September - Mottram Evangelical Church: insight


September - Mottram Evangelical Church: insight
Mottram Evangelical Church
He has made us a kingdom of priests for God his father.
All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen Romans 5:2
September 2012
Hattersley Community Church
Psalm 92:4
I sing for joy at the work of your hands
Mottram Evangelical Church
Hattersley Community
are interdependent churches
who seek to be evangelical in
their understanding and
charismatic in their experience.
Together we live to glorify God,
serve his church and reach his
Insight is the monthly
newsletter, prepared by
Margaret and Stephen Winfield
and published in print and online by Mottram Evangelical
Church, Stalybridge Road,
Mottram, Hyde, Cheshire. SK14
6NF. Tel. 01457 764113.
According to the Westminster Shorter Catechism, the
first and most important purpose of our lives is “to
glorify God and to enjoy him forever”. Scripture
certainly supports the idea that everything we do is to
be done to the glory of God (1 Cor.10:31).
What does it mean to glorify God?
Jesus teaches that to glorify God, his disciples must bear much
fruit (John 15:8) – an abundant harvest of fruit, yielding thirtyfold, sixty-fold or even a hundred-fold (Matthew 13:23). God
is greatly exalted when our lives are literally overflowing with
Articles for inclusion should be What is this fruit?
submitted before the deadline
indicated on the ’diary dates’
page. Contributions can be
deposited in the church office,
sent to 4, Hall Drive, Mottram, or
by e-mail to
Fruit is used as a symbol in the Bible of “results”. We have all
heard of the results of the Spirit’s work in the believer which
are the graces of the character of Christ – love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self
-control (Gal 5:22). But this is not all! Other fruit is
mentioned in the New Testament. There is also the fruit of
light which produces what is good and upright and true,
resulting in moral purity (Eph 5:9). Such fruit is evidence of
We do ask that contributors
submit their name for inclusion our repentance (Matthew 3:8). And then there is the fruit of
with submissions, as personal wisdom, which leads to the building of healthy relationships
contributions are accepted on through skilful peace-making within the community (James
the understanding that they are 3:17-18). Add to this the fruit of the Kingdom of God: that is
not necessarily the opinions of the result of manifesting the authority of the Father here on
the Editors or the Church Elders.
earth just as it is being done in heaven (Matthew 21:43) and
involves a display of the power of God, not simply words (1
Church Child Protection
Cor. 4:20). And then there is the fruit of witness, of people
All church children’s and young coming to faith as a result of words, works and wonders in the
people’s work is carried out by power of God (Rom 1:13; 1 Cor 16:15).
personnel who have undergone
CRB disclosures and in
accordance with the Church’s
Child Protection Policy. To view
this policy please call Jim on
01457 764113.’
What if there is little fruit?
Are we abundantly fruitful in character, in moral purity, in healthy relationships, in displays of
God’s power and in effective witness? If we are not, Jesus teaches that something is unhealthy,
and that His Father will prune us (John 15:2). This pruning is love motivated “surgery” to
remove those parts of us that are diseased, damaged or dying in order to restore us to
fruitfulness again.
How do we remain fruitful?
Jesus makes it clear that we cannot bear any fruit unless we are closely and continuously
connected to him (John 15:4-5). What investment are we making in encountering the Lord and
growing in intimacy with him? There is no shortcut to fruitfulness. Nothing matters more than
wholehearted devotion to relationship with the Lord Jesus? We can do nothing without
connection to him. Does his righteousness and his kingdom have priority in our lives?
May this be a season of fruitfulness for us all as we relentlessly
pursue God with all our heart and mind and soul and strength!
And may God be highly exalted by the fruit that He produces in
us as He graciously prunes us to full health!
Solomon Martyn Cooling Jim Solomon Martyn Cooling Jim Solomon Martyn Cool
Cooling Jim Solomon Mart2
Jim Solomon Martyn Cooling Jim Solomon Martyn
For Prayer
The Message
"And what does the Lord require of you? To act
justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly
with your God." Micah 6:8
• Be thankful for all God has done over the
summer months in our fellowships - Alex
returning from mission in South Africa, with
Christian Camps & holidays and a wedding!
• Pray for the health of all those who are
troubled physically or mentally or are lonely:
that they'd know Jesus's touch through us or
through Himself.
• Pray for our nation as the recession and the
ethical issues our Government is addressing,
deepen: pray for all those who are struggling
personally with this; and pray that as a church
we will also meet the ethical and financial
challenges, in God's mercy and power.
• Pray this month for Jenny & Ruth in Mwanza
and Dodoma, Tanzania; and Des in Kibera:
that Jesus will go with them and they will
share Him with those they meet and know His
protection and joy as they work for Him.
• Pray for Jim, Gemma and family as they return
form their sabbatical, that they'll be
encouraged in every way in their walk in Jesus
- and with HCC!!
• Praise God that He walks with us in our joys
and in our sorrows, in our troubles and in our
successes: because He loves each of us so
Jesus said, “anyone who
intends to come with me
has to let me lead,
you’re not in the driver’s
seat; I am.
Don’t run from suffering;
embrace it.
Follow me and I’ll show
you how.
Self-help is no help at all.
Self-sacrifice is the way,
my way, to finding
yourself, your true self.”
Matthew 16 V24 & 25
‘The Message’
Gwen Taylor
“Then Aslan isn’t safe?” said Lucy. “
Safe?” said Mr. Beaver.
“Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t
safe, But he’s good. He’s the King I tell you.”
C.S.Lewis, Gwen Taylor
Happy Birthday—Join the Party
On Sunday 22nd
September 2002
God opened a new
chapter in the life
of His church in
This was the day
that a small bunch of
people met for the
first time to worship
under the banner of
Community Church.
Those gathered in
the community
centre had either
been sent from
Mottram Evangelical
Church or had
moved to the area to
be part of Eden.
All came with a
desire to share the
love of Jesus and to
see Hattersley
transformed by the
power of that love.
But that was just
the beginning!
As a church we are
now 10 years old and we have much to celebrate!
Please come and join us for our 10 Year Celebration on September 22nd as
we look back at what God has been doing over the last ten years and seek His
direction and blessing for the next ten.
Jim Solomon
Our Young People
Martyn and Debbie Said “I Do”
while trying un-successfully to
avoid the rain.
This month it was the turn of the
second group of lads. They had
decided their aim was to ‘find
and explore a number of aircraft
wrecks in the Kinder area’.
(There are quite a lot of them
and if you want to know why,
you’ll need to ask one of the
lads.) With that in mind they
made final preparations and set
out from Edale End on the 6th
August. On the first day they
Soul Survivor 2012
were planning to find four wrecks, but they ended
Nineteen young (& young at heart folk) from both
up making a small detour and found an extra one!
church congregations headed down to this years
The conditions were perfect and both the navigation
Soul Survivor week A at Stafford Show ground where and teamwork were excellent. After seven hours on
we joined around 5000 others looking to worship
the moors they headed into Edale for their first
God and have a great time camping.
For many this was the first experience of attending
The goal for day two was to find three wrecks at two
Soul Survivor or any Christian event on this scale; for different crash sites. The weather conditions were
others it was like being at home again.
terrible and with visibility reduced to around five
meters and in driving rain the search for the first
The days were spent with around four hours a day in wreck of the day was called off after a 20 minute
worship and exploring God’s word together with the search. The lads carried on, the rain stopped and the
rest of the time at seminars, enjoying the sun and
clouds dispersed, just in time for the lads to search
just generally hanging out with each other and
for the second crash site of the day where they
having fun.
found a pair of Sabre’s that had crashed into each
other, (pictured). Another nights camping and a
We all had a great time and the work that God
further days successful wreck hunting saw the lads
began during the week will produce much fruit in the complete their expedition with ‘flying colours’!
months and years to come.
Please continue to pray for the group who
attended, that the special times with God
many experience during Soul Survivor
would not just be a once a year thing, but
that they would be getting closer to God
and see Him at work in their lives every
day of the year.
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (Group 2)
You may remember hearing about the
exploits of the last group of lads who
completed their qualifying Silver level
expedition back in June when they spent
three days exploring the Eastern Grit
Stone climbing areas of the Peak District
Martyn and
would like to
everyone who
joined them
and made
their Wedding
Day such a
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Mottram Mighty Men’s Breakfast
Calling the Mighty Men of Mottram!! The next Mighty
Men’s breakfast is planned for the morning of
Saturday 15th September, at 8.00 am
Join us for a great meal, a chance to catch up and a
time of fellowship around a theme that stirs the
hearts of mighty men!
Please let Peter Copestake know if you are intending to come along.
October Insight Deadline.
You wait 2 months for and Insight deadline to come around,
then 2 come at once (it would seem).
Due to the Insight editor and printer popping off to see his
eldest daughter, the October Insight deadline is being brought
forward a week to Sunday 16th September.
2012 On Your Mark… Kidz Club
Incredible and Unbelievable!
For one week in August the ‘Global
Games’ took over Mottram Evangelical
Church as around 70 children and young
people enjoyed the
‘On Your Marks…’ Kidz Club.
We rocked with the ‘Winning Streak’ band, we
worked out with ‘Freddy and Teddy’, we
watched as the drama at the ‘Well Fit’ leisure
club unfolded, we played games, did crafts,
enjoyed a bite of refreshment, followed ‘The
Girlee Crew’ in the action songs, learned about
Mark’s Gospel with the ‘Village Leaders’ and it
was all held together (either at full speed or
slooowww moootion) by ‘Ian’ and ‘Anne’
To everyone who gave up their spare time,
took time off work or came home from
holidays especially to make it all possible...
...God Bless you all!
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Howard and Nina
Greetings to our friends at MEC and HCC. – a
message from Howard and Nina James
MONDAY September
10 am to 12 noon
Mottram Evangelical
Stalybridge Road.
We have now been running Eversley Guest
House; our Bed and Breakfast on the outskirts
of Southampton, for just over 3 months and it
has been an exciting and challenging time for
Business has been going better than we ever
expected and, although we have made many
mistakes, we have been blessed with generous and
forgiving guests. Interestingly, the two most
“difficult” have both been men of the cloth! Although
the property is generally in good order there is still a
lot we want to do in the way of redecorating and
putting our own stamp on the place.
Once again Margaret and Stephen Winfield invite you, your family, your
friends and neighbours along to enjoy a coffee (or tea), cake and a bout of
brain teasing, in good company.
We all know, will know or will ourselves suffer from cancer during our lives.
Macmillan have been helping, caring and supporting people with cancer for
100 years.
We are enjoying getting to know the area – check out – although, being
novices at the B&B game, it is usually lunchtime before we have finished the rooms and then there is
shopping and welcoming new guests which leaves little time for excursions.
Old friends from Salisbury have been popping in to see us which has been lovely, and we have also
found a new church family where we have been made to feel very welcome. It is somewhat larger
than MEC, with approximately 600 people in the congregation, but on our very first visit we bumped
into a couple we had met at a party a couple of years ago, and they remembered us! We have now
joined a Missional Community and also a Cell Group, so we are beginning to feel settled even though
we still miss you all.
Howard has become extremely proficient at producing an excellent cooked breakfast, and we also serve
home-made muffins and fresh fruit salad as well as a continental breakfast. We are really enjoying
meeting new people from all parts of the world, and they seem to appreciate our efforts to give them
an enjoyable stay. Our visitors’ book is filling up with lovely comments.
Of course it is also wonderful to see more of our children and grandchildren. Our youngest, Michael,
married Bryony in Cambridge on Saturday the 18th August. It was a beautiful day for a wedding (our
love also to Martyn and Debbie) and the setting for the reception in the grounds of Trinity Hall College
was idyllic.
We are longing for news from you and would be delighted to welcome any of our Mottram
friends to Eversley. You are precious to us and we keep you in our thoughts and prayers
that God will bless you and work mightily through you – to His glory.
With all our love, Howard and Nina
Eversley Guest House, Kanes Hill, Southampton. SO19 6AJ
02380 46 45 46
Make your morning cuppa make a difference.
Please note that due to family commitments, we are having the
coffee morning on the Monday instead of the more usual Friday—
we hope you can still make it
Smiffy finally made it up
Hartshead Pike.
We took it by surprise, almost on
the spur of the moment, so the
weather didn’t have time to turn
I’m now organising a social
walk of 2-3 miles on Saturday 29th September starting at
10:00 from MEC and having food back at church. See me for
more details.
Martyn Catterall
Little Gems
HCC Church Weekend
Give me the child until (s)he is seven…
26th to 28th October 2012
It is an extraordinary sight: Parents applaud
as children as young as two, jump in the air,
scream out their lungs and march around
church. No this is not toddler tantrums, but
Little Gems pre-school performing an end of
the year Cheerleading celebration. As part of
enjoy and achieve, be healthy, and making a
positive contribution (Every Child Matters
outcomes) our children linked the Olympics
into their curriculum, as well as physical
activity, they designed their own celebratory
flags from fabric. The cheerleading chants
ended with ‘We are proud of you...’ And here
at LG we are so proud of our older children
who are leaving us to start primary school
this September. We will miss you all and pray
that you’ll know God’s smile over the rest of
your developing years. ‘Give me the child
until he is seven and I will show you the
man,’ well, give us the child until primary
and we’ll see they have body, mind and spirit
nurtured for life. What a privilege to serve
our youngest members of the community.
Following the success of last year’s weekend away, we are
expecting another great time away together to meet with God.
This year we will be staying at the Knock Christian Centre not far
from the Lake District (
We’ve made our own video to give you a taste of the venue
The weekend will start with an evening meal on Friday 26th and
we will return to Hattersley after lunch on Sunday 28th October.
As always we’ve tried to keep the cost down to a minimum so as
many people as possible can join us.
The cost is as follows:
£10 pp (if travelling with the group)
£10 pp adults and older children
£6 pp children age 3-11 (primary school age)
Free for children 2 and under
Accommodation £20 pp for anyone 5 and over
Free for children 4 and under.
The cost for an adult doing everything with the group would
therefore be £40.
If you would like to come or you have more questions
please speak to Sylvia or Michael Garry.
Here at Little Gems, we’re all about serving our community unconditionally by providing local
children excellent pre-schooling. MEC has always provided sold out visionaries to the cause;
Gareth and Tracey Lloyd Jones, Sue Martin and Nina James have all given quality insight,
experience, commitment and dedication over the years. And so all the children, parents and
guardians connected with LG wish our former trustees all the best and say a big smiley thanks
for journeying with us.
AND it is with great excitement that we welcome new faces to the board: New Chair, Holly
Preston, together with Emma Allen, John Caruthers, Bob and Janet Dentith, take up the
leadership baton, ensuring MEC serves our community’s children to godly standards.
LG is also extremely grateful to Sue Benn for all her hard for regarding finance and help
ongoing, and for Martyn Cooling’s insight in bridging past with future. And finally, thanks
Stella, Liz, Louise, Rivkah and Jo for all your hard work- you’re stars! We know that you’ll be
as excited as us in thanking God for all he is doing through Little Gems. Please pray for the
new leadership and our new children joining in September.
Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me...for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these’
Louise B.
Off To Tanzania
I just want to thank you for your prayers and support as Jenny
and I will have flown off Mwanza and then Dodoma, Tanzania, on
22nd August.
Jenny goes with 120+ spectacles on her "vision mission" and I go waiting
to see what God will do. Mwanza have asked that I do some health and children's teaching and visiting. I am very excited waiting to
see what doors God is opening in Dodoma for health. I have been praying about it and thinking about it a lot. Last week I read an
article in my nursing magazine about a Christian Nurse winning a bursary and starting a clinic up in rural Uganda - and I thought
about the new Church Office that the Dodoma church have just opened. The very next morning Samson texted me to say would I
mind meeting up with 2 Doctors in the new church building, and some of the church's more difficult patients, to see how we can
help them... now we are both excited to see what God will do in the future....
Also the local Hyde market vendor who unlocks the phones we go out with to Tanzania, to help church plant communication, told
me that to unlock the phones I had taken to him one morning recently, would cost about £50 and 2 would have to be sent away...
but to return at 12:30. When I did, he handed them back to me, saying that they were all unlocked and there was no charge!!!
Please mark Sat 13th Oct 6pm on your calendars when we are having a supper and Tanzanian Update and prayer time at Mottram.
And on Friday 30th November we are having another market stall at Hyde market to raise money for the work: so please save us
any bric-a-brac and other items that you no longer use/need.
Thank you again for your support and prayers: God knows and is always to be praised, Ruth
What, Where, When and Who
What happens in and around our Churches, When it happens,
Where it takes place and Who to contact for more details and to volunteer.
(see Diary Dates for full details)
10.30 am
Mottram Morning Worship
9.15 am
to 11.00 am
HCC Prayer
6.00 pm
to 7.30 pm
MEC/HCC Lads Cell (13 to 17’s)
8.00 pm
to 10.00 pm
Small Groups
MEC, Stalybridge Road
Martyn Cooling 01457 238016
10.30 am
Hattersley Morning Worship
Pinfold Primary School, Hattersley
Jim Solomon 07985 029115
6.30 pm
To 8.00 pm
‘Ish (18-25’s)
7.00 am
To 8.00 am
HCC Prayer
Debs Fidler 07889 383688
4 Worthington Close, Hattersley.
Michael Garry 0161 368 0952
8.00 pm
10.00 am
MEC Womans Prayer & Bible
to 12 noon
School term
The Fewsters House
Alison Fewster 01457 762676
5.15 pm
Kidz Klub
(Primary school age)
to 6.30 pm
School term
Meeting Point, Hattersley.
Michelle Depass 0161 368 4565
6.30 pm
Kids 4 Christ
(Junior school age)
to 8.00 pm
School term
Jim Towell 0161 330 9058.
Tearfund Prayer Meeting
10.30 am
to 12.30 pm
School term
Tuesday Café
4.30 pm
To 6.00 pm
School Term
The Girlee Crew
6:30 pm
to 8.00 pm
UTD Girls Cell (13 to 17's)
9.00 pm
to 10.00 pm
Janet Loader 01457 763759
Louise Lee 01457 762173
8.00 pm
Football Outreach
7.30 pm
to 9.30 pm
School term
Ken Ward Centre, Hattersley.
Dave Kendrick 07510 599676
MEC Worship Group
Alan Kendrick 01457 853747
Louise Britton 0783 443 6810
Debs Fidler 0788 938 3688
Change of Contact Details
This is just a quick note to let you know that, with the amazing help of
many people from MEC, Susan and I have now moved into “The
Exchange” and our contact details are now as follows:
HCC Worship Group
Stella Taylor 01457 764113
Venue varies.
Shirley Brierley 01457 764700
Tuesday Cafe starts again on the
but is still short of staff especially for October.
If anyone could help each Tuesday on a permanent
basis or even just for the month of October, please
contact Barbara Copestake or Lynda Winson
to see how can join the team (don’t worry—you
won’t be expected to do everything!).
Various locations.
HCC Jim Solomon 07985 029115,
MEC Martyn Cooling 01457 238016
Little Gems Pre-School
7.45 pm
(2nd Mon
of Month)
Simon Davidson 07770 427313
or Dave Kendrick 07510 599676
Steve Percy 07966 382965
Monday to Friday
9.15 am
to 12.15 pm
School term
4 Worthington Close, Hattersley.
Sylvia Garry 0161 368 0952
Young People’s Group
MEC (Secondary Age)
YPG Team 01457 764113 (Church)
Image is having a stall
on Hyde market on
Saturday September
If you have items we could
sell, please give them
to Christine, Jaime
(Mottram) or Vivian
(Hattersley). If you are
available to help on the stall
for a couple of hours please
let us know. Chris Fidler
22a, Stalybridge Road, Mottram, SK14 6NE
01457 238016—see below
07974 565710 (Martyn)
07947 632283 (Susan)
Please be aware that we are still waiting for the
landline and internet to be connected and so we
are not able to take calls on the house phone
for the time being. Please contact us on either of the mobile phones until
further notice (we are open to text messages!). This also means that
responses to email may be even slower than usual!!
Thank you for your patience, your prayers and your affection. We are
very blessed to be here in Mottram and privileged to be surrounded by
such a great crowd of people.
Every blessing, Martyn
That awkward moment when.... you start praying at the same time as someone else, pause, and
then the same thing happens again. Then there is a lengthy uncomfortable silence as the whole church
waits for one of you to continue. By now you have lost your nerve and Martin closes with the final
prayer. Arrrgghhh!!!
Jimmy Riddle
Articles for Insight—Sorry! We can’t be everywhere!
If you have photos or reports on Mottram or Hattersley church events, please send them to
us for including in Insight
4 Hall Drive, Mottram, SK14 6LH 01457 764753
See the Diary Dates for the copy deadline.
Stephen & Margaret Winfield
September Diary Dates
Sun 2nd
10.30 am
10.30 am
4.30 pm
7.00 pm
Mottram Morning Worship and Lord’s Supper
Hattersley Morning Worship
What If? Prayer
Sun 9th
10.30 am
10.30 am
7.00 pm
Mottram Morning Worship
Hattersley Morning Worship
Broadbottom Prayer Action Group,
Magdalene Centre
Sat 15th
8.00 am
Mighty Men’s Breakfast
Sun 16th
October Insight Deadline
Mottram Morning Worship and Lord’s Supper
Hattersley Morning Worship and Lord’s Supper
10.30 am
10.30 am
7.00 pm
Tue 18th
8.00 pm
Prayer for Prodigals
Sat 22nd
12.00 noon
HCC 10 Year Celebrations
Sun 23rd
10.30 am
10.30 am
Mottram Morning Worship
Hattersley Morning Worship
Mon 24th
10.00 am
MacMillan Coffee Morning (to 12 noon)
Sun 30th
October Insight
Mottram Morning Worship
Hattersley Morning Worship
10.30 am
10.30 am
MEC = Mottram Evangelical Church.
HCC = Hattersley Community Church
UTD = United Meetings (at MEC unless stated)
Evangelical Church