Visions Volume VIII - Book of Destiny EUniverse
Visions Volume VIII - Book of Destiny EUniverse
Visions Volume VIII A Collection of 56 Articles from The Voice of the Seven Thunders Newsletter by Robert Lee Camp and Seven Thunders Publishing and friends Visions Volume VIII A Collection of 42 Articles from The Voice of the Seven Thunders Newsletter by Robert Lee Camp and Seven Thunders Publishing and friends Copyright 2007 by Robert Lee Camp and Seven Thunders Publishing Company All rights reserved Seven Thunders Publishing Company P.O. Box 18959 Asheville, NC 28814 email: 2 Table of Contents From the September, 2005 Newsletter The Pluto Gateway Our Peephole into Reality Reflections on the Critical Year 5 8 10 From the November, 2005 Newsletter Making Accurate Predictions Liar Liar The Price of Gas and Gold 12 14 18 From the January, 2006 Newsletter The Crown Line Transcending Your Cards Vedic Astrology and 2005 and 2006 19 22 23 From the March, 2006 Newsletter Star Gazing The Hidden Cards in Your Yearly Spreads From Wanting to Having The Mysterious Ace of Spades 26 27 29 31 From the May, 2006 Newsletter The Cards of Spiritual Growth Your Intra-Day Planetary Periods Donald Rumsfeld 33 35 38 From the July, 2006 Newsletter Understanding the Sevens Hidden Treasure in Your Relationships Being Intentional Divine Timing and Dreams 39 41 42 44 From the September, 2006 Newsletter If I Were King The Fours and Their Struggles Celebrity Update 45 49 50 From the November, 2006 Newsletter Mel Gibson, the One-Eyed Jack Born Around Midnight? The Card Archetypes The Life That We Make 52 52 54 56 3 From the January, 2007 Newsletter Living Large or Small Lindsay Lohan Our Galactic Cards 2007 Astrological Predictions 58 59 61 63 From the March, 2007 Newsletter Being a Spiritual Warrior? More on Relationship Connections Becoming a great Card Reader Celebrity Update 64 66 67 70 From the May, 2007 Newsletter About the Nines Your Displacement Card The Cards of Cho Seung-Hui Mass Disasters and Personal Power 71 73 75 76 From the July, 2007 Newsletter The Power of Choice The Power of the Daily Cards The Four of Spades Home Card 78 80 83 4 The Pluto Gateway to Your Life’s Destiny Robert Lee Camp August 14, 2005 The Pluto Card in our Life Spread may very well be the most important card there. When we consider that this is a card of personal transformation that governs our entire lifetime, we begin to see its possible significance. This is especially true for anyone who is consciously following a spiritual path. For them, the Pluto Card represents the greatest personal challenge, the challenge of a lifetime, the hurdle that must be surmounted in order to achieve the most important transformation in their life. Other cards in the Life Spread are important and some point to important life issues that must be resolved. But the Pluto Card is an almost blatant symbol of that which we need to make a personal transformation about. At 52 years of age and having studied my cards for over 15 years, I am just now beginning to fully understand the significance of my Pluto Card. And the more I understand it and bring my attention upon it, the more freedom-giving energies flow into me. Like all other important cards in our life, the Pluto Card only requires our full awareness to be met and dealt with. It is always the lack of awareness in our life that is the problem. Awareness of something will eventually lead to acceptance. And it is the areas of our life where we have turned a blind eye, or are just beginning to gain an awareness of, that present the greatest hurdles to our personal happiness and fulfillment. So, we can safely assume that most of us begin this life with little or no awareness of the issues that our Pluto Card represent. And I would venture to say that most of us live in denial of those issues until, by some divine grace, we are given an inkling of what lies there for us to discover about ourselves. I feel very fortunate at this stage of my life to be receiving some awareness about this important part of my life. I remember when I first was learning the cards, Arnie Lein my first teacher, would tell me that my J♣ (Pluto Card) was the big issue for me in this lifetime (I am a Q♦). When he said it to me, he acted as if I understood what he was talking about. In fact, I did not have any idea except that a negative Jack would probably be a liar and deceptive. As I pondered on it so long ago I could not really connect with the J♣ part of me. I just wasn’t ready at that time. I didn’t know myself well enough yet. A breakthrough occurred a couple of years ago when I realized that the J♣ is also my Decanate Ruling Card (July 3rd). For those who are unaware of what that is, please refer to my book, Visions Volume IV, where there is a complete article on what it is and how to find out what yours is. After seeing this, I began to see how not only do I act like a J♣ in many ways, but also that others relate to me as a J♣. I suppose it was my hanging out with this notion that opened up more awareness of this part of myself. And the more I hung out with it, the more I could see the issues that lie in that part of my personality. I have long recognized that I have a ‘super mind.’ It has served me well in many areas of my life, helping me to learn the cards, learn computer programming, and be clever and witty. However, now I am seeing that this super mind of mine is also a big hurdle. It doesn’t want to let go of its monopoly on my attention. It doesn’t want to stop thinking and just let things be. It wants to keep believing that all the good things in my life have originated from brilliant thinking. And, this brilliant J♣ mind of mine thinks that it has all the answers. But more and more I know that this is not true. As wonderful as my mind is, I am having direct experiences that show me that the good in my life springs from a source outside the control of my mind and thoughts. It comes from a source over which I have no control. But my J♣ mind does not want to embrace that, because it would mean its own death. And yet, I know inside that true liberation will be, for me, through the renunciation of this super mind. What my J♣ mind does have is versatility and cleverness. And these go a long way in the world for various kinds of success. But when it comes to true happiness, it is just a shadow of the real thing. The 5 Jack in me will try to create a fake version of what is real. And on that level, it is a lie, a very subtle but powerful untruth. Good explanations and reasons cannot take the place of love or happiness. The relationship between the Pluto Card and the Cosmic Reward Card, also called the Result Card, is also very important when we are trying to understand this life-long transformation. What I have realized is that the Pluto Card can represent that which is stopping us from realizing the blessings that are being held for us in the Cosmic Reward Card. Something about our Pluto Card is blocking the way, preventing us from realizing perhaps the blessing that will fulfill us more than anything else in our life. My Cosmic Reward Card is the 9♦, which also happens to be my 2nd Karma Card. For me, that card represents the letting go of all attachment to material desires and merging into the infinite abundance of God and the universe. I have been blessed to have experienced this at times in my life - this knowing that I am connected to all things and infinitely blessed. I know it is real and that it is my heritage. But I still deal with my Jack of Clubs ‘monkey mind’ as it has been called and see more than ever that it must someday die and be reborn in the light of truth and surrender to God. It is interesting how similar the Q♦ and Q♣ Life Spreads are. The Q♣ also has a Jack as a Pluto Card and a Nine as the Cosmic Reward Card, in this case the J♥ and 9♣. There is much for them to learn in this regard, about sacrifice for love (Jack of Hearts) that will lead to mental liberation (9♣). In the same way that the Q♦ seeks liberation from attachment to things (9♦), the Q♣ yearns for mental liberation from attachment to thoughts, ideas, points of view. In other words, they yearn to merge with the Universal Mind where they will, of course, have access to all knowledge, and I do mean all. For them, the J♥ is the obstacle to their realization of this. When we think about the J♥, it becomes apparent that this can take several forms. For example, we might say that Q♣ people are born with a disposition that causes them to think that they must make sacrifices in life. This disposition would then cause them to attract to themselves situations in which they find themselves making sacrifices. The J♥ also represents a fixed love nature, and usually one that is fixed on being the sacrificial lamb to those around them. Another way of looking at this as their Pluto Card would be that they need to let go of this tendency towards a martyrtype personality and thoughts, in order to reach the universal mind. All of us have a Pluto Card. When you think about yours, consider for a moment that this card, along with the Cosmic Reward, represent an issue that may take most of your life to come to terms with. In other words, it has a pretty high karmic power. It is a habit or tendency that is so deeply engrained in us that we may go unaware of it most of our life. Then, hopefully, we will become aware of it and begin the process of healing and opening up to the gift of our Cosmic Reward. If someone is under 30 years of age, they may not even relate to the meaning of their Pluto Card. It all depends upon their level of self-awareness. To explore yours, read the Basic Meaning and the meaning when it is your Yearly Pluto Card in Cards of Your Destiny book. Take those interpretations and try to envision them on a much broader scale, the scale of your entire life. See if you can relate to the Pluto Card’s meanings. But also look up the meaning of your Cosmic Reward (or Result) card in the same way. Together they may describe your life-long challenge and necessary transformation. But see if you can visualize how the Pluto is the gate you must pass through to get to the gift of the Cosmic Reward. Here are a few more examples to help you understand how this works. The 2♦ person has an A♥ Pluto and A♦ Cosmic Reward card. The A♥ means self love and the A♦ means self-worth. We might say that 2♦ people need to learn to love themselves in order to find a true sense of their own worth, as opposed to always depending on others to love them, which is a common ‘Two’ trait. 6 The A♠ individual has the K♥ and K♦ as their Pluto and Result Cards. Kings like this speak of power and responsibility. Either the A♠ needs to recognize the power they have or learn to use what power they have responsibly. The K♥ also represents ‘mastery over emotions’ and thus that will be a part of their challenge as well. What they get to, after overcoming the K♥ challenge, is ‘mastery of values.’ The J♥ person has a 2♦ Pluto and J♠ Result. This seems to indicate a need for more cooperation in the realms of business and finance. There could be, in some cases, illegal activities (J♠) connected to them or they attract those who are dealing under the table. The high side of the J♠ is spiritual initiation, or living a higher lifestyle. Somehow, the J♥ has to integrate others in their life in a fair way, financially speaking, to attain this high initiation for themselves. The 4♣ person has a 8♠/A♥ Pluto combination. The 8♠ is one of the strongest power cards and perhaps many 4♣ people have to learn how to dispense power without dominating over others in the process. The A♥ speaks of a need for self love, which could be the cause of their dominating behavior, or the reason why they choose partners who are arrogant and controlling. Through either learning to moderate their power, or attain it, they can find a peaceful state of self-acceptance and unconditional love. (Some 4♣ either are abusers or get abused in relationships.) The K♣ has a Q♥/10♣ Pluto combination. It is amazing how many K♣ men end up with women of the Hearts suit. In addition, their mother is usually a Heart or at the very least, acts like one. This Pluto combination is different for the men than for the women since for men it usually speaks of trouble with their Heart females, and marriage. For the women, the Q♥ is often a sign of female problems of one sort or the other. This can range from sexual problems to difficulties associated with motherhood. Each individual K♣ must be studied carefully as there are many ways this combination can play out. The 10♣ is the teacher card and this is the gift that is due them upon dealing with their Q♥ issues. The Q♥ is also known as a card of either over-indulgence in physical pleasures or laziness. Some K♣ have to deal with and overcome these tendencies within themselves to reach their highest potential (10♣). It is a fairly well-known fact that most 10♣ people’s biggest hurdle is their uncertainty about what kind of work they should do. This is represented by their 3♦ Pluto Card, coupled with the A♠ Result. They really want to get going with their life’s work (A♠) but just do not know which way to turn. For them, they need to realize that the 3♦ means uncertainty in values and a mind that is too caught up in the question of ‘what do I want?’ They will have to transcend that mind or at least keep it away from the question of what do they want if they are to see the power of their ambition come to fruition. It is basically a mind mastery thing for them. I hope these examples can help you take a closer look at your own Pluto and Result Cards. I find these to be so critical and for whatever reason, they seem to be so important in my own life right now. I am learning a lot and growing from this awareness. I hope you do too! 7 Our Peephole into Reality Robert Lee Camp May 19th, 2005 Our minds, as wonderful as they are, are constantly playing catch-up with reality. There is life, what is happening, and there is our mind, calculating, labeling, classifying and analyzing everything we are experiencing. It is completely unable to stay up with all that is coming in through our five senses. The mind is a busy thing, especially for those of us today in the so-called modern world, because we have been trained to depend upon it for most everything. We have become so accustomed to using our minds that we have gone overboard with it. Our culture has convinced us that our minds hold the solution to all our problems, ignoring our many other faculties. Thus we, as a civilization, tend to keep our attention glued to what we are thinking while ignoring most everything else. Might we be called ‘ignorant’? Many of us cannot separate what we are thinking from the other parts of ourselves. We just believe that we ‘are’ what we are thinking. This is especially true of people whose Birth Card is of the Clubs suit, since it is the suit of the mind, but others share the same fate. By focusing our attention upon any one part of ourselves we can become convinced that we are that part, ignoring the rest. But there is much more to us than just our thoughts. We have our feelings, we have our senses, our emotions, our intuitions, as well as spiritual, beyond this physical plane, perceptions. A truly balanced person should be able to place his or her attention upon any of these at will. For example you have the capacity right now to focus your attention upon your breathing. If you close your eyes and just watch and feel what is happening in your body as you breath, you are directing your attention to something other than your thoughts. But I guarantee you that your mind will interfere with that attempt. Go ahead and try it right now. Sit down, close your eyes, and just be aware of the sensations surrounding your breathing. As soon as you tear your attention away from your thinking in order to feel the gentle rhythmic movements of your breath, you will find your thoughts creeping in almost immediately, wanting to steal your attention back. I would be surprised if you could sustain even five seconds of having your attention upon anything other than your thoughts. It is a sad statement of the reality of most people in our world today. I say sad because such a compulsive attachment to the mind has many undesirable consequences. It would be just as bad, in a different way, to be completely identified and absorbed with our emotions. But this is not the usual problem today. Today at least, we are stuck in our heads. We are walking and talking heads, and little else. The biggest problem with being so stuck in this way is that it gets in the way of our receiving sensory and other input. Have you ever been driving and sort of wake up, realizing that you can’t even remember driving the last 50 miles? I have been so lost in thought that I completely tune out everything that is going on around me. Lost in thought. This happens to most of us every day to some extent but it happens to us especially when we have a problem. When something is wrong we have been trained to look to our mind for a solution so it goes into high gear searching its records for a solution. Our mind will search the past, looking for similar situations to compare this one to, and from which to draw conclusions and answers. The trouble is, the mind cannot find solutions to most emotional or spiritual problems and so it becomes something like a mouse on a treadmill, going around and around on the same problem but not finding a solution. All the while, however, our attention is glued to it. Thus, we miss out on much of what is both happening within us on other levels and outside of us. When we are upset, our attention becomes so glued to our thoughts, that we can actually endanger ourselves. This is why they tell you not to drive a car when you are upset, or not to do anything that is inherently dangerous when you are upset. When I learned to fly I was taught to make an assessment of myself before taking off. Part of that assessment was emotional or the condition I was in on a physical and emotional level. Experience has shown that pilots who are distressed over something make mistakes and mistakes often cost you your life when it comes to flying. 8 You can assume that most everyone you meet is in the same boat. They are walking around with a greater percentage of their attention glued to their thoughts, lost in thought. I read a book called The Scout by Tom Brown in which he was trained in the art of tracking by an old Indian scout. He learned that it was very easy to track and scout humans because their perception levels are so low. However, if the humans he was scouting had a dog, he had to be much more careful because dogs are much more alert than humans. You and I think we are alive. But in fact we are missing most of life by having our attention glued upon our thoughts. So, to begin with, we are not taking in much of what is going on around us. This gives us a huge limitation in life, a huge handicap. What this does all by itself is increase the chances that what we think is true actually isn’t. We just do not receive enough accurate input from our surroundings to make a correct determination of what is true or real. When I read in a newspaper about a certain political or international situation, I am at least smart enough to know that what I am reading is not the whole story. I could never expect to know the real truth from just reading the paper or listening to the news. But in our day to day lives, we miss so much of what is going on around us that we have no idea how much of what we have chosen to think is real, just isn’t. One definition of suffering is that it is the difference between what is real and what we think is real. Pain in this regard, and we are talking about most of the pain we experience, is the pain of our minds adjusting to reality. And we are doing it all the time on account of our limited perception of it. If we were to just pay attention more, we would naturally have a lot less pain and suffering. We would be up to date on what is real and less in our heads. In turn, even the thoughts we have would be much closer to the truth since we had received truthful input to base them on. The other factor that increases our pain and suffering is that we filter our perceptions through our emotionally-charged past memories, fears, expectations and beliefs. So, not only are we receiving so little information due to the fact that we are glued to our thoughts, but the information that we do receive is filtered through many misconceptions. Thus even the experiences that do get through are largely misinterpreted. Many self-help books today are all about removing these misconceptions, these misplaced concepts, that we hold about life. Many of these erroneous ideas come from our environment and our family while others came from traumatic emotional experiences, which we misinterpreted, setting a pattern of mis-interpretation upon future impressions. Another factor that is prevalent in America and some other countries as well is the media. The media, and this includes all forms of advertising, is deliberately trying to dominate our attention. Your attention is gold in their hands and they pursue that gold with all the greed and lust they have. There is hardly anywhere you can go today where you are not being bombarded by advertising and by the media’s interpretation of reality. And we love our televisions. We would be lost without them. Even when you go out into the woods you will find advertisements in places you would not have expected. I doubt that many of us realize just how much we are controlled through the media that we so cherish. For example how could you or I make any sort of intelligent assessment of any of today’s important issues, without reading a paper or watching TV? All we have to base any opinion on is what we see, hear and read in the media. To form an opinion upon such financially driven sources of information is folly because these sources are influenced by financial interests, not yours. The truth is we rarely know anything about what is really going in our government and in foreign affairs, etc. The only thing we can say is the truth is the weather. And at least in the weather they admit that they might be wrong or that they just don’t know most of the time. From all this, it should be obvious to anyone that if you or I are holding a strong opinion about some political agenda, or about some world event that recently occurred, or even about religion or history, that 9 we should have our head examined. None of us have enough information to form a point of view on any of these subjects. All we have is what we heard or read somewhere and that source was definitely tainted. For most of us, our perception of life is akin to a peephole. We look in and see a small, limited area. We probably are seeing less than 10% of the whole. But from our limited view we draw conclusions about what is real. We ask ourselves important questions like ‘who am I?’ and ‘why am I here?’ and ‘what is the meaning of life?’ But unfortunately the answers we come up with are severely limited by how little we are actually seeing, both within ourselves and in the world around us. Our perception is so severely retarded by the limitations just discussed that the average person would be much better off not believing and trusting in what they think is true and not believing their conclusions about life. But even if you or I decided to not believe our own conclusions, the question would remain, ‘who can I believe?’ And even that choice would be severely hampered by the same limitations. So, is it any wonder then that we have so much violence, pain and suffering in the world today? Is there any wonder that we fight with our neighbors and loved ones? We all have such a limited perspective of life and yet we are convinced of its reality. And then we fight for what we believe. It is very sad when you think about it. This is the root of much pain and suffering. This is a guaranteed recipe for pain - to be convinced that what we think is real actually is. Is there a solution? If there is, it will only be a solution for individuals, not for the world at large. It will never be a solution for the masses because companies and others with financial motives dominate and control all mass media. The average person will never escape the stranglehold that financial interests have on their beliefs and opinions. The real solution is for each of us to get back the control of our attention. If you or I can consciously decide where to put our attention, we can become masters of our universe. We could, for example, give some of our attention to our feelings, emotions, and our connection to God within, all in some more balanced manner. We could pay more attention to the needs of our physical body. We could become more intimately aware of our bodies to the point where we would rarely require doctors or medical attention. We could become aware of our heart and our need for love and companionship and thus balance out that area of our life. We could become aware of the deepest of our inner urgings, the ones that shape our life and learn to be our own best friend. Instead of habitually depending upon our mind to solve our problems, we would learn when it is best to simply ignore our thoughts and pay attention to our hearts. By paying attention to our hearts we would become more aligned with ourselves and have gut feelings about things that would tell us whether or not they are true. Your attention is the most valuable thing you possess. Do not just give away to the advertising companies or to your mind with its inherent limitations. Keep a good portion of it for yourself. Put it where you decide to put it. In doing so, your peephole will expand and in turn your understanding of life will expand. And of course, in the end, your life will be much happier because you are now much more aligned to what is real. Reflections on the Critical Year Robert Lee Camp August 29th 2005 It is one thing to theorize about the significance of some year of life and another thing to actually live it. I have been writing about the Critical Year for many years now, mostly based upon my observations of others and of the theoretical basis as displayed in the card spreads themselves. Well, now I am living it and thought it might be a good idea to report some observations I am having. 10 I noticed earlier that many people die, either in their Age 52 year or within a year or so of that age. This alone seems unusual since we can live so much longer these days due to modern medicine. At 52 I am as healthy as I can be but I can see that there is some force within me, questioning my existence here on Terra. It is like a voice asking myself, ‘Do I have a good reason to stay here any longer?’ I have spoken to others lately too, some who are either in their Age 52 year or who just had it a year or so in the past. So far, we all agree that we had to answer that question. One woman I spoke with asked her guides this question, which essentially told her that she did not need to be here anymore but could stay on if she wanted to. She had really completed the bulk of the personal work she came here to do. Her decision to stay was in light of the fact that she could do some more good work while she was here. One of my best friends’ father died at the age of 51. Then, when he was 51, my friend nearly died of a heart attack. He knew then that he was going to either change or die and he chose to change. But it was a close call and he had to make a deliberate and conscious choice to stay here. But I have known of so many more whom, for whatever reason, checked out at that time. I can hear my own inner voice this year asking me the same question. I feel that urging within to make a stand for life and at the same time I can feel the overall urge to experience life more abundant. And I can see now, more than ever, that I am the one who limits the joy, love, happiness and pleasure that I derive from life. Though I have only just completed my Mercury period of this magical year, I have already experienced a great deal. In my particular case, my Age 52 Environment Card, which I call the Lifetime Challenge Card, is the 7♥. So, it is a relationship card and I have been highly involved in relationships since my birthday. I see all my old tapes playing back but somehow in this blessed year I have this part of me that is witnessing it all, more clearly than ever. I can see that I have been playing these old tapes forever. They are tapes of disappointment, rejection and betrayal. They are self-judging and self-limiting mind sets, ancient past-life experiences of pain and suffering. They are the tapes that have essentially dominated my state of being most of my life in the relationship department. Age 52 is a blessed year because it is a Jupiter year. I can feel Jupiter’s blessing, helping me to see the truth and free myself of the limitations of my past. Whatever your Age 52 Environment Card is, it is a symbol for you of that issue or area of life that has held you back, or one in which you feel a deep sense of lack. I have studied the Lifetime Challenge Cards of many people and some are quite hard to understand and interpret. At this point I feel that is up to each of us to study this card for ourselves and compare it to our experience to derive the message it holds. I can tell that in this blessed year, there is great support for letting go of those limitations, whatever they may be. I can sense more detachment from my old tapes, which allows me to witness them and to know that they are not me. That alone is priceless. But in addition to that, many good things are happening and I can see that is simply a matter of my opening to receive them and not allow my self-limiting beliefs and ideas from the past get in the way of allowing more to come into my life. Ultimately it is all about self-love. But the Lifetime Challenge card may point each of us to one particular area where we have held back our own love the most. The Age 52 year can be a year of healing and true personal growth in the areas where it counts most. Though the Age 45 year is the Rebirth Year, I feel that it is the Age 52 year that sets the stage for the rest of our life. What will be the limitations that we place on our happiness? Every way that I limit myself has come up in the past 52 days for a visit. And, I am given a choice as to whether to continue with these limitations or to let them go. With God’s help I intend to release as many as possible, allowing myself to become more than I have in my past. It is a scary process sometimes. I have had nightmares and many bouts with my fears and limitations, all in a short space of time. But the blessings far override these episodes and tell me to ‘keep on keeping on.’ In this way, the Age 52 year shows us possibly the most important issue of having a life to live in the first place. Will we appreciate it and let it in more abundantly or keep limiting it with all our might? The answer is yours to make. 11 Making Accurate Predictions Robert Lee Camp October 27, 2005 This article is meant to help you make predictions for celebrities and others. Its fun and very educational to make predictions for celebrities because their lives are so public that you can follow along and get instant feedback on your skills. We can learn a lot because we have the facts about what happens in their lives as things progress. This is most true of the ones who are in the news a lot, which lately are mostly the younger crowd. People like Brad Pitt, Jennifer Anniston, Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Angelina Jolie and others are in the news a lot lately, getting together, having babies and breaking up. And then we have all the political figures to look at too! This gives us a lot of real life experiences to test our skills on. There are some things I have learned using trial and error that may help you. The skills you can develop doing analysis of celebrities can help you in any card work that you do. With some examples here, perhaps you can pick up on some of the techniques and approaches that make for more accuracy in all your card work. There are two factors that I think are critical in doing predictions, one of which is more or less specific to doing them for celebrities. I will first list them and then explain them in detail. The first is the fact that the cards are subjective. The second is that we really do not know celebrities personally. Both these factors will have a big influence upon any predicting I do for a celebrity. Usually before I do a reading, I have the opportunity to interview my client, ask them questions and get to know them a little. Just a short conversation can tell me a lot about them. I can pick up on their attitudes in general and their attitudes about the issues they are facing in their life right now. I can find out more about them and get the birthdays of everyone significant to them in their life at this time. This is something that I do not have access to when doing a reading for a celebrity. I may have the birthdays of one or two significant people in their life, but I do not have the others, such as father, mother, siblings, agents, and others that may be playing a significant role in their lives. Some of the cards that I see in their spreads this year could very well be the Birth or Planetary Ruling Cards of other people that I do not know about. This alone could bring inaccuracy to my work with them because I will likely be inclined to interpret the cards as events instead of the people that are actually a part of their lives. Then again, I really don’t know exactly where they are in their life. I don’t know what is most important to them, what are their current goals and aspirations. I can make a good guess but I may never be certain. However, my understanding the nature of the Birth and Planetary Ruling Cards, along with how they usually show up in life, can help me make a very good educated guess. And often I am right. For example, the breakup of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston was, in my opinion, because of his desire to have a child, which is typical of K♥ people. I’m not sure of exactly how that desire played in with the desires and wishes of Jennifer Anniston, but I must assume that it somehow caused conflict with her. And, after I had made statements to this effect, it came out in magazines that this was, in fact, the core issue surrounding their breakup. I also know that Angelina Jolie is Brad’s Mercury Card (K♦) which makes him her Moon Card. And I know from experience that men who meet their Mercury Card are often infatuated with them to a large degree. It is a powerful attraction. Thus I know for certain that Brad is highly attracted to her and that she would be the leader of their relationship. However, I do not know what is going on in Angelina’s mind, what her intentions or goals are in relation to Brad and what she wants from the situation. I do know, however, that K♦ like to get whatever it is that they want, and will often do most anything to get what they want, irrespective of morality or social norms. It could easily be true that Angelina just wanted to take Brad away from Jennifer. And she could have instinctively known that having a child would be exactly the lure that would do it. Now that she has him, I wonder what she wants next? I laugh as I write this. Isn’t life funny? I will talk about those two more later in this article. 12 This lack of information about celebrities in key areas makes the second part harder. The second aspect is that the cards are subjective. I cannot over-emphasize this one trait, even if it is the one thing that is most overlooked by everyone who is reading the cards. To state this another way, the cards we see in anyone’s spread are their life from their point of view. The cards in their spreads show us what is happening to them personally, not what is happening externally. A good example of this is how many different ways a person’s death can show up in the cards. There are so many that it is nearly impossible to predict a death. The cards that appear in your spreads at the time of your death will tell us only what that death was for you. You may have a 9♦, telling us that death was, for you, a loss of all your material possessions. You may have a 5♠ meaning that your death was a new adventure. Incidentally, this is the card that showed up the most for the deaths of the space shuttle astronauts that burned up in reentry a few years back. Most of us think that only the A♠, 9♠ and 6♠ are death cards. But we must realize that the cards in our spreads are subjective symbols, not objective. There is no one death card for everyone, or any card that is always one thing for anyone. What cards appear tell us what this person is experiencing, from their point of view, not what is going on externally. Thus, in order to know what any person’s cards might mean, you need to know a little about that person. Regardless of who it is, someone you know or a celebrity, you need to try to get inside their head a little in order to understand what their card influences are telling you. Sometimes you will read about someone going through an apparent tragedy. When you look in their cards, you do not see signs of tragedy or disappointment. Perhaps you see success cards instead. This should alert you to something. Maybe what is happening in this person’s life is not being experienced as a tragedy at all. The cards tell the truth when apparent conditions may not. I always trust the cards. For example, as I write this, in yesterday’s news Harriet Miers (8/10/1945) decided to withdrawal from her nomination to the Supreme Court. Whatever we may think about why she did this, in her cards now she has a 4♠ and 8♠. Whatever the actual circumstances, this decision was okay with her, not a disappointment or failure by any means. In other words, she is fine! So, we have to attempt to get into the heads of whoever we are reading for if we hope to be able to make some predictions for them that will be meaningful or accurate. President George Bush has a 6♠ and 7♦ coming up in his Saturn period this year, which begins on January 31, 2006. This is, on its face, a pretty scary combination. Underlying the 6♠ is a 6♥ and 4♣. There is no way you or I are going to know what is going on inside the head of President Bush. These cards tell us that he is going to have some major karmic payback. Some Hindu astrologers have actually predicted a possible assassination, so difficult are his astrological influences in the coming months. And a 6♠ in Saturn could represent a ‘karmic death.’ Without knowing some intimate details about Bush’s personal life, it would be nearly impossible to predict what this combination will mean. I do know that whatever it is, it has a good possibility of being devastating to him. I know that it will most likely be due to something he did that offended or hurt someone else personally (6♥ underlying). And we know that there could be a financial aspect to it, a major financial challenge (7♦). The 6♠ does not tell us much about the actual event but instead how it will be experienced by Bush personally. It is even possible that it could be something so personal, that it does not even make the news at all, such as a family situation. But the potential magnitude of those cards in Saturn make it more likely that it will be something big. Karl Rove, Bush’s top advisor, happens to be a 6♥. Karl has been in the news a lot lately, is being studied for a possible Federal indictment. This man is so important in Bush’s life that the possibility that he will be involved somehow in what happens in Bush’s Saturn period is very high. Karl himself (December 25th, 1950) has some interesting cards in that same period of time, Fives and Nines. So, a story seems very possible. It will be very interesting to see how this develops. 13 Tom Cruise (July 3rd, 1962) and Katie Holmes (December 18th 1978) have had a much-publicized relationship in which we have seen some new and different sides to Tom. He tends to lead a more private life in general but this time he stepped out and we got to see how he can be arrogant and insecure. Apparently he and Katie are engaged, though no date has been set, and apparently she is now expecting his child. Looking at her cards I do see signs of marriage in the coming year. She displaces the 4♠, which is a major ‘settling down’ card and has the 10♥, the wedding card, as Environment. What concerns me is the fact that both of Tom’s cards fall in her Saturn period. She has a Q♦ and A♦ in Saturn in her Birth Card spread. Not only that, but there is an A♦ underlying her Q♦ Saturn card, sort of double whammy. Now we do not know exactly what this will mean, except that to Katie, it is going to be very difficult. One possible explanation given Tom’s recent behavior, is that actually living with him and all his strong beliefs will be very difficult for her. This is just based upon what we know about Tom so far. I also notice that she just entered her Neptune period on October 27th of this year and she has an A♠ there. Would it be possible that she has a miscarriage? Possibly. The only reason I mention it is that I do not see many influences of motherhood in her coming year, other than the Q♥ and A♥ in Mercury, which are not typically that strong and which occur much too early to coincide with the birth of a child. You would think that for a K♥ woman that having a baby would be monumental. So, I would normally expect to see more cards for it than we see in her case. Makes me wonder. Speaking of people born on December 18th, Brad Pitt, born that day in 1963 has some interesting cards coming in light of his recent affiliations with Angelina Jolie (June 4th, 1975). I have already written about how compatible these two are. On Brad’s next birthday he begins a new 7-year cycle where he is displacing the K♦, Angelina’s Birth Card. In addition, he has the K♦ as his Long Range Card. She also shows up in Neptune in his Planetary Ruling Card’s spread. These are each very strong possibilities for him. Since we know that the two are together to some extent now, it just makes a deepening of their relationship all the more possible. Angelina has Brad’s Birth Card, the K♥, in Neptune this year as well. This relationship is appearing to have more staying power than I would have guessed originally. These analysis here are still very flimsy at best. I am making some assumptions based upon what is available in the media and past histories. I may get lucky and be right about one or more of these. Whatever does happen to these individuals, the cards will accurately reflect it. But since we do not have many of the intimate details of their life, we are somewhat handicapped. But let’s see what happens. And perhaps in your analysis, combined with other things you have read and observations you have made about the people in question, you will be able to make even more accurate predictions about these celebs. It is a fairly well-known fact that most 10♣ people’s biggest hurdle is their uncertainty about what kind of work they should do. This is represented by their 3♦ Pluto Card, coupled with the A♠ Result. They really want to get going with their life’s work (A♠) but just do not know which way to turn. For them, they need to realize that the 3♦ means uncertainty in values and a mind that is too caught up in the question of ‘what do I want?’ They will have to transcend that mind or at least keep it away from the question of what do they want if they are to see the power of their ambition come to fruition. It is basically a mind mastery thing for them. Liar Liar - The Cards of Dishonesty Robert Lee Camp October 30th, 2005 I talk about the cards who lie a lot in my classes so it is time that I write about it in more depth. But before I begin I need to put forth this statement. Not everyone who is these cards will be a liar. All will have the potential for it but each person of those cards has the power of choice of whether to be guided by 14 personal integrity or their fears. In nearly all cases, people lie because of the fear of losing something they want or facing undesirable consequences. It all comes down to whether the individual has developed a sense of personal integrity as to whether or not they will allow their fears to dominate their decisions rather than a sense of integrity or morality. But having said that, it is human nature for each of us to use the gifts and abilities we have been given. And some cards have been given the ability to be very creative and resourceful, which are two of the necessary ingredients to being a successful liar. We will talk about these cards and identify them and some of their traits. Just as the 8♦ and K♦ person will want to use the power of their value to make big purchases and the 8♥ and K♥ person will want to use the power of personal persuasion to make others do what they want, a card with the power to lie successfully will use it simply because it is there. Many people who are dishonest know they are being dishonest and feel guilt as a result. Others have no reservations about it and do not feel that it is even wrong. But both of them will be less than honest in certain situations. As we talk about these cards, keep in mind that it applies when it is Birth or Planetary Ruling Card. Either one can manifest in the same way. The Playful Jacks Jacks have long had the reputation for dishonesty. I believe that it comes usually from having such mastery over the material world, but without having a sense of responsibility to go with it. Some of the greatest liars are Jacks. Jacks are idea people, extremely resourceful, and used to thinking outside of the box. They can come up with solutions that others miss and can help you get out of jam with brilliant ideas and ways of looking at things. That same gift, coupled with an often disregard for boundaries, rules and morality can create someone who lies more or less as a matter of course. I have been told by more than one Jack person that “The truth is highly overrated.” As stunning as that statement was to me at the time, I can see that it represents how many Jacks view the world. Among the Jacks, the J♥ is the least likely to lie because they are so concerned with being there for the people they love. Their sacrificial nature usually overshadows everything they do. But even some J♥ people can lead double-lives when they are single or young, or both. And there are a few I have met who have made being dishonest a life-long occupation. But these are the exception. Most J♥ are extremely trustworthy and honest because they care about you and about being there for you. The J♠ is the most likely Jack to lie and be deceitful in many ways. Though many have a strong interest in spirituality, they just don’t seem to live up to their ideals, especially in their persona lives where the pressure is greatest and the temptation to use their creativity to get by. Some J♠ people have actually lost nearly complete touch with reality due to constant dishonesty in their lives. I have met more than one that are helplessly lost in a scary world of their own making where they must constant make things up to cover for their lack of self-love. This is especially true of many J♠ Planetary Ruling Card people. Mel Gibson is a famous J♠ Birth Card person who proclaims a more or less spiritual perspective on life and seems to be doing some good work for society along those lines. Funny that I have had two clients in California who have been propositioned by him, though he is married with a large number of children. The J♠ is so powerful that other cards who simply have it in their Life Spreads, or as a Karma Card will feel its effect. We will mention a few of those later. The J♦ and J♣ are more or less middle of the road in the dishonesty department. Some do and some don’t. When they do, they can be award-wining liars, and achieve some level of notoriety on the dark side of things. Both have exceptional memories giving them the ability to remember everything they told everyone. Keeping track of all of that takes a genius and some of these people have it. I enjoy watching forensic science shows on television. Not the Hollywood versions that have appeared recently but shows like Cold Case Files and Medical Detectives where they discuss real cases. Often they flash the driver’s license or some court document on the screen briefly that displays the birthday of the 15 perpetrator. I have Tivo so I am able to stop the show and take a good look. You would be amazed how often these villains are Jacks. Personally, I am always a little cautious around Jacks until I have the time to check them out. I am glad that none of them are my Neptune card! Those connected to the Jacks If someone’s first Karma Card is a Jack, we can expect that the possibility of using that Jack energy in a negative way is heightened. And this certain appears to be the case. The two that stand out in this manner are the 10♥ and 10♣. The 10♥ especially seems to be the one card in the deck that takes the grand prize in terms of lying. They have the J♣ as their first Karma Card. Perhaps there is more to the story than just that one influence but when the expression ‘pathological liar’ comes up, it is often talking about a 10♥ person. I have heard of 10♥ who have two or more marriages going on simultaneously. Talk about talent! Imagine being married to three different people, all of whom are convinced you are only married to them. Its unfortunate that so many 10♥ end up in illegal activities. It may be that all the Aces and Tens in their Life Spread preclude them from having much empathy for others. The 10♣ also has a Jack as a first Karma Card, the J♠. Accordingly you might think they would have the highest leanings in the areas of dishonesty and theft. There are many examples of 10♣ people out there who do turn that way. But most of them are so success-driven and so capable of it, that they rarely need to resort to the lower forms to get to where they want to go. The capacity is certainly present but generally gets expressed in positive ways such as creativity and resourcefulness. Still, I am careful around 10♣ until I get to know them. The 7♣ has a J♠ second Karma Card, which means a great ability to lie if they want, and get away with it. Ex-president Bill Clinton was such a 7♣. Consider for a moment a person whose Birth Card is the 7♣ and whose ruling card is the J♣. Interesting possibilities present themselves. The 5♠, K♣, 2♦ and Q♠ all have a Jack in Mercury in their Life Spread. Among these only the 2♦ stands out as having honesty issues. And I have heard so many stories from friends and clients about 2♦ people and their lies. Having the J♠ in Mercury is a contributing factor but not the entire story. The 2♦ also has the 6♣ as their first Karma Card, which usually means a tendency to not take the ‘law of the word’ seriously. The tendency is there in all 2♦ and is expressed to whatever the extent of the individual’s personal karma and progress in this life. They are one to keep an eye on, in my opinion. The Threes and their Friends Threes are by their very nature a lot like the Jacks. They are creative. But in addition, they are also more prone to be afraid. They can and do lie but usually because they are afraid of some consequences instead of just having a general disregard for honesty in the first place as we see in some Jacks. Any Three can be a liar, or as I like to say, a ‘good story-teller.’ When I hear some Threes talk, like the 3♣ for example, I just sit back in amazement at the often-rich and engaging story they can weave. I don’t take too much of it seriously however and I don’t think the 3♣ takes what they themselves say very seriously either. In my experience, it can and will change, usually within seven days. However, it sounds very convincing and most people will believe them and that the 3♣ is coming from the heart. I mention the 3♣ first because this is the strongest of the Threes in terms of dishonesty potential. The 3♦ takes a close second followed by the 3♥ and 3♠. All have the creative power to come up with a convincing story. But the 3♣, being a communicator at heart, gets top honors. Like the J♠, I see many 3♣ that get more or less lost in a world that has no boundaries or substance. Anyone who is dishonest on a more or less constant basis will lose touch with a sense of what is real, and lost-lasting. This leads to an overall sense of uncertainty and fear. 16 As you witness anyone who is a Three, you can see a bit or a lot of that in them. It varies per the individual. Those who are connected to the Threes also have a potential for dishonesty. Among them, my card, the Q♦, takes top spot. We have a 3♦ first Karma Card, a 3♣ in Venus and a 3♠ in Mars. It is generally in our personal life that we are dishonest, usually due to a pervading sense of insecurity and uncertainty in love matters. I recently read an article in Newsweek magazine by a woman who talked about her father and how he was a pathological liar. She said that he would attend a party she was giving and go around the room and meet everyone. Afterwards, all her friends would come up to her and say, “Wow, your father is terrific! I had no idea he was a covert operations man for the DEA!” and “We enjoyed getting to know your father and hearing all about his life as a foreign diplomat.” She soon realized that everyone he talked to had been given a different story. I was convinced her father had to be a Jack or a 10♥. I emailed her and asked for his birthday. Turns out he was born on June 16th, making him an A♦ and Q♦ Planetary Ruling Card. The Q♦ was the part of him that was being expressed in that situation. Speaking of those born in June, Gemini’s have long held the astrological distinction of being the liars of the zodiac. Not all Geminis are liars by any means but it does add a little to their propensity if they are a Gemini birthday of the one of the cards mentioned here. Something to keep in mind. The 6♣ and other Sixes Finally we come to the 6♣ and their relatives, the other Sixes. Six is all about responsibility and being fair. But when someone is a Six it just means that this is their issue, not that they actually have a handle on it. Not all Sixes are irresponsible. A lot of them are too responsible, making a mountain out of a molehill about being responsible. But nonetheless we have to keep in mind that an equal number of Sixes will fall on the negative end of their card. Those are the ones who have come here to learn to practice integrity and responsibility. Thus, any Six may have the capacity to be irresponsible according to their suit. For example, a 6♦ person may display total irresponsibility concerning a financial matter. Now, what if this same 6♦ were a 10♥ Planetary Ruling Card, such as the October 3rd birthday. Bingo! You have a high potential for some shenanigans. But since Clubs govern the spoken word, it is the 6♣ who bear the most responsibility around what they say. And I have seen many 6♣ who were brought down from greatness by not telling the truth. My guru and spiritual teacher of over ten years is a 6♣ who lost his entire empire because he lied about his intimate involvement with several of the women on his staff. It wasn’t the act itself that infuriated his followers but the fact that he had lied about it. When someone is a Six, they would be wise to take the power of their suit very seriously. I consider the 6♣ to be the most fortunate card in the deck materially speaking. They have much to be grateful for. And many of them are very honest. Some have a special spiritual or other mission to fulfill in this life. But I am always careful when I meet one until I can discover which side of the honesty fence they are on. Now you have the tools to be watchful for the cards of deceit. It’s not that we have to consider everyone we meet of these cards to be liars. But it is wise to take some time before entrusting them with your confidence. Some, like the Q♦, will usually be dishonest in just one area. But there is no rule that applies to all. I like to think of it as being cautiously realistic. I don’t prejudge people but I keep my eyes open to see what is going on, keeping in mind the potential of their birthday to have a certain behavior appear. Generally the behavior does appear in some way. But usually it is not an important area or something that will cause me any harm. In classical Vedic Indian texts, honesty was considered against Dharma (right conduct) but there were exceptions. It was considered perfectly fine to lie in two sets of circumstances: when your life was being threatened and when all of your personal property was at stake. And I cannot forget the book that I read years ago which was discussing the topic of lying from a spiritual perspective. It read, “Lying is not that great of a sin, no more in fact, than overeating. We must not be so harsh in our judgement of those who are dishonest.” That statement got me to be more accepting of dishonesty in 17 others and myself. Dishonesty has its own liabilities and it is not everyone’s issue. Just certain ones of us have to work on this to regain our sense of personal integrity. The Price of Gold and Gas And other mulling Robert Lee Camp, October 30, 2005 Life has gotten even more interesting since 9/11. When we thought we had seen it all we now see the price of fuel skyrocketing. Katrina and other hurricanes are shifting our sense of safety to one of general insecurity. I hear people I know complaining about the high costs of fuel. People are driving less, causing the price of fuel to actually go down lately. If shopping somewhere requires a long drive, people are opting for somewhere closer. Walmart, the largest retailer in the world is attributing lower sales to the cost of gas. But did you know that we are still much lower than the average cost of fuel around the world? Check out these prices per gallon (as of May 2005, using currency exchange rates from August 2005) from a recent CNN/Money article: • • • • • Amsterdam, Netherlands: $6.21 Stockholm, Sweden: $5.74 Paris, France: $5.43 Zagreb, Croatia: $4.80 Tokyo, Japan: $4.61 Count yourself lucky to be living in America at this time. If you have visited many foreign countries you will notice that a lot of people ride motor scooters. I have seen entire families packed onto one small motor scooter in India. Motor scooters generally get 90 or more miles to gallon. And sales are up, way up! The rising fuel costs have also highlighted just how poor our system of public transportation is. Other countries far less fortunate than our own have great public transportation systems of many kinds. Maybe we will come around to the same. I laugh when I see these television ads for new cars and trucks, especially SUVs and these big power trucks. I can just see the pain on the owners faces when they are at the gas pump and realize how much a fill-up is costing them. Personally I am very pleased that I purchased a VW Jetta Diesel a year ago. I get 50 mpg on the road. Even these new hybrids don’t actually get that good mileage. What surprises me the most is how no one is complaining about the fact that our president and his cabinet are mostly ‘oil-men’ and how the oil companies have made the largest profits ever the past two years. The price of gold always goes up when there is a state of general uncertainty in the world. The billions of dollars that people have in various investments starts to shift into ‘safe harbors’ and gold is the bottom line safety harbor of all. So, it is no surprise that recently gold reached a 17-year high of $480 an ounce. All analysts are saying that it will go much higher in the coming months. 18 The Crown Line The Crown Line, just like it sounds, is a special place. Most Birth Cards will move there, by Displacement, several times in their life. Some are born there or spend seven or thirteen years there. This article is about removing some of the mystery about this special place and its effects. In the Love Cards book, on pages 342 and 343 you will find an illustration of the Life Spread and Spiritual Spreads, in the format we call the Grand Solar Spread. There are actually ninety of these Grand Solar Spreads and it is from these that we derive all the yearly and other spreads and relationship connections. In reality, the entire system is contained in the first two if you know where and what to look for. But what I what to direct your attention to is the three cards that sit atop the entire deck. In the Life Spread, it is the K♠, 8♦ and 10♣. In the Spiritual Spread, it is the K♠, Q♠ and J♠. These three positions in either spread, combine together to form what we call the Crown Line. And remember, there are a total of ninety of these Grand Solar Spreads and in each one different cards are found in the Crown Line. All but six of the Birth Cards will go to the Crown Line 2 or more times over the course of their life. The six that will not move there are the all of the Fixed and Semi-fixed cards, except of course, the K♠ who always sits there. The Crown Line is much like the 10th house, or the Midheaven, in astrology. The Crown Line is the highest position in the spread, just like the Midheaven and 10th house are the highest positions in the natal chart. The 10th house and Midheaven relate to career ambitions, and reputation. The Crown Line is similar. It relates to reputation, fame, notoriety and more. When sitting in the Crown Line, we get to look down on all the other cards in the deck from a lofty position. Some cards sit there at Birth and so hold this lofty position their entire lives. These are the K♠, 8♦ and 10♣. What these three cards have in common is a natural predisposition towards fame and recognition, and a tendency to be very independent. This independence is a very marked trait. These three cards often have an attitude that they are somehow ‘above’ the rules and boundaries of society and the world. They are personally independent, even rebellious. Sometimes they have a disregard for any rules or laws, somehow feeling themselves to be immune from these societal limitations. Personally they are quite independent as well, often avoid marriage or other confining relationship arrangements. But it is their tendency to be so directed towards fame and a high standing that really sets them apart from the other 49 cards in the deck. Not that they all achieve fame or that many of the other 49 cards do not. But it is the natural birthright of these three cards to be leaders and trend-setters on account of their position in the Crown Line. 45 of the Birth cards, which means all but the seven Fixed and Semi-Fixed cards, will move to the Crown Line twice every 45 years. The first time will be when they displace the 10♣, a position we call the Ascent to the Pinnacle. The next time, occurring exactly three years later, is when they displace the 8♦, which is called the Pinnacle year itself. The 8♦ position, in the center of the Crown Line, is the most desired of all. It is the topmost center position of all the cards in the deck. It is the Pinnacle position and often endows its occupant with fame and recognition. It is likely that your Birth or Planetary Ruling Card will move there at least once in your lifetime. Chapter Eight in Cards of Your Destiny tells the age that each card moves to the Ascent to the Pinnacle and the Pinnacle position if you would like to quickly look up when you will move there. The Pinnacle year (8♦ displacement), has even more significance than the Ascent to the Pinnacle (10♣ displacement). It is literally the highest position that one can occupy in the spread. And, it represents the end of the line as far as a cycle of life is concerned. There are many other reasons for the significance of the Pinnacle position and you can read more about it in Cards of Your Destiny, Chapter Eight. So, moving to the Crown line for a year, because of Displacement, can be a great thing. Some people can achieve fame. Others get promoted to higher positions within their company. Some achieve the highest position available to them given their current situation. And all of these would be considered good fortune for someone desiring more fame or recognition. So, knowing when someone’s Birth or Planetary Ruling Card is going to move there can portend some good fortune for them. 19 13-Year Crown Line Cards But there are cards that sit one or more of the Crown Line positions for seven years and others for thirteen years. These cards have even greater likelihood of achieving fame and high reputation, and one that is more long-lasting. Let’s explore these. Previously we mentioned how we can get to the Crown Line by Displacement. That is not the only way to get it’s influence but it is a good one. The other way is through the positions in a Life Spread, seven-year spread or yearly spread. Lets start by looking at the longer lasting ones. Since each card in our Life Spread represents approximately 13 years of our life, anyone who has the 10♣, 8♦ and K♠ as one of their Life Spread cards will enjoy that Crown Line influence for 13 years for each card. Take for example, the 6♣ person. Their Mars card in their Life Spread is the 10♣. This 10♣ will be in effect for them for 13 years beginning at age 26. This is a strong, Crown Line influence that propels many 6♣ people into the limelight at a relatively young age. But even after age 38 when their Mars period ends, they remain in the Crown Line for 26 more years! This is because their Jupiter card in the Life Spread is the 8♦ and their Saturn Card, the K♠. The 6♣ is one of the rare cards that enjoys 39 years in the Crown Line, and this is symbolic for how many of them achieve high success in their life. But they are not the only ones. The Q♥, 6♠, 8♥ and 2♠ each enjoy 39 years in the Crown Line by virtue of the same principal. The difference is that they will enjoy it at different ages. For example, the 2♠ does not enter the Crown Line until age 52 when they enter their Saturn 13-year period governed by the 10♣. The Q♥, on the other hand, begins their life in the Crown Line. Their Mercury Card, which governs ages 0-12, is the same 10♣. This is why so many Q♥ enjoy early fame or early success in their life. If you take a quick look at all the famous people that have been these cards, you will see that having Crown Line cards in your Life Spread greatly increases your chances for high recognition or fame. 7-Year Crown Line Cards Each card in our Life Spread also governs one year and seven years of our life. Thus the same cards mentioned above enjoy Crown Line influences for 21 years (3 cards times 7 years), further enhancing their fame potential. But since seven years is much shorter than 13, we find many other cards who enjoy Crown Line success at different points in life for 7, 14 and 21 year periods. Here are a few examples. First, from displacement in the 7-year spreads, we have the 7♣, who sits in the Pinnacle position for seven years beginning at age 7. Likewise the 4♠ displace the 10♣ for the same seven years. This early fame can be shown in their childhood and early school years. The table below shows which cards sit in each of these two auspicious positions for the seven year cycles up to age 83. You will see that most of the cards are the same ones already mentioned as having Crown Line influences in different categories. Ages 0-6 7-13 14-20 21-27 28-34 35-41 42-48 49-55 56-62 63-69 70-76 77-83 Displacing 8♦ 8♦ 7♣ J♠ 10♣ 4♠ 4♥ 10♠ Q♥ 9♣ 6♦ 3♠ J♦ 20 Displacing 10♣ 10♣ 4♠ 4♥ 10♠ Q♥ 9♣ 6♦ 3♠ J♦ J♣ 10♥ 5♠ Here are a few others: From ages 49 to 56 the 7♣ has a Crown Line influence from their 49-year spread. From ages 49 to 63 the 4♠ has a Crown Line influence from their 49-year spread. From ages 49 to 70, the 9♣ has a Crown Line influence from their 49-year spread. From ages 56 to 77 the 2♠ has a Crown Line influence from their 49-year spread. From ages 63 to 84 the 2♦ has a Crown Line influence from their 49-year spread. Crown Line Influences for a series of periods Any year in which our Birth Card or Planetary Ruling Card displaces one of the following cards, we have one or more periods in the Crown Line. Card Displaced 8♦ 10♣ Q♥ 6♠ 6♣ 8♥ 2♠ 4♦ 4♥ Location of K♠ Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Result Periods in the Crown Line Mercury Mercury and Venus Mercury, Venus and Mars Venus, Mars and Jupiter Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus Saturn, Uranus and Neptune Uranus and Neptune Neptune Thus, if I displace the 8♥ this year, the periods of Jupiter. Saturn and Uranus will be in the Crown Line, regardless of what cards I may have in those periods. Note that in every case, the K♠ will appear somewhere in the spread. The K♠ is always in the Crown Line and is the most powerful card in the entire deck. Thus, it can predict great success under certain conditions. But in each of these cases, there is the likelihood for great success or more recognition in one’s position in life. It represents an opportunity to achieve more recognition, to be promoted to a higher position or to somehow stand out from the rest and be noticed. This can be very important information for someone who wants these things. Being in the Crown Line is a good time to advertise whatever you are doing and to reach out in the media for more attention to you and your products and services. However, the Crown Line can also be a place of infamy. Fame can be created in a person’s life for many reasons. For example, Nicole Simpson, O.J.’s wife, and her friend Ron Goldman, were both in the Pinnacle Year the year they were murdered. Fame does not in any way guarantee something that we might label as good or great. It is just fame. All in all, the Crown Line is a good thing and most people welcome the promotions or other recognition they receive when they are under its influence. Others are determined to achieve high recognition at all costs. And for them, the Crown Line influence can tell you when they will realize their dream. Paying attention to it can help all of us understand some of the significant cycles of life. 21 Transcending Your Cards Yes, you can transcend your cards. No, it is not easy. Yes, it is possible. Yes, it has been done and is still being done. But no, most people who think they are transcending them are not. And truthfully, it is a very rare event that may occur to you only under the right conditions. It goes back to some ancient Indian philosophy that speaks about transcending the plane of duality that most of us live in. Like it or not, our lives are being played out on the stage of Maya, or illusion. In this illusion, everything is regarded as either bad or good, fortunate or unfortunate, happy or sad, dark or light, lucky or unlucky. This is the world we are born into. Our parents and other family members indoctrinate us into it at an early age. They tell us what is real and what is not and we have little choice but to believe them. Thus, our reality and our relationship with the world is formed. We learn about good and bad, or good and evil, from them and we learn to label the various things we do and experience under these various headings. From that point forward we evaluate and label everything that happens to us. Labeling helps us communicate about what we are experiencing with others. But only when the meaning of our words match theirs. When we meet someone who interprets our labels differently than we do, we have difficulty finding suitable words to communicate our intentions and ideas. But, most likely the other people we meet as a child have been given very similar meanings to their labels and events and so we are generally able to maintain good communication. However, our labels have unknowingly limited our relationship to the world. We have this compelling habit of labeling everything as good or bad, along with a predetermined mission to avoid all that is bad and pursue all that is good. That is our social imperative – to pursue good and avoid bad. That is basically what we are all about. It is so simple that it is comical. But that is what we are up to. And this is the very essence of the Maya or illusion that we live in and that which must be transcended if we are to experience higher consciousness. And if we are ever to transcend our cards, which are intimately linked with our personal illusions, we must first transcend our interpretation of events and experiences in our lives. To do this requires the achievement of a higher state of awareness, one in which labels are meaningless. They say that to an evolved master that a lump of clay is the same as a pile of gold. They hold the same meaning and the same value. This state of being has been called ‘choice-less awareness.’ It is a state of being where everything just is and there is no compulsion to achieve good or avoid bad. In this state of mind, good and bad are seen as they truly are – just mental concepts about life, but not life itself. When you or I look in our cards and see a 9♠ coming in our Saturn period what do we do? Most of us will be concerned or afraid. And this is especially true if the cards have already proven their accuracy and validity to us. So, we read the interpretation of the 9♠ in Saturn and we see that this is likely going to be a very big disappointment, our own death or the death of someone we know – pretty serious stuff. So, how could someone transcend this powerful and often deadly influence? Well, any Nine can mean fulfillment. To someone who is spiritually aware and conscious of themselves, and who has been living more and more out of this awareness, this same 9♠ could bring the completion of a long sought after goal or occupation. It could also represent the attainment of enlightenment, even in Saturn. You see, Saturn is only a ‘punisher’ when we are out of alignment in our awareness of others. If a person has learned to be considerate of others in all of his or her undertakings in life, he or she is essentially free of Saturn’s retribution. In such cases, Saturn rewards us with good reputation and crowning achievement. Remember that Saturn is the planet that governs the 10th house of fame and reputation in astrology. Nines and Sevens both are known to bring ill fortune. They are ‘bad cards’ and especially in the positions of Mars, Saturn, Pluto and Displacement. But these are also called spiritual success cards. To someone who has become unattached to the material plane stuff, these cards always bring success. I myself have overcome my poverty consciousness. The same 7♦ that used to bring me so many money problems now bring me wealth. I have made the most money of any time in my life when I had a 7♦ in the Mars period, a position that would have caused great difficulty in my past. I have literally transcended 22 the money cards in my spreads. However, I am still working on other areas. The relationship cards seem to be the hardest for me personally. The ancient Vedic teachers knew that one can transcend duality through opening of the heart chakra. The fourth, or heart chakra is where the heart opens completely and the person experiences nothing but love. When one sees nothing but love all around them, they are no longer bound by duality. It is simple, powerful and yet hard to understand just how this amazing principle works. If we could attain a state of perpetual love for everything in our life, we would automatically transcend all of our cards. In that state of bliss we lose all concern for good and bad. We just love what is. This state cannot be attained that easily. I do believe it can be attained. I have experienced it in brief moments at different times in my life. Those experiences showed me that it was possible, probably God’s way of telling me not to give up. Hope is in sight. Either way, the truth is that the more we can appreciate and love the things and people in our life, the more we will transcend duality and live in the truth of God’s love. And, of course, our cards will no longer apply to us. They may, in retrospect, reflect what happened. But there will be no more of the tragedy and loss that most of us suffer on a regular, if not daily, basis. So, if you are really determined to transcend your cards, I hope this little article gives you direction to follow. The more we can drop our fear of cards and just live a good life, the less any of these influences will actually affect us. The End of 2005 & Early 2006: A Vedic Astrology Perspective By Joseph Malinak This time of the year is a period in which we reflect on the passing year and look forward to the coming one. In this article, we will take a brief look at the recent past and early year ahead for the USA through the lens of Vedic astrology. As you will see, there are an infinite number of factors intertwining together to weave a complex pattern of events. As Lord Krishna said to Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita, “Unfathomable is the course of karma.” In other words, we never definitively know cause and effect. So for our purposes, we’ll focus primarily on planetary transits and interactions of Mars and Saturn, Pluto and Mars, and Rahu (the North Node). We will consider these transits and interactions as “triggers” for events rather than causes. USA’s Vedic Chart First, a few words about Vedic astrology (Jyotish). Although there are significant differences between Vedic Astrology and Western astrology, today, I’ll mention only a few. • • Vedic astrology is sidereal in nature therefore the planets are seen against a fixed background whereas Western astrology is tropical in nature based on the Sun. The result is that in the Western system, Aries always begins on April 21 but, in Jyotish, Aries would begin approximately 21 - 24 degrees earlier. Thus the signs of many of your natal planets will be different in Vedic, usually the sign before the one in western. One’s ascendant & Moon sign are more important than one’s Sun sign. In Western astrology, I am a Cancer because my Sun falls in Cancer but in Jyotish, I am a Taurus because that is my ascendant. 23 • In Jyotish, planetary aspects are from house to house rather than by degree. All planets aspect seven houses away from their location in a chart. Jupiter also casts aspects on houses 5 & 9, Mars also on 4 & 8 and Saturn, 3 & 10. President Bush’s Vedic Chart In our look we’ll use both the USA’s chart and the President’s because, as it has been said, “As the President goes, so goes the nation.” There is much disagreement between astrologers, both Eastern and Western, about the exact birth time to be used for the USA chart. Some even have proposed interesting arguments for a July 2, 1776 birth date rather than the generally accepted July 4. I have seen notable astrologers who used Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius ascendants. For the purposes of this article, we will use a USA chart with a Sagittarius ascendant and mention that much can be determined about the impact of transits, no matter which ascendant is chosen. President Bush’s birth time is generally agreed to be 7:26 am, Jul 6, 1946 in New Haven Connecticut. The Mars Saturn Connection Perhaps most notable both in looking back and for early 2006 is the mutual aspect between Mars and Saturn. In August 2005, Mars entered Aries and will remain there for 6 months until early February 2006 while Saturn remains in cancer for over 2 years. In the sign of Aries, Mars is aspecting Saturn in Cancer and Saturn is aspecting Mars in Aries. This is a dreaded mutual aspect between the 2 most malefic planets and gives rise to much contention and frustration because of their opposite nature. Saturn’s chilling effect is like stepping on the brake with both feet while Mars’ heat is like moving full steam ahead with both feet on the accelerator. This mutual aspect between Mars and Saturn gave rise to much contention and frustration in the last half of 2005 and will continue into early 2006. Although there may be a very difficult planetary configuration in the sky, it will not affect everyone or everyone in the same way. However, it will affect anyone who has natal planets that will touch upon these two as they do their dance. It just so happens that it does touch upon planets in the chart of President Bush and the USA. So let’s see how this mutual aspect impacts the charts of President Bush and the USA. In President Bush’s natal chart there is a Pluto-Mercury natal conjunction in his first house, Cancer, which tends to lead one to extreme stances, subjectivity, and, once the mind is made up, unwillingness to change positions. Transiting Saturn is directly hitting this Pluto and Mercury conjunction while being aspected by transiting Mars from Aries. Saturn transiting one’s first house is difficult in itself. Here, Saturn demands accountability, especially socially, such as in terms of integrity in relationships. If there has been a gap in the way one thinks things should be and the way they are in reality, Saturn demands a more realistic perspective. But Mars aspect on the Pluto-Mars conjunction exacerbates stubbornness and an unwillingness to allow the accountability and realism Saturn is demanding. Notice that Mercury is President Bush’s third house lord 24 and as such rules communication. The Saturn-Mars aspect on Mercury can create aggressive verbal responses to frustrations or perceived attacks. But it can also result in ineffectiveness in speech whether conciliatory or aggressive. The president’s perceived effectiveness reflected in the polls in the last half of the year has been unusually low no matter how many speeches he has made. He has gone from a 57% approval rating in June to 37% in December. • • • • • • • • • • Some of President Bush's biggest disappointments of the year can be viewed as a direct reflection of this malefic transit combination: The withdrawal of Harriet Miers, his second pick for the Supreme Court. The impotent federal response to Hurricane Katrina, which tainted his leadership profile. The Iraq debate took on new potency at home while many called for withdrawal of all troops. As the year ended, the administration lost its bid to open oil drilling in an Alaska wildlife refuge. Congress extended the Patriot Act for just a month. The European Union was vowing to probe allegations that the U.S. has been holding suspected terrorists in secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe. The White House was forced to accept Sen. John McCain’s demand for tighter restrictions on the treatment of foreign detainees. At the end of the year some were calling for impeachment because of government eavesdropping without warrants. Even a casual following of national events reveals the obstacles and frustrations he has faced in these months. Although the final exact square of transiting Mars and Saturn takes place on December 28, 2005, when Western astrologers would then begin to relax, a Vedic astrologer would expect the house to house aspect to continue to bring difficulties for the President into February. Transiting Saturn has been closely conjunct USA’s Rahu (North Node) in Cancer. Rahu exaggerates. Rahu in Cancer can bring a strong protectionism tendency in an individual or entity, especially in protecting against real or perceived threats to family, home, or homeland. The Mars-Saturn mutual aspect impacting the nation’s natal Rahu has lead to an openly aggressive stance, defying international opinion: torture and denial of legal right of prisoners, secret prisons, kidnapping citizens of other countries, killing of perhaps 100,000 innocent civilians in Iraq. Expect accountability for these actions to be demanded throughout 2006, even as these or similar actions continue. The transit of Saturn may also create unease in the economy and a falling housing market throughout the year. Again this is looking at only one of the many elements impacting a complex situation. Notice in the USA’s transit chart above that in late December 2005/early January 2006, Pluto enters Sagittarius. In this position, Pluto is directly opposite the USA’s Mars in Gemini. This notoriously difficult transit has the potential to be very difficult. Generally, this opposition can lead to explosive situations due to a lack of self discipline or self control and stubbornness. It can bring arguments, accidents and violence. This energy will be strengthened in early April when transiting Mars exactly conjuncts the USA natal Mars, while this conjunction is opposed by transiting Pluto. Again, this portends political difficulties, violence, war, or earth upheavals. At the end of 2005 and beginning of 2006 this Pluto – Mars opposition is occurring at the same time that Mars exactly squares Saturn. This is a dangerous time for President Bush and the Nation. It can only be hoped that our leaders are extra thoughtful in their decisions at this time. 25 Star Gazing – The Celebrity Card Column It’s time for an update on the latest celebrities, whose pregnant, whose getting married, whose getting divorced, etc. There is a lot we can learn about the cards by watching celebrities. It’s like have more relatives whom you can watch and study their cards. And their lives are so public that there is often little that is not known about them, making them ideal subjects for study. And, it is fun to make predictions for them using the cards. It’s amazing how much the cards can tell us about them. Let’s start with Brad Pitt (December 18th, 1963) and Angelina Jolie (June 4th, 1975). In the February 20, 2006 issue of In Touch, there is a long article about the couple and their upcoming wedding. One headline says “Angelina is leading Brad around.” Here they contrast his relationship with Jennifer Anniston where he lead her around. Instead Angelina is leading Brad and it is quite noticeable. And isn’t this exactly what we would expect since he is her Moon Card? Brad’s K♥ sits right behind Angelina’s K♦. So, here is a woman who can tame the lion. Apparently Angelina thinks that children are very important and she picked the perfect wife, i.e. Brad, to take care of the brood (the Moon person in a Sun/Moon relationship plays the wife role). Angelina has two adopted children already and is pregnant with Brad’s child now, her first natural child. Angelina is also taking charge of all the wedding plans, which is also opposite what Brad did with Jennifer Anniston. In the former case, he oversaw all of the wedding details himself. They actually should be married by the time you read this. Angelina has a 9♥/K♥ in Uranus from February 20th – April 13th, which is a very strong marriage influence (9♥ means the completion of an event or the ending of single life). But it may occur in March as well. They are keeping the date secret but rumor has it that Brad is anxious to have it happen, another characteristic of being a Moon Card to someone. The latest is that they are expecting a baby girl to be born sometime this summer. Since her Result Card is an A♠, the child could be born on June 3rd or July 1st. If I get a better expected date, I will make a prediction. Will these two stay married. I am betting yes, for at least 5-7 years and maybe longer. Brad just entered a new 7-year period in December in which he displaces the K♦, Angelina’s Birth Card. There are no prominent divorce cards in his foreseeable future. He also has the K♦ Long Range this year. The fact is that even though Brad will be playing the wife role in this relationship, these two are very compatible and have similar values. As a K♥ he loves children enough to make their welfare his primary focus. Speaking of babies and K♥, Katie Holmes, December 18, 1978, is expecting her child by Tom Cruise (July 3rd, 1962) in her Mars period (April 2nd to May 24th) this year. The birth of the baby looks good and assured. She has a 4♣ and 2♥ in Mars in her Birth Card spread and a 5♥/8♣ in her Planetary Ruling Card spread. But what is happening with their marriage plans? There are some indications in his spread and in hers, but not strong. I get the feeling that he is getting cold feet about it. And what really concerns me most is that he is both of her Saturn cards this year, in the period of July 15th to September 5th. Him being Saturn to her means that on some level he is being a burden and restriction, as well as a critic, to her. We have already seen how arrogant he can be about his beliefs on television. I wonder how he applies these beliefs to his young wife to be? It just makes me wonder about their future. I do not feel that Tom is a genuine person, about her or in general. I guess I am feeling a little worried about Katie but on another level I know that she chose this for some reason. It reminds me a little of John F. Kennedy (3♣) and his wife, Jacqueline, another K♥. He was an incredible philanderer and womanizer and she, the dutiful obedient wife. 26 As I predicted last year, Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson’s (July 10th. 1980) marriage has bitten the dust. Though formally separated at the moment, Nick is not wasting any time getting back into circulation. Nick is fairly bad news to any woman who would want to marry him or even date him right now. Born November 9, 1973, he is a J♣ with double Two Planetary Ruling Cards. He is now dating a former girlfriend, Elizabeth Arnold (birthday unknown). Nick claims he still has feelings for Jessica and she is his Long Range Card this year. As far as I can tell, they will not get back together. I see a new man coming into her life after her next birthday, and Nick becoming a father next year, most likely with someone else. Jennifer Lopez (July 24, 1970) is trying to get pregnant with her new husband Marc Anthony (September 16, 1968) and it looks like they might get their wish within the next year. The influences are not the most definitive, but promising. She has a 3♥ Long Range next year and the 3♥ can mean ‘three hearts’ i.e. the mother, father and baby. He has a K♥ in Neptune this year and a 3♥ Long Range right now. Good cards, but like I said, not definitive. Rumor has it that Cameron Diaz (August 30th, 1972) is now sporting an engagement ring from Justin Timberlake (January 31, 1981) whom she has been dating for the past three years. Is marriage in their future? If so, it is not showing up in their cards anytime soon. The cards show her dreaming about it (10♥ in Neptune) but it is only showing as a small possibility in his cards. Also possible is for her to have a child by him. But again, these are relatively small influences. I would tend to think that neither will actually happen. The Hidden Cards in Your Spreads If you are reading the Cards of Your Destiny or Destiny Cards book, which are the same internally, you are probably not aware of the cards I am going to talk about here. You are, by now, familiar with your planetary period cards, Mercury through Neptune, and the yearlong cards, the Long Range, Pluto, Result, Environment and Displacement. All of these but the Environment and Displacement Cards have what we call Underlying Cards. These Underlying Cards are influences that are normally hidden in the sense that they do not show in the book and are derived from techniques involving reading the Grand Solar Spreads. These techniques are only discussed in Exploring the Little Book of the Seven Thunders and in the Advanced Oracle Workbook. But there is a way, if you are willing to do a little work, to reveal the Underlying Cards in your Yearly Spreads, without using the advanced techniques in those books, by simply using your Destiny Cards and Love Cards books. What is really great about the Underlying Cards is that they can show you things that you normally would never see, often revealing things that are very important and meaningful. Let’s first talk a little about the Underlying Cards and then I will show you how you can look yours up and interpret them. Most of the cards in your Yearly Spreads have two Underlying Cards. These cards are derived from your yearly Displacement Card(s) for the most part. You may already know that the Displacement Card is where your card is sitting this year in the Grand Solar Spread of the Life Spread, illustrated here. This is a picture of all the cards in the deck, minus the Joker, arrayed in what is known as the Grand Solar Spread formation. This one spread is the most significant of the entire system and a full 27 understanding of it could tell you pretty much everything we know about the science of the cards. If you take a minute and look up your Displacement Card this year, it would tell you where your card is sitting in this Grand Solar Spread of the Life Spread. For example, if you are displacing the A♠ this year, it would mean that your Birth Card has moved to the far left upper corner position of this spread where the A♠ is located. Because we are virtually sitting in the place of the Displacement Card, we inherit some of its qualities in that year. You might even say that the Displacement Card is the Underlying Card of our Birth Card each year. Though our Birth Card is sitting there, we are strongly influenced by the card that normally sits there in the Life Spread, in this case the A♠. Like wise, each card in our Yearly Spread has underlying it, a card from the Life Spread of our Displacement Card, as well as a Spiritual Spread counterpart. More about that later. But suffice it to say, each card in our Yearly Spread, except the Environment and Displacement Cards, have two Underlying Cards, one from the Life Spread of our Displacement Card and one from the Spiritual Spread counterpart. These two cards will bring to bear their influences in whatever position they are located, influencing what happens to you. Using the previous example, whenever anyone displaces the A♠ (which means the A♠ is their yearly Displacement Card) underlying their direct Mars Card, whatever card that is, will be two cards, the 5♠ and the 10♥. You can check this for yourself later after I tell you how to look these up. What is important here is that no matter what your Mars Card is that year, it will be heavily influenced by the two Underlying Cards, the 5♠ and 10♥. The 5♠, being such a strong card of moves and changes, is bound to play a role during that Mars period. Many people will move or change jobs in that period and it may not show up in their Mars Cards themselves. For example, a Q♦ person displaces the A♠ at Age 37 and in their Mars period they have a 10♠ and 4♦. Neither one of those cards would represent a move or a change of career. But I bet if you ask a Q♦ who is 37 or 38 about that period of time, you will find that they did indeed have a change of that nature. This is the power of the Underlying Cards. And when the Underlying Card is a powerful card, like a Spade, and especially a significant Spade card such as the 3♠, 5♠, 7♠, and 9♠, the effect can be quite dramatic. The other important function of Underlying Cards is to identify people who will play a role in our life during those periods. In the above example perhaps the 10♥ or 5♠ could be the Birth Card or Planetary Ruling Card of someone that would play a prominent role during that period. I actually think that finding people is the most important use of Underlying Cards. It often really shows me who is showing up for someone and how. So, how do we find out what our Underlying Cards are in our Yearly Spread? Please follow carefully. It will be a little complicated but well worth the effort. Let’s use an example to practice on and I will lead you through it. Let’s say you are reading for a 10♣ guy who has just turned 31 years of age. We look at his Yearly Spread and see that his Displacement Card is the 5♣. We want to know what are the Underlying Cards in his Mercury period, which is showing a 10♠ and K♠. Step One: Look up the Life Spread of the Displacement Card – in this case, we look up the Age 0 Spread for the 5♣, because the 5♣ is his Displacement Card. Step Two: Look up the cards that correspond to the planetary period you are wanting the Underlying Cards for. Looking at the Age 0 Spread of the 5♣ and it’s Mercury period, we find a 3♦ direct and a K♠ vertical. Step Three: determine the first Karma Card of each of the corresponding cards. This may seem complicated but here goes. You can use your Love Cards book for this. Take the 3♦, and look in the chapter in Love Cards for that Birth Card. See what the first Karma Card is for that card, in this case the first Karma Card for the 3♦ is the 6♥. Thus, the two Underlying Cards for the 10♠ in this example are the 3♦ and 6♥. The K♠ is one of the three, Fixed Cards. Those three cards (8♣, J♥ and K♠) never have an Underlying Card. Also, if the card you are seeking Underlying Cards for is one of the four Semi-Fixed Cards (A♣/2♥ and 7♦/9♥) their only Underlying Card is their partner. Thus a 2♥ has the A♣ as an 28 Underlying Card and vice versa and the 7♦ has the 9♥ as its Underlying Card and vice versa. These cards are always this way. Let’s do another example just to make sure we have it. What would be the Underlying Cards under the direct Venus Card for a 4♦ person age 63? Looking up their Yearly Spread, we see that their direct Venus Card is the K♣. The Displacement Card for them that year is the Q♣. Looking at the Q♣ Life Spread, we see that the direct Venus Card is the 5♣. Looking in the Love Cards book under the 5♣ Birth Card, we discover that it’s first Karma Card is the 5♥. Thus, the two Underlying Cards for the K♣ that is the direct Venus Card for the 4♦ person, age 63, are the 5♣ and 5♥. Image from Book of Destiny 3.0 software showing the Underlying Cards for a 4♦, Age 63 person The two Underlying Cards are always Karma Cards to each other, you will notice. Essentially what they are is the influence of the spaces they occupy in the Life and Spiritual Spread. Each card in the Life and Spiritual Spread cast an influence on those spaces every year of life, regardless of which cards are actually occupying those spaces in any given year. You might say that the Underlying Cards reflect the Life and Spiritual Spread influence that is present in any given spot of the Grand Solar Spread/Life Spread. These influences are often more powerful than the cards that are found there. Another thing to notice is that the Underlying Cards at Ages 45 and 90 will be the same as the cards occupying the space. This is because the cards at Age 45 and 90 are essentially the Life Spread repeated. As you begin to use the Underlying Cards, you are actually dipping into the more esoteric aspects of the card system. You will receive a lot more information and may actually make some interesting discoveries. If you would like to fully explore the advanced aspects of the Science of the Cards, get a copy of Exploring the Little Book of the Seven Thunders found on our web site and in our catalog. From Wanting to Having In an article in USA Today on March 2, 2006 the headline reads “How long can households sustain negative savings?” This article by John Waggoner states: Never have so many spent so much and saved so little. The nation's dismal savings rate is the focus of a sharp debate: This can't go on forever, some economists say. We spend and borrow too much, we save too little, and in the long run, it spells trouble for individuals and the nation. Nonsense, others say. We might be dipping into our savings, but that's a deep well: Household assets — swollen by rising home equity — stand at $62 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve. The gist of the article is just highlighting the overwhelming tendency in our country for people to borrow and spend and not save. We are a consumer nation first and foremost, surrounded on all sides by advertising, pleading and persuading us to spend, spend, spend. To buy the things we want, we are encouraged to borrow. We use credit cards, home equity loans, second and third mortgages, and other unsecured loans to purchase the things we want. It sort of looks like most of us want to at least appear we are worth something by having all the right ‘stuff’ that makes us look like we are successful. So, we buy, 29 buy, buy. I am amazed actually, when I ask some of my friends and my siblings if they have any money saved and if so, how much. Few have any savings and those that do have little money in their savings account or set aside. The concept of saving seems to be lost on most of us. People have savings accounts with very little in them and the overall feeling I get is that no one really even knows why they have a savings account. They just do it because they saw their parents do it. They never stopped to ask why or its importance. For this reason, most people’s savings account, if they even have one, is just a token account. It has no real purpose or intention behind it. And it gets looted regularly and is for the most part forgotten. What most people do not know about becoming wealthy What most people in our country do not know is that saving money is one of the key foundations of wealth and prosperity. I don’t mean that your savings account will make you wealthy. The amount of money we make by putting it into a savings account is secondary to the basic principle of wealth that having savings fulfills. We tend to think that our country is the most wealthy in the world. However, the 9/11 tragedy and hurricane Katrina should have shown us by now that our status of wealth is very fragile at best. We are not a nation of wealthy people. We are actually a nation of people whose financial stability is fragile and weak. Again from the USA Today article, is a quote: "Some people wouldn't know a piggy bank from a snake," says Mark Bass, a financial planner in Lubbock, Texas. "They think they're going to retire in 10, 15 years, and there's no way they will." What is really happening here is that we are becoming a nation of wanting and not a nation of having. Even our government is borrowing itself into oblivion. To have prosperity in our lives we have to create a sense of having and expand our capacity to have. It does nothing to our inner and external prosperity to constantly want more. Imagine for a minute that you have a million one-dollar bills to give away. You announce it somehow and a line of people form. As each person comes in front of you, you offer them as much money as will fit into their pockets. Under these conditions, whom among those you meet will get the most money? Obviously it will be the ones with the bigger pockets. The pockets, in this example, represent each person’s capacity to have. The more the capacity to have, the more someone can receive. And this is how it actually works in real life. Each of us has a certain capacity to ‘have’ that sets limits on the amount we can have and feel comfortable. Articles have been written about people who have won the lottery and who, within a relatively short period of time, revert back to the same financial condition they were in before getting the money. What does all of this have to do with savings? Well, saving money on a regular basis has the effect of increasing our sense of having and decreasing our sense of wanting. Again from the USA Today article: "Our sense is that people don't have enough put away for a rainy day," says Jack Gillis of the Consumer Federation of America. A CFA study last year showed that young women were particularly poor savers: 55% of women ages 25 to 34 had less than $500 in an emergency fund. And 42% of all women said they had no emergency fund at all. 30 This is the truth of what is going on here. Most of us are not saving and in turn are decreasing our sense of having, and increasing our sense of wanting. There are old expressions about separating people into two categories, the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots.’ If you are experiencing financial problems or limitations, you are in the ‘have-not’ category. And if that is true, how are you going to change that? Increasing our sense and state of being to have is one of the most important things we can do to increase our prosperity consciousness. One of the best ways is to create a savings plan that you put money into on a regular basis. This is not saving money to spend on something in a year or two. It is a ‘life savings’, one that you will contribute to for the rest of your life. You may have to dip into it at one time or another, but overall the trend is for it to keep increasing. As the amount you have saved increases and you realize that it is really going to keep on increasing, a magical thing happens inside. Inside you will begin to get it that you actually ‘have’ money. This inner knowing that you ‘have money’ will, in turn, cause more money to be attracted to you. You will, in essence, become one of the ‘haves.’ It is the state of being called ‘I have money’ that is responsible for attracting money to you, not what you do for a job. People that have a lot of money are people that ‘have’ a lot of money. Simple, isn’t it? So simple and yet for most people, so difficult to understand or to implement in their lives. So, be a rebel! Go against the pull of our media-driven society. Become a ‘have.’ Be prosperous and content, not a debt-ridden person who can never get enough things to be happy. Start a savings account now and contribute to it daily, weekly or monthly. But make sure you contribute to it on a regular basis. That is the key. Once it grows enough, put it in a five year Certificate of Deposit, you will more than double your interest rate on it, especially if you use a Credit Union instead of a bank. Watch it grow with joy and glee! And then watch money start coming to you as easy as water flowing down stream. There are many things you can do if you really want to have prosperity in your life. If you are ready to do everything you can, read my book, The Big Money Book, available in our catalog and on my web site. There is no reason you cannot be prosperous for the rest of your entire life! The Mysterious Ace of Spades The A♠ is what I consider to be the most spiritual card in the deck. But at the same time, it can be the most material, or mundanely oriented. It is the card of mysteries and secrets. It is the card of transformation and death, but also rebirth and new beginnings. I consider it to be the Pluto Card of the entire deck. As a Spade, its effects are always felt. We cannot just ignore it when it shows up. We could say that when the A♠ shows up, transformation is just around the corner. Transformation involves a death of some kind. We must die before we are reborn. I recently had the A♠ in my Jupiter period and experienced a tremendous transformation. But if I had not taken action myself and made deliberate choices to effect that transformation, it would never have occurred. This is how it works with the cards. We have to see the possibilities that our cards hold for us and then take action if we are to realize their potential. I was also interested in just how difficult this transformation was for me this year. Even though I had the A♠ in Jupiter, it was extremely difficult for me to make the changes. I would normally expect a card in Jupiter to be easier or more kind. Nonetheless, transform I did. I even cut my hair, something I had not done for 6 years. Now I am an A♠ survivor. That would be something like a Cancer survivor. I died and came back from the dead. I look and feel new. I am alive again. The A♠ is also the card of secrets and of the Order of the Magi. For those who are unaware, the Order of the Magi is the secret society responsible for the preservation and eventual dissemination of the 31 card science system throughout the ages. It was only in 1894 that the public was made aware of the card science. It is for this reason that the system is still relatively unknown in the world. As the single card in the deck that actually represents the science of the cards itself, the presence of an A♠ in your yearly or other spreads could be an indicator of your involvement with the system. The Q♣ Birth Card has the A♠ in their Jupiter position of their Life Spread. For all Q♣, this represents blessings (Jupiter) coming from involvement with the science of the cards. I know many Q♣ people who are making lots of money using the cards as part of their life’s work. Many other cards have the A♠ in their Life Spread, which often indicates a close relationship to the card science. The 3♦ is notable for this because the A♠ is the first card, the Mercury Card, in their Life Spread. It is a fact that most of the Grand Masters of the Order of the Magi in the past century have been a 3♦ Birth Card. However, other cards have some connection that often has them working with the cards to one extent or the other. The 5♣ has the A♠ in Venus, the 10♠ has the A♠ in Mars, the Q♣, as mentioned earlier, has the A♠ in Jupiter and the A♣ person has the A♠ in Saturn. All of these may have a strong connection to the card science that shows up as them working with it in some way. The 8♦ has the A♠ as their lifetime Pluto Card. This is very significant when you think about it since the A♠ is already the Pluto Card of the entire deck. Think about it a moment – having the Pluto Card of the entire deck as your Life Spread Pluto Card. Doesn’t that sound pretty intense? Well, in fact it actually is. 8♦ people do experience some tremendous transformations over the course of their life. The most common is the transformation from trying to change others to directing the desire for change upon themselves. When the 8♦ person stops trying to change or control others, that is a sign that they have successfully applied the lesson of their A♠ Pluto Card. Indeed, all of us who displace the 8♦ in a Yearly Spread will experience some of this transformation. That year is called our Pinnacle Year. And whatever our Pluto Card is for that year will have the A♠ as the Underlying Card, giving special potency to the transformation effect of the Pinnacle’s year’s Pluto Card. This is one of the main reasons it is called the Pinnacle year – the transformation is huge and noticeable. It represents an ending of importance, the end of the line, so to speak, in relationship to our life’s course up until that year. The A♠ also represents secrets. An A♠ in Venus can mean a secret affair. Ask any 5♣ about this. An A♠ in Mars, a secret legal matter. The A♠ is essentially an Acorn. That is what is symbolized by the shape of the Spade. An acorn is a seed that holds within it the secrets and mysteries of life. This is why A♠ represents all mystic sciences which reveal these secrets to the determined students who pursue them. A♠ people are likewise somewhat enigmatic. Many are super workers, super busy doing so many projects, very passionate and self-directed. All A♠ have a rich spiritual heritage underlying this busy exterior. All are sensitives, or aware of other planes of reality. However, most ignore that. It is an area that is scary for them. Most A♠ are very emotionally sensitive. They usually get their feeling hurt easily and have difficulties in intimate relationships. For this reason, many of them hide behind their work and run to it whenever their emotions become upset. Some of their lives are tragic, like Princess Diana, a famous A♠. I have met a few A♠ who do pursue spiritual matters or make that a big part of their career. It is when they pay attention to their spiritual side that they discover the answers to their questions and obtain the guidance they need to have a happy, healthy, successful life. The Cards of Spiritual Growth Each of us has several cards that relate directly to our Birth Card and Planetary Ruling Card that signify the areas of spiritual and personal growth that we will encounter in this lifetime. For purposes of this article we will focus on the cards that relate to our Birth Card. But you should know that you can also look at those relating to your Planetary Ruling Card in a similar fashion. But the Birth Card is our main symbol of Karma in this lifetime. It is our most important significator. 32 Actually, every card in our Life Spread is a symbol of some kind of Karma that we are dealing with in this lifetime. This Karma comes in many flavors and affects us in different areas of our life in different ways. Not all Karma is bad Karma, by the way. We have sort of come to thinking of Karma as being bad Karma but Karma comes in both positive and negative flavors. The deeds we perform in any given lifetime create Karmas, both positive and negative, that will be experienced in a future lifetime. Deeds that help others generally create positive Karma. Positive Karma shows up as gifts and abilities, areas of ease and good flow. Having a healthy, attractive body is an example of good or positive Karma. Having courage, being loving and trusting, having a gift for helping others in a unique way – these are all examples of positive Karma. You could say that everything you have or are that is enjoyable, loving, and something to be appreciated is part of your good Karma. On the reverse side, fears, insecurities, physical deformities, lack of skill or abilities, challenging relationships, inability to trust – these are all forms of negative Karma. The cards in your Life Spread often point out our Karma in different areas of our life. For example, my Birth Card, the Q♦, has a 3♣ in Venus. This 3♣ in Venus symbolizes both positive and negative Karma for the Q♦. On the positive side it brings a gift of creative writing and speaking. Negatively it represents uncertainty and indecision in regards to relationships. So, every card in the Life Spread has some Karmic significance. But there are some that stand out from the rest as being the most significant. These we might call the cards of our spiritual growth. They represent the most significant progress we will make spiritually speaking in this lifetime. Here they are, one by one, with some explanation. 1. Our first Karma Card – Our first Karma Card is the primary and first place to look for an area of spiritual growth that will occur in our lifetime. It is essentially an area that we must pay more attention to if we are to make spiritual progress. Take the K♥ for example. The first Karma Card of the K♥ is the 2♣. This 2♣, expressed negatively, represents arguing and whining, essentially a negative mental state that is expressed in many different ways. K♥ people are known to be angry, temperamental and argumentative and this comes primarily from their 2♣ first Karma Card. The spiritual growth that will occur for them is to become aware of this tendency and to seek out inner solutions for its expression, turning it from a negative expression to a positive one. The 2♣ also is a fear card. And generally speaking it is one or more fears that lie at the heart of the K♥’s negative expression. It is considered a spiritual accomplishment to get to the heart of an issue and heal it. 2. Our Saturn Card in our Life Spread – Naturally our direct Saturn Card is a powerful symbol of an issue that we must contend with in this lifetime, and heal. Generally speaking, it represents an energy or pattern of expression that we tend to express negatively in a habitual manner. It is a negative that needs elevating to a positive. The 9♣ person, for example, has the 6♥ as their direct Saturn Card. This 6♥ implies many things. But at its very deepest level, it implies that 9♣ people came into this lifetime disregarding the ‘law of love’ and that they are here to learn about fairness and consideration of others in their personal relationships. It also implies that there would be a certain number of significant, Karmic relationships in their lifetime, ones in which they would suffer at the hands of their lover. These relationships would be mirrors of how they treated others in a previous lifetime. The 9♣ person would have to first experience these negative relationships, then move from being the victim of their partners to taking responsibility for their choices and seeing how their partners reflect their own internal state of being. Ultimately, 9♣ people are destined to become more caring and considerate of their partners as a result of the lessons of the 6♥ in Saturn. 3. Our Life Spread Pluto Card – Here is another powerful card of spiritual growth, one that points to a fundamental change that we must embrace over the course of our life. Whatever your Pluto Card is, it symbolizes an area where a shift from a low expression of that card must occur to a high expression. It has taken me nearly 50 years to come to a complete understanding of my Life Spread Pluto Card, the J♣. It is funny because my teacher, Arnie Lein, mentioned it to me in one of the classes I had with him. He pointed to it as if I should know what it meant, but I didn’t. The negative J♣ is the schemer and liar, along with being very fixed minded. It has taken me a long time to realize how much my 33 monkey mind interferes in my life. I can see all the negative traits of the J♣ now but it took a while. I was fooling myself for such a long time. And I had lost my integrity many times in the past and utilized my J♣ genius mind to explain my way out of it. Don’t be surprised if you haven’t figured out the message of your lifetime Pluto Card yet. It can have many levels of meaning to it. These three are the main cards of spiritual growth. However, there are others. As I said earlier, any card in your Life Spread may be a symbol of an issue, or an area where some energy needs to be expressed more positively. This is especially true of the odd-numbered cards in our Life Spread. Oddnumbered cards tend to express in a more or less negative fashion. The A♠ is a good example of this. Nearly every card, from Mercury through Neptune, is an odd-numbered card. They have the 7♥ in Mercury, 7♦ in Venus,, 5♠ in Mars, J♥ in Jupiter, 9♣ in Saturn, 9♠ in Uranus and the 2♥ in Neptune. All those odd-numbered cards represent challenges of one sort or the other. Some cards are relatively blessed in this department. The K♣ for example, has all even-numbered cards in its Life Spread. When your spiritually challenging and Life Spread cards appear in your Yearly Spreads No discussion of these spiritual growth cards would be complete without mentioning the dynamic that occurs when you find one or more of these cards in your Yearly Spread. This can happen frequently, by the way. If we can take an inventory of all the spiritually growthful cards in our Life Spread, and know what issues they represent, we will have a really good handle on the timing of when those issues will appear in our lives by noting the timing of when they show up in our Yearly Spreads. For example, let’s say your Birth Card is the Q♣ and because of that, your lifetime Saturn Card is the 7♥. That 7♥ certainly represents a significant Karmic issue to be dealt with over the course of your life, in this case, abandonment issues and control issues in personal relationships. Now, what would it mean if you had a 7♥ as your Long Range Card this coming year? Naturally, that would mean that it would be this coming year that you would have ample opportunities to work on that issue. You could predict that experiences involving abandonment, betrayal and control in personal relationships would appear in your life over the course of the year. Now, what if you also had a 3♥ in Saturn for the year? Well, the 3♥ happens to be the first Karma Card of the Q♣, and represents an inner uncertainty about love and perhaps a fear of not getting enough love. So, if this were the case, this would be a powerful year of spiritual growth for you since you have two of your three main cards of spiritual growth appearing in your Yearly Spread this year. For this reason, it is always good to examine the cards in your Yearly Spread to see if any of your spiritual growth cards are found there. I would also include looking for any and all cards of your Life Spread. For example, if you are an 8♣, you have the 4♠ in Venus in your Life Spread, which is a pretty good card to have in Venus. But what would happen if you had this same 4♠ in your Saturn period in the coming year? This would indicate that your normal way of approaching love and family (4♠ in Venus) would somehow become a burden, restriction, or would be a challenging issue in the year ahead. When you examine your Yearly Spread cards in this manner, looking for cards that connect to your Life Spread and other spiritual growth cards, you get an entirely new perspective on the cycles you are living through. It’s almost like you get to see your life as a progression of spiritual opportunities rather than the usual mundane concerns. 34 Your Intra-Day Planetary Periods By Jonathan David Sloate Note from Robert Lee Camp: Jonathan David Sloate is a genius when it comes to the science of the cards. In this article, he will show you how to find and experience your daily planetary periods. Read carefully. It is somewhat complex, but I think you will agree, well worth the effort. Each day we routinely cycle through a repetitive chain of 7 planetary Periods in order from the closest planet to the Sun i.e. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each planetary Period symbolizes a specific thematic energy that influences and shapes the emotional experiences we go through for that duration of time. A 24-hour day can be broken down into approximately 7 consecutive three hour and twenty-six minute Periods. Therefore, we begin each day of the week with a three hour and twenty-six minute Mercury Period, followed by a three hour and twenty-six minute Venus Period, followed by a three hour and twenty-six minute Mars Period, followed by a three hour and twenty-five minute Jupiter Period, followed by a three hour and twenty-six minute Saturn Period, followed by a three hour and twenty-five minute Uranus Period, and ending with a three hour and twenty-six minute Neptune Period. Finding Your True Solar Birth Time However, each person is born at a different time of the day let alone in different cities in the world, so each of us has a unique time that signals the true beginning of each day. This time is your True Solar Birth Time (TSBT) adjusted by the exact city you are currently located in. Rarely, will anyone actually begin their day at midnight, even though it’s the standard by which we all signal a new day has begun. Your TSBT can be calculated by first finding your official, or observed, time of birth (OTB), which you can usually find on your birth certificate or perhaps in a baby book, and then adjusting this time based on the longitude of the city you were born in, your birthplace. Find the Time Zone that your birthplace is in, then adjust your OTB if your birthplace is not exactly located at the longitude of your birthplace’s Time Zone. Here is a list of the US Time Zones and their corresponding longitudes (degrees/minutes): Atlantic Mountain Hawaii 60w0 105w0 150w0. Eastern Pacific 75w0 120w0 Central Yukon 90w0 135w0 You then need to find the exact longitude of your birthplace by going to free sites like and entering your birthplace into their Astrology Atlas Query. If your birthplace’s longitude is East of your OTB Time Zone’s longitude then you add 4 minutes to your OTB for every degree of difference to arrive at your TSBT. If your birthplace’s longitude is West of your OTB Time Zone’s longitude then you subtract 4 minutes from your OTB for every degree of difference to arrive at your TSBT. However, you may have to make one final adjustment if you were born during Daylight Savings Time, in which case you must subtract 1 hour from this time to arrive at your final TSBT. For example, let’s say you were born at 10:45am Eastern Standard Time on July 3, 1953 in South Charleston, WV. South Charleston, West Virginia has a longitude of 81w44, which is approximately 6 and ¾ degrees West of the Eastern Time Zone longitude of 75w0. 6 degrees difference multiplied by 4 minutes equals 24 minutes of total adjustment time. Then, you take the 44 part of the longitude, which is calculated out of a possible maximum total of 60, and divide 44 by 60, which is approximately 73.3% and can be rounded up to 75% of 1 degree. Thus, 75% of 4 minutes equals exactly an additional 3 minutes of adjustment time that’s added to your total adjustment time. So in the end, 80w43 degrees means you subtract 27 minutes total from your OTB arriving at a time of 10:18am Eastern Standard Time. Since 35 there was no Daylight Savings Time observed in Wheeling, WV in 1953, 10:22am would be your final TSBT. Adjusting for where you live now Now, let’s continue the example and say that you are presently living in Manhattan, NY. Manhattan, New York has a longitude of 73w59. We can round the 59 up to 60, which then makes Manhattan’s longitude exactly 74w0 or exactly 1 degree East of the Eastern Time Zone longitude of 75w0 degrees. Therefore, since each degree equates to 4 minutes of adjustment time, we would add 4 minutes of time to your TSBT to arrive at your Adjusted Solar Birth Time (ASBT) of 10:26am. Thus, while you are in Manhattan, NY this person would begin each day not at midnight but at 10:26am. Once Daylight Savings Time begins in your location you would simply add 1 hour to your ASBT, so this person would begin each day at 11:26am during Daylight Savings Time. For this person here is a list of when they would begin each Intra-Day Planetary Period everyday during Daylight Savings Time as long as they were in Manhattan, NY: Mercury 11:26am EDT; Venus 2:52pm EDT; Mars 6:17pm EDT; Jupiter 9:43pm EDT; Saturn 1:09am EDT; Uranus 4:34am EDT; Neptune 8:00am EDT. As soon as your day begins at your ASBT you start your three hour and twenty-six minute Intra-day Mercury Period. Mercury is the fastest energy and speeds up the mental capabilities of the mind to their greatest potential, so this Period of your day is the best time to write, speak, communicate, strategize, plan, negotiate, sing, think creatively, brainstorm and create correspondence. Mercury is also the best time to go on short journeys and errands since you should experience the least amount of delays, traffic and wait times. Because Mercury rules everything regarding communication and ideas, you will notice that conversations are passionate and usually very brief in duration, though you sometimes will experience your longest conversations and meetings in Mercury too, and that any task initiated in Mercury will usually pass by very quickly. After our Mercury Period, we experience a three hour and twenty-six minute Intra-Day Venus Period. Venus is all about the people we love to be with the most and the things we love to do the most. You will notice that it is during this Period of your day you spend time with the lovers, friends and family members you adore the most. You may also take part in the activities, hobbies and passions you enjoy the most during Venus. Venus rules all indulgences too, so this is the best time of your day to eat your favorite foods (i.e. chocolate, ice cream, etc…), play hooky from school or work, relax and be lazy, and be loving and affectionate with your significant other. Additionally, Venus is a great time to spend money, buy presents for yourself and others, and generate money for your business. Venus is the most loving energy, so this should be the Period of your day that you love the most each day. Venus rules the theatre as well, so this is the best time to perform or watch theatrical productions. Your three hour and twenty-five minute Intra-Day Mars Period always follows your Venus time of the day. Mars is both the God of War and Lust, so this Period of your day is the one most likely filled with arguments and fights or sexually aggressive behavior and infatuation. Mars also rules the physical body so this is the best Period of your day to work out at the gym, play sports, dance, and do anything that requires physical exertion. Mars is the best time of your day to be productive in business and get the most accomplished. Mars wants to rule any activity it engages in and provides you with the most masculine energy during your Intra-Day Mars Period each day. The next three hour and twenty-six minute Intra-Day Period that follows Mars is that of Jupiter. Jupiter is the most blessed time of your day. It is that time of your day when the Universe sends you a gift of some kind. You may get money or your salary during Jupiter, find out you got a raise and promotion, receive a present from someone, win the lottery, and be given some form of generosity from someone or some institution. Jupiter is the all about abundance and excess, so this is the best time to grow your business and make some form of spiritual growth. It’s the most likely time someone will want to give to you in some way be it financial or spiritual or both. 36 The following three hour and twenty-six minute Intra-Day Period is that of Saturn. Saturn is the most difficult and challenging time of your day. This is when everything becomes harder to accomplish. Saturn is also the most likely time when you have an accident, become ill, get fired, fail at the task you are facing, get audited, be hounded by creditors, break up with your significant other, and get criticized by someone for not being good enough and not doing things correctly. Saturn is the great teacher and master, so unless you are the willing student Saturn can be an extremely harsh energy to deal with. It is also the most heavily fated and karmic time of the day, so people who come into your life during your Intra-Day Saturn Period are here to teach you the hardest lessons. However, if you are proactively responsible and show a determined willingness to be serious and learn the lessons that are being taught to you during your Saturn Period, you can experience great rewards in the long run and go a long way to diminish the harshness of Saturn’s force. In general, it will be very challenging to struggle through this heavy and burdensome time. After Saturn, you enter you three hour and twenty-five minute Intra-Day Uranus Period. Uranus rules higher intelligence, so this is the best time of the day to learn about the secrets of the Universe, astrology, tarot and any kind of science and mathematics. Uranus also rules the home, so this is the most likely time to improve your home in some way, move to a new house, and buy and sell your home. Uranus also rules all forms of broadcasting, so you may find yourself listening to music on your mp3 player and the radio, watching television, recording music and video, working on your computer, reading and sending e-mails, and surfing on the internet. Uranus is also all about surprises and excitement, so this is the best time of the day to get thrown a surprise party, get a surprise gift from someone, and have someone unexpectedly enter your life. Since Uranus rules large institutions, fraternal organizations, and large groups of people especially friends, you may have any of these energies dominate this time of your day. Uranus is also when you will be most intuitively aware of life and others. The final three hour and twenty-six minute Intra-Day Period is that of Neptune. Neptune rules the water, so this is the most likely time to be near large bodies of water as well as take long journeys that may require you to travel over large bodies of water. Neptune is all about illusion and delusion, so this is the time when your greatest dreams and fears are realized. It is also the most likely time when you are not seeing people for whom they are but through rose-colored glasses. Neptune also rules fantasy, and there is no greater fantasy that romance and romantic love, so this is the best time to spiritually connect with your significant other. Neptune conveys prosperity and longevity, so things unfold slowly and idealistically in this dreamy Period in your day. Neptune also rules any live performing as well as the movies, so this is the most likely time of your day to see a new movie, read a romance novel, and go to a live concert. Unlike Mercury, things take the longest to unfold in Neptune but last the longest as a reward. The Cards in Your Daily Planetary Periods Once you understand when you begin each of your seven Intra-Day Planetary Period then you can start calculating which Cards you have each day during each planetary Period. Knowing the set of Cards you have for any given Intra-Day Planetary Period gives you an understanding of the thematic emotional experiences you will go through in each of the seven Intra-Day Periods of your day as well as the people who will come into your life at different parts of each day. To determine the exact set of Cards you have you will first need to go to Robert Lee Camp’s web site at and go to his Free Destiny Reading Page. Enter your birthday and write down your Birth Card. Then select TODAY and write down the number of days you have been alive. To find out what day you are on take the total number of days you have been alive and divide that by 90. Then take only the remainder and multiply that by 90. Ignore the remainder, if any, of that multiplication and this number is the Day, or Age Spread, that you are on today. If you now open up Robert Lee Camp’s book CARDS OF YOUR DESTINY, find the charts in the back of this book where your Birth Card resides. Now, simply take the Day you are on and look at the Cards for the same Age. These Cards represent the actual Intra-Day Planetary Period 37 Cards that you have for that day. Once you know what Day you are on, you can easily track tomorrow’s Intra-Day Planetary Period Cards by looking at the next incremental Age/Day and so on as each day passes. For Advanced Students For those who know how to find out what their Planetary Ruling card is, simply go to those charts in the back of CARDS OF YOUR DESTINY and look at the same Age/Day and you can see the other set of Intra-Day Planetary Period Cards that you will experience that same day. For advanced students who have Robert Lee Camp’s THE ADVANCED ORACLE WORKBOOK, pay special attention to the Underlying Cards since they have a major influence on the emotional experiences you will go through. I have also noticed the importance of your Diagonal Cards throughout my Intra-Day Planetary Periods as more of an indicator of reciprocal energy being exchanged by me and someone else. Knowing which Intra-Day Planetary Period you are in and the set of Cards you have for both your Birth Card and Planetary Ruling Card will give you much more insight into both the thematic planetary energy and the emotional experiences and people who influence and enter your life throughout the course of the specific day you are on, giving you greater awareness and understanding of the timing of your daily experiences as they occur in each of your Intra-Day Planetary Periods. Note from Robert: This process can be somewhat challenging and Jonathan offers a unique service called the Intra-Day Planetary Period Starter Kit ($49.95). He will do all the calculations for you and tell you your periods and the cards in them. If you are interested, contact him directly at Donald Rumsfeld 7/9/1932 6♦/8♣ Recently Donald has been receiving lots of criticism over his methods of handling the Iraq war, specifically how he interacts with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other military personnel. I could not help but be impressed with how well he fits his cards. No less than 6 generals who were under his command in the war have stepped up to criticize him and ask him to step down due to incompetence and arrogance. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, a potential Democratic presidential candidate, told CBS's "Face the Nation" program, "Besides the fact that the Iraq war has been mismanaged ... we should listen to what these generals are saying. These are six distinguished military officers," Richardson said. "They basically are saying that Secretary Rumsfeld, on issues relating to military strategy ... didn't listen to them. ... This reaches a new level ... of not being willing to admit mistakes, not being willing to change a course, policy that is just not working." Bush’s ‘bulldog’ Donald Rumsfeld Doesn’t that just sound like an 8♣? Here’s more: "We went to war with a flawed plan that didn't account for the hard work to build the peace after we took down the regime. We also served under a secretary of defense who didn't understand leadership, who was abusive, who was arrogant, who didn't build a strong team." - Retired Army Maj. Gen. John Batiste "He has shown himself incompetent strategically, operationally and tactically, and is far more than anyone responsible for what has happened to our important mission in Iraq. ... Mr. Rumsfeld must step down." - Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton 38 "My sincere view is that the commitment of our forces to this fight was done with a casualness and swagger that are the special province of those who have never had to execute these missions — or bury the results." - Retired Marine Lt. Gen. Gregory Newbold. Retired U.S. Army brigadier general James Marks said officers "are charged to speak up" and did. The problem, he said, is that their views were disregarded. "There were requests for forces that were denied," Marks said on CNN. "We requested the 1st Cavalry Division. That was denied — at a very critical point in the war." Donald is the same birthday as O.J. Simpson. This is a super competitive birthday, which can get fixated mentally. But through that same fixed quality, combined with a natural competitiveness, we have a formula for success. This is someone that Bush can count on. He isn’t going to change. And once he gets the ‘plan’, the idea, fixed in his mind, there is nothing stopping him. In a way, this describes the perfect henchman. All 8♣ can be blinded by a concept. They can disregard everything due to a mental construction where they feel ‘right.’ In other words, the ‘ends justifies the means.’ This is not to say that all 8♣ are like this. But they all have the potential to be and many of them display this. Keep in mind that Charles Manson is also an 8♣ who was fixated upon an idea. Put the 8♣ and 6♦ together and you can have an extremely effective person, driven by a mental projection or idea. That, of course, can be for good or naught, depending upon the purity of the seed idea that is driving them. Rumsfeld is still receiving lots of support from President Bush and knowing his fixed nature, it is unlikely that he will step down. The only reason Bush would ask him to step down, in my opinion, is if he saw his approval ratings affected by this outcry. However, Bush, being a 9♦/J♣, is also very fixed minded and tends to just ignore anything that is not in his plan. From this point of view, he and Donald are a perfect match. Unfortunately for all of us is the fact that both of them are short sighted at best. Understanding the Sevens To be spiritual, as the number seven implies, is to be free of concern for worldly, or material, affairs. This would include attachment to relationships, money, good health or ideas and attitudes we may have. The four Sevens in our deck of cards each stand at the center of their suit, halfway between the Ace and the King. This unique position implies that they are the bridge between the mundane and the spiritual, or between the seen and unseen, or between attachment to the material world and non-attachment. People whose Birth Cards are Sevens are observed to travel to the extremes of each side of their card. In one moment they are absolutely free of concern (as per their suit). In this state they are in touch with the divine and they know from their own experience that life is abundant. They feel connected and complete and nothing really can harm them. They are usually ‘gifted’ in this state as well. They will often have abilities that are beyond the mundane. For example, the 7♣ will often have some amazing mental ability. However, they will usually move from that spiritually connected state to it’s opposite, where they are afraid, concerned, worried, contracted, pessimistic, defensive, or angry. In this state they are attached in the world of duality and they seem lost in its clutches. It is interesting to observe these individuals because they can teach us a lot about the number seven and what we will experience when we are under the influence of one. When a Seven appears in our Yearly Spread or other spreads we are looking at an opportunity. Well, I should mention that most people would not see it that way. The average person in our society today, who is materialistic and attached to things and people, will see any Seven only as a problem. Seven does represent a challenge to all. But to the spiritual person, one who is seeking his or her answers within themselves instead of in the world outside, the Seven will often represent a victory. Each of us comes into this life with some attachments. These are karmic in nature, that is, originating from our choices in past lifetimes. But we also have some good karma that we bring with us. We may have attachments in the area of relationship but not with money. We may be very fearful and attached when it comes to money but not so with our body and health. Each of us is different. Some people may have big attachments in more than one area but very few would have attachments in every area. 39 The four Sevens, each in its own suit, represent the four basic areas we may have attachments. Hearts are of course, relationships. The 7♥ expressed on the negative side means fear of abandonment, betrayal, being alone, rejected or dismissed by someone we love. The 7♣ expressed negatively shows up as pessimism, a critical mind that sees everything in a negative light, depression, attachment to notions of perfection on some level and difficulty with verbal communications. The 7♦ is simply fear of poverty, which can be expressed in numerous ways such as greed, constant worry, attempts to control others or illegal activities such as stealing. The 7♠ usually expresses itself as physical or health concerns, accidents which produce physical handicaps or impediments, but also work concerns such as the fear of being fired from your job or the fear of failure, and often when we are attempting to follow our inner guidance to do some spiritually oriented work. All of these Sevens bring a challenge, but only to those who have attachments in the area of their suit. That is very important to understand. If you or I are not attached in that area, we will not have a challenge with that Seven. However, I should say that if a Seven is located in the Saturn or Pluto position, it is highly likely that we will experience a significant challenge in spite of how we might assess our own degree of attachment. Barring Saturn or Pluto, however, a Seven can bring a significant amount of success to someone who has learned to live on its high side. In my own experience Sevens can bring the most success of any numbered card under those circumstances. For example, I have made more money with a 7♦ in Mars than any other card combination, including the 8♦ in Jupiter and the 10♦ in Jupiter. This only occurred however after I had overcome my poverty state of mind, which originally took many years. So, those who have learned to live on the positive side of the Sevens can expect many good results from them in most periods and positions. What is the best thing to do when you are under the influence of a Seven and you find yourself experiencing the negative expressions of the card? The first thing is to just take stock of the situation and how you are responding to it. Can you see the attachment (fear) that lies behind the external results you are having? Just identifying the fear and the attachment to its opposite will create an increase in awareness of yourself and your relationship to the situation. Having done that, the next step is to develop a positive relationship with the situation by the practice of appreciation and affirmation. By affirmation I do not mean visualizing something that is not there. Instead, take inventory of everything and everyone you have to be grateful for in the same area of the situation. For example, the 7♥ has been a life-long issue for me. There has been a more or less constant sense of ‘not having enough love’ in my life for as long as I can remember. What I practice affirming is several things. First, that I love myself. I take time to be with my feelings, to acknowledge them and to do nice things for myself. Next, I inventory just how many people I know who love and care about me. As I become aware of how many people care about me, I am increasing my internal sense of ‘I have.’ This is the exact remedy for a negatively expressed Seven. Here is another example. Let’s say you have an accident and hurt your foot, making it very painful to walk on it. This could be one expression of a 7♠. For some people, that one hurt foot could make them so miserable that it essentially stops all the good stuff in their life. Their entire attitude could be dour or down as a result. But what if that same person were to take an inventory of all the things that were working great in their body? Just affirming all the good things that work would tend to counteract the negative expression of the 7♠. Here is one last thing to consider. If you were teaching someone something new, what, in your opinion, would be the proper balance between constructive criticism of their efforts and recognition of their successes? In other words, what do you think would be the optimum balance of giving them positive reinforcement verses pointing out their mistakes? Most people when asked this question respond with 5050. It would seem reasonable that if you were very affirming of their successes 50% of the time and the other 50% of the time you showed them where they were lacking that you would get the best results. Well, scientists have observed this carefully and found that the balance that gets the fastest and best results is five positive reinforcements to one negative awareness. In other words, about 15% of the time we should point out someone’s deficiencies and the other 85% of the time we should be pointing out what they are doing good or well. This is what actually gets the best results. Keeping this in mind, we can 40 adopt this principle in our day to day lives. Let’s spend 85% of our time affirming all the wonderful things we love in our lives and only 15% looking for things we need to change or correct about it. Let’s have our list of things we love be five times longer than the list of things we hate. In doing so, we will have positive and extraordinary results from every Seven that appears in our life! The Hidden Treasure in Your Relationship By Joseph and Sarah Malinak Did you know that there is a hidden treasure in your relationship? There are at least three to be found there! The first one is you, the second is your partner, and the third is the relationship. In this article we’re going to talk about that first treasure, you, and how discovering the treasure that you are enhances all your relationships. While there are many connections in the cards that tell you a lot about how relationships are for you (such as the First Karma Card, the Pluto Card, the Cosmic Reward Card, etc.), for the purposes of this article, we’re going to talk about the Venus card and how it shows you who you are, how you tend to be, inside your relationships. The most important secret to finding the hidden treasure that is you is giving yourself permission to love you. Perhaps the highest expression of the Cards of Destiny happens when a person uses the Cards to learn about himself in such a way that he embraces all of who he is, finding that he is then able to come from a place of strength to address both the strengths and the weaknesses that his cards reveal. Or when she uses the Cards to face hard truths about herself but accepts those truths without judgment, working with them creatively rather than destructively. As Robert Camp has said, you are not your card. However, your card can give you invaluable information about yourself that is best used in love and compassion for you. So let’s begin with a woman who has a 5♣ birth card. Some would consider her to be unmarriageable. With the restlessness that 5♣ persons experience, their need for adventure can extend to the bedroom as well, creating a lack of emotional and physical stability. The Venus Card for the 5♣ is the A♠, indicating a propensity for secret affairs. The 5♣ person, male or female, may always keep an emotional back door open and available. However, the Ace in Venus can also result in the 5♣ person setting out on the search for her soul mate, her perfect partner. If she is willing to harness the restlessness that is such an integral part of her life, creatively channeling it in a direction that she finds fulfilling (such as travel or very intentional adventures), if she is willing to sacrifice a propensity for secret affairs, then she can create a long-term relationship. Perhaps even one where friends turn to her for advice because she and her partner have a commitment to keeping their sexual expression vibrant, alive, and creative – never boring! Let’s look at another birth card, the J♥. The J♥ is called the Christ Card because the Jack person will sacrifice for love. This is so very evident in his Venus card, which is the 9♠. One way sacrifice for love can play out in the romantic relationships of the J♥ is continual losses of partners. Usually, the drive to sacrifice for love overshadows the J♥’ ability to love and care for himself. There are people out there looking for Messiahs to come rescue them. When they attract the J♥, his blind eye cannot see that this Messiah-seeking-person will drain him dry of emotional and physical resources until there is no love left in the relationship. In that situation the J♥ is likely to continue to sacrifice from his own love when there is really no love left inside the relationship to nurture. A more self-loving expression of the sacrificial nature of the J♥ is to be very intentional about expressing compassion and unconditional love. J♥ need to learn that love isn’t only expressed (and perhaps not even best expressed) in times of crisis. And loving someone who continually needs to be rescued by continually rescuing them is usually not the highest expression of love. Unconditional love and compassion are phenomenal gifts. The J♥, whose 9♣ Mercury card gives them the joy of learning new information, can learn to grow beyond a blindly sacrificial love that spoils people to a wise expression of sacrificial love that slows down and uses 41 circumspection and objectivity to truly raise others up to their highest potential, increasing the love all around them. Let’s look at one more card, the A♦. The Venus Card for the A♦ is the 5♥. Here, again, we have someone who could be considered unmarriageable. With that 5♥ Venus Card, the A♦ has been described as a traveler and adventurer with a girl in every port! The “remedy,” if you will, is to find that girl who will go adventuring with you! If an A♦ desires a stable, long-term relationship, he or she must be very intentional about finding a partner who will travel along-side him or her to every port of call as well as be very intentional about valuing that person. Addressing your Venus Card, observing weaknesses and strengths, and making strides towards intentionally creating what you desire through this kind of self-observation and attention to detail is challenging. However, you are a treasure, a priceless gift. You owe it to yourself to give yourself permission to really get to know you in an intimate way where you are comfortable in your own skin. Denying the challenges of your cards won’t produce that level of comfort. Embracing all of who you are, loving you, and a willingness to creatively address your own strengths and weaknesses, will bring about a level of personal comfort that will attract the perfect partner for you. At some point in your courtship he or she will likely say, “When I met you, I felt like I was coming home.” Ain’t love grand?! Joseph and Sarah Elizabeth Malinak are Love Coaches who use the Cards of Destiny to assist people in getting to know and love themselves and their partners at deep, abiding levels. September 15-17, 2006, Joseph and Sarah Elizabeth are giving an experiential workshop using the Cards of Destiny entitled, Discover the Hidden Treasure in Your Relationship ~ Destiny of Love. For information or 828-645-0999. Being Intentional “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Whoever coined this phrase was ignorant of the true power and purpose that intention serves in our lives. The sad fact is though that many of us who are doing things with a ‘good intention’ are often deceiving ourselves about our real motives. For example, many of us who are out in the world helping others are actually doing it to make ourselves seem better or to keep ourselves in a position of power over others. It is true that it is the intention behind our actions that always determines their outcome. But try hard as we may, some of us really cannot tell what our true intentions are. We think we are doing such and such to give or to help someone else when in fact we have selfish motives that we are for the most part unaware of. This is where self-awareness comes into play. If we know ourselves on a truly intimate basis, we will know when we are doing things selfishly and when we are doing them truly as an offering of love to others. It is typically the Neptune-oriented cards in the deck, by the way, who are most likely to deceive themselves about their motives. The most notorious of these are all the Nines, the 7♦, J♥, and A♦. However, all the cards located in the Neptune line and column of the Grand Solar Spread Life Spread are susceptible. I recently had a client who was discussing his most recent relationship. He is a 7♦. In his natal chart he has a very strong aspect for being a ‘user’ of other people, but especially women (Mars square Venus). When I told him about this, he was bewildered. In his mind he was the most giving and selfless person he knew. He cited many examples of this. Still, he wondered why his last two relationships just up and left him without warning. The 7♦ is one of those cards that is very co-dependent in relationships as a general rule. With a J♥, the sacrifice card, in Venus, they tend to see themselves as relationship saints. However, the strong Neptune energy associated with the J♥ makes it nearly impossible for 7♦ people to see their own selfish motives. That is the nature of Neptune. It hides our true motives, especially the ones that are selfish, from our view. So, we have all these Neptune people like 7♦ and J♥ out there helping people but wondering why no one is helping them in return, and why they always seem to get the short end of the deal in their 42 relationships and business transactions. The reason is simple but very hard to see if you are one of these Neptune-ruled people – that your true intention was to take, not give. One easy litmus test you can do to tell if you are being selfishly motivated in your giving is this: if you feel disappointed by the way the person you gave to reacts or responds to your giving, then you were attached. As an example, I suggested to my aforementioned client that he do some completely unconditional things for his ex girlfriend, whom he claimed he was still in love with. So, the next day he sent her a single rose and had it delivered to her door, anonymously. I suggested that he do things anonymously so there was no possibility of him doing it for a reward, and thus be true unconditional loving. Well, his ex figured out that it was from him and called him to say, “thanks for sending the rose.” She didn’t say much else. When he related this to me, it was obvious that he was very disappointed with her response. He said something like “all she said was thanks for sending the rose.” I pointed out to him that he was disappointed with her response, which indicated that he had given the rose with an expectation. I thought it was also significant that he only sent her one rose instead of a bouquet and I pointed that out to him as well. This was a big ‘Ah-Ha’ for him. It may have been the first time in his life that he had the opportunity to see his selfishness in action. Recognizing his deeper intentions, he now has the power to make a different choice. Before, however, he was feeling victimized by his lack of success in relationships, that was in part due to his unrecognized inner intentions. Consciously being intentional in our lives is an extremely powerful technique that can produce miraculous results. I have witnessed some downright miracles lately due to the power of my intention and the intention of others. However, magical things like this can only occur when I am very clear about my intention and self-aware enough to know what I am really up to. Being intentional can be our greatest tool in the world. It can bring us everything we dream of and want, almost magically even. I have seen in my own life, the ability to go into a situation that I would term ‘impossible’, and with a strong and clear intention, to have it turn out in a positive way. We can use being intentional in all sorts of situations. All we need to do is consider what exactly it is that we would like to see happen before we go into it, and then hold that as our intention before and during the interaction. I invite you to experiment with this, especially in situations where you may normally tell yourself that it is impossible. Just keep holding on to your intention and do not be swayed by what you perceive in others as you do it. This does not mean that you cram your ideas or choices down the throats of others. We actually have to be in a state of surrender to do this. It seems like a paradox. On one hand, we are clearly intentional about what we want to see occur. On the other we are surrendered in such a way that we are not discouraged if we do not succeed. We just accept what is. But being intentional in a powerful manner like this often produces amazing results. Another area where being consciously intentional could bring dramatic results can be explained as follows: We all have some deeper, and often important, intentions for the many things we do in our dayto-day lives. For example, you could be doing your laundry, which is a pretty non-exciting job for most of us. A deeper intention for doing your laundry might be so that you can have clean clothes to wear to work. Deeper still may be your intention to make a lot of money for your family. Deeper still may be your desire to have everyone in your family experience a sense of ease and prosperity so that they have the best life possible. Examining this carefully, it might be true to say that you are actually doing your laundry so that your family has the best life possible. Just standing there doing laundry may be a tedious, routine job that has little meaning. It may be considered by many to be a boring job or a necessary evil. But if you could consciously connect your intention to have a wonderful family life with your laundry, you could actually be very excited and elated while doing the laundry! Imagine that for a moment. Think about the many things you did yesterday, for example. See if you can connect any or all of those with some deeper intention that you have for your life. Practicing this technique can make nearly every moment of your life exciting and full of grace and appreciation, instead of a routine of necessary tasks that seem like a chore or a problem. I use this myself and it works magically! So what is the ‘spiritual way’ to integrate all of this? My definition of spiritual is looking within for answers instead of without. With this inner perspective in mind, we can first examine ourselves closely. If we are consistently getting results other than what we say we want in our lives, we must be willing to examine our intentions carefully. Perhaps our motives are less than pure, or other than we are telling 43 ourselves. Perhaps we do not feel we actually deserve to have these things show up in the first place. Maybe our real intention is to fail but we cannot see that. You can bet that if you are having disappointments and failures in your life that there is something about your true intentions that is amiss. I invite you to examine yourself closely. The more honest you are about what you really want and why, the faster you can have continual success in your life. Continual success? Sure! Anyone can have that if they are simply willing to take a close look at themselves and then start making some grand intentions that truly reflect what is in their hearts. Let’s all go out there and make it happen! Divine Timing and our Dreams Recently I participated in a tremendous training program that completely changed my life. It was well timed for me as I found myself in a place in my life where I was open to and searching for some seminar type experience that could help me make some significant internal changes. The remarkable thing about this training I participated in was that it promised so much and then actually delivered everything it promised! Actually, going into it, I was told that whatever I was committed to achieving by using this training, I would achieve. I made a list of three things I would like to get from the training and gave it my best. Sure enough, when my training was complete miracles occurred in my life. I got everything that was on my list, and more! I was stunned at the change that I had gone through. Not only that, I realized that every single dream I had ever had was going to happen for me, and quickly. I know this sounds like some exaggeration, something way too good to be true, but I assure you, it is not. Not only have I found the relationship of my dreams but all my work goals are in the process of coming true in the biggest way imaginable. This particular training is the most powerful and effective work I have ever done on myself. So, that is my story. The training itself was very challenging, however. I did not become the person I am now without having to face some pretty scary stuff inside of me, much of it things that I was completely unaware of beforehand. What I learned by my own experience was that in order to become the kind of person who could have all his dreams come true, I had to face and acknowledge all the parts of me that had been keeping me from my dreams for so long. This was a very painful process at times. I had to stretch way beyond my normal set of self-created limitations and beliefs about myself. There were times when I did not think I could even complete it or that I would fail. But ultimately I realized that I was meant to have all my dreams come true. I also realized that all of us are meant to have all our dreams come true. I saw that we are only given the dreams that were meant for us. In other words, each of us has very specific and personal dreams and desires. No matter how wild they may seem, these are your dreams or my dreams. The Creator gave those dreams to us and we were meant to see them come true. That is why He gave them to us in the first place. So, I saw that each of us only has the dreams that are ours. They may be similar to other people’s dreams, but the exact nature and flavor of them are unique to each individual’s heart and soul. And the very fact that we have them is a sign that we were meant to see them materialize in our lifetime. This realization got me to have the desire for everyone I know to have their dreams come true. I began telling all my friends and associates about the training. To this day over 25 people have taken the training on my recommendation. I have seen miracle upon miracle occur for my friends, family, and associates. It has been an amazing dream come true for so many of them. But there were some who did not have the miraculous transformation that I had. I watched sadly as they took the training but talked themselves out of it. When push came to shove and when faced with those parts of themselves that had been keeping them miserable for so long, they were just not ready to give them up. It broke my heart more than once and I have even lost some friends in the process. I wanted so much for their lives to have the magical transformation that I had. I could plainly see how their ego, and attachment to ‘being right’ and to being separate from others had them caught in its spider web of pain and suffering. But I was not able to help them or prevent them from what I now call ‘blowing up’ the training. But since it happened several times, I had to admit that this was something important for me to look at. After thinking about it for several months I had to accept that each of us has a divine timing in place for our own transformation in life. Though I know that everyone has beautiful dreams in their life, it 44 saddened me to realize that some may never realize them. I can see what it takes to have their dreams come true but everyone is not up to the task, at least not now. I have come to accept that some will have their dreams, but it might be later in their life, or in many cases, not in this lifetime at all. I know the pain in having a mediocre life. I know the depression, the lack of a sense of purpose and direction, the sadness in working a job that I do not love, of being the victim of poverty and painful relationships. And I know that it was ultimately that pain that motivated me to have a change in my life and to participate in a training that ultimately changed me. And I know that it is the pain and suffering in each of our lives that will ultimately decide when each of us will decide to make that change. It is certainly not mine to decide. I can offer anyone all their dreams come true. I know now more than ever than all of us can have everything we want or wanted. But I am also very aware that in order to be that person, the one who has all his or her dreams come true, that there is a lot that must be faced and let go of. And not all are ready or willing to meet that internal challenge. I guess I still believe that all of us will ultimately get everything we want in life, even if it means postponing that till a future life here on our beautiful planet. So, I keep an optimistic smile and openness to everyone I meet. But I also am aware that we are in the darkest of times and will be for some time to come. Only few will be able to stand up against all the ignorance that is our current society to effect the transformation of their lives. I once was asked a question, “Would you give up everything you have to have what you truly want?” On the surface this seems like a pretty simple question and answer. Most might say yes as they imagine giving up money or possessions to have their most important dreams come true. What I know now is that we are much more attached to being right, and to our precious beliefs about ourselves and life than we are to the things in our life. And it is much more difficult to give them up. Most of us could not even imagine giving up things that are so much a part of us that we cannot even identify them. But I say that these are the things that really stand in the way of our happiness, and in the way of having a magical life. There are actually many ‘human potential movement’ training experiences available these days. Many of them can absolutely transform you or I into the life we always wanted. I would be happy to share about the one that found and used. If you think your timing is right for possibly the biggest positive change in your life, I am more than happy to support you in having that for yourself. Just go to my web site and send me an email and we will talk about it sometime. If I Were King I really don’t know if voicing my opinion about today’s world would be a meaningful thing to do, but the thought occurred to me today to do just that. Consider this to be a “If I were King, I would….” essay. Here are some things I would do and have done differently if I were powerful enough to make it happen. Government I would create a government that was more accountable and honest. That would first mean that the people in the government would be this way. I would create a system by which anyone wanting to run for office would have to be evaluated for their level of competency, intelligence, but most of all, integrity, beliefs and other factors that would really impact the things they would do while in office. They would undergo rigorous testing, designed to really see where they stand, what is most important to them, what their real motives would be for running for office and how mature they are in many key areas of their life. If someone was found to be immoral, or spiritually or emotionally insecure, we would simply ban him or her from running for office. We would want to have folks in there who loved what they were doing and who had a vision for a better planet. We want people in there who are leading us by example, so that we can look up to and emulate them. People who will set positive role models for all of us and who will be guided by a higher set of principles instead of fear, greed and the lust for power. My evaluation process would be pass or fail. And the results would be highly publicized. Any crooked politicians would probably not even apply. 45 Campaign Contributions and Lobbying No one should be allowed to influence our government with financial incentives given to those in office. Today, we find powerful business people in the cabinet of every president, ones that are unqualified for their positions but are there to influence policy towards making more profits for their companies. This is immoral and should be illegal. I would completely eliminate lobbying and campaign contributions. There would be no way any special interest group could bribe or otherwise influence someone running for, or in, office. Why do we have lobbying and contributions anyway? Is our government meant to be for sale to the highest bidder? Shall financial interests always control our leadership? Let’s just eliminate the entire matter. Instead, when it comes time for elections, let each candidate stand up, state his or her vision of the world with us and then have a debate, not just with their opponents, but with us, the people. Let us have the option to question them on their past choices, actions, words and deeds. Let us have the opportunity to hold them accountable. Then, we can elect the one we like most. Once he or she is in office, let their policy be again guided by their vision of our country, not some company’s balance sheets. Government Spending and Foreign Policy If I were King I would have our country get out of all foreign countries where we have no business being. If there is a war going on somewhere, we can offer counseling and mediation, suggestions and perhaps incentives for coming to a peaceful resolution. But we would never take sides and never offer either side weapons. No selling arms to any country. Period. If anyone in America felt so strongly about some foreign conflict, such as the conflict right now between Israel and the many Muslim factions, we would give them the option to become a citizen of another country and go there and help them. We would not allow any lobbying or special interest groups to influence political figures to support either side. Perhaps we, as a country, could do an in-depth analysis of the conflict and present this openly for discussion. We could even take a vote, after getting all the facts about it, about whether or not we, as a whole, approve or condone the conflict. But we would never take an active role in fighting another country’s fight. Of course, if a country came to us pleading for help and if the two of us were very aligned on our vision of the world, it could be possible that we would take sides and protect them. But if we ever took sides it would never be such that it would further the political or financial ambitions of industrial or political figures, or any special interest groups within our country that do not represent the majority. We would keep investing in technologies that would protect our country in the event of an attack by a foreign nation. We would be prepared to go to war, if necessary, to defend our freedom and way of life. But we would abstain from politically and financially motivated wars and conflicts entirely. I would take all the money we are spending on wars today and invest it in our country from the ground up. Starting with education of our young, and moving up the line to investing billions in alternative energy resources and options. I would mandate that our country be free of all dependence on foreign oil within seven years. And within ten years be free of all need for fossil fuels, period. We would share all of our research and findings with all nations to contribute to their progress in these areas. Instead of programs that create more dependence upon the government such as subsidy programs and free handout programs, I would create an atmosphere where we only support people doing good things for themselves. We would create opportunities for the growth of individuals and reward and acknowledge individuals for their efforts. What we need to move away from is the conversation that the government owes us something. I would create a basic conversation that the government’s true goal is the elimination of government and returning the power to the hands of the people. Today the government is growing more and more. It won’t be long till most of our population is on a government payroll. We need to reverse this process and keep the government out of our decision-making process. I would encourage communities to come up 46 with their own legal systems. If you were living somewhere and you didn’t like the system, just move to an area where others believed and felt the same way you do. I would devote tremendous spending to developing the quality of life here in America. I don’t mean the attainment of material objects but real quality, which means personal happiness and purpose in each of us. I would love to see a country of informed, educated, conscious people, not swayed by advertising but by the facts. So, if government could really contribute to that, I am all for it. Perhaps if the government could just do investigation and present the facts on all world matters to the people, that might be something worthwhile – some unbiased fact finding so that we could all be informed if we chose. But mostly I would love to see our country become one of communities of people that shared important things in common. And therefore, people of like mind could live close to one another and share in their lifestyles. And then, everyone would have a choice as to where they want to live. Everyone would be encouraged to express himself or herself and reach their fullest potential, and live in an area that supports their highest expression. Immigration As far as immigration is concerned I would allow anyone to come to our country and live. But there would be a program set up and it would not be easy to get in. Everyone will have to meet some strict qualifications and be willing to earn their right to US citizenship. But it should never be denied. They would have to answer some important questions such as ‘why do you want to leave your homeland and come here?’ I think it would be good to do a thorough investigation for all immigrants in our country. Everyone who is here illegally would be sent home and made to pay for the cost of relocating them. Let them know how they could obtain legal citizenship and support them in doing so. But if they are here illegally, they should be required to leave immediately. The media, television and advertising I would like to see the entire advertising thing redone. First of all I would not allow any advertising in the movie theatres and have specific cable channels that did not have any advertising. These would be called bullshit-free channels. I would like to see us be able to only pay for the cable and satellite channels that we liked and wanted to have. We could subscribe to whatever channels we watched and not have to pay for the other hundred channels that we have no interest in at all. I would make advertisers responsible. I would create laws that punish the companies that are using and paying the spammers instead of the spamming companies themselves. After all, they are only the hired guns of the companies that they advertise for. I would like each individual to be able to choose what sorts of advertisements they will receive, in every area of their life. This includes television, internet, radio, and any other personal area. Every advertiser would be required to create and maintain an internet forum on their products where users could share experiences about their products. If anyone wanted to know if a certain product was actually effective, they could go to the forum and read what others are saying. Users of the products could tell the truth about their experiences, both positive and negative. Any advertiser found to be really lying about their product would be severely financially punished. Third time offenders would lose their business. Advertisers methods would be fully exposed to the public so that when they are watching an ad, they know just how they are being manipulated. Public transportation I would create a national system of safe, inexpensive public transportation. Every town would be required to come up with a useful, inexpensive system and the government would handle the state-to-state systems. I want to see a system of public transportation so effective that most people would choose to not even own an automobile. Every town would be required to have bicycle lanes and scenic bicycle routes to 47 encourage people to ride them. Just take a look in many foreign countries to see how great their systems are. Look at Russia, for example. Everybody gets to where they are going, and few have a car. I would create a computerized car-pooling system where anyone could plug in and catch a ride. Everyone driving would put in where they are going, if they had room or not, time of departure, etc. The rider would contribute his or her share to the cost of the ride to the driver. This is like hitchhiking but would be computerized and there would be identification and records of each trip in case someone tried something illegal. Medical care, doctors and drugs The entire medical community (doctors) and drug companies would immediately be put under severe scrutiny. The collusion between them would be destroyed. Doctors would be unable to receive any compensation from drug companies. All doctors would be fully liable for any malpractice and unnecessary operations. We can consider taking away their liability insurance altogether. That way, they will act more responsibly. Drugs would have to have much more testing over time and all potential negative side effects explored before making them available. Everyone would have the option to use natural methods to cure themselves. People would be encouraged to take full responsibility for their health (see insurance below for more) by setting up a plan for health maintenance. Anyone whose illness was found to be the result of poor lifestyle choices and other bad habits would be held 100% accountable for their treatments. Women would be encouraged to have natural childbirths and would only be able to have caesarian births in emergency situations. The entire childbirth process would be one that would be approached differently. It would be great if we would require that couples would have to prove readiness, willingness, and competency in order to have children in the first place. There would be a baby-making program that they would have to complete before having a child that insured their desire and ability to raise children in a healthy manner. We would spend more money on disease research, but also reveal the ways that people create disease with bad lifestyle choices. We would hold individuals responsible for their diseases. We would fully explore all natural methods and make them available, using herbology and Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic and other proven systems and discourage the use of drugs, except those that are tried and proven to be beneficial on all levels. Marijuana would be legalized along with some other non-addictive naturally occurring drugs. Marijuana would be encouraged for some people as a natural remedy and for general relaxation though its potentially negative use would also be made very clear. Anyone found to be addicted to any substance would be locked up in an institution and have to attend an educational program to reclaim their freedom. Any individual who hurt others under the influence of a substance would be punished in a like-kind manner. Insurance All insurance would be gotten rid of. Everyone would be held accountable for their actions, whether they consciously did them or attracted them by their attitudes and other factors. Instead, there would be health gambling that anyone could participate in. The ‘insurance’ company would be like a health casino, you betting you will get sick and they betting you will stay healthy. It would be just like insurance companies today but it would be called what it really is and made a choice, never a requirement. The same applies to insurance on all material possessions. You could gamble that you will lose or destroy them against companies who say you won’t and see who wins. You will be made aware of the odds and costs ahead of time. I am not sure why our world today is so illogical. My hunch is that we are essentially a greed-driven world and that this basic intention is the cause of much of the harm we see in the world today. We need leaders who are not greed and power-driven if we expect any significant changes to occur. But more than 48 that, we need more people who are less greed driven for that to happen. We can blame our government and politicians for our problems but we must finally admit that we put them there. They are, in any case, a mirror of the consciousness of today’s society and culture. It should be no surprise that our society today allows such blatant corruption. Ultimately I have to chalk it all up to this age of darkness that we are in. If we expect our leaders to be of a higher caliber, we must first practice that state of being ourselves. Ah, but give me a crown and watch me go! The Fours and Their Struggles Fours are connected to the planet Jupiter (4th planet) and the sign of Cancer (Jupiter’s sign of exaltation). By most measurements, one would consider them to be some of the most fortunate cards in the deck. Indeed, when you or I get a Four card in one of our yearly or other readings, it is usually considered a sign of good fortune, contentment and success. However, being a Four Birth Card or Planetary Ruling Card is often a different story. Keep in mind as we begin here that there is no card that is immune to Karma and who is not here to work on their issues. All of us here have work to do so even the most fortunate cards will have their share to complain about. But Fours have a peculiar aspect to them that sets them apart from others. On one hand they are very security oriented and enjoy stability, routine, order, and organization. This makes them all very good organizers. On the other hand there is this tendency towards struggle that is often hard to explain. As we examine them more closely perhaps we can unravel this mystery. The first thing that I look at is their lifetime Saturn Cards. The 4♥ has the 6♠ in Saturn, a rather difficult card for anyone. The 4♣ has the best of the Saturn Cards of all the Fours, the 4♠. 4♠ in Saturn does cause one to work hard and work a lot, but at least it gives good health and the overcoming of life’s obstacles through persistence and hard work. The 4♦ has the Q♥ in Saturn. Ouch! We will talk about that more later. The 4♠ has the A♦ in Saturn, another ouchy but in a different manner. A cursory glance tell us that three of the Fours have very challenging Saturn Cards. Our Saturn Card in our Life Spread, which you can explore in Love Cards, reveals at least one of our lifelong issues that we are working on. Let’s discuss these individually. The 4♥ is very family oriented. Their security lies with the people in their life, usually their family or closest friends. With Eights in Mars and Pluto, many are destined for great success. However their Saturn Card, the 6♠, points to some pretty dramatic Karma, usually in the area of health. However, it can occur in other areas as well. The 6♠ in Saturn, which also has a 9♠ connected to it, is the most scary Saturn card you can have. It points to the most powerful Karma since both the Sixes and Saturn are connected to Karma in the first place. Some 4♥ indeed have very powerful health Karma to deal with. But this Karma can manifest in other areas as well, such as the health of family members or close friends, or job challenges. It is this 6♠ which is most responsible for the challenges and struggles in their life. It can seem, at times, to be overwhelming and all encompassing. The 4♣ is the most fortunate of the Fours. It sits in the Jupiter column of the Grand Solar Spread and has all even numbered cards in its Life Spread. But the security issue in this card is strong. Think about it for a moment. If I am very concerned about my security, placing it first in my life, there is a good chance that I will make choices that tend to put me into a prison-like situation. That can be a monotonous job or a dead end relationship or living situation. There is no other reason a 4♣ would end up in struggle other than their fears connected to security. The 4♦ has always been known to be one of the biggest cards of struggle. There is a fair amount of Saturn influence on this card and Saturn is the planet of obstacles, and struggle. And they have the Q♥ in Saturn that says basically that any pleasure-seeking (Q♥) on their part will backfire and cost them a lot, usually a lot of hard work (Saturn). I have done readings for many 4♦ people over the years. It is not surprising that many of them have Sun square Saturn or Venus square Saturn aspects in their natal charts. 49 Saturn squares are among the most difficult, astrologically speaking. And often, they represent an area where we truly believe we must struggle and where we expect things to go wrong. The 4♦ has this both in their work and in their love life. It is a hard card to be. However, hard work in both areas always causes good results and the fulfillment of desires. 4♦ have to overcome their lazy streak to really have a good life. I have seen so many 4♦ women, for example, who are just so beautiful. You would think, ‘Wow, this woman could have anything she desired and any man she wanted.’ Then you realize who and what she chooses and it is so surprising to see how unhappy most of them are. This just goes to show that it is what is inside of us that matters most, not our external. The 4♠ struggles for two reasons. First, they are a Spade card and all the Spades tend to focus on work, work, work. It is hard to get any Spade person to stop working so much, must less a Four, who feels that work is the key to contentment and security. But beyond that, the A♦ in Saturn creates a persistent fear in 4♠ people that there is not going to be enough money. If we combine that with their tendency to work, we have a very successful formula for a life of struggle. 4♠ people usually do find contentment later in life. Though they struggle, they can amass considerable financial reserves and find the peace of mind they seek. Fours can be very stubborn and determined at times. They get so focused on creating their security that they fail to get the big picture. But it doesn’t seem to really matter to them. They have a goal in mind and the means to achieve it, even if the means involves a lot of hard work and struggle. Perhaps once they attain their goals they may survey their situation and realize that they could have asked for a whole lot more. And that is one of their main lessons in life. There are other cards who are afflicted by Saturn in similar ways to the Fours. For all of them, it can be difficult at times to even envision a life that is free of obstacles and challenges on a daily basis. These sorts of struggle patterns are set early in life, so early that we have no memory of life without them. But every once in a while the sky will open up and reveal the possibility of a life that flows without the many problems and obstacles. In those moments, the Fours get a glimpse of a new way, one that they can aspire to and eventually attain. Celebrity Update Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes Not married yet, no wedding date. What can this all mean? Rumors are flying about these two. Recently Tom lost his contract with Paramount studios over his antics last year, both about Katie and his expressing his views about psychiatry in his most arrogant way in his interview with Matt Lauer. All is well with his career, though. It is Katie I am more worried about. As I write this she is in Saturn with both of Tom’s cards present (A♦ and Q♦). This could not be a more difficult time for her. She has her new baby, Suri (April 19th, 2006), but rumors are that she and Tom are fighting. I bet one of the areas is about how to raise poor Suri. You see, Tom is a high ranking Scientologist and they have rules, rules he must obey cause he is so intertwined with them, about how Suri should be raised. But Katie is a K♥ (12/18). She also has some strong views about how to raise their daughter as any K♥ naturally would. As a matter of fact, any K♥ would usually want to have complete control and power in this area. This, could, of course, cause great conflicts between them and ultimately Suri will be the one who suffers the most. A cursory glance at her natal chart reveals her Moon opposing Mars and squaring Mercury. This indicates a lot of verbal conflict in her childhood. I have thought that perhaps Katie, like many other K♥ women, will just kick Tom out and raise Suri alone. Of course, Tom is very powerful and would do everything to prevent her. Looking at her cards in the future, it is hard to say exactly what will happen. An imminent breakup seems unlikely but it possible after her birthday in December. In Tom’s cards we see no indications, either way, of what will happen. Actually, looking at his cards, it seems that Katie and all issues involving her are not really that important 50 to him personally. It is his career and money that seems to be his focus right now and for the remainder of this Age 44 year of his life. Nick Lachey, Jessica Simpson and Vanessa Minillo Vanessa Minillo Long divorced but still making the headlines in all of the Hollywood gossip magazines. It seems like everyone would like them to get back together. Jessica at least has not found anyone to really hook up with since their divorce. However, Nick has been hooked up to Vanessa Minnillo for a while now and that relationship seems to be progressing. I was somewhat surprised today to find out that they share the same birthday (November 9th, J♣, 2♣. 2♠). Whenever I see a man with a woman of the same birthday, my first thought is, ‘Wow, he met his match!’ At the very least, they will understand each other. Having the same birthday could entail the possibility of feeling like you are soul mates. At the same time, you would, of course, be looking in the mirror. But the good news is that they may both have similar ideas about marriage and relationship that would make them very compatible. Looking in their cards they each have each other as their Result Card for this year. He has a K♥ Long Range next year in one of his ruling card spreads. There is a good possibility they will have a baby. I think these two will be together for a while. Perhaps Mr. Hunky did meet his match! Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy Speaking of matches, here we have another pretty amazing coupling. Jim is January 17, 1962,a 10♦ and 5♥. Ex-porn star Jenny is November 1st, 1972, a 6♦. But her Planetary Ruling Cards are Jim’s cards, the 10♦ and 5♥. Thus we have another case of possible soul mates here. Jim certainly seems to think so. All the latest articles have him professing his love of her and practically smothering her with his love (Rumors are that he is very insecure and has been hurt a lot in the past). But apparently she does not mind that much. And these two are very sexual people. I am sure they are having lots of hot romance. Looking ahead, there is the strong possibility of a baby in their future. Wow! David Chappelle Born 24 August 1973, Dave is a 2♣ and K♣. It is any wonder that he gave up a $50 million contract on moral grounds? "It's good to have a vision for your life, but your moral conduct and your moral code 51 should be priceless," he said. "You should just have some values that you just hold, that you won't sell at any price." When you think of comics you may rarely think of a K♣ card since most of them are so firmly devoted to the truth. However, many K♣ are in the comedy business including Carrot Top and David Spade. Mel Gibson, the One-Eyed Jack Mel Gibson (January 3, 1956) is a J♠. He has recently been censored for his anti-Semitic remarks he made when he was arrested for drunken driving on July 28th of this year. This was very bad for his reputation, both with his fans and with the Hollywood crowd and he received a lot of criticism for it. Help! Mel needed to come up with some way to make up for showing his real thoughts and feelings. Ah, I got it (he said). I will get an interview with Diane Sawyer! And so he did it aired on Good Morning America October 12th and 13th, 2006. If you had the opportunity to watch, you got to see a master liar at work, spinning excuses and reasons for his behavior, feigning apologies and remorse for his actions, all of which seemed too rehearsed. I was delighted when I read Star Magazine’s article (October 30th, 2006). They hired four psychological and body-language experts to analyze the video of his interview. All four independently concluded he was lying through his teeth. They noted things like avoiding looking directly into the camera, having his hands moving up to his mouth and ears, and other telltale signs that someone is lying and can’t believe what they themselves are saying. This is not so surprising to those who know the cards however as he is a J♠. Mel readily exhibits the other side of the J♠, the super creative and playful sides, along with the ability to assume different roles or characters at will. In truth, the J♠ is a close second to the Joker in it’s ability to play and put on masks. We see very few of them, however, since they only have two birthdays each year. The last really famous one was Clark Gable, who also portrayed the dark, riverboat gambler type. It has been a rough year for Mel. He just came out of a Saturn period where he had the 6♠. This card in Saturn is the worse for reaping some bad karma. All his resentment towards Jews and Hollywood, combined with his arrogance, finally caught up with him. Expect to see a lot of him in the coming months, ass-kissing and otherwise doing everything he can publicly to get his fans and other back on his good side. Born Around Midnight? How to determine your Birth Card when you time of birth is close to midnight and your card is in dispute If you were born within an hour of midnight, there is a good chance that you could actually be a different Birth Card than you think. Here is how you find out and check it. In this world today, we use a system of time called Observed Time. We have divided up our planet into areas called Time Zones, which vary in shape but each has a central north to south line, or meridian, whose time is observed throughout the entire zone. Generally, the meridian lies close to the horizontal center of the zone, but not always. This system is one of agreement. Everyone in a particular zone agrees that the time is the same as the Sundial, or True Solar Time along the meridian. The map on the next page shows these time zones and the longitudinal meridians upon which the time zones are based. This map can also be found online at, where it is much more detailed and useful. 52 However, in the card system we use True Solar Time, which can also be referred to as Real Time or Sundial Time. This is the real time that was at the location of birth, according to the Sun’s position in the sky. Observed Time can vary as much as an hour or more from True Solar Time and thus render your Birth Card to be invalid in some cases. If you are born within an hour of midnight it is wise to determine your True Solar Time. Your actual birthday could be the day before or the day after that which is stated on your birth certificate. The Steps to Determine True Solar Time 1. Make sure you have your accurate observed birth time and place from your birth certificate or other source. If this time is not correct, your calculations will be incorrect as well. My birth time was 10:18 AM. This is what it says on my birth certificate. 2. Determine which time zone you are born in. The name of it is not that important but the longitude of the standard meridian in that time zone is. In the United States, we have a. Eastern Time Zone, which is 75° West b. Central Time Zone which is 90° West c. Mountain Time Zone which is 105° West d. Pacific Time Zone which is 120° West. We also have time zones for Alaska and Hawaii that are different than those above. To determine what time zone you were born in, you may have to consult some reference. The internet has many, just Google for time zones or for time meridians. 3. Get the longitude of your place of birth. You need the degrees and minutes. I was born in South Charleston, West Virginia, in the eastern time zone at 81W44, which means 81 degrees West 44 minutes. 4. Find out if it was Daylight Savings Time (DST) where you were born. This varies from place to place but generally begins each year the beginning of April and ends around the end of October. Some states, such as Hawaii and Arizona, do not even observe DST so it is important to find this out for sure. For example, I was born on July 3rd, 1953. Most states observed DST that day but not where I was born in West Virginia. 5. If you were born during DST, subtract one hour from your Observed Time of birth. This one factor alone will eliminate or confirm many cases where it is in doubt. In my case, there was no DST so there is nothing to subtract from my observed birth time of 10:45AM. 6. Determine how many degrees and minutes, east or west of your standard meridian, is your place of birth. In my birth location the standard meridian is 75 degrees west. My birth longitude is 81W44 so I am actually 6 degrees 44 minutes (which is about ¾ of a degree) west of my standard meridian. 7. For each degree east or west of your standard meridian, multiply by 4 minutes of time. In my case it would be 4 times 6.75, or 27 minutes. 8. If you are east of your standard meridian, add your calculated minutes of difference to your Observed Time of birth. If you are west, subtract these minutes. In my case, I am west of my meridian so I subtract the 27 minutes from my observed time of birth and get a True Solar Time of birth of 10:18 AM. If I had been born during DST, I would have had to subtract an hour and 27 minutes from my time of birth. This could have been very important if I had been born at, let’s say, 1:15 am. In that case, my True Solar Time would have been 11:48 PM on July 2, 1953, making me an entirely different Birth Card. That is really about it, your True Solar Time will tell you whether you are actually born on the day of your birth certificate or not, a critical factor when doing readings for yourself or others. 53 The Card Archetypes Every card in the deck is some archetype. Each is a symbol of a certain frequency of ‘vibration experience’ that will manifest itself as a set of personality traits or as specific kinds of personal experiences. We see pictures on some of the cards, with symbols that reflect the kinds of experiences or traits one might expect, but only on the face cards of our deck of 52. But many of the other cards have distinctive traits and represent such specific events or experiences. I thought I would go through them all and give some of the names we have for these archetypes. A♥ - Self Love – this card is really about loving ourselves, even though it may manifest in many ways including having a baby. The Baby Card 2♥ - The Lovers – Not hard to figure this one out, two hearts together. And you probably know that it can mean being with very close friends. It is always someone very dear to you. Can also be a Baby Card (mother and child together). 3♥ - The Bisexual Card – Many of those who have this card in their Life Spread have difficulty determining just exactly which sex they are. The Uncertainty in Love Card. 4♥ - The Cancer Card, meaning the card that represents the sign of Cancer, which rules the home and family and marriage. Thus it is also the Family Card, the Home Card and the Marriage Card. 5♥ - The Earthquake Card? If some of you had read my newsletter a couple of years ago you would see the significance of this. But this card has many archetypes including the Divorce Card the Move Card, but mostly the Eternally Restless Card. 6♥ - The Peacemaker’s Card, though people with this as a Birth or Planetary Ruling Card can be very competitive and angry. The Love Karma Card. 7♥ - The Abandonment Card or really the fear of Abandonment Card. Emotional Betrayal Card. 8♥ - The Playboy or Playgirl Card, naturally and one of the most common uses of the power this card bestows. Can also be the Emotional Tyrant Card. The Card of Charm. 54 9♥ - Universal Love Card but also the card of personal emotional loss. The most spiritual cards (generally the sevens and nines) are also the most painful in the mundane sense. The Emotional Loss Card. 10♥ - The Party Card – always throw a party when you have this card in your spreads. You won’t be disappointed. The Pathological Liar Card. J♥ - The Sacrifice Card or the Christ Love Card. Just get to know any J♥ and you will see how this one works. Q♥ - The Sex Card and the Mother Card. The appearance of the Q♥ is often a symbol of a sexual time period. And of course, sex is known to result in motherhood. The Q♥ can also be the Self-indulgent and the Lazy Card. K♥ - The Father Card in a man’s spread and if found in a woman’s spread, the Ideal Lover Card. Can be a Playboy or Playgirl Card as well. A♣ - The New Information Card, the Self-Absorbed Card 2♣ - The Fear Card, the Arguing Card, the Card of Beauty (figure that one out!) 3♣ - The Worry Card and The Story-Teller Card. Also The Author Card, it often appears when you would be writing a book. Sometimes The Nut-job Card, like the 3♠. 4♣ - The Virgo Card, anyone possessing this card (Birth or Planetary Ruling Card) will show marked Virgo traits. The Card of Order. 5♣ - The Restless Mind and Heart Card, the Card of Dissatisfaction (mentally and emotionally) 6♣ - The Psychic Card or the Spiritual Teacher Card, The Corporate Card. 7♣ - The Pessimist Card – can also be enlightened mind 8♣ - The Fixed Mind Card – can be positive or negative depending upon the application. The Mental Power Card. 9♣ - The Giver of Information. In personalities, this is the most sexual Birth Card, a close match for the Q♥ but having a 9♣ in your spreads is not an indication of sex like the Q♥. 10♣ - The Teacher Card and some would say, the I Can’t Sleep at Night Card J♣ - The Photographic Memory Card, the Bisexual Card (much like the 3♥ but for different reasons), the Card of the Brilliant but Fixed Mind and sometimes the Liar Card. Q♣ - The Mother of Intuition Card, the most psychic card in the deck. But also the Mental Service Card, serving others through knowledge and information. In many cases, the Impatient and Angry Bitch Card. The Mother Mary Card. K♣ - The King of Truth Card. Very few of these individuals will tell lies. A♦ - The Aries Card in the deck, a card of great passion and ambition. Among Birth Cards, the Cheating Husband Card and the Selfish Co-Dependent Card. 2♦ - The Money Mentalist Card. The Let’s Make Some Money Together Card. 3♦ - The I Don’t Have Enough Money Card. Also the Creative Product Ideas Card. 4♦ - The Card of Unhappiness – have you ever met a happy 4♦? The Struggle Card and the Card of Financial Organization. 5♦ - The Salesman Card (like the J♦) but more like the Wandering Salesman Card. 6♦ - The When Am I Going to Win the Lottery? Card (or When Am I Going to Marry a Rich Guy? Card) 7♦ - The Wacky Co-Dependent Card – to varying degrees, depending upon the birthday. The Millionaire’s Card in Jupiter or the Money Problem Card most anywhere else. 8♦ - The Sun Card, the Leo Card in the deck, the Card of Fame and Recognition. The ‘I Fight With Powerful People’ Card. The Serial Monogamy Card in relationships. 9♦ - The Why Do I always get the short end of the stick? Card. The ‘Why Aren’t I King?’ Card. The Money Outlay Card. 10♦ - The Me-Me-Me Card, also the Beggar at the Banquet Card. But when you or I get it in our spreads, the Millionaire’s Card. J♦ - The Creative and Lying Salesman Card. The ‘I won’t grow up!’ Card. 55 Q♦ - The Rich Grandmother who will take you shopping Card. In relationships, the ‘I can’t make up my mind.’ Card. The Philanthropist Card and the Business Woman’s Card. K♦ - The cold, hard businessman Card. The ‘I make enemies, but who cares?’ Card. A♠ - The Pluto Card of the entire deck, the Card of Transformation. As a person, the Emotionally Sensitive Workaholic Card. the most famous of the classic Death Cards. 2♠ - The Friendship Card, also the Let’s Do Something Together Card, the Aquarian Card in the deck. 3♠ - The Hypochondriac Card, The Artist Card, the Double-Life Card, the Nut-job Card. The undiagnosible health problem Card. 4♠ - The Home Card (like the 4♥ but stronger for buying a home). In a personality, the Struggle for Money Card. 5♠ - The Wanderer Card or the Adventure Seeker Card 6♠ - The Emotionally Shut Down Competitor Card, the Card of Fate and Karma. 7♠ - The Health Issue Card, the Card of Faith, the Accident Card 8♠ - The Card of Power, the Dominator Card, the Workaholic Card. 9♠ - The Pisces Card in the Deck, also an Accident Card, The Giver 10♠ - The Super Worker Card, the Capricorn Card in the Deck. J♠ - The One-Eyed Riverboat Gambler Card, The Actor Card, The Thief Card, The Spiritual Initiate Card Q♠ - The Drudgery Card, The Card of Self Mastery, The Mother of Labor Card, the Unrelenting Boss Card. K♠ - The King of Kings Joker – The Nobody Knows Just Who I Am Card, the Fool. The Life That We Make One of the most profound changes that I notice in myself as I move beyond Age 52 is my attitude towards life. I remember when I was younger I read a paragraph by some famous author who was older than 60 who said something to the effect that ‘I make my life what it is, on a daily basis. Each day I wake up and decide what my life is going to be.’ I took note of these words of wisdom when I read them but I knew that I did not fully understand them. My life up until that point was a combination of long-term dreams and goals and working each day to accomplish some small part of a bigger accomplishment. That was not so bad, really, but what was missing then was the knowing that I absolutely could decide what I want my life to be and have that become true. My Age 52 year was profound. I experienced an incredible transformation, mostly as a result of taking a training program called Legacy in Raleigh, NC. But it was more than the program itself. It was also my readiness to experience a deep transformation in my life. What I experienced at Age 52 was pretty much what I had predicted it would be by observing other people who went through that year. I had to ask myself if my life was worth living. And if the life I was living was worth living or was there something more that I needed to adopt for my life to make it a life worth living. It is interesting that one of the key questions posed to me during the Legacy Training was ‘what is a life worth living?’ At Age 52 many of us have already had some form of accomplishment in our lives. Looking ahead, we have to decide whether or not we have some good reasons for taking up space here on the planet. Many people, as I have said before, choose to die at or near Age 52. Is this just a coincidence or is there some inner process, part of our development as human beings, at work? By Age 52, we pretty much have everything figured out. At least, I think that most of us have come up with explanations for most everything in life and are somewhat settled-in with our understanding of life. Basically we feel comfortable, even complacent, with our knowledge of the world, our life and relationships. But in that acquired ‘mental set’ we are also limited. We limit others and ourselves. We cannot see beyond our personal history. It is hard in this place to even picture a new life for ourselves, we are so encumbered by 56 what we have arrived at as an explanation for ourselves, others and life. We have our huge set of beliefs about ourselves, such as what we are good and what we are not good at, what we can tolerate and what we cannot tolerate, what kinds of relationships we like and dislike, what kinds of food we like and dislike, the list goes on and on. We think that this knowledge of ourselves is a good thing, not realizing that we have put ourselves into an apparently comfortable, but actually miserable little mental box. If we are to move beyond this box, it will take conscious deliberate effort. The authors of Sacred Symbols of the Ancients, Florence Campbell and Edith Randall, once stated that after age 52 we either progress spiritually or we stagnate. We all certainly know lots of people over the age of 52 that are in stagnation. I remember going to a nursery home once and talking with many of the residents there. Most of their conversations consisted of an endless loop of ideas and memories about their lives, most of which would repeat themselves in less than five minutes. These people had ‘died’ long ago, though they were still breathing. If you are over age 52, ask yourself how often you talk about what you used to do and how you used to be. It should scare you to realize that you have left the present and future in favor of memories of the past. But that is human nature and it will prevail without some conscious effort. So, at Age 52 I took a hard look at myself and asked some hard questions. I realized that my life was not going to change at all unless I made a conscious and deliberate decision to change it. It is funny to think about actually. On one hand I knew that I could accomplish anything. I have proven that to myself many times. But at Age 52 I was reluctant to actually pick something and do it! What was it that was stopping me? Did I just want to die? So, this is the essence of this article. What I realized was that my life from this point forward had to be whatever I decided it would be. The question of whether or not I wanted to die or what was stopping me was just an excuse, manufactured by my mind, which had become engrained in all the ways of being I had accumulated from my past history. The truth was that I still had dreams and unfulfilled desires. So, I just made up my mind. The first step in this process is to declare what it is we intend to create. You may have no proof that you can do it, but hey, that’s part of the magic of it all. What we can do is create anything from nothing. And that begins with a declaration. Our declaration is the specification of what we want. I had done some deep soul-searching during my Legacy experience. I had used that training to get me deeply in touch with what there was in my heart of hearts that mattered to me. And, it worked. Coming out of there I knew exactly what I wanted and even why. So, I declared my intentions, both to myself and to those who were closest to me. Magic happens when we are clear and committed. Doors open up, invaluable connections are made with others who can help us, needed resources show up, and other miraculous events. It is as though out comes the red carpet. We feel that we are being guided and assisted by the powers that be. This is no miracle, though it sure looks and feels like one. It is simply how things work when we have made a decision to act based upon our deepest heart-felt desires. But just knowing what we really want is not enough, even though it is absolutely a necessary step. What else is needed is a commitment to having it and creating it. The declaration I spoke of earlier is a symbol of our commitment. From there forward we just stay committed and stay open to possibilities as they arise. Often, we get many of the things we want instantaneously. Others may involve a process but you will notice there will be little or not obstacles of any significance. But each day forward from that important declaration, we are living in a reality where we are intentionally creating the life that we say we want. As the magic unfolds we see that this is really how life really works. It always worked this way but we were just not able to see it. I suppose there are some things in life that cannot be learned by most of us without some years of experience, meaning that a lot of us do not get it until we have reached a certain age. You might say this is one of the benefits of getting older. You might say this is wisdom. And the suit of Spades, which governs the last years of our life, are the suit of wisdom in its truest sense. So here we are, creating our life to be what we want it to be, on a daily basis. Each day we affirm what we are doing and if necessary, why we are doing it. We state our intentions to ourselves, keeping our goals and dreams displayed in our mind’s eye. In this way, we are making good use of our mind, instead of allowing it to stagnate and drop us into the gutter of regurgitated history. 57 Living Large or Living Small Life means something different to each person. I wonder how many of us stop to think about just how precious it is. Or do we just allow our life to become this routine of maintenance. I have thought about it and I can see that it would be easy for anyone’s life to become more or less just the maintaining of what they have. I mean, after we clean our house, shop for food, cook, do laundry, and do whatever work we do to make a living, how much time do we really have left? And if we are in a relationship and that requires some time and energy on our part, we end up with even less time. And if we throw in a couple of other hobbies and habits, even simple things like watching television and reading the morning newspaper, it is easy to see a life that is more ore less consumed by just maintenance-oriented activities. And what is it for? Is there any purpose or deeper meaning to our lives? One thing I realized after completing my age 52 year, which in the cards we call the critical year, is that my life is only going to be what I decide to make it. There is something about being 52 that causes us to really assess what we are doing and why. I found, as many do, that I had to decide if my life was worth living. I had to decide if there was any reason for me to be here, alive, on this beautiful planet. I know this may sound very odd to someone, especially someone young. This kind of thinking never really occurred to me when I was younger. Perhaps it is the Chiron return that usually occurs around that age, or some other astrological event. But it is very interesting how many people die around that year. And most people I have talked to who are more or less aware of themselves agree that that year was one of a decision about the meaning of their life and whether or not they were going to continue on or check out. Now, life after age 52 is different for me. I am no longer waiting for some meaning to come to me, too make my life worthwhile. I realize now that life is going to be what I make it, or better yet, what I decide it is going to be. The work I did with the Legacy Center, which is fundamentally a Lifespring training, had a lot to do with my change of heart and mind. And it couldn’t have happened at a better time for me. Actually I would suggest that anyone approaching their age 52 year find something like this, something that will cause an intense and deep soul searching. Of course no one has to wait until they are 52 years old to do this. But even if you do it earlier, you will want to do it again when you are 52. There is no real explanation for why this comes up as a need at that age, it just does. Another thing I realized in my 52 year was that I could choose to have the life I had always wanted. I realized that I could have an extraordinary life, one that was far better than I had ever allowed myself to imagine. I believe that all of us are born with certain dreams. Our dreams are not a product of our childhood or our genetics. What each person dreams about doing in their life and the things they want to experience in life are uniquely theirs. Some people know from birth what they are going to do or be. Many people who are the top in their field today knew, as children, what they wanted to be and do. Others have their dreams too, but their childhood circumstances cause them to doubt or deny them. I believe everyone has their dreams, though a lot of us have probably forgotten much of what they are. And living a life without them is, in my opinion, a life hardly worth living. I know this is a strong statement to make, but if you or I have an incredible dream and are not living it, what are we really doing here? I believe everyone has an incredible dream. During my work with Legacy, I had the opportunity to talk to a lot of people about their dreams. I facilitated them in getting in touch with their greatest and fondest dreams. It was for me a wonderful experience. I got to hear about the things they really wanted for themselves and others. But most of all, I got to hear the God-given dreams each of them had tucked away. And then I invited them to consider going for it. I remember as I talked with them I would suggest that they dream big. My question to them was simple, “If you had a magic wand and could not fail, what three things would you create for yourself in the next year of your life?” That simple question became a powerful force in many people’s lives, 58 especially mine. It has guided each step of my life since then. It caused many to awaken to things they had always wanted but had forgotten about, or lost touch with. The thing I saw for myself last year (age 52) was I can choose to go for all my dreams, the really big ones, or I could go for small things. I could choose to life a big life or a small life. And to me, the definition of whether or not my life was big or small came down to whether or not I was giving to others and how much. I could just live a life of maintenance or go for something extraordinary. I venture to say that a life lived simply to satisfy our personal needs is a small life. It is only through giving that we expand and become much greater than ourselves. If what we are doing does not give anything to others or to the world, it has little meaning. And if we really look at those who have achieved a great goal, we can see that it usually involves giving to others. We each, every day, must answer the question of what are we doing here. What are your goals? And what is it that you seek that is behind the goals you have set for yourself? I invite you, now at the beginning of this new year of 2007, to look at your life and ask yourself ‘is my life big enough?’ How big can you allow your life to be? Are there things you always wanted but didn’t think you could have for some reason? Make 2007 the year you go for it all. Lindsay Lohan Hollywood Bad Girl Lindsay Lohan starred in a movie called Mean Girls, and it appears that the movie fits her personality pretty well. She gets a lot of media attention, most of it for the bad things she has done or from the enemies she has made. I just watched a show last night where some spoiled rich kid was dissing her. She had obviously done something to make this guy hate her. Here are just a few of the headlines about Lindsay, and these are all just in the past couple of months. • • • Lohan Continues to Party - Lindsay Lohan continued partying last weekend despite the fact she was hospitalized Wednesday and received a scathing letter from the studio head of her latest movie detailing her lack of professionalism. James G. Robinson, the CEO of Morgan Creek Productions, sent a letter to Lohan calling her "discourteous, irresponsible and unprofessional" and went on to say her actions were those of a spoiled child which had caused her co-workers on the set of Georgia Rule to feel alienated and "has endangered the quality of this picture." Robinson also threatened to sue the 20-year-old star if she continued to delay production. August 1, 2006 Lohan Slams Bad Birthday Behavior Reports - Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan has hit back over claims she was rude to staff at her private birthday bash at Disneyland in California earlier this month. One blogger on, a website dedicated to the Anaheim theme park writes, "Between the rude behavior and the snotty attitude the entire party displayed, there were very few Lindsay Lohan fans working at Disneyland by the end of that night." July 24, 2006 Left battered and bruised after taking pole-dancing lessons for her role as a topless dancer in new movie I KNOW WHO KILLED ME. (December 19, 2006) 59 • • • • • • • • • • • • Loves stealing other people's boyfriends, insisting she finds unavailable men more attractive. Went to Alcoholics Anonymous to seek help for her heavy drinking. (December 2, 2006) Says Sex and the City inspired her to date lots of different men. (November 28, 2006) Is reportedly attempting to buy the rights to the Stevie Nicks (another tough lady) story so she can star as the singer in a new film. (November 24, 2006) Her Land Rover collided with a police car in London when she was partying with Calum Best. (November 23, 2006) Had to pay out $38,000 after losing a Cartier bracelet loaned to her for her presenting job at the World Music Awards in London. (November 21, 2006) Was booed for poor hosting at 2006 WMA's and was forced to abandon her role as host when she fell down the stairs. Denies reports that she was recently involved in another car crash and has accused the media of making it all up. (November 14, 2006) Tossed a four-letter expletive at fellow Hollywood run-around Paris Hilton when she was captured leaving a Los Angeles hotel inside which Hilton had reportedly been partying. (November 13, 2006) Was rear-ended by a paparazzi on November 7, 2006. Left Robbie Williams red-faced earlier when she snubbed his advances in a Los Angeles night club. (November 9, 2006) Received a court summons to appear as a witness as she strutted up the red carpet, for a case believed to be related to her mother. Lohan was presented with the papers at a party in Beverly Hills, but thought it was a request for an autograph from a fan. When she discovered the true nature of the document, she was visibly shocked. (October 18, 2006) So, what are we to make of her? It seems she is a magnet for bad press. I think most of it is explained by her birthday, July 2, 1986. July 2nd is one of the two birthdays each year that is a double King, in this case the K♦ Birth Card with a K♥ Planetary Ruling Card. I have known lots of K♦ people, and just being a K♦ is enough to warrant some bad behavior. They are known to make enemies and to just push their way through situations with relative carelessness for others. It is because they are the one-eyed king, the only one in the deck. They are usually blind to some important aspects of life, usually blind to others around them or to how their actions affect others. Maybe its just being the ‘King of Value’ that causes this. It seems that many people who have the K♦ as a Birth or Planetary Ruling Card exhibit this ‘the ends justifies the means’ mentality. Look at Bill Gates who has the K♦ as a Planetary Ruling Card. Having this blindness can bring a lot of success as a person can pursue their goals one pointedly without any remorse for how their pursuit may affect those around them. Lindsay is in good company. Other K♦ women include Angelina Jolie, Sharon Stone, Patricia Arquette, Christina Ricci, Faye Dunaway, Emily Watson, and Michelle Branch who is also born on July 2nd. If you study these ladies carefully you will see that all of them are tough and able to handle their own affairs. They often end up in movies where they play a powerful woman, often one who is the equal, or superior to any man. Lindsay is one of the first to be so arrogant and outspoken in her day to day life. It should be said that not all K♦ exhibit these behaviors. Some K♦, like other kings in the deck, are here to discover that they are powerful. Many kings are born thinking themselves to be powerless and the victim of others and life in general. So, being a king can mean you are experiencing the power issue from either side of the coin. So what is Lindsay Lohan’s future? That is easy to predict. It will be more of the same. There seems to be something within her that clamors for as much attention and drama as possible, much more than the average Hollywood celebrity. I expect that she will continue to attract highly volatile and dramatic situations to her until she starts to see how she is creating it, which might not ever happen. But looking at 60 her cards this year, in her next period, Saturn, which begins on the 27th of January 2007, she has a 9♣ with the famous 6♠/9♠ Underlying Cards. This may be a very difficult Saturn period for her this year, and out of that could come some maturity and wisdom. But, at 20 years old, it is doubtful she will learn all that much. It is likely that she will keep creating all this drama in her life and eventually she will tire of it. But I don’t see that happening any time soon. Our Galactic Cards Our Cosmic Moon and Transformed Self Cards Mo X Card A♥ 2♥ 3♥ 4♥ 5♥ 6♥ 7♥ 8♥ 9♥ 10♥ J♥ Q♥ 9♦ 10♦ 9♣ A♣ K♣ A♦ 2♦ 5♣ 4♦ 5♦ 6♦ 7♥ 7♠ 8♠ 9♠ Q♣ J♦ Q♦ J♠ 3♦ 2♠ Q♠ 4♠ 7♦ Card Mo A♣ 2♣ 3♣ 4♣ 5♣ 6♣ 7♣ 8♣ 9♣ 10♣ J♣ Q♣ 9♠ 8♦ J♦ Q♦ K♦ 3♦ 2♠ 3♠ 4♠ 7♦ 6♠ 2♥ X Mo X Card 2♥ K♠ 4♥ 5♥ 6♥ A♠ 8♥ 9♥ 10♥ 5♠ Q♥ K♥ A♦ 2♦ 3♦ 4♦ 5♦ 6♦ 7♦ 8♦ 9♦ 10♦ J♦ Q♦ Mo X 4♣ 10♠ 4♥ 7♣ 8♣ A♠ 10♣ J♣ 10♥ K♥ 3♣ 6♣ 2♦ 5♣ 4♦ 5♦ 6♦ 7♥ 8♦ 9♦ 10♦ K♦ 3♠ 6♠ Card 7♠ 5♥ 6♥ Q♣ 8♥ 9♥ J♠ 5♠ Q♥ Q♠ 3♥ 2♣ 2♣ 3♣ 4♣ 10♠ 6♣ 7♣ 8♣ J♥ 10♣ J♣ A♣ K♣ A♠ 2♠ 3♠ 4♠ 5♠ 6♠ 7♠ 8♠ 9♠ 10♠ J♠ Q♠ Presented here is a table containing each Birth Card and their corresponding galactic cards. What are the galactic cards? They are what I have called the Cosmic Moon and Transformed Self Cards in my book, Exploring the Little Book of the Seven Thunders. To be honest, there is little that we know for certain about these two cards. But here are my thoughts about them and their significance. They are certainly worthy of study and inspection. To begin with, we know that the number 13 is significant for many reasons. There are 13 lunar cycles each year and 13 cards in each of the four suits. When we examine our Life Spreads, we usually stop at the Result, or Cosmic Reward, Card. This is the 9th card counting from our Birth Card in the Life Spread, if we look at it in the Grand Solar array. For those unfamiliar with the Grand Solar array, take a look at page 108 in the Cards of Your Destiny book. But you really don’t have to look it up, the list is right here. But I do want to say that the Cosmic Lesson is the 10th card from the Birth Card, the Cosmic Moon card is the 11th card from the Birth Card and the Transformed Self Card is the 12th. And when you put these twelve cards together with the Birth Card, you get 13 cards. Theoretically, therefore, we have twelve cards in our Life Spread, well 13, if you include the Moon Card to the Birth Card. And I do believe that before this century is complete, science and astrologers will be acknowledging and tracking 12 or 13 planets as affecting us here on planet Earth. It doesn’t matter if they have reclassified Pluto as a dwarf planet, the energy of it remains the same, as will other heavenly bodies discovered out there in the Kuiper belt. 61 But how do we interpret these outer planet cards? Honestly, it gets a little difficult. I have found that beyond the Cosmic Reward card, I can only theorize at this point. But, in the past most of my theories have proven to be true. Ultimately I will now know what these cards mean until I have some direct experience of them, either my own or of someone I know closely. I have studied my Cosmic Reward and Transformed Self cards for a while now. I find them all the more interesting because in my case, they are the Birth and Planetary Ruling Cards of my father, born on May 30th (2♣ and K♣). Am I like my father? Certainly, though not in every way. But we do share a lot of traits. I also have had many significant relationships with K♣ people other than my father. So, just based upon that, plus the other people I know and how I see them connecting with these cards of theirs, here goes. I would like to talk about the X card, the Transformed Self card, first. I want to rename it to the Galactic Card, at least for this article. One way I would like to express this is that our Galactic Card is who we are on a galactic level, or the level beyond the earth. To understand this, I think we have to step back from ourselves a little and imagine a bigger picture. The card that we are now, our Birth Card, is firmly rooted in our birth here on planet Earth. The Galactic Card would be our more universal identity. By virtue of having been born here on this planet, we are under the influences of the planets. But when we venture beyond this planet, what will happen? Will our karma change? Personally I can’t imagine it not changing. We will have much different electromagnetic influences. Now, there are few of us that will ever experience travel to other places beyond earth, at least among those of us alive today. But I think that before long it will be commonplace to be born on different worlds and to travel to different worlds. But even if you are not born on another planet or travel to one, your Galactic Card has great meaning. It may be the biggest version of you that could be imagined. Think of your Galactic Card as the most universal part of you, the part that is connected not just to mundane things, but also to other realms and extraordinary vibrations. It is the Super-You. It is a higher identity so I would always interpret the card on the high side of its expression. So, for example if your Galactic Card was a Three, like the 3♥ or 3♦, your cosmic identity would be creative, an artist of sorts. So, when you look at your Galactic Card (marked X), always interpret it in its highest and most positive light. The Cosmic Moon would be the planet that supports and encourages the expression of your Galactic Card. It represents people, whose Birth or Planetary Ruling Card support the vision of your expanded self, or the energies present that help you express it. Since it is essentially playing the feminine role to your Galactic Card, it may hold special significance for those of the female gender. For example, it might be more important itself, in its feminine power, as a symbol of their expanded selves. I invite the ladies reading this to try this card on and see how it fits you. On a side note for Cancer sun sign natives, the Cosmic Moon may be another Planetary Ruling Card for you. There are those among card students who believe that the Cosmic Moon is actually the true Moon Card. Personally I cannot deny it is significant for me, a Cancer, but I don’t see it fitting in every aspect. I have come, however, to seeing both my Moon Card and Cosmic Moon Card as co-rulers for me. In relationships, meeting someone who is your Galactic Card has got to be a good connection. This person may help point the way to your true role in a more universal sense, much like the Cosmic Lesson Card. But whereas the Cosmic Lesson implies some sort of obligation or responsibility, the Galactic Card is merely a signpost pointing upwards. Whether you take advantage of the sign and decide to go that way is completely up to you. Personally I have found relationships with my Galactic Card to be quite good. However, I have many other favorable connections with that card that make it hard to distinguish where the good stuff is coming from. Perhaps some of you can tell me about some people you have known who are your Galactic Card, or your Cosmic Moon Card and let me know how you experienced them. I hope this small article has stimulated your imagination and got you thinking about your life and where you are going. See how these cards fit into your life. Check and see which people you have known who 62 are either one of these cards and how they affected you. And see how your Galactic Card might be a symbol of a new you, one that is ready to travel beyond the bounds of our mundane existence. When all is said and done, I believe the Galactic Card to be like the North Star, leading us on to a higher plane of existence. Looking Ahead to 2007 Here is a brief look at some astrological events occurring in 2007 and how some of them may affect the various Sun signs. 2007 begins with the chart depicted here. What I tend to look at in this kind of evaluation is the transits of the outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto. First of all this is, and has been, an important time for Sagittarians. With Jupiter and Pluto in their sign, good things are happening. Actually Pluto will leave Sagittarius after this year and has already done most of what it is going to do to Sagittarians because it has reached 27 degrees out of 30 degrees. Still, those Sagittarians born on or after the 19th of December are still in the midst of a huge personal transformation. And it should be a good one. Jupiter adds it’s blessing this year. I think all Sagittarians should be expecting positive turns of events in 2007, healing and affirmation of their natures. However, Uranus in Pisces is also causing these same Sagittarians to undergo many changes, often unexpected and abrupt. Many Sagittarians, and this also applies to Gemini, their opposite sign, have experienced the changes I have been talking about. Uranus makes us want to throw off everything in our life that is not really us. We want to stand up for our uniqueness and not let anyone or anything keep us from being who we truly are. For those Sagittarians and Geminis born after the 3rd of December and June, this is especially true and will be for the duration of 2007. Saturn in Leo has affected all the fire signs in a more or less constructive way but has been very challenging for all the fixed signs (Taurus, Aquarius to a lesser extent, Scorpios and Leos themselves). But Scorpios and Taurus people have been the most challenged by its transit through Leo. As the year begins, it is affecting those two signs, but especially those born around the 16th – the 18th of May and November. As it travels through the rest of Leo, those born later in those months will be challenged by Saturn’s firm hand, each where they need the growth and opportunity for wisdom and maturity. Saturn enters Virgo in September of 2007 where it will begin challenging all the mutable signs, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo, but only those born in the early days of that sign, usually between the 20th and 26th of their respective birth months. Eventually Saturn will reach a point where it will oppose transiting Uranus. This will not occur until November of 2008. But when it does, we can expect things like earthquakes, airplane crashes and other 63 freak acts of nature. In December of 2008, this opposition will be squared by Mars. This would be a very volatile time. You may have noticed that there are times when we have a lot of some kind of event occur, such as plane crashes, mass murders, wars, etc. These tend to occur most when the outer planets are fighting as suggested by the stressful aspects they may from time to time. This particular time will stand out. Neptune is still in Aquarius, affecting all Leos, Scorpios and Taurus people born around the 6th – 8th of their birth months. Neptune has the effect of confusing us and basically ‘melting down’ our identity in order to make way for a new identity that wants to emerge. All of the Fixed signs just mentioned are undergoing this transformational experience. Next year it will move on to those born later in the sign but it will be in Aquarius for some years to come. An incredible opportunity Begin November 23rd of 2007 Jupiter and Pluto will be together in the heavens for a brief time. The time from then to December 11th is especially powerful. This transit only occurs every 13 - 15 years and is one of the very best for immense financial gain. If you can begin a financial deal during this time, start a new business or even get married, the possibilities are enormous. You can bet that I will be taking advantage of this rare event for financial gain. Just to give you an idea, Bill Gates has Jupiter and Pluto conjunct in his house of money in his natal astrological chart. Being a Spiritual Warrior A warrior is that person who is prepared to face whatever enemies he or she must in order to accomplish his or her goals and objectives. In many ancient cultures it was considered an honor for a warrior to die in battle. That was part of being a warrior. Men and women took pride in serving their causes through being a warrior. Ancient India, to be a part of the warrior class meant that you were the protector of the weak, and of the Brahmins, who were essentially beggars. It was the warrior’s duty to provide sustenance for the Brahmins and to protect them. The kings in those days were mostly all from the warrior class, or caste. In battle at that time, the men who fought followed a strict code of ethics as to how they fought. They would not, for example, fight with another warrior who was not their equal in skill or rank. They would not attack or kill someone who had decided to leave the field of battle. They also believed that to die on the battlefield was a great honor that would take them to a special heaven where great enjoyments would be experienced. So, when these men went out onto the field they were prepared to lay down their lives for honor, duty, respect, and for their very purpose in life. And when in battle, they faced their opponents head-on and knew whom they were fighting with. Today we do not have quite that kind of honor and ethics in war. We do have men and women fighting and risking their lives to protect their respective countries. But on the field itself there is often a lack of ethical conduct. Those sorts of ethics are not expected as a rule and in many nations it is nearly the norm to rape and pillage any defeated townspeople. But the warrior spirit lives in all of us. No matter who you are, you do have a warrior within you. And each of us has to fight our battles in life, whether large or small. Mars is the God of War. He is the God of anger, rage and fighting. He is also the God of courage and is exalted in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is all about following the rules and being ‘upright’ in our conduct. Even in war, we can be upright and just. Thus, Mars can be expressed positively, even though it is a minor malefic planet and tends to express in a negative manner. 64 Especially in today’s society and culture – we see so much blame and fighting that is truly unnecessary and ill begotten. It is up to each individual to examine our fighting and to ask ourselves the question, ‘Who am I fighting with?’ What is mostly missing today, for whatever reason, is the quality of going within for answers. Though all great spiritual teachers have professed that we must look within for the solutions to our problems, this view is not supported by our media or by our society at large. It is up to the individual to find his or her way. Fortunately many of us have had many past lives in which we have been connected to higher culture and spiritual wisdom. These people have the ‘memory’ of how life is supposed to be lived. And they are never taken in by the illusion of society. One example of this illusion which is so prevalent, and this is just a little one, is the popular TV show of late, the X-Files. The motto of the show was ‘The Truth is Out There.’ To be a true spiritual warrior means that the truth, or the fight is never out there. It is always within. And no spiritual master ever told anyone that he or she could not find the truth. They all say it is possible and that we have to look within to get to it. But what does this actually mean, looking within? For me personally it has been a slow process. But it began by realizing that if I am upset, the problem is with me, and not with the world or other people. I have to ask myself, ‘Why am I creating or attracting this?’ and ‘What does this situation show me about myself?’ I have to stop trying to change others, get angry and defeat others and look at myself. The real problem with fighting others and the world is that it keeps us continually in the role of victim. No matter how right we might feel about what we are doing, it is our responsibility to look within and see where we are really coming from. Most if not all anger comes from fear. If we are fighting from a place of fear and are not aware of it, we do tremendous harm to ourselves and those we love and others. Five minutes of intense anger can drain us of an entire day’s worth of energy and love for life. It is we who lose when we are operating from fear in this way. We destroy things that we have carefully built and preserved. The spiritual warrior may never be seen fighting. This is because his or her fight is taking place with the demons inside, and not with people and situations around him or her that are upsetting or disturbing or threatening. When something or someone upsets the spiritual warrior, he or she turns within first. He or she must find the source of upset within before deciding on a course of action. This is exactly opposite what most of the world does. If you are working on yourself in this manner, no matter what religion or spiritual beliefs you profess, you are a spiritual warrior. It is never the group we belong to that defines us, or that gives us credit or condemnation - it is our individual actions and decisions. The true spiritual warrior knows instinctively that his or her answers are within. He or she has a personal relationship with the creator and has faith in his or her connection to the one. He or she also knows that each challenging situation that presents itself is an opportunity to ferret out illusions, misunderstandings, miscommunications, false beliefs and other demons that lie within, not an opportunity to go out and bully someone else. Looking ahead, with his or her hand on the hilt of the sword of truth, the spiritual warrior stands ready to do battle with the enemies within. Taking that stand is spiritually priceless. It cannot be bought for any amount of money and nothing is more valuable. More on Relationship Connections My book, Love Cards, teaches a lot about relationships and how the cards can reveal what is going on between two people. I would like to add some to that, based upon the many questions I have received over the years. I would like to answer some of those questions here. 65 One thing about the connections between people, card-wise, is that these are energetic connections that are the result of the ways the energies of two people tend to interact. Think about it this way. There are twelve signs and twelve houses in the zodiac. Each expresses itself differently. Among the various signs, some are compatible with each other. In other words, if you put them together, they tend to flow and combine easily. Other signs combined will be stressful. They will tend to not combine or to do so in inharmonious ways. This is no one’s fault. No sign is good or bad. But some signs are just so different from each other that they cannot find a place of compromise without great effort. In the course of a relationship, we tend to get lazy and not want to expend that great effort. If we have connections with another that are stressful, after a while we can become tired of the struggle. Unless there are compelling reasons, and perhaps other great connections between us and them, we may gravitate away from that person or behave in some manner that causes more distance in the relationship. Mostly this is an unconscious process. And really, for many of the connections, there is no one at fault. It is just because of the energy. The other thing is that we really cannot change the nature of the connections we have with another person. In an ideal world, perhaps we could change the connections we have with someone else, to make us more compatible. But that is not going to work, not in this world anyway. What does work is appreciating what we have with someone else. If two people feel attracted to each other, there are probably some great connections between them. If these two can focus their attention on the good things they share, they can have a great relationship. But if they focus on the things that do not work, they can drive themselves apart. In this regard, I want to talk about the Moon connection, though this dynamic applies to all connections. The Moon is one of the most significant so I will use it for this discussion. I always search for Moon connections first. Why? Because it answers some fundamental questions about the relationship, such as: 1. 2. 3. 4. Who is the leader and way-shower in the relationship? Who is the support person and learner? Who bears the greatest responsibility for where the relationship is going? Who can walk away from the relationship easier? (the Sun person, in case you didn’t know) If a relationship between two people has only one Moon connection, the answer to these questions is clear. And because of the nature of the connections that I just discussed, nothing these two can do can change that. I happen to be an A♦ Planetary Ruling Card. Because of my strong identity with this Ace, it is very difficult for me personally to be a follower in a relationship. I have chosen teachers in the past and submitted myself for direction. But when I do, I do this very consciously and deliberately. But in a personal relationship, it comes most natural to me to be the leader. I like to lead and take risks based upon my own judgment. For this reason, it is difficult for me to be in a relationship where I am the Moon person. I was in a two-year relationship once with a woman who I was Moon to. On one hand I adored her. This is a common story from anyone who is the Moon person in a relationship. The Moon adores the Sun and usually never tires of the connection. But after a while I saw that my desire to be the leader was always in conflict with the basic nature of our connection. Instinctively she wanted to direct our relationship and me. And I just didn’t like that. I got to see the price that I was paying for being with someone that I adored in this manner. I see lots of men married or in relationship with women where they are playing the Moon role. And for many it is perfect. But if a man is very masculine in a traditional way, or if he is an Ace or Ten, Birth Card or Planetary Ruling Card, this is probably not going to work. And here is the point: It is really no 66 one’s fault. It is just the nature of the connection. And, there is no way we can change the nature of that connection. This is true for all the connections we have with someone. So, please do not blame your partner if you are experiencing difficulties in one or more areas of the relationship. The connections are there - they will not change. Instead, try to focus on the good connections you share and the advantages you are getting from all the connections you have. Becoming a Great Card Reader This article is for those who are either just starting out with my books, or those who have been using them for a while and want to get better at the readings you are giving others and yourself. The first thing I want to say is that there is no substitute for experience. It simply takes some time to really ‘get’ how the cards show up in real life situations. After nearly twenty years of using the cards, I am still learning how to interpret and seeing new ways that certain cards can show up in the lives of people. I am a complete believer in the cards and when the cards do not agree with what I am seeing, I always think that there is something more that I need to understand about the cards. Give yourself at least a year of use to get to the point where you start to feel that you have a degree of mastery over them. I always suggest a watch and learn attitude for the first year. But still, there are some suggestions I can give you that can help you refine the readings you are giving. Here they are Know the person you are reading for The person you are reading for is always some mixture of traits. But they are also more or less aware of themselves and tend to be more materially (externally) or spiritually (internally) oriented. This degree of awareness and their basic nature will have more to do with the meanings of their cards than the cards themselves. Remember that each card has a high and a low side of expression. There is no good or bad card. A difficult or challenging card, such as a Seven or Nine, is going to tend to have a negative expression with material people and a positive expression with more spiritual people. Now, by spiritual I do not mean a person who goes to church or wears crystals. I mean someone who looks within for their answers (see the article in this issue about the Spiritual Warrior). Actually Sevens and Nines can both mean fabulous success and fulfillment for spiritually-minded folks. But be practical – the majority of our society is not spiritually minded in this way. It is much more likely that your client or whoever you are reading for is a mixture of both spiritual and material and probably more on the material side. So, this is something you must evaluate for yourself. One way to tell is if the person you are reading for talks about their life in terms of being the victim of others or by blaming others for their problems. This is generally a sign that the person is materially oriented and these Sevens and Nines are going to bring them a lot of problems and challenges to deal with. Know Thyself Your ability to read for someone is always going to be limited by your own consciousness, beliefs, need for approval, desire to serve selflessly, and your sense of self-worth. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to separate ourselves from our readings. It is good to start every reading with a prayer asking God or whomever to guide you so that you can be as pure a vessel as possible and not to allow your personal issues to interfere with your desire to help the person you are reading for. If you can catch yourself projecting your own issues into the reading, this can be a great breakthrough for you. I cannot help but give advice to others based upon what I see. But I like to check in with myself to make sure the thing I am giving advice on is not a charged issue with me. If I am slanted one way or the other, I will not be able to really ‘be’ with my client and hear what is going on for them. All of us can use this advice when 67 approaching a reading. A client often gives us a lot of power during a reading. If we are accurate on a few things, they will tend to believe everything we tell them. This implies a great responsibility for us, one that should not be taken lightly. Ask yourself why are you giving readings anyway? What is your desire, need, purpose, intent? The answer to that, if you could dig deeply within yourself, will be the true cause of what happens in your readings. If you are not clear about it, try to get clear. The more clear you are, the more you will not be surprised by the results – you created them! As an example, here is my intent in giving readings: I give readings to enlighten and empower individuals, to get them so in touch with them and their power to create their destiny, that they can leave my reading with the knowing that their fate is in their hands and that they can have everything they want from life. Stay on the Positive Everything, no matter how bad it may appear, has a positive side to it. The world’s greatest tragedies had positive outcomes. I want my clients to feel that they can handle anything that comes up, even the most scary cards and experiences. I show them how they are part of the creation of what is or may be going on, and this gives them the ability to accept and deal with whatever is going on more effectively. If I created this situation, I can learn from it or change it because I am the creator, not the victim. This is what I convey to my clients and the most satisfying readings for me are the ones where I get to see my client go from victim to creator. Wow, those really make my day! So, I never see whatever is going on as a bad thing. Sure, there are situations that come up in life that we absolutely don’t like or don’t want to deal with it. But it is my job to remind myself and others that even the worst things have a loving and absolutely brilliant meaning behind them. Read for those you know a lot Always begin your education in the cards by reading for yourself and those that you are familiar with. The process of learning is one of personalizing the symbols of the cards. These cards are merely symbols of our choices and us. If you read for people that you know well, you will learn the cards much faster. That is why I always suggest that you do the weekly reading as it is taught in the book for at least a year. Five years would be my suggested minimum actually. What we each need as we are learning the meanings of the cards is first hand experiences with which to compare with the cards we see in our spreads. This is where the real learning takes place. Nothing will teach you more about an A♠ in Saturn than having one yourself. I laugh as I write this because I am going through an A♠ in Saturn right now! This is the first time I have had one since I have known about the cards. What an education! Suggested Materials for Study As you can see by this article, mostly I recommend approaches that you, as a reader, can take, ways of being and I haven’t spoken much about the learning materials. That is because most people focus too much attention to the materials and not enough to the experiences they are having. But I have compiled some great materials for your study and if you have the resources, here is what I suggest. I am assuming you have both my books and have read them and know the basics of doing a reading, etc. If not, then your first step is to do just that – get the books and read. They are laid out to be very easy to understand and use. Just start from the beginning. Once you are ready, here are the next things you can look into to. All of these products are available on my web site at this link: 68 Intermediate Level Items The Weekly Reading DVD this will help you understand the ins and outs of doing the Weekly Reading. And probably most of any questions you may have about it will be answered by watching it. The Intermediate Video CD Workshop – I guarantee you will learn so much about the cards from this recorded six-hour class! As I was taping this class I realized that there is a lot that can be explained about the cards that is not covered in my books. I hope you enjoy this one. Keep in mind that these CD videos will only play on your computer. The Cards and Relationships This DVD class is a great resource for learning how to use the cards in all forms of relationship readings. Again, it should answer most of your questions. These next two classes on DVD are resources that a card student on any level can take advantage of. They can be viewed again and again as there is a lot of information given on these. Inside the Meanings of the Cards Part One In this four-hour class you will learn the inner secrets behind numbers, suits and planets and how they each interact to form the meanings of the 52 cards in the deck. As I talk about each card in the deck, you will see how each card plays a role in both the Life Spread and Yearly Spreads of individuals. Inside the Meanings of the Cards Part Two – This is similar to Part One but here I talk about each Birth Card and the Karma and characteristics of each in detail. Advanced Level Items The advanced level offers a distinct advantage that you are able to access more information, not only about the cards in the yearly spread but about other spreads such as the Seven Year Spread and the 13year cycles. You also get the benefit of using the Underlying Cards and the opportunity to see new relationships between cards based upon learning how to read the Grand Solar Spreads. However, the cost for all this new information is that it is more complex. So, if your desire to have more is great enough, be prepared! This is a lot of new information. Here is what we offer: The Advanced Card Training Class – this is my latest recorded class on the advanced level information. It is a video of a real class on DVD. You should have a copy of the Advanced Oracle Workbook while you watch this. If you would prefer an audio taped version of this class, check out the Master Seminar on Tape that includes all the books you need as well. And finally, for anyone who feels really drawn to this system, we have created a special group called the Magi Fellowship. This is something for those who feel that they want the work with the cards to become a significant part of their life’s work. If you have such feelings yourself, be sure to read about this on my web site, under the Training and Certification link on our main page or here: 69 Celebrity Update What is with Brittany Spears (3♦/5♠) lately? Has she gone crazy? First, last November, she divorced her husband Kevin Federline (2♦/6♦). Up until then, everything seemed fairly normal for a woman who was a pop diva. But since then she has gone through many strange changes and experiences. She started hanging out with Paris Hilton and before long there were photos of her private parts on the internet taken as she was leaving a limousine with no panties on. Hanging with Paris Hilton (8♦/5♣) was probably enough since little Paris, being the 8♦ that she is, will do practically anything to get attention and has shown up in more than one X-rated video on the internet. But just a few days ago, Brittany had her hair practically hacked off and had several tattoos and her private parts pierced to boot! What could be the cause of all of this? Speaking from the cards point of view all I can say is that a 5♠ Planetary Ruling Card person is usually up for trying most anything. Fives are the adventurers of the deck and will often do and try things that other people feel is crazy or strange. It was reported that she was tired of all the attention she was getting and did this just to be less attractive to the cameras, in the intent of getting less attention so she could lead a normal life – NOT! I do think that losing Kevin was a huge blow to her. He is her Moon Card (2♦ to her 3♦) and I am sure that he was everything that helped her feel safe in this world. So, this is what Fives do when they are under intense pressure! I think so. Martin Scorsese just won the Oscar for best director. He has the 10♦ Environment Card this year. He is a 3♣/7♣/7♠, a very creative guy, the Writer’s card. It is nice that at age 64 he can achieve the recognition he has wanted for so long. With a 10♦ Environment Card, it is not surprising that he finally got his dream come true. Other famous 3♣: Rock Hudson, John Lithgow, Faith Hill, Bill Murray, Ricki Lake, Steven King and Luke Wilson. These folks are very creative but suffer from a lot of worry in the background. Take a look, Steven King is the Writer’s Card! About the Nines I recently had a client who was in her Venus period with a 9♠. There were several issues facing her, all pointing to a need for her to let go and move on. She understood what I told her when I helped her see the need to let go. But she was actually still attached, both to a personal relationship and a job that she had created for herself years earlier. Thinking that she really had gotten what I had said, I saw her 9♠ in 70 Venus as a victory for her. I know if that we can let go with a nine we can often have dreams come true. I could see this happening to her but I did not realize at the time that she was not ready to let go yet. So, I was a little surprised when less than a week later she called, crying over how she suddenly lost it all. I felt a lot of compassion for her because she was grieving over the loss of her business and possibly her relationship, all at the same time. It reminded me of how very powerful Nines can be and how their influence depends so much on where we are at in our life when they appear. To understand a nine card in your spread you must first realize that it represents the ending or conclusion to something that was began long ago. Whether that ending is a cause for grief or celebration is entirely up to you. If you are attached to keeping that thing, person, job, idea, or whatever, you will experience disappointment and loss. If you are not attached, that nine will bring you freedom and a conclusion to something very important in your life. The real crux of the matter here is whether or not you are attached. I am sure that you have probably experienced both sides to this at one point or another in your life. I have seen Nines work in both ways in my own life. I remember the year I learned to fly when I had a 9♦ as my Long Range card. That 9♦ represented the conclusion to a long-held dream and ambition of mine – to learn to fly an ultra light airplane. I had actually wanted to do that for more than 15 years. It was immensely satisfying and enjoyable. I have seen in other people’s spreads where Nines bring victory or successful completions. 9♥ can mean marriage or the finding of the perfect partner/lover. (In Tarot, the 9 of Cups is the Wish Card!) 9♣ can mean the successful completion of a communications project, a grand idea, school or other educational pursuit. 9♦ can mean finding the dream job or acquiring something greatly valued for a long time. 9♠ can mean the completion of a work assignment or important project, or the perfect job, similar to a 9♦. These positive expressions of a nine can happen to anyone. But they tend to happen to those of us who are more in tune with what is going on inside of us. My client who I mentioned earlier was already feeling like the job she subsequently lost was over for her. She had lost the love for it. But still, she hung on to it anyway. We often do just this – hang on to something or someone that we know is really over for us. Thus a Nine appearing would have to mean loss and disappointment. But if my client had been really attuned to a deeper degree to the part of herself that was done with that job, she could have just let it go and something wonderful could have happened as a result. I will never forget the week I had a 9♦ in Mercury in my weekly spread. I had been planning to teach an astrology class at a local bookstore. The owner called me on that Mercury day to tell me that he had accidentally booked two classes at the same time and that he had to give the space to the other person. I was naturally shocked by this sudden news and I felt the impulse to fight against it. I was thinking of what I might say to the owner to fight for my time slot. But something within me told me that this was not going to do any good. It was already gone. So, I adopted a new attitude right then and there. I told the owner that was okay and we would try it again sometime. Immediately after hanging up the phone I had an epiphany. I realized that I really did not have the time to teach that astrology class, that it would actually interfere with my work on the book I was writing. In that instant I realized that my losing that slot was God’s plan for me, for my best and highest good! It all flashed clear as a bell and at once I understood the real meanings of Nines. 71 The trouble with all of this is that sometimes, try hard as we may, we really don’t see that we need to let go of something (or someone). We may look at the situation and just cannot see how that would be good for us. But I tell you this: if you see a Nine coming in your spreads, you must realize that an ending is in store for you, whether or not you see that. As I write this I have a 9♠ coming in about 2 weeks in my Neptune period. Also, I have a 9♠ Long Range card in my next year’s spread, which begins in about 2 months. What those Nines will mean for me is not clear yet. But I can tell you that I am making peace with my life. If something I am doing or having is going to leave me, I am determined to let it go in as graceful a manner as possible, whatever that is. I have plans for my life. I have goals and dreams. But even those dreams must go if God says so. And how will I know what God says? But looking at what happens to me, watching carefully for signs of things I must let go of. Though I may not understand exactly why yet, I do know from my past experiences that whatever God takes away, it is always for my highest good and for the highest good of all concerned. There is a story from the Mahabharata about a great warrior named Arjuna. While traveling through a mountainous area alone, he shot a deer with his bow. At the very same moment another arrow flew into the deer from another hunter. Arjuna met the other hunter and they got into a quarrel over who owned the deer. It was Arjuna’s Dharma as a warrior to end disputes in battle and so a fight quickly ensued. The other hunter did not seem to be out of the ordinary, dressed in animal skins as he was but Arjuna, was considered one of the greatest archers on the earth, could not defeat him. The battle lasted for hours. Arjuna finally fell down exhausted and bowed before the hunter in respect. “I do not know who you are, great hunter, but I am unable to defeat you. I surrender to you and your greatness. Please accept my gratitude for this wonderful fight you have given me.” Right then the hunter revealed his true identity. “It is good, O Arjuna that you should pranam (bow) before me. I am Lord Shiva and I cannot be defeated in battle by anyone in the three realms. Rise, Arjuna, I am pleased with you and your humility. Come, I have some gifts to give you.” This is a famous story where Arjuna acquired one of the most powerful weapons known at that time, the Pasupata Astra that no other mortal had in their possession. It was Shiva’s gift to him. The moral of this story is that we can and must do our very best to follow what we think we should do in life. We should all follow our Dharma. But if we do our very best and still meet with failure, we have to then surrender to the will of God and let go. It is then that we receive our rewards, the rewards that a Nine promises us. Your Displacement Card Our Displacement Card each year, and week, and in our 7-year spreads, is one of the most powerful and important cards in our spreads. However, I have not really fully explained its importance in my books. I want to shed more light upon it for the benefit of users of my books. 72 First consider the illustration below. Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Ura Nep Nep Ura Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Note the planetary influences for each row and column on the side and bottom of the illustration. These planets influence these rows and columns and have significance. What you are looking at is the first and foremost of all the Grand Solar Spreads, what we call the Life Spread. If you find your Birth Card here, you will see its exact location in this spread and the cards that surround it. Each card is located in some ‘neighborhood’ where you will find other cards that share similar life experiences and karma. It is common for us to have relationships with people in our neighborhood. But you must keep in mind that this is not the only neighborhood spread. There is another one call the Spiritual Spread and this would be our past-life neighborhood. You might be more connected with someone in that neighborhood than the one illustrated here. The place where you sit here is your lifetime position in this important spread. You bring with you some energy from this position with you, regardless of where you move to in other years. But each year, your Birth Card moves to a new position in this spread. And that new position is called your Displacement Card because you are literally ‘displacing’ the card who owns that Life Spread spot. Keep in mind that there are seven cards that do not move from their Life Spread positions. These are the Fixed and Semi-Fixed Cards (J♥, 8♣, K♠ and A♣/2♥, 9♥/7♦) The Semi-Fixed Cards do move, but only to change place with their Cosmic Soul Twin. Therefore, these seven spaces are not available to the other 45 cards to move to. But they do move to a new spot in this spread each year. Every year we follow our first Karma Card and move to the space it is occupying. If you look on this illustration and find your first 73 Karma Card, that will be the place you move to in the 2nd year of life, or Age 1. And we keep following our first Karma Card each year until after 45 years, we return to the place we started. It is a 45-year cycle! And, it repeats itself. What is important to know is that wherever your Birth Card has moved to in the current year, this new location has usually put you in an entirely new neighborhood. You are likely, therefore to meet people who live in that neighborhood. Last year I displaced the 5♠. In the 5♠ Life Spread, we find the J♥ in Mercury, the 9♣ in Venus, the 9♠ in Mars, etc. Well, that year I met so many new J♥, 9♣, 9♠ and 2♥ people, it was truly fascinating to witness. So, you may find, if you look at the other cards in the neighborhood of your Displacement Card, that you are meeting some of these people in the current year. But on a deeper level what you are doing is experiencing life from their perspective. Being in this new place gives you the opportunity to know what it is like to live from that spot in the Grand Solar Spread. Some of these ‘spots’ are very significant. That is, they bestow a special importance because of their position. For example, if you look at the 8♦ position, you see that it is at the top center of the entire spread. This is the position of fame and recognition, called the Sun Spot. The year you displace the 8♦ you may achieve great recognition or fame. But there is more to the story. The 8♦ has the A♠ as its Pluto Card in the Life Spread. When you displace the 8♦, you get that A♠ underlying your Pluto Card for that year. This causes a huge transformation for whoever is in their Pinnacle Year, as we call it. There are many such important spots in the Grand Solar Spread and it is wise to become familiar with those so that you are aware of when they are coming. These are described in detail in Cards of Your Destiny, chapter Eight. Time spent becoming familiar with what is in that chapter will be well rewarded, I promise! One thing I would mention here though is to notice the center column of the Grand Solar Spread, In it we find the 8♦, 10♠, J♥, 4♣, 10♦, 3♠, 7♠, and 8♥. This column is influenced by the planet Jupiter and any year that you displace a card in that column you will have a Jupiterian influence in your life. What that translates into is that when you displace one of these cards, you will have good fortune and have one or more important wishes fulfilled. You will never displace the J♥, unless you are a J♥ already so that space is not available. But the other six spaces are. This is just one small example of how your understanding of the Displacement Card can benefit you. The Cards of Cho Seung-Hui 74 Mr. Hui is the young man who caused the deaths of over thirty people recently at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. In this article we will explore his story through the cards to see what might be revealed. Cho was born on January 18, 1984, making him a 9♦ with a 4♥ Planetary Ruling Card. As soon as I found out his Birth Card I thought about how I have been reminded a lot lately about 9♦people. They all come from a past life in which they had power over other people and a certain amount of arrogance and the ability to dominate others (Q♦ first Karma Card). They are used to having things go their own way, mostly through the exercise of their power. But in the current life, the 9♦ must let go of this need to dominate others. Most 9♦ are not even close to the degree of these qualities as was Cho. He is an extreme example of this. Why he kept his true feelings secret and never made any attempt to get help is a mystery. But we do know that he suffered a lot of feelings of loss and disappointment, common feelings for those of his Birth Card. Cho committed the murders and died in his Venus period. If we examine his cards during this period we see a conglomeration of influences, all very karmic and powerful. Even though on the surface the cards may appear benign, or even good, a look at the complete picture, which includes the underlying cards, reveals a more ominous picture. Birth Card Spread Underlying 8♦ Q♦/9♦ 9♠ 9♣/6♦ Planetary Ruling Spread Underlying J♦ 9♠/6♠ 6♠ 6♦/3♠ At first glance just notice how many Sixes there are and the occurrence of two 9♠. This alone should set off warnings. Sixes are the cards of Karma. The 6♠ is the strongest of these fated cards. And when we put the 6♠ and 9♠ together we get the makings for an often, tragic event. One of my students noted that in the previous year, back in August of 2006, Cho had a 7♥ and A♥ in Saturn. He had also displaced the 7♥ in his Planetary Ruling Card spread. It may have been the pain of that disappointment and romantic failure that motivated him to seek violence in revenge. We now know that his actions were those of revenge. Therefore, all of this revenge energy culminated in his Venus period this year with all these fated cards appearing in his spreads. The 8♦ appearing in his direct Venus position is an indicator of the fame that he achieved by this notorious act. If he had lived afterwards he would have no doubt had his 15 minutes of fame or more. In today’s society we reward the most vicious evil doers with fame and recognition. I find it interesting that whenever someone goes on a killing spree like this, out of anger and revenge, they invariably kill themselves at the end. I have had a lot of experience with anger in my own life and I know that once our anger has been fully expressed, our minds clear up and we for once see the truth – that our 75 anger was misplaced and had no real foundation. It is in that state, I believe that spree killers take their own life. They see the harm in what they have done, the wrong in it, and realize that the only right thing to do would be to take their own life in compensation. Now, I am not certain about this. Some may take their life to avoid prosecution and prison. But it is my belief that the majority get a glimpse of the truth after the killings, realize the tremendous mistake they have made and seek redemption through selfinflicted death. Cho Seung-Hui’s Yearly Spread in the Book of Destiny Software program Mass Disasters and Personal Power When we think about something like hurricane Katrina or the tsunamis that often occur in different parts of world, events that cause the death of thousands of people at one time, it is difficult to not believe that we are all just helpless victims of fate and the tides of change. In one swift moment, thousands or more people can die, be forced to move to an entirely new place or experience other kinds of calamities. Where does our sense of personal power come into play when such events happen in the world on a daily basis? The very nature of our insurance industry is based upon how much we will pay to have some peace of mind about the negative possibilities that we could experience. The recent movie, The Secret, was all about our power to create our realities. How does this philosophy jive in a world where seemingly anything can happen to anyone at any time? Is there a way to protect ourselves against such disasters? Can a person rise to a place where those sorts of events will not affect them? To find the answer to that we must be willing to take a deeper look at these mass events. Though I don’t think it has ever really been done, I have thought for a long time about the possibility of doing research in this vein. Imagine interviewing all the people whose lives were touched by a major disaster, such as the one that occurred on 9/11. For the people who died, I would interview all their surviving family members. I would first ask if the person who died had any premonition of the disaster or any sense that their death was imminent. Then I would ask whether their life was at such a place where they might have felt they had no real reason to live on, for example, some of these people might have been 52 years of age and have decided on a soul level to check out. Were there any indications of this 76 noticed by those who survived them? I would also ask the survivors what the effects of the death of their loved one had upon them. Were there positive results ultimately from this tragic event? I believe that if someone dies in a mass event like this, that the individual had a particular reason for being part of it. We may never know the whole story, especially because those that perished are not here to tell their story. In each of these mass events, there were stories of sacrifice for others, of great courage, and I am sure, stories of how those affected came to accept what happened. In other words, for each individual involved, whether it was someone who died or survived, there was a unique perspective, a unique story of how that event was woven into the fabric of their life, and how ultimately it had positive effects upon them. I may appear to be a Pollyanna about such matters but I can never believe that bad things happen to good people for no reason. I will never relinquish that I am the author of my life. Whenever I seem to be the victim of some event, I adopt the attitude that there is still something that I need to understand about what happened, never that I was the victim. Ultimately I have always found the truth and it is always a loving beautiful one. I have to take a look at Karma first and foremost. We do not fully understand it. Sometimes Karma is instant and sometimes it spans lifetimes. Some events that occur in this lifetime, actually I would prefer to say most events in this lifetime, were set into motion in a prior existences. We are not usually given the understanding to know the reasons behind all the things that happen to us. This is especially true when we are in our first 45 years of life. I have found that we experience mostly past-life Karma in the first half of life. And perhaps it is for this reason that we are susceptible to the notion that we are victims of a world we never made. Our parents, our childhood, along with all of its major events, all of these are more of an expression of the Karma that we brought with us than of Karma we remember creating. But once we reach Age 45 our lives are more governed by the actions we had when we were younger. Some people, around Age 52, realize the damage they have done and decide to check out in one way or the other. Some of us become bitter in our mid to late life and we spend most of our time running away from the ‘terrible’ things we have done earlier in our life. But still, I do not believe any of us are victims, even to our own Karma. After all, we are the ones who created it, even though we do not remember when. In mass events I am sure that some of the people who perish do so because of past life Karma. There is no real way to determine it but generally we would consider younger people who perish to fall into this category. As adults many more possibilities open up. Some die to experience what it must be like to make a great sacrifice – perhaps in the time of crisis they gave up their own life to save the life of others. This occurred to one of the teachers in the recent killing spree at Virginia Tech. He could have saved himself but chose to save his students and ended up being killed by the gunman afterwards. In conclusion it is my contention that in mass events and disasters, each individual is playing out a unique role for their own personal growth on a spiritual level. No one is a true victim. It just appears that way on the surface. But I believe that if we took the time to really look into it, and if there was some way for the dead to speak, we would discover that what appeared to be a disaster was actually a blessing for all concerned. After all, it could not have occurred unless it was the will of God. And the God I know is always loving. 77 The Power of Choice Wow, here I go again, talking about another power that we have! One might think that I believe that we humans are super-brings, instead of normal, everyday people. If that is what you believe, I guess I should say you are absolutely right. I believe that we humans are made in the image and likeness of God. We have His power to create and make our lives just the way we want them to be. As a matter of fact, everything is perfect right now. Your life, my life, or anyone’s life is just the way we want it to be, right now. There is a lot to the story, actually. If you or I are to really experience ourselves as powerful, there is a lot that we need to become aware of. I have talked a lot about this in past articles and talks I have given. But there is more to learn and today I want to talk about our power of choice. I think choice is something that we pretty much take for granted. How often do you sit down and examine the many choices you make, even just the choices made in one day? I think if any of us would take a closer look we would be amazed at just how many choices we make in the course of a regular day. Just getting out of bed is a choice. And it goes on from there until the time we turn off all the lights and head off to dreamland. From one point of view, life is simply a series of choices that we make. And those choices determine the quality of our life. You may often think, ‘if only I had done that instead of what I did, things would be much better.’ Or, ‘I wish I had done that. My friend did that and now look how rich and successful she is.’ We mull over our past choices. And when we do, you can tell that we really do think about the choices we made and how much of an impact they have made in our life, for better or for worse. And the older we get the more we realize that some key choices we made altered the course of our life in the most meaningful way possible. The life that you are living right this moment, is the result of your past choices. There is no altering that fact. But there is an overall sense of helplessness in the world today. In spite of the fact that our choices are what really determine the nature and quality of our lives, many of us go around thinking that we are the victims of life. Those are the people that feel that life is but a big joke being played upon them. They might say that in spite of their best efforts, they always make the wrong choice. So, in a way, they feel that they are not capable of making good choices at all. Or, they feel that they are jinxed in some way. Some evil force out there is punishing them and making them choose the wrong thing. And there is another group of us that feel that we have no choices at all. Life seems to be something that is imposed upon us. Whatever choices we may have, they are not very powerful. Something much more powerful than us is really calling the shots. Its all luck, and we have bad luck. That is their story. But I think that we do have the power of choice and that power can have our life be whatever we want it to be. What is necessary here is consciousness. When I say consciousness I am not talking about some mystical meditation experience. I am talking about down to earth, awareness – just seeing things as they really are and just simply putting our attention upon them long enough to make an accurate assessment. That is the real thing that is missing today – awareness. Very few people seem to really understand their own motives. Depending upon your personality and background, you may make choices in one of many ways. To a Diamond Birth Card like me, choice is most often about value. I always ask myself, even when I am not 78 conscious of it, ‘is that worth it to me?’ That is my main question, ‘how much is it worth?’ or ‘is it worth it?’ Someone whose Birth Card is a Club or Heart may use a different criteria. A Club, for example, may ask ‘does this comply with my understanding of life?’ or ‘Do I have a good reason to do this?’ A heart may ask ‘Does this feel good to me or not?’ A Spade person may ask ‘Would this be me acting in excellence?’ No matter, though. The important thing here is that we have some criteria and from that criteria, we make our choices. Some choices are hard to make. They will not feel good. They will be uncomfortable. They may cause us to experience something that we do not like, at least in the short term. But someone who is wise will always choose from a larger perspective rather than the immediate situation. They will look at the situation long term to see its effects. They will examine the long-term effects of their choices. They will also include the effects of their choices upon others in their decision-making. This usually comes from experience. And so, in general, we only find older people making such wise choices. But you or I can make wise choices right now. If you or I truly understood how powerful we are! The act of making a choice is the very act of creation itself! Just think about it. Each time you or I make a choice, we have just created something. It could have been something else. But it ends up being what we chose. When I think about this, I am amazed. It has always been there, right in front of me. But for some reason, I missed its significance. Each time we choose, we are waving a magic wand. From all the myriads of possibilities that exist around us, we are choosing one – the ONE. That is what creating is all about. There are times when we appear to have no choices, for sure. Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation in which our choices are limited, in some cases, we may appear to have only one choice. But in reality there is no situation that will ever occur to you in which you do not have a choice. In the movie Braveheart, Willam Wallace chose to be executed in the end rather than forsake his belief in personal freedom and freedom from the tyranny imposed upon his people. He might have said, ‘I have no choice’ but he knew that he did and he made it consciously. Whether or not his choice was a good one depends entirely upon your point of view. But one thing is for certain, we will always remember him for this powerful choice he made. If you feel very limited in your choices in a particular area of your life right now, realize that this is due to some choices you made in the past. You might have made them hastily or perhaps you just didn’t foresee how things might turn out. But indeed, it was your choices at work that landed you where you are today. Realizing this, use your power of choice again, right now, to make your best choice ever. And keep making these choices. Though they might be hard to experience here and now, wise choices, made by looking ahead to their long-term effects and taking into consideration how they will affect others, are guaranteed to lead you to more happiness and good fortune. So the bottom line is that we need to align our choices with our highest intentions. That is the way to salvation, freedom, and personal fulfillment. Accessing the Power in Your Daily Cards 79 I want to share with you a technique that some of my clients pay thousands of dollars for me to do for them. This involves using your calculated daily cards for planning purposes. It has proven to be highly effective and accurate. And because these cards are calculated, you can look ahead as far as you like to make your plans utilizing this method. However, to utilize this, you will most likely need our software program because calculating these cards by yourself is quite tedious. It can be done and I know that some of my readers are doing it. But most of them do not know how to do it or simply do not want to do it. So, the software is the best way. And we will be using the Birth Card and Planetary Ruling Card spreads for this analysis so the software just does that for you with just a click of your mouse. But in any case, this will be helpful for you to understand and hopefully, to use. To begin with, let me explain how this works and the importance of it. The person who can use this method is someone who plans a lot of meetings and personal activities and wants to ensure success as much as possible. The cards are intimately related to astrology. That is, their effects are definitely connected to astrological influences. However, all of this influence comes to us in the form of cards, which are really much simpler and easier to use. Each day of our week will have usually four cards governing it. Two will be the direct and vertical daily cards from the Birth Card spread and two will come from the Planetary Ruling Card spread. When analyzing a particular day for its general tenor, we look at all four cards. Neptune days of the week will often only have one card from each spread and so those days will often only have two cards to consider. But the other days will have four. The other exception is if you are a Leo. In that case your Birth Card and Planetary Ruling Card are the same and you essentially have only one spread. I suppose you could integrate one of your personality card spreads here in substitution for a Planetary Ruling Card. I think that would be fine. Just remember that a personality card is never as significant as a Birth Card. What we want to see here, for each day of a particular week or month is, which days are the most positive and which are the most negative. We want to plan our important events on days which have the most power and success and we want to keep a low profile and not communicate or be active as much on days where the influences are more negative. So, when we are done we will have a list of the Best Days and the Worst Days of a given time period. I usually do three months at a time for my clients. You can do just one week if you want, or you can do a month or more. So we have to start with a list of which cards are governing each day. Below is an example week taken from someone born on 5/10/1990. Ignore the Week-Long Cards. For this analysis, we don’t need them or use them. We focus only on the Daily Cards. Under each day we see four cards in the example show below, except the Neptune day, which has two. This is what is most commonly found. We will look at all the cards that day and apply the following rules to interpreting them. 1. Positive Cards are even-numbered cards and face cards. Twos, Fours, Sixes, Eights, Tens, Jacks, Queens, and Kings are the positive cards. 2. Power Cards are the Eights, Tens, Jacks, Queens and Kings. 3. Best Days are days in which 3 or more of the cards are Positive or Power Cards. 4. The very Best Days are days in which you have 3 or more Power Cards. These are the days you want to utilize the most for important events in your life. 5. Negative Cards are the odd-numbered cards. Three’s, Fives, Sevens and Nines. Aces, but only in certain locations. Aces are neutral in general. 6. The scariest of the Negative Cards are the 6♠, 7♠, 9♠ and A♠. 7. Worst Days are days in which 3 or more of the cards that day are Negative Cards. 80 8. Jupiter brings out the best of all cards. Even Negative Cards will often have a positive outcome on Jupiter Days. However, if you have a Jupiter Day with 3 or more Negative Cards, that would not be considered either a Best Day or a Worst Day. It would be neutral. But in general, you cannot have a Jupiter Day be a Worst Day. 9. Venus is like a mini-Jupiter and also lends a beneficial quality to the cards in that day. But it is not as strong as Jupiter and you can have bad Venus Days. 10. Mars and Saturn will bring out the more negative qualities of cards, but especially the Negative Cards. Having just two Negative Cards in either Mars or Saturn would definitely disqualify it from being a good or Best Day. 11. Having 3 or more Negative Cards on a Mars or Saturn Day is a huge Cautionary Day. Do not plan anything of any importance on one of these days. In some cases, you should not even drive a car on such days, if possible. 12. On Negative Days you would probably do best to just stay home or at least, keep out of harms way. This means reducing your communications with others and certainly postponing important conversations and events. Speaking of cards, your Mercury Day is the car-driving day. If you have a Worst Day fall on a Mercury Day, the precaution is about driving or traveling in a car first and foremost. It is also a precaution about communications and possibly head injuries. Other areas affected by each Worst Day are listed below. Worst Day Interpretations What areas are affected if you have a Worst Day on a: Mercury Day Driving a car, communic ations, head injury Venus Day Mars Day Jupiter Day Relationship s, family, people or things in your home Legal, dealings with men, competitive Financial (but remember, there are rarely bad Jupiter Days) Saturn Day Health, and all other areas are possible . Uranus Day Real estate or unexpecte d events. Groups. Neptune Day Foreign affairs, drugs, alcohol, travel over water, swimming. I will use the example below to demonstrate. In this typical week, we have the days play out as follows. The following is a picture of the Weekly Calendar Page Report by the Book of Destiny 3.0 or 3.5 software program that we sell. The direct card for any given day is the one on the left while the one on the right is the vertical card. 81 1. Mercury Day: Neutral since there are two Negative and two Positive Cards. 2. Venus Day: Also neutral for the same reasons. But this day is slightly positive since it is ruled by Venus. Still, overall I would classify it as neutral. 3. Mars Day – One of the Best Days, and actually the Best Day this week. See the two Jacks (Power Cards) and a Two and a Four. 4. Jupiter Day: one of the Best Days – Two Power Cards and one Positive Card combined with Jupiter’s favorable influence points to a very good day for business. 5. Saturn Day: actually not a bad day. Two Cards are Power Cards and one is Positive. However, the direct card in the Birth Card spread is a 7♠. So, I would not give list this day as a Best Day by any means. But the day most likely will be challenging, but overcome and have a happy ending. 6. Uranus Day: another Best Day, just not a very best. But with 3 out of 4 good cards, one of which is a King, this will be a good day. 7. Neptune Day: Neutral. One power and one Negative card cause this day to be 50/50. 82 One thing I think that is important when you do this sort of analysis is to remember that these daily cards are the least powerful and the least significant of all the card spreads you may do. These influences only last one day. So do not get very upset by bad cards as their influence will be short- lived. Like-wise even powerful cards will only last one day and so their influence is minimal at best. The cards in your Yearly Spreads are much more significant and powerful. However, these daily cards are important when used as a planning tool and experience has shown their relevance. When I do research for a client, I create a report, usually for three months at a time. In that report I just list the best days and worst days in date order so that my client can easily scan a calendar and connect the days and the cards. I format the report in this manner to make it as easy as possible for my client to use that information. That is really about all there is to it. But if you do a lot of planning and consider things like Mercury retrograde, etc. this method might be highly valuable for you. To tell you the truth, I think that the card system actually accounts for Mercury retrogrades in these daily cards. In other words, just by following what the cards are saying you can avoid any bad days that Mercury retrograde would potentially be the cause of. Happy planning! The Four of Spades Home Card One thing that I have learned since I last published the Cards of Your Destiny is the importance of the 4♠ card when it appears in a yearly reading. Its importance is, of course, related to a particular area. All the Fours represent security and stability in one way or the other. But because it is a Spade, the 4♠ is the most powerful of the Fours. And as far as security and stability are concerned, a home is the most powerful manifestation of that. And this is what I have noticed in my spreads and those of my clients. When the 4♠ appears, especially in certain situations, it represents the home, often a new home. Since clients often ask questions about buying a home or moving, etc, it is important to know how this card can show up and what it means when it does. The 4♠ is the most stabilizing of all the cards in the deck. For this reason it can also represent getting married. Often, getting married involves the purchase of a home. With the 4♠ both things could happen at once, especially if you regard getting married in this way, that is the establishment of a foundation of security and stability, usually for the intent of raising children. Here is a list of the ways the 4♠ can show up and what possible meanings that may have. 83 1. 4♠ Long Range or Result Card – this is one of the most powerful indicators of purchasing a new home or moving to a more desirable home. It is also one of the more powerful indicators of a marriage – to occur by the end of this card year. 2. 4♠ in Venus, especially as the direct card, is an indicator of happy home life, which generally means you have a new home that you really love and are enjoying. This also means happiness and stability in marriage. 3. 4♠ in Uranus is a very strong indicator of purchasing a home since Uranus governs real estate. 4. 4♠ Environment Card is a symbol of protection and blessings either in the current home or in acquiring a new one. If a client of mine had this and wanted to purchase a new home, I would tell them ‘this is the time to do it!’ 5. 4♠ Pluto Card would most likely mean you really want a home, or a marriage. But are you willing to really do what it takes to get that desire? The Result Card associated with the 4♠ Pluto may tell the rest of the story. 6. 4♠ in Saturn does not usually pertain to the home, but it could in some situations. If so, it would probably indicate a lot of hard work around the home. This is an overcoming influence however. It helps in health matters and helps overcome any negative influences in the same period. 7. 4♠ in Mercury, Mars, Jupiter or Neptune are usually not home related. But never rule it out completely! This card is so powerful that it could represent buying a new home in any position. 8. 4♠ Displacement Card – this could mean you will purchase a home, but really is an indicator that you should focus more of your energy on settling down, getting married or purchasing a home. Maybe you just need to pay more attention to those areas of your life. With that in mind, if you are planning to purchase a home, look for instances of the 4♠, especially as the direct card in one of the planetary periods of your Birth Card Spread, as a good time to do so. 84