THE GLUMP - Epsilon Zeta Alumni Association
THE GLUMP - Epsilon Zeta Alumni Association
THE Epsilon Zeta Alumni Association Alpha Phi Omega GLUMP Volume 21, Number I June 2000 Editor's Corner Welcome to the first Glump of the almost new millenium. There have been several changes in the Association since the last Glump and one soon to occur. We have several new officers, as you will see in the president's report . Also, this will probably be my last Glump as editor. I've decided not to run for reelection in the fall. It's been an enjoyable three years, even if a little frustrating at times. I sometimes think that if I were secretary-treasurer for a hundred years there would always be something that delayed the Glump publication . I thank all those who have assisted me these last three years and those who have contributed to the Glump, but most of all I thank the members of the Association for placing their trust in me . And now, if there is anyone out there who hasjust been waiting for this job, here's your chance! Before we get to the main attraction there are a couple comments I should make about the Glump itself. If you have read this far you probably do want to receive the Glump, but if by chance you would rather not, just let us know . We will remove you from the mailing list . We all get enough unwanted mail already. The Association doesn't need to be adding to your load of it . Also, I won't deny it-it is easier for me to send the Glump out by E-mail, but that's not why we ask if you are willing to receive it that way. Each paper copy of the Glump costs about 55 cents to copy and mail . That doesn't sound like much, but with about 630 copies mailed twice a year that adds up to almost 700 dollars a year. Even a 15 percent reduction in that would fund the life memberships we donate for the Distinguished Service Key recipients . So if you really don't mind receiving the Glump by E-mail please let us know . If you prefer the hard copy you don't need to do anything . We're simply asking you to consider the change . One of our brothers made the suggestion to sort the News and Notes section by class year (so he could get "all" the news from the fifties). This is your section, so I'd like to know how you feel about this . And while I'm on that section: we can always use more input, so be sure to send us a write-up with your dues, and any other time you feel like it. We will enjoy hearing from you. I wish everyone well and I'll see you at the Reunion. Yf, Bill Reunion 2000 Calling all alumni! We've missed some of you at the last couple of reunion weekends - don't you think it's about time to come back for another visit to RPI? Join us for Reunion 2000 on October 20-22. It is sure to be a fun-filled weekend for all, including: " Dinner Friday night for those arriving early " An alumni-sponsored service project Saturday morning (we've invited the actives as well!) " Those interested could catch the football game together on Saturday afternoon " An alumni fellowship event Saturday night (guaranteed fun time) " And Sunday, we'll cap the weekend off with our always-exciting EZAA business meeting If you can, drop us a quick e-mail (caracp3@rpi .edu) or call (518-274-8453) and let us know that you are coming, so we'll be sure to have the proper supplies for the party. Also let us know if you need a place to stay we might be able to help you out there as well . See you in October! - Peter 75 for the 75th This year marks the 75`h anniversary of our fraternity. In honor of that number, the National Fraternity has asked groups from the top to the bottom of the fraternity to set a goal for themselves connected to the number 75, called "75 for the 755" So the EZAA has set the goal of getting 75 EZ alumni to the Philadelphia 2000 National Convention, which is certain to be one of the biggest and best ever . Whether you can come out for the whole thing, or just want to come to the 75`h anniversary banquet (where upwards of 3000 brothers are expected) you'll help us fulfil our goal . Perhaps we'll even have a special EZAA gathering one evening at the convention . Convention information can be found at www.apo .org, or if you don't have web access, call me at 518-2748453, and I'll send you registration information when it becomes available. Come to Philadelphia! - Peter President's Report Brothers, It saddens me greatly that my first duty as president of the Association is to inform you of the untimely passing of three of our brothers. First, we were informed that Ian Freirich of the Class of 1980 passed away last June after a long illness. I did not know Ian personally, but as a brother, he was special to all of us . Brother Paul Sicard wrote, "Ian was a unique and special individual ; interactions with Ian could be frustrating or rewarding, would often be thought provoking but would never be boring." Ian leaves behind a wife, Leslie, and a nine-year-old son, Gordon. The Association has agreed to collect donations to contribute to Gordon's education, and give them to his widow . [Editor: If you choose to make a donation through the Association please clearly mark it as such and keep it separate from your dues .] Then, in November of last year, tragedy touched many in the local area, and the recent alumni in particular, when Timothy Klink (of the Class of 1995) passed away very suddenly at the age of 26 . Those of us who knew Tim, knew him as a loving, caring, and brilliant individual . He lived and worked in the Troy area, and was still well known to many in the active chapter. Tim is survived by his wife, Laura, and passed away only nine weeks after the birth of his son, Aidan. A fund has been established through a local bank to help him . Contributions can be sent to: Aidan S. Klink Memorial Fund HSBC RPI Branch RPI Student Union 15`h St . and Sage Ave. Troy NY, 12180 ATTN : Branch Manager And lastly (I hope for quite a while to come), we learned that a former advisor to the chapter, Catherine Waibel, was killed in a car accident in the first week of January. Catherine served as a Catholic Chaplain at RPI, and was even the champion of the 1997 Meanest Man on Campus Contest. She was an advisor to the chapter from 1995 to 1998, when she returned to Oregon to be nearer to her family. As an association, we mourn the loss of all of our brothers . We will be happy to pass on any remembrances or condolences to their families, if you wish to send them by care of the EZAA, at Rensselaer Union Room 235, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180. I do have some happier news to report . As you will note from the bylines of the articles in this issue, the Association held elections at its October meeting, and has elected new officers . I am Peter Caracappa, and I have been elected president. Richard Vehlow is the new vice-president . Paul Lavoie has been elected Extension Chairman . Bill Springer has been re-elected to the position of Secretary-Treasurer. And Michael Haber has been elected as Member at Large. 1 would like to extend my thanks on behalf of the Association to all of the retiring officers ; but especially to Rob Rommel, who has served four years as president and two as vice-president . He led the Association through some difficult times, and his hard work has not gone unappreciated. To introduce myself very briefly, I pledged the chapter in the fall of 1994 as a freshman, and was active throughout my undergraduate years, having served as both Service and Membership Vice-President. I graduated with a degree in nuclear engineering, and have remained at RPI to pursue a Master's degree . I am not active with the chapter, but continue to serve the fraternity as a member of the Section 88 staff. In further news, the association has (finally) approved a gift to RPI in honor of our 50`h Anniversary . We have decided to sponsor the information and reception desk in the renovated student union. The desk will be set directly inside the main entrance to the building, and will be the position for many of the information services formerly run out of the administration office . It is a fitting gift, as in some ways it serves the same ends as the Campus Infocard, which the active chapter still works to prepare for the student union . So look for our plaque the next time you come by! The next activity of the Association is the fall alumni reunion weekend, October 20-22. Check out that information elsewhere in the Glump. If you would like to contact me for any reason, I can be reached by e-mail at caracp3@rpi .edu, or phone at (518)274-8453. 1 look forward to seeing you at the reunion weekend in the fall! Vice-president's Report Hi, I am Richard "REV" Vehlow '91, and am proud to be your new Vice-President of the EZAA . As one who is still in Troy (actually an upstairs neighbor of the President and member-at-Large: by my walking downstairs, we can have quorum!) and is still heavily involved with the local chapter and interchapter activities, I am looking forward to helping the rest of the EZAA in getting more soon-to-be-alums involved and alums involved in what the fraternity itself still has to offer for those who have graduated. I also pledge to find a good place to eat after the March ECOM and October general EZAA meetings, and hopefully not places that are closed! That and doing anything to help the other officers and all of you. My mini-biography is also submitted, and is in the alumni news section. This is my first update ever, so whether you know me or not, much is still probably news . [Editor's note : Rev wrote the following when we thought the Glump would go out in time to publicize the Section Conference . Obviously it didn't, but I thought his comments were worth including.] I have been asked by Gregg Talewsky, class of 2002 and chair of the upcoming section conference at RPI, to provide info on the conference . As one who still attends interchapter events and conferences on all levels after all these years, I can tell you that there's still a lot to learn and a lot of fun to be had even for alumni at these conferences, and no doubt RPI will pull off yet another successful conference . Many of us alumni will be in attendance, so join us . * SECTION 88 AND 89 SPRING SECTION CONFERENCE * "THE QUEST FOR SERVICE" * RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, TROY, NY * APRIL 14-16,2000 * hosted by the Epsilon Zeta chapter * For more information, surf to the chapter website at http:llapo.union or * call the chapter at (518) 276-6516 . * ALL BROTHERS AND ALUMNI ARE INVITED!!!!!!!! *********************************************** Finally, as has been mentioned already in this newsletter, we have lost two recent members of the Epsilon Zeta family in the past few months . It definitely made me realize the importance of life and friendships made in it . At this point in most of our lives, we're probably focused on career and/or family, and lose touch with old friends and brothers . If you always wanted to know what happened to your pledgemates, your big or little brothers, or close friends you've made in the fraternity, why simply settle for the occasional blurb in the EZAA newsletter when you can contact them and enjoy service and fellowship as alums, or simply to keep in touch as friends? Why wait? Something to think about. In conclusion, I look forward to serving you as VP and fellow brother/alum this year . -Richard E Vehlow, P.E . '91 '93 '0? 100 McChesney Ave. Apt H8 Troy, NY 12180 (518) 273-3451 Member at Large Hi folks, For those of you who don't know me, my name's Mike Haber, also known as Spreee (though many would probably consider it the other way around:) I Pledged Epsilon Zeta in Spring '89 as part of the David 1. Cook Pledge Class. Currently, I'm an analyst manager for Lockheed Martin in the Albany, NY, area. There's not very much for me to report on right now, as my position pretty much only comes into play during EZAA events. The yearly reunion this fall should be a great time, but you'll hear more about that later. I can promise you that there'll be many a photo snapped. If you do happen to have any photos or memorabilia or amusing anecdotes from EZAA events, or even from your time as an Active Brother, by all means do contact me . Epsilon Zeta has a rich history, well worth preserving . Looking forward to seeing as many of you as can make it this fall! Yf, Spreeeeeee Treasurer's Report 2000 (As of June 30 est.) 1999 Starting balance 1,733.82 Starting Balance Income (Dues and Donations) Return of Missing Funds Expense (Accountant's Fee) Expense (One Newsletter) Expense (Checking Fees) Net 815.00 1,452.00 15 .00 353 .59 37 .00 1,861 .41 Income (Dues and Donations) Expense (Life Memberships For DSK Recipients) ^ Expense (Checking Fees) Net Ending Balance 3,595.23 Ending Balance (est .) 3,595.23 30 .00 450.00 24 .20 (444 .20) 3,151 .03 Reunion/Annual Meeting 1999 Service Project: Our service project was to help the Friends of Oakwood Cemetery clear the overgrowth from the cemetery . It was the first real cemetery built in Troy and was designed and used as a park as well . It's actually a beautiful place with a great view of the Hudson River valley, but its fortunes have declined significantly and there is a lot of deterioration evident. There were 25 feet tall obelisks that were literally hidden by the overgrowth . The cemetery staff might be able to keep up with things if everything were in good shape to start, but there is no way they can recover from all the years of neglect. The Friends of the cemetery had been working at it for about a year and had made significant progress, but they still have a long way to go . There were about eight EZ alunmi and eight actives along with NROTC and other RPI students there for a total of about 40 people . The service project began with a tour of the old crematorium . That may sound a little ghoulish, but it wasn't. The building was built by a prominent 19`h century Troy couple as a memorial to their son at a time when Troy was the fourth richest city in the U.S . and money was no object. It's a beautiful example of the architecture of the time . The windows are believed to be Tiffany. The pews in the chapel are intricately hand-carved oak. There are also several mosaics in the building . It was a fascinating look at a completely different Troy . Our first effort was to clear off the gravesite of Amos Eaton. The cemetery is a big one and has been neglected for a long time and the site showed it . Even with the trees cut down the vines and other overgrowth hid the grave markers at the Eaton family plot and the adjoining one. It took over an hour to clear everything out. Unfortunately, the Poly photographer got there after the work was done so there aren't any "before" shots. The really ironic part is that now that the marble markers are exposed (they lie flat on the ground) the wisest course might be to bury them again until they can be protected from acid rain. After we finished there we went to another area and helped cut brush and drag out downed trees. We finished up by checking out Russell Sage's mausoleum. It has no name on the outside and the only decoration is a carved Medusa's head on the inside . Giving his money away to something he disliked (women's education) isn't the only thing his second wife did to even the score. Incidentally, she is buried nowhere near him. Meeting Minutes: October 3, 1999, starting time : 10:19 a.m . President Robert Rommel presiding. A quorum was present. President's Report : Robert Rommel I. 50`h Gift - Rob reviewed the past failures in our attempts to give the money to RPI - The idea had been floated to use the funds to furnish the APO office - The consensus was to use the money to do something for the campus II . Lifetime memberships for DSK recipients - Status was given III. Scholarship fund - We need to determine if scholarship funds are being substituted for RPI funds IV . Missing funds - The last of the funds have been returned - We did not try to obtain interest on them because our funds have been in non-interest bearing accounts V. Project at Oakwood Cemetery - There were eight alumni and about eight actives along with NROTC and others - We were told that anytime we want to come back we are welcome VI. Dinner last night - Ten alumni attended. Vice-president's Report : Peter CaracgMa - Nothing additional to report Secretary-Treasurer's ReWrt : Bill Springier - Current status Currently have 3,344.48 Obligated for life memberships for DSK recipients 375.00 Currently available 2969 .48 Next Glump 340.00 (approximate) Directory 60 .00 (approximate) Checking fees 13 .00 (approximate) Available at 12/31/99 2556.48 - Secretary-Treasurer Proposed Budget for 2000 (All numbers are estimates) Start (1/1/2000) 2,550.00 Income (Dues and Donations) 1,785.00 Expenses Glumps (2) 680.00 Directory (1) 60.00 Life Memberships (2) 100.00 Checking Fees National Membership th Down payments for 55 Reunion (Reimbursable) End (12/31/00) - 49 .60 15 .00 400 .00 (This item added during discussion) 3,030.40 The Secretary-Treasurer asked what the association wanted to do with this money-reduce dues, spend some on service projects or donations, or accumulate the funds (to what end) . - The consensus was that with the 55 `h planning just starting it would be best to leave the funds alone for the time being - There was a question raised about why we are paying fees on the checking account - The secretary-treasurer responded that our account is a business account. Minimums for fee free accounts are higher than for personal accounts . The lowest he could find was a $2,500 minimum balance. We have just recently reached that level and at this point we don't know if we can or want to maintain that high a balance. `h - It was pointed out that some of the recovered funds were for the 45 gift and we need to find out if we can figure out how much that is . - The motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the budget as presented with the single item added during discussion. Extension Chair: Gene Greger - Reviewed the two month saga of getting mailing labels from RPI - Many listings are missing - Now have constructed a file in Filemaker Pro - Will do the Directory in the next week or two - One to APO national, one to the chapter - We need to find the names of people who want no RPI or National contact Member at Large's Report: Bernard Derboven - Currently cataloging the archives - The chapter might want to store some of their materials in the archives Old Business I. Life memberships for DSK recipients - The list is almost complete - It was pointed out that because another semester has passed and another key has been awarded the funds set aside are slightly short. - The motion was made, seconded and passed to add $25 to the amount set aside for Life Memberships II . Proposed Amendment (See June 1999 Glump for text) - Because the term "Active Chapter" is not used in the By-Laws, it was accepted as a friendly amendment to replace it with "Epsilon Zeta Chapter." - The question was raised what "reformed" meant. National controls the name but does not control the alumni associations in any great detail . - After an attempt to amend the amendment to be more specific was defeated it was agreed to record in the minutes that the drafter's intent was that "reformed" means "formed essentially in the form that it currently exists" and that would be the meaning of the word when used in the amendment. - The motion was made, seconded and carried to adopt the amendment to the By-Laws (including the friendly amendment) . - Robert Rommel will update the By-laws. New Business I. Association Website - The chapter will add us to their site - We need a webmaster to maintain the site . II. 75`h Anniversary of APO in the year 2000 - The 34th Biannual Convention will be held in Philadelphia in December - The Epsilon Zeta Chapter has been chosen to put together the Student Focus on Service Track because of how outstanding they are in service. III. Our 55~' Reunion will be in 2002 - We are looking for ideas of what we want to do - Not looking to do on the scale of the 50`h - Don't have a chair or volunteers yet. We are looking for people to step forward. - Bernard Derboven is now the Region 2 Alumni Chair Elections - Before the nomination began President Rob Rommel stated that he believes the President needs a vision for the Association . He has achieved his. If someone else is interested he invited them to step forward. I. President - The only nominee being Peter Caracappa he was elected by acclimation . II. Vice-president - Richard Vehlow and Mike Haber were nominated. - Richard Vehlow was elected. III. Secretary-Treasurer - The only nominee being Bill Springer he was elected by acclimation . IV . Extension Chair - The only nominee being Paul Lavoie he was elected by acclimation V. Member at Large - The only nominee being Mike Haber he was elected by acclimation. Next ECOMM Meeting - The meeting will be March 26, 2000 - At the meeting we will discuss means to improve the attendance at alumni weekends (service project and annual meeting) - A suggestion to work with the chapter will be considered along with any other ideas. The meeting closed at 12 :07 p.m . ECOMM Meeting 2000: Meeting Minutes: March 26, 2000, starting time : 11 :08 a .m. President Peter Caracappa presiding. President's Report : Peter Caracappa I. Gift for the 50'h Reunion - Option : Reception desk in the renovated union (staffed position during business hours) - Option : Furniture for the APO office - Consensus: the latter is not in the spirit of helping the campus - The motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the use of the 50`° Gift for the reception desk in the renovated union II . Improving alumni weekend - Suggestion : EZAA take more active role (recently, we are invited to chapter activity, then go to dinner), we invite chapter - Suggestion : Full day or recurring activity or bring money (if we can fund it gives us more options) - Observation : People like to go to events, something that's a big deal - Historical prospective: Difficult to plan anything because we don't know how many will show up - Suggestion : EZAA Alumni Weekend on RPI Alumni weekend - Observation : People may be forced to choose between us and RPI Weekend - Other side : if they are here for RPI activity they will come to ours - Suggestion : Maybe do a career day for kids - Observation : People show up if they have a personal interest - Observation : Outward directed projects interfere with brother to brother, which is a strong incentive to come . - Suggestion : Use the website to publicize the activity, get feedback and ideas, and get peoples' e-mail addresses. - Decided to use the Glump now to publicize, the website over the spring and fall and e-mails and postcards with final details a few weeks before - Rob Rommel will get the website set up. - Fellowship activities will be a low-key party - Will try to schedule on RPI Alumni Weekend - Service project-not in conflict with the big activity - EZAA organized-more ambitious - Party in evening with responsible planning - Business meeting will be Sunday at 11 a.m . 111. 75 for the 75`h - National initiative to celebrate the 75`h anniversary of APO Do something associated with 75 - National is in Philadelphia on December 27-30 - Our goal will be 75 alumni at the national convention Vice-president's Report : Rich Vehlow - Helping with media relations for the Sectional - Soliciting information and assistance from alumni for the Sectional Secretary-Treasurer's Report : Bill Spring_er- Currently have $3,598 .23 of which $400 is obligated for life memberships - Budgeted income and expenses have not changed - Have not determined how much of the recovered funds were 45 `h gift being held for the 50th - It was decided to address our options on the 45"' gift at the October meeting Extension Chair's Report: Paul Lavoie - Directory - Traditionally home and business but the business info is out of date so Gene Greger removed it from the file we have - Need to do a lot of work to update it. We are missing addresses for about 50 brothers - Some brothers don't want RPI or National to know their addresses - . Need to synch with National - Need to ask everyone for updates in the Glump - Need fields for don't tell RPI, don't tell National - Get what we have now out within a couple weeks - Solicit updates - Get updated Directory out in fall 2000 - Suggestion : Compare to RPI Harris Directory - Paul to provide list of people we have lost contact with for next Glump. Chapter - 36 actives, 3 pledges - Sectional April 14-16, 2000. 170 people registered - Drive for Philadelphia - Suggestion: Glumps to graduating seniors Old Business - None New Business - Question: Is an informal summer get-together with the chapter possible? - Will try to work and post the date on the website. The motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 12 :53 p.m . News and Notes Michael "Demon" Beyer'89 : News flash! Philadelphia selected as site of Alpha Phi Omega's 2000 National Convention! Being one of the core people of the Convention Bid, it was great to see the Bid succeed after two years of hard work . Now what am I going to do with all my new found free time, you ask? Sign away another two years of my life being one of the National Convention Coordinators, of course! (There go my vacation plans...) You are all cordially invited to celebrate Alpha Phi Omega's 75th Anniversary in Philadelphia at the 2000 National Convention! Kenneth Bienstoek'81 : Eric, Hannah and Heather were born on March 18, 1999. The triplets, mom and dad are all doing well . Please stop by and visit if you should be in the New Hampshire area. Fred Chau '71 : We have moved. Our new address is 609 Reposado Drive, La Habra Heights CA 90631 . We have lived at Canberra for 20 years and raised our children there. They are away at college. Now is the time for us to have a new start, to adjust to the empty nest . The new house is only ten minutes from the old one. It is in a quiet, residential and rural (by LA standards) area . It is closer to Fred's office but 5 minutes longer for Dorothy. Greg DeSalvatore'75 : We moved from Averill Park to Kentucky this fall as I started classes at Asbury Seminary, working on a M.Div . program. Oldest son Anthony started school in Illinois Tech, majoring in computer science. Bonnie continues to home school our other son and daughter . Big changes, new challenges . Stuart Goldberg '82: Finally tied the knot! My wife Stephanie is a child psychiatrist at the medical school of UMDNJ. I also moved to northern NJ to join a large bone marrow transplant program. James Guilford '83: Amy and 1 would like to announce the birth of our first child, Michael William on November 3, 1999 . He came in at 7 pounds 1 ounce. Everyone is healthy and doing well . Earlier in the year we spent a week hiking and camping in Maine. This trip featured an ascent of Katahdin via the "Knife's Edge ." You can see pictures and read the details at http :lljimguil Audra T. Alksninis Holden '81: My husband, Greg, and I gave birth to our second daughter, Gaiva, on April 19, 1999 . The first one, Raminta, was born May 4, 1992 . She loves her new sister and is a big help-she even cut the cord after delivery . We are now living in a co-housing community in Asheville NC and home-schooling . Life is great. D. Timothy Johnson '71: Patricia (Angel) and I are still living in the Washington, DC area (at Haymarket, VA). After 25 years working for the government, almost all of it with Naval Intelligence, I took advantage of an earlyout offer and retired in Feb 97 . The age penalty was too high to just do nothing so I got a real job as a database developer with SAIC . And of course I'm now doing contract work for the government, still working in the intelligence field. Our older son, Brian, is a service manager at the local Nissan dealership. On July 8th of this year he and his wife Pattie gave birth to Adam, 71bs 11 .5 oz, our first grandchild . Our younger son, Shawn, has two jobs at different stores in a local mall and is trying to figure out hat he wants to do . In other alumni news, I've attached a picture [Editor: Sorry I couldn't include it .) that was on the front page of the September 7, 1999 Washington Post . It went with an article on a 10-year-old boy who just entered RandolphMacon College. So here's part of [George `73] Spagna's fifteen minutes of fame and all he gets out of it is a picture of his arm and his name misspelled . i sent him an E-mail about it and he said that his daughter had also seen his butt on the Channel 7 news . Given a choice, I think I'd prefer to have my arm in the news rather than my butt. 1 think that covers everything for now. My plan is to try to stay in touch with more people more often, so feel free to write. I don't guarantee to answer promptly, but i do guarantee to try. I'll do my best . Bryan Lagos '88,'91 : Married one year . Bought house . Visit!! Doris Levinn (Polednik)'85 : Three kids (Ben-11, Sandy-9, Carrie-6.5), six chickens, 18 acres. J. Walter Locher `49a : I've been retired for 13+ years. After 30+ years in the same house we've moved into a retirement condo. We look forward to the 55d'. Stephanie McGann (Heydt in school, formerly Foster): As of July 1st, I am no longer Stephanie Foster ; I am now Stephanie McGann . Yes, I was foolish enough to marry.... AGAIN. Yes, I'm very happy, yes, l got married wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts and sneakers . Yes, the kids are happy too, and Yes, he's a good guy and (gulp) even as loony as I am. Be well . My correct address --1 apologize between divorce, apartment life, and now marriage and house purchase.... nobody knows where I am . Stephanie H. McGann 1548 Washington Lane West Chester, PA 19382 610-793-6712 William C. Merritt'56 : We've been running around the world in between church treasurer duties . A happy 2000 to you all. John A. Rasmussen '68: Hello to all from the sunny and very dry south. Family news: Debbie (wife) has taken a new position with the identification section of the forensics division for criminal justice portionof Greenville County . She does intake identification of prisoners when they are presented to detention center. The jail houses about 850 prisoners every day with about 100 in/out each day; no long term prisoners. Kristen (daughter) and Ashley (granddaughter) reside in Stuart, FL where Kristen manages a four building financial center and Ashley started kindergarten this year . Jon Erik (son) is in Okinawa fixing radios and attending classes for the Marine Corps; he has just reenlisted for another 4-year tour and hopes to be assigned to Japan again to finish his BS and MS degrees. Chuck (son) and Angela reside in Liberty, SC where he works for an autowrecking business and she does retail sales for Advance Auto Parts. Jessie (daughter) started 7th grade this year. I am doing quality assurance and compliance for the county emergency medical service. I enjoyed very much reading about the many folk who were in the June issue from my era at the 'tute (as Paul Matsen called it) and even being mentioned by him in his note . A committee is the only known form of life with a hundred bellies and no brain. Robert A. Heinlein Beth Robie '81 : I have been named physician-in-charge of Kaiser Permanente's newest California medical office in Campbell CA . I'll be leading a group of 20 MD's and nurse practitioners. Our total staff will be around 70 people . It's excitingshould be a great place to work or for people to get their health care. Marvin Schwedock '77: I moved to San Diego to work for a small petroleum and coal technology company. My wife Cindy and I have one boy (Brian, age 5) and our expecting another in April 2000. Michael Shannon '91 : Well, the Masters degree in electrical engineering is finished and, despite some temptation to stay on for a Ph.D ., Nancy and I are back in Boston . I'm working for my old boss at a new company, GSI Lumonics . Paul Sicard '79: [Editor: Paul sent this e-mail on May 31 under the title "Suggestions to improve Sicard's taste in music." You can imagine some of the responses THAT provoked .] I knew you would open this with such an improbable title, sort of like improving on the Mona Lisa or Fenway Park. As most of you know, we had a house fire back in January. We're expecting the repairs to be completed late this month. It's nice to see the walls up and painted and light fixtures back in the house. It's nice to see cabinets in the house, but it would be nicer if either they had been installed six to eight weeks earlier, per schedule, or if we could be dancing on the grave of the incompetent nincompoop cabinet maker. We would notbe picky on if he was dead or alive, and he certainly doesn't have the brainpower to tell the difference . There are some good things and some bad things that come out of all of this . . . . And we are all going crazy crammed into an apartment for six months. But now we are approaching a fun phase. I have a budget of $870 to buy replacement CD's with . The way the insurance company works with replacement cost, they give me 20% of the money as actual value, but the other 80% of this $870 gets wasted unless I buy lots of CD's by the end of July. . . . So: Provide your nominations for the essentials in the future Sicard record collection. Aloha! Sic Richard E. Vehlow '91: Hi, this is my first personal update I have submitted to the EZAA Newsletter. Apparently . I have yet to really leave Troy after all these years! After graduating with my BS in Mechanical Engineering in 1991,1 remained for an MS degree in the same field, getting it in 1993 . Since 1994, I have been employed by New York State Office of General Services (chapter scouting advisor Dale Loucks worksjust downstairs from me), and am currently an assistant HVAC engineer, working exclusively on state prison projects . Never thought that would be my field after originally looking for a career space-related! 1 received my P.E . license in 1997 . In addition, I am back at RPI working toward an eventual MBA degree, expected in 2002 . My involvement in APO is as busy as ever with chapter and interchapter activities being a primary diversion for myself. I also served as section 88 corresponding secretary in 1991-93 and as a rep to Oneonta State's chapter from 1994-96, and I certainly would be open to rejoining staff soon . l am also involved in Jaycees, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and air-conditioning Engineers, other campus and career activities, and of course, Bowling! Still unmarried and no kids, last I checked. If you want to say Hi, and I know you do, email me at vehlor@rpi .edu ! Website: http://www .rpi .edu/~vehlor . Take care! Robert Voss '68 : "Retired" January 1999 after 30 years in radio/telecom engineering . Now a "consultant"travelling and goofing off in general. My nephew (Chris Eldredge) attending RPI in fall `99-a computer type . Am president of Richardson TX Amateur Radio Club (service oriented) this year. Glen and Janice Wolverton '88: Since I can't remember our last update I'll start from scratch. Our family is now at four boys : Paul (8/91), Shawn (2/94), Eric (11/96) and Collin (6/98) . We also have a dog, two cats, assorted fish, two frogs and future plans for a bird and a gerbil . (Oops, forgot the two rabbits) Glen's work has been bought out (Nov 98) by Hewlett-Packard, which is now about to split. After the split he will no longer be H.P . We bought a new, bigger home in August 99 . Dues and Information Form 1) Dues for the year 2000 are now due. They are $15 and entitle you to a copy of the Alumni Directory. Donations over and above dues are always welcome. 2) Even if you aren't paying dues an information form is always welcome. The Glump is intended as a two-way communication device . We try to keep you informed about what's happening with the fraternity and your fellow alumni and we'd like to know what's happening with you. Don't forget to let us know how you've been able to carry on the ideals of Alpha Phi Omega. 3) If you have access to e-mail my address is . (Dues, however, must be submitted the oldfashioned way.) I'll be off-line for about a month though. 4) A word about e-mail : If you've changed your address since the last time we heard from you, please update it with us . 5) A word about handwriting : Some of us, including me, have handwriting that can be hard to read. In the past I've had a problem reading some of the inputs, including some things (such as wives' names) that I really don't want to be messing up . So give the old guy with the bifocals a break . If your 5's and S's tend to look alike or your handwriting has other problems, please type your input. 6) The next Glump should go out in November . The submission deadline is October 22 . Feel free, however, to send in an information form anytime. It will be in the next Glump-it just might be a while. 7) Unless told otherwise, we assume it is okay to give out your address and phone number to other alumni and publish them in the Directory. We will normally not give out your e-mail address. We will publish it, however, if you ask in your news form for other alumni to e-mail you. 8) There are boxes in front of certain lines. Please check the appropriate ones if something has changed. We are now maintaining our own mailing list, so if you move please send us, not just RPI, your new address. That is the only way we will be able to continue sending you the Glump (or anything else). Epsilon Zeta Alumni Association 2000 Dues and News Form (June 2000 Newsletter Form) Please check the box in front of new entries. Class C1 Name [j Address Line 1 Line 2 Q Phone Number Okay to give out: Yes No Q E-mail G E-mail Wish to receive e-mail copies (in lieu of postal version) Yes No 2000 Dues Donation Total Make all checks payable to "Epsilon Zeta Alumni Association" (Please do not use "EZAA") News and Notes: Return forms and dues to : Bill Springer 251-72 nd Street Niagara Falls NY 14304-4023