MAY 2016 - Cranbrook Alliance Church
MAY 2016 - Cranbrook Alliance Church
THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE… MAY 2016 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 9am MOMs Bible Study [childcare 10am Quilts for Haiti (MO) 11am Prayer time (MO) 12pm Men’s Lunch/ provided] (MO/NS) 6:30pm Revive Youth Study (MO) Group (YC/CO) 7pm Care Team mtg 7pm Family Project study (RE) 7pm Chess (RE) Club (MO) Rooms: MO - Morrisey Room NS - Northstar Room PA - Panorama Room YC - Youth Café 10am Prayer time (MO) CO - Columbia Room FO - Foyer RE - Resource Room 10:30 am Worship Service Pastor Grant McDowell “Time For Strangers” Emily Popoff Dear Friend, If you are part of our Cranbrook Alliance Family, you know how important your presence is to the rest of us. Good to see you again! If you’re visiting our Family from out of town, thanks for choosing to be here! If you’re from our community, thanks for dropping in for a visit! We hope our Family Home can become yours too. We’re learning from Jesus about being Family...if you want to know more about our Family’s groups or who we are, you are welcome to talk to anyone here, visit our Welcome Centre in the foyer, or fill out a Connecting Card and leave it at the Welcome Centre. Maddi Prinn God bless you, Grant McDowell, Pastor CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR COLLEGE GRADS Oliver Parsons Zac Smith Josiah Zimmer The Cranbrook Alliance Family congratulates all of our college/university students. Well done! (If you know of others who are graduating, please let us know so that we can celebrate and acknowledge them too!) Office & Pastoral Staff Grant McDowell—Senior Pastor Eddy de Zwaan—Associate Pastor Jennifer Siewert—Admin Supervisor Judie Prosser—Receptionist Gerrie Tate—Facility Coordinator Frances Miles—Bookkeeper Morgan Pelletier—Children’s Ministry Coordinator Cranbrook Alliance Church 1200 Kootenay Street North, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5X1 Phone: 250-489-4704 Fax: 250-489-0129 E-mail: CAC NOTICES Can you help us with a pick up? We have four 8 foot tables and 64 chairs from Costco. Lethbridge or Calgary. Please contact Gerrie or Frances in the office. Food Bank and Street Angel donations can be made every Sunday or throughout the week via the yellow bins in the foyer. Bike to give away (1 kids bike left; used). If would like more information please see Gerrie Tate or contact the church office. Lawn watering: we are looking for someone to do the lawn watering evenings or mornings on the north end of the building Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays. Please contact Gerrie or the church office for details. Care Ministry Team Meeting: we have many caring people. This is one step in connecting the gifts with the opportunities, and it is essential for a healthy, disciple-making church. Join in the conversation May 19 at 7pm in the Resource Room. PRAY FOR US Requests from May 8, 2016 Bob Sherwood: I need prayer for a job and my Christian walk. Cole K-C: Pray for my cousins Mark & Drew as they make the decision to move to the Kootenays to be closer to family. Pray for my son, Joel as he comes back to BC and the right new roommate for his brother Jordie in Calgary, AB. Please be close to Merlin as he comes back to society from prison. Amen. th th May 27 7:00pm to May 28 7:00pm. Prayer in motion 24 hours of prayer for the ministry at Cranbrook Alliance Church, Cranbrook and The Christian & Missionary Alliance Canada. One of the core values of the C&MA is prayer, meaning that “we do nothing until we pray.” We want to go back to our roots and set aside time for prayer. For six months (January to June 2016), churches across the C&MA in Canada, including ours, will commit to praying for at least 24 consecutive hours. Location: Pray at your home or come to CAC. A sign up will be at the welcome centre today – specific prayer requests will be made available on Sunday May 22 nd. We will conclude our 24 hour Prayer in Motion with a Time Worship & Prayer on Saturday May 28th 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. 2016 Offering Update... Year to Date Donations: Budget (Year to Date) General Fund: $ 234,050 Actual (YTD May 8, 2016) Comparative (YTD May 2015) $ 200,319 $ 218,369 4,000 $ 3,285 $ 4,340 *Global Advance: $ 21,000 $ 17,836 $ 25,385 ** Approved Funds: $ 16,750 $ 5,605 $ 14,044 Canadian Ministries: $ * Global Advance includes: Augustine, Kilbrai, Rohrick ** Approved Funds include: Encouragement, Evangelism, Facilities, Other Missions Thank you for your faithful giving to Cranbrook Alliance Church. May God bless and keep you. Sunday mornings during our worship services children are dismissed approximately 11:00 am to participate in age appropriate bible classes for children age 3 to grade 12. Small Groups are a great way to find prayer, Bible study, laughter, socializing, support, encouragement, friends, and maybe even some snacks! If you are interested in joining a group, pick up a Small Group list at the Welcome Centre, on our website, or contact Pastor Eddy for more information. Revive Youth Group Students Grades 7—12: Meets EVERY Tuesday at 6:30-9pm. We offer a safe place for youth to chill and meet new friends! FRIENDS is open to everyone. Meets every Wednesday 6:30 p.m. at various locations. Call the church office 250-489-4704. Nursery/Toddler Room is available for parents to use, but is not staffed until 11:00 am. Children will have a great time learning the books of the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and how to be saved by grace through faith. This VBS clearly presents the gospel of Jesus Christ while having as much fun as possible. Each day children will start by rockin' out during the "Concert" time with Go Fish! As they rotate through the Backstage Catering (snacks), Set Design (crafts), Intermission (games), and Bible Study stations, children experience the power of God's Word firsthand. They'll end their daily experience by gathering for the final "Encore" to worship God together. Registration forms now available! For those entering Kindergarten to entering Grade 4 We’re coming to Camp Quest August 15-19! At Rock Lake (Grades 4, 5, & 6) Registration is now open! The Jesus Lifestyle study meets Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. Call the church office for more details 250-489-4704. College and Career - For young adults ages 18-30+. Meets to provide encouragement, support and fellowship to those in this life stage. 7pm every Thursday @ the Toyota’s (2909-2nd St. S). New To Canada (NTC) Ministry Group invites you to join the conversation about how we can serve those who are new to Canada and are making Cranbrook their home. Thursday, May 26th at 7 p.m. Hebrews 13:1,2 urges hospitality; the NTC group urges hospitality to newcomers and seeks God’s direction for our ministry to these who are dear to God’s heart. Friday evenings at 6:30pm Fusion is an active fellowship community targeting singles ages 30+, who enjoy gathering together and sharing one another’s company as they seek to be mutually built up in Christ. We are a fun-loving community growing together to strengthen each other while also reaching out to those looking for connection and supportive community. Please contact the church office or Ken at for more information. New Cranbrook School of CHESS Monday evenings at 7pm only $10 per month Starts late May and will run throughout the summer. For more info. visit Women’s Simulcast at CAC June 3rd and 4th Tickets: suggested donation $25 each available at the church office
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