V C A P r o d u c t i o n G r a d u at e s 2 0 1 5 STAY C ONNE C TED twitter: @vca_mcm i n s ta g r a m : @ v c a _ m c m fa c e b o o k . c o m / t h e v i c t o r i a n c o l l e g e o f t h e a r t s y o u t u b e . c o m / Fa c u lt y o f VCA a n d MCM VCA PRODUCTION GRADUATES 2015 Production Academics PROFESSIONAL STAFF SESSIONAL STAFF INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL Roger Alsop Monique Aucher Lexi DeSilva GRADUATES Greg Clarke Kate Elliott Nichols Dunand Lexi DeSilva Joseph Mercurio Jo Foley Clive Jones Michele Forbes Danny Pettingill Darren Golding Colin Orchard Russell Goldsmith Mark Postlethwaite Georgia Johnson Robbie Mackenzie Felicity Hollingbery Annie Ried David Lang James Russell Lyndie Li Wan Po Leon Salom Elizabeth Maisey Ivar Arandez Danny Pettingill Christina Smith Duraan Reid Rose McCormick James Russell Kym Williams James Russell Luke Thorley A special thank you to all the performers shown in the images throughout this book, as well as companies and individuals who provided internship opportunities during 2015. We would also like to thank the many guest speakers and tutors who provided students with invaluable advice and insight into their respective professional practices. Thank You STAGE MANAGEMENT DESIGN REALISATION PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGY Jonas Anderson Jessica Davie Nick Glen Jackson Banks Harper Laura Jean Hawkins Declan O’Neill Maddie Korn Melissa Ho Elise Mercurio Eleanor Hutchison Louise Miller Neneh Lucia Candice MacAllister Jack Milne Jess Scott Anastassia Poppenberg Katharine Timms Jarra Steel Rebecca E Zarb Emilija Tanner Meropi Tourogiannis Isabel Waluga Lucy Wilkins BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) Amelia O’Brien Kaytlin Petrarca Jonas’ passion for large-scale performances and culturally significant works has led to diverse experience spanning a variety of genres, working with musical theatre, contemporary drama, opera, orchestras and dance. He is a versatile creative facilitator who enjoys working on large projects and in challenging environments. Highlights at the Victorian College of the Arts include Stage Manager, Three Birds One Cock and The Human Project; Stage Manager, Mongrel/2015; Orchestra Manager, 2014 S TA G E M A N A G E M E N T BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) Victorian State Schools Spectacular (Adam Lowe Group); and Costume Manager, Plus Sign Attached. He has completed internships JONAS ANDERSON STAGE MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTACT M 0415 652 553 E W with Anything Goes (Opera Australia/GFO) and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Jonas has also worked with Melbourne Opera and Melbourne Gang Show. Jonas’ interests focus on creating theatre which gives audiences joy, and opportunities to reflect and grow. He is keen to continue to work with musicians, young people and on large works in the future. Jonas is Melbourne-based. VCA PRODUCTIONS ENUF is Enough Plus Sign Attached Dir. Maude Davey Costume Manager 2014 Victorian State Schools Spectacular 2014 Dir. Neill Gladwin Orchestra Manager on y va2014 Stone | Mourning Chor. Rochelle Carmichael | Mariaa Randall Stage Manager Mongrel/20152015 Devised and composed by Music Acting Company 15 and Interactive Composition students. Stage Manager FR!SK Festival2015 Three Birds One Cock Devised by Acting Company 15 Stage Manager FR!SK Festival2015 The Human Project Devised by Acting Company 15 Stage Manager Jack commenced his tertiary studies at the Melbourne Festival Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) in 2013 The Trouble With Harry under the Bachelor of Fine Art, majoring Dir. Alyson Campbell in the Production, Stage Management Assistant Stage Manager 2014 stream. Since then, he has had the privilege of being involved in a number of diverse ENUF is Enough management roles within productions UN/clean associated with the VCA, both on campus Dir. Noel Jordan and in the greater Melbourne area. What Costume Manager 2014 S TA G E M A N A G E M E N T BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) drives Jack in his work is the uplifting feeling of accomplishment after seeing The University of Melbourne Orchestra 2014 a good show come down at the end of Anzac Day Commemoration the night. Con: Fabian Russell Assistant Orchestral Manager In his spare time, Jack thoroughly enjoys JACKSON BANKS HARPER sitting back and relaxing while watching a Project Three: Graduation Dance Season2013 good movie at the end of the day and Lego. Chor. Frances Rings, Jade Dewi Tyas Tunggal and Feng Feng Wang. STAGE MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Assistant Stage Manager VCA PRODUCTIONS OTHER PRODUCTIONS CONTACT The Hatpin2015 Victorian State School Spectacular2014 M 0403 592 217 Dir. Jacinta John Prod: Adam Lowe E Stage Manager Operations Coordinator W Maddie is a dynamic, driven individual who VCA PRODUCTIONS has found herself thriving in the creative, collaborative environment of the Victorian 42nd Street2015 College of the Arts. Throughout her time Dir. Gary Young here she has completed various internships, Stage Manager including shadowing Stage Management on Strictly Ballroom the Musical, working Cloudstreet2015 as a Production Assistant on SummerSalt Dir. Julián Fuentes Reta Festival and assisting at various auditions for Stage Manager S TA G E M A N A G E M E N T BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) major musicals with Lynne Ruthven Casting. Maddie has begun her professional career ENUF is Enough with the role of Assistant Company Manager UN/clean on Georgy Girl - the Seekers Musical. Dir. Noel Jordan 2014 Assistant Stage Manager Maddie looks forward to an exciting, diverse MADDIE KORN STAGE MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT and challenging career working with equally One Act Plays passionate individuals who share her love The Little Prince | Tuesday for theatre and live performance. Dir. Angus Templeton | Alice Darling 2013 Assistant Stage Manager Dancescape2013 Small Details | Just Looking | Long Time At Sea CONTACT Chor. Sandra Parker | Vivienne Rogis | M 0402 182 468 Natalie Cursio E Assistant Stage Manager Elise Mercurio first experienced the VCA PRODUCTIONS performing arts as a child, watching side-stage as her parents performed as dance ON professional dancers. It seems fitting, then, Chor. Feng Feng Wang and Kyall Shanks that she would end up side-stage once more. Stage Manager Since enrolling at the Victorian College Music Theatre Showcase of the Arts (VCA), Elise has had a variety Dir. Margot Fenley of experiences across different art forms, Stage Manager 2015 2014 S TA G E M A N A G E M E N T BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) from theatre, ballet, contemporary dance, music theatre and devised work. During her UN/clean2014 time at the VCA she has worked externally Dir. Noel Jordan on many projects including four years Stage Manager stage managing with Starbound a music ELISE MERCURIO STAGE MANAGEMENT CONTACT theatre workshop, Calvin Berger (dir. Casey It’s an Earthquake in My Heart2013 Gould), presented at The Lawler at the Dir. Robert Walton Southbank Theatre, Young and Jackson Costume Manager (dir. Wayne Harrison) at Fortyfivedownstairs and most recently a secondment position Romeo and Juliet2013 with Victorian Opera on their production of Dir. Bagryana Popv Sweeney Todd (Dir. Stuart Maunder). Assistant Stage Manager and Audio Operator Elise was a proud recipient of the OTHER PRODUCTIONS Outstanding Undergraduate Creative Sweeney Todd2015 Scholarship, which generously supported Victorian Opera her through her studies. Dir. Stuart Maunder M 0405 510 831 E Stage Management Secondment Louise is a highly versatile theatre facilitator VCA PRODUCTIONS who has applied herself across numerous aspects of production. She is an exceedingly 360° (Program 2) passionate and driven individual with an Chor. Gideon Obarzanek affinity for the management of performing Stage Manager 2015 arts, with particular interests in contemporary theatre, physical theatre, performance FR!SK Festival2015 art, dance and circus. Since completing a Assistant Production Coordinator technical traineeship in lighting and sound in 2008, she has been employed as a Dystopia 2015 technician, stage manager and supervisor Chor. Lina Limosani for various established companies, venues Stage Manager S TA G E M A N A G E M E N T BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) and large-scale events. Louise has worked LOUISE MILLER STAGE MANAGEMENT with Dancenorth, Back to Back Theatre, on y va (Program 2) Melbourne Ballet Company, Gideon Chor. Anna Smith, Lina Limosani, Prue Lang Obarzanek, Maude Davey, Emma J Hawkins, and Stephanie Lake Lina Limosani, White Night Melbourne, Costume Manager Midsumma Festival and Finucane and Smith. In June 2015, she completed a thoroughly ENUF is Enough rewarding Stage Management internship with Plus Sign Attached Circus Oz for the return season of But Wait... Dir. Maude Davey CONTACT There’s More under the Big Top at Birrarung Stage Manager M 0405 075 201 Marr. Louise is also an avid member of the E Women’s Circus. PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT W 2014 One Act Plays The Breath of Empty Space Dir. Tom Healey Assistant Stage Manager 2014 2013 Based in Melbourne, Amelia is a recent VCA PRODUCTIONS graduate of the Victorian College of the 42nd Street Arts (VCA), with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Dir. Gary Young (Production) majoring in Stage Management. Costume Manager 2015 Through her three years at the VCA, she has had many wonderful opportunities working The Chapel Perilous 2015 in different management roles and working Dir. Tanya Dickson with other arts cohorts such as musical Stage Manager theatre, theatre and dance. Showbites | New Short Works2014 She has also been fortunate to work as: Dir. Sally Bourne | Annie Davey Principle Stage Manager, State School Stage Manager S TA G E M A N A G E M E N T BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) Spectacular; Assistant Stage Manager, AMELIA O’BRIEN STAGE MANAGEMENT World Music Stage, White Night; Vehicle on y va (Program 1) Crew, Moomba; Stage Management intern, Chor. Rochelle Carmichael, Sandra Parker, Death and the Maiden, Melbourne Phillip Adam, Mariaa Randall Theatre Company and Operations Intern, Assistant Stage Manager 2014 Melbourne Festival. One Act Plays 2013 Through her experiences at the VCA, she has Red Black & Ignorant | A Room of One’s Own CONTACT gained many skills in organisation, an eye for Dir. Liz Arday|Peta Hanrahan M 0422 494 418 detail and extraordinary passion for the arts. Assistant Stage Manager E She looks forward to exploring more areas of the industry in the very near future. S TA G E M A N A G E M E N T BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) From Melbourne, Kaytlin Petrarca is a stage manager whose passion for the performing arts shines through her determination to facilitate a positive working environment. Her credits include working with PJS Events, Big West Festival, St Kilda Festival, Moomba Festival, Midsumma Festival, Melbourne International Food & Wine Festival and Wanderlust Festival (Sydney). KAYTLIN PETRARCA STAGE MANAGEMENT ORCHESTRAL MANAGEMENT EVENTS MANAGEMENT CONTACT M 0406 535 590 E W At the Victorian College of the Arts, Kaytlin has worked on dance, orchestra, theatre and musical theatre as an assistant stage manager and stage manager. Her secondments include Strictly Ballroom the Musical Children’s Rehearsals and Auditions, Asian Cup Opening Ceremony (Spinifex/Twenty3), Kill The Messenger at Belvoir St Theatre (Sydney) and North by Northwest at the Melbourne Theatre Company. Kaytlin recently worked as the Stage Manager on Women in War at the Ancient Theatre of Ifaistia (Lemnos, Greece) and Ancient Theatre of Philippi (Kavala, Greece), which toured to Playhouse Theatre (Melbourne) in 2015. Kaytlin is a recipient of the Orloff Family Charitable Trust Scholarship 2014 awarded for excellence, and a Melbourne Theatre Company Ambassador in 2010. Kaytlin is looking forward to working as an Assistant Stage Manager on Georgy Girl in 2016. VCA PRODUCTIONS Relational2014 Chor. Rebecca Hilton Assistant Stage Manager A Little Touch of Chaos Dir. Iain Sinclair Assistant Stage Manager 2014 on y va Chor. Anna Smith & Stephanie Lake Stage Manager 2014 Bullets Over Broadway Dir. Gary Abrahams Stage Manager 2015 The University of Melbourne Orchestra 2015 Conductor Fabian Russell Assistant Orchestral Manager FR!SK Festival2015 Mission Unsexable | We Are Not Good People | Soula’s Kitchen Devised by Acting Company 15 Stage Manager Originally from New Zealand, and currently VCA PRODUCTIONS based in Melbourne, Jess is a recent graduate of the Victorian College of the 42nd Street Arts (VCA), with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Dir. Gary Young (Production), majoring in Stage Management. Assistant Production Coordinator She has spent the last three years residing at St Hilda’s College in Parkville, where she completed roles such as Event Manager for the 2015 Ball, and Producer of Copacabana, the 2014 College play. At the VCA, Jess has been grateful for the S TA G E M A N A G E M E N T BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) opportunity to work in stage, production and costume management with the Music Theatre, Dance and Theatre, as well as completing internships on a range of JESS SCOTT STAGE MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTACT M 0432 233 515 E television productions in both Australia and New Zealand. While Jess has always shown natural organisational ability, these opportunities have enabled her to develop further skills in communication, administration and attention to detail. Jess has a strong interest in production coordination, children’s management, and television production, and is looking forward to exploring these areas of the industry further in her future. 2015 dance ON2015 Chor. Lee Serle, Feng Feng Wang, Emma Riches, Kyall Shanks Stage Manager One Act Plays 2014 4:48 Psychosis Dir. Justin Nott Stage Manager dance ON 2014 Chor. Lee Serle, Helen Herbertson, Tra Mi Dinh, Mikaela Carr Costume Manager Relational 2014 Chor. Rebecca Hilton Costume Manager It’s An Earthquake in my Heart2013 Dir. Robert Walton Assistant Stage Manager Katharine (Kat) is very passionate about the ‘dark side’ of theatre, that is, what happens behind the stage. She has been studying Stage Management at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) for the past three years. During this time she has worked on numerous shows within the College, including The Love of Don Perlimplin and Belisa in the Garden, The Breath of Empty Space, Showbites & New Short Works, 4:48 Psychosis, Urinetown and Roxie Hart. She also undertook stage management S TA G E M A N A G E M E N T BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) internships at the Melbourne Theatre Company and Victorian Opera, both of which she enjoyed immensely. This year KATHARINE TIMMS STAGE MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Kat was also fortunate enough to be able to work as an Assistant Stage Manager on the Neon Festival show We Get It, which gave her the opportunity to work both with the Neon Festival and the Melbourne Theatre Company. She is excited to be graduating CONTACT and can’t wait to continue her work on M 0420 358 893 productions outside the VCA. E VCA PRODUCTIONS Roxie Hart 2015 Dir. Alister Smith Stage Manager Showbites & New Short Works 2014 Dir. Sally Bourne and Anni Davey Assistant Stage Manager One Act Plays 2014 4:48 Psychosis Dir. Justin Nott Costume Manager Urinetown2014 Dir. Alister Smith Costume Manager One Act Plays 2013 The Love of Don Perlimplin and Belisa in the Garden | The Breath of Empty Space Dir. Kate Shepard | Tom Healey Assistant Stage Manager OTHER PRODUCTIONS Neon Festival2015 We Get It Dir. Emily Tomlins and Marcel Dorney Assistant Stage Manager Rebecca’s passion for theatre sparked at an early age. Finding her way backstage, she has worked in multiple genres, including music theatre, drama, dance, orchestral concerts, festivals and arena events, in many different capacities. In 2015, Rebecca has been the Stage Manager for Miss Saigon (Footlight Productions) and Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) productions Smithereens and Disasterpiece (FR!SK Festival) and the Costume Manager for Cloudstreet (VCA). Other VCA credits include Stage Manager for S TA G E M A N A G E M E N T BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) on y va (2014) and Assistant Stage Manager for Plus Sign Attached (2014). Professional internships include Stage REBECCA E ZARB STAGE MANAGEMENTPRODUCTION MANAGEMENT COMPANY & ORCHESTRAL MANAGEMENT CONTACT M 0403 412 997 E W Management on the 69th Annual Tony Awards at Radio City Music Hall, New York, Audition Management for the Gordon Frost Organization (GFO), Orchestral Management with the Australian Philharmonic Orchestra at the Sydney Opera House and Opening Ceremony Stage Management for the AFC Asian Cup 2015. As the 2014 Lionel Gell Foundation Scholarship recipient Rebecca hopes to further her studies in New York. VCA PRODUCTIONS Dancescape2013 Chor. Sandra Parker Assistant Stage Manager Eddie Goes to Poetry City Dir. Richard Murphet Assistant Costume Manager 2013 ENUF is Enough Plus Sign Attached Dir. Maude Davey Assistant Stage Manager 2014 on y va 2014 Chor. Phillip Adams & Sandra Parker Stage Manager Cloudstreet2015 Dir. Julián Fuentes Reta Costume Manager FR!SK Festival2015 Smithereens | Disasterpiece Devised by Acting Company 15 Stage Manager University of Melbourne Symphony Orchestra 2015 Chancellor’s Concert Series: Sydney Tour Conductor: Ben Northey Orchestral Production Assistant Jess is a Melbourne based designer whose VCA PRODUCTIONS main loves are sculpting, puppet making and creature design. Hailing from the small The Chapel Perilous 2015 coastal town of Byron Bay, Jess has a Dir. Tanya Dickson strong connection with community and a Costume Designer deep respect for nature. With a background in wearable art, Jess hopes to find ways Kawaki & Sharp (Film) through her practice to inspire, educate Dir. Joshua Steele and engage with the local community on Sculptor 2015 D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) the possibilities of reusable and found materials. This year Jess has undertaken Li’l Abner2014 an internship with Cliff Doliver of Dowtch Dir. Martin Croft Puppets in Cork, Ireland and worked on the Sculptor children’s puppet show Peta and the Whale JESSICA DAVIE SET DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION COSTUME DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION PROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION for the Melbourne Fringe Festival under the dance ON2014 guidance of Philip Millar, opening her eyes Something Similar to the joys of children’s theatre as well as Chor. Tra Mi Dinh further solidifying her passion for puppets, Costume Maker/Assistant creature design and travel. dance ON2014 Conditioned Humans Chor. Mikaela Carr Costume Maker/Assistant CONTACT M 0411 054 007 E W Laura is a Melbourne-based costume VCA PRODUCTIONS designer who has been designing and creating clothes since childhood. With a background in both psychology and fashion design, Laura is passionate about the importance of costume in character construction and its use as an emotive narrative device in contemporary film and theatre. As a 2015 production design graduate from the Victorian College of the Arts, Laura has had experience costume designing and assistant costume designing D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) for short film, documentary film, feature film, theatre and contemporary dance as well as LAURA JEAN HAWKINS COSTUME DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION CONTACT M 0426 966 973 E W Cloudstreet2015 Dir. Julián Fuentes Reta Costume Designer WOOF! (Film)2015 Dir. Nina Buxton Costume Designer FR!SK Festival2015 Mission: Unsexable Devised by Acting Company 15 Costume Designer/Maker having worked with internationally award- 360° Dance Season winning directors and choreographers. Chor. Gideon Obarzanek 2015 Costume Designer One Act Plays 2014 Fewer Emergencies | Crave | Slut | Prodigal Son | 4.48 Psychosis Lara Kerestes | Cathy Hunt | Penny Harpham | Iris Gaillardine | Justin Nott Costume Assistant/Maker Blood Trust (Film)2014 Dir. Alberto Di Troia Costume Designer Melissa Ho is a prop maker, set designer VCA PRODUCTIONS and a full-time foodie. She comes from Singapore, the little red dot on the world Mongrel/20152015 map. She was a theatre graduate who used Devised and composed by Music Acting to enjoy performing before she encountered Company 15 and interactive composition the dark side of theatre in 2010. students Production Designer Prior to her time at Victorian College of the Arts (VCA), she worked with various Kawaki & Sharp2015 Singaporean companies such as Dream Dir. Joshua Ross Steele Academy, iTheatre and W!LDRICE in the Prop Maker D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) roles of Assistant Stage Manager, Props MELISSA HO SET DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION PROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Mistress and Set Designer. Her works include FR!SK Festival2015 Crazy Christmas 2013, The Last Five Years Soula’s Kitchen & Happy Robin (The Henderson Project) Devised by Acting Company 15 and Chingay Parade Singapore 2014. Drafter During her time at the VCA, she worked on A Little Touch of Chaos A Little Touch of Chaos (2014) and one of Dir. Iain Sinclair the short works in Mongrel/2015. She also Prop Maker 2014 completed two internships with JustImagine CONTACT Productions and Polyglot Theatre. M 0481 261 241 End of Year Dance Program One Chor. Rochelle Carmichael E When Melissa is not making or designing, W she can be seen searching for the best hot chocolate in Melbourne. Costume Maker 2014 Eleanor is a Melbourne based costume VCA PRODUCTIONS designer, who is a member of the Victorian College of the Arts graduating class of 2015. dance ON2015 Eleanor has designed for theatre, film and Chor. Emma Riches several dance pieces, and has found her Costume Designer and Maker passion in the theatre making process. Prior to her time at the VCA, she pursued her love FR!SK Festival2015 for animation, and was accepted into Top Smithereens Designs and Top Screen for her 3000 frame Devised by Acting Company 15 hand-drawn animation in 2012, inflatable art, Costume Designer and Maker D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) fashion, and many other creative ventures. ELEANOR HUTCHISON SET DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION COSTUME DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION PROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION STAGE MANAGEMENT Eleanor hopes to one day combine her love of 360° Program One2015 animation and costume and create new and Chor. Mariaa Randall exciting interactive and immersive theatre. Costume Designer Until then, she hopes to travel the world and dance ON2014 gain a whole new plethora of strange and Chor. Leigh Serle wonderful experience. Eleanor’s enthusiasm Assistant Maker for making and designing knows no bounds. Li’l Abner2014 Dir. Martin Croft Set Maker CONTACT The Tempest2013 M 0431 573 552 Dir. Jenny Kemp E Assistant Maker W Neneh Lucia is a production designer, model VCA PRODUCTIONS maker and draftsperson. Her practice is motivated by collaboration and creativity. WOOF! (Film) At the Victorian College of the Arts, she 2015 has designed for short films WOOF! and Dir. by Nina Buxton Blood Trust. Blood Trust has screened at Production Designer a number of festivals including Dances With Films, Melbourne Underground Film Cloudstreet2015 Festival, NYC Independent Film Festival Dir. Julián Fuentes Reta and Minneapolis Underground Film Festival. Draftsperson D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) Neneh has gained experience from interning and working in the Art Department on The Chapel Perilous 2015 a number of productions including: The Dir. Tanya Dickson Dressmaker, Miss Fishers Murder Mysteries Draftsperson S2, House Husbands S3, Lion, Jack Irish S1, NENEH LUCIA PRODUCTION DESIGN Footballer Wants a Wife, I Am Evangeline Blood Trust (Film)2014 and Turkey Shoot. Neneh also assisted the Dir. Alberto Di Troia art departments on commercials for RACV, Production Designer Mazda, Sheraton Hotels, TAC and Australia Post. In 2015, she was awarded the A Little Touch of Chaos CONTACT Vectorworks Design Scholarship – Global Dir. Iain Sinclair M 0431 672 966 Entertainment Award for Australia. Construction Assistant E 2014 Candice is an emerging production designer VCA PRODUCTIONS and illustrator working across performing art forms and event design. During her time at FR!SK Festival2015 the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) she The Human Project has designed costumes for choreographer Devised by Acting Company 15 Lee Searle in a piece for dance ON (VCA Set and Costume Designer Dance 2015) and designed for The Human Project as part of the FR!SK Festival. She dance ON2015 was a costume maker for VCA dance pieces From/To/From by Philip Adams and Stephanie Lake and Chor. Lee Serle was a set builder for the new Australian Costume Designer D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) musical A Little Touch of Chaos. In 2014, CANDICE MACALLISTER SET DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION COSTUME DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION TECHNICIAN she was a chosen participant for the Beijing Pterodactyl International Bienniale, an international Chor. Stephanie Lake exhibition aimed to connect student theatre Costume Maker designers and was awarded the Cassidy Bequest Scholarship for excellence in 2015. Amoureuse Outside of the VCA, in 2015 she designed Chor. Philip Adams the set for The Importance of Being Earnest Costume Maker at the Union House Theatre and works as a freelance illustrator. A Little Touch of Chaos 2014 Dir. Iain Sinclair Set Construction CONTACT M 0435 366 417 UN/clean2014 E Dir. Noel Jordan W Set Construction Jack first encountered live performance VCA PRODUCTIONS with his grandmother when he accompanied her to The Australian Ballet, sparking his Cloudstreet2015 curiosity for the behind the scenes activities Dir. Julián Fuentes Reta of theatre production. After leading the Set Manager design team of his graduating production at Sandringham Secondary College, he 360° (Program 2) realised he could make a career from Igneous doing ‘something he loved’. Jack recently Chor. Darren Vizer undertook an internship with Cirque Du Costume Designer/Maker 2015 D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) Soleil’s production of Totem, where he was praised for his professional attitude and eye The Hatpin2015 for detail. At the Victorian College Of The Dir. Jacinta John Arts (VCA), Jack worked as a Set Manager Set Designer on the production of Cloudstreet and is JACK MILNE SET DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION COSTUME DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION PROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION CONTACT M 0421 798 599 E currently designing costumes under the One Act Plays guidance of choreographer Darren Vizer for The Prodigal Son the 360° (Program 2) piece Igneous. His last Dir. Iris Gaillard role at the VCA will involve designing the set Set Assistant 2014 for the musical The Hatpin. Jack is driven to create designs that provoke audiences Li’l Abner2014 and allow them to step into another a world, Dir. Martin Croft where reality and imagination collide. Set Assistant Anastassia Poppenberg is a stage designer, VCA PRODUCTIONS maker and draftsperson. She completed a Bachelor of Creative Industries (Drama) at Queensland University of Technology in 2011 and a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Production) at the Victorian College of the Arts in 2015. Her creative practice is guided by the notion that art should occur within a wide spectrum of conversation. She thrives within devised and collaborative processes. Anastassia has recently participated in the Global Atelier program, a two week D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) scenography intensive in Hong Kong with designer Yaron Abulafia. Credits include ANASTASSIA POPPENBERG SET DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION PROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Devised by Acting Company 15 Set and Props Designer Cloudstreet2015 Dir. Julián Fuentes Reta Props Manager/Maker The Chapel Perilous 2015 Dir. Tanya Dickson Props Manager/Maker New You Hair and Beauty (Film) The Dressmaker (2015) and Pirates of the Dir. Trent McClure Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017); Set Builder, Bush Magic (NGV Fashion Week, 2015), Production Assistant, Motel of Memory (OzFrank Theatre, 2013); Designer, CONTACT Zen Zo, 2011), Designer, Cotton Pony (2012) M 0450 016 993 and Artist, Internet Asshole Theory (2high E Festival 2011). 2015 Smithereens set building and scenic art on feature films A Practical Users Guide to the Afterlife (Zen W FR!SK Festival 2014 Set Assistant and Scenic Artist One Act Plays 2014 4.48 Psychosis Dir. Justin Nott Set Assistant ENUF is Enough UN/Clean Dir. Noel Jordan Costume Assistant 2014 Growing up surrounded by the Melbourne VCA PRODUCTIONS artist community from a young age sparked a love for all the creative arts. Jarra has Show Bites2014 actively been involved in many different Dir. Sally Bourne creative disciplines; from acting, website Props designer/maker / manager design, film making, photography, writing, drawing, CAD, fashion design and theatre A Little Touch of Chaos art production (costume). Her eclectic Dir. Iain Sinclair artistic interests have led to many different Set assistant 2014 creative paths. Jarra is currently running Space 32, a community creative arts-hub One Act Plays based in South Yarra. She set up Space Prop maker/manager 2014 D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) 32 with the help of the Boon Wurrung Foundation and Stonnington Council. Wominjeka Festival 2015 Past Racism/Future Rights JARRA STEEL COSTUME DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION PROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Dir. Yagan Satour and Genevieve Grieves Costume Designer/maker Prague Quadrennial 2015 Tribes - Colonies in Conflict Mask designer/maker CONTACT Blood Ties (Film)2015 M 0413 655 264 Dir. Christel Chia E Costume Designer W Emilija’s passion for costume design VCA PRODUCTIONS and making has its roots in childhood, creating her first costume aged four! Whilst struggling to reach the pedal she was determined to make her masterpiece (a Little Mermaid dress). She’s lived at the sewing machine ever since. She has a love of period garments and BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N Dir. Gary Young Pattern Maker Prague Quadrennial Colonies in Conflict in a period costume she designed and made representing the degradation of the Great & CONSTRUCTION 42nd Street2015 at the Victorian College of the Arts, her Prague Quadrennial, where she performed COSTUME DESIGN Costume Designer/Maker musical theatre costumes. Whilst studying experiences include travelling to the 2015 EMILIJA TANNER 360° (Program 1) 2015 Chor. Anna Smith Barrier Reef. She has completed specialty courses at The University of the Arts, London, and Central St Martins, London, and wardrobe internships at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation CONTACT (ABC) on Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries M 0427 960 003 Series 3 and with Isaac Lummis for Victorian E Opera. Away from university, Emilija has W also designed and made the costumes for a number of theatre companies. 2015 Costume Designer/Maker Mongrel/20152015 Down the Rabbit Hole Devised and composed by Music Acting Company 15 and Interactive Composition students Costume and Set Designer on y va2014 God Save the Queen Chor. Lina Limosani Costume Maker Li’l Abner2014 Dir. Martin Croft Costume Maker Meropi Tourogiannis is a Melbourne-based VCA PRODUCTIONS theatre designer currently studying at the Victorian College of the Arts. With her aesthetic intelligence, self-motivation and passion for historical costume, she is able to design within any context. Having a strong interest in the contemporary construction of garments, Meropi has been able to promote herself as a talented young designer. Meropi’s design is strongly based on historical shapes, and on reforming these silhouettes into contemporary garments. D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) Recently, in her graduating year at the VCA, she has continued to design costumes that show her ability to mix history and MEROPI TOUROGIANNIS SET DESIGN COSTUME DESIGN current ideas. Meropi aims to expand her knowledge in the design field by increasing her skill base, by completing courses in photography, make-up and shoe design, whilst also continuing to design costumes based on a couture technique, developing CONTACT M 0432 049 964 E W one-off gowns 360° (Program 2) 2015 Everything has Already been Done but Not by Us Chor. Becky Hilton Costume Designer FR!SK Festival 2015 Soula’s Kitchen Dir. Acting Company 15 Costume & Set Designer/Maker dance ON2015 Pit Chor. Kyall Shanks Costume Designer Li’l Abner 2014 Dir. Martin Croft Prop Manager A Little Touch of Chaos 2014 Dir. Ian Sinclair Costume Design Assistant One Act Plays Fewer Emergencies Dir. Lara Kerestes Set Builder 2014 Prior to her acceptance to the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA), Isabel completed work experience at The Australian Ballet, sparking her passion for design and performing arts. During her time at the VCA Isabel has been involved in a wide range of projects within theatre, dance, and film. Isabel has worked on VCA student films, participating on the set construction for New You Hair and Beauty and was the production designer for Splenda. This year Isabel D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) designed costumes for the contemporary dance season dance ON and Federation University’s production of Machinal in ISABEL WALUGA SET DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION COSTUME DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION PROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Ballarat. Along with her classmates, Isabel had the opportunity to design and make a costume which she paraded as part of Tribes at the Prague Quadrennial 2015 in Europe. Recently, Isabel has undertaken two internships wardrobe assisting for Victorian Opera’s The Grumpiest Boy in the CONTACT World and for Melbourne Festival’s theatre M 0403 762 492 performance The Bacchae by critically- E acclaimed director Adena Jacobs. W VCA PRODUCTIONS dance ON2015 Under Echoes Chor. Feng Feng Wang Costume Designer New You Hair and Beauty (Film) Dir. Trent McClure 2014 Set Construction One Act Plays Crave 2014 Dir. Cathy Hunt Set & Prop Assistant ENUF is Enough Plus Sign Attached 2014 Dir. Maude Davey Costume Maker/Assistant Romeo and Juliet2013 Dir. Bagryana Popov Costume Assistant OTHER PRODUCTIONS Federation University Australia Machinal Dir. Kim Durban Costume Designer 2015 Lucy has been working in theatre since VCA PRODUCTIONS she was just 15. Since then she has been hired as a hair and makeup artist, wig stylist, set painter, performer and of course costume designer/maker on many varied productions including: A Little Night Music, Drowsy Chaperone, Little Women, The Producers, Urinetown and Into the Woods. Originally from Tasmania, Lucy decided to move to Melbourne in 2013 to study at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) focusing on the costume design side of her talents. D E S I G N R E A L I S AT I O N BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) Recently Lucy won an Errol (Tasmanian Theatre Award) for her design of A Little Night Music in 2014. Lucy has a passion LUCY WILKINS SET DESIGN COSTUME DESIGN & CONSTRUCTIONWIG STYLIST for period costume as well as all things sparkly and hopes to pursue these passions further through designing for musicals, theatre, cabaret, drag and burlesque shows. After graduating from the VCA, Lucy will start designing costumes for Stage Art’s production of Saturday Night Fever on at CONTACT M 0447 451 565 E W Chapel off Chapel in February, 2016. Li’l Abner2014 Dir. Martin Croft Costume Maker and Hair Stylist A Little Touch Of Chaos Dir. Iain Sinclair 2014 Props Manager/Maker EUF is Enough 2014 Plus Sign Attached Dir. Maude Davey Set Maker, Hair and Makeup Artist OTHER PRODUCTIONS FR!SK Festival2015 Three Birds, One Cock Devised by Acting Company 15 Costume and Set Designer, Hair and Makeup Artist Mongrel/20152015 Among Us Devised and composed by Music Acting Company 15 and Interactive Composition Students Costume and Set Designer Nick is an emerging theatre lighting designer and technical manager based in Melbourne. For the last three years Nick has studied at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) working on dance, theatre and musical theatre. Nick’s lighting design credits include; Grease: The Musical, Machinal, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, dance ON 2015, Nine & Assassins. Nick has worked as an associate lighting designer on two Victorian Opera shows; Grumpiest Boy in the World PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGY BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) and Seven Deadly Sins. In 2014, Nick was lucky enough to travel to Beijing for the International Stage Design NICK GLEN LIGHTING DESIGN TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Student’s Work Exchange where he was involved in various theatre design workshops with theatre designers around the world. In early 2015, Nick completed an internship with Donald Holder working as his Assistant Lighting Designer on the Broadway show of On the Twentieth Century. In Nick’s third year CONTACT at VCA, he was lucky enough to receive the M 0447 845 081 Orloff Family Trust scholarship, Lin Martin E travel scholarship and Global Mobility Travel W scholarship. VCA PRODUCTIONS dance ON2015 To/From/To Chor. Lee Serle Lighting Designer dance ON2015 Half Glass Cor: Emma Riches Lighting Designer Nine | Assassins2014 Both dir. Sally Bourne Lighting Designer New Short Works2014 Dir. Anni Davey Lighting Designer Music Theatre Showcase 2014 Dir. Margot Fenley Lighting Designer OTHER PRODUCTIONS Federation University Australia Machinal Chor. Kim Durban Lighting Designer 2015 Steve is investigating the collaborative VCA PRODUCTIONS process in European contemporary theatre and its influence on the resulting Cloudstreet2015 design and performance. He is mentored Dir. Julián Fuentes Reta by professional lighting designers; Paul Lighting Designer Jackson and Nigel Levings. PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGY BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) (HONOURS) on y va (Program 2) Steve’s recent designs include: Quick Chor. Stephanie Lake, Prue Lang, Death / Slow Love written and directed by Lina Limosani, Anna Smith Richard Murphet (La Mama Theatre, 2015), Lighting Designer 2014 MKA: Bounty directed by Tom Gutteridge (Northcote Town Hall 2015) and Parade Union House Theatre directed by Bruce Hardy (Merlyn, Malthouse don’t bring lulu Theatre, 2015). Dir. Tom Gutteridge 2014 Lighting Designer STEVE HENDY LIGHTING DESIGN In 2014, Steve was awarded the inaugural OzCAD Vectorworks Spotlight graduate Eddie Goes To Poetry City award. He was also the Production recipient Dir. Richard Murphet of the Lionel Gell Foundation scholarship Lighting Designer in 2013. CONTACT M 0421 798 599 In addition to his theatrical career, Steve E works as an architectural lighting control technician. He has recently been involved in lighting the HSBC Main Building, Hong Kong and the newly opened Studio City, Macau. 2013 Declan is a passionate lighting designer VCA PRODUCTIONS from Melbourne. He started his career in late 2011 when he has first involved in amateur Dystopia 2015 theatre. Since then, Declan has worked with Chor. Lina Limosani numerous companies both professional and Lighting Designer non-professional on over 80 productions. Declan is currently at the Victorian College 42nd Street2015 of the Arts (VCA) where he is undertaking Dir. Gary Young the Bachelor of Fine Arts (Production), Lighting Designer PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGY BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS (PRODUCTION) majoring in Performance Technology. Aside from lighting design, Declan also practises Music Theatre Showcase and enjoys vision design and is developing Dir. Margot Fenley his skills as a technical manager. Declan Lighting Designer 2015 has been fortunate to have worked all DECLAN O’NEILL LIGHTING DESIGN TECHNICIAN VISION DESIGN FLOOR MECHANIST CONTACT M 0412 081 994 E W over Victoria on numerous performances FR!SK Festival2014 and is about to tour the VCA Musical Devised by Acting Company 14 Theatre Showcase 2015 to Sydney as the Technical Director Lighting Designer. Notable design credits outside of the VCA include: Co-Lighting Season One Dance Designer, Resonance (Nick Glen); Vision Head Electrician 2014 Designer, Fame, Emmaus college, and Vision Designer, Fame, Siena College and FR!SK on Tour2014 Whitefriars College. Devised by Acting Company 15 VCA Technical Manager MASTERS OF DESIGN FOR PERFORMANCE Alicia Aulsebrook Dagmara Gieysztor Daniel Moulds MASTERS OF DESIGN FOR PERFORMANCE Eloise Kent Alicia graduated from Swinburne University VCA PRODUCTIONS in 2012 with a Diploma of Costume for Performance. She has worked on a variety Dystopia2015 of theatre productions in Geelong, designing Chor. Lina Limosani and constructing costumes. She has Costume Designer also made costumes for Parallax Dance Company, Footlight Costume Hire Company 42nd Street2015 and was commissioned by the Geelong Dir. Gary Young City Council to design and make costumes Costume Designer MASTERS OF DESIGN FOR PERFORMANCE for the 2013 Christmas celebrations. She has also worked as a backstage dresser One Act Plays and hair/make-up assistant on several Fewer Emergencies productions. Dir. Lara Kerestes Set & Costume Designer While at Victorian College of the Arts, she ALICIA AULSEBROOK SET DESIGN COSTUME DESIGN COSTUME CONSTRUCTION was the set and costume designer for Fewer Emergencies, part of the 2014 One Act Play season (dir. Lara Kerestes), the costume designer for Dystopia (chor. Lina Limosani) and as well for 42nd Street (dir. Gary Young). Earlier this year, she attended the Prague CONTACT Quadrennial and exhibited work in the M 0432 927 426 Australian student section. Alicia is currently E doing an internship on the television series W Barracuda at the ABC. 2014 Dagmara has been a multidisciplinary artist VCA PRODUCTIONS for over 20 years. Her focus is on story telling and its realisation in many different Dystopia2015 mediums from film, theatre, puppetry, Chor. Lina Limosani photography, installation, street art and site Visual Dramaturgy and Set Design specific projects. She is interested in the continual discussion with audiences and Self directed, site specific design project 2015 the community and doesn’t shy away from Mirage refuge the political. She is a founding member of Visual dramaturgy, design and realisation MASTERS OF DESIGN FOR PERFORMANCE an international artist collective, runs an artist residency in Poland and is part of the Theatre Research institute in Melbourne with Tomek Koman. Her practical and theoretical research has been on visual dramaturgy in live performance. DAGMARA GIEYSZTOR VISUAL DRAMATURG CONTACT M 0429 377 849 E Eloise is a Melbourne-based theatre VCA PRODUCTIONS designer and graduate from the Master of Production Design for Performance at One Act Plays the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). Crave An undergraduate degree in Art History, Dir. Cathy Hunt French and German has led Eloise to Set & costume designer 2014 MASTERS OF DESIGN FOR PERFORMANCE develop her designs via in-depth visual and academic research, often drawing on the Cloudstreet 2015 fields of contemporary art, architecture and Dir. Julián Fuentes Reta literature for references. She is particularly Set designer focused on creating integrated and active scenographic environments — stages that 42nd Street2015 respond to and interact with the performers, Dir. Gary Young and where possible, the audience. In doing Set designer so, she is drawn to the use of found objects ELOISE KENT SET DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION COSTUME DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION PROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION and everyday materials to create novel effects and scenarios. Eloise values close collaboration with the director/devisor and fellow designers. As part of her studies at the VCA, she designed set, props and costumes for a number of stage plays, but also has prior experience with architectural model making, event planning, graphic CONTACT M 0478 416 867 E W design, illustration and painting. Having graduated from the Postgraduate VCA PRODUCTIONS Diploma in Performance Creation in 2014, Daniel will be one of the first graduates The Empty Salon (Working Title) of the Master of Production Design for Dir. Anna Molnar Performance at the Victorian College of Set, props and costume designer, the Arts (VCA). He also holds a Bachelor of co-deviser and performer 2015 MASTERS OF DESIGN FOR PERFORMANCE Visual Arts and Design, where he specialised in Object Design and Printmaking, and FR!SK Festival2015 a Diploma in Transpersonal Art Therapy, Disasterpiece with experience facilitating group creative Devised: Acting Company 15 activities in community arts, as well as Set, props and costume designer, scenic in one-on-one creative therapy. He is painter, co-deviser and performer establishing himself as a bold and innovative DANIEL MOULDS SET DESIGN COSTUME DESIGNPROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION VISION DESIGN emerging set and costume designer and Intimate Topographies theatre maker, with a particular focus in Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design 2015 his practice on co-devising works, visual dramaturgy and creating immersive designs. The Chapel Perilous 2015 Dir. Tanya Dickson Set Designer, Graphic Artist One Act Play Season 2014 The Prodigal Son Dir. Iris Gaillard CONTACT M 0431 326 302 E W Set & Costume Designer, Scenic Painter MASTERS OF DESIGN FOR SCREEN Dorian Lazar Anna Russell Jacque Yepez MASTERS OF DESIGN FOR PERFORMANCE Shelley Williams Dorian began his career in 1979 as an actor VCA PRODUCTIONS and in 1980 had the opportunity to perform at the iconic Nimrod theatre. He moved on to directing and during the early ‘80s directed several successful productions at St Martins Theatre Company. In 1986, his passion for film led him to complete an undergraduate Degree in Film and Television at Swinburne Institute of Technology. He completed several independent short films, one of which had a run at the Longford MASTERS OF DESIGN FOR SCREEN Cinema in Melbourne. During the birth and explosion of the MTV film-clip generation Dorian was involved in directing and filming Earth2014 Dir. Tatiana Doroshenko Production Designer (inc. studio set design and construction) New You Hair Day2014 Dir. Trent McClure Art Director OTHER PRODUCTIONS Emily (Independent Short) 2015 Dir. Eddie Diamandi Production Designer video clips. He left directing to raise a DORIAN LAZAR SET DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION PROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION VISION DESIGN PRODUCTION DESIGN CONTACT M 0405 973 863 E family and has recently re-entered the film industry. In 2015, he completed his Master of Production Design for Screen and was forwarded several opportunities to work as a production designer/ art dept. assistant on independent productions, feature films and television. In Life Today (Indepenent Short) 2015 Dir. Lauren Bailey Production Designer Open Channel2015 Bringing our stories home Dir. Natalie Cunningham Production Designer Lion (Film, post-prod) Director: Garth Davis Research/ Props Sourcing 2015 Anna’s initial involvement with film and VCA PRODUCTIONS television was as a performer in musical theatre, reality TV and feature films, and as Kawaki & Sharp (Film) co-producer of reality-documentary series Dir. Josh Steele No Way San Jose (2009) which has aired Art Director 2015 several times on the ABC, and followed the opening of a cocktail bar in Costa Rica, Under the Table (Film) which Anna co-designed and built. Dir. Max Walter 2015 Production Designer MASTERS OF DESIGN FOR SCREEN After gaining art department experience on student films in London and designing sci-fi New You Hair & Beauty (Film) short Queen of the Bees (2013), which she Dir. Trent McClure also produced, Anna decided to focus her Set Dresser skills and experience on production design. ANNA RUSSELL SET/PROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Throughout the Master of Production Design for Screen, she has honed her skills working as Standby Props Assist on ABC TV series Little Lunch, as well as several Victorian College of the Arts student films; New You Hair and Beauty (2014), Kawaki & CONTACT Sharp (2015) and Under the Table (2015). M 0423 962 858 Once Anna has completed the Master of E Production Design for Screen, she wishes W to pursue a career in production design for film. 2014 Shelley began her career in film and VCA PRODUCTIONS television as a sound designer and recordist (Instruments of Darkness, Red, Making Kawaki & Sharp (Film) It) and as an editor (No Through Road, Dir. Josh Steele Poynton’s Nursery Congress 2013). After Production Designer 2015 undertaking the role of production designer on graduating film Restless for a fellow Under The Table (Film) film student in 2011, Shelley decided to Dir. Max Walter use her skills as a visual artist to pursue a Art Director MASTERS OF PRODUCTION FOR SCREEN career in the art department as a designer. Throughout the Master of Production Design for Screen she has honed skills including prop making, technical drawing and previsualisation on Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) student films such as Remnant as well SHELLEY WILLIAMS SET DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION PROP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION VISION DESIGN PRODUCTION DESIGN as interning on the ABC TV series Sammy J & Randy in Rickett’s Lane. In her final semester she was the Production Designer on VCA graduating film Kawaki & Sharp, Art Director VCA graduating film Under The Table and completed a placement on feature film Berlin Syndrome. Shelley currently works as a Props Assistant at Channel 9. CONTACT M 0458 909 080 E W 2015 Jacque has been involved in the creative VCA PRODUCTIONS and artistic world as a freelancer, exploring different areas and fields. With a New You Hair and Beauty (Film) background in multimedia and audiovisual Dir. Trent McClure production, Jacque has participated in Art Department Assistant 2014 many student and independent productions in Ecuador. Focused in the film and video Under the Table2015 industry, she has collaborated in music Dir. Max Walter videos for local bands such as Zoria Duo Graphic Props Designer MASTERS OF PRODUCTION FOR SCREEN before being accepted into the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). During the Master Kawaki & Sharp (Film) of Production Design for Screen program, Dir. Josh Steel she gained experience and has worked in Art Department Assistant the art department for VCA films including New You Hair and Beauty, Under the Table JACQUE YEPEZ SET DESIGN PROP DESIGN and Kawaki & Sharp. In her last semester of the course she is collaborating as an intern in the graphics/props area for the feature film Berlin Syndrome. At the end of the course, Jacque will return CONTACT to her country and aspires to become a M 0478 685 312 pioneer in the Ecuadorian industry as a E production designer. 2015 RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE Travis Cox - PhD (Production) “Code-Display-User; Semiotic Dialogues In Interactive Computer Art Work” Camille Robinson - PhD (Production) “Listening Art; Making Sonic Artworks Ben Wiesner – Master of Sound Design (Production) “Integrating Space Composition And Performance; An Investigation Into The Musical Relationship Between The Instrument And The Space” PHOTO CREDITS RESEARCH HIGHER DEGREE That Critique Listening” JONAS ANDERSON LAURA JEAN HAWKINS NENEH LUCIA 1. ‘Ux 1. Past/Present, 2013 (Jeff Busby) 1. Mission: Unsexable, 2015 (Lachlan Woods) 1. Blood Trust, 2015 2. Wilin Centre Spring Intensive, 2013 (Jorge de Araujo) 2. Cloudstreet, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 2. WOOF!, (2015) 3. Plus Sign Attached, 2014 (Sarah Walker) 3. Blood Trust, 2014 (Alberto Di Troia) 3. Cloudstreet, (2015) Jeff Busby 4. Three Birds, One Cock, 2015, (Lachlan Woods) 4. Woof! 2015 (Nina Buxton) 4. Cloudstreet, (2015) Neneh Lucia ALICIA AULSEBROOK STEVE HENDY CANDICE MACALLISTER 1. Fewer Emergencies, 2014, (Sarah Walker) 1 – 4. Cloudstreet, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 1 – 2. The Human Project, 2015 (Lachlan Woods) 2. Dystopia, 2015, (Jeff Busby) 3. From/to/from, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 3. 42nd Street, 2015, (Drew Echberg) MELISSA HO 4. 42nd Street, 2015, (Alicia Aulsebrook) 1. on y va (Program One), 2014 (Jeff Busby) ELISE MERCURIO 2. Soula’s Kitchen, FR!SK, 2015 (Melissa Ho) 1. dance ON, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 3 – 4. Mongrel/2015, 2015 (Drew Echberg) 2. UN/clean, 2014 (Jeff Busby) JESSICA DAVIE 1. The Chapel Perilous, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 3. It’s An Earthquake in My Heart, 2013 (Production still) 2. Kawaki & Sharp, 2015 (Sam Haines) ELEANOR HUTCHISON 3. The Chapel Perilous, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 1 – 2. Smithereens, 2015 (Greg Clarke) 4. Li’l Abner, 2014 (Drew Echberg) 3. dance ON, 2015 (Jeff Busby) DAGMARA GIEYSZTOR ELOISE KENT 1. – 2. Mirage Refuge, 2015 (Dagmara Gieysztor) 1. Crave, 2014 (Sarah Walker) 3. Dystopia, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 3. – 4. Dystopia, 2015 (Dagmara Gieysztor) 2 – 3. Cloudstreet, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 4. Fragile Oasis, 2014 (Jeff Busby) NICK GLEN 4. 42nd Street, 2015 (Eloise Kent) 4. dance ON, 2015 (Jeff Busby) LOUISE MILLER 1. Plus Sign Attached, 2014 (Sarah Walker) 2. The Breath of Empty Space, 2013 (Amy Dwight) JACK MILNE 1. – 2. Machinal, 2015 (Jodie Hutchinson) MADDIE KORN 3. Half Glass (dance ON), 2015 (Jeff Busby) 1. 42nd Street, 2015 (Drew Echberg) 2. 360° (Program 1), 2015 (Jack Milne) 4. Nine, 2014 (Sarah Walker) 2. Cloudstreet, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 3. Li’l Abner, 2014 (Drew Echberg) 3. Fewer Emergencies, 2014 (Sarah Walker) 4. Cloudstreet, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 1. The Trouble With Harry, 2014 (Daily Review) 4. UN/clean, 2014 (Jeff Busby) DANIEL MOULDS 2. Victorian State School Spectacular, 2014 DORIAN LAZAR (Promotional image) 1. Earth, 2014 (Dorian Lazar) 2. The Chapel Perilous, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 3. Anzac Day Commemoration, 2014 (Sav Schulman) 2 – 4. Emily, 2014 (Katie Harmsworth) 3. Disasterpiece, 2015 (Lachlan Woods) 1. The Prodigal Son, 2014 (Sarah Walker) 4. Le Salon de la Fumée, 2015 (Lachlan Woods) PHOTO CREDITS JACKSON BANKS HARPER 1. Prague Quadrennial, 2015 (Jack Milne) AMELIA O’BRIEN JESS SCOTT ISABEL WALUGA 1. The Chapel Perilous, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 1. 42nd Street, 2015 (Drew Echberg) 1. Under Echoes, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 2. Nine, 2014 (Sarah Walker) 2. dance ON, 2015, (Jeff Busby) 2. Plus Sign Attached, 2014, (Sarah Walker) 3. Assassins, 2014 (Sarah Walker) 3. 4:48 Psychosis, 2014 (Sarah Walker) 3 – 4. Machinal, 2015 (Jodie Hutchinson) 4. Red Black and Ignorant, 2013 (Sarah Walker) 4. Relational, 2014 (Byron Perry) DECLAN O’NEILL JARRA STEEL 1. 42nd Street, 2015 (Drew Echberg) 1 – 2. Past Racism / Future Rights, Wominjeka Festival 2015, 2 – 3. Dystopia, 2015 (Jeff Busby) (Footscray Arts) 4. 42nd Street, 2015 (Ellie Kent) 3. Blood Ties, 2015 (Jarra Steel design) KAYTLIN PETRARCA EMILIJA TANNER 1 – 2. Among Us, 2015 (Camden Tilley) 3 – 4. Three Birds One Cock (Lachlan Woods) SHELLEY WILLIAMS 1 – 4. Kawaki & Sharp, 2015 (Stills, Michelle Leong) 1. A Little Touch of Chaos, 2014 (Jeff Busby) 1. Prague Quadrennial – Colonies in Conflict, 2015, JACQUE YEPEZ 2. Tuesday, 2014 (Sarah Walker) (Steve Scalone) 1. Graphics for Stage and Screen, 2015 (Jacque Yepez) 3. Women In War, 2015 (Eleftheria Kalpenidou) 2. 42nd Street, 2015 (Drew Echberg) 2. Under the Table, 2015 (Zoe Twomey– Birks) 3 – 4. Nonesuch, 360° (Program 1), 2015 (Jeff Busby) 3. Under the Table, 2015 (Ben Colson) ANASTASSIA POPPENBERG 4. Theoretical Design Project: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, 2015 1 – 2. Smithereens, 2015 (Lachlan Woods) KATHARINE TIMMS 3. New You Hair and Beauty, 2014 (Michelle Leong) 1. Urinetown, 2014 (Steve Wild) 4. 4.48 Psychosis, 2014 (Sarah Walker) 2. We Get It, 2015 (Neon Festival) REBECCA E ZARB 3 – 4. The Love of Don Perlimplin and Belisa in the Garden, 1. on y va, 2014 (Jeff Busby) 2013 (Lara Week) 2. Eddie Goes to Poetry City, 2013 (Jeff Busby) ANNA RUSSELL 1 – 4. Under the Table (2015) screen grabs NICHOLAS SANDERS PHOTO CREDITS LUCY WILKINS MEROPI TOUROGIANNIS 1. – 2. Soula’s Kitchen, 2015 (Lachlan Woods) 1. Mission: Unsexable, 2015 (Lachlan Woods) 3. A Little Touch of Chaos, 2014 (Jeff Busby) 2. A Little Touch of Chaos, 2014 (Jeff Busby) 4. dance ON, 2015 (Jeff Busby) 3. Plus Sign Attached, 2014 (Sarah Walker) (Jacque Yepez) 3. Smithereens, 2015 (Lachlan Woods) 4. Cloudstreet, 2014 (Jeff Busby)