DIGITAL CADASTRE OF URBAN GREENERY – CASE STUDY MUNICIPALITY OF KAVADARCI (an extract from BSc diploma thesis ) Radica Lelova, Ivan Blinkov; ; 1 University “Ss.Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje, Faculty of forestry – Skopje , bul.”Alexandar Makedonski “bb. 1000 Skopje , Republic of Macedonia , fax: +389 2 164560 ; phone: +389 2 135 033 / ext.152 . Abstract: Green areas are very important for the urban environment. Various types of urban green areas exist. Cadastre of urban greenery is necessary, for its appropriate maintenance. The Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system performing various analyses using map information stored in a computer. In recent years, this system is use in planning and managing with the parks and greenery. Consequently, large volumes of GIS data are collected. The technique itself is becoming more accessible to individuals participating in landscaping and greening activities. This special feature issue examines GIS used in urban park development projects and urban environment planning, in environmental impact surveys and ecological conservation, as well as in other forms of green conservations and creations from various angles to offer an insight into numerous latest findings. The aim of this paper was to develop GIS based cadastre of urban greenery. The study we completed is for the territory of the city of Kavadarci. The objectives of this study are to check and collect any paper data about the greenery in the city; to collect various other data related to the greenery; to carry out various activities for developing the basic data; to digitize the data and to create web page for this data. For fulfilling all those objectives, we carried out the following steps: collection of available data (paper or digital); on-field inventory of the greenery; laboratory work (scanning, georeferencing, digitizing, etc.). Data for urban greenery of Kavadarci almost do not exist in the communal enterprise. Because of this, we selected only four items for the study: the city park and three squares where we carried out on field inventory and photosets. The paper data for the general urban plan and the cadastral data we scanned and digitized using the software Arc GIS. Working map scale was 1:1000 and because of this, the city park we presented as polygon and the square parks as points. For each item was prepared document file that contain data about it; location, brief history, inventory of tree species, photoset. We saved all the files in “pdf” format. On the basic, GIS map using “hyperlink” operation touching on the define point open this file and all data is available for the user. These files are used for preparation of web page. Key words: urban greenery, GIS cadastre, Kavadarci . 946 INTRODUCTION Green area which spread on the surface can be said to be among the major parks and areas in the Republic of Macedonia, which abounds with various species of trees, shrubby plants and laundered plants. Parks area which is one of the category of green areas in general use, or City Park, which is always located in the urbanized part of the city and whose size according to certain standards ranges from 5-25 hectares, so all the smaller green spaces are in square category because it is a green area which may be the same location and general purpose, but with different size. Content depends on its size and position which it occupies in the city. Grin areas in the urban environment need to be preserved for their recreational hygienic and aesthetic function. Green areas have also incredible ecological function. Figure 1. Thematic groups of Urban Data Model (Steve Grise, ESRI Redlands, 2003) The aim of the development and operation of the urban cadastre is to ensure timely provision of the governmental and municipality administration bodies, investors, construction organizations, private developers and city residents with actual, reliable and legally sound information necessary for decision making, planning of investments, urban design and control over urban development. (Melnichenko S., Schaller J., Baltzer U.,2008). Information provided by the urban cadastre includes data about the land–use pattern of the city and green areas are part of it. Green areas in the urban environment need to be preserved for their recreational, hygienic and aesthetical function (Rehatckova T., Puditsova E., 2004). Information about the green areas are necessary for their sustainable maintenance. There are 2 levels of the data complexity of the cadastre of urban green. The first level is a level that should be a part of urban cadastre where detail information are not needed. The second level is more detail and it is aimed fro the companies responsible for maintenance of the green areas and scientific- expert community in the field of urban forestry. Performing data interoperability and System migration requires sophisticated GIS tools and techniques. GIS is a System of computer software, hardware and data, and personnel to help manipulate, analyze and present information that is tied to a spatial location. (spatial location – usually a geographic location; • information – visualization of analysis of data; • system – linking software, hardware, data; • personnel – a thinking explorer who is key to the power of GIS). 947 GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts. A GIS helps you answer questions and solve problems by looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared. GIS technology can be integrated into any enterprise information system framework. GIS can be viewed in three ways (Blinkov I.,Mincev I., 2010): 1. The Database View: (A GIS is a unique kind of database of the world—a geographic database (geodatabase). It is an "Information System for Geography." Fundamentally, a GIS is based on a structured database that describes the world in geographic terms) 2. The Map View: (A GIS is a set of intelligent maps and other views that show features and feature relationships on the earth's surface. Maps of the underlying geographic information can be constructed and used as "windows into the database" to support queries, analysis, and editing of the information.) 3. The Model View: (A GIS is a set of information transformation tools that derive new geographic datasets from existing datasets. These geoprocessing functions take information from existing datasets, apply analytic functions, and write results into new derived datasets). By combining data and applying some analytic rules, it can be created a model that helps answer the question you have posed. Together, these three views are critical parts of an intelligent GIS and are used at varying levels in all GIS applications. In this paper was develop only a small segment of overall wealth which offers our community in order to regain the consciousness of the citizen, that there are different ways to be educated of what surrounds him and that there should be additional forms which would allow access to certain data and information 2. STUDY LOCATION According to the archaeological sites discovered so far, Kavadarci has been inhabited since the Neolithic. Signs of settlement are found in the ancient and in the medieval period. Today Kavadarci offer and provides the visitors with an unusually rich experience. Municipality of Kavadarci Territory: 391 km2. Population: 37,189 inhabitants. Climate: four aeasons, the average annual temperature is 13.5 C, with hot dry summers and snowy winters. The city of Kavadarci is located in the area of the middle part of Povardarie in the central part of the Republic of Macedonia. It is located on the right side of the river Vardar and the main railroad Belgrade –Skopje -Athena. . 948 Scope of the Municipality of Kavadarci offer enough green areas which are worth an immense fortune, considering that nowadays we have less of these sites which are of immense importance to our society. Figure 1 - Location of the city of Kavadarci 949 3. AIMS and OBJECTIVES The aim of this paper was to develop GIS based cadastre of urban greenery. This case study is completed for the territory of the municipality of Kavadarci. The objectives of this study were: to check and collect any paper data about the greenery in the city; to collect various other data related to the greenery; to complete various activities for developing of the basic data; to digitize the data and to create web page of this data. 4. METHODOLOGY For fulfilling all these objectives, were completed the following steps: collection of available data (paper or digital); on-field inventory of the greenery; laboratory work (scanning, georeferencing, digitizing, etc.). From the local municipality administration office and the communal enterprise were collect the following data: DUP (detail urban plan); cadastral plans where are located the green areas, data about the greenery. All these data was in a paper format. Data for urban greenery of Kavadarci almost doesn’t exist in communal enterprise. Because of that were select only 4 items: the city park and 3 squares, where was carried out on-field inventory and photoset were done. Because of absence of some data about the greenery in these items, was carried out on-field inventory. During the on-filed work were determined the species and number of various species in the green area. Beside it, a photoset was done. After collection of all necessary data the next step was office work. There isn’t any rulebook for preparation of this type of cadastre in the country or any already prepared GIS cadastre of urban areas. The paper data as general urban plan and cadastral data was scanned and digitized using software Adobe Photoshop and Arc View 3.2.. Working map scale was 1:1000 and because of that the city park was presented as polygon but the square parks as points. The biggest problem was how to organize the other data. Entering data in a classical database is not sustainable for this type of work. For each item was prepared document file that contain data about it; location, brief history, inventory of tree species, photoset. All this files were transformed in “pdf” format. On the basic GIS map using “hyperlink” operation touching on the define point open this file and all data is available for the user. These files later are used for preparation of web-page. In the main GIS database, was used command hyperlink and with simple touch on the sign beside the green item can be open file about the green area. With the command hyperlink are joined geographical features (points and polygon) with image and data. All these actions were carried out MS Office and Arc view 3.2. 950 The same “pdf” files were used for creation of a web- page WEB site was created using Microsoft publisher Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 is the business publishing program that helps you create, design, and publish professional-looking marketing and communication materials. You can create materials for print, e-mail, and the Web with an intuitive, task-based environment that guides you from initial concept to final delivery in-house without professional design and production expertise. 4. RESULTS 4.1. Results from the on-field inventory In the first part are presented results from the on-field inventory of the vegetation. From the 4 selected green areas, only 1 (the city park) can be classified as a park consist of various units. All other selected green areas which are smaller, belong to the category – square. According to the theory the area of park is between 5-25 ha, but the area of squaer green area is lower then 5 ha. Content of the green area depends on its size and position, which it occupies in the city (Batkoski D., 2006). 1.City Park It is located in the urbanized part of the city having an area of 15,2 ha In the area of the park, there are children's playground, a cultural hall, smaller fields for sport, promenade, restaurants, road signs, etc. The park is used for recreation and sports, place where are positioned some monuments of eminent activists. The list of species as well as the number of units is presented bellow:: Picea Abies -20, Cedrus Atlatica 7-10, Cedrus Deodora - 7, Thuja Vudvordi -10, Thuja Rozentalis -15, Thuja Orientalis - 20, Buxus Sempervirens 50, Cryptomeria Japonica - 5, Hinensis hibridus - 5, Tilia Parvifolia - 50, Betula Pendula 20-30, Pinus Nigra - 30, Pinus Sylvestris - 2, Pinus Peuce - 2, Forsythia Aeuropaea - 15, Platanus Orientalis - 10, Cupressus sempervirens - 100, Cupressus Arizonica - 150, Robinia Pseudacacia -100, Juniperus Nana var. horizontalis- 300, Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana - 7, Aesculus Hyipocastaneum -10, Cercis Siliquastrum - 5, Spirea spp.- 20, Mahonia spp. - 500, Fraxinus spp. 40-50, Pirocenta spp. 20-30, Catalpa Bignonioides 20, Celtis Australis 200. 2.Park near the Music School in the City of Kavadarci This park is called the ‘Music Park’. The area of it is 0,8 ha. It is classified as square greenery which not occupy more than 5 hectares area. Smaller urban green space, considering the different conditions in some villages under the square can be green spaces that take only a few dozen square meters and such area is surrounded by pedestrian and auto traffic.The name comes from the English word which means square (with four angles), but the name does not dictate the shape, because today you can find different forms of square. The squares has a function of short-term passive recreation in silence, development of traffic, they are decorative, protective and other functions of lesser extent but not less important.Most of them are lift in some geometric styles, i.e. predominance of 951 grass and flower areas, greater coverage of shrubs, fewer trees, paths, benches, trash bins and other parks elements. It has the following species: Cedrus spp, Tilia spp, Sophora japonica, Acer spp, Catalpa Bignonioides, Pyrocantha spp., Pinus spp. 3. The Park near the Police station Square or square greenery with area of 0,32 ha. Species that are found on the surface of the green area are the following: Fraxinus Orientalis , Celtis Australis, Sophora Japonica , Spirea Crenata, Forsythia Aeuropaea, Tilia spp, 4. The Park near the Fire Station From all the green surfaces listed above, it seems that this is the smallest 0,2 ha. It is a square greenery like the others. During the on-field work were determined the following species: Forsythia Aeuropaea, Pirocanta spp., Celtis Australis, Pinus spp., Spirea spp.. 4.2. Data model The official urban GIS data model for the city of Kavadarci doesn’t exist. Because of that this is an independent data model prepared according to the official national rules for geospatial database (XY-coordinate system, Gauss–Krüger conform cylindrical projection, Bessel ellipsoid, mean errors – 500 000 m etc). Then this database could be easy incorporated in a future urban data model of the city of Kavadarci.. 952 Figure 2. General Urban Plan of the city and the studied green areas Because the subject of this work was the green areas, only few layers were developed as follow: borders of the construction area, hydrological network (the main river Luda Mara and tributaries), the main streets. The green areas are digitized as polygons. For all of this parks as it mentioned before was prepared a file that contain basic information about the selected green area. This document was converted in a “pdf” format just to be easer manipulating with it. Within the command hyperlink on the point on the map can be open this file that contain information about the selected greenery. The full text for each item consist of : brief history (if it is available), location map, inventory of florae and photoset. In the following part are presented extracts from the text prepared for the city park. 953 Figure 3. Description and map (part of “pdf” file) Figure 4. Inventory of flora in the park (part of “pdf” file) Figure 5. Photoset from the park (part of the “pdf” file) 954 4.3 The web-site - greenery Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 was used to be created and designed the material about the urban greenery. It was created a new working file and stored in a amin database. After checking the official web site was added a group on a main menu for the prepared material, titled as “novi sodrzini” (new material). Figure 6- Official web-site with added new material All digital material (GIS database, data file for the greenery, data for the web etc. was prepared on Macedonian language and Cyrillic alphabet to be easy incorporated in a official municipality digital database. 955 6. CONCLUSION * Data for the urban greenery should be a part of a unify urban data model and to be used for various purposes especially by the companies responsible for maintenance of greenery. * Depend on the needs, two format types of digital data should be prepared: detail data and informative data. * For the purpose of maintenance of the area the best way is to have a detail data format i,.e. data about each tree, greensward, park element etc. It need a lot of time and resources. * For other purposes especially for other sectors as well as for the information of the citizens, the most sustainable approach is to be prepared file that contain all information about the each green area (park, square..) as it was shown in this paper. * It is easy using simple tools as Microsoft Office Publisher to be created and designed a data in a format useful to be attached on the official municipality web-site This data informative format) is could be used by citizens. 956 REFERENCES: Batkoski D., 2006: Podiganje i nega na zelen povrsini – Internal script, University Ss. Ciryl and Methodius, Faculty of forestry - Skopje Blinkov I., Mincev I., 2010, UNDP-GEF project “Prespa Lake watershed management plan” – “GIS and database” phase 1 report, pgs 3-6 Dzekov S., 1998, Dendrologija .Humphries C.J, Press J.R., Sutton D.A., (Illustrated by I.Garrard, T. Hayward, D.More,) - Trees of Britain and Europe – Melnichenko S., Schaller J., Baltzer U.,2008: Moscow Urban Cadastre – GIS supported information system for sustainable developmentof the city of Moscow moves to ESRI platform Rehatckova T., Puditsova E., 2004, Evaluation of urban green species in Bratislava, Boreal environment research, 9, 2004 , pg.469-477 Internet references: - &resnum=4&ved=0CBsQsAQwAw -, - - - %5CPalencAIVC2007_100.pdf 957 ANNEX 1 – part of the photoset 958