Newsletter Spring 2013
Newsletter Spring 2013
Our sincerest thanks to the following President’s Circle members who generously contributed $1,000 or more in 2012. Anonymous (13) Muriel & Doug Ackhurst Kathy Amess Scott Andersen Joy Atherton Launce Bagg Shiv & Ranju Bansal John Barford Sylvia Barnard Jeff Barnes & Marcia Zuker Karen & Bill Barnett Michael A. Bathgate Rob Beacock David & Linda Beamish Paul & Kaye Beeston Robert & Marlene Berkovitz Milton & Mary Black C. Blair Dr. Christine Blais Caleb Bonney Catherine & Rudolph Bratty Cora Brodie Don Brodie William Bryant John Cameron Rob Camick James Carson Michael Chao Stewart R. Chislett Anthony Cipolla Gay Claitman J. Brian Colburn Michael Cooper Elizabeth Crawford Mark & Mary Cullen Roger DeGuire Parminder Dhami Tim Dickens Bruce D. Dodds Dianne H. Domelle Mr. Henry Ens Agnes Faraci Jim Fisher James Flanigan Terence Fletcher Marvin Freiburger Janice Fukakusa Bob Gaylor Josie & Roy Gies Mitchell Goldhar Mrs. C. Warren Goldring John & Kelly Goldsmith Moyra Graham Dominic Gualtier Greg Haddad Joseph Hamer Doris Hansen Niel Hansen James Harper Grace Harshman Dale Hawerchuk Duncan & Lesley Hawthorne Glynis Henry Barbara & Bill Howe Frank & Wendy Huang Heather A.T. & James L. Hunter Robert M. Jackson Cindy Jamik Ken Johnston Allan & Elaine Krochmalnek April Lee Gisele Legault David Lever Rick Levinson Gordon Lightfoot Carol Lloyd Elizabeth Loach Carol-Ann MacDonald Joe Maione Joseph Mancinelli Vera & Russell Mark Daniel Mark Melanie Marsland The McAuley Family Bob McCaig Michael McCain Peter McCawley Pascal McCloskey Nancy & John McFadyen Doug McGregor Colin & Judy McIntosh Rorie McIntosh Ross McIntosh Gordon Morrison Wayne & Donna Moss Sandra Nymark Sean O’Neill Mary Anne Palangio & John Filipetto Khorshed Patel Yvette Payette Brian & Linda Pearson John Pendrith Nancy Pollock Viateur Poulin Marni & Rick Przybylski Steve Raby Michael Rice Bernie Roth Pamela Ruebusch Joe Schlesinger Michael Schultz Joanne & Norman Scott Peter Senst Tina Shier Sally Short Tom & Angela Skinner Greg Smith Brian Spencer Kyle Spencer Wayne St. John Gord Stevenson Carole Tanenbaum Dr. Paul Truelove Puisand Lai Janet Varner Michael Vels Margaret Wallace Doug Ward John & Josie Watson Janice Weightman J. Roy Weir Dr. Eva Welisch & Stefan Welisch Shirley & Gordon Whan Linda White Meredith Wiens & Dan Hartley Philip & Joanne Wilson Carl Wilson Betty Wong Shlomo Ziv SUNDAY MARCH 10, 2013 Peterborough, Sunday, March 3 Kingston, Sunday, March 10 Sudbury, Sunday, March 24 Sault Ste. Marie, Sunday, March 24 Windsor, Sunday, April 6 ‘Mazy has to go’!” said Misu, Mazy’s mom. This past summer, the adventurous 7-year-old attended Easter Seals Camp Merrywood for the first time. Now in grade 2, Mazy is in a regular classroom in the morning and attends a special education class during the afternoon. After school, Mazy spends time feeding the chickens, pigs and goats with her dad, Greg, on their family farm. Initially, Mazy’s parents were nervous about sending their daughter to overnight camp for the first time. However, the experience of being independent was the most rewarding With a donation of $15, $20 or $50 each month, your contribution will ensure that Easter Seals Ontario can provide consistent, year-round funding and not have to place kids on a waitlist for necessary equipment. Kids with physical disabilities outgrow their equipment throughout the year and Easter Seals strives to provide support on a continual basis. Please check your local listings for times and channels. Tel: 416.421.8377 Toll-free: 1.800.668.6252 Fax: 416.696.1035 specialists and was eventually diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called P10, PAVSD, a complicated heart condition, and CP. part of camp for the whole family. “She is very dependent on us in her daily life, so being away from us overnight was really important for her,” says Misu. Mazy is looking forward to going back to camp next summer, where she will continue developing her sense of adventure, try new activities and gain independence. “For a child with CP who is non-verbal, there are added nerves in sending your kid off to camp. But, it was amazing and she clearly had a great time. I hope to send her every year!” Monthly Giving: Multiply Your Positive Impact The annual Easter Seals Telethon celebrates our success stories throughout the year, showcases Easter Seals kids and their families and provides us with the opportunity to thank our supporters for their generosity. Funds raised help kids with physical disabilities in Ontario achieve a greater level of independence and accomplishment all-year-round. EasterSeals2012_Final.indd 1 “When I heard about camp, I thought, The early part of Mazy’s life was filled with numerous doctors’ appointments, treatments and procedures. While being delivered, Mazy was breached and struggled to breathe. She was monitored closely by a team of on CBC 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Easter Seals Ontario Provincial Office One Concorde Gate, Suite 700 Toronto, ON M3C 3N6 VOLUME 8, SPRING 2013 Diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP) at the age of 2, Mazy uses a manual wheelchair and relies on a communication aid, particularly when she is at school. Despite the fact that she can’t speak, “Mazy understands everything and is really glued to your words, so we are able to have full conversations with her,” explains Misu. Province-wide How to contact us EASTER SEALS NEWS When you become a monthly donor, your gift starts working right away, and allows us to help families when they turn to us at any time of the year. You will also help us reduce administrative costs, so more of your donation can go directly to enhancing the lives of kids living with physical disabilities. You can make a difference year-round. Become a Monthly Donor. Visit to register. 13-01-15 6:48 PM A PASSION FOR SPORT Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal recipients Don Ferguson, Kevin Frankish and Heather Hunter with 2012 Easter Seals Provincial Ambassadors Natalie McDonald and Brandon McAuley at the 25th Easter Seals Gala Ball. Lara Wong, 2010 Easter Seals Provincial Ambassador, received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal from the Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, at a celebration in June. (Photo: Lara with the Honourable David C. Onley, and her parents, Peter and Lola Wong) VOLUNTEER CORNER Jason Crone, two-time Paralympic medallist Photo courtesy of Sun Times, Owen Sound/James Masters In the span of less than 10 years, Jason Crone has gone from a local Owen Sound hockey star to a two-time Paralympic medallist. At the age of 15, Jason suffered a spinal cord injury after being hit from behind on the ice. Within days, he was diagnosed as a quadriplegic and spent nearly 6 months in hospital. While in recovery, Jason began asking his parents about going home, knowing that his split-level, childhood home would not be able to accommodate his new disability. It was then that the family turned to Easter Seals for help, who EASTER SEALS ONTARIO 2013 EVENTS Paper Eggs March 1 - March 31 Province-wide Toronto’s Tribute Dinner Thursday, May 23 Ritz-Carlton Hotel Rogers Conn Smythe Toronto Sports Celebrities Dinner & Auction Thursday, March 7 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Provincial Easter Seals Telethon on CBC THE LIN FAMILY JIM CRONIN MARY TAGGART PAUL TANN “We truly believe in the importance of volunteering our time with Easter Seals because of all the important work that they do. We especially enjoy sharing our time as a family when we work together as a team because we feel that through these valuable experiences, our kids can learn the importance of contributing their effort and giving back to their community.” “My emotional motivation in hosting the annual Sault Ste. Marie Easter Seals Telethon is the smiles on the faces of disabled children and their families who benefit from this wonderful event. Their positive spirit in the face of daily or even hourly hardships never fails to inspire and humble me.” “Hosting the Ottawa Easter Seals Dancing with the Stars event for the past two years has been a thrill for me. To be a part of a fundraising process that brings dignity to others with an event that respectfully benefits the organization is one that I am proud to be associated with.” “When I first started working with the Windsor Easter Seals Telethon as a live director, it really was just an exciting challenge, but that changed fairly quickly as I got to know the selfless and talented group of volunteers that keep Easter Seals running and met the kids and families that Easter Seals helps. It’s been a privilege to see the kids year after year and hear about the little triumphs in their lives.” Whether managing a registration table, hosting an event or volunteering in our office, volunteers are the bread and butter of our organization. THANK YOU FOR HELPING US SUCCEED! To learn more or become involved as a volunteer, please email us at EasterSeals2012_Final.indd 2 Easter Seals 10K Run, 5K Run & Walk Sunday, May 26 Newmarket Riverwalk Commons Easter Seals Regatta was there to provide financial assistance for an elevator, so that Jason could access the whole house. “I just wanted to go home, to have that comfort and familiarity of the house I grew up in with my siblings. Easter Seals’ support was huge for me and my family following my accident,” explains Jason. After finishing high school, Jason focused his energy and passion towards a new sport: wheelchair rugby, earning himself a position on the Canadian Paralympic team in 2006. After winning a bronze medal in Beijing in 2008, he continued to train full-time and went on to win silver at the 2012 London Paralympics. Now, Jason is back in Owen Sound and the proud owner of a new house and puppy, Dozer. Jason is currently spending time speaking to students in the community about his journey. Recently, a grade 4 class learning about adjectives unanimously described him as “hardworking.” It is this quality that has taken him to impressive heights of success throughout the world. Congratulations and good luck in Rio in 2016, Jason! ERIC LINDROS CELEBRITY HOCKEY CLASSIC Summer Province-wide Drop Zone Fall Province-wide Easter Seals Gala Ball Fall Toronto Sunday, March 10 For over 10 years, Rogers has been a major sponsor of the Conn Smythe Sports Celebrities Dinner & Auction, Canada’s most successful and prestigious sports fundraiser. The media giant supports the production and execution of the entire evening and more. Rogers also generously airs coverage of the Dinner several times throughout the year on Rogers TV. As title sponsor of the event, Rogers is integral to the success of the Conn Smythe Dinner. Their long-standing support of Easter Seals also carries through several other events and projects across Ontario. THANK YOU, ROGERS! This year’s Dinner takes place on THURSDAY, MARCH 7 To purchase tickets, visit Last October, Eric Lindros and other former NHL stars hit the ice with registered participants for the first Celebrity Hockey Classic in Whitby. The two-day event offered participants the opportunity to choose and get to know an NHLer during a draft party, followed by an all-day tournament with the celebrities. The tournament concluded with an all-star game that pitted the hockey legends against the top individual fundraisers. This year, the event will take place in 4 communities across the province with Eric and more NHL stars. Check out for more information. 13-01-15 6:49 PM
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