RMC News 7-09.indd - Rocky Mountain CORSA


RMC News 7-09.indd - Rocky Mountain CORSA
The Denvair News
July 2009 Vol. 35, Issue 9
A Member of the Corvair Society of America
rocky mountain
ears old!
RMC is 35 Y
Taos Tri-State Sets A New Standard!
With the threat of rain ever-present, the faithful from RMC and several other
clubs converged on Taos, NM for the Tri-State Meet. Hosted by Corvairs of New
Mexico, the turnout was impressive and the weather was remarkably cooperative.
Right from the start, the Best Western Kachina Lodge proved to be a good spot,
with ample rooms. It’s always hard to argue with free drink coupons, too! Sure,
you can say the banquet meals didn’t turn out quite as planned, but it’s hard to
point accusing fingers at the NM club for that particular slip-up.
Rocky Mountain Corsa was well
represented, but was not able to
overcome the turnout of Corvairs
of New Mexico. They handily
won the traveling trophy, but we
are already planning to redress
that little issue...
RMC had several big winners,
but none came up quite so big as
Dale Nielsen with his 1965 Monza Coupe. Dale served notice
that his efforts were serious with
a win in Late Closed, followed by
Best of Show.
Are You Going To The CORSA International Convention?
If so, please take note of what you like, don’t like, and why. We’re on the hook for 2011, and we can
learn from the experiences of others!
RMC dignitaries,
left. We were well
represented, and
the Olwines keep
several generations covered!
Below, Corvairs at
the Taos Pueblo
with the Rockies in
the background. It
doesn’t get much
better than this.
Rocky Mountain Corsa (RMC) has been a chartered
chapter of the Corvair Society of America (CORSA) since
October 1974, and is dedicated to the preservation and
enjoyment of Corvair automobiles.
Membership & Dues
Rocky Mountain Corsa annual dues are $23.00, Corvair
Society of America (CORSA) annual dues are $38.00,
which includes a subscription to the Corsa Communique,
an award-winning monthly magazine. Combined dues are
The Denvair News is a monthly publication for members
$61.00 annually. Checks should be payable to RMC, mailed
and affiliates of Rocky Mountain Corsa. The Denvair News is to: RMC, c/o John Dinsdale, 3240 Billings St., Aurora, CO
now available as a PDF by request to the Editor.
Editorial Contributions
We encourage your participation! Please forward stories,
ideas, jokes, recipes, and/or photos to the Editor. Content
must be received by the 15th of the month prior to the desired publication month. Electronic files are mucho preferred.
Classified Ads
Individual RMC member ads are free. Classified ads are limited to 25 words, and may include a photo. All ads will run
for three issues. Non-members may advertise for $10.00.
Please submit ads to the Editor, with payment due in advance to the Treasurer. Please make checks out to RMC.
Monthly Meeting
RMC holds meetings the 1st Friday of each month at our host
dealership, Burt Chevrolet, 5200 South Broadway in Englewood. Join us at 7:00 PM in the upstairs meeting room.
RMC Officers
President: Larry Yoder
Vice President: John Dawson
Secretary: Linae Schakel
303 660-0914
Business Advertising
Commercial advertisers are welcome. The following per-issue Treasurer: John Dinsdale
rates apply:
Business card size – $2.50
Historian: Steve Goodman
¼ page – $5.00
½ page – $10.00
Full page – $20.00
Newsletter Editor: Eric Schakel
RMC Merchandise
Past event t-shirts, RMC name badges and other merchandise Auditor/Trustee: John Drage
are available. Please contact Larry Yoder (until a new Activjcdrage@msn.com
ity Director volunteers) for a current list of goodies.
Activities Director: Earl Nelson
RMC Mailing Address
Correspondence, ads, & articles may be snail-mailed to:
Auditor/Trustee: Rob Brereton
PO Box 27058
Lakewood, CO 80227-0058
Membership Chair: Paul Seyforth
Denvair News - July 2009 - Page 2
President’s Letter
The trip to the Taos Tri-State was awesome. The red car ran well and the scenery was beautiful. Lynn and I had a good time
sight seeing and visiting with everyone. We drove down with Eric and Linae Schakel, Larry and Cheryl Shubert, and Dale
Nielsen. That was a new Pontiac G8, a Corvette, a 65 Monza, and a 66 Corsa. Aside from a short detour led by the red car
near Sedalia that split the convoy for a while the trip was without incident.
In spite of the rainy weather, cruise nights are still happening. Friday, the 19th, I went to Tami’s @ 44th & Sheridan. There
were only a few folks there, so just for fun I drove up to the Sonic at 95th & Federal. There must have been somewhere
between 100 - 200 cars that showed up during the night. The parking overflowed in to all the adjacent businesses and there
was a constant parade of folks circling through the lots. It was 10 PM when I left and cars were still showing up! Except for the
Golden Super Cruise, this was the largest cruise I’ve been to this season.
The Prez
Left, Dale was a little shocked to
receive the Best of Show award.
He was also mildly inebriated by
this point...
Right, the Schuberts and the Millers wait patiently for their turn at
the Fan Belt Toss and O-Ring Toss
games. The games were a nice
break, and kept the kids occupied.
RMC Cor vair Happenings
let on Broadway, 7:00pm
Meeting at Burt Chevro
• Friday, July 3, 2009 — RMC
Road, contact Larr y Yoder for
before for lunch. 44th & Ward
• July 11, 2009 — Brewer car
additional details
for details
– See your Corsa Communique
al Convention, Jacksonville, FL
• July 13-17,
event looks to
p Meet – Details next month, but
RMC Dale
• Sunday, August 23, 2009 —
be held at Casa Sch
Pick up
drop off
parts at
either of
these shops
- they work
together to
make your
life easier!
Denvair News - July 2009 - Page 3
RMC Meeting Minutes — June 5, 2009
Coming Events
The June RMC meeting was called to order by President
Larry Yoder at 7:05pm and adjourned at 8:45pm. There
were 26 members in attendance.
✔ Larry Yoder confirmed the Brewer car collection tour
for July 11. Attendees should plan to meet at the Howard
Johnson's for lunch prior to the tour. Contact Larry Yoder for
additional information.
Old Business
✔ Eric Schakel passed out paper copies of the June newsletter for those who do not take PDF versions.
✔ Treasurer John Dinsdale reported a bank balance of
✔ Minutes were approved as written in the June Denvair
New Business
✔ Tim Shortle drove over from Durango for this meeting,
rapidly solidifying his position as Corvair “Iron Man”. Way
to go, Tim. You set a great example!
✔ At the Tri-State, the NM club met with officers of the other
clubs to discuss the future of the Boydston Award. It was determined that the award would be voted on and given away
within the Tri-State host club each year.
✔ John Dawson put on his carny (corny?) barker hat and
announced a comprehensive sale of his used parts inventory.
He has lots of stuff for sedans, as well as general late model
goodies. Contact him, please, so he doesn’t have to make
this appeal again...
✔ Larry Yoder announced that he has signed up for overthe-road truck driver classes in an effort to once again join
the ranks of the employed. He offered to resign the Prez
position because of conflicts with meetings, but was soundly
turned down.
✔ The Golden Super Cruise in July will fall on the 4th.
✔ Rob Brereton announced his participation in the 2009
MS bike tour, and accepted support pledges. The event was
the weekend of June 27/28.
Meeting Activity
✔ Eric Schakel, supported by Paul Seyforth and John
Drage, discussed the 2011 CORSA International Convention, and the club voted to go for it. Initial details are found
in this Newsletter.
✔ Earl Nelson gave a book report on Zero Carbon Car, by
William H. Kemp. The author details low-impact automotive
projects and strategies, and is a recommended read.
Refreshments: The Wilshires provided snacks and refreshments – thanks, ladies!
Door Prizes: Door prizes were provided by Jonni Berkman. Winners were Larry Yoder, Linda Duncan, Larry
Schubert, Carolyn Taylor, Laura Wilshire, and the ever-lucky
Chuck Riblett. Remember, the rules were amended last fall to
suggest only three gifts, so Larry may break the chain next
50/50: Tickets worth $71.00 were sold, and Gary Hoffman walked off with half of the proceeds. The other $35.50
went to RMC.
Submitted by Linae Schakel, RMC Secretary
Dale Nielsen’s 1965 Monza coupe
knocked off some tough competition
to win the Late Closed class. Dale was
surprised when he also won the Best
of Show trophy.
Denvair News - July 2009 - Page 4
2011 Corsa Internation Convention
Eric Schakel, Convention Chair
It’s official: RMC members have voted
almost unanimously to take on the
honor and challenge of hosting the
International CORSA Convention in
2011. If you didn’t come to the June 5
meeting, you missed the vote, but there
will be plenty of chances to participate
as we march steadily along the path.
With an official RMC vote in place, the
next step is asking the CORSA folks to
bless our plans. Given the strong draw
of our front range area, I am confident
that we’ll get a clear go-ahead.
People are the key to making an event
like this successful, and finding the right
host location has been Job One since
discussions began.
Dexter Norris invested some appreciated time and thought early in the
process. As our commitment time
neared, Paul Seyforth and John Drage
stepped in, doing absolute yeoman
work investigating roughly a dozen
potential sites. I can’t say enough about
the contribution these two gents have
already made to the effort!
As of Monday, June 29 (a day or two
before this Newsletter gets in the mail, I
hope!) we have visited the three finalist
locations, in no particular order:
1. Crowne Plaza DIA (Aurora)
2. Doubletree Denver Tech Center
(Greenwood Village)
3. Crowne Plaza Colorado Springs
(Yep, the Springs)
the hotel committed to provide rooms
for workers at dramatically reduced
rates - this is one of the topics I hope to
discuss at the July 3 meeting.
With three properties capable of
hosting a good convention singled out
(two, if the Springs location’s offer isn’t
good enough), we need to narrow our
focus down to determine “The One”.
Again, we plan to carry on this discussion at the Friday, July 3 meeting.
Things are happening, and the pace is
picking up. This is going to be a group
effort, and if you’re interested in participating, the Friday meeting will be a
good place to start!
Activity Cogitation
In anticipation of the 2011 CORSA Convention, you can make a significant
contribution from the comfort of your home. The convention-goers will primarly be
“furriners”, rather than Coloradans, and not familiar with all the sights and opportunities available along the Front Range.
To help our convention guests as well as seek out new opportunities for RMC,
please submit your ideas for a cool place or activity. Bring the idea to a meeting,
or send it to RMC via e-mail or snail-mail. No idea is too dumb, small or big. An
example is provided below.
What: Colorado Railroad Museum
Where: 17155 W. 144th Av., Golden, CO 80402; 800 365-6263
Why: A nice, growing railroad museum with roundhouse, many steam engines,
including narrow gauge Shays, restored cars, and the Robert W. Richardson
Railroad Library. The library is one of the foremost historical rail research centers
in the West, with more than 10,000 documents and volumes in the collection. This
museum features the Denver & Rio Grand Western “Galloping Goose” rail cars
from the Depression era.
That’s just one of hundreds of local diversions... Share your hot spots with fellow
Corvair owners, and keep our hobby diverse and interesting!
During the June 5 meeting, RMC members present voted to drop the Colorado Springs location based on the
distance the convention workers would
have to travel. When notified of this,
Corvette chase car team prepares with crusty
mechanic. Forty-one Corvairs took to the streets,
with Chuck and Carolyn sneaking along in their
new Corvette.
Denvair News - July 2009 - Page 5
Head Games
Eric Schakel
Corvair cylinder heads were one of
Detroit’s first forays into high-volume
aluminum engine production. It’s not
too surprising, therefore, to learn that
keeping valve seats securely located in
the heads was a significant engineering
Compounding valve seat durability is
the fact that a Corvair engine is aircooled. A water-cooled engine blows
coolant, hoses, and gaskets (in that
order) when it overheats. There’s plenty
of warning.
Interestingly, your air-cooled Corvair
engine is much less prone to fail when
overheating. But dramatic temperature
rise can lead to failed seats,
since the steel seat material
expands and contracts at a
much different rate than the
aluminum head. Every heat/
cool cycle makes the interference fit between the steel
alloy seat and the aluminum
head a tiny bit looser.
not lost! There are a number of ways to
stop Corvair seat problems:
1. The traditional fix is to stake the
existing seats in place. This is done by
using a punch or commercial staking
tool to compress the aluminum around
the outside diameter of the valve seats.
Combined with a good valve job and
springs, it works quite well and is
simple and inexpensive.
2. A more complicated fix is to install
new valve seats. Although this is not a
simple job, there are many seats commercially available that will work. By
using slightly deeper seats, the contact
interference area can be increased.
(expect to spend over $600 per head),
this method mechanically retains the
seats. Top off by re-heat-treating the
finished head to a consistent T6 temper
and you’re unlikely to lose another seat.
Finally, don’t think your poor Corvair is
alone with valve seat problems. While
not as prevalent today, aluminum heads
still fail. Overheat your Corvette LS7,
and you can drop a valve seat, same
as the high-rev Honda S2000. Even the
vaunted Porsche 911 loses valve seats
now and then.
If you have your Corvair’s engine
apart, consider the benefits of staking
or valve seat replacement. While some
people get a perverse kick out of telling
3. The ultimate fix is to machine the seat
head-swap stories, most Corvair owners
pockets, insert new seats with moderate
would rather keep driving, thank you!
OD lips or taper, then weld fresh aluminum around them. Although expensive
Of course, our Corvairs
aren’t getting any younger,
and the 140 engines in particular may have been run
hard and abused. But all is
Above, head on left has welded-in custom seats
and CNC-machined chambers. Although quite
costly due to the number of operations involved,
this head will live long and prosper in a hard
racing environment. Head on right uses oldfashioned weld-in seats, with manual chamber
finishing. The weld-in seats again provide superior seat retention.
Left, the exhaust seat on the left chamber isn’t
looking very healthy. Fortunately, the exhaust
seat didn’t break up and pound the piston top
(like intakes often do in 140 engines) to rubble.
A quick head swap and the car was back to life,
with staked valve seats to provide a little extra
assurance against a repeat performance.
Denvair News - July 2009 - Page 6
Editorial Ramblings
Eric Schakel
Keeping The Corvairs Running
The somewhat rustic 1965 Corsa that I’ve
written about in these pages dropped a
valve seat a few months back. Being the
sensitive guy I am (no, really!), I took it as
a personal insult.
Linae was with me. We had been tooling
around Castle Rock at walking speeds
on one of the pleasantly warm spring
Sundays, and made a quick stop at the
Safeway store.
When we came out and started the car,
it immediately began that all-too-familiar
hammering sound. Combined with the
funny vibration of a five-cyliner flat engine, I tried hard to convince myself that
it was a bent pushrod, or maybe a failed
rocker arm.
First rule of business was to assure Linae
that the car would make it home. We clattered out of the parking lot, and motored
sedately through Castle Rock so we could
avoid I-25.
Revs were a bad thing, but there was no
smoke. Even the noise wasn’t too bad
once we could shift out of first gear. It was
a touch more stressful than a Corvair ex-
cursion should be, but the car once again
took us home under power.
This was memorable to Linae for two
reasons: First, she believed me when I
said the car would make it home, and it
did just that. Second, she was impressed
that I was able to quickly and correctly
diagnose the problem.
After more than 20 years of marriage,
it’s a real ego boost to impress your wife.
Think of the poor schmuck along the
highway with his broken new car: There’s
nothing quite so sad as raising the hood
knowing that, other than checking the oil
or battery there’s NOTHING you can do
to fix it on the fly.
So, you mechanical folks out there should
celebrate the fact that the Corvairs are
“fault-tolerant” in ways no new cars can
match. How many cars can make their
owners look like heroes by breaking?
On the other hand, the damn thing
dropped a seat for no reason and it really hurt me, like it had somehow let me
down. It damaged my confidence. You
know that feeling?
Now, three months later, the Corsa is
once again self-powered. The 40-year-old
cylinder heads were touched by the Guru,
but I know in my heart they can fail if they
get the urge. What can’t?
Fortunately, I know how to fix dropped
valve seats, or burned points, or a stuck
float. On the other hand, if the new
Pontiac G8 refuses to start on some chilly
morning, I’ll check the battery then call
the Car Czar to come and get it.
I’ve seen Corvair engines assembled
in dust-blown race paddocks, and in
garages less clean than your average
coal mine. The cool thing is, they almost
inevitably run.
So don’t be afraid to venture out in your
Corvair. Chance are good it’s going to
get you home one way or the other. It
may take a while, you might kill mosquitoes three counties away with the smoke,
but your Corvair is going to be there for
you if you just give it the chance.
Stuff For Sale
Car For Sale: 1962 Corvair MONZA 900 Convertible, “Roman” red/white. 110/4, “excellent condition” inside and out (Steve Goodman knows this car), 3 blade Chevy spinners
on wire wheel covers, proven show(s) winner. Asking $10,000.
Ted Jackson 970 778-1655; e-mail: tj354@aol.com
Car For Sale: ’64 Monza convertible. Red, black interior. I’ve owned the car for 19 years.
Excellent driver, mechanically well maintained, including clutch and suspension. Needs
bodywork (rust in the usual places), paint and interior to complete restoration. Has a 102
HP engine installed by Rear Engine Specialists, now with just a few thousand miles. $700
brake job in 2008. Carbs recently rebuilt by Rear Engine Specialists. Speedo serviced
to eliminate needle flutter. Convertible top is serviceable, but has a couple of small tears.
Plastic rear window should be replaced. Summer top-down driving as is, and restore the
body at your leisure.
Michael Brittan, home 303 756-8345; work 720 250-0619; email: britpsyc@aol.com
Car For Sale: 1964 500 Coupe – PG. Owned 29 years, 2nd owner. All original except
exterior paint. 46K mile. Excellent condition, LEAKS NO OIL White w/turquoise interior.
New ww tires. Drive anywhere, $4,900.
Christy Barden 303 530-1288; e-mail: ChristyBarden@cs.com. (Located in Boulder; contact Christy for digital pix or info)
Cars For Sale: 1962 Monza Spyder Coupe and 1963 Monza Convertible.
Both cars have been hibernating way too long in my garage. Time for someone else to
tackle the restoration. Very original and not rusted out. Any interest.....take a look.
Jim Reich 303 257-3733; email: vaircraft@aol.com
Denvair News - July 2009 - Page 7
Due Dues Reminder
Bud Duncan
Tim Shortle
Robert & Carolyn Thiessen Ed & Cheryl Halpin
Laura Wilshire
Jeremy & Kellie Verne
Gone Next Month...
Ben Auslaender & Family Thomas Jochem
If you leave now,
Jim & Janet Brossard
you might miss
e 2011 Conventio
Russ Church
n. You don’t
want that to happ
en, right?
Melissa Daluz
For fast turnaround, make your check payable to RMC and mail it to:
RMC, c/o John Dinsdale, 3240 Billings St., Aurora, CO 80011-2231
Ratty BMW wouldn’t start.
And they make fun of Corvair
people? Sheesh.
guisher in your Corvair?
Ever think about carrying a fire extin
hose between the body line
There’s nothing quite like the fuel
just enough to allow
and the engine compartment cracking
ust. Or, how about
nice fresh gasoline to drip on
wire harness emits
that pleasant “plastic”
mp fuse that kept
when the penny you put in place of
blowing begins to glow?
out a moderate gasoline
A small A-B-C extinguisher will put
llent for pounding your
fire or an electrical fire. It’s also
-rage situations, it
carburetors when the
per spray (it can spray
has a much greater range than pep
the accuracy of a taser.
from car-to-car!) and doesn’t requ
Give your Corvair a fire
(Izzy Guiffe)
You have a Corvair!
If you aren’t already a member, we invite you to join Rocky Mountain Corsa (RMC), a local chapter of the national Corvair
Society of America (CORSA). RMC is dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of Corvair automobiles.
We meet the first Friday evening of every month at Burt Chevrolet, 5200 S. Broadway, in Englewood. Meetings are held in
the upstairs training room, starting at 7:00pm.
There are a number of benefits from joining the group, including an annual show, monthly group events, a monthly local
newsletter, Denvair News, and Corvair Communique, an award-winning monthly magazine published by CORSA.
Whether you race, show, or just drive your Corvair, you’ll find others who share your interests.
Combined single/family membership to both RMC and CORSA costs just $61.00 per year. Dues can be mailed to RMC,
PO Box 27058, Lakewood, CO 80227-0058, or simply pay at the monthly meeting - we hope to hear from you soon!
Membership Application
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
E-mail Address:
Telephone Info:
Corvairs in your life:
Referring Member (if applicable):

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