please post in neonatal unit - Florida Association of Neonatal Nurse
please post in neonatal unit - Florida Association of Neonatal Nurse
PLEASE POST IN NEONATAL UNIT OCTOBER 13-17 Clearwater Beach Florida FANNP 2015 PO Box 14572 St. Petersburg, FL 33733-4572 1-800-74-FANNP FANNP’S 26th NATIONAL NEONATAL NURSE PRACTITIONER SYMPOSIUM CLINICAL UPDATE AND REVIEW Register on our website, Register early… Conference limited to 300 people. THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF NEONATAL NURSE PRACTITIONERS’ 26th NATIONAL “The only review course for NNP’s, by NNP’s” “Can’t beat the super low registration rates” 2015 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE FANNP’S 26th NATIONAL NEONATAL NURSE PRACTITIONER SYMPOSIUM: CLINICAL UPDATE AND REVIEW TUESDAY, OCT. 13 5.5 CONTACT HOURS 7:30 – 9:00 AM CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST I REGISTRATION I NETWORKING I EXHIBITS OPEN 9:00 – 10:30 AM Welcome and General Session #1 The Future of Nursing Robin L. Bissinger, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC, FAAN This session will review how health care reform has impacted and will continue to transform the practice, education and role of the NNP. Continued competency and certification requirements for both advanced practice and neonatal nurses will be discussed. Finally, the need to empower ourselves and those that work with us as we prepare leaders for the future will be highlighted. 10:30 – 11:00 AM BREAK I NETWORKING I EXHIBITS OPEN Track A 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM A1 Chillin Combination Therapy Pharm hours, 1.4 This session will provide an overview of HIE as it relates to the mechanism of action of the various neuroprotective agents. The emerging therapies that are entering or are currently in clinical trials in combination with hypothermia will be discussed. Michael Weiss, MD 12:30 – 2:00 PM LUNCH (on your own) I EXHIBITS OPEN 2:00 – 3:30 PM A2a Placental Transfusions This session will provide information on the physiology of delayed cord clamping and cord milking, outlining the benefits and concerns for this new standard. The available research that the standards are based on regarding both the preterm and term infant will be reviewed. Barriers to change, who has changed or is in the process of change, and why some have chosen not to change will be discussed. A2b Certification and Competency: Understanding and Addressing NNP Concerns This interactive session will provide a brief overview of the key questions and issues regarding NNP certification and continued competency. Participant’s questions and concerns will drive the discussion. Robin L. Bissinger, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC, FAAN 3:30 – 4:30 PM BREAK I NETWORKING I EXHIBITS OPEN 4:30 – 6:00 PM A3 The Golden Hour: Training and Maintaining Skills and Team Behaviors through Simulation NRP is required every 2 years. Research has shown that while knowledge is generally retained, skills are not. Given the importance of these skills, not only at resuscitation, various modes of simulation experiences used to maintain skills and team behaviors will be presented along with preliminary findings of unit improvements. Cynthia Dedrick, PhD, ARNP, NNP- BC Track B 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM B1 SOS: Review of Common Neonatal GI Conditions Provides a general overview of common neonatal GI problems to help the attendant prepare for certification exams. Jacqui Hoffman, DNP, ARNP, NNP-BC 12:30 – 2:00 PM LUNCH (on your own) EXHIBITS OPEN 2:00 – 3:30 PM B2 Neonatal Neurology Review Provides a general overview of diagnosis and management of neurologic diseases and conditions to help prepare for certification exams. Leslie Parker, PhD, NNP-BC 3:30 – 4:30 PM BREAK I NETWORKING EXHIBITS OPEN 4:30 – 6:00 PM B3 Neonatal Radiology Review Key points for interpreting radiographs in neonates will be discussed as background. Radiographs of common as well as uncommon findings in neonates will be shown. Michael Weiss, MD 6:30 – 7:30 PM WELCOME RECEPTION Sponsored by FANNP Join us poolside for hors d’oeuvres and sunset. Meet old friends, make new ones, and network with colleagues. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14 7.5 CONTACT HOURS 7:30 – 8:30 AM CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST I NETWORKING I EXHIBITS OPEN 8:30 – 9:30 AM General Session #2 Breaking Bad News – Helping Families When they Need Us the Most Anthony Orsini, D.O. This general session will discuss the history of breaking bad news in medicine and the impact it has on patients and their families. Through the use of short video clips the audience will become familiar with the Breaking Bad News teaching model, and learn various verbal and non-verbal techniques that promote effective and compassionate communication in healthcare. 9:30 – 10:00 AM BREAK I NETWORKING I EXHIBITS OPEN Track A Track B This session will be a review of the normal cardiac electrical activity. This lecture will review cardiac anatomy, EKG abnormalities and therapy to resolve the EKG abnormalities. Lora Johnstone, RNC, MS, NNP Provides an overview of metabolic and endocrine function with common disorders to help prepare for certification exams. Leslie Parker, PhD, NNP-BC 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM A4 EKG Updates Pharm hours 0.1 10:00 – 11:00 AM B4 Metabolic and Endocrine I 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM A5 Podium Presentations 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM B5 Metabolic and Endocrine II 12:00 – 1:00 PM LUNCH (on your own) I EXHIBITS OPEN An overview of metabolic and endocrine function with common disorders to help the attendant prepare for certification exams. Leslie Parker, PhD, NNP-BC 1:00 – 2:30 PM A6 Journal Club: EPO for Neuroprotection Pharm hours 1.5 This highly interactive session will review articles on EPO for neuroprotection in the term infant with HIE and on EPO for neuroprotection in preterm infants. Michael Weiss, MD 12:00 – 1:00 PM LUNCH (on your own) EXHIBITS OPEN 2:30 – 3:00 PM BREAK I NETWORKING I EXHIBITS OPEN 1:00 – 2:30 PM B6 Pharmacology Review Pharm hrs. 1.5 3:00 – 4:30 PM A7a Use of Acetaminophen for PDA Closure Pharm hours 0.3 Provides a general overview of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and common medications used in neonatal medicine. Nicole Bowie, NNP-BC, PNP Patent ductus arteriosus is a common problem among premature infants. Currently, indomethacin and ibuprofen are the only FDA approved medications for the closure of PDAs. There are now several case reports and clinical trials to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of acetaminophen as an alternative to indomethacin and ibuprofen for premature infants who have failed standard medical treatment for PDA closure, prior to preceding to surgical treatment. 2:30 – 3:00 PM BREAK NETWORKING I EXHIBITS OPEN 3:00 – 4:30 PM B7 Differential Diagnosis and A7b Common Congenital Kidney Malformations This session will review fetal kidney embryology. The most common congenital kidney malformations faced in the neonate and in the NICU will be reviewed. Lora Johnstone, RNC, MS, NNP Management of Respiratory Distress Pharm hours 0.07 Overview of airway issues, diseases, mechanical, structural, obstructive, and iatrogenic causes of neonatal respiratory distress. This session will review the key characteristics, stabilization, and treatment options. Mary Beth Bodin, DNP, NNP-BC 4:30 – 4:45 PM STRETCH BREAK 4:45 – 6:15 PM A8a Mechanical ventilation of the neonate The session will discuss the history of mechanical ventilation of the neonate. Various modes of mechanical ventilation will be reviewed as well as techniques to help limit ventilation associated trauma through an understanding of pulmonary function and strengths and weaknesses of each mode discussed. 4:30 – 4:45 PM STRETCH BREAK 4:45 – 6:15 PM B8 Neonatal Nutrition Review A8b NAVA ventilation: Learning to give up control and trust the baby This session will discuss invasive and non-invasive ventilation techniques. Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) ventilation, one of the newest modes being used in neonatology will be discussed. Anthony Orsini, DO Provides a general overview of enteral and parenteral nutrition. Melanie Newkirk, MS, RDN, LSP, LD 7:00 – 10:00 PM Come Celebrate the NNP! BEACH PARTY Join us on the beach for an evening of celebration. Dinner buffet, music by DJ, lots of dancing, and more! THURSDAY, OCT. 15 5.5 CONTACT HOURS (+2 optional hours for Poster Session) 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM BRUNCH (on your own) or I FANNP ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING Track A 12:00 – 1:00 PM A9 Expanding Practices: What is “Neonatology” in 2015? This session will focus on how neonatology practices can adapt to keep up with an evolving market, to increase revenue streams and solidify their relationships with hospitals. Discussions of expansion of services to include coverage of well newborn nursery, focus on patient satisfaction, and maintaining healthy relationships with hospital administrators will be included. Alfonso Vargas, MD Track B 12:00 – 1:00 PM B9 Fluids, Electrolytes and Nutrition Review of electrolyte management and common electrolyte disorders to prepare for certification exams. Jacqui Hoffman, DNP, ARNP, NNP-BC 1:00 – 1:15 PM STRETCH BREAK 1:00 – 1:15 PM STRETCH BREAK 1:15 – 2:45 PM A10a Neonatal Diabetes: A Multidisciplinary Approach Pharm hours 0.2 1:15 – 2:45 PM B10 Baby’s Breath: Ventilation Neonatal Diabetes (ND) is a disease diagnosed within the first six months of life, requiring insulin for treatment. Positive outcomes are contingent upon early diagnosis, euglycemia, early interventions including multidisciplinary involvement, rehab services and parental support with regard to hypo/hyperglycemia management and insulin administration. Strategies and Blood Gas Interpretation Pharm hours 0.15 The purpose of this session is to review a case study describing clinical presentation, etiology, clinical management, implications for practice and family support required to combat ND. Tiffany Gwartney, DNP, NNP-BC A10b Caring for the Infant of a Diabetic Mother: Special Considerations and an Unusual Case Presentation Pharm hours 0.2 As the American population with diabetes continues to rise, NNPs will see increasing numbers of infants born to this at-risk population. This session will review the most common problems associated with IDMs, the movement toward “operational thresholds,” and the emerging research on hypoglycemia and large for gestational age (LGA) infants. A review of an unusual case presentation will include physiology, diagnostic evaluation, and pharmacologic therapy. Colleen Moss, MSN, APRN, NNP-BC 2:45 – 3:00 PM STRETCH BREAK 3:00 – 4:30 PM A11 Optimizing Outcomes and Care for the Late Preterm Infant in 2015 The Late Preterm Infant is a “population at risk”. This session will discuss the pathophysiology and outcomes evidence on Late Preterm Infants (LPI’s) when compared term and extreme preterm gestational age births. Emphasis will be placed on the true societal impact of this extremely large birth population, the largest group of preterm babies born each year in the U.S. Opportunities to improve LPI outcomes will be discussed. David L. Weisoly, DO, FAAP 4:30 – 4:45 PM STRETCH BREAK 4:45 – 6:15 PM A12a Neonatal Thyroid: Disorders, Diagnosis, and Drug Therapy Pharm hours 0.2 This session will review the development of the thyroid gland along with the production and regulation of thyroid hormones. Thyroid function testing and laboratory value interpretation will be reviewed. Learners will understand thyroid disorders and pharmacologic treatment for each disorder. Colleen Moss, MSN, APRN, NNP-BC Provides a general overview of oxygen and ventilation strategies commonly used in neonatal care. Review of blood gas interpretation/manipulation to optimize the neonates status. Mary Beth Bodin, DNP, NNP-BC 2:45 – 3:00 PM STRETCH BREAK 3:00 – 4:30 PM B11 Cardiology Review Pharm hours 0.07 Overview of cyanotic, acyanotic, obstructive, and other congenital heart defects. Brief discussion regarding tachyarrythmias, brady arrhythmias, and pulseless arrests as well as compensated, decompensated, and irreversible shock. Nicole Bowie, NNP-BC, PNP 4:30 – 4:45 PM STRETCH BREAK 4:45 – 6:15 PM B12 Renal Review Pharm hours 0.15 Provides a general overview of neonatal renal function and disorders to help prepare for certification exams. Carol Botwinski, EdD, NNP-BC A12b Developing a Cyclical Continuing Education Program with Simulated Neonatal Resuscitation Skills Practice for Neonatal Nurse Practitioners Establishing and/or maintaining proficient resuscitation skills is critically important for all healthcare providers caring for high-risk neonates. Current literature regarding cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skill retention rates is not supportive of biennial resuscitation skills practice. The purpose of this session is to discuss methods for developing a cyclical continuing education program for routine simulated practice of resuscitation skills for neonatal nurse practitioners. Tiffany Gwartney, DNP, NNP-BC 6:30 – 8:30 PM POSTER SESSION/COCKTAILS FRIDAY, OCT. 16 4 CONTACT HOURS 7:30 AM – 8:00 AM CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST I NETWORKING 8:00 – 9:00 AM General Session #3 Intestinal Microbiome and Neonatal Health Pharm hours 0.08 Joseph Neu, MD This session will provide an overview of new developments in the intestinal microbiome as it relates to basic host responses as well as morbidities seen in the NICU such as prematurity, necrotizing enterocolitis, and sepsis. Some of the practices such as antibiotic usage, feeding, type of feeding will be discussed in terms of development of the microbiome and how this relates to health. Track A Track B 9:15 – 10:45 AM A13 Enteral and Parenteral Nutritional Strategies Pharm hours 0.08 9:15 – 10:45 AM B13 General Genetics and New There are a large number of dogmas not based on evidence that are related to nutrition of low birthweight infants. Several of these will be discussed and up to date evidence base will be provided that can be used to develop guidelines for enteral and parenteral nutritional optimization. Joseph Neu, MD 10:45 – 11:00 AM STRETCH BREAK 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM A14 Implementation of a Best Evidence Nutrition QI Project in a Large Metro Area This session will describe the Pediatrix Medical Group’s Dallas – Ft. Worth Collaborative’s comprehensive nutrition quality improvement project called SPRING (Supporting Premature Infant Nutrition and Growth) in VLBW neonates born in Pediatrix Medical Group NICU’s in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Area. David L. Weisoly, DO, FAAP Technologies in Testing This is an overview of the main patterns of inheritance including chromosomal, single gene, and multifactoral. New technologies in testing will be discussed. Karlene Coleman, RN, MN, CGC 10:45 – 11:00 AM STRETCH BREAK 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM B14 Out for Blood: Neonatal Hematology Review A general overview of neonatal hematology and common disorders to help prepare for exams. Lisa Glantz Williamson, MSN, ARNP, NNP-BC SATURDAY, OCT. 17 3.5 CONTACT HOURS 7:30 AM – 8:00 AM CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST I NETWORKING Track A 8:00 – 9:30 AM A15 Genetic Testing: Navigating the Maze of What to Order and When Developing differential diagnosis is crucial to ordering the genetic test that will give you the highest yield for positive results. This lecture covers how to classify dysmorphic features, how to work up hypotonia and metabolic diseases in order to determine which cytologic, biochemical, or molecular test that will give you the “biggest bang for the buck”. Karlene Coleman, RN, MN, CGC 9:30 – 10:00 AM BREAK I HOTEL CHECKOUT 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM A16 So You Are Smarter Than a 5th Grader. But Are You Smarter Than a Neonatal Fellow? Test your knowledge of the "3 Ps" of Advanced Neonatal Nursing Practice in this interactive workshop. Remember how hard you worked to learn physical assessment, pharmacology and pathophysiology? Have you progressed beyond the basics? Are you ready to take the Continued Competency Examination? Come and show off your knowledge and flex your intellectual muscles. The winners get prizes and bragging rights for a whole year. Terri Cavaliere, DNP, RN, NNP-BC Track B 8:00 – 9:30 AM B15 Neonatal Sepsis Pharm hours 0.25 Provides a general overview of neonatal sepsis to help prepare for the certification exam. Jacqui Hoffman, DNP, ARNP, NNP-BC 9:30 – 10:00 AM BREAK I HOTEL CHECKOUT 10:00 – 12:00 PM B16 Test Taking Tips and Study Strategies This session is presented in two parts. First, an overview of the certification examination (rules, regulations, eligibility, and format). Participants will be given study and test taking strategies for taking a multiple choice certification examination. Second, participants will be encouraged to take part in answering practice questions in a relaxed, fun game show atmosphere. Lisa Glantz-Williamson, MSN, NNP-BC 12:00 – 12:15 PM CLOSING REMARKS FACULTY Robin L. Bissinger, PhD, APRN, NNP-BC, FAAN Executive Director, National Certification Corporation (NCC), Chicago, IL Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Mary Beth Bodin, DNP, NNP-BC Neonatal Consultant, Tuscaloosa, AL Carol Botwinski, EdD, ARNP, NNP-BC Associate Professor of Nursing, University of Florida, Tampa, FL Nicole Bowie, NNP-BC, PNP Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL Terri A. Cavaliere, DNP, NNP-BC Clinical Assistant Professor, Stony Brook University School of Nursing Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Cohen Children’s Hospital at North Shore Manhasset, NY Cynthia Dedrick, PhD, ARNP, NNP-BC Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, FL Karlene Coleman, RN, MN, CGC Certified Genetics Counselor, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Clinical Senior Associate, Department of Human Genetics, Emory University School of Medicine Clinical Instructor, Family and Community Nursing Department, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University, Atlanta, GA Tiffany Gwartney, DNP, NNP-BC Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, All Children’s Hospital / Johns Hopkins Medicine, St. Petersburg, FL Associate Professor, University of South Florida School of Nursing Tampa, FL Colleen Reilly Moss, MSN, APRN, NNP-BC Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN Josef Neu, MD Professor of Pediatrics Director of Neonatology Fellowship Training Program University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Melanie Newkirk, MS, RDN, CSP, LD Neonatal Dietician, All Children’s Hospital / Johns Hopkins Medicine St. Petersburg, FL Anthony Orsini, DO Attending Neonatologist, Pediatrix Medical Group, Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies, Orlando, FL Leslie A. Parker, PhD, ARNP, NNP-BC Clinical Associate Professor, College of Nursing, University of Florida Gainesville, FL Alfonso Vargas, MD Attending Neonatologist Medical Director, Newborn Services, St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital Pediatrix Medical Group, Tampa, FL David L. Weisoly, DO, FAAP Corporate Medical Director, Pediatrix Medical Group of NW Houston Medical Director of Children’s Services / Attending Neonatologist Children’s Memorial Hermann – The Woodlands Director, Pediatrix, Houston Area NICU Quality Improvement Collaborative Michael Weiss, MD Associate Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Jacqui Hoffman, DNP, ARNP, NNP-BC Lisa Glantz Williamson, MSN, NNP-BC Lora Johnstone, RNC, MS, NNP Program and faculty subject to change. For more information, e-mail Any commercial support has not influenced the planning, presenters, objectives or contents of this Symposium. NNP Track Coordinator, College of Nursing, University of Florida Gainesville, FL Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Pediatrix Medical Group, Tampa, FL Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Supervisor, Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA Los Angeles, CA Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Blank Children’s Hospital, Des Moines, IA 26thFNATIONAL CON ER ENCE F EES Dues (paid before 7/1/15) Save $25! Registration and Current NEONATAL NURSE PRACTITIONER SYMPOSIUM: Fees Postmarked… FANNP Member FANNP New Member Before Aug 29 Aug 29 – Sept 26 After Sept 26 CONFERENCE OBJEC TIVES 385 425 475 **Please include verification CLINICAL UPDATE AND REVIEW 475 (includes 1yr membership dues) 525 (includes 1yr membership dues) 575 (includes 1yr membership dues) Non-Member Full-Time Student 500 550 600 365 400 465 2015 H IG H LIG H TS A N D E X TR AS This program is designed to prepare the novice neonatal Clearwater Jazz Holiday nurse practitioner or student for the National Certification add $60. Sorry, no vouchers accepted. On Site Registration, Payment in U.S. Dollars. REGISTR ATION FORM The Clearwater Jazz Holiday is a Corporation (NCC) Neonatal Nursing Specialties examinaworld-class gathering of the some of tion and includes advanced level topics for the seasoned Please the greatest Full Name: Credentials (RN, ARNP,talents PNP, etc.):and greatest fans of NNP. Expert faculty offer an in-depth review and update Print jazz. This year’s festival, October 15-18 of content pertinent to your practice. Track A sessions are Clearly First Name (as you would like printed on your nametag): offers great music against the backdrop designed for the experienced NNP; Track B sessions are of warm breezes and brilliant sunsets.. designed as a reviewAddress: for the NCC exam. Sessions in both tracks will fulfill educational requirements for NCC State:Welcome Reception Zip: re-certification. YouCity: will have online access to handouts Join us poolside to network, meet new friends and catch up from both tracks. Phone: E-mail*: with the old ones! 1 You will have the opp or tunit y to: Affiliation (Hospital/School/Physician Group, etc.): Keep e-mail address confidential or May print in syllabus Celebrate the NNP! Wednesday Night Party n review current concepts, trends, and management Celebrate 50 years of the Nurse Practitioner Role. In 1965 the practices appropriate for the of the high-risk Name (as itcare appears on license): first Nurse Practitioner program was formed at the University of neonate; Colorado. The Wednesday night celebration will be beachside Nsg. License State**: # State: # n access knowledgeable individuals involved in the care under the big top. The theme will take us back to the 60’s with *E-mail address must be provided and will be used for registration confirmation. **License information required for CEU Certificate. of the fetus and the newborn; music from the Beatles, Elvis, Bob Dylan and Woodstock. The n network with other professionals high-risk How did you hearinvolved about thein conference? fashion was the beginning of the floral prints, Capri pants, mini neonatal care; and shirts, boots and the start of the hippie’s movement. So open n discuss current issues in neonatal care. your mind for something new or look in your closet for someProgram Conference Fee* (please circle appropriate fee listed above and enter fee at right) Options thing old and get dressed up for a beach party$filled with music, and Fees food, dance and entertainment. You can buy your ticket(s) CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS Membership Renewal: when you register on-line, mail or at the conference. Hope to The Florida Board of Nursing,Provider #3184, hasMembership for 2015 Renew my FANNP Sept. 2015 – Sept. 2015 see you there to enjoy a blast from the past. approved this conference for upm toMember/NNP 28 contact hours. ($50) m Student ($40) m Associate ($50) m Retired ($25) $ 2 Poster Session Please check YES or NO if planning to attend: YES NO Celebrate the NNP, eveningReview activity, current Wed., 14 topic research and earn 2 contact hours while sipping on a cocktail ($30 registrants, $40 guests, $20 children 5 – 12) Please indicate no. attendingand interacting with $ colleagues and Clearwater Beach is in the heart of Florida’s exclusive LOCATION Poster Presenters. NO FANNP Business Brunch Thurs., Oct. 15, (complimentary for members and new Suncoast, where sunny days areYES thenorm and the members. NON-MEMBERS add $20) $ average annual temperature is in the mid-70s. Centrally YES NO Poster Session and Cocktail Party Thurs., Oct. 15 (add $10) $ located on the Gulf of Mexico, the Tampa Bay area offers R OOM S A N D art gallerys, cultural events, and professional sports, all Total Enclosed $ R E S E R VATION S within a half hour drive. Enjoy a diverse assortment of *Conference fee includes all general sessions and concurrent Track A or B workshops. restaurants, shopping nightlifeat—student and some the Rate status is $168(letter per room **Ifand registering rate,of verification of student from department head or copy of course most beautiful beaches in the world. (single/double occupancy), registration) must be enclosed with your registration form, mailed to the address below, or e-mailed to plus taxes (currently 11%). Visit some of our famous attractions. In Tampa: Busch Rate applies 3 days prior to Gardens, The Tampa Museum of Science and Industry and after the conference. (MOSI), the Florida Aquarium, and Lowery Park Zoo. In St. (FANNP is unable to process Payment To obtain the special CHECK or Petersburg: The Dali Museum, Chihuly Collection and CHARGE my m Visa m MasterCard m Discover Card American Express) Options FANNP rate, make your reservation early and before the ENCLOSED Museum of Fine Arts. In Clearwater, visit Clearwater “hotel room blockname release date” which is Sept. 10 (before card numberTale.” as it appears on card Marine Aquarium, home to “Winter” from “Dolphin 11:00 PM EST). After the release date, rooms and group rates may no longer billing address (if different than registration address)be available; please call the hotel directly for more information. The room block may sell out early. For reservations ACCO M M O DAT I O N S expiration date 3-digit code (located in 727-595-1611, cardholder’s signature call or click on the reservations link at The Sheraton Sand Key Resort is situated on a barrier signature area on card back) Indicate that you’re attending the FANNP Symposium to receive island on the Gulf of Mexico. The schedule includes plenty the special rate. of free time to enjoyPlease the sun and which beautiful surroundings. indicate workshops you will attend by circling one choice in each box below: Select Enjoy the swimming pool, fitness center, tennis, in-line Sessions A1 white A2 sandy A3 A4 A5 Beach A6 A7 A8 A9TR A10 A12TATION A13 A14 A15 A16 skating, or simply stroll the beach. A NA11 S P OR activities — parasailing, B1 catamarans and sailboarding — is available Airport. B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9Super B10Shuttle B11 B12 B13 from B14 Tampa B15 International B16 are only steps away. “The best of both worlds — a There is a discount if booked in advance online at supershutspectacular secluded beach tucked conveniently close to The Super Shuttle booth is located on the ground floor Florida’s exciting attractions. ” Mail the glass entrance/exit doors).FL 33733-4572 Mail completed form and payment to: FANNP,(near PO Box 14572, St. Petersburg, 3 4 5 T H E F L O R I D A A S S O C I AT I O N O F N E O N ATA L N U R S E P R A C T I T I O N E R S J OI N FA N N P TODAY ! O u t - o f - s t a te m em b er s h ips welco me The Florida Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioners is an organization established to promote the professional development and practice of neonatal nurse practitioners. The FANNP supports the highest standards of neonatal nursing through education, practice, and research. Membership (only $50) is open to all nurse practitioners whose field of interest includes neonatal care. Student Membership ($40) is open to all NNP students. FANNP now offers an Associate Membership Any person in an advanced practice role, other than a NNP, interested in fostering the mission and goals of the organization ($50), and retired NNPs ($25). FANNP Members enjoy a number of benefits, including: >> You’ll be eligible for scholarships and research grants ($500 – $1000) >> Attend complimentary Annual FANNP Business Brunch ($20 value) >> New Active Memberships save $25 on Conference Registration Fee Your total savings… $45! There’s never been a better time to join. REGISTR ATION INFORMATION Register by mail, or online at (no fax or phone registration). Daily Rates: For daily rates e-mail Online registration is not available for daily rates. Cancellation/Refund Policy: In the event you are unable to attend, registration fees, minus $50 administrative fee, will be refunded if written cancellation notification is postmarked or emailed by 9/26/15. 50% refunds will be issued for cancellation notification postmarked or emailed 9/26/15 – 10/5/15. No refunds will be issued for cancellations postmarked or emailed after 10/5/15. Refunds will be processed following the conclusion of the course. FANNP reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course due to unforeseen circumstances. In the event of cancellation or postponement, FANNP will refund any registration fees, but is not responsible for any related costs, charges or expenses to participants, including cancellation charges assessed by airlines or travel agencies. Student Registration: To qualify for the student discount, you must be a full-time equivalent student, enrolled in a NNP preparation course of study. Proof of enrollment MUST accompany your registration (letter from your department head or copy of course registration). Celebrate the NNP! Beach Party: Wednesday, October 14, 7:00-10:00 pm. DJ, dinner buffet, cash bar available. $30 for attendees, $40 for each adult guest, and $20 for each child. FANNP Annual Business Meeting/Brunch: Thursday, Oct. 15, 10:30 AM –12:00 NOON. Included in registration fee for new and current members; non-members add $20 to registration fee. Please indicate on your registration form if you plan to attend. Poster Session and Cocktails: Thursday, Oct. 15, 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Lively Poster Presentations of current topics and research. 2 additional contact hours. Add $10 to cost of registration. Syllabus: We are continuing our efforts to save our resources while keeping costs down. The lecture materials will be available electronically prior to the conference on our website, accessable by a code given upon registration. You will be able to print, or better yet, download the material for those lectures you will be attending for reference during the conference (you will also have access to all other materials as well). We will be working with the hotel to have more accessible outlets for lap tops and they also have computers for use in the Mainstay Lounge. We will continue to provide a CD recorded during the conference with both written and audio portions of most lectures. We hope you will find this helpful and join us in an attempt to preserve our sustainable resources. FANNP Marylee Kraus Conference Chair PLANNING Ruth Bartelson COMMIT TEE Exhibits & Sponsor Coordinator Jacqui Hoffman Speaker Co-Chair Michele Beaulieu Mary Beth Bodin Diane McNerney Sheryl Montrowl Diana Morgan-Fuchs Karen Theobald Paula Timoney Dues (paid before 7/1/15) CONFER ENCE F EES Registration and Fees Postmarked… Before Aug 29 Aug 29 – Sept 26 After Sept 26 REGISTR ATION FORM 1 Please Print Clearly Current FANNP Member 385 425 475 Save $25! **Please include verification FANNP New Member Non-Member Full-Time Student 500 550 600 365 400 465 475 (includes 1yr membership dues) 525 (includes 1yr membership dues) 575 (includes 1yr membership dues) On Site Registration, add $60. Sorry, no vouchers accepted. Payment in U.S. Dollars. Full Name: Credentials (RN, ARNP, PNP, etc.): First Name (as you would like printed on your nametag): Address: City: State: Phone: Zip: E-mail*: Keep e-mail address confidential or May print in syllabus Affiliation (Hospital/School/Physician Group, etc.): Name (as it appears on license): Nsg. License State**: # State: # *E-mail address must be provided and will be used for registration confirmation. **License information required for CEU Certificate. How did you hear about the conference? 2 Program Options and Fees Conference Fee* $ (please circle appropriate fee listed above and enter fee at right) Membership Renewal: Renew my FANNP Membership for 2015 Sept. 2015 – Sept. 2015 m Member/NNP ($50) m Student ($40) m Associate ($50) m Retired ($25) $ Please check YES or NO if planning to attend: YES NO Celebrate the NNP, evening activity, Wed., Oct. 14 ($30 registrants, $40 guests, $20 children 5 – 12) Please indicate no. attending $ YES NO FANNP Business Brunch Thurs., Oct. 15, (complimentary for members and new members. NON-MEMBERS add $20) YES NO Poster Session and Cocktail Party Thurs., Oct. 15 (add $10) Total Enclosed $ $ $ *Conference fee includes all general sessions and concurrent Track A or B workshops. **If registering at student rate, verification of student status (letter from department head or copy of course registration) must be enclosed with your registration form, mailed to the address below, or e-mailed to 3 Payment Options CHECK ENCLOSED or CHARGE my m Visa m MasterCard m Discover Card card number (FANNP is unable to process American Express) name as it appears on card billing address (if different than registration address) expiration date 4 Select Sessions 3-digit code (located in signature area on card back) cardholder’s signature Please indicate which workshops you will attend by circling one choice in each box below: A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 5 Mail Mail completed form and payment to: FANNP, PO Box 14572, St. Petersburg, FL 33733-4572
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