a Christian community of faith; and be a faithful member of the church universal. STEVEN SAYS: Be a Cheerful Giver On the 4th of July I will preach the fourth and final sermon of our summer stewardship sermon series. We began a few weeks ago by asking where our “treasure” is. Where our treasure is, Jesus said, there will our heart be also. In week two we continued with another passage from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount that reminded us of Bobbie McFerrin’s 1988 a cappella hit, Don’t Worry—Be Happy. Jesus told his listeners not to worry about food and clothes but to seek first the Kingdom of God. In the third week we looked at the parable of the wise and foolish stewards. I hope we’ve learned not to bury our talents in a hole. Finally, on July 4th we’ll look at the parable of the rich fool. You’ve heard about how a fool and his money are soon parted? Here was a fool who was about to be parted … from his life! And all his possessions! Is there a lesson in it for us? This summertime stewardship series has come as a way of reminding us that stewardship is not about giving to a church budget, but about realizing what our real treasure is) and living accordingly. It’s about trusting God and not worrying. It’s about honoring God with what He has given us. And it’s about being smart—not foolish. And it’s about being generous—not miserly with God. Stewardship isn’t easy. You could say it is “heart” work. But for those who practice it and live it, stewardship brings great joy to those who practice it, even as it brings great joy and blessing to others. All VBS photos by Lisa Bonslaver Steven says: Living generously is living at its best! PRESIDENT’S PLATFORM Membership! My emphasis in this article will be on our membership. I would like you to take a moment to look at what it takes to be an active member here at St. Paul’s UCC of Amityville. Our church’s by-laws state that to be active, a member must attend, contribute, or commune. I don’t know about you, but I am not aware of any other organization that has such lenient requirements to be an active member. In February, St. Paul’s Spiritual Council (which is made up of all Elders of the church), met for a meeting to examine the membership rolls of our congregation. After that meeting, a list of 120 names was compiled of those who had not contributed for the last two years to St. Paul’s, according to our financial records. We do not register people who commune. If members do not use their weekly envelopes and/or sign their names in the red book when they are in church, then financial information is all we have to use to determine if people are active. A letter was drafted and sent to those members to gauge their interest in membership at St. Paul’s. Included in the letter was a self-addressed stamped postcard for them to check one of five choices indicating their intentions. The five choices were: ■ 1. I/We have found another church home. (If so, St. Paul’s is happy that another church family is nurturing you.) ■ 2. I/We wish to remain a member of St. Paul’s, Amityville. I would like someone to visit with me/us to discuss ways that I/we could once again become (an) active participant(s) in all aspects of the life of the church. Please contact me at the following number: __________________. ■ 3. I am a full-time student, in the military, or in senior care, etc. and wish to remain on the membership roles of St. Paul’s UCC. ■ 4. I/We would like to be placed on inactive status. I/We understand that if I/We do not become active within the next year, my/our name(s) will be removed from the membership roles of St. Paul’s UCC. ■ 5. I/We wish to have our names removed from the membership roles at St. Paul’s UCC. (If so, we encourage you to find another church family where God can speak to you and lead you closer to his love and peace.) 2 PRESIDENT’S PLATFORM, Continued Of the 120 letters sent out, we received forty-six replies. The letters were mailed in the middle of April and the postcards were to be returned by May 31, 2010. Remember, to be an active member, all one must do is attend, commune, or contribute once a year. Seventy-four people who received the letter did not return the card. By determining how many actual members we have at St. Paul’s, we can save money on mailing newsletters and buying weekly envelopes. Some people had expressed a desire to remain active, but do not want to be contacted. That is not an option. St. Paul’s is looking for members who are willing to be involved in the life of St. Paul’s. Money is not the only way. Sharing your time and talent are also ways that we can serve the Lord. In the near future, we will be asking for members to share their time and talents to help with some projects that need to be completed around the church. We will also be asking for people to financially support some larger projects that need to be addressed. St. Paul’s is not all about the money, but financial support of our life and mission is critical. The Lord has given us much, and we should be honoring him for all he has provided for us. Is God really number ONE in your life? Do you give God what is God’s? Do you believe that God has made it possible for you to be where you are today? Are you truly thankful for all he has done for you? St. Paul’s is not all about the money. It is about our showing our love of God by our deeds and actions. If God looks at your soul, will he find a person who is truly a Christian, or will he find that you are only a “Sunday morning practicing Christian?” I am asking that you evaluate your involvement in the life of St. Paul’s. Our congregation has many talented people who could help St. Paul’s in countless ways. Please strive to be a truly “active” member of our church. —Barry Kulakowsky, President 3 CONSISTORY JUNE MINUTES (Complete minutes of the June 2 meeting can be found on the website and on the bulletin board.) Items of interest: ■ Revenue for May was $35,418 and expenses were $23,438. This leaves a surplus for the month of May of $11,979. The five month deficit is now at $16, 414. ■ Christian Education Director Marlene Dadey announced that over 130 children have registered for Vacation Bible School. ■ The Evangelism committee is in the process of proofreading the directory. ■ Stewardship campaign letters will be in the mail in late July. National Penn Bank will handle our automated giving program. ■ Corrections and additions were made to the safe church policy. ■ At a special Consistory meeting held June 17, our Conference Minister, the Rev. Dr. Russ Mitman, called the meeting for a “check-in” with Consistory and Pastor Steven. The purpose of the meeting was to reflect together on the ministry at St. Paul’s twelve months after Pastor Steven was called to be our pastor. ■ After the “check-in” the Facilities Committee presented a bid from a local contractor for repairs to the church steeple. Consistory approved spending up to $25,000 for repairs and a lift. —Shelby Laney, Consistory Secretary ST. PAUL'S EPISTLE BY E-MAIL Our church newsletter is now available by e-mail. If you would like to receive The Epistle by e-mail, please send a request to Sue in the church office (spuccamity@aol.com) with the phrase "e-newsletter" in the subject line. You will continue to receive The Epistle through the mail in paper format as well unless you inform us that you would like to receive the newsletter exclusively by e-mail. You can always check out the color edition of our church newsletter online at our church website: http://stpaulsuccamity.org. 4 LOOKING FOR ‘STEEPLE PEOPLE’ It’s a landmark seen from miles around . . . and the ringing of its bell plus beautiful organ music let the greater Amityville community know St. Paul’s UCC Church welcomes everyone. But the steeple that is the welcoming symbol is due for some urgent repairs. Consistory recently approved spending up to $25,000 to make the various repairs as detailed by a local, experienced contractor. This includes replacing the rubber “roof” and damaged steeple floor, repairing or replacing slate as needed, repointing or caulking coping stones, replacing cracked bricks above the side entrance, and power-washing pertinent areas and sealing the brick, all of which must be done to correct significant leaking in the balcony of the sanctuary. Consistory also has committed to periodic maintenance in the future to avoid more expensive repairs. Though the repairs won’t be cheap, we hope to avoid adding to the church’s debt. Consistory asks that you prayerfully consider giving a monetary gift toward the cost of repairs. The work will begin shortly. An anonymous $5,000 contribution and proceeds from the recent chicken barbeque are getting our efforts off to a good start. Please become “steeple people” and help us meet our goal. STEEPLE PEOPLE SHIRTS The youth ministry committee has recently ordered several dozen youth group shirts featuring an original design by Wendy Elser. The shirts debuted during VBS week as they were worm by VBS youth volunteers. These royal blue shirts are also the official wear of our youth group as they go to Creation Fest. The response to the youth group T-shirts has been so positive that the youth ministry committee is ordering a new “steeple” polo shirt for the whole church. The steeple logo designed by Gail Fronheiser will be embroidered on a handsome royal blue polo shirt. With our members in matching colors at the Peach Festival (and other events) we will be easy to identify. A portion of all sales will go toward the steeple renovation fund. Ordering information will be announced soon. 5 2010 Chicken & Waffles, Waffles & Ice Cream, and Silent Auction Report The Adult 2 Sunday school class of St. Paul’s UCC of Amityville, would like to thank all the businesses, organizations, families, and individuals who helped make our fourth annual event a success. This year over $4500 was raised from the dinner and silent auction. Without the support of the community our event would not have been successful. The Fifth Annual Chicken & Waffles, Waffles & Ice Cream, and Silent Auction is scheduled for Saturday, May 7, 2011. Below is a list of all the business contributors to our auction. We would ask that you consider showing these community businesses your support, since they showed St. Paul’s theirs by donating to our event. Chicken & Waffles/Silent Auction Local Contributors A to Z VACUUM ACE HARDWARE ALL-STAR CAR WASH AMITY CAR SMART AMITY FIRST STOP BEVERAGE AMITY TOWNSHIP POLICE ARGENTO’S PIZZA ARROWHEAD GOLF COURSE AUDIO SENSATIONS BERKS-MONT CAMPING CENTER BIKE LINE/STOWE SKI SHOP BLACKWOOD GOLF COURSE BOYER’S MARKETS CADBURY/SCHWEPPES CARE PLEX CJ TIRE CLASSIC ELEGANCE CLOVER FARMS DAIRY CRAB CRAZY CURVES DENNEY”S ELECTRIC DOMENICO’S DOMINO’S DR. GREGG PARKS DUNKIN’ DONUTS EDDINGER PROPANE GAS, INC EFFIE’S CHARCOAL CHEF FIRST NIAGARA BANK FISHER LANDSCAPING GENTLY USED BOOKS GIANT GROCERY STORE HARNER AUTO BODY HEARTHSTONE HEALTH GROUP ISLAND PIZZA KIMBERTON WHOLE FOODS KLEIN TRANSPORTATION LA FITNESS LAURIE’S SALON SPLENDOR LUICANA UNIQUE DESIGN KITCHEN & BATH LUMBRANOS M & M GAMES MCDONALD’S of Douglasville MANATAWNY CREEK WINERY MARY KAY – TINA HACKETT MERRIT’S MICHAEL’S RESTAURANT MOCCIA’S TRAIN SHOP 6 Silent Auction Local Contributor, continued SCOTT SCHAEFFER AUTO SHEAR MAGIC SHEAR TO PLEASE SINGER EQUIPMENT SOVEREIGN BANK SUPERCUTS TRI-COUNTY CHIROPRACTIC VILLA a MORLATTON WANNER GARDEN CENTER WAWA ZUBER REALTY MY LITTLE CHICKADEE NATIONAL PENN BANK PASSMORE SERVICE CENTER PENN VALLEY CHEMICAL PERKIOMEN ANIMAL HOSPITAL POTTSTOWN ROLLER MILLS PROFESSIONAL PHARMACY R & R GAMES R. H. LORISH MOTOR SHOP RADER COMPANY READING BOAT WORKS, INC In addition, we would like to say thank you to the following members of the congregation who supported us with donations. They include Ginny Althouse, Tracy & Keith Berry, Ruth & Ken Biles, Melissa Bortz, George Clauser, Marlene Dadey, Shirley & Tyler Davis, Kathleen Eschbach, Cindy Faust & Rich Fisher, Sharon & Jerry Fizz, Gail & Dean Fronheiser, Arlene Hafer, Marie Hausman, Winnie & Joe Hayik, Jackie Hertzog, Doris and John Johnson, Catherine & Robert Keller, Linwood Keller, Diane & Paul Kopec, Barbara & Barry Kulakowsky, Al Kutz, Linda Levengood, Marlene Mauger, Peggy Maurey, Janet & Charlie Miller, Helen Oxenford, Lisa & Joe Paretti, Donna & Chalie Pennypacker, Judy & Tom Reitz, Norma Jean Rodgers, Karen Rutter, Barbara & Spike Thompson, Kitty & Bob Trainer, Fred Walters, Kathy & Skip Weller, and Kelly & Robert Yanos. A Special Word of thanks to the following Out of Town Businesses who donated to our Auction: MEDIA ONE PRODUCTS, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES, READING PHILLIES, READING EXPRESS, AND T. O. EPPS & ASSOCIATES. ST. PAUL’S READING GROUP Pageturners will meet on Monday, July 19, 7:00 PM at Judi Flickinger’s home. You still have time to read, The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Set in Mississippi, it is an excellent story of social awakening as seen from both sides of the racial divide. So join us for discussion, and refreshments, of course! All are welcome. 7 STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE JULY SERMON SERIES “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Matthew 6:21 Where is your treasure? As I reflect on this question I’m reminded of my husband. When we were dating he nicknamed me, Treasure. I loved feeling special, but I had to face an important issue: Was I able to truly treasure a husband who also treasures old cars with loud engines that accelerate quickly? I have found that God blesses his children with many unique talents, gifts and treasures. And even car shows can be a catalyst to forge meaningful friendships and opportunities to share our lives and faith with others. When God is our most important treasure, there is no limit to how we can use our gifts and talents to honor and serve Him. —Karen Spotts, Stewardship Committee co-chair Sunday, July 4 6th Sunday after Pentecost/Independence Day Texts: Malachi 3:6-10, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15, Luke 12:13-21, 48b Sermon: The Rich Fool He thought he had it all figured out. He would build bigger barns to house his rich store of grains. And he would eat, drink, and be merry. But he hadn’t figured on one thing: an early death. The Lord called him, “Fool!” And so is anyone else who is rich toward himself, but poor toward God. SUMMER MUSIC NEEDED Calling all musicians! Singers! Instrumentalists! Dancers! St. Paul’s United Church of Christ invites you to share the gifts God has given you to enrich our summer worship services! Please sign up at the organ for a service between July 4 and September 5. And for those whose talent is “listening”, be sure to attend summer services and enjoy the diversity of gifts we have! CONFIRMATION SUMMER SCHOOL ■ Confirmation Classes – Summer confirmation classes in July are the 18 and 25. This class meets in Room #8 after morning worship. These classes serve as a review and make-up for our confirmands. If you are interested in hearing what the confirmands study you are welcome to join the group any time. 8 Sunday, July 11 7th Sunday after Pentecost/Communion Sunday Texts: Psalm 82, Amos 7:7-17, Colossians 1:1-14, Luke 10:25-37 Sermon: Just Like a Good Neighbor According to the jingle of one insurance company, being “there” is what being a neighbor is all about. Survivors of recent tornados in Ohio are coming to see who their “neighbors” are as people from surrounding communities come to their assistance. Jews in Jesus’ time were not used to thinking of Samaritans as their neighbors, but this parable began to challenge their thinking. Sunday, July 18 8th Sunday after Pentecost/Baptism Texts: Psalm 52, Colossians 1:15-29, Luke 10:38-42 Sermon: Martha, Martha In the 70’s sitcom, The Brady Bunch, middle sister Jan complained that her older sister got all the attention. It was Marsha this and Marsha that: “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!” Sibling rivalries didn’t begin with the Brady’s. In first century Palestine Martha complained to Jesus about her sister, Mary. “Martha, Martha,” Jesus responded, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better.” What is that “one thing needed” that Mary found, but which seemed to elude poor Martha? Sunday, June 25 9th Sunday after Pentecost Texts: Psalm 85, Hosea 1:2-10, Colossians 2:6-15, Luke 11:1-13 Sermon: Teach us How to Pray One day the disciples asked Jesus how to pray and he responded by sharing with them the prayer we now call the Lord’s Prayer. Today we’ll discuss how to ask and receive, how to seek and find, and how to knock and have the door opened to us. 9 JULY SERVERS 9:00 ACOLYTES 04-Paige Schreyer 11-Brittany Millard 18-Brook Emery 25-Brook Wilson 9:00 FLMC GREETERS 04-Robert & Carole Custard 11-Paul & Lynn Eschbach 18-The Spotts Family 25-Ken & Ruth Biles 9:00 SCRIPTURE READERS 4-Kerry Kuhn 11-Shannon Brown 18-Judy Reitz 25-Connie Riker 9:00 NARTHEX GREETERS 04-John & Debbie Boyer 11-Joe & Winnie Hayik 18-The Berry Family 25-Cindy Faust 9:00 USHER CAPTAINS 04-Judy Reitz 11-Tom Reitz 18-Helen Carey 25-Mahlon Boyer PLANNING A PARTY? Consider holding your next birthday party or baby shower at St. Paul’s Family Life and Mission Center. Contact Sue, our facility manager, at the church office 610-689-9364. ATTENTION GARDENERS Keep St. Paul’s in mind when you are canning your fruits and vegetables, or making those delicious jams and jellies. We’d like to have a display of items for sale at the Fall Turkey Supper on November 6. Proceeds will benefit the church. Further information will be available in the fall. Contact Peggy Maurey at 610-689-5048 with any questions. LAWN MOWING HELP NEEDED If you could help mow the church lawn a few times this summer would you please contact Charlie Miller or Randy VanFleet. With the new mower the job takes less than 2 hours and can be done at your convenience. 10 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS from Marlene Dadey—Director of Christian Education ■ End of Sunday School Year Celebration!! If you attended this event on June 6 you are aware that we have some great talent at St. Paul’s. Each class did a wonderful job presenting an Old Testament Bible character. ■ Summer Sunday School – Boys and girls through sixth grade should join their parents in worship. Following the children’s time they will join Marlene Dadey for a Baobab Blast lesson in Rm #8. ■ Praise Band & Worshipers – Great job singing together on June 6! Thank you for a wonderful year of providing special music on the first Sunday of the month. Watch for announcements in the September newsletter for the upcoming Sunday school year. ■ SPLASH (St. Paul’s Links After School Hours) – We are still hoping to get an after school program running by September. Final approvals should be underway with the PA Department of Welfare. This program needs your help to be successful. Contact Marlene Dadey to see how you can help. ■ Needed Sunday School Staff for September – Are you interested in joining our Sunday school staff? Talk to any of our current staff members and you should be pleasantly surprised that it is not a big job. We have a great curriculum that offers plenty of ideas. You do not need to be an educator to be a Sunday school teacher. All classes have a teaching team of at least 3 members and most have 4. This allows our teachers the opportunity to participate in an adult class or take a week off as needed. Please contact Marlene Dadey if you are interested in becoming a part of the Sunday school staff. ■ Senior High Leaders needed for Sunday mornings – we have great video discussion starters for this group of young people. If you are interested in being one of the leaders please contact Marlene Dadey. ■ Rally Day – Don’t forget to mark your calendars for September 12. This will also be our annual church picnic following morning worship. 11 BAOBAB BLAST WRAPUP We’ve had a wonderful week of VBS, Baobab Blast. There are 155 children and over 60 adult and teen helpers participating. Day 1 began with our opening program where the boys and girls met Faye the Zebra. Faye taught the children about trust. On day 2 we met Amy the Colobus Monkey. Amy taught us about love. During the remainder of the week we met Bud the Elephant, Sam the Meerkat, and Jonathan the Giraffe. The animals taught us to follow, care and share. You will see our animal characters throughout the summer as you look around the FLMC and Sunday school. We will use them to continue teaching the children to trust, love, follow, care and share during our summer Sunday school lessons on Sunday mornings. 12 THANK YOU to the following staff members: Lisa Casner, Ethel Bubb, Doris Johnson, Katie Kunsch, Brandi Jackson, Kristi Beltz, Jen Miller, Jennifer Hall, Shannon Brown, Britni Jackson, Crystal Loomis, Susan Kuhn, Sarah Thomas, Paige Schreyer, Megan Kunsch, Karen Spotts, Marsha Pingitore, Jamie Menarde, Kristen Gabbett, Shawna Smith-Wentzel, Janet Knauer, Colleen LeBlanc, Heidi Fisher, Ethan Fox, Kayla Gabbett, Sharon Fizz, Michele Barrett, Jenny Swift, Emily Richey, Tracy Berry, Kate Quay, Ava Darlington, Savannah Lacek, Diana Dadey, Rachel Shustack, Angie Menarde, Colleen Madrak, Colleen Murray, Diane Fox, Michelle Schreyer, Jimmy Maioriello, Casey Schreyer, Jessica Pflugler, Becky Bronwing, Sandra Marchiano, Wendy Elser, Jen Kovach, Ruth Biles, Karen Hartline, Tracy Kolenda, James Kolenda, Lori Miller, Jessica Miller, Heather Brown, Jen DeMild, Jo Lawler, John Williams, Wendy Twaddell, Debby McMearty, Kristen Pennypacker, Andrew Kuhn, Tyler Loomis, Peggy Maurey, Sue Trace, Harriet Boyer, Lisa Bonslaver, Damien Everett, Pastor Steven. Thank you also to Shannon Simpson for running the Power point at the opening program. Special thanks to the Millers for painting the murals and to Michelle Miller for all her decorating skills. THANK YOU to anyone I might have missed. —Marlene Dadey, CE Director 13 NEED PASTORAL SUPPORT? Looking for pastoral support? Seeking prayer? Pastor Steven is just a phone call away. Feel free to call him at the parsonage, at the church office, or on his cell. Or send him an email. Pastor Steven’s contact information appears on the front cover of every Sunday bulletin: Church Office 610-689-9364 Parsonage 610-689-5741 Pastor’s cell 610-858-0921 Email pastorstevensimpson@gmail.com Due to privacy restrictions regarding health, the hospitals do not automatically call the church when someone is hospitalized. Please call the church to let us know when you or someone you know who is a member of St. Paul’s is a patient in the hospital so that the pastor or a member of the lay pastoral visitation team can visit them. Thank you for your help. LOOKING AHEAD “Deck the Halls with…” It’s Christmas in July! Are you interested in helping to decorate the church for the advent season in late November? If so we need to know NOW! We also are looking for garlands, wreaths, bows, ribbons, etc. that are in excellent condition for decorating. Please contact Judy Reitz at 610.385.1440 or email her at tjreitz@ptd.net FOOD PANTRY The food pantry is currently well-stocked with canned goods. Our greatest need at this time is for baby wipes and size 4 and 5 disposable diapers. —Shannon Simpson, ENCORE THEATER NEWS ■ Applebee's Flapjack Fundraiser Breakfast, July 17 from 8 to 10 at Applebee's in Shelbourne Square in Exeter. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 kids 10 and under and seniors. Breakfast includes all you can eat pancakes, sausage, orange juice, coffee, tea or soda. There will also be a car wash in the back parking lot of Applebee's from 10-2. All are welcome to attend! ETC summer camps still have openings: ■ Young Children's Show Choir Camp - July 12-16-for children entering K-6. Children learn proper singing, breathing and vocal techniques, simple dance routines, basic skills for auditioning for roles. A performance for family members will be held on the last day of camp. $275 by July 7. ■ Teen Show Choir Camp -July 19-23- for students that will be entering grades 7-12. Students learn Broadway tunes and create choreography and blocking for those tunes. Students participate in a four-part vocal ensembles Focus on proper breathing, posture, vocal projection and listening. A performance for family members will be held on the last day of camp. $275 by July 14. ■ Mollie & The Last Book Worm-August 2-13- for children entering grades K-9. Children learn about casting and how to audition for a role, how to memorize lines, set design, blocking, choreography and many other theater skills. The show is a madcap race through sections of Alice in Wonderland, Tom Sawyer, Oliver Twist, The Wizard of Oz, and Hansel and Gretel. $400. Food Pantry Coordinator 14 15 JULY BIRTHDAYS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 Weller, Scott Schreyer, Casey Eschbach, Paul Ballmer, Pamela Kovach, Jen Balliet, Noah Budrow, Brenton Herbst, Maya Rodriguez, Kristi Reinhart, Kylie Peterson, Judy Mauger, Ed Jr. Shank, Greg Stanislaw, Emily Doudna, June Knabb, Emily Moll, Darryl Fino, Angelina Spotts, Amanda Spotts, Daniel Korkie, Juniper Brown, Heather Berry, Laura Pingitore, Dane Serianni, Brandon Neidig, Brendan Browning, Becky Wasson, Betsy Reinert, Doug Richard, TJ Kellar, Catherine Trace, Sue Haas, Karen Loomis, Maddy Fulmer, Susan Davis, JoAnne Wilson, Jennifer Menarde, Angie Conkle, Carter Ermatinger, Joseph Harner, Joy Pell, Angela McIlvee, Jennifer Howells, Beth Ann 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 16 Kline, Rachelle DiSante, Anne Clauser, Jolene Bates, Karen Christman, Harold Jenkins, Kimberly Merz, Justina Elser, Jordan Knabb, Paula Neyer, Betty Downs, Beth Acker, John Barto, Bryan Garber, Marilyn Guglielmi, Donna Morgan, Michael Krick, Shirley Hertzog, Nichole Everhart, Cara Everhart, Emily Lyon, Christine Barto, Jessica Shaffer, Jaime Moore, Cindy Pingitore, Marsha Fisher, Neal Jr. Menarde, Jamie McDonnell, William Bentley, Robert Sr. Simpson, Shannon Gaiser, Amy Carpenter, Terry Bryan, Jennifer Barndt, Noah Eltz, Ronald Moll, Alex Kunsch, Katie Shustack, Jordan Hertzog, Jackie Walton, Jenna Davidheiser, Lydia Rogers, Bill Nettles, Matthew Loomis, Tyler JULY ANNIVERSARIES July 1 Charles & Judy Harley Dave & Tina Hendricks July 2 Dennis & Denise Stauffer Jason & Kira Carman July 3 Phil & Sandra Marchiano July 5 William & Thelma Harner David & Brenda Pell Darryl & Rhonda Moll July 6 John & Karen Tripolitis July 14 Barry & Barbe Kohut July 15 Randolph & Dorian Weidner James & Audrey Smith July 18 Al & Judy Kutz Scott & Jennifer Wilson July 19 John & Lisa Bonslaver July 20 John & Doris Johnson July 21 Keith & Marianne Harrison July 26 Kermit & Shirley Krick July 28 Earl & Mary Hahn July 30 Rich & Beth Zerkowski If we missed your birthday or anniversary, please contact the church office. BOY SCOUT TROOP 597 NEWS In May 17 scouts and 9 adults camped on the beach in Wildwood NJ for a weekend of sun and fun on Morey’s Piers. In the beginning of June, 20 scouts and 8 adults camped at the Patriot Days encampment at Daniel Boone Homestead. We have been attending for more than 30 years and have earned the clean campsite award for the 17th year in a row (check out our trophies in the case in the social room!). The boys are off to our annual summer camp at Hawk Mountain Scout Reservation for the week June 20-26 and are preparing to spend 5 days in Groton CT in July visiting the Coast Guard academy and the military base as well as an Indian museum. Our regular meetings have ended for the summer but we will start again in September. Throughout the summer keep an eye out for our Eagle Scout projects at Daniel Boone Homestead and the township parks! Check out our website for contact info and de17 MEET KEN NEEDHAM An atheist between the ages of seven and seventeen, Ken became a Christian after twice reading the New Testament. In 1964, Ken married his Irish wife Eva and was then used to plant churches in Ireland and Peru, before joining Torchbearers Fellowship in 1968. Their three children were born in Ireland, Bolivia and Peru during the middle sixties. After twenty years with Torchbearers, as conference director then as international representative, Ken launched Trans-Mission as a result of growing convictions gained through wide experience of Christian organizations. His ministry, which is both popular and fruitful with young and old alike, has been conducted at churches, camps, conferences, universities and Bible colleges in more than 70 countries. In the lat 1990’s Pastor Steven had the opportunity to have Ken and Eva stay in his home in Hawaii and to speak at his church. Ken is a gifted Bible teacher and communicator. In 2000 the Needhams returned the favor as Pastor Steven stayed in their home in Ireland for a prayer retreat. Ken travels around the world for speaking engagements every year. We have just learned that Ken will be in the Philadelphia area during the week of July 4. As we learn more about Ken’s itinerary, we will share news of opportunities that may emerge for individuals or a group of members from St. Paul’s to meet Ken and hear him speak. For more information on Ken Needham, go to www.trans-mission-worldwide.org/ 18 19 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wed. Calendar of Events at Thursday 1 Friday 2 Saturday 3 St. Paul’s UCC Amityville, Pennsylvania Note: Church-related events are bold CREATION FESTIVAL JuneMeetings 29—July 4 Holy Week—No Committee 4 Sixth Sunday after Pentecost/ Independence Day / Baptism 800 Adult III Sunday School 900 Worship (Sunday School for grades K-6 begins after the children’s story) 5 Office Closed 6 100 50+ Group 545 Weight Watchers 630 Narcotics Anon 7 430 Holy Workout with Heidi 600 Mary Kay 600 Consistory Picnic at the Parsonage 8 9 400 Opportunity House Prep— Ladies Aid 600 Wedding Rehearsal 700 Amity Chess Club 10 600 Wedding: Fake/Yuengle 11 Communion Sunday 800 Adult III Sunday School 900 Worship (Sunday School for grades K-6 begins after the children’s story) 12 700 Prayer Team 13 100 50+ Group 545 Weight Watchers 630 Narcotics Anon 14 430 Holy Workout 600 Mary Kay 700 Sr. Youth Group (Lauer’s Home) 700 Stewardship 15 630 Facilities Committee 16 500 Wedding Rehearsal 700 Amity Chess Club 17 300 Wedding: Ortlip/Criblear 23 700 Amity Chess Club 24 30 700 Amity Chess Club 31 7:30 AM—Encore Summer Camp July 12—July 16, 2010 18 Eighth Sunday after Pentecost/Baptisms 800 Adult III Sunday School 900 Worship (Sunday School for grades K-6 begins after the children’s story) 1015 Confirmation Summer School 19 700 Pageturners at Flickinger’s 20 100 50+ Group 100 Food Pantry 545 Weight Watchers 630 Narcotics Anon 21 430 Holy Workout 10 Nwsltr Asmbly 600 Mary Kay 700 Pastoral Relations Committee 22 7:30 AM—Encore Summer Camp July 19—July 23, 2010 25 Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 800 Adult III Sunday School 900 Worship (Sunday School for grades K-6 begins after the children’s story) 1015 Confirmation Summer School 26 27 100 50+ Group 545 Weight Watchers 630 Narcotics Anon 700 Missions Cte 700 Evangelism Cte 28 29 430 Holy Workout with Heidi 600 Mary Kay 700 Sr. Youth Group (Wilson’s Home)