Super Tutor Commands! Follow your free spirit! How Much do you


Super Tutor Commands! Follow your free spirit! How Much do you
Try out some intern
Intoroshcat our very /Page 22
Check out w
says about
own psychic
your future!
/Page 25
Into hockey?
Read what Japih has to
/Page 14
T he swedish
b ees
A LoveBoat story
/Page 22
Super Tutor
Commands! t we
in F i a w o r k
Read nland
Joonas tells us wha
to be
should do in order
good internationals
/Page 3
Follow your
free spirit!
Piotr teaches us how to
hitchhike safely and tells
how fun it actually is!
/Page 6
How Much do
you really
know about
Test your knowledge!
/Page 10
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”Connecting finnish internationals and international finns”
Vol 1. Autumn Nov. 2008
What’s cook in
in our kitch
Editor’s note
It s Finally here!!
So! After little more than two months of planning, sending emails, and collecting volunteers the very first
issue of the INTOzine/Newsletter is here!
I must admit doing this has been much harder than I thought it would be, both because it requires a lot
of work, and because starting something from scratch without a point of reference is always hard. However, now that I look at the end result I can only feel proud of what We’ve done. When compiling
something that shows what our Club has done in only a few months you can’t help but notice the huge
amount of work everyone has done and is doing to unite the Internationals with the Finns. I would like
to thank all the people who helped bring this project into fruition, those of you who wrote articles, sent
recipes, took pictures and in general participated in some way to accomplish this. I’m just the compiler of
all your feats and accomplishments, without you, there wouldn’t be anything worth writing about.
I truly hope you enjoy this issue and what’s in it. I would also like you to please not hesitate to send us
feedback if you have ideas or suggestions to improve our now existing magazine!
-Roberto Camp
INTO Magazine Editor
If you have any feedback, ideas, or just want to be
part of this awesome project send an email to the
Korkeakoulunkatu 3
PL 692
33101 Tampere
Where is into’s Club room?
In this issue...
Super Tutor Commands!
What you (hopefully) didn’t miss!
Follow your free spirit
What’s playing on INTO radio
Quiz: Test your Teekkari Knowledge
How to start working in Finland
This issue’s highlight sport: Hockey
Wanna drink some fine brews?
What’s cooking in our kitchen
How to survive a winter in Finland
Love Boat Ultimatum: The Swedish Bees
tutor commands!
Listen to your tutor!
Hello happy people!
This year you, our dear international students, have been behaving extremely nice! Supertutor likes it
veeery much. But here are some more guidelines on how to behave even better here during the rest of
your stay and gain tons of respect from finns and other internationals
If somebody offers you a drink, don't forget to ask for another one!
Don’t go to the lecture in time! It helps the others stay awake when someone is opening the door
every three minutes.
Eat macaroni casserole (lihamakaronilaatikko) with ketchup! Lots of it.
Offer tutors beer (at parties). Supertutor wants vodka or something else strong enough.
When you see supertutor, you have to hum or whistle the theme of Super Mario.
Spaniards and Frenchmen need to mingle with other nationalities. When you hear them speak
their own language, yell ”English!”
Go to the INTO website and write something to INTOpedia! We want your input there.
Go to sauna naked! If somebody stares, he/she can be slapped in the back with an open palm!
Touching shall be punished!. Sauna is a sacred place.
Don’t eat from the floor. It’s disgusting.
Don’t raise your voice when speaking to a Finn. They might get scared and run away
Recycle! With five to six empty cans you can get a full one!
Eat peasoup on Thursdays! And put mustard and onion soup in it! And pancake for dessert.
Wear white socks with sandals! C’mon, this might be your only time in Finland!
Eat salmiakki! You don't like it? Eat more!
Don't hesitate to ask Finns anything. They are helpful, and it's always funny to listen to them talk
Mika Häkkinen Finnish.
Don't snooze wake-up alarms! If you are snoozing the alarm for one hour, why don't you just put
the alarm later? It doesn't make any sense!!!
No candies before dinner, eat your vegetables, don't stay out too late, no watching tv after 12...
Most important: Have fun!
Supertutor signs out.
- Joonas
Campus Olympics
What you (hopefully) didn’t miss!
The very first big event organized for all the newcomers, also the perfect chance to get to know
nearly everybody else’s faces. The tutors organized several checkpoints around the University
Campus area consisting on traditional Finnish activities such as nokia throwing or wife carrying,
among classics like rope pulling or broken telephone line. Our very own Supertutor was in
charge of the grilling, so he was to blame if your makkara was not well done or your corn was
over burnt. Those staying for a whole year, stayed tuned for the mystic Wappulympic Games!
All Photos by Veera Mustajoki
Welcoming party at Teekkari Sauna
Photo by Veera Mustajoki
Fuksi Wunde Runde 08
You’ll have to ask one of your German friends what does the actual word mean, but at least I can
tell you that this really is the biggest (and craziest) event organized especially for you fuksis! The
idea was to have a ‘rally’ in the city, where you had to gather a team and go find different
checkpoints to perform various tasks in order to get points. Easier said than done, right? Don’t
forget to add the teekkari flavor to it. Traditionally fuksis work hard to develop a team spirit and
create their very own costumes for the event, along with a song or choreography, or both. So
judges can appreciate their effort even if they don’t succeed completely with the checkpoints’
tasks. But hey did I say judges? I meant “teekkaris willing to be bribed”, because one of the
beauties of these students events is that bribing the judges is completely legal, and to be honest,
even recommendable.
All Photos by Veera Mustajoki
What you (hopefully) didn’t miss!
Finland = sauna. We all should know that even coming here for the first time. But then there’s
teekkarisauna, an almost holy place to enjoy, have good time with your friends and sing out loud
while letting the hot steam burn your naked sweaty body. We announced here the winners of the
International Food Party competition, where French food delighted us with their typical dishes. In
case you’re curious, Spain was the 2nd place, being the voting difference only 3 if I remember
Follow your free spirit!
”Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing”
Helen Keller, American writer and social activist
A narrow, sinuous road is taking us towards the
south coast. The sun is burning the Crimean land.
After the whole week of trekking in local mountains
we felt a need of swimming in the Black Sea. No
longer waiting we packed up our rucksacks, rolled up
the tents and went out on the road with thumbs up.
Today we had a luck. After just one hour of waiting
we made a 60 kilometer jump across the wilderness.
It’s not so bad considering a total lack of any public
transport going from Simferopol to Feodosiia today.
Somewhere in 2/3 of the way to Feodosiia we had to
wait again but not longer than 15 minutes to get a
pick-up carrying watermelons. Now we almost got to
Sudak – the place all of us was dreaming the whole
hot day.
- смотрите там, на левом! – our watermelon driver
is trying to show us something pointing it with his
Photo by Piotrek Latusek
- лягушка!
No one of us understands Russian but we can immediately recognize a frog-like looking rock he was pointing
at. Without knowing each other we’re travelling together trying to learn as much as possible about the other
culture. There’s actually a lively discussion between us during which our hands are showing what is not
translated in our small dictionary.
Along the years hitchhiking had build it’s own culture having special rules every hitchhiker should follow, it’s
own music, literature, clubs and even competitions. After all having it’s loyal fans all around the World. If you
think hitchhiking declined nowadays just read this article to discover how big mistake you committed
groundlessly assuming it. On the other hand if you do not know a lot about this mean of transport but you
would like to try it one day obligatory read it right now! :-)
Let’s say we even have a free transport but what about sleeping? How can we spend the whole month
travelling here and there if we don’t have enough money to pay for accommodation? Of course, you can
always take a tent but why not to try something new which is additionally far more thrilling (and is also for
free)? What is this and how to use it you can read in the second part of this article.
Continues in page 7...
The Road Culture
If there's a road, there have to be some vehicles on it...
This is the first law of hitchhiking. The second is: ”Sooner or later one of them will pick you up”. Although
these two laws are universal and thus true everywhere in the World, the waiting time for ”the right driver”
differs across countries and regions. Comparing to other regions it is quite easy to hitchhike in Europe. If you
know some tricks it can be easy even in northern Finland :-) Believe me!
So what are the tricks?
First of all you have to choose a good place.
Drivers should see you from a distance, so choose a straight road. If you are hitchhiking during the
night or evening, first of all choose a light place.
There has to be enough place for a driver to stop (road shoulder, bus stops etc.)
Hitchhiking on a road where cars are going 100 km/h is not effective. Better stand on the entrance
to this road or near an intersection where cars are slowing down. It’s also a good idea to stand on
the exit from a parking or gas station.
It is sometimes worth to walk 2 or 3 km to find such place. If you are already in a car, a driver may know a
vicinity pretty good so you can ask him if one
can leave you in a hitchhike friendly place.
If you already have a good place but it seems
nobody wants to stop, you can try to use an
”active” way of hitchhiking. Try to ask
somebody on a gas station or a parking if one
can take you where you want to go. It works
really good on gas stations by the fast roads like
motorways etc. and on a low populated areas as
well. It is also a good way of getting out of the
city center (traffic lights!).
Drivers don’t like to lose their time just to stop
for somebody going in the other direction, so
prepare a piece of paper indicating where you
want to go. Do not put there a name of a city
Photo by Piotrek Latusek
1000 km away!
Choose the closest bigger town or city. In many countries car plates show what is the home town of the
owner. Although, from Nordic countries only Norway has such plates, in other European countries they are
more common. You can put this two or three letters on your piece of paper. If you want to hitchhike to a
really close place (getting out of a city center), write ”2 km” for example. It will increase your chances,
because local people may also stop for you which normally doesn’t happen.
Is it safe?
Safety of hitchhiking is at the same level as while walking along a pathway. Of course, there can be some
dangerous situations as well but they are not more frequent than when you stay at home. If it happens that a
driver who stopped for you looks suspiciously you don’t have to get in. There is actually only one danger and
you cannot rescue in any way from this. It is called the road virus. As one of the vectors of this virus I can
tell you that it is really pleasant to be infected!
Many gorgeous pages and hours of topping music and movies were created in tribute of road adventure. Only
because it is a question of taste I will name just a few which are my favorite ones.
In music, it is definitely ”Society” by Eddie Vedder which comes from a movie ”Into the Wild”. The movie
directed by Sean Penn was created on the grounds of a book of the same title by Jon Krakauer. Inspired by a
true story of Christopher Johnson McCandless, the book and the movie narrate a story of a young American
wanderer who left all his savings after graduation from a university and began travelling under the name
Alexander Supertramp. During his journey he meets interesting people and has a lot of adventures. By this
trip he wants to demonstrate his contempt for an empty materialism of American society.
Another book I can recommend is ”Led by destiny” by Kinga & Chopin who hitchhiked the World between
October 1998 and September 2003. 5 years in a journey! The book is Kinga’s journal from this trip. There is
also plenty of hitchhiking diaries on the Internet which are often worth reading too. Just to quote one of
” The landscapes of countries so close, like Lithuania and Poland for example, even them seem to me so
different as if the nation living there would give something unique of their own to the surrounding. Ot maybe
it is just my imagination...”
The World is mine!
”So... I finally got where I wished to but can I also use somebody’s house as an accommodation in the same
way I use somebody’s car to get somewhere by hitchhike?”
YES! There are some clubs like Hospitality Club ( and Couch Surfing
( which members can host you for free. To be a member you do not have to offer
accommodation to others (but why not?). How does it work? You are registering on a website and waiting to
be accepted. It usually takes from a couple of hours to 3 months. You have to state if you want to host other
members or not. It is up to you.
As a member you can search for other members in a town you are going to. There is currently more than
430 000 members from 224 countries in HC and more than 780 000 members in 231 countries in CS so you
will find somebody in majority regions of the World. In this number more than 9000 members of HC are from
Finland and 1000 from Tampere! (in CS - 5000 and 370 respectively)
If you already found somebody, feel free to ask for a place to sleep, guiding you in a city or just for some
hints about one’s country. Then, after successful trip, leave a comment on your host’s profile to let others
know that this person was checked by you personally and you enjoyed your stay. It works! At least in Czech
Republic, Finland and Ukraine where I was using these clubs until now ;-)
Get INTO cultures!
Nothing can teach you more than travelling but be careful! Do not just pass the places! Touch their culture,
read something about a place you ‘re going to visit. Talk to drivers while hitchhiking, they are always the best
guides. To give a strong example, during one of my journeys I had a driver who happened to be a nephew of
retired Black Sea Fleet captain. He took us directly to Sevastopol, called his uncle who arrived in a short time
and showed us a museum of the Black Sea Fleet! He even paid for our entrance fee there! Such moments are
unforgettable and I wish all of you a lot of them!
Piotrek Latusek
Hospitaliy Club & Coach Surfing user: pietras
If you are interested in a loose meeting with a chat about journeys, some photos from the road (and probably
beer), write an email on or leave me a message on Skype – latusekpiotr.
What’s playing on INTO’s radio
My Drive Thru
Casablancas, Santogold and N.E.R.D.
The perfect superstar collaboration that still leaves the taste of the summer in our heads, despite the rain
pouring outside these Paawola windows.
Never miss a beat
Kaiser Chiefs
The leader of this british act just stated that their 2nd effort was “the wrong album recorded at the wrong
time. Their third one seems to be fixing that, and this catchy leading single is a good proof to that.
Having dropped their signature (mexican-northern) signature sound for Barracuda, their recently released
new album, they included this suspiciously named track which is still fun to listen anyways.
Left Behind
These brazillians visited Finland not so long ago, and for what we heard the gig was amazing. The 2nd
single off their new album is so sticky that it doesn’t seem to be going away off our heads anytime soon.
How much do you really know about Teekkaris
and INTO?
Ok, This is how it works; answer all the questions without looking at the results on the next page. You get one
point for each correct answer. After that count your points and depending on what range you fall in you will
get some feedback regarding the ”Quality and Quantity” of your knowledge about Teekkaris and Teekkari
1. During this year’s Wappu eve, how many people fit in the last bus #30 going downtown after Paawola’s
a) 30
b) 15
c) 1
d) 0
2. How does one know if a Teekkari has graduated?
a) He has a job
b) He knows that he does not have to drink all the free booze served
c) He knows everything
d) He can remember the value of Pi with an accuracy of 15 decimals
3.How are fuksis initiated as Teekkaris?
a) They bungee jump from Näsinneula tower
b) They are dipped in the Tammerkoski river
c) They have to survive in the Herwood woods without any human contact for a week
d) They have to make a Jäynä (practical joke) to the UTA people
4. What is the most valuable property that the Student Union owns?
a) CINOLA-movie theater
b) Teekkarisauna
c) Huuma night club
d) Särkänniemi amusement park
5.INTO club room is located in...?
a) Bommari
b) Rakennustalo
c) Mikontalo
d) Germany
6. Which is the best cruise in the ever?
a) Loveboat
b) Making of Love—Boat
c) Gentleboat
d) Cuddleboat
7. Altogether, how many countries have the board members of INTO visited this year?
a) 1
b) 6
How much do you really know about Teekkaris and
8.How many fuksipoints are required for a fuksi to become a Teekkari at Wappu?
a) 2000
b) 50
c) ∞
d) 300
9.How many students are there altogether studying (or hanging around) TUT?
a) 30000
b) 12000
c) 23543
d) 5000
10. Which of these is a club for international students?
So, did you manage to answer all the questions without cheating?. If so, check the answers at the bottom of
this page, you might have to turn it around so you can read the answers. Each correct question counts for
one point, if the answer is incorrect you get zero points.
How did you do?
0-3 points
Ok, you know nothing about teekkaris but we're all here to learn, right? So don't be shy and try to hang out
more with those crazy Finns.
4-7 points
You're doing well! Nobody is born wise but time will enlighten you all about teekkari culture. If it doesn't,
well... ask us! We're always glad to help.
8-10 points
Excellent! All of our respect to you. If you're not already a teekkari, then you are being a really good fuksi and
Correct answers: d, b, b, b, b, a, d, d, b, b
How to start working in Finland
Studying in Finland as international student is great. You get to know a lot of
different people in lectures and in spare time, you travel a lot and you enjoy all
activities around you. After feeling home most of us think about the possibility to
have a job here. The motivations for that are different. Some people need
money to finance their stay, other people would like to gain work experience
abroad and others want to build up their career and might even stay in Finland.
Finding a job in Finland depends on your study background, the type of job you
are looking for and your language skills.
Good news for programmers and automation engineers. There are plenty of
jobs in Finland even without speaking Finnish. Corporations such as the local
mobile phone producer themselves and their suppliers offer a wide range of
possibilities. There are also recruitment agencies such as Aarresaari that have
lot of job offers for IT engineers.
These jobs bring money, work experience abroad in your field and might enable good career opportunities.
Those who have no full command of Finnish, C++, C#, XML, JAVA, Perl, Symbian, Matlab or other
important languages have to know what they would like to achieve with their job. In case you just need
money there are jobs such as paper boy for Aamulehti or Metro magazine. Cleaning jobs are often
unexpectedly difficult to get because you need to have good command of Finnish because you have to
understand warning signs. You might drink from the wrong bottle.
Finland has not a big traineeship culture. Students have 3 months summer break in which they work. Most
of them start their early works in production like assembling parts or chop chickens in food factories. Later
on they look for other jobs or climb in the company hierarchy so that when they graduate they have a good
position where they can continue.
International students unfortunately do not have this history and neither the networks. Therefore you have
to be really active to get a good social network containing lot of international contacts but most of all Finnish
people. You can get info about jobs through Finnish friends. Often employers show potential candidates to
their colleagues and ask their feedback. Finland is a small country so the chances are high that one of your
Finnish friends might be a colleague of the person that hires you.
If you apply at home you have to know what job you want and what not. Unfortunately the same applies in
Finland. Sending applications advertising one can do every job as long as it helps the company is not
attractive for any employer. They have to see the benefit and how your skills might help them. This is
actually not an easy task for a lot of students to point out what they want because of the vast amount of
The biggest skills of internationals are their language and cultural knowledge of their home land. There are
a lot of jobs for sales people. Not everybody is made for sales, that’s true, but starting in sales enables to
get to know the company and to show your skills on other tasks. Therefore you should keep in mind that in
order to get to a position you would like you can start with another job.
Continues in following page...
How to start working in Finland
One interesting point if you plan to stay longer in Finland is to look for work in your own country. It sounds
paradox that you have to leave Finland to stay. But most big Finnish companies have subsidiaries in other
countries. Gaining work experience in your own country in a Finnish company gets you in the system. Three
months of work in your home country can be better than doing summer studies or a job out of your study
By now you noticed that the Finnish language has appeared just a couple of times although one should think
that this is the biggest barrier in finding a job. As you noticed it highly depends on the job. Positions such as
project management with high amount of communication require Finnish even though most of the Finnish
companies claim that their working language is English. Otherwise big companies have the advantage that
they employ foreigners with all levels of Finnish skills. Medium and small businesses in Finland do not
employ many foreigners because they are usually family businesses and act locally.
However, technical start up companies which start their business for example in Hermia need to go
international immediately to place their products. There a foreign person with knowledge of the target
market is very important and almost invaluable.
It reduces the time to settle in the targeted market. You can mention that when applying to a job and
describe how you would strengthen the business of your future employer.
You might wonder how much Finnish you have to speak. As mentioned before it depends on the job. Some
do not need any skills and other jobs high skills. When applying for a job where you are not talking to
Finnish customers you should understand the job descriptions, write your application and CV in Finnish and
survive the interview in Finnish. For jobs with high customer interaction you should be fluent in the
As a summary, know what you want, know who you are and tell your future employer how he can benefit
from you. Try to learn a bit of Finnish even if you don’t need it for work. Finns appreciate the afford and it
opens you a lot of doors.
INTO Chairman 07-08
Finnish phrases of this issue
For use on a person who is in a bad mood for some reason:
-Joku on tainnut syödä ärrimurrimuroja! (= Someone may have eaten "ärrimurri"cereals!)
-Luunappi möksöttäjälle! (its difficult to translate, but it means to giff a kind of slap (doesn't mean to
hurt) for person who is sulking)
Thanks to Lauri for these phrases!, We suggest trying them out so you can see the reaction on your
Finnish friends!
1. If you want to play ice hockey or just skate
Unfortunately winter comes when it comes, normally in December/January, but it’s possible to do
these great sports also before that. There is public skating times in 2 ice halls in Tampere:
In Tesoma Ice hall, address Tuomarinkatu 7 (really west Tampere) all other days,
except Saturday, between 10.15-11.30
In Hervanta ice hall Saturdays 11.15-12.15
In public skating times it is just allowed to skate, so no hockey playing!
Hervanta's ice skating ring is in address Ruovedenkatu 1 , just 15
minutes away walking from Mikontalo and even less from Paawola.
It's underground and it has two rings. Hervanta ice skating ring is
UNDERGROUND. So there's just small building with elevators to go
down and the text JÄÄHALLI (=ice skating ring in Finnish).
Also we can reserve our own ice turns. For students of TUT it's just
10e / hour, so cheap as a sausage! For reserving own ice time you
need to look free time from webtimmi system http:// -> Webtimmi ->
Jäähallit + hae, choose “Hervannan jäähalli kenttä 1” and “-2” and
the day and you see the reservation situation. Then you call to the
office (03) 5656 4888, reserve the time, and you need to go pay it
before! This need to be done at the office of sports of city of
Tampere, address Suvantokatu 4, during office hours. Unfortunately this whole system is in
Finnish, so some tutors help is welcome.
This issue’s sport report!
In Tampere there is many outdoor skating places and a
couple ice skating rings. In winter time it’s easy to find a
place to skate or play, just go to the nearest park and there’s
probably ice and some people skating/playing. In Hervanta
the best place to skate in winter time is sport park next to
Ahvenisjärvi. There’s couple of hockey rings and big area just
for skating. Winter time it’s almost sure that there’s always
people playing ice hockey, so best way is just go there and
ask if you can join them, or then organize enough friends so
that you can make your own games. Of course in these
games you need to remember to be polite, not play too hard
and normally if people ask if they can join, you don’t say no.
2. If you want see other people playing
That’s easy. In Tampere there’s two hockey teams, Tappara and Ilves. and From these two Tappara is the better one :D
Both teams have their home games in Hakametsä ice hall. It is just next to the road to Hervanta
in address Keltinkatu 2. You want to go see games, well you can buy ticket in advance from
Lippupalvelu (use google) or from the ice hall. Games are starting during the week at 18.30 and
in weekends 16.00. Schedule can be found from teams home pages or from
Photos from
This issue’s sport report!
Bad thing about reserving own times is that there is not so many good times. All afternoons and
weekends are full, so basically only options is during the week when we should be in lectures.
If you are so good player that you want to play with people who know what they are doing,
there’s two possibilities:
Hiki Hockey is ice hockey team of the University. They are having regular training
and games in some division level. To join the team, you actually do need to know
how to play something, but you can always go to one training to try out
Insinöörinkadun oilers is groups of people from school who just go to play every now
and them because it’s fun. So they are not so good, but know something. With
them protections are not needed. How to contact them, well no idea. Use POP
search or just go to ice hall when they have time (When is it, that can be seen
from Webtimmi system)
Basic info about skates:
There's is two type of skates. Hockey skates and figure skates.
Figure skates are those one's what they use in Olympics figure skating etc.
Main difference is that in figure skates, there are these spikes in front.
That makes the whole skating technique different. Mostly in Finland, girls
are using figure skates and boys hockey skates, but actually i would
recommend hockey skates for all. They are better and easier (In my opinion). Figure skates cost
normally about 30 euros.
Hockey skates are those they use in ice hockey. They are simple and easy to
There are skates for boys and girls sizes, and many times you can find them
for 40-60e.
When buying new skates, they need to be sharpened. It's very important,
without sharpening, it's really really difficult to skate. Normally shops should do
it when you buy them, just remember to ask! Some shops don't have the
machine, so then you can go to shoemaker.. In hervanta there are at least two
places: shoemaker in duo, and one M&M bike repairing shop in Opiskelijankatu 14.
Sharpening costs normally about 6e.
Hockey sticks are also 2 different, right and left side. It's which hand you
keep lower in the stick. Most right handed people are playing "left", but just choose what feels
more natural.
Into has some sticks which i will bring when we go to play, but always more sure to bye own.
Hockey sticks price varies a lot, there sticks of 200e, but no idea to buy one of those, normally
cheapest sticks are about 20e.
Hockey stuff might be also find second hand. For equipment, only thing i know is Kiekkobussi.
It's buss full of used hockey staff and its open wednesdays,thursdays and fridays between 15-18
at Hakametsä, next to the main hockey staduims of Tampere. It also sometimes visits hervanta,
timetable in info at (in Finnish of course).
This issue’s sport report!
3. Where to get skates etc.
Probably the best plays to buy skates is these big shops, Prisma and Citymarket, or maybe the
sport shops next to them.
-Janne Pihlainen (a.k.a Japih)
Wanna drink some fine brews?
A bar, in my experience, more than by definition, is a place to chill, spend time with your friends or strangers
and even play some board games. Some of you might not be so tempted to drink at bars since drink prices
are several times higher than a drink at home. Anyhow, every visit that you pay to a bar will be an unique
experience, where everything can happen.
I dare you to try, at least once each of the places I recommend next:
O’Connels – A piece of Ireland in Tampere
The best Irish pub in the city, so if you feel like getting a grabbing a fine Irish beer
this is “the place”. Guinness, Finger Bishop, Spitfire, you name it, they will have it.
Widely recommended place to watch football and hockey matches with your pals.
Special: Super Tuesdays of student discounts on some beers and ciders.
My advice: Go there on Tuesdays evening, grab a beer, get some pistachios, sit in a sofa and RELAX.
Ale Pub – Cheap drinks, always “an experience”
As its name mentions it (Ale = Offer). Prices on drinks are the cheapest in town,
or at least downtown. For example, Lapin Kulta III would cost you only 2.50. The
place is filled with all kind of people, so it fulfills a wide range of
expectations.Alternative and Rock music played through the night in addition to
some finnish hits.
Pros: This is the original and only one “Ale Pub”.
Cons: This is one of the few places where you can still smoke inside, in the smoking area, which is not really
an area but half of the bar. So prepare yourself to have some smoked clothes next day.
My advice: Be there on Friday or Saturday before 9 an grab a table get some beers and start talking to the
Oluthuone – Nice beer selection
Small and warm place, which makes it a kind of personal bar. It is possible to find a wide
selection of local brewed beers. Beer selection contains: Plevnan Vaalea Pils, Plevnan Tumma,
Stout, Bock, Tähti IV, Vehnä and IPA. In this bar you will get for what you pay for.
My advice: Go there with some friends, drink any of those beers in mentioned above and chill.
In my next review: Plevna, Ale Bar, Kultainen Apina and Ale Puppi
-Roberto Rodriguez
MSc. Machine Automation
What’s cooking in our Kitchen
Speghetti aglio e olio (Spaghetti garlic and oil)
- 1/2 kg spaghetti
- 2-3 piece of garlic
- 1/2 glass of oil
- 1-2 spoon of salt
Put water in a pot (enough for 1/2 Kg of spaghetti) and wait that
it boil.
When it boil add 1-2 spoon of salt.
Put 1/2 kg spaghetti in the pot and take care how many minutes
for cook.
In the meanwhile put 2-3 piece of garlic in a pan with 1/2 glass of oil, fries them for a few minutes,
until tha garlic begin to fry. Put off the pan from the fire.
When spaghetti are cooked, drain them and then put in the pan with garlic and oil.
Cook for 1-2 minutes mixing all together.
That's all!
Kadin Budu Koftesi (Lady's Thigh Meatballs)
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1 lbs. semi-fat ground meat
3/4 cup olive oil
2 onions
2 tbls. uncooked rice
3-4 tbls. margarine
1/4 bunch parsley
5 eggs
3 tbls. flour
What’s cooking in our Kitchen
Saute the chopped onions and 1/2 of the ground meat with 1
tbls. margarine.Boil the rice in lots of water till soft, drain and
allow to cool.Remove meat from heat, add the rest of the
ground meat, the rice, chopped parsley, salt, black pepper, and
3 eggs and knead well. Take egg-sized pieces of the mixture
and form into oval shapes.Put half of the flour on a tray. Place
meatballs on the tray and sprinkle the rest of the flour over
Beat 2 eggs in a bowl, coat the meatballs with beaten eggs 20
minutes before the meal and fry them in a pan containing 3/4
glass of heated olive oil, till golden. Take meatballs off the pan with a perforated spoon, draining them well,
and place on a serving plate.
Serve with french fries as an accompaniment!
-Devrim Günyel
Pasta Carbonara
Pasta carbonara is one of the most lovely ways you can eat pasta.
There are many variants. I try to present a simple way to prepare it using cheap ingredients you can easily
find in any supermarket.
Ingredients (4 portions)
500 gr. Spaghetti
4/5 Eggs
Aroung 200gr. Bacon in cubes
Some Parmigian cheese (or hard sheep cheese)
What’s cooking in our Kitchen
Put the water on and wait until it reaches the cook point. Add some salt so that the water reaches a nice,
little bit salty taste. Put the Spaghetti in the water and cook as long as needed (usually around 10 minutes).
You can read the cooking time on the pasta package. Don't forget that the pasta must be al dente, not
overcooked! Do not throw the spaghetti on the wall or such stuff, it does not actually work very well. Do not
break the spaghetti when you put them in the water.If they would be supposed to be shorter than you could
buy them shorter in the supermarket, right? :) Wait a little bit until they become easier to flex and put them
fully under water.
While the Spaghetti are cooking it's time to prepare the sauce and the bacon.Brown the bacon in a pan with
some oil. Wait until the color changes to a mild red/rosa and turn off the stove.
Take the 4 yellow parts of the eggs and mix them up with some salt (not too much as both water and bacon
already contain it) and peppar. Add just a little bit of cream and a lot of parmigian cheese. Remember that
the sauce must NOT be too liquid, otherwise you will have to drink it instead than eat! When the Spaghetti
are ready (remember: al dente), take the water off and put them in a pan. Slowly add the sauce turning the
pasta all the time and at the end add the bacon.
Serve the dish when it's still HOT. A cold carbonara is nothing you want to try.
Hyvää ruokahalua - Enjoy your meal - Buon appetito! :)
-Danilo Pederiva
TITE Guild
Do you know that there is a place where IT international students and IT finnish students can
meet each other? You can go to this place, try the comfortable sofa, drink something, chat with
your mates and have some relaxing time, if you want.
Always in this place, there is a lot of interesting "IT material"...
But the most important thing is that you can have the most beautiful overall of TUT: the BLACK
one!!! Don't be shy and join to the TITE Guild!
TiTe's guild room is located in the basement of A-wing at the end of the
corridor. You can get into the basement via the spiral stairs behind the
coat racks in Tietotalo.
The room number is TA015.
How to Survive a winter in Finland
Perhaps this is the most asked question I’ve ever had to answer. The answer is not good news for you: It is
damn difficult but it is possible.
First let’s start by the fact that in
Finland the winter starts before
anyone notices, and ends… well
until it is hot again. This would mean
in any other country that winter
ends in Spring, but here, lets say
some time around May.
If you were here in July you would
remember the endless days. Today
is just the start of November and the
endless is the nights. The cold and
rain will make you feel the winter in
your bones, but the lack of sunlight
is what will make you feel depressed
and tired all the time.
Photo from
Now that we know our common enemies let’s attack them one by one
The lack of sunlight decreases the amount of the vitamin D that the body produces, in addition it reduces
levels of serotonin (you feel sleepy). If you want to have a happy winter make sure you go to the library once
a day and visit the light room. In this room, which also has a coffee selling machine, has a lamp which
irradiates light similar to the sunlight. Sit close to the lamp, around 1 or 2 feet away for 8 to 10 minutes. You
don’t need to stare directly (I don’t recommend that), but the light should be in your peripheral vision.
This will give you an energy boost and increase you vitamin D levels. In addition to that consider to buy a
multivitamin from the local supermarket to avoid any flu and fever.
In order to beat the cold and rain, the next list might be helpful:
• Use a good jacket.
• User scarf, it is really useful.
• Get some warm gloves ( girls, this is a must for you).
• Use sweater under your jacket.
• Get a pair of comfortable, not slippery warm and water proof shoes (Goretex is a plus)
My last two advices are:
• Be sure of not passing out in the outdoors when is below 0 degrees. It is really dangerous.
• Don’t EVER EVER eat yellow snow.... Unless you can visually prove that the yellowness comes from a
dripping beer barrel... Which is highly unlikely.
Happy and white winter to everyone!!!
-Roberto Rodriguez
MSc. Machine Automation
Love Boat Ultimatum: The Swedish Bees
As a student here in Tampere, and specially as a student of TUT you get the opportunity to
participate in many different kinds of events. Out of all these events there is one in particular that
has transcended international boundaries both figuratively and literally. The event I speak of, is of
course, the famous/infamous/crazy/entertaining and most fun in the ever "Love Boat". The fact
that "fresh international fuksis" start asking about the "Love Boat" even before they even settle in
Tampere is just one of many signs of the magnitude of this event. You might also have noticed
that when you tell Finns that you were on the Love Boat the first thing they ask is: " What was the
name of the boat?", the answer is of little consequence since whatever you answer they will say
something like: " Ohh yes.... its Viking Line right??" answer which is always accompanied by either
a quick smile of funny remembrances.... or a grimace of a particularly crazy and drunken trip. If
you've noticed these things you might have also wondered... "What the hell happens on that trip
that everyone feels the need to tell everyone he meets how much fun he had?" This is my story...
It all starts, usually, with an email, a big poster and a huge amount of expectation, you've heard
some of the stories and you get the gist of what the whole trip is about, or you naively think that
you are actually going to Stockholm and that the boat trip is just the way to get there. You've
heard of the "cheap" booze, the "cheap" chocolate and the "cheap" everything else they sell in the
'oh so mentioned' tax free store on the ship. As this was my second "Love Boat" I knew what the
whole thing was about... and I kinda bypassed all these unreal initial thoughts... however... no
matter how mentally prepared you are for it, you'll ALWAYS be surprised since the thing about the
Love Boat is, that every time is different and unique. Sure, the concept remains the same... but
the variants are the beauty of it!!
So you get on this bus that takes you to
Helsinki, if you know the drill, you take
your handy pair of headphones and your
mp3 player to avoid the 2 hours of
constant annoying love boat
background/elevator music. If you don't
know the drill you will probably feel like
killing a member of the crew at some
After the pleasant ( or unpleasant) trip
to Helsinki you impatiently wait to get of
the bus and get on the boat. Once on
the boat the first thing you should do is
go to your cabin.
Photo by some random chick
using Roberto Camp’s camera
After reaching your cabin, there are various options from which you can choose from; you can go
explore your surroundings while your still sober, so you can find your way back ”home”, or you
can get to know your cabin mates, in case you don’t know them yet. On this particular experience,
one of my cabin mates proposed a game in which we would mention an animal that started with
the same letter as our name and had a similar attribute22
Love Boat Ultimatum: The Swedish Bees
To that of our personality... This was not an easy task, even sober it was hard to think of an
animal that had both things at the same time. In my case, I chose a Reindeer, which ironically has
the same tendency as me to see cars on the highway and still get in their way to get run over...
Not that I do that literally... :-p
Anyways, instead of ranting on....
After settling on the boat we waited for the tax free to open so we could buy our booze, you know,
the cheap beer that your not supposed to drink but you do so anyways. So I bought 2 Karhu 24
packs, because buying two together was cheaper than buying them separately and I took them to
our cabin, where one of my wise Finnish cabin mates used a trick with the trash can and some
water to cool our drinks :-D.
And so the party began... You start drinking, making rounds around the cabins, seeing people you
know, meeting new ones until the time for the buffet!. Even though the party usually starts when
you start drinking, the 2 hour ”all you can eat, all you can drink, beer, wine, cider included buffet”
is the one that really gets you started.
Photo by Veera Mustajoki
After 2 or more months of University
food eating on the Boat is like heaven,
no rice, no potatoes, condimented food,
fish, meat, more meat and above all...
Desserts! So you eat like there is no
tomorrow, and you drink like you’ve
been on a desert island for weeks and
they just rescued you... Only... Your
getting dehydrated because your mainly
drinking alcohol. Once they kick you out
of the buffet, because that’s almost
exactly what they do, you are most
likely buzzed or drunk.
Between the rockin of the boat and the alcohol bouncing in your stomach you get to a nice
drunken level in which you wander from cabin to cabin making rounds, drinking more, going to the
disco, dancing a while and going back to the cabins. And ironically... That’s all there is to it, only
you have a lot more fun than usual...
The next day can be either horrible or terribly horrible, mainly because your really hungover. You
get a ”tour” around the city and they drop you off somewhere that is not the ”Old city” of
Stockholm. And this is probably the most important part of the trip... At least it was for me... The
rest of the trip can GREATLY depend on who you roam the city with. Personally I think I ended up
with the best possible people on the boat. It was thanks to them, that the Infamous Swedish bee’s
were born: Bumblebee, Grumpy Bee, Hippie Bee, King Bee and Mici Mouse(mispelled on purpose)
a mouse with a bee complex.
Continued on the next page...
Love Boat Ultimatum: The Swedish Bees
One of the most fun and amusing things I did was walk in the streets of Stocholm wearing a bee
hat and having people stare at us. Watching people try to conceal their smile, but no quite
accomplishing it was really fun. Having some randome foreigners all exicited asking us to take a
picture with them. It was all awesome... Until the alcohol starts wearing off and wearing that hat in
the middle of the day in a strange city doesn’t seem to be such a good idea as it was earlier.
Fortunately or unfortunately that was just the beginning. To complete our ”not yet so Swedish”
costume we bought some really gay looking shirts to fulfill the real ”Swedish look”.
After surviving the city we walked back to the boat and went straight to sleep. Once awake I
started mentalizing myself for another crazy night. Once I met the other bee’s, I realized they
already had the costume on and I had to remedy that as soon as possible. After suiting up we
buzzed around the boat all night, drinking everything we could and had an awesome time going up
to the disco and down to the cabins a few times, and with a few drinks and shots in between; then
blackout starts... And I woke up in my cabin, in my bed. I can’t remember details, but at some
point I remember having a word fight with someone which I believe now dislikes me greatly. A few
days later someone told me they saw me sleeping on the floor of the cabin floors, but as there is
no evidence... I refuse to believe it!! (If anyone who reads this has some sort of evidence contact
me ASAP so we can... Reach an arrangement...)
To conlcude this long and probably boring article I’ll leave you with a list of things you should
remember for your next Love Boat:
Don’t limit yourself to your friends, meet new people, drink with new people
Beware of women 40+... If your’e not careful you might regret it
Choose well the people you roam Stockholm with, they can greatly define how much fun you
Drink without worries, if you have good friends you’ll be fine, if not, the worse that can
happen is waking up in the boat jail
If you have suicidal tendencies don’t get drunk cuz you’ll probably want to jump of the boat
Listen to your Captain and Crew, they know best
And remember, what happens in Love Boat, stays on the Boat!!!
-Roberto Camp
INTO Editor
Aries 21 March - 19 April
Avoid happy thoughts, they'll only bring you down with a crash. You may think that starting fresh on Monday
would be of some comfort, but it really won't be.
Parts of you feel like giving up the ghost today, but feeding those parts with ice-cream and bacon bits may
revive them, to an extent. Love will come your way if you let it. If you don't it'll hit you over the head and run
away really fast.
Taurus 20 April - 20 May
Phrase your platitudes carefully today or your charlatan-like behaviour may find you out. Your weaknesses may
turn out to be your strengths today, and you'll find yourself easily swayed by nonsense that you read online.
You will feel cleansed this week after a visit to an oncologist that ends happily. Or at least, you'll prefer to think
of it like that, though your nightmares may last until Autumn of next year. Romance is definitely in the air this
month, although you may find it clouded by other emotions.
Gemini 21 May - 21 June
Creeping around on your tip-toes is all very well and good, but driving like that is just going to give you sore
feet. This year may seem to have started as you intended, but what's happened since, eh? Nothing. You
haven't done anything. Get out there and get something sorted! Horrible smells and green patches on your
body might make your day turn sour.
You are disgusted with yourself today because yet again you missed an opportunity to put things right between
yourself and your lover. Next year will see the start of something great for you. This year will not be so good. You'll see when the
time comes.
Cancer 22 June - 22 July
Gambling with your possessions always seems like a good idea at the time. However, you should be aware that
much of your meddling will eventually lead to a loss of limbs for someone. Your friends won't forgive you if you
don't take the opportunity you are presented with.
Crazy people have been known to fantasize about people out of their league before committing heinous acts.
Make sure that if you're going to fantasize that it's about someone who is as desperate as you before
committing those heinous acts.
Leo 23 July - 22 August
Drunken people are usually a good way of entertaining yourself whilst you're waiting for public transport. Laugh
and the world laughs at you. Or at least, it'll seem like that this week. Your suspicions may prove correct today
as you super-sleuth your way around the office.
Your resolve to wait until you are married is very creditable. Just don’t think about the years wasted where you
could have been doing ”it”. This is a test horoscope. You should never receive this unless for some reason you
are at odds with the stars. Are you at odds?
Virgo 23 August - 22 September
Any deliveries you receive may turn out to be blessings in disguise this week. Watch out for incorrect addresses.
Grey is definitely the colour of the week for you - although next week's special colours will be an interesting
mixture of black, blue and deep, deep red.
Tenderness ought to be tried whenever possible. Curvy, gorgeous, lascivious...those are your 3 words of the
day. Although for you they might be associated with nothing.
Libra 23 September - 23 October
Ketchup and Catsup are essentially the same thing. But a brown-sauce is not always a brown-sauce. Your aim
to drink 10-15 litres of water today may come crashing down on you when you're stuck in traffic later this
Love is a wonderful thing that can truly change your life for the better. However, the chances of this happening
to you anytime before lunch tomorrow are so remote that you might as well quit pretending that you're well liked, go home and eat
ice-cream until your brain freezes.
Scorpio 24 October - 21 November
Opportunity is waiting around every corner. All you've got to do is catch up with him, put him in a big box and
beat him with big sticks. Pants, socks, t-shirts, sweaters. These are all parts of your wardrobe. Remember this.
Paper with little squiggles on it will find its way into your pocket today.
The best you could ever really hope for will appear to you today in a day dream. Although this vision may
appear to look like you with a handlebar moustache, the truth is even more frightening. Have a good day. Hat buying could serve
you well today as a potential relationship sparks up in a hat shop. Specifically, you'll be looking at hats. Your potential partner may
be looking at gloves. You may discuss why a hat shop sells gloves.
Sagittarius 22 November - 21 December
Going to the movies is an excellent way to spend your final hours. I mean, final hours of the day, obviously.
Not of your life. Bask in the glory of your achievements today.
A taxi-line may be a surprising place for love to strike today. And of course, you'll be parted without getting
each others phone numbers or having any chance of meeting again because they just arrived on the train and
don't live anywhere near here. Still, love can do that, can't it? One of the problems with getting your own way
with love is that sometimes you have to be a bit evil. Thing is - you're a natural, that's all.
Capricorn22 December - 19 January
Prepare to gape widely at the beautiful horror you'll experience this month. Peterborough will feature high on
the agenda tomorrow, although the reason for this may not become immediately apparent. In fact,
Peterborough may not appear to feature at all. However, it does. It has been seen. Love is like a big joke
where the punchline doesn't make any sense. Because even after your friends explain it to you it still won't
make any sense. But it'll happen and it'll make you feel pretty good about yourself.
Aquarius 20 January - 18 February
Your daily rituals are what keeps you going. Avoid the temptation to change your ways, lest you become half
the person you are today. You have a very positive outlook on life that may have to shift slightly to fit in with a
new persona that may be forced onto you today.
You may find love in unexpected places, however, it is equally likely that you'll find love on e-bay, for sale at
low, low prices. A beautiful woman will turn your head today and make you think whether you're as committed
as you ought to be.
Pisces 19 February - 20 March
Boxes that you have lying around may become useful for any storage. There is no word "ecseterar". And it's
*definitely* not abbreviated as ect. Hilarity may ensue this week if you decide to hire a clown on Thursday
To say that love is dumb is just acknowledging the fact that love hasn't affected you in the way you need it to.
You do have romance in your heart but it needs to be released. Relax all your muscles, perhaps excluding any sphincters, and then
tense them all again. Then relax again. Now go get 'em! To love is to show someone how ridiculous you can be when you let your
guard down. Some people find that attractive. Some people think you're a lush who's too damned easy.
Sincerly, your international Psychic:
- Roberto Rodriguez
Zodiac signs obtained from
Staff & Thank u’s
Initial cover design– Dean Liao
Actual cover design— Enrique Sánchez
Photographer— Veera Mustajoki
Web Designer— Piermaria Armenti
Moral support and recipes— Danilo Pederiva
Proofreaders— Guillermo Rdz & Roberto Camp
Typesetting— Roberto Camp
Editing— Roberto Camp
I would like to thank everyone who participated in putting this magazine together, first of all our magazine staff
for giving me the intial support I needed, both in starting things up by getting articles and recipes and by
showing their interest in this project. Second I’d like to thank all the people who took the time to write an article
for this magazine, kudos to you all!. Another thanks to our lovely photographer whose pictures made the layout
of the magazine much more lively and awesome. And last but not least I would like to thank my best friend
Enrique for taking the time to help me out with the magazine cover all the way from Mexico. Even though his
”too cool” cover made me remake the whole layout of the magazine I believe it was for the best.
Thank you all once again! :-)
Editor s Comic (geeky) choice for this issue...