EWI Chapter Connect - Executive Women International


EWI Chapter Connect - Executive Women International
Chartered November 3, 1967
April 2016 | Vol. 8, No. 4
Letter from the President
Aloha EWI of Honolulu Members~
Congratulations to Programs Director Julie Vaugh and Event Chairs Julie Loo and
Dulce Sanders for an amazing fundraising event! Taste of Mardi Gras on
Wednesday, March 9th raised enough funds to send 3 member representatives to
LCAM in Spokane, Washington this September. Guests sipped wine while
enjoying incredible food selections prepared by The Plaza Club. Chalin charmed
the audience with her beautiful voice while Nicholas Kalekini played smooth jazz
on the saxophone.
Mahalo to the following member firm Sponsors: Insurance Solutions, Sheraton
Waikiki & The Plaza Club. To the committee members & volunteers who
orchestrated every detail of this event…Leona Hee, Debbie Hanaike, Susan
Miyabara, Jennifer Ihara, Ashleigh Adams, Karen Choe, Karen Mendes, Wanda
Sanchez, Leslie Ikei & Karen Yonemoto.
THANK YOU for highlighting the 2015-16 second quarter with SUCCESS!!!
MEETING DATE CHANGE: Our April dinner meeting changed to Wednesday, April 20, 2016, 5:30
p.m. at member firm The Hawaii Prince Hotel.
I am very excited to have special guest speaker Laura Beeman, the UH Women’s Basketball head coach
come and speak to us on leadership and teamwork. As you may know, the Women’s Basketball team
made it to the 2016 NCAA DI Women’s Basketball Championships. That evening EWI of Honolulu will
also be partaking in a “Pay It Forward” opportunity supporting YO! (Waikiki Youth Outreach).
Philanthropy will be conducting a collection dive of backpacks, school supplies, toiletries & athletic socks.
Please help support our local community!
PREZI CHALLENGE: Wear Green or any UH logo’d item to our April Dinner. The most spirited will be
eligible for a prize! GO BOWS!
BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHANGE: Please Welcome Joanna Hall of Allied Builders, she will be our new
Communication & Marketing Director. A Hui Hou to Jodi Uehara of APP Hawaii as she has accepted a
new career with Staffing Power. Jodi, we Thank you for your service to EWI of Honolulu!
SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 EWI Scholarship Program (EWISP) Dinner. We will be
awarding $20, 000 to high school seniors! Support Kim Asuncion (Aston Hotels) and her committee.
Take this spring season as a chance to participate in some community service, tending simultaneously to
your environment as well as yourself. Create positive outcomes.
Spring is when life’s alive in everything. -Christina Rossetti
Maegan Brandt, 2015-2016 EWI of Honolulu President
President’s Message p.1 • April Dinner Meeting p.2 • YO flyer p.3 • Chapter Leadership p.4 • Board Meeting
Highlights, Dates to Note p.5 • Professional Development p.7 • Na Wahine Alakai Nomination Form p.8 • 2016-17
Straw Ballot p.9 • Mar Mtg Recap p.10 • Rally to Read p.11 • EWISP Save The Date p.12 • Golf Wish List p.13 • Golf
Tournament 2016 p.14 • RESULTS Guide p.17
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Why EWI….
By Member Representative Adele Tasaka of Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau
Why EWI?
How could you not
The organization that leads us all
Creates energy that makes us feel tall
Connections and friendships
Leadership and growth
Community action
Is just a small part of our hearts satisfaction
Love and support
These fine ladies provide
Business and fun
Success in careers
Helping others both members And new friends
No matter where we go… memories stay dear and near in our hearts
No better group than the ladies of EWI
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Executive Women International (EWI) brings together key individuals from diverse businesses for the purpose
of promoting member firms, enhancing personal and professional development, and encouraging community
To be a global women’s organization of 5,000 engaged members empowering others for positive change
Integrity | Excellence | Respect | Collaboration
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Honolulu Chapter Board Meeting Highlights
February 24, 2016
Treasurer’s Report:
• The December 2015 & January 2016 financials and disbursements were
approved by the Board
Committee Reports:
ASIST – Roseann Freitas
• Applications sent to 24 colleges / programs and 13 individuals.
• Next Committee Meeting: Wednesday, March 2, 2016 @ Panya Bistro,
5:30 p.m.
Communications and Marketing – Jodi Uehara
• March Connect is scheduled to be released on: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
• Articles for the April Connect are due on: Wednesday, March 9, 2016
• Website will be updated Monday, February 29, 2016
EWISP – Kim Asuncion
• EWSIP committee will be reaching out to all schools to confirm the
application packet was received.
• Deadline for all applications: Postmarked by Friday, March 11, 2016
• Finalists to be forwarded to judges by Friday, March 25, 2016.
• Next Committee Meeting: TBD at Hawaii Prince Hotel; 5:30 p.m.-7:00
Philanthropy – Jennifer Ihara
• February 27, 2016 - NOAA Whale Counting @ Magic Island from 8
a.m.-12:15 p.m.
• Next Committee Meeting: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 @ TBD
Program – Julie Vaugh
• February Dinner Meeting: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at Empress
Restaurant with guest speaker Alan Lum, Feng Shui Master - Received
great feedback and interaction.
• March Wine Fundraiser Location has been moved from the 20th floor to
the 21st floor. The theme is Mardi Gras, wear black, beads & masks will
be provided at member firm The Plaza Club.
Officers & Directors
Maegan Brandt
Insurance Solutions LLC
Wanda Sanchez
SageView Advisory Group
Leslie Ikei
Y. Hata & Co.
Karen Choe
New York Life Insurance
Karen Mendes
American Solutions for Business
Communications & Marketing
Jodi Uehara
APP Hawaii
Retention & Recruitment
Melissa Tree
Robert Half International
Programs Director
Julie Vaugh
Hagadone Printing Company
Ways & Means Director
JaDawn Perez
American Carpet One
EWISP Director at Large
Kim Asuncion
Aston Hotels
Retention & Recruitment – Melissa Tree
• 62 member firms and 65 member representatives - 3 pending
• Prospective Members: TelResource, Inc, Hawaiian Humane Society,
Islands Hospice, Oahu Waste Service, Financial Guide (Stan Jacobs July
Membership), Hawaii Baptist Academy, Pulama Lanai, and Alert Alarm.
Appointed Positions
Sergeant-at-Arms – Karen Mendes
• There were 47 representatives, 13 guests and 0 no shows at the
Wednesday, February 10, 2016 membership meeting held at Empress
• 77% member representatives were in attendance.
Roseann Freitas
Archipelago Hawaii
Philanthropy Chair
Jennifer Ihara
Level 3 Communications
Brenda Kanno
The Research Corporation of the
University of Hawaii
Cora Kim
Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Ways and Means – JaDawn Perez
• New Member Allison Sato of Hawaii News Now will be joining the Ways
and Means Committee.
• Golf Solicitation Letters and brochures will be stuffed at the Monday,
February 29th meeting and will be mailed out on Tuesday, March 1st.
• Next Committee Meeting: Monday, February 29, 2016 at Hawaii
Convention Center, 5:30 p.m.
Unfinished Business:
• None
New Business:
• The Na Wahine Alaka’i Leadership Award (Maegan) was established to
recognize the talent and leadership potential of an EWI of Honolulu rep.
This year we will award up to $1,700 in monetary support for a rep to
attend the EWI Leadership Conference and Annual Meeting (LCAM) and
Academy of Leadership in Spokane, WA, September 21-24, 2016.
Nominations are now open; application was distributed in the board
meeting packet and in March’s Connect newsletter. Deadline is Friday, April
29, 2016.
• 2016-17 Straw Ballot (Maegan): Nominations are open; application was
distributed in the board meeting packet and in March’s Connect newsletter.
• If you need to know a member rep’s information such as date joined EWI,
attendance to meetings, etc., please contact Maegan or Melissa.
Next Meetings:
• March Professional Development Webinar: “Identifying Your Target Market
and Your Ideal Client – How Hard Can It Be?” will be held on Tuesday,
March 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.
• The next membership meeting “Taste of Mardi Gras”-EWI Wine Tasting
Fundraiser will be held on Wednesday, March 9, 2016, 5:30 p.m. at member
firm, The Plaza Club, Wear “Black”.
• The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 5:30
p.m. at the Waialae Country Club Boardroom.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 @
9am: April Professional
Development Webinar!
Speaker is Jeanette
Armbrust- Leadership- It’s
Not About the Title
Wednesday, April 20th,
2016: April Membership
Dinner Meeting.
Speaker is Laura BeemanUH Women’s Basketball
Head Coach. Wear Green.
Wednesday, April 27th,
2016: BOD’s MTG @
5:30pm, WCC
Happy Birthday!
April Tengan
Preet Nijjar
Jennifer Ihara
Brenda Kanno
Joanna Hall
Wanda Sanchez
Peter Hicks
April 8
April 14
April 16
April 20
April 24
April 27
April 29
Share your News and Photos in the monthly CONNECT
Contact: Joanna Hall jhall@abs.cc 808-432-9971
Submission deadline: May Issue: April 13, 2016
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Tuesday, April 5, 3:00 pm ET
Featured Presenter:
Jeanette is the
CEO/Owner of
Skyline Exhibits
Ohio. Before starting Skyline
TOPIC: Leadership—It’s Not About the Title Exhibits of Central Ohio in 2001,
Jeanette worked for VEE Corporation, the creators of Sesame
A leader can be anyone despite rank, title, or tenure. Leadership is Street Live, as the National Pronot about power or prestige- it's about inspiring and influencing
motion Director. Later she was
promoted to National Sponsorship Director. Now she spends
You will learn:
her time as CEO operating and
growing her $7 million company.
60 minutes (includes Q&A)
 Why is leadership important?
 What are the characteristics of a leader?
 What is the difference between a boss or a leader?
What can you do to be a leader in your organization?
Jeanette currently serves on the
NAWBO National Board in
Washington, D.C., on the board
of Columbus chapter of NAWBO;
the Columbus Chamber Board of
Directors, and is a member of
EWI of Columbus. She is also
the Founder and Director of the
Columbus Young Entrepreneur's
Our firm is a member of Executive Women International® (EWI®), a global women’s organization with an equal focus on Connections, Careers and Community. Through this
membership our employees have access to professional development webinars featuring
great presenters who are excited to help you become better at what you do and how you
do it. With subjects ranging from Goal Setting and Achievement to Communication and
Emotional Intelligence, these webinars are a must see. This is a benefit extended to member firms’ employees, only. Please do not forward to anyone outside our firm.
This opportunity made possible by EWI member representative:
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
2016 Na Wahine Alaka’i Leadership Award
The Na Wahine Alaka'i Leadership Award was established in 2004 to recognize the talent and leadership potential of
EWI of Honolulu Representatives. We are pleased this year to award up to $1,700 in monetary support for a
Representative to attend the annual EWI Leadership Conference and Annual Meeting (LCAM) and Academy of
Leadership in Spokane, Washington from September 21 – 24, 2016. The Awardee will be responsible for all other
expenses related to attendance. Receipts must be provided in order to receive reimbursement of expenses up to
the awarded amount.
Selection Criteria:
• Nominees must be an active Representative in good standing of EWI of Honolulu for a minimum of one year.
• Past Presidents, previous awardees, sustaining members, and chapter life members are not eligible.
• Nominees must regularly attend monthly Chapter meetings and participate fully in committee assignments
and meetings.
• Preference will be given to first-time attendees to LCAM.
• Individuals selected must commit to serving in a Chapter Board position.
Program Guidelines:
• Nominations may be submitted by another EWI member (Representative or Executive) or self-nominated.
• Nominees must complete a Nomination Form which includes a narrative (not to exceed one page) as to why
the individual is worthy of this award.
• Awardee shall present a report to the Chapter membership on the LCAM experience and the sessions
Nomination Form
Representative Since
Attended LCAM Before?
No ________
Yes _______
Year & Place: ____________
Active on Committee?
No ________
Yes _______
Committee: ____________
Attends Monthly Mtgs?
No ________
Yes _______
# Attended this Year: ______
Why should this Nominee be selected? (Please attach additional sheet if necessary; not to exceed one page).
Nominated by:
Submit to:
Printed Name/Signature
Maegan Brandt by April 29, 2016
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Straw Ballot
The Nominating Committee seeks your input on individuals willing to serve our chapter…a rewarding experience!
A minimum of three (3) directors, which includes the President-elect, must have served on the Chapter Board the
previous year. No director shall serve more than five (5) consecutive terms.
Enter your first choice for each position, and if desired, your second choice. Following presentation at the June 8,
2016 membership meeting, nominations may be made to President, Maegan Brandt, in writing by any five (5)
representatives prior to July 31, 2016, at which time the nominations are automatically closed. All nominees must
have indicated their willingness to serve, if elected.
First Choice
Second Choice (optional)
Vice President/President-Elect
Retention & Recruitment
Program Director
Communications & Marketing
Ways and Means Director
Director-at-Large EWISP
Note: Wanda Sanchez was elected for a two-year term as Vice President/President-elect and therefore will assume
the Presidency in 2016-17.
Send this form to the Nominating Committee Chair Cora Kim, Hawaii Prince Hotel via email:
chkim@hiprince.com by June 1, 2016.
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Raising funds for additional reps to attend LCAM 2016!
Thank you to everyone’s support and generous contributions, for making
this a very successful event! All proceeds of the “Taste of Mardi Gras”
event will benefit the EWI of Honolulu Na Wahine Scholarship Program.
This scholarship fund will allow some of our members to attend EWI’s
leadership conference, known as LCAM in Spokane Washington in
September 2016. LCAM provides professional development opportunities
for our members.
Mark your Executive’s Calendars with these Dates:
Wednesday, May 11, 2016 EWI Scholarship Program (EWISP) Dinner
Wednesday, July 13, 2016 Adult Students in Scholastic Transition (ASIST) Scholarship Dinner
Friday, August 26, 2016 EWI Golf Tournament
Directory Changes
Please notify Retention & Recruitment Director Melissa Tree of Robert Half International if you have any changes in
your address, email, telephone number, etc. so the change can be made in the directory.
melissa.tree@officeteam.com / 808-531-0800
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Visit the EWI Corporate Website
If you haven’t visited the EWI Corporate website yet, please do so!
There’s a special members-only login, where you can get access to the Corporate directory of
EWI members, view recorded teleseminars and webinars, and learn more about EWI.
If you don’t know your login information, call the Corporate office toll-free at 877-439-4669
or email ewi@ewiconnect.com and they will help you.
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
21st Annual Golf Tournament
“Tee Up for Education” on August 26, 2016
*Golf Sponsorships: $2,500 Platinum, $1,000 Gold or $550 for a Team
of Three
*Prizes for Golfers- i.e. Gift Cards (3 of a Kind)
*Silent Auction Items
*Water (25 Cases)
*Diet Coke (8 cases of 12 packs)
*Vitamin Water or Energy Drinks (15 Cases)
*Candy Bars (150-Snickers, Twix etc.)
*Chips (150 snack size bags)
*Peanuts & Corn nuts
*Ice Cream (150)
*Popcorn (4 large bags)
*Hot Dogs (200) and / or Hot Dog Buns (200)
*Condiments for the Hot Dogs (Ketchup, Mustard, Relish)
If you and/or your firm are able to help, please contact:
Lois Asato at lasato@hccaeg.com or Shara Flores at sflores@hitechsupport.net
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
Team Information
Executive Women International
Honolulu Chapter
Team One
Team Captain__________________________
Member Firms*
4 Miles, LLC
Hilton Waikiki Beach
Accuity, LLP
Honolulu Cartridge World
Allied Builders System
Howard Hughes Corporation
Insurance Solutions LLC
American Carpet One
Ito Healthcare Group
American Solutions for Business
Lamination House, Inc.
APP Hawaii
Level 3 Communications
Email ______________________________________________
Player Two____________________________
Aqua Hospitality
Ligs University
Archipelago Hawaii
Marie Louise Fine Garment
Aston Hotels
Meridian Properties, Inc.
Bank of Hawaii
Miller-Hee Realty Inc.
Becker Communications, Inc.
Mokulele Airlines
Better Business Bureau of
Hawaii, Inc.
Player Three__________________________
Blood Bank of Hawaii
New York Life Insurance
Central Pacific Bank
Northwestern Mutual Financial
mPower Hawaii
Clean Break Hawaii
Office Girl Empire
Coldwell Banker Pacific
Outrigger Enterprises Group
Cowabunga! Computers
Pacific Business News
C. S. Wo & Sons, Ltd.
Pacific Guardian Life Insurance
Team Two
Team Captain__________________________
Elite Parking
The Plaza Club
First Foundation Bank
Punahou School
First Hawaiian Bank
Remedy Intelligent Staffing
Hagadone Printing Company
The Queen’s Health Systems
Hawaii Convention Center
The Research Corporation of
The University of Hawaii
Hawai‘i Medical Service
Association (HMSA)
Email ______________________________________________
Player Two___________________________
Robert Half International
Hawaii News Now
SageView Advisory Group
Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki
Samantha Kasnetz
Hawaii Tech Support
SH Consulting LLC
Hawaii Visitors and Convention
Starwood Hotels in Waikiki
Hawaiian Electric
Y. Hata & Company Limited
Player Three__________________________
(00) 0100-4494 rev 1.16 FN
21st Annual Scholarship
Golf Tournament
“Tee Up for Education”
Sustaining Members*
Edith Won
Chapter Life Member*
Eleanor Urakawa
*Membership as of January 2016
Friday, August 26, 2016
EWISP (Executive Women International
Scholarship Program) provides scholarship funds
to outstanding high school seniors for their pursuit
of a baccalaureate degree from a post-secondary
education institution. Students are judged on their
oral and written communication skills, creativity,
scholastic records, financial need, involvement in
extracurricular activities, leadership qualities and
honors, citizenship, attitude, and clearly defined
career goals. In 2016, EWI of Honolulu will award up
to $20,000 in scholarships.
ASIST (Adult Students in Scholastic Transition)
Scholarship Program provides financial support
to adults facing economic, social, or physical
challenges, who are looking to improve their
situation through educational opportunities
(non-traditional students). The goal of the
scholarship is to enable recipients to improve
their self-esteem and to have a positive impact on
their personal life, employment, and community
through the furtherance of their education.
In 2016, EWI of Honolulu will award up to $20,000
in scholarships.
Who is EWI? Executive Women International is
a professional organization that brings together
key individuals from diverse businesses for the
purposes of promoting member firms, enhancing
personal and professional development, and
encouraging community involvement. EWI is
unique in that the firm, not the individual, holds
the membership.
Since its establishment in 1938 in San Francisco,
California, the organization has grown, and today,
EWI has more than 1,400 member firms and
1,700 representatives in chapters in major cities
across the U.S. and Canada. EWI of Honolulu was
established in 1967 and currently has 62 member
firms and 66 representatives.
Thank you for your support and for participating in
our 21st Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament.
See you there!
21st Annual Scholarship
Golf Tournament
91-1200 Fort Weaver Road, Ewa Beach
Phone: 944-4567
August 26, 2016
11 a.m. Registration
12 p.m. Shotgun Start
Lunch and Awards Banquet Included
Maximum Handicap: Men 30, Women 36
Soft spikes are mandatory
($1,200 tax deductible –
limited spaces available)
($500 tax deductible)
Two Teams
Sponsor Banner
Placed at Clubhouse
Special Sponsor
Recognition in Printed
Sponsor Sign
Placed at Hole
Expedited Check-In
Special Contests
Lunch, Dinner,
Refreshments, Snacks
One Team
Sponsor Recognition in
Printed Materials
Sponsor Sign Placed
at Hole (shared)
Special Contests
Lunch, Dinner,
Refreshments, Snacks
($180 tax deductible)
Special Contests,
Mulligans, Lunch, Dinner,
Refreshments, Snacks
Contact JaDawn Perez • Phone (808) 224-1326
Email: jadawn.perez@americancarpetone.com
Sponsor Information
Where does your money go? Your participation
in the golf tournament, our major fund-raising
event, will support EWI’s mission of community
involvement and allow us to continue to provide
generous scholarships to individuals pursuing a
higher education degree and to support other
philanthropic activities related to literacy. A small
portion of the proceeds will also support some of
our operational expenses.
Company/Individual Name*
Contact Person*
Mailing Address*
City/ZIP Code*
Email Address*
* = Required
Available Sponsorships
❏ GOLD SPONSOR - $1,000
If the tournament must be canceled due to extreme
weather conditions, safety concerns, or any other
reason, fees cannot be returned. Thank you for your
❏ I cannot attend, but enclosed is our donation
check for $________ and/or we would
like to donate the following to be used as
tournament prize(s): ________________
To reserve a spot, please make
check payable to:
and mail payment with this form to:
Attn: JaDawn Perez
P.O. Box 2295
Honolulu, HI 96804-2295
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
21st Annual
EWI Golf Tournament
"Tee Up For Education"
Friday, August 26, 2016
Hawaii Prince Golf Club, Ewa Beach
For more information:
JaDawn Perez
(808) 224 1326
Your participation supports EWI Honolulu
Chapter’s scholarship programs
for high school seniors (EWISP) and adult
students in transition (ASIST).
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com
April 2016
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
How Member Firms Benefit from EWI: RESULTS
EWI is an organization that believes in long-term, highly valuable relationships. EWI does not
work as a “quick-hit” lead generator. Rather, member representatives build lasting, sustainable,
and ultimately valuable business connections through trust and respect. The relationships your
employees form create associations between your organization and a diversity of other prestigious
firms and executives in your city.
EWI offers hundreds of professional development webinars and other resources each year on
topics relevant to a member representative’s business and personal growth. Your investment
provides affordable access to professionally produced training that would be difficult for many
businesses to provide to their employees. To further your investment, member representatives are
encouraged and expected to share their learning with other employees.
EWI member representatives practice strong business ethics and build core skills such as public
speaking, effective leadership, mentoring, strategic planning, and even how to effectively and
efficiently run meetings with Robert’s Rules of Order.
Untapped Potential
Participation in EWI quickly raises your firm’s visibility among your city’s business community.
This affords you the ability to promote your products and services to audiences you may not reach
otherwise, both locally and throughout EWI’s North American network. Your firm will also have the
ability to build contacts by hosting Chapter Firm Nights or attending other Firm Nights and various
business meetings throughout the year.
Many EWI member representatives cite leadership opportunities as a driving motivator for their
participation. EWI offers a number of ways to build real-world leadership skills through Chapter
leadership, Corporate Board participation, our Academy of Leadership program and other
initiatives. Additionally, your membership positions your firm and your member representatives as
leaders within your business community.
Tangible Returns
The EWI network is incredibly loyal and motivated to see your member representatives and your
firm succeed—more often than not, representatives look to one another first when they need a
specific product or service. Your firm will be listed in the EWI International Directory, considered
the “blue book” of industry professionals, which constitutes a network across the United States and
Canada for the exchange of information and business matters.
Your member representatives will have a support structure of like-minded individuals outside of the
office for career advice and other needs. EWI membership also provides you with an opportunity to
support and recognize a top-ranking person within your firm by appointing her/him
to represent your organization. Lastly, EWI offers your firm a number of ways to support your
local community through good works, scholarship programs, and other philanthropic initiatives.
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: ewiconnect.org email: ewi@ewiconnect.com