Method Statement - Tile Reglue Injection Method


Method Statement - Tile Reglue Injection Method
Tile Reglue lniection Method
PO. Box 143
Longford Tasmania 7301
Phone / Fax: (03) 639I 1205
Mobile: 0408 789 598
Ptv Ltd
A B.N. 28 681 94r 996
..positive re-fixing
without removal.."
Method Statement
The Tile Reglue Injection Method is a recognised rectification system used to positively rehx debonded
floor and wall tiles without removal. T.R.I.M achieves this by the delivery of 'Injectabond' adhesives
beneath the debonded tiles through pressure injection holes via surrounding groutjoints.
Target results:
T.R.I.M target is to achieve 80o/o total contact coverage to debonded tiles in accordance with Australian
Standard AS3958.1 -2007 (Guide to the Installation of Ceramic Tiles).
In practices, 95 to 100% contact coverage is normally the achieved result. Tiles where a total contact
coverage of 80% is not achieved are noted to clients where individual tile replacement may be
'Injectabond' will recontact the debonded area at the sheer point of delamination. In addition, trowel
valley and other cavities are filled to bridge up to 3mm. Some 'tinniness' may continue in larger
cavities although full bond is acquired.
Upon curing, 'Injectabond' forms a flexible contact providing a long term, stable bond, capable of
sustaining continued building movement under normal conditions.
T.R.I.M. will rectify localised debonded areas only at the time of injection. Continued monitoring of
other sound areas is advised as additional areas may debond through fuither movement.
Method of Rectification
Site Assessment:
Al1 debonded (hollow) tiles and part tiles are identified and quantified by area or individual tiles.
Suitability for rectification by injection is established and site specific concerns are addressed
(i.e. site access, grout colour and state of deterioration, pressure in tiling system, broken and cracked
tiles, presence of waterproofing systems etc).
Rectification process:
Reinspect and identify tiles to be injected'
Provide protection to work area and fixtures.
Set up plant and cleaning mixes.
Drill2mm to 3mm injection points through grouting around target tiles
establish injection cavity and pressure release points'
inject'Injectabond' to tile cavities monitoring glue flow until target
is achieved. Any tiles not injectable to desired contact coverage
are noted and reported.
Excess adhesive is removed and injection points and deteriorated grouting are
refurbished. Grouting will be matched as close as possible to original grout used,
however, new groutin g may be noticeable but will blend in as tiled areas are
subjected to normal use and cleaning.
Glue residue and excess grout are removed and the tiles treated are cleaned.
Site hand
Areas treated are inspected and checked against site assessment job sheet.
Information sheets and warranty statements are handed over to clients and future
maintenance advised.
Upon completion:
Injected floors suitable for foot trafhc a maximum of 12 hours following glue injection.
Shower/wet areas not to be used for 2 days following glue injection
External tiles not to be subjected to regular watering or saturation for I week prior to and
2 weeks following glue injection.
Adhesive shadowing may be evident through tiles following glue injection. This will disappear
as moisture within adhesive dissipates. Full cure achieved over 1 to 2 weeks although tiles may
be used within recommended time frames.
'Injectabond' is a non-hazardous. Flexible adhesive which has been tested to a25 year product
life under normal use and standard chemical, thermal and moisture influences. 'Injectabond'
exceeds ISO and Australian Standards.
T.R.I.M is a recognised rectification system for positively refixing debonded wall and floor tiles
without removal with a 2l year successful track record.
T.RI.M is targeted at localised repairs to debonded fulI
and part tiles only, as a preferred
method to total and individual tile replacement.
T.R.I.M will not stress or damage surrounding tiles orrequire the removal of fixtures and
T.R.I.M is cmried out by fully trained applicators adhering to the Franchise Standards of
Operations Manual.
'Injectabond' is supported by a l0 year manufacturers warranty when used with T.R.I.M in
accordance with the Franchise Standards of Operations Manual.