BEST PRACTICES MANUAL: Compilation of Policies and Tools for the Promotion of the EGS Industry STARA ZAGORA. JUNE 2011 Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry ECREIN+ main objective is to know how to develop effective regional policies to support: ECO-INNOVATION and ECO-BUSINESSES Sub-objectives: - Improve the knowledge of a very important sector, still insufficiently known: the Environmental Goods and Services sector. - Exchanging experiencies with different European partners to learn from this benchmarking the best practices in regional policies to support ecoinnovation. - Creating a set of indicators to assess the real impact of the eco-innovation instruments implemented by Regions. Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry ECREIN+ WORKING LINES: Work Group 1 “Market knowledge of environmental goods an services EGS sector”. STATE OF THE ART + DIRECTORY Good Practices Guide EU regional strategy to support EGS sector WG 2: “Regionals policies and tools” to design & implement eco-innovation policies WG 3: “ Assessment of instruments to suport eco-innovation” Questionnaire to Authorities on IEI Guide of EI best practices Catalogue of existing IEI EU policy recommendation to promote EI Indicator system for the evaluation of IEI Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry !"#$%!&'()*&+,&-./$"**01$.&0$#,)'(2,$#,2-*)3$',)141$!2*56&&*'.7*& (THOMAS CHART) EGS Sector Daimler Benz EI (Eco Innovation) >(-;$>(&0$+(//1?$9.-,)$-),.-+,&-$:/.&-1?$:)*042,)1$*<$9.1-, -),.-+,&-$:/.&-1?$.::/(.&2,1$<*)$:;*-*'*/-.(2$@ Total number of Enterprises Conventional Steel producers 8*&',&7*&./$9.1-,$1,:.).7*&$:/.&-$9(-;$1-.-,$*<$-;,$.)-,2;&*/*=(,1 ALL SECTORS Process Enterprises Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry EGS sector DEFINITION: ECO-INDUSTRIES DEFINITION (ECREIN 2007): Eco-industries are companies providing goods and services for environmental protection or practicing eco-activities. ECO-ACTIVITIES (or environmental activities) are all activities that “produce goods and services able to measure, prevent, limit, correct or recover damage to the environment such as water, air, soil contamination, generation of waste, including also correct and healthy water collection and management, as well as those activities related to renewable energies, energy saving and efficiency, organic agriculture, rural tourism and forestry activities and the management of natural resources” (OECD/EUROSTAT). Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry … BUT, ARE WE ALL TALKING ABOUT THE SAME WHEN WE REFER TO OUR REGION EGS SECTOR ? Do you have a classification of economic activities that comprise the EGS sector in your region ? Is there any distinction (register code, label, sign), distinguishing these companies that are considered to belong to this sector in your region? Can you find groups or associations of eco-businesses in your area? What about in your country? Do public authorities make any kind of collection of statistical data on this sector regionally? What about nationally? Which are the main companies you know operating in the region that you consider that belong to the EGS sector? Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry EUROPEAN CLASSIFICATION OF GROUP A. POLLUTION MANAGEMENT group EGS INDUSTRY 1. Air pollution control. 2. Wastewater management. GROUP C. 3. Solid waste management: 4. Remediation and clean-up of soil, surface water and groundwater. 5. Noise and vibration abatement. 6. Environmental monitoring, analysis and assessment. 7. Environmental R&D. 8. Environmental contracting and engineering. 9. Analytical services, data collection, analysis and assessment. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1. Indoor air pollution control. 2. Water supply. 3. Recycled materials (manufacture of new materials or products from waste or scrap, separately identified as recycled). 4. Renewable energy plant. 5. Heat/energy saving and management. 6. Sustainable agriculture and fisheries. 7. Sustainable forestry. 8. Natural risk management. 9. Eco-tourism. 10. Education, training, information. 11. Other. GROUP B. CLEANER TECHNOLOGIES AND PRODUCTS 1. Cleaner/resource-efficient technologies and processes. 2. Cleaner/resource-efficient products. THE ENVIRONMENTAL GOODS AND SERVICES INDUSTRY Manual for Data Collection and Analysis OECD and EUROSTAT, 1999. Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry A11,11+,&-$*<$"**0$B).272,1 Name: Partner ______________________ Represent Institution_____________________________ You Region: ___________________________________________ __ Name of the Measure: Name of the Region: Score There is a similar measure to this one in my region 1 2 3 4 5 It can be easily transferred to my region 1 2 3 4 5 It is addressed to whole EGS sector 1 2 3 4 5 I think it is an interesting measure to be implemented in my region 1 2 3 4 5 Comments: Please rate from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5.(strongly agree) Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry CD5$E6F!8GHFI$HJ$!KL6FHKM!KGAN$OP#6K!##!#$AKE$!KG6G6!# 6K$AKEANP#6A$%E!MA3 Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry What is DEMA? DEMA consist of an organised collection of information on identification, location, size and economic activity, classified by policy areas and environmental activities in which the establishment-type units are involved. The Directory is intended to become a decision-making support tool for environmental policy and promotion of sustainable development for competent agencies at local, regional and national level, and for the main social and economic players involved in environmental activities in Andalusia. WHICH ENTITIES ARE REPRESENTED? Those developing activities which produce goods and services used to measure, prevent, limit or correct environmental damage to air, water and soil, as well as problems related to noise, waste and ecosystems, including sustainable management of natural resources and renewable energies Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry DEMA directory registers Andalusian companies and entities in the following areas: !"#$%"&'('&) !*+,-./*0123+* !34/563123+,.71,3,82123+7697+027,+16*:0252 !"#$%"&&'#()*#+)%,+-.'#()'#+""%)*#+)"-$+""%)*'%)/"&&-$'"# !"#$%"&&'#()*#+)%,+-.'#()#"'2,)*#+)3'4%*$'"#)/"&&-$'"# AB*+,/3,-.271,3,82123+7697C,+25752*6B5D2* 7%'#8'#()9*$,%)2-//&: !"&&,.$'"#)*#+)$%,*$=,#$)">)9*2$,)9*$,% G,*+271,3,82123+>752DHD./387,3I7I2D63+,1/3,+/637697*/+2* ?*2$,)."&&,.$'"#@)$%*#2/"%$*$'"#@)2$"%*(,)*#+),&'='#*$'"#) ?*2$,)%,.:.&'#()*#+)3*&"%'2*$'"#) !&,*#C-/)*#+)%,2$"%*$'"#)">)."#$*='#*$,+)&*#+2@)9*$,%)4"+',2)*#+)."-%2,2 AB*+,/3,-.2723258H71,3,82123+ D#,%(:)2*3'#(2)*#+),>>'.',#.: F,#,9*4&,),#,%(',2 AB*+,/3,-.27,85/DB.+B52>7./42*+6DO7,3I79/*025/2*7 H%(*#'.)*(%'.-&$-%,)*#+)&'3,2$".8)>*%='#( J*#->*.$-%,@)=*%8,$'#()*#+)"$K,%)2,%3'.,2)%,&*$,+)$")2-2$*'#*4&,)*(%'C>""+)/%"+-.$'"# P,3,82123+7697:56+2D+2I7,52,*7,3I7*B*+,/3,-.279652*+5H7,D+/4/+/2* !D6+6B5/*1 D."$"-%'2=)*.."=="+*$'"# F,2$*-%*#$)*#+).*$,%'#()2,%3'.,2)'#)%-%*&)*%,*2)L%-%*&)'##M F,.%,*$'"#)*#+)2/"%$2)*.$'3'$',2)"%)*.$'3,)$"-%'2= N%"="$'"#)*#+)=*%8,$'#()">),."$"-%'2=)2,%3'.,2) !34/563123+,.72IBD,+/637,3I7,C,5232**$5,/*/38 D#3'%"#=,#$*&),+-.*$'"#)*#+)$%*'#'#( D#3'%"#=,#$*& '#>"%=*$'"# *#+ ."==-#'.*$'"# *#+ *.$'3'$',2 "> =,=4,%2K'/ "%(*#'2*$'"#2 ."#.,%#,+ 9'$K)/%"$,.$'"#)">)$K,),#3'%"#=,#$A !34/563123+,.752*2,5D07,3I7I242.6:123+ #+0257234/563123+,.7*254/D2*Q7PB.+/*2D+65/,.7234/563123+,.7D63*B.+/387,3I7238/3225/387*254/D2*7 777777777777777777777;;<7 ))))))))))))))))))))))))01) ))))))))))))))))))))))))56) 777777777777777777777E?F7 )))))))))))))))))))));;<) )))))))))))))))))))))6;6) 777777777777777777;JKKL7 ))))))))))))))))))6AB56) )))))))))))))))))))));56) )))))))))))))))))))))65;) 777777777777777777;JKLN7 ))))))))))))))))))))))))E;) ))))))))))))))))))6AGB5) 777777777777777777KJ==?7 ))))))))))))))))))IAEI;) )))))))))))))))))))));;;) 777777777777777777777MME7 777777777777777777;JKN;7 ))))))))))))))))))6A655) )))))))))))))))))))))00B) )))))))))))))))))))))61I) )))))))))))))))))))))60I) 777777777777777777;J=F<7 )))))))))))))))))))))<01) )))))))))))))))))))))G06) 777777777777777777777;MM7 777777777777777777777MK<7 &#&%R 7777777777777;FJLEL7 =>?@ F>=@ ;M>;@ ;M>=@ FK>?@ ;>E@ ;;>?@ K>M@ =>?@ ;><@ ;==>=@ Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry Data registered. ! Identification data (company name and tax identification code) ! Location data (province, town, Protected Natural Reserve) ! Environmental activity and NACE-09 (group; primary and secondary environmental activity) ! Legal status, ownership and type of entity ! Number of employees (broken down by gender) and size Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry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ood Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry 2.- BROKERAGE EVENT ON ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES Event Type: Brokerage Events Duration: One day event City: Sevilla Country: Spain Organized by: CITAndalucía In the Framework of the 20th Annual Conference of the Society of Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry MAIN OBJECTIVE. To provide the participants the opportunity to meet companies, research organizations and public administrations active in research and technology, in order to discuss through B2B meetings. - Ideas for joint European Research Projects (especially focus on FP7 and CIP) - Licensing, production and distribution agreements - Opportunities for R&D funding - Internationalization - Technology transfer and exploitation of research results Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry BROKERAGE EVENT ON ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES Climate change and environmental quality Environmental chemistry Emerging Pollutants Handling, monitoring and remediation of pollution THEMATIC Marine Environment MAIN AREAS Nanomaterials Biodiversity Waste Management Water Pollution / Treatment Recycling, Recovery Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry BROKERAGE EVENT ON ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES HOW IT WORKS. The most essential element of any brokerage event is the catalogue of technology profiles since it is the mechanism the participants are going to use to find their potential partners. Catalogue contains the technology profiles of all the companies and research institutions participating at the event. MATCHING PROCCESS The matching process consists on the analysis of the Catalogue of profiles by the participants and the selection of those profiles they are interested in. PRE ARRANGEMENT OF THE MEETINGS Once the period of selections of potential partners had concluded, the organizers of the event generated provisional agendas for all the participants Good Practices Manual for the Promotion of the EGS Industry BROKERAGE EVENT ON ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES Who attended this brokerage event? Companies, Research organizations and Technological Centres working in fields related with environmental issues Participation fee: 50!/person Location: Sevilla (SPAIN) BEST PRACTICES MANUAL: Compilation of Policies and Tools for the Promotion of the EGS Industry THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Martín Torrico Herruzo martin.torrico.ext@juntadeandalucia.es Directorate General for Sustainable Development and Environmental Information